Ohio Quarter Horse News May/June 2012

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Ohio Quarter Horse May/June 2012



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Lisa Martin

Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Mindy Westlake

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] There is nothing more precious than a girl and her horse. Photographer Marcina Franks of Uniontown, Ohio snapped this photo of her horse Wilson’s Lucky Chip, and took home third place in the 2011 OQHA News Photo Contest. 2

Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 16-20

2011 AQHA High-Point Awards


3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 10-11 Forum 11 Podium 13-14 OQHA News 20 Around Ohio 21 OQHYA Officers & Directors 22-23 Youth Headlines 24 2012 Show Schedule 26 OAQHA Officers & Directors 27 Amateur Update 32-37 Meeting Minutes 38 Stallion Directory 39-40 Business Card Directory 40 Ad Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 30 31 31 32

River Cities Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing OMI Quarter Horse Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse

2012 OQHA Officers Chris Cecil Darnell

David McDonald, DVM

Tri-Chair, Annual Awards, Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Commercial Exhibitors, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Treasurer’s Office

Task Force, Finance, Research, Vet Coordinator

1st Vice President (2/13), Congress

111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Hank Clason

2nd Vice President (2/13), Drug

Dr. Scott Myers

President (2/13), Finance, Research, Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Task Force, Finance, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-725-6614 DClason@aol.com

Alan Potts

Executive Committee (2/13) Finance, Grievance, Hall of Fame, Roping 28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611 ap.roper34@yahoo.com

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/14),

Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail

24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Madeline Graves 2012 OQHA Queen

Executive Committee (2/15), Drug 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Skip Salome

Congress Tri-Chair (9/14),

Finance, Public Policy, Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments

1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net

Denny Thorsell

Congress Tri-Chair (9/13), Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Move-In

8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-7205 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee appointments are noted in italics.

AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley

Charlie Menker

Fritz Leeman

Dr. Scott Myers

AQHA Director Emeritus 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

AQHA Director at Large 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@ aol.com

Skip Salome

AQHA Director Emeritus 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2012 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Ohio Queen, Rules, Awards Office, Commercial Exhibitors, Hunter/Jumpers, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com

Breeders Incentive, Grounds Security, Overflow Trailers, Move-In 410 County Line Rd. Hopewell, OH 43746 740-819-7805 Jamesqtrhrs@columbus.rr.com

Todd Salome (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Trail Ride, VIP/ Awards Ceremony

1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

Rod Atherton (2/13)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Chuck Smith (2/13)

Kelli Diaz (2/14)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/14)

Candi Fites (2/13)

Ron McCarty (2/14)

Brent Tincher (2/15)

Bill Flarida (2/15)

Cindy Morehead (2/14)

Mike Vargo (2/13)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/15)

Judd Paul (2/15)

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas, Move-In, Trail 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com

Shane Watson (2/15)

Annual Banquet, Judging Tournament, Public Service Announcements 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Cell: 513-543-3313 Shane@watsonqh.com

Bob Hexter (2/14)

John Pickersgill (2/13)

Randy Wilson (2/15)

Randy Jacobs (2/14)

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Trail Ride, Congress Program, MoveIn 16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 RAtherton@visohio.com

Trail Ride, Youth Advisor, Congress Queen, Youth Activities 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net Horse Show Advisory, Information Booth, Reining 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Cell: 419-303-0592

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Public Policy, Rules, Scholarship 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com

Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Congress Program, Food and Beverage 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com


Jeff James (2/13)

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Reining, Riding Areas 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178 Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Scholarship, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Hunter/ Jumpers, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Youth Speaking Contest 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Membership, Rules, Overflow Trailers, Move-In 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Judging Team, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Scholarship, Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-402-3189 CSmithCH@gmail.com

Drug Task Force, Finance, Hall of Fame, Stall Assignments, Move-In 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Membership, Animal Protection/ Fire Safety, Grounds Security, Riding Areas, Vet Coordinator 137766 Taylor Rd., Plain City, OH 43064 Cell: 614-205-8045 MVargo@vargomail.com

Drug Task Force, Grievance, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Riding Areas 5100 Manchester Dr. Zanesville, OH 43701 Cell: 740-819-0257 Wilsonqhs@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated, unless otherwise noted.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley

Past President, 1999-2000 Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Jim Brennan

Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Vic Clark

Past President, 1997-1998 Finance, Public Policy, Treasurer’s Office 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Don Clason

Past President, 1976-1977 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Ed Dingledine

Honorary Director Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Wayne Erwin

Honorary Director Futurities, Judging Team, Hall of Fame, Scholarship, Professional Horsemen 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com

Jack Geschke

Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH Cell: 330-800-6741 Cell: 330-388-9989


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Burgess Holt

Cliff Nash

Fritz Leeman

Alan Potts

Steve Marko

Roger Ruetenik

Past President, 1984-1986 Medina, OH 330-725-7024 Past President, 1990-1992 Public Policy, Finance 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Honorary Director Breeders Incentive, Judging Team, Membership, Rules, Scholarship, Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Hunter/ Jumpers, NYATT, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Youth Speaking Contest McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Past President, 1987-1988 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Past President, 1960 Finance, Grievance, Rules, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611

Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Skip Salome

Past President, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2009-2010 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

Honorary Director Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail, Youth Activities 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Charlie Menker

Past President, 2003-2004, 2011 Roping 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers, DVM Past President, 2007-2008 P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.

2012 NOQHA FUTURITY September 21, 22, 23, 2012 NOQHA CLOSED FUTURITY


_____12. 2012 Closed Futurity Fillies


_____61. 2012 Closed Futurity Colts

_____19. 2012 Open Futurity Fillies

_____21. 2011 Closed Yearling Mares

_____20. 2012 Open Non-Pro Futurity Fillies**

_____53. 2011 Closed Yearling Males (stallions & geldings)

(To run concurrent with class 19)

_____75. Closed Yearling Longe Line

_____68. 2012 Open Futurity Colts

_____76. Closed 2 & 3 Yr Old Hunter under Saddle

_____69. 2012 Open Non-Pro Futurity Colts**

_____94. Closed 2 Yr Old Snaffle Bit _____137. Closed 3 Yr & Older Western Pleasure

(To run concurrent with class 68) _____23. 2011 Open Yearling Mares _____24. 2011 Open Non-Pro Yearling Mares**

Find closed futurity guidelines and list of sold stallions


(To run concurrent with class 23) _____55. 2011 Open Yearling Males (Stallions & Geldings) _____56. 2011 Open Non-Pro Yearling Males**

• The deadline and entry fees apply to all entries including free weanling and free longe line entries. • NO refunds of futurity payment under any conditions. • All futurity classes will be shown to both judges simultaneously and will only be shown once. • Owner(s) and exhibitor must be a current member of NOQHA. Please enclose separate check for membership.

(To run concurrent with class 55)

LONGE LINE _____1. Open Yearling English Longe Line _____2. Open Yearling Western Longe Line _____3. Open Yearling Non-Pro Longe Line

HUNTER UNDER SADDLE _____86. Open 2 & 3 Yr Old Hunter under Saddle _____90. Open 2 & 3 Yr Old Non-Pro Hunter under Saddle

ENTRY SCHEDULE: $75.00 Per Class Due July 1, 2012 PENALTY FEES: July 2 to Day of Show - $50.00 penalty per class

_____93. Open Maturity Non-Pro Hunter under Saddle

WESTERN PLEASURE _____127. Open 2 Yr Old Western Pleasure _____133. Open 2 Yr Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure _____143. Open Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure

Copy of horse's registration papers are required with entries. Breeder's Certificate accepted for weanlings.


_____146. Open 3 Yr Old Western Pleasure _____151. Open 3 Yr Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure ** Non-Pro classes to run concurrent with open and will pay an additional purse to top 3 places.

Owner___________________________________________________Phone___________________Social Security Number_________________ Street________________________________________________________City_________________________State__________Zip___________ Registered Name____________________________________________________________Reg #______________________Sex_____________ Date of Birth________________Sire__________________________________________Dam__________________________________________

Send Entries To: Email___________________________________ Exhibitor__________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________________________________ I enter the above horse at my own risk & agree to abide by NOQHA rules. All risk of loss or injury to me or horses entered is my own.

Candi Fites 17590 Courtney Road Beloit, OH 44609

candigab@zoominternet.net 330-257-3881

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Editor’s Letter


y the time this issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News hits mailboxes, the 2012 show season will be in full swing. May is a very busy month, with three associations hosting shows, including the Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association’s Buckeye Classic, which is turning out to be a huge event that we are all very excited about. In total, members have a chance to show to eight judges this month as they work their way towards various goals, including the AQHYA Youth World Show and OQHA’s Congress NYATT team. June is no different, with shows scheduled for almost every weekend. As horse people though, this is the time of year we love! Great riding weather (as long as the rain and humidity cooperate), kids out of school and a chance to see all of our horse show friends that we haven’t seen all winter. Don’t forget to attend the OQHA Annual Picnic, held June 18th beginning at 6 pm at the Natural Resource Shelter Area in the Ohio Expo Center. All members, friends and family are invited to enjoy fried perch and bratwurst provided by OQHA. Following dinner, board meetings for OQHA, OAQHA and OQHYA will commence. Here at the office, we are working on putting together the Region 4 Championship show, which will be held July 13-15th at the Ohio Expo Center. Entries are due June 15th, so make sure to plan ahead! Entry materials are available online at www.oqha.com/information/region-four. Don’t forget that the 2012 Region 4 Championship show is a qualifying show for the 2013 AQHA Novice Championships! Competitors that place in the top ten in any novice class are automatically qualified to attend either AQHA Novice Championship: east or west.

by Tracy Bidwell

Additions and Corrections


ack and Susan Grove of Oxford, Ohio have been members of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association for more than 25 years. At the 2011 Year-End Awards Banquet they achieved a life-long dream of tieing for OQHA’s Halter Horse of the Year with their 2008 mare Looknprettyspecial and 2006 mare CSR Final Conclusion. Congratulations to Jack and Susan Grove and thank you for your continued support of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association.

Photo courtesy Tim Finnegan Photography.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Forum Mr. Charlie Menker,

To the members, directors and officers of OQHA:



hank you for your support during my reign as OMI Queen in 2011. Your generosity helped me achieve much success and provided an amazing Congress experience! Wishing you all the best in 2012, Abbey Maier 2011 Ohio-Michigan-Indiana Quarter Horse Association Queen

hank you to all of you for the wonderful year-end awards and the wonderful banquet. Our entire family looks forward to this event every year. It is great to see old friends and to make new ones each year at the annual banquet. The Thiel Family Dear OQHA Scholarship Committee Members,


Sincerely, McKenzie V. Perry Granville, Ohio

hank you very much for the award of scholarship money for our daughter, Kenzie Perry. While the money will, of course, come in handy, we even more so appreciate the opportunity for Kenzie to interview with you. It was a pleasant experience for her and she learned a great deal from it. A person doesn’t often get feeback after an interview, so the comments she received from each judge were very much appreciated and they will be extremely helpful in her future. Thank you!


Ken and Jackie Perry

Dear Ms. Wills, Ms. Menker and Ms. Burke,


hank you so much for giving me the opportunity to interview with each of you. I enjoyed being there and I had an enjoyable experience with each of you. I hope to hear from you soon!


hank you all so much for the scholarship award. I will attend Miami University of Ohio this fall and the scholarship will help greatly. The OQHA supports their youth in so many ways and I am so fortunate and proud to be an Ohio Youth. Sincerely, Taylor Myers Sharon Center, Ohio OQHA,


Dear OQHA,


hank you very much for the scholarship, it has helped me out significantly. OQHA is a great organization that really cares a great deal about the youth. Sincerely, Chasen Brown Findlay, Ohio Dear OQHA,

hank you so much for the scholarship again. I truly appreciate everything you all do for the youth involved in OQHA. This first year of college has been wonderful and a scholarship makes cost less burdensome!


Thanks again, Hannah Gray South Vienna, Ohio 10 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Sincerely, Marilyn Miller SOQHYA Youth Advisor

he SOQHYA and Priest Family want to thank you for your Congress package donation to our Priest Family Fund Raiser Auction. Your contribution means so much and has touched all of us.

Forum Dear OQHA,

Dear OQHA,



Sincerely, The Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association Kristen Nickles, Lexi Kim, Sara Laughlin, Brittany Sega, Maggie Sturm, Nadia Sherman, Sarah Shaheen, Ashley McClintock, Caleb Sturgeon, Noel Huff, Justin Carrolll and John Carroll.

Most Sincerely, Carly L. Kidner Ashtabula, Ohio

e would like to thank you for your very generous donation of the Congress Package to the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association. We will be using these two Congress packages as a raffle fundraiser to support our NYATT team. Again, thank you for all that you do for Ohio Quarter Horse and our youth members.

hank you so much for the scholarship renewal. It is an honor to receive this scholarship for the third year from such a wonderful association. The funds will be especially helpful this year as I will be studying aboard for one month this fall in Zambia. Again, thank you for your generosity and support as I achieve my dreams at Hiram College.



by Dr. Scott Myers

ark your calendars for OQHA’s Annual Picnic, held Monday, June 18th at the Natural Resource Shelter Area at the Ohio Expo Center. I invite every member, friends and family to join us for a potluck style meal, with fried perch and bratwurst provided by the association. I look forward to the picnic each and every year, and it’s always wonderful to see everyone outside of the show arena. Following dinner, which starts at 6 pm, board meetings for OQHA, OAQHA and OQHYA will begin. Don’t forget that youth will be completing their entries for the 2012 AQHYA World Show at this meeting. OQHA has been working in collaboration with all of our Region 4 affiliates to put together the 2012 Region 4 Championship show, scheduled for July 13-15 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. We are excited to once again host this event, and we look forward to seeing many of you there. Entry information has been mailed out, and is also available online. As we turn into the busiest part of the show season, I would like to wish everyone good luck and thank all of those who support our shows here in Ohio.

Ohio Quarter Horse News



Ohio Quarter Horse News



2012 OQHA Member Picnic in June

he Ohio Quarter Horse Association will host its annual picnic and board meeting on Monday, June 18th. All members, family and friends are invited to join the OQHA Board of Directors for dinner, followed by board meetings for OQHA, OAQHA and OQHYA. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m., and guests are


encouraged to bring a dish to share. OQHA will provide beverages, bratwursts and fried perch. Don’t forget, youth members that have qualified for the AQHA Youth World Show Team will be completing their entries at the meeting!

Upcoming Meetings

he next OQHA board meeting will be Monday, May 16th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Sinclair Road in Columbus. OQHA will host the Annual Picnic on Monday, June 13th, in conjunction with the June board of directors meeting. Held at the Ohio Expo Center’s Natural

Resources area shelter house in Columbus, OQHA members and guests are invited to attend. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m., with the directors meeting to follow. July board meeting dates will be announced after the June Annual Picnic.

Region 4 Championship Entries Due June 15th


he American Quarter Horse Association’s eighth annual Region 4 Championship Show will be held July 13-15 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. The show offers a full list of all-around classes, including speed and over fence events. The show also features two Small Fry classes (for exhibitors aged nine and under): Showmanship and Western Horsemanship, as well as walk/trot western classes for amateurs and youth. Competitors from Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Ontario, Canada are invited to compete for nearly $55,000 in cash and prizes, including seven trophy saddles from TexTan. Prizes from AQHA Corporate Sponsors, as well as medallions, will be given through fifth place in each class. “We strive to make the Region 4 Championships as much fun as possible,” said Tracy Bidwell, the

Ohio Quarter Horse Association’s communications coordinator. “It is very family friendly, and everyone really seems to have a great time. The atmosphere is relaxed and fun.” Don’t forget that the 2012 Region 4 Championship show is a qualifying show for the 2013 AQHA Novice Championships! Competitors that place in the top ten in any novice class are automatically qualified to attend either AQHA Novice Championship: east or west. The Region 4 Championship premium entry book will hit mailboxes within the next two weeks, however it is also available online at www.oqha.com/ information/region-four. Entries are due June 15th, and should be mailed to the Ohio Quarter Horse Association at PO Box 209 (101 Tawa Rd.), Richwood, OH 43344. Questions should be directed to Rhonda Harter, show secretary, at RHarter@oqha.com or 740-943-2346 ext. 128.

Ohio Quarter Horse News




OQHA Awards Five Scholarships

he OQHA Scholarship Committee was established to provide opportunities for deserving OQHA or OQHYA members who wish to further their education in a college, university, or other institutions of higher learning. This year, OQHA awarded five scholarships, one Outstanding Horseman Award for $1,000 and four for $500. Each applicant submitted an application, a current school transcript and three letters of recommendation from a variety of sources. Additionally, each applicant came to the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio on Saturday, March 10th for an interview with three judges from outside the industry.

Jessica LaVoie of Beavercreek plans to attend the University of Kentucky in Lexington, where she will major in pre-veterinary medicine with the hopes of one day becoming a small animal veterinarian. Jessica is a senior at Beavercreek High School where she is involved in helping freshman transition to high school, as well as providing child care for families. Additionally, Jessica works as a sales associate at Old Navy. McKenzie Perry of Granville will graduate from Granville High School where is a contributing journalist for the school’s magazine. McKenzie plans to continue her love of current events in college at the University of Tennesse at Martin, where she will Scholarship Recipients join the College of Communications for a degree Taylor Myers, of Sharon Center, received the highest in television or radio broadcasting. McKenzie has marks from both her application packet and oral shown on the AQHA circuit for the past nine years, interview and was awarded the Outstanding Horseman including attending the AQHYA World Show and the Award. Taylor is currently a senior at Cuyahoga All American Quarter Horse Congress. In her spare Christian Academy where she is a member of the time KcKenzie gives back to the community through varsity cross country and track teams. In addition to volunteering at at the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter being a member of OQHYA for eight years, Taylor and donating blood through the American Red Cross. competes in over fence events and has competed at Maggie Sturm of Canfield is dedicated to becoming a the AQHYA World Show each year since 2005. Taylor surgeon, and is beginning by attending the Ohio State plans to attend Miami University of Ohio in the fall University this fall to major in biomedical sciences. and major in Maggie has been involved in OQHYA for the last four Mikala Grubaugh of Johnstown has been a member years by attending numerous shows and meetings, as of the OQHYA Horse Judging Team for the past four well as participating heavily in fundraisers. She is also years and has represented OQHYA at the AQHYA involved in the Norther Ohio Quarter Horse Youth World Show and at the All American Quarter Horse Association, and was named the 2012 NOQHA Queen. Congress in this capacity. Mikala is also very involved All scholarship recipients will be recognized at the in the Licking County 4-H Horse Program not only OQHA Board of Directors Meeting on June 18th showing in western all-around events, but as a leader at the Ohio Expo Center. The Ohio Quarter Horse of her 4-H group. Mikala attends Granville Christian Association congratulates each recipient and wishes Academy, where she is president of the National Honor them the best of luck as they continue to pursue their Society and Math Club. While Mikala is not sure which educational goals. university she would like to attend in the fall, she plans to major in communications and is considering going on to law school in the future.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

WESTERN NEW YORK QUARTER HORSE CIRCUIT Featuring the Candy Apple Classic and the Erie County Fair Offering 6 AQHA Shows in 8 Days, plus NSBA Come join us in Western New York for points and money!

Candy Apple Classic AQHA Shows & NSBA


2 AQHA Shows — Split/Combined

4 AQHA Shows — Split/Combined

August 4-5, 2012

Dual Approved AQHA/NSBA classes Judges: Glenn Wells and Cyndi Brown


$750 — NSBA Open Yearling Longe Line $500 — AQHA/NSBA Green Western Pleasure $500 — AQHA/NSBA Junior Western Pleasure $500 — AQHA/NSBA 2 Yr Old West. Pleasure $500 — AQHA/NSBA Green Hunter U/S $500 — AQHA/NSBA Junior Hunter U/S $250 — WNYQHC Open Showmanship Sweepstakes 

Erie County Fair

Package Deal — pay one fee $225 for horse/rider combination! (includes stall, office fees and unlimited entries across all divisions!!)

● Trail Warm-up — Friday Aug. 3, 4:00 pm Contact: Charlotte Jaynes 3709 Main Street, Burdett, NY 14848 607-546-7373 Email: wmffarm@aol.com

Web Site:


August 8-11, 2012

Judges: GiGi Bailey & Stephen Stephens Lisa Moden & Chris Kozlowski


$3,000 Gerald Kropp Pleasure Horse Stake $1,500 Lazy H Horse Sales Yearling Longe Line $1,500 Ted Bucknam Western Pleasure Stake All Breeds, All Ages $1,500 Hunter Under Saddle Stake $1,000 Amateur Western Pleasure Stake $1,000 Western Pleasure Stake $500 NSBA Three Year Old Western Pleasure $500 NSBA Western Pleasure Maturity $500 NSBA Non Pro Western Pleasure $500 NSBA Open Hunter Under Saddle $500 NSBA Non Pro Hunter Under Saddle Sunday August 12 — Open Show Judge: Rick Fleetwood — Featuring many Western & English classes, $300 Open Pleasure, $200 Youth Pleasure, $300 Command Stake Contact: Jason Gates 561-346-7269 Email: kippgates@aol.com

Web Site: www.ECFair.org

(after May 1) Click on Competitive Exhibits, Western Division

All Shows held at Erie County Fairgrounds, Hamburg, New York Camper Hookups with electric & water

Save Fuel — Travel only once, stay put in same stalls for entire circuit.


AQHA High Point 1 1 20



ore than 100 Ohio Quarter Horse Association members won AQHA High-Point awards in 2011, including Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville, who won the prestigious Markel Youth All-Around aboard her gelding Certify This Chex. To read more about Tamulewicz’s title, see page XX.

A complete listing of all OQHA members placing in the top 25, including ties, in each event are listed below. Congratulations to each, and we hope to see you again in 2012!

Open division Open Halter Mares 13. Reflect On Her, owned by Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill Open Halter Geldings 6. STKs Execute, owned by Dean McCoy of Fleming 12. Coolest Touch, owned by Stephen Orengo of Kitts Hill

19. Remarkable Can, owned by Rachel Kolb of Lebanon Open Versatility Ranch Horse 19. LL Sisetta, owned by Steve Brown of Findlay Open Working Cow Horse 8. Shiney Sushi, owned by Lee Smith of Columbus

Open Performance Halter Stallions 2. Batt Man, owned by R Haines/T Barnes/J Wainscott of Lima 23. Tattle On Touchdown, owned by Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill 27. How Bout This Cowboy, owned by Fritz Leeman of Massillon

Open Barrel Racing 13. Seis So Sweet, owned by Bruce & Connie Vansickle of Adamsville

Open Performance Halter Mares 2. OnlyTheBestChocolate, owned by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick 24. Eyell Be Outrageous, owned by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick 26. Godiva By Image, owned by Mark Watkins, Jr. of Canfield

Green Western Riding 14. Prinzziples N Cash, owned by Anna Davis of Delaware 21. Blaze On The Border, owned by Shauna Burkett of Hamilton

Open Performance Halter Geldings 2. Kissed At Last, owned by Sharon Schilling of Galloway 4. Kool Conclusions, owned by Miranda Peck of Ashland 12. Mr Screamin Eagle, owned by Dakota Griffith of Hilliard 16

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Open Pole Bending 18. Lightning StarsNBars, owned by Kristine Nagy of Doylestown

Open Trail 27. Certify This Chex, owned by Susan Ostrander of Westerville Green Trail 22. HF Tahnee Too, owned by Jamie Watson of Goshen

Open Western Pleasure 6. OnlyTheBestChocolate, owned by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick Open Green Western Pleasure 12. Miss Hotroddin Pine, owned by Olivia Hoeker of Tipp City Open Hunter Under Saddle 2 . Fine Details, owned by Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Youngstown Green Hunter Under Saddle 1. Duplicated Duke, owned by Piper Performance Horses of Sunbury 18. Allocate Your Art, owned by Moira Murty of W Milton Open Jumping 13. MWS Twist Of Flash, owned by Moira Murty of W Milton

35. Capture The Flag, owned by Scott Myers of Sharon Center Open Working Hunter 11. Stroke For Stroke, owned by Scott Myers of Sharon Center 13. Sky Blue Yonder, owned by Christina Wenger of Warren 16. Capture The Flag, owned by Scott Myers of Sharon Center Progressive Working Hunter 25. Spacious Skies, owned by Natoshia Kelly of Carey Open Hunter Hack 32. Spacious Skies, owned by Natoshia Kelly of Carey Open Pleasure Driving 6. SuchAFine Investment, owned by F Dennis Mulford of Georgetown 14. One Sweet Kiss, owned by Becky Blackburn of Belpre

amateur division Amateur Halter Mares Amateur Showmanship 17. LFL Coolusive, shown by Robert Eurez of Pataskala 12. Kissed At Last, shown by Sharon Schilling of 22. LFL Elige, shown by Laurie Lorenz of N Lewisburg Galloway 28. Eyell Be Outrageous, shown by Chelsea Martz of Amateur Halter Geldings Blacklick 5. STKs Execute, shown by Dean McCoy of Fleming 9. RTH Super Dute, shown by Terri Heffelfinger of Jeromesville Amateur Pole Bending 15. A Nu Image, shown by Robert Eurez of Pataskala 16. Rock Dan Jet, shown by Kristine Nagy of Doylestown Amateur Performance Halter Stallions 7. Tattle On Touchdown, shown by Dee Ann Staley of Amateur Trail Kitts Hill 13. Eyell Be Outrageous, shown by Chelsea Martz of Blacklick Amateur Performance Halter Mares 25. Eyell Be Outrageous, shown by Chelsea Martz of Amateur Western Pleasure Blacklick 11. OnlyTheBestChocolate, shown by Chelsea Martz of 30. Godiva By Image, owned by Mark Watkins, Jr. of Blacklick Canfield 17. Easy To Be Bay, shown by Kelly Carr of Delaware Amateur Performance Halter Geldings 5. Kissed At Last, shown by Sharon Schilling of Galloway 18. Willy In Aliceland, shown by Lana Work of Springfield

Amateur Hunter Under Saddle 20. DGS Indylacious, shown by Vickie Shriver of Apple Creek 29. On In Five, shown by Elizabeth Gorski of Bowling Green Ohio Quarter Horse News 17

AQHA High Point 1 1 20


Amateur Jumping 4. Capture The Flag, shown by Scott Myers of Sharon Center 16. Darn That Kat, shown by Scott Myers of Sharon Center 25. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Scott Myers of Sharon Center 27. MWS Twist Of Flash, shown by Moira Murty of W Milton

Amateur Working Hunter 16. Capture The Flag, shown by Scott Myers of Sharon Center 25. WhenItAllGoesSouth, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington Amateur Hunter Hack 19. Capture The Flag, shown by Scott Myers of Sharon Center

30. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Leslie Myers of Sharon Center Amateur Hunter Seat Equitation 5. Wicked N White, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington 12. Millun Star Trek, shown by Ivy Poma of Youngstown Amateur Equitation Over Fences 21. WhenItAllGoesSouth, shown by Jessica Johnson of Pickerington Amateur Pleasure Driving 11. Sky Blue Yonder, shown by Christina Wenger of Warren 13. One Sweet Kiss, shown by Becky Blackburn of Belpre

youth division Youth Halter Mares 2. LFL Elige, shown by Logan Lorenz of N Lewisburg 9. My Radiant Valentine, shown by Clayton Heins of Arcanum 13. The Eminent Clue, shown by Mikaela Oyer of Archbold 31. Fiona Mazeratti, shown by Molli Jacobs of Dover Youth Halter Geldings 8. Coolest Touch, shown by Stephen Orengo of Kitts Hill 11. Hear The Echos, shown by Taylor Cartmell of Sardinia 14. STKs Execute, shown by Sheldon McCoy of Fleming 26. Obviouslee Supreme, show by Sierra Walton of Sardinia Youth Performance Halter Mares 2. HF Lazy Lopin Diva, shown by Jacob Gigax of Archbold 18

Ohio Quarter Horse News

4. Sweet Little Willy, shown by Jordan Ferguson of Tipp City 6. Godiva by Image, shown by Mark Watkins Jr. of Canfield 8. ShesHere ForTheParty, shown by Alyssa Justus of Grove City Youth Performance Halter Geldings 1. Remarkable Can, shown by Rachel Kolb of Lebanon 4. Certify This Chex, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 9. Lethals Hot Weapon, shown by Ty Paris of Delta 12. PR Deck Dot Com, shown by Kayla Magrum of Tiffin 13. Some Hot Potential, shown by Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling 18. Mr Screaming Eagle, shown by Dakota Griffith of Hilliard 30. The Cookie Baker, shown by Ellexxah Maxwell of W Mansfield

Youth Showmanship 1. HF Lazy Lopin Diva, shown by Jacob Gigax of Archbold 3. Certify This Chex, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 6. The Cookie Baker, shown by Ellexxah Maxwell of W Mansfield 9. Taylored By Deluxe, shown by Molli Jacobs of Dover 11. RL Ask For Sudden, shown by Lucy Igoe of Powell 12. Remarkable Can, shown by Rachel Kolb of Lebanon 18. Some Hot Potential, shown by Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling 22. Promotional Asset, shown by Lauren Diaz of Heath Youth Breakaway Roping 26. Shorty Oporto, shown by McKayla Wilson of London Youth Barrel Racing 12. Mills Kind Racheal, shown by Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton Youth Pole Bending 17. Mills Kind Racheal, shown by Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton Youth Stake Race 2. Mills Kind Racheal, shown by Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton Youth Trail 4. Certify This Chex, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 8. Some Hot Potential, shown by Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling 11. Lethals Hot Weapon, shown by Ty Paris of Delta 18. HF Tahnee Too, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 23. Steel City Selection, shown by Ciara Bartholomew of Dublin 25. Izzy A Deadly Zipper, shown by Jason Somnitz of Geneva Youth Western Horsemanship 4. Certify This Chex, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 11. Remarkable Can, shown by Rachel Kolb of Lebanon 12. Lethals Hot Weapon, shown by Ty Paris of Delta 14. HF Tahnee Too, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 15. ThisVersionsAFantasy, shown by Lucy Igoe of Powell

19. Deesired Invitation, shown by Katsy Leeman of Massillon 21. Some Hot Potential, shown by Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling 24. Taylored By Deluxe, shown by Molli Jacobs of Dover 25. The Cookie Baker, shown by Ellexxah Maxwell of W Mansfield 31. Im Good As It Gets, shown by Madison Thiel of Dublin Youth Western Pleasure 1. A New Dream In Town, shown by Kayla Magrum of Tiffin 4. Some Hot Potential, shown by Bailey Mierzejewski of Mt. Sterling 5. Certify This Chex, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 8. Sure Am Hot, shown by Katsy Leeman of Massillon 26. DT Eaze On In, shown by Alexis Taylor of Grafton 27. Dark Jasmine, shown by Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville 29. HF Tahnee Too, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 30. Wisely Zippen, shown by Alexa Rowland of Ansonia Youth Hunter Under Saddle 4. Fine Details, shown by Jenna Sunni Jacobs of Youngstown 6. Tophat and Tails, shown by Charley Thiel of Dublin 17. Branded In Iron, shown by Dakota Griffith of Hilliard 26. PR Deck Dot Com, shown by Kayla Magrum of Tiffin 30. Lukes Come Naturally, shown by Ashley Reichert of Grove City Youth Jumping 4. Darn That Kat, shown by Mallory Myers of Sharon Center 11. Crown Riva, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen Youth Working Hunter 5. Capture The Flag, shown by Taylor Myers of Sharon Center 24. Top This Shenanigan, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 25. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Mallory Myers of Sharon Center Ohio Quarter Horse News


AQHA High Point 1 1 20


Youth Hunter Hack 1. Capture The Flag, shown by Taylor Myers of Sharon Center 21. Top This Shenanigan, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 27. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Mallory Myers of Sharon Center

Youth Hunt Seat Equitation 4. Remarkable Can, shown by Rachel Kolb of Lebanon 5. Lethals Hot Weapon, shown by Ty Paris of Delta 13. ThisVersionsAFantasy, shown by Lucy Igoe of Powell

21. The Cookie Baker, shown by Ellexxah Maxwell of W Mansfield Youth Equitation Over Fences 6. Capture The Flag, shown by Taylor Myers of Sharon Center 11. Top This Shenanigan, shown by Lacy Watson of Goshen 20. Stroke For Stroke, shown by Mallory Myers of Sharon Center 30. One Bad Machine, shown by Samantha Huff of Liberty Township

Around Ohio


Fun Show Donates Proceeds to Three Charities

he Helping Horses Charity Fun Show will be held Sunday, July 1st at the Harry Hughes Youth Equestrian Center in Swanton beginning at 8 a.m. The show, which is open to any horse and rider, will raise money for a variety of charities, including the American Cancer Society, Toys for Tots, and Heroes in Action. “We are fortunate to have all of our classes sponsored, as well as the support of our presenting sponsor, Dr. Mickey Frame of Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture, so that we can donate all of the money we raise,� said Myndi Milliken, show organizer. The sponsorships provide the prizes, which include brightly colored ribbons to fifth place, gift certificates and cash. One class even provides horse hair extensions as its prize. Last year, Helping Horses held their first show and raised nearly $800 for the American Cancer Society despite the 90+ degree heat. 20 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Classes of note include: the Toys for Tots Fun Jump, where the winner will receive a $100 The Custom Fox Tack Store gift certificate; the Branden Breakfield Costume Class (in honor of a boy who lost his battle with cancer at age 9), where the winner will receive a $100 Uckele Health & Nutrition gift certificate and $40 cash; and the Kettlebell-Bob Open Barrels, where the winner will receive $200 cash and cash payouts are provided through 10th place. The show kicks off with a ceremony honoring veterans, and local horse adoption agencies are invited to show their horses fee-free. There will also be a raffle supporting 4-H For a complete class list, rules and directions, visit www.helping-horses.com or call Myndi at 419-3467195.

2012 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Bailey Mierzejewski

Emma Brown

Hannah Overmyer

Lacy Watson

Lindsay Brush

Paul “Trey� Schwab III

Lauren Diaz

Caitlyn Colvin

Madison Thiel

Director 4128 Oxford-Middletown Rd Trenton, OH 45067 513-680-2377 LilCowgirl795@aol.com

Director 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-374-4073 horselover43017@yahoo.com

Brittany Harter

Ellexxah Maxwell

Bridgett White

Charley Thiel

Justin Melvin

President 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com

Vice President 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Home: 513-646-5192 Lopin4Fun@yahoo.com

Secretary 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com

Treasurer 85 Limetree Dr. Delaware, OH 43015 Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com

Resporter 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com

Director 15720 W. Smith Rd. Elmore, OH 43416 Home: 419-862-2137 cbfcriters@aol.com

Director 2121 Pinkerton Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 Home: 740-453-3247 JulieB3879@yahoo.com

Director 1175 Harrison Pond Dr. New Albany, OH 43054 Home: 614-855-2103 SBrush@insight.rr.com

Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Home: 513-868-6900 Schwab2180@fuse.net

Director 7709 Allen Rd. Canal Winchester, OH 43110 Home: 614-915-7354 DWhite90@insight.rr.com

Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com

Director 9311 Degood Rd. Marysville, OH 43040 Home: 740-513-6976 JMelvin62@aim.com

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Cell: 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


he next OQHYA board meeting will be May 21, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. In June, the Youth will meet after dinner during the OQHA Annual Picnic, held June 18th at the Ohio Expo Center in the Natural Resource Shelter Area. Dinner will begin at 6pm, with the board meeting to follow. Please note that AQHA Youth World Show entries will be completed at this meeting! The July board meeting date and time will be determined at the June Annual Picnic.

May May 21 @ 7 p.m. June June 18 @ 6 p.m. July TBA

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines


AQHYA World Show Entries Due

uring the Ohio Quarter Horse Association annual picnic, all youth members who have qualified for the AQHA Youth World Show will complete their entries. This is a mandatory meeting for youth showing at the AQHYA Youth World Show. The annual picnic and board meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 18th. All members, family and friends


are invited to join the OQHA Board of Directors for dinner, followed by board meetings for OQHA, OAQHA and OQHYA. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m., and guests are encouraged to bring a dish to share. OQHA will provide beverages, bratwursts and fried perch.

OQHYA Youth Invited to 2012 Youth World Cup

very two years, the American Quarter Horse Association hosts the Youth World Cup, an international event open to youth riders. The 2012 Youth World Cup, held July 21-29 in Kreuth, Germany, features teams of riders from 17 different countries, competing in Cutting, Reining, Western Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Trail, Western Riding, Hunt Seat Equitation, Hunter Under Saddle and Showmanship. In addition to the riding competition, five more youth from each country are

invited to attend educational seminars and leadership training. Charley Thiel, of Dublin, was chosen as one of five non-riding team members who will be representing the United States at the 2012 Youth World Cup in Germany. Charley, who just completed her junior year at Dublin Coffman High School, competes in Hunter Under Saddle events and has won an AQHYA Youth World Championship and two Congress Championships in that event.

All American Quarter Horse Congress 2012 Souvenir Program Advertising Rates Full Page - Full Color .................................................. Full Page - Black & White ........................................ Half Page - Full Color ................................................. Half Page - Black & Whute ...................................... 1/4 Page - Black & White .........................................

$425 $325 $300 $225 $200

Ad Deadline: September 1, 2012

Stallion Directory and Business Card Directory are only available with a full-year contract with OQHA News. Please Note: All rates are based on camera-ready ads.

Contact: Tracy Bidwell - tbidwell@oqha.com - 740-943-2346 ext. 126


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Headlines 2011 AQHA All-Around Youth Champion and Reserve


Rachel Kolb and Remarkable Can Rachel Kolb of Lebanon and Remarkable Can were awarded 2011 Markel Insurance All-Around Youth Reserve Champion at the AQHA Convention in Las Vegas. The pair racked up 415.5 Brianna Tamulewicz and Certify This Chex all-around points, Brianna showed her horse Certify including a youth high-point title in Performance This Chex to a grand total of 534.5 Halter Geldings, fourth in Hunt Seat Equitation and points, including top five finishes in top 15 finishes in both Showmanship and Western youth Performance Halter Geldings, Horsemanship. Showmanship, Trail, Western “Snoop”, a 2005 bay gelding by The Remarkable Horsemanship and Western Pleasure. Mr, has quite a list of accomplishments including Affectionately called “Lugnut,” this open, amateur and youth world championships in 2001 bay gelding by Zippo Pine performance halter, a Select reserve title and All Chex excels in horsemanship and American Quarter Horse Congress wins. equitation, while Brianna prefers pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle. At 16, Brianna attends an online school where she not only maintains a 4.0 GPA, but is on track to graduate early. She plans to pursue a degree in psychology. ach year at it’s annual convention the American Quarter Horse Association announces its allaround high-point awards in youth, amateur and open divisions. Last year, OQHYA member Molli Jacobs of Dover, Ohio took home the prestigious Featherlite AQHA Youth All-Around High-Point title. This year, two more Ohio Youth earned AQHA’s highest titles. Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville was named 2011 Markel Insurance All-Around Youth Champion, while Rachel Kolb of Lebanon took home Reserve honors.

Join the OQHA Youth Judging Team! The OQHA Youth Judging Team participates in horse judging contests at some of the biggest shows in the country, including the AQHYA World Show and the All American Quarter Horse Congress.

Contact: Jessica Daniels, OQHA Youth Judging Team Coach 740-361-9411 or jdshowhorses@yahoo.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2012 Show Schedule March 22 - 23, SOQHA Winter Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 28, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 13 - 15, Region 4 Championships Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

March 24 - 25, SOQHA Winter Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved

June 2, Fulton County Saddle Club Introductory Show Fulton Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 19 - 20, BWHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved

April 7 - 8, SOQHA 4-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved

June 3, Fulton County Saddle Club Introductory Show Fulton Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 21 - 22, BWHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

April 12 - 13, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 14 - 15, NOQHA 2-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved

August 25 - 26, SOQHA Futurity 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved

April 14 - 15, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Approved

June 16 - 17, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved

September 8 - 9, EOQHA Futurity 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved

June 23 - 24, OMIQHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

September 21, NOQHA Futurity Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved - Longe Line Only

May 5 - 6, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 11, OAQHA Eden Park in Sunbury Not Approved May 12-13, The Buckeye Classic by OAQHA // 2-Judge Eden Park in Sunbury Approved May 26 - 27, NOQHA 2-Judge Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved


Ohio Quarter Horse News

July 5 - 6, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved July 7 - 8, Rolling Acres Farm 3-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved

September 22 - 23, NOQHA Futurity // 2-Judge Mahoning Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved November 24 - 25, SOQHA Turkey Circuit // 3-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

NORTHERN OHIO QUARTER HORSE NOQHA EXTRAVAGANZA & NOVICE SHOW May 26 & 27 S/C Judge: April Devitt & Benny Sargent May 28 All Novice Show Judge: Jennifer Goss Novice Youth All Around Saddle & Novice Amateur All Around Saddle Reserve Novice Youth All Around & Reserve Novice Amateur All Around Small Fry All Around & Reserve All Around Awards Rookie Classes Added NSBA Dual Approved • NSBA Youth Smart Points Double Points for NOQHA Year End & Congress Team (all weekend) Shows to be held at University of Findlay Western Farm • Findlay, Ohio Limited Camping Hookups ~~ Reservations Required (forms online)

One Fee Package Deal $185 Includes:

Stall, Office Fee, AQHA Drug Fee, Unlimited AQHA Entry Fees for 2 Judges 1 Horse – Unlimited Riders Must show in a Halter Class to get the Package Deal!! **************************************************


September 21 - 23 S/C Judge: Terri Cross & Rhonda Replogle Rookie Classes Added NSBA Dual Approved • NSBA Youth Smart Points Ohio Bonus Money Paid in all Open Futurity Classes (forms online) Shows to be held at Mahoning County Fairgrounds, Canfield, Ohio

One Fee Package Deal $185 Includes:

Stall, Office Fee, AQHA Drug Fee, Unlimited AQHA Entry Fees for 2 Judges 1 Horse – Unlimited Riders Must show in a Halter Class to get the Package Deal!!

2012 OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers Patrick Murty

Lois Berry

Megan Masterson

Marla Atherton

Becca Dingus

Kara Schockling

Justin Billings

Suzanne Guinsler

Mike Yemc

Director (2/15) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/15) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Kim Hatfield

Nancy Waid

Chelsea Martz

Chris Martin

Carly Williams

Jennifer Sigman

Cris Martin

Kathryne Zachrich

Laura Salome

Kristin Martin

President (2/13), Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 Patrick.Murty@Company7BBQ.com

First Vice President (2/13), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com Second Vice President (2/13), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Abby Pound

Treasurer (2/13) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Secretary (2/13) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Reporter (2/13) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Past President 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com



Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/14) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Director (2/15) 1663 Olympus Dr. Kent, OH 44240 beccadingus@gmail.com

Director (2/15)

Director (2/14) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/15) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Director (2/15) 7025 SR 383 NE Somerset, OH 43783 740-405-4236 meganemasterson@gmail. com

Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com

Director (2/15) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Amateur Update OAQHA Meeting Schedule


n May, the Amateur Board will meet on Monday, May 21st at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. During June, OAQHA will meet after dinner, which begins at 6 p.m., during the OQHA Annual Picnic at the Natural Resource Shelter in the Ohio Expo Center on June 18th. Board meetings in July will be determined at the June Annual Picnic.

May May 21 @ 7 p.m. June June 18 @ 6 p.m. July TBA

2012 OQHA News


Contest Awards First Place - $100 Second Place - $75 Third Place - $50 Honorable Mention - $10


- Entries must be 8 1/2” x 11” or larger color prints - Include horse(s) names, owner and breeder as well as photographer’s contact information - Mail entries to OQHA, Attn: Tracy Bidwell, 101 Tawa Rd., PO Box 209, Richwood, OH 43344.

Entries Due: July 1 Ohio Quarter Horse News


! W E


Ohio Futurity Bonus

Incentive Fund $35,000 BONUS MONEY ADDED

Halter Open Weanling Colts - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Weanling Colts - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Weanling Fillies - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Weanling Fillies - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Open Yearling Mares - All Ages - $500 Non-Pro Yearling Mares - All Ages* - $125, $100, $50 Longe Line Open English Longe Line - $500 Open Western Longe Line - $750 Non-Pro Longe Line - $750

Hunter Under Saddle Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity - $500 Western Pleasure Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $500 Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity - $500 *Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse to the top three non-pro exhibitors.


1. There is no separate entry fee to enter OFBIF classes date, all entries are subject to late fees, per each regional and horses are eligible with no restrictions. association rules. 2. Members must submit a nomination form, along 6. All bonus money is in addition to regional with a copy of horses’s registration papers to the OQHA association’s purse. office by August 15th to be eligible for bonus incentive fund monies. Please note that entries WILL NOT be 7. Longe Line classes will be run according to NSBA accepted at any of the regional futurities. rules. All other classes will be judged in accordance with AQHA rules. 3. Participants in the OFBIF must enter the EOQHA, NOQHA, and/or SOQHA open futurity classes to 8. All OFBIF classes will be according to NSBA participate. Participants are not required to participate percentages. in all three futurities, but can earn bonus money at one, two, or three shows. 9. All OFBIF classes will pay back in each class as follows: 6 pay backs if 10 or less show, 8 pay backs if 11 4. A current membership in OQHA is required for both to 20 show, 10 pay backs if 21 to 30 show, 12 pay backs owner and exhibitor prior to the show. if 31 to 40 show and 14 pay backs if 41 and up show. 5. In addition to nomination, all membership, entry For a complete list of guidelines, visit www.oqha.com. forms, papers and payment must be submitted to each regional association, per their guidelines to be eligible for bonus money. If these are not submitted by the due

Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund 2012 NOMINATION FORM Please check the classes below that you plan to show: Halter ___ Open Weanling Colts - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Colts* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Weanling Fillies - $500 ___ Non-Pro Weanling Fillies * - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Stallions/Geldings - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Stallions/Geldings* - $125, $100, $50 ___ Open Yearling Mare - $500 ___ Non-Pro Yearling Mares* - $125, $100, $50

Longe Line ___ Open English Longe Line - $500 ___ Open Western Longe Line - $750 ___ Non-Pro Longe Line - $750 Hunter Under Saddle ___ Open Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old Hunter Under Saddle - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity - $500

*Non-Pro Halter classes will run concurrently with the corresponding open class and will pay an additional purse Western Pleasure to the top three non-pro exhibitors. ___ Open Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 ___ Non-Pro Two Year Old Western Pleasure - $500 • Owners AND Exhibitors must be current OQHA ___ Open Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 members. ___ Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Pleasure - $1,000 • No Nomination Fee ___ Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity - $500

OWNER: ________________________________________________________ SSN: ____________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ REGISTERED NAME: _______________________________________________ REG #: ________________ SEX: ______________ SIRE: ______________________________ DAM: ____________________________ EXHIBITOR: ______________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: _________________ In addition all membership, entry forms, papers, and payment must be submitted to each regional association per their guidelines to be eligible for added money.

Send Entries To:

Ohio Quarter Horse Assocation Attn: Barb Benedum PO Box 209 Richwood, OH 43344-0209 Fax: 740-943-3752 • E-mail: BBenedum@oqha.com


Club Updates River Cities Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Olivia Sniezek, Youth News Reporter


iver Cities Quarter Horse Association is proud to announce its new officers for the 2012 season. Serving the association this year, as President, is Lonnie Best of Kitts Hill, Ohio. Assisting Lonnie as Vice President is Ralph Blake also residing in Kitts Hill, Ohio. Leigh Ann Griffith, from Hilliard, Ohio is the serving as the Secretary for this upcoming year and also the Quarter Horse Congress Queen Advisor. The Treasurer for the upcoming year will be Lynn Sniezek of Edinburg, Pennsylvania. Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill, Ohio will be the Youth Advisor for River Cities Quarter Horse Association. Dakota Griffith of Hilliard, Ohio will serve as the News Reporter for the organization. All of the officers look forward to serving the association this upcoming show year and wish good luck to all competitors this 2012 show season. Likewise, the River Cities Youth Organization has elected new officers for this show season also. Their winning lineup consists of Erika Rodenski from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania leading the organization as President, Charley Theil from Dublin, Ohio assisting her as Vice President, Olivia Sniezek from Edinburg, Pennsylvania as Secretary and News Reporter, Taylor Nogee from New Wilmington, Pennsylvania as Treasurer and Kayla Hayes from Ohio will be the sentinel. On August 11th, 2012 River Cities Quarter Horse Association will be holding an NBHA Speed Show at Henderson’s Arena in Jackson, Ohio. The EX. barrel class will begin at 3:00 pm, the poles class will begin at 5:00 and run until 5:45pm. At this time the arena will close so that we may prepare the arena for the show and opening ceremony which will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. All the finds we raise will help fund the youth team for this year. There will be door prizes, prize drawings and there is $2500 added at this point. We would gladly accept any prize donations, such as gift cards and such to raffle off to raise funds for the youth team.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

River Cities Quarter Horse Association is proud to announce Dakota Diamond Griffith as their 2012 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen Candidate. The members of River Cities are very excited to have such a distinguished horsewoman representing them as their first Queen candidate. Dakota is the 19-yearold daughter of Sid and Leigh Ann Griffith of Hilliard, Ohio. A 2011 graduate of Emerson Academy, Dakota is pursuing a career as a horse trainer and hopes to be an AQHA judge in the future. She also plans on attending beauty school to become a professional stylist. Dakota was a strong competitor throughout her youth career earning awards such as showing the highest point earning youth horse of all time, five time back to back youth hunter under saddle high point champion and multiple top ten placings at the Congress and the AQHYA World Championship Show. She was very involved in the youth associations of both AQHA and NSBA, holding the office of President in each. Dakota continues to be an inspiration by setting new goals and always looking to the future. Some of her future goals include: being a member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors, being part of the National Youth Committee, continuing her work to promote the EWD classes and becoming an AQHA judge. Since Dakota was a little girl she has always dreamed of being the “Congress Queen”. The members of River Cities look forward to watching Dakota compete and cheering her on as she chases her dream to become the 2012 All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. Members: Please remember to send in your applications as soon as possible to ensure that you are a member for this year.

Club Updates Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary


s most of you are aware, the Casinos and VLT’s are now a reality in Ohio. With the hope of increased purses and additional monies for the horsemen, comes the waiting game. Work is underway with OSRC for a Quarter Horse Developmental Fund for 2013 and Lobbyist, Bob Doyle, continues his efforts to keep OQHRA in the mix. Building relationships with OSRC, OTBA and government officials are just a few of the positives. Nominations to enter the All American Quarter Horse Congress races began May 1, 2012, with final payment due September 1, 2012. Trials will run Tuesday, October 15th with Finals held Saturday, October 27th. Races will include Futurity, Derby and an AQHA Bonus Challenge Stake race. The Buckeye Futurity trials, open to Ohio Bred or Owned will be October 15th and Finals October 27th. Payments start May 15th, 2012. Nomination forms for the Buckeye and Congress can be downloaded from www.ohioquarterhorseracing.com or contact Racing Secretary, Tamie Grandstaff, at (419) 253-2048 for more information. An OQHRA booth will be available to set up at various equine events. This booth will be used to

develop public awareness and membership drives. We are looking for different venues, barrel racing shows, fairs, etc. to get the word out. In addition, we are looking for a sponsor to donate a raffle saddle to set up in the booth as an additional fundraiser. If you have a show or venue that we should set up at, please contact Tamie at (419) 253-2048 to make arrangements. Plans for the Congress 2012 OQHRA raffle have been finalized. The raffle will include a 2011 bay gelding; Box C Wimpy Dude by Vernons Flash Bar X Box C Wimpy Wynona and a round pen will be the second raffle prize. PLEASE, plan some time, October 8th – 27th, to work the booth; this is an important fund raiser that can bring in a substantial amount of income. We are in need of someone to stay on the grounds to care for the horse and man the booth. This could be divided between several people. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5. Contact any OQHRA member for tickets. The association is looking for a young lady between the ages of 16-25, interested in promoting quarter horse racing in Ohio, to represent OQHRA as the 2012 Queen. Applications will be taken during the months of May and June. Those between the ages of 18-25 are eligible to compete in the All American Quarter Horse Congress Queen competition. Contact Tamie, horses@ sgstables.com for an application.

OMI Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Olga Kipp, OMIQHA Secretary


MIQHA has been working hard getting ready for our show June 23rd and 24th at the University of Findlay western farm. We are getting sponsors and hope to have some prizes for some classes. The details are all falling into place nicely and everyone is excited. Our hotel is the Hampton Inn at Findlay. 419-4225252. Let them know you are staying for the OMIQHA show and receive 10 percent off. Our youth are getting excited for this show season and are working to have some fun events to do

together besides showing their horses. We have also been going over plans for year-end awards and our year-end award banquet details. Queen Kelsey Gibson has been busy going to shows and flea markets and plans to go to several more shows. We are still taking applications for contestants for the 2013 queen. Any young lady interested may contact Lisa Maag at 419-523-9301. We look forward to seeing everyone at our show in June. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Kathy James, Director


he Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association would like to report that our spring show was a great success. Thank you to all that participated! A special thank you to all our sponsors. We would also like to thank all our members and directors who worked so hard to make the show the success that it was! We were able to

give out prizes in many of our classes. Our youth really appreciates the support on their fundraisers. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in September at our futurity show. Also we now have a facebook page that will have updates reported! Please visit us there! It is linked to our website: www.EOQHA.us.

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - January 16, 2012 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Ted Handel, Randy Jacobs, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Charlie Menker, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell and Dan Trein. Excused Directors: Lisa Alley, Vic Clark, Ed Dingledine, Bob Hexter, Fritz Leeman, Cindy Morehead, John Pickersgill, Don Recchiuti and Brent Tincher. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Introduction of Guests – • Bill Wright, George Seanor, Jeff James, Randy Wilson, Pete and Beth Himes were introduced as guests.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the January 2011 Minutes. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Barb Benedum reported on the December 31, 2011 financial statements noting that the finalized statements will be complete once the CPA firm has an opportunity to conduct their review. 2011 ended with a net profit of $310,965.78 prior to any year-end adjustments. Dan Trein made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Second by Wayne Erwin. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report – • Cam Foreman read a letter from Mark Cherubini stating that he is resigning his position on the board. Cam reported on the following from the Tri-Chairmen meeting: • Distributed a tentative Congress schedule for the board to review. Cam asked that the horse show

Minutes advisory committee review the schedule and make recommendations. • Distributed a tentative listing of the 2012 Congress judges. Cam stated that he has not hired any specialized judges because he was unsure when those classes would be held. • There are several corporate sponsor contracts that are up for renewal this year. Cam will be reviewing those contracts and report back to the board. There are some possibilities for new corporate sponsors as well. • The Tri-Chairmen voted to change the policy on give-away trailers for awards. The trailer must be MSRP of at least $25,000 in exchange for a $9,000 credit if they have inside booth space. • The Tri-Chairmen voted to discontinue the Master’s Halter classes at the Congress. Cam stated that we will investigate offering a class within a class and implementing a Yearling Halter Futurity in place of the Masters Halter. • The Tri-Chairmen voted to add NSBA approval on Showmanship, Horsemanship and Equitation across the board. • NSBA wants to sponsor Western Pleasure, Horsemanship, Showmanship and Hunter Under Saddle for the Team Tournament. Cam reported that we will go back to NSBA and ask for class sponsorship money. That sponsorship would be $500.00 per class. • It was voted to keep the Amateur Versatility as a stakes class. • The Board asked for a written arena conflict policy. After investigating, it was determined that we will continue to work with the gate staff to accommodate arena conflicts instead of having a written policy. • After meeting with the fair commission, it was determined that OQHA would hire a lobbyist for a few months to begin lobbying for the capital funds at the state level. • Cam wrote a letter to AQHA expressing his disappointment that the Novice Championship show will be in conflict with the Congress. • Dr. Schmall sent a letter to the Tri-Chairmen explaining that when some of the Congress classes began running ahead of schedule and there were not enough vet techs available, there were instances when he only tested one horse in the class. He also stated that he did pull a Coggins for one horse that was bound for

Canada, but that would not happen again in the future. • Cam also reported that he spoke with Cinch and it was confirmed that the largest size available for the worker’s jackets is a 2X. Todd Salome made a motion to accept the TriChairmen report. Second by Wayne Erwin. Motion carried. Annual Banquet – • Todd Salome reported that all the arrangements for the annual banquet are complete. The banquet is scheduled for Saturday, February 4, 2012 at the Ramada Plaza. There will be discounted rooms available for OQHA members. There will be a hospitality social hour immediately following the annual open meeting. Futurity Bonus Fund – • Candi Fites made a motion that the OFBIF continue and have the same budget as 2011. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion carried. Executive Committee – Brent Maxwell reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • EOQHA requested that the Lancaster show slide to the May show, allowing it to be a four-judge show. Todd Salome made the motion to accept the executive committee report. Second by Chris Darnell. Motion passed. Finance Committee – • Dr. Dave McDonald reported that the lfe membership account could be replaced in full with current funds. Dan Trein made a motion to replace the life Membership funds. Second by Ron McCarty. Motion passed. Public Policy – • Elizabeth reported on the AQHA PAC fund. Binnie Ann made a motion that OQHA donate $1,000 to the AQHA PAC fund. Second by Dr. Dave McDonald. Motion carried. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes Ohio Queen – • Elaine Wells stated that our current Ohio Queen, Megan Masterson, sent a letter stating that she has taken a job that would prevent her from attending the Congress, therefore she was resigning. There will be another Queen’s contest.

Vet Coordinator – • Dr. Dave McDonald reported that there was a positive drug test at the 2011 Congress in the TwoYear-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure class. The parties have all been notified and the owner has agreed to our penalties.

Rules – • Binnie Ann Master read the third and final reading of the following rule change:

Youth Committee – Lauren Diaz reported on the meeting held earlier: • There will be items to be auctioned at the annual banquet and will also be having the Harley raffle again this year. • The Youth will also be reaching out to more 4-H clubs to encourage participation in OQHA.

Article XII OHIO POINT SYSTEM FOR ANNUAL AWARDS Section 1 - Paragraph 2 The point year shall be from April 1 to the Saturday and Sunday shows only of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association approved winter circuit in March through and including the final day of September in each calendar year, provided, however, that no weekday show except shows held on national holidays shall count for state points and team points. Points from shows held on March 31st and April 1st, May 31st and June 1st, July 31st and August 1st, and September 30th and October 1st when they fall on Saturday and Sunday, and when these shows are held in the splitcombined format, will count for state points and team points. Section 2 - Paragraph 2 To be approved for OQHA points, a show must offer all day fees of $40 as an option for all Youth and Novice Youth classes. They must also offer all-day fees of $40 as an option for all Amateur, Novice Amateur, and Select classes. Rookie and Intermediate classes are included in the $40 fee. If a show offers Small Fry classes, the fee for this division is $20 per show.

Amateur – • Kristen Martin discussed the upcoming Amateur show on April 21st and 22nd at Wilmington. The Amateurs will be using RockStar Show Management for their show. By partnering with RockStar, the show will have better prizes and will hopefully have more entries. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that the Northern Ohio has their shows scheduled for May and September and will be offering the Rookie classes. SOQHA – • Judd Paul reported that the Winter Circuit will be March 22-25 in Springfield. Ohio Buckskin – • Ted Handle reported that the new President is Ben Grandstaff.

New Business – • Todd Salome asked if he could move forward with the Trail Ride. Ron McCarty made the motion to have the Trail Ride this year. Second by Elizabeth. Motion Scholarship Committee – passed. • Elizabeth reported that the committee had met and • Brent Maxwell made the motion to continue with were finalizing preparations for the interviews to be the Ohio Incentive Fund Program. Second by Todd held at the OQHA office on March 10, 2012. Salome. Motion passed. • Binnie Ann made a motion to continue giving a Binnie Ann Masters made a motion to accept the third reading. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion passed.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes $1,000 stipend to National AQHA Directors or any OQHA Director that serves on a committee. Second by Todd Salome. Motion passed. Dr. Dave McDonald made a motion to recess to Executive Session. Second by Alan Potts.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - March 19, 2012 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Dr. Dave McDonald, Dr. Scott Myers, Cindy Morehead, Judd Paul, Don Recchiuti, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Denny Thorsell, Brent Tincher, Dan Trein, Mike Vargo, Shane Watson and Randy Wilson. Excused Directors: Vic Clark, Ed Dingledine, Randy Jacobs, John Pickersgill, and Chuck Smith. Absent Directors: Fritz Leeman, Ron McCarty and Charlie Menker. President Scott Myers called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Introduction of Guests – • Ed Campbell, Kristine Nagy, Mark Watkins, Connie Lechleitner and Mark Wright were introduced as guests. Minutes – • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the January 2011 Minutes. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Barb Benedum reported on the February 2012 financial statements. Barb stated that the balance sheet now shows that the life membership account has been

replenished. Those funds were transferred from the general operating account. The financial statements reflect that we are right on track compared to last year. Judd Paul made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Second by Wayne Erwin. Motion carried. Tri-Chairmen Report – • Skip Salome reported that we are investigating adding Mounted Shooting to the last day of the Congress. Don Recchiuti made a motion to continue to pursue the plans for Mounted Shooting. Second by Wayne Erwin. Motion passed. • Scott Myers reported that the Tri-Chairmen met with NRHA officials at the AQHA Convention on new initiatives at the Congress. 1. Creation of an Alliance Partnership with NRHA 2. Add Prime-Time and Rookie Divisions 3. Create an Exhibitor Party 4. Ride a Reiner Program Bob Hexter made a motion to move forward with NRHA initiatives. Second by Wayne Erwin. Motion passed. • Chris Darnell discussed the possibility of using a new hotel to house the Congress workers. A proposal from the Holiday Inn Worthington was submitted that would result in substantial savings. Chris proposed that we have our April board meeting there so that the entire board can have input on the hotel. • Denny Thorsell reported that there are still ongoing plans to redesign the Swine Barn and possibly build a new stall building. This would free up arena space in the Voinovich. The new building would have 400-500 Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes premium stalls.

Membership – • Mike Vargo reported the current membership numbers: 1365 total members vs. 1391 total members in 2011. The total is as follows: Amateur – 224, Regular – 206, Youth – 153 and Life – 782.

Brent Maxwell made a motion that the Tri-Chair move forward with the new stall plans. Second by Todd Salome. Motion passed. • Scott reported that the Tri-Chairmen are continuing to work on corporate sponsors, commercial exhibitors and the videographer. Professional Horseman – • Roger Landis reported that the committee is Dan Trein made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen’s requesting more input on the hiring process and report. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion carried. placement of Congress judges. Annual Banquet – • Todd Salome reported that the annual banquet was a success. We had 328 attendees compared to 290 from last year. The live auction grossed more than $16,000 and net proceeds were split between the Youth, Trail Ride and Amateurs.

Public Policy – • Elizabeth reported that slaughter plants can reopen, although this may be only for a limited time.

Policies and Procedures – • Lisa Alley reported that she would like the chairperson for each committee to prepare policies and AQHA Reports – procedures for their committee. The deadline for this • Clark Bradley reported that the AQHA Convention will be the May meeting. was well attended. Dan Trein reported that Animal Rights Activists was a topic of discussion during the Rules – Professional Horseman’s meeting. • Lisa Alley reported that the committee will be each taking a portion of the rulebook and reviewing and Horse Show Advisory – revising. • Dan Trein reported on Congress items discussed • Lisa read the first reading of a proposed rule and approved at the meeting that was held earlier. See change to Article 10: attached. AMENDMENTS Finance Committee – Section 1. The Board of Directors and membership • Alan Potts reported that there was a 2012 Budget elected meeting on February 9, 2012 at the Richwood office. Officers shall have the power to make, amend and The budget is now complete and available. Repeal the By-Laws of the Association by vote of a • In the meeting, it was recommended that we begin two-thirds majority of the Directors present at any charging a 3 percent handling fee for entries that are regular or special meetings of the Board at which there paid by credit cards. is a quorum, subject to the right of the members to amend any such By-Laws at the annual meeting of Alan Potts made a motion to approve this policy. members or at a special meeting of the members called Second by Skip Salome. Motion passed. for such purpose. The proposed change or amendment must be read at three (3) regular or special meetings Judging Team – before a final vote is made. Upon a motion, the first • Cindy Morehead reported that there are only four two readings may be waived provided a copy of the members on the team. rule change or changes have been sent to all Directors/ Officers with voting privileges. 36

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Scholarship Committee – • Elizabeth reported that the scholarship interviews were held on March 10th at the Richwood office. There were seven applications resulting in one Outstanding Horseman Award for $1,000 and four $500 awards. There were also 17 renewal applications which resulted in 16 renewal awards at $ 500 each. Trail Ride – • Todd Salome reported that the trail ride is scheduled for August 17 – 19, 2012. Youth Committee – • There were 29 youth at the meeting. It was reported that the theme for the Youth World Show this year will be “Bringing out Your Inner Rock Star” • The live auction and secret boxes resulted in $6,905 from the annual banquet. • The Youth are continuing their outreach programs including investigating the Equestrians with Disability classes.

• Chris also reported that the first show is scheduled on Memorial Day weekend at Findlay. • Lastly, Chris reported that NOQHA voted to donate $2,500 to the Jess Cecil memorial fund. SOQHA – • Judd Paul reported that the Winter Circuit will be this coming weekend in Springfield. Ohio Buckskin – • Ted Handel reported the following show schedule: 6/9 – 6/10 first show of the season; 7/6 – 7/8 Red, White and Buckskin; 9/8 – 9/9 Futurity Old Business – • Lisa Alley asked if we are still contracting with a CPA firm to prepare our taxes and perform a financial statement review. Scott reported that we are still in contract for FY 2011. • Connie Lechleitner asked for an update on the Executive Vice President search. Scott reported that there was a 3/1/12 press release. Scott also reported that the Search Committee did not establish a deadline for resumes.

Amateur – • Kristen Martin reported that the Amateur show has been scheduled for May 11th – 13th at Eden Park in Sunbury. The show will be managed by RockStar New Business – Show Management. There will be more than $20,000 in • Scott reported that Candi Fites was appointed as prizes offered. the Corporate Secretary. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that the NOQHA Scholarship deadline is May 1, 2012.


Dr. Dave McDonald made a motion at 9:14 p.m. to recess to Executive Session. Second by Todd Salome.

OQHA Annual Picnic Monday, June 18th

Ohio Expo Center Natural Resource Shelter Area

we hope to see you there!


Ohio Quarter Horse News





Ad Index All American Quarter Horse Congress ...................... 22 Brad Luebben ................................................................. 39 Coughlin Automotive...................................................... 1 DeGraff Stables .............................................................. 38 Diamond Six Farm ........................................................ 38 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association .................. 12 Judd Paul Training Stables ............................................ 39 Judy’s Tack ...................................................................... 39 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ................................... 39 Keith Saddle Shop ........................................................ C3 Kustom Kritter Fitters ................................................... 39 Missy Jo Performance Horses ...................................... 39 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association ........... 7, 25 Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund .................... 28-29

OQHA ....................................................................... 27, 37 OQHA/Tri-Country Trail Ride ..................................... 9 OQHYA Judging Team ................................................. 23 Pine View Farm ............................................................. 39 Region 4 Championship ................................................. 5 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson ................ 38 Rod’s Western Palace .................................................... C4 Saddle Creek Farms ....................................................... 40 Sonnys Hot Jazz ............................................................. 38 Sorrell Performance Horses ......................................... 39 Smartpak ........................................................................ C2 Tim Finnegan Photography ......................................... 39 Trein Training Center ................................................... 39 Western New York Quarter Horse Circuit ................. 15

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