Ohio Quarter Horse News March/April Issue 2012

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Ohio Quarter Horse March/April 2012



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Lisa Martin

Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Mindy Westlake

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ FEATURES ] 22-23 27-28

OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet Youth Spotlight by Charley Thiel


3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 9 Forum 10 Podium 12, 14-18 OQHA News 20 Around Ohio 24 OQHYA Officers & Directors 25-26 Youth Headlines 29 2012 Show Schedule 32 OAQHA Officers & Directors 33 Amateur Update 38-41 Meeting Minutes 42 Stallion Directory 43-44 Business Card Directory 44 Ad Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] [ COVER PHOTO ] This black and white still-life photo by Greg Mitchell of Zanesville, Ohio is beautiful in its simplicity. Mitchell received second place in the 2011 Ohio Quarter Horse News Photo Contest for this shot.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

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Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing OMI Quarter Horse Ohio State Buckskin

2012 OQHA Officers Chris Cecil Darnell

David McDonald, DVM

Tri-Chair, Annual Awards, Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Commercial Exhibitors, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Treasurer’s Office

Task Force, Finance, Research, Vet Coordinator

1st Vice President (2/13), Congress

111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Hank Clason

2nd Vice President (2/13), Drug

Dr. Scott Myers

President (2/13), Finance, Research, Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Task Force, Finance, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-725-6614 DClason@aol.com

Alan Potts

Executive Committee (2/13) Finance, Grievance, Hall of Fame, Roping 28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611 ap.roper34@yahoo.com

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/14),

Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail

24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Executive Committee (2/15), Drug 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Skip Salome

Congress Tri-Chair (9/14),

Finance, Public Policy, Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments

1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net

Denny Thorsell

Congress Tri-Chair (9/13), Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Move-In

8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-7205 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee appointments are noted in italics.

AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley

Charlie Menker

Skip Salome

Fritz Leeman

Dr. Scott Myers

Dan Trein

AQHA Director Emeritus 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

AQHA Director at Large 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@ aol.com

AQHA Director Emeritus 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2012 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Ohio Queen, Rules, Awards Office, Commercial Exhibitors, Hunter/Jumpers, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com

Breeders Incentive, Grounds Security, Overflow Trailers, Move-In 410 County Line Rd. Hopewell, OH 43746 740-819-7805 Jamesqtrhrs@columbus.rr.com

Todd Salome (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Trail Ride, VIP/ Awards Ceremony

1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

Rod Atherton (2/13)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Chuck Smith (2/13)

Kelli Diaz (2/14)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/14)

Candi Fites (2/13)

Ron McCarty (2/14)

Brent Tincher (2/15)

Bill Flarida (2/15)

Cindy Morehead (2/14)

Mike Vargo (2/13)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/15)

Judd Paul (2/15)

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas, Move-In, Trail 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com

Shane Watson (2/15)

Annual Banquet, Judging Tournament, Public Service Announcements 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Cell: 513-543-3313 Shane@watsonqh.com

Bob Hexter (2/14)

John Pickersgill (2/13)

Randy Wilson (2/15)

Randy Jacobs (2/14)

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Trail Ride, Congress Program, MoveIn 16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 RAtherton@visohio.com

Trail Ride, Youth Advisor, Congress Queen, Youth Activities 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net Horse Show Advisory, Information Booth, Reining 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Cell: 419-303-0592

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Public Policy, Rules, Scholarship 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com

Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Congress Program, Food and Beverage 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com


Jeff James (2/13)

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178 Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Scholarship, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Hunter/ Jumpers, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Youth Speaking Contest 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Membership, Rules, Overflow Trailers, Move-In 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Judging Team, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Scholarship, Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-402-3189 CSmithCH@gmail.com

Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Move-In 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Membership, Animal Protection/ Fire Safety, Grounds Security, Riding Areas, Vet Coordinator 137766 Taylor Rd., Plain City, OH 43064 Cell: 614-205-8045 MVargo@vargomail.com

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas 5100 Manchester Dr. Zanesville, OH 43701 Cell: 740-819-0257 Wilsonqhs@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated, unless otherwise noted.

Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley

Past President, 1999-2000 Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Jim Brennan

Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Vic Clark

Past President, 1997-1998 Finance, Public Policy, Treasurer’s Office 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Don Clason

Past President, 1976-1977 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Ed Dingledine

Honorary Director Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Wayne Erwin

Honorary Director Futurities, Judging Team, Hall of Fame, Scholarship, Professional Horsemen 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com

Jack Geschke

Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH Cell: 330-800-6741 Cell: 330-388-9989


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Burgess Holt

Cliff Nash

Fritz Leeman

Alan Potts

Steve Marko

Roger Ruetenik

Past President, 1984-1986 Medina, OH 330-725-7024 Past President, 1990-1992 Public Policy, Finance 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Honorary Director Breeders Incentive, Judging Team, Membership, Rules, Scholarship, Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Hunter/ Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Youth Speaking Contest McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Past President, 1987-1988 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Past President, 1960 Finance, Grievance, Rules, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611

Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Skip Salome

Past President, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2009-2010 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

Honorary Director Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail, Youth Activities 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Charlie Menker

Past President, 2003-2004, 2011 Roping 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers, DVM Past President, 2007-2008 P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.

Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell

t’s show season! Despite the oddly mild winter we’ve had in Central Ohio, I am still extremely excited for show season to begin. By the time this issue hits mailboxes, the first OQHA-approved show will be underway, hosted by the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. And once April begins, nearly every weekend is full, from SOQHA to the annual OAQHA show. For a full list of OQHA-approved shows, check out page 29. Here at the OQHA office, we are gearing up for the 2012 Region 4 Championship. The show will be held July 13-15 at the Ohio Expo Center, and great prizes from AQHA Corporate Sponsors will be given away for places first through fifth, as well as TexTan saddles for all-arounds. Visit www.oqha. com/information/region-four for all the details, including a schedule and entry forms! Planning for the 46th annual All American Quarter Horse Congress is also in full swing. Entry materials for futurities and sweepstakes, including Amateur Versatility, have been mailed, and are also available online. There is one new futurity for 2012: the Southern Belle Breeder’s Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity, which will run concurrently with the NSBA Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity. Don’t forget that first payments are due April 1st!

Corrections and Additions


n the article entitled “All American Quarter Horse Congress Ohio Results” that appeared on pages 2843 if the January/Frebruary 2012 issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News, two exhibitiors were unintentionally missed. Lily Tatman, riding Sheez My Kinda Rein owned by Wendy Hunkins placed 8th in AQHA Youth Reining


Ohio Quarter Horse News

(13 and Under). Congratulations Lily! As well as Aubrey Davis and her own Captivate You, who were crowned Congress Champions in AQHA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-18) and NSBA Novice Youth Hunter Under Saddle (14-18). Congratulations Aubrey!

Forum Dear OQHA, hank you so much for all of the year-end awards! I especially appreciate the all-around Harris saddle, it was extremely thoughtful! I think it’s safe to say that Ohio has THE best awards and they’re greatly appreciated!


Thank you, Ashley Koszalka


011 was an eventful year. Working for Ohio Halter Horse of the Year can be an elusive goal as we know from past experience. There are so many variables, not the least of which is stiff competition all around the state. Occasionally we are teased by our friends because Susan and I show against one another, more often than not, in the same class. We take it all in stride. During our college years, we met at a boarding stable. I was at Ohio State and Susan went to Miami. Scheduling the first date got complicated because of our busy horse schedules. We were involved with different breeds. I showed Tennessee Walkers, but you see how Quarter Horses and my girlfriend won me over. Our involvement with horses is a way of life. Adam, our son, also showed for many years and gained from the experience. Looking back, I miss those days; so many fond memories. Starting our in 2011, we received a 20-Year Breeder Recognition from AQHA. LooknPrettySpecial is the third generation of produce. We all showed her dam, LooknForAPartyCrowd, who was Ohio Halter Horse of the Year in 2005. Adam campaigned her second dam, Trifecta. You can understand the gratification from this line of mares. We raise most of our show mares, but we acquired CSR Final Conclusion at the World Show sale with the long-term goal of adding her to our broodmare band. She is one of the last foals by her sire, Obvious Conclusion. Last year, we showed throughout Ohio. It was a big commitment, with most weekends being preplanned; lots of work and lots of fun. We enjoy finding new restaurants when we are away. Last summer we

discovered The Gathering in Findlay. I recommend the Strawberries Romanoff - what a treat! A high-point award is always a thrill, but winning the award with both mares in a tie was over the top. His and Hers trophy buckles - how cool is that? The buckles are just exquisite. Special thanks go to Herb and Ginny Gonsheimer for the exceptional craftsmanship. The 2012 OQHA Banquet was a memory maker for sure. We really appreciate the hard work of so many committee members. Shane Watson makes a great emcee to liven up the crowd. The dinner was great and the company was grand. How wonderful to share the evening with so many friends. We are grateful for the American Quarter Horse Heritage that we all share and how it has enriched our lives... year after year. In closing, congratulations go to other award winners. Hopefully your achievements were just as meaningful and as exciting. Here’s a great big MUCHO GRACIAS to OQHA. What a year! Sincerely, Jack and Susan Grove Dear OQHA, just want to thank you so much for the beautiful Harrisw Work Saddle! That was such a memorable moment to receive such an award! I also liked my headstall from the year before. I am just so proud to be a member of such a wonderful association!


Thanks again, Hannah Overmyer

Ohio Quarter Horse News




by Dr. Scott Myers

s my first president’s letter of 2012, I would like to begin by thanking all OQHA members for electing me as your new President. I will to work diligently and take an active role in making this upcoming year and the 2012 All American Quarter Horse Congress a success. The first weekend in February was our Annual Meeting, in which we announced new officers and directors. I would like to thank all of our returning board members for their continued support of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and welcome our new directors. I look forward to working with everyone to continue the excellence of this association. We also celebrated the success of our members during the 2011 Annual Awards Banquet. Congratulations to everyone on a wonderful year, and thank you to our Annual Banquet and Awards committees for working so hard to produce a great event for all to enjoy. Now that spring is finally coming around, I am looking forward to the upcoming show season. Make sure to take a peek at the 2012 OQHA Show Schedule on page 29, and don’t forget that the Region 4 Championship Show will be held again this year at the Ohio Expo Center on July 13-15. Visit www.oqha.com/information/region-four for a complete show schedule! Also, don’t forget that nominations for Congress Futurities are due April 1st. Congress Futurity books will be hitting mailboxes in early March, and will be available for download online as well at www.oqha.com/aaqhc. There is one new futurity this year: the Southern Belle Breeder’s Three-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure Futurity. In closing, I again want to thank the membership for the opportunity to be OQHA President this year, and I am looking forward to serving the association.

October 5-28, 2012 Trade Show: Oct. 9-28 Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio

Compete at one of the most prestigious horse shows in the country or come experience the amazing atmosphere. Visit www.oqha.com/aaqhc for up to the minute information, including events and horse show schedules! Futurity Nominations Due April 1 10

Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA News New 2012 Officers and Directors Announced


t its annual meeting, held February 4, 2012 in Columbus, the Ohio Quarter Horse Association announced new officers and directors. Dr. Scott Myers, of Sharon Center, was elected by the membership as OQHA’s President for 2012. Dr. Myers began serving as an OQHA Director in 2000 and has served as a Congress TriChairman for four years. Additionally, Dr. Myers served as OQHA President from 2007-2008. Dr. Myers graduated from The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1985, and along with his wife, Leslie, owns and operates Hunting Ridge Animal Hospital. Dr. Myers and his family, including his two daughters Taylor and Mallory, are also very active in raising and showing Quarter Horses. The family competes on a national level, and has won numerous high-point titles, AQHA World Championships and Congress Championships. Elected Officers and Directors Also elected to office for 2012 are Chris Cecil Darnell as First Vice President, and Hank Clasonas Second Vice President.

The OQHA Board of Directors voted to fill Hank Clason’s remaining one-year term as director with Jeff James. Past President Alan Potts was voted by the OQHA Board of Directors to fill Chris Cecil Darnell’s previous remaining one-year term on the executive committee. Chris will remain on the executive committee as First Vice President. The membership elected the following returning directors to three-year terms: Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Judd Paul and Brent Tincher, as well as newcomers Shane Watson and Randy Wilson. The executive committee appointed the following to one-year terms on the board of directors: Rod Atherton, John Pickersgill, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith and Mike Vargo. After serving for 39 years on the Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors, Wayne Erwin was appointed to the position of Honorary Director. Congress Tri-Chairmen As First Vice President, Chris Cecil Darnell will serve a one-year term as a Congress Tri-Chairman. Denny Thorsell continues into the second year of his threeyear term as Tri-Chairman. Skip Salome was voted to fill Dr. Scott Myers’ term as Tri-Chairman, which will expire in September of 2014.

Upcoming Meetings


uring March, board meetings return to their usual date, Monday, March 19th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus. The OQHA Board of Directors will meet again on Monday, April 16th at 7 pm at a new location: the Holiday Inn Worthington, located at 7007 N High St. in Worthington, Ohio. In May, the board of directors will meet Monday, May 21st at 7 pm. The location will be announced closer to the meeting. 12 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the OQHA Annual Picnic, held this year on Monday, June 11th beginning with dinner at 6 pm, located at the Ohio Expo Center’s Natural Resource shelter area. All members and guests are invited to attend!

NORTHERN OHIO QUARTER HORSE NOQHA EXTRAVAGANZA & NOVICE SHOW May 26 & 27 S/C Judge: April Devitt & Benny Sargent May 28 All Novice Show Judge: Jennifer Goss Novice Youth All Around Saddle & Novice Amateur All Around Saddle Reserve Novice Youth All Around & Reserve Novice Amateur All Around Small Fry All Around & Reserve All Around Awards Rookie Classes Added NSBA Dual Approved • NSBA Youth Smart Points Double Points for NOQHA Year End & Congress Team (all weekend) Shows to be held at University of Findlay Western Farm • Findlay, Ohio Limited Camping Hookups ~~ Reservations Required (forms online)

One Fee Package Deal $195 Includes:

Stall, Office Fee, AQHA Drug Fee, Unlimited AQHA Entry Fees for 2 Judges 1 Horse – Unlimited Riders Must show in a Halter Class to get the Package Deal!! **************************************************


September 21 - 23 S/C Judge: Terri Cross & Rhonda Replogle Rookie Classes Added NSBA Dual Approved • NSBA Youth Smart Points Ohio Bonus Money Paid in all Open Futurity Classes (forms online) Shows to be held at Mahoning County Fairgrounds, Canfield, Ohio

One Fee Package Deal $185 Includes:

Stall, Office Fee, AQHA Drug Fee, Unlimited AQHA Entry Fees for 2 Judges 1 Horse – Unlimited Riders Must show in a Halter Class to get the Package Deal!!



Ohio Quarter Horse News


Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News New OQHA Standing Committees *Asterisks denote committee chairpersons. Annual Awards Elaine Wells* Candi Fites* Chris Cecil Darnell Annual Banquet Todd Salome* Lisa Alley Shane Watson Annual Meeting Rhonda Harter* Barb Benedum AQHA Clark Bradley Fritz Leeman Dr. Scott Myers Skip Salome Dan Trein Breeders Incentive Candi Fites* Binnie Ann Masters Jeff James - EOQHA Tom Orosz - NOQHA Lisa Perry - SOQHA Barb Benedum Drug Task Force Dave McDonald* Hank Clason Elizabeth Gorski Roger Landis


Denny Thorsell Mike Vargo Randy Wilson Finance Alan Potts* Hank Clason Vic Clark Chris Cecil Darnell Fritz Leeman Brent Maxwell Dave McDonald Dr. Scott Myers Skip Salome Denny Thorsell Grievance Elizabeth Gorski* Hank Clason Alan Potts Mike Vargo Randy Wilson Horse Show Advisory/ Show and Contest Dan Trein* Clark Bradley Hank Clason Chris Cecil Darnell Candi Fites Bill Flarida Roger Landis Brent Maxwell Judd Paul Randy Wilson Kristine Nagy

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Judging Team Cindy Morehead* Wayne Erwin Binnie Ann Masters Don Recchiuti Membership John Pickersgill* Binnie Ann Masters Mike Vargo Mindy Westlake Professional Horsemen Roger Landis* Clark Bradley Hank Clason Wayne Erwin Randy Jacobs Brent Maxwell Judd Paul Dan Trein Brent Tincher Randy Wilson Public Policy Skip Salome* Vic Clark Elizabeth Gorski Fritz Leeman Lee Smith Ohio Queens Jaymie Drury* Lisa Alley Jennifer Paul

Racing Ben Grandstaff* Research Dave McDonald* Dr. Scott Myers* Rules Lisa Alley* Hank Clason Chris Cecil Darnell Elizabeth Gorski Binnie Ann Masters John Pickersgill Scholarship Elizabeth Gorski* Wayne Erwin Binnie Ann Masters Cindy Morehead Chuck Smith Barb Benedum Trail Ride Todd Salome* Rod Atherton Bob Hexter Binnie Ann Masters Ron McCarty Skip Salome Ted Handel Youth Kelli Diaz*

OQHA News OQHA/Tri-County Trail Ride


he Ohio Quarter Horse Association has partnered with the Tri-County Trail Riding Association to host the 2012 OQHA/Tri-County Trail Ride. Held August 17-19, 2012 at Tri-County Trails in East Sparta, Ohio, the event will include five guided trail rides (including one night ride, weather permitting), six meals, entertainment and the 2012 Jim Wells Memorial Trail Challenge $1,000 Sweepstakes competiton.The cost for the weekend is $85 per rider, with discounts available for multiple riders.

The 2012 Jim Wells Memorial Trail Challenge $1,000 Sweepstakes competiton will consist of a judged obstacle course, with three levels for youth and adults. There will be awards and cash prizes for top placings. For more information, contact: Cynthia Bauman, Tri-County Trails at 330-323-3559 or CLBauman@aol.com OR Todd Salome, OQHA at 740404-4308. You can also visit our website, www.oqha. com.

Show at the Region 4 Championship!


he American Quarter Horse Association’s Region 4 Regional Championship Show will be held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio on July 13-15. Hosted by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the Region 4 Championship is now in its eighth year. Competitors from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Ontario, Canada are invited to attend the Region 4 Championships. Nearly $55,000 in cash and prizes, including seven trophy saddles, will be up for grabs, as well as wonderful prizes for top finishers in each class. The Regional Championship shows are held throughout 10 regions of North America through a program established by the American Quarter Horse Association with support from state affiliates, like the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. These experiences were developed to provide an opportunity for people to

experience the competition, education and excitement found at American Quarter Horse Championship shows. Don’t forget that placing in the top 10 in a Novice class at the Region 4 Regional Championship qualifies you to attend the AQHA Novice championship shows. For details, including how to qualify, visit www.aqha. com. Aside from the show ring, exhibitors and spectators can enjoy trade exhibitions, food and shopping, clinics by professional horsemen and educational seminars. For more information about the Region 4 Championships, including a full show schedule and entry information, visit www.oqha.com/information/ region-four.

OQHA Honorary Director Jess Cecil Passes


oseph “Jess” Cecil, 85, passed away on Tuesday, March 6th in Lakeland, Florida. After serving as a Sgt. in the Army during World War II, Jess owned several businesses, including Montrose Pure Oil, Wolf Creek Appaloosa Farm, Jess Cecil Quarter Horses, and Lanning’s Restaurant. Jess became an OQHA Director in 1982, and was

awarded an honorary directorship in 2006. Jess was a lifetime member of AQHA. In lieu of flowers, the Cecil family has asked donations be made to the Jess Cecil Memorial Scholarship Fund, care of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association: PO Box 209, Richwood, OH 43344. Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News Congress Steering Committee Assignments *Asterisks denote committee chairpersons. Animal Protection/Fire Safety Binnie Ann Masters* Bob Hexter Cindy Morehead Ralph Craft Assistant Horse Show Manager Bob Geesemen Awards Assignments Tri-Chairmen Awards Office Elaine Wells* Jaymie Drury* Lisa Alley Congress Futurities Hank Clason* Clark Bradley Wayne Erwin Randy Jacobs Roger Landis Brent Maxwell Judd Paul Chuck Smith Brent Tincher Dan Trein Randy Wilson Shawn Flarida Gary Trubee Commercial Exhibitors Chris Cecil Darnell* Lisa Alley Lisa Martin Congress Program Candi Fites* Rod Atherton Bob Hexter Tracy Bidwell


Congress Queens Kelli Diaz* Rebecca Ball Stephanie Cline Cutting Chuck Smith Farriers Craig Harrison Food and Beverage Skip Salome* Bob Hexter Ron McCarty Gate Crew Ed Campbell Grounds Security Ron McCarty* Jeff James Skip Salome Mike Vargo Hall of Fame Clark Bradley* Wayne Erwin Alan Potts Tri-Chairmen Horse Show Secretary Rhonda Harter Hunter/Jumpers Binnie Ann Masters* Don Recchiuti* Lisa Alley Cindy Morehead Information Booth Bill Flarida* Betty Flarida Judging Tournament Don Recchiuti* Dave McDonald*

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Randy Jacobs Shane Watson Lectures/Demonstrations Elizabeth Gorski* Cindy Morehead Morning Refreshments Lisa Alley* Overflow Trailers John Pickersgill* Jeff James Sam Mierzejewski Public Service Announcements Tracy Bidwell* Shane Watson* Lisa Martin Racing Ben Grandstaff Reining Clark Bradley* Hank Clason Bill Flarida Roger Landis Shawn Flarida

John Pickersgill Denny Thorsell Sam Mierzejewski Bill Wright Team Tournament (NYATT) Don Recchiuti* Binnie Ann Masters Donna Hughes Leah Recchiuti Trail Brent Maxwell* Dan Trein* Judd Paul Brent Tincher George Seanor Treasurer’s Office Vic Clark* Chris Cecil Darnell Barb Benedum Vet Coordinator Dave McDonald* Mike Vargo Veterinarian Animal Protection/Puppy Alley Dr. Scott Myers

Riding Areas Judd Paul* Hank Clason Roger Landis Mike Vargo Randy Wilson

VIP/Awards Ceremony Lisa Alley* Todd Salome* Binnie Ann Masters Cindy Morehead Don Recchiuti

Roping Clark Bradley* Charlie Menker Alan Potts

Youth Activities Kelli Diaz* Dan Trein

Stall Move-In Day Jeff James* Rod Atherton Judd Paul

Youth Speaking Contest Binnie Ann Masters Cindy Morehead

Around Ohio 45th Equine Affaire, North America’s Premiere Equine Exposition, April 12-15, in Ohio Equine Affaire Press Release


pring is right around the corner, and so is the 45th Equine Affaire! North America’s premiere equine exposition and equestrian gathering will return to the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus on April 12th through the 15th with a wealth of horses and horserelated opportunities for equestrians, including the largest horse-related trade show in North America, an educational program that is second-to-none, Equine Affaire’s exciting Versatile Horse & Rider Competition, and the ever-popular Pfizer Fantasia. Horse people of all levels of expertise from 4-H riders and those who are just getting started in the horse world to accomplished equestrians and equine professionals will be able to immerse themselves in “all things equine” for four full days at the 2012 Equine Affaire and soak up training and riding tips from a roster of Olympians and World and National Champions from disciplines as diverse as reining, dressage, barrel racing, eventing, jumping, driving, hunter under saddle, team penning and sorting, English pleasure, and gaited horse competition... to name a few. Equine Affaire is proud to once again feature a blend of top-notch clinicians and presenters that will represent a broad spectrum of equestrian disciplines at their highest levels and ensure the presentation of a wide range of horse-training techniques and philosophies. The Versatile Horse & Rider Competition returns! Equine Affaire’s hugely popular Versatile Horse & Rider Competition—which was introduced at the Ohio Equine Affaire last year—promises to be a highlight of the 2012 event this April. The competition is a timed and judged race through an obstacle course that is designed not only to push horse and rider teams out of their traditional “comfort zones,” but also to test communication between horse and rider and the horsemanship skills and athletic abilities of each competing team. Thirty pre-selected horse and rider teams will compete for the title of “Versatile Horse & Rider Competition Champion” and $5,500 in cash and


Ohio Quarter Horse News

other prizes. The Pfizer Fantasia—Always a Night to Remember The focus will shift from education to entertainment at Equine Affaire’s flagship equestrian extravaganza, the Pfizer Fantasia, which will take place at 7:30 pm on Friday and Saturday nights in the coliseum. This special equine musical revue will feature a star-studded lineup of professional equestrian performers and exceptional horses choreographed to a wide variety of musical styles. Enjoy the beauty and diversity of horses of many breeds as well as the excitement of equestrian sports including freestyle reining, dressage, driving, drill teams, trick riding, trick horses, and more! A separate ticket is required, and tickets range in price from $12 to $25 plus seat selection fees. Advance tickets are available through March 18th and can be ordered online at www.equineaffaire.com or by calling Equine Affaire at (740) 845-0085. Any tickets not sold in advance will be available for purchase at the Information Booth in the Bricker Building beginning at 9:00 am on Thursday at Equine Affaire. A World of Horses on Review What would a horse fest be without incredible horses? The Cashmans Breed Pavilion in the Voinovich Center and the Horse & Farms Exhibits in the Gilligan Complex will showcase dozens of breeds of horses from North and South America, Europe, and beyond. Whether your interest lies in stock breeds, gaited horses, light breeds, warmbloods, drafts, ponies, mules, or some unique breed–or you’re searching for a competitive mount or a pleasure horse, you’ll find it at Equine Affaire. Round up your horse-loving friends and barn mates and plan your April getaway. Consult www.equineaffaire.com for hotel details, updated information on room availability, and information on camping.

2011 OQHA Year-End Awards


eld Saturday, February 4th at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus, the 2011 OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet was a blast. The evening started with speeches from Charlie Menker, OQHA 2011 President, Patrick Murty, OAQHA 2011 President and Dakota Griffith, OQHYA 2011 President. Attendees went on to enjoy a wonderful sit-down meal, featuring filet mignon and salmon. Shane Watson announced all of our year-end award winners, and 2011 OQHA Queen Megan Masterson was on hand to help distribute awards, which included Harris work saddles, Harris spurs, tack trunks, headstalls and a variety of other awards. Throughout the evening, items, including Ohio State

Left to right: All-Around award winners: Chelsea Martz, Megan McCulloch, LuAnne Coleman, Lacy Watson and Shiloh Neff pose with their award, a Harris work saddle. Pg 23, Left to right: All-Around award winners: Hannah Overmyer, Ashley Koszalka and Kaylyn Gimbel. pose with their award, a Harris work saddle. Photos courtesy Tim Finnegan.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

football tickets and a custom Golf Cart donated by Salopek, were auctioned to benefit the Amateur and Youth associations. OQHA also announced the results of the 2012 OQHA Queen Contest, crowing Madeline Graves of Euclid, Ohio. After awards, everyone enjoyed dancing and karoke late into the night, with many choosing to stay at the Ramada and enjoy sleeping in on Sunday. All in all it was a great event, and the perfect way to end a fabulous show season. Congratulations to all of our year-end award winners, and thanks to all who attended the year-end banquet!

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Bailey Mierzejewski

Emma Brown

Hannah Overmyer

Lacy Watson

Lindsay Brush

Paul “Trey” Schwab III

Lauren Diaz

Caitlyn Colvin

Madison Thiel

Director 4128 Oxford-Middletown Rd Trenton, OH 45067 513-680-2377 LilCowgirl795@aol.com

Director 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-374-4073 horselover43017@yahoo.com

Brittany Harter

Ellexxah Maxwell

Bridgett White

Charley Thiel

Justin Melvin

President 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com

Vice President 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Home: 513-646-5192 Lopin4Fun@yahoo.com

Secretary 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com

Treasurer 85 Limetree Dr. Delaware, OH 43015 Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com

Resporter 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com


Director 1175 Harrison Pond Dr. New Albany, OH 43054 Home: 614-855-2103 SBrush@insight.rr.com

Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Home: 513-868-6900 Schwab2180@fuse.net

Director 7709 Allen Rd. Canal Winchester, OH 43110 Home: 614-915-7354 DWhite90@insight.rr.com

Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com

Director 9311 Degood Rd. Marysville, OH 43040 Home: 740-513-6976 JMelvin62@aim.com

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Cell: 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings

he next OQHYA Youth Board Meeting will be held on Monday, March 19th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus. In April, the OQHYA Board of Directors will meet on Monday, April 16th at a new location: the Holiday Inn Worthington, located at 7007 N High St. OQHYA will meet again on Monday, May 21st at 7 pm, location to be determined.. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the OQHA Annual Picnic, held this year on Monday, June 11th beginning with dinner at 6 pm, located at the Ohio Expo Center’s Natural Resource shelter area. All members and guests are invited to attend!


Director 15720 W. Smith Rd. Elmore, OH 43416 Home: 419-862-2137 cbfcriters@aol.com

Director 2121 Pinkerton Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 Home: 740-453-3247 JulieB3879@yahoo.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News

March Mar 19 @ 7 pm April April 16 @ 7 pm May May 21 @ 7 pm

Youth Headlines OQHYA Elects New Officers and Directors


outh election results were announced at the OQHYA Annual Meeting, held Saturday, February 4th. OQHYA members elected Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling as President. The high school junior is not only very active on the show circuit in western allaround events, but she has been on the Madison Plains High School Varsity Tennis team for three seasons, as well as being involved in the school’s Key Club and Spanish Club.

Other elected officers include Lacy Watson as Vice President, Lauren Diaz as Secretary, Brittany Harter as Treasurer and Charley Thiel as Reporter. 2012 OQHYA Directors include Emma Brown, Lindsay Brush, Caitlyn Colvin, Ellexxah Maxwell, Justin Melvin, Hannah Overmyer, Trey Schwab, Madison Thiel and Bridgett White. All OQHYA officers and directors are elected to oneyear terms.

How to Qualify for the 2012 AQHYA World Show


outh can qualify to represent Ohio at the 2012 AQHYA World Show two ways. The first is by earning enough AQHA points during the qualifying period to become nationally qualified. The national qualifying period began May 1, 2011 and runs through April 30, 2012. AQHA determines the number of points youth need to qualify nationally and they are listed on their website, www.aqha.com. Youth that wish to qualify nationally

and receive the stipend from OQHA must attend at least two OQHYA meetings between January 1, 2012 and July 1, 2012. The second way to qualify is in-state. Youth must be members of OQHYA, reside in Ohio and attend at least two meetings between January 1, 2012 and July 1, 2012. Youth must also place in a minimum of three shows, accumulating at least 10 points during the qualifying period. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count. The qualifying period begins on the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through May 31st. Youth that wish to qualify for a cattle event, working hunter, jumping, equitation over fences and other classes not usually offered at regular shows can declare their interest in competing at the AQHYA World Show. Letters of declaration must be sent on or before March 1st, 2012 and should be mailed through certified mail with return receipt to OQHA.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines Be on the 2012 OQHYA Congress NYATT Team


ll OQHYA youth members are invited to compete for a spot on OQHA’s 2012 National Youth Activity Team Tournament team. In order to be eligible, youth must be a member of OQHYA and reside in Ohio, as well as attend at least two OQHYA board meetings between January 1st and July 1st. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count, provided that the youth placed in at least three shows and

accumulated a minimum of 10 points. The qualifying period for the NYATT team begins the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through July 31st. Members of the Congress NYATT team may only show in one event in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. Events include Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Reining and Barrel Racing.

Youth Report by Charley Thiel Submitted by: Charley Thiel, OQHYA Reporter


ello, my name is Charley Thiel. I am the newly elected Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association Reporter. I am going to do my best to keep you all informed of the busy schedule of the Ohio Youth. As most of you may already know, we had our annual banquet and meeting the first weekend of February. This meeting would prefectly fit the word “bittersweet.” There were many new faces, but sadly, the old officers, directors and amateurs had to say their goodbyes and the new officers and directors were announced. President and the 2011 Sportsmanship Award went to the well-deserving Bailey Mierzejewki, Vice Preisdent went to Lacy Watson, Secretary went to Lauren


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Diaz, Treasurer went to Brittany Harter and elected as Reporter was myself. Returning directors include Ellexxah Maxwell and Trey Schwab, plus new directors Bridgett White, Emma Brown, Lindsay Brush, Caitlyn Colvin, Justin Melvin, Hannah Overmyer and Madison Thiel. We discussed ways to up the ante on the ever-sosuccessful Harley Davidson Motorcycle Raffle, other possible fundraisers, AQHYA News, the 2012 Youth World Show theme and most commonly addressed: how to get more people involved. Please keep an eye out for this month’s Youth Spotlights, on pages 27-28.

OQHYA Spotlight On: Mindy Barr

Submitted by: Charley Thiel, OQHYA Reporter

Name: Mindy Barr Age: 13 Hometown: Circleville, Ohio Current Horse: Chevromotion aka Kramer and Good and Red aka Blizz Shows In: Performance Halter, Showmanship, Hunter Under Saddle and Hunt Seat Equitation with Kramer. Halter and Western Pleasure with Blizz. Years Riding: All my life Favorite Class: I enjoy Equitation the best because it shows how well you and your horse communicate with each other. Favorite Show: The AQHYA World Show. Even though I have only been there once, I got to see a lot of different people and horses sharing the same interest that I have. Other Interests: I show cattle in the winter with my brother and we take them as our 4-H projects. I am in the LIFE program at school, as well as office assistant, and I am on the leadership committee. Greatest Accomplishment: In 2010 I was blessed to reach two big milestones that I had set as goals. I was

20th at the Youth World show in Halter Geldings, and was 4th in Novice Youth Showmanship at the Congress. Both where very big classes and my horse was laid up at the beginning of that year, so I was so proud that he could come that far so quickly. Favorite Movie: The Ultimate Gift Favorite Type of Music: Country Interesting Fact: I share a MONSTER drink with my horse before Showmanship at every show!!! If you could hang out with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why? George Washington, because if it wasn’t for him our country wouldn’t be free like it is today. Who is your hero? My parents because if it wasn’t for them I couldn’t be able to show and do the things that I am able to do today without them. What is one area you feel OQHYA could improve in and why? Possibly try to get more membership by having a mentor program with incentives for current members, such as a credit system for introducing new youth. That current member would mentor them for the whole year. Get corporate sponsors for shows to try and cut back on cost to make it cheaper for people to show.

Join the OQHA Youth Judging Team! The OQHA Youth Judging Team participates in horse judging contests at some of the biggest shows in the country, including the AQHYA World Show and the All American Quarter Horse Congress.

Contact: Jessica Daniels, OQHA Youth Judging Team Coach 740-361-9411 or jdshowhorses@yahoo.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHYA Spotlight On: Riley Herman

Submitted by: Charley Thiel, OQHYA Reporter Age: 16 Hometown: Elmore, Ohio Current Horse: Just Good Enough AKA Roanie Shows In: Western Horsemanship, Showmanship, Trail and Performance Halter Years Riding: 14 Favorite Class: Western Horsemanship Favorite Show: The All American Quarter Horse Congress Other Interests: Playing sports, my favorite is soccer, and going to Penta Career Center for the public safety program to become a police officer. Greatest Accomplishment: Getting a callback in Showmanship at the 2010 Congress, and having a great comeback at the 2011 Turkey Circuit horse show in Horsemanship. Favorite Movie: The Hangover 28

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Favorite Type of Music: R&B, Hip-Hop and Country Interesting Fact: I really enjoy haning out with my friends at the horse shows. I also really like to dance; I even took 24 weeks of western-style square dance lessons and know more than 100 different moves. I also enjoy working on my truck with my dad. Who is your hero and why? I have two heroes: my parents. They have always been there for me at horse shows and at every soccer game cheering me on and giving me their guidance. They support me in whatever I do and help me be the best I can be. What is one area you feel OQHYA could improve in and why? I feel that OQHYA is doing a great job and has a lot of good ideas to help make youth membership grow. I am very proud to be a member of such a great youth organization.

2012 Show Schedule March 22 - 23, SOQHA Winter Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 28, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 21 - 22, BWHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

March 24 - 25, SOQHA Winter Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved

June 2, Fulton County Saddle Club Introductory Show Fulton Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 26 - 27, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Delaware County Fairgrounds Not Approved

April 7 - 8, SOQHA 4-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved

June 3, Fulton County Saddle Club Introductory Show Fulton Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 28 - 29, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Delaware County Fairgrounds Approved

April 12 - 13, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 14 - 15, NOQHA 2-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved

August 25 - 26, SOQHA Futurity 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved

April 14 - 15, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Approved

June 16 - 17, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

September 8 - 9, EOQHA Futurity 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved

June 23 - 24, OMIQHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

September 21, NOQHA Futurity Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved - Longe Line Only

May 5 - 6, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 11, OAQHA Eden Park in Sunbury Not Approved May 12-13, OAQHA Eden Park in Sunbury Approved May 26 - 27, NOQHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 13 - 15, Region 4 Championships Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved July 19 - 20, BWHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved

September 22 - 23, NOQHA Futurity // 2-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved November 24 - 25, SOQHA Turkey Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers Patrick Murty

Lois Berry

Megan Masterson

Marla Atherton

Becca Dingus

Kara Schockling

Justin Billings

Suzanne Guinsler

Mike Yemc

Director (2/15) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/15) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Kim Hatfield

Nancy Waid

Chelsea Martz

Chris Martin

Carly Williams

Jennifer Sigman

Cris Martin

Kathryne Zachrich

Laura Salome

Kristin Martin

President (2/13), Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 Patrick.Murty@Company7BBQ.com

First Vice President (2/13), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com Second Vice President (2/13), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Abby Pound

Treasurer (2/13) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Secretary (2/13) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Reporter (2/13) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Past President 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com



Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/14) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Director (2/15) 1663 Olympus Dr. Kent, OH 44240 beccadingus@gmail.com

Director (2/15)

Director (2/14) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/15) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Director (2/15) 7025 SR 383 NE Somerset, OH 43783 740-405-4236 meganemasterson@gmail. com

Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com

Director (2/15) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Amateur Update 2012 Trainer Auction


he Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association is once again holding their annual trainers’ sale. This sale has been a huge success for the Amateurs in the past and we look forward to the continuing help and support from everyone who partakes in the event. We could not do this event with out all of the trainers who are willing to donate their time and talent!

Participating trainers for 2012 include: Sorrell Performance Horses Scott Thomas Puthoff Performance Horses Missy Thyfault Matt and Cami Claypool Ashley Wood Willie Matthews Jeanine Perez Heath McNeill Dakota Griffith

How does it work?? • Each trainer costs $550 for one month of training and board. • Clients should make the check payable to OAQHA and write the trainers name on the memo. Contact • Customer works out with trainer what month If there are any questions please feel free to contact training will be used. Abby at (740) 975-1209 or abep32@hotmail.com. • Once OAQHA receives the customers check, we will send a check to the trainer to cover board expenses. • Bios for each trainer are featured on the OQHA website under Amateur Activities - Trainer Auction. • Checks will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis to Abby Pound.

Upcoming OAQHA Meetings


AQHA will hold its next meeting on March 19th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. In April, the OAQHA Board Meeting will be held on Monday, April 16th at a new location: the Holiday Inn Worthington, located at 7007 N HIgh St. The meeting will begin at 7 pm. The Amateurs will meet on Monday, May 21st at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, as usual. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the OQHA Annual Picnic, held this year on Monday, June 11th beginning with dinner at 6 pm, located at the Ohio Expo Center’s Natural Resource shelter area. All members and guests are invited to attend!

March Mar 19 @ 7 pm April April 16 @ 7 pm May May 21 @ 7 pm

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund 2012 NOMINATION FORM Please check the classes below that you plan to show: Halter ___ Open Weanling Colts - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Colts* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Weanling Fillies - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Fillies * - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Mare - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Mares* - $125, $100, $50

Longe Line ___ Open English Longe Line - $500 ___ Open Western Longe Line - $750 ___ Non-Pro Longe Line - $750 Hunter Under Saddle ___ Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity - $500

*Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse Western Pleasure to the top three non-pro exhibitors. ___ Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $500 • Owners AND Exhibitors must be current OQHA ___ Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 members. ___ Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 • No Nomination Fee ___ Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity - $500

OWNER: ________________________________________________________ SSN: ____________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ REGISTERED NAME: _______________________________________________ REG #: ________________ SEX: ______________ SIRE: ______________________________ DAM: ____________________________ EXHIBITOR: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ In addition all membership, entry forms, papers, and payment must be submitted to each regional association per their guidelines to be eligible for added money.

Send Entries To:

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Attn: Barb Benedum PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344-0209 Fax: 740-943-3752 • E-mail: BBenedum@oqha.com 34

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Club Updates Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary

Congratulations to the 2011 OQHRA Year-End Award Winners! High-Point Two-Year-Old: Brooks Dream Girl, Walt Boham High-Point Three-Year-Old: Cash For Braggs, Harold Bragg High-Point Aged: Quickflyin Elin, Chris Dutil-Zehender Reserve Two-Year-Old: Eyes Forward, Andrew and Kristin Tumblin Reserve Three-Year-Old: My Corona Is Rare, James Bratton Reserve Aged: I Is It, Chris Dutil-Zehender Horse Of The Year: My Corona Is Rare, James Bratton Reserve Horse Of The Year: Quickflyin Elin, Chris Dutil-Zehender Trainer Of The Year: James Bratton Reserve Trainer Of the Year: Harold Bragg Buckeye Futurity Breeders Incentive Winners: Linda VanDenEynde - $2500, Judy Schnecker $1500 and Chris Dutil-Zehender - $1000 Buckeye Maturity Breeders Incentive Winners: Robert Parrish - $2000 and Mike White - $1000

2012 OQHRA Officers and Directors – Tammy Cain, Kristin and Andrew Tumblin, Rick Treat, Pat Bragg, Glenn Bragg, Harold Bragg, Bill Baer, Steve Shoemaker and Ben Grandstaff.

2011 Trainer Of The Year and 2011 Horse Of The Year, James Bratton, presented by OQHRA Queen, CeCe Purtee.

Left: 2011 Reserve Horse Of The Year, Quickflyin Elin, Chris Dutil-Zehender, presented by OQHRA Queen, CeCe Purtee.

Right: 2011 Reserve Trainer Of The Year – Harold Bragg, presented by OQHRA Queen, CeCe Purtee

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates OMI Quarter Horse Association

Submitted by: Olga Kipp, OMIQHA Secretary orky Becker reported that the that need handled. Lisa Busch suggested a committee silent auction at the banquet for a feasibility study on adding another show for 2013. was a success and so was the We will need a banquet committee and a year-end banquet. awards committee. Valerie said she would head up the The show approval is back and year-end awards. She brought some samples of some all of the fees are paid and the items to consider. Lisa brought up how we mailed, and judges have their contracts for our June show. Vanesa passed out, postcards a few years ago to try to bring in Lay will be the show secretary and Ken Siemer is one new members. but nothing was decided on them. of the ring stewards. We still need one more steward. Sara Oler gave an extensive youth report. Officers were Kelly will again send out sponsorship letters for the elected as follows: Taylor Armstrong – president; Riley show. Valerie Heydinger and Olga Kipp will be on a Herman – vice president; Sara Oler – secretary; Tara committee for awards for the show. Rader – treasurer. The youth covered various topics, Queen Kelsey will be at the Findlay and Bowling one was that they decided to drop the Buckeye show as Green swap meets. Since she was crowned queen she an NYATT qualifying show, with the exception of the declined her directorship, so it went to Kevin Earle. reining classes. Lisa Busch agreed to be points auditor. Some committees were put together to cover some details


Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


howbills and judges for this year have been finalized and are now available online! Lined up for this year are as follows: June 9th - Denise-Long Farson and Ann Montgomery; June 10th - Robin Miller and Rae Ellen Seigmyer; July 6th – Daren Wright and Jacque Hill; July 7th - Richard Rau and Kandi Alexander; July 8th – Steve Carter and Jackie Carter; September 8th – Rick Walters and Chris Strine; September 9th – Wayne Hipsley and Teri Barnes. Showbills can be downloaded from www. ohiobuckskins.org/shows.html. All shows will be at Circle G Arena in Brookville, Ohio. Circle G features a 120’ x 210’ indoor main show arena, indoor makeup arena, outdoor arena, 300 stalls, ample parking, restrooms with showers, wash racks (with hot water) and an on-site concession stand. OSBA shows offer


Ohio Quarter Horse News

something for everyone – while we love the buckskins, duns and grullas, we welcome ALL BREEDS AND COLORS to join us! We have many open classes, as well as $100 and added-money classes. If the show ring isn’t your thing (or you just like to take a break from it), OSBA also has a Trail Riding Program. Simply nominate you and your IBHA horse and log your hours from April 1st through October 31st; the top three youth and adults will be eligible for awards at the annual year-end awards banquet! Also available online are year-end award nomination forms and futurity entry forms. Please visit www. ohiobuckskins.org to download these and also showbills – don’t forget to mark your calendar for June 9-10, July 6-8, and September 8-9. Our next meeting is on Saturday, March 24th at the Donatos on Broadway in Grove City. What are you waiting for? Get involved!

Club Updates Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Kathy James, EOQHA Director


xciting news from EOQHA! Our show schedule has changed. Our first show will be held May 5th and 6th at the Ohio Expo Center. There will be four judges, as well as random cash and prizes! Our second show will be the EOQHA Futurity, held September 8th and 9th at the Ohio Expo Center. There will be two pens, with four judges each.

The EOQHA Youth have exciting news for 2012! Watch for fundrasier raffles, including a scooter, grill, stalls and other things! Check out our website, www.EOQHA.us, for all important forms, such as futurity, membership, sponsorship and scholarship. Also, our showbills are online! Please check our website for any changes or recent news!

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - November 21, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Candi Fites, Ted Handel, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Roger Landis, Fritz Leeman, Brent Maxwell, Binnie Ann Masters, Ron McCarty, Charlie Menker, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell and Dan Trein. Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Jack Geschke, Steve Marco, Don Recchiuti and Elizabeth Gorski. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Introduction of Guests – The following guests were introduced and recognized for attendance: Mike Vargo, Bill Wright, Kenny and Ashley Lakins, Ty and Karen Hornick, Lisa Perry, Ben Grandstaff and Libby Trucco. Charlie Menker also introduced our attorney, Lee Smith. Minutes – • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the September 2011 Minutes. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark reported on the November financial statements. Vic stated that there was a detailed variance report included with the financial statements, as well as a projected year-end profit and loss statement. The total assets for Ohio Quarter Horse are $4,222,195 and total liabilities are $1,488,753, which leave total net equity of $2,733,441 as of November 18, 2011. Dan Trein made a motion to accept the finance report. Second by Bob Hexter. Motion passed.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Tri-Chairmen Report – Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • The 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress was the largest with 17,990 entries. • Cam spoke with several trade show vendors at the AQHA World Show. The vendors were very pleased with their Congress revenues this year. • There were more elected officials attending the Congress this year, including Mayor Coleman. • The Tri-Chairmen agreed to extend the Salopek contract through 2014. • The 2012 worker’s coats will be similar to the 2010 style with different accent colors. • Cam is still investigating the possibility of running a third arena in the Voinovich for the Congress. The Fair Commission does not have the capital budget at this time, so there has been not been any new discussions on additional stall barns. The Fair Commission recommended that OQHA hire a lobbyist. The Tri-Chairmen asked Cam to investigate. Todd Salome made a motion to accept the TriChairmen report. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Rules – • Binnie Ann read the first reading for a proposed rule change: Article XII OHIO POINT SYSTEM FOR ANNUAL AWARDS Section 1 - Paragraph 2 The point year shall be from April 1 to the Saturday and Sunday shows only of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association approved winter circuit in March through and including the final day of September in each calendar year, provided, however, that no weekday show except shows held on national holidays shall count for state points and team points. Points from shows held on March 31st and April 1st, May 31st and June 1st, July 31st and August 1st, and September

Minutes 30th and October 1st when they fall on Saturday and Sunday, and when these shows are held in the splitcombined format, will count for state points and team points.

Exhibitors must be a member in good standing with OQHA and reside in Ohio. Points will be complied on a one horse, one exhibitor basis.

Section 2 - Paragraph 2 To be approved for OQHA points, a show must offer all day fees of $40 as an option for all Youth and Novice Youth classes. They must also offer all-day fees of 30 $40 as an option for all Amateur, Novice Amateur, and Select classes. Rookie and Intermediate classes are included in the $40 fee. If a show offers Small Fry classes, the fee for this division is $20 per show.

Trail – • Brent Maxwell discussed the new Trail Stakes class. The goal was to have 40 entries and we ended up with 34 this year. The committee is hoping that the entries will grow as more people become aware of it.

Horse Show Advisory Committee – • Candi Fites reported on the Ohio Qualification for the new AQHA Novice Championship Show. The details are as follows: Qualifying Period: For the OQHA qualifying period for the AQHA Novice Championship Show, points will be counted from the Saturday & Sunday shows only of the SOQHA-sponsored Winter Circuit in March through June 30 inclusive. Qualifying Guidelines: The point system for selection of exhibitors to the Novice Championship Shows will be (30) points maximum awarded for each class. Points will be awarded on the basis of (1) point for each horse the exhibitor defeats plus one point for the exhibitor up to 9 places. The person’s best 10 shows in the qualifying period will count, subject to the requirements of placing in a minimum of three shows and accumulating at least 10 points in the qualifying period. In the case of all ties involving exhibitors for the Novice Championship Show, calculate additional shows beyond 10, one at a time until the tie is broken. If a tie still exists with respect to a particular class, the age factor will determine the representative, first by show age and then, if necessary, by actual calendar age, the older exhibitor to be chosen. OQHA will submit the top 3 earning exhibitors in each of the qualifying novice classes to AQHA by August 1, 2012. If any of the top 3 point earning exhibitors is Nationally or Regionally qualified, the next exhibitor in the state point standings that has met all requirements would be eligible.

Super Sale – • Vic Clark stated that the Super Sale was a success this year. The average sale price was $8,000 with 87% sold. Congress Merchandise (CINCH) – • Lisa Alley reported there are 574 denim jackets and 590 hats remaining. Corporate Sponsors – • Lisa Alley has notified the three winners from the corporate sponsor raffle. There were more than 4,000 entries. Lisa is sorting the entries and compiling information for a mailing list. Congress Souvenir Programs – • Candi Fites reported that we sold 2,993 Congress Programs this year. There were 526 given away to our members and 204 to others, such as media and advertisers, for a grand total of 3,723 programs. Judging Contest – • Dr. Dave McDonald reported that the judging contest was the largest we have ever had at the Congress. Cutting – • Chuck Smith reported that the World Series of Cutting was a success. We sold approximately 900 reserved seating tickets. SOQHA – • Lisa Perry discussed the upcoming SOQHA shows. The Turkey Circuit will be a two-day, three-judge show. AQHA approved combining the March show. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes OMIQHA – • Cindy Morehead reported that the OMI Banquet will be January 21, 2012. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell stated the NOQHA Annual Banquet will be January 28, 2012. New Officers and Directors will take over in November. EOQHA – • Brent Maxwell stated that the ballots for EOQHA have been mailed. Ohio State Buckskin Assocation – • Ted Handel reported that they are working on next year show schedule. New Business – • Hank Clason made a motion that the executive committee and Tri-Chairmen have written minutes of their meeting to be distributed to the board of directors. Second by Roger Landis. Motion passed. • Hank Clason made a motion that a director takes minutes for the executive committee and tri-chairen

meetings. The director may not be an executive committee member or Tri-Chairman and no director would be able to take minutes a second time until all directors had an opportunity to participate. There was not a second to the motion. Motion failed. • Scott Myers made a motion that the finance committee review the feasibility of replenishing the Life Membership account and/or possibly making an additional loan payment to First Merit. Second by Skip Salome. Motion passed. • Ben Grandstaff made a presentation regarding the number of needles found in the manure pits during and after the Congress. • Ty Hornick and Kenny Lakins discussed an arena conflict during the Congress. Ty Hornick asked for a refund for his entry fee and stall for the Longe Line class. Dan Trein made a motion that OQHA develop a written conflict policy and that if a refund is requested in this situation, the request needs to be submitted in writing. Second by Scott Myers. Motion passed. Ed Dingledine made a motion to adjourn to executive session at 7:55 pm. Second by Mark Cherubini. Meeting adjourned.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Annual Board of Directors Meeting - February 5, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Clark Bradley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Candi Fites, Tim Folck, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Dr. Scott Myers, John Pickersgill, Judd Paul, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Alan Potts, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell, Brent Tincher and Dan Trein. Excused were Ed Dingledine, Cindy Morehead, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marko, and Don Recchiuti.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. Introduction of Guests – Rod Atherton, Mike Vargo, George Seanor and Bob Geesman. Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the minutes of the 2010 Annual Meeting. Second by Ron McCarty. Motion carried.

Minutes Tri-Chairmen Report – • Cam Foreman reported that Don Bell has the original sculpture of the trophy ready. We are ready to move forward with researching a foundry. Charlie Menker made a motion to approve the trophy as presented. Second by Bob Hexter. Motion carried. President’s Report – • President Skip Salome thanked the office staff, the board of directors and Tri-Chairmen for their effort over the past year. Ohio Queen – • Binnie Ann reported on behalf of Elaine Wells that Ohio is in search of a new Queen. Nominations will be open until March 1, 2011. Executive Vice President Report – Cam Foreman reported on the past year: • He stated that OQHA continues to experience a great deal of change and continues to embrace the challenges ahead. He asked that everyone be on board to continue to move OQHA forward. • Cam discussed that The All American Quarter Horse Congress was a leader in the industry and reported that the 2010 Congress was a success with increased entries and attendance. • Cam also thanked the office staff, the board of directors, and the Tri-Chairmen for all their effort over the past year. Disclosure Statements • President Salome asked if any Director serving on the Board of Directors for OQHA or staff members needed to make a full disclosure of business dealings with this association. There were no disclosures made. Election Results – • President-Charlie Menker, 1st Vice President-Skip Salome, 2nd Vice President-Todd Salome, Directors elected for three year terms; Kelli Diaz, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Ron McCarty, Cindy Morehead and Denny Thorsell.

Clark Bradley. Motion carried. New Business – • Tim Folck reported that the Champions Center in Springfield will continue in the future despite rumors in the industry. • Chris Darnell nominated Candi Fites to fill the vacancy created by Todd Salome’s nomination to 2nd Vice President for a two-year term. Second by Bob Hexter. Todd Salome nominated Chuck Smith. Second by Binnie Ann Masters. Dan Trein nominated Tim Folck. Second by Scott Myers. Alan Potts made a motion to close the nominations. Second by Vic Clark. Motion carried. Votes were counted and Candi Fites was awarded the two-year term. • Fritz Leeman made a motion that OQHA continue with a 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Second by Charlie Menker. Motion carried • Dave McDonald made a motion to cancel the February regular board of directors meeting. Second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. • Dave McDonald made a motion to temporarily adjourn the meeting. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 12:45 pm with the 2011 OQHA Board of Directors. Election of Executive Committee Member – • Brent Maxwell was nominated by Tim Folck, second by Elizabeth Gorski. Alan Potts was nominated by Bill Flarida, second by Bob Hexter. Brent Maxwell was elected by secret ballot to a three-year term on the executive committee. Appointment of directors for one-year terms – • Chuck Smith, Mark Cherubini, John Pickersgill, Ted Handel, Rod Atherton. Motion to accept executive committee recommendation by Dan Trein, second by Ron McCarty. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Vic Clark, second by Candi Fites. Meeting adjourned at 2:12 pm.

Dave McDonald made a motion to accept the actions of the board of directors for the past year. Second by Ohio Quarter Horse News





Ad Index All American Quarter Horse Congress .................. 5, 10 Brad Luebben ................................................................. 43 Coughlin Automotive...................................................... 1 DeGraff Stables ........................................................ 37, 42 Diamond Six Farm ........................................................ 42 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association .................. 21 Judd Paul Training Stables ............................................ 43 Judy’s Tack ...................................................................... 43 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ................................... 43 Keith Saddle Shop ........................................................ C3 Kustom Kritter Fitters ................................................... 43 Missy Jo Performance Horses ...................................... 43 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association ......... 13, 19 OAQHA .................................................................... 30-31

Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund .......................... 34 OQHA Judging Team ................................................... 27 OQHA/Tri-Country Trail Ride ................................... 11 Pine View Farm ............................................................. 43 Region 4 Championship ................................................. 7 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson ................ 42 Rod’s Western Palace .................................................... C4 Saddle Creek Farms ....................................................... 44 Sonnys Hot Jazz ............................................................. 42 Sorrell Performance Horses ......................................... 43 Smartpak ........................................................................ C2 Tim Finnegan Photography ......................................... 43 Trein Training Center ................................................... 43

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