Ohio Quarter Horse News March/April 2011

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Ohio Quarter Horse March/April 2011



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Cam Foreman

Jim Flowers

Lisa Martin

Mindy Westlake

Rhonda Harter

Tracy Bidwell

Executive Vice President 740-943-2346, ext. 129 CForeman@oqha.com Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Facilities/Operations 740-943-2346, ext. 127

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] This soft focus shot of Ima Ranchers Tresure, taken by owner Marcinda Franks of Uniontown won the 2010 OQHA Photo Contest.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 14-15 Annual Banquet 21 OQHYA Spotlight

[ DEPARTMENTS ] 3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 5 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 6 Editor’s Letter 7 Forum 8 Podium 10-13 OQHA News 17 Around Ohio 18 OQHYA Officers & Directors 19-20 Youth Headlines 22 2011 Show Schedule 24 OAQHA Officers & Directors 25-26 Amateur Update 34-41 Meeting Minutes 42 Stallion Directory 43-44 Business Card Directory 45 Advertiser Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 32 33 33 34 35 35

Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Southern Ohio Quarter Horse OMI Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Ohio State Buckskin Ohio Cutting Horse Association

2011 OQHA Officers Skip Salome

David McDonald, DVM

Congress Tri-Chair, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security

Task Force, Finance, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator

1st Vice President (2/12) 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net

President (2/12) AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Todd Salome

Dr. Scott Myers

Annual Banquet, Rules, Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibitors, Stall Move-In, VIP/Awards Ceremony

Drug Task Force, Research, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Veterinarian Animal Protection/Puppy Alley

1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Chris Cecil Darnell

Denny Thorsell

2nd Vice President (2/12),

Charlie Menker

Executive Committee (2/12), Drug

Executive Committee (2/13), Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations

111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/14),

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities

24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Congress Tri-Chair (9/11),

Congress Tri-Chair (9/14), Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall Move-In Day

8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-3006 Cell: 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley

Charlie Menker

Skip Salome

Fritz Leeman

Dr. Scott Myers

Dan Trein

AQHA Director Emeritus 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

AQHA Director at Large 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@ aol.com

AQHA Director Emeritus 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.net

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Bill Flarida (2/12)

Cindy Morehead (2/14)

Rod Atherton (2/12)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/12)

Judd Paul (2/12)

Mark Cherubini (2/12)

Ted Handel (2/12)

Grievance, Rules, Congress Program 1430 Mt. Perry Rd. Mt. Perry, OH 43760 Cell: 740-404-7935 DiamondH@cgate.net

Membership, Overflow Trailers, Stall Move-In Day 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Hank Clason (2/13)

Bob Hexter (2/14)

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Chris Cecil Darnell (2/12)

Randy Jacobs (2/14)

Chuck Smith (2/12)

Kelli Diaz (2/14)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/14)

Wayne Erwin (2/12)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Brent Tincher (2/12)

Candi Fites (2/13)

Ron McCarty (2/14)

Annual Banquet, Trail Ride, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Commercial Exhibitors 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program, Stall Move-In Day 16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 KMRQuarter@yahoo.com Public Policy, Trail Ride, VIP/Awards Ceremony 19834 Arrington Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-616-1023 mark@msmisp.com

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-725-6614 DClason@aol.com Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Trail Ride, Congress Queen, Youth Activities 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Professional Horsemen, Scholarship, Hall of Fame, Congress Futurities 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net

Grievance, Public Policy, Scholarship, Lectures/Demonstrations 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Animal Protection/Fire Safety 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day, Judging Tournament 6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Horse Show Advisory, Judging Team, Membership, Scholarship, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com

John Pickersgill (2/12)

Judging Team, Rules, Judging Tournament, NYATT, Hunter/ Jumpers 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Grievance, Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-833-1717 CSmithCH@gmail.com

Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall Move-In Day 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley

Past President, 1999-2000 Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Jim Brennan

Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Jess Cecil

Honorary Director Wadsworth, OH 330-239-1735 Lannings72@aol.com

Vic Clark

Past President, 1997-1998 Treasurer’s Office, Finance, Public Policy 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Don Clason

Past President, 1976-1977 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Ed Dingledine

Honorary Director Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Jack Geschke

Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH 216-398-0590; 330-665-5822


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Burgess Holt

Past President, 1984-1986 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Fritz Leeman

Past President, 1990-1992 Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

Steve Marko

Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Honorary Director OQHA Queen, Rules, Animal Protection/ Fire Safety, Hall of Fame McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Charlie Menker

Past President, 2003-2004 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers, DVM Past President, 2007-2008 P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Cliff Nash

Past President, 1987-1988 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Alan Potts

Past President, 1960 Finance, Grievance, Rules, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping Coshocton, OH 740-622-5611

Roger Ruetenik Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Skip Salome

Past President, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2009-2010 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.net

Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell


Ohio Quarter Horse News

y the time March rolls around every year, I am always ecstatic. After four months of snow, ice and gray skies, those 50 degree days filled with sun are like heaven. Every spring I impaitently wait for the outdoor arena to be ready, and I relish that first ride outside. I love the excitement of getting off the farm for those first spring shows (in which inevitably one is full of mud and I ruin a pair of breeches or a show shirt). But, as horse-show people, this is what we look forward to. By the time this issue hits mailboxes, Rolling Acres and Southern Ohio QHA will have hosted several shows, and so far they’ve been great. Solid turn-outs and good competition have abounded at the Champions Center in Springfield, and I’m looking forward to seeing more in Wilmington at Roberts Arena and even at the Ohio Expo Center later on in April. For a full list of OQHAapproved shows, check out page 22. As shows around the country gear up for 2011, we are doing the same here at Ohio Quarter Horse. We’ve been working on the Region 4 Regional Championship, which will be three days this year, instead of four. The show will be held July 15-17 at the Ohio Expo Center, where $100,000 will be up for grabs in cash and prizes. Great prizes for places first through fifth will be given away, along with wonderful TexTan saddles for all-arounds. It’s a great familyfriendly show, and we always do fun things in the evenings for exhibitors, like an ice cream social or cook-out. For more information, go to page 14 or visit us online at www.oqha.com. Planning for the 45th annual All American Quarter Horse Congress is also in full swing. Entry materials for futurities and sweepstakes, including Amateur Versatility, have been mailed, and are also available online. Don’t forget that first payments are due April 1st!

Forum Dear Mr. Skip Salome,

Dear Tracy,



hank you so much for all that you had done for the 2010 Congress Queen Contest. I cannot express how greatly I appreciate your gifts to the group, including the dinner, lunch during interviews, sashes, group photo and all of your time dedicated to the American Quarter Horse. Thank You, Ceci Purtee Kentucky Quarter Horse Association Queen

Dear OQHA,


nce again, thank you for the wonderful year-end awards. It is a lot of work to haul for an Ohio year-end award, but knowing your efforts will be rewarded with a beautiful, thoughtful award adds so much to the experience. Kudos to everyone who helps make OQHA so great. Shannon Call Copley, Ohio For the Ohio Journal,


harley Thiel and her horse TopHat and Tails were Reserve in the Nation in Limited Youth Rider Hunter Under Saddle in 2010 and fourth in the Nation in Open Youth Rider Hunter Under Saddle in 2010. Congratulations Charley and Patrick. To the OQHA Board and its Members:


e want to thank you for the wonderful year-end awards. Thank you for recognizing us and all of the hard work we put in during the year. We will put the awards to good use.

ere’s a tip of the ol’ cowboy hat to Todd Salome for putting on a first class banquet and to Kelli Diaz for the exciting year-end awards. We appreciate the effort. We have missed the Ohio banquet for too many years. It was enjoyable to get together with our Quarter Horse friends. What a welcome break in this long Ohio winter. We noticed new faces and the enthusiasm of the many young folks in attendance was infectious. Of course, Shane Watson (our official OQHA photo model) did his part to liven up the party. A great big thanks to OQHA for the gorgeous belt buckle; what a proud addition to our collection. We have been dear friends with Herb and Ginny Gansheimer for over thirty years. Nobody does it better! ICANTSTOPLOVINGYOU deserves final mention. She is such a thrill. Winning again with a horse that we raised makes the accomplishment all the more meaningful. Thanks for the memory! Jack and Susan Grove Oxford, Ohio

Dear OQHA,


hank you for my 2010 awards. I love my all-around saddle and show box. I still can’t believe I won the Small Fry All-Around. Thank you, OQHA! Sincerely, Caleb Sturgeon Beloit, Ohio

Sincerely, Charley and Madison Thiel

Ohio Quarter Horse News




by Charlie Menker


Ohio Quarter Horse News

would like to start my first president’s letter of 2011 by saying thank you to each and every member for electing me as your new OQHA President. I hope I meet your expectations in the months to come, and I look forward to working diligently to ensure 2011 is a great year for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I hope everyone enjoyed our Year-End Awards Banquet, from the food, to the awards to the dancing, it was a wonderful event. I extend a special thank you to Shane Watson for announcing, to Todd Salome and Lisa Alley for organizing a wonderful program and to Kelli Diaz for all her work on the awards. If you missed out, for whatever reason, make sure to see the photos from the event, on pages 14-15. Now that spring is finally rolling around, I am looking forward to the show season. Our schedule is set, with Rolling Acres and Southern Ohio both hosting shows in March and April. I’m especially looking forward to the Ohio Amateur Show, held on April 30th at Roberts Arena in Wilmington. In early March, I had the privilege of attending the AQHA Convention in Grapevine, Texas. It was a wonderful event, and I was able to sit in on some great discussions. At the convention, Dr. Scott Myers was approved as a new National Director for Ohio, while Fritz Leeman was elevated to Director at Large, and Clark Bradley moved up to Director Emeritus. Congratulations to all three gentlemen! Finally, I am looking forward to working closely with our executive vice president, Cam Foreman, and the Tri-Chairmen, Scott Myers, Skip Salome and Denny Thorsell. Together I am confident that we will build a very successful Congress in 2011. I would also like to thank the OQHA office staff, Barb Benedum, Lisa Martin, Mindy Westlake, Rhonda Harter and Tracy Bidwell for all their help thus far and in the future.

Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2011 Futurity, September 9 – 11, 2011 Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, Ohio One Payment Only! Only $60 Per Class if Paid by May 31st! FUTURITY CLASSES TO BE HELD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH Halter Classes 201 – Open Weanling Colts 202 – Non Pro Weanling Colts 203 – EOQHA Breeders Classic Weanling Colts 204 – Open Weanling Fillies 205 – Non Pro Weanling Fillies 206 – EOQHA Breeders Classic Weanling Fillies 301 – Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings 302 – Non Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings 303 – EOQHA Breeders Classic Yearling Stallions/Geldings 304 – Open Yearling Mares 305 – Non Pro Yearling Mares 306 – EOQHA Breeders Classic Yearling Mares Longe Line Classes 401 – Open English Longe Line 402 – Open Western Longe Line 403 – Non Pro Longe Line 404 – EOQHA Breeders Classic Longe Line

Performance Classes 501 – Open 2 & 3 year old Hunter under Saddle 502 – EOQHA Breeders Classic 2 & 3 yr old HUS 503 – Non Pro 2 & 3 yr old Hunter under Saddle 504 – Non Pro Hunter under Saddle Maturity 601 – Open 2 yr old Western Pleasure 602 – EOQHA Breeders Classic 3 yr old WP 603 – Non Pro 2 yr old Western Pleasure 604 – Open 3 yr old Western Pleasure 605 – EOQHA Breeders Classic 3 yr old WP 606 – Non Pro 3 yr old Western Pleasure 607 – Non Pro Western Pleasure Maturity

See www.eoqha.us for Breeders Classic eligibility lists Yearling and Performance: These horses need not be nominated as weanlings. Non Pro exhibitors must hold a current AQHA amateur or AQHA youth card. Horse exhibited in the Non Pro events must be owned by the contestant or an immediate family member. Membership: All owners, part owners, and handlers participating in this futurity must be a current year member of EOQHA. Membership dues must be paid with a separate check made payable to EOQHA, C/O Kathy James, 410 County Line Road, Hopewell, OH 43746. (Single $25, Family $35, Youth $15) Futurity Entries: $60 per class if paid by May 31st, $110 per class June 1st through day of show. Copies of horses registration papers are required with entries (Breeders Certificates accepted for weanlings). Make checks payable to EOQHA and send entries to Beth Himes, 11306 Lake Road, Millersport, OH 43046. For more information call 614-214-2846 or email himesbeth@hotmail.com

2011 EOQHA Futurity Entry Form Horses Name & Reg #:_______________________________________ Sex:________________ DOB:____________ Sire’s Name & Reg #:__________________________________Dam’s Name & Reg #__________________________ Owner’s Name:________________________SS# or Fed ID#______________________ AQHA #_________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________State:____________________Zip:_______________ Exhibitor’s Name:____________________________________________ AQHA #_____________________________ Classes Entered (Class Number and Name)

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News Charlie Menker Elected 2011 OQHA President


n February, Ohio Quarter Horse Association (OQHA) members elected Charlie Menker, of Brookville, Ohio as 2011 Ohio Quarter Horse Association President. Menker has been a member of the OQHA board for more than 30 years, including serving as President in 2003-2004. He has also been involved as a Congress Tri-Chairman and spent 19 years as the chairman of the National Youth Activity Team Tournament at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Menker is retired from management with General Motors, and currently owns Rockin M Tailer Sales and Service. He is also involved in a joint Economic Development Committee for the City of Clayton and Clay Township, where he currently resides with his wife, Judy, which whom he has three daughters, Brenda Walker, Donna Hughes and Belinda Vaughton. Elected Officers and Directors Also elected, were Skip Salome as 1st Vice President and Todd Salome as 2nd Vice President. Elected

directors (who will serve a three-year term) were Kelli Diaz, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Ron McCarty, Cindy Morehead and Denny Thorsell. Appointed Directors The 2010 Board of Directors also appointed Candi Fites to fill the director seat left vacant by Todd Salome’s election as 2nd Vice President, which was a three-year term beginning in 2010. After seating the new OQHA board for 2011, Brent Maxwell was re-elected to another three-year term on the executive committee. After going into executive session, OQHA’s executive committee announced five appointed directors, each of which will serve a one-year term on the board of directors: Rod Atherton, Mark Cherubini, Ted Handel, John Pickersgill and Chuck Smith. Congress Tri-Chairmen As 1st Vice President, Skip Salome will automatically serve a one-year term as Congress Tri-Chairmen. Scott Myers continues into the third year of this three-year term as Congress Tri-Chairman, which will expire in September of 2011. Denny Thorsell, rounds out the group, beginning another three-year term after being elected by the board in September of 2010.

Upcoming Meetings


he next OQHA board meeting will be Monday, April 18th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. In May, the board will meet Monday, May 16th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA will host the Annual Picnic on Monday June 13th, in conjunction with the June board of directors meeting. Held at the Ohio Expo Center’s Natural Resources area shelter house in Columbus, OQHA members and guests are invited to attend. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m., with the directors meeting to follow.

OQHA News 2011 OQHA Committees Announced *Asterisks denote committee chairpersons. Annual Awards Elaine Wells* Candi Fites Annual Banquet Todd Salome* Lisa Alley* Annual Meeting Rhonda Harter* Barb Benedum Breeders Incentive Candi Fites* Rod Atherton George Seanor Lisa Perry Beth Himes Drug Task Force Dave McDonald* Scott Myers* Cam Foreman Denny Thorsell Finance Dave McDonald* Chris Darnell Fritz Leeman Scott Myers Alan Potts Cam Foreman Barb Benedum Vic Clark Grievance Elizabeth Gorski* Alan Potts* Ted Handel Chuck Smith

Horse Show Advisory Clark Bradley* Dan Trein* Rod Atherton Hank Clason Chris Darnell Candi Fites Bill Flarida Brent Maxwell Cindy Morehead Judging Team Cindy Morehead* Don Recchiuti* Wayne Erwin Membership Chris Darnell* Cindy Morehead John Pickersgill Mindy Westlake Professional Horsemen Roger Landis* Dan Trein* Hank Clason Ed Dingledine Wayne Erwin Randy Jacobs Judd Paul Brent Tincher Public Policy Elizabeth Gorski* Mark Cherubini Vic Clark Fritz Leeman Dave McDonald

Racing Ben Grandstaff* Research Dave McDonald* Scott Myers* Jim Booth Rules Alan Potts* Binnie Ann Masters* Hank Clason Chris Darnell Ted Handel Don Recchiuti Todd Salome Scholarship Wayne Erwin* Elizabeth Gorski* Cindy Morehead Trail Ride Mark Cherubini* Ron McCarty* Bob Hexter Kelli Diaz Lisa Alley Todd Salome Youth Kelli Diaz*

Ohio Queen Elaine Wells* Jaymie Drury* Binnie Ann Masters Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Breeders Adds Money to Regional Futurities

his year the Ohio Breeders Incentive program has undergone major renovations. Now dubbed the Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund, the OFBIF boasts an updated classlist and fewer class restrictions. No Restrictions Some of the most notable changes within the new Ohio breeders incentive include the reduction of restrictions. Owners no longer need to be classified as breeders by AQHA, which opens up entries to just about anyone with a young horse. Additionally, horses do not need to be bred or born in Ohio to qualify. However, there are a few rules to be aware of. Participating owners AND exhibitors must be current members of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. You also need to submit a nomination form (which can be found on page 31), along with a copy of your horse’s registration papers to the OQHA office no later than August 15th. Please note that no entries into OFBIF will be accepted at the regional futurities. Updated Classlist The OQHA Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund committee worked diligently this winter to come up with a new classlist, based on numbers from last year.


How It Will Work There will be no seperate entry fee to enter OFBIF classes; members need only sumbit the proper paperwork by August 15th to be eligible. Participants must enter the EOQHA, NOQHA, and/or SOQHA open futurity classes to participate. Members may show and earn bonus money at one, two or all three regional futurities. In addition to nomination, all membership, entry forms, papers and payment must be submitted to each regional association, per their guidelines to be eligible to show for bonus money. If these are not submitted by the due date, all entries are subject to late fees, per each regional association rules. Questions? Any questions can be directed to OQHA director and OFBIF committee chairman, Candi Fites, at 330-2573881 or candigab@zoominternet.net.

Show at the Region 4 Championship!

he American Quarter Horse Association’s Region 4 Regional Championship Show will be held July 1517 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. Hosted by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the Region 4 Championship is now in its seventh year, and is the largest regional championship with nearly 1,500 entries last year. This year, the event has been shortened to three days (from four days) so that exhibitors have to take less time off from work and school. Despite the abbreviated time table, no classes were removed. In fact, several classes were added, including Progressive Working Hunter, Junior Pleasure Driving and Senior Pleasure Driving. Competitors from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Ontario, Canada are invited to attend the Region 4 Championships. Nearly $55,000 in cash and prizes, including seven trophy saddles,


The list of classes for 2011 include halter, longe line, western pleasure and hunter under saddle. Each of these classes will pay out a pre-determined amount to all nominated horses at each of the regional futurities. A complete list of classes can be found on page 30 or at www.oqha.com under the events tab.

Ohio Quarter Horse News

will be up for grabs, as well as wonderful prizes for top finishers in each class. The Regional Championship shows are held throughout 10 regions of North America through a program established by the American Quarter Horse Association with support from state affiliates, like the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. These experiences were developed to provide an opportunity for people to experience the competition, education and excitement found at American Quarter Horse Championship shows. Aside from the show ring, exhibitors and spectators can enjoy trade exhibitions, food and shopping, clinics by professional horsemen and educational seminars. For more information about the Region 4 Championships, including a full show schedule and entry information, visit www.oqha.com.

OQHA News New Congress Steering Committees in 2011 *Asterisks denote committee chairpersons. Animal Protection/Fire Safety Binnie Ann Masters* Bob Hexter* Scott Myers Denny Thorsell AQHA Clark Bradley Fritz Leeman Skip Salome Dan Trein Scott Myers Assistant Horse Show Manager Bob Geesamen Awards Assignments Tri-Chairmen Awards Office Elaine Wells* Jaymie Drury* Congress Futurities Clark Bradley* Hank Clason Wayne Erwin Roger Landis Brent Maxwell Judd Paul Chuck Smith Brent Tincher Dan Trein Randy Jacobs Commercial Exhibitors Todd Salome* Lisa Alley

Congress Program Candi Fites* Rod Atherton Ted Handel Overflow Trailers John Pickersgill Stall Move-In Day Todd Salome* Denny Thorsell* Roger Landis Judd Paul Brent Tincher Randy Jacobs Hank Clason Rod Atherton John Pickersgill Congress Queen Kelli Diaz* Rebecca Ball Stephanie Cline Cutting Chuck Smith Farriers Craig Harrison Food and Beverage Skip Salome* Bob Hexter* Ron McCarty Gate Crew Ed Campbell Grounds Security Ron McCarty Skip Salome

Hall of Fame Clark Bradley* Wayne Erwin Fritz Leeman Binnie Ann Masters Alan Potts Tri-Chairmen

Riding Areas Paddock Judges Security

Horse Show Manager Cam Foreman

Stall Assignments Tri-Chairmen

Horse Show Secretary Rhonda Harter

Team Tournament Don Recchiuti* Cindy Morehead Donna Hughes Leah Recchiuti

Roping Clark Bradley* Alan Potts

Hunter/Jumpers Binnie Ann Masters* Don Recchiuti* Cindy Morehead Judging Tournament Dave McDonald* Don Recchiuti* Randy Jacobs Lectures/ Demonstrations Elizabeth Gorski Chris Cecil-Darnell

Reining Clark Bradley* Alan Potts

Treasurer’s Office Vic Clark* Vet Coordinator Dave McDonald

Morning Refreshments Lisa Alley Racing Ben Grandstaff

Trail Dan Trein* Brent Maxwell* George Seanor

Veterinarian Animal Protection/Puppy Alley Scott Myers VIP/Awards Ceremony Todd Salome* Lisa Alley* Mark Cherubini Youth Activities Kelli Diaz*

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 OQHA Year-End Awards & Annual Banquet


eld Saturday, February 5th at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus, the 2010 OQHA Year-End Awards and Annual Banquet was a blast. The evening started with speeches from Skip Salome, OQHA 2010 President, Laura Salome, OAQHA 2010 President and Dakota Griffith, OQHYA 2011 President. Attendees went on to enjoy a wonderful sit-down meal, featuring filet mignon and red velvet cake. Shane Watson announced all of our year-end award winners, and Congress Queen Brittany Barker was on hand to help distribute awards, which included Harris work saddles, Harris spurs, tack trunks, headstalls and a variety of other awards.

Throughout the evening, items, including Ohio State football tickets and a signed Roy Halladay jersey, were auctioned to benefit the Amateur and Youth associations. After awards, everyone enjoyed dancing and karoke late into the night, with many choosing to stay at the Ramada and enjoy sleeping in on Sunday. All in all it was a great event, and the perfect way to end a fabulous show season. Congratulations to all of our year-end award winners, and thanks to all who attended the year-end banquet!

Left to right, all-around award winners: Chelsea Martz, Megan McCulloch, Kelly LeeAnne Oestreicher, LuAnne Coleman and Tracy Barnickle pose with their award, a Harris work saddle. Photos courtesy Tim Finnegan.

Left to right, all-around award winners: Molli Jacobs, Caleb Sturgeon (below) Lauren Diaz and Ashley Drown. Photos courtesy Tim Finnegan.

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Address _____________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _________________________ Zip ________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Year Membership Desired _______________________ SS or FID# ______________________________ Youth B/D ______________ E-mail _______________________________________________________________ Names (For Family Mememberships Only) Member Type Youth Age Youth B/D Relationship __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ $40 Family Membership (Two Adults and all youth in household 18 years and younger) $20 Regular Membership Amateur Exhibitors, Check Here $150 Lifetime Membership (All priviledges of a Regular Membership) $10 Youth (18 years and younger) Membership fees also pay for a 1-Year subscription to OQHA News magazine. For Point Earning Priviledges 18 Ohio Quarter Horse News and Other Membership Beneeits, Please Read the OQHA Rulebook.

Around Ohio Celebrate the Horse at Equine Affaire 2011


quine Affaire has been around almost as long as the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Now in its 43rd year, Equine Affaire offers educational clinics, seminars and demonstrations, along with hundreds of commercial vendors and a variety of exhibitions that everyone is certain to enjoy. This year, Equine Affaire will be held April 7-10 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. Educational Opportunities Abound Beginning on Thursday, the entire weekend is packed with a variety of clinics, seminars and demonstrations from top industry professionals. Some of the most notable clinicians this year include natural horsemanship gurus John Lyons, Julie Goodnight and Lynn Palm, as well as Hunter/ Jumper trainer Neal Shapiro and NSBA Director and Photo courtesy of Equine Affaire. AQHA Professional Horseman Dianne Eppers. For a full schedule of clinics, make sure to visit equineaffaire.com. In addition to clinics, Equine Affaire has ‘breed exhibits’ throughout the day, in every arena. These presentations are geared toward educating and celebrating the vast variety of breeds of horses that can be found throughout the world. Breed exhibits offer attendees invaluable opportunities to explore the world of horses. Thrilling Shows Not To Be Missed Aside from the educational aspect, Equine Affaire organizes several sugnature events to entertain all equestrian enthusiasts. Pfizer Fantasia, Equine Affaire’s signature musical event, will take place Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, at 8:00 p.m. in the Coliseum at the Ohio Expo Center. Always a thrilling event to watch, Pfizer Fantasia always showcases some

of the most talented equestrians in North America, making it the spring event not to miss! One of this years performers is Laura Mae Schoeller, who won the Cinch Freestyle Reining at the All American Quarter Horse Congress this past year. Schoeller thrilled the crowd during her performance as Smarty Jones and jockey Stewart Elliott. Photo courtesy of Equine Affaire. New for this year, Equine Affaire presents The Versatile Horse & Rider Competition, a timed and judged race through an obstable course. The competition was first featured at the Equine Affaire in Massacheusetts in 2007, as a test of horsemanship, communication and athletic prowess. As each horse and rider work their way through the course, they are evaluated on several horsemanship criteria, as well as their overall performance. The race will have two qualifying rounds, held on Thursday and Friday afternoon, with the top 10 horse and rider teams advancing to the finals on Sunday morning. Shop Till You Drop If clinics and shows aren’t your thing, Equine Affaire also boasts one of the largest equine related trade shows in North America. With 450 of the nation’s leading equine-related retailers, manufacturers, service providers, and organizations, you’re bound to find just what you need... and a few things you don’t but end up with anyways! Berry Fit, Breyer, dac, Equus Now, Nutrena, Purina Mills, Pyranha, Rod’s Western Palace and Schneiders are just a few of the vendors that will be at Equine Affaire this year.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Dakota Griffith

Cody Campbell

Bailey Mierzejewski

Molli Jacobs

Brittany Harter

Alexa Rowland

Lacy Watson

Lucy Igoe

Paul “Trey” Schwab III

Katsy Leeman

Brandon Kramer

Charley Thiel

Lauren Diaz

Ellexxah Maxwell

President 7380 Scioto Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 Cell: 614-214-9723 DakotaDiamondGriffith@ yahoo.com Vice President 6700 Old Route 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Home: 330-204-5826 JacobsShowHorse1@aol.com

Secretary 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Home: 513-646-5192 Lopin4Fun@yahoo.com

Treasurer 13820 Kimmens Rd. Massillon, OH 44647 Home: 330-312-1949 DeesiredInvite@aol.com

Reporter 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com

Director 6481 State Route 125 Georgetown, OH 45121 Home: 513-470-8930 Camp9816@webmail.sscc.edu

Director 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com

Director 85 Limetree Dr. Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com

Director 4595 Potter Lyons Rd. Ansonia, OH 45303 Home: 937-417-4560 AlexaRowland_627@hotmail. com Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Home: 513-868-6900 Schwab2180@fuse.net

Director 4666 Sibel Ct. Home: 614-747-3159 LucyJIgoe725@aol.com

Director 1742 S. Galena Rd. Galena, OH 43021 Home: 740-965-4674 FlyingCowgirl@columbus. rr.com Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com

Director 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Cell: 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


he next OQHYA board meeting will be April 18, 2011 at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel.

April March 18 @ 7pm May May 16 @ 7pm June May 20 @ 7pm


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Headlines OQHYA Elects 2011 Officers and Directors


QHYA announced their election results at their February meeting, before the year-end awards banquet. Ohio youth elected Dakota Griffith of Hilliard as OQHYA President. Griffith is a verty active competitor on the Quarter Horse circuit, primarily showing in Hunter Under Saddle. She was the 2010 NSBA Youth President, and is currently serving as the president of AQHYA. As a lifetime member of OQHA, Griffith has served as both a youth director and officer, prior to being elected president this year.

Other elected officers include Molli Jacobs, vice president, Lacy Watson, secretary, Katsy Leeman, treasurer and Lauren Diaz, reporter. OQHYA members also elected nine directors: Cody Campbell, Brittany Harter, Lucy Igoe, Brandon Kramer, Ellexxah Maxwell, Bailey Mierzejewski, Alexa Rowland, Trey Schwab and Charley Theil. All OQHYA officers and directors are elected to a one year term.

AQHA All-Around Youth: Molli Lyn Jacobs Submitted by: AQHA Publicity


t its annual convention in Grapevine, Texas, the American Quarter Horse Association handed out its coveted all-around highpoint awards in the youth, amateur and open divisions. Molli Lyn Jacobs and Radical McCue won the Featherlite AQHA Youth All-Around HighPoint title; Lindsey Stevenson and RL Cocoas Version won the Featherlite AQHA All-Around Amateur title; and Four Bonnie Bay, owned by Mike St. Clair of Kahoka, Missouri, won the Featherlite Open All-Around High-Point title. In 2010, Molli Lyn Jacobs rode her way into AQHA history books as the Featherlite AQHA Youth All-Around High-Point Champion with Radical McCue. They also collected youth highpoint titles in showmanship and performance halter geldings, and finished third in trail, fourth

in horsemanship and fifth in hunt seat equitation. Radical McCue is a 2000 bay gelding by Radical Rodder and out of Jetterri McCue by Tuff Joe Jet. “He’s very athletic and very strong,” says Molli, a high school senior at Garaway High School in Sugarcreek, Ohio. “You could put him through anything, and he’s going to come out stronger than before.” In December 2010, Molli signed a national letter of intent to ride for Texas A&M University’s eight-time national champion equestrian team. She plans to major in biomedical science and hopes to attend pharmacy school following her undergraduate education.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines Consider trying out for the 2011 Congress NYATT Team


ll OQHYA youth members are invited to compete for a spot on OQHA’s 2011 National Youth Activity Team Tournament team. In order to be eligible, youth must be a member of OQHYA and reside in Ohio, as well as attend at least two OQHYA board meetings between January 1st and July 1st. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count, provided that the youth placed in at least three shows and accumulated

a minimum of 10 points. The qualifying period for the NYATT team begins the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through July 31st. Members of the Congress NYATT team may only show in one event in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. Events include Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Reining and Barrel Racing.

2011 AQHYA World Show Team Information


outh can qualify to represent Ohio at the 2011 AQHYA World Show two ways. The first is by earning enough AQHA points during the qualifying period to become nationally qualified. The national qualifying period began May 1, 2010 and runs through April 30, 2011. AQHA determines the number of points youth need to qualify nationally and they are listed on their website, www.aqha.com. Youth that wish to qualify nationally and receive the stipend from OQHA must attend at least two OQHYA meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

The second way to qualify is in-state. Youth must be members of OQHYA, reside in Ohio and attend at least two meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011. Youth must also place in a minimum of three shows, accumulating at least 10 points during the qualifying period. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count. The qualifying period begins on the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through May 31st.

OQHYA Spotlight On: Hannah Overmyer

Submitted by: Lauren Diaz, OQHYA Reporter Age: 11 Grade: 5th Hometown: Elmore, Ohio Current Horse: Consider Him Shiek, “Steve” Shows In: All-Around (Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Equitation, Horsemanship, Trail, Showmanship and Halter) Years Riding: 11 Favorite Class: Trail Favorite Horse Show: Congress Other Interests: Ballet, piano, choir, reading, history and science. I also like to train our dogs at home. Greatest Accomplishment: Being a finalist in two classes of opposite disciplines at Congress. Also becoming SOQHA Out-of-Area All-Around Champion, EOQHA All-Around Novice Youth Champion, NOQHA All-Around Champion and OQHA Reserve All-Around Champion.

Favorite TV Show or Movie: Despicablee Me Favorite Type of Music: Pop and Country Interesting Fact: I’ve been going to the Fremont Ballet School since I was three! If you could hang out with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why? My horse, Steve, because he’ll hover over me while I read and I can tell him anything without people knowing. Who is your hero and why? My horse trainer, Missy Thyfault, because she has helped me achieve so much within the horse world! What is one area you feel OQHYA could improve and why? In spreading the word about OQHYA and helping intimidated people to feel comfortable and part of the Quarter Horse world.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 Show Schedule March 5 - 6, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 30, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 27, Ohio State Fair All-Novice Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

March 17 - 18, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 4 - 5, Fulton County Saddle Club Intro Show Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

August 26, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

March 19 - 20, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved March 26 - 27, SOQHA Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved April 9 - 10, SOQHA 4-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved April 16 - 17, Rolling Acres Farm 4-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved April 30, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 1, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 7 - 8, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 21 - 22, EOQHA Fairfield County Fairgrounds in Lancaster Approved May 28 - 29, NOQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved 24

Ohio Quarter Horse News

June 16 - 17, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved June 18 - 19, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved June 25 - 26, OMIQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved July 7 - 8, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved July 9 - 10, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved July 15 - 17, Region 4 Regional Championship Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved July 21 - 22, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved July 23 - 24, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

August 27 - 28, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Approved September 9, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved September 10 - 11, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved September 23, NOQHA Longe Line Only Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved September 24 - 25, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved November 25 - 27, SOQHA Turkey Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Approved

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers


Patrick Murty

Lois Berry

Kara Beth Mitchell

Marla Atherton

Suzanne Guinsler

Carol Sigman

Justin Billings

Chris Martin

Jennifer Sigman

President (2/12), Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 Patrick.Murty@Company7BBQ.com

First Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com Second Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Director (2/14) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Director (2/12) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/14)

Director (2/12) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JCSigman@ameritech.net

Director (2/13) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Abby Pound

Cris Martin

Mike Yemc

Katie Stolte-Carroll

Kristin Martin

Nancy Waid

Laura Salome

Chelsea Martz

Carly Williams

Kaitlyn Riker

Kahryne Zachrich

Treasurer (2/12) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Secretary (2/12) 4872 Condit Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074 614-203-4420 Stolte.2@osu.edu

Past President 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/12) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Director (2/14) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Director (2/12) 4155 Easton Way Columbus, OH 43219 419-276-0136 KL.Riker@gmail.com


Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/12) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com

Director (2/12) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Amateur Update


OAQHA Meeting Schedule

n January, the Amateur Board will meet on Monday, January 17th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. During February, OAQHA will meet at 11 am during the Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet, held February 5th at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. Board meetings return to normal the following month, and OAQHA will meet March 21st at 7 pm.


February February 5 @ 11am March March 21 @ 7pm

The Ballots Are In

he ballots are in for the 2011 OAQHA Election. Congratulations to all! The results are as follows: President - Patrick Murty First Vice President - Marla Atherton Second Vice President - Justin Billings Treasurer - Abby Pound Secretary - Katie Stolte-Carroll


January January 17 @ 7pm

New Directors Additionally, Chris Martin, Carly Williams, Lois Berry and Chelsea Martz were elected to director positions, and each will serve a three-year term. Kaitlin Riker and Mike Yemc were both appointed by the OAQHA board to one-year terms as directors.

2011 Trainer Service Auction

or the last several years, OAQHA has put together a Trainer Service Auction to raise money. Each year, Quarter Horse trainers around the state donate one month of services which are sold by OAQHA at amazing discounts. One month with any participating trainer costs $550, with half going to the trainer to help cover the cost of board, and half going to OAQHA. Many trainers have returned from last year, but there are several new trainers available as well. This year’s lineup includes Justin Bisel of Bisel Show Horses, Hank and Dawn Clason, Matt and Cami Claypool of Claypool Ranch, Brian and Darla Lee of Lee Quarter Horses, Casi Gilliam of Casi Gilliam Quarter Horses,

Lori Gingrich of Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses, Willie Matthews of Bar W Equestrian Center, Puthoff Performance Horses, Jason and Kristen Sorrell of Sorrell Performance Horses, Scott Thomas, Missy Thyfault and Mark and Amy Watkins. Contact information as well as biographies for each trainer are available online at oqha.com. For more information, contact Abby Pound at (740) 975-1209 or abep32@hotmail.com.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Update


Ohio Amateur Annual Horse Show

AQHA made major changes to their annual horse show in 2011. This year, the event will be held April 30th and May 1st at Roberts Arena in Wilmington. By moving to a much earlier date, the show now falls within the youth qualifying period, which organizers hope will attract more exhibitors. Additionally, the show will be held in a single day, single judge format, with Debbie Cuvelier judging the first day, April 30th, and Tanya Green judging the second on May 1st. The show has been approved for points by AQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA and OQHA and features

a full slate of classes including speed events. There will be prizes awarded during classes throughout the show. Each day will begin at 7 a.m. with Barrel Racing, Pole Bending and Stakes, with Showmanship and Halter following. The afternoon and evening are full as well, with Hunter Under Saddle, Equitation, Western Riding, Reining, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure and finally Trail. For youth, there will also be a team tournament. A full list of classes, including fees, is available online at www.oqha.com. For stall reservations, please contact Tammy Cullins at (740) 819-0198 or tcullins@columbus.rr.com.

Ohio Amateur Named Justin Rookie of the Year


helsea Martz of Blacklick, Ohio was named the Justin Rookie of the Year in the age 30 and under division for 2010. Aboard Eyell Be Outrageous, a six year old mare by Ziprageous, Martz competed in Performance Halter, Western Pleasure, Western Riding, Trail and Showmanship throughout the year. Martz and her mare also won numerous awards within Ohio, taking home Horse of the Year and Halter Horse of the Year honors at the OQHA Annual Awards Banquet in February.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

In order to win the Amateur Justin Rookie of the Year award, Martz not only had to have to most amateur points in 2010 in her age category, but she could not have won any AQHA points (except novice) in years prior. For her efforts, Martz received a pair of Justin boots, a sterling-silver and gold belt buckle and $2,000 cash. Congratulations to Chelsea Martz and Eyell Be Outrageous on their great accomplishment!

2011 OQHA News



Entries Due: June 15 Ohio Quarter Horse News


! W E


Ohio Futurity Bonus


Halter Open Weanling Colts - All Ages Non-Pro Weanling Colts - All Ages* Open Weanling Fillies - All Ages Non-Pro Weanling Fillies - All Ages* Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages* Open Yearling Mares - All Ages Non-Pro Yearling Mares - All Ages* Longe Line Open English Longe Line Open Western Longe Line Non-Pro Longe Line

Hunter Under Saddle Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Western Pleasure Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity *Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse to the top three non-pro exhibitors.

GUIDELINES 1. There is no separate entry fee to enter OFBIF classes date, all entries are subject to late fees, per each regional association rules. and horses are eligible with no restrictions. 6. All bonus money is in addition to regional 2. Members must submit a nomination form, along with a copy of horses’s registration papers to the OQHA association’s purse. office by August 15th to be eligible for bonus incentive fund monies. Please note that entries WILL NOT be 7. Longe Line classes will be run according to NSBA accepted at any of the regional futurities. rules. All other classes will be judged in accordance with AQHA rules. 3. Participants in the OFBIF must enter the EOQHA, 8. All OFBIF classes will be according to NSBA NOQHA, and/or SOQHA open futurity classes to participate. Participants are not required to participate percentages. in all three futurities, but can earn bonus money at one, two, or three shows. 9. All OFBIF classes will pay back in each class as follows: 6 pay backs if 10 or less show, 8 pay backs if 11 4. A current membership in OQHA is required for both to 20 show, 10 pay backs if 21 to 30 show, 12 pay backs if 31 to 40 show and 14 pay backs if 41 and up show. owner and exhibitor prior to the show. For a complete list of guidelines, visit www.oqha.com. 5. In addition to nomination, all membership, entry forms, papers and payment must be submitted to each regional association, per their guidelines to be eligible for bonus oney. If these are not submitted by the due 30 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund 2011 NOMINATION FORM Please check the classes below that you plan to show: Halter ___ Open Weanling Colts ___ Non-Pro Weanling Colts* ___ Open Weanling Fillies ___ Non-Pro Weanling Fillies * ___ Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings ___ Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings* ___ Open Yearling Mare ___ Non-Pro Yearling Mares* *Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse to the top three non-pro exhibitors. • Owners AND Exhibitors must be current OQHA members. • No Nomination Fee

Longe Line ___ Open English Longe Line ___ Open Western Longe Line ___ Non-Pro Longe Line Hunter Under Saddle ___ Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle ___ Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle ___ Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity Western Pleasure ___ Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure ___ Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure ___ Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure ___ Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure ___ Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity

OWNER: ________________________________________________________ SSN: ____________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ REGISTERED NAME: _______________________________________________ REG #: ________________ SEX: ______________ SIRE: ______________________________ DAM: ____________________________ EXHIBITOR: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ In addition all membership, entry forms, papers, and payment must be submitted to each regional association per their guidelines to be eligible for added money.

Send Entries To:

Ohio Quarter Horse Assocation Attn: Barb Benedum PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344-0209 Fax: 740-943-3752 • E-mail: BBenedum@oqha.com Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, Executive Director


ttention Futurity exhibitors: The Futurity deadline has been changed to July 1, 2011 and will be 1 payment of $75.00. Late entries will still be accepted with a $50.00 penalty as late as show day. Entry forms are available on line. NOQHA has made changes to their list of closed classes. All entries in the closed futurity classes are reserved for get from stallions sold in the NOQHA Stallion Service Auction. A list of those stallions is available under the Futurity link to the left. OQHA has also made changes to their open classes. Open classes are now open to ALL horses with no restrictions and all classes will have added money at each of the Regional Futurities. To be eligible for the added money, you MUST nominate your horse at no charge and owner and exhibitor MUST be members by August 15, 2011. Complete information is available at www.oqha.com. NOQHA MEETINGS Youth and Adult Meeting is held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Holiday Inn - Akron West, 4073 Medina Road Akron, Ohio 44333. Congratulations to Lindsey Kerr Northern Ohio’s 2011 Queen. Lindsey is 22 years old and lives in Wadsworth Ohio. She is currently in her fourth year studying “Cardiac Physiology” at the University of Akron. She has been Vice President of the University of Akron Equestrian Team for 2 years and teaches “Sunday School.” She enjoys showing her horse “Sweet Taken Phantom” also known as “Uno” in showmanship and horsemanship. Her trainers are Dan and Darleen Trein. We wish Lindsey and Uno the best of lucky this show season and at the Congress Queen competition.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

2011 NOQHA Show Schedule Summer Circuit – 6 Judges in 4 DAYS!! Check the website for all show bills *To earn NOQHA Year end Points the Owner and exhibitor must be members. May 28-29 Findlay Western FarmDouble Judges/ Split Combined Judges: David Dellin and Brad Jewett Double NOQHA Year End Points & Congress Team Points May 30 Findlay Western Farm- Novice ShowJudge-Jessica Gilliam Double NOQHA Year End Points- Not OMIQHA approved June 4-5 AQHA Introductory / Open Show (Waueson, Ohio) Year End Points Only Judges: 6-4 Judd Paul 6-5 Don Jox Sponsored by Fulton County Saddle Club June 16-17 Canfield- Double Judged/ Split Combined Judges Jon Barry and Bill Kaven June 19-18 Canfield- Quad Judged/ Split Combined 4 Judges/ 4 Sets of Points Judges: Buddy Fisher, Chris Jeter, Lisa Moden, Stephanie Lynn June 25-26 Findlay Western Farm- Double Judged/ Split Combined Judges: Gigi Bailey and Merle Arbo Sponsored by OMI Quarter Horse Association July 21-22 Findlay Western Farm- Double Judged/ Split Combined Judges Pending July 23-24 Findlay Western Farm- Double Judged/ Split Combined Judges Pending September 23-25 Canfield Double Judged/ Split Combined Judges: Steve Meadows and Carolyn

Club Updates Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, Executive Director


e sure to mark your calendars for the 2011 SOQHYA show to be held on April 9th and 10th at Roberts Arena in Wilmington. This will be a 4-judge event (Jennifer Thompson, Chad Evans, Debra Jones-Wright, Brett Clark, Brad Luebben – contest classes) and we will be offering a full slate of both jumping and contest classes this year. New for 2011 is an all inclusive fee of $200 per horse, which will include all entries, office and drug fees. Heated stalls will be offered at $80 each and non-heated stalls will be $60 each. Please contact Lisa Perry at 614-582-6067 for stall reservations. The 2011 Stallion Sale is currently in progress. A complete list of donated stallions can be found on the SOQHA web site. Please contact Kevin Smith at 513523-6706 for complete information.

Futurity information packets will be mailed in early June to all members. SOQHA will maintain a one payment system of $75 per class which is due on July 1st. The information packet will include a list of all Non-Pro, Open, and Breeders classes, entry forms, rules, membership forms and show bill. This information will also be available on the association website in June. Please visit the SOQHA web site at www.soqha.com, for news updates, show bills, year-end point standings, futurity information, and details on other programs. Deadlines are fast approaching for scholarship applications and 2010 Queen applications. We hold our monthly meetings at the Damon’s restaurant in Wilmington on the second Wednesday of each month (except October). All members are welcome to attend.

OMI Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Olga Kipp, OMIQHA Secretary


MIQHA held the March meeting on March 14th at the University of Findlay western farm. We went over more of the show details and sponsorships. We hope to get some repeat sponsors as well as some new ones. We will again be giving out the popular Binnie Bucks to be used at the participating vendors at the show. The showbill is posted on the website for our show to be held on June 25th and 26th at the University of Findlay western farm. Be sure to watch for our OMI queen Abbey Maier at the different Findlay shows, the youth show and several

others. Any young ladies interested in running for the 2012 queen, contact Lisa Maag at 419-523-9301. The youth elected officers: Taylor Armstrong president; Lindsey Arns - vice-president; Kelsey Grose - secretary; Sara Oler - treasurer. The rules were established for the Congress team. They are also having a horsemanship clinic with Art O’Brien at the next meeting on April 11th. The youth meet at 7 pm and the adults meet at 7:30 on the second Monday of the month. Hope to see you. We welcome new members any time.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary


he Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Year End Awards Banquet & General Membership meeting was held February 26th at Damon’s banquet room in Wilmington, Ohio. A turnout crowd enjoyed a night of socializing, good food, award presentations and door prizes for all. Special thanks to everyone that generously donated door prizes and items for the Youth Silent Auction and to Rick Treat for his work in setting the banquet up. Congratulations to the 2011 officers: President – Bill Baer, Vice President – Steve Shoemaker, Treasurer – Ben Grandstaff, Directors - Rick Treat & Andrew Tumblin (2013), Cliff Baxter & Glenn Bragg (2012), Pat Bragg & Kristin Tumblin(2011). Harold Bragg was appointed Honorary Director. The overnight race schedule for 2011 will be as follows: Spring Race date at Beulah Park – Tuesday, March 29th and fall dates for River Downs – Sundays, July 31st, August 14th and August 28th. Buckeye and Congress races have been finalized and nomination forms are available on the OQHA and OQHRA websites. The Congress races will include The Futurity, Derby and the Maturity Bonus Challenge Race. Several changes have been made in the Buckeye races. The entry fees have been reduced! To enter into the Futurity cost is $250.00 and the Maturity is $225.00. This includes a nomination fee of $25 and a membership must be paid in addition to the entry fee for each individual. To sustain, payments will be made April 15th – August 15th, as in the past. Late entry after April 15th will be doubled until June 15th. Late nominations after June 15th will be tripled and after August 15th to late enter it will cost $1500(Maturity) and $2500(Futurity). All late entry payments will go into the purse money. In addition the ownership for an Ohio Owned horse will be April 1st, (current year) instead of the January 1st date. The Ohio Bred & Sired status will continue to be decided after April 15th as to whether the race will open to Ohio owned. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the changes for 2011 – please 34 Ohio Quarter Horse News

contact an OQHRA director. The Buckeye Breeders Incentives of $9,000 will be offered to eligible Ohio Bred or Sired horses that run in the Buckeye race. It was discussed and voted on to approve points from The Van Wert County Fair races to go towards the 2011 Year End Awards. As stated in our by-laws, all non AQHA approved races must be approved by the OQHRA directors for year end points. If you are aware of any races in this category please bring it to the attention of the board. The more races pointed for Ohio members, the better. In addition to the Congress Yearling Raffle, a fund raiser is being planned for a Pony (with a saddle and headstall) to be raffled off at The Van Wert Fairgrounds. If you know of a pony that would be suitable please contact Rick Treat @ (513) 932-4645. Congratulations to the 2010 Year End Award Winners: Two Year Old Hi-Pt – My Corona Is Rare, Owner: James Bratton; Two Year Old Reserve - Cash For Braggs, Owner: Harold Bragg; Three Year Old Hi-Pt Features First Cutie – Owner: Harold Bragg; Three Year Old Reserve – I Is It, Owner: Christina Zehender; Aged Hi-Pt - Shamu Moon , Owner: Harold Bragg; Aged Reserve – Eye Am A Star, Owner: Harold Bragg; Horse of the Year – Shamu Moon, Owner: Harold Bragg; Trainer of the Year – Harold Bragg, Grove City, Ohio 2010 Breeders Incentives were awarded to: Kimberly Rickenbacher - $4500, Sheila White - $1000, Chris Zehender - $2700, Jennings Beegle - $800. Harold Bragg received $85 mileage money donated by Clifton Baxter to the winner of the Buckeye Maturity. Special Awards sponsored by Harold Bragg and Rick treat were presented to Ben & Tamie Grandstaff and Tammy Cain for their service to the association and Cliff Baxter for sportsmanship. If you are a young lady between the ages of 16 and 25 and are interested in representing OQHRA as the 2011 Queen – please contact Tamie (419) 253-2048 or horses@sgstables.com for more information. We need to hear from you - If you have any racing news, foal announcements, or information to pass on to the Ohio OQHRA newsletter, please Contact Tamie (419)253-2048 or e-mail to horses@sgstables.com

Club Updates Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


nly have one buckskin and a couple of “regular” colored show horses? Or maybe you just miss showing with OSBA or want to get involved for the first time? Well, never fear! In 2011, OSBA is offering a wide variety of open/ all-breed classes! These will be offered at all three OSBA-sponsored shows, so put ALL of your show horses in the trailer and come show with us! We will be collaborating with the Miami Valley Horse Show Association for our Red, White, & Buckskin Circuit on July 1-4 in Lima, Ohio (at the Allen County Fairgrounds, which has a brand new covered arena) – and we will also have some open/all-breed classes with added money – you won’t want to miss out! The MVHSA will also be joining OSBA at our fall Futurity, which will be September 10-11 at Circle G Arena in Lewisburg, Ohio. Also, make sure to mark on your calendar that OSBA’s first show at Circle G Arena, which will be June 11-12, and also the weekend right before that show (June 4-5) there are IBHA classes offered at the Ohio Valley Riding Association show at Stonegate Farm in Coolville, Ohio. This show is approved for IBHA points, and will also count towards

OSBA year-end awards. A showbill and contact info can be found on www.ohiobuckskins.org/shows. As mentioned above, back for 2011 is the OSBA Fall Futurity. If you have an IBHA horse 5 or younger – or – a weanling with an IBHA-registered parent, your horse is eligible! Rules and an entry form will be posted on www.ohiobuckskins.org shortly… the deadline for the first payment will be July 31st. For those of you who prefer to spend time with your horse away from the show ring, OSBA offers a Trail Riding Program! The nomination form and hourly log form are posted online – send yours in now! We are currently seeking sponsors to help cover the cost of Trail Riding year-end awards… we will be recognizing the top three horse/rider teams in both a youth and adult division! To be eligible, you must have an IBHAregistered horse and be a current OSBA member. OSBA’s next meeting will be on April 30th at the Donatos in Delaware, OH at 5:00 pm… all are welcome, so don’t be afraid to stop in - YOU can help shape the 2011 show season! In the meantime, be sure to check out www.ohiobuckskins.org for updates, and also don’t forget to “Like” us to stay updated on Facebook!

Ohio Cutting Horse Association Submitted by: Tony Kennedy, OCHA Reporter


hio is getting ready for the 2011 show season. Although the economy is tough on us all we will be approving several shows in the state this year. You can find a list of all shows in the area on our web site OCHA-online.com.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - November 22, 2010 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Clark Bradley, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Tim Folck, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, Charlie Menker, Judd Paul, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith, Brent Tincher, Dan Trein and Denny Thorsell.

Masters classes. The changes include the following: - First payment due February 1st - Final payment due August 1st - Nomination of horse and rider due August 1st - Rider changes accepted up to October 1st with a $500 fee Poll the slot owners to see what amounts to be paid with the initial and final payments. • Dale Rodrock approached Cam to discuss a limited sale at the next Congress. The sale would be limited to Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Hank Clason, Ed 100 head and select breeders. The Tri-Chairmen Dingledine, Bill Flarida, Jack Geschke, Fritz Leeman decided it would not be logistically possible at this and Steve Marco. time. • There were two positive drug tests at Congress. A President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at certified letter has been sent out to the owners. 7:00 p.m. • It was recommended that the judges’ pay be increased to $700 per day beginning with the 2011 Minutes – Congress. • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the • C.R. Morrison approached Cam to discuss the 2011 September 2010 Minutes. Second by Charlie Menker. trophies. After discussions and investigations, Cam Motion carried. contacted Don Bell to discuss the possibility of having him sculpt a new trophy. OQHA would purchase the Treasurer’s Report – original piece and own all rights for $6,500.00. Alan • Vic Clark presented the Profit and Loss Statement Potts made the motion to pursue the new trophy. as of November 19, 2010. Vic reported that the layout Second by Charlie Menker. Motion carried. for the financial statements has changed. OQHA’s • The 2011 Official Congress coat will be a down coat revenues and expenses are listed on the first five pages, that Cinch will give to us at no charge in exchange for while the remaining pages represent all Congress sponsoring a cutting class. activities. Vic reported that there is still money to be • It was determined that 15 out of every 50 horses collected for the Super Sale that is not reflected in this will be finalists next year in pattern classes. This report. Brent Maxwell made a motion to accept the alleviates complications in splits. Treasurer’s report. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion • Candi Fites made recommendations for the Ohio carried. Breeder’s Incentive Program. It was decided to forward those recommendations on to our affiliates for Tri-Chairmen Report – additional input. Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier • 2011 NSBA sanction fees would be 3%. that day: • Attendance and entries were up for the 2010 Brent Maxwell made the motion to accept the TriCongress. Chairmen’s report with the exception of the Masters • There were over 17,100 entries which represents a classes. Charlie Menker second the motion. Motion 2% increase. carried. • The Tri-Chairmen discussed making changes to the


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Dan Trein made a motion to poll the Masters slot owners regarding the proposed changes, as well as changing the class to a maiden three-year-old instead of two-year-old. Brent Tincher second the motion. Motion carried. AQHA Reports – • Todd Salome and Scott Myers were nominated for AQHA National Director. Votes were collected and Scott Myers was named new AQHA National Director. Rules – • Binnie Ann Masters read the first reading of proposed rule change: Article III DUES AND MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Section 3. Membership will start January 1st (for all applications received on or before January 1st) and be effective through December 31st. After January 1st, membership will start the day the application and fee are received in the OQHA office and/or it will start the day the show secretary, at an approved OQHA show, receives the application and fee and so notes on the application the date received. Application and fee for the current year must be received in the OQHA office by September 1st for voting privileges. It is the responsibility of the members to read all rules and to understand when the membership becomes effective. Article V BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 17. Nomination of the directors for election at the annual meeting of the member shall be as follows: The nominating committee consisting of seven members shall be elected by the board of directors before the July meeting. Notice of this committee election shall be made in the agenda sent to the directors. The current board of directors, after hearing a report from the nominating committee, shall annually by the September board meeting nominate a sufficient number of candidates for directors as are to be elected. Persons nominated from the floor, after the report has been made, must have attended four (4) directors’ meetings in the current year previous to running for office and have signed in with the recording secretary. A copy of these nominations shall be mailed to all members of the association entitled to

vote, or published in the Ohio Quarter Horse News, at least six (6) weeks prior to the annual meeting. Any member entitled to vote, by written declaration may nominate another member as a candidate for any of the elective director’s position; such petition is to be endorsed by ten (10) members of the Association entitled to vote and which petition shall be mailed to the corporate secretary at the address of the OQHA. Office. Anyone seeking an OQHA directorship by petition must have attended four (4) directors’ meetings in the year previous to running for office and has signed in with the recording secretary. Petition is to be received no later than December 1st prior to the annual meeting. Such nominations shall be added to the official ballot and shall be voted on by the membership. Chris Darnell read the second reading of Youth Rule Changes: OHIO QUARTER HORSE YOUTH ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION and BYLAWS Page 15, Article I Section 1. This organization shall be a division of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, shall operate within the scope of the bylaws, rules and regulations of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and the American Quarter Horse Youth Association and shall be named Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association. Page 15, Article II Section 4. Membership in OQHYA grants all point earning and qualifying privileges of the OQHA. Note: A youth may elect to be a member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association as a life member and have all the privileges, except voting privileges. Voting privileges will follow the OQHYA and not follow the OQHA. If a youth is a life member, dues shall not be assessed by OQHYA. Page 16, Article III Section 4. In the matter of the election, at the annual meeting of directors, the president, the vice president, the secretary, the treasurer, the new reporter, all members of the association in good standing, shall be mailed, postmarked no later than twenty (20) days prior to the annual meeting, at his or her address as it appears on the records of the association, an official Ohio Quarter Horse News 37

Minutes election ballot with a return envelope, addressed to the youth advisor, an independent accounting or law firm designated by the OQHA Board of Directors, which envelope shall contain an authenticating label of the member affixed thereon. Once the ballot and return envelope are received by the youth advisor, independent accounting or law firm and after verification of the authenticity of the envelope, the ballot shall be extracted from the envelope and separated from it and tabulated by the independent accounting or law firm with the results of such tabulation to be certified by said independent accounting or law firm to the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Such mail ballot must be received by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, independent accounting or law firm, in the return envelope, at least six (6) working days prior to the Annual Meeting. Any member in good standing, who has not voted by mail as herein provided, may cast his or her vote at the annual meeting until half an hour before the start of the meeting at which time the balloting will terminate and the tabulation of those ballots shall commence and the results added to the tabulation of the mail vote. All old business at the annual meeting shall be conducted by the outgoing board of officers and directors. All issues included in old business shall be voted on by the outgoing board of officers and directors. At which time the old business is completed, the election results for the incoming board of officers and directors shall be announced and the new officers and directors will then take over the running of the annual meeting. All new business will be conducted by the new officers and directors. All issues included in new business shall be voted on by the new officers and directors.

association will designate criteria for the selection of the candidate(s) who is to will receive the financial support and the approval of the OQHA. The OQHA shall announce their final decision no later than February 25th. Page 19, Article V OHIO QUARTER HORSE YOUTH POINT SYSTEM Section 1 Paragraph 3. Current youth members interested in qualifying for a cattle event, working hunter, jumping, equitation over fences, and other classes not usually offered at regular shows must declare their interest in competing at the AQHYA World Championship show on or before the date of March 1st, however, if such class(es) is/are offered six (6) or more times, participation in these classes will take precedence over the letter of declaration in determining who will be state representatives at the AQHYA World Championship show. This letter of declaration should be sent to OQHA by way of certified mail with return receipt. OQHA will designate requirements to qualify for the above listed events. Page 19, Article V Section 1 Paragraph 4. Youth qualified to represent Ohio at the AQHYA finals through the above specified requirements or by qualifying nationally for a particular class(es) may elect, at their own expense, to add a class(es) for which no one has qualified providing the individual has shown in the elected class(es) at some point during the current qualifying period we do not have the allotted amount of participants. If there are more individuals wanting to add a class than there are spots available, the oldest individual would have priority with the final decision being determined by the youth advisor.

Page 17, Article III Section 5. Delegates to the AQHYA Convention shall be as follows: The OQHYA President will be the first Executive Committee – delegate: the OQHYA Vice President will be the second • OQHA staff and guests were excused for executive delegate; third and fourth additional delegates if session. needed will be chosen by the OQHYA board officers and the advisors. Page 17, Article III Section 6. Candidates for national office must declare themselves to the OQHA by January 25th of the year in which they are interested in running. At the time, the 38 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - January 17, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Vic Clark, Clark Bradley, Chris Darnell, Ed Dingledine, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Dr. Scott Myers, Charlie Menker, Judd Paul, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Brent Tincher and Denny Thorsell Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Mark Cherubini, Hank Clason, Tim Folck, Jack Geschke, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marco, Cindy Morehead, John Pickersgill, Don Recchiuti, Chuck Smith and Dan Trein. President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the November 2010 minutes with one correction to the executive session. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark presented the December 2010 financial statements. At this time, OQHA is showing a loss for the year. There are still year-end journal entries to be done with regards to interest income. Once the adjustments are completed, OQHA will have a profit for 2010. Brent Maxwell made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Second by Bob Hexter. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report – Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • There will be some changes to the Congress schedule if we can begin using the Voinovich Building as an arena. All the Trail and Showmanship classes will be moved there. We will also be adding a Trail Stakes class. • The Reining Futurity Finals will be held in the

evening this year at approximately 7:00 p.m. • The Fence classes will be moved to the last week of the show. • There will be two days of Working Cow Horse classes. • Congressjudges have been selected and contracts will be mailed in the next week. • The Master’s Classes will have the entry fees split evenly and a later date for horse and rider selection. • There will not be a Stallion Avenue for 2011. That space will be used for breeder booths, bulk space and possibly a business center. • The Tri-Chairmen approved Mike Christian’s 2011 contract as supplier for fence and trail equipment. They also approved a three-year contract for Wayne Davis for feed and bedding. • It has been proposed to sell 1,000 reserved seats for the World Series of Cutting. • The Tri-Chairmen are accepting proposals for installation for arena footing. Todd Salome made a motion to accept the TriChairmen report. Second by Ron McCarty. Motion carried. Annual Banquet – • Todd Salome reported that they are expecting 400 guests. The Amateurs will have their meeting at 11:30 a.m., OQHA will have its meeting at 12:00 p.m., and the banquet will begin at 5:00 p.m. AQHA Reports – • Cam stated that the Regional Championship will be a three-day show in 2011 and we will receive the same support from AQHA. The show will be moving in a new direction in the future, possibly becoming an all Novice Show Championship. Breeder’s Incentive Fund – • Candi Fites outlined the changes to The Ohio Breeder’s Incentive Fund. It will now be The Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund. It will no longer focus Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes on Ohio breeders. Instead, money will be added to the EOQHA, SOQHA and NOQHA Futurities. Scott Myer made a motion to accept the new changes. Second by Denny Thorsell. Motion carried. Executive Committee – Dr. Dave McDonald reported on the Executive Committee meeting held earlier that day: • The positive drug tests from the 2010 Congress are still under investigation. • The Wauseon and Barlow shows are scheduled for the same day. Wauseon will receive OQHA points, however Barlow will not. • Chris Darnell reported that the NSBA has proposed that we begin paying the required 6% or $3.00 fees for dual approved classes. It was determined that $3.00 will be added to the entry fees for NSBA classes beginning in 2011.

show, receives the application and fee and so notes on the application the date received. Application and fee for the current year must be received in the OQHA office by September 1st for voting privileges. It is the responsibility of the members to read all rules and to understand when the membership becomes effective. Alan Potts made a motion to accept the proposed rule change. Second by Binnie Ann Masters. Motion carried.

Article V BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 17. Nomination of the Directors for election at the annual meeting of the member shall be as follows: The nominating committee consisting of seven members shall be elected by the Board of Directors before the July meeting. Notice of this committee election shall be made in the agenda sent to the directors. The current Board of Directors, after hearing Wayne Erwin made a motion to accept the Executive a report from the Nominating Committee, shall Committee report. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion annually by the September Board meeting nominate carried. a sufficient number of candidates for Directors as are to be elected. Persons nominated from the floor, after Membership – the report has been made, must have attended four Chris Darnell reported the 2011 memberships so far as (4) Directors’ meetings in the current year previous follows: to running for office and have signed in with the • 123 Amateurs recording secretary. A copy of these nominations shall • 121 Regular be mailed to all members of the Association entitled • 36 Youth to vote, or published in the Ohio Quarter Horse News, at least six (6) weeks prior to the annual meeting. Any Ohio Queen – member entitled to vote, by written declaration may • Elaine Wells stated that they are in the process of nominate another member as a candidate for any of looking for a replacement for the Ohio Queen. the elective director’s position; such petition is to be endorsed by ten (10) members of the Association Rules – entitled to vote and which petition shall be mailed to • Binnie Ann Masters read the third reading of the Corporate Secretary at the address of the O.Q.H.A. proposed rule change: Office. Anyone seeking an OQHA directorship by petition must have attended four (4) directors’ Article III meetings in the year previous to running for office and DUES AND MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION has signed in with the recording secretary. Petition Section 3. Membership will start January 1 (for all is to be received no later than December 1st prior to applications received on or before January 1) and the annual meeting. Such nominations shall be added be effective through December 31. After January 1, to the official ballot and shall be voted on by the membership will start the day the application and fee membership. are received in the OQHA office and/or it will start the day the show secretary, at an approved OQHA Alan Potts made a motion to accept the rule change. 40 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Second by Todd Salome. Motion failed with a vote of 9 for, 10 against. This article will be sent back to the Rules Committee for another rewrite. Scholarships – • Wayne Erwin reported that the scholarships applications are due by February 15, 2011. He stated there will be interviews this year.

Amateurs – • Laura Salome reported that the Amateur Show will be April 30th and May 1st as single day shows. Marla Atherton and Patrick Murty will be attending the AQHA Convention as Amateur representatives. Ed Dingledine made a motion to adjourn. Second by Todd Salome. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Annual Meeting - February 6, 2010 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Clark Bradley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Candi Fites, Mark Fontana, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Denny Thorsell and Dan Trein.

Excused were: Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Tim Folck, Jeff James, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marko, Charlie Menker, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Chuck Smith and Brent Tincher. President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. Minutes – • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the Minutes of the 2009 Annual meeting. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Finance Committee Chairman Vic Clark reported on the December 31, 2009 financial statement. Report was approved by motion of Mark Fontana, second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report – • Scott Myers thanked all board members, office staff, and fellow tri-chairman during this difficult year

of transition. He welcomed Cam Foreman to the group. • Vic Clark reported that the many decisions had to be made outside of their comfort zone. He felt that the footing and team tournament presentation was improved in 2009. Financially, the Congress was better than expected with only a 3% reduction in entries. • Denny Thorsell stated it was a traumatic year with the loss of Denny Hales, the economy, and they had to make many major decisions with little input. He also thanked the board for allowing him to serve as a TriChairman. • Skip Salome completed the report with reporting the Congress Super Sale was better than they expected, making double anticipated revenue despite the economy and having to change sale companies. Security costs were down this year due to changes made with highway patrol and the ability to use local security. • Cam Foreman also commented that he was overwhelmed but took a lot of notes and commended the Tri-Chairmen who had lots of difficult decisions to make. President’s Report – • President Skip Salome thanked the office staff for their help and guidance during this difficult year. Congress Futurity – Clark Bradley requested the following changes: • Open Reining – $1,000.00 one-time entry fee, Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes which will include Open, Intermediate, Limited and adding a new Prime Time division with $1,500 added money. • Non Pro Reining Stakes – $800.00 one-time entry fee, which includes Limited and adding the Intermediate and Prime Time Divisions. • Open Non-Pro – $10,000 added money • Intermediate – $5,000 added money • Limited – $3,000 added money • Prime Time – $1,000 added money The Futurity committee recommended the following changes in the Congress two-year-old futurity: • Two-year-old Western Pleasure Futurity change to a maiden class with $40,000 added money. • Add a two-year-old open Western Pleasure stakes class with $10,000 added money. • The Futurity committee also requested that the Ohio Incentive Fund program continue with $12,000 in funding. Hank Clason made a motion to the Futurity Committee recommendations. Seconded by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion carried. EOQHA – • Brent Maxwell reported their show dates for 2010. They will move their futurity classes to Friday in September and will be adding slot classes. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that they would have a new split/combined show Memorial Day weekend and an All-Novice Show on Monday in 2010. They will not be having an April show in 2010 as they have moved those dates to their June Circuit and will have six sets of points in four days, The NOQHA Summer Six Pack. OAQHA – • Laura Salome reported that the entries and profit were up in 2009. They held a successful pancake breakfast at the Congress. Their community service project this year was Angel Tree. They were having a silent auction at the Annual Banquet this evening. Election Results - President-Laura Salome, 1st Vice President - Patrick Murty, 2nd Vice President - Marla 42 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Atherton, Secretary - Katie Stolte Carroll, Treasurer Abby Pound, Reporter - Courtney Kobak, Directors elected for three year terms: Cris Martin, Kara Beth Mitchell, Jennifer Sigman and Nancy Waid. OQHYA – • Bailey Mierzejewski, 1st Vice President, announced the new 2010 board of directors. President - Max Clason, 1st Vice President - Bailey Mierzejewski, Treasurer - Lucy Igoe, Secretary - Tyler Schultz, Reporter - Dakota Griffith, Directors elected for one year terms: Jessica LaVoie, Katsy Leeman, Ellexxah Maxwell, Kayla Magrum, Sophie Mercker, and Lacy Watson. The sportsmanship award was won by Lacey Watson and Dakota Griffith. OQHYA will have sweatshirts for sale. Ohio State Buckskin Association – • Ted Handel reported their show dates for 2010 OMIQHA – • Cindy Morehead reported that they had a show coming up on June 27th and 28th at the Western Findlay Campus. Old Business – • Scott Myers recommended that the profit from Puppy Alley at the Congress be used for a contribution of $3,500 to the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti. The donation will be made through the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Binnie Ann Masters made a motion to approve, seconded by Cindy Morehead. Motion carried. Judging Contest – • David McDonald reported that Dr. Klein from Ohio State had resigned his position. He requested $600.00 for program funding. Elizabeth Gorski made a motion to approve, seconded by Bob Hexter. Motion carried. Executive V.P. Report – • Cam Foreman began with “CHANGE” sums up the year. The definitions of change include helplessness; can weaken associations, and lowering our trust level.

Minutes We have experienced all these things this year. After 30 years with AQHA he took a leap of faith and joined OQHA, a major change in his life. He thanked the board for the opportunity to work for OQHA. He thanked wife, Lisa, for leaving their family for this new journey in their life. He loves his new job. • He introduced the office staff of OQHA that was in attendance and they received a standing ovation from the board of directors. • He expressed his appreciation for the president and the Tri-Chairmen. They attend daily meetings during the Congress and make the many decisions that are in the best interest of the OQHA and the Congress. He believes they are essential for the continued success of the Congress and asked the board to please put their trust in them. OQHA has the premier show and organization, which is the envy of the industry. He concluded by reminding us of a familiar statement, “united we stand and divided we fall.” Disclosure Statements – President Salome asked if any director of the board or staff members needed to make a full disclosure of business dealings with this association: • Vic Clark disclosed that he had partners and employees in his accounting practice that were providing services to the OQHA for remuneration. Dan Trein made a motion to approve the actions for the 2009 OQHA Board of Directors. Seconded by Ron McCarty. Motion carried.

Binnie Ann Masters made a motion to close the meeting to the new 2010 board of directors and excuse those not elected. Seconded by Hank Clason. Motion carried. Meeting was temporarily adjourned at 1:15 pm. Meeting reconvened at 1:20 pm with the 2010 board of directors. Election of Executive Committee Member – • Chris Darnell was nominated by Brent Maxwell, second by Elizabeth Gorski. • Dan Trein was nominated by Clark Bradley, second by Hank Clason. • Bill Flarida was nominated by Bob Hexter, second by Todd Salome. • Chris Darnell was elected by secret ballot to a three-year term on the executive committee. Appointment of Directors for one-year terms – • Mark Cherubini, Kelli Diaz, Candi Fites, John Pickersgill and Denny Thorsell. Motion to accept executive committee recommendation by Scott Myers, second by Dan Trein. Motion carried. • Lisa Alley made a motion to not have a regular February board of directors meeting. Second by David McDonald. Motion carried. • Wayne Erwin made a motion to have a 2010 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion carried.

Election Results – Motion to adjourn by Vic Clark, second by Candi Fites. President - Skip Salome, 1st Vice President - Vic Clark, Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m. 2nd Vice President - Clark Bradley, Directors elected for three-year terms: Lisa Alley, Hank Clason, Roger Landis, Brent Maxell, Don Recchiuti, and Todd Salome.

Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Quarter Horse News




Ohio Quarter Horse News

Advertiser’s Index All American Quarter Horse Congress............................................................................................................................... 5 Amy Masters ........................................................................................................................................................................ 45 Brad Luebben ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Congress Souvenir Jackets & Hats .................................................................................................................................... 25 Coughlin Automotive...................................................................................................................................................... 1, 45 DeGraff Stables .................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Diamond Six Farm .............................................................................................................................................................. 44 Don’t Fret LLC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association ........................................................................................................................ 11 Judd Paul Training Stables .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ......................................................................................................................................... 45 Kustom Kritter Fitters ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 45 Mil-Max Training Center ................................................................................................................................................... 45 Ohio Futurity Breeders Incentive Fund ..................................................................................................................... 30-31 Ohio Quarter Horse Membership Renewal .................................................................................................................... 18 Pine View Farm ................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Region 4 Regional Championship ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson ...................................................................................................................... 44 Saddle Creek Farms Bedding ............................................................................................................................................. 46 Sorrell Performance Horses ............................................................................................................................................... 46 Tincher’s Quarter Horses ................................................................................................................................................... 46 Trein Training Center ......................................................................................................................................................... 46

Ohio Quarter Horse News


PAPERWORK Original or photocopy of registration papers Coggins test certification Health Certificate Association membership card Show bill Rule book Paper and pencils HORSE CARE ITEMS Grain, Supplements and feed tub Hay and Haynet Water pail Water, if necessary Electrolyte paste or powder Manure fork and bucket Bedding - shavings or straw Horse blanket and hood Sheet or fly net Fly repellent Tail Extension TRAVELING Shipping leg wraps Tail wrap Halter and lead rope TACK Saddle Bridle Martingale Pad or blanket Girth or cinch Protective boots Tack trunk Extra halter and lead rope Lunge Line Lunge Whip Boots Polo Wraps


Ohio Quarter Horse News

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SHOW CLOTHES Coat or vest Pants Chaps Shirt Tie or pin Boots Spurs Gloves Hat or Helmet Hair net Pins Comb Brush Safety pins Mirror Rain gear Rubber shoes/boots MOMS LIST Nutritious snacks Water Folding chairs Sunscreen Bug Spray

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