Ohio Quarter Horse AUTUMN 2013
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Dr. Scott Myers
Barb Benedum
Lisa Martin
Rhonda Harter
Executive Director 740-943-2346, ext. 126 SMyers@oqha.com
Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com
Mindy Westlake
Membership and OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 123 MWestlake@oqha.com
Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com
Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 125 RHarter@oqha.com
Katie Dobrowolski Marketing and Communications 740-943-2346, ext. 124 Katie@oqha.com
[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344
740-943-2346 • Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com • www.oqha.com
[ COVER PHOTO ] Ohio youth member Brittany Harter gives a thumbs up in the lineup during NYATT Western Pleasure at the 2013 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Photo courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride.
[ FEATURES ] 14-23 28-35 40-46 49-51 52-77
Open Election Biographies Youth Election Biographies Amateur Election Biographies Futurity Results Congress Results
2 OQHA Officers 3 OQHA Directors 4 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 5 Editor’s Letter 6-8 Mailbox 9 Podium 10-13 OQHA News 24 OQHYA Officers & Directors 25-27 Youth Headlines 36 OAQHA Officers & Directors 37-39 Amateur Update 77-81 Meeting Minutes 82 Stallion Directory 83 Business Card Directory
47 Ohio State Buckskin 47 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse 47-48 Ohio Michigan Indiana Quarter Horse 48 Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse News • 1
2013 OQHA Officers Vic Clark
David McDonald, DVM
Finance, Hall of Farm, Treasurer’s Office
Drug Task Force, Finance, Research, Vet Coordinator
1st Vice President (2/14)
Executive Committee (2/15)
2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com
2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com
Hank Clason
Skip Salome
Drug Task Force, Finance, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas
Finance, Public Policy, Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments
Congress Tri-Chair (9/14)
2nd Vice President (2/13)
Chris Cecil Darnell President (2/13)
Annual Awards, Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Commercial Exhibitors, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Treasurer’s Office
111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com
6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-461-1925 hankclasonqh@yahoo.com
1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net
Alan Potts
Denny Thorsell
Finance, Grievance, Hall of Fame, Roping
Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Move-In
Executive Committee (2/13)
Congress Tri-Chair (9/13)
28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611 ap.roper34@yahoo.com
Brent Maxwell
Executive Committee (2/14)
Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail
24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net
8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com
Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee appointments are noted in italics.
Leah Moore
2013 OQHA Queen
AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley
Charlie Menker
Skip Salome
Fritz Leeman
Dr. Scott Myers
Dan Trein
AQHA Director Emeritus
AQHA Director at Large
2 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
AQHA Honorary Vice President
AQHA Director
AQHA Director Emeritus
AQHA Director
2013 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/16)
Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibits, Morning Refreshments, Stall MoveIn, VIP/Awards Ceremony*
11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com
Rod Atherton (2/14)
Grievance, Trail Ride, Congress Program, Stall Move-In, VIP Camping*
16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 RAtherton@visohio.com
Randy Jacobs (2/14)
Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Prefessional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Judging Tournament
6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com
Jeff James (2/14)
Annual Awards*, Breeders Incentive, Public Policy, Rules, Trail Ride, Gate Crew, Overflow Trailers, Ridings Areas, Stall Move-In, Trail
410 County Line Rd. Hopewell, OH 43746 740-819-7805 Jamesqtrhrs@columbus.rr.com
Chuck Smith (2/14)
Long-Range Planning*, Cutting*
P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-402-3189 CSmithCH@gmail.com
Denny Thorsell (2/14)
Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Move-In*
8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com
Kelli Diaz (2/14)
Roger Landis (2/16)
2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo. com
4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178
P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440
Candi Fites (2/14)
Brent Maxwell (2/16)
Gred Tordoff (2/16)
17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net
24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net
4212 Village Club Dr. Powell, OH 43065 614-571-3882 Greg.Tordoff@fmsand.com
Bill Flarida (2/15)
Cindy Morehead (2/14)
Congress Queen*
Annual Awards, Annual Banquet*, Breeders Incentive*, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program*
Information Booth, Reining
16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Cell: 419-303-0592
Shawn Flarida (2/16)
Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Reining
5300 Beard Rd. Springfield, OH 45502 937-408-3688 shawnflaridareiners@gmail.com
Elizabeth Gorski (2/15) Grievance*, Public Policy, Rules*, Scholarship*, Lectures/Demos*, Riding Areas
16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com
Bob Hexter (2/14)
Fire Safety, Food & Beverage
1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com
Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen*, Congress Futurities, Reining
Annual Awards, Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Prefessional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail*
Judging Team*, Ohio Queen, Scholarship, Fire Safety, Hunter/ Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Speaking Contest
828 Bright Rd. Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu
Judd Paul (2/15)
Breeders Incentive, Horse SHow Advisory, Professional HOrsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas*, Stall Move-In, Trail
3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com
Donald Recchiuti (2/16) Grievance, Judging Team, Hunter/ Jumpers, Judging Tournament*
2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com
Todd Salome (2/16) Trail Ride*, VIP/Awards Ceremony*, VIP Camping
1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-485-8017 TSalome3@gmail.com
Brent Tincher (2/15)
Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail
Annual Banquet, Technology*, Trail Ride, Lectures/Demos, Stall MoveIn, VIP/Awards Ceremony
Mike Vargo (2/14)
Annual Banquet, Grievance, LongRange Planning, Public Policy, Fire Safety, Commercial Exhibits*
137766 Taylor Rd., Plain City, OH 43064 Cell: 614-205-8045 MVargo@vargomail.com
Shane Watson (2/15)
Annual Banquet, Membership*, Technology, PSA’s*, Stall Move-In, Congress Youth Activities
2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Cell: 513-543-3313 Shane@watsonqh.com
Randy Wilson (2/15)
Drug Task Force, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas
5100 Manchester Dr. Zanesville, OH 43701 Cell: 740-819-0257 Wilsonqhs@hotmail.com
Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated, unless otherwise noted.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 3
Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley
Burgess Holt
Past President, 1999-2000
AHQA*, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame*, Reining*, Roping*
12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu
Past President, 1984-86 Medina, OH 330-725-7024
Fritz Leeman
Past President, 1990-92
AQHA, Finance, Hall of Fame
13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com
Jim Brennan
Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665
Past President, 1997-98
Finance, Public Policy, Treasurer’s Office
Don Clason
Ed Dingledine Professional Horsemen
Ron McCarty
Honorary Director
Trail Ride, Congress Program, Food & Beverage, Security*, Stall Move-In
Wayne Erwin
4459 W. National Rd. Springfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com
Futurities, Judging Team, Hall of Fame, Scholarship, Professional Horsemen
David McDonald, DVM
Honorary Director
3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com
Jack Geschke
Past President, 1989 Executive Committee
Charlie Menker
Past President, 2003-2004, 2011
Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH Cell: 330-800-6741; Cell: 330-388-9989
Past President, 1987-88 Medina, OH 330-725-7024
Alan Potts
Past President, 1960
Skip Salome
McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592
695 Twp Rd. 1275 Ashland, OH 44805 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com
Cliff Nash
Binnie Ann Masters Breeders Incentive, Judging Team, Membership, Rules, Trail Ride, Fire Safety*, Hunter/Jumpers*, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Speaking Contest*
Honorary Director
AQHA, Research, Puppy Alley*
Roger Ruetenik
Honorary Director
Past President, 1976-77 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731
Past President, 2007-08, 2012
Steve Marko
Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646
Vic Clark
Dr. Scott Myers
Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956
Past President, 1993-94, 2005-06, 2009-2010
Dan Trein
Honorary Director
Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail, Youth Activities
6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com
Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.
9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com
Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings
December -- No Meeting January 20, 2014 - 7:00 pm - Crowne Plaza Columbus North 6500 Doubletree Avenue Columbus, OH 43229 February 1, 2014 - 12:00 pm - Hilton Columbus Downtown 401 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43215** ** Annual Meeting 4 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Editor’s Letter
By Katie Dobrowolski
’ve been at Ohio Quarter Horse Association for six months, and I can’t believe how fast the time has gone! From weekend horse shows, to trail rides, to parades, and the All American Quarter Horse Congress, we truly do it all at OQHA. I am constantly amazed by the enthusiasm displayed at all of the events, everybody is so dedicated to promoting the breed. My favorite event this summer was the OQHA/Tri-Co. trail ride August 16-18. I could not have imagined a better weekend and a more inviting group of riders. Our directors worked so hard, and their efforts showed in the outcome-- this trail ride was the largest yet! This autumn brought another favorite event -- the All American Quarter Horse Congress! I have been to the Congress many times as spectator and shopper, but I have never been able to see the behind the scenes. Thank you to everybody who helped make this Congress a spectacular event, I can’t believe I got to be a part of it all. Finally, I want to encourage all of the members to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections. Don’t forget to review the nomination slates for 2014 officer and director positions, as well as all the biographies in this issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News. See you all in 2014!
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 5
Mailbox T
hank you so much for your generous donation to the IQHA Charity Trail Ride. We really appreciate your help in supporting therapeutic riding in Indiana. Sincerely, Roxanne Swygart
hank you for the floral tribute. Ken’s years in the Ohio Quarter Horse Association were very enjoyable to him. Steinke Family
Dear OQHA and Scholarship Committee Members, s my second year of college is approaching, I would like to bestow upon you my greatest gratitude for your action in awarding me with one of your prestigious scholarships. It is truly an honor to know that an esteemed scholarship board like yourself has found me to be worthy of such a grand contribution. Your aid is not only helpful towards my future educational plans but presently gives me great encouragement to move forward confidently towards my goals. I am flattered to know that a group of people such as the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, who has impacted my life so much more than words can describe, is proud of my accomplishments. I truly cannot thank you enough for your assistance and support. From: Lauren Morrow
To the Members of the Scholarship Committee, want to the take the time to thank you for renewing my scholariship for the another year. Thanks to you, I can continue pursuing my life and career goals. This year I will be starting my first professional year in the College of Pharmacy at The University of Findlay. I am now a licensed Pharmcy Intern and will be starting my first school related internships shortly. I could not be doing these things without the help of your organization. Thank you, Melanie Lowers PharmD Candidate, 2017
Dear OQHA and Scholarship Committee, hank you very much for the scholarship renewal and your assistance to my college education in Radiologic Technology and Allied Health. I have been fortunate and proud to be part of OQHA and appreciate your continued support. Sincerely, Brandy Napier Wooster, Ohio
Dear OQHA and Scholarship Committee, ’d like to thank you for the scholarship renewal as I further my education in Nursing. I appreciate the continued support you have given to help me achieve my educational goal. Sincerely, Cody Napier Mount Vernon, Ohio
Ohio Quarter Horse Assocation Scholarship Committee, nce again, I am forever grateful for renewing my scholarship, As I am entering my junior year this fall at Wilmington, this scholarship will allow me to purchase my textbooks, which I am extremely grateful. By awarding me this scholarship I am able to pursue my degree in Ag Business. The support of the OQHA is greatly appreciated. I hope to one day be able to support the upcoming youth like you have supported me over the years. Thank you, Alyssa Justus
Dear OQHA and Ms. Chris Darnell, hank you so much for everything that you had done for the 2012 Congress Queen Contest. It was greatly appreciated and without all of your help, the contest would not be possible. Thank you again for all of your support! Sincerely, Jenna Mahovlich 2012 PQHA Queen
OQHA, hanks you for sponsoring the 2013 Reserve Champion Pony Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Barrel Trophy. This was my 5th year qualifying, and last year his note is to thank you for sponsoring the Pony Pole I won the Pony Barrel Class. It’s always nice to have something Class at the State Fair. I was lucky enough to place 1st and to show for all your hard work. Thank you again and I hope you received your huge trohpy! I now have TWO! Thank you! continue to sponsor the class for years to come. Valerie Burch Thank you, Emma Wilson and Sunshine Upper Sandusky, Ohio
6 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Mailbox Dear OQHA, hank you so much for allowing me to go to the Y.E.S. Convention this past weekend. Not only did I have fun, but I learned so much. I was able to meet some incredible people involved in AQHA. The speeches, places, activities, and people have truly made an impact on me. I hope to go next year and run for Region 4 director to represent OQHA and our surrounding startes. Again, thank you so much for the amazing opportunity and I can’t wait for next year. Sincerely, Madison Thiel
Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, would like to thank you for sponsoring the Ohio State Fair Horse Show. Also, I would like to thank you for donating the beautiful trophy for reserve champion barrels. Thank you, Kylie Cutlip
hank you so very much for my trophy and ribbon. They are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Haley Godman
The Ohio Quarter Horse Association, hank you so much for choosing me as a 2013 scholarship recipient. I am honored to be chosen for such a prestigious hank you for sponsoring the Ohio State Fair Junio Horse award. Because of you generosity, young youth such as myself Show. I won the Reserve Champion Keyhole Race and are able to better afford their academic endeavors. Thank you for Reserve Champion Stakes Race. Thank you again! your organization’s continuous support. Sincerely, Sincerely, Madison Hunter Sara Laughlin
Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Dear OQHA, hank you for sponsoring the Stakes Race class at the Ohio hank you very much for renewing my scholarship. It is such State Fair. It was an honor to represent Van Wert County at an honor to be supported by such a wonderful association. the State Fair. Having a great ride and bringing home the first The much appreciated money will help me in pursuing my place trophy made it a very exciting show. career in nursing. Reagan Priest Thanks Again! Molli Jacobs
would like to thank you for sponsoring the Regular Hunter Over Fence 2’6” trophy. If it weren’t for your support for State Dear OQHA, Fair, it would not be as special or rewarding for the years of hard hank you for the amazing experience at the Congress this work 4-H kids put into their horses. It was such an amazing year. Winning my class was the most memorable experience moment when I was presented this trophy. I do not know how of my life. I wish to come back next year and do twice as good. many people cry out of happiness when they win, but I did. It Thank you so much for the beautiful trophy. took me three years with my “ordinary” Quarter Horse coss to Olivia Tordoff achieve this amazing award! I am so glad you support 4-H and I hope one day every 4-H kid gets a shot at winning at the State Fair. It is truly the greatest experience anyone could ask for. Thank you so much! Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Sincerely, hank you for sponsoring the 2013 Reserve Champion Stephanie Watkins Reining trophy at the Ohio State Fair’s Junior Horse Show. I have worked with my horse a lot this year and I am very happy with what we have accomplished. I have been riding reining for 3 years and I am a member of the NRHA. I’m looking forward to the rest of the shows I have this year, including the Quarter Horse Congress! Thanks again! Danielle Shively
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 7
Mailbox Thank you for sponsoring the trophy I won at the Ohio State Fair. It was my first time showing at the Fair and it was very exciting winning a trophy for Reserve Champion. Thank you again, Matthew Cramer
Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Thank you so much for sponsoring my classes and trophies at Ohio State Fair 2013. It means a lot to me. Making it to State Fair is a lot of hard work, but with people like you, it can be done. So thanks again for your support. I really appreciate it. Sincerely, Kylee Williams
Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, I received the award of Reserve Champion in Western Riding. Thank you for donating my award. I really appreciate it! It was such an honor to receive the award. Thank you so much for the donation, it meant very much to recerive this award. Sincerely, Hannah Wagner Ottawa County
Thank you so much for sponsoring the Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show Trail In Hand Champion trophy. It’s a beautiful trophy, and I love it. I was very happy to win it. Sincerely, Jessica K. Reader Williams County
I wanted to thank you for donating the trophy to the Ohio State Fair. It was the first trophy I have ever won and it meant a lot to me. Thank you very much! Ashley Mathis
Thank you so much for sponsoring the Ohio State Fair Jr. Horse Show! I was fortunate enough to place 1st in Pony Barrels. I received you beautiful 3 ft trophy!! It was the highligh of my 4-H career! Thank you for your gernerosity! Sincerely, Valerie Burch Thank you for sponsoring the Ohio State Fair 4-H Horse Show. The trophy I won is beautiful. My horse and I won Reserve Champion in Trail In Hand. Going to the State Fair was a great experience. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. Thank you. Jenny and Brea
OQHA Members Pursuing Higher Education - Visit www.oqha.com/information/programs/scholarships for all the requirements, including information about scholarship renewals, and to obtain an application. - Don’t forget that all new applicants will be required to attend a personal interview at the OQHA office in Richwood on March 8, 2014. - Contact Barb Benedum at the OQHA office, BBenedum@oqha.com or 740-943-2346 ext. 122, with any additional questions.
Both new and renewal applications are due
February 15, 2014
8 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
s 2013 winds down, it’s hard to believe how much we’ve accomplished this year! Our youth members had some huge wins at the AQHYA World Show, and brought home many championships back to Ohio. Our Amateur association had great success with the The Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic and made them the largest one to date! Many Ohio riders traveled to Amateur Select World Show and the AQHA World Show and found success against some of the best riders in their age group. I would like to congratulate all of the competitors. We just finished at the 47th Annual All American Quarter Horse Congress in October. We had a a successful return of the Bull Riding to the Congress with a sell-out crowd for the outstanding PBR event. The Freestyle Reining was again a tremendous success and we thank Stacey Westfall for the opening and Shawn and Sam Flarida for their standing ovation performance to the revised country song by Rodney Adkins, Watching You, performed by Denny Strickland. Our members had a great show with many Champions, Reserve Champions, Top 15 placings By Chris Cecil Darnell and finalists coming from Ohio. I would like to thank the OQHA board members and the Congress Tri-Chairmen for their hard work to make this show happen. Additionally, I would like to thank the OQHA staff, workers, volunteers, as well as all of our sponsors, vendors, and exhibitors for making it a huge success. This event is special for so many people, I am so proud to be a part of it. So, let’s celebrate all of our victories at the Year-End Awards Banquet on February 1st at the Hilton Downtown. Don’t forget to save the date! Official invitations will be in the mail in December.
Year-End Awards and Banquet Information
hio Quarter Horse Association members are invited to attend the 2013 OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting, held Saturday, February 1, 2014 at the Hilton Downtown in Columbus. Youth, Amateur and OQHA Annual meetings will all begin at 12:00 pm. Immediately following, will be the hospitality suite, opening at approximately 3:00 pm. The 2013 OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet will begin at 5:00 pm with a three-course dinner, followed by the
presentation of awards, as well as a live auction. More information and reservation card to follow. The address for the banquet is: Hilton Columbus Downtown 401 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 384-8600
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 9
President Chris Darnell, Executive Director Dr. Scott Myers, and Congress Tri-Chairman Denny Thorsell presented Clark Bradley with the Living the Mission Award at the 2013 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Photo courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride
Clark Bradley receives Living the Mission Award from the Southern Belle Breeders Submitted by Jordan Ferguson very year The Southern Belle Invitation presents an individual with the prestigious Living the Mission Award. The award recognizes one outstanding professional equine trainer who demonstrates character, integrity, and stewardship in their life and business practices. This person is an ambassador to the community and reflects the equine industry in a positive light. The Living the Mission Award is given to an individual who does the right thing even when no one is looking; he or she serves the equine industry and their own communities outside the equine world with a servant’s heart and look to improve the community around them for their fellow man. Most importantly, this individual places the welfare of the horse above the consideration for winning. On Saturday, October 26th at the Equine Chronicle Congress Masters event, the 2013 Living the Mission Award was presented to Clark Bradley. The entire audience rose to their feet, applauded and cheered in agreement with The Southern Belle Breeders choice, as he
10 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
received the esteemed award. An award truly earned for his commitment to improving the equine industry and mentoring other equestrians in their pursuit of excellence. The Ohio Quarter Horse Association is proud to call Clark Bradley one of our own. For the past 40 years, Clark Bradley has been on the Board of Directors for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, even serving as President. For Bradley, involvement in the horse industry is a family tradition. Both Clark and his father, Bailey “Stretch” Bradley, are All American Quarter Horse Congress Hall of Fame inductees. While modest, Bradley’s accomplishments are many, including 2001 AQHA Professional Horseman of the Year, two time NRHA Futurity Champion, numerous All American Quarter Horse Congress wins in Western Pleasure, Reining , Roping and Cutting, and NRHA Hall of Fame inductee. Currently, Clark Bradley is an instructor at the University of Findlay and is an assistant coach of the university’s Western Equestrian Team. He has touched many young equestrians’ lives in his 25 years at the University of Findlay. One student warmly wrote, “Clark
OQHA News Bradley has been an inspiration to his students not only in students well when life’s stress creeps up on you as it does the classroom, in the show arena, but also in life. He and for all of us at one time or another.” his wife have been role models that have served all of his
Pictured Above: Leading sire Macs Good N Plenty sold at the Congress Super sale for $29,000. He was bought by Steven Schultz of Horace, North Dakota. Photo courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride.
Congress Super Sale Brings In Big Names
he 46th Annual Congress Super Sale was the talk of the Ohio Expo Center on Sunday, October 20, 2013. As always, the excitement of an auction hung in the air, but the buzz was all about Macs Good N Plenty. The Congress Champion is a leading Western Pleasure sire, ranked number 20 on the Pleasure Sires list, and was on the auction block. Macs Good N Plenty was Hip No. 5, so the crowd did not wait long to see the AQHA Leading Sire. He was brought out into the arena as his accolades were announced. The bidding commenced, and the price soared. The top bidder won with a bid of $29,000. Steven Schultz, from Horace, North Dakota is the proud new owner. His new stallion is now standing at Iowa State University at the Llyod Veterinary Medical Center. Macs Good N Plenty was the talk of the Super Sale, but another horse took the title of “highest selling.” Hip No. 101 Rockett Man is a 2012 bay stallion, by the popular young sire Batt Man. One week earlier, on October 14, Rockett Man placed 9th in NSBA Open Western Yearling
Longe Line Stakes. He was shown by John Wainscott in the class of 30 entries. He was offered for sale by owners Kimberley and Randy Haines, of Lima, Ohio and was presented by John Wainscott. Rockett Man went for $33,000 and is now owned by Lindsay Hall of Weston, Connecticut. “The 2013 Congress Super Sale, presented by Kaplow Insurance, proved to be strong and consistent in today’s horse market” according to Mike Jennings. Mike and Stephanie Jennings of Round Hill, VA, own Professional Horse Services, LLC and managed the auction for the Ohio Quarter Horses Association. The gross sales were $846,000 with an average price of $5,716.22. The average price rose 5.6% from last year. The median price of $4,500 was up by 12% from $4,000 last year. With 15 fewer horses offered in the auction, the gross sales were off only 4.4% from the 2012 auction. The percentage of horses actually sold remained steady at 82%. Visit http://prohorseservices.com/CSS.php for full results and sponsors. Ohio Quarter Horse News • 11
Pictured Above: The PBR Touring Pro returned to Congress with world class bulls on Friday, October 11. Shawn and Sam Flarida rode in a special half-time performance the next night during Freestyle Reining on Saturday, October 12. Photos courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride.
Congress Hosts Two Sold Out Events
n Friday October 11, the All American Quarter Horse Congress started the weekend off with the return of the Coughlin sponsored PBR Touring Pro Series to the fairgrounds. Every seat in the Taft Coliseum was sold. The demand for entry was immense; fans bought standing room only tickets just to get in the door. The bulls gave the cowboys a run for their money; only the best for 8 seconds. By the night’s end, Tommy Erxleben won first place, scoring 89 points, receiving $4,137.12. Tied for 2nd were Brandon Davis and Carrson Hiatt, both scored 87 points and won $2,479.62. On Saturday, October 12, horse enthusiasts from all over the country flocked to the Congress to watch the Freestyle Reining, presented by Weaver Leather. In Freestyle Reining, exhibitors have a few key reining maneuvers to include in their ride, but song choice and costumes are determined by the exhibitor. The combination of two judges and the audience’s cheers decide the score for each ride. The sold out event featured 23 entries, an intermission performance by Shawn and Sam Flarida, and an appearance by renowned horsewoman, Stacy Westfall. The spectators saw everything from Michael Jackson to Ninja themed performances. During the intermission, Shawn Flarida and son Sam 12 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
took to the arena. They were joined by recording artist, Denny Strickland, who sang a version of Rodney Atkins’ I’ve Been Watching You. The two rode to the lyrics, Sam shadowing his father’s every move. The performance brought the audience to their feet and applause filled the arena. For Non-Pro Champion Caroline Gute and mount Travel Whiz Me, owned by Julie Gute, this was not their first Freestyle victory; they were 2012 Non-Pro Champions, too. The pair was poised and graceful as they rode to “Colors of the Wind” in their Pocahaontas themed performance. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Open Freestyle Reining Champions, Rocky Dare and Squeaky Clean Genes, owned by Susan Kuryloski, lit up the area with their playful performance. Joined by three children and his wife, they started out slow with “When You Wish Upon a Star” playing as they simulated bedtime. Then the popular hit “Gangnam Style” cut in as the children sprung out of bed and began to dance. The audience laughed and cheered at the comical display as Rocky slid and spun to victory before their eyes. Full results are available at www.oqha.com/aaqhc. Pictures for each event are available via Jeff Kirkbride Photography at www.kirkbridephoto.com.
OQHA News 2014 OQHA Officer and Director Nominations Announced
uring the September Ohio Quarter Horse Association monthly Board of Directors meeting, nominations were made for the 2014 election slate. Nominations were announced by nominating committee, and are as follows:
Ted Handel Bob Hexter Randy Jacobs Cindy Morehead
President Chris Cecil Darnell
No nominations were made from the floor. Voting Procedure Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots should be marked for no less than four directors and no more than six directors to be counted. Each ballot must be submitted individually in the return envelope provided. Ballots must be received by the accounting firm by January 24th to be counted. Ballots should be mailed to:
1st Vice President Vic Clark 2nd Vice President Elizabeth Gorski Judd Paul Directors Rod Atherton Hank Clason Kelli Diaz Candi Fites
Greg Tordoff Mike Vargo Mark Watkins
Kristine Nagy George Seanor Chuck Smith Denny Thorsell
Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040
Ballots must be mailed to:
Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040 All ballots must be received by January 24, 2014 Ohio Quarter Horse News • 13
OQHA Election
Running for President, Nominated by the Committee
hris Cecil Darnell of Sharon Center, Ohio has exhibited in AQHA shows and NSBA futurities all her life, with a long list of show accolades including year-end high points, World Champions and Congress Champions. Her family has owned and operated Cecil Breeding Farm for 25 years, where Darnell has been actively involved as office manager and treasurer. She also runs the family business, Lanning’s Restaurant with her husband, Jeff, as well as owns and operates Simply Show Services LLC, a show secretary management company. Darnell has served as the show secretary to many AQHA and NSBA shows, including the Reichert Celebration, NSBA Show Your Colors and the Southern Belle Invitation. “I am fortunate to have worked for many large horse shows and have gained a wealth of knowledge from working with so many different show committees and show managements,” Darnell said. On a national level, Darnell serves on the NSBA Board of Directors and has been the chair of the finance and show committees, as well as the treasurer. She also was chosen to serve on the AQHA Show Committee and the Blue Ribbon Task Force. Within Ohio, Darnell has served as a past president of NOQHA, and is currently the treasurer for the association, a position she has held for the past 14 years. She is a life member of OQHA, and has been involved as a director for the last eight years. She has served on numerous committees, including: Futurity, Nominating, Congress Lectures & Demonstrations, Congress Programs, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Finance, Annual Banquet, Annual Awards, Executive Committee, Congress TriChairman and President. In her most recent term, Darnell served as Congress Tri-Chairman, OQHA Executive Committee member, 1st Vice President and President. “I believe my areas of expertise in breeding, showing and show management would qualify me to serve as President of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association,” Darnell said. “I hope you allow me to continue this opportunity. “The first priority of the OQHA should be fiscal responsibility. The second priority of OQHA should be the Congress. Our industry continues to change and we need to make the changes needed to stay current and on the cutting edge especially in technology at the Congress. Finally, we need to encourage participation of our youth, novice and rookie programs. We need the youth to bring in new blood and participation to the breed we all love,” said Darnell are her top priorities for OQHA.
14 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Running for 1st Vice President, Nominated by the Committee
ic Clark was born and raised in Hebron, Ohio, but currently resides in Shelby with his wife of 35 years, Libby. Clark is a CPA and partner at an accounting firm, Campbell, Rose and Company, CPA’s. In the past, Clark has served as President of the National Snaffle Bit Association, as well as on the board of a local handicapped riding organization. He is also an NRHA judge, and has judged all over the United States and Europe. Clark has served on the Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors for more than 30 years, and is a past president. He has also served 17 years as Congress Tri-Chairman, and many committees over the years. Clark has managed the NRHA Select Sales for 20 years and has served as the chair of OQHA’s sale committee for the last several years as well. OQHA’s top three priorities for the next several years, according to Clark, should include seeking involvement of younger horse enthusiasts, giving more support to regional associations, as well as taking steps to ensure OQHA continues to grow and improve. “We currently have an outstanding new executive director and I feel it is imperative that we help and support him in his efforts to take OQHA and the Congress to the next level,” Clark said.
Running for 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the Committee
lizabeth Gorski was born and raised in Southern California, lived in Georgia for three years, and has lived in Bowling Green, Ohio since 1995. “Living in different states has allowed me to show Quarter Horses and make friends with horse people all across the country,” she said. She has been a director on the OQHA board since 2003, and has chaired the Congress Lecture and Demonstrations for ten years. She has also chaired many other committees such as: Grievance, Membership, Rules, Public Policy and Scholarship. In 2012, she also chaired the search committee charged with the task of hiring the new Executive Director of OQHA. She is a graduate of the AQHA Leadership Program, and have served two terms thus far on the AQHA Public Policy Committee. Elizabeth also served on the NOQHA Board of Directors, chairing their scholarship committee for eight years, and is member of the National Snaffle Bit Association. She enjoys showing horses in NSBA longe line and hunter under saddle futurities. “In addition to chairing the Congress Lectures and Demonstrations, I have been hard at work this year raising money for the OQHA Scholarship Program. This year, I co-chaired the 1st annual OQHA Golf Outing that was held in conjunction with the Buckeye Classic Horseshow. More than fifty golfers came out for this inaugural event and helped us earn over $3,700 in profit that went directly to the OQHA Scholarship fund! A great time was had by all, as the guys had to dress in skirts or dresses to tee off from the ladies box at Hole #8. The pictures are priceless,” said Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s goals are to maintain, and where possible, improve the quality of the Congress, work with elected officials and key decision makers to secure improvements at the Ohio Expo Center that will allow the Congress to grow, and prepare the next generation of leaders to successfully drive OQHA and the Congress. Ohio Quarter Horse News • 15
OQHA Election
Running for 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the Committee
udd Paul lives in Xenia, Ohio with his wife, Jennifer and their daughter, Allie. Together, Judd and Jennifer own and operate Judd Paul Training Stables. Their business consists of both Western and English horses. They have trained multiple futurity champions, as well as Congress Champions and Top Tens. Judd is a life member of OQHA, and has been a director for eight years. He has been on numerous committees, including Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities and Stall Move-In Day, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Trail, and is chair of Riding Areas. Additionally, Judd is a SOQHA director and a NSBA judge. His priorities for OQHA are, “the first priority should be the Congress -- coming up with new, innovative ideas to keep it as the premier horse show to go to. The second priority is our weekend horse shows -- coming up with new ideas to expand and get our new members involved. The third priority is to get our youth more involved.”
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
od Atherton was born and raised in Utica, Ohio. He currently resides there with his wife. He is Operations Manager for Valley Interior Systems where he oversees commercial job sites across the state of Ohio. Rod is a current Director and past President of the Knox County Fair Board and is involved with the Knox County Equine Committee. He has attended every OQHA meeting for the past five years. For the past two years Rod has been responsible for the VIP camping area at the Congress. Rod has been an amateur exhibitor since 2003 and shows halter horses. His wife Marla is the President of the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association and helps at their fundraising events. “At the OAQHA pancake breakfast during the Congress, I am the guy cooking the sausage,” he said. “I am able to provide fresh ideas and the perspective from a current horse show exhibitor. My wife and I show at weekend shows throughout the year as well as showing at the local futurities, and the All American Quarter Horse Congress. This involvement enables me to see what is working and what isn’t from the ‘inside’ of the organization,” said Rod. His top priorities are recruiting new members, getting current members more involved, and continuing to promote and improve the Congress.
16 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ank Clason was born and raised in Hollywood, California. He currently resides in Medina, Ohio, where he owns and operates Hank Clason Quarter Horses. Clason is a full-time horse trainer, specializing in coaching youth and amateurs, as well as riding and training futurity horses. Clason has been on the Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors for 23 years. He has served on almost every committee, including most recently serving on finance, horse show advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas, Grievance and Drug Task Force. “Changes over the last year have been a great improvement for the association and the board,” Clason said. “I would like to see us continue those improvements and move in a positive direction.” Clason’s priorities for the association in the next few years include continuing to improve the fairgrounds, work toward making the Congress as exhibitor and spectator friendly as possible, as well as do more for breeders, youth and amateurs.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
elli Diaz was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and currently lives in Heath, Ohio with her family. She oversees the office for her husband’s company, Jack’s Spectic, as well as Diager LLC, a construction, excavation and demolition company. She also has a mobile boutique which sells high-end street wear and consignment show apparel. Kelli has been a member for over 30 years and grew up showing and supporting the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. She is the current chairman of the Congress Queen Contest, and has been for the past twelve years. She has also been the chair for the Year-End Banquet and Youth Advisor. Kelli is a member of AQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA, and EOQHA. Her top priorities include helping the Congress continue to discover ways to stay one step ahead of industry and remain the most prestigious show in the country and encouraging the Board of Directors to continuously work together. “It is important that the positions held not only work hard, but work together to lead our association both successfully and financially,” she said.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 17
OQHA Election
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
andi Fites was born and raised in Alliance, Ohio and currently lives in Beloit, Ohio on the family farm. Her daughter, Valerie, her husband, Eric, and grandson, Caleb, also live on the family farm. Fites is retired from the West Branch School District Transportation Department, where she worked for 30 years. Candi Fites currently serves as the 1st Vice President of the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, and is a member of their executive committee. She also chairs the Futurity and Membership committees for NOQHA. In the past, Fites has worked with the Southern Belle Invitation and Reichert Celebration as well. Within the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Candi Fites has been a board member for seven years. She currently chairs the Ohio Incentive Fund program, in which she plans the advertising and organizes the final nomination payouts. Fites is also the chair of the Congress Program Sales committee, where she oversees the sales of Souvenir Programs during Quarter Horse Congress. Finally, she serves on the Year-End Awards committee, where she assists with organizing and purchasing year-end awards, which are given away during the OQHA Annual Awards Banquet in February. Fites noted three specific areas in which she feels OQHA should focus in the next few years. “I feel we need to continue to make the Congress more exhibitor-friendly, and move forward into the internet age with sponsor advertising, posting draws, stall assignments and results online, as well as offering a live feed on the internet,” Fites said. “We also need to continue our support of weekend horse shows, as well as continue supporting our youth, as they are the future of Ohio Quarter Horse.”
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ed Handel of Newark, Ohio owns Mound City Products, a commercial and residential awning manufacturer, as well as M&H Enterprises, a rental property company and Diamond H Farm, a horse training facility. Handel in involved in numerous civic organizations, including The Works in Newark, a philanthropic organization, Camp Falling Rock, a Boy Scout facility, as well as the Newark Maennerchor. Handel is also very involved with the Ohio State Buckskin Association and International Buckskin Horse Association. He is a past president of IBHA and OSBA, and has served as an IBHA alliance representative to AQHA and NSBA. Additionally, Handel has been a member of OQHA for more than 30 years, and has donated products benefitting the Congress Queen’s Contest, the Trail Ride and Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Booth at Congress. During the past three years at Quarter Horse Congress, Handel has assisted with the NYATT ceremony, move-in day and logistics of paid events, including the Masters, Freestyle Reining and Cutting event. “I would be able to provide my expertise in procurement, facility management, knowledge of the horse industry and the time to actively participate,” Handel said. His priorities for OQHA include finding and developing ways to promote growth, retention and participation, define the direction of OQHA during the changing economy and continue to make the Quarter Horse Congress a fantastic horse show venue.
18 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ob Hexter was born and raised in Columbus and spends part of the year in Ocala, Florida. He is a life member of AQHA, OQHA, and the National Bicycle Dealers Associaiton. He currently serves on the OQHA Board of Directors. His family has owned World Champions, Congress winners and earned AQHA Top Ten titles, as well as many OQHA annual awards and circuit championships. Bob has served on numerous committees for more than twenty years, including chairman or co-chairman of: Horse Show Advisory Committee, Nomination Committee and Trail Ride Committee. He also served two years as a ringmaster at the Congress, and then was head ringmaster for three years. He was then asked to serve as the assistant show manager for fourteen years. Currently, he serves on the Fire Safety and the Food and Beverage committees “The Congress has been the industry leader for more than 40 years. We must never lose sight of the fact that it is a horse show first. It must continue to change and evolve with new programs and incentives. Both exhibitors and visitors need to feel a part of the experience that is ‘The Biggest and Best Horse Show on Earth,” said Bob. His other priorities include, OQHA continuing to lead the way to organizational growth, supporting membership with innovative programs to get everyone involved, and being open to new ideas that will sustain the Congress and industry leadership.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
o biographical information provided.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 19
OQHA Election
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
indy Morehead was born in Winston Salem, NC, raised in Milford, New Hampshire, and currently resides in Findlay, Ohio. She is an instructor at the University of Findlay Western program and has been there since it started 35 years ago. She is also the head coach of the western IHSA team. “With the job, I stay current with the future of our industry,” she said. Cindy is the chair of the Judging Team, and she has also served on many committees, including Ohio Queen, Scholarship, Fire Safety, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony and Speaking Contest. This year, she stepped in as temporary advisor for the Ohio NYATT team and helped with the OQHA “Test Ride a Horse” clinic. She is active in Findlay area 4-H and helps coach an IEA team. Her top priorities for OQHA are building youth membership and continuing to keep the Quarter Horse Congress running smoothly and efficiently.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ristine Nagy, of Wadsworth, Ohio, is a middle school guidance counselor at Cloverleaf Middle School. She graduated from Akron University with a master’s in counseling. Kristine lives on a small farm with her husband of 28 years. While she has only been involved in OQHA for three years, she was a founding member of the National Pole Bending Association. She has also attended nearly every OQHA meeting for the past two years. She was invited to establish and chair the Congress Speed and Contesting Committee in 2012. “I utilize that position to establish areas of concern, and areas for growth, address them with the board and take action on them. There has been positive progress at the Congress for the contesters. I only take credit for opening up lines of communication and helping to recognize areas that needed addressed. So far, it has been a positive and rewarding experience,” said Kristine. Although she is not currently a director, she has been addressing the needs of contesters for the past two years. If elected, Kristine would continue to be their voice. She would also attend all the meetings and would work hard on any committee that she was assigned to. “I am a person who jumps in the with both feet and gets done what needs to be done,” she said. “The dedication and experience of the existing board and officers is amazing. It is almost surreal to me that I have this opportunity to be a part of this organization.” Her top priorities include working diligently with state government and non-traditional sponors to ensure the continued success of the Congress. She also wants to expand the horizons of OQHA, examples are the trail rides, Southern Belle, etc. “OQHA must be open to new opportunities, while maintaining the position of promoting the American Quarter Horse,” she said. Finally, financial stability continues to be of utmost importance for continued growth. 20 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
eorge Seanor was born, raised and currently resides in Canton, Ohio. George and his wife have a small farm located just outside of Canton. He is a civil engineer and general manager for The Ruhlin Company, which is a general construction firm in Sharon Center, Ohio. Outside of the horse world George is a past board member for the Catholic Youth Council, Canton Regional Society of Professional Engineers, and The Builders Exchange of East Central Ohio. George has been involved with NOQHA since 2000 and is also a member of their board. George has served as President, and chairmen of the stall and trail committees. He is currently in his eighth year as Congress Trail Coordinator and has also assisted with the Congress Pattern Committee and the Congress Trail Committee. George plans to continue to coordinate the Congress Trail Program as well as serve on the pattern committee. If elected George plans to continue to promote the All American Quarter Congress so that it stays the premier Quarter Horse show. He also plans to assist to build additional buildings at the Ohio Expo Center and to work with Ohio affiliate organizations to promote Quarter Horses and horse shows.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
huck Smith, of Canal Winchester, Ohio is a professional horse trainer, specializing in Cutting. He currently serves on the National Cutting Horse Association board of directors and executive committee. In the past, he has chaired the long-range planning committee, the show producers committee and the promotions committee for NCHA. Additionally, Smith served as the Vice President of the National Reining Horse Association in 1980-81. Since 1993, Smith has served as a member of the board of directors for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Aside from his involvement with NCHA and OQHA, Smith serves as president of a non-profit company that holds easements for preserving wetlands and streams. “I have helped organize and run the Cutting events during the All American Quarter Horse Congress ever since I was first elected to the board,” Smith said. Smith said that the top three priorities for OQHA in the next several years should be to keep the Congress strong and growing, to promote the Quarter Horse as an all-around family horse, as well as a show horse and finally to help build new facilities at the Ohio Expo Center to ensure future growth.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 21
OQHA Election
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
enny Thorsell resides in Burbank, Ohio with his wife of 44 years. He is invloved in financial planning, selling life insurance, annuities, and health insurance. He also owns and operates Creek Bend Ranch, a cattle operation that raises bucking bulls. During the summer months, he produces a professional bull riding event, Buckin’ Ohio, at his ranch. Denny has been an AQHA judge since 1968, and has judged World Shows, Congress, two Regional Experiences, and judged in 28 countries. He has been Equipment Coordinator for all AQHA World Shows and at the Congress for 18 years. Currently, he serves on the AQHA Judges’ Committee, and served on the AQHA Show and Contest Committee for 10 years. He has been an Ohio Director for 16 years and has served on the Executive Committee. Denny is currently serving his 4th consecutive term as a Congress Tri-Chairman. Denny was instrumental in bringing back the Professional Bull Riders back to the Congress. His priorities are innovation for horse shows and Congress, financial responsibility, and growth, including the promotion of youth within OQHA.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
reg Tordoff has over twenty years direct sales and sales management experience, and has been involved with American Foundry Association, Ohio Cast Metals, and is active in coaching youth sports, such as soccer, skiing and basketball. Initially, his activities were limited to showing, attending local events and supporting the Association by participation as members only. Recently, they have become increasingly involved in equestrian endeavors and have even invested in establishing an equestrian based business which includes a successful stable, indoor arena and training facility under the direction of a full time manager. “During the last 9 years, my wife, children and I have continuously increased our participation in the equestrian events associated with membership in the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. We have enjoyed the experience greatly and support the Association mission of promoting various programs involving youth, awards, recognition programs, and incentive funds while advancing the basics of Quarter Horse registration,” said Greg. “As with any association, its success is directly dependent on the active participation and support of its membership. I believe my background and business experience can be of value in supporting the value and growth of the OQHA.”
22 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ike Vargo lives in Plain City, Ohio. He is the President of Vargo Companies, where they design automated conveyor and software systems used in the distribution of products sold through retail facilities, as well as direct to consumer. He served on the Development Board for Catholic Social Services, and has been a long-standing supporter and contributor to Kids-N-Kamp, a local organization that provides support to children and families of children diagnosed with cancer. Mike has been a member of OQHA since 1994, and is a life member of AQHA and NSBA. If elected as director, he said “my contribution will come from understanding the significance of what is required to operate a large, successful organization with multiple facets. The overall success of any organization is to provide balance within the organization and to leverage all available resources that the individual members contribute. Then, to leverage the members’ skill sets in order to maintain and accomplish the original vision.” His top priorities are stabiliting of growth in membership, increase greater awareness and promote participation within existing membership, and continue to explore and create sound business develpment activities. “The priority of any successful organization is to maintain a solid fiscal position through obvious improvements and enhancements, but at the same time create new avenues for growth,” said Mike.
Running for Director, Nominated by the Committee
ark Watkins was born and raised in Canfield, Ohio, where he still currently resides. Along with his wife, Watkins runs the family business, in which they raise, train and judge Quarter Horses and coach clients of all age groups and ability levels. Watkins is an active member of the Greenford Christian Church and was a volunteer firefighter and EMT for the city of Canfield in the mid-1990’s. Within the equine industry, Watkins has served as a member or director for the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association for 35 years. “I have been a member of OQHA for most of my life and I strive to be a director so that I can contribute more to the organization,” Watkins said. If elected, Watkins will strive to make the Quarter Horse Congress continue to be the leading equine event in the Quarter Horse industry. He would also like to encourage youth members’ active participation and support OQHYA through education and scholarships. Finally, Watkins would like to see OQHA responsibly promote animal welfare in the industry.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 23
2013 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers
Charley Thiel
Emma Brown
Paulina Martz
Lauren Diaz
Caitlyn Colvin
Ellexxah Maxwell
Director 4128 Oxford-Middletown Rd Trenton, OH 45067 513-680-2377 LilCowgirl795@aol.com
Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com
Lindsay Brush
Riley Herman
Bailey Mierzejewski
Kayla Magrum
RJ Jacobs
Hannah Overmyer
Brittany Harter
Morgan Kessler
Nadia Sherman
President 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com
Vice President 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com
Secretary 1175 Harrison Pond Dr. New Albany, OH 43054 Home: 614-855-2103 SBrush@insight.rr.com
Treasurer 2400 S County Rd. 15 Tiffin, OH 44883 419-448-8044
Reporter 85 Limetree Dr. Delaware, OH 43015 Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com
Director 2121 Pinkerton Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 Home: 740-453-3247 JulieB3879@yahoo.com
Director 3281 S Linker Portage Rd. Elmore, OH 43416 419-559-4880 cdrherman@amplex.com
Director 6700 Old Rt 39 Dover, OH 44622 330-364-3975 jacobsshowhorse1@aol.com
Director 18109 Delaware County Line Rd. Ostrander, OH 43061 flas2sox@aol.com
Director 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-751-2447 gmartz2@aol.com
President 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com
Director 15720 W. Smith Rd. Elmore, OH 43416 Home: 419-862-2137 cbfcriters@aol.com
Director 6825 Highland Dr. Independence, OH 44131 216-407-5196 nadia.canterqueen@gmail.com
Upcoming OQHYA Meetings
December -- No Meeting January 20, 2014 - 7:00 pm - Crowne Plaza Columbus North 6500 Doubletree Avenue Columbus, OH 43229 February 1, 2014 - 12:00 pm - Hilton Columbus Downtown 401 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43215** ** Annual Meeting 24 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Youth Headlines T
he AQHYA World Show was August 2-10 in Oklahoma City, 7. Capture The Flag, Taylor Myers of Sharon Center, OH Oklahoma. Ohio had 143 entries, and place 16th overall as a 12. Gifted Circle, Veronica Woodson of Mason, OH team. Congratulations to all of the Youth from Ohio! Photos courtesy of KC Montgomery. Hunter Hack 6. Capture The Flag, Taylor Myers of Sharon Center, OH Stake Race 7. (2. Intermediate) Royality in Blue, Maria George of 9. Mills King Racheal, Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton Pickerington, OH 11. (7. Intermediate, 13U.) Blazin Jet Time, Reagan Priest of 10. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Mallory Myers of Sharon Ohio City, OH Center, OH 13. (7. Intermediate) One Last Laugh, Rachel McKinney of 15. (11. Intermediate) Midnight Rose Bud, Trate Brown of Liberty TWP, OH Byesville, OH
Hunter Under Saddle
Two-Year-Old Mares
5. She Is A Stemwinder, RJ Jacobs of Dover, OH
Two-Year-Old Geldings
Hannah Houser of Tipp City, OH
1. Maxxed Out, shown by RJ Jacobs of Dover 7. (2. Intermediate, 13 U.) Cool N Me, Gaston Kohler of Dover, OH 10. (4. Intermediate, 13U.) Interested, Bradyn Thomas Burke of Mount Vernon, OH 12. TF Emagine Me First,
Three-Year-Old Geldings
7. (3. Intermediate, 13U.) Hit The Bullseye, Derrick Angiletta of Swanton, OH
Aged Geldings
5. Tophat and Tails, Charley Thiel of Dublin, OH 6. (2. Intermediate) Fine Details, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Youngstown, OH
1. Darn That Kat, Mallory Myers of Sharon Center, OH
Performance Halter Geldings
5. Remarkable Can, Rachel Kolb of Lebanon, OH 13. (9. Intermediate) Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz of Heath, OH 16. (12. Intermediate) Some Hot Potential, Bailey Mierzejewski of Mount Sterling, OH
Performance Halter Mares
1. (1. Intermediate) Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Martz of Blacklick, OH 2. (2. Intermediate) KM Aged Mares Sudden Lil Zip, Madison 1. Pretty As A Package, RJ Thiel of Dublin, OH Jacobs of Dover, OH 4. (13U.) Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell Equitation Over Fences of West Mansfield, OH 31. (20. Intermediate) Godiva By Image, Mark Watkins, JR of 2. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers of Sharon Canfield, OH Center, OH 6. Capture The Flag, Taylor Showmanship Myers of Sharon Center, 2. (1. Intermediate) Remarkable Can, Rachel Kolb of Lebanon, OH OH 4. (2. Intermediate) KM Sudden Lil Zip Madison Thiel of Dublin, OH 7. Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz of Heath, OH Hunt Seat Equitation 13. (9. Intermediate, 13U.) Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland 2. Remarkable Can, Rachel Kolb of Lebanon, OH 4. Kid B Styling, Miranda Peck of Ashland, OH 8. (3. Intermediate, 13U.) Bullistik, Katie Mae Houser of Tipp City, OH
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 25
Youth Headlines Maxwell of West Mansfield, OH Western Pleasure 14. (10. Intermediate) HF Tahnee Too, Lacy Watshon of Goshen, 13. (7. Intermediate) Some Hot Potential, Bailey Mierzejewski of OH Mount Sterling, OH 15. (9. Intermediate) Yabba Dabba Doo, Brittany Harter of Trail 2. (2. Intermediate) Some Hot Potential, Bailey Mierzejewski of Delaware, OH Mount Sterling, OH 9. HF Tahnee Too, Lacy Watson of Goshen, OH Western Riding 10. (4. Intermediate) Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz of Heath, OH
Western Horsemanship
1. (1. Intermediate) Invitation To Show, Megan Overberg of Hillsboro, OH 2. (2. Intermediate) Remarkable Can, Rachel Kolb of Lebanon, OH 5. HF Tahnee Too, Lacy Watson of Goshen, OH
26 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Working Hunter
1. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers of Sharon Center, OH
Youth Headlines 2014 OQHYA Nomination Slate The Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association has announced the nomination slate for 2014 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 24th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040
President Director Lauren Diaz Emma Brown Caitlyn Colvin Vice President Sydney Hoffa Kayla Magrum Jule Gephart Lindsay Brush Ellexxah Maxwell Nadia Sherman Hannah Overmyer Anneleise Ritzi Secretary Paul “Trey” Schwab Bridgett White Mariah Sherer Grace Tachikawa Treasurer Madison Thiel Paulina Martz Olivia Tordoff Kenzie Severance Natalie Vargo Marley Vieta Veronica Woodson
Ballots must be mailed to:
Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040 All ballots must be received by January 24, 2014 Ohio Quarter Horse News • 27
OQHYA Election
auren Diaz is a junior at Newark Catholic High School, where she has been on the varsity softball team for three years. She competes in the All-Around events with her horse, Promotional Asset, Chuck. Lauren and Chuck were Reserve Champion at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in 2009, and since then they have accumulated multiple Top Ten finishes. She has also received Superiors in showmanship, horsemanship, equitation, hunter under saddle, and performance geldings. She has also earned the Ultimate Superior award. This team has also earned over 60 all-arounds, and year end high-point all-around awards in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013. She is currently the Vice President of OQHYA and represents AQHYA as a Region Four National Director. She has been inolved on the national level for the past several years, including three terms of directorship and one term of executive office. “I have been involved with OQHYA for the past several years. However, this most recent term in which I served as Vice President, I focused on closing the gap between the state and national level and getting Ohio more involved with AQHA. In June I travelled to Amarillo, Texas to the annual Youth Excellence Seminar to represent Ohio. I ran for a national title and was elected to Director. By attending YES, I was able to not only expose Ohio at the national level, but bring home ideas back to my own state in hopes of building a stronger, more unified association,” said Lauren. Lauren feels that the top three priorities for OQHYA should be mentoring the younger generation. “By getting youth involved at a young age we can have a better chance of developing strong, capable boards and representatives,” she said. She also wants more youth to get involved at events like shows and meetings, and wants to reach out to other associations, such as AQHA and local 4-H groups.
indsay Brush is a senior from New Albany, Ohio. She attends Gahanna Lincoln High School and is also enrolled at Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical School where she receives college credits from Cincinnati State. Lindsay has been showing Quarter Horses for many years and is currently show a 7-year-old gelding named MWS Makemineadouble in showmanship, horsemanship, equitation, halter, and trail. They have qualified for the AQHYA World Championship Show for the last three years and noviced out of showmanship. Lindsay has been a member of OQHYA for four years and is currently the OQHYA Secretary and in 2012 she was an OQHYA Director. She has been a member of the OQHYA Judging team at the World Show and at Congress in 2010 and 2011. Lindsay helped organize the banquet and the June picnic. She was also one of the top three raffle ticket sellers for OQHYA this year. Lindsay is currently a Region Four Director on AQHYA’s national board. As a director, she serves on the Public Policy committee and helps to educate others
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CANDIDATES FOR VICE PRESIDENT LINDSAY BRUSH, cont. on bills passing through congress that concern the horse community. Also, as a Region Four director she spent 12 days representing AQHYA at the Youth World Show, where she assisted in running events and passing out awards. Lindsay is also a member of SOQHA, NOQHA, and the United States Equestrian Federation. She is a second year Varsity Letter winner for USEF. If elected, Lindsay plans to encourage more youth to go to the Youth Excellence Seminar so they can have the chance to meet other youth from all over the world with a similar love for horses.
ayla Magrum is a senior from Tiffin, Ohio who attends Columbian High School. She is the current OQHYA treasurer. Kayla shows New Dream in Town in western pleasure and Good Girls Don’t Iron in horsemanship and western riding. Kayla placed in the Top Ten at the World Show and was Top Five in western pleasure at the 2012 Youth World Show. She is also a four-time All American Quarter Horse Congress winner. Kayla is a member of the KM Equestrian Team, plays varsity tennis for her high school and is a member of the National Honor Society. If re-elected Kayla hopes to increase youth memberships, develop more youth activities, and assist in developing more show similar to the Little Buckeye.
adia Sherman is a sophomore from Northfield, Ohio, and attends Nordonia High School. She currently shows in AQHA and the rated jumper circuits, and show Heza Potential Star in the 14-18 All-Around and Secretariats Secret in jumpers. In AQHA, she is a two-time regional champion in hunter under saddle and has been a Top Five finisher and finalist at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Nadia also rides on the Double Deuce Farm western and hunt seat IEA team. She is also involved in NOQHYA and will begin a second term as their president in 2014. Nadia has been a member of OQHYA for 4 years and has attended almost all of the OQHA shows. She has also been a member of OQHYA’s Youth World Show Team for the past two years. When Nadia is not showing or riding, she is a member of her schools’ Student Council, the homecoming planning committee, TMAD, and volunteered for the Republican Party. Nadia is currently an OQHYA director and feels her biggest contribution has been pushing for the active involvement program to be put into effect. She hopes that within the next year to have the program actively going and to be traveling to different counties to speak with them about AQHA and its different involvement options.
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OQHYA Election
ridgett White is junior from Canal Winchester, Ohio who attends Pickerington Central High School. Bridgett was a director in 2011 and attends all of the meetings and Ohio shows. She shows EBG Showin On Go in the 14-18 All Around events and in 2012 made the horsemanship and equitation finals at the Novice Championship show in Tennessee. Bridgett is a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA, and for the past two years has been SOQHYA’s President. Outside of the horse world, Bridgett is a junior class representative for her high school’s Student Council and is a member of Key Club. If elected Bridgett plans to attend all meetings and offer new thoughts and ideas to the organization. Bridgett feels that the top priority of OQHYA should be getting for youth involved, making shows more affordable, and doing more fun activities
aulina Martz, of Blacklick, Ohio, is a sophomore at Columbus Academy. She is involved in the theatre department and creative writing club, and also takes voice and piano lessons. Paulina has also volunteered at Bridge Riding for the Disabled and Westerville Area Resource Ministry, a food pantry near Columbus. Paulina shows in western pleasure and perfomance halter mares with Only The Best Chocolate. This year, she won both the Congress and the Youth World in performance halter. She also placed 5th in Western Pleasure. She is currently a director for OQHYA and secretary of SOQHYA. Paulina attended the Y.E.S. Convention this year and assisted in the campaign of the Ohio members running. She has also helped with the golf outing and at numerous horse shows. Her top priorities are expanding the organization, volunteering in the community, and involving OQHYA in the national community.
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mma Brown is an 8th grader from Zanesville, Ohio who attends Bishop Fenwick Middle School. Emma is a current OQHYA director and attends most of the Ohio shows. She is also a member of EOQHA and is the current EOQHYA president. As a director Emma has been one of the top 3 sellers for the past two years for the motorcycle raffle and has been involved with getting sponsors for the cash raffle. Emma feels that the priorities for OQHYA should be animal welfare, making show more appealing to 4-H and open show riders and more cost friendly. When Emma is not showing and riding she plays volleyball, soccer, track, and cheers at Bishop Fenwick Middle School. Emma is also a member of St. Thomas Catholic Church.
aitlyn Colvin is from Middletown, Ohio. She is currently a freshman at Miami University Middletown. Caitlyn has served as an OQHYA director for two years and has been on the OQHA NYATT and World Show teams from 2007-2013. She competes at AQHA, NBHA, and IBRA shows in barrels, poles, and the stakes sace. Caitlyn is a Top Five Congress finisher, was high point in the youth stakes race in 2010 and 2012, and received Top Ten honors at the AQHYA World Show. She is also involved in 4-H and fundraising for Wounded Warriors. Caitlyn has been an active participant in meetings, recruited new members for OQHYA and worked to make them feel welcome. If re-elected, Caitlyn plans to continue to promote OQHYA to youth who are not currently members, work to develop group activities to help members get more involved, and to promote educational activities such as clinics, judging, hippology, horsebowl, and the YES conference.
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OQHYA Election
llexxah Maxwell a 7th grader from West Mansfield, Ohio who attends a virtual public school called Ohio Connections Academy. Ellexxah has been an OQHYA director since 2007 and carried the banner in the 2013 All American Quarter Horse Congress parade. She has sold raffle tickets all over the U.S. and feels that she represents the ability of Ohio’s youth everywhere she goes. Ellexxah shows year-round in performance halter mares, showmanship, horsemanship, hunter under saddle, equitation, and trail on her horse Zips Bossy Chip. In 2012, Ellexxah was AQHYA Reserve High Point All Around and is currently leading the points for the 2013 AQHYA All Around. Ellexxah is also a member of the Indiana Quarter Horse Association and thinks it is important to share ideas with youth outside of Ohio. If re-elected, Ellexxah feels OQHYA needs to be more involved on a national level. She also thinks that in order to encourage new members OQHYA needs to hold youth clinics and to send out mass mailings to all OQHYA and 4-H clubs to make youth aware of the scholarship opportunities available to youth who get involved with AQHA.
annah Overmyer is an 8th grader from Elmore, Ohio who attends Woodmore Middle School. Hannah is currently an OQHYA Director, a position she has held for the past two years. Hannah has also been on OQHYA’s Youth World Show Team for the past two years. She shows Consider Him Sheik in halter, showmanship, hunter under saddle, equitation, western riding, trail, and horsemanship. For the past two years they have placed in the top ten in the AQHA, and top five in the NSBA at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Hannah is involved in the SOQHYA and competed on their NYATT team this year at Congress. When not riding and competing Hannah is a member of her schools, choir, Builder’s Club, and Quiz Bowl Team. In Hannah’s previous term as director, she worked hard to assist OQHYA and was a mentor to new members. If re-elected, Hannah feels that it is important to make all new members feel welcome, give recognition to members that show true involvement in OQHYA and to come up with new, exciting fundraising ideas.
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Anneleise Ritzi is a sophomore at Troy Chistian High School. She is active president of her 4-H club, called The Lucky Horseshoes, secretary for Miami Valley Horse Show Association, and is a member of EOQHA, Buckeye Southern QHA, OMIQHA, and NOQHA. Anneleise competes in horsemanship and showmanship with her two mares Make Ya Mama Proud and Turn Me Loose Star. This is her first year showing at Quarter Horse shows and is 5th in state for showmanship. She qualified and competed at the Novice Championships this year. When not she’s not showing, Anneleise helps out at the Ginghamsburg Church and their program called “Clubhouse,” which offers after school programs for underprivileged children. “If I was elected I would encourage good sportsmanship and youth activities. If we as a youth group work together, we can create friendships that will last for years and a great reputation for OQHYA,” she said. Her top priorities are increased outreach and education, and would like to see more equine professionals speak at meetings so that youth can learn about different job opportunities available to them.
rey Schwab, from Ross Ohio, is a college freshman attending Miami University. He has been a member of OQHYA since 2007, and served as a director from 2009-2012. He has represented OQHYA on the Congress NYATT Team and at the Youth World Show. Trey is a 10 year member of 4-H, is an active FFA alumni, and has been a member of SOQHA for 8 years. Trey is currently showing Poco Jacko Express in barrels, poles, and the stakes race. He also competes Bar Dee Boy 036 in team and breakaway roping. As an OQHYA member, Trey has worked on the fundraisers, including the Harley and Cash raffle sales. Trey would like to see more activities for members to get to know each other better. He would also like to see cattle classes offered back in Ohio, and would approach tri-state high school rodeo teams and Youth Rodeo Association for their involvement in OQHA to increase membership.
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OQHYA Election
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livia Tordoff is a 7th grader from Powell, Ohio, and attends Village Academy School. Olivia shows Sterling Version and Huntin For Daisies in western pleasure, performance halter, showmanship and horsemanship. In 2012, Olivia won her novice horsemanship class at the All American Quarter Horse Congress as well as various other circuit champion awards. Olivia has attended the majority of OQHYA meetings in the last 18 month, volunteered at the annual picnic and assists her father with his duties as a OQHA director. She is a member of AQHA, NOQHA, EOQHA, and SOQHA. Outside of the horse world, Olivia is a junior black belt in Taekwondo, is a member of her school senate, and is actively involved in her church. If elected Olivia plans to become an advocate for the future growth and culture of OQHYA. She also feels that OQHYA needs to increase the involvement of all Ohio youth, increase communication between OQHYA and the OQHA board members, and utilize technology and social media to communicate and support all Ohio youth.
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atalie Vargo lives in Plain City, Ohio. She is running for director and if elected, will bring her full dedication to the organization. She believes OQHYA’s top three priorities should be to increase youth activities for current members, increase involvement in the association, and make it the best in the nation. When asked about her interests, Natalie said her “only passion is horses.” Though only a seventh grader at Fairbanks Middle School, Natalie has had many accomplishments in the show ring. At the 2013 All American Quarter Horse Congress Natalie and her horse Valentine Version or “V.V.” were Reserve Champions in the 11 & Under Western Pleasure. She also received third place in the 11 & Under Hunter Hack with her English horse Art of The Deal or “Rocco.”
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2013 OAQHA Officers & Directors
Marla Atherton
President (2/14), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com
Justin Billings
First Vice President (2/14), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses. com
Abby Pound
Second Vice President (2/14) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com
Chris Martin
Treasurer (2/14) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-406-5385 chris@certifiedimages.com
Chelsea Martz
Secretary (2/14) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com
Jennifer Sigman
Reporter (2/14) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com
Patrick Murty
Past President 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408
Sydney Alley
Director (2/16) 44620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 330-575-7464 alleys@findlay.edu
Director (2/14) 5544 York County Rd. Columbus, OH 43221 scottnemeth344@gmail.com
Adrian Boudinot
Winnie Nemeth
Frederick Borer
Allie Pitt
Becca Dingus
Laura Salome
Abbie Guinsler
Ann Taylor
Suzanne Guinsler
Nancy Waid
Director (2/14) 4990 Homer Rd. Centerburg, OH 43011 740-404-0858 lopenslow.adrian@gmail.com
Director (2/14) 2325 State Route 187 London, OH 43140 614-309-6682 qtrhrsama@yahoo.com
Director (2/15) 1663 Olympus Dr. Kent, OH 44240 beccadingus@gmail.com
Director (2/14) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 740-345-1721 bguinsler@roadrunner.com Director (2/15) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com
Director (2/14) 1164 Rambing Brook Way Delaware, OH 43015 734-320-7918 winnie@horseadoption.com
Director (2/14) 15539 Blain Rd. Mt. Sterling, OH 43134 614-832-6342 reinercowgirl@att.net
Director (2/16) 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com
Director (2/16) 6990 Stapleton Dr. New Albany, OH 43054 614-638-8072 ataylor10101@yahoo.com
Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130
Cris Martin
Carly Williams
Kristin Martin
Mike Yemc
Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 golfmom2010@hotmail.com
Director (2/15) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com
Megan Masterson
Director (2/15) 7025 SR 383 NE Somerset, OH 43783 740-405-4236 meganemasterson@gmail. com
Kara Mitchell
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Scott Nemeth
Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com
Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com
Director (2/15) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206
Kathryne Zachrich
Director (2/15) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com
Amateur Update
Each leadline exhibitor won a three-foot tall teddy bear at the Buckeye Classic. Photo courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride.
The Buckeye Classic - Bigger and Better Than Ever
his past July was all about the buckeye in Ohio, the Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic that is. These two groundbreaking shows took the Quarter Horse circuit by storm by offering, for the first time in history, the chance to show without paying any AQHA entry fees. At the Little Buckeye, the first weekend of the nine-day run, the Ohio Quarter Horse Amateurs focused on the next generation of young horseman by offering free youth and novice youth entries. If that wasn’t exciting enough, many of the youth exhibitors left the Little Buckeye without even paying a bill, thanks to the generosity of several Ohio trainers lending their support to OAQHA’s “Tabbed Out By Trainers” program. This new, innovative program awarded $150 credits randomly to every Novice Youth and Novice Amateur class at the show. For several of the exhibitors, this was their first time competing at an AQHA event and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. At the second show, the Buckeye Classic, the Ohio Amateurs teamed up with the fine folks of the Buckeye Western Horse Association and continued their efforts to bring the grassroots people back and grow an industry that we all love, by giving the hard working amateurs
a chance to show for free. There were several 9-point classes featuring multiple judges, allowing the exhibitors to earn many points, especially in the all-around classes. To sweeten the pot even more, 6 saddles, custom circuit champion sheets, team tournament gift cards and thousands of dollars in random prizes were awarded as well. The show also had a team tournament, where each team consisted of three members. The Champion team of Erica Miller with Pines Royalty, Sara Mayers with The Holiday, and Marley Mainwaring with RL Impulse each won a $500 gift card to Rod’s Western Palace. “Both shows exceeded all of OAQHA and BWHA’s expectations with over 3,000 entries the first weekend at the Little Buckeye to approximately 7,500 entries at the Buckeye Classic, giving it a chance to make AQHA's Top Ten List for shows across the entire country,” said OAQHA 1st Vice President Justin Billings. Pair that with 1,000 stalls sold, and these shows are quickly turning into Ohio's premiere AQHA Circuit. Not only were the Ohio Amateurs and BWHA able to make this show a successful one for many exhibitors, but they also wanted to give back to the community. A portion of the office fees went to a charity of each judge’s choice. Ohio Quarter Horse News • 37
Amateur Update Additionally, the Buckeye Classic and OAQHA were able to donate to Flying Horse Farms. A check for $1,000 was made out after the show from the proceeds of the horse show. Flying Horse Farms provides magical, transforming experiences for children with serious illnesses. The Amateurs donate and volunteer at the farm on a regular basis. The OAQHA and BWHA volunteers are quick to acknowledge the corporate support they received, especially from their day sponsors who made the possibility of “Free AQHA Entries” a reality. These generous people were a critical factor in the success of both shows and include The Martz Family, Olivia Hoecker and Pine Meadow Quarter Horses, Tom Coughlin and Coughlin
Automotive, Rebecca Bailey and One Hot Krymsun and Fritz and Carole Leeman of Leeman Farm. Find results and a full list of sponsors at www. TheBuckeyeClassic.com Pictured below: OAQHA directors presented Flying Horse Farms with a check from the proceeds of the Buckeye Classic. Photo courtesy of Justin Billings.
World Show
he AQHA Amateur Select World Show was August 23-31 at the Tri-State Fairgrounds in Amarillo, TX. Congratulations to all of the Amateur Select riders from Ohio!
Hunter Under Saddle
Two-Year-Old Halter Geldings
Performance Halter Geldings
Three-Year-Old Halter Mares
Performance Halter Mares
14. (3. Super Select) Buckyeye Coolest, Ralph C Craft of West Alexandria, OH
5. (1. Intermediate) Fabuluke Me, Julie J Weber of North Canton, OH 10. (5. Intermediate) One Good Minute, Lois A Berry of Wadsworth, OH
13. Allure of an Angel, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH 2. (2. Intermediate) - Ona Hot Summer Night, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH
Aged Stallions
4. (1. Super Select) Mi Silent Clu, Ralph C Craft of Alexandria, OH
Breakaway Roping
8. (1. Intermediate) Rudys Special Peppy, Mark S Knoch of Wapakoneta, OH
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Yearling Halter Geldings
2. PF Supreme City, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH
Amateur Update 2014 OAQHA Nomination Slate The Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association has announced the nomination slate for 2014 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 24th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040
President Marla Atherton 1st Vice President Justin Billings 2nd Vice President Fred Borer Scott Nemeth Treasurer Chris Martin Secretary Chelsea Martz
Director Morgan Alley Danny Blackstone Jeff Gore Abbie Guinsler Audra Kaser Kara Mitchell Winnie Nemeth Maureen Persinger Allie Pitt Abby Pound Carol Sigman Spencer Taucher Carly Williams
Reporter Jennifer Sigman Main
Ballots must be mailed to:
Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040 All ballots must be received by January 24, 2014 Ohio Quarter Horse News • 39
OAQHA Election
arla Atherton has been actively involved with OAQHA for several years and is currently president. She resides in Utica, Ohio where she was born and raised. Marla is a life insurance underwriter for State Farm Insurance. “I am currently the OAQHA President and 2013 has been a very busy year for us. We had VERY successful horse shows (The Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic) and we have been actively involved with our charities,” said Marla. She also attended the AQHA Convention in Houston, assisted with OAQHA horse committee with planning and working the horse shows, and has been to the Toys for Tots and Flying Horse Farms volunteer days. Her goals are to keep the organization strong and moving forward. “We had great horse shows this year, now we need to build on that success to come up with new ideas to make it a fun and rewarding experience for everyone.”
ustin Billings was born and raised a Buckeye from Columbus, Ohio. He manages his family’s horse business, and serves as a consultant in the family construction company. Justin is a life member of AQHA and NSBA, and this year was appointed a three-year term as a National AQHA Director and an NSBA Director. He has been a member of OQHA for over 20 years, and most recently has served as First Vice president. For the past three years has been the chair of the community service program. “We have taken an active role in making a difference by giving of our time at Toys for Tots and Flying Horse Farms in addition to support the New Vocations Horse Adoption Program,” he said. Justin was instrumental in the rebranding of the Ohio Amateur Show, the Buckeye Classic. His goals for the Amateur association are “moving forward is to continue supporting AQHA’s mission of bringing the grassroots people back, growing the Ohio Quarter Horse Association membership and allowing others to see that OAQHA is an approachable, fun group of horse enthusiasts. We have a great organization of caring Amateurs that I am proud to be a part of.”
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rederick Borer lives in London, Ohio and is a travel consultant for the third largest global travel management company in the world. He is a member of OAQHA, NSBA and APHA. Frederick volunteers throughout the year for New Vocations, and has participated in the volunteer days at Toys for Tots and Flying Horse Farms. While being new to OAQHA, he is currently a director and is running for 2nd Vice president.
cott Nemeth grew up in southeast Michigan, and currently resides in Powell with his wife, Winnie, and daughters Clara and Aviana. He has an MBA in marketing and is Director of Human Resources Analytics at Nationwide Insurance. He served as director of Michigan Quarter Horse Association for five years and was responsible for leading membership, annual convention and financial task force committees, and facilitated MQHA’s strategic planning sessions. He joined OAQHA as director soon after moving to Ohio. Scott has actively been a part of the Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic and many philanthropic endeavors including Flying Horse Farms, New Vocations, Pancake Breakfast, and Toys for Tots. Through Nationwide, he contributes to Mid-Ohio Foodbank and United Way. “Besides horses, we have very little time or other extracurricular activities - to our friends without horses, we are extremely boring people,” said Scott. His priorities for OAQHA include continuing the horse show experience and reduce costs through stronger state-wide partnership and collaboration, attracting 4-H and open show riders through Novice and Rookie programs, outreach and collaborative partnership with other Ohio equine organizations, and improve accessibility of riding and showing Quarter Horses to youth through outreach, scholarships, discounted show fees, clinics and development programs. “Thank you to the OAQHA board as well as the OQHA Directors who have welcomed our family and given us such a great new horse show home in Ohio. We look forward to showing, being actively involved and giving back to our industry for many years to come.”
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OAQHA Election
hris Martin was born in Zanesville, raised in Tiffin, and now resides in Canal Winchester Ohio. He works for Certified Images as a web developer and photography assistant. Chris was a director for OAQHA for multiple years and is the current treasurer. He has been on the executive board and several committees including: pancake breakfast, community service, and the horse show committee. As Treasurer, Chris helped OAQHA partner with the Buckeye Western Horse Association to put on the Buckeye Classic and the Little Buckeye show in 2013. Chris hopes to help the association continue to grow in active community service, membership, and the continued growth of the OAQHA horse shows. Chris hopes that more members of OAQHA will take note of the great things the association is doing and will attend more meetings to see how rewarding involvement in OAQHA can be.
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ennifer Sigman Main resides in Washington Courthouse, Ohio where she is a Training Coordinator for Health and Safety. She has shown horses her entire life and has been a member of NSBA, SOQHA, EOQHA, OQHA, and NOQHA. Jennifer has been a director for six years and has participated in selling programs at the Congress, ticket raffles for a saddle, volunteered to help with lectures and demonstrations, helped at the AAYH Show and Toys for Tots, the OAQHA pancake breakfast, and helps with various committees. Her top priorities for continued growth are more fellowship within the organization and to reach out to members, increase membership by extending a hand out into the community, and reorganize the Ohio horse show schedules to better serve the participants, members and the organization. “If we all work together with enthusiasm we can accomplish anything within our organization,” said Jennifer.
organ Alley, of Uniontown, Ohio, is currently enrolled at the University of Akron. She is on the University of Akron IHSA Equestrian Team and a Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association member, and has been showing since leadline. Aside from showing horses, Morgan is very involved in community service projects through her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi. She has volunteered at Ronald McDonald House charity, Make A Difference Day community services, and St. Jude Children’s Research hospital. Her philanthropy doesn’t stop there, she also volunteers at Pegasus Farm. “If elected, I would be most pleased to contribute enthusiasm to the association. I will also help to give perspective of someone who is on a college team and someone who is new. And of course, I will give my hard work and dedication to the association, offering whatever I can to do anything that is needed,” she said. Her top priorities are continuing to expand the amateur show, support all the charities the association is involved with, and actively seek new members and involve new people into the organization.
anny Blackstone was born in Columbus Ohio and he currently resides in Granville, Ohio. Danny retired from the Newark Air Force Base in 1996 and in his words “does whatever he wants to do” in his retirement. He was an amateur director in early 1990’s and began attending the meetings again in November of 2012 and volunteers wherever he is needed. Danny is 72 years old and thinks he would be able to bring a senior perspective to the amateurs. If elected, Danny feels some of the priorities should be to increase the size of amateur select classes and to reach out to seniors to get them more involved with OQHA and the amateurs.
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OAQHA Election
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o biographical information provided.
o biographical information provided.
ara Mitchell was born and raised in Zanesville, Ohio. Kara currently resides in Zanesville with her husband Ryan, dog Bentley, and cat Bear. Kara works as a full-time dental hygienist at ImmediaDent and subs at various other dental offices to help cover their hygiene needs. Kara is a member of East 40 Church of Christ and the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. She donates to local charities and also supports numerous charities though her involvement in the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association. Kara has been enjoying and showing Quarter Horses since she was six years old. As a youth she served as a multiyear director, and then continued her involvement as an amateur. She enjoys helping at the OAQHA shows, pancake breakfast, and volunteering events. As a current director Kara has contributed to OAQHA by serving on various committees and helping at the OAQHA horse shows, pancake breakfast and volunteering to help in the community. If re-elected Kara would like to see a continued growth in OAQHA membership, make the Buckeye Classic the best possible show it can be, and lastly for OAQHA to stay active in community service and outreach programs.
innie Nemeth is from Laura, Ohio and currently resides in Delaware, Ohio. She is the Standardbred Program Director for New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program. New Vocations places retired Standardbreds and Thoroughbreds in approved homes after they are done racing. They are the leading racehorse adoption program in the country. Winnie is a member of NSBA, AQHA, and helps with the Little Brown Jug Society during the Delaware County Fair. In the past, she has been very involved with MQHA, and was elected to OAQHA board in 2011. During her terms on OAQHA board she helped from the beginning with the Buckeye Classic, The Little Buckeye this year, Toys for Tots, Pre-Jug Gala and Auction, Christmas Party, Pancake Breakfast at the Congress and Flying Horse Farms. Her goals if reelected are to continue to help with the growth of the Buckeye Classic to make it a premier event, and to focus on membership growth and involvement for the many amateurs in Ohio who may not know all the great things OAQHA has to offer. 44 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
aureen Persinger was born in Columbus, and currently resides in Croton, Ohio with her husband. Maureen is the manager of her household, and has previous management experience at a farm, Westerville Athletic Club, and Rod’s Western Palace. She volunteers her time with 4-H youth in Licking County, the local food pantry, and St. Jude events. While new to OAQHA, last year she helped with Toys for Tots, and this year she involved with the Buckeye Classic and Flying Horse Farms. Her contributions to OAQHA would be to be a part of all activities the association is involved with, and she “would like to focus involvement mainly with membership drives and the management of the Buckeye Classic.” Her top priorities would be membership, growth and sponsorship for the Buckeye Classic and community involvement. She said, “I have enjoyed my time with the OAQHA over the last 10 months and look forward to my continued support and involvement.”
llie Pitt was born in Columbus, Ohio and currently lives in Mount Sterling, Ohio. Allie works as an Assistant Buyer at Rod’s Western Palace for tack, belts, and jewelry. Allie began showing at OQHA shows 2 years ago and is a current OAQHA director. Allie helped with both The Buckeye Classic and the Little Buckeye horse shows; she hopes that next year she will be able to help at more OAQHA events. If re-elected Allie plans to work on increasing membership, improving horse shows and increasing awareness of both OAQHA and OQHA.
bby Pound was born, raised, and still lives in the Newark, Ohio area. Abby works as an Associate Buyer for Lane Bryant. She is a member of NSBA, SOQHA, and Highwater Church. In the past Abby has been an OAQHA treasurer and most recently was the OAQHA 2nd Vice President. She has been involved with the trainer auction and horse shows. Abby has assisted with the community service event at Flying Horse Farms and was also a member of the OAQHA scholarship committee. Outside of the horse world Abby participates in 5k charity runs and the Tour De Cure which is a bike ride to raise money for diabetes. If elected as a director Abby hopes to increase involvement of new members, continue to grow the horse show, and increase the charity/service project work.
o biographical information provided. Ohio Quarter Horse News • 45
OAQHA Election
pencer Taucher is currently a junior attending The Ohio State University majoring in Agriculture Business, with a minor in Agriculture Systems Management. While new to OAQHA, he hopes to get involved different equine organizations and events in the upcoming years. He has already helped out at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, the Buckeye Classic and Little Buckeye, and the Region IV Championship Show. He is also active in his local Boy Scout troop, as an Eagle Scout, helping with meetings and camping trips, the youth group at his church, and helped with fundraisers that have benefited various charities such as the March of Dimes, Relay For Life, and F.I.S.H. Food Pantry. He feels the top priorities should be to keep the association strong and fair by always allowing for improvement and new ideas, continuing to improve the quality and attendance of The Little Buckeye and The Buckeye Classic, and wants to increase involvement from non-members to increase membership numbers.
arly Williams lives in Marysville, Ohio where she recently bought her first house. She is an account executive at GSW, an advertising firm, where she has worked for the past 2 years, and has been an OAQHA director for three years. She was also the editor for Ohio Quarter Horse Association for three years. As a director, she has helped with the Little Buckeye and Buckeye Classic horse shows, as well as the Pancake Breakfast during the Congress. In addition, she volunteered with OAQHA at Flying Horse Farm. Recently she has started volunteering at Faith Mission, a homeless shelter in Columbus. “I have been involved in the horse industry from several different angles, and feel that I bring a well-rounded opinion to the OAQHA board I am very detail-oriented, and enjoy working on projects as part of a team,” she said. “I feel that OAQHA should focus on encouraging new members to join and participate, utilize exhibitor feedback to improve our horse shows, and help the community through volunteering and community service.”
46 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Club Updates
he 2013 show season has come to an end and the final year-end standings have been posted. Congrats to the following high point winners:
Tamie Grandstaff
High Point Open Dynamic In Pleasure, Owned by S & G Stables, Shown by Ben &
Reserve Open Scotchs Prince Harry, Owned by Jenny Fox, Shown by Jenny Fox & Jess Haines High Point Amateur Handy Little Bug, Owned & Shown by Patty McKinley Reserve Amateur Emeralds Ann Wilson, Owned by Clair Flick, Shown by Ken Flick High Point Youth Im Dun In Style, Owned & Shown by Lauren Bishop
Reserve Youth Willy See The Money, Owned & Shown by Alexis Gentry High Point Youth Walk-Trot Whodunit at the Bar, Owned by Gary & Cheryl Brown, Shown by Kendra Courtock Reserve Youth Walk-Trot Smart Little Indy, Owned by Brianne Mathews, Shown by Kendall Rogers A big congrats to Scotchs Prince Harry for winning the inaugural George Anders Memorial High Point Halter Trophy! Also congratulations to Lauren Bishop and Im Dun In Style for winning the first annual George Anders Memorial High Point Youth award. Great job! Full standings for both of these trophies, as well as individual class high points, are posted on our website: www.ohiobuckskins.org. Please stay tuned to our website for information on the upcoming awards banquet!
OQHA is happy to report that we had a great show season and a big thank you to
held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Please check our website for updates at www.EOQHA.us. The EOQHA Youth Team had a great Congress and we look forward to next year! Our youth are very active and it has been very rewarding for them in many ways! The EOQHA awards banquet for 2013 will be January 4, 2014 at the Longaberger Golf Club. Please check our website for updates.
MIQHA has had a great 2013. Our show was a huge success with more entries than ever. There were lots of class prizes awarded, thanks to our many generous sponsors. Some of our sponsors also provided breakfast each morning and water and ice during the afternoon. We would like to thank every sponsor , trainer, and exhibitor for helping us to have a successful show. We are planning some class additions for next year so be sure to watch for our showbill sometime after the first of the year.
We want to congratulate Taylor Roeder and Dun Gotta Rugged Gun for being reserve champion in the NYATT reining at the 2013 All American Quarter Horse Congress. We would also like to congratulate our OMI queen, Shannon Novin, for winning the test portion of the queen’s contest and being tenth in the interview. She ended up 4th overall. We are very proud of both of them, as well as our NYATT team. We are planning our annual awards banquet for January 19th, 2014. It is tentatively scheduled to be held at the Red Pig Inn in Ottawa at 1:00 pm. All members are reminded to watch the website for further information. There
all of our members and exhibitors. We will be having three shows in 2014. The dates will be April 19th and 20th, May 10th and 11th, and our futurity show will be September 13th and 14th. All three shows will be four judged shows and will be
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 47
Club Updates OMIQHA, con’t. will also be reservation forms sent out. We will also be electing officers for 2014 that day and the 2014 queen will be crowned. We will be awarding the college scholarship at the banquet as well. Applications are available on the website.
Our meetings are the second Monday of every month at the University of Findlay western farm. New members are always welcome.
Submitted by Brittany Walford, Secretary ur last show for the 2013 show year is the Turkey Circuit, which will be held at the Champions Center November 30-December 1. The judges for the show are Steve Meadows, Leonard Berryhill & Jessica Gilliam. The show is managed by Mark Harrell and it will be the final SOQHA point show of the year. We would like to congratulate our Queen Haley McKeehan for being 2nd runner-up in the Congress Queen’s contest. We are also very proud of our NYATT team as they placed 15th overall
in the NYATT contest, with Luke Turner placing 3rd in Reining, Aubrey Davis 11th/9th NSBA in HUS and Kayla Tomilson placing 12th/4th NSBA in Showmanship. Our youth association sponsored a ziplining adventure at Ozone Zipline Adventures in Oregonia, OH. The SOQHYA paid for each youth’s participation in appreciation for the youth that attended the meetings. The youth have also enjoyed assisting in Bridge Riding Center for the disabled’s annual Ride A Thon. Both the adult and youth association made a donation to help the Bridge Riding Center. (Pictured to the right is Youth President Bridgett White assisting Bridge rider’s with grooming and tacking.) Please check our website www.soqha.com for updates about the upcoming 2014 show year and for any additional information.
OQHA Members Pursuing Higher Education - Visit www.oqha.com/information/programs/scholarships for all the requirements, including information about scholarship renewals, and to obtain an application. - Don’t forget that all new applicants will be required to attend a personal interview at the OQHA office in Richwood on March 8, 2014. - Contact Barb Benedum at the OQHA office, BBenedum@oqha.com or 740-943-2346 ext. 122, with any additional questions.
Both new and renewal applications are due
February 15, 2014
48 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
RegionalFuturity RESULTS
Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2013 Futurity Results 2. $150.00, The Iron Factor, Elizabeth Gorski, Elizabeth Gorski Non Pro Longe Line
3. $100.00, Made To Be Hot, Michelle Barrett Cicero, Michelle 1. $200.00, Too Vital, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 2. $150.00, Made To Be Hot, Michelle Barrett, Cicero, Michelle Barrett Cicero 4. $50.00, Mariahs Freckle, Jessie Macy, Jessie Macy Barrett, Cicero 3. $100.00, Mariahs Freckle, Jessie Macy, Jessie Macy Two- and Three-Year-Old Non Pro Hunter under Saddle 4. $50.00, I Am Luke N So Fine, Sandra Rodriguez, Sandra 1. $400.00, The Master of Deskys, Stacey Hibbert, Stacey Hibbert Rodriguez 2. $300.00, Huntified, Elizabeth Gorski, Elizabeth Gorski 3. $200.00, Western Hauler, Paige Quarterman, Paige Open Western Longe Line Quarterman 1. $450.00, Too Vital, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 4. $100.00, Win It In A Minute, Chris Arnold, Megan Arnold 2. $300.00, Mariahs Freckle, Jessie Macy, Jessie Macy Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure Open English Longe Line 1. $1,000.00, Diesel Upgrade, Carla Whaley, JD Koffel 1. $200.00, Just Fantastick, Paige Quarterman, Paige Quarterman
Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2013 Futurity Results 2013 Closed Weanling Futurity Fillies
Closed Futurity 2 & 3 Yr. HUS - Sire Award
2013 Closed Weanling Futurity Fillies - Sire Award
Closed Futurity 3 & Older WP
Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line
Closed Futurity 3 & Older WP - Sire Award
Closed Futurity 2 & 3 Yr. HUS
2012 Open Futurity Yearling Mares
1. $265.00, Two Eyed Radical Zip, John T Carroll, Jr John T Carroll 1. $66.00, Two Eyed Radical Zip, John T Carroll, Jr, Robert Twaddle, Buck Eyed Baron
1. $94.80, Diesel Upgrade, Ashley Wood, Gail Wilkinson 2. $63.20, Everything I Am, Julie Majernik, Julie Majernik 1. $666.00, Diesel Upgrade, JD Koffel, Carla Whaley 2. $444.00, Roxy Only, Jim Chafin, Kathy Rudy
1. $140.40, Diesel Upgrade, JD Koffel, Gail Wilkinson, Diesel Only 2. $93.60, Roxy Only, Jim Chafin, Gail Wilkinson, Diesel Only Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line - Sire Award 1. $135.60, Step Aside Boyz, Heather Graft, Randy Haines, Batt 2013 Open Weanling Futurity Fillies 1 - $160.20, Two Eyed Radical Zip, John T Carroll, Jr., John T Man 2. $90.40, Just Good Dynamics, Susan Stocker, Annie Schnieder, Carroll 2 - $106.80, Repeat Invester, Terri Hendricks, Terri Hendricks Purely Simply Dynamic 1. $625.80, Step Aside Boyz, Heather Graft, Joni Gainey 2. $417.20, Just Good Dynamic, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker
1. $453.00, Diesel Upgrade, Ashley Wood, Carla Whaley 2. $302.00, Everything I Am, Julie Majernik, Dawn Speece
1. $190.20, Ruby Red Chardonnay, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy 2. $126.80, Worth HerWait InGold, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil Ohio Quarter Horse News • 49
RegionalFuturity RESULTS, cont. •
2012 Open Futurity Yearling Males 1. $209.00, You Lazy Dawg, Sarah Shaheen, Sarah Shaheen
Open Futurity Yr Non Pro Longe Line
1. $443.10, Jesses Got Potential, Jack Creditt, Jack Creditt 2. 354.48, Absolut Cowboy ,Lauren Palider, Lauren Palider 3. $265.86, Step Aside Boyz, Joni Gainey, Joni Gainey 4. $177.24, One Hot Class Act, Terri Hendricks, Terri Hendricks 5. $132.93, Only Invite The Good, Susan Grabski, Susan Grabski 6. $103.39, Made To Be Hot, Michelle Barrett Cicero, Michelle Barrett Cicero 7. You Lazy Dawg, Sarah Shaheen, Sarah Shaheen 8. I Am Luke N So Fine, Sandra F Rodriguez, Sandra Rodriguez 9. Bedecked N Bedazzled, Kelly J Rager, Kelly Rager
Open Futurity Yr English Longe Line
1. $395.40, One Hot Class Act, Julie Majernik, Terri Hendricks 2. $316.32, Honoluhoo, Julie O’Brien, Julie O’Brien 3. $237.24, Made To Be Hot, Michelle Barrett Cicero, Michelle Barrett Cicero 4. $158.16, Iron Will, Nicole Marie Robosson, Jennifer Kladny 5. $118.62, Bedecked N Bedazzled, Nicole Giumenti, Kelly J Rager 6. $92.26, Desert Party, Susan Stocker, Ken DiRienzo 7. I Am Luke N So Fine, Sandra F Rodriguez, Sandra Rodriguez 8. Giv Romance A Chance, JoAnn Marsinek, JoAnn Marsinek
Open Futurity Yr. Western Longe Line
1. $402.90, Step Aside Boyz, Heather Graft, Joni Gainey 2. $322.32, HowBoutThixxCowGirl, Greg Bender, Fritz Leeman 3. $241.74, Jesses Got Potential, Jack Creditt, Jack Creditt 4. $161.16, Only Invite The Good, Jim Chafin, Susan Grabski 5. $120.87, Absolut Cowboy, Justin Mullens, Lauren Palider 6. $94.01, Just Good Dynamics, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker 7. You Lazy Dawg, Jeanine Perez, Sarah Shaheen 8. Sheza Lazy Impulse, Amy Mullens, Amy Mullens
Open Futurity 2 & 3 Yr. HUS
2. $246.24, Whoo Hoo, Nicole Giumenti, Todd & Laura Salome 3. $184.68, Everything I Am, Julie Majernik, Dawn Speece 4. $123.12, Ritas Repo, Christa Ondrey, Jessica Alleman 5. $92.34, Skips Midnight Ride, Hannah Jackson, Rhonda Richard 6. $71.82, Just Suture Self, Amy Watkins, Alicia Moorhead
Open Futurity NP 2 & 3 Yr. HUS
1. $292.80, Win It In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Chris Arnold 2. $234.24, The Master Of Deskys, Stacey Hibbert, Stacey Hibbert 3. $175.68, Willy Good Potential, Megan Ferguson, Megan Ferguson 4. $117.12, Huntified, Elizabeth Gorski, Elizabeth Gorski 5. $87.84, Ritas Repo, Jessica Alleman, Jessica Alleman 6. $68.32, Skips Midnight Ride, Hannah Jackson, Rhonda Richard
Open Futurity 2 Yr. Western Pleasure
1. $293.60, Willy Good Investment, JD Koffel, Patrice Tornes 2. $220.20, Betcha Ima Pleasure, Jim Chafin, Harley Wartman 3. $146.80, Only Justa Dream, Dan Lemmon, Patricia & Thomas Diss 4. $73.40, Simply Hot Rebel, Patrick Obrien, Jean Hill
Open Futurity 3 Yr. Western Pleasure
1. $303.80, Absolut J Woww, Kyle Pears, Kenny Hoffman 2. $225.68, Diesel Upgrade, JD Koffel, Carla Whaley 3. $164.92, Best To Be Cool, Jim Chafin, Susan Grabski 4. $112.84, PSU Rockin Robin, Randy Mitchell, Darcy Mitchell 5. $60.76, All Too Sudden, Greg Lambert, Dorothea Bradley
Open Futurity NP 3 Yr. Western Pleasure
1. $273.60, Absolut J Woww, Kenny Hoffman, Kenny Hoffman 2. $205.20, PSU Rockin Robin, Darcy Mitchell, Darcy Mitchell 3. $136.80, Diesel Upgrade, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley 4. $68.40, Invitation To Hotrod, Nicole Irwin, Nicole Irwin
1. $307.80, The Master Of Deskys, Missy Thyfault, Stacey Hibbert
Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2013 Futurity Results Non Pro Yearling Longe Line
1. Too Vital, Denise A Gary, Denise A Gary 2. Mariahs Freckles, Jessie Macy, Jessie Macy 3. One Hot Reservation, Megan J Mcculloch, Megan J Mcculloch 50 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Yearling Western Longe Line
1. Too Vital, Denise A Gary, Denise A Gary 2. Mariahs Freckles, Jessie Macy, Jessie Macy
Yearling English Longe Line
1. Just Fantastick, Paige Quarterman, Paige Quarterman
Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure
1. Chilln Ona Dirt Road, Brad Luebben, Melissa S Polca 2. Willy Good Investmnt , JD Koffel, Patrice Tornes 3. Dark By Moonlite, Ryan C Strunk, Kelley Brungarth 4. Catus Junction, Brent Garringer, Sam Mierzejewski Non Pro Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1 - Delux After Shock, Whitney Rodeffer, Whitney Rodeffer 2 - Diesel Upgrade, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure 1. Krymsuns Most Wanted, Ross Wetherell, Laura K Bramlett 2. Diesel Upgrade, JD Koffel , Carla Whaley C 3. Jbll Snazzy Rodder, Brent Garringer, Elise Garringer 4. Fantasdeck, Thomas Hall, Kelsey Gibson 5. Repeat As Necessary, Jessica Ann Daniels, Libby Trucco Non Pro Weanling 1. Unknown, Pamela S Bucklew Wilder, Pamela S Bucklew Wilder
Weanling Colts/Geldings
1. Unknown, Pamela S Bucklew Wilder, Pamela S Bucklew Wilder Non Pro Yearling Fillies 1. Yacool, Jim Payne, Jim Payne Weanling Fillies 1. Platinum N Style (Unnamed), Jim Payne, Jim Payne Yearling Fillies 1. Tori De, Jeff Ison, Kull Ranch 2. Yacool, Greg Holden, Jim Payne Two- & Three-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. The Master Of Deskys, Maggie Howel, Stacey M Hibbert 2. Fantasdeck, Barbara Lyn Valentine, Kelsey Gibson 3. No Time For Sleepin, Lynne M Puthoff, Michelle A Matlock 4. Versions Hot Diesel, Brittany L Lehman, Brittany L Lehman Two- and Three-Year Old Non Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. Win It In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Chris T Arnold 2. Versions Hot Diesel, Brittany L Lehman, Brittany L Lehman 3. Its All About Georg, Monica Ferrante, Amanda Ferrante 4. No Time For Sleepin, Michelle A Matlock, Michelle A Matlock
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 51
Congress RESULTS •
Amateur Barrel Racing
1. Seis So Sweet, Valerie A Watson, Bruce And Connie Vansickle of Adamsville, OH 2. Ice Down A Six Pack, Stephanie Stout, Stephanie Stout of Mogadore, OH 3. Zevi Echo Bar, Jason D Kiphart, Jason D Kiphart of Blanchester, OH 5. Famous Magnolia, Liz Michael, Liz Michael of Paris, OH 8. Two Buck Chuck, Ashley Marie Stout, Ashley Marie Stout of Alliance, OH 13. Ole Doc Ruppert Dude, Holly Mohn, Holly Mohn of Louisville, OH 15. Waitingintheshadows, Lisa Kay Cline, Lisa Kay Cline of Circleville, OH
Amateur Breakaway Roping
2. Hollywooddunit Fancy, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH 3. Wanna Be A Rockstar, Michael Kline DVM, Michael Kline DVM of Maplewood, OH 8. Connerslil Smartchic, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH
Amateur Calf Roping
4. Special Edition 007, Christopher M Kline, Christopher M Kline of Maplewood, OH 7. Connerslil Smartchic, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH 8. Hollywooddunit Fancy, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH
7. Wanna Be A Rockstar, Michael Kline DVM, Michael Kline DVM of Maplewood, OH 10. Park It Conner, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH
Amateur Equitation Over Fences
11. Spacious Skies, Natoshia M Kelly, Natoshia M Kelly of Carey, OH 14. Doilookbluetoyou, Tina McElroy, Tina McElroy of Rome, OH
Amateur Grand Champion Mares
6. Onlythebestchocolate, Chelsea M Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH
Amateur Grand Champion Stallion
4. Tf Cool Cruiser, Pete McIntire of Carrollton, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette
Amateur Horsemanship
7. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH 10. Black Dynamic Rodder, Alex Belconis, Roy A Belconis of Painesville, OH 14. KM Zip Me Suddenly, Gabrielle L Capron, Jim Capron of Medina , OH
Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation
5. Doilookbluetoyou, Tina McElroy, Tina McElroy of Rome, OH 15. One Good Minute, Christina L Berry, Christina L Berry of Wadsworth, OH
Amateur Hunter Hack
15. Spacious Skies, Natoshia M Kelly, Natoshia M Kelly of Carey, OH
Amateur Dally Team Roping - Heading
Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
7. Wanna Be A Rockstar, Michael Kline DVM, Michael Kline DVM of Maplewood, OH 8. Connerslil Smartchic, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH 10. Park It Conner, Aaron D Schaad, Brady A Schaad of Cumberland, OH
6. Im Only Certified, Whitney L Karr, Whitney L Karr of Racine, OH 7. Only Delight, Tiffany A Raimonde, Tiffany A Raimonde of Centerburg, OH 11. Willy Be Fine, Paige Peshina Merrill, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH
Amateur Dally Team Roping - Heeling
Amateur Jumping
2. Special Edition 007, Christopher M Kline, Christopher M Kline of Maplewood, OH 52 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
8. Arts Blue Move, Amanda Rohr, Amanda Rohr of North Lawrence , OH
Amateur Performance Halter Geldings
4. One Good Minute, Lois A Berry, Christina L Berry of Wadsworth, OH 14. Willy In Aliceland, Lana K Work of New Springfield, OH, Lana Or Bruce Work
Amateur Performance Halter Geldings-Limited
4. One Good Minute, Lois A Berry, Christina L Berry of Wadsworth, OH 14. Willy In Aliceland, Lana K Work of New Springfield, OH, Lana Or Bruce Work
Amateur Performance Halter Mares
Mt Gilead , OH 8. TT Redneck Roulette, Trent Tobin, Trent Tobin of Fredericktown, OH 13. Golden Lynx Reeder, Susan C W McIntire, Susan C W McIntire of Mentor, OH 15. Lightning Starsnbars, Kristine Kay Nagy, Kristine Kay Nagy of Doylestown, OH
Amateur Reining
3. Itty Bitty Whiz, Ruth A Shade, Ruth A Shade of Bluffton, OH 4. Maggie Chex, Carlie Thompson, Carlie Thompson of Dublin, OH 5. Peeko De Oro, Robert L Rosenfeld, Robert A Rosenfeld of London, OH 13. RC Fancy Step, Molly K Morgenstern, Molly K Morgenstern of Johnstown, OH
1. Onlythebestchocolate, Chelsea M Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH Amateur Reserve Champion Mare 7. Ona Hot Summer Night, Rebecca L Bailey, 6. Onlythebestchocolate, Chelsea M Martz, Chelsea Rebecca L Bailey of M Martz of Blacklick, OH Batavia, OH 11. She Looks Good N Amateur Reserve Champion Stallion Blu, Megan N Crist, Megan N Crist of Urbana, OH 13. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH 3. Tf Cool Cruiser, Pete McIntire of Carrollton, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette
Amateur Performance Halter Mares-Limited
1. Onlythebestchocolate, Chelsea M Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH 7. Ona Hot Summer Night, Rebecca L Bailey, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH 11. She Looks Good N Blu, Megan N Crist, Megan N Crist of Urbana, OH 13. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH
Amateur Performance Halter Stallions
3. Tattle On Touchdown, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 4. Red White N Good, Rebecca L Bailey, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH
Amateur Performance Halter Stallions-Limited
3. Red White N Good, Rebecca L Bailey, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH
Amateur Pleasure Driving
1. Chillz, Christina Wenger, Christina Wenger of Warren, OH 12. Lukes Like Ladyluck, Kristine Kash-Copley, Kristine KashCopley of Medina, OH
Amateur Pole Bending
Amateur Showmanship
2. Baileys N Chocolate, Jordan R Ferguson, Herbert G Weiler Jr of Vandalia, OH 10. Fashionably Invited, Maggie M Kerola, Maggie M Kerola of Hubbard, OH 15. Simply A Cruiser, Kacee Steffe, Kacee Steffe of Van Wert, OH
Amateur Two-Year-Old Geldings 10. Buckyeye Coolest, Ralph C Craft, Ralph C Craft of
West Alexandria, OH
Amateur Two-Year-Old Geldings - Limited Division 8. Buckyeye Coolest, Ralph C Craft, Ralph C Craft of West Alexandria, OH
Amateur Two-Year-Old Mares
5. Shezascarlettwinder, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 8. Mangos Mighty Tuf, Lyndsay Hagemeyer, Lyndsay Hagemeyer of Clarksville, OH
Amateur Two-Year-Old Mares - Limited Division 7. Mangos Mighty Tuf, Lyndsay Hagemeyer, Lyndsay Hagemeyer of Clarksville, OH
1. Speeed Ball Tucker, Brannon Riley, Brannon Amateur Two-Year-Old Stallions Riley of Creston, OH 3. Propaganda Kid, Jess Cox, Jess Cox of Houland, OH 6. TT Redneckrickibobby, John B Smith, John B Smith of Amateur Two-Year-Old Stalloins - Limited Division 2. Propaganda Kid, Jess Cox, Jess Cox of Houland, OH Ohio Quarter Horse News • 53
Congress RESULTS, •
Amateur 3-Year-Old Geldings
8. Major League Starr, Megan N Crist, Jeff D Badgley of Tipp City, OH 10. Smashn Thru The Snow, Brooke Lynn Palmer, Judy Palmer of South Vienna, OH 11. Hit The Bullseye, Christopher Smith, Christopher Smith of Swanton, OH
Amateur Three-Year-Old Geldings - Limited Division
Amateur Versatility Horsemanship
1. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH 7. Perfect Potential, Cathy A Johnson, Mary Etta Johnson of Mt Vernon, OH
6. Major League Starr, Megan N Crist, Jeff D Badgley of Tipp City, OH 8. Smashn Thru The Snow, Brooke Lynn Palmer, Judy Palmer of South Vienna, OH 9. Hit The Bullseye, Christopher Smith, Christopher Smith of Swanton, OH
Amateur Versatility Hunter Under Saddle
Amateur Three-Year-Old Mares
Amateur Versatility Pole Bending
7. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer of Wauseon, OH
Amateur Three-Year- Old Mares - Limited Division 5. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer of Wauseon, OH
Amateur Aged Geldings - Limited Division
15. Touched By Michele, Heather S Duer, Heather S Duer of Mentor, OH
Amateur Aged Stallions
1. Tf Cool Cruiser, Pete McIntire of Carrollton, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette 6. LFL Tardee Telusive, Rhonda McMaster, Rhonda McMaster of Lancaster, OH Amateur Aged Stallions - Limited Division 1. Tf Cool Cruiser, Pete McIntire of Carrollton, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette 6. LFL Tardee Telusive, Rhonda McMaster, Rhonda McMaster of Lancaster, OH
Amateur Versatility
5. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH 7. Perfect Potential, Cathy A Johnson, Mary Etta Johnson of Mt Vernon, OH
9. Perfect Potential, Cathy A Johnson, Mary Etta Johnson of Mt Vernon, OH 10. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH 4. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH 9. TNT Man Of Luck, Miranda Marie Lobdell, Miranda Marie Lobdell of Findlay, OH
Amateur Versatility Western Pleasure
2. Perfect Potential, Cathy A Johnson, Mary Etta Johnson of Mt Vernon, OH 9. Good Lopin Louie, Kurstin Wilkin, Kurstin Wilkin of Hillsboro, OH
Amateur Weanling Fillies
8. Holli Coolheart, Kyndall-Lynn Bisel, Justin Bisel of Mt Vernon, OH 13. Notyourtypicalblonde, Jack F Grove, Jack & Susan Grove of Oxford, OH
Amateur Weanling Geldings
4. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Kelli Heins, Pete Clay/Kelli Heins of Arcanum, OH
Amateur Weanling Geldings - Limited Division
4. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Kelli Heins, Pete Clay/Kelli Heins of Arcanum, OH
Amateur Weanling Mares - Limited Division
5. Holli Coolheart, Kyndall-Lynn Bisel, Justin Bisel of Mt Vernon, OH
10. Notyourtypicalblonde, Jack F Grove, Jack & Susan Grove of Oxford, OH Amateur Weanling Stallions
2. Pf Credentials, J L Robinson, J L Robinson of Bellefontaine, OH
54 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
6. Gran Patron, Len McComas, Len McComas of Marion, OH
Amateur Weanling Stallions - Limited Division
John Deere Amateur Select Barrels
1. Whistle Me Sunfrost, Autumn Thompson, Autumn Thompson of Byesville , OH 10. Cause Heza Bully, Nancy A Adkins, Nancy A Adkins of Marengo, OH Amateur Western Pleasure 12. Rocky Dan Jet, Kristine 3. Gifted Invitation, Halle A Saywell, Kenneth Saywell of Kay Nagy, Kristine Kay Kirtland, OH Nagy of Doylestown, OH 15. Dash Ta Paradise, Becky Dixon, Becky Dixon of E Liberty, Amateur Western Riding 11. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH OH 2. Pf Credentials, J L Robinson, J L Robinson of Bellefontaine, OH 6. Gran Patron, Len McComas, Len McComas of Marion, OH
Amateur Working Hunter
John Deere Amateur Select Hunt Seat Equitation
Amateur Yearling Fillies
12. Blue Chip Chocolate, Helaine Crawford, David & Helaine Crawford of Canton, OH 14. Dont Shine Forever, Dona Jean McGuire, Dona Jean McGuire of Windham, OH
Amateur Select
Novice Amateur
6. RJ Sweet Rhett, Jolene M Mierzejewski, Jolene M Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH
2. Two Buck Chuck, Ashley Marie Stout, Ashley Marie Stout of Alliance, OH 5. Famous Magnolia, Liz Michael, Liz Michael of Paris, OH 6. Waitingintheshadows, Lisa Kay Cline, Lisa Kay Cline of Circleville, OH 6. Ice Down A Six Pack, Stephanie Stout, Stephanie Stout of Mogadore, OH 9. Atomic Bully, Amanda L Richards, Amanda L Richards of Ohio Quarter Horse News • 55
11. Doilookbluetoyou, Tina McElroy, Tina McElroy of Rome, OH
6. Playin By My Self, Amanda J Lewis, John R Lewis of Atwater, John Deere Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle OH 5. Fabuluke Me, Julie J Weber, Julie J Weber of North Canton, OH Amateur Yearling Geldings 7. Told You So, Tiffany L Burke, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, John Deere Amateur Select Pole Bending OH 4. Rocky Dan Jet, Kristine Kay Nagy, Kristine Kay Nagy of 8. PF Supreme City, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela S Doylestown, OH Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH 11. Conquistador Blend, Kristine Kay Nagy, Kristine Kay Nagy of Doylestown, OH Amateur Yearling Geldings - Limited Division 6. Told You So, Tiffany L Burke, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, 12. One For Dee Thumb, Roy E Hart, Roy E Hart of Coolville, OH OH 7. PF Supreme City, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela S John Deere Amateur Select Trail Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH 15. Good To Great, Sandra B Clark, Sandra B Clark of Jefferson, OH Amateur Yearling Mares - Limited Division 6. Playin By My Self, Amanda J Lewis, John R Lewis of Atwater, John Deere Amateur Select Western Pleasure OH 5. Ona Hot Summer Night, Rebecca L Bailey, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH Amateur Yearling Stallions 6. Survivors Conclusion, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela S John Deere Amateur Select Western Riding Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH 10. Equitable Asset, Terribeth Gordon, Terribeth Gordon of Toledo, OH Amateur Yearling Stallions - Limited Division 15. Dont Shine Forever, Dona Jean McGuire, Dona Jean 5. Survivors Conclusion, Pamela S Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela S McGuire of Windham, OH Bucklew-Wilder of Springfield, OH
John Deere Amateur Select Hunter Hack
Novice Amateur Barrel Racing
Congress RESULTS, •
Dillanvale, OH 11. For Flits N Giggles, Krystal Dyer, Krystal Dyer of Chesterland, OH 12. Budda Classy Money, Tiffany L Coler, Betty Coler of Caldell, OH 14. Cause Heza Bully, Nancy A Adkins, Nancy A Adkins of Marengo, OH
Wadsworth, OH
Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences
5. Snapshot Version, Shane Watson, Jamie Watson of Goshen, OH 8. HF Tahnee Too, Shane Watson, Jamie Watson of Goshen, OH 12. RL Best Of Faith, Marissa Dalton, Pamela A Dalton of Wooster, OH
5. Spacious Skies, Natoshia M Kelly, Natoshia M Kelly of Carey, OH
Novice Amateur Horsemanship
9. Only Version, Kathryne K Zachrich, Kathryne K Zachrich of Delaware, OH 11. Simply A Cruiser, Kacee Steffe, Kacee Steffe of Van Wert, OH
Novice Amateur Showmanship
3. Simply A Cruiser, Kacee Steffe, Kacee Steffe of Van Wert, OH 4. Dont Rev My Motor, Kristi C Brown, Kristi C Brown of Thompson, OH
Novice Amateur Trail
Novice Amateur Western Pleasure
3. Im Sleepin Single, Ty Paris, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH 7. Some Hot Potential, Jolene M Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 12. A Standing Room Only, Connie L Laughlin, Sara E Laughlin 3. Imlookin Certifiable, Emily Bush, Emily Bush of Millersport, of Vermilion, OH OH 14. Ona Hot Summer Night, Rebecca L Bailey, Rebecca L Bailey 8. A Party For Blue, Lauren W Kunkler, Lauren W Tracy of of Batavia, OH Columbus, OH 15. Back Alli Invitation, Shealei B White, Jim White of 15. Fine In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Megan Arnold of Waterville, OH Ashland, OH
Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
Novice Amateur Western Riding
15. Imlookin Certifiable, Emily Bush, Emily Bush of Millersport, OH
4. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH 7. Baileys N Chocolate, Jordan R Ferguson, Herbert G Weiler Jr of Vandalia, OH
Novice Amateur Pole Bending
Novice Amateur Working Hunter
6. Atomic Bully, Amanda L Richards, Amanda L Richards of Dillanvale, OH 7. TT Redneckrickibobby, John B Smith, John B Smith of Mt Gilead , OH 11. Buddy Belue, Bobbie Jo Watkins, Bobbie Jo Watkins of Doylestown, OH 13. Smoke At Sunrise, Amy M Snyder, Amy M Snyder of Middlefield, OH 15. Golden Oscar, Daniel Dunn, Melanie Dunn of East Liverpool, OH
Novice Amateur Reining
3. Whizzin Chiclet, Laura A Brown of Cincinnati, OH, Dean Brown 4. Dun It In Ruffles, Suzanne D Cooper, Suzanne D Cooper of Grover Hill, OH 5. Guns Smokin Chex, Victoria M Murfello, Victoria M Murfello of Novelty, OH 10. Einsteinsinspiration, Natalie B Pancoe, Michael J Pancoe of 56 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
9. Doilookbluetoyou, Tina McElroy, Tina McElroy of Rome, OH 13. Thee Alpha Bett, Kristine McElligott, Kristine McElligott of Columbus, OH
Non Pro
ERS Wireless Com./Hull Family Non-Pro Hunter Classic 3. Capture The Flag, Taylor J Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH
Weanling Fillies Halter Futurity - Non Pro
7. Notyourtypicalblonde, Jack F Grove, Jack & Susan Grove of Oxford, OH 10. Pretty She Is, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez of Pataskala, OH
Weanling Stallions/Geldings - Non Pro
2. Kids Fearless Style, Julie C Smith, Robert E Vance of London, OH 7. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Kelli Heins, Pete Clay/Kelli Heins of
Arcanum, OH
Christopher M Kline, Christopher M Kline of Maplewood, OH
Equine Chronicle Congress Masters Two-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle
Aged Geldings
6. Kid B Styling, Justin Bisel, John Peck of Ashland, OH 12. One Coolsified Kid, Ty M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Robert John Daniels 13. Touched By Michele, Patrick M O’Brien, Heather S Duer of Mentor, OH
6. HRZ Elegant In Blue, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Olivia Hoecker
Equine Chronicle Congress Masters Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure
3. Cool Lookin Moonie, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Allen & Marilyn Wade 5. Lindsay Lopin, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Aged Geldings - Limited Division Highview Ranch QH Inc 3. Kid B Styling, Justin Bisel, John Peck of Ashland, OH 6. Completely Lazy, Ty M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Diana 6. One Coolsified Kid, Ty M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Robert Schramm John Daniels 10. I Dance In The Dark, Shane Pope, Randy Kimmel of 7. Touched By Michele, Patrick M O’Brien, Heather S Duer of Covington, OH Mentor, OH 12. Somekind Of Lazy, Amanda Lauren Jackson of Holland, OH, Stanley Or Susan Scott LLC
Aged Mares
4. Pretty As A Package, Randy L Jacobs, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH 10. Telusives Last Jewel, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Marcy L Walker
Aged Mares - Limited Division
Grand Champion Mares
6. Onlythebestchocolate, Gene A Parker, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH
Grand Champion Stallions
6. Tf Cool Cruiser, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Jeanne 4. Telusives Last Jewel, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Marcy L Cascagnette Walker
Aged Stallions
1. Tf Cool Cruiser, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette
Calf Roping
8. Doing OH Cay, C R Bradley, Joshua And Erin Jones of New Philadelphia, OH
Congress Hunter Classic
12. Art Of The Deal, Jessica A Johnson, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH
Green Hunter Under Saddle 1. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 15. Dgs Indystinctive, Melissa A Thyfault, Madison Marie Stechschulte of Perrysburg, OH
Green Trail
10. Zips Bossy Chip, Brent Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 3. Lightning Starsnbars, Charles F Peoples, Kristine Kay Nagy of 14. Snapshot Version, Jamie Watson, Jamie Watson of Goshen, Doylestown, OH OH 5. Speeed Ball Tucker, Brannon Riley, Brannon Riley of Creston, OH 12. Midnight Rose Bud, Trate Brown, Mark Brown of Byesville, Green Western Pleasure 2. Hot Lopin Goodbar, Brian M Rastall of Chardon, OH, Cathy OH W Starnes CRI 3* Open Reining 3. The Best Martini, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Rhonda And 1. RC Fancy Step, Shawn W Duane Malone Flarida, Molly K Morgenstern 6. Lil Black Dress, Shane Pope, Randy Kimmel of Covington, of Johnstown, OH OH 12. Credit For Krymsun, Donnie J Recchiuti of Heath, OH, Vicki Gordon Dally Team Roping 13. Nite Vision, Karen M Hornick, Annette Snowden of Heeling Maineville, OH 15. Special Edition 007,
Congress Pole Bending Sweepstakes
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 57
Congress RESULTS, •
Green Western Riding
Charles R Vaughan 10. Colonel Lil Spook, Andrew Tyler Seaman, John D Houk of 3. Hes Invited, Brent Tincher, Pamela S Young of Fostoria, OH 11. Good Girls Dont Iron, Leslie Vagneur Lange, Kayla Magrum Vandalia, OH 11. The Whizard Of Whoa, Matt J Fraley, Julie Elizabeth of Tiffin, OH Henderson of Jackson, OH 13. Berry Whiz, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH Green Working Hunter 6. A Thumbs Up Ride, Carrie Parsons of Goshen, OH, Anne Junior Trail Steptoe 13. Zips Bossy Chip, Brent Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH Jumping 7. Lost In The Swamp, Morgan Shafley, Morgan Shafley of Plain Junior Western Pleasure City, OH 8. Arts Blue Move, Amanda Rohr, Amanda Rohr of North 4. Gifted Invitation, Kenneth D Jr Lakins, Kenneth Saywell of Lawrence , OH Kirtland, OH 12. Allured To Chocolate, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Junior Barrel Racing Mary Iris Webre 7. Dashing French Lady, Valerie A Watson, Bruce And Connie Vansickle of Adamsville, OH Junior Western Riding 11. Dash Ta Paradise, Troy Crumrine, Becky Dixon of E Liberty, 2. KM Zip Me Suddenly, Michael R Colvin, Jim Capron of OH Medina , OH 14. Rocknroll Frenchgirl, Kathy N Thompson, Jackie Y Dotson 7. Certain Valor, Dan Trein, Denise A Igoe of Canfield, OH of Johnstown, OH 8. Good Girls Dont Iron, Leslie Vagneur Lange, Kayla Magrum
Junior Hunter Hack
8. Always A Hot Time, Cameron M Schreiber, Jeffery Schreiber of Liberty Township, OH
of Tiffin, OH
Junior Working Hunter
Junior Hunter Under Saddle
10. Always A Hot Time, Cameron M Schreiber, Jeffery Schreiber of Liberty Township, OH 11. Branded In Iron, Alfred H Hewitt, Dakota Diamond Griffith of Hilliard, OH
Junior Pleasure Driving
Ladies Reining
Junior Reining
Performance Halter Geldings-Limited
9. Nuthin Escapes Her, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Rosciti Quarter Horses LLC 10. HBF Silver N Chrome, Susan M Stocker, Susan M Stocker of Port Washington, OH
4. Lotsa Jules, Kyndall Harper, Walter Fuchs of Canfield, OH 5. Maintaine The Luck, Brandy Murphy, Annie Watkins of West Mansfield, OH 9. Big And Smart, Terri Bayless, Terri Bayless of Akron, OH 12. Lil Gun Flash, Jocelyn Knerr, Todd A And Jocelyn Knerr of Junior Pole Bending Plain City, OH 2. Speeed Ball Tucker, Brannon Riley, Brannon Riley of Creston, OH Performance Halter Geldings 3. Slippery Calamity, Mollie Jones, Mollie Jones of Solon , OH 4. Kool Conclusions, Justin Bisel, Miranda Peck of Ashland , 9. TT Redneckrickibobby, John B Smith, John B Smith of Mt OH Gilead , OH 12. Barely Getting By, Kristen Stacy, Kristen Stacy of Petersburg, 10. One Good Minute, Brent Maxwell, Christina L Berry of Wadsworth, OH OH 13. Willy In Aliceland, Matthew Claypool of Jamestown , OH, 14. One Rare Redneck, Terry Bransteter, Terry Bransteter of Lana Or Bruce Work Celina , OH 4. Chillz, Julie O'Brien, Christina Wenger of Warren, OH 12. Lukes Like Ladyluck, Travis M McColley, Kristine KashCopley of Medina, OH
8. Skeets Tinseltown, Robin Schoeller of South Vienna, OH,
58 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
2. Kool Conclusions, Justin Bisel, Miranda Peck of Ashland, OH
6. One Good Minute, Brent Maxwell, Christina L Berry of Wadsworth, OH 8. Willy In Aliceland, Matthew Claypool of Jamestown , OH, Lana Or Bruce Work 10. Always The Best Man, Kyle R Flatter of West Mansfield, OH, Katie L Grossnickle 12. One Lazy Investment, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Peek Owen 13. Kissed At Last, Melissa Miller Maxwell, Sharon Schilling of Galloway, OH
Performance Halter Mares
1. Onlythebestchocolate, Gene A Parker, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH 8. Gifted Invitation, Kenneth D Jr Lakins, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH 9. She Looks Good N Blu, Luke Castle, Megan N Crist of Urbana, OH 13. Ms Principle Zippo, Brent Maxwell, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH
Performance Halter Mares-Limited
5. Gifted Invitation, Kenneth D Jr Lakins, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH 8. Ms Principle Zippo, Brent Maxwell, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH 12. Shes My Version, Jim Jr Chafin, Joni L Gainey of Massillon, OH
Performance Halter Stallions
2. Tattle On Touchdown, Bill Coffman, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 3. Riginal Cinch Brand, Gene A Parker, John R Wainscott of Springboro, OH 5. Red White N Good, Bradley C Pitts, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH
Performance Halter Stallions-Limited
1. Tattle On Touchdown, Bill Coffman, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 3. Red White N Good, Bradley C Pitts, Rebecca L Bailey of Batavia, OH
Reserve Champion Mare
6. Onlythebestchocolate, Gene A Parker, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH
Reserve Champion Stallions
6. Tf Cool Cruiser, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Jeanne Cascagnette
Senior Barrel Racing
3. Zevi Echo Bar, Jason D Kiphart, Jason D Kiphart of Blanchester, OH 4. Miss Secret Memories, Barbara M Jimison, Barbara M Jimison of Swanton, OH 7. Ice Down A Six Pack, Stephanie Stout, Stephanie Stout of Mogadore, OH
Senior Hunter Hack 4. Dirty Lies, Carrie Parsons of Goshen, OH, Suzi Newkumet
Senior Pleasure Driving
7. Ima Delux Tnt Chic, Donald A Jox, Jennifer Cunningham of Quaker City, OH 11. Fool To Invite Me, Amber E Clark, Suzanne Wilcox of Hubbard, OH 12. Detailing N Chrome, Travis M McColley, Michelle a Trimble-Ceschan of Grafton, OH
Senior Pole Bending
2. Lightning Starsnbars, Charles F Peoples, Kristine Kay Nagy of Doylestown, OH 4. Midnight Rose Bud, Trate Brown, Mark Brown of Byesville, OH 6. Redneck Cowboy Jet, Nathan C Peoples, Taylor R Brubaker of Mt Gilead, OH 9. Rednecks Lucky Charm, Trent Tobin, Trent Tobin of Fredericktown, OH
Senior Reining
8. Dunit N Reminic, Nicholas L Nelson of Salesville, OH, Robert Pyszka 10. Eyed Be A Royal Chic, Margaret Fuchs of Canfield, OH, Lee V Snyder 13. Starlight N Chic, Brandon Brant, Robert L Brossia of Perrysburg, OH
Progressive Working Senior Western Pleasure Hunter Parsons of Goshen, OH, Suzi Newkumet
Ranch Horse Pleasure
8. Dirty Lies, Carrie
2. Strawberry Whiz, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH 3. Splashin In The Wave, Jeanne McGuire, Jeanne McGuire of Columbus, OH
1. One Lazy Investment, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Peek Owen 2. A Certain Vino, Karen M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Lee M Reeve 9. Miss Famous Maker, J Cole Baker, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, OH Ohio Quarter Horse News • 59
Congress RESULTS, •
10. Only Intuition, Randy R Wilson, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH 13. Invited Tonite, Brian Baker of Sunbury, OH, Mary Iris Webre 14. New Dream In Town, Ross R Wetherell, Kayla Magrum of Tiffin, OH Two-Year Old Geldings - Limited Division 3. Corporate Secret, Justin Bisel, Miranda Peck of Ashland , OH 5. De Renzo Red, David Kellerman of Springboro, OH, Kull Ranch Inc 6. Buckyeye Coolest, Matthew Claypool, Ralph C Craft of West Alexandria, OH
Two-Year Old Mares - Limited Division
4. Shezascarlettwinder, Bill Coffman, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 6. Krh Miss Hopkins, Jeremy M Scott, Hannah Lamp of Ashland, OH
Two-Year Old Stallions - Limited Division
2. Propaganda Kid, Justin Bisel, Jess Cox of Houland, OH
Three-Year-Old Geldings - Limited Division
4. Smashn Thru The Snow, Matthew Claypool, Judy Palmer of South Vienna, OH 5. Major League Starr, Jeffery B Staton, Jeff D Badgley of Tipp City, OH
Three-Year-Old - Limited Division
4. Allure Of An Angel, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH 5. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer of Wauseon, OH
Three-Year-Old Geldings
3. Lr Johnny Ringo, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Brenda Frankie 11. Smashn Thru The Snow, Matthew Claypool, Judy Palmer of South Vienna, OH 12. Major League Starr, Jeffery B Staton, Jeff D Badgley of Tipp City, OH
Three-Year-Old Mares
6. Ooo La La, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Jennifer C DVM Jubb 11. Allure Of An Angel, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH 12. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer of Wauseon, OH 60 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Two-Year-Old Geldings
6. Maxxed Out, Randy L Jacobs, Kim Zeigler of Ravenna, OH 10. Corporate Secret, Justin Bisel, Miranda Peck of Ashland , OH 12. De Renzo Red, David Kellerman of Springboro, OH, Kull Ranch Inc 13. Buckyeye Coolest, Matthew Claypool, Ralph C Craft of West Alexandria, OH
Two-Year-Old Mares
7. Shezascarlettwinder, Bill Coffman, Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, OH 10. Krh Miss Hopkins, Jeremy M Scott, Hannah Lamp of Ashland, OH
Two-Year-Old Stallions
5. Propaganda Kid, Justin Bisel, Jess Cox of Houland, OH
Weanling Fillies
10. Pf Baby Geturshineon, Edward G Dingledine of Ashland, OH, John & Cheryl Boston 13. For Kicks N Giggles, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH, Rebecca Sue Daniels 14. Platinum N Style, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Jim Payne
Weanling Fillies Halter Futurity - Open 11. Platinum N Style, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Jim Payne 14. Lah De Dah, Donald S Griffey of Pataskala, OH, Dr Gigi Wood Davis
Weanling Geldings
5. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Kelli Heins, Pete/Kelli & Clay Heins of Arcanum, OH
Weanling Geldings - Limited Division
4. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Kelli Heins, Pete/Kelli & Clay Heins of Arcanum, OH
Weanling Mares - Limited Division
5. Pf Baby Geturshineon, Edward G Dingledine of Ashland, OH, John & Cheryl Boston 6. For Kicks N Giggles, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH, Rebecca Sue Daniels 8. Platinum N Style, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Jim Payne 11. Pretty She Is, Donald S Griffey, Robert Eurez of Pataskala, OH 13. Naughty Girls Rule, Terri L Heffelfinger, Rick W And Terri Heffelfinger of Jeromesville, OH
Weanling Stallions
2. Pf Credentials, Dewey Smith, J L Robinson of Bellefontaine, OH 3. Kids Fearless Style, Jason Smith, Robert E Vance of London, OH 4. Hott Stemwinder, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Karen Johnson 7. Gran Patron, Brent Maxwell, Len McComas of Marion, OH 8. DFined, Matthew J Woodson of Raymond, OH, Gary Bagshaw 9. Top Secret Fella, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, William Schroeder & Family
Weanling Stallions - Limited Division
2. Gran Patron, Brent Maxwell, Len McComas of Marion, OH 3. DFined, Matthew J Woodson of Raymond, OH, Gary Bagshaw 4. Top Secret Fella, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, William Schroeder & Family
Weanling Stallions/Geldings Halter Futurity - Open
2. Pf Credentials, Dewey Smith, J L Robinson of Bellefontaine, OH 3. Kids Fearless Style, Jason Smith, Robert E Vance of London, OH 4. Hott Stemwinder, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Karen Johnson 8. Top Secret Fella, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, William Schroeder & Family
Wenger Barrel Racing Sweepstakes
3. Bound In Black, Troy Crumrine of Waynesfield, OH, Edwin Cameron 6. Tax The Frenchman, Stefanie E Duke, Roger Or Kathy Burnette Gibson of Morrow, OH 7. Im Hannah Montana, Kelly Stewart, Kelly Stewart of Sunbury, OH
Yearling Fillies
7. Playin By My Self, Randy L Jacobs, John R Lewis of Atwater, OH 8. Ryhanna, David Kellerman of Springboro, OH, Kull Ranch Inc
Yearling Geldings - Limited Division
3. Told You So, Justin Bisel, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, OH 6. PF Supreme City, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH
Yearling Stallions
7. Audi B Kiddin, Randy L Jacobs of Dover, OH, Daniel A Kindig 8. Survivors Conclusion, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH
Yearling Stallions - Limited Division
1. Survivors Conclusion, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH
NRHA Freestyle Reining
4. Travel Whiz Me, Caroline Gute, Julie Gute of Dublin, OH 7. Boggies Flashy Annie, Casey Pierce, Casey Pierce of Middlefield, OH 9. Rambos Last Smoke, Bridget Hollern, Bridget Hollern of Marysville, OH
NRHA Intermediate NonPro Reining
1. Sv Peppys Whiz, Elizabeth A "Betsy" Brown, Elizabeth A "Betsy" Brown of Worthington, OH 5. Hickorys Baylite, Karen Shedlauskas, Karen Shedlauskas of Austintown, OH 5. Whiz On First, Roberta M Witt, Roberta M Witt of Williston, OH 8. Itty Bitty Whiz, Ruth A Shade, Ruth A Shade of Bluffton, OH 10. Broady BH Dunit, Jaime R Nelson, Jaime R Nelson of Salesville, OH 12. Peeko De Oro, Robert L Rosenfeld, Robert A Rosenfeld of London, OH 13. RC Fancy Step, Molly K Morgenstern, Molly K Morgenstern of Johnstown, OH
Yearling Fillies- Limited Division
NRHA Intermediate Non-Pro Reining Stakes
Yearling Geldings
NRHA Intermediate Open Reining
1. Ryhanna, David Kellerman of Springboro, OH, Kull Ranch Inc 8. Yacool, Greg Holden of Hamilton, OH, Jim Payne 7. Told You So, Justin Bisel, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, OH 9. PF Supreme City, Dave Williamson, Pamela S BucklewWilder of Springfield, OH
6. Walla Wallacommander, Carlie Thompson, Southern Trace Reining of Dublin, OH 9. Brennas Sweet Slider, Colleen Siadik, Colleen Siadik of Cambridge, OH
1. Dunit N Reminic, Nicholas L Nelson of Salesville, OH, Robert Pyszka 2. Mag Light, Nicholas W Ohio Quarter Horse News • 61
Congress RESULTS, •
Baar of Newbury, OH, Susan Smith 2. Way Too Thirsty, Nicholas L Nelson, Tori K Thomas of Medina, OH 9. Berry Whiz, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH 14. Snapper Del Cielo, Marcus Jr Allen, Marcus Jr Allen of Loudonville, OH
NRHA Intermediate Open Reining Futurity
5. Smart Tinseltown, Robin Schoeller, Ruoff Dietter Reining Horses Llc of Millersport, OH 6. Made By Magnum, Robin Schoeller of South Vienna, OH, Lyndsey Jordan 9. Mr Gold Whiz, Rick Weaver, Allen Kofron of Westerville, OH 14. Lil Smart N Juicy, Margaret Fuchs, Margaret Fuchs of Canfield, OH 20. RM Carmen Electra, Matt J Fraley of Jackson, OH, Libby R Robinson
NRHA Limited Non-Pro Reining
1. Sv Peppys Whiz, Elizabeth A "Betsy" Brown, Elizabeth A "Betsy" Brown of Worthington, OH 2. Smart Dundee, Catherine M Brant, Catherine M Brant of London, OH 4. Itty Bitty Whiz, Ruth A Shade, Ruth A Shade of Bluffton, OH 7. Whizzin Chiclet, Laura A Brown of Cincinnati, OH, Dean Brown 7. Coasten West, Whitney Leeann Lauck, Tamara A Boughan of Lima, OH 7. Broady BH Dunit, Jaime R Nelson, Jaime R Nelson of Salesville, OH 11. RC Fancy Step, Molly K Morgenstern, Molly K Morgenstern of Johnstown, OH
Jesse Gentile of Vally City, OH, Angelo And Suzette Bizzarro 3. Super Cool Wrangler, Jesse Gentile of Vally City, OH, Lori S Baker 5. Lindy Tag Chex, James A Aldrich, Suzanne D Cooper of Grover Hill, OH 6. Lil Gun Flash, Jocelyn Knerr, Todd A And Jocelyn Knerr of Plain City, OH
NRHA Limited Open Reining Futurity
8. Lil Smart N Juicy, Margaret Fuchs, Margaret Fuchs of Canfield, OH 10. RM Carmen Electra, Matt J Fraley of Jackson, OH, Libby R Robinson 14. Mr Gold Whiz, Rick Weaver, Allen Kofron of Westerville, OH 21. Heeza Big Surprize, Brandy Murphy, Brandy Murphy of Marysville, OH 22. Banjo Bonita, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH
25. Gunner Be Smart, Brian K Maxwell, Brian & Danielle Boxler Maxwell of Medina , OH NRHA Non-Pro Freestyle Reining
1. Travel Whiz Me, Caroline Gute, Julie Gute of Dublin, OH 2. Dun It In Ruffles, Suzanne D Cooper, Suzanne D Cooper of Grover Hill, OH 3. Whiz Bye Gollie, Emily L Fisher, Emily L Fisher of Canal Winchester, OH 6. Conquistadors Redhot, Sydney Marie Edwards, Sydney Marie Edwards of Pickerton, OH NRHA Limited Non-Pro Reining Stakes 8. Crawlin Molly San, Tracy L Dendinger, Tracy L Dendinger of 4. Brennas Sweet Slider, Colleen Siadik, Colleen Siadik of Washington CH , OH Cambridge, OH 9. Tuff Little Wimp, Dr Ronald Kantner of Wapakoneta, OH, 10. Coasting By Indy, Roberta M Witt, Roberta M Witt of Sunset Maple Farm Llc Williston, OH 10. Market My Money, Ann M Reusser, Ann M Reusser of Mt 15. Juice Chex N, Kennedy M Gwilliams, Kennedy M Gwilliams Gilead, OH of Marysville, OH 11. Industry Standards, Erica Layne Wiley, Erica Layne Wiley of Hilliard, OH NRHA Limited Open 12. Dip N Hollywood Pine, Christine M Vegh, Christine M Reining Vegh of Columbus , OH 1. The Whizard 14. Smart Smokin Lady, Madeline Lowe, Madeline Lowe of Of Whoa, Matt J Marysville, OH Fraley, Julie Elizabeth Henderson of Jackson, NRHA Non-Pro Reining OH 2. ARC Surprize Steps, Lindsay Baar, Lorri L Petersen of 2. Gun Smoking Rose, Chardon, OH 62 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
5. Hickorys Baylite, Karen Shedlauskas, Karen Shedlauskas of Austintown, OH 7. Walla Walla Smarts, Carlie Thompson, Southern Trace Reining of Dublin, OH 13. Peeko De Oro, Robert L Rosenfeld, Robert A Rosenfeld of London, OH 13. Whizzin On A Star, Tori K Thomas of Medina, OH, Donald D Thomas 13. Shez The Master, Carlie Thompson, Southern Trace Reining of Dublin, OH
NRHA Non-Pro Reining Stakes
7. Walla Wallacommander, Carlie Thompson, Southern Trace Reining of Dublin, OH 10. Brennas Sweet Slider, Colleen Siadik, Colleen Siadik of Cambridge, OH
NRHA Novice Horse - Non-Pro Division
2. Hickorys Baylite, Karen Shedlauskas, Karen Shedlauskas of Austintown, OH 6. Lotsa Jules, Kyndall Harper, Walter Fuchs of Canfield, OH 6. Whizzin On A Star, Tori K Thomas of Medina, OH, Donald D Thomas 8. Careful Reminic, Colleen Siadik, Zeta Warne of Cambridge, OH 12. Spooks Question, Julie Elizabeth Henderson, Julie Elizabeth Henderson of Jackson, OH 12. Tuff Little Wimp, Dr Ronald Kantner of Wapakoneta, OH, Sunset Maple Farm Llc 15. Whiz On First, Roberta M Witt, Roberta M Witt of Williston, OH
NRHA Novice Horse - Open Division
5. ARC Surprize Steps, Nicholas W Baar, Lorri L Petersen of Chardon, OH 8. Whizzin On A Star, Tori K Thomas of Medina, OH, Donald D Thomas 13. Skeets Tinseltown, Robin Schoeller of South Vienna, OH, Charles R Vaughan 15. Broady BH Dunit, Nicholas L Nelson, Jaime R Nelson of Salesville, OH
Lyndsey Jordan 21. Lil Smart N Juicy, Margaret Fuchs, Margaret Fuchs of Canfield, OH 25. RM Carmen Electra, Matt J Fraley of Jackson, OH, Libby R Robinson
NRHA Primetime Non Pro Reining
6. Hollywood Coast, Kathy A Morgan, Kathy A Morgan of Ostrander, OH 10. Big And Smart, Terri Bayless, Terri Bayless of Akron, OH 12. Splashin In The Wave, Jeanne McGuire, Jeanne McGuire of Columbus, OH 12. Whizomatic, Paul J Rapp, Paul J Rapp of Marysville, OH 15. Turn Back Pine, Thomas F Daley, Cathy Daley of Rushylvania, OH
NRHA Primetime Non-Pro Reining Stakes
12. Rc Electric Jewel, Bernie Paetzel, Bernie Paetzel of New Vienna, OH
NRHA Primetime Open Reining
5. Berry Whiz, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH 6. Big And Smart, Terri Bayless, Terri Bayless of Akron, OH 7. Lindy Tag Chex, James A Aldrich, Suzanne D Cooper of Grover Hill, OH
NRHA Primetime Open Reining Futurity
3. Mr Gold Whiz, Rick Weaver, Allen Kofron of Westerville, OH 7. Banjo Bonita, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley of Findlay, OH 8. Gunner Be Smart, Brian K Maxwell, Brian & Danielle Boxler Maxwell of Medina , OH
NRHA Rookie Reining
1. Einsteinsinspiration, Natalie B Pancoe, Michael J Pancoe of Wadsworth, OH 3. Einsteins Echo, Ann M Frieders, Ann M Frieders of Quincy, OH NRHA Open Reining 6. Whiz Smart Yankee, Susan E Elliott, Susan E Elliott of New 2. RC Fancy Step, Shawn W Flarida, Molly K Morgenstern of Concord, OH Johnstown, OH 8. Guns Smokin Chex, Victoria M Murfello, Victoria M 4. Way Too Thirsty, Nicholas L Nelson, Tori K Thomas of Murfello of Novelty, OH Medina, OH 10. Whiz Bye Gollie, Emily L Fisher, Emily L Fisher of Canal 10. Eyed Be A Royal Chic, Margaret Fuchs of Canfield, OH, Lee Winchester, OH V Snyder 11. Broady BH Dunit, Jaime R Nelson, Jaime R Nelson of Salesville, OH NRHA Open Reining Futurity 13. Hollywood Coast, Kathy A Morgan, Kathy A Morgan of 7. DP Commandatrashya, Shawn W Flarida of Springfield, OH, Ostrander, OH Dorminy Plantation 14. Peppys Dun Oscar, Mariah Wright, Mariah Wright of 10. Smart Tinseltown, Robin Schoeller, Ruoff Dietter Reining Wooster, OH Horses Llc of Millersport, OH 11. PS A Whizzen Chic, Shawn W Flarida of Springfield, OH, Patsy Schutz 13. Made By Magnum, Robin Schoeller of South Vienna, OH, Ohio Quarter Horse News • 63
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NRHA Short Stirrup
1. Wittle Man Whizard, Sam Flarida, Shawn W Flarida of Springfield, OH 4. Shock N Shake, Kyle D Smith, Julee Smith of Jackson , OH 7. Scoopers Last, Drake Kanyuck, Jaime R Nelson of Salesville, OH 8. SF Double Doll, Emma Bapst, Tyler Kirby of Grove City, OH
NRHA Youth Reining (13 & Under)
4. Ricochet James, Connor Fuchs, Connor Fuchs of Canfield, OH 5. JD Fritz Jazzman, Caleb Sturgeon, Caleb Sturgeon of Beloit, OH 6. Conquistadors Redhot, Sydney Marie Edwards, Sydney Marie Edwards of Pickerton, OH 13. Doc Star Tru And Tru, Tyler Kirby, Tyler Kirby of Grove City, OH 14. Whizards Oscar, Lily Tatman, Lily Tatman of Mt Vernon, OH 14. Ms Fanci Pine, Jamie Renee Turner, Jamie Renee Turner of Orient, OH
2. A Midnight Intuition, Randy R Wilson, Shawn L Wiggins of New Comerstown, OH 7. Finally Got Invitd, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Rhonda And Duane Malone 13. Looking Pretty Lazy, Brian Baker of Sunbury, OH, William And Sandy Stevenson
Couglin NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity - Limited
7. For The Life Of Me, Beckey J Schooler, Llc Stricker Quarter Horses of Batavia, OH 9. You Bet Ima Batman, Brandon L Burr, Tom R Knoch of Wapakoneta, OH 14. KM Brandy Girl, Amanda Lauren Jackson of Holland, OH, Masterson Farms LLC
Markel NSBA Maturity Open Western Pleasure Futurity
1. A Certain Vino, Karen M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Lee M Reeve 2. One Lazy NRHA Youth Investment, Kenneth Reining (14 - 18) D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Peek Owen 1. Brother Please, Elissa 6. Dark Jasmine, J Cole Baker, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, Bening, Elissa Bening of OH Columbus, OH 13. Allured To Chocolate, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, 6. Lotsa Jules, Kyndall Mary Iris Webre Harper, Walter Fuchs of Canfield, OH Markel NSBA Maturity Open Western Pleasure Futurity 11. Ruf Squeeze, - Limited Amelia Compton, Amelia Compton of Centerburg, OH 3. Dark Jasmine, J Cole Baker, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, 13. Outlaw Juicy Wales, Luke Turner, Luke Turner of Orient , OH OH 7. Just Be Good To Me, Blake Britton of Kingston, OH, Ralph 14. Lucky Little Seven, Sarah Yu, Sarah Yu of Dublin, OH Carbone 12. Historyrepeatsitself, Wade Black, Dan D Shellabarger of Beavercreek, OH 13. Shes My Version, Jim Jr Chafin, Joni L Gainey of Massillon, OH Coughlin NSBA 14. Ona Hot Summer Night, Bradley C Pitts, Rebecca L Bailey Two-Year-Old Open of Batavia, OH
Western Pleasure Futurity
1. So Good To B Me, Ashley Lynne Lakins, Ashley & Larry Taylor Lakins of Wilmington, OH 64 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
NSBA 2 Year Old Non Pro HUS Stakes
7. Embrace The Dream, Michelle B Favorite, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH 11. Huntified, Elizabeth Bartlett Gorski, Elizabeth Bartlett Gorski of Bowling Green, OH
12. Ritas Repo, Jessica Alleman, Jessica Alleman of Massillon, OH
13. Nite Vision, Karen M Hornick, Annette Snowden of Maineville, OH
NSBA 2 Year Old Non Pro HUS Stakes - Limited
NSBA Green Western Riding
NSBA Amateur Hunter Under Saddle
NSBA Junior Trail
4. Embrace The Dream, Michelle B Favorite, Michelle B Favorite 9. Good Girls Dont Iron, Leslie Vagneur Lange, Kayla Magrum of Kent, OH of Tiffin, OH 9. Huntified, Elizabeth Bartlett Gorski, Elizabeth Bartlett Gorski of Bowling Green, OH NSBA Jr Working Hunter 6. Branded In Iron, Alfred H Hewitt, Dakota Diamond Griffith of Hilliard, OH NSBA Amateur Select Hunter Hack 3. RJ Sweet Rhett, Jolene M Mierzejewski, Jolene M Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH NSBA Junior Hunter Under Saddle 8. Nuthin Escapes Her, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Rosciti Quarter Horses LLC NSBA Amateur Horsemanship 9. HBF Silver N Chrome, Susan M Stocker, Susan M Stocker of 9. Black Dynamic Rodder, Alex Belconis, Roy A Belconis of Port Washington, OH Painesville, OH 6. Im Only Certified, Whitney L Karr, Whitney L Karr of Racine, OH 10. Willy Be Fine, Paige Peshina Merrill, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH
NSBA Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle
5. Fabuluke Me, Julie J Weber, Julie J Weber of North Canton, OH
NSBA Amateur Showmanship
7. Fashionably Invited, Maggie M Kerola, Maggie M Kerola of Hubbard, OH
NSBA Amateur Western Pleasure
3. Gifted Invitation, Halle A Saywell, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH
11. Zips Bossy Chip, Brent Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH
NSBA Junior Western Riding
5. Good Girls Dont Iron, Leslie Vagneur Lange, Kayla Magrum of Tiffin, OH NSBA Junior Western Pleasure 4. Gifted Invitation, Kenneth D Jr Lakins, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH 11. Allured To Chocolate, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Mary Iris Webre NSBA Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Pleasure Stakes
8. Allured To Chocolate, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Mary Iris Webre NSBA Amateur Western Riding 10. Im Sleepin Single, Blake Britton, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, 10. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH OH 11. Credit For Krymsun, Donnie J Recchiuti of Heath, OH, NSBA Green Hunter Under Saddle Vicki Gordon 1. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 11. Dgs Indystinctive, Melissa A Thyfault, Madison Marie NSBA Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Stechschulte of Perrysburg, OH Pleasure Stakes - Limited 9. Shez All Pleasure, Chad Piper, Thomas C Mechenbier of Sunbury, OH 9. Zips Bossy Chip, Brent Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of 14. Im Sleepin Single, Blake Britton, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, W Mansfield, OH OH
NSBA Green Trail
NSBA Green Western Pleasure
2. Hot Lopin Goodbar, Brian M Rastall of Chardon, OH, Cathy W Starnes 3. The Best Martini, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Rhonda And Duane Malone 6. Lil Black Dress, Shane Pope, Randy Kimmel of Covington, OH 12. Credit For Krymsun, Donnie J Recchiuti of Heath, OH, Vicki Gordon
NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes
11. Fine Details, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 15. Harry Hilfiger, Madison N Morrow, Madison N Morrow of Mansfield, OH
NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Limited 3. Fine Details, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of
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Poland, OH 8. Only Delight, Tiffany A Raimonde, Tiffany A Raimonde of Centerburg, OH 11. Fine In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Megan Arnold of Ashland, OH
NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes
2. Gifted Invitation, Halle A Saywell, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH 3. Im Sleepin Single, Ty Paris, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH
NSBA Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Limited
2. Gifted Invitation, Halle A Saywell, Kenneth Saywell of Kirtland, OH 6. Im Sleepin Single, Ty Paris, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH 14. New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum of Tiffin, OH 15. Hez Whiskey Bent, Brynne Tincher-Ketner, Brent Tincher of Oxford, OH
NSBA Maturity Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes
9. Call Me Blazin Hot, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Rita Schuster
NSBA Non-Pro English Yearling Longe Line Stakes
NSBA Novice Amateur Trail
3. HF Tahnee Too, Shane Watson, Jamie Watson of Goshen, OH
NSBA Novice Amateur Western Pleasure
3. Im Sleepin Single, Ty Paris, Beckey J Schooler of Delta, OH 7. Some Hot Potential, Jolene M Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH 12. Back Alli Invitation, Shealei B White, Jim White of Waterville, OH
NSBA Novice Amateur Western Riding
4. Ms Principle Zippo, Kelly A Best, Kelly A Best of Salem, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Horsemanship 13 & Under
2. Sterling Version, Olivia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH 7. RL Eyes On Sudden, Jordan Melegari, Jordan Melegari of West Salem, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Horsemanship 14-18
4. A Standing Room Only, Sara E Laughlin, Sara E Laughlin of Vermilion, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Hunt Seat Eq 13 & Under
7. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of 3. One Hot Class Act, Terry Hendricks, Terry Hendricks of Hiram, OH Youngstown , OH 5. The Iron Factor, Elizabeth Bartlett Gorski, Elizabeth Bartlett NSBA Novice Youth Hunt Seat Eq 14-18 Gorski of Bowling Green, OH 11. Just Fantastick, Paige E Quarterman, Paige E Quarterman of 1. Millun Star Trek, Mallory J Wachob, Mallory J Wachob of Chardon, OH Bloomville, OH 15. Giv Romance A Chance, JoAnn Marsinek, JoAnn Marsinek NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 And of Ravenna, OH
NSBA Non-Pro Western Yearling Longe Line Stakes
10. Step Aside Boyz, Joni L Gainey, Joni L Gainey of Massillon, OH 11. Jesses Got Potential, Jack Creditt, Jack Creditt of Wilmington, OH 15. Ima Good Man, Kimberly Haines, Kimberly Haines of Lima, OH
NSBA Novice Amateur Horsemanship
3. Only Version, Kathryne K Zachrich, Kathryne K Zachrich of Delaware, OH
NSBA Novice Amateur Showmanship
2. Dont Rev My Motor, Kristi C Brown, Kristi C Brown of Thompson, OH 66 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
3. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of Hiram, OH 5. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH 10. Lopen After Dark, Lexxus E Grimes, Lexxus E Grimes of Orichmond, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14-18
2. Millun Star Trek, Mallory J Wachob, Mallory J Wachob of Chardon, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Showmanship 13 & Under
4. Man Im Sassy, Lucy Mae Eier, Lucy Mae Eier of New Carlisle, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Trail 13 And Under
6. Awesome Gremlin, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Trail 14-18
3. Prinzziples N Cash, Justin Melvin, Justin Melvin of Marysville, OH 6. Th Its Only Money, Lexi M Kim, Lexi M Kim of Avon Lake, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Western Pleasure 13 And Under
8. The Krymsun Version, Madolynn Johnson, Madolynn Johnson of Chardon, OH 10. Good Hearted Assets, Caleb Sturgeon, Caleb Sturgeon of Beloit, OH
NSBA Novice Youth Western Pleasure 14-18
3. Rocked N Red, Audrey Baker, Audrey Baker of Marysville, OH 4. Do Ya Like My Lope, Whitney Wilson, Whitney Wilson of Zanesville, OH
Tiffin, OH 5. Time Is Lopin By, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH 7. A Standing Room Only, Sara E Laughlin, Sara E Laughlin of Vermilion, OH 8. Prinzziples N Cash, Justin Melvin, Justin Melvin of Marysville, OH
NSBA Open English Yearling Longe Line Stakes
3. Desert Party, Susan M Stocker, Kennneth H DiRienzo of North Jackson, OH 6. One Hot Class Act, Julie Majernik, Terry Hendricks of Youngstown , OH 9. Honoluhoo, Julie O'Brien, Julie O'Brien of Southington, OH 14. Just Fantastick, Paige E Quarterman, Paige E Quarterman of Bloomville, OH
NSBA Open Jumping
2. Lost In The Swamp, Morgan Shafley, Morgan Shafley of Plain City, OH
NSBA Open Western Yearling Longe Line Stakes
1. Quiet Ride, Kenneth D Lakins Jr of Wilmington, OH, Peter J 1. Midnight Rose Bud, Mead Trate Brown, Mark Brown 9. Rockett Man, John R Wainscott, Kimberly Haines of Lima, of Byesville, OH OH 10. Jesses Got Potential, Ty M Hornick, Jack Creditt of Wilmington, OH NSBA NYATT 13. Howboutthizzcowgirl, Greg Bender, Fritz Leeman of Horsemanship Massillon, OH 2. Invitation To Show, 15. Ima Good Man, Trevor Barnes, Kimberly Haines of Lima, Megan P Overberg, OH Megan P Overberg of Hillsboro, OH
NSBA NYATT Hunter Under Saddle
6. Fine Details, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 7. Happy Pony, Ashley Conger, Ashley Conger of Hudson, OH 9. Captivate You, Aubrey R Davis, Kristin A Davis of Lockbourne, OH
1. Travel Whiz Me, Caroline Gute, Julie Gute of Dublin, OH 2. Lucky Little Seven, Sarah Yu, Sarah Yu of Dublin, OH
NSBA Progressive Working Hunter
5. Dirty Lies, Carrie Parsons of Goshen, OH, Suzi Newkumet
NSBA Ranch Horse Pleasure
1. Splashin In The Wave, Jeanne McGuire, Jeanne McGuire of Columbus, OH
NSBA Senior Western Pleasure
1. One Lazy Investment, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Peek Owen 1. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland 2. A Certain Vino, Karen M Hornick of Jamestown, OH, Lee M Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH Reeve 2. Just Good Enough, Riley Herman, Riley Herman of Elmore, 9. Miss Famous Maker, J Cole Baker, Susan L Ostrander of OH Westerville, OH 3. Km Sudden Lil Zip, Madison Thiel, Madison Thiel of Dublin, 10. Only Intuition, Randy R Wilson, Emma Brown of OH Zanesville, OH 4. MNZ Sonnys Zippo, Kayla E Tomilson, Kayla E Tomilson of 12. Invited Tonite, Brian Baker of Sunbury, OH, Mary Iris Lebanon, OH Webre 13. New Dream In Town, Ross R Wetherell, Kayla Magrum of NSBA NYATT Western Pleasure Tiffin, OH 4. New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum of
NSBA NYATT Showmanship
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 67
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NSBA Small Fry Horsemanship
1. Divas Invitation, Ava Lynn Coughlin, Ava Lynn Coughlin of London, OH 2. Huntin For Daisies, Alexia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH 3. Slow Lopin Louie, Grant Mastin, Melissa Armstrong of Jackson, OH 6. WalkTheLyne, Delaney Elizabeth Tucek, McKenna Tucek of Burton, OH
NSBA Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity
6. Good Luck Only, Michelle B Favorite, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH
NSBA Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Futurity - Limited
3. Good Luck Only, Michelle B Favorite, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH 12. A Moonlit Goodbar, Justin Billings, Billings Quarter Horses of Ashville, OH
NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity
4. Details Of Willy, Elizabeth M Baker, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH 2. Bossy Commander, Alexia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of 6. Heza Ivy Invitation, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Haley Powell, OH Hartman 4. Zan A Dew, Karissa Shank, Jestin H Shank of Bowling Green, 12. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH OH
NSBA Small Fry Showmanship
NSBA Sr Hunter Hack
4. Dirty Lies, Carrie Parsons of Goshen, OH, Suzi Newkumet
NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity - Limited
1. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH
NSBA Three-Year Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes 3. Details Of Willy, Elizabeth M Baker, Paige Peshina Merrill of - Limited North Royalton, OH 2. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 3. Ive Been Expecting U, Kiara D Morgan, Kiara D Morgan of Grove City, OH 11. Win It In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Chris T Arnold of Ashland, OH 13. Whoo Hoo, Laura Ann Salome, Salome Todd And Laura of Utica, OH 15. Lope Da Utter Way, Mallory J Wachob, Mallory J Wachob of Chardon, OH
NSBA Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes
3. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 6. Ive Been Expecting U, Kiara D Morgan, Kiara D Morgan of Grove City, OH 12. This Rides Hot, Brynne Tincher-Ketner, Brynne TincherKetner of Oxford, OH 13. Whoo Hoo, Laura Ann Salome, Salome Todd And Laura of Utica, OH 14. Details Of Willy, Paige Peshina Merrill, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH 68 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
6. Ive Been Expecting U, Darla Sue Lee, Kiara D Morgan of Grove City, OH
NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity 4. The Best Martini, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Rhonda And Duane Malone 5. Forever My Lady, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Russell B Louderback 6. Get Her Vitals, Randy R Wilson of Zanesville, OH, Ron Shelly 8. Caught Me Looking, Ashley Lynne Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Kaleena Weakly 13. Good Luck Only, Aaron Moses, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH 15. Machine Power, Brian M Rastall of Chardon, OH, Brenda C Yates NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Limited 6. Good Luck Only, Aaron Moses, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH 14. Forever N Ever, Amanda Lauren Jackson of Holland, OH, Stanley Or Susan Scott LLC
NSBA Two-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Stakes Limited 15. Dark By Moonlite, helsea Brungarth, Kelley A Brungarth of Orient, OH NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes 2. Only Smokin Hot, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Beau Baird NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Limited 12. Embrace The Dream, Michelle B Favorite, Michelle B Favorite of Kent, OH 13. If Onley, Melissa A Thyfault, Melissa A Thyfault of Shelby, OH 14. Well Its About Time, Heidi Piper of Sunbury, OH, Kathleen A Lennon
NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes 6. Lopen Assets, Karen M Hornick, Carly L Kidner of Ashtabula, OH
NSBA Youth Hunter Hack 14-18 1. Capture The Flag, Taylor J Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH
NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle 11 & Under
4. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH 6. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 7. Retreva Blue, Madeleine Heineman, Madeleine Heineman of Chardon, OH 9. Hot And Hope N, ontgomery Alexander, Barbara Lyn Valentine of Grand Rapids, OH
NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle 12-14
NSBA Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes Limited
12. Lazy Lopin Ranger, Chad Piper of Sunbury, OH, Susan L Watkins
6. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 8. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of Hiram, OH 10. Duplicated Duke, Ashton Krutulis, Ashton Krutulis of Ashville, OH
NSBA Youth Equitation Of Fences 14-18
NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle 15-18
1. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH
NSBA Youth Horsemanship 12-14
1. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 2. Sterling Version, Olivia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH
NSBA Youth Horsemanship 15-18
7. Some Hot Potential, Bailey J Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH
NSBA Youth Hunt Seat Equ 11 & Under
5. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 7. Retreva Blue, Madeleine Heineman, Madeleine Heineman of Chardon, OH 8. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH
NSBA Youth Hunt Seat Equ 12-14
2. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH
NSBA Youth Hunter Hack 13 & Under
2. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH
3. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 10. Sterling Captive, Claire Hale, Claire Hale of Columbus, OH
NSBA Youth Jumping
1. Lost In The Swamp, Morgan Shafley, Morgan Shafley of Plain City, OH 3. Darn That Kat, Mallory Myers, Dr Leslie Myers of Sharon Center, OH
NSBA Youth Showmanship 12-14
2. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 7. Gotta Love Her, Mindy Barr, Mindy Barr of Circleville, OH
NSBA Youth Showmanship 15-18
4. Km Sudden Lil Zip, Madison Thiel, Madison Thiel of Dublin, OH
NSBA Youth Trail (12-14)
11. RL Impulse, Marley R Mainwaring, Maus M And Mainwaring M of Cincinati, OH
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NSBA Youth Trail (15-18)
4. Some Hot Potential, Bailey J Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH
NSBA Youth Western Pleasere 11 & Under
2. Valentine Version, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 5. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH
NSBA Youth Western Pleasure 12-14
5. Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Marie Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH 6. Miss Famous Maker, Allison A Tamulewicz, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, OH 9. Only Intuition, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH 10. The Krymsun Version, Madolynn Johnson, Madolynn Johnson of Chardon, OH
NSBA Youth Western Pleasure 15-18
4. Dark Jasmine, Brianna O Tamulewicz, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, OH 8. New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum of Tiffin, OH 11. Do Ya Like My Lope, Whitney Wilson, Whitney Wilson of Zanesville, OH
NSBA Youth Western Riding (13 & Under)
8. Ima Good Man, Kimberly Haines, Kimberly Haines of Lima, OH 11. Man Shez Fancy, Randy L Haines, Kimberly Haines of Lima, OH
SBB Open English Yearling Longe Line Stakes
3. Desert Party, Susan M Stocker, Kennneth H DiRienzo of North Jackson, OH 6. Honoluhoo, Julie O’Brien, Julie O’Brien of Southington, OH 9. Just Fantastick, Paige E Quarterman, Paige E Quarterman of Bloomville, OH 12. Fruit Juicy Jazz, Lindsay Bosse of Cleves, OH, Geralyn N Coyle
SBB Open Western Yearling Longe Line Stakes
1. Quiet Ride, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Peter J Mead 7. Howboutthizzcowgirl, Greg Bender, Fritz Leeman of Massillon, OH 8. Ima Good Man, Trevor Barnes, Kimberly Haines of Lima, OH
SBB Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes
3. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of 6. RL Impulse, Marley R Mainwaring, Maus M And Mainwaring Poland, OH M of Cincinati, OH 9. Details Of Willy, Paige Peshina Merrill, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH
NSBA Youth Working Hunter 14-18
1. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH
Southern Belle Breeders SBB Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Pleasure Stakes
SBB Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Stakes - Limited
2. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH
SBB Three-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity
7. Credit For Krymsun, Donnie J Recchiuti of Heath, OH, Vicki 4. Details Of Willy, Elizabeth M Baker, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH Gordon 9. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH
SBB Non Pro English Yearling Longe Line Stakes
7. Just Fantastick, Paige E Quarterman, Paige E Quarterman of Bloomville, OH
SBB Non Pro Western Yearling Longe Line Stakes
6. Step Aside Boyz, Joni L Gainey, Joni L Gainey of Massillon, OH
70 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
SBB Three-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity - Limited
1. Doodle Jump, Heidi Piper, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 3. Details Of Willy, Elizabeth M Baker, Paige Peshina Merrill of North Royalton, OH
SBB Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity
3. The Best Martini, Brian E Cox of Mt Perry, OH, Rhonda And Duane Malone 4. Forever My Lady, Kenneth D Jr Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Russell B Louderback 6. Caught Me Looking, Ashley Lynne Lakins of Wilmington, OH, Kaleena Weakly 9. Machine Power, Brian M Rastall of Chardon, OH, Brenda C Yates
Small Fry Western Horsemanship
6. Well Its About Time, Heidi Piper of Sunbury, OH, Kathleen A Lennon
1. Ill Be Famous N Time, Alexis L Pesicek, April L Pesicek of Wooster, OH 2. Divas Invitation, Ava Lynn Coughlin, Ava Lynn Coughlin of London, OH 3. Huntin For Daisies, Alexia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH 5. RL Im Not Passing, Grace Miller, Erica Miller of Troy, OH 6. Slow Lopin Louie, Grant Mastin, Melissa Armstrong of Jackson, OH 8. Collection Chex, Austin Iatonna, Iatonna Jeffery L of Johnstown, OH 11. WalkTheLyne, Delaney Elizabeth Tucek, McKenna Tucek of Burton, OH 12. Vested Romance, Karrisa Shank, Jestin H Shank of Bowling Green, OH 14. Icann Talk Sweet, Macey Mizer, Macey Mizer of Warsaw, OH
SBB Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity
Youth Two-Year-Old Geldings
SBB Two-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Limited
Youth Three-Year-Old Geldings
SBB Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity Limited 5. Forever N Ever, Amanda Lauren Jackson of Holland, OH, Stanley Or Susan Scott LLC
SBB Two-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes 2. Only Smokin Hot, Dawn M Baker of Sunbury, OH, Beau Baird
SBB Two-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes Limited
1. So Good To B Me, Ashley Lynne Lakins, Ashley & Larry Taylor 2. TF Emagine Me First, Hannah E Houser, Hannah E Houser of Tipp City, OH Lakins of Wilmington, OH 4. Corporate Secret, Miranda Peck, Miranda Peck of Ashland, 2. A Midnight Intuition, Randy R Wilson, Shawn L Wiggins of OH New Comerstown, OH
5. For The Life Of Me, Beckey J Schooler, Llc Stricker Quarter Horses of Batavia, OH
Small Fry Showmanship
3. Bossy Commander, Alexia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH 5. Zan A Dew, Karissa Shank, Jestin H Shank of Bowling Green, OH 6. Rr Just Plain Pretty, Emma Gore, Tera Gore of Mt Vernon, OH 7. Icann Talk Sweet, Macey Mizer, Macey Mizer of Warsaw, OH 9. Ms April Investment, Katelyn Gerken, Tricia Gerken of Napoleon, OH 13. Pines Royalty, Grace Miller, Miller Scott & Erica of Springboro, OH 14. Repeat Presentation, Madison M McCrane, Madison M McCrane of Galion, OH
6. Hit The Bullseye, Derrick Angiletta, Christopher Smith of Swanton, OH
Youth Aged Geldings
2. Kid B Styling, Miranda Peck, John Peck of Ashland, OH 7. Bullistik, Katie Mae Houser, Katie Mae Houser of Tipp City, OH
Youth Aged Mares
5. Sealed N Delivered, Madison Hashman, Madison Hashman of Mount Gilead, OH 8. Gotta Love Her, Mindy Barr, Mindy Barr of Circleville, OH 9. This Clue Can Cruise, Lauren E May, Tammy May of Seville, OH
Youth Barrels (13 & under)
1. Heros Dashin Lady, Morgan Henning, Joel Henning of Roseville, OH 3. Hickorys Pine Cone, Raegen Stegner, Rachel Stegner of McConnelsville, OH 5. JG Miss Lena, Morgan Pugh, Morgan Pugh of Louisville, OH 6. Perks Routine, Regan Laryssa Henning, Joel Henning of Roseville, OH 8. Unforgettable Copy, Brandi J Schnitkey, Sheri Schnitkey of Wauseon, OH 8. Kys Magic Gunsmoke, Raegen Stegner, Raegen Stegner of Mcconnelsville, OH Ohio Quarter Horse News • 71
Congress RESULTS, •
12. Little Brittles, Macy Henkle, Stacey Henkle of Rockford, OH 2. Sterling Version, Olivia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of 13. Jammin Sportsbar, Ellie Davidson, Ellie Davidson of Salem, Powell, OH OH
Youth Barrels (14-18)
2. Little Darlin Doc, Valerie Burch, Kimberly McCutchen of Groveport, OH 4. Three Bar Meyers, Macie Rae Davidson, Macie Rae Davidson of Salem, OH 5. Rollin Honor, Whitley Murphy, Whitley Murphy of Alliance, OH 7. Tucker Nonstop, Peyton M Theado, Peyton M Theado of Mount Sterling, OH 9. CF Dancing Ashley, Ryan Thomas Caudill, Tim H Caudill of Lexington, OH 15. Firewaters Fantasy, Ellyse A Shafer, Ellyse A Shafer of Bellville, OH
Youth Breakaway Roping
4. Streakin Crow, Cody Venham, Dave Venham of Belpre, OH
Youth Dally Team Roping - Heading
11. Streakin Crow, Cody Venham, Dave Venham of Belpre, OH
Youth Dally Team Roping - Heeling
12. Streakin Crow, Cody Venham, Dave Venham of Belpre, OH
Youth Equitation Over Fences (13 & Under)
9. Review This Preview, Morgan Reifsteck, Morgan Reifsteck of Liberty Twp, OH
Youth Equitation Over Fences (14-18)
4. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH 13. Regal Tanzanite, Veronica Woodson, Veronica Woodson of Mason, OH
Youth Horsemanship (15-18)
4. Invitation To Show, Megan P Overberg, Megan P Overberg of Hillsboro, OH 9. Some Hot Potential, Bailey J Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH 11. Promotional Asset, Lauren Nicole Diaz, Lauren Nicole Diaz of Newark, OH
Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (11 & Under)
5. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 9. The Last Write, Cora E Wyers, Michelle M Wyers of Wakeman, OH 12. Retreva Blue, Madeleine Heineman, Madeleine Heineman of Chardon, OH 13. Deck Can Do A Star, Alexa Victoria Black, Alexa Victoria Black of Springfield, OH 14. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH
Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (12-14)
3. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 10. Pinely Impulsed, Marley Vieta, Marley Vieta of Blacklick, OH
Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (15-18)
4. Royality In Blue, Maria C George, Barbara G Johnson of Pickerington, OH 6. Invitation To Show, Megan P Overberg, Megan P Overberg of Hillsboro, OH
Youth Hunter Hack (13 & Under)
5. Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Marie Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH
3. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 7. Review This Preview, Morgan Reifsteck, Morgan Reifsteck of Liberty Twp, OH
Youth Horsemanship (11 & Under)
Youth Hunter Hack (14-18)
Youth Grand Champion Mares
7. Choclitchipsobsesion, Angelina DiLillo, Faith M Dilillo of Chardon, OH 8. Lopen After Dark, Lexxus E Grimes, Lexxus E Grimes of Orichmond, OH
Youth Horsemanship (12-14)
1. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 72 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
4. Capture The Flag, Taylor J Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH 12. Regal Tanzanite, Veronica Woodson, Veronica Woodson of Mason, OH
Youth Hunter Under Saddle (11 & Under)
4. Mws Flashy Pine Chex, Crystal Renee Kulow, Cheryl A Baird Kulow of Medina, OH
5. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH 8. Deck Can Do A Star, Alexa Victoria Black, Alexa Victoria Black of Springfield, OH 11. Art Of The Deal, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 12. Retreva Blue, Madeleine Heineman, Madeleine Heineman of Chardon, OH 14. Hot And Hope N, ontgomery Alexander, Barbara Lyn Valentine of Grand Rapids, OH 15. A Complete Repeat, Kaylyn Gimbel, Kaylyn Gimbel of Galion, OH
6. Jazzme Ta Fame, Colin Robinson, Donald Robinson of Caldwell, OH 7. Soxy Smash, Kellie P Carson, Travis D Carson of Zanesville, OH 8. Renes Royal Rockstar, Tate Tobin, Trent Tobin of Fredericktown, OH 12. Rock It Butler, Justin L Bittner, Justin L Bittner of Hamilton, OH 15. Olenas Jackie Bee, Maria Biedenbach, Maria Biedenbach of Sarahsville, OH
Youth Hunter Under Saddle (12-14)
1. Midnight Rose Bud, Trate Brown, Mark Brown of Byesville, OH 5. Redneck Cowboy Jet, Taylor R Brubaker, Taylor R Brubaker of Mt Gilead, OH 10. Freckles Tuffernhel, Cailyn S Abernathy, Cailyn S Abernathy of Oxford, OH 11. Smart Chip Olena, Emily Hookway, Emily Hookway of Hudson, OH 14. Hollywood Iam Dun, Dillan Pavlisin, Dillan Pavlisin of Concord, OH 15. A Golden Cowboy, Kyler Niekamp, Scott A Niekamp of St Henry, OH
7. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 8. Luv Only Chocolate, Lauren G Hull, Lauren G Hull of Canfield, OH 12. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of Hiram, OH 14. Duplicated Duke, Ashton Krutulis, Ashton Krutulis of Ashville, OH
Youth Hunter Under Saddle (15-18)
3. Doodle Jump, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 13. Saturdaynightskyline, Sarah Ann Wooldridge, Sarah Ann Wooldridge of Orient, OH 14. Sterling Captive, Claire Hale, Claire Hale of Columbus, OH
Youth Pole Bending (14-18)
Youth Reining (13 & Under)
3. Dun Gotta Rugged Gun, Taylor Roeder, Janine K Ladd -Roeder of Findlay, OH Youth Jumping 5. Conquistadors Redhot, Sydney Marie Edwards, Sydney Marie 2. Lost In The Swamp, Morgan Shafley, Morgan Shafley of Plain Edwards of Pickerton, OH City, OH 7. Ricochet James, Connor Fuchs, Connor Fuchs of Canfield, 4. Darn That Kat, Mallory Myers, Dr Leslie Myers of Sharon OH Center, OH 8. JD Fritz Jazzman, Caleb Sturgeon, Caleb Sturgeon of Beloit, OH 13. CVF Havanadaydreamin, Colton Mcclure, Colton Mcclure Youth Performance Halter Geldings of Orient, OH 2. Kool Conclusions, John III Peck, Miranda Peck of Ashland , 14. CNF Lenas Peppy Doc, Mckenzie Duncan of New Albany, OH OH, 0 Youth Performance Halter 15. Ms Fanci Pine, Jamie Renee Turner, Jamie Renee Turner of Orient, OH Mares 1. Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Marie Martz, Youth Reining (14-18) Chelsea M Martz of 2. Lotsa Jules, Kyndall Harper, Walter Fuchs of Canfield, OH Blacklick, OH 8. Outlaw Juicy Wales, Luke Turner, Luke Turner of Orient , 5. Zips Bossy Chip, OH Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, 9. Brennas Sugarlena, Kacey A Bolin, Kacey A Bolin of Grove Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell City, OH of W Mansfield, OH 12. Coasten West, Whitney Leeann Lauck, Tamara A Boughan 6. Huntin For Daisies, of Lima, OH Olivia Tordoff, Wild Oats 14. Lucky Little Seven, Sarah Yu, Sarah Yu of Dublin, OH Farm LLC of Powell, OH 15. Km Sudden Lil Zip, Madison Thiel, Madison Thiel of Youth Reserve Champion Gelding Dublin, OH 2. Kid B Styling, Miranda Peck, John Peck of Ashland, OH
Youth Pole Bending (13 & Under)
2. Dixie Sugar Bull, Macy Henkle, Stacey Henkle of Rockford, OH
Youth Reserve Champion Mare
5. Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Marie Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH Ohio Quarter Horse News • 73
Congress RESULTS, •
Youth Showmanship (11 & under)
1. Chip N Vester, Cora E Wyers, Michelle M Wyers of Wakeman, OH 4. One Hot Saturdaynite, Madison Hashman, Madison Hashman of Mount Gilead, OH
Youth Showmanship (12-14)
2. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 10. Gotta Love Her, Mindy Barr, Mindy Barr of Circleville, OH
Ostrander of Westerville, OH 11. Only Intuition, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH 13. The Krymsun Version, Madolynn Johnson, Madolynn Johnson of Chardon, OH 14. Only Dreamin N Lopin, Bradyn Thomas Burke, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, OH
Youth Western Pleasure (15-18)
4. Dark Jasmine, Brianna O Tamulewicz, Susan L Ostrander of Westerville, OH 9. New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum of Youth Showmanship (15-18) 4. Km Sudden Lil Zip, Madison Thiel, Madison Thiel of Dublin, Tiffin, OH 10. Yabba Dabba Doo, Brittany Harter, Brittany Harter of OH Delaware, OH 13. Do Ya Like My Lope, Whitney Wilson, Whitney Wilson of Youth Trail (11 & Under) Zanesville, OH 12. Deck Can Do A Star, Alexa Victoria Black, Alexa Victoria Black of Springfield, OH Youth Western Riding (13 & Under) 14. Lopen After Dark, Lexxus E Grimes, Lexxus E Grimes of 6. RL Impulse, Marley R Mainwaring, Maus M And Mainwaring Orichmond, OH M of Cincinati, OH 15. Choclitchipsobsesion, Angelina DiLillo, Faith M Dilillo of Chardon, OH
Youth Trail (12-14)
14. RL Impulse, Marley R Mainwaring, Maus M And Mainwaring M of Cincinati, OH
Youth Trail (15-18)
4. Some Hot Potential, Bailey J Mierzejewski, Sam J Mierzejewski of Mt Sterling, OH
Youth Weanling Geldings
2. Flying H Lucky Lindy, Clayton Michael Heins, Pete/Kelli & Clay Heins of Arcanum, OH 3. DZine (1), Logan A Lorenz, Logan A Lorenz of North Lewisburg, OH
Youth Western Pleasure (11 & Under)
2. Valentine Version, Natalie Vargo, Natalie Vargo of Plain City, OH 6. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Chagrin Falls, OH 14. MNZ Sooo Good, Lauren B Laudato, Kristine Mann of Grand River, OH
Youth Western Pleasure (12-14)
5. Onlythebestchocolate, Paulina Marie Martz, Chelsea M Martz of Blacklick, OH 6. Miss Famous Maker, Allison A Tamulewicz, Susan L 74 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Youth Western Riding (14-18)
15. Blaze On The Border, McKenzie Lynn Severance, McKenzie Lynn Severance of Westerville, OH
Youth Working Hunter (14-18)
1. Stroke For Stroke, Mallory Myers, Dr Scott Myers of Sharon Center, OH 5. Regal Tanzanite, Veronica Woodson, Veronica Woodson of Mason, OH 13. One Last Laugh, Rachel McKinney, Rachel McKinney of Liberty Twp, OH
Youth Yearling Fillies
2. RWS ColorMeIntrigued, Hannah Mauter, Hannah Mauter of Kirtland, OH
Youth Yearling Geldings
4. Told You So, Bradyn Thomas Burke, Tiffany L Burke of Mt Vernon, OH
Novice Youth
Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14 - 18
Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 & Under
Novice Youth Reining
2. Millun Star Trek, Mallory J Wachob, Mallory J Wachob of Chardon, OH Novice Youth Barrel Racing 13 & Under 3. Saturdaynightskyline, Sarah Ann Wooldridge, Sarah Ann 3. JG Miss Lena, Morgan Pugh, Morgan Pugh of Louisville, OH Wooldridge of Orient, OH 4. Soxy Smash, Kellie P Carson, Travis D Carson of Zanesville, 7. Luv Only Chocolate, Lauren G Hull, Lauren G Hull of OH Canfield, OH 7. The Sneaken Deacon, Kelsey Ritter, Kelsey Ritter of Rock Creek, OH 12. Dixie Sugar Bull, Macy Henkle, Stacey Henkle of Rockford, Novice Youth Pole Bending 2. Little Darlin Doc, Valerie Burch, Kimberly McCutchen of OH Groveport, OH 13. Hickorys Pine Cone, Raegen Stegner, Rachel Stegner of 3. Redneck Cowboy Jet, Taylor R Brubaker, Taylor R Brubaker McConnelsville, OH of Mt Gilead, OH 6. Slippery Calamity, Mollie Jones, Mollie Jones of Solon , OH Novice Youth Barrel Racing 14 - 18 7. Rednecks Lucky Charm, Tate Tobin, Trent Tobin of 3. Tucker Nonstop, Peyton M Theado, Peyton M Theado of Fredericktown, OH Mount Sterling, OH 10. Doc King Pobres, Rachel Campbell, Rachel Campbell of 5. Rollin Honor, Whitley Murphy, Whitley Murphy of Alliance, Beallsville, OH OH 11. TNT Son Of A Gray, Allison Campbell, Allison Campbell of 8. Little Darlin Doc, Valerie Burch, Kimberly McCutchen of Beallsville, OH Groveport, OH 12. Jazzme Ta Fame, Colin Robinson, Donald Robinson of 9. Three Bar Meyers, Macie Rae Davidson, Macie Rae Davidson Caldwell, OH of Salem, OH 14. The Sneaken Deacon, Kelsey Ritter, Kelsey Ritter of Rock 12. Classy Twist Olena, Allie Evans, Denise Evans of Creek, OH Blanchester, OH 15. Soxy Smash, Kellie P Carson, Travis D Carson of Zanesville, 15. Honor Reno Jet, Jordan K Burge, Jordan K Burge of OH Sunbury, OH 13. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of Hiram, OH
1. Einsteins Echo, Ann M Frieders, Ann M Frieders of Quincy, OH Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 14 - 18 5. Lucky Little Seven, Sarah Yu, Sarah Yu of 1. Millun Star Trek, Dublin, OH Mallory J Wachob, 6. Brennas Sugarlena, Mallory J Wachob of Kacey A Bolin, Kacey A Bolin of Grove City, OH Chardon, OH 8. Outlaw Juicy Wales, Luke Turner, Luke Turner of Orient, OH 5. Pinely Impulsed, 10. Peppys Dun Oscar, Mariah Wright, Mariah Wright of Marley Vieta, Marley Wooster, OH Vieta of Blacklick, OH 11. Dun Gotta Rugged Gun, Taylor Roeder, Janine K Ladd 10. Blaze On The -Roeder of Findlay, OH Border, McKenzie Lynn 13. Ms White Cinch, Tara Roeder, Janine K Ladd -Roeder of Severance, McKenzie Findlay, OH
Lynn Severance of Westerville, OH 11. Dont Always Skip Me, Sydney R Hoffa, Sydney R Hoffa of Massillon, OH
Novice Youth Showmanship 13 & Under
12. Lopen After Dark, Lexxus E Grimes, Lexxus E Grimes of Orichmond, OH
Novice Youth Showmanship 14 - 18
4. Man Im Sassy, Lucy Mae Eier, Lucy Mae Eier of New Carlisle, OH Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 & Under 4. Hot Lil Willy, Ashley McClintock, Carolyn M Huff of Hiram, 5. Chip N Vester, Cora E Wyers, Michelle M Wyers of Wakeman, OH OH 10. Investment Dynamic, Mallory Baker, Mallory Baker of 6. Too Lazy To Zip, Lauren Carnahan, Lauren Carnahan of Upper Alrlington , OH Chagrin Falls, OH 14. Choclitchipsobsesion, Faith M Dilillo, Faith M Dilillo of 8. Deck Can Do A Star, Alexa Victoria Black, Alexa Victoria Chardon, OH Black of Springfield, OH 14. Make Ya Mama Proud, Anneleise Rose Ritzi, Anneleise Rose Ritzi of Troy, OH Ohio Quarter Horse News • 75
Congress RESULTS, •
Novice Youth Trail 13 & Under
12. Awesome Gremlin, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH
Novice Youth Trail 14 - 18
3. Prinzziples N Cash, Justin Melvin, Justin Melvin of Marysville, OH 4. Promotional Asset, Lauren Nicole Diaz, Lauren Nicole Diaz of Newark, OH 9. Blaze On The Border, McKenzie Lynn Severance, McKenzie Lynn Severance of Westerville, OH 10. Th Its Only Money, Lexi M Kim, Lexi M Kim of Avon Lake, OH
Novice Youth Western Horsemanship 13 & Under
2. Sterling Version, Olivia Tordoff, Wild Oats Farm LLC of Powell, OH 10. RL Eyes On Sudden, Jordan Melegari, Jordan Melegari of West Salem, OH 13. Lopen After Dark, Lexxus E Grimes, Lexxus E Grimes of Orichmond, OH
Novice Youth Western Horsemanship 14 - 18
4. A Standing Room Only, Sara E Laughlin, Sara E Laughlin of Vermilion, OH 9. Pinely Impulsed, Marley Vieta, Marley Vieta of Blacklick, OH 12. Dont Zip Around, Taylor A Overmier, Taylor A Overmier of Liberty Center, OH
Novice Youth Western Pleasure 13 & Under
8. The Krymsun Version, Madolynn Johnson, Madolynn Johnson of Chardon, OH 14. Good Hearted Assets, Caleb Sturgeon, Caleb Sturgeon of Beloit, OH
Novice Youth Western Pleasure 14 - 18
4. Rocked N Red, Audrey Baker, Audrey Baker of Marysville, OH 6. Do Ya Like My Lope, Whitney Wilson, Whitney Wilson of Zanesville, OH 15. Only Invited By Chip, Kaitlyn Salmans, Jacqueline C Salmons of Coshocton, OH
3. Midnight Rose Bud, Trate Brown, Mark Brown of Byesville, OH 4. Rollin Honor, Whitley Murphy, Whitley Murphy of Alliance, OH 5. Mills King Racheal, Caitlyn L Colvin, Kara Colvin of Trenton, OH
NYATT Horsemanship
7. Invitation To Show, Megan P Overberg, Megan P Overberg of Hillsboro, OH
NYATT Hunter Under Saddle
8. Fine Details, Jenna Sunni Jacobs, Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Poland, OH 10. Happy Pony, Ashley Conger, Ashley Conger of Hudson, OH 14. SweetTalkinArtifacts, Kirsten Nickles, Sherry Nickles of Loudonville, OH 15. Captivate You, Aubrey R Davis, Kristin A Davis of Lockbourne, OH
NYATT Reining
1. Coasten West, Whitney Leeann Lauck, Tamara A Boughan of Lima, OH 2. Dun Gotta Rugged Gun, Taylor Roeder, Janine K Ladd -Roeder of Findlay, OH 3. Outlaw Juicy Wales, Luke Turner, Luke Turner of Orient , OH 4. Travel Whiz Me, Caroline Gute, Julie Gute of Dublin, OH 5. Lucky Little Seven, Sarah Yu, Sarah Yu of Dublin, OH 11. Mr Peppy Jac, L Hunter Dabo, Vincent A Dabo of Grove City, OH 13. JD Fritz Jazzman, Caleb Sturgeon, Caleb Sturgeon of Beloit, OH
NYATT Showmanship
5. Zips Bossy Chip, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell, Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell of W Mansfield, OH 8. Just Good Enough, Riley Herman, Riley Herman of Elmore, OH 10. Km Sudden Lil Zip, Madison Thiel, Madison Thiel of Dublin, OH 12. MNZ Sonnys Zippo, Kayla E Tomilson, Kayla E Tomilson of 76 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Lebanon, OH
NYATT Western Pleasure
7. New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum of Tiffin, OH 8. Time Is Lopin By, Emma Brown, Emma Brown of Zanesville, OH 10. Yabba Dabba Doo, Brittany Harter, Brittany Harter of Delaware, OH 11. A Standing Room Only, Sara E Laughlin, Sara E Laughlin of Vermilion, OH 13. Prinzziples N Cash, Justin Melvin, Justin Melvin of Marysville, OH
High Point
NCHA Cutting Classic Open
4. Queen Cisco, Gabe Reynolds, Holly Davidor of Johnstown, OH
NCHA Cutting Futurity Open
6. Trackin The Big Cat, Tance Bryant, CT/Karen Bryant of Forest, OH
NCHA Classic Cutting Non Pro
9. Aristo Jazz, Matthew Coldiron, Matthew Coldiron of Jeffersonville, OH
NCHA Cutting Derby Non Pro
7. JPS Sneak Apeek, Shaina Bryant, Tance/Saina Bryant of West Union, OH
Novice Youth 14-18 Hi-Point
Reserve Champion: Millun Star Trek ridden and owned by Mallory J Wachob
All Around
Youth All-Around (All Ages)
Reserve Champion: Zips Bossy Chip ridden and owned by Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell
NCHA Cutting $2,000 Limited
3. Big Stylin Cat, Heather Turner, Howard Weir of Canfield, OH 5. This Chicks Slick, David Spear of Wintersville, OH Robin Stang 6. PG Rosilee, Steve Duff, Steve Duff of Westerville, Ohio 8. Playboys Inspiration, Deidre Hall, Consolidated Holdings of Findlay, OH
Youth 12-14 All-Around
Champion: Zips Bossy Chip ridden and owned by Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell
Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting May 20, 2013
Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant
irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Fritz Leeman, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Charlie Menker, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Don Recchiuti, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell, Greg Tordoff, Mike Vargo, Shane Watson and Randy Wilson. Absent Directors: Candi Fites, Shawn Flarida, Randy Jacobs, Binnie Ann Masters, Judd Paul, Brent Tincher and Dan Trein.
President Chris Darnell called the meeting to order at 7:15 pm at the Crowne Plaza North. Introduction of Guests Kristine Nagy, Chris and Ed Campbell, Jamie Watson, Mark Watkins, Ruth and Jason Somnitz and Russ Faulhaber were introduced as guests. Minutes • Brent Maxwell motioned to accept the March minutes, second by Wayne Erwin. Motion passed.
Ohio Quarter Horse News • 77
Minutes Treasurer’s Report • Vic Clark presented the April Financial Statements. The 2013 net income is $ 989,230.77 compared to 2012 of $ 844,604.22. This represents a 17% increase. Vic stated that everything is on track financially. Denny Thorsell made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, second by Jeff James. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report Scott Myers: • The Tri Chair voted to change the Amateur Select to an All Around instead of High Point. • Commercial Exhibitors are down by approximately 25%. Most of the space is being redistributed to existing vendors who have requested increases. • The PBR is on track for a June 1 press release. Shadow Trailer and Coughlin Automotive agreed to be a sponsor for the event. • There has been continued discussion with NRCHA to form an alliance with the Congress. • The Ropers requested a schedule change due to the Team Roping Challenge and the Tie Down Classic running consecutively. The Ropers felt they needed time to recuperate between these two events. Since the schedule has been posted it was decided to leave it as published. It was decided to offer an intermission in order to allow the Ropers time to recuperate.
278 Amateur 803 Life Scholarships • Elizabeth Gorski reported that there will be a presentation for scholarship recipients at the Annual Picnic. Trail Ride • Todd distributed the Trail Ride flyer that will also be published in the Corral. CONGRESS STEERING COMMITTEE REPORTS Trail • Brent Maxwell reported that the Trail Stakes now only have 1 go. ASSOCIATION REPORTS Amateurs • Kristen Martin discussed the Little Buckeye and the Buckeye Classic. There are 500 stalls reserved at this time. There will also be a golf outing during the week in between the 2 shows. The proceeds for this outing will go toward youth scholarships.
NOQHA • Chris Cecil Darnell reported that stalls are sold out for the Findlay show on Memorial Day weekend. Monday will be an All Novice Show. EOQHA • Jeff James reported that they worked in conjunction Brent Maxwell made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen with the All American Youth Show to buy dirt for their Report. Second by Dave McDonald. Motion carried. May show at The Ohio Expo Center. OHIO COMMITTEE REPORTS Annual Banquet • Mike Vargo stated that the committee was looking at the Hilton Polaris for the 2014 banquet. Judging Team • Ruth Somnitz has been named the coach for the Congress Hippology Team. She requested funds to purchase books for the team. • Lisa Alley made a motion for OQHA to spend up to $ 500.00 toward Hippology materials. Second by Hank Clason. Motion carried. Membership • Shane Watson reported; 217Adults 201 Youth 78 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Youth • Charley Thiel reported on their meeting held earlier: • There was a lot of discussion on the upcoming Little Buckeye and the Buckeye Classic. • There are 7 youth members attending the YES Convention in 2013. New Business • Brent Maxwell asked the Tri-Chairmen to consider splitting the Green Trail classes into Jr/Sr for 2014. Scott reported that the Select qualifying period has been extended to June 16, 2013. • Randy Wilson and Amy Watkins have earned their AQHA judge’s cards. Chris Darnell adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:20 p.m.
Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting June 17, 2013
Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant
irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Shawn Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Randy Jacobs, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Judd Paul, Don Recchiuti, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Denny Thorsell, Shane Watson.
Chris Cecil Darnell: • Chris explained the details of the integration of The Southern Belle into the Congress. Chris stated that this will be a positive revenue source once finalized in 2014. Wayne Erwin made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen Report. 2nd by Dave McDonald. Motion carried.
Absent Directors: Fritz Leeman, Charlie Menker, Chuck OHIO COMMITTEE REPORTS Smith, Brent Tincher, Greg Tordoff, Mike Vargo Dan Trein Annual Banquet and Randy Wilson. • Scott reported that the 2014 banquet will most likely be held at the Hilton Downtown Columbus. This is the only President Chris Darnell called the meeting to order at 7:15 facility available that would accommodate us. pm at the Ohio Expo Center. AQHA Introduction of Guests • It was reported that Gene Graves passed. • Kristine Nagy, Mark and Amy Watkins, Jaymie Drury and Elaine Wells were introduced as guests. Judging Team • There was some discussion regarding how the Youth Fund Raiser would affect the Judging team. Kelli Diaz Minutes explained the parameters of the fund raiser. It was • Jeff James motioned to accept the May minutes, second determined to allow the Judging Team to be able to sell by Wayne Erwin. Motion passed. raffle tickets until July 1, 2013. Treasurer’s Report • Vic Clark presented the May Financial Statements. Membership The 2013 net income is $ 1,354,310 compared to 2012 of • Shane Watson reported; $ 974,278. This represents a 39% increase. Vic stated that 222 Adults everything is on track financially. 210 Youth 284 Amateur Jeff James made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, 803 Life second by Bob Hexter. Motion carried. Trail Ride Tri-Chairmen Report • Todd reported that there were 43 entries for the July Scott Myers: Trail Ride. • The online ticketing system is up and running for the PBR and Freestyle Reining events. There have been 3 of Nominating Committee the 6 chutes sponsorships sold. • The following were elected to the Nominating • Weaver Leather is sponsoring the Freestyle Reining Committee: online tickets. There will be special presentations by Stacy Vic Clark by Hank Clason and Denny Thorsell Westfall and Shawn Flarida Mike Vargo by Roger Landis and Denny Thorsell • Hollywood Casino has signed on to be a Corporate Candi Fites by Denny Thorsell and Ed Dingledine Sponsor for 2013 Congress. Hank Clason by Vic Clark and Roger Landis Ohio Quarter Horse News • 79
Minutes Greg Tordoff by Brent Maxwell and Dave McDonald Binnie Ann Masters by Dave McDonald and Roger Landis • Vic Clark made a motion to close nominations. 2nd by Bob Hexter. • Hank Clason was appointed Chairperson for the committee.
Ohio News • Scott Myers reported that a replacement for Tracy Bidwell’s position has been identified and will be introduced at the August meeting. Chris Darnell adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:05 p.m.
Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting August 19, 2013
Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Randy Jacobs, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Dave McDonald, Charlie Menker, Cindy Morehead, Judd Paul, Don Recchiuti, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Brent Tincher, Greg Tordoff, Dan Trein, Denny Thorsell, Mike Vargo, Shane Watson and Randy Wilson.
Report, second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report Scott Myers reported the following: The Tri-Chairs met with a marketing professional and reviewed a proposal for contracted marketing initiatives.
• The Ranch Horse Pleasure exhibitors will be allowed to move in on Thursday, October 10th at no additional Absent Directors: Ed Dingledine, Elizabeth Gorski, Shawn charge. Flarida, Bob Hexter, Fritz Leeman, Ron McCarty and Chuck Smith. • The Tri-Chair voted to adopt an Incident/Accident report and is currently working on a formal policy. President Chris Darnell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. • The Swine Barn has been revised to now be considered all premium stalls. Introduction of Guests • Kristine Nagy, Jamie Watson, George Seanor, Kyle • Currently there are 25 Western Pleasure and 12 Hunter Flattery, Carl Master, Ted Handel Jaymie Drury and Leah Under Saddle slots sold for the Master’s classes. The TriMoore were introduced as guests. Chair will be reviewing the payback schedule and possibly making revision. Minutes • Alan Potts made a motioned to correct the June Chris Darnell: reported that she attended the NSBA minutes to reflect that Roger Landis was elected to the banquet and the judge’s were drawn for the Master’s nominating committee. Second by Binnie Ann Masters. classes. Motion passed. Hunter Under Saddle Treasurer’s Report Sissy Anderson • Vic Clark presented the July Financial Statements. Bruce Walquist The 2013 net income is $1,861,267 compared to 2012 of Mike Hay $1,331,716 This represents a 39% increase. Vic stated that Steve Meadows everything is on track financially. Kelly McDowell (Alt) Brent Maxwell made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s 80 • Ohio Quarter Horse News
Western Pleasure
Minutes Mike Hay Will Knabenshae Jennifer Leckey Chad Evans Steve Meadows (Alt) Wayne Erwin made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen Report. 2nd by Dave McDonald. Motion carried.
2014. Second by Lisa Alley. Motion carried. Golf Outing Chris Darnell reported for Elizabeth Gorski: • There were 18 hole sponsors along with 14 teams competing. The outing netted a profit a little more than $3,500. These funds will be allocated to youth scholarships.
OHIO COMMITTEE REPORTS AQHA • Scott Myers reported that Betty Flarida will be awarded the Merrill Wood Humanitarian award at the 2014 AQHA banquet.
NOQHA • The Northern Ohio Futurity is set for 9/28 - 9/29/2013
Drug Task Force • Dr. Dave McDonald reported that the drug policy was reviewed. There will not be any changes to the policy and copies are available at the OQHA office.
EOQHA • The Eastern Ohio Futurity is set for 9/14 – 9/15/2013
• Cindy asked that the Board review the policy for the youth fund raisers and possibly make changes for the kids on the judging team. A committee was appointed to review the youth policies. Committee members are: Cindy Morehead, Binnie Ann Masters, Don Recchiuti and Kelli Diaz.
New Business • Scott Myers reported that initial conversations are taking place to increase the riding area north of the Lausche building.
SOQHA • The Southern Ohio Futurity was held 8/17 - 8/18/2013
OAQHA • Kristen Martin reported on the Little Buckeye and Judging Team Buckeye Classic horse shows held in July. The 2 shows • Cindy Morehead reported that there were 38 teams at were held in conjunction with the Buckeye Western Horse AQHYA World Show. Ohio placed in 3 events with a 16th Association and Ohio Quarter Horse Association. There final placing. were over 10,000 entries between the 2 shows.
Membership • Shane Watson reported; 227 Adults 222 Youth 298 Amateur 803 Life Trail Ride Todd reported on the August Trail Ride: • There were 97 riders with an additional 14 on Sunday. • The Trail Ride Challenge had 36 entries. There were 129 dinners served on Saturday night. The silent auction and raffle raised a combined total of $ 1,130.00
• Nominations were held for AQHA’s most valuable professional: - Dan Trein was nominated by Brent Maxwell and Dave McDonald. Dan declined the since he has been awarded it in the past. - Randy Jacobs was nominated by Charlie Menker and Brent Maxwell. - Brent Maxwell was nominated by Clark Bradley and Todd Salome. - Judd Paul was nominated by Dan Trein and Todd Salome. • Brent Maxwell was selected by vote of the Directors. Chris Darnell adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:17 p.m.
Dan Trein made a motion to continue the trail ride for Ohio Quarter Horse News • 81
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