Ohio Quarter Horse News November/December 2011

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Ohio Quarter Horse November/December 2011



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Cam Foreman

Barb Benedum

Lisa Martin

Mindy Westlake

Executive Vice President 740-943-2346, ext. 129 CForeman@oqha.com Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] This true black and white photo by Marcinda Franks of Uniontown, Ohio features her horses, Ima Rancher Tresure and Wilson’s Lucky Chip. Photo by OQHA member, Marcinda Franks.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 13-31 38 40-54 56-57 61-69 70-73

OQHA Election Biographies Youth Spotlight OQHYA Election Biographies OQHA Photo Contest Results OAQHA Election Biographies Futurity Results


3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 9-10 Forum 11 Podium 12 OQHA News 32 Around Ohio 34 OQHYA Officers & Directors 35-37 Youth Headlines 33 2011 Show Schedule 58 OAQHA Officers & Directors 59-60 Amateur Update 76-79 Meeting Minutes 80 Stallion Directory 81-82 Business Card Directory 83 Ad Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 74 74 75 75

Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Quarter Horse Racing OMI Quarter Horse Ohio State Buckskin

2011 OQHA Officers Skip Salome

David McDonald, DVM

Congress Tri-Chair, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security

Task Force, Finance, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator

1st Vice President (2/12) 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Cell: 740-404-4521 sse@windstream.net

President (2/12) AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers

Annual Banquet, Rules, Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibitors, Stall Move-In, VIP/Awards Ceremony

Drug Task Force, Research, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Veterinarian Animal Protection/Puppy Alley

1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Chris Cecil Darnell

Denny Thorsell

Executive Committee (2/13), Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations

111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/14),

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities

24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Megan Masterson 2011 OQHA Queen

2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Todd Salome

2nd Vice President (2/12),

Charlie Menker

Executive Committee (2/12), Drug

Congress Tri-Chair (9/14),

Congress Tri-Chair (9/13), Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall Move-In Day

8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-7205 Cell: 216-214-0003 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

AQHA National Officers & Directors Clark Bradley

Charlie Menker

Skip Salome

Fritz Leeman

Dr. Scott Myers

Dan Trein

AQHA Director Emeritus 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

AQHA Director at Large 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

AQHA Honorary Vice President 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Cell: 937-604-1443 CMenker@gmail.com

P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@ aol.com

AQHA Director Emeritus 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHA Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Bill Flarida (2/12)

Cindy Morehead (2/14)

Rod Atherton (2/12)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/12)

Judd Paul (2/12)

Mark Cherubini (2/12)

Ted Handel (2/12)

Grievance, Rules, Congress Program 1430 Mt. Perry Rd. Mt. Perry, OH 43760 Cell: 740-404-7935 DiamondH@cgate.net

Membership, Overflow Trailers, Stall Move-In Day 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Hank Clason (2/13)

Bob Hexter (2/14)

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Chris Cecil Darnell (2/12)

Randy Jacobs (2/14)

Chuck Smith (2/12)

Kelli Diaz (2/14)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/14)

Wayne Erwin (2/12)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Brent Tincher (2/12)

Candi Fites (2/13)

Ron McCarty (2/14)

Annual Banquet, Trail Ride, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony, Commercial Exhibitors 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program, Stall Move-In Day 16535 Kirkpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 614-206-5307 RAtherton@visohio.com Public Policy, Trail Ride, VIP/Awards Ceremony 19834 Arrington Rd. Utica, OH 43080 Cell: 740-616-1023 mark@msmisp.com

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-725-6614 DClason@aol.com Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Lectures/ Demonstrations 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 330-697-6353 Lannings72@aol.com

Trail Ride, Congress Queen, Youth Activities 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Professional Horsemen, Scholarship, Hall of Fame, Congress Futurities 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 Cell: 330-257-3881 candigab@zoominternet.net


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net

Grievance, Public Policy, Scholarship, Lectures/Demonstrations 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Cell: 419-494-1611 JEGorski@frontier.com

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Animal Protection/Fire Safety 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 Cell: 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day, Judging Tournament 6700 Old Rt 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Cell: 330-204-0345 Randy@feeddac.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178

Horse Show Advisory, Trail, Congress Futurities 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

Trail Ride, Food and Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 Home/Work: 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Horse Show Advisory, Judging Team, Membership, Scholarship, Hunter/Jumpers, NYATT 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Cell: 614-205-8056 jptrainingstable@aol.com

John Pickersgill (2/12)

Judging Team, Rules, Judging Tournament, NYATT, Hunter/ Jumpers 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 Cell: 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Grievance, Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-402-3189 CSmithCH@gmail.com

Drug Task Force, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Stall Move-In Day 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Stall Move-In Day P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 45056 513-523-5440

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated, unless otherwise noted.


Past Presidents & Honorary Directors Clark Bradley

Past President, 1999-2000 Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Jim Brennan

Past President, 1979 Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Jess Cecil

Honorary Director Wadsworth, OH 330-239-1735 Lannings72@aol.com

Vic Clark

Past President, 1997-1998 Treasurer’s Office, Finance, Public Policy 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Don Clason

Past President, 1976-1977 Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Ed Dingledine

Honorary Director Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Jack Geschke

Honorary Director Fairlawn, OH Cell: 330-800-6741 Cell: 330-388-9989


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Burgess Holt

Past President, 1984-1986 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Fritz Leeman

Past President, 1990-1992 Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

Steve Marko

Honorary Director Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Honorary Director OQHA Queen, Rules, Animal Protection/ Fire Safety, Hall of Fame McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

David McDonald, DVM Past President, 1989 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@roadrunner.com

Charlie Menker

Past President, 2003-2004 9184 Wellbaum Rd. Brookville, OH 45309 Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Dr. Scott Myers, DVM Past President, 2007-2008 P.O. Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Cliff Nash

Past President, 1987-1988 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Alan Potts

Past President, 1960 Finance, Grievance, Rules, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 28881 St Rt 83 N Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-5611

Roger Ruetenik Honorary Director Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Skip Salome

Past President, 1993-1994, 2005-2006, 2009-2010 1005 W. Main St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Dan Trein

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH 44273 Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@frontier.com

Please Note: Each past OQHA president and honorary director retains his or her board seat and voting privileges for the remainder of his or her lifetime, providing they meet the attendance requirements. Current officer and committee seats are listed in italics.

Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell

his time of year is always so bittersweet. For one, the All American Quarter Horse Congress is finished. I will miss the Sweet Shop’s cinnamon rolls, the decorations in the Gilligan Barn and all the people I get to see only a once year. But, at the same time, I will not miss the dust or the late nights and early mornings. I am sad that my car now has frost on it every morning, and I’m not looking forward to the traffic jams from those first few snow storms, but I love the change of season and nothing beats all the home-cooked meals you get to eat around the holidays. But the one thing that I absolutely love about the end of the year is the chance to start working on something new for the next time around. Many take the opportunity to add a new class to their horse’s repitoire or focus on improving that one thing that is never quite perfect during your time in the show pen. So this winter, instead of indulging those winter blues, pick one thing you want to change, whether it be with your horse, your job, your house or anything in between and make a plan; set a goal, and don’t forget to take some time to accomplish it! There’s no better way to start the new year, or the new show season, than knowing you are already better than you were before. On another note, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and safe travels to wherever you may be going. See you in 2012!

Newark, Ohio Training Facility Established Trainer Wanted • • • • •

30 Stalls (14 heated) Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena (2) Outdoor Turn-Out Pens (2) Outdoor Round Pens

• • • •

(1) Large Outdoor Arena Office (Heat/Air Conditioned) Wash Rack (Hot/Cold Water) Close to Town

If interested, please call: Skip Salome at 740-404-4521 8

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Forum Dear Cam, ust a note to say “Thank You” for all of your support and the Ohio Quarter Horse Association’s support to our show. The show was a great success, renting over 352 stalls and 1,536 entries. None of this could be possible without the support we receive from your Ohio Quarter Horse Association family. Kelli’s youth group and Todd are part of the highlights of our live auction. We look forward to doing the check presentation to the Stephanie Spielman fund again this year at Freestyle. We are not sure of the amount yet, but we are fairly certain it will be at $39,000. Thanks again for all your support.


Tough Enough To Wear Pink Horse Show Committee Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, feel so fortunate to have been chosen as a recipient of the OQHA Scholarship. Thank you so much for your generosity in funding this scholarship. In August, I will be attending Wilmington College. I plan on majoring in Ag Business or Equine Science. Once again, I want to thank you for making this scholarship possible and for your generosity toward the Quarter Horse Youth community. I hope to one day help others, as you have helped me with financial support.


With Gratitude, Alyssa Justus 2011 OQHA Scholarship Recipient Dear Mr. Foreman and OQHA Members, hank you for sponsoring several classes at the 2011 Ohio State Fair Junior Horse Show. Over 800 youth and their families participated in the show this year and your support of their efforts and the 4-H Horse Program is greatly appreciated.


Sincerely, Kim Cole Ohio 4-H Horse Program

Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, hank you very much for sponsoring the Reserve Champion Hunter Under Saddle Junior Division trophy. I was very happy when I won this trophy at the Ohio State Fair. I really appreciate it.


Thanks Again, Sydney Krebs OQHA received similar thank you letters from Sara Dantuono, Colton McClure, Madi Campbell, Victoria Devore, Jessica Blanton and Kelcie Blanton. OQHA, hank you for the generous scholarship. It will be helpful in my final year at the Ohio State University.


Thank You, Taylor Knight Brunswick, Ohio OQHA, hank you OQHA for your lovely trophy donation.


Sincerely, Whitley OQHA received similar thank you letters from Molly E. Schmidts, Madison Landis and Hallie McClintock.

OQHA, hank you so much for the scholarship! It will be incredibly helpful when I attend Lorain County Community College to become an x-ray technician in the fall. I am so blessed and honored to be a part of your association! Can’t wait to see the many more great things you will do in the future!


Sincerely, Brandy Lynn Napier Wooster, Ohio Ohio Quarter Horse News


Forum Kelli, ust a quick note to thank you and OQHA for your hard work and support making our first trip to Youth World a wonderful experience.


The Powers Family Todd, Kelly, Haley, Ashley & Trevor Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, hank you for sponsoring the 2011 Junior Grand Champion Equitation trophy. I am so glad my hard work paid off.


Thanks again, Mallory Lynch OQHA received similar thank you letters from Sarah Knechtly, Rachel Formica, Hannah Ropp and Whitney Lauck.


hank you for sponsoring the Senior Hunter Under Saddle 16-18 class at the Ohio State Fair. It feels great taking home an awesome trophy. It really means a lot to know that people are out there supporting the Ohio 4-H Horse Program. Thank You, Lauren Killion Dear Ohio Quarter Horse Association, hank you so much for sponsoring the gorgeous Junior Trail Championship trophy. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. Most of all, thank you for supporting 4-H. I love my trophy and my registered Quarter Horse mare!


Sincerely, Marlena Liming and Just In A Nick

OQHA, hank you so much for the stipend money you gave me for the youth world show. I really appreciated it. I also want to thank you for allowing me to be on your team. It’s an honor to represent OQHA. This year was my first world show ever. I hada blast. I’m looking forward to many more world shows with OQHA.


Thanks again, Madison Thiel Dublin, Ohio


hank you OQHA for sponsoring 4-H. Without sponsors like you we wouldn’t have the opportunities and program we have to learn and achieve our goals. Thank you for sponsoring the 13-15 Western Pleasure Horse trophy. Justin Melvin Delaware County, Just Lopin Around 4-H Club

Dear OQHA Members, Officers and Directors, hank you so much for all of your support you have given us for the World Show. We are so lucky to be part of this great association. We were very proud to represent Ohio in Oklahoma City this year.


Again Thank You, Madison and Charley Thiel Dear OQHA, wanted to thank you for OQHA’s support given to the Ohio Youth in regard to the AQHYA World Show. My family and I truly appreciate the help. I realize that most states do not support the youth to the degree that Ohio does. Thank you for making the 2011 Youth World Show so great!


Sincerely, Jessica LaVoie 10

Ohio Quarter Horse News



by Charlie Menker

he 2011 All American Quarter Horse Congress was extremely successful this year. Horse show entries were up, and there was a lot of traffic throughout the show. I would like to thank the OQHA staff, without whom we would not be able to accomplish everything that we do. I would also like to thank the Congress Tri-Chairmen and all of the OQHA Board members for their hard work and dedication this year. Finally, my thanks goes out to the workers, volunteers, as well as all of our sponsors, vendors, horse show exhibitors and spectators for supporting the Congress year after year; without all of you, this show would not be possible. Ohio was extremely well represented this year at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, and I would like to congratulate each and every exhibitor from Ohio on a wonderful show. Many took home Congress Champion titles, as well as numerous reserves and top tens. Many of our youth travelled to Oklahoma to compete in the 2011 AQHYA Youth World Show, and what a show it was! Four World Champions and two Reserve World Champions came from Ohio this year, and I couldn’t be more proud. Congratulations to all of our youth World Show Team members on a great show. I also wish all of our open and amateur competitors luck as they take their turn in Oklahoma City at the AQHA World Show. Don’t forget that 2012 elections are coming up! Biographies for many of the candidates are in this issue of Ohio Quater Horse News. I encourage each and every member to vote this year. Finally, I wish everyone a happy holiday and a wonderful new year!

OQHA and OQHYA ballots will all be mailed from the OQHA office in early December. They must be mailed to:

Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040 To be counted for the election, all ballots must be received by January 27, 2012. Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News 2012 OQHA Election Slate Announced


ominations for the 2012 election were made at the OQHA September board of directors meeting. Nominations are made first by the nominating committee, and then from the floor. This year, all nominations were made by the nominating committee; none were made from the floor. The following is the 2012 election slate of officer and director candidates: President Charlie Menker Dr. Scott Myers

Directors Rod Atherton Mark Cherubini Ralph Craft Wayne Erwin Bill Flarida Elizabeth Gorski Ted Handel Brad Luebben Sam Mierzejewski

Judd Paul John Pickersgill Chuck Smith Brent Tincher Mike Vargo Shane Watson Randy Wilson Bill Wright

1st Vice President Lisa Alley Chris Cecil-Darnell Skip Salome

Voting Procedure Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be received by January 27th to be counted. Each ballot must be submitted in a seperate envelope. Ballots should be mailed to:

2nd Vice President Hank Clason Todd Salome

Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040

Awards Banquet Reservations Due


hio Quarter Horse Association members are invited to attend the 2011 OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting, held Saturday, February 4, 2012 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel in Columbus. Meetings will begin at 11:30 am for Youth and Amateurs. The OQHA Annual Meeting will begin at 12 noon, immediately followed by the hospitality suite, opening at approximately 3:30 pm.

The 2012 OQHA Year-End Awards Banquet will begin at 5:00 pm with a three-course dinner, followed by the presentation of awards, as well as a live auction. Dinner reservations are due by Friday, January 20th to the OQHA office in Richwood. Reservation forms can be found on page 4 of this magazine.

Upcoming Meetings


he next OQHA board meeting will be Monday, November 21st at 6 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. There will be no board meeting in December, due to the holidays. In January, the OQHA board will meet on Monday, the 15th, at 7 pm, as usual.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election


Candidates for President Charlie Menker

Running for: President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. I currently reside in Brookville, Ohio, with my wife Judy. We have three grown daughters, Brenda Walker, Donna Hughes and Belinda Vaughton.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired from management with General Motors. In addition, I own Rockin M Trailer Sales and Service.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I completed eight years of service with our township trustees, including three years as president and two years on the Montgomery County Planning Commission. Presently, I am serving on a joint Economic Development Committee for Clay Township and the City of Clayton.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA director for more than 30 years. I have served as vice president for two years and then served a successful two-year term as president directly thereafter. I have served as Congress Tri-Chairman for three years, as well as chaired the Congress National Youth Activity Team Tournament committee for 19 years. I have also served as a committee member on several committees, including OQHA Scholarship, Membership and Judges Committees and I am a past OJQHA advisor. I am a life member of OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have served as a ring steward at the AQHYA World Show in Fort Worth, Texas for the past 14 years. I have also served 28 years on the AQHA Youth Activity committee. I am currently an American Quarter Horse Association Honorary Vice President, as well as a life member of AQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have been around the horse industry my entire life and understand its workings. I feel that I have the leadership capabilities and will be able to move the leadership of OQHA forward. One of my biggest contributions to Ohio Quarter Horse was assisting in building the Denny Hales Arena, which was paid off in my second term as president. Most recently, in 2011, I was president during the largest and most successful Congress to date, under the leadership of our executive vice president.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I believe we need to concentrate on membership and also exhibitor services to enhance the experience of Congress exhibitors.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election


Dr. Scott Myers Running For: President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where do you currently reside? “I am a life-long Ohio resident. I currently reside in Sharon Center, with my wife, Leslie, and my two daughters, Taylor and Mallory.”

Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a veterinarian, graduating in 1985 from the Ohio State Univesity’s College of Veterinary Medicine. My wife, Leslie, is also a veterinarian and I own and operate Hunting Ridge Animal Hospital. My family’s passion is raising and showing Quarter Horses. We compete at a national level and have been fortunate to win many National High-Point Titles, World Championships and Congress Championships. My daughters, Taylor and Mallory, have both won the AllAround Youth Award at the Congress. ” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and I have served as a director for the past 11 years. I have served as President for two years and have been elected to three consecutive terms as Congress Tri-Chairman. I serve as an AQHA National Director for Ohio. I serve on AQHA’s Foundation Council. I am a board member of the National Snaffle Bit Association. I am seeking another term as President of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I want to lead our association forward into a new positive era. Change has created unique challenges for our organization. Our leadership must embrace change and our leadership must turn challenges into positive progress. Our board of directors must draw together and redirect our current focus. If elected to President, I pledge to you that the board of directors and the members will always be fully informed of all the association’s business. Furthermore, I pledge to you that questions will be welcomed and those asking questions will be treated with courtesy and respect. I pledge to you that questions will be answered promptly, accurately and honestly. I will ensure that the Ohio Quarter Horse Association operates with transparency and credibility. Our association must look to the future. We must redirect our goals and set a course for tomorrow. Our association must welcome new and younger leaders. Developing and supporting new and younger leadership today will ensure the success of our association tomorrow. The All American Quarter Horse Congress is our heritage and our future. The Congress will never stand still; it will always be in a constant state of evolution. We must embrace new concepts and innovation to keep the Congress fresh and at the forefront of the industry. The Congress has many different parts, but the nucleus of the Congress will always be the horse show and the exhibitors. If our primary focus is the horse show, the trade show and the other essential components of the Congress will flourish and the All American Quarter Horse Congress will continue to be the premier equine event in the country.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election


Candidates for First Vice President Lisa Alley

Running For: First Vice President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Piqua, Ohio. I moved to Northeast Ohio when I was in 8th grade. I currently live in Hartville, with my fiancé, Eric, and daughters, Sydney and Morgan, and our horses, dogs and cats.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I currently work for Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital as a neonatal nurse practitioner. I have been a nationally certified practitioner for more than 20 years and truly enjoy caring for sick term and pre-term infants.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am actively involved with my local school district’s athletic booster club. I chaired and organized a March of Dimes fundraiser, ‘Special People for Special Babies,’ that raised more than $2,000.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am the co-chair of the Annual Banquet and Congress VIP/NYATT Recognition Ceremony. Todd Salome and I, along with our committee members, have made the VIP/NYATT Recognition Ceremony exciting and well attended. I have also been active on the commercial exhibits committee. This is the second year for the door decal program that Todd and I started. It will bring in more than $20,000 of advertising income to OQHA this year. New for this year, we developed the corporate sponsor raffle, which provides Congress consumers the chance to win prize packages for patronizing the corporate sponsor vendors. It was extremely well received by our corporate sponsors and we have more than 4,000 tickets filled as of October 28th. I also drive the hospitality cart throughout the Congress. It is amazing how appreciative exhibitors are for a hot cup of coffee and a doughnut in the morning.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “In addition to the above mentioned contributions, I am also on the trail ride committee, which has already met and is planning for next year. I am very enthusiastic and passionate about the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and the success of the All American Quarter Horse Congress. I am a dedicated, hard worker and I strive to be as effective as possible. I am welcoming and open to new ideas and new people, as well as continuing to promote a fun and family-friendly atmosphere. Additionally, I believe that collaboration and cooperation are two key components of OQHA’s success. Overall, I believe that my hard work speaks for itself, and I hope to continue to serve this association to the best of my ability.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “A) Collaboration and cooperation are the number one priorities. B) Develop programs to recognize OQHA members, not just those who attend weekend shows. C) Transparency and communication.” Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election


Chris Cecil-Darnell

Running For: First Vice President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Sharon Center, Ohio. I currently live with my husband, Jeff, and our two children. My daughter, Brittany, has graduated from college with a Masters in Tax Accounting and currently is employed as a CPA with a large accounting firm. My son, Tyler, is a junior at Ohio University.”

Please describe what you do for a living: “My husband and I run the family business, a fine dining restaurant, Lanning’s Restaurant. I also own and operate Simply Show Services LLC, a show secretary management company. I am fortunate to have worked for many large horse shows and have gained a wealth of knowledge from working with so many different show committees and show managements.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organization: “Treasurer - Parent Teacher Association, Fund Raiser Chairman - Parent Teacher Association, Membership Chairman Highland Alumni Association and the member of Ohio Restaurant Association.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of the OQHA, and have been involved as a director for last seven years. I have served on many committees including: Futurity, Nominating, Congress Lectures and Demonstrations, Congress Programs, Horse Show Advisory, Rules, Finance, Annual Banquet and Executive Committee.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am the past president of the NOQHA, and am currently serving as the Treasurer, a position I have held for the past 12 years. I have served on the NOQHA board for 25 years. I am also a director of the NSBA. I have served as the Treasurer for the past two years and also chaired the Finance and Show Committees for NSBA. Finally, I am honored to be chosen as a member of the AQHA Show Committee.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “In the most recent term, I have served as chairperson for the Annual Awards and Rules committees. Currently, I am serving a three-year elected term on the OQHA Executive Committee. I believe I have many areas of expertise that would qualify me to serve as the OQHA First Vice President. My family and I have exhibited in AQHA shows and NSBA Futurities all my life. We have a long list of show accolades, including year-end high points, World Champions and Congress Champions. My family has operated Cecil Breeding Farm for the past 25 years. I have been actively involved in the family breeding business, serving as our office manager and treasurer. My company, Simply Show Services LLC, provides service to shows across the nation. I have served as the show secretary to many AQHA and NSBA shows including Reichert Celebration, NSBA Show Your Colors and the Southern Belle Invitation. I believe my areas of expertise in breeding, showing and show management would qualify me to serve as the First Vice President of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I hope you allow me this opportunity.” (continued on page 17)


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Chris Cecil-Darnell, Continued

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What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “The first priority of the OQHA should be fiscal responsibility. The second priority of OQHA should be the Congress. Our industry continues to change and we need to make the changes needed to stay current and on the cutting edge, especially in technology at the Congress. Finally, we need to encourage participation of our youth, novice and rookie programs. We need the youth to bring in new blood and participation to the breed we all love.”

Skip Salome

Running For: First Vice President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. I now live in Newark, Ohio with my wife, Carol. Together we have three children – two of which are involved in OQHA. We have four grandchildren, with one grandchild showing on the Quarter Horse circuit.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I operate Skip Salome Enterprises, Inc. which is involved in the restaurant and catering business, as well as other ventures.”

Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am involved in many charities and community activities. I received the Everet Reece Foundation Man of the Year award, which is the highest award of its kind in Newark.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a board member for more than 30 years, serving on every committee. I have been a Congress Tri-Chairman, as well as having held every office within the association. I was also inducted into the Congress Hall of Fame in 2008.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a 4-H advisor. My family also operated a handicapped riding program for four years on our farm.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As first vice president, I feel that I have been a supportive person for any area where help is needed.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Congress 2. Board members 3. Fiscal responsibility”

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Candidates for Second Vice President Hank Clason

Running For: Second Vice President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in southern California, but raised in Ohio. I currently reside in Medina, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train youth and amateur exhibitors on the Quarter Horse circuit.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association for more than 20 years. I have served as the chairman of several committees, including Stallion Avenue and Lectures and Demonstrations. I have also been on the professional horsemen, drug testing, horse show advisory and rules committees.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I served on the horse show advisory, professional horsemen, rules and Congress futurities committees.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Involvement of membership 2. Expanding youth and amateur programs 3. Improve the involvement of directors in OQHA”

Todd Salome Running For: Second Vice President, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio by my father and mother, Skip and Carol Salome. I have two sisters: Kelli Diaz and Cathy Pangborn. I currently reside in Utica, Ohio with my wife, Laura, and two sons, Tommy and Jonathon.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am employed at Coyne Graphic Finishing and am in charge of sales and marketing. I also own Salco Ltd. which consists of rental properties that I own and operate. Additionally, my wife and I are half owners of Salabini Ranch LLC, where we buy, sell and raise Quarter Horses. Jason and Kristen Sorrell of Sorrell Performance Horses are currently renting our farm, where they specialize in training youth and amateur competitors.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “We work together as a family in many charities. We have put on a Christmas dinner to feed the hungry for more than three years, which covers four counties. We have also been involved in many fundraisers for local politicians. (continued on page 19) 18 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Todd Salome, Continued

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We have had many less fortunate kids at my father, Skip’s, farm where we feed them, have games and horseback riding. In the past, I have been involved in Jail and Bail, as well as Bid for Bachelors for Easter Seals. I am on the board of directors for Printing Industries of Northern Kentucky, Screen Printing of America and Printing Industries of America. I have also helped the Ohio Amateur and Ohio Youth Associations through donations and fundraising events.”

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “In the past, I served on the Ohio Youth board as vice president and director. I also served on the Ohio Amateur board as vice president and director for eight years. More recently, I have been 2nd Vice President for the last year, serving on the Executive Committee. In the last five years, I have been on fire and safety, membership (chairman), rules, annual banquet (chairman), nomination (chairman), security, trailer unloading (move-in day), opening ceremonies and closing ceremonies (co-chair). I have helped with Parade of States by organizing the kids and Freestyle Reining, by collecting tickets. This year, I co-chaired opening ceremonies, banquet, closing ceremonies, corporate sponsors and vendors and door advertisements, where we sold $22,000 worth of advertisements.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “Lisa Alley and I have turned the closing ceremonies around and have increased the attendance by 200 percent. We have gotten more of our corporate sponsors involved in this event as well. We have sold more than $22,000 in revenue with door advertisements. I also help the Ohio Amateurs with their pancake day at the Congress where we hit a record $3,000 in sales. I help raise money at the banquet through the live auctions. I help get items for the live auctions at the banquet for both the amateur and youth. I worked with Kay Tracey at the ‘Tough Enough to Wear Pink’ horse show where they hit record numbers. I helped with the ‘Fallen Horsmen’ Horse Show honoring all of fallen horseman over the last 30 years.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Communication: I would like to see the directors have more say in some of the decisions of the organization. 2. I would like to see membership growth by supporting youth and amateur at the open show level by offering clinics. 3. Put more polices into play in all levels of our organization. 4. Bring back the Chairs: I think it is important to use them to prepare officers for each position through experience.”

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Candidates for Director Rod Atherton

Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Utica, Ohio, where I currently reside.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the operations manager for Valley Interior Systems. I oversee commercial job sites across the state of Ohio.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “Current director and past president of the Knox County Fair Board.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an amateur exhibitor showing our halter horses since 2003. I have attended every OQHA meeting for the past four years, including 2011 during which I was an OQHA Director.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, OQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA, and NOQHA. At the EOQHA shows, I am the guy working the entrance gate. At the OAQHA pancake breakfast held during the Congress, I am the guy cooking the sausage!” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As an OQHA Director, I worked during the Region 4 Regional Championship show. During the 2011 Quarter Horse Congress, I assisted with the set-up, move-in day, the NYATT/Queen Ceremony, Freestyle Reining, as well as delivered Souvenir Programs and sold Cinch jackets and hats in the OQHA booth.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Recruit new members for the association; Get current members more involved; Continue to promote and improve the Congress.”

Mark Cherubini

Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee No biographical information received.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ralph Craft

OQHA Election


Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Celina, Ohio and grew up in St. Mary’s. I currently live on a farm with my wife, Dianne. We have been married for 51 years. I have five children. They all live close, in West Alexandria. We have 16 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a U.S. Veteran, and I completed electronic training in the U.S. Navy. I worked for five years for the U.S. Air Force in electronics. I taught at Lima Sr. High School. In 1971, I moved to West Alexandria and became Principal of Montgomery County JVS, now Miami Valley CTC. I retired 17 years ago. I now work for the Preble County Educational Service Center. I am the ESC’s alternative school teacher. This program is a recovery unit to help students complete school.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My wife and I had 70 foster children over 25 years. We adopted two. Many of the foster children showed horses and were able to show at the Youth World. They were 4-H members. We have 4-H meetings every Sunday at the Craft farm. All 4-H members in the area are invited.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I first heard about OQHA from Al Bishop, who was a neighbor to my parents. Dianne and I joined the OQHA in the late sixties and have been members since. We bought the first horse we showed, at the ‘74 Congress Super Sale. We have shown horses every year since. My family and I have received many OQHA year-end rewards. I worked the Congress as the judges’ driver for the past 17 years.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, and SOQHA. I completed 30 years as a SOQHA Director and was awarded an Honorary Life Membership and Director award. I have worked every show committee job in SOQHA. The one most fun was Youth Advisory. I have placed five times in the top ten at the Select World. I was reserve in 2006 with Te Educator.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I would be willing to serve on any committee or function that needed help.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. We need to increase new membership and their involvement in OQHA. 2. I would like to see increased communications using all the electronic devices. 3. I would like to see the Ohio Quarter Horse News become an electronic publication.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election


Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Bucyrus, Ohio. I still live there with my wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Lindsey and Riley, and son, Clint.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Full-time horse business takes most of my time, traveling as an AQHA judge, consultant and other segments of our industry.”

Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am active in our school programs and very involved in the Shriners Children’s Hospital program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA Director for more than 33 years and have worked and attended every Congress. I have been on all committees. I have served several terms as second vice president, as well as corporate secretary and manager of Stallion Avenue.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of AQHA and OQHA since 1974 and have been an AQHA judge for 32 years. I also hold judges’ cards for NSBA and PHBA. I am a member of the AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have enjoyed the privilege of serving in a number of roles as an officer and given my many years of experience and lifetime of dedication to OQHA, the Congress and the Quarter Horse breed. I look forward to, and would be honored, to continue to serve as a director.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain the prestige and quality of the Congress with new programs and improvements. 2. Concentrate on a board of officers and directors that will pull together and serve unselfishly. 3. Continue to maintain and improve our financial stability.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Bill Flarida

OQHA Election


Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Allen County. I now live in Wapakoneta, with my wife, Betty.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “My wife and I helped with the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association for more than 20 years. I also served on the executive committee for five years and was the chairman of the Souvenir Program committee for three years.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “My wife and I are involved with our son, Shawn, in the National Reining Horse Association. I am also involved with our grandchildren – attending sporting events, babysitting and going to Reining shows.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “My wife and I assist with the information booth in Congress Hall, and I served on the horse show advisory committee.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Try to keep expenses down for participants, so we can raise purses 2. Maintain the previous efficiency of the Congress 3. Ensure that the Congress continues to be as good as it is now”

Elizabeth Gorski Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Philadelphia, but was raised and educated in Southern California. I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of California–San Diego in 1987 and my Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego in 1991. I currently live on a horse farm in Bowling Green, Ohio with my husband and two sons.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Our family owns a testing laboratory.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a member of the Board of Education for Ostego Local School District. I am also a leadership team member for the high school youth group at my church, St. Aloysius Catholic in Bowling Green. I am a member of Toledo Road Runners Association and actively compete in running events.”

(continued on page 24)

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Elizabeth Gorski, Continued

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director on the OQHA board since 2003. I have chaired the Congress Lecture and Demonstration Committee since 2004. I am chair of the scholarship and grievance committees. Additionally, I have served on the membership, drug task force and nominating committees. I also show horses regularly at OQHA events.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have chaired the NOQHA Scholarship Committee from 2002 to 2009. I am serving a three-year term on the AQHA Public Policy Committee and I am a graduate of the AQHA Leadership Program.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have worked hard to make the lecture/demonstration series at Congress outstanding by actively seeking world-class presenters who are experts in various fields of the horse industry.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain and seek to constantly improve the quality of the Congress 2. Work with regional OQHA boards to help make Quarter Horse shows in Ohio fun and affordable for the exhibitor 3. Prepare the next generation of leaders to successfully drive OQHA and the Congress.”

Ted Handel Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and currently reside with my wife and partner, Judi, on a horse farm in Mount Perry, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the owner of Mound City Products Inc., a commercial and residential awning manufacturer whose products include awnings, Wind Socks for the FAA and a variety of custom equine products and stall curtains. We also own Diamond H Farm a horse training facility and M&H Enterprises (the DBA under which we operate rental properties). My prior business experience was in the corporate world, specializing in material procurement and facilities management. The last 19 of those years, I was with a division of Siemens.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have chaired and co-chaired committees for the implementation facilities required for fund raising events for The Works in Newark, Ohio, a philanthropic organization. I have served on the properties committee of Camp Falling Rock, a Boy Scout facility in the Licking District of Simon Kenton Council. I currently chair the bridge committee, seeking to both design and implement the funding and installation of a replacement bridge for the entrance to the camp. Also, I have been a member of the Newark Mannerchor for more than 30 years.” (continued on page 25) 24 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ted Handel, Continued

OQHA Election


Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for more than 30 years and a life member for more than 20 years. I have also attended the Congress for more than 30 years. I have participated in the Ohio futurities. I have supported the Congress Queen Contest for the past 10 years and provide stall curtains for the newly elected Queen. I have supported the AQHA Trail Ride with prizes for participation. In 2001, Mound City Products manufactured a vinyl style cover for the OQHRA booth and provides help with the installation every year. My company most recently has produced stall curtains for the Ohio youth teams at the AQHYA Youth World show. During the past few years at Congress I have helped with the NYATT ceremony at the Congress, move-in day and with installing signs prior to the opening of Congress.”

Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a founding member of the Ohio State Buckskin Association, a charter of the International Buckskin Horse Association. I was a director for OSBA for 15 years and have served as both vice president and president. I am currently serving as president of IBHA. I served as chair of the abuse and illegal equipment committee and worked with IBHA and the committee to develop and implement IBHA’s current drug testing program. I have represented IBHA at the AQHA convention several times in conjunction with the AQHA/IBHA alliance agreement. I serve as the IBHA alliance representative to NSBA under NSBA/IBHA alliance agreement. I initiated the formal request to create the OSBA/ OQHA alliance.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “Aside from the previously mentioned ways I have served, I want to thank all members that have supported me for the position of director. I have enjoyed his year immensely and feel honored to represent the OQHA membership and seek your support in the upcoming election for director.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Finding ways to promote the growth, retention and participation in all areas of the membership 2. Defining the direction of OQHA during these times of a changing economy 3. Continue to make the Congress the fantastic venue it is in the horse industry today 4. Financially responsible”

Brad Luebben

Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee No biographical information received.

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OQHA Election


Sam Mierzejewski

Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee No biographical information received.

Judd Paul Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I live in Xenia, Ohio with my wife, Jennifer and our daughter, Allie.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Jennifer and I own and operate Judd Paul Training Stables. Our business consists of both Western and English horses. We have trained multiple futurity champions, as well as Congress Champions and Top Tens.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of OQHA. I am completing my second three-year trerm as an OQHA director. I sat on numerous committees, including Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities and Stall MoveIn Day.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am currently a SOQHA director, as well as a NSBA judge.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I sat on numerous committees, including Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities and Stall Move-In Day.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “The first priority should be the Congress -- coming up with new, innovative ideas to keep it as the premier horse show to go to. The second priority is our weekend horse shows -- coming up with new ideas to expand and get our new members involved. The third priority is to get our youth more involved.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

John Pickersgill

OQHA Election


Running For: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee No biographical information received.

Chuck Smith Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Athens, Ohio and raised in Crooksville and I currently reside on a horse farm in Canal Winchester, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train cutting horses and cutting horse riders.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am president of a not for profit company that holds easements for preserving wetlands and streams.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director of OQHA for 21 years. I have also chaired the Cutting events at the Congress for the same length of time.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a director of the National Cutting Horse Association for 20 years and currently serve on the executive committee. I have chaired the long-range planning committee, the show producers committee, and the promotions committee. In 1980-81, I was the vice president of the National Reining Horse Association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I help organize and run the Cutting events during the Congress.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Keep the Congress strong and growing 2. Promote the Quarter Horse as an all-around family horse, as well as a show horse 3. Help build new facilities at the Ohio Expo Center to ensure future equine growth” Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election


Brent Tincher Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born, raised and educated (Talawanda High School and Miami University) in Oxford, Ohio. I still live and operate my business in Oxford.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I own and operate Tincher’s Quarter Horses.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I do some work with area 4-H clubs in Butler county, Miami University and Findlay College equine programs.”

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of OQHA and I am currently serving on the board of directors for OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I judge events for AQHA and NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I attend OQHA meetings on a regular basis and contribute to the discussions and decision-making of OQHA.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I would like to see growth in attendance at the Ohio Quarter Horse shows, increased membership in both AQHA and OQHA and quality judges at all of our shows.”

Mike Vargo Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, and I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife, Sandy, son, Tyler, and daughter, Natalie.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the President of Vargo Companies. We design automated conveyor and software systems used in the distribution of products sold through retail facilities, as well as direct to consumer. A sample of the customer base consists of major retail chains such as LL Bean, American Eagle, Amazon, Levi Strauss, American Signature Furniture and The Limited.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I served on the Development Board for Catholic Social Services. I have been a long-standing supporter and contributor to Kids-N-


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(continued on page 29)

Mike Vargo, Continued

OQHA Election


Kamp, a local organization that provides support to children and families of children diagnosed with cancer.”

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA since 1994.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Other than being a member of the OQHA, I am also a life member of AQHA, as well as the NSBA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “If elected as a director, my contribution will come from understanding the significance of what is required to operate a large, successful organization with multiple facets. The overall success of any organization is to provide balance within the organization and to leverage all available resources that the individual members contribute. Then, to leverage the members’ skill sets in order to maintain and accomplish the original vision.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Stability of growth in membership. While I believe that it is vital to maintain a diligent effort to grow membership numbers, it is equally, if not more important, to increase existing membership participation. Without increased existing member participation, we become a dues-collecting organization that in time will deteriorate or or dissolve or be forced to scale back to a level that will not attract membership of any kind. 2. Increase greater awareness and promote participation within the existing membership. From a more intended grass roots level, develop and build from within our own organizations regionally, leveraging multiple competitive and educational activities to take place around the entire state. Structure and promote educational activities drawn from the abundance of talent and experience that exists within the OQHA. 3. Continue to explore and create sound business development activities. The priority of any successful organization is to maintain a solid fiscal position through obvious improvements and enhancements, but at the same time create new avenues for growth.”

Shane Watson Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Sharonville, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. I currently live in Goshen, Ohio with my wife, Jamie and daughter, Lacy.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I managed our family-owned communications business for 16 years. Now, I own and operate a bulk shavings business, as well as broker horse equipment over the internet. I am also a licensed auctioneer.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “As an auctioneer, I participate in many charity events and fund raisers.” (continued on page 30)

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OQHA Election


Shane Watson, Continued

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of the Ohio Quarter Horse Association since 1987, and my daughter is very active in the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, OQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA and EOQHA. I have been showing horses for more than 28 years as a youth, and now as an amateur. My greatest accomplishment came in 2005, when I was Reserve World Champion in Trail. Although my interests are now promoting my daughter’s show career, I still enjoy showing in Trail and Western Riding.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I am interested in growing membership and participation in the Quarter Horse industry as a whole. I would also like to explore corporate sponsorship and participation through advertising.”

Randy Wilson Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee Where were you born and raised? “Zanesville, Ohio, where I currently reside.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I have been a professional horse trainer for 25 years.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have donated my time by giving demonstrations to 4-H groups and judging teams. I have also supported the Make A Wish Foundation.” Please discuss your past and current envolvement with OQHA: “I sat on the Congress Futurity committee, horse show advisory committee, and Professional Horsemen committee.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am currently a member of OQHA, NSBA, AQHA and APHA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I have owned and operated my own business for 25 years. I feel I can use my knowledge and experience to keep the Quarter Horse Congress the premier horse show in the industry.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel one of the top priorities should be to continue promoting and improving the Quarter Horse Congress and establish a good line of communication between the exhibitors and show management to stay current with the industry. Also to establish a good financial outlook for OQHA and the Quarter Horse Congress.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Bill Wright

OQHA Election


Running for: Director, Nominated by the Nominating Committee

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Campsbellville, Kentucky. My family moved to Ohio when I was about eight years old. I grew up in southern Ohio and was into racing cars, not horses, until after my time in the Army as an Airborne Ranger during Vietnam. My wife, Betty, and I live on a small farm in Clermont County, outside Batavia, Ohio. We have lived there for about 20 years. We have a 10-stall barn and raise Halter horses.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the manager of Contract Administration and Estimating Services for KZF Design, a full-service architecture engineering company in Cincinnati. I also own Wright Show Horses, where we train Halter, Longe Line and some Western and performance horses.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have worked with several 4-H youth kids, the VFW, American Legion and Free Mason.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of OQHA. I have shown horses in Ohio for about 30 years at the Congress, SOQHA, EOQHA and NOQHA. I have worked with several stallions that stood on Stallion Avenue at the Congress. We have, over the last 10 years, shown Halter and Longe Line.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of SOQHA and EOQHA. I am a past director of SOQHA and I am a member of APHA.” Please decribe what you would contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I have been in the construction business for more than 30 years and have learned to listen to the people I work for. As a director, I work for the membership of OQHA. OQHA is growing even in these hard times within the horse business. I, along with all of the membership, have something to say and I will be your voice at OQHA meetings. We all have ideas and recommendations that we want to make and I will take them to the floor at meetings and help implement them.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Work to keep membership strong and growing, work on any committee that will help keep the All American Quarter Horse Congress the number one show, not only to show at, but the one all want to attend. OQHA should use its strength to help keep the Ohio horse family strong.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Around Ohio Ohio Well Represented at National Appaloosa Show


he 64th National Appaloosa Horse Show and 2011 World Championship Appalossa Youth Show was held July 4-16 at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Four Ohioans competed at the event and came home with World and Reserve World titles. Aubrey Cook of Norwalk, Ohio and Lads Star Force competed in Youth Hunter Under Saddle, ages 16-18 and took home first place out of 38 entries.

Also of Norwalk, Ohio, Ally Brown piloted WhisperMyNameZippo to a World Championship in Youth Bareback Horsemanship, ages 13 and under. Owner Virginia Williams of Republic, Ohio watched professional Sandy Jirkovsky bring home Reserve World Championship honors in the Hunter In Hand Two and Three Year Old Mares with Love My Design. Finally, Katie Griffin of Canal Winchester, Ohio rode her own Be Good Remix to a World Championship and a Reserve World Championship in Open Preliminary Jumping and Open Jumping, respectively. The National Appaloosa Show is the nation’s oldest single-breed championship event, beginning in 1948 in Lewiston, Idaho. The event averages more than 2,000 entries every year.

Lisa Alley for

1st VICE PRESIDENT Effective Ambitious Energetic

Welcoming to new people and new ideas

Believes in collaboration and cooperation as key components to OQHA’s success No conflict of interest -- Not financially involved in any equine-related business Excellent attendance record at Board Meetings 32

Ohio Quarter Horse News

2011 Show Schedule March 5 - 6, Rolling Acres Farm Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

May 30, NOQHA All-Novice Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

July 21 - 22, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Not Approved

March 17 - 18, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved

June 4 - 5, Fulton County Saddle Club Intro Show Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon Approved

July 23 - 24, BWHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

March 19 - 20, SOQHA Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved March 26 - 27, SOQHA Champions Center in Springfield Youth Approved April 9 - 10, SOQHA 4-Judge Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved April 16 - 17, Rolling Acres Farm 4-Judge Champions Center in Springfield Approved April 30, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 1, OAQHA Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved May 7 - 8, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved May 21 - 22, EOQHA Fairfield County Fairgrounds in Lancaster Approved May 28 - 29, NOQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved

June 16 - 17, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Not Approved June 18 - 19, NOQHA 4-Judge Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved June 25 - 26, OMIQHA Findlay Western Farm in Findlay Approved July 2 - 3, Central State Horse Show Association Introductory Show Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved July 7 - 8, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Not Approved July 9 - 10, Rolling Acres Farm Circuit Roberts Arena in Wilmington Approved July 15 - 17, Region 4 Regional Championship Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved

August 26, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Not Approved August 27 - 28, SOQHA Futurity Champions Center in Springfield Approved September 9, EOQHA Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Not Approved September 10 - 11, EOQHA 4-Judge Ohio Expo Center in Columbus Approved September 23, NOQHA Longe Line Only Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved September 24 - 25, NOQHA Mahoning County Fairgrounds in Canfield Approved November 25 - 27, SOQHA Turkey Circuit Champions Center in Springfield Approved

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Dakota Griffith

Cody Campbell

Bailey Mierzejewski

Molli Jacobs

Brittany Harter

Alexa Rowland

Lacy Watson

Lucy Igoe

Paul “Trey” Schwab III

Katsy Leeman

Brandon Kramer

Charley Thiel

Lauren Diaz

Ellexxah Maxwell

President 7380 Scioto Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 Cell: 614-214-9723 DakotaDiamondGriffith@ yahoo.com Vice President 6700 Old Route 39 NW Dover, OH 44622 Home: 330-204-5826 JacobsShowHorse1@aol.com

Secretary 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 Home: 513-646-5192 Lopin4Fun@yahoo.com

Treasurer 13820 Kimmens Rd. Massillon, OH 44647 Home: 330-312-1949 DeesiredInvite@aol.com

Reporter 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Home: 740-644-0484 LaurenND13@yahoo.com

Director 6481 State Route 125 Georgetown, OH 45121 Home: 513-470-8930 Camp9816@webmail.sscc.edu

Director 16255 State Route 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 Home: 330-204-5826 TackRoomTalk@yahoo.com

Director 85 Limetree Dr. Home: 740-972-8544 BrittanyHarter28@gmail.com

Director 4595 Potter Lyons Rd. Ansonia, OH 45303 Home: 937-417-4560 AlexaRowland_627@hotmail. com Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 Home: 513-868-6900 Schwab2180@fuse.net

Director 4666 Sibel Ct. Home: 614-747-3159 LucyJIgoe725@aol.com

Director 1742 S. Galena Rd. Galena, OH 43021 Home: 740-965-4674 FlyingCowgirl@columbus. rr.com Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-869-2467 MilMax@earthlink.com

Director 5544 Fawnbrook Lane Dublin, OH 43017 Home: 614-718-9144 CharleyThiel@yahoo.com

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 Cell: 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


ue to the holidays and busy schedules, OQHYA has cancelled their board meetings in November and December. The next OQHYA Board of Directors meeting will be Monday, January 15, 2012 at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. Please visit the OQHA website, www.oqha.com, to stay up to date on any changes that might occur.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

November No Meeting December No Meeting January Jan 15 @ 7 pm

Youth Headlines Be on the 2012 OQHYA Congress NYATT Team


ll OQHYA youth members are invited to compete for a spot on OQHA’s 2012 National Youth Activity Team Tournament team. In order to be eligible, youth must be a member of OQHYA and reside in Ohio, as well as attend at least two OQHYA board meetings between January 1st and July 1st. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count, provided that the youth placed in at least three shows and

accumulated a minimum of 10 points. The qualifying period for the NYATT team begins the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through July 31st. Members of the Congress NYATT team may only show in one event in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. Events include Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Reining and Barrel Racing.

How to Qualify for the 2012 AQHYA World Show


outh can qualify to represent Ohio at the 2012 AQHYA World Show two ways. The first is by earning enough AQHA points during the qualifying period to become nationally qualified. The national qualifying period began May 1, 2011 and runs through April 30, 2012. AQHA determines the number of points youth need to qualify nationally and they are listed on their website, www.aqha.com. Youth that wish to qualify nationally

and receive the stipend from OQHA must attend at least two OQHYA meetings between January 1, 2012 and July 1, 2012. The second way to qualify is in-state. Youth must be members of OQHYA, reside in Ohio and attend at least two meetings between January 1, 2012 and July 1, 2012. Youth must also place in a minimum of three shows, accumulating at least 10 points during the qualifying period. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count. The qualifying period begins on the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through May 31st. Youth that wish to qualify for a cattle event, working hunter, jumping, equitation over fences and other classes not usually offered at regular shows can declare their interest in competing at the AQHYA World Show. Letters of declaration must be sent on or before March 1st, 2012 and should be mailed through certified mail with return receipt to OQHA.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines Ohio Youth Win Big at 2011 AQHYA World Show


ore than 50 youth from Ohio competed at the 2011 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show held August 5-13 at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The OQHYA World Show Team brought home four World Champion and two Reserve World Champion titles in various events. The show attracted 2,315 entries, with 813 exhibitors and 1,189 horses from 45 states, as well as several international competitors from Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand and Venezuela. The largest class this year was Showmanship, with 192 entries. OQHA congratulates all of our representatives on an excellent job. The following is a listing of all Ohio Top 15 placings at the 2011 AQHYA World Show: Yearling Halter Geldings 4th - My Secret Intention and RJ Jacobs of Dover 8th - Obviouslee Supreme and Sierra Grace Walton of Sardinia Yearling Halter Mares RESERVE - Dazzling Radiance and Ty Paris of Delta 10th - A Classy Touchdown and Miranda Peck of Ashland Two-Year-Old Halter Geldings 3rd - Kids Cool Ambition and Hannah Houser of Tipp City 6th - Ima Clusified Kidd and Taylor Cartmell of Sardinia Two-Year-Old Halter Mares 4th - A Radiant Affair and Molli Lyn Jacobs of Dover 10th - Shes Lookin Radiant and Clayton Michael Heins of Arcanum Three-Year-Old Halter Mares 10th - My Radiant Valentine and Clayton Michael Heins of Arcanum


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Aged Halter Geldings CHAMPION - Kid B Styling and Miranda Peck of Ashland 5th - Hear The Echos and Taylor Cartmell of Sardinia Performance Halter Geldings CHAMPION Remarkable Can and Rachel Kolb of Lebanon 9th - PR Deck Dot Com and Kayla Magrum of Tiffin 10th - Lethals Hot Weapon and Ty Paris of Delta

Miranda Peck and Kid B Styling. Photo by AQHA.

Perfomance Halter Mares Rachel Kolb and Remarkable Can. 15th - HF Lazy Lopin Photo by AQHA. Diva and Jacob Gigax of Archbold Showmanship 8th - Taylored By Deluxe and Molli Lyn Jacobs of Dover Western Pleasure CHAMPION - Dark Jasmine and and Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville (1st Intermediate Place) 9th - Radical Renegade and Brandon Kramer of Galena

Brianna Tamulewicz and Dark Jasmine. Photo by AQHA.

Youth Headlines Western Horsemanship 5th - Certify This Chex and Brianna Tamulewicz of Westerville (2nd Intermediate Place) Hunter Under Saddle CHAMPION - Tophat And Tails and Charley Thiel of Dublin (1st Intermediate Place) Hunt Seat Equitation 4th - Zippity Jack Too and Charley Thiel and Tophat And Rachel Kolb of Lebanon Tails. Photo by AQHA. 8th - Lethals Hot Weapon and Ty Paris of Delta 12th - Zip To Open and Samantha Harris of West Chester Hunter Hack 9th - Top This Shenanigan and Lacy Lynn Watson of Goshen 10th - Capture The Flag and Taylor Myers of Sharon Center

Working Hunter RESERVE - Top This Shenanigan and Lacy Lynn Watson of Goshen 5th - Darn That Kat and Mallory Myers of Sharon Center 9th - Capture The Flag and Taylor Myers of Sharon Center Equitation Over Fences 4th - Top This Shenanigan and Lacy Lynn Watson of Goshen 7th - Thumb Kinda Reason and Haley Powers of Bellefontaine Jumping 3rd - Darn That Kat and Mallory Myers of Sharon Center Pole Bending 14th - Mills King Rachael and Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton Stake Race 6th - Mills King Rachael and Caitlyn Colvin of Trenton (3rd Intermediate Place)

2012 OQHYA Nomination Slate


he Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association has announced the nomination slate for 2012 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 27th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040

President Treasurer Bailey Mierzejewski Brittany Harter Vice President Director Lacy Watson Ciara Bartholomew Emma Brown Secretary Caitlyn Colvin Lauren Diaz Justin Melvin Hannah Overmyer Reporter Paul “Trey� Schwab III Lindsay Brush Madison Thiel Ellexxah Maxwell Bridgett White Charley Thiel

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHYA Spotlight On: Ellexxah Maxwell

Submitted by: Lauren Diaz, OQHYA Reporter Grade: 5th at Ohio Connections Academy Age: 10 Hometown: West Manfield, Ohio Current Horse: The Cookie Baker, “Baker” Shows In: Showmanship, Trail, Halter, Equitation and Horsemanship Years Riding: Since I was 18 months old Favorite Class: Showmanship Favorite Show: AQHYA Youth World Other Interests: I currently hold a black belt in martial arts, ballroom dancing and singing. Greatest Accomplishment: Being a semi-finalist in Showmanship at the 2010 AQHYA Youth World Show and only being nine years old. I was also 8th in the nation in 2010 in Showmanship all ages. I’ve also won Congress in Walk/Trot and Novice Youth Showmanship when I was six and with my NYATT team when I was seven. Favorite Movie: Secretariat Favorite Type of Music: Pop Interesting Fact: I am currently the youngest two38 Ohio Quarter Horse News

time Congress Champion at the age of six. I won Novice Youth 13 and Under Showmanship and WalkTrot. I also am a spokesperson for my school - Ohio Connections Academy. If you could hang out with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why? Baker - my horse because he listens to all my thoughts and dreams and he’s always there when I need him. Who is your Hero? My mom, my dad and my grandma. They always support me no whatter what and always listen when I need someone to talk to or advice. We are a true horse family. What is one area you feel OQHYA could improve in and why? We need to get our membership increased and everyone, not just a few, but everyone feel like they have a special place in our OQHYA organization. We should be one big team; there is no “I” in team.

Youth Election

BIOGRAPHIES Candidates for President Bailey Mierzejewski Running for: President Where do you live? “I live in Mt. Sterling, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Madison Plains High School and am in the 11th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been on my high school varsity tennis team for three seasons. Also, I am involved in both Spanish club and Key club through school. I have also worked several charity events for the Ronald McDonald House. Through my high school FFA programs, we host several charity fundraisers such as an annual golf scramble. Also, at the end of last school year, I was inducted into my high school’s chapter of the National Honor Society.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I am currently a director. Last year I was the vice president and was a director for several years before that. Also, I have represented the OQHYA on the World Show Team for the past five years.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “Yes, I am currently the treasurer for SOQHYA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “This year I served as an Ohio Director. I attended all of the meetings this year and served on a few committees. I represented OQHYA at the YES convention in Amarillo, Texas in June and was elected as a Region 4 AQHYA Director. Also, this was my fifth year attending the Youth World. At the Congress this year, I will be representing Ohio in the NYATT.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. I believe that we should always try to encourage new membership and participation. 2. I think OQHYA should work on getting more of the Ohio youth involved on a national level. 3. I think OQHYA should sponsor some different youth activities at the shows. This would encourage more participation and also some of them could be used as fundraisers.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election

BIOGRAPHIES Candidates for Vice President Lacy Watson

Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in a little town just east of Cincinnati named Goshen, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a part-time junior attending Goshen High School and I am a part-time freshman attending the University of Cincinnati (Clermont).” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “In past years, I held the position of OQHYA Director and this year I am proud to be the secretary of OQHYA.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “Yes, I am currently the Southern Ohio Youth President. I have also held the offices of director and vice president for the Southern Ohio Youth.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “This year I have contributed to OQHYA by raising money through multiple fundraisers and I have actively participated in OQHYA’s monthly meetings. I have also represented OQHYA in this year’s Youth World Show.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “My first priority is to have new voices express their opinions in the OQHYA family, such as a fresh board of officers and directors. I feel it is important that we give everyone the opportunity to bring new ideas to our organization. Second, I believe OQHYA should focus on making our OQHYA teams stronger. OQHYA has been known to have one of the largest teams competing at the Youth World Show and the Congress; therefore if we strengthen our teams, we can be more competitive as a whole. Third, I think we should reach out to other organizations more. For example, a few years ago we put on a dinner at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink show. Benefits like such can bring more attention to the OQHYA organization while helping others.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Candidates for Secretary Lauren Diaz

Running for: Secretary Where do you live? “I live in Heath, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a freshman at Newark Catholic High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I play volleyball for Newark Catholic, and I’m also involved with the Y.E.S Clubhouse, which is an organization that helps and supports underprivileged or troubled teens.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I served as a director in 2010, and am currently the OQHYA Reporter. I have served on numerous committees such as the social, AQHYA World Show, IEA, and fundraising. This year I was the highest ticket seller in the Harley Raffle, where we raised close to $30,000. I also helped host an exhibitor’s dinner in Wilmington, Ohio to show our appreciation for everything OQHA, our trainers and parents have done for our youth. I have attended the YES convention in Amarillo, Texas for the past three years, and am currently representing AQHYA as a Region 4 National Director.” Are you involved in any other horse related activities? “As a Region 4 national Director, I currently serve on the education committee, where we help promote the Junior Master Horseman Program by educating youth on the Quarter Horse breed.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As the current reporter, I have organized a ‘spotlight’ page in the Ohio Quarter Horse News, which gives our readers the opportunity to learn more about our youth, both inside and outside of the arena. I served as co-chair of the social committee, co-chair of the IEA committee, and committee member of the Youth World Team.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top 3 priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation – More youth need to get involved in all areas of the association. We cannot grow and become more successful without the participation of everyone. Teamwork – Working together is an important part of being successful…. There is no “I” in teamwork. Leadership – Having been given the opportunity to attend leadership seminars at the national level has shown me that our youth are the future of our association and industry. Leadership skills are key in every aspect of life and should be improved on not only the national level, but the state level as well. Good leadership skills are the starting point of a great and successful association.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election


Candidates for Reporter Lindsay Brush Running for: Reporter

Where do you live? “I live in New Albany, Ohio, with my younger sister, Sabrina, my parents, Shannon and Daryl, and our five cats.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Gahanna Lincoln High School and I am currently in the 10th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “Due to personal tragedies, my family and I are very commited to finding a cure for breast cancer. Throughout the year, I commit my time and resources to events such as Relay for Life and Skate for Hope. Any other time is devoted to horses!” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This is my second year of being a member of OQHYA. I have attended the Youth World Show for the past two years and I helped sell raffle tickets this year.” Are you involved in any other horse related activities? “I am a member of the OQHYA judging team and for the past two years I have represented Ohio at Youth Worlds and Congress. I was also fortunate enough to help present Ohio’s scrapbook at Youth Worlds, where we took home the silver. In addition, I am a member of SOQHA.” Please describe how what you will contributed to OQHA, if elected: “I am not currently a OQHYA officer or director, however if elected I feel that I can bring a lot to the table. Being a director for three years and president for two when I was in 4-H has really given me the confidence to be a leader. I hope to share my confidence and hardworking techniques with the other members. This way we can become closer as a club and make our organization more efficient.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top 3 priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Gathering new members 2. Have members increase their participation 3. Get more people involved in horseless contests, such as judging, hippology and horse bowl.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Ellexxah Maxwell Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “I live with my parents, Brent and Melissa Maxwell, my grandma, Becky, my dog, Nigel, and my cats, Ghost and Mystik,” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a student of Ohio Connections Academy, a home school and I’m currently in the 5th grade and on the honor roll for the past five years.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I earned the title of black belt in martial arts. I have organized charities and fundraisers for St. Jude’s Hospital, Discovery Riders handicapped program, Kids with Autism and several programs through the Columbus Zoo, where I have been an active member for almost nine years. I show horses all the time all over the nation, so most everything I do has horses connected with it and I love it that way.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member since I was born. I’ve been a director in EOQHA since I was seven years old. I’ve been a director in OQHYA since I was seven or eight (years old). I have been chairman of the scrapbook committee for the past two years and am proud to say we finished second at the 2011 AQHYA Youth World Show out of the largest district. I’ve served on numerous other committees, as well as being a member of the AQHYA Judging Team for Ohio for the first time this year.” Are you involved in any other horse related activities? “I am a life member of AQHA. I compete almost every weekend the whole year. I have earned superiors with my horse, The Cookie Baker, in Showmanship, Halter, Equitation and Horsemanship. I’ve also earned my AQHA Youth Championship and Performance Youth Championship with ‘Baker.’ I’ve won Congress two times and for the last three years, I’ve competed at the Youth World Show, making it to the semi-finals at age nine. I have a new horse, Zips Bossy Chip, that I completed my ROM on in just three weeks. I really can’t wait until I’m old enough for the bigger opportunities in AQHA has, like the YES convention, the Regional committees, a national directorship and my real dream is to be the AQHYA President some day... when I get old enough.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am currently a director and I take whatever job they assign me very seriously. I am chairman of the scrapbook committee and was very proud of my committee members this year. My wish for the OQHYA is for everyone to realize how lucky our state is to have the backing from OQHA that we do. It is an honor to represent my state. Other states can’t provide for their youth the way Ohio does. We owe it to the people who support us to make them proud of our accomplishments and THANK THEM FOR IT! That includes your family too! Even if we aren’t all champions or winners - you’re part of the team!!! There is no ‘I’ in team - Team Ohio Rocks!” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top 3 priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Get more people involved. So many people take the offices and jobs, but then never follow through. Make it important to yourself to accomplish everything you can. Don’t just sit there or be afraid to speak or do 44

Ohio Quarter Horse News

(continued on page 45)

Ellexxah Maxwell, Continued

Youth Election


something. Share your ideas. There are so many followers, we need leaders and active kids who take pride in what they do, no matter how big or small of a job. 2. Increase our numbers, both at the meetings and the shows. We are the future of OQHA. Without us, there won’t be one. 3. Have more mixers for open and 4-H kids to join in with us at our shows and meetings. Some states have youth dances, cookouts, lectures, demonstrations, swap meets, dog races, dog trail, potlucks, friendship circle nights, swim parties or just get together and have a pizza or snack night after the show. It’s always fun to meet and learn about new kids and their horses and sometimes kids just need to hang out together for nothing more than support. Don’t be afraid to get involved. We are all here for the same thing. We love horses and having fun! What could be better than that? Everyone is really the same, so let’s have a membership drive; like at Congress or some of the bigger shows; have a meet and greet. Maybe have a place where we could spotlight some of the really active open show or high-point 4-H kids in our journal or webpage. Donate or raffle some free one-year memberships and send invitations to all the 4-H clubs to come to our meetings. Have them give a presentation about their club’s accomplishments or something like that. Give away a free McDonalds certificate or pizza gift card or maybe just $10 gift cards at all of our meetings. We could have a Christmas party or dance, or host a ‘thank you parents’ night where kids have to wait on them; there’s a million more things that I’m sure some people will think is dumb, but think about this: We are the second largest World Team, we have 8-10 Congress Teams, but at every meeting we have, I have to have someone drive me in for one hour, plus to have a 15 minute meeting that no one does or knows anything. Let’s make meetings fun! Something everyone wants to come to. Have speakers come in and talk about fashion tips for showing, show tips, refreshments, tack shops, blacksmiths, vets; something, anything. If new people have something they can learn from, we can all continue to learn. Do some advertisements in the Corral or local school newspapers, extension offices for 4-H on when and where our meetings are. Do they even know we are here, or is it like I hear a lot: ‘the Quarter Horse kids are snobs.’ We need new people and its up to us to spread the word. Let’s make a goal to have at least 25 new members for 2012; members that are motivated: that should apply to all of us!! A lot of our kids have gone on to college or just gotten too old for youth. Now is the time to step up and make OQHYA even better. It takes everyone and just a little of your time to open the door to a whole new world for you!!”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Charley Thiel Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “I live in Dublin, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Dublin Coffman High School and I am a Junior.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am active in Young Life, our church youth group, Drama Club and Ski Club.”

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a director for the last several years. I have been involved in our fundraisers, the Youth World Team, NYATT and have enjoyed getting to know the other youth members involved in OQHA. I was very involved in building the stall fronts and decorations this year for the Youth World Team.” Are you involved in any other horse related activities? “I am also involved in SOQHA, Re-Ride, a rescue program for the Quarter Horse, and NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I was a director this year and very involved in our activities.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top 3 priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. The unwanted horse - Because of the economy and the over abundance of older horses, the issue of the unwanted horse/Quarter Horse is a concern that I think the youth should get involved with. There are so many kids that want horses we just have to come up with a way to bring the two together. 2. More membership in OQHYA. We talk about this as an issue every year, but we really have not done a lot about it. We made some strides this year by creating a brochure to take out to 4-H and open shows, but I know there is more we can do to increase membership and make sure that everyone that attends a meeting or an event feels welcome. I really think that the leveling program that will start next year will be a big help with this issue. 3. Bringing more resources to the youth in the Ohio association. There are so many resources available to us through our membership that we don’t tap into. I would like to see us start some kind of apprentice program that would bring the experts that we have in Ohio to the youth of this association.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election

BIOGRAPHIES Candidates for Treasurer Brittany Harter Running for: Treasurer Where do you live? “I live in Delaware, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a sophomore at Delaware Hayes High School.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am involved in volleyball, cheerleading, 4-H, Volley for the Cure and the OQHYA Harley Raffle.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I run the Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association Facebook page and I have served on the Youth World Show committee, as well as the social committee. I was the second highest Harley raffle ticket-seller, in which we sold almost $30,000 worth of tickets.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, OQHA, NSBA, EOQHA and NOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I sold Harley raffle tickets, represented Ohio at the Youth World Show, hosted an exhibitor dinner, where we fed more than 300 exhibitors and I served on the social committee.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Getting more involvement from current members. 2. All members should work together 3. Each member should represent OQHA better by participating in more activities.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Candidates for Director Ciara Bartholomew Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Dublin, Ohio, in a rather quaint neighborhood.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a Junior at Dublin Jerome High School.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am currently involved in the OQHYA, AQHYA and the IEA (Interscholastic Equestrian Association). My extracurricular activities include: showing horses (my own and in the IEA), playing the piano and creating artwork (sketching and painting). I also enjoy singing and have been in the choir at Jerome since my freshman year. I volunteer for the Proprionic Acidemia Foundation participating in fundraising activities.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “As far as I have been concerned, I have been considered just a ‘member’ of the association. I have been to the World Shows and Congress and have appreciated all the hard work that has made this a great organization. I would like to get more involved with my team and members. As a director, I would work to inspire others to get more involved as well.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I will try my hardest to get more members really involved with the OQHYA. I would like to contribute with my creativity and ideas for persuading others to join the OQHYA. I might not be the brightest when it comes to business ideas and problems concerning donations or fundraisers, but I know how to attract attention to our group.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “One priority I hope to achieve is the involvement of current OQHYA members. I believe there are too many talented kids sitting around that could really open up and contribute to the team. Another priority should be trying to get more kids to join our group, whether they ride for 4-H or just for fun. We need to spread the message that you don’t have to own a horse to join. We also need to create more opportunities for team bonding!”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Emma Brown Running for: Director

Youth Election


Where do you live? “I live in Zanesville, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am in the 6th grade at Bishop Fenwick in Zanesville, Ohio.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am currently the vice president of EOQHYA, and I am a member of OQHYA, EOQHYA and SOQHYA. I am on the volleyball team, and dance group, and I am a cheerleader for 6th, 7th and 8th grade basketball at Bishop Fenwick.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHYA for the past three years. I have been involved in fundraisers that OQHYA has put together and I have been on the OQHYA World Show Team for the past two years.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am currently the vice president of EOQHYA and I was a member of the EOQHYA NYATT team in 2011. I am also a member of SOQHYA and NSBA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I am a hard worker and will work hard for OQHYA. I am a person that likes to stay involved.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Try to get new members in a membership drive - Try to get our existing members to become more involved - Come up with ideas to generate excitement”

Caitlyn Colvin Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Trenton, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Edgewood High School and I’m in the 11th grade.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am on my school’s track team and I am a member of 4-H.” (continued on page 50)

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Caitlyn Colvin, Continued

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an OQHA member sicne 2006. I have been on the OQHYA World Show Team from 2007-2011. I have also represented OQHA in the NYATT since 2007. I participated on the OQHA Horse Judging Team in 2009 and have been active in attending meetings and helping with fundraisers.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am a director for the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association and I am a member of the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am president of my 4-H club and I am a participant in Horse Bowl, Hippology and Youth Rodeo.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I will help with whatever needs done. I will work to come up with new ideas for activities and help recruit new members. I would like to get more youth involved in the association and help all members feel welcome.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Working together as a team to build and promote the association 2. Recruiting new members and helping everyone to feel they are part of the group 3. Promoting the many activities that are available”

Justin Melvin Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Marysville, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I attend Buckeye Valley High School and am in the 10th grade.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am involved with my 4-H club and county fair by serving on the Junior Fair Board in the horse department.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This is my first year being involved with OQHA and was happy to be involved with the selling of raffle tickets and 50/50 tickets.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am involved with 4-H and was the treasurer of my club and have been a member for nine years. I was also a member of the Junior Fair Board, assigned to the horse department.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I would do my best to help out with activities of the association and to promote Quarter Horses.”

(continued on page 51)


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Justin Melvin, Continued

Youth Election


What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I would like to see membership growth and involvement, service to OQHA and community services to those that may need extra help.”

Hannah Overmyer Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Elmore, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Solomon Lutheran Christian Day School and am in the sixth grade.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I play piano and am also in our school’s puppeteering program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been currently involved with OQHYA by attending banquets and a few meetings.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am involved in OMIQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA and also EOQHA. I attend their shows and banquets, and also showed NYATT Hunter Under Saddle for OMIQHA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If I am elected, I would hope to be an example of leadership to others. I’d also like to improve OQHYA by introducing new members to the association, which will increase OQHYA’s size and hopefully start more friendships.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Inviting more members to be active in the association, which will help us accomplish more 2. To help make the organization more inviting to members and non-members at functions year-round 3. To help make new members aware of opportunities such as NYATT, Congress Teams and World Teams”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Paul “Trey” Schwab III Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live on a small farm in the Southern Ohio area with my parents, Paul and Cindy Schwab.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a junior at Ross Senior High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am an active member of 4-H, FFA, and the Honor Society.”

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have represented OQHYA on both the Youth World Team and the Congress Team for the past several years. I have won numerous year-end achievements while competing at the OQHA shows. I was elected to attend the YES Conference in 2011, but was not able to attend due to personal circumstances.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have won several year-end championships from the state of Ohio (OQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA) in Barrels, Poles and Stakes. I have won eight all-around saddles and many event buckles through various Junior Rodeo Associations. I have also won several 4-H high point and top run championship titles.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I helped organize more youth activities so everyone got to know each other better and unite to have fun. There are so many youth that don’t really know each other due to the different types of events they show. Since I am involved with rodeo and roping events, I would use my position as director with the OQHYA to promote membership among the Ohio High School Rodeo and Ohio Junior Rodeo Associations.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation, membership and teamwork awareness.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Madison Thiel Running for: Director

Youth Election


Where do you live? “I live in Dublin, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Dublin Coffman High School and I am a freshman.”

Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activity: “I am active in Young Life, our church youth group, drama club, ski club and I play softball for Coffman, as well as a travel team.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been involved in our fundraisers, the Youth World Team and helped build stall decorations for the Youth World Team this year.” Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “I am involved in SOQHA association. I am involved in a Quarter Horse rescue program called Re-Ride.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Getting more people involved in the association and putting forth an effort to help kids from other associations to feel welcome at an Ohio show or meeting 2. The cost of horse shows: how can we lower the cost of horse shows, but yet still have quality shows in Ohio: fewer shows with more judges, less expensive classes, fewer charges like drug fees. 3. How to get associations like IEA and OQHYA to work closer together so that the youth involved in IEA can participate in our association, not only to increase membership, but also so that we can all learn from one another”

Bridgett White Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Canal Winchester, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to school at Pickerington Central High School and I’m in the 9th grade.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I’ve been a member for four years and I go to all the meetings to give my input.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I hope to enforce OQHYA rules, try to recruit new members and make changes for the positive.” (continued on page 54)

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election


Bridgett White, Continued

What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Getting new members - Make it more affordable, so more people can join - Maybe have an open meeting for recruitment, send flyers to other organizations.”

Good Luck To all of Ohio’s exhibitors at the

2011 AQHA World Show 54

Ohio Quarter Horse News

2011 OQHA News

Photo Contest Results T

his year’s winning photo was taken by Greg Mitchell of Zanesville, Ohio. Mitchell, an OQHA member for nearly 20 years, snapped this shot of Evie Drennen and her mount, A Cruzin Chip. Mitchell takes home $100 for first place, and his photo will be used on the cover of an upcoming Ohio Quarter Horse News issue. Congratulations!


econd place also goes to Greg Mitchell of Zanesville, Ohio. This black and white still-life photo is beautiful in its simplicity and captures the feel of Ohio Quarter Horse News perfectly. Mitchell will receive $75 for his second place effort. Congratulations!


hird place goes to photographer Marcinda Franks of Uniontown, Ohio. Franks took this adorable photo of her horse Wilson’s Lucky Chip. The colors are vibrant and the angle of the fence adds more interest to the photo, giving it just enough edge to come in third! Franks receives $50 for her third place photo. Congratulations! The Ohio Quarter Horse Association thanks everyone who participated in this year’s photo contest! Judging was done by Tracy Bidwell, OQHA Public Relations/Marketing Coordinator and Ohio Quarter Horse News Editor, along with Morgan Large, OQHA communications intern and Agricultural Communications student at The Ohio State University. Judging was based on basic elements of photography, as well as how well each photograph fit the style and overall theme of the Ohio Quarter Horse News.


Ohio Quarter Horse News


eceiving the first of three honorable mentions this year is Larry Krieger of Sodus, Michigan, for this photo of Casinos Cool Lady. Krieger owns and bred this mare, who is by Casino Cool and out of Dominate Miss. For this honorable mention, Krieger will receive $10. Congratulations!


ur second honorable mention goes to Marcinda Franks of Uniontown, Ohio. The two Quarter Horses in the photograph are Ima Rancher’s Treasure and Wilson’s Lucky Chip, both owned by Franks. For this honorable mention, Franks will receive $10. Congratulations!


ast, but certainly not least is this photo by Terri Heffelfinger. For this honorable mention, Heffelfinger will receive $10. Congratulations!

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011 OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers


Patrick Murty

Lois Berry

Kara Beth Mitchell

Marla Atherton

Suzanne Guinsler

Carol Sigman

Justin Billings

Chris Martin

Jennifer Sigman

President (2/12), Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 Patrick.Murty@Company7BBQ.com

First Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 kmrquarter@yahoo.com Second Vice President (2/12), Executive Board 9755 State Route 752 Ashville, OH 43103 800-467-3152 Justin@billingsquarterhorses.com

Director (2/14) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Director (2/12) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/14)

Director (2/12) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JCSigman@ameritech.net

Director (2/13) 800 Blackstone St Washington C.H., OH 43160 614-419-6210 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Abby Pound

Cris Martin

Mike Yemc

Katie Stolte-Carroll

Kristin Martin

Nancy Waid

Laura Salome

Chelsea Martz

Carly Williams

Kaitlyn Riker

Kathryne Zachrich

Treasurer (2/12) Executive Board 1260 Riley Road Newark, OH 43055 740-975-1209 abep32@hotmail.com

Secretary (2/12) 4872 Condit Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074 614-203-4420 Stolte.2@osu.edu

Past President 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/12) 10514 Winchester Road Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 Kristin@certifiedimages.com

Director (2/14) 1299 Steamboat Springs Ct. Blacklick, OH 43004 614-205-1395 CMartz.56@gmail.com

Director (2/12) 4155 Easton Way Columbus, OH 43219 419-276-0136 KL.Riker@gmail.com


Director (2/13) 3130 Nob Hill Rd Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/12) 215 Thurman Ave. Columbus, OH 43206

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/14) 223 Elwood Ave. Marysville, OH 43040 419-651-8119 williams.carly@live.com

Director (2/12) 523 Kingbury Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 419-438-2219 Kate@cuttingedgesupplyco.com

Amateur Update Ohio’s Select Exhibitors Shine in Amarillo


elect exhibitors from all over Ohio travelled to Amarillo, Texas August 28 through September 3 to compete at the Adequan Select World Championship Show. The Adequan Select World is the world’s largest, single-breed world championship horse show open exclusively to amateur exhibitors age 50 and older, with nearly 1,300 entries this year. Competitors came from 42 US states, two Canadian provinces, as well as Germany and Argentina. Ohio was very well represented and came home with three newly crowned World Champions and one Reserve World Champion. Dr. Scott Myers, who showed two horses at the Select World Show, was the Reserve Farnam All-Around Amateur on Capture The Flag, a 2004 black gelding by The Last Captive. The pair was named World Champion in Hunter Hack, Reserve World Champion in Equitation Over Fences, and took home top ten honors in Working Hunter and Jumping as well. OQHA congratulates all of the select exhibitors from Ohio. Below is a complete listing of all OQHA top ten finishes:

Performance Halter Geldings 12th - Kissed At Last and Sharon Shilling of Galloway Performance Halter Stallions 3rd - Tattle On Touchdown and Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill Hunter Hack CHAMPION - Capture The Flag and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon Center Working Hunter 5th - Capture The Flag and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon Center 10th - Darn That Kat and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon Center Equitation Over Fences RESERVE - Capture The Flag and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon Center

Jumping CHAMPION - Darn That Kat and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon Center Weanling Halter Geldings 4th - Capture The Flag and Dr. Scott Myers of Sharon CHAMPION - Supremo Forty Five and JL Robinson of Center Bellefontaine Western Pleasure Two-Year-Old Halter Geldings 11th - Hes Invited and Pamela Young of Fostoria 9th - One Silent Charm and Ralph Craft of West Alexandria Breakaway Roping 4th - Smart Late Star and David Watt of Two-Year-Old Halter Stallions Hammondsville 8th - Mi Silent Clue and Ralph Craft of West Alexandria Tie-Down Roping 8th - Rudys Special Pepper and Mark Knoch of Aged Halter Geldings Wapakponeta 11th - Bullistik and JL Robinson of Bellefontaine 10th - Smart Late Star and David Watt of Hammondsville Aged Halter Mares 5th - Reflect On Her and Dee Ann Staley of Kitts Hill 10th - CSR Final Conclusion and Jack Grove of Oxford Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Update Upcoming OAQHA Meetings


AQHA will hold its next meeting on November 21st at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. There will be no Amateur Board meeting in December. In January, the Amateurs will meet on Monday, January 15th at 7 pm at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, as usual.

November November 21 @ 7pm December No Meeting January January 15 @ 7pm

Amateurs Announce 2012 Election Slate


he Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association members have announced their nomination slate for 2012 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed by Nancy Waid in early December. Ballots must be received by January 27th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: OAQHA Attn: Nancy Waid 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130


Ohio Quarter Horse News

President Patrick Murty

Reporter Jennifer Sigman

1st Vice President Marla Atherton

Directors Rebecca Dingus Suzanne Guinsler Kim Hatfield Kristin Martin Megan Masterson Kate Zachrich Mike Yemc

2nd Vice President Justin Billings Treasurer Abby Pound Secretary Chelsea Martz

Amateur Election


Presidential Candidates Patrick Murty

Candidate For: President Where do you live, and with whom? “I reside in West Milton, Ohio.” Please describe where you work, along with any school or community organizations in which you are involved: “I am a general manager at Company 7 BBQ, in Englewood, Ohio. I also serve the Village of West Milton as a West Milton Firefighter. I have been involved in the fire service for more than 15 years.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have served OAQHA as a director, first vice president and current president since my involvement began in 2004.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your recent term of office: “During my years with OAQHA, I have helped create new fundraising events for the organization, such as our pancake breakfast at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. I also have been involved in planning our annual horse show, which has become very successful by offering an affordable and exciting show that competitors want to attend year after year. Mostly, I have tried to be an enthusiastic, dedicated and helpful member, assisting the board and all OQHA members to the best of my abilities.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 3-5 years? “OAQHA’s top three priorities should be: 1. To increase the amateur membership in the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, by providing a friendly and competitive environment that horse owners want to join and compete in. 2. Serve the OAQHA and OQHA membership and local community by providing a level of support that they would expect from our organization. 3. Represent the views and agenda of the OAQHA and OQHA membership on the national level in order to continue Ohio’s excellence in the American Quarter Horse Association.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election


First Vice President Candidates Marla Atherton

Candidate For: First Vice President Where do you live, and with whom? “I was born and raised in Utica, Ohio, where I currently reside.” Please describe where you work, along with any school or community organizations in which you are involved: “I am a life insurance underwriter for State Farm Insurance. I am a member of AQHA, NRHA, EOQHA, NOQHA and SOQHA, I am the current youth advisor for EOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your recent term of office: “I have attended meetings, worked the Amateur booth at the Regional Championships and assisted with the pnackae breakfast at Congress. I will continue to promote OAQHA, our horse show and our pancake breakfast.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 3-5 years? “1. Get more amateurs involved with OAQHA. 2. Provide fresh ideas for our horse show and other projects. 3. Continue to work with OQHA to promote the Quarter Horse Congress.”

Second Vice President Candidates Justin Billings

Candidate For: Second Vice President Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised a Buckeye in Columbus, Ohio, and I currently live in the historic part of downtown Canal Winchester.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I manage my family’s horse business including our stallion, broodmares, young ones and show horses. It’s a great feeling to see one that we’ve raised go on to bring their new owner a lot of happiness. I am also a consultant for my family’s construction business.” Please state your involvement with any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I support charities through my involvement with OAQHA and my church. We’ve made care packages for the troops, participated in the walk for neglected pets, given to the Buckeye Ranch and helped rebuild tornado stricken homes in Alabama.” (continued on page 63) 62 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election


Justin Billings, Continued

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I started as a youth member where I served as a multi-year director and was a member of our Youth World team and Congress teams, winning the NYATT in 1999. I then moved on to become an Amateur Director and served two-terms as treasurer. I most recently served as the 2011 second vice president.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of both the AQHA and NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I represented OAQHA for the first time at this year’s AQHA Convention. I also enjoyed volunteering my time to help serve at our annual Congress pancake breakfast. Additionally, I’m the 2011 chair of our community service committee and have worked to set-up an outreach where the Amateurs work at a local charity during the holidays.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I’d like to see our horse show moved from the already crowded time in August to a Pre-Congress warm-up in September. A multi-day circuit just before the Congress would be a great way for our organization to increase our reach on a national level. I’d also like to see the Amateurs promote more of the good things we do to help others. Over the past 30 years, OAQHA has selflessly given back and I think it’s important to shed some light on our outreach efforts that few people realize we do. We’ve also discussed growing our annual pancake breakfast, which in 2011 was our most successful year yet!”

Treasurer Candidates Abby Pound

Candidate For: Treasurer Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised near Newark, Ohio near the small town of Utica. I currently reside outside of Newark.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I work for Lane Bryant as an associate buyer of bras. I assist with assorting the line, managing orders, sales reports and understanding industry trends.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have been involved with the Tour De Cure, a 30 mile bike ride that raises money for diabetes as well as the Relay for Life walk to raise money for cancer.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been a member of the board for several years and have been the treasurer for the last four years. I have served on many of the committees including the trainer auction and sponsorship.” (continued on page 64)

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election


Abby Pound, Continued

Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA and the NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “This year I was the OAQHA Treasurer. As the treasurer, I manage all of the funds and the checkbook. I also prepare monthly reports and present them at the meetings to keep the board aware of our financial status. I was also the chair of the trainer auction committee this year, which consisted of securing trainers for the auction and publicizing the auction to Ohio members.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Grow the horse show - Increase involvement of all members - Continue to come up with new and innovative activities for the Ohio Amateurs.”

Secretary Candidates Chelsea Martz

Candidate For: Secretary No biographical information received.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election


Reporter Candidates Jennifer Sigman Candidate For: Reporter

Where do you live, and with whom? “I was born in Columbus, Ohio, but raised in New Holland, Ohio by Carol and Jerry Sigman, with my sisters, Michelle and Shawn. I currently live with my husband, Mark, and our cat, Baby, in Washington Court House, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a procurement professional.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am an active participant at South Side Church of Christ. I give donations to various charities in the community, including ASPCA, volunteers of America and different cancer associations.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been showing horses my whole life. I have been a director for five years. I have sold programs at the Congress, sold tickets for our saddle raffle, volunteered for lectures and demonstrations at the Congress and helped at the All American Youth Horse Show.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have held membership with NSBA, SOQHA, EOQHA and NOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “I have been the chairperson for the sponsorships for our show each year along with my mother, Carol Sigman, and the rest of the directors. I have taken part in our annual horse show each year. I have donated my time at the Quarter Horse Congress for our pancake breakfast each year.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Increase memberships - More fellowship into and within our organization - Re-organize the horse show schedules to better service our members”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election


Director Candidates

Rebecca Dingus Candidate For: Director

Where were you born and raised? “South Point, Ohio and I currently reside in Kent, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a Teaching Fellow at Kent State University. This means that I teach junior- and senior-level courses in the marketing department at KSU, while I am pursuing my PhD in Marketing. It’s a four-year program, and I am halfway through my second year. Later on, I plan to continue teaching on the college level and hope to be at a school with a strong equestrian emphasis. While school has cut back on my time in the show ring, it has not been able to cut out my time in the saddle!” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “In 2009, I was a founding member of the Lawrence County Young Professionals group. That winter, we took over a countywide Secret Santa program that had lost its funding, and we raised more than $30,000 to provide gifts for more than 400 less-fortunate children in southern Ohio. Even though I am away at school, I continue to be active with LCYP’s Secret Santa. I’m also involved in both the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio and the Doctoral Management Student Association at KSU.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I started attending OAQHA meetings to meet new people and to further my friendships with other amateurs that I see on the weekends showing in Ohio. In July, I helped with our outreach and membership drive at the Regional Championships. I love to be organized; if you’ve monitored the OAQHA Facebook page, you’ve probably seen my sign-up sheets for our activities (regional show, Congress pancake breakfast, etc.).” Please describe what you will contribute to OAQHA, if elected: “I’d like to see OAQHA as a more cohesive and active group with a larger representation of the amateurs who live and show in our great state. I’d like to help re-establish a fun, popular and successful annual OAQHA show. I’m super organized, very dedicated, and I love to build relationships and be involved—whether I become a director or not, I’d still like to help with these objectives. However, if I do become a director I would bring much passion and energy into the group with me.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Growing our membership into a large and active association that extends beyond the standard monthly meetings. 2. Re-establishing an annual OAQHA show that is fun, popular, and successful.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election


Suzanne Guinsler Candidate For: Director

Where were you born and raised? “Zanesville, Ohio, which is also where I currently reside.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I work as the office manager for the Muskingum County Fair in Zanesville. I’m also employed as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Greater Ohio Showmen’s Association, a non-profit organization representing the outdoor amusement industry. I also assist my family with our mobile food concession business at various fairs, festivals and events throughout Ohio.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have donated to various local charities and will be assisting with the Toys for Tots program in my community this holiday season.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have served as an OAQHA Director since 2008 and have been an OAQHA member for 12 years. I attend meetings regularly and assist with our fundraisers and projects in any way possible. I have served on several committees and was chair of the community service committee for the last two years.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I’m currently the secretary of the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and have served on the board for more than 10 years. I attend our monthly meetings and assist at shows sponsored by the organization.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “I have served as an OAQHA Director for the past four years. I regularly attend meetings and assist with our fundraisers and projects, including our pancake breakfast and annual horse show. I have obtained sponsorships for our horse show. In my time as a director, I have served on several committees and was chair of the community service committee for the last two years.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “OAQHA’s top three priorities should be to continue our efforts to increase awareness of our organization to gain new members, increase participation and involvement by current members and continue to increase the community service projects that we are involved in.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election


Candidate For: Director

No biographical information received.

Kristin Martin

Candidate For: Director Where were you born and raised? “On a horse farm in Lancaster, Ohio. I currently live with my husband, Chris, in Canal Winchester.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I own and operate Certified Images. I do graphic design and photography for many clients in the equine industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “Chris and I are both active members in our local church. We help out with the youth group, Sunday School and many other activities.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been an OAQHA director since I became an amateur in 2002. I am currently on the new membership committee. Within the committee we are striving to find ways to bring in more active members. Our organization is full of fun people who love to breed and show the American Quarter Horse, we just want to get the word out for more people to join us!” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “New membership is number one with us right now. We are striving to not only get new members, but new people involved in our great organization. Getting our horse show back on track is another top priority. Finally, organizing even more community service/outreach programs should be on the top of our priority list.”

Megan Masterson Candidate For: Director

No biographical information received.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election


Kate Zachrich

Candidate For: Director

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Defiance, Ohio and I currently reside in Delaware, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a sales executive.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am involved in my church and donate to United Way. I also do 5K runs for charity throughout the year.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I’ve been a director for several years and help at all of the events we do through OAQHA, such as the horse show, pancake breakfast at Congress, etc.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I donate to a handicap program that utilizes horses with severly disabled to partially disabled people.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “Currently as director I am participating on committees to improve our membership, grow OQHA as a whole and I am on the bylaws committee for OAQHA. I participate in all our functions and I am particularly interested in doing more community projects with the close friends I’ve made in OAQHA. We also are going to have a fabulous horse show in 2012 that I will be participating heavily in, promoting the show and assisting in running it.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “More members, more community involvement and more fun!”

Mike Yemc

Candidate For: Director No biographical information received.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2011Ohio FuturityResults T

he following are futurity results from the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Results are listed by class, with the horse, followed by the exhibitor and then owner. Congratulations to all competitors and thank you for supporting the Ohio Futurities.

Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2011 Futurity Results Futurity Open Halter Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy 2. Unnamed, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Futurity Non-Pro Halter Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy 2. Unnamed, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Futurity Breeders Classic Halter Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Futurity Open Halter Weanling Fillies 1. Blonde Bimbo, JL Robinson, JL Robinson 2. Unnamed, Paul Bisel Futurity Non-Pro Halter Weanling Fillies 1. Blonde Bimbo, JL Robinson, JL Robinson Futurity Open Halter Yearling Mares 1. YouBetShesMitoGood, Michlle Barrett-Cicero, Michlle Barrett-Cicero

3. The Master Of Deskys, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk Futurity Open Western Longe Line 1. Hez Plum Poison, Peter Mead, Peter Mead 2. Custom Ride, Randy Haines, Kimberly Haines 3. Pale Moonlite, Ryan Strunk, Gretchen Weidner 4. Fantasdeck, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 5. All Too Sudden, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 6. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 7. Heza Chevy Deluxe, Charles Fletcher, Cindy & Chuck Fletcher 8. YouBetShesMitoGood, Michlle Barrett-Cicero, Michlle Barrett-Cicero 9. HeKnowsHisShadowsHot, Virgil Burroughs, Virgil Burroughs 10. Invested Ona Impluse, Valerie Morgan, Valerie Morgan

Futurity Non-Pro Longe Line 1. Hez Plum Poison, Peter Mead, Peter Mead 2. Custom Ride, Randy Haines, Kimberly Haines Futurity Non-Pro Halter Yearling Mares 3. Fantasdeck, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 1. YouBetShesMitoGood, Michlle Barrett-Cicero, 4. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline Michlle Barrett-Cicero 5. All Too Sudden, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 2. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 6. YouBetShesMitoGood, Michlle Barrett-Cicero, 3. Unexpected Notice, Larry Cross, Mary Etta Johnson Michlle Barrett-Cicero 7. Invested Ona Impluse, Valerie Morgan, Valerie Futurity Open English Longe Line Morgan 1. ThankYou Very Much, Pam Bollinger, Pam Bollinger 8. HeKnowsHisShadowsHot, Virgil Burroughs, Virgil 2. YouBetShesMitoGood, Michlle Barrett-Cicero, Burroughs Michlle Barrett-Cicero 70

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Futurity Two- and Three-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle 1. Assets In Detail, Heidi Piper, Kathleen Lennon 2. To Sleepy For You, Liz Flohr, Amy Walls & Steven Corkum 3. Tys Big Star, Brent Maxwell, Jeff Or Renee Morgenstern 4. Willy Be Fine, Dawn Clason, Paige Peshina Merrill 5. Wicked Loper, Amber Eaton Clark, Benton Elliott, Jr. 6. SweetTalkinArtifacts. Missy Thyfault, Melanie Humphreys 7. Miachocolua, Tracey Kauffman, Lisa Jo McMillan 8. Miss Invited, Darla Lee, Paula Berry 9. Lil Precious Moments, Jessie Irion, Missy Thyfault 10. Fine In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Megan Arnold Futurity Breeders Classic Two- and Three-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. SweetTalkinArtifacts. Missy Thyfault, Melanie Humphreys Futurity Two- and Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. Fine In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Megan Arnold 2. Tys Big Star, Renee Morgenstern, Jeff Or Renee Morgenstern 3. Willy Be Fine, Paige Peshina Merrill, Paige Peshina Merrill 4. HuntinAHolidayDelite, Jacqueline Sankovich, Monica Sankovich 5. SaturdayNightSkyline, Kristin Davis, Kristin Davis 6. DGS Indyspencible, Nicole Ralston, Nicole Ralton 7. SweetTalkinArtifacts. Melanie Humphreys, Melanie Humphreys 8. OnlyLooksGoodInBlue, Lisa Flaschberger, Lisa Flaschberger 9. Sweet In The Irons, Jason Weber, Jason Weber 10. Artbreak Hotel, Danielle Mullen

EOQHA Slot All-Age Open Hunter Under Saddle 1. Details Ina Minute, Sarah Hinkel, Alisha Ferrari 2. Ears The Escape, Scott Jones, Glenn And Janae Bronson 3. Fool To Invite Me, Amber Eaton Clark, Suzanne Wilcox EOQHA Slot All-Age Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. SweetTalkinArtifacts. Missy Thyfault, Melanie Humphreys Futurity Two-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1. The Last Good Mac, Trevor Barnes, Tom Knoch 2. Rinse And Repeat, Brad Luebben, Brad Luebben Futurity Two-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure 1. The Last Good Mac, Tash Schulze, Tom Knoch 2. One Lazy Amigo, Jennifer Lyne Murray, Jennifer Lyne Murray Futurity Three-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1. One Mean Machine, Brad Luebben, Sherry Gordon 2. Makers Markie, Jennifer Aspra, Gail Waters 3. This Notice Is Due, Ashley Wood, Patrice Tornes 4. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler 5. GTG Sondee Invite, Angela Dahse, Angela Dahse Futurity Three-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure 1. Ima Radical Hour, Randy Haines, Kimberly Haines 2. One Mean Machine, Sherry Gordon, Sherry Gordon 3. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Futurity Non-Pro Western Pleasure Maturity 1. Sheiks Miss Jazmitaz, Loni Lynn Rhodes, Loni Lynn Rhodes 2. DT Ease On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor 3. EZ Customized Career, Abby Pound, Abby Pound

Futurity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle Maturity 1. On In Five, Elizabeth Gorski, Elizabeth Gorski 2. Ears The Escape, Janae Walker Bronson, Glenn And Janae Bronson 3. Broadway Lites, Sara Beth Marchionne, Sara Beth Marchionne 4. Fool To Invite Me, Suzanne Wilcox, Suzanne Wilcox 5. Hot Moms Invited, Patricia Sega, Patricia Sega

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2011 Futurity Results Futurity Closed Halter Weanling Fillies 1. Shez My Fantasy Girl, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger

Open Futurity Halter Weanling Fillies 1. Cool Alibis, Paul Bisel, Paul Bisel 2. Shez My Fantasy Girl, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 3. OMG Its Yellow, Kim M Pfeil, Kim M Pfeil

Futurity Closed Halter Weanling Colts 1. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle BarrettCicero Open Futurity Non-Pro Halter Weanling Fillies 2. Unnamed, Bridget LaForce, Michelle Barrett-Cicero 1. Pending, Marilee Montgomery, Marilee Montgomery 2. Shez My Fantasy Girl, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Futurity Closed Halter Yearling Fillies Terri Heffelfinger 1. Get Your Flirt On, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri 3. OMG Its Yellow, Kim M Pfeil, Kim M Pfeil Heffelfinger 2. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Open Futurity Halter Weanling Colts Michelle Barrett-Cicero 1. Unnamed, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy 2. Lumieres Rosy Glow, Sherrilyn VanTassel, Sherrilyn Futurity Closed Halter Yearling Colts VanTassel 1. Income Included, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 3. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle BarrettCicero Closed Futurity Yearling Longe Line 1. Diesel Upgrade, Justin Mullens, Carla Whaley Open Futurity Non-Pro Halter Weanling Colts 2. Lil Lazy Lota Lope, Amanda Rohr, Amanda Rohr 1. Unnamed, Dean McCoy, Dean McCoy 3. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, 2. Lumieres Rosy Glow, Sherrilyn VanTassel, Sherrilyn Michelle Barrett-Cicero VanTassel 3. Unnamed, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle BarrettClosed Futurity Two and Three Year Old Hunter Cicero Under Saddle 1. SweetTalkinArtifacts, Missy Thyfault, Melanie Open Futurity Halter Yearling Fillies Humphreys 1. Get Your Flirt On, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri 2. Lil Precious Moments, Jessie Irions, Missy Thyfault Heffelfinger 3. HBF Silver N Chrome, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker 2. SheMattersMost, Joe Jovenall, Joe Jovenall 4. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Nicole Giumenti, Kelly Rager 3. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, 5. Putin Bay, Amy Watkins, Margaret Garwood Michelle Barrett-Cicero Closed Futurity Two Year Old Western Pleasure 1. One Righteous Image, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker 2. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Jim Chafin, Marsha Black 3. PS Dynamic Went West, Nicole Giumenti, Ann Schneider Closed Futurity Three Year Old and Over Western Pleasure 1. Larrys Shady Hour, Chris Cook, Desirea Gadel 2. Smilin N Stylin, Justin Mullens, Ronald or Connie Mays 3. The Boss WhoDunit, Shannon Courtock, Gary and Cheryl Brown 72

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Open Futurity Non-Pro Halter Yearling Fillies 1. Get Your Flirt On, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick and Terri Heffelfinger 2. SheMattersMost, Joe Jovenall, Joe Jovenall 3. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 4. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Michelle Barrett-Cicero Open Futurity Halter Yearling Colts 1. Income Included, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 2. Its Time To Gab, Tammy Walsh, Tammy & Joe Walsh

Open Futurity Non-Pro Halter Yearling Colts Open Futurity Non-Pro Two and Three Year Old 1. Income Included, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil Hunter Under Saddle 2. Its Time To Gab, Tammy Walsh, Tammy & Joe Walsh 1. HuntinAHolidayDelite, Jackie Sankovich, Monica Sankovich Open Futurity Yearling Western Longe Line 2. Fine In A Minute, Megan Arnold, Megan Arnold 1. Diesel Upgrade, Justin Mullens, Carla Whaley 3. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Nicole Giumenti, Kelly Rager 2. Just A Little Lazy, Sandy Stevenson, Bill Stevenson 4. DGS Indyspencible, Nicole Ralston, Nicole Ralston 3. All Too Sudden, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 5. SweetTalkinArtifacts, Melanie Humphreys, Melanie 4. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Humphreys Michelle Barrett-Cicero 5. Oh K Ima Star, Charles Ledford, Vicotria Ledford Open Maturity Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 6. Zips Finest Invest, Chris Cook, Ann Jordan 1. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites Sturgeon, Valerie Fites 7. Fantasdeck, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker Sturgeon 8. Invested Ona Impulse, Valerie Morgan, Valerie 2. Hot Moms Invited, Brittany Sega, Brittany Sega Morgan 9. Its Time To Gab, Joan Shriver0., Tammy & Joe Walsh Open Futurity Two Year Old Western Pleasure 10. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline 1. Lopin On A Lazy Day, Jim Chafin, Marsha Black 2. One Righteous Image, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker Open Futurity Non-Pro Yearling Western Longe Line 3. PS Dynamic Went West, Nicole Giumenti, Ann 1. Diesel Upgrade, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley Schneider 2. Just A Little Lazy, Sandy Stevenson, Bill Stevenson 3. Oh K Ima Star, Charles Ledford, Vicotria Ledford Open Futurity Non-Pro Two Year Old Western 4. All Too Sudden, Denise Gary, Denise Gary Pleasure 5. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, 1. One Lazy Amiga, Jennifer Murray, Jennifer Murray Michelle Barrett-Cicero 6. Invested Ona Impulse, Valerie Morgan, Valerie Open Futurity Three Year Old Western Pleasure Morgan 1. KM Sweet And Slow, Jim Chafin, Harley Wartman 7. Income Included, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 2. Smilin N Stylin, Justin Mullens, Ronald or Connie 8. Good Girls Glow, Karen Kline, Karen Kline Mays 3. GTG Sondee Invite, Seth Clark, Angela Dahse Open Futurity Yearling English Longe Line 4. DunIt On The Range, Jennifer Paul, Chelsea Martz 1. ThankYou Very Much, David Kelley, Pam/David 5. Red Hot And Good, Jeanine Perez, Erika Luster Bollinger/Kelley 2. YouBetShesMito Good, Michelle Barrett-Cicero, Open Futurity Non-Pro Three Year Old Western Michelle Barrett-Cicero Pleasure 3. Income Included, Kim Pfeil, Kim Pfeil 1. AJ Lonesome Dove, Emma Brown, Emma Brown 2. Red Hot And Good, Erika Luster, Erika Luster Open Futurity Two and Three Year Hunter Under Saddle Open Maturity Non-Pro Western Pleasure 1. SweetTalkinArtifacts, Missy Thyfault, Melanie 1. Pleasure With Class, Joni Gainey, Joni Gainey Humphreys 2. Larrys Shady Hour, Desirea Gadel, Desirea Gadel 2. Lil Precious Moments, Jessie Irions, Missy Thyfault 3. HBF Silver N Chrome, Susan Stocker, Susan Stocker 4. Forgetur CoatsNTails, Nicole Giumenti, Kelly Rager

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, SOQHA Reporter


he September meeting of the SOQHA board of directors was held on September 7, 2011, at Max & Erma’s restaurant in Wilmington. No meeting was held in October due to Congress. At the September meeting, President Kevin Smith extended his thanks to all of the AQHA and futurity exhibitors whose participation made the 2011 SOQHA Futurity Show another great success. He also thanked all of the officers and directors for their assistance during the three-day event. Complete futurity results can be found on the SOQHA website. Plans are well under way for the 2011 Turkey Circuit. We have a new format for 2011: a split/combined show on November 26th and 27th with three judges. The show will still be held at the Champions Center, in Springfield. Judges will be Tim Finkenbinder, John Tuckey, and Karen Watters. The complete show bill can be found on the SOQHA web site, www.soqha.com. Please contact Lisa Perry for stall reservations at 614-582-6067. 2011 Year-End Award checks will be mailed to recipients as soon as the Turkey Circuit results are tabulated. All-around awards will be presented at lunch break on Saturday of the 2012 Winter Circuit. In order to contain costs, the board of directors has once again voted not hold its’ annual awards banquet in January. SOQHA has received approval from both OQHA and AQHA to combine our two March shows. For 2012, we will retain the Winter Circuit and it will be held on March 22 – 25, at the Champions Center in Springfield. There will be a split/combined show on Thursday/Friday with three judges and a split/combined show on Saturday/Sunday with three judges. The board of directors are still in the process of setting fees for this event, but watch for the show bill and an all-inclusive entry fee package to be posted on our website by early January. Stalls must be pre-paid for this event and will be assigned based on your 2011 participation at SOQHA shows. Stall reservations will be accepted starting on February 1, 2012. In November, the SOQHA board will meet at Max & Erma’s on the 9th with the youth meeting at 7:00 pm and the adults at 8:00 pm. The 2012 slate of officers and directors will be finalized and ballots will be mailed the following week. Results of the election will be announced at the December 7th meeting. The meeting times for December will be the same as noted above.

Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association Submitted by: Tamie Grandstaff, OQHRA Secretary


ongratulations Cecilia Purtee, OQHRA Congress Queen Contestant and Second Runner-Up to the Congress crown. Ceci did a great job in the Congress Queen contest and we appreciate her hard work and effort. Congrats Ceci! The OQHRA Congress raffle was a success. Winner of the yearling colt was Beverly Gall. Second place prize of a round pen went to David Madden. No address information was available at the time of print. Congratulations and thanks to all that helped with selling tickets and set up and tear down of the Congress booth. For race results please see www.oqha.com – Congress results. OQHRA meets the first Monday of each month, 6:00 pm, at Donatos (on Broadway), in Grove City.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Club Updates OMI Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Olga Kipp, OMIQHA Secretary


t the September meeting the banquet was discussed and it will be on Saturday, January 21st. It will be at the Northridge Tennis Club in Findlay. The meeting will be at 4:00 pm with the meal being served at 6:00 pm. The awards will be following dinner. There will be a silent auction again this year. Andy started setting up some of the committees. We will have election of officers and will be replacing five directors. Lisa gave the queen’s report. Next year’s competition is done and the new queen will be announced at the banquet. We decided to give 2011 queen Abby Maier some extra money, on top of her entry fee, to help with some extra expenses. The 2011 youth team is all set. Showmanship: Kalee Lohr and Kelsey Grose; Horsemanship: Riley Herman and Taylor Armstrong; Western Pleasure: Mikaela Oyer and Tara Roeder; Hunter Under Saddle: Hannah Overmyer and Kyle Grose; Reining: Karly Pahl and Allie Brown; Barrels: Rachel Beck and Allaina Zehender. Alternates: Jake Lohr, Paige Moore, Sara Oler and Randi Orr. The association voted to give Olga Kipp $100 towards her daughter’s memorial scholarship fund.

Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


he 2011 show season has officially come to an end. Thanks to all who came to the futurity and helped make it a success! We had a decent turnout from the Miami Valley Horse Show Association and even saw some new IBHA exhibitors. The OSBA Futurity returned this year, paying over $2,100 and giving out lots of products and gift items from over 20 sponsors. Thank you to AJ Quarter Horses, Draw-Tite, Dynamic Breeze (S&G Stables / Shiloh’s Song Stable), Farnam/Vita-Flex, Scott & Tracy Flick, Foxden Equine, Horsewear USA, Leather Therapy, London Animal Hospital, Merial Animal Health, Mike & Deb Mathews, Mrs. Pastures Cookies for Horses, Pyranha, Inc., Rockin’ D Tack, Rod’s Western Palace, Stone Anvil Farm, U.S. Animal Nutritionals of VT, United Vet Equine, Valley Vet Supply, Vogt Silversmiths, and Western Accents. Links to our sponsor’s websites and also complete futurity class results can be found on our website, www.ohiobuckskins.org. Congratulations to our 2011 year-end award winners! Open High Point – Dynamic In Pleasure (Shown by Ben & Tamie Grandstaff, Owned by S & G Stables) Open Reserve High Point – Certainly A Diva (Shown by Ben Grandstaff, Owned by Amanda Watts) Amateur High Point – Handy Little Bug (Shown & Owned by Patty McKinley) Amateur Reserve High Point – Emeralds Ann Wilson (Shown by Ken Flick, Owned by Clair Flick) Youth Walk-Trot High Point – Tardees Cali Leaguer (Showned & Owned by Lauren Montgomery) Complete point standings, including individual classes, are listed on OSBA’s website. The annual awards banquet will be held on Saturday, January 14th at Hoggy’s Barn & Grille in Columbus. Keep checking OSBA’s website and Facebook page for updates – there will be a meeting before the dinner and awards, so stay tuned for a time and RSVP form. See you then! Ohio Quarter Horse News 75

Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - June 13, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Ted Handel, Bob Hexter, Roger Landis, Brent Maxwell, Binnie Ann Masters, Ron McCarty, Charlie Menker, Dr. Scott Myers, Judd Paul, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Brent Tincher and Dan Trein. Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Clark Bradley, Candi Fites, Jack Geschke, Randy Jacobs, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marco, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Chuck Smith and Denny Thorsell. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Introduction of Guests – The following guests were introduced and recognized for attendance: Bill Wright and Brad Luebben. Minutes – • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the May 2011 Minutes with amendments. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried.

that the contract has been signed and the first payment has already been mailed. • The Tri-Chairmen are negotiating a corporate sponsorship agreement with Montana Silversmith for Congress buckles. They will be meeting to view prototypes in the next few weeks. • We will be issuing vouchers instead of “CASH” checks for Congress classes that can be cashed at the Treasurer’s office or mailed into OQHA’s office. • Kiser is still working on finding the appropriate materials for footing for the arenas. • The Tri-Chairmen are reviewing applications for the remaining commercial exhibitor spaces available. There are approximately 12 -15 spaces still available. • We are hoping to have the first trophy poured and ready for approval sometime in mid-July. Bob Hexter made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen report. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion carried. Membership – Chris Darnell reported the following 2011 membership numbers: • 324 Amateur • 241 Regular • 206 Youth • 773 Life

Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark reported on the May financial statements. Vic stated that the profit and loss statement shows a Rules – total net income of $942,802.14 in 2011, compared to • Binnie Ann Masters read the second reading of a $850,550.29 in 2010 at the same time. proposed Article 14, Scholarship Program. • Binnie Ann also read the third reading of Article V, Ron McCarty made the motion to accept the Board of Directors. Treasurer’s Report. Second by Todd Salome. Motion • After discussion, Alan Potts made a motion to carried. accept the rule change as read. Lisa Alley second the motion. A vote was taken and the rule change passed Tri-Chairmen Report – as read. Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that day: Racing – • Cam followed up on discussions that were held • Ben Grandstaff reported that entries for the earlier on the Blue Ribbon saddle contract. Cam stated Congress races are up at this time. 76

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Ohio Futurity Bonus Incentive Fund – • Chris Darnell reminded everyone that the deadline to nominate is August 15th. There are materials in the Ohio Quarter Horse News as well as the OQHA website. NOQHA – • Chris Darnell reported that the Summer Six Pack Show will begin this week. There were 880 entries for the Memorial Day Show. OSBA – • Ted Handel reported that entries were down for the first show. There is a four-day show coming up on the 4th of July in Lima.

New Business – • There was a motion to elect a Nominating Committee. Candidates are as follows: Vic Clark (Committee Chair), Alan Potts, Scott Myers, Hank Clason, Bill Flarida, Lisa Alley and Bob Hexter. Alan Potts made a motion to close nominations. Second by Binnie Ann Masters. Motion carried. Todd Salome made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session. Second by Ed Dingledine. Motion carried.

Youth – Dakota Diamond Griffith reported on the meeting held earlier that day: • There were 56 youth in attendance. • Everything is being finalized for the Youth World.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - August 15, 2011 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Rod Atherton, Clark Bradley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Hank Clason, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Candi Fites, Elizabeth Gorski, Ted Handel, Bob Hexter, Randy Jacobs, Brent Maxwell, Binnie Ann Masters, Ron McCarty, Charlie Menker, Dave McDonald, Cindy Morehead, Dr. Scott Myers, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Denny Thorsell and Dan Trein. Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Chris Darnell, Ed Dingledine, Kelli Diaz, Jack Geschke, Roger Landis, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marco, Judd Paul, Chuck Smith and Brent Tincher. President Charlie Menker called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.

Introduction of Guests – The following guests were introduced and recognized for attendance: Bill Wright, Brad Luebben, Kerri Burke, George Seanor, Pam Heist, JP Wolford and Ken Reveal. Minutes – • Alan Potts made a motion to approve the June 2011 Minutes. Second by Todd Salome. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark reported on the May financial statements. Vic stated that the Profit and Loss statement shows a total net income of $985,048.87 in 2011, compared to $990,933.46 in 2010, at the same time. • Binnie Ann Masters questioned the amount spent on Tech Support for the year. It was confirmed that the amount expensed is in accordance with the contract and has in fact been spent. Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes Brent Maxwell made the motion to accept the Finance Committee Report – Treasurer’s report. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion • Dr. Dave McDonald stated that the funds from carried. the life membership account were transferred into general operating over the period of a couple years. The Tri-Chairmen Report – Finance Committee will work on a plan to re-establish Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier the fund. that day: • Cam commented on what a great job the Ohio Judging Team – Youth did at the AQHYA World Show. • Cindy Morehead reported that Jessica Daniels took • Cam stated that the Regional Championship show two teams to the AQHYA World Show. held in July ended up being a success despite early worries. By waiving all late fees, entries were actually Membership – up in 2011. Elizabeth Gorski reported the following 2011 • The Tri-Chairmen approved the corporate membership numbers: sponsorship with Montana Silversmiths. The • 348 Amateur sponsorship consists $35,000 in cash and 10 percent • 253 Regular commission on buckles sold with the Congress logo. • 216 Youth • Cam and Don Bell visited RS Owens to view the • 776 Life first poured trophy. There will be a few changes and then the trophies should be ready for production. Ohio News – • There was one bid received for the 2012-2014 • Tracy Bidwell reported that the July/August issue of manure removal contract. The contract is being the Ohio Quarter Horse News has been mailed. She also finalized and will be awarded to Ben Grandstaff. reminded everyone that Congress Souvenir ads are due • There are only a few commercial exhibitor spaces in early September. remaining at this time. There should be a $70,000 $80,000 increase in revenue generated from the new Professional Horseman – design. • Dan Trein reported that the committee voted • Cam reported that he has hired Mary Blackstone to nominate Dawn Clason as Ohio’s Most Valuable and Kim Jackson to coordinate the stall office, as well Professional for AQHA. as Mike Harter to help with Congress set-up. • Cam will be meeting with Bob Kiser this week Public Policy – to finalize arena materials. Bob will begin installing • Elizabeth Gorski reported on AQHA’s involvement materials on September 8, 2011. with legislature concerning re-opening U.S. processing • Cam reported on the State Vet requirements for plants in hopes to reduce the number of unwanted the new Equine Piroplasmosis test. There will be a horses. mobile office north of the stall office which will be • Elizabeth also introduced Kerri Burke form manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There has Re-Ride Quarter Horse Adoption Program. Kerri been a quarantine area specified and the 5th District explained the organization’s mission and asked the Vets will also be located in the same office. There were OQHA donate a full page ad in the Congress Souvenir questions regarding the wait time for trailers to enter Program. the grounds. Cam stated that there should be enough personnel on staff at all times that the wait time will be Cindy Morehead made a motion to approve the kept to a minimum. donation. Second by Binnie Ann Masters. Motion passed. Alan Potts made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen report. Second by Lisa Alley. Motion carried. 78

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Racing – • Ben Grandstaff reported that the racing entries are about the same as last year. There will still be a yearling raffle this year and there will be a youth day at the racetrack during Congress. Rules – • Binnie Ann Masters read the third reading of a proposed Article 14, Scholarship Program. Binnie Ann made a motion to pass the new rule. Second by Elizabeth Gorski. Motion passed. Nominating Committee – • Vic Clark reported that the committee is meeting to finalize the slate for the 2012 election. Congress Futurities – • Clark Bradley reported the latest Futurity entries. The number of entries is down in most classes. Lectures/Demonstrations – • Elizabeth Gorski read the list of speakers and demonstrators committed to the 2011 Congress.

Vet Coordinator – • Dr. Dave McDonald stated that the 5th District is signed up for the Congress. NOQHA – • George Seanor stated that the Northern Ohio Futurity will be held September 23-25, 2011. EOQHA – • Brent Maxwell reported that they are finalizing details for the upcoming show at the Ohio Expo Center. OSBA – • Ted Handel reported that entries were down for the 4th of July show. Ted also reported that entries for the IBHA World show were down as well. New Business – • Dan Trein reported that Bob Geesman suffered a broken leg while working at the AQHYA World Show. Cam discussed the details of Bob’s accident and said he hoped that Bob will be healed in time for the Congress. Charlie Menker adjourned to Executive Session at 8:44 pm.

Bill Wright Running for: OQHA Director

please don’t forget to cast your vote! Ohio Quarter Horse News





Ad Index Alley, Lisa .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Amy Masters Show Horses ................................................................................................................................................. 81 Brad Luebben ....................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Coughlin Automotive...................................................................................................................................................... 1, 81 DeGraff Stables .................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Diamond Six Farm .............................................................................................................................................................. 80 Don’t Fret LLC ..................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Judd Paul Training Stables .................................................................................................................................................. 81 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ......................................................................................................................................... 81 Kustom Kritter Fitters ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Mil-Max Training Center ................................................................................................................................................... 81 Missy Jo Performance Horses ............................................................................................................................................ 82 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association ..................................................................................................................... 11 Ohio Quarter Horse Association ................................................................................................................. 5, 7, 11, 39, 54 Pine View Farm ................................................................................................................................................................... 81 Repeated In Red ................................................................................................................................................................... 55 Rick & Terri Heffelfinger/RTH Mr Wilson ...................................................................................................................... 80 Saddle Creek Farms Bedding ............................................................................................................................................. 82 Salome, Skip ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Sonnys Hot Jazz ................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Sorrell Performance Horses ............................................................................................................................................... 82 Tincher’s Quarter Horses ................................................................................................................................................... 82 Tim Finnegan Photography ............................................................................................................................................... 82 Tosca’s Hands on Healing ................................................................................................................................................... 82 Trein Training Center ......................................................................................................................................................... 82 Wright, Bill ........................................................................................................................................................................... 79

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Don’t Forget To Vote!

Voting Instructions

- Vote for one (1) candidate for each officer position - Vote for a minimum of four (4) candidates for director, but no more than six (6) - Return your ballot in its pre-addressed return envelope - Return each ballot in a seperate envelope - Ballots must be received no later than January 27, 2012 to be counted

OQHA Ballots

- All OQHA Ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in mid December - OQHA Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040

OQHYA Youth Ballots

- All OQHYA Ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in mid December - OQHYA Ballots should be mailed to: Holbrook & Manter CPAs 103 Professional Pkwy Marysville, OH 43040

OAQHA Amateur Ballots

- All OAQHA Ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in mid December - OAQHA Ballots should be mailed to: OAQHA Attn: Nancy Waid 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130 84

Ohio Quarter Horse News

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