Ohio Quarter Horse News January/February 2011

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Ohio Quarter Horse January/February 2011



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Cam Foreman

Jim Flowers

Lisa Martin

Mindy Westlake

Executive Vice President 740-943-2346, ext. 129 CForeman@oqha.com Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Facilities/Operations 740-943-2346, ext. 127

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] Congress Bronze Trophies are prominently on display throughout the Gilligan during the show for competitors and visitors alike to admire. Photo by Tracy Bidwell.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 70-88 18-25 27-46 54-68 94-100 104-110 111-113

Congress Results Year-End Awards OQHA Election Biographies OQHYA Election Biographies OAQHA Election Biographies Futurity Results Breeders Incentive Fund Results

[ DEPARTMENTS ] 3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 9 Forum 10 Podium 12-15 OQHA News 47-48 Around Ohio 49 OQHYA Officers & Directors 50-52 Youth Headlines 53 2011 Show Schedule 90 OAQHA Officers & Directors 91-93 Amateur Update 113-115 Meeting Minutes 116 Stallion Directory 117-118 Business Card Directory 119 Advertiser Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 101 101 101 102 103

Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse OMI Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Ohio State Buckskin Southern Ohio Quarter Horse

2010 Officers Vic Clark

Brent Maxwell

1st Vice President (2/10) Executive Committee, Congress Tri-Chair, Finance, Professional Horsemen, Public Policy, Treasurer 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Executive Committee (2/11) Horse Show Advisory, Trail Ride, Youth Activities, Congress Futurities, Trail, NYATT 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

David McDonald, DVM Executive Committee (2/12) Drug Task Force, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0169 DaveMcDVM@adelphia.net

Clark Bradley

2nd Vice President (2/10) Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Skip Salome

President (2/10) Executive Committee (2/11), Food/Beverage 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dr. Scott Myers

Congress Tri-Chair (9/11) Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley PO Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Chris Cecil-Darnell

Executive Committee (2/13) Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Congress Program 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 330-697-6353 330-239-2466 Lannings72@aol.com

Denny Thorsell

Congress Tri-Chair (9/10) Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Public Policy 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-3006 Cell: 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

AQHA National Directors Clark Bradley

2nd Vice President (2/10) Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Fritz Leeman

Skip Salome

Dan Trein

Charlie Menker

Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

AQHA Director Emeritus President (2/10) Executive Committee (2/11), Food/Beverage 50 S. 2nd St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084 AQHA Honorary Vice President, Judging Tournament, Congress Roping, Rules Brookville, OH Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Commercial Exhibitors, Trail Ride, Hunter/Jumpers, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 330-877-3809; Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com

Grievance, Professional Horsemen, Stallion Avenue 1068 Wellington Way Lexington, KY 40513 Office: 859-223-6728 x100 Cell: 937-605-0725 Tim@folckequine.com

Judd Paul (2/12)

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 937-376-8456; 614-205-8056 JPTrainingStable@aol.com

John Pickersgill (2/11)

Mark Cherubini (2/11)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/12)

Hank Clason (2/13)

Bob Hexter (2/11)

Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Congress Program, Food/ Beverage 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com

Judging Team, Rules, Hunter/ Jumpers, Judging Tournament, Team Tournament 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 740-922-4224; 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Chris Cecil-Darnell (2/12)

Jeff James (2/11)

Todd Salome (2/13)

Kelli Diaz (2/11)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178

Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-833-1717 Bell100@aol.com

Wayne Erwin (2/12)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/11)

Candi Fites (2/11)

Ron McCarty (2/11)

Brent Tincher (2/12)

Public Policy, Trail Ride, VIP/Awards Ceremony 19834 Arrington Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-404-4123 Mark@msmisp.com

Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Demonstrations 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 330-725-6614; Fax: 330-725-2623 DClason@aol.com Executive Committee, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Congress Program 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 330-697-6353; 330-239-2466 Lannings72@aol.com Annual Awards, Trail Ride, Youth Advisor, Congress Queen 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Professional Horsemen, Scholarship, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Stallion Avenue 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-562-9612; 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive Fund, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 330-257-3881 CandiGab@zoominternet.net

Bill Flarida (2/12)

Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net


Tim Folck (2/11)

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Grievance, Membership, Lectures 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-494-1611 JEGorski@verizon.net

Breeders Incentive Fund, Gate Crew 410 County Line Rd. Hopewell, OH 43746 740-787-2881 JamesQtrsHrs@columbus.rr.com

Executive Committee, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Team Tournament, Trail 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net Trail Ride, Food/Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Cindy Morehead (2/11)

Horse Show Advisory, Judging Team, Membership, Scholarship, Hunter/ Jumpers, Judging Tournament, Team Tournament 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 419-424-9660; Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Grievance, Commercial Exhibitors, Treasurer’s Office 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Rules, Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibitors, VIP/Awards Ceremony 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

Chuck Smith (2/11)

Congress Tri-Chair, Public Policy, Animal Protection/Fire Safety 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Past Presidents Dr. Scott Myers, DVM (2007-2008) Congress Tri-Chair, Drug Task Force, Finance, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Research, Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley Sharon Center, OH 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Skip Salome (1993-94, 2005-06) President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/11) Food/Beverage Newark, OH 740-344-1084

Charlie Menker (2003-2004)

AQHA Honorary Vice President, Judging Tournament, Rules, Roping Brookville, OH 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Clark Bradley (1999-2000)

2nd Vice President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/11) Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping Findlay, OH Home: 419-420-0016

Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Cliff Nash (1987-88)

Vic Clark (1997-98)

Burgess Holt (1984-86)

1st Vice President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/12) Congress Tri-Chair, Finance, Public Policy, Treasurer’s Office Shelby, OH Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Fritz Leeman (1990-92)

Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame Massillion, OH 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

David McDonald, DVM (1989)

Executive Committee (2/12) Drug Task Force, Finance, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator Medina, OH 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@adelphia.net

Medina, OH 330-725-7024 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Jim Brennan (1979) Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Don Clason (1976-77) Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Alan Potts (1960)

Grievance, Rules, Roping Coshocton, OH 740-622-5611 Note: The year of OQHA presidency is indicated. Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime.

Honorary Directors Jess Cecil

Wadsworth, OH 330-239-1735 Lannings72@aol.com

Ed Dingledine

Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Jack Geschke Fairlawn, OH


Ohio Quarter Horse News

216-398-0590 330-665-5822

Steve Marko

Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Animal Protection/Fore Safety, Hall of Fame, Hunter/Jumpers, OQHA Queens, Rules McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

Roger Ruetenik Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Dan Trein

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail Seville, OH 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell


Ohio Quarter Horse News

appy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and is staying warm and safe this winter. This issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News celebrates the wonderful accomplishments of our members in 2010, at the AQHA World Show, All American Quarter Horse Congress and throughout the year. We had nine World Champions crowned in November at the AQHA World Show, and many more Reserves, Top Tens and finalists. Results can be found on pages 13-14 and 92-93. Congratulations to all those who qualified and competed in Oklahoma this past year. 44 Ohioans went home from the Ohio Expo Center with Congress Champions to add to their resumé (full results begin on page 70). Saturday, February 5th is the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet. I’m sincerely looking forward to attending my first one, and I hope to see many of you there. I hear there are wonderful prizes given to all year-end award recipents, as well as a wonderful meal. We have highlighted all of our year-end award winners in this issue of the magazine as well, on pages 18-25. I extend a sincere congratulations to everyone, as it takes a tremendous amount of work and dedication to accomplish getting a year-end award. Even as we celebrate the great accomplishments our members had in 2010, everyone at Ohio Quarter Horse is looking forward to 2011, including myself. With one Congress under my belt, I’m really looking forward to another one, and doing an even better job. Our board of directors have already begun planning for the 2011 Congress, and (hopefully) some exciting new additions and changes will be released soon. Production of a new trophy, designed by Don Bell, is already underway, and we are working on finalizing a schedule, so keep checking back for that information. In conclusion, I hope everyone is excited to make 2011 as good, if not better, than 2010!

Forum Dear Mr. Skip Salome,


hank you so much for all that you had done for the 2010 Congress Queen Contest. I cannot express how greatly I appreciate your gifts to the group, including the dinner, lunch during interviews, sashes, group photo and all of your time dedicated to the American Quarter Horse. Thank You, Ceci Purtee Kentucky Quarter Horse Association Queen Mr. Skip Salome,


hank you so much for all the support you showed us and the thanks for the memories.

God Bless, Victoria Mickle NWFQHA Queen Dear Mr. Skip Salome,

shows that they put on, including the Congress, since I was a little tyke. I am very proud and very honored to be representing such a prestigious and distinguished organization and show. Warmest Regards, Brittany Barker 2010 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen Ohio Quarter Horse Association,


hank you for sponsoring the Dummy Roping at the Quarter Horse Congress. I competed in the eight and under division and placed third. The medallion is cool. I am eight years old and this was the third year I competed. Sincerely, Clint Southworth South Solon, Ohio Thank You,


hank you so much for co-producing the Dummy want to acknowledge your generosity for your Roping at the Congress. It was so much fun and support of the 2010 Congress Queen Contest. I really the kids all look forward to it each year. I have had six enjoyed this wonderful experience. grandkids enter over the years.


Best Regards, Victoria Paese 2010 New York Southern Tier QHA Queen

Susan Pennau and Josh Briggs

Mr. Skip Salome and OQHA,



cannot begin to express my gratitude and thanks for all that you do for this program. Without you, there would not be a Congress Queen Contest. The tea was wonderful! That was what I was drinking to mend my scratching voice prior to the interview and obviously it did something to help! The group photo turned out wonderfully and I am proud to display it. I love the tiara, crown and belt buckle. They were a dream sitting in the case in Congress Hall and I am extremely honored that now they are a reality. OQHA is a wonderful organization and I have attended numerous

Thank You, or your donation to the 2010 Congress.

Ty Mullet Sugarcreek, Ohio

Ohio Quarter Horse News




by Skip Salome


Ohio Quarter Horse News

elcome to the first edition of Ohio Quarter Horse News in 2011. I hope everyone had a wonderful new year and a happy holiday. I am proud to say that Ohio Quarter Horse went out of 2010 with a bang, compiling an impressive number of Champions, Reserves and Top Ten honors at the biggest shows of the season. I am also proud to recognize all those who supported Ohio throughout the year by earning Year-End Awards. I look forward to the presentation of your awards on February 5th, and I hope everyone comes out to celebrate with us at the Ramada Plaza on Sinclair Road. More information about the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet can be found on pages 5 and 7 of this magazine. Also, election ballots have been sent out, and I encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. Don’t forget to follow the instructions and mail your completed ballots by January 30th. We have included biographies on those running for officer and director positions again, and I hope you enjoy them. As always, election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on February 5th. As my final letter as president, I want to thank everyone for a spectacular two years, and I am proud to have served as your president. I look forward to continuing my service in other capacities, but thank you for providing me with this opportunity.

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OQHA News Don’t Forget To Vote!


oting for 2011 officers and directors has begun. Ballots were mailed from the OQHA office in mid-December. Members must submit their completed ballots by January 30th to be counted in the election. Please make sure to read the instructions enclosed with the ballots carefully. Ballots filled out incorrectly will not be counted. Ballots should be mailed to: Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400 The following is the 2011 election slate of officer and director candidates, made at the September OQHA board meeting. *Asterisks denote candidates nominated by the nominating committee. All other candidates were nominated from the floor.

President: Vic Clark*

Charlie Menker*

1st Vice President: Wayne Erwin*

Skip Salome*

2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Gorski* Todd Salome*

Hank Clason

Directors: Mark Cherubini* Tim Folck* Cindy Morehead* Denny Thorsell* Ted Handel* Randy Jacobs

Candi Fites* Ron McCarty* Chuck Smith* Mike Vargo* Mark Fontana* Sid Griffith

Kelli Diaz* Bob Hexter* John Pickersgill* Rod Atherton* Bill Wright* Sam Mierzejewski

OQHA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet


hio Quarter Horse Association members are invited to attend the 2010 Year-End Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting, held Saturday, February 5, 2011. The meetings will begin at 11:30 am with Youth and Amateur board meetings. The OQHA Annual Board Meeting will begin at 12:00 noon. The Hospitality Suite will open after the conclusion of the OQHA board meeting, at approximately 3:30 pm. The 2010 Year-End Awards Banquet will begin at 5:00 pm with a three-course, sit-down dinner, followed

by the presentation of awards and a live and a silent auction at 9:00 pm. This year’s event will be held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, located at 4900 Sinclair Road in Columbus. Hotel reservations are due by January 15th to receive the group rate. Reservations can be made by calling (614) 846-0300. Dinner reservations are due by January 22nd to the OQHA office in Richwood. Reservation forms can be found on page 5 of this magazine.

Upcoming Meetings


he next OQHA board meeting will be Monday, January 17th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. In February, the board will meet during the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held Saturday, February 12

Ohio Quarter Horse News

5th. The meeting will begin at 12 noon at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. During March, board meetings will return to their usual date, Monday, March 21st at 7 pm.

OQHA News Ohio Shines during Fedex Open Week at 2010 AQHA World Show


he 2010 American Quarter Horse World Championship show drew 3,326 entries from 13 countries, including 44 U.S. states. The show was held November 6-20 at the State Fair Park in Oklahoma City. Fedex Open Week, which began on November 13th, boasted 1,966 entries, with 170 competing in the show’s largest class, ranch sorting. A total of $2,614,865 was given away in cash and prizes, including $25,000 to the Farnam Superhorse. Play Dual Rey, a 7-year-old sorrel stallion, was named the 2010 Farnam Superhorse on November 20th. Owned by The Play Dual Rey partnership of Whitesboro, Texas, the stallion earned two Reserve World Championships in Heeling and Reining, two fourths, in Senior Working Cow Horse and Senior Heading and an 11th place in Senior Tie-Down Roping to clinch the title. Vital Signs Are Good was named the 2010 Reserve Farnam Superhorse. Ohio was extremely well represented at the show in Oklahoma, and took home six World Championships, as well as three Reserve World Championships during Fedex Open Week. The following is a complete listing of all Ohio placings at the 2010 American Quarter Horse World Championship show during open week.

Pataskala, owned by Stephen Farley of Sunbury

Weanling Stallions 6th - Black Jak, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover

Two Year Old Geldings 7th - Employee Number One, owned by Lori Kerbel and Haley Herman of Gibsonburg 8th - One Coolsified Kid, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover

Yearling Stallions 6th - A Nu Image, owned by Robert Eurez of Pataskala 11th - Tailored, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover

Yearling Mares 5th - Kupcakz, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover Two Year Old Mares 3rd - RTH Style And Grace, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover 5th - Pretty As A Package, owned by Greg and Jodi Sullivan of Maumee Three Year Old Mares 4th - Gunsling N Annie, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover 9th - Telusives Last Jewel, shown by Greg Holden of Liberty Township Performance Mares 15th - Inviting Rumors, shown by Ty Hornick, of Jamestown, Ohio, owned by Jane Kimmel, of Covington Yearling Geldings 6th - Exxactly, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover

Three Year Old Geldings Champion - Kid B Styling, owned by John Peck of Ashland 3rd - How Do Ya Like MeNow, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover

Three Year Old Stallions Reserve - RTH Mr Wilson, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover, Ohio, owned by Rick and Terri Heffelfinger of Jeromesville Performance Stallions 4th - Won Last Stand, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover Weanling Mares 10th - Entensify, shown by Randy Jacobs of Dover 14th - Pretty Well Rocked, shown by Donald Griffey of

Photo courtesy of AQHA.

Kid B Styling, owned by John Peck of Ashland. Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News 2010 AQHA World Show, Continued Senior Reining 15th - Leitachic, shown by Rusty Dare of Hamilton Senior Trail 5th - Eyell Be Outrageous, shown by Jennifer Paul of Xenia, owned by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick

Photo courtesy of AQHA.

A Classical Touch, owned by John Peck, were named World Champions in Performance Halter Geldings.

Performance Halter Geldings Champion - A Classical Touch, owned by John Peck of Ashland Junior Barrel Racing 6th - Famous Silk Panties, owned by Heath Boucher of Fredericktown Junior Pole Bending Champion Redneck Daisy, owned and shown by Trent Tobin of Fredericktown 13th - Hi Teck Redneck, shown by Trent Tobin of Fredericktown

Junior Western Pleasure Champion - Dark Jasmine, owned by Susuan Ostrander of Westerville Reserve - Sure Am Hot, owned by Fritz Leeman of Massillion 5th - Extremely Hot Chips, owned by Cheryl Mullikin of Xenia 8th- Inviting Rumors, shown by Ty Hornick, of Jamestown, owned by Jane Kimmel, of Covington 11th - Only Version, shown by Brent Tincher of Oxford, owned by Kthryne Zachrich of Columbus Senior Western Pleasure Champion- A Certain Vino, shown by Karen Hornick of Jamestown 6th - Cool Blazing Lady, shown by Brent Tincher of Oxford

Photo courtesy of AQHA.

Dark Jasmine, owned by Susan Ostrander.

Two Year Old Western Pleasure 5th - MNZ Invitation, owned by Olivia Hoecker of Tipp City 10th - A Hocus In Time, shown by Ty Hornick of Jamestown

Junior Hunter Under Saddle Redneck Daisy and Trent Tobin Senior Pole 4th - BMQ Without from Fredericktown, Ohio. Bending A Doubt, shown 3rd - Teddy Terrific, owned by Carl Ford of Chillicothe by Dawn Baker of Photo courtesy of AQHA. 5th - Haley Jos Charm, shown by Brannon Riley of Johnstown, owned by Karen Hornick piloted A Creston L.T. and Joanne Taylor Certain Vino to another World 6th - Redneck Mariah, shown by Trent Tobin of of Ostrander Championship title. Fredericktown 10th - Thats Hott, Photo courtesy of AQHA.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA News shown by Heidi Piper of Sunbury 12th - Hot N Bothered, shown by Beckey Schooler of Delta Senior Hunter Under Saddle 10th - Shady Bizziness Man, shown by Beckey Schooler of Delta Junior Working Hunter 3rd - WhenItAllGoesSouth, owned by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington

Junior Hunter Hack Reserve - WhenItAllGoesSouth, owned by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington 10th - Spacious Skies, shown by Julie O’Brien of Southington, owned by Natoshia Kelly of Carey Senior Hunter Hack 9th - Sky Blue Yonder, shown by Julie O’Brien of Southington, owned by Marjorie Whiteman of Warren Senior Working Hunter 7th - A ChanceOf BlueSkies, owned by Meghan O’Malley of Medina 12th - LousianaSaturdayNite, owned by Moira GrilliotMurty of West Milton

Progressive Working Hunter Champion Senior Pleasure Driving WhenItAllGoesSouth, 9th - One Sweet Kiss, shown by Donald Jox of owned by Jessica Johnson of Waterford, owned by Becky Blackburn of Belpre Pickerington Photo courtesy of AQHA.

WhenItAllGoesSouth, owned by Jessica Johnson.

OQHA ballots were mailed from the OQHA office in mid-December. They must be mailed to: Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400 To be counted for the election, all ballots must be submitted by January 30, 2011. Ohio Quarter Horse News


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Lakeside Arena, 1385 Duncan Road, Frankfort, KY 40601

Heated Stalls & Arena, All Under One Roof!

Feb. 10, 2011 – Working Hunter Special Event, Judge: Ginny Howard Feb. 11-13, 2011 - Judges: Brendan Brown, Bob Kail, Gretchen Mathes, Betsy Tuckey Stalls & Information: Lon & Cathy Oyster (859) 887-0033, email: crhorses@insightbb.com, www.lakesidearena.com. AQHA Entry Fees: $15/class/judge. All Day Fee: $50 per judge, one horse-one rider All Divisions, crossovers allowed. No All Day Fees for Special Events. Weekend Fee: $350/horse includes stall, entry fees for unlimited riders, AQHA fee, Office fee, Schooling fees. Small Fry Entry Fees: $5/class/judge. $25 charge for open tabs at end of show. Non-Shown Horses: $35. AQHA Fee: $5 per judge. Office Fee: $6 per judge. Schooling Fee: Trail/Fence classes $7 per day. KyQHA Fee: $1.50 per judge for Special Events. Stalls Must Be Prepaid: Weekend $125 (inc. 1 bag) or Circuit (includes layover) $200 (inc. 2 bags). Additional days $20 per day. No refunds after Feb. 5th. Make checks payable to Equine Events and mail to 1187 Baker Lane, Nicholasville, KY 40356. Grounds Fee: $15 per day for horses without stalls. Camper Hook-Ups: $22.50 per night (electric & water). Showers & concession stand on grounds. Show Motel: Best Western (502) 695-6111 Weekend Western & English High Point Awards: Open, Amateur, Amateur Select, Youth, Novice Amateur, Novice Youth, Small Fry. Halter NOT required but will count toward awards. Small Fry (10 & under) MAY show in lope/canter classes. Thursday, February 10, 2011, 8:30 a.m. Judge: Ginny Howard Working Hunter Special Event 13. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 14. Green Working Hunter 15. Progressive Working Hunter 16. Open Working Hunter 22. Novice Youth Working Hunter 23. Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 24. Novice Amateur Working Hunter 25. Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 26. Amateur Select Working Hunter 27. Amateur Select Equitation Over Fences 28. Youth Working Hunter 29. Youth Equitation Over Fences 30. Amateur Working Hunter 31. Amateur Equitation Over Fences 19. Junior Hunter Hack 36. Novice Youth Hunter Hack 37. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 20. Senior Hunter Hack 38. Youth Hunter Hack 39. Amateur Select Hunter Hack 40. Amateur Hunter Hack Friday, February 11, 2011 Ring B, Judges: Brendan Brown, Bob Kail, Gretchen Mathes, Betsy Tuckey 1. Green Trail 2. Junior Trail 3. Senior Trail 4. Green Western Pleasure 5. Junior Western Pleasure 6. Senior Western Pleasure 7. Green Western Riding 8. Western Riding, All Ages 9. Reining, All Ages 10. Green Hunter Under Saddle 11. Junior Hunter Under Saddle 12. Senior Hunter Under Saddle Ring A, following class 12 13. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 14. Green Working Hunter 15. Progressive Working Hunter 16. Open Working Hunter 17. Green Jumping 18. Open Jumping 19. Junior Hunter Hack 20. Senior Hunter Hack Saturday, February 12, 2011, 8:00 a.m. Ring A, Judges: Brendan Brown, Bob Kail, Gretchen Mathes, Betsy Tuckey 21. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 22. Novice Youth Working Hunter 23. Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 24. Novice Amateur Working Hunter

25. Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 26. Amateur Select Working Hunter 27. Amateur Select Equitation Over Fences 28. Youth Working Hunter 29. Youth Equitation Over Fences 30. Amateur Working Hunter 31. Amateur Equitation Over Fences 32. Novice Youth Jumping 33. Novice Amateur Jumping 34. Youth Jumping 35. Amateur Jumping 36. Novice Youth Hunter Hack 37. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 38. Youth Hunter Hack 39. Amateur Select Hunter Hack 40. Amateur Hunter Hack Ring B 41. Walk-Trot Hunter Under Saddle, All Ages 42. Small Fry Hunter Under Saddle 43. Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 44. Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 45. Youth Hunter Under Saddle, 13 & Under 46. Youth Hunter Under Saddle, 14-18 47. Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle 48. Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 49. Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 50. Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 51. Youth Hunt Seat Equitation, 13 & Under 52. Youth Hunt Seat Equitation, 14-18 53. Amateur Select Hunt Seat Equitation 54. Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 55. Yearling Stallions 56. Two-Year-Old Stallions 57. Three-Year-Old Stallions 58. Aged Stallions 59. Performance Halter Stallions GRAND & RESERVE 60. Yearling Geldings 61. Two-Year-Old Geldings 62. Three-Year-Old Geldings 63. Aged Geldings 64. Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 65. Yearling Mares 66. Two-Year-Old Mares 67. Three-Year-Old Mares 68. Aged Mares 69. Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE Sunday, February 13, 2011, 8:00 a.m. Ring B, Judges: Brendan Brown, Bob Kail, Gretchen Mathes, Betsy Tuckey 70. Amateur Stallions, 2 & Under 71. Amateur Stallions, 3 & Over 72. Amateur Performance Halter Stallions GRAND & RESERVE

73. Amateur Geldings, 2 & Under 74. Amateur Geldings, 3 & Over 75. Amateur Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 76. Amateur Mares, 2 & Under 77. Amateur Mares, 3 & Over 78. Amateur Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE 79. Youth Mares, 2 & Under 80. Youth Mares, 3 & Over 81. Youth Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE 82. Youth Geldings, 2 & Under 83. Youth Geldings, 3 & Over 84. Youth Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 85. Novice Youth Showmanship 86. Youth Showmanship, 13 & Under 87. Youth Showmanship, 14-18 88. Small Fry Showmanship 89. Novice Amateur Showmanship 90. Amateur Select Showmanship 91. Amateur Showmanship Ring A 92. Small Fry Trail 93. Novice Youth Trail 94. Novice Amateur Trail 95. Youth Trail 96. Amateur Select Trail 97. Amateur Trail Ring B 98. Novice Youth Western Riding 99. Novice Amateur Western Riding 100. Youth Western Riding 101. Amateur Western Riding 102. Novice Youth Reining 103. Novice Amateur Reining 104. Youth Reining 105. Amateur Reining 106. Walk-Trot, any age horse or rider 107. Small Fry Western Pleasure 108. Walk-Trot, Riders age 11-18 109. Walk-Trot, Riders age 19 & Over 110. Novice Youth Western Pleasure 111. Novice Amateur Western Pleasure 112. Youth Western Pleasure, 13 & Under 113. Youth Western Pleasure, 14-18 114. Amateur Select Western Pleasure 115. Amateur Western Pleasure 116. Novice Youth Horsemanship 117. Novice Amateur Horsemanship 118. Small Fry Horsemanship 119. Youth Horsemanship, 13 & Under 120. Youth Horsemanship, 14-18 121. Amateur Select Horsemanship 122. Amateur Horsemanship

Equine Events Winter Classic

Lakeside Arena, 1385 Duncan Road, Frankfort, KY 40601

Heated Stalls & Arena, All Under One Roof!

Feb. 17, 2011 – Working Hunter Special Event, Judge: Ron Beachy Feb. 18-20, 2011 - Judges: Patti Carter-Pratt, Lee Ann DeMars, Louie Hufnagel, Karen Watters Feb. 21, 2011 – Working Hunter Special Event, Judge: Anne Laise Thursday, February 17, 2011, 8:30 a.m. Judge: Ron Beachy Working Hunter Special Event 13. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 14. Green Working Hunter 15. Progressive Working Hunter 16. Open Working Hunter 22. Novice Youth Working Hunter 23. Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 24. Novice Amateur Working Hunter 25. Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 26. Amateur Select Working Hunter 27. Amateur Select Equitation Over Fences 28. Youth Working Hunter 29. Youth Equitation Over Fences 30. Amateur Working Hunter 31. Amateur Equitation Over Fences 19. Junior Hunter Hack 36. Novice Youth Hunter Hack 37. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 20. Senior Hunter Hack 38. Youth Hunter Hack 39. Amateur Select Hunter Hack 40. Amateur Hunter Hack Friday, February 18, 2011 Judges: Patti Carter-Pratt, Lee Ann DeMars, Louie Hufnagel, Karen Watters Ring A 13. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 14. Green Working Hunter 15. Progressive Working Hunter 16. Open Working Hunter 17. Green Jumping 18. Open Jumping 19. Junior Hunter Hack 20. Senior Hunter Hack Ring B 10. Green Hunter Under Saddle 11. Junior Hunter Under Saddle 12. Senior Hunter Under Saddle 4. Green Western Pleasure 5. Junior Western Pleasure 6. Senior Western Pleasure 7. Green Western Riding 8. Western Riding, All Ages 9. Reining, All Ages 55. Yearling Stallions 56. Two-Year-Old Stallions 57. Three-Year-Old Stallions 58. Aged Stallions 59. Performance Halter Stallions GRAND & RESERVE 60. Yearling Geldings 61. Two-Year-Old Geldings 62. Three-Year-Old Geldings 63. Aged Geldings 64. Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 65. Yearling Mares 66. Two-Year-Old Mares 67. Three-Year-Old Mares 68. Aged Mares 69. Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE

Saturday, February 19, 2011, 8:00 a.m. Judges: Patti Carter-Pratt, Lee Ann DeMars, Louie Hufnagel, Karen Watters Ring B 70. Amateur Stallions, 2 & Under 71. Amateur Stallions, 3 & Over 72. Amateur Performance Halter Stallions GRAND & RESERVE 73. Amateur Geldings, 2 & Under 74. Amateur Geldings, 3 & Over 75. Amateur Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 76. Amateur Mares, 2 & Under 77. Amateur Mares, 3 & Over 78. Amateur Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE 79. Youth Mares, 2 & Under 80. Youth Mares, 3 & Over 81. Youth Performance Halter Mares GRAND & RESERVE 82. Youth Geldings, 2 & Under 83. Youth Geldings, 3 & Over 84. Youth Performance Halter Geldings GRAND & RESERVE 85. Novice Youth Showmanship 86. Youth Showmanship, 13 & Under 87. Youth Showmanship, 14-18 88. Small Fry Showmanship 89. Novice Amateur Showmanship 90. Amateur Select Showmanship 91. Amateur Showmanship 98. Novice Youth Western Riding 99. Novice Amateur Western Riding 100. Youth Western Riding 101. Amateur Western Riding 102. Novice Youth Reining 103. Novice Amateur Reining 104. Youth Reining 105. Amateur Reining 106. Walk-Trot, any age horse or rider 107. Small Fry Western Pleasure 108. Walk-Trot, Riders age 11-18 109. Walk-Trot, Riders age 19 & Over 110. Novice Youth Western Pleasure 111. Novice Amateur Western Pleasure 112. Youth Western Pleasure, 13 & Under 113. Youth Western Pleasure, 14-18 114. Amateur Select Western Pleasure 115. Amateur Western Pleasure 116. Novice Youth Horsemanship 117. Novice Amateur Horsemanship 118. Small Fry Horsemanship 119. Youth Horsemanship, 13 & Under 120. Youth Horsemanship, 14-18 121. Amateur Select Horsemanship 122. Amateur Horsemanship 41. Walk-Trot Hunter Under Saddle, All Ages 42. Small Fry Hunter Under Saddle 43. Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 44. Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 45. Youth Hunter Under Saddle, 13 & Under 46. Youth Hunter Under Saddle, 14-18 47. Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle 48. Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 49. Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation

50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation Youth Hunt Seat Equitation, 13 & Under Youth Hunt Seat Equitation, 14-18 Amateur Select Hunt Seat Equitation Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation

Sunday, February 20, 2011, 8:00 a.m. Judges: Patti Carter-Pratt, Lee Ann DeMars, Louie Hufnagel, Karen Watters Ring B 1. Green Trail 2. Junior Trail 3. Senior Trail 92. Small Fry Trail 93. Novice Youth Trail 94. Novice Amateur Trail 95. Youth Trail 96. Amateur Select Trail 97. Amateur Trail Ring A 21. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 22. Novice Youth Working Hunter 23. Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 24. Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 25. Novice Amateur Working Hunter 26. Amateur Select Working Hunter 27. Amateur Select Equitation Over Fences 28. Youth Working Hunter 29. Youth Equitation Over Fences 30. Amateur Working Hunter 31. Amateur Equitation Over Fences 32. Novice Youth Jumping 33. Novice Amateur Jumping 34. Youth Jumping 35. Amateur Jumping 36. Novice Youth Hunter Hack 37. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 38. Youth Hunter Hack 39. Amateur Select Hunter Hack 40. Amateur Hunter Hack Monday, February 21, 8:30 a.m. Judge: Anne Laise Working Hunter Special Event 13. Warm-Up Fences, e.f. $15 14. Green Working Hunter 15. Progressive Working Hunter 16. Open Working Hunter 22. Novice Youth Working Hunter 23. Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 24. Novice Amateur Working Hunter 25. Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 26. Amateur Select Working Hunter 27. Amateur Select Equitation Over Fences 28. Youth Working Hunter 29. Youth Equitation Over Fences 30. Amateur Working Hunter 31. Amateur Equitation Over Fences 19. Junior Hunter Hack 36. Novice Youth Hunter Hack 37. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 20. Senior Hunter Hack 38. Youth Hunter Hack 39. Amateur Select Hunter Hack 40. Amateur Hunter Hack

2010 OQHA

Year-End Award Winners T

hroughout 2010, the Ohio Quarter Horse Association (OQHA) approved shows around the state, hosted by the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, Ohio-Michigan-Indiana Quarter Horse Association, Buckeye Western Horse Association and Rolling Acres Farm. At the end of every year, OQHA recognizes members that competed, and awards their accomplishments. All members receiving year-end awards are recognized at the Annual Meeting and Banquet, held this year on February 5th at the Ramada Plaza and Hotel. The banquet will begin at 5 pm, and offers a fabulous three course sit-down dinner for attendees. Forms for dinner reservations can be found on page 5 of this magazine and are due no later than January 24th. The following is a complete listing, by class, of all 2010 OQHA Year-End Award Winners. Open division winners are listed as horse, followed by owner and number of points. Amateur and Youth winners are listed as horse, followed by rider and number of points. Congratulations to all and we look forward to seeing you again throughout the 2011 show season!

Open Division 2010 GREEN HORSE OF THE YEAR Mac Me Plenty, owned by Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher

Performance Halter Mares 1st - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ................. 105 2nd - Mystic Invitation, Sam Mierzejewski ............... 67 3rd - Sitting On Slow, Emma Brown ........................... 21 4th - Shes Just A Rumor, Chelsea Martz ..................... 20 5th - Zipped Forever, Charles Ledford ........................ 17

2010 HALTER HORSE OF THE YEAR Eyell Be Outrageous, owned by Chelsea Martz and ICantStopLovingYou, owned by Jack and Susan Grove

2009 Geldings 1st - Mr Griffey, Marla Atherton .................................. 58 2nd - RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger .................. 54

2009 Fillies 1st -Velvet Crush, Gail Landis ...................................... 26

2007 Geldings 1st - Lotsa Razmataz, Dan Northcutt .......................... 73 2nd - Bullistik, Jerry Robinson .................................... 34 3rd - Misters Black Gold, Lynn Robinson .................. 17

2010 HORSE OF THE YEAR Eyell Be Outrageous, owned by Chelsea Martz

2008 Fillies 1st - LFL Coolusive, Robert Eurez ............................... 56 2nd - Packagette, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder ................. 21 2006 and Older Mares 1st - ICantStopLovingYou, Jack and Susan Grove ... 105 2nd - Forever Yours Mr, Rick Heffelfinger ................. 70 3rd - CSR Final Conclusion, Jack and Susan Grove .. 29 4th - LookNPrettySpecial Jack and Susan Grove ....... 22 4th - An Alluring Package, William Stanforth Jr. ...... 22 18

Ohio Quarter Horse News

2006 and Older Geldings 1st - Eson, Charles Claypool ........................................ 44 2nd - Te Educator, Dianne and Ralph Craft ............... 42 3rd - Mr Entourage, Brenda Frankie ........................... 34 4th - Sierras Gray Pride, Tammy Meeks ..................... 18 Performance Halter Geldings 1st - Luvmeformyprinciple, Aimee Vorrasi ................ 64 2nd - Mr Screamin Eagle, Dakota Diamond Griffith 62

3rd - Kissed At Last, Sharon Schilling ......................... 59 4th - A Standing Room Only, Sara Laughlin ............. 44 5th - A Classical Touch, John Peck .............................. 34 6th - Cuiton All Deckedout, Valerie Fites Sturgeon .. 23 Senior Barrel Racing 1st - Bar Dee Boy 036, Cindy Schwab ......................... 38 2nd - Wranglers Quick Jet, Tena Collier ..................... 32 Senior Pole Bending 1st - Bar Dee Boy 036, Cindy Schwab ......................... 32 2nd - Wranglers Quick Jet, Tena Collier ..................... 24 Senior Reining 1st - Big Show Stopper, Marla Atherton ..................... 16 Western Riding (All Ages) 1st - Hes Platinum, Jane Pitzer ................................... 119 2nd - ML Dynamic Venture, Sam Mierzejewski ....... 97 3rd - Equitable Asset, Wendy Hunter-Vaughn .......... 68 4th - Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice .................................... 40 5th - Invitation In Black, Loretta Grossnickle ........... 32 6th - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ........................ 31 Green Western Riding 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ....................... 153 2nd - Mac Me Plenty, Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher .. 148 3rd - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ............... 119 4th - Mr Slo Mo Amegio, Rush Creek Acres LLC ..... 91 5th - Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice ..................................... 64 6th - Blazin With Goodness, Brittany Bronson ......... 55 Junior Trail 1st - Scotch N ALil Whisky, Chelsea Martz ............... 48 2nd - OHK Im So Hot, Bruce Work ............................ 30 3rd - Mac Me Plenty, Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher ..... 26 Senior Trail 1st - Shes Just A Rumor, Chelsea Martz .................... 332 2nd - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ............... 278 3rd - Mystic Invitation, Sam Mierzejewski .............. 186 4th - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell .............. 172 5th - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ...................... 171 6th - Hes Invited, Pamela Young ............................... 170 Green Trail 1st - Mystic Invitation, Sam Mierzejewski ............... 252 2nd - Chipotle, Christinna Murphy .......................... 241 3rd - Mac Me Plenty, Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher ... 222 4th - Scotch N ALil Whisky, Chelsea Martz ............ 215

5th - Mr Slo Mo Amegio, Rush Creek Acres LLC ... 132 6th - Always Absolute, Lauren Stopperich ............... 122 Junior Western Pleasure 1st - Only Version, Kathryne Zachrich ....................... 75 2nd - Dark Jasmine, Susan Ostrander ......................... 66 3rd - One Good Bay, Rick Samuels ............................. 61 4th - HeavenSentInvitation, Thomas Mechenbier ..... 59 5th - Radical Renegade, Lorri Hughes Pritchard ....... 40 6th - Krowned By Krymsun, Lisa Sonny .................... 33 Senior Western Pleasure 1st - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ................. 118 2nd - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ....................... 77 3rd - Mystic Invitation, Sam Mierzejewski ................. 56 4th - I Had No Choice, Christopher Wallace ............. 51 5th - Shes Just A Rumor, Chelsea Martz ..................... 37 Green Western Pleasure 1st - Blazin Hot Image, David Miller ........................ 338 2nd - Krowned By Krymsun, Lisa Sonny ................. 155 3rd - Labelle Lilly, Regina Lykins .............................. 117 4th - Chips A Blaze, Nancy Waid ................................ 93 5th - Scotch N Alil Whisky, Chelsea Martz ................ 76 6th - Consider Him Sheik, Karen Overmyer ............. 73 Junior Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Classie Minute Man, Stephanie Hintz Violi ....... 73 1st - Handsome N Hot, Ashley Reichert .................... 73 3rd - Mr User Friendly, Rebecca Daniels .................... 48 4th - On In Five, Elizabeth Gorski .............................. 25 5th - Lazy Duz It, Tammy Delk .................................... 15 Senior Hunter Under Saddle 1st - BMQ Rich N Chocolaty, Ericka Priest ............. 125 2nd - The Kat Tails, Daniel Renner ........................... 113 3rd - Blue Chip Chocolate, David/Helaine Crawford 57 4th - Pleasant Count, Stacey Baker Rogers ................. 50 5th - Winkin At The Girls, James Robinson ............... 27 6th - Heza Skyscraper, Pamela Lillie ........................... 22 Green Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Lukes Like Art, Bill Dingus ................................ 147 2nd - Hes Platinum, Jane Pitzer ................................. 119 3rd - Consider Him Sheik, Karen Overmyer ........... 108 4th - Mac Me Plenty, Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher ... 101 5th - Only A Blue, Maggie Sturm ................................ 69 6th - Chip In Blue, Elizabeth Gorski ........................... 35

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Division 2010 AMATEUR OF THE YEAR Sunday Tee Time, shown by Megan McCulloch 2010 SELECT AMATEUR OF THE YEAR HF Pure Charlie, shown by LuAnne Coleman Amateur Mares Two and Over 1st - LFL Coolusive, Robert Eurez ............................... 85 2nd - Velvet Crush, Gail Landis ................................... 29 3rd - Packagette, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder ................. 21 Amateur Mares Three and Over 1st - Forever Yours Mr, Terri Heffelfinger .................. 81 2nd - ICantStopLovingYou, Jack Grove ...................... 70 3rd - CSR Final Conclusion, Susan Grove .................. 42 4th - An Alluring Package, William Stanforth Jr. ...... 20 5th - LookNPrettySpecial, Susan Grove ..................... 18 Amateur Performance Halter Mares 1st - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ................... 75 Amateur Geldings Two and Under 1st - Mr Griffey, Rod Atherton ..................................... 93 2nd - RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger .................. 89 3rd - STKs Execute, Dean McCoy ............................... 49 4th - Mr Ill Take A Double, Carol McIntire ............... 23 Amateur Geldings Three and Over 1st - Lotsa Razmataz, Dan Northcutt ........................ 118 2nd - Bullistik, Jerry Robinson .................................. 106 3rd - Te Educator, Ralph Craft ................................... 101 4th - Mr Entourage, Brenda Frankie ........................... 52 5th - Ima Totally Cool Te, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder .. 41 6th - Sierras Gray Pride, Tammy Meeks ..................... 36 Amateur Performance Halter Geldings 1st - Kissed At Last, Sharon Schilling ........................ 202 2nd - Cuiton All DeckedOut, Valerie Fites Sturgeon 149 3rd - ItsAmazing, Tammy Gagliardo ........................ 134 4th - A Standing Room Only, Connie Lynn Laughlin 105 5th - Sunday Tee Time, Megan McCulloch .............. 103 6th - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman .................. 90

2nd - Mr Slo Mo Amegio, Kellie Edelen ................... 283 3rd - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ................ 227 4th - Chipotle, Christinna Murphy ........................... 209 5th - ItsAmazing, Tammy Gagliardo ........................ 182 6th - Pros Radical Diva, Stacey Vankirk ................... 137 Select Amateur Showmanship 1st - Kissed At Last, Sharon Schilling ........................ 125 2nd - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman ............... 123 3rd - Huntin For Art, Laurie Ferguson ....................... 77 3rd - Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire .................. 77 5th - Heart Of The Asset, Terri Hendricks ................. 51 6th - Zip Into My League, Lu Ann Fischer ................. 43 Amateur Pole Bending 1st - Wranglers Quick Jet, Tena Collier ...................... 20 2nd - Bar Dee Boy 036, Tena Collier .......................... 16 Amateur Barrel Racing 1st - Bar Dee Boy 036, Tena Collier ............................ 28 2nd - Wranglers Quick Jet, Tena Collier .................... 20 Amateur Western Riding 1st - Equitable Asset, Wendy Hunter-Vaughn ......... 138 2nd - Love Him Lopin, Beth Becker ........................... 84 3rd - Easy To Be Bay, Kelly Rice .................................. 63 4th - Good To Great, Sandra Clark ............................. 36 5th - Invitation In Black, Katie Grossnickle ............... 29 6th - Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire .................. 27 Amateur Trail 1st - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ....................... 253 2nd - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ............... 194 3rd - Equitable Asset, Wendy Hunter-Vaughn ........ 171 4th - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman ................ 130 5th - Shes Just A Rumor, Chelsea Martz ................... 112 6th - ItsAmazing, Tammy Gagliardo ........................ 104 Select Amateur Trail 1st - Good To Great, Sandra Clark .............................. 35 2nd - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman ................. 31 3rd - Zip Into My League, Lu Ann Fischer ................ 25 4th - RockinInTheMoonlight, Darlene Gould ........... 15

Amateur Showmanship Amateur Western Horsemanship 1st - Sunday Tee Time, Megan McCulloch ............... 312 1st - Love Him Lopin, Beth Becker ........................... 231 20

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 OQHA

Year-End Award Winners 2nd - Zipped Illusions, Justin Billings ...................... 128 3rd - Imagine This Kiss, Meghann Geyer ................. 114 4th - ItsAmazing, Tammy Gagliardo ........................ 102 5th - Equitable Asset, Wendy Hunter-Vaughn .......... 92 6th - Chipotle, Christinna Murphy ............................. 85

2nd - Classie Minute Man, Stephanie Hintz Violi ... 259 3rd - Pleasant Count, Stacey Baker Rogers .............. 214 4th - Sunday Tee Time, Megan McCulloch .............. 200 5th - Counts TinkertownBay, Kara Beth Mitchell ... 194 6th - BMQ Rich N Chocolaty, Peggy Jo Parks ........... 70

Select Amateur Western Horsemanship 1st - Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire ................... 53 2nd - Good To Great, Sandra Clark ............................ 46 3rd - Huntin For Art, Laurie Ferguson ....................... 25

Select Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Stole My Coat, Libby Clark .................................. 62 2nd - Just Foxy Me, Margaret Garwood ..................... 60 3rd - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman .................. 49 4th - Good To Great, Sandra Clark ............................. 41

Amateur Western Pleasure 1st - Easy To Be Bay, Kelly Rice .................................. 205 2nd - Eyell Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz ............... 122 3rd - I Had No Choice, Christopher Wallace ........... 119 4th - Willys So Good, Halle Saywell ............................ 88 5th - Love Him Lopin Beth Becker .............................. 86 6th - A Standing Room Only, Connie Lynn Laughlin 59 Select Amateur Western Pleasure 1st - On Chips Terms, Glee Ann Wills ...................... 201 2nd - HeavenSentInvitation, Thomas Mechenbier ... 170 3rd - Holy Chip, Betty Vanover .................................. 134 4th - Hes Invited, Pamela Young ................................ 124 5th - DT Eaze On In, Susan Taylor .............................. 80 6th - Strut Her Invitation, Dennis Taylor ................... 60 Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1st - The Art Connection, Valerie Fites Sturgeon .... 438

Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - Pleasant Count, Stacey Baker Rogers ............... 131 2nd - Love Him Lopin, Beth Becker ......................... 117 3rd - Sunday Tee Time, Megan McCulloch .............. 114 4th - Imagine This Kiss, Meghann Geyer ................. 111 5th - Kentucky Lucky, Lisa Flaschberger .................... 90 6th - Luking For The Money, Natoshia Kelly ............. 61 Select Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - HF Pure Charlie, LuAnne Coleman ................... 34 2nd - Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire ................. 33 3rd - Good To Great, Sandra Clark ............................. 30 4th - Joly Sweet Valentine Lori Stevenson .................. 25

Novice Amateur Division 2010 HIGH POINT NOVICE AMATEUR SophisticatedHotPine, shown by Tracy Barnickle Novice Amateur Showmanship 1st - SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle ............ 301 2nd - Blue Moon Fizz, Shannon Call ........................ 157 3rd - OHK Im So Hot Lana Work ............................... 97 4th - A Passing Windsong, Elizabeth Gombash ........ 68

5th - Charlies Sleepy Man, Amber Butler .................. 49 6th - ImHotWaitinToPlay, Christine Flick .................. 40 Novice Amateur Western Riding 1st - Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire ................... 42 2nd - Blazin With Goodness, Natoshia Kelly ............. 29 3rd - Absolute Liability, Christa Phelan ...................... 17 Novice Amateur Trail 1st - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ....................... 196 Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 OQHA

Year-End Award Winners Novice Amateur Division, Continued 2nd - Blue Moon Fizz, Shannon Cal ......................... 144 3rd - Mr Slo Mo Amegio, Kellie Edelen ...................... 74 4th - Blazin With Goodness, Natoshia Kelly .............. 62 4th - Chipotle, Christinna Murphy ............................. 62 6th - Sunday Tee Time, Megan McCulloch ................ 42 Novice Amateur Western Horsemanship 1st - Blazin With Goodness, Natoshia Kelly ............ 142 2nd - SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle ......... 137 3rd - Western Attire Only, Karen Hughes ................ 128 4th - Blue Moon Fizz, Shannon Call ......................... 127 5th - I Invite You, Jaime Nelson ................................... 98 6th - Somewhat Inhibited, Kaitlin Riker .................... 97 Novice Amateur Western Pleasure 1st - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ....................... 449 2nd - I Invite You, Jaime Nelson ................................ 357 3rd - Holy Chip, Betty Vanover ................................. 272 4th - Ez Customized Career, Abby Pound ................ 261

5th - Krowned By Krymsun, Lisa Sonny .................. 226 6th - SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle ........... 200 Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1st - SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle ........... 310 2nd - Lukes Like Art, Rebecca Dingus ..................... 233 3rd - Is He Radical, Alicia Moorhead ....................... 149 4th - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ...................... 125 5th - Blue Chip Chocolate, Helaine Crawford ......... 108 6th - How Hot Is He, Patty Kinzie ............................... 99 Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - Counts TinkertownBay, Kara Beth Mitchell ... 249 2nd - Snazzy Lil Chip, Shauna Burkett ..................... 151 3rd - SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle .......... 115 4th - OHK Im So Hot, Lana Work ............................ 100 5th - Western Attire Only, Karen Hughes .................. 81 6th - Pros Radical Diva, Stacey Vankirk ..................... 73

Youth Division 2010 ALL-AROUND YOUTH (13 AND UNDER) Promotional Asset, shown by Lauren Diaz 2010 ALL-AROUND YOUTH (14-18) Radical McCue, shown by Molli Jacobs 2010 ALL-AROUND YOUTH (OUT OF STATE) ZL Loosen Cool, shown by Maryl Lambros

Youth Mares (14-18) 1st - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson ..................... 67 2nd - Mystic Invitation, Bailey Mierzejewski ............. 64 3rd - It Must Be Blue, Caroline Adams ....................... 42 4th - Sweet Little Willy, Jordan Ferguson ................... 31 5th - LFL TouchedByAnAngel, Chelsea McIntire ..... 29 6th - Good Turbulence, Katharine Markijohn ........... 27

Youth Geldings (13 and Under) 1st - PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum .................. 191 2nd - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell ............. 144 3rd - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ...................... 127 Youth Mares (13 and Under) 1st - LFL Shes Got Guns, Logan Lorenz ..................... 31 4th - A Classical Touch, Johnny Peck ....................... 106 2nd - Sitting On Slow, Emma Brown .......................... 22 5th - Lasting Illusions, Sarah Shaheen ...................... 103 3rd - Caught With Invy, Keirstin Pratt ........................ 21 6th - Super Flamboyant, Mindy Barr .......................... 85 4th - Love Me For Hours, Justin Carroll ..................... 19 5th - Godiva Kisses, Katie Anderson .......................... 15 22 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Geldings (14-18) 1st - Mr Screamin Eagle, Dakota Diamond Griffith 170 2nd - Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs ........................... 169 3rd - Just Good Enough, Riley Herman ..................... 60 3rd - Billy Hopkins, Nicole Siebold ............................. 60 5th - Dont Always Skip Me, Hannah Traxle .............. 53 6th - A Standing Room Only, Sara Laughlin ............. 52 Youth Showmanship (13 and Under) 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ....................... 250 2nd - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell ............. 216 3rd - PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum ................. 176 4th - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ......... 129 5th - Super Flamboyant, Mindy Barr ........................ 120 6th - Trulee Zipped, Lexi Kim ..................................... 87 Youth Showmanship (14-18) 1st - Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs ............................. 352 2nd - Mystic Invitation, Bailey Mierzejewski ........... 245 3rd - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson .................. 226 4th - Smooth Walking Cajun, Callie Marie Brown . 142 5th - Just Good Enough, Riley Herman ................... 135 6th - RL Ask For Sudden, Lucy Igoe ......................... 109 Youth Barrel Racing (14-18) 1st - Mills King Racheal, Caitlyn Colvin .................. 108 2nd - Bar Dee Boy 036, Paul Schwab III ..................... 48 3rd - Secret Flights, Aaron Moon ................................ 30 4th - MF Poco Red Wrangler, Paul Schwab III .......... 26 Youth Pole Bending (14-18) 1st - Mills King Racheal, Caitlyn Colvin .................... 44 2nd - Bar Dee Boy 036, Paul Schwab III .................... 20 Youth Stake Race (14-18) 1st - Mills King Racheal, Caitlyn Colvin .................... 90 2nd - Bar Dee Boy 036, Paul Schwab III ..................... 20 3rd - Secret Flights, Aaron Moon ................................ 16 Youth Reining (14-18) 1st - RW Smoke, Megan Foley ..................................... 23 2nd - Mail Order Chic, Brandy Napier ....................... 22 3rd - Sno Chex Dominga, Mackenzie Clason ............ 18 4th - Conquistadors Sun, Kristen Hauser ................... 15 Youth Western Riding (13 and Under) 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ......................... 40 Youth Western Riding (14-18) 1st - Hes Platinum, Jessica LaVoie ............................... 51

2nd - Little Bit Of Rodder, Cody Campbell ............... 50 3rd - Smooth Walking Cajun, Callie Marie Brown ... 31 3rd - ML Dynamic Venture, Bailey Mierzejewski ..... 31 Youth Trail (13 and Under) 1st - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell ............... 159 2nd - Shes Just A Rumor, Paulina Martz .................. 110 3rd - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ........... 51 Youth Trail (14-18) 1st - Izzy A Deadly Zipper, Jason Somnitz ............... 299 2nd - Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs ........................... 216 3rd - Little Bit Of Rodder, Cody Campbell .............. 175 4th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson .................. 169 5th - Prinzziples N Cash, Anna Davis ...................... 156 6th - Black Dynamic Rodder, Alex Belconis ............ 137 Youth Western Horsemanship (13 and Under) 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz 138 2nd - Trulee Zipped, Lexi Kim 87 3rd - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell 78 3rd - Im Good As It Gets, Madison Thiel 78 5th - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White 39 6th - RR Future Version, Lauren Hull 26 Youth Western Horsemanship (14-18) 1st - Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs 238 2nd - Black Dynamic Rodder, Alex Belconis 193 3rd - Mystic Invitation, Bailey Mierzejewski 188 4th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson 161 5th - Hes Platinum, Jessica LaVoie 156 6th - Billy Hopkins, Nicole Siebold 126 Youth Western Pleasure (13 and Under) 1st - Sitting On Slow, Emma Brown 179 2nd - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz 144 3rd - Shes Just A Rumor, Paulina Martz 142 4th - Lasting Illusions, Sarah Shaheen 107 5th - New Dream In Town, Kayla Magrum 88 6th - TC Casual Attire, Jordan Gates 66 Youth Western Pleasure (14-18) 1st - Hot Hip N Radical, Brittany Harter 292 2nd - Shes On Holiday, Alexa Rowland 245 3rd - Mystic Invitation, Bailey Mierzejewski 230 4th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson 215 5th - Dark Jasmine, Brianna Tamulewicz 183 6th - Born In Motion, Kathryn Ehrman 178

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Division, Continued Youth Hunter Under Saddle (13 and Under) 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ....................... 162 2nd - PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum ................ 137 3rd - The Perfect Detail, Kiara Morgan .................... 109 4th - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ........... 90 5th - The Not Forgotten, Mira Clavecilla .................... 47 6th - Its To Hot For Socks, Sophia Mercker ............... 44 6th - Strut Her Invitation, Alexis Taylor ..................... 44 Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-18) 1st - The Kat Tails, Darian Renner ............................ 240 2nd - Art Of Course, Melanie Lowers ....................... 210 3rd - Hopeful Assets, Dakota Diamond Griffith ..... 158 4th - Winkin At The Girls, Lauren Robinson .......... 151 5th - Tophat And Tails, Charley Thiel ....................... 144 6th - BMQ Rich N Chocolaty, Ericka Priest ............ 135 6th - Only A Blue, Maggie Sturm .............................. 135 Youth Working Hunter (13 and Under) 1st - Zip To Open, Sammy Harris ................................ 40 2nd - Gifted Circle, Grant Smith ................................. 22 Youth Working Hunter (14-18) 1st - Top This Shenanigan, Lacy Watson .................... 51 2nd - RJ Sweet Rhett, Bailey Mierzejewski ................. 41 3rd - OhSooCaptivating, Liv Devitt ............................ 31 4th - One Last Laugh, Kaitlyn Wagner ....................... 28 5th - Treasure The Minute, Taylor Swan ..................... 22 Youth Hunter Hack (13 and Under) 1st - Zip To Open, Sammy Harris ............................... 50 2nd - Gifted Circle, Grant Smith ................................. 34

Youth Hunter Hack (14-18) 1st - Top This Shenanigan, Lacy Watson .................... 62 2nd - OhSooCaptivating, Liv Devitt ........................... 42 3rd - Treasure The Minute, Taylor Swan .................... 26 4th - RJ Sweet Rhett, Bailey Mierzejewski ................. 24 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (13 and Under) 1st - Promotional Asset, Lauren Diaz ....................... 115 2nd - The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell ............... 84 3rd - Trulee Zipped, Lexi Kim ..................................... 58 4th - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ........... 46 5th - Louisiana Legacy, Kailey Shields ........................ 33 6th - AsNaturalAsItGets, Sara Oler ............................. 20 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (14-18) 1st - A Dynamic Minute, McKenzie Perry ............... 182 2nd - Awesome Edge, Kara J Mahaffey ..................... 103 3rd - Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs .............................. 93 4th - Sweet Little Willy, Jordan Ferguson ................... 86 5th - Smooth Walking Cajun, Callie Marie Brown ... 84 6th - RJ Sweet Rhett, Bailey Mierzejewski .................. 83 Youth Equitation Over Fences (13 and Under) 1st - Zip To Open, Sammy Harris ................................ 34 2nd - Gifted Circle, Grant Smith ................................. 29 Youth Equitation Over Fences (14-18) 1st - Top This Shenanigan, Lacy Watson .................... 45 2nd - OhSooCaptivating, Liv Devitt ........................... 40 3rd - RJ Sweet Rhett, Bailey Mierzejewski .................. 31 4th - Treasure The Minute, Taylor Swan ..................... 27

Novice Youth Division 2010 NOVICE YOUTH HIGH POINT Three Bars Edition, shown by Ashley Drown Novice Youth Showmanship 1st - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown ................... 442 2nd - Super Flamboyant, Mindy Barr ....................... 277 3rd - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ......... 274 4th - Trulee Zipped, Lexi Kim ................................... 266 24

Ohio Quarter Horse News

4th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson .................. 266 6th - Just Good Enough, Riley Herman ................... 239 Novice Youth Trail 1st - Izzy A Deadly Zipper, Jason Somnitz ............... 267 2nd - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson ................. 215 3rd - Consider Him Sheik, Hannah Overmyer ....... 162 4th - Billy Hopkins, Nicole Siebold ........................... 138 5th - Suddenly In Style, Tyler Schultz ......................... 99 6th - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown .................... 87


2010 OQHA

Year-End Award Winners Novice Youth Western Horsemanship 1st - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown ................... 514 2nd - Billy Hopkins, Nicole Siebold .......................... 332 3rd - Art Of Course, Melanie Lowers ....................... 312 4th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson .................. 298 5th - Consider Him Sheik, Hannah Overmyer ........ 261 6th - Whoz Jack Bar, Veronica Murray ..................... 228

Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Consider Him Sheik, Hannah Overmyer ........ 409 2nd - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown ................. 331 3rd - Al Miss You, Nadia Clabaugh ........................... 276 4th - Ill Have Another, Taylor Leohr ......................... 160 5th - Certain N Able, Rebecca Johnson .................... 113 6th - EBG Showin On Go, Bridget Lee White ......... 111

Novice Youth Western Pleasure 1st - Consider Him Sheik, Hannah Overmyer ........ 508 2nd - Shes Just A Rumor, Paulina Martz .................. 400 3rd - Sitting On Slow, Emma Brown ......................... 399 4th - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown .................. 340 5th - Dont Always Skip Me, Hannah Traxler ........... 199 6th - Man Im Sassy, Andrea Gustin .......................... 176

Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - Three Bars Edition, Ashley Drown ................... 468 2nd - Art Of Course, Melanie Lowers ....................... 369 3rd - Consider Him Sheik, Hannah Overmyer ....... 354 4th - Smooth Walking Cajun, Callie Marie Brown . 244 5th - Steel City Selection, Ciara Bartholomew ......... 225 6th - Willa Be Invited, Rebecca Johnson .................. 195

Small Fry Division 2010 ALL-AROUND SMALL FRY Caleb Sturgeon Small Fry Showmanship 1st - Evie Drennen ......................................................... 64 2nd - Abby Wirick ......................................................... 33 3rd - Justin Carroll ......................................................... 17 Small Fry Western Horsemanship 1st - Abby Wirick ........................................................... 32 2nd - Justin Carroll ........................................................ 21 Small Fry Western Pleasure 1st - Caleb Sturgeon .................................................... 166

2nd - Evie Drennen ....................................................... 74 3rd - Abby Wirick .......................................................... 51 4th - Gabriel Sorrell ....................................................... 27 5th - Justin Carroll ......................................................... 15 Small Fry Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Abby Wirick ........................................................... 32 Small Fry Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - Abby Wirick ........................................................... 22 Lead Line 1st - Reece Darlington Clason ...................................... 23 2nd - Matthew Hatheway ............................................. 20

Ohio Quarter Horse News


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Address _____________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _________________________ Zip ________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Year Membership Desired _______________________ SS or FID# ______________________________ Youth B/D ______________ E-mail _______________________________________________________________ Names (For Family Mememberships Only) Member Type Youth Age Youth B/D Relationship __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ $40 Family Membership (Two Adults and all youth in household 18 years and younger) $20 Regular Membership Amateur Exhibitors, Check Here $150 Lifetime Membership (All priviledges of a Regular Membership) $10 Youth (18 years and younger) Membership fees also pay for a 1-Year subscription to OQHA News magazine. For Point Earning Priviledges 26 Ohio Quarter Horse News and Other Membership Beneeits, Please Read the OQHA Rulebook.

OQHA Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Vic Clark Running for: President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Hebron, Ohio. I now reside in Shelby, where I live with my wife of 33 years, Libby.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a CPA and partner in the firm Campbell, Rose and Company, CPAs.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have served on the board of a local handicapped riding organization.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am currently serving as the first vice president. In the past, I have served as a Congress Tri-Chairman, as well as serving as the OQHA President in 1997 and 1998. I have served on many committees during my 26 years on this board, including 14 years as a Congress TriChairman.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I served as NSBA President, as well as serving on their board. I am an NRHA judge and have judged all over the United States and Europe.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am a lifetime director, as long as I remain active as a past president. After a few years away from being a Tri-Chairman, I came back to that position starting in 2007.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Seek involvement of younger horse enthusiasts on our aging board of directors. 2. Give more support to our regional associations in non-Congress related activities. 3. Work with our executive vice president, Cam Foreman, to ensure our association continues to grow and improve.”

Charlie Menker Running for: President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. I currently reside in Brookville, Ohio, with my wife Judy. We have three grown daughters, Brenda Walker, Donna Hughes and Belinda Vaughton.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired from management with General Motors. In addition, I own Rockin M Trailer Sales and Service.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Charlie Menker, Continued Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I completed eight years of service with our township trustees, including three years as president and two years on the Montgomery County Planning Commission. Presently, I am serving on a joint Economic Development Committee for Clay Township and the City of Clayton.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA director for more than 30 years. I have served as vice president for two years and then served a successful two-year term as president directly thereafter. I have served as Congress Tri-Chairman for three years, as well as chaired the Congress National Youth Activity Team Tournament committee for 19 years. I have also served as a committee member on several committees, including OQHA Scholarship, Membership and Judges Committees and I am a past OJQHA advisor. I am a life member of OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have served as a ring steward at the AQHYA World Show in Fort Worth, Texas for the past 14 years. I have also served 28 years on the AQHA Youth Activity committee. I am currently an American Quarter Horse Association Honorary Vice President, as well as a life member of AQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have been around the horse industry my entire life and understand its workings. I feel that I have the leadership capabilities and will be able to move the leadership of OQHA forward. One of my biggest contributions to Ohio Quarter Horse was assisting in building the Denny Hales Arena, which was paid off in my second term as president.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I believe we need to concentrate on membership and also exhibitor services to enhance the experience of Congress exhibitors.”

1st Vice Presidential Candidates Wayne Erwin Running for: 1st Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Bucyrus, Ohio. I still live there with my wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Lindsey, 21, and Riley, 13, and son, Clint, 11.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Full-time horse business takes most of my time, traveling as an AQHA judge, consultant and other segments of our industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am active in our school programs and very involved in the Shriners Children’s Hospital program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA Director for more than 32 years and have worked and attended every Congress. I have been on all committees. I have served several terms


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Wayne Erwin, Continued as second vice president and am currently corporate secretary and manager of Stallion Avenue.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of AQHA and OQHA since 1974 and have been an AQHA judge for 32 years. I also hold judges’ cards for NSBA and PHBA. I am a member of the AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have enjoyed the privilege of serving in a number of roles as an officer and given my many years of experience and lifetime of dedication to OQHA, the Congress and the Quarter Horse breed. I look forward to, and would be honored, to serve as your first vice president.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain the prestige and quality of the Congress with new programs and improvements. 2. Concentrate on a board of officers and directors that will pull together and serve unselfishly. 3. Continue to maintain and improve our financial stability.”

Skip Salome Running for: 1st Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. I now live in Newark, Ohio with my wife, Carol. Together we have three children – two of which are involved in OQHA. We have four grandchildren, with one grandchild showing on the Quarter Horse circuit.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I operate Skip Salome Enterprises, Inc. which is involved in the restaurant and catering business, as well as other ventures.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am involved in many charities and community activities. I received the Everet Reece Foundation Man of the Year award, which is the highest award of its kind in Newark.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a board member for more than 30 years, serving on every committee. I have been a Congress Tri-Chairman, as well as having held every office within the association. I was also inducted into the Congress Hall of Fame in 2008.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a 4-H advisor. My family also operated a handicapped riding program for four years on our farm.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As president, I feel that I have been a supportive person for any area where help is needed.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Skip Salome, Continued What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Congress 2. Board members 3. Fiscal responsibility”

2nd Vice Presidential Candidates Elizabeth Gorski

Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Philadelphia, but was raised and educated in Southern California. I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of California–San Diego in 1987 and my Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego in 1991. I currently live on a horse farm in Bowling Green, Ohio with my husband and two sons.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Our family owns a testing laboratory.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a member of the Board of Education for Ostego Local School District. I am also a leadership team member for the high school youth group at my church, St. Aloysius Catholic in Bowling Green. I am a member of Toledo Road Runners Association and actively compete in running events.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director on the OQHA board since 2003. I chaired the Congress Lecture and Demonstration Committee from 2004-2009. I am the chair of the Congress Lecture Series. I have been the chair/co-chair of the grievance committee since 2004. I am co-chair of the membership committee and have served three years on the nominating committee. I have also served on the drug task force. I also show horses regularly at OQHA events.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have chaired the NOQHA Scholarship Committee since 2002. I am serving a three-year term on the AQHA Public Policy Committee and I am a graduate of the AQHA Leadership Program.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have worked hard to make the lecture/demonstration series at Congress outstanding by actively seeking world-class presenters who are experts in various fields of the horse industry.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain, and seek to constantly improve the quality of the Congress 2. Work with regional OQHA boards to help make Quarter Horse shows in Ohio fun and affordable for the exhibitor. 3. Prepare the next generation of leaders to successfully drive OQHA and the Congress.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Todd Salome Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio by my father and mother, Skip and Carol Salome. I have two sisters: Kelli Diaz and Cathy Pangborn. I currently reside in Utica, Ohio with my wife, Laura, and two sons, Tommy and Jonathon.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am employed at Coyne Graphic Finishing and am in charge of sales and marketing. I also own Salco Ltd. which consists of rental properties that I own and operate. Additionally, my wife and I are half owners of Salabini Ranch LLC, where we buy, sell and raise Quarter Horses. Jason and Kristen Sorrell of Sorrell Performance Horses are currently renting our farm where they specialize in training youth and amateur competitors.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “We work together as a family in many charities. We have put on a Christmas dinner to feed the hungry for more than three years, which covers four counties. We have also been involved in many fundraisers for local politicians. We have had many less fortunate kids at my father, Skip’s, farm where we feed them, have games and horseback riding. In the past, I have been involved in Jail and Bail, as well as Bid for Bachelors for Easter Seals. I am on the board of directors for Printing Industries of Northern Kentucky, Screen Printing of America and Printing Industries of America. I have also helped the Ohio Amateur and Ohio Youth Associations through donations and fundraising events.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “In the past, I served on the Ohio Youth board as vice president and director. I also served on the Ohio Amateur board as vice president and director for eight years. More recently, I have been a Ohio Director for the last six years. In the last five years, I have been on fire and safety, membership (chairman), annual banquet (chairman), nomination (chairman), security, trailer unloading (move-in day), opening ceremonies and closing ceremonies (co-chair). I have helped with Parade of States by organizing the kids and Freestyle Reining, by collecting tickets. This year, I am co-chairing opening ceremonies, banquet, closing ceremonies, corporate sponsors and door advertisements, where we sold $15,000 worth of advertisements.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “Lisa Alley and I have turned the closing ceremonies around and have increased the attendance by 50 percent. We have gotten more of our corporate sponsors involved in this event as well. We have sold over $15,000 in revenue with door advertisements. I also help the Ohio Amateurs with their pancake day at the Congress, I work their horse show and help raise money at the banquet through the live auctions. I help get items for the live auctions at the banquet for both the amateur and youth. I helped Kelli Diaz and family serve the dinner at the Stephanie Spielman Horse Show for the youth. I also helped at the Region Four Regional Show.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Communication - I would like to see the directors have more say in some of the decisions of the organization. I also think that every director that is a chairman of a committee must write up an outline of budget and day to day activities of that committee, then go over this outline with the in-coming chairmen. It will allow the committees to run more consistently. 2. Show more appreciation to our corporate sponsors by giving them some sort of award of appreciation for being a corporate sponsor. In my travels, a lot of companies hang these awards on their wall for bragging rights. 3. Spread the work responsibilities to more directors. 4. Bring back the Chairs. I think it is important to use them to prepare officers for each position through experience.” Ohio Quarter Horse News 31

OQHA Election Biographies Hank Clason Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Hollywood, California and raised in Centerville, Ohio. I currently reside in Medina, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a horse trainer and coach.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a past director more 20 years. I have served on the Lecture and Demonstration committee, the horse show advisory committee, Ohio Futurity committee and the drug testing committee.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Ohio Futurity 2. New member’s involvement 3. Expanding membership benefits”

Director Candidates Rod Atherton Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Utica, Ohio, where I currently reside.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the operations manager for Valley Interior Systems. I oversee commercial job sites across the state of Ohio.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “Current director and past president of the Knox County Fair Board.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an amateur exhibitor showing our halter horses since 2003. I have attended every OQHA meeting for the past three years; I have helped at the OQHA clinics held during the All American Youth Show; worked the hospitality cart at the Regional Championship show and assist with the NYATT awards/Queen ceremony.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, OQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA, and NOQHA. At the EOQHA shows, I am the guy working the entrance gate. At the OAQHA pancake breakfast held during the Congress, I am the guy cooking the sausage!” Describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I will be able to provide fresh ideas and the perspective from a current horse show exhibitor. My wife and I show at weekend shows throughout the year, as well as showing at the local futurities, Regional Championship Show, and the All American Quarter Horse Congress.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Rod Atherton, Continued This involvement enables me to see what is working and what isn’t from the ‘inside’ of the organization.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Recruit new members for the association; Get current members more involved; Continue to promote and improve the Congress.”

Mark Cherubini Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Columbus in 1966 and have been raised in Utica, where I still live today with my wife, Meredith, and my two children, Mariah and Dominick.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am part-owner of Redskin Transport LLC, and am chief financial officer and vice president for this company. I am also the chief financial officer for Law General Contracting Inc.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “My family and I have been life members of OQHA for as long as we have been involved in the Quarter Horse business. I have served as director for the past three years, and I enjoy being involved in the decision-making process that leads our association. My wife and I like to show at the local level, along with showing at the national level and at the major futurities.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of NRHA. In the past few years, I have become more involved with Reining, showing both OQHA and NRHA. My family and I have been members of the Palomino Horse Breeders Association and have competed at their world show.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “The most important thing I have contributed over the past three years is my time. A lot of people have good ideas, but if you don’t have the time to follow through, it doesn’t do any good. With my business background, I offer different opinions on keeping our association fun, but responsible and fiscally strong, as well.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Membership should be our top priority; improve the Congress and keep OQHA shows strong.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Kelli Diaz Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and now live in Heath, Ohio with my husband, Manny, and three daughters, Normy, Lauren and Kami.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I oversee the office for my husband, who owns and operates Jack’s Septic, which services, installs and repairs septic systems, as well as Diager LLC, a construction, excavation and demolition company and I recently purchased a mobile boutique selling high-end street wear and consignment show apparel.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member for over 30 years and grew up showing and supporting the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I have been the chairman of the Congress Queen Contest for the past nine years, chairman of the OQHA Year-End Awards for the past six years and Youth Advisor for the past two years. I also chaired the AQHA Trail Ride from 2003 to 2008.” Please discuss your involvement with any other horse-related organizations: “I am currently a member of AQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA and EOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your recent term of office: “Even though I have only been a director for the past three years, I have been able to devote as much time and dedication needed to the committees that I have served on since 2001, as well as any other areas needed to ensure the success of the association. If re-elected, I will continue to work hard for OQHA with my main focus being the youth.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel the top three priorities should be: 1. Congress - to continue to discover ways to stay one step ahead of the industry and remain the most prestigious show in the country. 2. Board of Officers and Directors - it is important that the positions held not only work hard, but work together to lead our association both successfully and financially. 3. Youth - they are the future of our association and we need to ensure that they have the guidance to become our future leaders.”

Candi Fites Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Alliance, Ohio, but I currently reside on the family farm in Beloit, Ohio. I have lived there for 40 years. I have a daughter, Valerie, her husband, Eric, and their son, Caleb.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired from West Branch School District, where I was a bus driver and transportation instructor for 29 years.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Candi Fites, Continued Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been involved for 30 years in all phases of the organization, starting with youth activities with my daughter, Valerie, through queen competition and eventually serving on the board and back to youth activities again with my grandson, Caleb.” Are you involved in any other horse-related activities? “NOQHA, for 15 years; I was a committee chairman for membership and futurities. I also served on the horse show committee and executive committee. I have also been part of the office show staff for the Southern Belle and Reichert Celebration for the past six years.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am co-chair of Congress Programs and co-chair of the Breeder’s Incentive Program. I also serve on the year-end awards and horse show committees.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. To continue to bring new and exciting venues to Congress. 2. Continue looking for new incentives to support the local AQHA shows. 3. Encourage new people to get involved and support the OQHA programs.”

Tim Folck Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio. Now I currently reside in Georgetown, Kentucky, and work at my offices in Lexington.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I specialize in all forms of equine-related insurance coverages, including full mortality/theft, major medical, stallion infertilty, plus farm owners (package protection on property and liability) and stable liability. In addition, I do major consulting work on products, services and events in the Quarter Horse industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My wife, Denise, and I support our church Harmony Christian, and numerous local, state and national activities in Ohio and Kentucky.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I’ve been an OQHA director since 1990, serving on various committees, including membership, grievance, professional horsemen, Stallion Avenue, plus assorted Congress committees, including Super Sale.” Please discuss your involvement with any other horse-related organizations: “I am a member of the AQHA Professional Horsemans Committee and the Kentucky Horse Council. I am also involved with the International Equestrian Festival.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I actively contribute my long-time experience and expertise to fulfill the mission statement of OQHA, specifically to enhance the image of our association and the American Quarter Horse statewide and nationally. I managed the Congress Super Sale with

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Tim Folck, Continued my late father, Blair Folck, since graduating from The Ohio State University in 1968, through 2008. Also, the development of Folck Insurance and breeding, showing, racing and raising Quarter Horses has led me throughout the country and Europe. I have my fingers on the current pulse of the entire industry and relate trends back to the OQHA board.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Significantly enhance marketing and public relations to reach new people and related organizations. We’ve become stagnant in reaching out to attract a new generation to the western lifestyle we all love and appreciate. OQHA needs to set a committee and appropriate a budget to draw new interest and active membership. Assuming continued success, especially with the Congress, is dangerous in these perilous economic times. 2. Introduce a program and future limited Congress classes for handicap theraputic riding. Other organizations and events have undertaken this important part of our culture that stimulates persons with disabilities and their families. For example, the World Equestrian Games in 2010 offered Para-Dressage with excellent response. 3. Focus more on the fact that OQHA and AQHA are truly in the entertainment business! We need to make the horse insutry more fun and exciting as outlet from other business. Discover the ways and means to justify the cost of horse ownership while experiencing the wholesome family entertainment value. This is also an attraction for potential future corporate sponsors.”

Mark Fontana Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio, and am currently a 33 year resident of North East Columbus, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am an electrical engineer and I serve as Vice President of production and information systems for a medium-sized manufacturing firm that produces custom industrial control systems for all types of industries.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an AQHA and OQHA member for 27 years, as well as an OQHA life member since 1991. I have been an OQHA director for 15 years, including OQHA 2nd Vice President in 2002 and 2008. OQHA committees served include: Futurity chairman and/or Ohio Breeders Incentive Program for the past eight years, 10 years as scholarship shairman, committee member of horse show advisory, novice horse show committee and the nominating committee. Congress committees served include opening ceremonies and entertainment chair 15 years, NRHA events chair for one year, lectures and demonstrations chair for one year, and Congress corporate sponsors liaison for three years.” Please discuss your involvement with any other horse-related organizations: “I started showing horses in 1983, and showed for six to seven years and became involved in the management of our associations in 1989. This has lead to a 20 year involvement as past director, officer and two-term president Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association, as well as past director, officer and three-term president of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I have also been a member of NRHA since 1990 and a life member since 1993. I served on the NRHA Derby staff in 1997 and served on NRHA Futurity staff from 1993 through 2000. For six consecutive years IO managed the SOQHA Winter Circuit. I am a past member of the Ohio State Fair Horse Show Advisory Committee,


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Mark Fontana, Continued three years.”

and I was the OSF Reining show secretary for six years. I am a past Congress ring steward and OQHA Futurity ring steward. I was the Ohio State Fair junior horse show announcer for

Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “My experience in this industry comes from many years of involvement, on several levels of participation since the early 80’s, from the show ring to show management and following officers’ direction to being the officers. My work at the Congress, the Ohio State Fair and the NRHA Futurity and Derby shows has exposed me to the national and international side of this industry and has given me a better understanding of how our industry works.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Membership – offering our current and potential members more and progressive programs that they would find inspiring and beneficial. Encourage non-OQHA members to participate in the AQHA open show program and entice them to become exhibitors at the Quarter Horse shows through out the state. Congress – We need to continue the innovative aspects of our nationally recognized horse show. We need to make our cash awards stronger, keep our awards at a higher standard and our services to the exhibitor more cost effective. These expectations are what the Congress exhibitors deserve.”

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee

Ted Handel

Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and currently reside with my wife and partner, Judi, on a horse farm in Mount Perry, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the owner of Mound City Products Inc., a commercial and residential awning manufacturer whose products include awnings, Wind Socks for the FAA and a variety of custom Equine products and stall curtains. We also own Diamond H Farm a horse training facility and M&H Enterprises (the DBA under which we operate rental properties). My prior business experience was in the corporate world, specializing in material procurement and facilities management. The last 19 of those years, I was with a division of Siemens.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have chaired and co-chaired committees for the implementation facilities required for fund raising events for The Works in Newark, Ohio, a philanthropic organization. I have served on the properties committee of Camp Falling Rock, a Boy Scout facility in the Licking District of Simon Kenton Council. I currently chair the bridge committee, seeking to both design and implement the funding and installation of a replacement bridge for the entrance to the camp. Also, I have been a member of the Newark Mannerchor for more than 30 years.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for more than 30 years and a life member for more than 20 years. I have also attended the Congress for more than 30 years. I have participated in the Ohio futurities. I have supported the Congress Queen Contest for the past 10 years and provide stall curtains for the newly elected Queen. I have supported the AQHA Trail Ride with prizes for participation. In 2001, Mound City Products manufactured a vinyl style cover for the OQHRA booth and provides help with the installation every year. My company most recently has produced stall curtains for the Ohio youth teams at the Ohio Quarter Horse News 37

OQHA Election Biographies Ted Handel,Continued AQHYA Youth World show. During the past two years at Congress I have helped with the NYATT ceremony at the Congress.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a founding member of the Ohio State Buckskin Association, a charter of the International Buckskin Horse Association. I was a director for OSBA for 15 years and have served as both vice president and president. I am currently serving as president of IBHA. I served as chair of the abuse and illegal equipment committee and worked with IBHA and the committee to develop and implement IBHA’s current drug testing program. I have represented IBHA at the AQHA convention several times in conjunction with the AQHA/IBHA alliance agreement. I serve as the IBHA alliance representative to NSBA under NSBA/IBHA alliance agreement. I initiated the formal request to create the OSBA/OQHA alliance.” Please describe how would contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I would be able to provide my expertise in procurement, facility management, knowledge of the horse industry and time.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Finding ways to promote the growth, retention and participation in all areas of the membership 2. Defining the direction of OQHA during these times of a changing economy 3. Continue to make the Congress the fantastic venue it is in the horse industry today.”

Bob Hexter Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I currently reside on a small horse farm in Delaware, Ohio with my wife, Karen. I have two sons, Bob Jr. of Ocala, Florida and Steve, who lives in the Columbus area and our daughter, Shannon, who lives in Delaware with our 3 ½ year old grandson, Vinny.” Please describe what you do for a living: “After being self-employed in the sporting goods industry and landscaping business, I retired a few years ago, leaving me the freedom and time to devote to my passions.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a life member of AQHA, OQHA and the National Bicycle Dealers Association. I currently serve on the OQHA Board of Directors.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “For OQHA, I have served on numerous committees for more than 20 years, including chairman or co-chairman of: horse show advisory committee, nomination committee and trail ride committee. For the Congress, I served two years as a ringmaster, and then was head ringmaster for three years. I was asked to serve as the assistant show manager for 14 years. I stepped down and then took on Stallion Avenue the next year. I have served on many committees over the course of my tenure as a board member.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Our family has owned World Champions, Congress winners and earned AQHA top ten titles, as well as many OQHA annual awards and circuit championships.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Bob Hexter, Continued Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I currently serve on the nominating committee, as well as the trail ride committee. At the 2010 Congress I am co-chairman of the fire and safety, programs and animal abuse committees.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. The Congress has been the industry leader for more than 40 years. We must never lose sight of the fact that it is a horse show first. It must continue to change and evolve with new programs and incentives. Both exhibitors and visitors need to feel a part of the experience that is ‘The Biggest and Best Horse Show on Earth.’ 2. OQHA must also continue to lead the way to organizational growth, supporting our membership with innovative programs to get everyone involved. 3. The board of directors needs to work together as a team to improve communication and be open to new ideas that will sustain the Congress and our industry leadership.”

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee

Ron McCarty

Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio, where I still live.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the owner of McCarty Pump Service and Water treatment.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have served as an OQHA officer/director for nearly 25 years.” Please describw how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have been on the trail ride committee, scholarship committee, commercial exhibits committee and the program sales committee. I have also helped with the barns, security and the food committee at Congress.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to improve the Ohio Expo Center grounds. 2. Continue to improve the Congress with new ideas to keep people coming. 3. Try to find ways to bring new people to OQHA.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Cindy Morehead Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, but I was raised in Milford, New Hampshire. I currently reside in Findlay, Ohio, and have been there for the past 33 years.”

our industry.”

Please describe what you do for a living: “I am an instructor at the University of Findlay Western program, and have been there since it started 33 years ago. I am also the head coach of the western IHSA team. With this job I stay current with the future of

Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My IHSA Equestrian Team helps with the city mission in Findlay.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director for a few years. I am on the judging team committee, the scholarship committee, horse show advisory committee, and the membership committee. I help at the Congress with the Hunter/Jumper warm-ups, judging and team tournament.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am regional president for IHSA, I was president and am now a director for the OMIQHA. I also belong to the Buckeye Horseman’s Association that puts on the four day circuit in Findlay each summer.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am willing to be involved and help with anything I’m needed for. I have helped get the judging teams going, helped with discussions on the horse show advisory committee and membership committee, and helped with the selection of scholarship recipients. At the Congress, I am involved with the Hunter/Jumper warm-ups and setting up for the youth team ceremonies.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Our youth, building our membership and continuing to keep the Quarter Horse Congress running smoothly and efficiently.”

John Pickersgill Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee No biographical information received.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Chuck Smith Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Athens, Ohio and raised in Crooksville and I currently reside on a farm near Amanda, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train cutting horses and cutting horse riders.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am president of a not for profit company that holds easements for preserving wetlands and streams.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director of OQHA for nearly 20 years. I have also chaired the Cutting events at the Congress for the same length of time.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a director of the National Cutting Horse Association for 20 years and currently serve on the executive committee. I have chaired the long-range planning committee, the show producers committee, and the promotions committee.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I run the Cutting events during the Congress.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Keep the Congress strong and growing 2. Promote the Quarter Horse as an all-around family horse, as well as a show horse. 3. Help build new stalling facilities on the state fairgrounds for horses.”

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee

Denny Thorsell

Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I currently live in Burbank, Ohio with my wife of 42 years, Eileen.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a principle in the Thorsell group, which specializes in employee benefits. I also own and operate Creek Bend Ranch, which breeds and raises bulls that compete in national events. I operate Buckin’ Ohio, which produces professional bull riding events.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a member of the Medina, Lodi, Wooster and Wadsworth Chambers of Commerce. I serve on the Harrisville Township Zoning Board. I am a stock contractor for PBR and SEBRA and I serve on the Ohio Livestock Committee for the Ohio Department of Agriculture.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Denny Thorsell, Continued Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “As a lifetime member of OQHA, I have served as director for more than 15 years. Currently, I am serving my third term as a Tri-Chairman. I have also been a paddock judge at the Congress for 18 years, and I have served on every standing committee for OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I serve as the chairman of the American Quarter Horse Association’s Ranch Horse Versatility committee and am a member of the show and contest committee. I have been a paddock judge at every AQHA Open, Amateur, Select and Youth World Show for 15 years. Additionally, I have been an AQHA judge since 1968, and have judged World Shows, Congress and two Regional Championships.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I was instrumental in the transition from the unexpected loss of our previous executive director to the appointment of our new executive director. Most recently, I have served as a Tri-Chairman, and I judged at the Regional Championships this past year.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Encourage officers and directors to be innovative with new ideas for horse shows and the Congress. 2. Fiscal responsibility 3. Continue to keep the Congress as the premier Quarter Horse show in the world.”

Mike Vargo Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, and I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife, Sandy, son, Tyler, and daughter, Natalie.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the President of Vargo Companies. We design automated conveyor and software systems used in the distribution of products sold through retail facilities, as well as direct to consumer. A sample of the customer base consists of major retail chains such as LL Bean, American Eagle, Amazon, Levi Strauss, American Signature Furniture and The Limited.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I served on the Development Board for Catholic Social Services. I have been a long-standing supporter and contributor to Kids-NKamp, a local organization that provides support to children and families of children diagnosed with cancer.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA since 1994.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Other than being a member of the OQHA, I am also a life member of AQHA, as well as the NSBA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “If elected as a director, my contribution will come


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Mike Vargo, Continued from understanding the significance of what is required to operate a large, successful organization with multiple facets. The overall success of any organization is to provide balance within the organization and to leverage all available resources that the individual members contribute. Then, to leverage the members’ skill sets in order to maintain and accomplish the original vision.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Stability of growth in membership. While I believe that it is vital to maintain a diligent effort to grow membership numbers, it is equally, if not more important, to increase existing membership participation. Without increased existing member participation, we become a dues-collecting organization that in time will deteriorate or or dissolve or be forced to scale back to a level that will not attract membership of any kind. 2. Increase greater awareness and promote participation within the existing membership. From a more intended grass roots level, develop and build from within our own organizations regionally, leveraging multiple competitive and educational activities to take place around the entire state. Structure and promote educational activities drawn from the abundance of talent and experience that exists within the OQHA. 3. Continue to explore and create sound business development activities. The priority of any successful organization is to maintain a solid fiscal position through obvious improvements and enhancements, but at the same time create new avenues for growth.”

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee

Bill Wright

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Campsbellville, Kentucky. My family moved to Ohio when I was about eight years old. I grew up in southern Ohio and was into racing cars, not horses, until after my time in the Army as an Airborne Ranger during Vietnam. My wife, Betty, and I live on a small farm in Clermont County, outside Batavia, Ohio. We have lived there for about 20 years. We have a 10-stall barn and raise Halter horses.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the manager of Contract Administration and Estimating Services for KZF Design, a full-service architecture engineering company in Cincinnati. I also own Wright Show Horses, where we train Halter, Longe Line and some western and performance horses.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have worked with several 4-H youth kids, the VFW, American Legion and Free Mason.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of OQHA. I have shown horses in Ohio for about 30 years at the Congress, SOQHA, EOQHA and NOQHA. I have worked with several stallions that stood on Stallion Avenue at the Congress. We have over the last 10 years shown Halter and Longe Line.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of SOQHA and EOQHA. I am a past director of SOQHA and I am a member of APHA.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Bill Wright, Continued Please decribe what you would contribute to OQHA, if elected: I have been in the construction business for more than 30 years and have learned to listen to the people I work for. As a director, I work for the membership of OQHA. OQHA is growing even in these hard times within the horse business. I, along with all of the membership, have something to say and I will be your voice at OQHA meetings. We all have ideas and reccomendations that we want to make and I will take them to the floor at meetings and help implement them.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Work to keep membership strong and growing, work on any committee that will help keep the All American Quarter Horse Congress the number one show, not only to show at, but the one all want to attend. OQHA should use its strength to help keep the Ohio horse family strong.”

Sid Griffith Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I am a lifelong central Ohio resident who was born and raised in the suburbs of Columbus. I live in Hilliard with my wife, Leigh Ann, and children, Zack and Dakota. My oldest son, Tyler manages our farm.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I began my career in the horse industry as a trainer of Reining, Western Pleasure, Hunters and Hunt Seat horses. Most notably as a professional, I am the youngest person in history to win the NRHA Open Futurity. Today, I leave most of the training to the younger set and have diversified into the role of horse-show dad, breeder, multi-carded judge and business proprietor.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “While my five children were growing up, I became active in local and state 4-H organizations and sat on the Franklin County Senior Fair Board for many years. My youngest daughter, Dakota Diamond Griffith, is the current president of AQHYA where she has made education and membership top priorities. Together, we coach and mentor equestrians with disabilities and donate time and resources to animal charities including the Humane Society.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “My father, Sid Sr., was an attorney and served many years as legal counsel for OQHA before he passed away in 1976. For the past several years, I have donated my judging services to OQHA for the Region Four Experience, as well as the dual approved OQHA/EOQHA show held at the Expo Center in September. I have also assisted with OQHYA initiatives, including helping with World Show stall decorations and set-up.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a multi-carded judge to include AQHA, NRHA, USEF, and NSBA Category 1. My affiliations include life memberships in AQHA, NRHA and NSBA, and I am also an AQHA Professional Horseman. Since 1976, my farm has been home to The Ohio State University’s accredited riding courses for both English and Western disciplines.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I bring more than 40 years of experience to the


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Sid Griffith, Continued potential role of director, which includes trainer, exhibitor, breeder, AQHA Professional Horseman, multi-carded judge, and fair board member.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to explore innovative ways to increase membership. 2. Enhance youth programming, education and leadership opportunities 3. Increasing show entries.”

Randy Jacobs Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Orrville, Ohio. I currently reside in Dover, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train Halter horses and am the co-owner of Dac vitamins and minerals.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My family gives money every month to a child in a foreign country, through our church. I also volunteer coach our elementary football teams.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for at least 20 years. I was also a past director.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of AQHA and a member of the WCHA.” Please describe what you would contribute, if elected: “I would like to contribute an amount of leadership. Horses have always been my livelihood and I feel that I need to give back. I feel that I can contribute honesty and integrity.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. I think we need to get more people involved in our Quarter Horse industry. 2. We need to be more of a positive influence, instead of getting involved with all of the negativity in our world today. 3. I think OQHA needs to work hand in hand with AQHA to make it a strong affiliation.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Sam Mierzejewski Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. I currently reside on a farm in Mount Sterling.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am semi-retired and take care of our farm and horses.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I attend sever charity outings throughout the year. I am the Tennis coach at Madison Plains High School.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for many years. We show horses all over the country, but do show frequently in Ohio.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, SOQHA and NSBA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I will try to bring new ideas and new perspective to OQHA. Myself and my family have been showing horses for years, and will listen and convey any suggestions or concerns from my fellow exhibitors.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Trying to make horse showing more affordable. Better prizes so we are not just chasing points. Making Congress even better than it already is.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Around Ohio 2010 Fall World Paint Show a Success for Ohio


early 1,000 Paint horses went to Fort Worth, Texas for the 2010 Fall World Championship Paint Horse Show. For the second consecutive year, the American Paint Horse Association split their World Championship Show into two segments. The first was held in the summer, with the focus on youth classes, and the second was held November 4-13, which held events for open and amateur competitors, as well as slot classes and Breeders’ Futurities. Ohio had an extremely successful APHA World Show, with five competitors winning World Champion titles, and 11 bringing home Reserve World Champion honors. Many more were finalists and placed in the top 10. Shannon Gillespie, of Gillespie Show Horses in Piqua, Ohio was named World Champion in the BF Gold Yearling Longe Line with Painted N Bluegrass, and was also Reserve in the Yearling Longe Line. The bay tobiano filly by He Thinks Hes Special, out of Finely Twentyone is bred and owned by Lyndsy Gondeck of Versailles, Kentucky, who also won the Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line slot class at the show. Gillespie also won a total of five Reserve world Championships in 2010. Aboard BP Just Say ShesFancy, owned by Shilo and Garrett Eggers, she was Reserve World Champion in the Two Year Old Novice Horse Western Pleasure slot class. In the Two Year Old Hunter Under Saddle, Gillespie found success

with All I Wanna Do, winning her third Reserve World Championship. In Junior and Senior Hunter Under Saddle, Gillespie finished out her 2010 APHA World Show with two more Reserve World Champion titles, riding Must Be a Dream and Ina New York Minute, respectively. Gillespie’s husband, Tim Gillespie, also took home a Reserve World Championship for Ohio, aboard Tim and Kelly Klenke’s horse, Lucrative Loper. In Classic Amateur Junior Western Pleasure, Tim Snapp of New Carlisle, Ohio won Reserve World Champion honors with his own Miss Hottie, out of 23 entries. Tim’s wife, Cindy, also took home a Reserve World Championship, placing second in the Masters Amateur Junior Hunter Under Saddle with Movin Out. Another husband and wife team, Jeremy and Shannon Sullenberger of Piqua, Ohio, took home two World Champions. Jeremy and Im Suddenly Famous, took the top spot in Classic Amateur Senior Western Pleasure and Shes Inviting, shown by Shannon, won Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle. Also aboard Shes Inviting, Nancy Roberts earned a Reserve World Championship in Masters Amateur Senior Western Pleasure. Our final Ohio Reserve World Champion was David Eller and Tru All Star in Solid Paint-Bred Yearling Geldings, from Richwood, Ohio.

Photo courtesy of APHA.

Painted N Bluegrass, shown both by owner Lyndsy Gondeck and Shannon Gillespie of Piqua, earned top honors in Longe Line. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Around Ohio Appaloosa World


he 2010 Appaloosa World Show was held October 22-30 at the Will Rogers Equestrian Center in Fort Worth, Texas. The Appaloosa Horse Club reported 2,591 entries competed at the show, along with hosting 900 Appaloosa horses throughout its nine day duration. Ohio competitors brought home one world championship, as well as three reserve world championships in a variety of the 150 classes offered. Maid To Be A Charlie, owned by Aubrey Marie Cook of Norwalk, Ohio was shown by Virginia Williams to a world championship in Junior Western Riding on October 23rd. The 2005 mare by Colored By Charlie, won the Reserve High-Point title at the World Championship Appaloosa Youth World show with Cook aboard earlier in the year. Heather Runyon handled Im Strokin For Blue in the Two and Three Year Old Hunter In Hand Mares for

owner Virginia Williams of Republic, Ohio and came home with a reserve world championship. Gretchen Jackson, from Sardinia, Ohio and Winspyre earned one first, two seconds, and a third from the judges to secure the reserve world championship in Non-Pro Three Year Old Stallions. With Timothy Jackson showing for Roy Thompson of Clarksville, Ohio, Visions Brite Image won a reserve world championship in Foundation Pedigree Designation Halter Mares. Congratulations to all of Ohio’s competitors, and special congratulations to our world champions and reserve world champions. Don’t forget, the 2011 Appaloosa World Show will be moving to the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex in Tulsa, Oklahoma and will be held July 4-16.

Run for 2012 Ohio Quarter Horse Queen! The Ohio Quarter Horse Queen Contest is open to young ladies between the ages of 18 and 24, who have never been married or a single parent. Candidates must be a current member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association.

The Ohio Quarter Horse Queen travels to shows around Ohio and represents OQHA at major functions, including competing for the title of All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Visit www.oqha.com or call Elaine Wells, (740) 654-5884, for more information. 48

Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Max Clason

Caroline Adams

Ellexxah Maxwell

Bailey Mierzejewski

Lauren Diaz

Sophie Mercker

Tyler Schultz

Jessica La Voie

Paul Schwab

Lucy Igoe

Katsy Leeman

Lacy Watson

Dakota Griffith

Kayla Magrum

President 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44691 330-725-6614

Vice President 16255 SR 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 330-725-6614

Secretary 5262 N. SR 53 Tiffin, OH 44883 330-239-4096

Director 5111 Oakmont Pl. Westerville, OH 43082

Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 937-355-9957 MilMax@earthlink.net

Director 5340 Muirfield Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-0857

Director 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056

Director 618 Rustic Trail Beavercreek, OH 45434 937-427-1471

Treasurer 4666 Sibel Ct. Powell, OH 43065

Reporter 7380 Scioto Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 lagsgec@sbcglobal.net

Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 513-868-6900

Director 13820 Kimmens Rd. Massillion, OH 44647 330-830-5354

Director 2400 S CR 15 Tiffin, OH 44883 419-448-8044

Director 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 513-625-1313

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 congressqueenteam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


he next OQHYA board meeting will be January 17, 2010 at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. In February, the board will meet during the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held Saturday, February 5th. The meeting will begin at 11 am at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. During March, board meetings will return to their usual date, Monday, March 21st at 7 pm.

January January 17 @ 7pm February February 5 @ 11am March March 21 @ 7pm

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines Consider trying out for the 2011 Congress NYATT Team


ll OQHYA youth members are invited to compete for a spot on OQHA’s 2011 National Youth Activity Team Tournament team. In order to be eligible, youth must be a member of OQHYA and reside in Ohio, as well as attend at least two OQHYA board meetings between January 1st and July 1st. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count, provided that the youth placed in at least three shows and accumulated

a minimum of 10 points. The qualifying period for the NYATT team begins the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through July 31st. Members of the Congress NYATT team may only show in one event in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. Events include Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Reining and Barrel Racing.

2011 AQHYA World Show Team Information


outh can qualify to represent Ohio at the 2011 AQHYA World Show two ways. The first is by earning enough AQHA points during the qualifying period to become nationally qualified. The national qualifying period began May 1, 2010 and runs through April 30, 2011. AQHA determines the number of points youth need to qualify nationally and they are listed on their website, www.aqha.com. Youth that wish to qualify nationally and receive the stipend from OQHA must attend at least two OQHYA meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011. The second way to qualify is in-state. Youth must be members of OQHYA, reside in Ohio and attend at least two meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth must also place in a minimum of three shows, accumulating at least 10 points during the qualifying period. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count. The qualifying period begins on the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through May 31st. Youth that wish to qualify for a cattle event, working hunter, jumping, equitation over fences and other classes not usually offered at regular shows can declare their interest in competing at the AQHYA World Show. Letters of declaration must be sent on or before March 1st, 2011 and should be mailed through certified mail with return receipt to OQHA.

Youth Headlines 2011 Youth Voting Correction


n the November/December issue of The Ohio Quarter Horse News, it was reported that ballots should be sent to Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe, which is INCORRECT. Ballots should instead be mailed to the OQHA office in Richwood. These directions were included with the ballots when they were mailed. Election ballots were mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in mid-December. Ballots must be submitted by January 30th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Ohio Quarter Horse Association Attn: Youth Advisor P.O. Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344

Directors: President: Dakota Diamond Griffith Mindy Barr Cody Campbell Caitlyn Colvin Vice President: Lucy Igoe Anna Davis Brittany Harter Molli Jacobs Brandon Kramer Bailey Mierzejewski Darian Renner Jessica LaVoie Alexa Rowland Secretary: Trey Schwab Lacy Watson Charley Thiel Reporter: Lauren Diaz Kenzie Perry

Treasurer: The following is a complete listing of all OQHYA Katsy Leeman candidates running for office and director positions for Ellexxah Maxwell 2011. Biographies can be found in this issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News on pages 54-68.


Ohio Youth Commit to NCAA Equestrian Teams

n 1998, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) classified women’s equestrian as an emerging sport. Participants compete in several events, including western horsemanship and reining, as well as hunt seat equitation and equitation over fences, that showcase their riding abilities aboard horses they have never ridden before. Much like NCAA football or basketball, equestrian athletes are recruited, and some receive athletic scholarships to top Division I schools, such as Georgia, Texas A&M, Auburn and several others. Recruiting and signing for the class of 2014 is already underway, with November 10-17 marking the early signing period. Several Ohioans, including Lucy Igoe, Molli Jacobs and Katsy Leeman, have signed with top schools to participate in NCAA western events next year. Lucy Igoe, of Powell, and Katsy Leeman, of Massillion, both signed with Auburn University,

Lucy Igoe, from Powell, Ohio accepted an athletic scholarship to ride with Auburn University. Ohio Quarter Horse News 51

Youth Headlines located in Alabama. Three other Ohioans are already on the Tiger’s Hunt Seat team, though Igoe and Leeman will be competing in western events. Igoe, a senior at Olentangy Liberty High School, chose Auburn over Texas A&M and Baylor. Aside from the coaches and other girls on the team, Igoe chose the school because of its stunning scenery. “The school had just a beautiful campus,” Igoe said. “It has a lot of character that the other schools just didn’t have.” Igoe plans on majoring in political science and eventually hopes to attend law school to become either a family law attorney or defense attorney. She also plans on continuing to show her own horses throughout college. Competing with Kay Cee’s Criminal, Igoe has had several good performances at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, including winning Novice Youth Western Riding in 2009, which helped catch the eye of recruiters. Leeman, a senior at Jackson High School, will also attend Auburn University. Leeman enjoyed the school immensely, as well as the students who go there. She plans to major in business, and eventually work for her family, which manufactures Swiss cheese. Like Igoe, Leeman also hopes to continue showing throughout college. Currently, she shows Miss Slot Machine Katsy Leeman, from Massillion, in Western Pleasure Ohio, also accepted a scholarship to ride with Auburn and Deesired Invitation in Western University.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Riding at major events around the country, including the Youth World Show and Congress. Molli Jacobs, the third Ohioan to sign during the early period, is a senior at Garaway High School in Dover. Jacobs chose to ride for Texas A&M, a decision that was a long Molli Jacobs, from Dover, Ohio, signed with Texas A&M to compete time coming. “I chose Texas in equestrian events during the 20112012 season. A&M because it has always been my dream school,” Jacobs said. “I love the southern atmosphere and all of the traditions that TAMU has. They have great academic programs and an amazing equestrian team.” She plans to major in biomedical science, followed by attending pharmacy school to hopefully work as a pharmacist after graduation. Jacobs has had a spectacular year in the show pen, which helped her earn a scholarship from the second ranked TAMU Aggies. Jacobs took home top honors, including winning the Ohio Quarter Horse AllAround Youth 14-18 Year-End Award with her gelding Radical McCue this year and taking home a World Championship at the AQHYA World Show in Two Year Old Halter Mares with RTH Style and Grace. Recruits will have one final opportunity to sign with NCAA equestrian teams during the regular signing period, which takes place April 1st through August 1st.

2011 Show Schedule March 5 - 6, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 30, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

March 17 - 18, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 4 - 5, Fulton County Saddle Club Intro Show Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approval Pending

March 19 - 20, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved March 26 - 27, SOQHA Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved April 9- 10, SOQHA 4-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved April 16 - 17, Rolling Acres Farm 4-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved April 30, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 1, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 7 - 8, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 21 - 22, EOQHA Fairfield County Fairgrounds in Lancaster Approved May 28 - 29, NOQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

June 16 - 17, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved

July 27, Ohio State Fair All-Novice Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved August 26, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved August 27 - 28, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Approved September 9, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

June 18 - 19, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

September 10 - 11, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved

June 25 - 26, OMIQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approval Pending

September 23, NOQHA Longe Line Only Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

July 7 - 8, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved July 9 - 10, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved July 15 - 17, Region 4 Regional Championship Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

September 24 - 25, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved November 25 - 27, SOQHA Turkey Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Approved

July 21 - 22, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved July 23 - 24, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approval Pending Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Dakota Diamond Griffith Running for: President Where do you live? “I live in Hilliard, Ohio with my parents Sid, and Leigh Ann Griffith, where our family owns a boarding, training and breeding farm.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a home-schooled senior (in high school).” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “My community involvement includes assisting underprivileged counties in Ohio with their 4-H programs, participating in national trail clean-up activities and promoting education through Junior Master Horseman. One of my greatest passions is coaching equestrians with disabilities and training their horses so they can respond to a rider’s specific needs. Additionally, I have donated time to several unwanted horse causes.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “As a lifetime member of OQHA, I have served as both a youth director and officer. Currently, I hold the office of reporter where I organize and design the Spotlight Youth ads and deal with media relations.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am the current president of AQHYA, the 2010 NSBA Youth President, four-time president of River Cities Quarter Horse Youth and I hold the current title of Miss Rodeo Ohio USA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “As a contributing columnist for GoHorseShow.com, I use my skills as a reporter to enhance the current office I hold at OQHA. In addition to writing and publishing the youth spotlights, I have enjoyed promoting all aspects of OQHA through my relations with the media. Raising awareness is an important tool to idea-sharing and problem-solving. I strongly believe that 4-H and state extension are vital to ensure future membership and growth in our organization. With many counties suffering through difficult economic times, I donate my time as a clinician and youth leader in underprivileged areas of our state where 4-H chapters are in danger of being eliminated. I am also active in scholarship and emergency fund raising causes. For the 2010 Youth World, I was a contributor to the Scrapbook, hospitality room, and stall decorating committees.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Fundraising is definitely the number one priority of the organization. 2. Developing youth leadership at the national level. 3. Increasing membership through improved public relations.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Vice Presidential Candidates Lucy Igoe Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “In Powell, Ohio, with my mom, Barb Igoe.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I attend Olentangy Liberty High School and I am currently a senior.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am highly active in many clubs around my school, some of which include: service club, and Red Cross Club. I am an active member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Also, I volunteer at the local YMCA and Cozy Cat Cottage. I am also a student mentor at my high school.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHA for 12 years now. I have been a past director and also treasurer of OQHYA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I devote all of my time to OQHYA and AQHYA, and the NSBA youth.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently the OQHYA treasurer. I have contributed to this organization throughout the past year by helping the board of OQHYA get more involvement from the youth of the organization. We had a successful World Show by showing our spirit, from the stall decorations to the walk-in skit we had. We all came together as a family and we all became friends. After the walk-in, many youth came up and commented on how they wished they were an Ohio kid. That’s what we should aim for. I would love to keep building on the progress we made this year as an organization and as a group as a whole. I would also love to grow in our participation at the YES Conference. I was lucky enough to get the experience of traveling to Amarillo, Texas and be a part of this amazing conference. Every OQHYA youth should get the same experience as I did.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Get young involvement; the future of our organization is in the youth, it is up to us! 2. We have one of the largest teams at the AQHYA Youth World Show, we still need to keep up the work we started and make every youth in the country feel like they want to be from Ohio. 3. We need to try to make the banquet more fun and interesting for all. Everyone, youth and adults, work so hard throughout the year to make it into the standings at the end of the year. It should be a unforgettable celebration, every year.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Molli Jacobs Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Dover, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I go to Garaway High School and I am in the 12th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am a varsity basketball cheerleader, I am in the National Honor Society, I am on our student council, I am part of our Interact club and I am in Spanish club.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHYA for 11 years and have been on our youth world team numerous times.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am part of Tammy Rath’s high school equestrian team for Horsemanship and Reining. I am also a lifetime member of AQHA.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I would really like to contribute a large amount of leadership to OQHYA. I feel that our organization lacks in enthusiasm and group involvement and I hope to bring those two things to a much higher level.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Involvement – We need to work harder as a team. 2. Enthusiasm – We should be more excited for the large and great team that we have. 3. Encouragement – Our team is so large and very good, so I think we need to be behind each other 110 percent.”

Bailey Mierzejewski Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Mt. Sterling, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Madison Plains High School, and am in the 10th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been on my high school varsity tennis team for two seasons. Also, I am involved in both Spanish and Key club through school. I have worked several charity events for the Ronald McDonald House. Through my high school FFA programs, we host several charity fundraisers, such as an annual golf scramble. Recently, I volunteered with other OQHYA members at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink show.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I am currently vice president and have been a director for several years. Also, I have represented the OQHYA on the World Show team for the past four years.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Bailey Mierzejewski, Continued Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “Yes, I am currently the treasurer for SOQHYA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “This year I served as vice president on the OQHYA board. I attended all of the meetings that I could and ran several of the meetings that the president could not be present at. For the first time this year, I represented OQHYA at the YES convention in Amarillo, Texas. Also, this was my fourth year attending the Youth World. At the Tough Enough to Wear Pink horse show, I helped serve at the exhibitors’ dinner with other OQHYA members. At the Congress this year, I also will be representing Ohio in the NYATT team tournament.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. I believe that we should always try to encourage new membership and participation. 2. I think OQHYA should work with other organizations to try to make the shows more affordable. Many people might be able to show more often and that would bring up the overall entries. 3. I think OQHYA should sponsor more youth activities at the shows. This would encourage more participation and also some of them could be used as fundraisers.”

Darian Renner Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Vincent, Ohio with my parents, Dan and Julie, my younger brother, Mason, younger sister, Logan, our three dogs, Wilson, Emma and Sofi, two cats, Booger and Spencer, our two show horses, The Kat Tails “Ross”, ThePleasuresAllShine “Marge”, and our pony, Little Jack.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am currently a Junior at Warren High School. However, I am participating in the PSEO program, and am now a freshman at Washington State Community College.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “In the past, I have volunteered at our local animal shelter and local library, as well as also having helped to coach both upward and pee-wee basketball leagues in our community. Last year, I enjoyed helping in the multiple disabilities room at our elementary school. I have been a member of Educational Talent Search for three years, and I am also involved in my teen youth group at church, where we volunteer at many different events in our community. This year, I volunteered at the 4th Annual TKH Charity Golf Outing, which was a benefit for two people in medical need.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This year was my first year to be involved in OQHYA and I have participated in many different events. I helped fundraise for OQHYA by selling Congress raffle tickets, as well as taking part OQHYA’s pizza party this spring at the Springfield, Ohio horse show. I have represented OQHYA at the AQHYA World Championship Show in Performance Geldings, and Hunter Under Saddle and will represent OQHYA at the Congress in NYATT Hunter Under Saddle, as well as attending as many meetings as I was able to. I am planning on helping to sell 50/50 tickets during the Freestyle Reining at the Congress, to benefit OQHYA.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Darian Renner, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the National Snaffle Bit Association, and American Quarter Horse Association.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I would like to become more involved in OQHYA by attending more meetings and meeting more people. I would also like to help to make sure the general members’ voices are heard. Also, if elected, I hope to get more members involved in activities such as the Speech, and Judging Contests at the World Show and the American Quarter Horse Association.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel that OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years should be to get more people involved with the association, to make sure the general members’ voices are heard, and to spread the word that people do not have to own a horse in order to be involved in the association; they can instead participate in activities such as the horse judging, speech, and hipology contests.”

Secretary Candidates Lacy Watson Running for: Secretary Where do you live? “I live in Goshen, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am currently a sophomore at Goshen High School. ” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a youth director for the past few years and I have participated in many fundraisers.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been actively involved in the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association over the past few years. During those years, I have held the office of director and vice president and I am currently the president of the youth association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently an OQHYA director. I have contributed to OQHYA by participating at the meetings and leading fundraisers.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Over the next two to three years, I feel OQHYA should get new members involved, see more involvement in fundraisers, and achieve higher goals.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Reporter Candidates Lauren Diaz Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “I live in Heath, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a student at St. Francis De Sales school.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I volunteered at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink horse show, Volley for the Cure, AQHA Trail Rider and at the YES clubhouse.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I was a director in 2009 and I was on the world team in 2008 and 2009. I have been a member for five years. I also represented Ohio at the YES convention and I participated in OQHYA fundraisers.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA and AQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently a director for OQHYA. I contributed by helping with fundraisers, serving dinner at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink show and I represented Ohio at the Ford Youth World Show and the YES conference.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Getting more kids involved 2. Coming together as a ‘team’ 3. Getting involved with other organizations - interacting with people from other areas - increasing membership.”

Kenzie Perry Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “Granville, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a junior in high school. I go to Granville High School.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I went to the AQHYA World Show on the Ohio Team in 2010. I also qualified to represent Ohio at Congress in NYATT for Hunter Under Saddle.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Kenzie Perry, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am the reporter for EOQHA and I have written for their website.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I will do my best to get others involved. I will contribute ideas for walk-in/stall decoration for the 2011 Youth World Show. I also would like to come up with fundraiser ideas that we can do at shows to raise money for our youth.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Go to any benefits/horse shows that need help raising money. 2. Make sure ALL Ohio youth are knowledgable about state/national qualifying (for many years I was uneducated about state qualifying). This is likely to get more youth involved. 3. Get more youth involved in AQHA showing.”

Treasurer Candidates Katsy Leeman Running for: Treasurer Where do you live? “Massillon, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Jackson High School and I’m in 12th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I adopted a wild mustang, Sophie and spent the summer working with her.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I’m a director for OQHYA and have been a member since I was seven.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “No, but I participate in my local fun show with my ponies, Patches and Buddy, twice a year.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “At the meetings I try to get ideas going, also I helped in the set-up of our stalls at Youth World and I try to get everyone involved who normally wouldn’t be.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Getting more member who actively participate. - Promote unwanted horses - Improve attendance at shows and meetings.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Ellexxah Maxwell Running for: Treasurer Where do you live? “I live in West Mansfield, Ohio with my parents, Brent and Melissa Maxwell, my grandma Becky, my dog, Nigel and Mystique the cat.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I attend Connections Academy Online Public School. I am in the fourth grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I attend martial arts at the School of Dynamic Defense. I currently have a rank of black belt.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHYA since I was old enough to sit on a horse. I was a member of the 2009 Youth World Team. In 2010 I was elected as a director. I was also a member of the 2010 World Show Team and made the semi-finals in showmanship. As the chairman of the World Show Scrapbook Committee, it was my responsibility to put together the scrapbook and assist in presenting it at the World Show. In addition, I attended both the Youth Miyer in Springfield, Ohio and the OQHA Picnic.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am also a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the NSBA and the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, where I have served as both director and reporter.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “This year as director I have attended all meetings. I feel it is really important to be involved. I volunteer for as many things as I can to keep things moving forward. I was also chairman of the scrapbook committee.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Membership! We have quite a few youth that are moving up to amateur in 2011. We really need to focus on recruiting new members. 2. World Show teamwork! No one person should be expected to handle the whole thing. More people need to get involved and do their part to help our advisor get things accomplished and make their trip less stressful for everyone. 3. Meeting attendance! Get involved. That means not only show up, but share some ideas, speak your mind. It is the only way to get things done.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Director Candidates Mindy Barr Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live on a farm with my family in Circleville, Ohio, where we grow corn, soybeans, wheat, hay and straw. We also raise and show beef cattle.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I attend Teays Valley East Middle School and I am in the 7th grade this year.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am a youth member of NSBA and EOQHA. I am also a member of Pickaway County 4-H, Ohio Beef Cattle Youth Program (B.E.S.T.), LIFE (a community service of tutoring fellow students) and DARE (Drug Awareness in Community Schools).” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This was my first year being involved with OQHYA. I attended meetings, helped sell raffle tickets and attended the Youth World Show. I look forward to being more involved in years to come!” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a youth member of NSBA, a director and NYATT Showmanship representative for EOQHA and I am a member of OQHA, and have represented Ohio at the Youth Worlds in Halter.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I would like to help with awareness of Ohio youth involved with horses such as writing articles about Ohio youth and other activities with their horses. I would also like matching t-shirts to identify Ohio youth.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Do more things as a united group. - Offer a hospitality cart at Ohio shows. - Something ‘big’ at Congress to support Ohio youth, like the Hot 2 Trot tent.”

Cody Campbell Running for: Director Where do you live? “Georgetown, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a freshman Southern State Community College.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Cody Campbell, Continued Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “OQHYA, WVQHYA, Sons of America Legion Post #72, High School Wrestling 9th-12th grade.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been attending OQHA/OQHYA shows with my grandparents my whole life and have been a member of OQHYA for eight years. I show at several Ohio shows every year. For the past two years, I represented Ohio as a nationally qualified member of the World Show team. I am currently qualified nationally for the 2011 World Show and plan to represent Ohio again.” If elected, please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA: “If elected as director, I believe my biggest contributions would be my leadership skills and positive attitude.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “WVQHYA – I have been a member for eight years, and I am the 2010 vice president.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase membership 2. Encourage more active participation from current members 3. Purposeful networking with other states’ youth organizations All of these priorities would hopefully result in increased entries in youth class at shows throughout the state.”

Caitlyn Colvin Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Jacksonburg, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a sophomore at Edgewood High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been involved in FFA, participated in the Cardboard City fundraiser for the homeless and ran track for my school team.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an active member of OQHYA since 2006. I have been on the NYATT and World Show teams for the last four years, representing Ohio in Barrel Racing at the Congress and Barrels, Poles and Stakes at the World Show. In 2009, I participated in the OQHYA Horse Judging Team, competing in the Congress and World Show judging contests. I have attended meetings and helped with association fundraisers, inclduing the Congress package raffle.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am also a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am currently serving as youth director for SOQHYA. I am also active in the Bulter County 4-H horse program, serving as vice president of my 4-H club

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Caitlyn Colvin, Continued and competing on the 4-H Horse Bowl and Hippology teams. I have also been a member of the Southern Ohio Junior Rodeo Association and Championship 4-State Youth Rodeo Association.” Please describe how you would contribute to OQHA, if elected: “If elected to the OQHYA board, I will work with the other officers and directors to come up with ideas to help recruit and involve new members, promote OQHYA, make members feel welcome and help raise funds for special projects.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Involve all members in the association and encourage everyone to participate in activities and decision making. 2. Increase awareness of the many opportunities that are available through AQHA and OQHA. 3. Promote the Quarter Horse and OQHA to youth who haven’t been involved before.”

Anna Davis Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Delaware, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a senior at Buckeye Valley, but am attending Ohio State full time.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been on the tennis team, student council and in Red Cross throughout high school, also 4-H and I work/ volunteer at a nursing home.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member for six years and have been director before.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “SOQHA, I have been treasurer, secretary, director and reporter.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I could contribute new ideas to the assocaition, targeting achieving more members.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- More members - More involvement from members - Incentives.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Brittany Harter Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Delaware, Ohio with my parents, Mike and Rhonda, and my sister, Kayla.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a junior at DelawareHayes High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved with Volley for the Cure, Tough Enough to Wear Pink and I helped OQHYA donate money to the Shirley Bowman Foundation.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHA for seven years. I helped serve dinner at the Tough Enough To Wear Pink open show and I also helped with fundraisers for OQHYA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of 4-H, EOQHA, SOQHA and NOQHA.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “Even though I am not a current director, I have participated in multiple fundraisers, such as selling tickets for the Congress 50/50 raffle and serving dinner at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink open show. I was able to attend all scheduled OQHYA meetings. If elected, I will continue to participate in all areas needed, to help make our association even better than it is today.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation, membership and teamwork awareness.”

Brandon Kramer Running for: Director Where do you live? “Galena, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I go to Big Walnut High School and am in the 9th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I play golf and ski. I like to snorkel and scuba.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I attend the meetings and was on the Youth World team 2010. I am on the Congress team 2010 also.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Sunbury Halter and Saddle, and I am a youth director for SOQHA.” Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Brandon Kramer, Continued Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I will help to raise funds for programs and help to increase our enrollment. I would like to have more welcoming and recognition going on for youth of all skill levels.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase youth enrollment 2. Have more programs, things for youth to become more involved with. 3. Publicize our youth more on the website.”

Jessica LaVoie Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Beavercreek with my parents, Jayme and Kim.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Beavercreek High School and I am a junior.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved in Spaz, the school spirit club and Network, as a mentor to prevent drug and alcohol use of elementary and middle school students.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have represented Ohio at the AQHYA Youth World Show twice and have participated in the scrapbook contest along with the horse judging contest.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been on the SOQHYA board for four years and I am currently vice president.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “Last year I was a director and I feel that I did not make enough contributions. This year I would like to be a director to become more involved to help improve the Ohio youth. I will work diligently on any committees and fundraisers as needed.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I believe that OQHYA should become more involved in community service projects to help others. I also believe that we need to work harder to encourage more interaction between all members of the Ohio youth. We also need to increase membership to get more people to interact with OQHYA.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Alexa Rowland Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Ansonia, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I will be a senior in 2011 at Ansonia High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved with Future Farmers of America, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, drama club, spanish club, student council, cross country and basketball.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an OQHYA member for the past four years. Also, I was a part of the OQHYA NYATT team in 2008.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “To get more youth involved in fundraisers and charity events. Also, to send more people out to the World Show.”

Paul “Trey” Schwab III Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live on a small farm in the Southern Ohio area with my parents, Paul and Cindy Schwab.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a sophomore at Ross Senior High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am an active member of 4-H, FFA, and the Honor Society.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have represented OQHYA on both the Youth World Team and the Congress Team for the past four years. I have won numerous year-end achievements while competing at the OQHA shows. I was elected to attend the YES Conference this past summer, but was not able to attend due to personal circumstances.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have won several year-end championships from the state of Ohio (OQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA) in Barrels, Poles and Stakes. I have won eight all-around saddles and many event buckles through various Junior Rodeo Associations. I have also won several 4-H high point and top run championship titles.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I would like to help organize more ‘after the show’ youth activities so everyone can get to know each other better and unite to have fun. There are so

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Paul “Trey” Schwab III, Continued many youth that don’t really know each other due to the different types of events they show. Since I am involved with rodeo and roping events, I would use my position as director with the OQHYA to promote membership among the Ohio High School Rodeo and Ohio Junior Rodeo Associations. I would help come up with new ideas to help raise money for the organization.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation, membership and teamwork awareness.”

Charley Thiel Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Dublin, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a sophmore at Dublin Coffman High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am in drama club at school. I am on an IEA team and have run multiple horseback riding camps in local barns for a Girl Scout camp in Dublin.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an OQHYA director two years before. I have represented the OQHYA team at the World Show in 2007 and 2008 and will be representing OQHYA at the world show again in 2011 in multiple events. I have worked fundraisers, attended meetings and made the OQHYA scrapbook.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of SOQHA and have been a director for them for several years. I am a member of NSBA and contribute to to fundrasiers they hold and I am also a member of an IEA high school equestrian team and am extremely involved in that. I plan on running for an AQHYA position in the future.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If I were tp become an officer for OQHYA, I would do my absolute best to involve new friends and families in our activities and fundraisers. I would try and involve as many new and old members in what is going on and help the new feel like they belong. I would also strive for more efficient, to the point meetings.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase in membership/friendship (make new exhibitors feel welcome) 2. Hold more fundraisers for Ohio youth (make money for Paul ‘Trey’ Schwab) 3. Hold more activities for Ohio youth to get together besides for youth team involvement.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ohio Quarter Horse News



Ohio Results


Weanling Stallions 2. Black Jack, Dr. Gigi Wood Davis, Randy Jacobs Dover Yearling Stallions 6. Tailored, Greg & Dr. Gigi Wood Davis, Randy Jacobs - Dover Yearling Stallions - Limited Division 8. Kid Coosafied, Ben Ashley, Matthew Claypool Springboro 10. Radiant Design, Vanessa Birney, Vanessa Birney Scio Non-Pro Yearling Stallion Halter Stakes 4. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez - Pataskala Non-Pro Yearling Stallion Halter Stakes – Limited Division 4. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez - Pataskala Amateur Yearling Stallions 8. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez - Pataskala Amateur Yearling Stallions - Limited Division 8. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez - Pataskala

RTH Mr. Wilson, with owners Terri and Rick Heffelfinger. Amateur Three Year Old Stallions 1. RTH Mr. Wilson, Terri and Rick Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville Amateur Three Year Old Stallions - Limited Division 1. RTH Mr. Wilson, Terri and Rick Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville Aged Stallions 5. TheEminent Conclusion, Cheryl McGrath, Randy Jacobs - Dover 9. PageMeClassicStyle, Christopher Kiser, Lonnie McNew - Union

Two Year Old Stallions 5. Mazmania, Thomas Grabe, Randy Jacobs - Dover

Aged Stallions - Limited Division 5. PageMeClassicStyle Christopher Kiser, Lonnie McNew - Union

Amateur Two Year Old Stallions 4. Im A Panic Attack, Gretchen Jackson, Gretchen Jackson - Sardina

Amateur Aged Stallions 6. PW Survivor, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield

Amateur Two Year Old Stallions - Limited Division 4. Im A Panic Attack, Gretchen Jackson, Gretchen Jackson - Sardina

Amateur Aged Stallions - Limited Division 5. PW Survivor, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield

Three Year Old Stallions 1. RTH Mr. Wilson, Terri & Rick Heffelfinger, Randy Jacobs - Dover

Performance Halter Stallions 9. Mr. Star Seeker, Terry Smith, Don Jox - Waterford


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Performance Halter Stallions – Limited Division 7. Mr. Star Seeker, Terry Smith, Don Jox - Waterford Amateur Performance Halter Stallions 6. The Judgement, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley Kitts Hill 8. Mr. Star Seeker, Terry Smith, Terry Smith Waterford Amateur Performance Halter Stallions – Limited Division 5. The Judgement, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley Kitts Hill 7. Mr. Star Seeker, Terry Smith, Terry Smith Waterford Congress Masters Halter Fillies 4. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Donald Griffey Pataskala Weanling Fillies 2. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Donald Griffey Pataskala 10. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer - Wauseon

Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville Amateur Weanling Fillies - Limited Division 1. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Steve Farley Sunbury 7. RTH Bling It On Mr., Rick and Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville Youth Weanling Fillies 2. Unnamed, Clay, Pete and Kelli Heins, Clay Heins Arcanum Yearling Fillies 10. PF Shez Kiddin, Melanie Griffey, Donald Griffey Pataskala Yearling Fillies - Limited Division 9. PF Shez Kiddin, Melanie Griffey, Donald Griffey Pataskala 10. Shez Lookin Radiant, Kelli, Pete and Clay Heins, Kelli Heins - Arcanum Non-Pro Yearling Filly Halter Stakes 6. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley - Tipp City 8. Velvet Crush, Gail Landis, Gail Landis - Springfield Non-Pro Yearling Filly Halter Stakes – Limited Division 6. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley - Tipp City 8. Velvet Crush, Gail Landis, Gail Landis - Springfield Amateur Yearling Fillies 5. Velvet Crush, Gail Landis, Gail Landis - Springfield 10. PF Shez Kiddin, Melanie Griffey, Melanie Griffey Pataskala

Pretty Well Rocked, owned by Steve Farley. Weanling Fillies - Limited Division 1. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Donald Griffey Pataskala 5. Supergold Centerfold, Paula Buehrer, Paula Buehrer - Wauseon Amateur Weanling Fillies 1. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Steve Farley Sunbury 9. RTH Bling It On Mr., Rick and Terri Heffelfinger,

Amateur Yearling Fillies - Limited Division 4. Velvet Crush, Gail Landis, Gail Landis - Springfield 8. PF Shez Kiddin, Melanie Griffey, Melanie Griffey Pataskala 10. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley - Tipp City Youth Yearling Fillies 4. Shez Lookin Radiant, Kelli, Pete and Clay Heins, Clay Heins - Arcanum Two Year Old Mares 2. RTH Style And Grace, Jim Sancken, Randy Jacobs Dover Ohio Quarter Horse News


Halter, Continued

Two Year Old Mares - Limited Division 10. Watch Me Vogue, Marcy Walker, Gregory Holden Hamilton Three Year Old Mares 3. Gunsling N Annie, Robert Sherman, Randy Jacobs Dover 6. Telusives Last Jewel, Marcy Walker, Gregory Holden - Hamilton 8. Cinnamon In Style, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt. Vernon 10. LFL Shes Got Guns, Dr. Frederick Lorenz, Donald Griffey - Pataskala Three Year Old Mares - Limited Division 3. Telusives Last Jewel, Marcy Walker, Gregory Holden - Hamilton 5. Cinnamon In Style, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt. Vernon 7. LFL Shes Got Guns, Dr. Frederick Lorenz, Donald Griffey - Pataskala Amateur Three Year Old Mares 8. LFL Shes Got Guns, Dr. Frederick Lorenz, Dr. Frederick Lorenz - North Lewisburg 9. LFL TouchedByAnAngel, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton Amateur Three Year Old Mares - Limited Division 8. LFL Shes Got Guns, Dr. Frederick Lorenz, Dr. Frederick Lorenz - North Lewisburg 9. LFL TouchedByAnAngel, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton

Youth Three Year Old Mares 1. Cinnamon In Style, John Peck II, Miranda Peck Ashland 2. LFL TouchedByAnAngel, Pete McIntire, Chelsea McIntire - Carrollton 3. LFL Shes Got Guns, Dr. Frederick Lorenz, Logan Lorenz - North Lewisburg 6. Winning Good Reviews, Jacob Lohr, Jacob Lohr Bucyrus Aged Mares - Limited Division 6. Reflect On Her, Dee Ann Staley, Bill Coffman Republic 10. Ima Legendary Doll, Lisa McDonald, Lisa McDonald - Frazysburg Amateur Aged Mares 7. Reflect On Her, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley Kitts Hill Amateur Aged Mares - Limited Division 5. Reflect On Her, Dee Ann Staley, Dee Ann Staley Kitts Hill 8. Miss Della Dare, DL Chichester, Seth Chichester Lowell 10. Ima Legendary Doll, Lisa McDonald, Lisa McDonald - Frazysburg Youth Aged Mares 6. Miss Della Dare, DL Chichester, Erica Chichester Lowell 9. Paid By The Hour, Jacob Lohr, Jacob Lohr - Bucyrus Performance Halter Mares 7. Inviting Rumors, Jane Kimmel, Ty Hornick Jamestown Performance Halter Mares - Limited Division 6. Inviting Rumors, Jane Kimmel, Ty Hornick Jamestown Amateur Performance Halter Mares 5. Eye’ll Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz, Chelsea Martz - Blacklick


Cinnamon In Style, shown by Miranda Peck. Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Performance Halter Mares – Limited Division 5. Eye’ll Be Outrageous, Chelsea Martz, Chelsea Martz - Blacklick

Youth Performance Halter 3. Too Good Is True, Gabrielle Capron, Gabrielle Capron - Medina

Amateur Yearling Geldings 9. RTH Super Duty, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville

Weanling Geldings 3. Im Master Of Reality, Kenneth Brown, Kenneth Brown - Creston 6. Armanie, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton 7. My Radiant Beau, Kelli, Clay and Pete Heins, Kelli Heins - Arcanum

Amateur Yearling Geldings - Limited Division 7. RTH Super Duty, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger - Jeromesville 10. Heza Enduring, Darlene Louks, Darlene Louks Rome

Weanling Geldings - Limited Division 1. Im Master Of Reality, Kenneth Brown, Kenneth Brown - Creston 4. Armanie, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton 5. My Radiant Beau, Kelli, Clay and Pete Heins, Kelli Heins - Arcanum Amateur Weanling Geldings 2. Armanie, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton 3. My Radiant Beau, Kelli, Clay and Pete Heins, Kelli Heins - Arcanum Amateur Weanling Geldings - Limited Division 2. Armanie, Pete McIntire, Pete McIntire - Carrollton 3. My Radiant Beau, Kelli, Clay and Pete Heins, Kelli Heins - Arcanum Youth Weanling Geldings 1. Armanie, Pete McIntire, Chelsea McIntire Carrollton 3. My Radiant Beau, Kelli, Clay and Pete Heins, Clay Heins - Arcanum Yearling Geldings 4. Ima Radiant Creation, Molli Jacobs, Randy Jacobs Dover 8. Heza Enduring, Darlene Louks, Matthew Claypool Springboro 10.JMK Amarillo High, Sharon Fisk, Bill Coffman Republic Yearling Geldings - Limited Division 2. Heza Enduring, Darlene Louks, Matthew Claypool Springboro 7. JMK Amarillo High, Sharon Fisk, Bill Coffman Republic 9. Mr. Griffey, Marla Atherton, Rod Atherton – Utica

Youth Yearling Geldings 2. Ima Radiant Creation, Molli Jacobs, Molli Jacobs Dover, OH 3. Kids Cool Ambition, Hannah Houser, Hannah Houser - Tipp City Two Year Old Geldings 7. One Coolsified Kid, Robert Daniels, Randy Jacobs Dover Amateur Two Year Old Geldings - Limited Division 9. STKs Execute, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy - Fleming Youth Two Year Old Geldings 4. Employee Number One, Haley Herman/Lori Kershel, Haley Herman - Gibsonburg, OH 8. STKs Execute, Dean McCoy, Sheldon McCoy Vincent Three Year Old Geldings 4. How Do Ya Like Me Now, Jim Sancken, Randy Jacobs - Dover 5. Kid B Styling, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt Vernon Three Year Old Geldings - Limited Division 2. Kid B Styling, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt Vernon Amateur Three Year Old Geldings 2. Kid B Styling, John Peck II, John Peck II - Ashland 5. Lotsa Razmataz, Dan Northcutt, Dan Northcutt Paulding 8. Ima Totally Cool Te, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield Amateur Three Year Old Geldings - Limited Division 1. Kid B Styling, John Peck II, John Peck II - Ashland 3. Lotsa Razmataz, Dan Northcutt, Dan Northcutt Paulding 6. Ima Totally Cool Te, Pamela Bucklew-Wilder, Ohio Quarter Horse News 73

Halter, Continued

Pamela Bucklew-Wilder - Springfield

Youth Three Year Old Geldings 3. Kid B Styling, John Peck II, Miranda Peck - Ashland Aged Geldings 5. Telescopic, James Sancken, Randy Jacobs - Dover Aged Geldings - Limited Division 7. Hez The Obvious One, Dee Ann Staley, Bill Coffman - Republic 8. BR Excelerator, Carol Rudolph, Justin Bisel – Mt. Vernon Amateur Aged Geldings 8. Hear The Echos, Gretchen Jackson, Gretchen Jackson - Sardina Amateur Aged Geldings - Limited Division 7. Hear The Echos, Gretchen Jackson, Gretchen Jackson - Sardina Youth Aged Geldings 7. Hear The Echos, Gretchen Jackson, Taylor Cartmell - Sardinia 9. BR Excelerator, John Peck II, Miranda Peck Ashland Performance Halter Geldings 1. A Classical Touch, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt. Vernon Performance Halter Geldings – Limited Division 1. A Classical Touch, John Peck II, Justin Bisel – Mt. Vernon 10. LuvMeForMyPrinciple, Aimee Vorrasi, Matthew Claypool - Springboro Amateur Performance Halter Geldings 1. A Classical Touch, John Peck II, John Peck II Ashland Amateur Performance Halter Geldings – Limited Division 1. A Classical Touch, John Peck II, John Peck II Ashland 74

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Performance Halter Geldings 2. A Classical Touch, John Peck II, John Peck III Ashland 7. Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs, Molli Jacobs - Dover


Novice Amateur Showmanship 6. Play My Song, Lauren Tracy, Lauren Tracy Columbus 9. SophisticatedHotPine, Tracy Barnickle, Tracy Barnickle - Goshen Youth Showmanship (11 and Under) 2. Invest In Hot Stock, Susan Ostrander, Allison Tamulewicz - Westerville Youth Showmanship (12-14) 4. PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum - Tiffin 10. Im Good As It Gets, Mackenzie Thiel, Madison Thiel - Dublin Youth Showmanship (15-18) 3. Too Good Is True, Gabrielle Capron, Gabrielle Capron - Medina Novice Youth Showmanship (13 and Under) 4. Super Flamboyant, Heather Barr, Mindy Barr – Circleville 6. Tall Dark N Choclate, Courtney Kobak, Nicole Kobak - Medina Novice Youth Showmanship (14-18) 8. Dont Miss A Step, Kimberly Hill, Kimberly A Hill Dresden NYATT Showmanship 2. Too Good Is True, Gabrielle Capron, Gabrielle Capron - Medina

Longe Line

English Longe Line 6. Crashed The Affair, Robert Miller, Ty Hornick Jamestown 7. Shocked ToBe Invited, Amanda Moore, Amanda Moore - Norwalk

Western Longe Line 2. Elvis On Impulse, Jack Creditt, Ty Hornick Jamestown 4. Riginal Cinch Brand, John Wainscott, John Wainscott - Springboro 7. Suddenly My Time, Susan and Stanley Scott, Kenny Lakins Jr. - Wilmington, 9. One Hot Radical Hour, Lorri Pritchard, Karen Hornick - Jamestown

Hunter Under Saddle

NSBA Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 3. Put Your Spurs On, Shelly Boyle, Shelly Boyle Beachwood 4. An HBF Formal Affair, Kelley Brungarth, Chelsea Brungarth - Orient 6. Lukes Like Art, Bill Dingus, Rebecca Dingus - South Point John Deere Amateur Select Hunter Under Saddle 6. Willys In The Dark, Margaret Carter-Lowery, Margaret Carter-Lowery - Plain City

Senior Hunter Under Saddle 6. WillinToBeSinfull, JoAnne Straus, Darla Lee - Utica NSBA Senior Hunter Under Saddle 5. WillinToBeSinfull, JoAnne Straus, Darla Lee - Utica Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1. A Certified Edition, Kristin Martin, Kristin Martin Canal Winchester 7. Pass The Tequila, Brent Tincher, Brynne Tincher Oxford

On the left, Charley Thiel and Tophat And Tails.

NSBA Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1. A Certified Edition, Kristin Martin, Kristin Martin Canal Winchester 6. Pass The Tequila, Brent Tincher, Brynne Tincher Oxford

Youth Hunter Under Saddle (12-14) 1. Tophat And Tails, Charley Thiel, Charley Thiel Dublin 2. Hey Monn, Susan Ostrander, Brianna Tamulewicz Westerville

Green Hunter Under Saddle 8. ImCruisinInAHotrod, Mary Iris Webre, Dawn M Baker - Sunbury

NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle (12-14) 1.Tophat And Tails, Charley Thiel, Charley Thiel Dublin 2. Hey Monn, Susan Ostrander, Brianna Tamulewicz Westerville

NSBA Green Hunter Under Saddle 6. ImCruisinInAHotrod, Mary Iris Webre, Dawn M Baker - Sunbury Novice Amateur Hunter Under 3. Put Your Spurs On, Shelly Boyle, Shelly Boyle Beachwood 4. An HBF Formal Affair, Kelley Brungarth, Chelsea Brungarth - Orient 8. Lukes Like Art, Bill Dingus, Rebecca Dingus - South Point 10. Willys In The Dark, Margaret Carter-Lowery, Margaret Carter-Lowery - Plain City

Youth Hunter Under Saddle (15-18) 8. Hopeful Assets, Dakota Diamond Griffith, Dakota Diamond Griffith - Hilliard NSBA Youth Hunter Under Saddle (15-18) 7. Hopeful Assets, Dakota Diamond Griffith, Dakota Diamond Griffith - Hilliard Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (13 and Under) 4. Al Miss You, Nadia Clabaugh, Nadia Clabaugh Independance Ohio Quarter Horse News


Hunter Under Saddle, Continued

NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (13 and Under) 3. Al Miss You, Nadia Clabaugh, Nadia Clabaugh Independance

4. Pass The Tequila, Brent Tincher, Brynne Tincher Oxford Congress Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Limited Division 4. The Art Connection, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon - Beloit 5. Pass The Tequila, Brent Tincher, Brynne Tincher Oxford

Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-18) 5. Hot Couture, Ashley Conger, Ashley Conger Hudson NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-18) 4. Hot Couture, Ashley Conger, Ashley Conger Hudson NYATT Hunter Under Saddle 10. Certified Leaguer, Charla Crawford, Ashley Lane Lewis Center Congress Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity 6. Fine Details, Jenna Jacobs, Nicole Piper - Sunbury 8. Call Me Blazen Hot, Tammy Schuster-Benes, Dawn Baker - Sunbury Congress Open Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Limited Division 4. Thats Hott, Taylor Brown, Heidi Piper - Sunbury 7. Hot N Bothered, Sarah Merkatoris, Beckey Schooler - Delta

BMQ Without A Doubt, owned by LT and Joanne Taylor. Southern Belle Breeders Open Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, LT and Joanne Taylor, Dawn Baker - Sunbury 9. Only In Showbiz, Erin Shapiro-Boatwright, Karen Graham - Plain City 10. Her Name Escapes Me, Paige Peshina-Merrill, Dawn Clason - Medina Congress Three Year Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, LT and Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor - Ostrander 8. Only A Blue, Maggie Sturm, Maggie Sturm Canfield Congress Three Year Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle – Limited Division 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, LT and Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor - Ostrander

A Certified Edition and Kristin Martin. Congress Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity 1. A Certified Edition, Kristin Martin, Kristin Martin Canal Winchester 76

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Southern Belle Breeders Three Year Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, LT and Joanne Taylor, Joanne Taylor - Ostrander 6. Only A Blue, Maggie Sturm, Maggie Sturm Canfield

9. Money N Da Bank, Michelle Burch, Michelle Burch - Kent Congress Open Two Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 6. Assets In Detail, Heidi Piper, Heidi Piper - Sunbury 7. Money In Iron, Jamie Watson, Jamie Watson Goshen 10. DGS Indylacious, Robin DeGraff, Missy Thyfault Shelby Congress Open Two Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Limited Division 6. Assets In Detail, Heidi Piper, Heidi Piper - Sunbury 7. DGS Indylacious, Robin DeGraff, Missy Thyfault Shelby Southern Belle Breeders Two Year Old Open Hunter Under Saddle 2. Assets In Detail, Heidi Piper, Heidi Piper - Sunbury 3. Money In Iron, Jamie Watson, Jamie Watson Goshen 6. DGS Indylacious, Robin DeGraff, Missy Thyfault Shelby Congress Open Hunter Under Saddle Futurity 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, LT and Joanne Taylor, Dawn M Baker - Sunbury 9. Only In Showbiz, Erin Shapiro-Boatwright, Karen Graham - Plain City 10. Her Name Escapes Me, Paige Peshina-Merrill, Dawn Clason - Medina Congress Hunter Under Saddle Futurity - Limited Division 5. Mr. User Friendly, Rebecca Daniels, Nicole Piper Sunbury 6. Only In Showbiz, Erin Shapiro, Karen Graham Plain City

Equine Chronicle Masters Two Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. BMQ The Jig Is Up, LT and Joanne Taylor, Dawn Baker - Sunbury 9. Fabulous Moxie, Rita Crundwell, Karen Graham Plain City

Pleasure Driving

Junior Pleasure Driving 7. IllBeThereInAMinute, Christine Kohler, Amber Clark Eaton - Jefferson 8. Arts SweetTobascoBay, Ann Schneider, Susan Stocker - Port Washington

Senior Pleasure Driving 8. Gorgeous In Gray, Linda Thornsley, Linda Thornsley - Canal Winchester 9. Sky Blue Mesa, Kathryn Long, Adam Long - Port Washington Amateur Pleasure Driving 7. Detailing N Chrome, Travis McColley, Travis McColley - Valley City 9. Sky Blue Mesa, Kathryn Long, Kathryn Long - Port Washington Novice Amateur Pleasure Driving 5. Gorgeous In Gray, Linda Thornsley, Linda Thornsley - Canal Winchester 6. Detailing N Chrome, Travis McColley, Travis McColley - Valley City 8. Sky Blue Mesa, Kathryn Long, Kathryn Long - Port Washington


Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 6. The Art Connection, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon - Beloit John Deere Amateur Select Hunt Seat Equitation 9. Truely A Natural, Terri Tisch, Terri Tisch - Jefferson 10. Good To Great, Sandra Clark, Sandra Clark Jefferson Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (11 and Under) 10. The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell, Ellexxah Maxwell - West Mansfield

BMQ The Jig Is Up, shown by Dawn Baker.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Equitation, Cont’d

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (12-14) 7. Promotional Asset, Lauren Nicole Diaz, Lauren Nicole Diaz - Heath 9. PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum - Tiffin

NSBA Amateur Hunter Hack Place 1. ImAsGoodAsItGets, Chelsey Sample, Chelsey Sample - West Chester 4. A ChanceOf BlueSkies, Meghan O’Malley, Meghan O’Malley - Medina

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (15-18) 8. Lethals Hot Weapon, Ty Paris, Ty Paris - Tipp City 10. ThisVersionsAFantasy, Denise Igoe, Lucy Igoe Bland

ImAsGoodAsItGets and Chelsey Sample. Novice Amateur Hunter Hack 5. Spacious Skies, Natoshia Kelly, Natoshia Kelly Carey 10. IE Plenty, Lauren Patterson, Lauren Patterson Cincinnati PR Deck Dot Com and Kayla Magrum. Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (13 and Under) 1. PR Deck Dot Com, Kayla Magrum, Kayla Magrum - Tiffin

Youth Hunter Hack (13 and Under) 1. Gifted Circle, Grant Smith, Grant Smith - Liberty Township 5. One Bad Machine, Katherine Huff, Samantha Huff Liberty Township

Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation (14-18) 3. Radical McCue, Molli Jacobs, Molli Jacobs - Dover 6. A Dynamic Minute, Jackie Perry, Mckenzie Perry Granville 10. Travelers Invitation, Emily Bush, Emily Bush Thornville

Hunter Hack

Senior Hunter Hack 9. Royality In Blue, Barbara Johnson, Jessica Johnson – Pickerington Amateur Hunter Hack 1. ImAsGoodAsItGets, Chelsey Sample, Chelsey Sample - West Chester 4. A ChanceOf BlueSkies, Meghan O’Malley, Meghan O’Malley - Medina 78

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Grant Smith and Gifted Circle. Youth Hunter Hack (14-18) 3. Stroke For Stroke, Dr. Scott Myers, Mallory Myers Sharon Center 6. Capture The Flag, Dr. Scott Myers, Taylor Myers Sharon Center

NSBA Youth Hunter Hack (14-18) 2. Stroke For Stroke, Dr. Scott Myers, Mallory Myers Sharon Center 5. Capture The Flag, Dr. Scott Myers, Taylor Myers Sharon Center

Working Hunter

Amateur Working Hunter 1. Royality In Blue, Barbara Johnson, Jessica Johnson – Pickerington 10. A ChanceOf BlueSkies, Meghan O’Malley, Meghan O’Malley - Medina NSBA Amateur Working Hunter 7. A ChanceOf BlueSkies, Meghan O’Malley, Meghan O’Malley - Medina Novice Amateur Working Hunter 2. IE Plenty, Lauren Patterson, Lauren Patterson Cincinnati Youth Working Hunter (13 and Under) 1. One Bad Machine, Katherine Huff, Samantha Huff Liberty Township 5. Relarkable, Veronica Woodsen, Veronica Woodsen Mason 6. Gifted Circle, Grant Smith, Grant Smith - Liberty Township Youth Working Hunter (14-18) 7. Capture The Flag, Dr. Scott Myers, Taylor Myers Sharon Center 10. The Big Adventure, Dawn Clason, Mackenzie Clason - Medina NSBA Youth Working Hunter (14-18) 5. Capture The FlagDr Scott MyersTaylor J Myers Sharon Center 7. The Big AdventureDawn ClasonMackenzie Clason Medina Novice Youth Working Hunter 4. RJ Sweet Rhett, Jolene Mierzejewski, Bailey J Mierzejewski – Mt. Sterling 6. Shes Got The Details, Helen Ashdown, Helen Ashdown - Cincinnati 10. Gifted Circle, Grant Smith, Grant Smith - Liberty Township

The Booth Hunter Classic 14. LousianaSaturdayNite, Moira Grilliot, Carrie Parsons - Goshen Non-Pro Hunter Classic, Sponsored by ERS Wireless Communications/The Hull Family 2. A ChanceOf BlueSkies, Meghan O’Malley, Meghan O’Malley - Medina 10. Stroke For Stroke, Dr. Scott Myers, Mallory Myers Sharon Center 11. ImAsGoodAsItGets, Chelsey Sample, Chelsey Sample - West Chester 14. Capture The Flag, Dr. Scott Myers, Taylor Myers Sharon Center

Equitation Over Fences

Amateur Equitation Over Fences 1. Royality In Blue, Barbara Johnson, Jessica Johnson – Pickerington Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences 6. IE Plenty, Lauren Patterson, Lauren Patterson Cincinnati Youth Equitation Over Fences (13 and Under) 2. Gifted Circle, Grant Smith, Grant Smith - Liberty Township 5. Relarkable, Veronica Woodsen, Veronica Woodsen Mason 6. One Bad Machine, Katherine Huff, Samantha Huff Liberty Township Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 4. Gifted Circle, Grant Smith, Grant Smith - Liberty Township 9. RJs Fantasy Cruise, Alex Fox, Alex Fox - Johnstown 10. One Last Laugh, Kaitlyn Wagner, Kaitlyn Wagner Cincinnati

Western Pleasure

Junior Western Pleasure 6. Invite Me On Sundi, Byron Parsons, Randy Wilson Zanesville NSBA Junior Western Pleasure 4. Invite Me On Sundi, Byron Parsons, Randy Wilson Ohio Quarter Horse News


Western Pleasure, Continued


Senior Western Pleasure 1. A Certain Vino, Lee Reeve, Karen Hornick Jamestown 5. Cool Blazing Lady, Joanie Zelnio, Brent Tincher Oxford

Green Western Pleasure 3. Invited Tonite, Mary Iris Webre, Brian Baker Sunbury 9. Gota Be In Fashion, Holly Hannewyk, Donnie Recchiuti Jr. - Heath NSBA Green Western Pleasure 2. Invited Tonite, Mary Iris Webre, Brian Baker Sunbury 7. Gota Be In Fashion, Holly Hannewyk, Donnie Recchiuti Jr. - Heath John Deere Amateur Select Western Pleasure 10. DT Eaze On In, Dennis Taylor, Susan Taylor Grafton Novice Amateur Western Pleasure 7. Amazingly Hot, Melissa Brielmaier, Melissa Brielmaier - Columbus Youth Western Pleasure (11 and Under) 4. Pinely ImpulsedTrey RathTrey Rath - Powell 10. Sitting On SlowEmma BrownEmma Brown Zanesville

Karen Hornick and A Certain Vino. NSBA Senior Western Pleasure 1. A Certain Vino, Lee Reeve, Karen Hornick Jamestown 5. Cool Blazing Lady, Joanie Zelnio, Brent Tincher Oxford Amateur Western Pleasure 3. Certainly Inspired, Steven and Susan Thompson, Andrea Thompson - Hillsboro 7. Extremely Hot Chips, Cheryl Mullikin, Cheryl Mullikin - Xenia 9. Only By Moonlight, Billings Quarter Horses, Justin Billings - Ashville 10. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena NSBA Amateur Western Pleasure 3. Certainly Inspired, Steven and Susan Thompson, Andrea Thompson - Hillsboro 7. Extremely Hot Chips, Cheryl Mullikin, Cheryl Mullikin - Xenia 8. Only By Moonlight, Billings Quarter Horses, Justin Billings - Ashville 9. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena 80

Ohio Quarter Horse News

NSBA Youth Western Pleasure (11 and Under) 4. Pinely Impulsed, Trey Rath, Trey Rath - Powell 9. Sitting On Slow, Emma Brown, Emma Brown Zanesville Youth Western Pleasure (12-14) 1. Dark Jasmine, Susan Ostrander, Brianna Tamulewicz - Westerville 6. Born In Motion, Kathryn Ehrman, Kathryn Ehrman - Steubenville

Dark Jasmine and Brianna Tamulewicz.

NSBA Youth Western Pleasure (12-14) 1. Dark Jasmine, Susan Ostrander, Brianna Tamulewicz - Westerville 6. Born In Motion, Kathryn Ehrman, Kathryn Ehrman - Steubenville Youth Western Pleasure (15-18) 6. Radical Renegade, Lori Pritchard, Brandon Kramer - Galena 10. Miss Slot Machine, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon NSBA Youth Western Pleasure (15-18) 6. Radical Renegade, Lori Pritchard, Brandon Kramer - Galena 10. Miss Slot Machine, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon NYATT Western Pleasure 3. Radical Renegade, Lori Pritchard, Brandon Kramer - Galena 6. Dark Jasmine, Susan Ostrander, Brianna Tamulewicz - Westerville 9. Shes On Holiday, Andrea Rowland, Alexa Rowland - Ansonia 10. Miss Slot Machine, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon Congress Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity 6. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena 10. Only By Moonlight, Billings Quarter Horses, Justin Billings - Ashville Congress Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity Limited Division 5. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena 7. Only By Moonlight, Billings Quarter Horses, Justin Billings - Ashville Markel Insurance Western Pleasure Maturity 2. Invite Me On Sundi, Byron Parsons, Randy Wilson Zanesville 8. Radical Renegade, Lori Pritchard, Karen Hornick Jamestown 11. Miss Slot Machine, Fritz Leeman, Greg Bender Massillon 15. KM Suddenly Sweet, Kenneth and Marilyn Masterson, Brian Rastall - Chardon

Markel Insurance Western Pleasure Maturity Limited Division 3. Cool Blazing Lady, Joanie Zelnio, Brent Tincher Oxford 10. In Essence, Holly Hannewyk, Donnie Recchiuti Jr. - Heath Congress Two Year Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes 7. A Hocus In Time, Lee Reeve, Karen Hornick Jamestown Congress Two Year Old Open Western Pleasure Stakes – Limited Division 8. Open Ur Eyes ImLopin, Alana Brown, Clint Collingsworth - Wheelersburg 10. Hotroddin Ona Ranger, Stacey Stinson McDaniel, Ryan Cottingim - Camden 11. AJ Lonesome Dove, James Brown, Jennifer Paul Xenia Congress Two Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure Limited Division 6. Only One Way To Rock, Steven and Cathy Horning, Steven Horning - Camden Couglin Congress Two Year Old Snaffle Bit Futurity 2. OnlyAfraid InTheDark, Randy Kimmel, Karen Hornick - Jamestown 7. PromiseMe Everything, Joanie Velnio, Brent Tincher - Oxford 10. Zipping Hot Secret, Beau Baird, Dawn Baker Sunbury Couglin Congress Two Year Old Snaffle Bit Futurity - Limited Division 2. PromiseMe Everything, Joanie Velnio, Brent Tincher - Oxford Southern Belle Breeders Two Year Old Open Western Pleasure 2. OnlyAfraid InTheDark, Randy Kimmel, Karen Hornick - Jamestown 5. Zipping Hot Secret, Beau Baird, Dawn Baker Sunbury Equine Chronicle Masters Two Year Old Western Pleasure 4. A Diva By Moonlight, Shawn Vaillant, Randy Wilson - Zanesville Ohio Quarter Horse News


Western Pleasure, Continued

5. Keeping It Good, Debbie Martin, Kenny Lakins Jr. Wilmington 9. Hez All About Rockin, Loni Rhodes, Ty Hornick Jamestown Congress Three Year Old Non-Pro Snaffle Bit Futurity 7. Love It In The Dark, Randy Kimmel, Annelise Kimmel - Covington 8. Giorgio De Krymsun, James Smiley Jr., James Smiley Jr. – Mt. Orab 14. Good On Ya, Brent Tincher, Brynne Tincher Oxford Congress Three Year Old Non-Pro Snaffle Bit Futurity - Limited Division 3. Lota Potential Lil, Stacie Stoll, Stacie Stoll Worthington 5. DT Eaze On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor Grafton Southern Belle Breeders Three Year Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure 7. Love It In The Dark, Randy Kimmel, Annelise Kimmel - Covington Congress Three Year Old Snaffle Bit Derby 7. Love It In The Dark, Randy Kimmel, Karen Hornick - Jamestown Congress Three Year Old Snaffle Bit Derby - Limited Division 9. VS Code Blue, Donna Biddulph, Karen Graham Plain City 10. Giorgio De Krymsun, James Smiley Jr., Brent Tincher - Oxford Southern Belle Breeders Three Year Old Open Western Pleasure 7. Love It In The Dark, Randy Kimmel, Karen Hornick - Jamestown


Novice Amateur Horsemanship 10. At The Bar For Hours, Gayl Underwood, Gayl Underwood - Hamilton Youth Horsemanship (11 and Under) 7. Invest In Hot Stock, Susan Ostrander, Allison Tamulewicz - Westerville 10. The Cookie Baker, Ellexxah Maxwell, Ellexxah Maxwell - West Mansfield Youth Horsemanship (15-18) 3. Deesired Invitation, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon Small Fry Western Horsemanship 8. Huntin For Daisies, Olivia Tordoff, Olivia Tordoff Powell NYATT Horsemanship 8. Lethals Hot Weapon, Ty Paris, Ty Paris - Tipp City 10. Kay Cees Criminal, Denise Igoe, Lucy Igoe - Bland

Western Riding

Amateur Western Riding 3. Gotta Get Some Sleep, Emily Cramer, Emily Cramer - Tiffin NSBA Amateur Western Riding 3. Gotta Get Some Sleep, Emily Cramer, Emily Cramer - Tiffin Green Western Riding 4. MWS Sevens Are Hot, Sarah Maggert, Ryan Cottingim - Camden NSBA Green Western Riding 4. MWS Sevens Are Hot, Sarah Maggert, Ryan Cottingim - Camden Amateur Select Western Riding 8. Dont Shine Forever, Dona McGuire, Dona McGuire - Windham 9. Good To Great, Sandra Clark, Sandra Clark Jefferson Novice Amateur Western Riding 1. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena


Ohio Quarter Horse News

NSBA Novice Amateur Western Riding 1. Easy To Be Bay, Kay Rice, Kelly Rice - Galena

Senior Trail 4. BigBeboppinBob, Triple Creek Farms LLC, Bruce Vickery - Plain City 8. Rockin For Certain, Beau Baird, Bruce Vickery Plain City NSBA Senior Trail 2. BigBeboppinBob, Triple Creek Farms LLC, Bruce Vickery - Plain City 6. Rockin For Certain, Beau Baird Bruce Vickery - Plain City Amateur Trail 8. BigBeboppinBob, Triple Creek Farms LLC, Kathryn Gorsuch - Lancaster

Kelly Rice and Easy To Be Bay. Youth Western Riding (13 and Under) 3. Promotional Asset, Lauren Nicole Diaz, Lauren Nicole Diaz - Heath Youth Western Riding (14-18) 8. Deesired Invitation, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon, OH NSBA Youth Western Riding (14-18) 6. Deesired Invitation, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon, OH Novice Youth Western Riding (13 and Under) 3. Promotional Asset, Lauren Nicole Diaz, Lauren Nicole Diaz - Heath, OH Novice Youth Western Riding (14-18) 4. Deesired Invitation, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon, OH NSBA Novice Youth Western Riding (14-18) 2. Deesired Invitation, Fritz Leeman, Katsy Leeman Massillon, OH


Junior Trail 6. Makes Good Cents, Marilyn Lindenschmidt, Bruce Vickery - Plain City, OH NSBA Junior Trail 4. Makes Good Cents, Marilyn Lindenschmidt, Bruce Vickery - Plain City, OH

NSBA Amateur Trail 6. BigBeboppinBob, Triple Creek Farms LLC, Kathryn Gorsuch - Lancaster Green Trail 2. Just Loving It, Lisa Elam, Ryan Cottingim - Camden 5. Makes Good Cents, Marilyn Lindenschmidt, Bruce Vickery - Plain City 7. Scotch N ALil Whiskey, Chelsea Martz, Jennifer Paul - Xenia 9. Chipotle, Christinna Murphy, Brent Maxwell - West Mansfield NSBA Green Trail 1. Just Loving It, Lisa Elam, Ryan Cottingim - Camden 3. Makes Good Cents, Marilyn Lindenschmidt, Bruce Vickery Plain City 4. Scotch N ALil Whiskey, Chelsea Martz, Jennifer Paul Xenia Just Loving It, shown by Ryan Cottingim John Deere Amateur Select Trail 2. Good To Great, Sandra Clark, Sandra Clark Jefferson Ohio Quarter Horse News


Trail, Continued

Novice Amateur Trail 7. This Weapons Lethal, Kelly Best, Kelly Best - Salem Novice Youth Trail (13 and Under) 8. Im Good As It Gets, Mackenzie Thiel, Madison Thiel - Dublin NSBA Novice Youth Trail (13 and Under) 6. Im Good As It Gets, Mackenzie Thiel, Madison Thiel - Dublin Novice Youth Trail (14-18) 8. ZL Loosen Cool, Kara Mahaffey, Kara Mahaffey Dublin 10. Izzy A Deadly Zipper, Jason Somnitz, Jason Somnitz - Geneva NSBA Novice Youth Trail (14-18) 6. Izzy A Deadly Zipper, Jason Somnitz, Jason Somnitz - Geneva


Amateur Versatility 6. Perfect Potential, Mary Etta Johnson, Cathy Johnson Sears – Mt. Vernon 7. Oh My Brother, Romney Willman, Romney Willman - Zanesville


Junior Reining 1. Wimpys Show Stopper, Charles Vaughan, Shawn Flarida - Springfield 3. Tivios Lil Dun It, Ann Admonius Shawn Flarida Springfield 7. Sugarlee Kid, Shelby Morris, Stephen Siadik Jr. Cambridge

Shawn Flarida and Wimpys Show Stopper. 84

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Senior Reining 3. PeptoLeap, Harvey Stevens, Harvey Stevens Springfield 5. Heza BigTime Bingo, Frederick Christen, Meri Sheffler - Findlay Amateur Reining 4. Dia Del Madre, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld - Columbus 5. SV Peppys Whiz, Rochel Furniss, Rochel Furniss Fredericktown 7. Skeet Daddle N Slide, Molly Morgenstern, Molly Morgenstern - Johnstown Novice Amateur Reining 2. First Horizon, Lisa Boncosky, Lisa Boncosky Canfield 7. Gotta Get Ruf, Brian Hummel, Brian Hummel Morrow 8. WF Tivitos Howdy, Cathy Brant, Cathy Brant London 10. Mag Light, Terri Kilgore, Terri Kilgore - Lordstown Youth Reining (13 and Under) 3. Ruf Squeeze, Amelia Compton, Amelia Compton Centerburg 5. Docs Crome Star, Betsy Brown, Betsy Brown Worthington 7. KR Tejons Dunit All, Sydney Hull, Sydney Hull Galena Youth Reining (14-18) 2. Roostamatic, Sarah Shaffer, Sarah Shaffer Westerville 9. Rooster Ote, Holly Phillips, Holly Phillips - Fremont Novice Youth Reining 3. Roostamatic, Sarah Shaffer, Sarah Shaffer Westerville 7. Rooster Ote, Holly Phillips, Holly Phillips - Fremont 9. Whiz N Lynk, Elizabeth Hayes, Elizabeth Hayes Raymond NYATT Reining 6. Pamelas Lil Gun, Jessica CornwellJ, essica Cornwell - Galloway 9. Roostamatic, Sarah Shaffer, Sarah Shaffer Westerville

NRHA Intermediate Open Reining 2. SSR Girls Best Friend, Lorri Petersen, Nicholas Baar - Newbury 3. Mag Light, Terri Kilgore, Nicholas Baar - Newbury 11. Its Hollywood Time, Thomas Daley, Arthur Buentello - Marysville 15.Whizards Oscar, Megan Torski, Patrick Schwarz Johnstown

NRHA Ladies Reining 4. Flips Freckles, Katie Morehead, Katie Morehead Findlay 12. Skeets Nifty, BTB Partners, Brandy Murphy - Grove City

NRHA Youth Reining (13 and Under) 6. Ruf Squeeze, Amelia Compton, Amelia Compton Centerburg NRHA Youth Reining (14 - 18) 10. Cee James Sail, Robert Sutherland, Austin Roush Lima NRHA Non-Pro Reining 8. SSR Girls Best Friend, Lorri Petersen, Lindsay Baar Newbury 12. TH Great Big Chex, Bob Sutherland, Jodie Sutherland - Lima NRHA Intermediate Non-Pro Reining 3. Peeko De Oro, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld Columbus 5. Sv Peppys Whiz, Rochel Furniss, Rochel Furniss Fredericktown 7. Dia Del Madre, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld - Columbus NRHA Limited Non-Pro Reining 3. Peeko De Oro, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld Columbus 5. Sv Peppys Whiz, Rochel Furniss, Rochel Furniss Fredericktown 8. Dia Del Madre, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld - Columbus NRHA Limited Open Reining 1. Gun Dealer, Tim and Lisa Stanton, Lisa Stanton Pickerington 10. IR Dun Gotta Shiner, Jim Potts, Scott McFarland – Mt. Gilead 13. Gotta Get Ruf, Brian Hummel, Jill Walton London 14. Snapper Del Cielo, Marcus Allen Jr., Marcus Allen Jr. - Loudonville 15. Mr. Banjoe Melody, Robert Raines, Tyler Lyon Marysville

Last Pop Star and Meri Sheffler. NRHA Novice Horse - Open Division 1. Last Pop Star, Mark Robinson, Meri Sheffler Findlay 3. Its Hollywood Time, Thomas Daley, Arthur Buentello - Marysville 8. SV Peppys Whiz, Rochel Furniss, Benjamin Miller Mansfield NRHA Novice Horse - Non-Pro Division 3. TH Great Big Chex, Bob Sutherland, Jodie Sutherland - Lima 5. Dia Del Madre, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld - Columbus Lisa Stanton and Gun Dealer, of Pickerington, Ohio won the NRHA Limited Open Reining at the 44th annual All American Quarter Horse Congress.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Reining, Continued

8. Skeet Daddle N Slide, Molly Morgenstern, Molly Morgenstern - Johnstown 13. Turn Back Pine, Cathy Daley, Thomas Daley Rushsylvania 14. Big And Smart, Terri Bayless, Terri Bayless - Akron 15. Einsteins Genius, Sarah Meier, Sarah Meier Pickerington

Congress Reining Futurity - Open Division 1. SDP Justice Is Comin, Buffalo Ranch, Shawn Flarida - Springfield 3. Quistador, Gus Revenberg, Shawn Flarida Springfield 21. Ima Smart Footwork, Walter Fuchs, Margaret Fuchs - Canfield 25. Dollywood Jac, Kathleen Donnelly, Stephen Siadik Jr. - Cambridge

Cinch Freestyle Reining 6. Pamelas Lil Gun, Jessica Cornwell, Jessica Cornwell - Galloway Cinch Non-Pro Freestyle Reining 1. Pamelas Lil Gun, Jessica Cornwell, Jessica Cornwell - Galloway 3. Making My Mark, Ann Reusser, Ann Reusser – Mt. Gilead 6. Bar Room Lena, Carly Holland, Carly Holland Clarksville 9. Lefty Left A Legacy, Christine Veigh, Christine Vegh - Hilliard Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes 2. ConquistaDream, Karen Shedlauskas, Karen Shedlauskas - Austintown 5. Magnums Sweet Dream, Bernie Paetzel, Bernie Paetzel - New Vienna Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes - Limited Division 5. IllBYourHuckleBerry, John Mehaffey, John Mehaffey - Pataskala 7. Tuff Little Wimp, Sunset Maple Farm LLC, Dr. Ronald Kantner - Wapakoneta 9. ChicsMissinHollywood, Robert Rosenfeld, Robert Rosenfeld - Columbus Congress Non-Pro Reining Stakes Intermediate 2. ConquistaDream, Karen Shedlauskas, Karen Shedlauskas - Austintown 6. Magnums Sweet Dream, Bernie Paetzel, Bernie Paetzel - New Vienna Congress Non Pro Reining Stakes Primetime 3. Magnums Sweet Dream, Bernie Paetzel, Bernie Paetzel - New Vienna 9. IllBYourHuckleBerry, John Mehaffey, John Mehaffey - Pataskala 86

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Shawn Flarida and SDP Justice Is Comin. Congress Reining Futurity - Intermediate Division 6. Smart Dundee, Cathy Calendine, Brandon Brant London 16. Ima Smart Footwork, Walter Fuchs, Margaret Fuchs - Canfield Congress Reining Futurity - Limited Division 5. Dollywood Jac, Kathleen Donnelly, Stephen Siadik Jr. - Cambridge 8. Conquista Berry, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley Findlay 10. Diamond B Gun, Craig Stonesifer II, Brandy Murphy - Grove City 12. Poka Dot Chic, Clark Bradley, Clark Bradley Findlay


Cinch Team Roping Challenge 4. Zip The Rope, Allan Woodard, Tyler Waters Coshocton 9. Blairs Bar Skipper, Scott Lehman, Scott Lehman Smithville Cinch Amateur Team Roping Challenge 2. Four Berry Roan, Matthew Beachy, Mervin Beachy Millersburg 3. SSC SmokinAtTheBar, Scott Lehman, Scott Lehman - Smithville 4. Four Berry Roan, Matthew Beachy, Mervin Beachy Millersburg

5. Admiral Van Bar, Barbara Schaad, Aaron Schaad Cumberland 9. Docs Hot Poke Rx, Matthew Beachy, Mervin Beachy - Millersburg Dally Team Roping - Heeling 8. Dualin Royal Peppy, Charles Finley, Tom Bowling Oxford Amateur Calf Roping 3. Rudys Special Peppy, Mark Knoch, Mark Knoch Wapakoneta 5. Docas Frisky Dude, Aaron and Brady Schaad, Aaron Schaad - Cumberland 9. Baron Merlot, Aaron Schaad, Aaron Schaad Cumberland Amateur Breakaway Roping 1. Docas Frisky Dude, Aaron and Brady Schaad, Aaron Schaad - Cumberland 5. Baron Merlot, Aaron Schaad, Aaron Schaad Cumberland Amateur Dally Team Roping - Heading 4. Aint No Lil Leaguer, James Evans, James Evans - Mt. Sterling 10. SSC Smokinatthebar, Scott Lehman, Scott Lehman - Smithville Amateur Dally Team Roping - Heeling 2. Southerner, Barbara Schaad, Aaron Schaad Cumberland 5. Zan Parr Trooper, Tammy and Bob Coppock, Bob Coppock - Rogers Youth Calf Roping 3. Smooth Talkin Bugs, Chance Danison, Chance Danison - New Albany Youth Breakaway Roping 5. Smooth Talkin Bugs, Chance Danison, Chance Danison - New Albany 8. Rio Dee Peppy, Dalton Cusick, Dalton Cusick Cadiz Youth Dally Team Roping - Heeling 8. LCS Two Steppin Dude, Connor Johnson, Connor Johnson - Grove City

Barrel Racing

John Deere Amateur Select Barrels 4. Whistle Me Sunfrost, Autumn Thompson, Autumn Thompson - Byesville 10. Doc Bar Mouse, Victoria Fellows, Victoria Fellows - Fresno Novice Amateur Barrel Racing 2. Rocky Dan Jet, Kristine Nagy, Kristine Nagy Doylestown 4. Quick Morning Dash, Desiree Pesko, Desiree Pesko - Minerva 6. Kip Can Dash, Dawn Krough, Dawn Krough - West Salem 9. Miss Secret Memories, Barbara Jimison, Barbara Jimison - Swanton Youth Barrel Racing (13 and Under) 3. Midnight Rose Bud, Mark Brown, Trate Brown Byesville Youth Barrel Racing (14-18) 6. Missin Eudie, Abigail Ringer, Abigail Ringer Hartville Novice Youth Barrel Racing (13 and Under) 6. My Sweet Venture, Joel Henning, Morgan Henning Roseville 7. Pacific Sailing, Whitley Murphy, Whitley Murphy Lisbon 9. LTDS Little Princess, Collin Watson, Collin Watson - Cable 10. Sissys Panama, Rochelle Shugie Stoneman, Kylie Stoneman - West Farmington Novice Youth Barrel Racing (14-18) 2. Elainas Moon Jet, Darlene Miller, Darlene Miller Sugarcreek 8. Moss Me Moe, Cody Powell, Cody Powell - Burton NYATT Barrel Racing 4. Robins Last Princess, Trisha Hubbard, Trisha Hubbard - Cleves Wenger Barrel Racing Sweepstakes 8. Dash Ta Diamonds, Nicholas Wylie, Kelly Bowser Swanton 12. Gay Bar Casanova, Jennifer Butcher, Troy Crumine - Ada Ohio Quarter Horse News 87

Pole Bending

Junior Pole Bending 1. Redneck Daisy, Trent Tobin, Trent Tobin Fredericktown 2. Redneck Revolution, Stacey Henkle, Stacey Henkle Rockford 9. Hi Teck RedNeck, Trent Tobin, Trent Tobin Fredericktown Senior Pole Bending 2. Haley Jos Charm, Brannon Riley, Brannon Riley Creston 5. Bar Pine Patty, Callie Oglesby, Callie Oglesby Hillsboro 5. Missin Docs Beauty, Abigail Ringer, Abigail Ringer Hartville 7. Rocky Dan Jet, Kristine Nagy, Kristine Nagy Doylestown Amateur Pole Bending 4. Redneck Revolution, Stacey Henkle, Stacey Henkle Rockford 10. Jets Red Neck Girl, Stacey Henkle, Stacey Henkle Rockford Novice Amateur Pole Bending 5. Abuelos Grace, Daniel Dunn, Daniel Dunn - East Liverpool 7. Redneck Revolution, Stacey Henkle, Terra Henkle Rockford 10. Little Jet Showtime, Rick Joseph, Rick Joseph Cincinnati Youth Pole Bending (13 and Under) 3. Lil Peppy Valentine, Joel Henning, Morgan Henning - Roseville 4. Silnt Skipper, Trent Tobin, Tanner Harmon Fredericktown 6. Lend Me A Bull, Summer Shafer, Summer Shafer Ironton 10. Nik Can Do, Todd Watson, Collin Watson - Cable Youth Pole Bending (14-18) 2. Missin Docs Beauty, Abigail Ringer, Abigail Ringer Hartville 4. RC Costly Dream, Lexi Witter, Lexi Witter Lucasville 7. Moss Me Moe, Cody Powell, Cody Powell - Burton 8. Jet Lag Josey, Nancy Jo Stratton, Shane Michael Stratton - Bluffton 88 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Novice Youth Pole Bending 2. Moss Me Moe, Cody Powell, Cody Powell - Burton 8. Midnight Rose Bud, Mark Brown, Trate Brown Byesville 9. LTDS Little Princess, Collin Watson, Collin Watson - Cable 10. Silnt Skipper, Tren Tobin, Tanner Harmon Fredericktown Congress Pole Bending Sweepstakes 15. Hi Teck RedNeck, Trent Tobin, Trent Tobin Fredericktown


Congress Futurity Track Condition: Fast; For Two Year Olds; Purse: $40,555; Weight: 120 lbs.; 400 Yards 1. My Corona Is Rare ($18,250), Brian Hollingsworth 2. Special Ela ($6,894), Rafael Hernandez 3. Mr Corona to You ($4,057), Richard Rettele 4. Cash for Braggs ($2,839), Albert Rozman 5. Out an About ($2,433), Gerardo Garrido 6. Friendly Hawk ($2,028), Cody Garrison 7. GC Cash N Advance ($1,622), Sergio Figueroa 8. Builtjewels ($1,216), Thomas Wellington 9. Ms Easy Corona ($811), Mike Holmes Congress Derby Track Condition: Fast; For Three Year Olds; Purse: $19,186; Weight: 122 lbs.; 440 Yards 1. Fearles Fred ($9,402), Richard Rettele 2. Five Star Cartel ($3,837), Rafael Hernandez 3. Features First Cutie ($2,302), Albert Rozman 4. Later Version ($1,535), Mike Holmes 5. Oak Tree Boulevard ($1,151), Thomas Wellington 6. Blueglass Dash ($959), Cody Garrison John Deere Bonus Challenge Maturity Track Condition: Fast; For Four Year Olds and Up; Purse: $26,000; Weight: 124 lbs.; 440 Yards 1. Skyline Lover ($11,790), Brian Hollingsworth 2. Jess Cashin In ($4,454), Gerardo Garrido 3. GC Smoky Joe ($2,620), Megan Ludlow 4. Shamu Moon ($1,834), Albert Rozman 5. Hez FastForTheCash ($1,572), Richard Rettele 6. Traffic Cartel ($1,310), Thomas Wellington 7. Zoom N Crash ($1,048), Cody Garrison 8. Eye Am a Star ($786), Sergio Figueroa

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers Laura Salome

Justin Billings

Jennifer Sigman

Patrick Murty

Sue Graves

Kaitlyn Riker

Marla Atherton

Suzanne Guinsler

Mike Yemc

Katie Stolte-Carroll

Cris Martin

Nancy Waid

Abby Pound

Kristin Martin

Kahryne Zachrich

Courtney Kobak

Kara Schockley

Lois Berry

Luanne Coleman

Carol Sigman

President Executive Board 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com

First Vice President Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 PatrickM@totalfiregroup.com

Second Vice President Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 eoqhassa@hotmail.com

Secretary 4872 Condit Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074 614-203-4420 Stolte.2@osu.edu

Treasurer Executive Board 9700 Centennial Rd. Newark, OH 43055 740-403-6749 abep32@hotmail.com

Reporter 3467 Ridge Rd. Medina, OH 44256 330-239-3334

Past President 12036 Goodman Rd. Ashville, OH 43103 740-983-9622 Colem176@aol.com



Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/11)

Director (2/11) 2631 Coopermill Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-452-3683 SGrave1@columbus.rr.com

Director (2/12) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/12) 6474 Saylor Rd. Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 KristinSMartin@yahoo.com

Director (2/13) 885 Deerfield Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Director (2/12) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JCSigman@ameritech.net

Director (2/13) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Director (2/11)

Director (2/11) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/12) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco. com

Appointed Director (2/11) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Amateur Update OAQHA Meeting Schedule


n January, the Amateur Board will meet on Monday, January 17th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. During February, OAQHA will meet at 11 am during the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held February 5th at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. Board meetings return to normal the following month, and OAQHA will meet March 21st at 7 pm.

January January 17 @ 7pm February February 5 @ 11am March March 21 @ 7pm

Amateur Ballot Correction


here has been a change in the amateur balloting process. Ballots were mailed by Nancy Waid in mid-December, and should be returned to her at the following address: OAQHA Attn: Nancy Waid 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130 These instructions were mailed with the ballots, to avoid confusion. If you have any questions, please call the OQHA office at 740-943-2346.

President: Patrick Murty

Directors: Lois Berry Chris Martin Vice President: Chelsea Martz Marla Atherton Kaitlin Riker Carly Williams 2nd Vice President: Mike Yemc Justin Billings Treasurer: Abby Pound Secretary: Katie Stolte-Carroll

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Update


Ohio Amateurs Make Bank at 2010 AQHA World Show

uring the Bank of America Amateur Week at the 2010 American Quarter Horse World Show, Ohio competitors showed the country, and the world, just what it means to be a world class athlete. Of the 1,360 entries at the show, 30 Ohioans were finalists in a variety of classes, including winning three World Championships and two Reserve World Championships. The show’s largest Amateur performance class was Ranch Sorting, with 112 entries, and Weanling Fillies, with 37 entries, was the largest Amateur Halter class. The show’s most prestigious award, the Farnam AllAround Amateur award, had 63 contenders this year, including Meghan O’Malley of Medina, Ohio, who was crowned the 2010 Reserve Farnam All-Around Amateur, with her buckskin mare, A ChanceOf BlueSkies. The pair won Hunter Hack for the second consecutive year, placed fourth in Equitation Over Fences and sixth in Working Hunter to earn the title. In 2009, O’Malley was third in the Farnam All-Around Amateur race. For her efforts this year, O’Malley received $5,000 and $500 in Farnam products. The following is a complete listing of all of Ohio’s finalists. Congratulations to all on a wonderful show! Amateur Yearling Stallions 12th - A Nu Image, owned and shown by Robert Eurez of Pataskala Amateur Three Year Old Stallions 3rd - RTH Mr Wilson, shown by Terri Heffelfinger of Jeromesville Amateur Performance Halter Stallions 6th - Mr Star Seeker, shown by Terry Smith of Waterford Amateur Weanling Mares 14th - Pretty Well Rocked, shown by Stephen Farley of Sunbury Amateur Aged Mares 8th – ICantStopLovingYou, shown by Jack Grove of 92 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Oxford 13th - CSR Final Conclusion, shown by Susan Grove of Oxford Amateur Performance Halter Mares 9th - Eyell Be Outrageous, shown by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick 10th - Fashionably Invited, shown by Maggie Kerola of Hubbard Amateur Three Year Old Geldings Reserve - Kid B Styling, shown by John Peck of Ashland Amateur Performance Halter Geldings 6th - A Classical Touch, shown by John Peck of Ashland Amateur Pole Bending Champion Redneck Daisy, shown by Daisy Trent Tobin of Fredericktown 3 - Redneck Mariah, shown by Trent Tobin of Fredericktown 8th - Redneck Revolution, shown by Stacey Henkle of Photo courtesy of AQHA. Rockford 15th - Haley Jos Redneck Daisy and Trent Tobin won Charm, shown by Amateur and Junior Pole Bending at the 2010 AQHA World Show. Brannon Riley of Creston Amateur Trail 11th - BigBeboppinBob, shown by Kathryn Gorusch of Lancaster

Amateur Update Amateur Western Horsemanship 9th - Good Naturally, shown by Marissa Dalton of Wooster Amateur Western Pleasure 5th - Blazin Pine Bar, shown by Brynne Tincher of Oxford Amateur Hunter Under Saddle Reserve - Pass The Tequila, shown by Brynne Tincher of Oxford 6th - BMQ Without A Doubt, shown by Joanne Taylor of Ostrander

10th - ImAsGoodAsItGets, shown by Chelsey Sample of West Chester Amateur Working Hunter 6th - A ChanceOf BlueSkies, shown by Meghan O’Malley of Medina 7th - WhenItAllGoesSouth, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington 12th - Royality In Blue, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington Amateur Equitation Over Fences 4th - A ChanceOf BlueSkies, shown by Meghan O’Malley of Medina 11th - ImAsGoodAsItGets, shown by Chelsey Sample of West Chester

Photo courtesy of AQHA.

Jessica Johnson and Royality In Blue at the 2010 AQHA World Show.

Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation Champion - Royality In Blue, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington 5th - Millun Star Trek, shown by Ivy Poma of Youngstown Amateur Pleasure Driving 7th - Royality In Blue, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington 9th - One Sweet Kiss, shown by Becky Blackburn of Belpre

Photo courtesy of AQHA.

Meghan O’Malley and AChanceOf BlueSkies won Amateur Hunter Hack, and were crowned Reserve AllAround Amateur at the 2010 AQHA World Show.

Amateur Hunter Hack Champion - A ChanceOf BlueSkies, shown by Meghan O’Malley of Medina Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Patrick Murty Running for: President Where do you live, and with whom? “I live in West Milton, Ohio, on the farm with my wife, Moira, and son, Sean.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am currently opening a barbeque restaurant (Company 7 BBQ) with my father-in-law, Bill, and brother-in-law, Will. I also work with the Dayton and Northmont Chamber of Commerces as a business owner in the community.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I serve the community of West Milton as a West Milton Firefighter. I have been involved in the fire service for 15 years.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have served with OAQHA as a director and 1st vice president since my involvement began in 2004.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Currently, I am not involved in any other horse related organizations.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “During my years with OAQHA I have helped create new fundraising events for the organization, such as our pancake breakfast at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. I also have been involved in planning our annual horse show, which has become very successful, by offering an affordable and exciting show that competitors want to attend year after year. Mostly, I have tried to be an enthusiastic, dedicated and helpful member, assisting the board and all OQHA members to the best of my abilities. I have also attended the AQHA Annual Conferences as a representative of OQHA and OAQHA in order to help increase the reputation of OQHA as a leader in the Quarter Horse industry.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. To increase the amateur membership in the Ohio Quarter Horse Association by providing a friendly and competitive environment that horse owners want to join and compete in. 2. Serve the OAQHA membership and local community by providing a level of support that they would expect from our organization. 3. Represent the views and agenda of the OAQHA membership on the national level in order to continue Ohio’s excellence in the American Quarter Horse Association.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Vice Presidential Candidates Running for: Vice President

Marla Atherton

Where do you currently reside? “I live in Utica, Ohio with my husband, Rod, dog, Max, and nine horses.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and I have worked for State Farm Insurance for more than 20 years. I am currently a life insurance underwriter.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been an active amateur showing at the Ohio shows in halter and reining since 2003.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a director, youth advisor, and stallion auction chairperson for the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am also a member of the NRHA, SOQHA, and NOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “As an OAQHA officer/ director, I attend the monthly meetings, worked and organized the gates at our horse show and secured a major donation for our pancake breakfast at the Congress.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to work closely with OQHA to maintain our status as the premiere Quarter Horse Association in the country. 2. Listen to the needs and suggestions of our members and the exhibitors who show at the Ohio weekend shows. 3. Continue to improve our horse show so that people look forward to it each year.”

2nd Vice Presidential Candidates Justin Billings Running for: 2nd Vice President Where were you born and raised? “I’m a Buckeye through and through...born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. Currently, I have a small house in the historic part of Canal Winchester and my family owns a 125-acre horse farm in Ashville.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I manage my family’s horse farm from foaling mares, to breeding our stallion, to raising and starting our young ones, to promoting them in the show pen, and eventually selling them for someone else to enjoy. I also lend a hand at my parents construction business whenever needed.” Please state your involvement with any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I support local Ohio Quarter Horse News 95

Amateur Election Biographies Justin Billings, Continued charities through my involvement with OAQHA and my church, Victory Hill Church of God, including Give Me the Shirt Off Your Back, benefiting homeless shelters and victims of domestic abuse.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I Started as a youth member where I served as a multi-year director and was a member of our Youth World team and Congress teams, winning the NYATT in 1999. I then moved on to become an Amateur Director and served two-terms as treasurer.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of both the AQHA and NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “I volunteered at our annual horse show, which was a great success this year, and made our organization enough money to support some great charities such as the rescue walk for neglected pets. I also enjoyed volunteering my time to help serve at our Congress Pancake Breakfast.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I’d like to see our horse show moved from the already crowded time in August to a Pre-Congress warm-up in late September. A multi-day circuit just before the Congress would be a great way for our organization to increase our reach on a national level. Besides that, I’d just like the amateurs to really enjoy being part of OAQHA, after all, we are volunteers!”

Treasurer Candidates Abby Pound Running for: Treasurer Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised near Newark, Ohio near the small town of Utica. I currently reside outside of Newark.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I work for Lane Bryant as an assistant buyer for sleepwear. I assist with assorting the line, managing orders, sales reports and understanding industry trends.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have been involved with the Tour De Cure, a 30 mile bike ride that raises money for diabetes as well as the Relay for Life walk to raise money for cancer.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been a member of the board for several years and have been the treasurer for the last three years. I have served on many of the committees including the trainer auction and sponsorship.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA, and the NSBA.” 96 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Abby Pound, Continued Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “This year I was the OAQHA Treasurer. As the treasurer, I manage all of the funds and the checkbook. I also prepare monthly reports and present them at the meetings to keep the board aware of our financial status. I was also the chair of the trainer auction committee this year, which consisted of securing trainers for the auction and publicizing the auction to Ohio members.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Grow the horse show - Increase involvement of all members - Continue to come up with new and innovative activities for the Ohio Amateurs.”

Secretary Candidates Running for: Secretary

Katie Stolte-Carroll

No biographical information received.

Director Candidates Running for: Director

Lois Berry

Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, but was raised in Medina, Ohio. I live in Sharon Center, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I haul my daughter all over to horse shows.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a trustee for the Sharon Community Trust. I am also a member of the Sharon Center Methodist Church.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director of the Amateur Association for the past five years. I have worked on all committees of the association.” Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election Biographies Lois Berry, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a lifetime member of the Central Ohio Saddle Club Association, where I served as president, vice president and director for more than 15 years. I am a past director of the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am also a past advisor and president for Medina County 4-H and Horse Council.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As an OAQHA officer, I have worked the Congress hospitality cart, the OAQHA show and the pancake breakfast. I have donated both my resources and my time to better the organization.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Help better the horse industry as a whole in the current economy. Help promote animal welfare across the state and nation. Increase participation.”

Chris Martin Running for: Director No biographical information received.

Chelsea Martz Running for: Director Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. I currently live in Blacklick, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am currently studying Psychology at The Ohio State University.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I volunteer at Sunrise Assisted Living and Hilltop Elementary in their special needs preschool. I also volunteer at St. Luke Lutheran Church with their vacation bible school program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for two years.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Yes, I am also a member of AQHA, SOQHA and NSBA.” 98 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Chelsea Martz, Continued Please describe what you will contribute to OAQHA, if elected: “I will contribute a new and enthusiastic perspective from someone who has not previously been involved with OAQHA.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase attendance at OQHA shows. 2. Increase membership in OQHA. 3. Continue to make OAQHA accessible through many outlets such as the OQHA website and Facebook.”

Running for: Director

Kaitlin Riker

No biographical information received.

Carly Williams Running for: Director Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Ashland, Ohio. I currently reside in Marysville, Ohio, where I purchased my first home in 2009.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a magazine editor. In April of 2010, I took over the position of editor for a science/engineering journal, Materials Evaluation, which is the membership magazine for the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I volunteer for the Union County Habitat for Humanity, which is building a home for a family in Marysville. I am also involved in a fund raising charity for Multiple Sclerosis.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I was the editor for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association for three years. I traveled to many OQHA shows during that time. I have a Quarter Horse mare that I plan on showing in Novice Amateur Western Pleasure at OQHA shows in 2011.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I showed Paint horses as a youth and was involved as a youth director. During college, and for a brief period after school, I worked at Rod’s Western Palace, where I

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election Biographies Carly Williams, Continued was an assistant manager and an assistant buyer.” Please describe what you will contribute to OAQHA, if elected: “I have been involved in the horse industry from several different angles and feel that I can bring a well-rounded opinion to the OAQHA board. I am very detailoriented, and enjoy working on projects as part of a team.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel that OAQHA should focus on encouraging new members to join and participate, utilize exhibitor feedback to improve the annual horse show, and develop new fundraising ideas.”

Mike Yemc Running for: Director Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a lawyer.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I’ve been involved in the amateur organization for the past few years and have dedicated time and resources to make a better organization.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I serve as the chairman of the by-laws committee.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “No.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I will continue to help with fundraising activities and I will continue to support the organization through donations as a local businessman.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Increase membership and interest with the OQHA and increase attendance at OQHA events.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Club Updates Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Simone Marshall, OFQHA Secretary


he Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association had a great 2010 due in part to the hard work of all of the volunteers! We saw a lot of new faces this year and many returning friends helping this to be one of the most successful years in recent history. Adding the new Ranch Riding pattern classes was a great challenge for all! The AQHA show brought out the competitor in all of us, and we hope to see more in 2011.

Congratulations to Brent Bails and Rio for winning fifth place in the Mustang Makeover in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Thanks again to Jared Winkleman for hosting the September show. Our thoughts and prayers are with Pat and Jane. Hope to see you back in the saddle in 2011! Have a happy and safe holiday season, and don’t go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path... and leave a trail.

OMI Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Olga Kipp, OMIQHA Secretary


MIQHA has been busy finalizing the year-end details for our annual awards banquet. The final point standings for year-end awards are posted on the website. Our banquet is going to be held at The Lighthouse, located at 10055 St Rt 224 West, in Findlay on January 23, 2011. Doors will open at 1:30 pm and the meal will be at 2:00 pm. There will a short meeting with the election of the 2011 officers and the crowning of the 2011 OMI Queen. Awards will then be passed out.

A reminder to all members that you must have your membership paid in order to run for office or vote. All members should have received banquet information and ballots in the mail. Our 2011 show is set for June 25th and 26th, pending approval, to be held at the University of Findlay western farm. Due to bad weather, the December meeting was cancelled.

Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary


ongratulations to the winners of the 2010 OQHRA Congress Raffle. Winner of the yearling colt was Danny Hodges. Second place prize of 160 gallon of Barn/Fence paint went to Lisa Holbrook and the round pen was won by Sondra Word. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who helped with selling tickets, set up and tear down for the Congress booth. A special thanks to our sponsors, ThorTurf donated the round pen and paint, Kalmbach Feeds for printing the tickets and donating the feed for the yearling, and Big Dee’s Tack donated $2,000 towards the races and the banners

for the Congress booth. Congress races were a success, with a full gate in the Futurity and John Deere Challenge. Congratulations to the winners and placers. Final results are listed in the Congress results in this publication. Congratulations to Marc Ford, who represented OQHRA at the AQHYA championship Racing Experience. Marc enjoyed a full expense-paid trip to the Bank of America Challenge Racing Championships. We will hear about his experience at the upcoming awards banquet. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Important Changes in Buckeye Races for 2011 Please be aware that changes have been made in the nomination and sustaining fees and ownership date for the Buckeye races. A nomination fee of $25 and membership fee must be paid on or before the OQHRA banquet, February 26, 2011, to enter your horse into the Buckeye Futurity or Maturity. To sustain, payments will be made April 15 – August 15 as in the past. Late entry after April 15th will be doubled until June 15th. Late nominations after June 15 will be tripled and after August 15th to late enter it will cost $1500 (Maturity) and $2500 (Futurity). All late entry payments will go into the purse money. In addition, the ownership for an Ohio-owned horse will be April 1st, (current year) instead of the January 1st date. The Ohio Bred and Sired status will continue to be decided after the April 15th as to whether the race will open to Ohio owned. Year End Award Nomination Members must nominate for the Year-End Awards by contacting Tammy Cain on or before January 15, 2011. You can nominate more than one horse to each age group. If you have any questions contact Tammy at (740) 404-2434.

OQHRA Year End Awards Banquet The OQHRA Banquet will be held Saturday, February 26, 2011, 6:00pm at Damon’s Banquet Room in Wilmington, Ohio. Meal orders will be taken at 6pm with the Election of Officers and Awards to follow. There will be a Youth Silent Auction and door prizes given. Please RSVP to Rick Treat, (513) 932-4645, by February 6th to give him an accurate count for the restaurant and door prizes. Again, we are asking that everyone bring a silent auction item and/or a door prize. If you are interested in becoming officer for 2011, please contact Nominating Chairman, Steve Shoemaker, at (740) 775-4661. OQHRA 2010 Membership Please fill out the form below and return to: Ben Grandstaff, 1345 Twp Rd 206, Marengo, OH 43334 Check One: ___Single-$25 ___ Family-$40 ___ Life-$150 (make checks to OQHRA) Name ______________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City ______________ State ______ Zip ____________ Home Phone _________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________

Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


he annual OSBA awards banquet will be held on January 22, 2011 at The Place Off The Square in Newark, Ohio. The schedule of events is as follows: 3:00 pm – Director’s Meeting 4:00 pm – General Membership Meeting 5:00 pm – Social Hour 6:00 pm – Dinner & Awards, Silent Auction to follow Congratulations to the following division high point winners: Open High Point Horse – Dynamic In Pleasure, shown by Ben Grandstaff and owned by S&G Stable Reserve High Point Open Horse – Smoke N Bandito, owned and shown by Alice Wood High Point Amateur – Handy Little Bug, owned and 102 Ohio Quarter Horse News

shown by Patty McKinley Reserve High Point Amateur – Chiptease, owned and shown by Scott Flick High Point Youth – Whodunit In The Sky, owned and shown by Kelly Krull ReserveHigh Point Youth – Sunny Dunit In Honey, shown by Lauren Montgomery and owned by Ann Montgomery A complete list of high-point awards and year-end point standings is available on www.ohiobuckskins.org/ points.html. If you are unable to attend the banquet, please check OSBA’s website for updates on show dates/locations and upcoming meetings. And don’t forget to bookmark www.ohiobuckskins.org!

Club Updates Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, Executive Director


he Officers and Directors of SOQHA would like to thank all of the exhibitors who attended the 2010 Turkey Circuit. The three day event was held on November 26-28, 2010, in Springfield. SOQHA provided a complimentary turkey dinner on Thursday evening to all exhibitors. The dinner was catered by The Sweet Shop and was greatly enjoyed by all. 2011 election results are as follows: President – Kevin Smith, First Vice-President – David Miller, Second Vice-President – Libby Trucco, Treasurer – Janice Barney, Secretary – Lora Walker. Directors elected for a three year term are: Jeff Badgley, Bill Barney, Chris Craft, Sr., Megan McCulloch, Marilyn Miller, Lorri Pritchard, and Jamie Watson. Kara Colvin and Judd Paul were elected to serve a one-year term. The Youth Association will announce their 2011 officers and directors at their next meeting on January 12th. SOQHA is making final plans for its first three events in 2011. We invite you to join us for the Winter Circuit which will be held March 17-20. This event will consist of two complete split/combined shows and will include NSBA dual-approved classes. Circuit awards will be sponsored by Fritz Leeman Farms. Judges for this event will be Casey Devitt, Kendra Weis, Mike Hawkins, and

Dean Bogart. The following weekend, March 26th and 27th, will feature another split/combined event. Kelly Chapman and Tina Anderson will be judging. On April 9th and 10th, SOJQHA will be hosting a four judge event. Please note that we have dropped the youth show that would have been held on April 30th and May 1st. Judges for this show will be Chad Evans, Jennifer Thompson, Rebecca Halvorson, and Brett Clark. Please contact Lisa Perry at (614) 582-6067 for stall reservations or email rosemont10@yahoo.com. Show bills are available at www.soqha.com. Please be sure to review the Winter Circuit stall reservation policy which is posted on the website. We invite all mare owners to shop at the 2011 SOQHA Stallion Service Sale. A list of donated stallions can be found on our website. Jeff Badgley and Kevin Smith are once again coordinating this program. Jeff can be reached at (937) 667-8720 and Kevin can be reached at (513) 312-3451. SOQHA will hold its January meeting on the 12th and February meeting on the 9th. For both meeting dates, the Youth will meet at 7:00pm followed by the adults at 8:00pm. Meetings are held at Max & Erma’s in Wilmington. All members are invited to attend. Please visit the SOQHA website, www.soqha.com, for news updates, show bills, year-end point standings, futurity information, and details on other programs.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 Futurity Results T

he following are futurity results from the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Results are listed with the horse first, followed by the exhibitor and then the owner. Congratulations to all competitors, and thank you to everyone who helped make the 2010 Ohio Futurities a success. Results from the Ohio Breeder’s Incentive Fund can be found on page 111-113 of this magazine.


Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results

he Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association held their 2010 Futurity September 24th through 26th at the Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield, Ohio. The show featured open and closed futurity classes, with 21 halter classes and 11 performance classes. NOQHA paid out more than $20,000 to more than 145 entries. 2010 Closed Futurity Junior Fillies 1. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle Barrett-Cicero 2. Unnamed, Melissa Branovic, Cynthia Branovic 2010 Closed Futurity Junior Fillies - Sire Award 1. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Linda Sands 2. Unnamed, Melissa Branovic, Debbie Marcosson 2010 Closed Futurity Junior Colts 1. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Unnamed, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil

Photo courtesy of Certified Images.

Bourbon Trail, shown by Paul Fender, won four Junior Colt classes at the 2010 NOQHA Futurity. 104 Ohio Quarter Horse News

2010 Closed Futurity Junior Colts - Sire Award 1. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, HBF Ironman Partnership LLC 2. Unnamed, Kim Pfeil, RCB Quarter Horses Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line 1. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 2. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Jim Chafin, Marsha Black 3. R Potential Revenue, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 4. Sheza Frosty Chip, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 5. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce 6. Ms Texas Trixster, Amy Culp, Amy Culp Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line - Sire Award 1. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Fritz Leeman 2. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Jim Chafin, Michael and Rochelle Farina 3. R Potential Revenue , Stacey Vankirk, EZ Farms 4. Sheza Frosty Chip, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 5. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Debbie Marcosson 6. Ms Texas Trixster, Amy Culp, Vickie Jaje 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Mares 1. HBF Iron Me First, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Ms Texas Trixster, Amy Culp, Amy Culp 3. Sheza Frosty Chip, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Mares Sire Award 1. HBF Iron Me First, Paul Fender, HBF Ironman Partnership LLC 2. Ms Texas Trixster, Amy Culp, Vickie Jaje 3. Sheza Frosty Chip, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Geldings

Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results, Continued 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. R Potential Revenue , Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 3. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce

Sturgeon 5. Sweet Annies Art, Corryn Casteel, Corryn Casteel

Closed Futurity Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - Sire Award 1. DGS Indylacious, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Geldings - Sire 2. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Susan Stocker, John Narmont Award 3. DGS Indyspencible, Nicole Ralston, Robin DeGraff 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri 4. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Art I Sweet Heffelfinger Syndicate 2. R Potential Revenue , Stacey Vankirk, EZ Farms 5. Sweet Annies Art, Corryn Casteel, Art I Sweet 3. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Debbie Syndicate Marcosson Closed Futurity Three and Older Western Pleasure 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Stallions 1. DT Eaze On In, Susan Taylor, Dennis Taylor 1. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Strut Her Invitation, Alexis Taylor, Alexis Taylor 3. This Ones Two Hot, Randy Mitchell, Karen Hurtgam 2009 Closed Futurity Yearling Stallions - Sire 4. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley Award 5. One N Only Krymsun, Jeff Leeman, Jeff and Kerry 1. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, HBF Ironman Leeman Partnership LLC 6. The Boss WhoDunit, Shannon Courtock, Gary and Cheryl Brown Photo courtesy of Certified Images.

DGS Indylacious, with Missy Thyfault in the irons for Robin DeGraff, won the Closed Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle class at the 2010 NOQHA Futurity. Closed Futurity Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. DGS Indylacious, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 2. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Susan Stocker, Polly Vandal 3. DGS Indyspencible, Nicole Ralston, Nicole Ralston 4. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie Fites-

Closed Futurity Three and Older Western Pleasure Sire Award 1. DT Eaze On In, Susan Taylor, Michael and Rochelle Farina 2. Strut Her Invitation, Alexis Taylor, Fritz Leeman 3. This Ones Two Hot, Randy Mitchell, Rebecca Bailey 4. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Rebecca Bailey 5. One N Only Krymsun, Jeff Leeman, Rebecca Bailey 6. The Boss WhoDunit, Shannon Courtock, Gary and Cheryl Brown 2010 Open Futurity Non-Pro Junior Fillies 1. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle Barrett-Cicero 3. Unnamed, Melissa Branovic, Cynthia Branovic 4. Unnamed, Vicki Ledford, Michelle Barrett-Cicero 2010 Open Futurity Non-Pro Senior Fillies 1. RTH Bling It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 Open Futurity Junior Fillies 1. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger

Photo courtesy of Certified Images.

RS Obvious Lack Of Yella, owned and shown by Jeff Parker, won Open Non-Pro Yearling Mares.

2. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle Barrett-Cicero 3. Unnamed, Melissa Branovic, Cynthia Branovic 2010 Open Futurity Senior Fillies 1. RTH Bling It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. Im Obviously Radiant, Denise Walsh, Sean Walsh 2010 Open Futurity Non-Pro Junior Colts 1. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Unnamed, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 3. Its Time To Gab, Tammy Walsh, Tammy Walsh 2010 Open Futurity Junior Colts 1. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Unnamed, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 3. Its Time To Gab, Tammy Walsh, Tammy Walsh 2009 Open Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Mares 1. RS Obvious Lack Of Yella, Jeff Parker, Jeff Parker 2. HBF Iron Me First, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2009 Open Futurity Yearling Mares 1. RS Obvious Lack Of Yella, Jeff Parker, Jeff Parker 2. HBF Iron Me First, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 3. Ms Texas Trixster, Amy Culp, Amy Culp 4. HeyaWannaParty, Adam Long, Ashley M. Stocker 106

Ohio Quarter Horse News

5. Shesa Hot And Fancy, Virgil Burroughs, Mark Burroughs 2009 Open Non-Pro Yearling Geldings 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce 2009 Open Futurity Yearling Geldings 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce 2009 Open Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Stallions 1. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Supper Articulate Fella, Dan Schaub, Steven Schaub 2009 Open Futurity Yearling Stallions 1. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 2. Supper Articulate Fella, Dana Schaub, Steven Schaub

Photo courtesy of Certified Images.

HeyaWannaParty, shown by Adam Long and owned by Ashley Stocker, won Open Yearling Western Longe Line.

Open Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line 1. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 2. PS Dynamic Went West, Annie Schneider, Annie Schneider 3. Hot Roddin Frankie, Susan Baker, Susan Baker 4. Holiday Barbie, Jen Kanagy, Jennifer Kanagy 5. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Marsha Black, Marsha Black 6. Shesa Hot And Fancy, Virgil Burroughs, Mark Burroughs

Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results, Continued 7. R Potential Revenue , Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 8. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce Open Futurity Yearling English Longe Line 1. R Potential Revenue, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 2. DGS Indystinctive, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 3. Impressors Foxfrost, Bridget LaForce, Bridget LaForce Open Futurity Yearling Western Longe Line 1. HeyaWannaParty, Adam Long, Ashley Stocker 2. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 3. PS Dynamic Went West, Susan Stocker, Annie Schneider 4. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Jim Chafin, Marsha Black 5. Hot Roddin Frankie, Jeff Geiger, Susan Baker 6. R Potential Revenue , Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 7. Holiday Barbie, Jen Kanagy, Jennifer Kanagy 8. Shes Finally Famous, Nicole Mummah, Allison Chappo Open Futurity Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. BMQ Without A Doubt, Joanne Taylor, L.T. and Joanne Taylor 2. Good Kahlua, Alyssa Campbell, Mark Watkins 3. DGS Indyspencible, Nicole Ralston, Nicole Ralston 4. A Awesome Detail, Abby Franken, Abby Franken 5. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie FitesSturgeon 6. Sign At The Ex, Amelia Sidley, Amelia Sidley 7. Sweet Annies Art, Corryn Casteel, Corryn Casteel Open Futurity Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. All That Remains, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 2. BMQ Without A Doubt, Dawn Baker, L.T. and Joanne Taylor 3. DGS Indylacious, Jenna McGrath, Robin DeGraff 4. Good Kahlua, Amy Watkins, Mark Watkins 5. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie FitesSturgeon 6. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Susan Stocker, Polly Vandal 7. Blazing Hotness, Missy Thyfault, Melissa Thyfault 8. Sign At The Ex, Amber Eaton Clark, Amelia Sidley

Open Futurity Maturity Hunter Under Saddle 1. ImCruisinInAHotrod, Dawn Baker, Mary Webre 2. The Art Connection, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon, Valerie Fites-Sturgeon 3. Oh So McDreamy, Kim O’Boyle, Thad O’Boyle 4. Brave The Storm, Raelyne Hrbac, Raelyne Hrbac Open Futurity Non-Pro Two Year Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure 1. Gonna Be A Goodun, Darcy Mitchell, Darcy Mitchell 2. Good Chance Im Good, Toby Hanahan, Dr. Paul T. Hanahan 3. Im Righteous, Emily Crilley, William Hibbs Open Futurity Two Year Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure 1. Gonna Be A Goodun, Darcy Mitchell, Darcy Mitchell 2. Good Chance Im Good, Toby Hanahan, Dr. Paul T. Hanahan 3. Im Righteous, Adam Long, William Hibbs 4. This Notice Is Due, Denise Long Farson, Patrice Tornes Open Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure 1. DT Eaze On In, Susan Taylor, Dennis Taylor 2. Wildcat Billy G, Jessica Pastore, Cathy Pastore 3. EZ Customized Career, Abby Pound, Abby Pound 4. ImaVersionOfA Goodbar, Emily Barnes, Emily Barnes 5. One N Only Krymsun, Jeff Leeman, Jeff and Kerry Leeman 6. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley Open Futurity Three Year Old Western Pleasure 1. DT Eaze On In, Susan Taylor, Dennis Taylor 2. ImaVersionOfA Goodbar, Randy Mitchell, Emily Barnes 3. EZ Customized Career, Lori Gingrich, Abby Pound 4. Dun Up Dynamic, Susan Stocker, Susan Watkins 5. Sudden Classic Luck, Jim Chaffin, Katherine Hansen 6. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley 7. Black Tie Gucci, Greg Lambert, Denise Gary

Ohio Quarter Horse News



Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results

he Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association paid out more than $17,000 at their 2010 Futurity, held August 28th through 29th at the Champions Center in Springfield, Ohio. The show had 146 entries that competed in 36 classes. Breeders Three Year Old Western Pleasure 1. One Good Diva, Nick Mayabb, Patricia Reed 2. Giorgio De Krymsun, James Smiley, James Smiley 3. Forever Krymsun, Jennifer Aspra, Carla Whaley 4. Simply A Fools Bet, Seth Clark, Patrick Sidley Breeders Two Year Old Western Pleasure 1. Only One Way To Rock, Nick Mayabb, Steve Horning 2. Whirld Klass Krymsun, Rodney Sawyer, Kristi Stallings Breeders Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. All That Remains, Missy Thyfault, Robin Degraff Breeders Yearling Longe Line 1. Roc A Fella, Michelle Babb, Michelle Babb Breeders Yearling Mares 1. Shez Lookin Radiant, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins 2. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley Breeders Yearling Colts 1. A Nu Image, Bob Eurez, Bob Eurez 2. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Breeders Yearling Geldings 1. Coolest Rockster, Don Griffey, Steve Farley Breeders Senior Weanling Colts 1. Wannabe Included, Dave Williamson, Kevin Smith 2. Unnamed, Bob Menker, Bob Menker 3. My Radiant Beau, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins Breeders Junior Weanling Colts 1. Image Of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Breeders Senior Weanling Fillies 1. Pretty Well Rocked, Don Griffey, Steve Farley 108 Ohio Quarter Horse News

2. Unnamed, Andy Staton, Lisa Aerne 3. Unnamed, Bob Eurez, Bob Eurez 4. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton Breeders Junior Weanling Fillies 1. Shes Dun Rockin, Don Griffey, Steve Farley 2. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger 3. Unnamed, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure 1. DT Eaze On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor 2. Giorgio De Krymsun, James Smiley, James Smiley 3. The Party Hour, Dena Gaudio, Dena Gaudio 4. EZ Customized Career, Abby Pound, Abby Pound 5. Ive Got The Goodz, Anna Bullock, Nancy Bullock 6. An Hour Late, Brooke Palmer, Brooke Palmer 7. Dee One N Only Goodbar, Steffanie Tozer, Steffanie Tozer 8. Simply A Fools Bet, Leanne Sidley, Patrick Sidley 9. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure 1. One Good Diva, Nick Mayabb, Patricia Reed 2. DT Eaze On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor 3. Giorgio De Krymsun, James Smiley, James Smiley 4. Forever Krymsun, Jennifer Aspra, Carla Whaley 5. Dunup Dynamic, Susan Stocker, Lori Watkins 6. Ive Got The Goodz, Scott Thomas, Nancy Bullock 7. EZ Customized Career, Lori Gingrich, Abby Pound 8. An Hour Late, Shelly Beam, Brooke Palmer 9. Dee One N Only Goodbar, Rodney Sawyer, Steffanie Tozer 10. Black Tie Gucci, Greg Lambert, Denise Gary Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure 1. Only One Way To Rock, Steve Horning, Steve Horning 2. Im Righteous, Emily Crilley, William Hibbs 3. Whirld Klass Krymsun, Kristi Stallings, Kristi Stallings 4. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure 1. Only One Way To Rock, Nick Mayabb, Steve Horning 2. One Mean Machine, Brad Luebben, Brad Luebben

Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results, Continued 3. Makers Markie, Jennifer Aspra, Gail Waters 4. Whirld Klass Krymsun, Rodney Sawyer, Kristi Stallings 5. Im Righteous, Adam Long, William Hibbs 6. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler

2. Riginal Cinch Brand, John Wainscott, John Wainscott 3. PS Dynamic Went West, Susan Stocker, Ann Schneider 4. Invited By Vern, Bob Zucker, Bob Zucker 5. Look Whos Good, Dan Beam, Monna Koontz Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under 6. All My LopesNDreams, Larry Cross, John Saddle Carmichael 1. Too Hot For Talk, Melissa Polca, Melissa Polca 7. HeyaWannaParty, Adam Long, Ashley Stocker 2. Eyell Be Invited, Whitney Karr, Tom Karr 8. Holiday Bar Hunt, Jennifer Kanagy, Jennifer Kanagy 3. U Know You’re Envious, Amanda Payne, Amanda 9. Its Good To Be Noticed, Valerie Morgan, Valerie Payne Morgan 4. Sign At The Ex, Amelia Sidley, Amelia Sidley 10. Hot Roddin Frankie, Jeff Geiger, Susan Baker 5. Dancin All Night, April Pesicek, April Pesicek 6. Chips Klassy Kid, Jennifer Ungunrean, Jennifer Open English Yearling Longe Line Ungurean 1. R Potential Revenue, Stacy Vankirk, Stacy Vankirk 2. Crashed The Affair, Rob Miller, Rob Miller Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under 3. Sun UR Lukin Fab, Jessica Cox, Jessica Cox Saddle 1. All That Remains, Missy Thyfault, Robin Degraff Open Two Year Old Mares 2. Eyell Be Invited, Whitney Karr, Tom Karr 1. My Raidant Valentine, Pete Heins, Pete/Kelli Heins 3. Too Hot For Talk, Melissa Polca, Melissa Polca 4. Chips Klassy Kid, Lynn Puthoff, Jennifter Ungurean Open 2 Year Old Colts 5. Forget Ur Coats N Tails, Susan Stocker, Polly Vandall 1. Im Righteous, Adam Long, William Hibbs 6. Sign At The Ex, Amber Clark, Amelia Sidley 7. Blazing Hotness, Taylor Hutchinson, Missy Thyfault Non-Pro Yearling Mares 8. Dancin All Night, April Pesicek, April Pesicek 1. Shez Lookin Radiant, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins 2. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley Non-Pro Yearling Longe Line 3. Excelorita Te, Jim Payne, Jim Payne 1. Sheza Career Girl, Jerry Collingsworth, Carol Collingsworth Open Yearling Mares 2. Invited By Vern, Bob Zucker, Bob Zucker 1. Tru Blue Angel, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley 3. PS Dynamic Went West, Ann Schneider, Ann 2. Shez Lookin Radiant, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins Schneider 3. Excelorita Te, Greg Holden, Jim Payne 4. Roc A Fella, Michelle Babb, Michelle Babb 4. Heyawanna Party, Adam Long, Ashley Stocker 5. Elvis On Impulse, Pat Creditt, Jack Creditt 5. Shesa Hot And Fancy, Virgil Burroughs, Mark 6. Holiday Bar Hunt, Jennifer Kanagy, Jennifer Kanagy Burroughs 7. Crashed The Affair, Rob Miller, Rob Miller 8. Pleasantly Perfect, Pete Mead, Pete Mead Non-Pro Yearling Colts 9. All My LopesNDreams, Renee Seidel, John 1. A Nu Image, Bob Eurez, Bob Eurez Carmichael 2. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender 10. Hot Roddin Frankie, Susan Baker, Susan Baker Open Yearling Colts Open Western Yearling Longe Line 1. A Nu Image, Bob Eurez, Bob Eurez 1. Sheza Career Girl, Jerry Collingsworth, Carol 2. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Collingsworth Ohio Quarter Horse News


Non-Pro Yearling Geldings 1. Mr Griffey, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger 3. Coolest Rockster, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 4. My Lot Of Gold, Katie Nutter, Ken Brown Open Yearling Geldings 1. Mr Griffey, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Coolest Rockster, Don Griffey, Steve Farley 3. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger 4. My Lot Of Gold, Katie Nutter, Ken Brown Non-Pro Senior Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Katie Nutter, Ken Brown 2. Wannabe Included, Kevin C Smith, Kevin C Smith 3. Unnamed, Connie Menker, Bob Menker 4. Unnamed, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley 5. My Radiant Beau, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins Non-Pro Junior Weanling Colts 1. Image Of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Open Senior Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Andy Staton, Keith Bode 2. Image Of Clu, Don Griffey, Robert Vance 3. Unnamed, Katie Nutter, Ken Brown 4. Wannabe Included, Dave Williamson, Kevin Smith 5. Unnamed, Bob Menker, Bob Menker 6. Unnamed, Jeff Badgley, Jeff Badgley 7. My Radiant Beau, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Open Junior Weanling Colts 1. Image Of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Non-Pro Senior Weanling Fillies 1. Unnamed, Bob Eurez, Bob Eurez 2. Pretty Well Rocked, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 3. Unnamed, Lisa Aerne, Lisa Aerne 4. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 5. RTH Bling It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger Non-Pro Junior Weanling Fillies 1. Shes Dun Rockin, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 2. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger 3. Unnamed, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins Open Senior Weanling Fillies 1. Unnamed, Paul Goodman, Bob Eurez 2. Unnamed, Andy Staton, Lisa Aerne 3. Pretty Well Rocked, Don Griffey, Steve Farley 4. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 5. Ms Malibu Rum, Dan Beam, Dan Beam 6. RTH Bling It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger Open Junior Weanling Fillies 1. Shes Dun Rockin, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 2. Unnamed, Kelli Heins, Kelli Heins 3. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger

Ohio Breeder’s Incentive Fund Results

Weanling Colts – Junior Division 1st - Bourbon Trail (HBF Iron Man x Fancys Sure Sweet), Celeste Fender 2nd - Image Of A Payday (A Radiant Image x JMK See Ya Payday), Marla Atherton Weanling Colts – Senior Division 1st - Image Of A Clue (Image of Kid x Iowna Mister), Robert Vance 2nd - Unnamed Colt (Rockster x Take Off My Casmire), Robert Menker 3rd - My Radiant Beau (A Radiant Image x Get A Good Look Mister), Kelli Heins

2nd - Unnamed Filly (Rockster x She Aint Kiddin), Robert Eurez 3rd - RTH Bling It On Mr (Mr Touchdown Kid x RT Naughty By Nature), Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 4th - Unnamed Filly (Kid Coolsified x Heirfinity), Ken Halverson 4th - Rock Me Mister (Rockster x A Pretty Mister), Marla Atherton 6th - Ms Malibu Rum (Lo Clue Motion x Ms Spicy Rum), Dan Beam 7th - Pretty Well Rocked (Rockster x Pretty Well Set), Steve Farley

Non-Pro Weanling Fillies – Junior Division 1st - Eye Candy Cool (RTH Mr Wilson x Ritas Coolconclusion), Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2nd - Shes Dun Rockin (Rockster x Dressed In Dun), Steve Farley 3rd - Unnamed Filly (You Bet Im Good x Cierra Cashmere), Michelle Barrett-Cicero Non-Pro Weanling Colts – Senior Division 4th - Unnamed Filly (Mr Yella Fella x Absolute 1st - Unnamed Colt (Rockster x Take Off My Casmire), Squeeze), Kelli Heins Robert Menker 2nd - Image Of A Clue (Image of Kid x Iowna Mister), Non-Pro Weanling Fillies – Senior Division Robert Vance 1st - Unnamed Filly (A Radiant Image x Sheza Fancy 3rd - My Radiant Beau (A Radiant Image x Get A Tai), Lisa Aerne Good Look Mister), Kelli Heins 1st - Unnamed Filly (Rockster x She Aint Kiddin), Robert Eurez Weanling Fillies – Junior Division 3rd - RTH Bling It On Mr (Mr Touchdown Kid x RT 1st - Eye Candy Cool (RTH Mr Wilson x Ritas Naughty By Nature), Rick and Terri Heffelfinger Coolconclusion), Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 4th - Rock Me Mister (Rockster x A Pretty Mister), 2nd - Shes Dun Rockin (Rockster x Dressed In Dun), Marla Atherton Steve Farley 4th - Pretty Well Rocked (Rockster x Pretty Well Set), 3rd - Unnamed Filly (You Bet Im Good x Cierra Steve Farley Cashmere), Michelle Barrett-Cicero 3rd - Unnamed Filly (Mr Yella Fella x Absolute Yearling Colts Squeeze), Kelli Heins 1st - A Nu Image (A Radiant Image x Awesome Merlot), Robert Eurez Weanling Fillies – Senior Division 2nd - Ironworks Pike (HBF Iron Man x Fancys Sure 1st - Unnamed Filly (A Radiant Image x Sheza Fancy Sweet), Celeste Fender Tai), Lisa Aerne Ohio Quarter Horse News 111 Non-Pro Weanling Colts – Junior Division 1st - Bourbon Trail (HBF Iron Man x Fancys Sure Sweet), Celeste Fender 2nd - Image Of A Payday (A Radiant Image x JMK See Ya Payday), Marla Atherton

Non-Pro Yearling Colts 1st - A Nu Image (A Radiant Image x Awesome Merlot), Robert Eurez 2nd - Ironworks Pike (HBF Iron Man x Fancys Sure Sweet), Celeste Fender Yearling Fillies 1st - HBF Iron Me First (HBF Iron Man x Factastic), Celeste Fender 1st - Shez Lookin Radiant (A Radiant Image x Get A Good Look Mr), Kelli Heins 1st - HeyaWannaParty, (Crashed The Party x Some Ebony Goodbar), Ashley Stocker 4th - Shesa Hot And Fancy (He Knows Hez Hot x Tailwinds And Fancy), Mark Burroughs Non-Pro Yearling Fillies 1st - Shez Lookin Radiant (A Radiant Image x Get A Good Look Mr), Kelli Heins 2nd - Shesa Hot And Fancy (He Knows Hez Hot x Tailwinds And Fancy), Mark Burroughs 2nd - HBF Iron Me First (HBF Iron Man x Factastic), Celeste Fender Yearling Geldings 1st - RTH Super Duty (Perpetual Sensation x Images Mytee Lady) Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2nd - Mr Griffey (Image Of A Kid x JMK See Ya Payday), Marla Atherton 2nd - Coolest Rockstar (Rockster x Graced By Te), Steve Farley Non-Pro Yearling Geldings 1st - RTH Super Duty (Perpetual Sensation x Images Mytee Lady) Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2nd - Mr Griffey (Image Of A Kid x JMK See Ya Payday), Marla Atherton 3rd - Coolest Rockstar (Rockster x Graced By Te), Steve Farley

N Ready To Go), Valerie Morgan 6th - All My LopesNDreams (Lazy Loper x Envy Only), John and Loralee Carmichael 7th - Shesa Hot And Fancy (He Knows Hez Hot x Tailwinds And Fancy), Mark Burroughs 7th - R Potential Revenue (Potential Career x Sea Of Dreams), Stacey Vankirk 9th - Premium Diesel (Diesel Only x Cierras Legacy), Gail Waters 10th - Shes Finally Famous (My Final Notice x Sweet Hot N Famous), Allison Chappo English Longe Line 1st - R Potential Revenue (Potential Career x Sea Of Dreams), Stacey Vankirk 2nd - DGS Indystinctive (Indian Artifacts x Taking Invitations), Robin DeGraff Non-Pro Longe Line 1st - Invited By Vern (Willy Be Invited x Im Good Two Night), Robert Zucker 2nd - Hot Roddin Frankie (Chips Black Rodder x Silver Gray Te), Susan Baker 3rd - All My LopesNDreams (Lazy Loper x Envy Only), John and Loralee Carmichael 3rd - Sheza Career Girl (Potential Career x Lord Sheza Loper), Carol Collingsworth 5th - R Potential Revenue (Potential Career x Sea Of Dreams), Stacey Vankirk 6th - Premium Diesel (Diesel Only x Cierras Legacy), Gail Waters 7th - One Lazy Amiga (Lazy Loper x Caliente Amiga), Jennifer Murray 8th - Shesa Hot And Fancy (He Knows Hez Hot x Tailwinds And Fancy), Mark Burroughs

Two- and Three-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle 1st - All That Remains (Indian Artifacts x Skys Blue Blood), Robin DeGraff 2nd - Sweet Sky Blue (Art I Sweet x Designed By Sky), Western Longe Line Valerie Fites-Sturgeon 1st - Invited By Vern (Willy Be Invited x Im Good Two 2nd - ForgetUr CoatsNTails (Coats N Tails x Skips Jack Night), Robert Zucker Ariel), Polly Vandal 2nd - HeyaWannaParty, (Crashed The Party x Some 4th - DGS Indylacious (Indian Artifacts x Dont Be Ebony Goodbar), Ashley Stocker Amazed), Robin DeGraff 3rd - Hot Roddin Frankie (Chips Black Rodder x Silver 5th - Dancin All Night (Willy Be Invited x Dance The Gray Te), Susan Baker Green), April Pesicek 4th - Sheza Career Girl (Potential Career x Lord Sheza Loper), Carol Collingsworth 5th - ItsGood ToBe Noticed (My Final Notice x Good 112

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Non-Pro Two- and Three-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Sweet Sky Blue (Art I Sweet x Designed By Sky), Valerie Fites-Sturgeon 2nd - Dancin All Night (Willy Be Invited x Dance The Green), April Pesicek Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1st - DT Eaze On In (Lazy Loper x Serenzipadee James), Dennis Taylor

2nd - EZ Customized Career (Potential Career x RL Customized), Abby Pound 3rd - Black Tie Gucci (Gucci Only x Shez Too Snazzy), Denise Gary Non-Pro Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1st - DT Eaze On In (Lazy Loper x Serenzipadee James), Dennis Taylor 2nd - EZ Customized Career (Potential Career x RL Customized), Abby Pound

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - September 20, 2010 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Clark Bradley, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marco, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, Charlie Menker, Judd Paul, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Dan Trein and Denny Thorsell. Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Ed Dingledine, Tim Folck, Jack Geschke, Todd Salome, and Brent Tincher. President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the August 2010 Minutes. Second by Charlie Menker. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark presented the Profit and Loss Statement as of August 31, 2010. Vic reported that not all entry revenues had been posted to these financials. Once all revenues had been recorded, we are showing an increase in total entries. Ron McCarty made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Second by Jeff James. Motion carried.

Tri-Chairmen Report – Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • Total (Congress) entries are 16,290 as of this meeting, compared to a total of 16,351 from 2009. • Vic Clark and Mark Cherubini have been working on getting the footing replaced in all the arenas. • Four Star (Trailers) has decided to donate a trailer to a Cutting class, rather than the Queen’s contest. There will be a Cutting Shoot-Out that will determine the winner of the trailer. • We have been informed that we will be losing the Grade III status for the Racing Association for 2011. The Tri-Chairmen voted not to add any new money for the races, as it is not a guarantee to keep the status. • The Tri-Chairmen voted to add $6,000 to the Hunter Under Saddle Masters class, so there would be a $100,000 payout. • Directors may bring their horses on the grounds on Wednesday, September 29th at no additional charge. However, there will not be any riding on Thursday, September 30, 2010. • Charlie Menker made the motion to approve adding the $6,000 to the Hunter Under Saddle Masters class. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. • Vic Clark discussed the issues with the arena dirt. Apparently we did not receive the correct sand from the quarry, therefore creating incorrect footing. The footing is being replaced and should be fine by Congress. We will be working with Kurtz Brothers to Ohio Quarter Horse News 113

Minutes negotiate the final costs. Wayne Erwin made a motion to accept the TriChairmen report. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried. Annual Banquet – • Lisa Alley reported that they have met with the hotel and set the menu for the Annual Banquet. Executive Committee Report – Dave McDonald reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • There was a discussion regarding four-judge shows for 2011. It was the recommendation of the committee that four shows will be approved, one each for EOQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA and Rolling Acres. Brent Maxwell made the motion to accept the Executive Committee report. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Ohio Queens – • Elaine Wells reported that the current Ohio Queen has resigned, as she wanted to show at the Congress. Tiffany Jennings will take her place as Ohio Queen. Racing – • Ben Grandstaff discussed the loss of the 2011 Graded Stakes races. Rules – • Chris Darnell reported on the proposed OQHYA Constitution and Bylaw changes. This was the first reading. Nominating Committee Report – Mark Cherubini reported the recommendations for the upcoming elections as follows: • President: Vic Clark and Charlie Menker • 1st Vice President: Wayne Erwin, Skip Salome and Bill Flarida • 2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Gorski and Todd Salome • Directors: Mark Cherubini, Kelli Diaz, Candi Fites, Tim Folck, Bob Hexter, Ron McCarty, Cindy 114 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Morehead, John Pickersgill, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell, Rod Atheron, Mike Vargo, Ted Handel, Bill Wright and Mark Fontana. Charlie Menker moved to accept the Nominating Committee’s recommendations. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. • Nominated from the floor: 2nd Vice President Hank Clason. Directors: Randy Jacobs, Sid Griffith and Sam Mierzejewski. Brent Maxwell moved to close nominations. Second by Dave McDonald. Motion carried. • Alan Potts made a motion that the nominations be separated in the Ohio Quarter Horse News by those recommended by the committee and those nominated from the floor. Second by Charlie Menker. Motion carried. Congress Queen – • Kelli Diaz reported that there are 25 contestants for the 2010 Congress Queen. Grounds Security – • Ron McCarty reported on the new security and towing company for this year. Super Sale – • Vic Clark reported that there is a $25,000 sponsor for the Super Sale. There is currently 190 head consigned to the sale. NYATT – • Don Recchiuti reported that there are 70 teams for the NYATT. There will be an advisors meeting at 10 a.m. the morning of the tournament. Vet Coordinator – • Dave McDonald reported that we will be using the 5th District, as in the past. VIP/Awards Ceremony – • Lisa Alley reported that there will be a VIP Party following the Awards Ceremony at the Rhoades Center.

Minutes Charlie Menker made a motion to approve a $3,000 - $5,000 budget for the VIP Party. Second by Dave McDonald. Motion carried. Youth – • Ellexxah Maxwell presented the 2010 Youth scrapbook. Dakota Griffith reported on an AQHYA Leadership Conference that will be held during the Congress on October 16th. New Business – • Skip Salome reported that the Cinch denim jackets will be available for sale beginning October 5th for $89.95, plus tax. • Dan Trein made a motion to request a $5,000 donation for Debbie Arnold, an injured Ohio trainer.

Scott Myers suggested that Puppy Alley could subsidize the donation. Second by Cindy Morehead. Motion carried. • Charlie Menker made a motion to nominate Alan Potts for Congress Tri-Chair for a three-year term. Second by Todd Salome. • Clark Bradley made a motion to nominate Denny Thorsell. Second by Brent Maxwell. • Vic moved to close nominations, second by Lisa Alley. • Votes were counted by Elaine Wells and Betty Flarida. Denny Thorsell was elected by majority vote. Motion to adjourn by Dan Trein. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Join OQHA at the Region Four Championships! July 15 - 17, 2011 @ the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio WHO CAN COMPETE: Any registered AQHA members residing in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Ontario or West Virginia. WHO CANNOT COMPETE: Exhibitors and horses are excluded from showing in any division (open, amateur, youth or novice) of any class in which they placed in the top ten at the 2010 AQHA World Show, AQHA Amateur World Show, AQHA Amateur Select World Show or AQHYA World Championship Show.

2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress Horse Show: October 7 - 30

at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio Compete at one of the most prestigious horse shows in the country, or come experience the amazing atmosphere. Visit www.oqha.com/congress for up to the minute information, including events and horse show schedules! Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Quarter Horse News

Advertiser’s Index All American Quarter Horse Congress ......................................................................................................................... 115 Amy Masters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Brad Luebben .................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Congress Souvenir Jackets & Hats .................................................................................................................................... 89 Coughlin Automotive ................................................................................................................................................. 1, 117 DeGraff Stables ................................................................................................................................................................. 116 Diamond Six Farm ........................................................................................................................................................... 116 Don’t Fret LLC .................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Equine Affaire ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Judd Paul Training Stables ............................................................................................................................................... 117 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ...................................................................................................................................... 117 Kustom Kritter Fitters ...................................................................................................................................................... 117 Lakeside Arena .............................................................................................................................................................. 16-17 Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................ 117 Mil-Max Training Center ................................................................................................................................................ 117 Ohio Quarter Horse Annual Meeting & Awards Banquet .......................................................................................... 5, 7 Ohio Quarter Horse Membership Renewal .................................................................................................................... 26 Ohio Quarter Horse Queen Contest ................................................................................................................................ 48 Ohio Quarter Horse Scholarship ...................................................................................................................................... 69 Pine View Farm ................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Region 4 Regional Championship .................................................................................................................................. 115 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson .................................................................................................................. 116 Saddle Creek Farms Bedding .......................................................................................................................................... 118 Tincher’s Quarter Horses ................................................................................................................................................. 118 Trein Training Center ...................................................................................................................................................... 118

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Fantastic Photos from the ...

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