Ohio Quarter Horse News July/August 2011

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Ohio Quarter Horse July/August 2011



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Cam Foreman

Executive Vice President 740-943-2346, ext. 129 CForeman@oqha.com

Lisa Martin

Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

Mindy Westlake

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] The new Don Bell Bronze will be awarded to class winners at the All American Quarter Horse Congress for the first time this year. Photo by Kristin Martin of Certified Images.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 14-20

Region 4 Championships


3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 8 Forum 9 Podium 11-13 OQHA News 22-23 Around Ohio 24 OQHYA Officers & Directors 25 Youth Headlines 27 2011 Show Schedule 29 OAQHA Officers & Directors 32 Amateur Update 37-39 Meeting Minutes 40 Stallion Directory 41-42 Business Card Directory 43 Ad Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 33 34 35 36

Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Ohio State Buckskin

2011 OQHA Officers Skip Salome

David McDonald, DVM

Congress Tri-Chair, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security

Task Force, Finance, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator

1st Vice President (2/12) 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net

President (2/12) AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers

Annual Banquet, Rules, Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibitors, Stall Move-In, VIP/Awards Ceremony

Drug Task Force, Research, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Veterinarian Animal Protection/Puppy Alley

1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Chris Cecil Darnell

Denny Thorsell

Executive Committee (2/13), Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations

111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/14),

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities

24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Megan Masterson 2011 OQHA Queen

2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Todd Salome

2nd Vice President (2/12),

Charlie Menker

Executive Committee (2/12), Drug

Congress Tri-Chair (9/11),

Congress Tri-Chair (9/14), Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall Move-In Day

8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-7205 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley

Charlie Menker

Skip Salome

Fritz Leeman

Dr. Scott Myers

Dan Trein

AQHA Director Emeritus 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

AQHA Director at Large 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@ aol.com

AQHA Director Emeritus 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Bill Flarida (2/12)

Cindy Morehead (2/14)

Rod Atherton (2/12)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/12)

Judd Paul (2/12)

Mark Cherubini (2/12)

Ted Handel (2/12)

Grievance, Rules, Congress Program 1430 Mt. Perry Rd. Mt. Perry, OH 43760 Cell: 740-404-7935 DiamondH@cgate.net

Membership, Overflow Trailers, Stall Move-In Day 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Hank Clason (2/13)

Bob Hexter (2/14)

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Chris Cecil Darnell (2/12)

Randy Jacobs (2/14)

Chuck Smith (2/12)

Kelli Diaz (2/14)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/14)

Wayne Erwin (2/12)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Brent Tincher (2/12)

Candi Fites (2/13)

Ron McCarty (2/14)

Annual Banquet, Trail Ride, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Commercial Exhibitors 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program, Stall Move-In Day 16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 KMRQuarter@yahoo.com Public Policy, Trail Ride, VIP/Awards Ceremony 19834 Arrington Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-616-1023 mark@msmisp.com

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-725-6614 DClason@aol.com Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Trail Ride, Congress Queen, Youth Activities 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Professional Horsemen, Scholarship, Hall of Fame, Congress Futurities 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net

Grievance, Public Policy, Scholarship, Lectures/Demonstrations 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Animal Protection/Fire Safety 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day, Judging Tournament 6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Horse Show Advisory, Judging Team, Membership, Scholarship, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com

John Pickersgill (2/12)

Judging Team, Rules, Judging Tournament, NYATT, Hunter/ Jumpers 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Grievance, Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-402-3189 CSmithCH@gmail.com

Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall MoveIn Day 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley

Past President, 1999-2000 Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Jim Brennan

Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Jess Cecil

Honorary Director Wadsworth, OH 330-239-1735 Lannings72@aol.com

Vic Clark

Past President, 1997-1998 Treasurer’s Office, Finance, Public Policy 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Don Clason

Past President, 1976-1977 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Ed Dingledine

Honorary Director Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Jack Geschke

Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH Cell: 330-800-6741 Cell: 330-388-9989


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Burgess Holt

Past President, 1984-1986 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Fritz Leeman

Past President, 1990-1992 Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

Steve Marko

Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Honorary Director OQHA Queen, Rules, Animal Protection/ Fire Safety, Hall of Fame McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Charlie Menker

Past President, 2003-2004 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers, DVM Past President, 2007-2008 P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Cliff Nash

Past President, 1987-1988 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Alan Potts

Past President, 1960 Finance, Grievance, Rules, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping Coshocton, OH 740-622-5611

Roger Ruetenik Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Skip Salome

Past President, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2009-2010 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.net

Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell

sincerely hope that everyone is staying cool in this sizzling heat we’ve had the last few weeks! I thought nothing could be worse than all the rain we had this spring, but that’s Ohio for you! The shows around Ohio have been fabulous thus far and I’m looking forward to excellent turnout this August as well. People turned out in droves for the 2011 Region 4 Championship from all over the region and made this show one of the best so far! Our volunteers worked hard to run a wonderful show and they did an excellent job. Everyone enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and took home great prizes donated by AQHA Corporate Sponsors. Next up is the AQHYA World Show, and as always Ohio will be extremely well represented! Congratulations to all of our youth who qualified and good luck! Check out pages 25-26 for more details on the 2011 OQHYA World Show Team! Finally, the OQHA office is in full “Congress Mode,” as October looms closer and closer every day! The entry books have been mailed (and are also available online at www.oqha.com). Don’t forget that entries must be received in the OQHA office by August 25th to avoid late fees! Also, OQHA will be accepting entries online for the first time this year! Check out the website for more details! Good luck to all of our OQHYA members at the 2011 AQHYA World Show and I look forward to seeing everyone at Congress in October!

Forum Dear OQHA, am writing to thank you for your wonderful association. The things that you do for our youth is beyond amazing. I want to especially thank our youth advisor, Kelli Diaz. Last year was one of the most exiciting and challenging years of my life thus far and Kelli was there for me through it all. A lot of people say that we have one of the best youth associations in the United States, and I disagree. In my opinion, we have the best youth association in our nation and we owe so much of that to Kelli Diaz. I want to thank you for the great night at the Ohio Banquet. I hadn’t been there in a number of years and now I wonder why I missed out on such a wonderful time. The food, speakers, awards and dancing were all spectacular. I was generously awarded with more than I expected and more than I will ever need. Thank you so much! As I am nearing the end of my youth years, I am ashamed to think that I have not formally thanked our association before. The Ohio Quarter Horse Association has made my youth career unforgettable and for that, I will be forever grateful! Thank you so much for everything that you do!


Sincerely, Molli Lyn Jacobs Dover, Ohio 8

Ohio Quarter Horse News



by Charlie Menker

ummer is always a busy, but exciting time of year for those of us in the horse industry. It’s the height of the show season, which means a lot of miles on the truck and trailer, but also wonderful times with friends and family. At OQHA, the 2011 Region 4 Championships has just wrapped up and I’d like to thank everyone who came out and volunteered their weekend to help make this show a success, especially our regional affiliates in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ontario and West Virginia. Many volunteers travelled a long way to help and it was greatly appreciated. I’d also like to thank the staff at OQHA for working so diligently after all late fees were waived. You did a wonderful job before and during the show and your efforts helped make the show a great success! Thanks to everyone who came out and supported the Region 4 Championships this year. The AQHYA World Championship Show is just around the corner, and I would like to congratulate all of our youth that qualified nationally and in-state. We have 56 youth that will be representing Ohio August 5-13 in Oklahoma City and we wish them the best of luck! Although October is still a few months away, entry books for the 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress have been mailed. Don’t forget that entries must be received by August 25th this year. Also, OQHA will be accepting entries online for the first time! Check out our website, www.oqha.com, for more details. I hope everyone is staying cool during this hot days of summer and I hope everyone has a good time at their upcoming shows!

Feature your Business in the Ohio Quarter Horse News! Place a business card ad today and recieve: 5 issues of Ohio Quarter Horse News AND the Congress Souvenir Program for $250! For more information contact: Tracy Bidwell 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@OQHA.com Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHA News



Deadline Extended to August 22



OQHA’s 2012 Nominating Committee Selected

t OQHA’s June board meeting, during the Annual Picnic, the 2012 Nominating Committee was selected. Lisa Alley, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Bill Flarida, Bob Hexter, Alan Potts and Dr. Scott Myers were chosen to serve on the committee. The nomination committee will review candidates for the following positions within OQHA: president, first vice president, second vice president and threeyear term OQHA directors. The committee will present its reccomended candidates at the September OQHA Board of Directors meeting. In addition to the presented slate, board members may nominate


additional candidates from the floor. Any OQHA member in good standing can run for the position of director, provided they have attended at least three board meetings within the current year. Candidates running for president, first vice president or second vice president, must have served on the OQHA Board of Directors for a minimum of three years, in addition to attending at least three board meetings within the current year. Any OQHA member who is interested in being considered for a position on OQHA’s Board of Directors should contact a member of the Nominating Committee.

Ohio Futurity Breeders Incentive Fund Deadline August 15th

his years revamped Ohio Futurity Breeders Incentive Fund (OFBIF) is accepting nominations until August 15th. To be eligible, owners and exhibitors must be current members of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and a nomination form with a copy of each horse’s registration papers must be mailed to the OQHA office no later than August 15th. There is no serperate fee to

nominate into the OFBIF, members simply must enter the EOQHA, NOQHA and/or SOQHA open futurity classes to participate. The nomination form, along with a complete list of classes and paybacks can be found on pages 30-31. For for information, contact Candi Fites, OQHA Director and OFBIF committee chairperson, at 330-257-3881 or candigab@zoominternet.net.

Upcoming Meetings


t OQHA’s Annual Picnic in June, the board of directors voted to cancel the July board meeting. Board meetings will resume as normal the following month. The August meeting is scheduled for August 15th, at 7 p.m., at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. The September board of directors meeting will be

held Monday, September 19th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. Due to the All American Quarter Horse Congress, OQHA will not have a board meeting in October. For meeting dates in November, please check the OQHA website, www.oqha.com.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress Entries Due August 25th by Mail or Online


he 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress entry brochures have been mailed. Two separate books, one with AQHA, NSBA, NRHA and Stakes information and the other with NCHA Cutting materials, are sent to spectators and exhibitors. This year’s Congress will be held October 7-30, with the trade show opening on October 11th. The theme for the 45th annual All American Quarter Horse Congress is “Where Legends Are Made.”

must be tested negative by the c-ELISA assay for both Theilerta equi and Babesia caballi. All horses entering the Congress shall be accompanied by an official laboratory report or certificate of veterinary inspection indicating the negative piroplasmosis result, laboratory and accession number. Testing shall completed on a blood sample collected within one (1) year prior to entry onto the Congress show grounds and have been conducted by a laboratory certified and approved by the USDA. Ohio Horses - A negative EIA (Coggins) test and a negative Equine Piroplasmosis test, both within the past 12 months, are required for Ohio horses. (ORC 901:1-18-08). Horses Entering Ohio - A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection made out within the past 30 days before the opening date of the Congress (October 7, 2011) must be presented for any horse that is entering Ohio Entries to enter the grounds. All horses entering Ohio that are Entries for the 2011 Congress must be received by 12 months of age or older also must present a negative OQHA no later than August 25th to avoid late fees. EIA (Coggins) test from the past 12 months before Entries may either be completed online at the opening date of the Congress (October 7, 2011). www.oqha.com or mailed to: The EIA test results shall be listed on the Certificate of OQHA Veterinary Inspection or on an EIA Test Form (ORC PO Box 209 (UPS/FedEx – 101 Tawa Rd) 901:1-18-08). A negative Equine Piroplasmosis test Richwood, OH 43344 completed within one year before the opening date of Congress is also required, except for horses traveling Online Entry from Canada. For the first time, OQHA will be accepting entries Please do not send CVI or EIA papers with your for the All American Quarter Horse Congress online. entries. The Ohio Department of Agriculture officials Participants will be required to register, providing your will inspect your papers prior to your being allowed name and a valid e-mail address to begin the process. onto the grounds. Payment will be accepted online for those choosing to go to www.oqha.com to complete their entries via New Classes a secure, third party vendor. For more information, The Congress is also offering several new classes in please visit http://www.oqha.com/congress. 2011. The Congress Trail Stakes class is open to three and four year olds and will have one go and a finals, Horse Health Requirements held Monday, October 24th and Thursday, October Equine Piroplasmosis - A negative test for equine 27th respectively. The class has a $400 entry fee and piroplasmosis will be required for all horses attending will payout $7,500 in added money. the 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress, Additionally, the Southern Belle Invitation is excluding horses traveling from Canada. The horse(s) sponsoring a new Western Pleasure Maturity class for 12

Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA News horses that have earned less than $10,000. The class will have one go and a finals, and will include open, limited and Southern Belle Breeders divisions. The first go of the Western Pleasure Maturity Under $10,000, Sponsored by Southern Belle Breeders will be held Tuesday, October 18th at 8 a.m. in the Coliseum, with the Limited finals held later that day. The finals for the open and Southern Belle Breeders divisions will be held Friday, October 21st. The entry fee is $175 and $2,500 will be added. The Cinch Bridleless Cutting event is also new this year. The top three high-scoring horses that do not make the finals of the Mercuria NCHA World Series of Cutting in both the open and non-pro divisions will be eligible to compete in this event. A purse of $2,500 will be up for grabs in the open and non-pro. If a horse declines invitation, the next highest score will be invited to participate. The class will be held Friday, October 14th, immediately following the Congress Cutting Shoot-Out, which will begin at 5 p.m.

Congress Cutting Event With the addition of the Cinch Bridleless Cutting, Congress has created the Congress Cutting Event, which will be held Friday, October 14th at 6 p.m. in the Coliseum. The event will begin with the Congress Cutting Shoot-Out, followed by the Cinch Bridleless Cutting and The Mercuria NCHA World Series of Cutting Finals, Non-Pro and Open divisions. Premium seating for the event is $10 and tickets will be sold through OQHA through September 16th. Any remaining premium seats will be sold at Congress. No telephone, email or fax orders will be accepted. All orders must be made through the mail or in person. Regular seating will be available free of charge. To download a ticket form, please visit www.oqha.com. For more information, please visit www.oqha.com or call the OQHA office at 740-943-2346.

OQHA Annual Picnic A Success


QHA’s Annual Picnic, held June 13th at the Ohio Expo Center featured fried perch, bratwurst and french fries provided by OQHA and delicious side dishes including fresh fruit, macaroni salad, cookies and brownies brought by OQHA members. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening eating and socializing with old friends and making new ones. We hope everyone had a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing you next year! Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 Region 4 Championships Stay Strong T

he 2011 Region 4 Championships were held July 15-17 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. Many took advantage of waived late fees and the show continued to grow throughout the weekend. All in all, more than 1,900 entries were counted. The Ohio Quarter Horse Association would like to congratulate all of our participants and winners for a wonderful show. The following is a listing of all Ohioians who placed at the 2011 Region 4 Championships. Two-Year-Old Halter Stallions 1st - Radiant Design and Vanessa Birney of Scio Yearling Halter Mares 1st - Shes Dun Rockin and Donald Griffey of Pataskala 2nd - ShesBuiltForBusiness and Tammy Meeks of Butler Two-Year-Old Halter Mares 2nd - Sierras Litle Pistol and William Meeks of Butler 3rd - Executive Holiday and Annie Lord of Galena

9th - HadABe Flowers Pine and Aaron Pollard of Mansfield Pole Bending 1st - Rocky Dan Jet and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 2nd - Buddy Belue and Bobbie Jo Watkins of Doylestown 4th - Wranglers Quick Jet and Tena Collier of Hamilton 5th - Lightning StarsNBars and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 7th - Bailys Cutter ES and Tena Collier of Hamilton Green Western Riding 4th - Absolute Liability and Christa Phelan of Hudson 5th - RR Time To Celebrate and Whitney Phelan of Hudson 8th - Prinzziples N Cash and Doug Rath of Powell 9th - Heza Snazzy Banker and Sara Dantuono of Lewis Center 10th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley Trail 1st - Prinzziples N Cash and Anna Davis of Delaware

Three-Year-Old Halter Mares 1st - My Radiant Valentine and Kelli Heins of Arcanum Green Trail 2nd - Freckles Island Girl and Rochelle Fox of Grafton 1st - Awesome Gremlin and Dough Rath of Powell 2nd - Berry Ziprageous and Brad Luebben of Orient Two-Year-Old Halter Geldings 4th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley 1st - Mr Griffey and Rod Atherton of Utica 6th - Henrys Glory and Zoe Lord of Galena 3rd - Just That Awesome and Sarah Broschay 8th - Gotcha Hot and Austin Hunt of Westerville Three-Year-Old Halter Geldings 1st - Ima Security Risk and Donald Griffey of Pataskala 2nd - JCG Cool Justice and Linda Krichbaum of Jeromesville

Green Western Pleasure 2nd - Consider Him Shiek and Missy Thyfault of Shelby 4th - Good And Please Zee and Amanda Chucta of Galena Barrel Racing 5th - Krusin Krymsun and Doug Rath of Powell 1st - Rocky Dan Jet and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 7th - Good To Know Polly and Kurstin Wilkin of 3rd - Daisy May Flower and Jean Wilson of London Hillsboro 4th - Wranglers Quick Jet and Tena Collier of Hamilton 10th - EZ Customized Career and Lori Gingrich of 5th - DMS Gamblers Rose and Donovan Whetnall of Croton Centerburg 6th - Bailys Cutter ES and Tena Collier of Hamilton Junior Hunter Under Saddle 8th - Lightning StarsNBars and Kristine Nagy of 2nd - A Bucket Of Fun and Paige Quarterman of Doylestown Bloomville 14

Ohio Quarter Horse News

7th - Lil Precious Mmoments and Missy Thyfault of Shelby 9th - AbsolutelyAnArtifact and Sarah Swanker of Chesterland Senior Hunter Under Saddle 3rd - Iron Constitution and Jennifer Rowe-Keller of Baltimore 6th - GTG Captivating and Ciara Fechko of Medina 8th - KCS Gray Image and Thomas Campbell of Cuyahoga Falls 10th - Heza Skyscraper and Amy Masters of Sunbury Green Hunter Under Saddle 3rd - DGS Indyspencible and Nicole Ralston of Kent 4th - A Bucket Of Fun and Paige Quarterman of Bloomville Green Working Hunter 4th - Sweet An Sour and Julie Adair Neilsen of Stow 5th - A Thumbs Up Ride and Katie Montgomery of Nelsonville Senior Pleasure Driving 3rd - GTG Captivating and Ciara Fechko of Medina Performance Halter Mares 2nd - Redeemed At The Bar and Sarah Longworth of Delaware Performance Halter Gelding 1st - Berry Ziprageous and Erin Green of Lancaster Amateur Halter Stallions Two-Year-Olds and Under 1st - Radiant Design and Vanessa Birney of Scio Amateur Halter Mares Two-Year-Olds and Under 3rd - ShesBuiltForBusiness and Tammy Meeks of Butler 5th - Sierras Litle Pistol and William Meeks of Butler 6th - Executive Holiday and Annie Lord of Galena Amateur Halter Mares Three-Year-Olds and Over 1st - My Radiant Valentine and Kelli Heins of Arcanum 2nd - It Must Be Blue and Caroline Adams of Westerville 3rd - Arts Snapshot and Justine Fechko of Medina 5th - Freckles Island Girl and Rochelle Fox of Grafton

Amateur Halter Geldings Two-Year-Olds and Under 1st - Mr Griffey and Rod Atherton of Utica Amateur Halter Geldings Three-Year-Olds and Over 1st - Ima Security Risk and Ed Rohr of Massillon 3rd - EZ Customized Career and Abby Pound of Newark 4th - JCG Cool Justice and Linda Krichbaum of Jeromesville 5th - RR Time To Celebrate and Whitney Phelan of Hudson 7th - GTG Whadda Rride and Lisa Metcalf of Groveport Amateur Showmanship 1st - Pros Radical Diva and Stacey Vankirk of Thornville 3rd - Ima Good Color and Adrian Boudinot of Centerburg 4th - Arts Snapshot and Justine Fechko and Medina 5th - RR Time To Celebrate and Whitney Phelan of Hudson 6th - Redeemed At The Bar and Sarah Longworth of Delaware 8th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley 9th - Counts TinkertownBoy and Kara Mitchell of Zanesville Amateur Showmanship (Over 50) 2nd - Hes Always Zipped and Linda Godenschwager of Lancaster 3rd - Deluxe Little Lena and Darlene Morrison of Stow 4th - My Secret Version and Carol Sigman of Jeffersonville 5th - Daddy Knows Beau and Marianne Weber of Centerburg 6th - Limited Edition Art and Renee Crouse of Groveport 8th - Deal Me A Poker Chip and Valerie Heydinger of Bloomville 9th - Brilliant Blue Sky and Kathryn Cooper of South Lancaster Amateur Barrel Racing 1st - Lightning StarsNBars and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 2nd - Wranglers Quick Jet and Tena Collier of Hamilton 3rd - HadABe Flowers Pine and Aaron Pollard of Mansfield Ohio Quarter Horse News


4th - Bailys Cutter ES and Tena Collier of Hamilton 5th - PepolenaCattleTrackr and Melisa Gibbons of Dublin 6th - Rocky Dan Jet and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 8th - Daisy May Flower and Jean Wilson of London Amateur Pole Bending 1st - Rocky Dan Jet and Kristine Nagy of Doylestown 2nd - Buddy Belue and Bobbie Jo Watkins of Doylestown 3rd - Wranglers Quick Jet and Tena Collier of Hamilton 6th - Bailys Cutter ES and Tena Collier of Hamilton Amateur Reining 1st - Nimble Nickers and Judith Groff of Columbus Amateur Western Riding 2nd - Absolute Liability and Christa Phelan of Hudson 4th - Perfect Potential and Cathy Johnson Sears of Mt. Vernon 5th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley Amateur Trail 4th - Redeemed At The Bar and Sarah Longworth of Delaware 7th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley 9th - Henrys Glory and Annie Lord of Galena 10th - Zippin N Pearls and Vonda Jayjohn Ellinger of Lancaster Amateur Trail (Over 50) 1st - Deal Me A Poker Chip and Valerie Heydinger of Bloomville 5th - A Southern GoodBar and Linda Williams of Johnstown Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 1st - Sky Blue Yonder and Christina Wenger of Warren 3rd - DGS Indyspecible and Nicole Ralston of Kent 4th - Counts TinkertownBoy and Kara Kitchell of Zanesville 10th - KCS Gray Image and Thomas Campbell of Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Hunter Under Saddle (Over 50) 2nd - Strut Her Invitation and Susan Taylor of Grafton 3rd - BMQ Southern Accent and Valerie Heydinger of Bloomville 16

Ohio Quarter Horse News

6th - Brilliant Blue Sky and Kathryn Cooper of South Lancaster 7th - Limited Edition Art and Renee Crouse of Groveport 9th - Red Hot N High Heels and Beth Ann Conrad of Ashland 10th - Gorgeous In Gray and Linda Thornsley of Canal Winchester Amateur Working Hunter 2nd - A Thumbs Up Ride and Katie Montgomery of Nelsonville Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 1st - Absolute Liability and Christa Phelan of Hudson 2nd - Thanks For Play En and Sarah Meier of Pickerington 3rd - Three Bars Edition and Ashley Drown of Republic 8th - Counts TinkertownBoy and Kara Kitchell of Zanesville 9th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley 10th - Ima Good Color and Adrian Boudinot of Centerburg Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation (Over 50) 1st - BMQ Southern Accent and Valerie Heydinger of Bloomville 2nd - Limited Edition Art and Renee Crouse of Groveport 4th - Gorgeous In Gray and Linda Thornsley of Canal Winchester Amateur Pleasure Driving 1st - Sky Blue Yonder and Christina Wenger of Warren 4th - Limited Edition Art and Renee Crouse of Groveport 5th - GTG Captivating and Ciara Fechko of Medina 7th - Gorgeous In Gray and Linda Thornsley of Canal Winchester Amateur Performance Halter Mares 2nd - Gorgeous In Gray and Linda Thornsley of Canal Winchester 3rd - Redeemed At The Bar and Sarah Longworth of Delaware Amateur Performance Halter Geldings 4th - TH Its Oonly Money and Jeana Kim of Avon Lake 5th - Perfect Potential and Cathy Johnson Sears of Mt. Vernon

9th - Three Bars Edition and Ashley Drown of Republic Novice Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 10th - Counts TinkertownBoy and Kara Kitchell of 1st - Sky Blue Yonder and Christina Wenger of Warren Zanesville 2nd - Invited For An Award and Nicole Thoren of Chardon Novice Amateur Showmanship 5th - BMQ Southern Accent and Valerie Heydinger of 4th - Good And Please Zee and Amanda Chucta of Bloomville Galena 8th - Thanks For Play En and Sarah Meier of 5th - A Vested Asset and Julie O’Connor of Grafton Pickerington 6th - Invited For An Award and Nicole Thoren of 9th - Tuff Version and Jennifer Davis of Grove City Chardon 10th - One Hot Bentley and Haiden Hoffman of 7th - Iron Constitution and Jennifer Rowe-Keller of Lexington Baltimore 8th - Arts Snapshot and Justine Fechko of Medina Novice Amateur Working Hunter 9th - Elegant Love Bar and Lindsey Steyer of Trimble 1st - A Thumbs Up Ride and Katie Montgomery of 10th - RL Eyes On Sudden and Lyndsay Melvin of Nelsonville Marysville 3rd - Lenas Lucky Badger and Tara Williamson of Mt. Vernon Novice Amateur Barrel Racing 1st - Daisy May Flower and Jean Wilson of London Novice Amateur Hunt Seat Equitation 2nd - Lightning StarsNBars and Kristine Nagy of 1st - Thanks For Play En and Sarah Meier of Doylestown Pickerington 3rd - DMS Gamblers Rose and Donovan Whetnall of 3rd - Iron Constitution and Jennifer Rowe-Keller of Centerburg Baltimore 4th - PepolenaCattleTrackr and Melisa Gibbons of 4th - Izzy Connected and Lindsay McClellan of Dublin Rushville 5th - Speak Of Honor and Michelle Khoshbin of Stow 7th - BMQ Southern Accent and Valerie Heydinger of 6th - Tils Legacy and Jennifer Stafford of Edison Bloomville 7th - Buddy Belue and Bobbie Jo Watkins of 8th - Tuff Version and Jennifer Davis of Grove City Doylestown Novice Amateur Equitation Over Fences Novice Amateur Pole Bending 1st - Sweet An Sour and Julie Adair Neilsen of Stow 1st - Buddy Belue and Bobbie Jo Watkins of 2nd - A Thumbs Up Ride and Katie Montgomery of Doylestown Nelsonville 2nd - Tils Legacy and Jennifer Stafford of Edison Novice Amateur Pleasure Driving Novice Amateur Reining 2nd - Sky Blue Yonder and Christina Wenger of 2nd - Strictly On Hold and Vikki Woodin of Kent Warren 4th - Limited Edition Art and Renee Crouse of Novice Amateur Western Riding Groveport 1st - Absolute Liability and Christa Phelan of Hudson 6th - GTG Captivating and Ciara Fechko of Medina 5th - RR Time To Celebrate and Whitney Phelan of 7th - Gorgeous In Gray and Linda Thornsley of Canal Hudson Winchester 6th - Blue Moon Fizz and Shannon Call of Copley Youth Halter Mares Two-Year-Olds and Under Novice Amateur Trail 1st - Executive Holiday and Zoe Lord of Galena 2nd - Redeemed At The Bar and Sarah Longworth of Delaware Youth Halter Mares Three-Year-Olds and Over 3rd - Deal Me A Poker Chip and Valerie Heydinger of 1st - Ebony Only and Lauren Morrow of Mansfield Bloomville 2nd - Images Cosmic Design and Korine Van Tassel of Cadiz Ohio Quarter Horse News


3rd - Shes Always Heavenly and Madison Morrow of Mansfield 4th - Mistys Fancy Chex and Jessiza Crozier of Olmstead Falls Youth Halter Geldings Two-Year-Olds and Under 1st - Just That Awesome and Sarah Broschay Youth Halter Geldings Three-Year-Olds and Over 1st - MWS Make Mine A Doub and Lindsay Brush of New Albany 4th - Hot Rock N Red and Madison Jacobs of Lima Youth Showmanship 13 and Under 3rd - AtRuleeKoolLookinKC and Allie Atkinson of Ontario 4th - Pretty Copy and Hallie McClintock of Galena 5th - Hot Rock N Red and Madison Jacobs of Lima 6th - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Elmore Youth Showmanship 14-18 5th - No Question Im Good and Gabrielle Quinn of Bellville Youth Barrel Racing 1st - Silnt Skipper and Tanner Harmon of Fredericktown 4th - Zippos Freckled Gem and Sydney Snipp of Felicity 5th - Bakers Cassanova and Nicole Chubner of Toledo 6th - CI HadABe Chrome and Brooklyn Stafford of Edison 7th - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton 9th - Poco Jacko Express and Paul Schwab III of Hamilton

3rd - Catman Whiz and Hunter Dabo of Grove City Youth Western Riding 1st - Little Beau Money and Hannah Renee Tornes of Waterford 5th - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton Youth Western Pleasure 13 and Under 1st - DT Eaze On In and Alexis Taylor of Grafton 3rd - Huntin For Daisies and Olivia Tordoff of Powell 4th - Pinely Impulsed and Trey Rath of Powell 5th - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Elmore 9th - Lopin On The Range and Madeline Wyers of Wakeman 10th - Cee Me Go Solo and Claire Chatterton of Galena Youth Western Pleasure 14-18 1st - ShesHere ForTheParty and Alyssa Justus of Grove City 2nd - Invited Forever and Brittany Harter of Delaware 4th - Venture Assets and Justin Melvin of Marysville 6th - Good Lopin Louie and Kurstin Wilkin of Hillsboro 8th - Simply Good Graces and Rebecca Armbruster of Sunbury Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 and Under 1st - The Last Write and Madeline Wyers of Wakeman 2nd - Blazing Hotness and Marley Vieta of Blacklick 5th - Strut Her Invitation and Alexis Taylor of Grafton 7th - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Elmore Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14-18 1st - No Question Im Good and Gabrielle Quinn of Bellville 2nd - Captivate You and Aubrey Davis of Grove City 3rd - Yawl A Cleat and Hannah Massie of Orrville 8th - Dont Zip Around and Taylor Overmier of Liberty Center

Youth Pole Bending 1st - Silnt Skipper and Tanner Harmon of Fredericktown 3rd - CI HadABe Chrome and Brooklyn Stafford of Edison 4th - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton Youth Working Hunter 7th - Poco Jacko Express and Paul Schwab III of 1st - Relarkable and Veronica Woodson of Mason Hamilton 2nd - One Last Laugh and Rachel McKinney of Liberty Township Youth Reining 4th - Enterprising To Win and Brooke Koontz of 1st - Bringos Montego Bay and Max Vanfleet of Galion Loveland 2nd - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton 18

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 and Under 1st - Relarkable and Veronica Woodson of Mason 2nd - One Last Laugh and Rachel McKinney of Liberty Township 3rd - Blazing Hotness and Marley Vieta of Blacklick 5th - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Elmore 6th - The Last Write and Madeline Wyers of Wakeman 7th - AtRuleeKoolLookinKC and Allie Atkinson of Ontario

10th - Raise My Limit and Brooke Maxwell of Granville

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 14-18 1st - Dont Zip Around and Taylor Overmier of Liberty Center 3rd - Flirtin With Fame and Alexis Osting of Ottawa 5th - Catch That Pass and Brittany Woodard of Galloway 6th - Billy Hopkins and Nicole Siebold of West Jefferson 10th - No Question Im Good and Gabrielle Quinn of Bellville

Novice Youth Barrel Racing 1st - Bakers Cassanova and Nicole Chubner of Toledo 3rd - Silnt Skipper and Tanner Harmon of Fredericktown 5th - Zippos Freckled Gem and Sydney Snipp of Felicity 6th - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton

Novice Youth Showmanship 14-18 3rd - Good And Please Zee and Emily Chucta of Galena 6th - Willy Cee A Lady and Elaina McCarthy of Dalton 7th - Catch That Pass and Brittany Woodard of Galloway 9th - ShesHere ForTheParty and Alyssa Justus of Grove City

Novice Youth Pole Bending 1st - Silnt Skipper and Tanner Harmon of Fredericktown Youth Performance Halter Mares 3rd - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton 1st - Huntin For Daisies and Olivia Tordoff of Powell 6th - Poco Jacko Express and Paul Schwab III of 2nd - ShesHere ForTheParty and Alyssa Justus of Grove Hamilton City 5th - Pinely Impulsed and Trey Rath of Powell Novice Youth Reining 1st - Bringos Montego Bay and Max Vanfleet of Galion Youth Performance Halter Geldings 2nd - Catman Whiz and Hunter Dabo of Grove City 2nd - TH Its Only Money and Lexi Kim of Avon Lake 3rd - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton 3rd - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Elmore Novice Youth Western Riding 4th - TB Sweet Talkin Art and Sarah Broschay 1st - Prinzziples N Cash and Anna Davis of Delaware 5th - The Kat Tails and Darian Renner of Vincent 2nd - Little Beau Money and Hannah Renee Tornes of 7th - Billy Hopkins and Nicole Siebold of West Waterford Jefferson 3rd - Heza Snazzy Banker and Sara Dantuono of LEwis 8th - Little Beau Money and Hannah Renee Tornes of Center Waterford 5th - Simply Good Graces and Rebecca Armbruster of Sunbury Novice Youth Showmanship 13 and Under 6th - Miss Ottie Mac and Tristen Rowland of Hamilton 3rd - Hot Rock N Red and Madison Jacobs of Lima 4th - Consider Him Sheik and Hannah Overmyer of Novice Youth Western Pleasure 13 and Under Elmore 2nd - Pinely Impulsed and Trey Rath of Powell 5th - Sonny Par Black and Kyle Grose of Marysville 4th - Sonny Par Black and Kyle Grose of Marysville 6th - Cant Be Duplicated and Abbie Bradshaw of 6th - Lopin On The Range and Madeline Wyers of Galion Wakeman 7th - Reflections At Nite and Jillian Channell of 9th - Invite A Pine and Bethany Reiterman of Springfield Washington Court House 8th - Shes Always Heavenly and Madison Morrow of Mansfield Ohio Quarter Horse News


Novice Youth Western Pleasure 14-18 1st - Venture Assets and Justin Melvin of Marysville 4th - Good And Please Zee and Amanda Chucta of Galena 5th - Tell Me You Love Me and Hannah Knipp of Felicity 6th - Simply Good Graces and Rebecca Armbruster of Sunbury 8th - DontSkipMyInvestment and Kelsey Grose of Marysville 9th - Heza Snazzy Banker and Sara Dantuono of LEwis Center 10th - TH Its Only Money and Lexi Kim of Avon Lake Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 13 and Under 3rd - The Last Write and Madeline Wyers of Wakeman 4th - Blazing Hotness and Marley Vieta of Blacklick 7th - Cant Be Duplicated and Abbie Bradshaw of Galion 9th - Limited Version and Ashton Krutulis of Orient 10th - Pass Me The Sweets and Ann Pitts of Lancaster

Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 13 and Under 1st - Blazing Hotness and Marley Vieta of Blacklick 2nd - GoodTme At The Bar and Brooke Pitts of Lancaster 3rd - One Last Laugh anf Rachel McKinney of Liberty Township 4th - Relarkable and Veronica Woodson of Mason 6th - Enterprising To Win and Brooke Koontz of Loveland 7th - The Last Write and Madeline Wyers of Wakeman Novice Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 14-18 1st - RJs Fantasy Cruise and Taylor Cheeseman of Utica 4th - Catch That Pass and Brittany Woodard of Galloway 7th - Captivate You and Aubrey Davis of Grove City 8th - Yawl A Cleat and Hannah Massie of Orrville 9th - Flirtin With Fame and Alexis Osting of Ottawa

Novice Youth Equitation Over Fences 1st - One Last Laugh and Rachel McKinney of Liberty Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle 14-18 Township 1st - Captivate You and Aubrey Davis of Grove City 3rd - Catch That Pass and Brittany Woodard of 2nd - No Question Im Good and Gabrielle Quinn of Galloway Bellville 5th - RJs Fantasy Cruise and Taylor Cheeseman of 3rd - Yawl A Cleat and Hannah Massie of Orrville Utica 4th - Dont Zip Around and Taylor Overmier of Liberty 6th - Relarkable and Veronica Woodson of Mason Center 7th - Chips A Winner and Elisabeth Anderson of New 9th - TH Its Only Money and Lexi Kim of Avon Lake Albany 10th - Enterprising To Win and Brooke Koontz of Novice Youth Working Hunter Loveland 1st - Relarkable and Veronica Woodson of Mason 3rd - Chips A Winner and Elisabeth Anderson of New Albany 4th - Enterprising To Win and Brooke Koontz of Loveland 5th - Catch That Pass and Brittany Woodard of Galloway 7th - RJs Fantasy Cruise and Taylor Cheeseman of Utica 8th - One Last Laugh and Rachel McKinney of Liberty Township


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Around Ohio Ohio Youth Crowned World Champion at AjPHA World Championship Show


Shelby Friday and her mare Charismatic Turn earned the title of World Champion in Novice Youth Hunter Hack at the 2011 AjPHA World Show. Photo courtesy of the Paint Horse Journal.

helby Friday, of Dublin, Ohio competed for the first time at the 2011 AjPHA World Championship Show, held June 24th July 2nd in Fort Worth, Texas. Under the guidance of Tim and Shannon Gillespie, as well as Rod Safty, Roger Deromedi and Paisley Puthoff, the 15-year-old sophomore took home a World Championship in Novice Youth Hunter Hack aboard her mare, Charismatic Turn.

The pair also won a Reserve World Championship in Novice Youth Working Hunter, 18 and Under and placed fourth in the Hunt Seat Equitation Over Fences, 18 and Under. Friday has been showing Paints since she was eight years old, but only began learning how to jump less than a year ago. Not only was this her first AjPHA World Show, but it was only her second hunter hack class as well and Friday gives all the credit to her horse, “Gabby.” “When I was warming up, Gabby wanted to go too fast toward the fence,” Friday told the Paint Horse Journal. “So I just held her and she was perfect. I was just there for the ride.” Unfortunately, this was Friday’s last performance with Gabby, as she will begin competing in the all-around events with a different mount in the fall.

Ohio Youth Shows More Than Just Horses


onathon Hannahs of Utica, Ohio participates in a program called BEST, a youth program of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors through a series of shows. Juniors who participate in these sanctioned shows earn points for their placing at each show. The OCA BEST program promotes educating Ohio’s juniors about the beef industry’s issues and rewards the successful accomplishments and hard work of those junior beef producers. The 2010-2011 BEST program featured 16 sanctioned shows and weaved its way across the state, from as far west as Greene County to as far east as Tuscarawas County. Over 415 head of cattle and more than 310 youth were entered in the program. Hannahs showed the Reserve Champion Crossbred Heifer, and received his award at a banquet held by OCA on June 4th at the Ohio Expo Center.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Jonathon Hannahs (center) is pictured with his mother, Laura Salome (left) and step-father, Todd Salome (right) at the OCA BEST Annual Awards Banquet, held June 4th at the Ohio Expo Center.

Around Ohio University of Findlay Western Pleasure Futurity and Sale Submitted by: Steve Brown, University of Findlay


he University of Findlay equestrian program started a new program this school year that places an emphasis on Western Pleasure. History of the Program The equestrian program began 45 years ago, as nothing more than a vision of Dale Wilkinson and it has been the common goal of the University and its instructors to cater to the growing demands of the horse industry throughout the years. As the industry continues to specialize and strengthen in different disciplines, the University of Findlay tries to mimic this specialization by creating more programs to focus in those areas. This year, instructors wanted to give students the opportunity to study the discipline of Western Pleasure in a more focused and challenging manner. This new vision began as a plan in which students would be responsible for selecting a yearling prospect, developing its necessary ground work, breaking it to ride, showing it in a class as a two year old and eventually presenting it to sell. A Western Pleasure Closed Futurity, consisting of horses bought and owned by the University and ridden by students in the senior class, became the newest class to take place during the students’ spring semester final exam horse show.

Sudden, Potential Career,and The Perfect Twist. Once the semester started, seniors participated in a drawing in which they were allowed to choose a prospect to be assigned to them for the entire school year. For the first semester, students taught these horses showmanship, ground manners and participated in a lunge line futurity. Second semester, students started these horses under saddle and trained them for four months. The Clark Bradley Western Pleasure Futurity On April 29, 2011 the first annual Clark Bradley Western Pleasure Futurity was held at the University of Findlay. This closed futurity consisting of the University’s pleasure prospects was named to honor Clark Bradley, long time instructor in the western program, for all of his dedication and devotion to the students, the western equestrian major and the entire horse industry. Students showed their pleasure horses to Randy Wilson, Findlay alumni and judge. It was a very nice class and students did a great job presenting their horses.

The Sale The next day, April 30th, all 15 of the horses presented in the futurity sold at the University of Findlay Spring Horse Sale, with great results. The Starting From Scratch average sale price of the two-year-old Western Pleasure Instructors from the University of Findlay spent prospects was $4371.00, with the highest seller the latter part of the summer of 2010 searching for bringing in $16,100. This horse was a Repeated in Red prospects to use for this program. It was decided that gelding, presented by Amanda Work and purchased by these horses would only be available to the senior Paige Quarterman of Bloomville, Ohio. class so that they could culminate their four years of The University of Findlay looks forward to experience into a final project. continuing this new program that allows students Following a rigorous selection process, 18 colts and to study Western Pleasure and allows the western fillies were chosen for purchase. The University of program to train and sell excellent pleasure prospects. Findlay is very grateful to the farms and private owners As we move forward with this program, we are eager that supported this program by offering these fine to see it grow in quality and interest from the horse horses for sale. These horses are by renowned sires such industry. The sky’s the limit when talented horses and as Repeated in Red, Heres Your Invitation, RL Best of horsemen and women meet. Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Dakota Griffith

Cody Campbell

Bailey Mierzejewski

Molli Jacobs

Brittany Harter

Alexa Rowland

Lacy Watson

Lucy Igoe

Paul “Trey” Schwab III

Katsy Leeman

Brandon Kramer

Charley Thiel

Lauren Diaz

Ellexxah Maxwell

President 7380 Scioto Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 Cell: 614-214-9723 DakotaDiamondGriffith@ yahoo.com Vice President 6700 Old Route 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Home: 330-204-5826 JacobsShowHorse1@aol.com

Secretary 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Home: 513-646-5192 Lopin4Fun@yahoo.com

Treasurer 13820 Kimmens Rd. Massillon, OH 44647 Home: 330-312-1949 DeesiredInvite@aol.com

Reporter 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com

Director 6481 State Route 125 Georgetown, OH 45121 Home: 513-470-8930 Camp9816@webmail.sscc.edu

Director 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com

Director 85 Limetree Dr. Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com

Director 4595 Potter Lyons Rd. Ansonia, OH 45303 Home: 937-417-4560 AlexaRowland_627@hotmail. com Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Home: 513-868-6900 Schwab2180@fuse.net

Director 4666 Sibel Ct. Home: 614-747-3159 LucyJIgoe725@aol.com

Director 1742 S. Galena Rd. Galena, OH 43021 Home: 740-965-4674 FlyingCowgirl@columbus. rr.com Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com

Director 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Cell: 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


ue to showing conflicts, the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association will not meet in July or August. The next board meeting will be held Monday, September 19th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. Due to the All American Quarter Horse Congress, OQHYA will not have a board meeting in October. For meeting dates in November, please check the OQHA website, www.oqha.com.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

July No Meeting August No Meeting September Sept 19 @ 7 p.m.

Youth Headlines OQHYA Heads to AQHYA World Show


ome 56 youth and 76 horses have qualified to represent Ohio at the 2011 AQHYA World Championship show, held August 5-13 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

The team has chosen “Bringing Vintage Off The Shelf ” as the theme for this year and will be spotlighting old Congress memorabilia within their stall decorations. OQHA wishes everyone good luck at this year’s AQHYA World Championship show.

Support OQHYA and Win a Harley Davidson


very year OQHYA members hold numerous fundraisers to help support their activities throughout the year, including Youth World and Congress teams. This year, Finks HarleyDavidson in Zanesville, Ohio, owned by Jim and Julie Brown, are helping them out. OQHYA members are selling raffle tickets for $10 each, and the grand prize is nothing less than a HarleyDavidson XL883 Sportster. Second and third place will


receive $1,000 and $500, respectively. Youth members will be selling tickets all the way up until the drawing, which is scheduled to take place during the All American Quarter Horse Congress. All proceeds go directly to the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association. For more information, or to purchase tickets, please contact any youth member, or youth advisor Kelli Diaz at 740-404-7930 or congressqueenteam@yahoo.com.

Two Youth Elected AQHYA Directors

t the 2011 Youth Excellence Seminar and AQHYA Convention, youth members from across the nation campaigned for a spot on the AQHYA Board of Directors. Two youth from eight regions were elected, including two Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association members. Lauren Diaz and Bailey Mierzejewski were elected as directors of Region 4, which includes Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, West Virginia, Ontario and Ohio. The entire AQHYA board is made up of five officers and three directors from each of the 11 AQHA regions.

The YES Seminar and Convention were held June 24-26 at the Amarillo Civic Center in Amarillo, Texas. More than 200 AQHYA members were in attendance at this year’s event. The Youth Excellence Seminar focuses on developing AQHYA members’ leadership through several group activities and expert motivational speakers -- Daniel Stewart and Grant Baldwin.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Congratulates All Youth Who Qualified for the 2011 AQHYA World Championship Show! Ciara Bartholomew Emma Brown Cody Campbell Taylor Cartmell Caitlyn Colvin Ashley Conger Anna Davis Lauren Diaz Kathryn Ehrman Jordan Ferguson Jacob Gigax Dakota Griffith Samantha Harris Brittany Harter Elizabeth Hayes Lauren Heck Clayton Heins Hanna Hocker Hannah Houser Samantha Huff Lucy Igoe Jenna Jacobs Molli Jacobs RJ Jacobs Alyssa Justus Lexi Kim Rachel Ann Kolb Brandon Kramer

Jessica LaVoie Katsy Leeman Melanie Lowers Kayla Magrum Kara Mahaffey Paulina Martz Ellexxah Maxwell Haley McKeehan Bailey Mierzejewski Mallory Myers Taylor Myers Megan Overberg Ty Paris Miranda Peck Ericka Priest Haley Powers Ashley Reichert Darian Renner Alexa Rowland Paul “Trey” Schwab III Maggie Sturm Madison Thiel Charley Thiel Alexis Taylor Allison Tamulewicz Briana Tamulewicz Sierra Grace Walton Lacy Watson


2011 Show Schedule March 5 - 6, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 30, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 21 - 22, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved

March 17 - 18, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 4 - 5, Fulton County Saddle Club Intro Show Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 23 - 24, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved July 27, Ohio State Fair All-Novice Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

March 19 - 20, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved March 26 - 27, SOQHA Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved April 9 - 10, SOQHA 4-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved April 16 - 17, Rolling Acres Farm 4-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved April 30, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 1, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 7 - 8, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 21 - 22, EOQHA Fairfield County Fairgrounds in Lancaster Approved May 28 - 29, NOQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

June 16 - 17, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved June 18 - 19, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved June 25 - 26, OMIQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved July 2 - 3, Central State Horse Show Association Introductory Show Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved

August 26, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved August 27 - 28, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Approved September 9, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved September 10 - 11, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved

July 7 - 8, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved

September 23, NOQHA Longe Line Only Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

July 9 - 10, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved

September 24 - 25, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

July 15 - 17, Region 4 Regional Championship Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

November 25 - 27, SOQHA Turkey Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Approved

Ohio Quarter Horse News



Ohio Quarter Horse News

2011 OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers


Patrick Murty

Lois Berry

Kara Beth Mitchell

Marla Atherton

Suzanne Guinsler

Carol Sigman

Justin Billings

Chris Martin

Jennifer Sigman

President (2/12), Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 Patrick.Murty@Company7BBQ.com

First Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com Second Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Director (2/14) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Director (2/12) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/14)

Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Director (2/12) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JCSigman@ameritech.net

Director (2/13) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Abby Pound

Cris Martin

Mike Yemc

Katie Stolte-Carroll

Kristin Martin

Nancy Waid

Laura Salome

Chelsea Martz

Carly Williams

Kaitlyn Riker

Kathryne Zachrich

Treasurer (2/12) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Secretary (2/12) 4872 Condit Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074 614-203-4420 Stolte.2@osu.edu

Past President 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/12) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Director (2/14) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Director (2/12) 4155 Easton Way Columbus, OH 43219 419-276-0136 KL.Riker@gmail.com

Director (2/12) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com

Director (2/12) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


! W E


Ohio Futurity Bonus

Incentive Fund $35,000 BONUS MONEY ADDED

Halter Open Weanling Colts - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Weanling Colts - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Weanling Fillies - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Weanling Fillies - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Yearling Mares - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Yearling Mares - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Longe Line Open English Longe Line - $500 Open Western Longe Line - $750 Non-Pro Longe Line - $750

Hunter Under Saddle Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity - $500 Western Pleasure Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $500 Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity - $500 *Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse to the top three non-pro exhibitors.


1. There is no separate entry fee to enter OFBIF classes date, all entries are subject to late fees, per each regional association rules. and horses are eligible with no restrictions. 6. All bonus money is in addition to regional 2. Members must submit a nomination form, along with a copy of horses’s registration papers to the OQHA association’s purse. office by August 15th to be eligible for bonus incentive 7. Longe Line classes will be run according to NSBA fund monies. Please note that entries WILL NOT be accepted at any of the regional futurities. rules. All other classes will be judged in accordance with AQHA rules. 3. Participants in the OFBIF must enter the EOQHA, NOQHA, and/or SOQHA open futurity classes to 8. All OFBIF classes will be according to NSBA participate. Participants are not required to participate percentages. in all three futurities, but can earn bonus money at one, 9. All OFBIF classes will pay back in each class as two, or three shows. follows: 6 pay backs if 10 or less show, 8 pay backs if 11 4. A current membership in OQHA is required for both to 20 show, 10 pay backs if 21 to 30 show, 12 pay backs if 31 to 40 show and 14 pay backs if 41 and up show. owner and exhibitor prior to the show. For a complete list of guidelines, visit www.oqha.com. 5. In addition to nomination, all membership, entry forms, papers and payment must be submitted to each regional association, per their guidelines to be eligible for bonus money. If these are not submitted by the due

Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund 2011 NOMINATION FORM Please check the classes below that you plan to show: Halter ___ Open Weanling Colts - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Colts* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Weanling Fillies - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Fillies * - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Mare - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Mares* - $125, $100, $50

Longe Line ___ Open English Longe Line - $500 ___ Open Western Longe Line - $750 ___ Non-Pro Longe Line - $750 Hunter Under Saddle ___ Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity - $500

*Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse Western Pleasure to the top three non-pro exhibitors. ___ Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $500 • Owners AND Exhibitors must be current OQHA ___ Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 members. ___ Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 • No Nomination Fee ___ Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity - $500

OWNER: ________________________________________________________ SSN: ____________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ REGISTERED NAME: _______________________________________________ REG #: ________________ SEX: ______________ SIRE: ______________________________ DAM: ____________________________ EXHIBITOR: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ In addition all membership, entry forms, papers, and payment must be submitted to each regional association per their guidelines to be eligible for added money.

Send Entries To:

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Attn: Barb Benedum PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344-0209 Fax: 740-943-3752 • E-mail: BBenedum@oqha.com

Amateur Update


OAQHA Meeting Schedule

ue to showing conflicts, there will be no OAQHA meeting in July. Board meetings will resume as normal the following month. The August meeting is scheduled for August 15th, at 7 p.m., at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. The September board of directors meeting will be held Monday, September 19th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. Due to the All American Quarter Horse Congress, OQHA will not have a board meeting in October. For meeting dates in November, please check the OQHA website, www.oqha.com.

July No Meeting August Aug 15 @ 7 p.m. September Sept 19 @ 7 p.m.

Amateurs Help Out at Region 4 Championships


t the 2011 Region 4 Regional Championships, held July 15-17, 2011 the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association set up a booth to promote the association. OAQHA members took turns handing out issues of the Ohio Quarter Horse News, OQHA Official Handbooks, OQHA membership applications and raising awareness about the association.

Members took time out of their busy schedules to meet with novice AQHA owners and exhibitors and explain the benefits of membership with OQHA. It was a wonderful opportunity for OAQHA members to meet outside of the board meetings and get to know each other as well.

2011 Service Trainer Auction Purchase 1 month for $550 with participating trainers Visit OQHA.com for a full list of trainers!

For more information contact: Abby Pound (740) 975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com 32

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Club Updates Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Frances Rospotynski, Secretary


OQHA Futurity Don’t be left out!! The first payment for the NOQHA Futurity was due on July 1st, but you can still enter at the show with a $50 late fee per class. In addition to their purses, NOQHA will have added money in all the open futurity classes. To be eligible for that money, you MUST nominate your horses with OQHA by August 15th. For more information, contact Candi Fites at 330-257-3881 or candigab@ zoominternet.net

through the June 5, 2011 Wauseon Show. Please check the website for additional updates to the “Year End Points”. Interested in running for NOQHA Queen? If you are a current Northern Ohio female member between the ages of 18 and 25 year old and reside in Northern Ohio, we want you to run for NOQHA Queen. Contestants must be single, not divorced and not a parent. Contestants will be judge on Horsemanship, a written AQHA Rulebook test and an oral interview. The contest will be at the September at the Canfield NOQHA Futurity Show. Contact Christine Brown at 330-435-0266 for additional information.

NOQHYA Our youth are currently selling raffle tickets for a “Congress Package Raffle” This package includes: two Vehicle Passes, two Masters Ticket, two Freestyle NOQHA Facebook Reining Tickets and one Stall- Total Value $560. Thank you to all of our Facebook NOQHA fans. We Drawing for the “Congress Package” will take place on September 25, 2011. Please see a NOQHYA member if enjoy your comments and posts. you wish to purchase a raffle ticket. One raffle ticket for Next NOQHA Meeting: September 14, 2011 at the $5.00 and five raffle tickets for $20. Holiday Inn in West Akron at 7:00 p.m. NOQHA Points NOQHA has posted “Year End Points” on our website http://noqha.com/. Points are up to date –

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, Executive Director


t’s not too late to enter the 2011 SOQHA Futurity which will be held on August 26th, 27th, and 28, 2011. If your entries are postmarked July 2nd through August 25th, the entry fee is $75 plus a penalty of $50 for a total of $125 per class. Entries will be accepted on show weekend with an entry fee of $75 plus a penalty of $150 for a total of $225 per class. Entry forms,futurity guidelines, and the show bill can be found on the SOQHA web site, www.soqha.com. Judges for this year’s event are Chris Jones, Karen Watters, Jessica Gilliam, Bonnie Jo Clay and Kenny Hall. SOQHA will again be awarding the Lee Mills Memorial Trophy to the overall grand and reserve weanlings. We would like to thank the Mills family for their generous donation. Please be sure to make your stall reservations by contacting Lisa Perry at 614-582-6067.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

The SOQHA Executive Board has approved a change in the format of the Turkey Circuit. For 2011, the show will be changed to a two-day, split/combined event, to be held on November 26th and 27th. This will allow for our exhibitors to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with their families. The show bill will be posted on the SOQHA website in the near future. The August meeting of the SOQHA Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, the 10th, at 7:00 p.m. The youth will hold their August meeting during the futurity show. The September meeting will be held on Wednesday, the 14th, with the youth meeting at 7:00 p.m. and the adults at 8:00 p.m. Meetings are held at the Max & Ermas located in Wilmington. Please be sure to visit the SOQHA website at www. soqha.com for news updates, show bills, year end point standings, futurity information and details on other programs.

Club Updates Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary


TTENTION OHIO YOUTH! OQHRA extends an open invitation to all Ohio youth to participate in The Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Youth Experience to be held August 14th at River Downs. Youth will be treated to a day at the races and have the opportunity to visit the barn areas, meet trainers and jockeys, observe preparation for the races and experience the behind the scenes aspect of owning and racing an American Quarter Horse. Youth must be between the ages of 13 and 18 and submit a one page essay on “What this experience would mean to me”. For more information, contact Tammy Cain (740) 5240205 or tammyandleo@msn.com. Youth need not be a Quarter Horse member to apply. Congratulations to our 2011 OQHRA Queen, Cecilia Purtee of Cincinnati, Ohio. We look forward to having Ceci represent us at various racing functions during her reign, as well as The All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen Contest. Be sure to stop in the Congress Raffle booth and give Ceci a big welcome! River Downs will host Quarter Races on the following days – Sundays, July 31st, August 14th and August 28th. The Queen City Dash, Bonus Challenge

Race will run Sunday, August 14th. Van Wert County Fair will hold its annual Derby Days Races on Labor Day - Monday September 5th. Final payments for nomination into the Buckeye races will be August 15th. Numbers are up and it looks to be a good field of Ohio horses. You can late enter with penalties up to August 15th. Nominations to enter the All American Quarter Horse Congress Futurity and Derby are underway with final payments due September 1st. Late nominations will be accepted with penalties up to September 15th. Nominations to enter the Congress Maturity Bonus Challenge Stake are due to Beulah Park by Wednesday, October 19th. Plans for the OQHRA Congress Raffle are complete: First Prize - a sorrel yearling colt, One Special Finale (Leaders Luck X Grand O Finale), 2nd prize – 60 Foot Round Pen, 3rd Prize – 1 skid (approx 160 Gal) of barn/fence paint. The paint and round pen are donated by ThorTurf. Tickets are $2 per ticket or three for $5. The drawing will be held Saturday, Oct 29th. Please mark your calendars to help sell tickets in the racing booth. This is a major money making effort for OQHRA and we need everyone’s help to build for the 2012 purses.

Run for 2012 Ohio Quarter Horse Queen! The Ohio Quarter Horse Queen Contest is open to young ladies between the ages of 18 and 24, who have never been married or a single parent. Candidates must be a current member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association.

The Ohio Quarter Horse Queen travels to shows around Ohio and represents OQHA at major functions, including competing for the title of All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Visit www.oqha.com or call Elaine Wells, (740) 654-5884, for more information.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


nother Red, White and Buckskin Circuit has come and gone… while not the largest show in our record books, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it was definitely one of the most fun shows we’ve had. After the hog roast and potluck on Saturday night, a herd of Australian Shepherds (and a Basset Hound and French Bulldog) took part in the dog races, there was a Carrot Trail course – complete with a couple of horses going off pattern and even one rolling and last but not least a Redneck Showmanship that proudly showcased the youth of the future. Congrats to the Clair Flick family for winning the dog races with Carson, Miss Kendra Courtock for winning the Carrot Trail class and also congrats to Ashley Flick with the help of Delaney Martin for winning Redneck Showmanship. Check out www.ohiobuckskins.org or find us on Facebook to check out pictures from these events! OSBA would like to congratulate the following on their high point titles: Open Division High Point (TIE): Dynamic In Pleasure, shown by Ben and Tamie Grandstaff and owned by S & G Stables AND Jacks Smoking Guns, shown by Russ Sprecklemeier and owned by Damara VanBeneden. Amateur Division High Point: Handy Little Bug, owned and shown by Patty McKinley; Reserve: Emeralds Ann Wilson, shown by Ken Flick and owned by Clair Flick. Youth W/T Division High Point: Tardees Cali Leaguer, owned and shown by Lauren Montgomery; Reserve: Dunup N Did It, owned and shown by Kendra Courtock. Also, OSBA wishes to thank its sponsors for this show – your generosity is greatly appreciated! Thank you to: AJ Quarter Horses / Jim & Alice Wood (Eaton Rapids, MI) All Around Equine / Ann Montgomery (West Manchester, OH), George and Marilyn Anders (Leesburg, OH), Brass Tack Shop (London, OH), Dynamic In Blue / Sunny and Larry Krugh (Mechanicsburg, OH), Scott and Tracy Flick (McComb, OH), Chris and Nancy Heink (Williamsburg, OH), Michael and Flo Krull (Hillard, OH), Mike and Deb Mathews (Oak Harbor, OH), Rockin D Tack / Denny and Jean DeLong (Wapakoneta, OH), S & G Stables 36

Ohio Quarter Horse News

/ Ben and Tamie Grandstaff (Marengo, OH), Shiloh Farms / Mike and Ava Tillinghast (Berlin Heights, OH), Jenn Stankiewicz (Wooster, OH), Suzanne Fischer Photography (Sardinia, OH), Western Accents / Todd and Jan Gates (Camden, MI). Next on the calendar is the OSBA Fall Futurity and Open Show to be held on September 10-11 at Circle G Arena. Along with OSBA Futurity Classes, which are open to all IBHA-registered horses 5 and Under and also weanlings with at least one IBHA-registered parent, we are again offering open all-breed classes with added money and payback, which are also approved for Miami Valley Horse Show Association points. Please see www.ohiobuckskins.org/shows for a complete showbill. If you’re interested in entering your horse in the OSBA Futurity, please contact Brianne Mathews at briannemathews@gmail.com – entry forms are also available on OSBA’s website. For stall reservations, contact Scott Flick at (419) 293-3732 or via email at sflick@wildblue.net. OSBA is also currently seeking futurity sponsors for donations in the form of a monetary or product donation. Sponsors are given a listing and link on OSBA’s website, Facebook page, and are also featured in the printed futurity program. Thanks to our sponsors that have already joined the team: Foxden Equine, London Animal Hospital, The Mathews Family, Merial Animal Health, Mrs. Pastures Cookies for Horses, Platinum Performance, United Vet Equine, and Valley Vet Supply. If you or your business would be interested in taking part in this opportunity, please contact Brianne Mathews at briannemathews@gmail.com. Thanks to all who have made 2011 a success so far! Stay tuned to www.ohiobuckskins.org/news for the latest updates or be sure to “Like” our Facebook page!

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - April 18, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Mark Cherubini, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Candi Fites, Ted Handel, Bob Hexter, Roger Landis, Brent Maxwell, Binnie Ann Masters, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Charlie Menker, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith and Denny Thorsell Excused Directors: Clark Bradley, Jess Cecil, Vic Clark, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Jack Geschke, Elizabeth Gorski, Randy Jacobs, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marco, John Pickersgill, Brent Tincher and Dan Trein. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Introduction of Guests – Pete and Kelly Heins were introduced as guests. Elaine Wells introduced Megan Masterson as the 2011 Ohio Queen. Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the March 2011 Minutes. Second by Dave McDonald. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Barb Benedum presented the March 2011 financial statements. OQHA is still doing well for fiscal year 2011. All revenues and expenses are where they should be for the year. Skip Salome made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report – Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • Update on the 2010 Congress Drug Test: There has been a negotiated settlement for the pending positive

drug test case. It has been verbally agreed upon by all parties, we are just waiting for the final signed agreement. • Local Guide – OQHA will be printing the Local Guide. The 2011 edition will be redesigned and reduced to cut the cost. • The Tri-Chair approved contracting with Bob Kiser to oversee all the material and installation of the footing for the 2011 Congress. • There are currently 13 of the 15 Arena Team Sponsors committed. • The Tri-Chair are still reviewing requests stemming from the redesign of the trade show. Ron McCarty made a motion to accept the TriChairmen report. Second by Bob Hexter. Motion carried. AQHA Report – • Dan Trein reported that there will be a new structure for the Professional Horseman’s committee. Futurity Bonus Fund – • Candi Fites stated the nomination forms are now available online. Drug Task Force – • Dr. Dave McDonald reported that Cam is working with Lee Smith to clarify specific rules and guidelines for positive drug tests. Finance Committee – • Dr. Dave McDonald reported on the meeting that was held in March. The 2011 budget is acceptable with a few changes. Membership – • Chris Darnell reported the following 2011 membership numbers: 294 Amateur, 230 Regular, 178 Youth and 773 Life. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes Ohio News – • Tracy Bidwell reported that the next deadline for the Ohio News will be May 2, 2011. Rules Committee – • Binnie Ann Masters read the 1st reading of a proposed rule change to Article 5, Section 17 for Board of Directors. (Rule proposal to follow) After discussion, it was determined that the deadline for petition would be changed to November 15th to allow for printing of the ballots. Scholarships – • Barb Benedum reported that 12 scholarships were awarded for 2011. The committee is working on new language and rules to be added to the rule book. Trail Ride – • Mark Cherubini researched the upcoming trail ride. There was discussion about other things to do in place of the trail ride. Mark Cherubini made a motion to cancel the trail ride for 2011. Second by Ron McCarty. Motion passed. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that the May show will also have an All Novice Show on Monday, May 30th.

Northern Ohio’s scholarship application deadline is May 6th, 2010. Youth Committee – Dakota Diamond Griffith reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • There were 38 youth in attendance. • There will be volunteers at the All Novice Show and the All American Youth Show recruiting for OQHYA. Todd Salome made a motion to approve the Harley Davidson raffle. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Amateurs – Patrick Murty reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • The Amateurs are still having their show at the end of April in Wilmington. There will be a cookout on Saturday evening. Old Business – • There was discussion regarding the new committee that will focus on field trips to the Congress. Charlie Menker asked that the committee research the viability and report back. Denny Thorsell made the motion to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Second by Dave McDonald. Motion carried.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - May 16, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Ted Handel, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Fritz Leeman, Brent Maxwell, Binnie Ann Masters, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Charlie Menker, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Denny Thorsell, Brent Tincher, Dan Trein and Elaine Wells.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Candi Fites, Jack Geschke, Roger Landis, Steve Marco, John Pickersgill, and Chuck Smith. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Introduction of Guests – • The following guests were introduced and recognized for attendance: Bill Wright, Mike Vargo, Randy Wilson, George Seanor and Brad Luebben.

Minutes Minutes – • Elizabeth Gorski made a motion to approve the April 2011 Minutes. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried.

Membership – • Chris Darnell reported the following 2011 membership numbers: 313 Amateur, 234 Regular, 193 Youth and 773 Life.

Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark reported on the April financial statements. OQHA is where it needs to be for the year and that most expense variances are due to timing of payments. Vic Clark also reported that the variance in Master’s income is due to the change in the payment schedule for slot owners. • Wayne Erwin made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried.

Ohio Queen – • Elaine Wells reported that the Queen’s contest will be held during the Turkey Circuit.

Tri-Chairmen Report – Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • The positive drug tests are now complete and a settlement has been reached. • The Tri-Chair reviewed the proposals for the feed and bedding contract. It was voted to award the contract to Wayne Davis for 2012-2014. • Cam Foreman is working with the attorneys to change the wording for positive drug tests in the rulebook. • There was a discussion on additional recognition for Master’s owners during the event. • There are still 19 booths that have not been sold due to the redesign.

Rules – • Binnie Ann read the 2nd reading of a proposed rule change to Article 5, Section 17 for Board of Directors. (Rule enclosed) NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that the Summer Six-Pack will be held June 16–19 in Canfield. OMI – • Cindy Morehead reported that the next show will be held June 25-26 at Findlay. Buckskin – • Ted Handel reported that there are two shows scheduled at this time. EOQHA – • Brent Maxwell stated that the past show was up roughly 30 entries.

Youth Committee – Dakota Diamond Griffith reported on the meeting held Todd Salome made a motion to accept the Triearlier that day: Chairmen report. Second by Don Recchiuti. Motion • There were 54 youth in attendance. carried. • There will be volunteers at the All Novice Show and the All American Youth Show recruiting for OQHYA. AQHA Report – Old Business – • Clark Bradley reported that Professional Horseman • Binnie Ann reported that the Field Trip Committee and Show and Contest committees have been met and decided it is not feasible to offer field trips combined. Clark also reported on the items that were to the Congress for elementary students at this approved in the Executive Committee: time. However, the committee felt there were other Performance Halter qualifiers must have possibilities that would encourage attendance by that received their ROM during the current qualifying age group. period. Lip chains and weighted tails were also Dave McDonald made the motion to adjourn at 8:35 approved. p.m. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried. Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Quarter Horse News



Advertiser’s Index All American Quarter Horse Congress.................................................................................................................... 5, 7, 34 Amy Masters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 41 Brad Luebben ....................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Central States Horse Show Association .............................................................................................................................. 8 Coughlin Automotive...................................................................................................................................................... 1, 41 DeGraff Stables .................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Diamond Six Farm .............................................................................................................................................................. 40 Don’t Fret LLC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Judd Paul Training Stables .................................................................................................................................................. 41 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ......................................................................................................................................... 41 Kustom Kritter Fitters ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 41 Mil-Max Training Center ................................................................................................................................................... 41 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association ..................................................................................................................... 11 Ohio Futurity Breeders Incentive Fund ..................................................................................................................... 30-31 Ohio Quarter Horse Association ................................................................................................. 10, 21, 26, 28, 30-31, 35 Pine View Farm ................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson ...................................................................................................................... 40 Saddle Creek Farms Bedding ............................................................................................................................................. 42 Sorrell Performance Horses ............................................................................................................................................... 42 Tincher’s Quarter Horses ................................................................................................................................................... 42 Tim Finnegan ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Tosca’s Hands on Healing ................................................................................................................................................... 42 Trein Training Center ......................................................................................................................................................... 42

Ohio Quarter Horse News




he novice program is available to you in youth and amateur competition. To be eligible, you must not have earned 25 novice youth, youth, novice amateur, amateur or open combined lifetime points in that novice class. AQHA rules allow a novice youth or novice amateur competitor to show a horse in a novice class with the owner and his or her immediate family still retaining the ability to show the horse in any class other than the same class as the novice exhibitor. Novice youth and novice amateur exhibitors can also show a leased horse in a novice class. Novice exhibitors must still request a novice permit to show a horse that is owned by a non-family member at any of the top 10 AQHA circuit shows that allow permit competition. OW IT WORKS Points earned in a particular class will not hinder your eligibility as a novice in other events. Your points in the new skill sets do not affect your novice status in another skill set. HO CAN SHOW AS A NOVICE? As a youth or amateur competitor, you can show in any skill set as a novice if you never won a world or reserve world, national or reserve national championship title in any other equine breed organization or in an AQHA-approved event, never won a total of $5,000 in cash and prizes with any equine breed organization, never been an accredited horse show judge, never earned 25 or more performance points in the AQHA open, novice amateur, amateur, novice youth or youth divisions combined. If you have ever been or are currently an accredited horse show judge, you are ineligible to compete as a novice. OW DO I GET STARTED AS A NOVICE EXHIBITOR? If you want to show as a novice in a skill set, you must first have an active AQHA membership. Then, simply complete and attest to the novice criteria on the enrollment form designating you want to participate in AQHA-approved shows as a novice. Once your enrollment is received, AQHA will review your show record to determine your skill set eligibility.





Ohio Quarter Horse News


HEN CAN I ENROLL AS A NOVICE? You can enroll into the novice program anytime throughout the year. When you enroll, you will receive a letter and a new membership card from us with your skill set eligibility. You can now compete in those skill sets as a novice at any AQHA-approved show until you earn 25 or more lifetime novice points. When you achieve 25 or more AQHA points in a skill set – Congratulations, you’ve graduated out of novice in that skill set! After completing that skill set, find another one in which you are eligible and try your hand at something else. QHA NOVICE CLASSES The novice class sets are designed to help you and your horse grow in a new event at your pace. You can choose to exhibit your horse in one or more novice classes you are eligable for. A - Halter / Performance Halter B - Reining C - Working Cow Horse Boxing D - Trail/Green Trail E - Western Riding/Green Western Riding F - Team Penning G - Ranch Sorting H - Barrel Racing I - Pole Bending J - Stakes Race K - Jumping L - Working Hunter/ Green Working Hunter M - Hunter Hack N - Equitation Over Fences O - Western Pleasure/Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure/ Green Western Pleasure P - Western Horsemanship Q - Hunter Under Saddle/Green Hunter Under Saddle R - Hunt Seat Equitation S - Tie-Down Roping T - Breakaway Roping U - Heading V - Heeling W - Cutting X - Showmanship Y - Pleasure Driving Z - Versatility Ranch Horse


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Saddle Shop

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You’ll find everything you need in saddles, tack, clothing, and much more at Keith Saddle Shop. Discover our great selection, competitive prices, and outstanding service. COURBETTE • BAILEY • STETSON • CROSBY CIRCLE “Y” • BILLY COOK • RESISTOL PANHANDLE SLIM • CARHARDTT • ROCKY MOUNTAIN • STUBBEN • REED HILL • MILLERS OUTBACK • ROPER • DAN POST • TONY LAMA LEVI • CRUMRINE • MONTANA • KARMEN WRANGLER • JUSTIN • HOBBIE HORSE DAVID JAMES • BIG D BLANKETS




Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Saturday 9:30 a,m, - 6 p.m. • Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Columbus area (740) 927-3321 • Outside Cols 1-800-437-0751

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