case the representation so required shall constitute a quorum. If any meeting is adjourned to another time and place, no further notice as to such adjourned meeting need be given other than by announcement at the meeting at which such adjournment is taken. Section 5. Any officer of the Association may call the meeting of the members to order and may act as chairman of such meeting, precedence being given as follows: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Treasurer. In the absence of such officers, members present may elect a chairman. The Secretary of the Association shall act as Secretary of all meetings of the members, but in his absence the Directors may appoint any person to act as Secretary of the meeting. Section 6. In the matter of the election, all members of the association in good standing, as defined in Section 1 of Article IV, shall be mailed, at his or her address as it appears on the records of the association, an official election ballot with a return envelope, addressed to an independent accounting or law firm designated by the Board of Directors, said envelope shall contain an authenticating label of the member affixed thereon. Such mail ballot must be received by the independent accounting or law firm, in the return envelope, at least six (6) working days prior to the Annual Meeting. Section 7. The results of the elections for the officers and the Board of Directors, meaning the actual accounting records of the votes, will be available to any member of the OQHA in the association’s office during normal business hours within 3 business days after the results are final. ARTICLE V BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The business and property of the Association shall be managed and controlled by the Board of Directors, President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors shall consist of eighteen (18) members elected by the members of the Association. The number of the membership of the Board of Directors may be altered from time to time by amendment of these By-Laws but shall not be reduced below three (3). Section 2. Elected Directors shall be divided into three (3) classes of six (6) members each. They shall hold office for three (3) years and until their successors are elected. Six (6) Directors shall be elected each year. The terms of the present Directors shall not be affected thereby. Any Director may succeed himself in such office. Section 3. In addition to the Directors elected as above provided, the Executive Committee shall select five (5) ex-officio directors by the February meeting after the annual membership meeting, said ex-officio directors to serve for a term of one (1) year and to be considered for quorum purposes and to have the power to vote. These appointments must be confirmed by ballot by the general Board of Directors. Section 4. All present and future Past Presidents of the Association shall be and become lifetime directors at large, with 4