Ohio Quarter Horse News Nov/Dec 2010

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Ohio Quarter Horse November/December 2010



Check us out online: www.oqha.com



Cam Foreman

Jim Flowers

Lisa Martin

Mindy Westlake

Executive Vice President 740-943-2346, ext. 129 CForeman@oqha.com Commercial Exhibits Corporate Sponsors 740-943-2346, ext. 121 LMartin@oqha.com

Rhonda Harter

Show Secretary Futurity Secretary 740-943-2346, ext. 128 RHarter@oqha.com

Facilities/Operations 740-943-2346, ext. 127

Memberships OQHA Points 740-943-2346, ext. 125 MWestlake@oqha.com

Tracy Bidwell

Public Relations Editor of Publications 740-943-2346, ext. 126 TBidwell@oqha.com

Barb Benedum

Accountant 740-943-2346, ext. 122 BBenedum@oqha.com

[ OQHA HEADQUARTERS ] The Ohio Quarter Horse Association 101 Tawa Road, P.O. Box 209 Richwood, Ohio 43344

740-943-2346; 740-943-2389; Fax 740-943-3752 OhioQH123@oqha.com; www.oqha.com

[ COVER PHOTO ] The Gilligan is full of amazing decorations during Congress, but many small touches get lost to the overwhelming number of large attractions. However, it’s always the small things that make a place feel like home. Photo by Tracy Bidwell. 2

Ohio Quarter Horse News

[ FEATURES ] 54-55 13-30 38-52 59-65 68-70

World Equestrian Games OQHA Election Biographies OQHYA Election Biographies OAQHA Election Biographies Futurity Results

[ DEPARTMENTS ] 3 OQHA Officers 4 OQHA Directors 6 Past Presidents & Honorary Directors 8 Editor’s Letter 9-10 Forum 11 Podium 12 OQHA News 32 Around Ohio 33 Show Schedule 34 OQHYA Officers & Directors 35-37 Youth Headlines 56 OAQHA Officers & Directors 57-58 Amateur Update 72-75 Meeting Minutes 76 Stallion Directory 77-79 Business Card Directory 80 Advertiser Index

[ CLUB UPDATES ] 66 66 67 67

Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Ohio State Buckskin

2010 Officers Vic Clark

Bill Flarida

1st Vice President (2/10) Executive Committee, Congress Tri-Chair, Finance, Professional Horsemen, Public Policy, Treasurer 2177 Rock Rd. Shelby, OH 44875 Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Executive Committee (2/12) Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Home: 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net

Denny Thorsell

Congress Tri-Chair (9/10) Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Public Policy 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 Home: 330-624-3006 Cell: 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com

Clark Bradley

2nd Vice President (2/10) Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Skip Salome

President (2/10) Executive Committee (2/11), Food/Beverage 50 S. 2nd St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084

Brent Maxwell

Executive Committee (2/11) Horse Show Advisory, Trail Ride, Youth Activities, Congress Futurities, Trail, NYATT 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net

David McDonald, DVM Executive Committee (2/12) Drug Task Force, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator 2159 Sharon Copley Rd. Medina, OH 44256 Home: 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0169 DaveMcDVM@adelphia.net

Dr. Scott Myers

Congress Tri-Chair (9/11) Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley PO Box 330 Sharon Center, OH 44275 Home: 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

Tiffany Jennings OQHA Queen

AQHA National Directors Clark Bradley

2nd Vice President (2/10) Finance, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping 12297 TR 168 Findlay, OH 45840 Home: 419-420-0016 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Fritz Leeman

Skip Salome

Dan Trein

Charlie Menker

Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame 13900 Kimmens Rd. Massilon, OH 44647 Home: 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail 6006 Greenwich Rd. Seville, OH Cell: 330-607-4988 DanTrein@verizon.net

AQHA Director Emeritus President (2/10) Executive Committee (2/11), Food/Beverage 50 S. 2nd St. Newark, OH 43055 Home: 740-344-1084 AQHA Honorary Vice President, Judging Tournament, Congress Roping, Rules Brookville, OH Home: 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 Directors Lisa Alley (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Commercial Exhibitors, Trail Ride, Hunter/Jumpers, Morning Refreshments, VIP/Awards Ceremony 11620 Market Ave. Uniontown, OH 44685 330-877-3809; Cell: 330-575-3399 LAlley@neo.rr.com

Grievance, Professional Horsemen, Stallion Avenue 1068 Wellington Way Lexington, KY 40513 Office: 859-223-6728 x100 Cell: 937-605-0725 Tim@folckequine.com

Judd Paul (2/12)

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 3555 Eleazer Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 937-376-8456; 614-205-8056 JPTrainingStable@aol.com

John Pickersgill (2/11)

Mark Cherubini (2/11)

Elizabeth Gorski (2/12)

Hank Clason (2/13)

Bob Hexter (2/11)

Trail Ride, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Congress Program, Food/ Beverage 1785 Bunty Station Rd. Delaware, OH 43015 614-402-6266 Bob.Hexter@gmail.com

Judging Team, Rules, Hunter/ Jumpers, Judging Tournament, Team Tournament 2816 Tabor Ridge Rd. NE Mineral City, OH 44656 740-922-4224; 330-204-6116 Chiuti@roadrunner.com

Chris Cecil-Darnell (2/12)

Jeff James (2/11)

Todd Salome (2/13)

Kelli Diaz (2/11)

Roger Landis (2/13)

Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities 4502 Butterbridge Rd. North Lawrence, OH 44666 330-352-1178

Congress Futurities, Cutting P.O. Box 23 Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-833-1717 Bell100@aol.com

Wayne Erwin (2/12)

Brent Maxwell (2/13)

Denny Thorsell (2/11)

Candi Fites (2/11)

Ron McCarty (2/11)

Brent Tincher (2/12)

Public Policy, Trail Ride, VIP/Awards Ceremony 19834 Arrington Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-404-4123 Mark@msmisp.com

Drug Task Force, Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Rules, Congress Futurities, Demonstrations 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44256 330-725-6614; Fax: 330-725-2623 DClason@aol.com Executive Committee, Horse Show Advisory, Membership, Rules, Congress Program 111 Sharon Copley Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 330-697-6353; 330-239-2466 Lannings72@aol.com Annual Awards, Trail Ride, Youth Advisor, Congress Queen 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 CongressQueenTeam@yahoo.com

Judging Team, Professional Horsemen, Scholarship, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Stallion Avenue 3091 Parcher Rd. Bucyrus, OH 44820 419-562-9612; 419-569-0205 WErwin9612@yahoo.com Annual Awards, Breeders Incentive Fund, Congress Program 17590 Courtney Rd. Beloit, OH 44609 330-257-3881 CandiGab@zoominternet.net

Bill Flarida (2/12)

Horse Show Advisory 16275 Buckland Holden Rd. Wapakoneta, OH 45895 419-645-5272 Bett@bright.net


Tim Folck (2/11)

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Grievance, Membership, Lectures 16559 King Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 419-494-1611 JEGorski@verizon.net

Breeders Incentive Fund, Gate Crew 410 County Line Rd. Hopewell, OH 43746 740-787-2881 JamesQtrsHrs@columbus.rr.com

Executive Committee, Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Team Tournament, Trail 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home: 937-355-9957 Cell: 614-264-8864 MilMax@earthlink.net Trail Ride, Food/Beverage, Grounds Security 4459 W. National Rd. Spingfield, OH 45504 937-323-7867 McCartyPump@yahoo.com

Cindy Morehead (2/11)

Horse Show Advisory, Judging Team, Membership, Scholarship, Hunter/ Jumpers, Judging Tournament, Team Tournament 828 Bright Rd., Finday, OH 45840 419-424-9660; Cell: 419-306-6128 Morehead@findlay.edu

Grievance, Commercial Exhibitors, Treasurer’s Office 7608 Lewis Rd. Olmstead Falls, OH 44138 440-552-4769

Donald Recchiuti (2/13)

Annual Banquet, Rules, Trail Ride, Commercial Exhibitors, VIP/Awards Ceremony 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-404-4308 T.Salome@coynefinishing.com

Chuck Smith (2/11)

Congress Tri-Chair, Public Policy, Animal Protection/Fire Safety 8154 Garmon Rd. Burbank, OH 44214 330-624-3006; 330-624-7205 DennyThorsell@hotmail.com Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities P.O. Box 94 Oxford, OH 44273 513-523-5440

Note: Terms expire on the annual meeting date of the year indicated unless otherwise noted. OQHA and Congress committee chairpersons are noted in italics.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Past Presidents Dr. Scott Myers, DVM (2007-2008) Congress Tri-Chair, Drug Task Force, Finance, Animal Protection/Fire Safety, Research, Vet Animal Protection/Puppy Alley Sharon Center, OH 330-239-2777 ScottMyersDVM@aol.com

Skip Salome (1993-94, 2005-06) President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/11) Food/Beverage Newark, OH 740-344-1084

Charlie Menker (2003-2004)

AQHA Honorary Vice President, Judging Tournament, Rules, Roping Brookville, OH 937-884-7079 CMenker@gmail.com

Clark Bradley (1999-2000)

2nd Vice President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/11) Horse Show Advisory, Congress Futurities, Hall of Fame, Reining, Roping Findlay, OH Home: 419-420-0016

Office: 419-424-4656 Cell: 419-348-7768 Bradley@findlay.edu

Cliff Nash (1987-88)

Vic Clark (1997-98)

Burgess Holt (1984-86)

1st Vice President (2/11) Executive Committee (2/12) Congress Tri-Chair, Finance, Public Policy, Treasurer’s Office Shelby, OH Home: 419-529-8993 Cell: 419-565-3837 VicClark@neo.rr.com

Fritz Leeman (1990-92)

Finance, Public Policy, Hall of Fame Massillion, OH 330-837-8505 SnazStory@aol.com

David McDonald, DVM (1989)

Medina, OH 330-725-7024 Medina, OH 330-725-7024

Jim Brennan (1979) Dayton, OH 937-434-3665

Don Clason (1976-77) Sarasota, FL 941-346-1731

Alan Potts (1960)

Grievance, Rules, Roping Coshocton, OH 740-622-5611

Executive Committee (2/12) Drug Task Force, Finance, Public Policy, Research, Judging Tournament, Vet Coordinator Medina, OH 330-239-2451 Cell: 330-351-0196 DaveMcDVM@adelphia.net

Honorary Directors Jess Cecil

Wadsworth, OH 330-239-1735 Lannings72@aol.com

Ed Dingledine

Professional Horsemen Ashland, OH 419-281-3380 Cell: 567-203-2219 EDingledine@gmail.com

Jack Geschke Fairlawn, OH


Ohio Quarter Horse News

216-398-0590 330-665-5822

Steve Marko

Mogadore, OH 330-628-1646

Binnie Ann Masters

Animal Protection/Fore Safety, Hall of Fame, Hunter/Jumpers, OQHA Queens, Rules McConnelsville, OH 614-314-8592

Roger Ruetenik Montgomery, TX 936-582-6956

Dan Trein

Horse Show Advisory, Professional Horsemen, Congress Futurities, Trail Seville, OH 330-607-4988 DanTrein@verizon.net

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Editor’s Letter


by Tracy Bidwell


Ohio Quarter Horse News

s 2010 comes to a close and we begin looking forward to next year, I would like to take some time to reflect on the last 12 months. This was a big year for me, with many changes. I am now a proud alumni of The Ohio State University, working my dream job at Ohio Quarter Horse. I moved my horse from Cleveland to Columbus and took the plunge and bought my first dog, a wonderful Havanese male, named Rocky. I moved into my first offcampus apartment, and had the first big repair done on my car. So many things have happened in 2010, that I can barely even remember life being any other way. At the same time, I hope I never forget this year, and the years before, that brought me to this place in life. I have so many things to be thankful for, and I have truly been fortunate. As everyone struggles in this economy, and college graduates everywhere get jobs at Walmart and Target to pay the bills, I was fortunate enough to be welcomed into the Congress Family. To have four years of late nights and hard work pay off so successfully, is the best feeling in the world. To be able to continue to afford such luxuries as a retired show horse and a new puppy, is truly a blessing. I cannot, however, attribute all of this to myself. As my first issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News, I would like to take a moment to thank the people that got me here, who helped me find my path in life and find success. My parents, Bill and Betty, supported my ‘horse habit’ in high school and throughout college and encouraged me to always follow my dreams. A simple thank you will never be enough for them, but I hope to make them proud in all that I do. My college advisor, Dr. Emily Rhoades, without whom college would not have been nearly the fulfilling and amazing experience it was, thank you. Thank you also to Cam Foreman, the directors and officers of Ohio Quarter Horse and the girls in the office, for giving me the chance to prove that I can do this job successfully, and welcoming me whole-heartedly into the Congress Family. And finally, to my extended family here in Columbus, Jill and James Kirby and Sam Beavers who tirelessly put up with me and help me with all of my day to day trials and tribulations, thank you. Thank you for making 2010 one of the best years for me, so far. As we all go forward in life, to 2011 and beyond, I encourage everyone to look back and reflect on this year, and to be grateful for the things that we have. Tell your friends, family and co-workers thank you for all their help. If there is one thing that I learned this year, it is that a simple thank you goes a long way, and that it can never be used enough. I hope everyone enjoys these last months of 2010, and on behalf of everyone at Ohio Quarter Horse, happy holidays!

Forum Dear OQHA,

Dear OQHA Sponsor,



hank you very much for sponsoring the pony poles, as well as tall the other speed events at the Ohio State Fair. I had a great time and I can’t wait for next year. Thanks again! Taylor Michael Toledo, Ohio Dear OQHA,


hank you for sponsoring the Junior Western Pleasure class at the Ohio State Fair. I won Grand Champion. I am 10 years old and am in Zane Trace Riders 4-H club in Muskingham County. Karley Goff Dear OQHA,


hank you for sponsoring the State Fair trophies. I have won the Reserve Champion in Senior Cones and Barrels with my horse Doc Bar Mouse. Thank You, Brandon Fellows

greatly appreciate the terrific awards and trophies. They truly do make the State Fair that much more memorable. Again, thank you so much! Sarah Lebsock Franklin County, Young Riders 4-H Club Dear OQHA,


hank you for the opportunity to represent Ohio at the Youth World Show! The gift card was a huge surprise and a very nice gift. Also providing the stall and the class fees was so nice!! I had a great time and it was a dream come true!! Thanks, Mindy Barr and Super Flamboyant Dear Kelli Diaz and OQHA,


hank you so much for the wonderful experience that you were able to provide for all the Ohio Youth. 2010 was my first Youth World and I was able to have a great one due to you. I appreciate the $600 on the Visa, as well as the hospitality room. OQHA is a great association and does many great things for its Dear Cam Foreman, members. Thank You, Kenzie Perry would like to thank you for sponsoring the Senior Champion Pole Bending horse trophy and the Senior Granville, Ohio Champion Cones and Barrels horse trophy. I greatly appreciate your generosity. Thanks, Dear OQHA, Alex Taylor St. Paris, Ohio want to thank everyone at OQHA for all the things they do for us OQHYA kids. You provide us with the world show stalls, entries, plus travel money. Best of all Dear OQHA, is your support by cheering us on. Thank you Cam and Lisa for coming out to the show hank you for sponsoring the Senior Reserve and watching us. I felt so proud when they both come Horsemanship trophy at the Ohio State Fair. to me after my class and told me “it was awesome.” I Thanks, was only a semi-finalist and I’m only nine years old, Adrian Boudinot but it felt like I won when everyone was cheering. Centerburg, Ohio Kids in Ohio do not know how lucky we are! Our state is one of the very few who pays our way to the Ohio Quarter Horse News 9




Forum World Show. Our organization is always working for better things. I know this because my dad is an executive director on the board and I know how hard he works for everyone to help us all -- OQHA and OQHYA be the best that it can be. Kelli Diaz was great. Our decorations were very nice, our hospitality room was always full and our shirts and the walk-in was excellent. Our team was great!! Lots of awards were won and best of all lots of new friends were made. I thank everyone who had a part in it. I was proud to represent Ohio and I hope Ohio was proud of all of us. Thanks again. Being only nine years old made it even more special. Thanks Ohio, Ellexxah I. Maxwell

OQHA, OAQHA and OQHYA ballots will all be mailed from the OQHA office in early December. They must be mailed to:

Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400 To be counted for the election, all ballots must be submitted by January 30, 2011. 10

Ohio Quarter Horse News



by Skip Salome

he 2010 All American Quarter Horse Congress is shaping up to be one of the best ever. Once again, I am proud to say that the Congress remained steady, despite the economy. I would like to personally thank the Congress Tri-Chairmen, the entire OQHA Board of Directors, OQHA staff, commercial exhibitors, sponsors, workers and volunteers, as well as all of the judges, trainers, exhibitors and spectators. Without your dedication, hard work and support, the Congress would be possible. I would like to extend my congratulations to all of our Congress Champions, Congress Reserve Champions, Congress Top Tens and Congress Finalists from Ohio. We are lucky to have such a successful and vibrant Quarter Horse industry in this state, and we are always well-represented at the Congress. So to all, congratulations on your acheivements at the 2010 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Congratulations are also in order to the ‘Dream Team’ that represented Ohio at the AQHYA Ford Youth World Show, as well as our exhibitors at the Adequan Select World Show. Ohio took home several World Championships and Reserve World Championships this year, and many more Top Ten and Finalist honors. I want to wish our Amateur and Open exhibitors, who are now at the AQHA World Show, good luck in all your classes! Once again, it is time for OQHA, OQHYA and OAQHA officer and director elections. In this issue you will find biographies on all of the candidates running for office. I encourage every member to vote this year. Ballots will be mailed in mid-December and must be mailed by January 30th to be counted. Finally, I wish everyone Happy Holidays, and we will see you next year!

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA News OQHA Election Slate Announced


uring the OQHA September board of directors meeting, nominations for the 2011 election were made. Nominees were either nominated by the nominating committee or nominated from the floor. The following is the 2011 election slate of officer and director candidates. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 30th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400

President: Vic Clark*

Charlie Menker*

1st Vice President: Wayne Erwin*

Skip Salome*

2nd Vice President: Elizabeth Gorski* Todd Salome*

Hank Clason

Directors: Mark Cherubini* Tim Folck* Cindy Morehead* Denny Thorsell* Ted Handel* Randy Jacobs

Candi Fites* Ron McCarty* Chuck Smith* Mike Vargo* Mark Fontana* Sid Griffith

Kelli Diaz* Bob Hexter* John Pickersgill* Rod Atherton* Bill Wright* Sam Mierzejewski

*Asterisks denote candidates nominated by the nominating committee. All other candidates were nominated from the floor.

Awards Banquet Reservations Due


hio Quarter Horse Association members are invited to attend the 2010 Year-End Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting, held Saturday, February 5, 2011. The meetings will begin at 11:30 a.m. with Youth and Amateur board meetings. The OQHA Annual Board Meeting will begin at 12:00 noon. The Hospitality Suite will open after the conclusion of the OQHA board meeting, at approximately 3:30 p.m. The 2010 Year-End Awards Banquet will begin at 5:00 p.m. with a three-course sit-down dinner, followed

by the presentation of awards and a live and a silent auction at 9:00 p.m. This year’s event will be held at the Ramada Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, located at 4900 Sinclair Road in Columbus. Hotel reservations are due by January 15th to receive the group rate. Reservations can be made by calling (614) 846-0300. Dinner reservations are due by January 22nd to the OQHA office in Richwood. Reservation forms can be found on page 5 of this magazine.

Upcoming Meetings


he next OQHA board meeting will be November 22, 2010 at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, on the fourth Monday of the month, to avoid conflicts with World Show exhibitors. There will be no board meeting in December, due to holidays. In January, the OQHA board will meet on Monday, the 17th, at 7 p.m., as usual.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Vic Clark Running for: President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Hebron, Ohio. I now reside in Shelby, where I live with my wife of 33 years, Libby.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a CPA and partner in the firm Campbell, Rose and Company, CPAs.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have served on the board of a local handicapped riding organization.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am currently serving as the first vice president. In the past, I have served as a Congress Tri-Chairman, as well as serving as the OQHA President in 1997 and 1998. I have served on many committees during my 26 years on this board, including 14 years as a Congress TriChairman.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I served as NSBA President, as well as serving on their board. I am an NRHA judge and have judged all over the United States and Europe.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am a lifetime director, as long as I remain active as a past president. After a few years away from being a Tri-Chairman, I came back to that position starting in 2007.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Seek involvement of younger horse enthusiasts on our aging board of directors. 2. Give more support to our regional associations in non-Congress related activities. 3. Work with our executive vice president, Cam Foreman, to ensure our association continues to grow and improve.”

Charlie Menker Running for: President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. I currently reside in Brookville, Ohio, with my wife Judy. We have three grown daughters, Brenda Walker, Donna Hughes and Belinda Vaughton.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired from management with General Motors. In addition, I own Rockin M Trailer Sales and Service.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Charlie Menker, Continued Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I completed eight years of service with our township trustees, including three years as president and two years on the Montgomery County Planning Commission. Presently, I am serving on a joint Economic Development Committee for Clay Township and the City of Clayton.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA director for more than 30 years. I have served as vice president for two years and then served a successful two-year term as president directly thereafter. I have served as Congress Tri-Chairman for three years, as well as chaired the Congress National Youth Activity Team Tournament committee for 19 years. I have also served as a committee member on several committees, including OQHA Scholarship, Membership and Judges Committees and I am a past OJQHA advisor. I am a life member of OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have served as a ring steward at the AQHYA World Show in Fort Worth, Texas for the past 14 years. I have also served 28 years on the AQHA Youth Activity committee. I am currently an American Quarter Horse Association Honorary Vice President, as well as a life member of AQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have been around the horse industry my entire life and understand its workings. I feel that I have the leadership capabilities and will be able to move the leadership of OQHA forward. One of my biggest contributions to Ohio Quarter Horse was assisting in building the Denny Hales Arena, which was paid off in my second term as president.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I believe we need to concentrate on membership and also exhibitor services to enhance the experience of Congress exhibitors.”

1st Vice Presidential Candidates Wayne Erwin Running for: 1st Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Bucyrus, Ohio. I still live there with my wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Lindsey, 21, and Riley, 13, and son, Clint, 11.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Full-time horse business takes most of my time, traveling as an AQHA judge, consultant and other segments of our industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am active in our school programs and very involved in the Shriners Children’s Hospital program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an OQHA Director for more than 32 years and have worked and attended every Congress. I have been on all committees. I have served several terms


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Wayne Erwin, Continued as second vice president and am currently corporate secretary and manager of Stallion Avenue.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of AQHA and OQHA since 1974 and have been an AQHA judge for 32 years. I also hold judges’ cards for NSBA and PHBA. I am a member of the AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have enjoyed the privilege of serving in a number of roles as an officer and given my many years of experience and lifetime of dedication to OQHA, the Congress and the Quarter Horse breed. I look forward to, and would be honored, to serve as your first vice president.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain the prestige and quality of the Congress with new programs and improvements. 2. Concentrate on a board of officers and directors that will pull together and serve unselfishly. 3. Continue to maintain and improve our financial stability.”

Skip Salome Running for: 1st Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. I now live in Newark, Ohio with my wife, Carol. Together we have three children – two of which are involved in OQHA. We have four grandchildren, with one grandchild showing on the Quarter Horse circuit.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I operate Skip Salome Enterprises, Inc. which is involved in the restaurant and catering business, as well as other ventures.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am involved in many charities and community activities. I received the Everet Reece Foundation Man of the Year award, which is the highest award of its kind in Newark.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a board member for more than 30 years, serving on every committee. I have been a Congress Tri-Chairman, as well as having held every office within the association. I was also inducted into the Congress Hall of Fame in 2008.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a 4-H advisor. My family also operated a handicapped riding program for four years on our farm.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As president, I feel that I have been a supportive person for any area where help is needed.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Skip Salome, Continued What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Congress 2. Board members 3. Fiscal responsibility”

2nd Vice Presidential Candidates Elizabeth Gorski

Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Philadelphia, but was raised and educated in Southern California. I received my Bachelor of Arts from the University of California–San Diego in 1987 and my Juris Doctorate from the University of San Diego in 1991. I currently live on a horse farm in Bowling Green, Ohio with my husband and two sons.” Please describe what you do for a living: “Our family owns a testing laboratory.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a member of the Board of Education for Ostego Local School District. I am also a leadership team member for the high school youth group at my church, St. Aloysius Catholic in Bowling Green. I am a member of Toledo Road Runners Association and actively compete in running events.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director on the OQHA board since 2003. I chaired the Congress Lecture and Demonstration Committee from 2004-2009. I am the chair of the Congress Lecture Series. I have been the chair/co-chair of the grievance committee since 2004. I am co-chair of the membership committee and have served three years on the nominating committee. I have also served on the drug task force. I also show horses regularly at OQHA events.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have chaired the NOQHA Scholarship Committee since 2002. I am serving a three-year term on the AQHA Public Policy Committee and I am a graduate of the AQHA Leadership Program.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have worked hard to make the lecture/demonstration series at Congress outstanding by actively seeking world-class presenters who are experts in various fields of the horse industry.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Maintain, and seek to constantly improve the quality of the Congress 2. Work with regional OQHA boards to help make Quarter Horse shows in Ohio fun and affordable for the exhibitor. 3. Prepare the next generation of leaders to successfully drive OQHA and the Congress.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Todd Salome Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio by my father and mother, Skip and Carol Salome. I have two sisters: Kelli Diaz and Cathy Pangborn. I currently reside in Utica, Ohio with my wife, Laura, and two sons, Tommy and Jonathon.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am employed at Coyne Graphic Finishing and am in charge of sales and marketing. I also own Salco Ltd. which consists of rental properties that I own and operate. Additionally, my wife and I are half owners of Salabini Ranch LLC, where we buy, sell and raise Quarter Horses. Jason and Kristen Sorrell of Sorrell Performance Horses are currently renting our farm where they specialize in training youth and amateur competitors.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “We work together as a family in many charities. We have put on a Christmas dinner to feed the hungry for more than three years, which covers four counties. We have also been involved in many fundraisers for local politicians. We have had many less fortunate kids at my father, Skip’s, farm where we feed them, have games and horseback riding. In the past, I have been involved in Jail and Bail, as well as Bid for Bachelors for Easter Seals. I am on the board of directors for Printing Industries of Northern Kentucky, Screen Printing of America and Printing Industries of America. I have also helped the Ohio Amateur and Ohio Youth Associations through donations and fundraising events.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “In the past, I served on the Ohio Youth board as vice president and director. I also served on the Ohio Amateur board as vice president and director for eight years. More recently, I have been a Ohio Director for the last six years. In the last five years, I have been on fire and safety, membership (chairman), annual banquet (chairman), nomination (chairman), security, trailer unloading (move-in day), opening ceremonies and closing ceremonies (co-chair). I have helped with Parade of States by organizing the kids and Freestyle Reining, by collecting tickets. This year, I am co-chairing opening ceremonies, banquet, closing ceremonies, corporate sponsors and door advertisements, where we sold $15,000 worth of advertisements.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “Lisa Alley and I have turned the closing ceremonies around and have increased the attendance by 50 percent. We have gotten more of our corporate sponsors involved in this event as well. We have sold over $15,000 in revenue with door advertisements. I also help the Ohio Amateurs with their pancake day at the Congress, I work their horse show and help raise money at the banquet through the live auctions. I help get items for the live auctions at the banquet for both the amateur and youth. I helped Kelli Diaz and family serve the dinner at the Stephanie Spielman Horse Show for the youth. I also helped at the Region Four Regional Show.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Communication - I would like to see the directors have more say in some of the decisions of the organization. I also think that every director that is a chairman of a committee must write up an outline of budget and day to day activities of that committee, then go over this outline with the in-coming chairmen. It will allow the committees to run more consistently. 2. Show more appreciation to our corporate sponsors by giving them some sort of award of appreciation for being a corporate sponsor. In my travels, a lot of companies hang these awards on their wall for bragging rights. 3. Spread the work responsibilities to more directors. 4. Bring back the Chairs. I think it is important to use them to prepare officers for each position through experience.” Ohio Quarter Horse News 17

OQHA Election Biographies Hank Clason Running for: 2nd Vice President, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Hollywood, California and raised in Centerville, Ohio. I currently reside in Medina, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a horse trainer and coach.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a past director more 20 years. I have served on the Lecture and Demonstration committee, the horse show advisory committee, Ohio Futurity committee and the drug testing committee.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Ohio Futurity 2. New member’s involvement 3. Expanding membership benefits”

Director Candidates Rod Atherton Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Utica, Ohio, where I currently reside.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the operations manager for Valley Interior Systems. I oversee commercial job sites across the state of Ohio.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “Current director and past president of the Knox County Fair Board.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been an amateur exhibitor showing our halter horses since 2003. I have attended every OQHA meeting for the past three years; I have helped at the OQHA clinics held during the All American Youth Show; worked the hospitality cart at the Regional Championship show and assist with the NYATT awards/Queen ceremony.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of AQHA, OQHA, EOQHA, SOQHA, and NOQHA. At the EOQHA shows, I am the guy working the entrance gate. At the OAQHA pancake breakfast held during the Congress, I am the guy cooking the sausage!” Describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I will be able to provide fresh ideas and the perspective from a current horse show exhibitor. My wife and I show at weekend shows throughout the year, as well as showing at the local futurities, Regional Championship Show, and the All American Quarter Horse Congress.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Rod Atherton, Continued This involvement enables me to see what is working and what isn’t from the ‘inside’ of the organization.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Recruit new members for the association; Get current members more involved; Continue to promote and improve the Congress.”

Mark Cherubini Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Columbus in 1966 and have been raised in Utica, where I still live today with my wife, Meredith, and my two children, Mariah and Dominick.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am part-owner of Redskin Transport LLC, and am chief financial officer and vice president for this company. I am also the chief financial officer for Law General Contracting Inc.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “My family and I have been life members of OQHA for as long as we have been involved in the Quarter Horse business. I have served as director for the past three years, and I enjoy being involved in the decision-making process that leads our association. My wife and I like to show at the local level, along with showing at the national level and at the major futurities.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of NRHA. In the past few years, I have become more involved with Reining, showing both OQHA and NRHA. My family and I have been members of the Palomino Horse Breeders Association and have competed at their world show.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “The most important thing I have contributed over the past three years is my time. A lot of people have good ideas, but if you don’t have the time to follow through, it doesn’t do any good. With my business background, I offer different opinions on keeping our association fun, but responsible and fiscally strong, as well.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Membership should be our top priority; improve the Congress and keep OQHA shows strong.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Kelli Diaz Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and now live in Heath, Ohio with my husband, Manny, and three daughters, Normy, Lauren and Kami.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I oversee the office for my husband, who owns and operates Jack’s Septic, which services, installs and repairs septic systems, as well as Diager LLC, a construction, excavation and demolition company and I recently purchased a mobile boutique selling high-end street wear and consignment show apparel.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member for over 30 years and grew up showing and supporting the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I have been the chairman of the Congress Queen Contest for the past nine years, chairman of the OQHA Year-End Awards for the past six years and Youth Advisor for the past two years. I also chaired the AQHA Trail Ride from 2003 to 2008.” Please discuss your involvement with any other horse-related organizations: “I am currently a member of AQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA and EOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your recent term of office: “Even though I have only been a director for the past three years, I have been able to devote as much time and dedication needed to the committees that I have served on since 2001, as well as any other areas needed to ensure the success of the association. If re-elected, I will continue to work hard for OQHA with my main focus being the youth.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel the top three priorities should be: 1. Congress - to continue to discover ways to stay one step ahead of the industry and remain the most prestigious show in the country. 2. Board of Officers and Directors - it is important that the positions held not only work hard, but work together to lead our association both successfully and financially. 3. Youth - they are the future of our association and we need to ensure that they have the guidance to become our future leaders.”

Candi Fites Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Alliance, Ohio, but I currently reside on the family farm in Beloit, Ohio. I have lived there for 40 years. I have a daughter, Valerie, her husband, Eric, and their son, Caleb.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am retired from West Branch School District, where I was a bus driver and transportation instructor for 29 years.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Candi Fites, Continued Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been involved for 30 years in all phases of the organization, starting with youth activities with my daughter, Valerie, through queen competition and eventually serving on the board and back to youth activities again with my grandson, Caleb.” Are you involved in any other horse-related activities? “NOQHA, for 15 years; I was a committee chairman for membership and futurities. I also served on the horse show committee and executive committee. I have also been part of the office show staff for the Southern Belle and Reichert Celebration for the past six years.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am co-chair of Congress Programs and co-chair of the Breeder’s Incentive Program. I also serve on the year-end awards and horse show committees.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. To continue to bring new and exciting venues to Congress. 2. Continue looking for new incentives to support the local AQHA shows. 3. Encourage new people to get involved and support the OQHA programs.”

Tim Folck Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born, raised and still reside in Springfield, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I specialize in all forms of equine-related insurance coverages, including full mortality/theft, major medical, stallion infertilty, plus farm owners (package protection on property and liability) and stable liability. In addition, I do major consulting work on products, services and events in the Quarter Horse industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My wife, Denise, and I support our church Harmony Christian, and numerous local, state and national activities in Ohio and Kentucky.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I’ve been an OQHA director since 1990, serving on various committees, including membership, grievance, professional horsemen, Stallion Avenue, plus assorted Congress committees, including Super Sale.” Please discuss your involvement with any other horse-related organizations: “I am a member of the AQHA Professional Horsemans Committee and the Kentucky Horse Council. I am also involved with the International Equestrian Festival.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I actively contribute my long-time experience and expertise to fulfill the mission statement of OQHA, specifically to enhance the image of our association and the American Quarter Horse statewide and nationally. I managed the Congress Super Sale with

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Tim Folck, Continued my late father, Blair Folck, since graduating from The Ohio State University in 1968, through 2008. Also, the development of Folck Insurance and breeding, showing, racing and raising Quarter Horses has led me throughout the country and Europe. I have my fingers on the current pulse of the entire industry and relate trends back to the OQHA board.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Significantly enhance marketing and public relations to reach new people and related organizations. We’ve become stagnant in reaching out to attract a new generation to the western lifestyle we all love and appreciate. OQHA needs to set a committee and appropriate a budget to draw new interest and active membership. Assuming continued success, especially with the Congress, is dangerous in these perilous economic times. 2. Introduce a program and future limited Congress classes for handicap theraputic riding. Other organizations and events have undertaken this important part of our culture that stimulates persons with disabilities and their families. For example, the World Equestrian Games in 2010 offered Para-Dressage with excellent response. 3. Focus more on the fact that OQHA and AQHA are truly in the entertainment business! We need to make the horse insutry more fun and exciting as outlet from other business. Discover the ways and means to justify the cost of horse ownership while experiencing the wholesome family entertainment value. This is also an attraction for potential future corporate sponsors.”

Mark Fontana

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee No biographical information recieved.

Ted Handel

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Newark, Ohio and currently reside with my wife and partner, Judi, on a horse farm in Mount Perry, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the owner of Mound City Products Inc., a commercial and residential awning manufacturer whose products include awnings, Wind Socks for the FAA and a variety of custom Equine products and stall curtains. We also own Diamond H Farm a horse training facility and M&H Enterprises (the DBA under which we operate rental properties). My prior business experience was in the corporate world, specializing in material procurement and facilities management. The last 19 of those years, I was with a division of Siemens.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have chaired and co-chaired committees for the implementation facilities required for fund raising events for The Works in Newark, Ohio, a philanthropic organization. I have served on the properties committee of Camp Falling Rock, 22 Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Ted Handel,Continued a Boy Scout facility in the Licking District of Simon Kenton Council. I currently chair the bridge committee, seeking to both design and implement the funding and installation of a replacement bridge for the entrance to the camp. Also, I have been a member of the Newark Mannerchor for more than 30 years.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for more than 30 years and a life member for more than 20 years. I have also attended the Congress for more than 30 years. I have participated in the Ohio futurities. I have supported the Congress Queen Contest for the past 10 years and provide stall curtains for the newly elected Queen. I have supported the AQHA Trail Ride with prizes for participation. In 2001, Mound City Products manufactured a vinyl style cover for the OQHRA booth and provides help with the installation every year. My company most recently has produced stall curtains for the Ohio youth teams at the AQHYA Youth World show. During the past two years at Congress I have helped with the NYATT ceremony at the Congress.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a founding member of the Ohio State Buckskin Association, a charter of the International Buckskin Horse Association. I was a director for OSBA for 15 years and have served as both vice president and president. I am currently serving as president of IBHA. I served as chair of the abuse and illegal equipment committee and worked with IBHA and the committee to develop and implement IBHA’s current drug testing program. I have represented IBHA at the AQHA convention several times in conjunction with the AQHA/IBHA alliance agreement. I serve as the IBHA alliance representative to NSBA under NSBA/IBHA alliance agreement. I initiated the formal request to create the OSBA/OQHA alliance.” Please describe how would contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I would be able to provide my expertise in procurement, facility management, knowledge of the horse industry and time.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Finding ways to promote the growth, retention and participation in all areas of the membership 2. Defining the direction of OQHA during these times of a changing economy 3. Continue to make the Congress the fantastic venue it is in the horse industry today.”

Bob Hexter Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I currently reside on a small horse farm in Delaware, Ohio with my wife, Karen. I have two sons, Bob Jr. of Ocala, Florida and Steve, who lives in the Columbus area and our daughter, Shannon, who lives in Delaware with our 3 ½ year old grandson, Vinny.” Please describe what you do for a living: “After being self-employed in the sporting goods industry and landscaping business, I retired a few years ago, leaving me the freedom and time to devote to my passions.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a life member of AQHA, OQHA and the National Bicycle Dealers Association. I currently serve on the OQHA Board of Directors.” Ohio Quarter Horse News 23

OQHA Election Biographies Bob Hexter, Continued Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “For OQHA, I have served on numerous committees for more than 20 years, including chairman or co-chairman of: horse show advisory committee, nomination committee and trail ride committee. For the Congress, I served two years as a ringmaster, and then was head ringmaster for three years. I was asked to serve as the assistant show manager for 14 years. I stepped down and then took on Stallion Avenue the next year. I have served on many committees over the course of my tenure as a board member.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Our family has owned World Champions, Congress winners and earned AQHA top ten titles, as well as many OQHA annual awards and circuit championships.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I currently serve on the nominating committee, as well as the trail ride committee. At the 2010 Congress I am co-chairman of the fire and safety, programs and animal abuse committees.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. The Congress has been the industry leader for more than 40 years. We must never lose sight of the fact that it is a horse show first. It must continue to change and evolve with new programs and incentives. Both exhibitors and visitors need to feel a part of the experience that is ‘The Biggest and Best Horse Show on Earth.’ 2. OQHA must also continue to lead the way to organizational growth, supporting our membership with innovative programs to get everyone involved. 3. The board of directors needs to work together as a team to improve communication and be open to new ideas that will sustain the Congress and our industry leadership.”

Ron McCarty

Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio, where I still live.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the owner of McCarty Pump Service and Water treatment.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have served as an OQHA officer/director for nearly 25 years.” Please describw how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I have been on the trail ride committee, scholarship committee, commercial exhibits committee and the program sales committee. I have also helped with the barns, security and the food committee at Congress.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to improve the Ohio Expo Center grounds. 2. Continue to improve the Congress with new ideas to keep people coming. 3. Try to find ways to bring new people to OQHA.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Cindy Morehead Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, but I was raised in Milford, New Hampshire. I currently reside in Findlay, Ohio, and have been there for the past 33 years.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am an instructor at the University of Findlay Western program, and have been there since it started 33 years ago. I am also the head coach of the western IHSA team. With this job I stay current with the future of our industry.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My IHSA Equestrian Team helps with the city mission in Findlay.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director for a few years. I am on the judging team committee, the scholarship committee, horse show advisory committee, and the membership committee. I help at the Congress with the Hunter/Jumper warm-ups, judging and team tournament.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am regional president for IHSA, I was president and am now a director for the OMIQHA. I also belong to the Buckeye Horseman’s Association that puts on the four day circuit in Findlay each summer.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I am willing to be involved and help with anything I’m needed for. I have helped get the judging teams going, helped with discussions on the horse show advisory committee and membership committee, and helped with the selection of scholarship recipients. At the Congress, I am involved with the Hunter/Jumper warm-ups and setting up for the youth team ceremonies.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Our youth, building our membership and continuing to keep the Quarter Horse Congress running smoothly and efficiently.”

John Pickersgill Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee No biographical information received.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Chuck Smith Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Athens, Ohio and raised in Crooksville and I currently reside on a farm near Amanda, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train cutting horses and cutting horse riders.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am president of a not for profit company that holds easements for preserving wetlands and streams.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director of OQHA for nearly 20 years. I have also chaired the Cutting events at the Congress for the same length of time.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been a director of the National Cutting Horse Association for 20 years and currently serve on the executive committee. I have chaired the long-range planning committee, the show producers committee, and the promotions committee.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I run the Cutting events during the Congress.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Keep the Congress strong and growing 2. Promote the Quarter Horse as an all-around family horse, as well as a show horse. 3. Help build new stalling facilities on the state fairgrounds for horses.”

Denny Thorsell Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I currently live in Burbank, Ohio with my wife of 42 years, Eileen.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a principle in the Thorsell group, which specializes in employee benefits. I also own and operate Creek Bend Ranch, which breeds and raises bulls that compete in national events. I operate Buckin’ Ohio, which produces professional bull riding events.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a member of the Medina, Lodi, Wooster and Wadsworth Chambers of Commerce. I serve on the Harrisville Township Zoning Board. I am a stock contractor for PBR and SEBRA and I serve on the Ohio Livestock Committee for the Ohio Department of Agriculture.” 26 Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Denny Thorsell, Continued Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “As a lifetime member of OQHA, I have served as director for more than 15 years. Currently, I am serving my third term as a Tri-Chairman. I have also been a paddock judge at the Congress for 18 years, and I have served on every standing committee for OQHA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I serve as the chairman of the American Quarter Horse Association’s Ranch Horse Versatility committee and am a member of the show and contest committee. I have been a paddock judge at every AQHA Open, Amateur, Select and Youth World Show for 15 years. Additionally, I have been an AQHA judge since 1968, and have judged World Shows, Congress and two Regional Championships.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I was instrumental in the transition from the unexpected loss of our previous executive director to the appointment of our new executive director. Most recently, I have served as a Tri-Chairman, and I judged at the Regional Championships this past year.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Encourage officers and directors to be innovative with new ideas for horse shows and the Congress. 2. Fiscal responsibility 3. Continue to keep the Congress as the premier Quarter Horse show in the world.”

Mike Vargo Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, and I currently live in Plain City, Ohio with my wife, Sandy, son, Tyler, and daughter, Natalie.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the President of Vargo Companies. We design automated conveyor and software systems used in the distribution of products sold through retail facilities, as well as direct to consumer. A sample of the customer base consists of major retail chains such as LL Bean, American Eagle, Amazon, Levi Strauss, American Signature Furniture and The Limited.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I served on the Development Board for Catholic Social Services. I have been a long-standing supporter and contributor to Kids-NKamp, a local organization that provides support to children and families of children diagnosed with cancer.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA since 1994.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Other than being a member of the OQHA, I am also a life member of AQHA, as well as the NSBA.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “If elected as a director, my contribution will

Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHA Election Biographies Mike Vargo, Continued come from understanding the significance of what is required to operate a large, successful organization with multiple facets. The overall success of any organization is to provide balance within the organization and to leverage all available resources that the individual members contribute. Then, to leverage the members’ skill sets in order to maintain and accomplish the original vision.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Stability of growth in membership. While I believe that it is vital to maintain a diligent effort to grow membership numbers, it is equally, if not more important, to increase existing membership participation. Without increased existing member participation, we become a dues-collecting organization that in time will deteriorate or or dissolve or be forced to scale back to a level that will not attract membership of any kind. 2. Increase greater awareness and promote participation within the existing membership. From a more intended grass roots level, develop and build from within our own organizations regionally, leveraging multiple competitive and educational activities to take place around the entire state. Structure and promote educational activities drawn from the abundance of talent and experience that exists within the OQHA. 3. Continue to explore and create sound business development activities. The priority of any successful organization is to maintain a solid fiscal position through obvious improvements and enhancements, but at the same time create new avenues for growth.”

Bill Wright Running for: Director, Nominated by the committee

and raise Halter horses.”

Where were you born and raised? “I was born in Campsbellville, Kentucky. My family moved to Ohio when I was about eight years old. I grew up in southern Ohio and was into racing cars, not horses, until after my time in the Army as an Airborne Ranger during Vietnam. My wife, Betty, and I live on a small farm in Clermont County, outside Batavia, Ohio. We have lived there for about 20 years. We have a 10-stall barn

Please describe what you do for a living: “I am the manager of Contract Administration and Estimating Services for KZF Design, a full-service architecture engineering company in Cincinnati. I also own Wright Show Horses, where we train Halter, Longe Line and some western and performance horses.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have worked with several 4-H youth kids, the VFW, American Legion and Free Mason.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I am a life member of OQHA. I have shown horses in Ohio for about 30 years at the Congress, SOQHA, EOQHA and NOQHA. I have worked with several stallions that stood on Stallion Avenue at the Congress. We have over the last 10 years shown Halter and Longe Line.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of SOQHA and EOQHA. I am a past director of SOQHA and I am a member of APHA.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

OQHA Election Biographies Bill Wright, Continued

Please decribe what you would contribute to OQHA, if elected: I have been in the construction business for more than 30 years and have learned to listen to the people I work for. As a director, I work for the membership of OQHA. OQHA is growing even in these hard times within the horse business. I, along with all of the membership, have something to say and I will be your voice at OQHA meetings. We all have ideas and reccomendations that we want to make and I will take them to the floor at meetings and help implement them.”

What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Work to keep membership strong and growing, work on any committee that will help keep the All American Quarter Horse Congress the number one show, not only to show at, but the one all want to attend. OQHA should use its strength to help keep the Ohio horse family strong.”

Sid Griffith Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I am a lifelong central Ohio resident who was born and raised in the suburbs of Columbus. I live in Hilliard with my wife, Leigh Ann, and children, Zack and Dakota. My oldest son, Tyler manages our farm.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I began my career in the horse industry as a trainer of Reining, Western Pleasure, Hunters and Hunt Seat horses. Most notably as a professional, I am the youngest person in history to win the NRHA Open Futurity. Today, I leave most of the training to the younger set and have diversified into the role of horse-show dad, breeder, multi-carded judge and business proprietor.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “While my five children were growing up, I became active in local and state 4-H organizations and sat on the Franklin County Senior Fair Board for many years. My youngest daughter, Dakota Diamond Griffith, is the current president of AQHYA where she has made education and membership top priorities. Together, we coach and mentor equestrians with disabilities and donate time and resources to animal charities including the Humane Society.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “My father, Sid Sr., was an attorney and served many years as legal counsel for OQHA before he passed away in 1976. For the past several years, I have donated my judging services to OQHA for the Region Four Experience, as well as the dual approved OQHA/EOQHA show held at the Expo Center in September. I have also assisted with OQHYA initiatives, including helping with World Show stall decorations and set-up.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a multi-carded judge to include AQHA, NRHA, USEF, and NSBA Category 1. My affiliations include life memberships in AQHA, NRHA and NSBA, and I am also an AQHA Professional Horseman. Since 1976, my farm has been home to The Ohio State University’s accredited riding courses for both English and Western disciplines.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHA, if elected: “I bring more than 40 years of experience to the Ohio Quarter Horse News 29

OQHA Election Biographies Sid Griffith, Continued potential role of director, which includes trainer, exhibitor, breeder, AQHA Professional Horseman, multi-carded judge, and fair board member.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to explore innovative ways to increase membership. 2. Enhance youth programming, education and leadership opportunities 3. Increasing show entries.”

Randy Jacobs Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor Where were you born and raised? “I was born and raised in Orrville, Ohio. I currently reside in Dover, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I train Halter horses and am the co-owner of Dac vitamins and minerals.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “My family gives money every month to a child in a foreign country, through our church. I also volunteer coach our elementary football teams.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for at least 20 years. I was also a past director.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of AQHA and a member of the WCHA.” Please describe what you would contribute, if elected: “I would like to contribute an amount of leadership. Horses have always been my livelihood and I feel that I need to give back. I feel that I can contribute honesty and integrity.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. I think we need to get more people involved in our Quarter Horse industry. 2. We need to be more of a positive influence, instead of getting involved with all of the negativity in our world today. 3. I think OQHA needs to work hand in hand with AQHA to make it a strong affiliation.”

Sam Mierzejewski

Running for: Director, Nominated from the floor No biographical information received.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Around Ohio


Ohio Youth win World titles at the Appaloosa National Horse Show

wo Ohio youth travelled to Jackson, Mississippi to compete at the 63rd annual Appaloosa National Horse Show and 2010 World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show and came home with top honors. Held at the Mississippi State Fairgrounds June 21st through July 3rd, the World Championship


Ohio represented well at World Championship Palomino Show

he 2010 Palomino World Championship show was July 13-16 for youth and July 18-24 for open and amateur competitors in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ohio exhibitors took home six world championship honors, three in youth, two in open and one in amateur. Kelsey Grose was Ohio’s big winner, taking home the 2010 Novice Golden Horse Award. Grose, from Marysville, Ohio and her horse Cruise By Walker were crowned World Champions in Novice Western Horsemanship and Novice Hunt Seat Equitation. The pair was took home a Reserve World Championship in Novice Hunter Saddle, third place in Novice Trail and seventh in Novice Showmanship. Ohio’s third Youth World Championship was won by Genevieve Lyons and Good N Gold in Novice Showmanship. Lyons is from Westlake, Ohio. In the open division, Trevor Barnes rode Chips Golden Zipper for Debra Barnes in the NSBA/PHBA Three Year Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure Derby. The pair took first place, winning another World Championship for Ohio.


Appaloosa Youth Show averages more than 2,000 entries every year. Aubrey Marie Cook of Norwalk, Ohio was named Reserve High-Point in the Novice 18 and under division. Cook, with her horse Maid To Be A Charlie, were crowned World Champions in Youth Novice Showmanship. Fifth place finishes in both Hunt Seat Equitation and Western Pleasure, as well as seventh in Western Horsemanship, propelled her to the reserve high-point title. Colton Smith and Hickory Dickory Lena, of Wilmington, Ohio took home a World Championship in Youth Cutting. The Appaloosa National Horse Show will move to Tulsa, Oklahoma for its 2011 and 2012 events. The show is the nation’s oldest single-breed championship event, beginning in 1948 in Lewiston, Idaho.

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Jennifer Schmidt and Laser Fire, of Xenia, Ohio, were crowned World Champions in Senior Barrels and from Fraeysburg, Lisa McDonald and Ima Legendary Doll won Amateur Five Years and Older Halter Mares, rounding out Ohio’s World Champions.

Photo courtesy of the PHBA.

Genevieve Lyons and Good N Gold won Novice Youth Showmanship at the 2010 Palomino World Show, held July 13-16.

Show Schedule


2010 OQHA Show Schedule

uly 7 Rolling Acres Farm Quarter Horse Show Summer Circuit Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH Not approved for OQHA points

August 27 Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association SOQHA Futurity Champions Center, Springfield, OH Not approved for OQHA points

July 8 - 9 Rolling Acres Farm Quarter Horse Show Summer Circuit Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH Not approved for OQHA points

August 28 - 29 Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association SOQHA Futurity Champions Center, Springfield, OH Approved for OQHA points

July 10 - 11 Rolling Acres Farm Quarter Horse Show Summer Circuit Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH Approved for OQHA points 4 judges/4 sets of points

September 6 AQHA Introductory Show Roberts Arena, Wilmington, OH Not approved for OQHA points

July 15 - 18 Region 4 Regional Experience Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH Not approved for OQHA points July 22 - 23 Buckeye Western Horse Association University of Findlay - Western Farm, Findlay, OH Not approved for OQHA points July 24 - 25 Buckeye Western Horse Association University of Findlay - Western Farm, Findlay, OH Approved for OQHA points July 28 All Novice Show Ohio State Fair Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH Not approved for OQHA points August 21 - 22 Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association Show Champions Center, Springfield, OH Approved for OQHA points

September 10 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Show Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH Approved for OQHA points 4 judges/4 sets of points September 11 - 12 Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Show Ohio Expo Center, Columbus, OH Approved for OQHA points 4 judges/4 sets of points September 24 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Show Longe Line Only Canfield, OH Approved for OQHA points September 25 - 26 Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Show Canfield, OH Approved for OQHA points November 26 - 28 Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Turkey Circuit Champions Center, Springfield, OH Not approved for OQHA points Ohio Quarter Horse News


OQHYA Officers & Directors Officers


Max Clason

Caroline Adams

Ellexxah Maxwell

Bailey Mierzejewski

Lauren Diaz

Sophie Mercker

Tyler Schultz

Jessica La Voie

Paul Schwab

Lucy Igoe

Katsy Leeman

Lacy Watson

Dakota Griffith

Kayla Magrum

President 6259 Ryan Rd. Medina, OH 44691 330-725-6614

Vice President 16255 SR 207 Mt. Sterling, OH 43143 330-725-6614

Secretary 5262 N. SR 53 Tiffin, OH 44883 330-239-4096

Director 5111 Oakmont Pl. Westerville, OH 43082

Director 24400 State Route 47 West Mansfield, OH 43358 937-355-9957 MilMax@earthlink.net

Director 5340 Muirfield Ct. Dublin, OH 43017 614-793-0857

Director 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056

Director 618 Rustic Trail Beavercreek, OH 45434 937-427-1471

Treasurer 4666 Sibel Ct. Powell, OH 43065

Reporter 7380 Scioto Darby Rd. Hilliard, OH 43026 lagsgec@sbcglobal.net

Director 2180 New London Rd. Hamilton, OH 45013 513-868-6900

Director 13820 Kimmens Rd. Massillion, OH 44647 330-830-5354

Director 2400 S CR 15 Tiffin, OH 44883 419-448-8044

Director 2443 Gibbs Rd. Goshen, OH 45122 513-625-1313

Advisor: Kelli Diaz 2252 Seminary Rd. Heath, OH 43056 740-404-7930 congressqueenteam@yahoo.com

Upcoming OQHYA Meetings


here will be no more youth board meetings for the remainder of the year. Due to busy schedules, OQHYA has cancelled their meetings in November and December. The next OQHYA board meeting will be January 17, 2010 at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. Be on the lookout in the January/February issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News for any changes.


Ohio Quarter Horse News

November No Meeting December No Meeting January January 17 @ 7pm

Youth Headlines Consider trying out for the 2011 Congress NYATT Team


ll OQHYA youth members are invited to compete a minimum of 10 points. The qualifying period for for a spot on OQHA’s 2011 National Youth Activity the NYATT team begins the Saturday of the SOQHA Team Tournament team. In order to be eligible, youth Winter Circuit in March and runs through July 31st. Members of must be a member of OQHYA the Congress NYATT team and reside in Ohio, as well as attend at least two may only show in one event OQHYA board meetings in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament. between January 1st and July 1st. Events include Showmanship, Horsemanship, Western A youth’s 10 best shows Pleasure, Hunter Under during the qualifying Saddle, Reining and Barrel period will count, provided that the youth Racing. placed in at least three shows and accumulated

2011 AQHYA World Show Team Information


outh can qualify to represent Ohio at the 2011 AQHYA World Show two ways. The first is by earning enough AQHA points during the qualifying period to become nationally qualified. The national qualifying period began May 1, 2010 and runs through April 30, 2011. AQHA determines the number of points youth need to qualify nationally and they are listed on their website, www.aqha.com. Youth that wish to qualify nationally and receive the stipend from OQHA must attend at least two OQHYA meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011. The second way to qualify is in-state. Youth must be members of OQHYA, reside in Ohio and attend at least two meetings between January 1, 2011 and July 1, 2011.

Youth must also place in a minimum of three shows, accumulating at least 10 points during the qualifying period. A youth’s 10 best shows during the qualifying period will count. The qualifying period begins on the Saturday of the SOQHA Winter Circuit in March and runs through May 31st. Youth that wish to qualify for a cattle event, working hunter, jumping, equitation over fences and other classes not usually offered at regular shows can declare their interest in competing at the AQHYA World Show. Letters of declaration must be sent on or before March 1st, 2011 and should be mailed through certified mail with return receipt to OQHA.

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Headlines Ohio Youth make the most of the ‘Arena of Dreams’


he OQHYA Dream Team competed successfully at the 2010 AQHYA World Show held July 30th through August 7th in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ohio was represented by 52 youth who competed in 23 events, taking home three World Championships and four Reserve World Championships in various events. The show attracted 859 exhibitors showing 1,208 horses. 2,402 entries competed from 44 states and three Canadian provinces, with the most representing Texas (98). The largest class was Showmanship, with 174 entries. The breakdown of entries is as follows: 305 in Halter, 589 in English and 1,508 in Western. Ohio congratulates all of our representatives on a job well done. The following is a listing of all Ohio Top Ten placings at the 2010 AQHYA World Show: Performance Mares Halter 8th - Gabrielle Capron and Too Good Is True 10th - Dakota Griffith and Hopeful Assets Performance Geldings Halter WORLD CHAMPION - Johnny Peck and A Classical Touch 6th - Dakota Griffith and Mr Screamin Eagle 10th - Kayla Magrum and PR Deck Dot Com

Yearling Mares Halter 7th - Clayton Heins and Shez Lookin Radiant Two Year Old Mares Halter WORLD CHAMPION - Molli Jacobs and RTH Style and Grace Two Year Old Geldings Halter WORLD CHAMPION - RJ Jacobs and Happy Hour 4th - Haley Herman and Employee Number One 7th - Sheldon McCoy and STKs Execute Three Year Old Mares Halter 8th - Miranda Peck and Cinnamon N Style Three Year Old Geldings Halter Reserve World Champion - Miranda Peck and Kid Be Styling Aged Geldings Halter 5th - Taylor Cartmell and Hear The Echos 8th - Miranda Peck and BR Excelerator Showmanship Reserve World Champion - Gabrielle Capron and Too Good Is True

Ohio youth pose for a picture at the 2010 AQHYA World Show. Sport shirts and cheerleader outfits complimented their theme of “The Dream Team.” 36

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Headlines 10th - Molli Jacobs and Radical McCue Western Pleasure 7th - Alexa Rowland and Shes On Holiday 9th - Katsy Leeman and Miss Slot Machine Western Riding 7th - Christina Berry and Makin My Mark 8th - Katsy Leeman and Deesired Invitation Reining 4th - Mackenzie Clason and KR Offtoseethewizard 9th - Austin Griffith and Rooster Ote

Equitation Over Fences Reserve World Champion - Mallory Myers and Stroke For Stroke 4th - Grant Smith and Gifted Circle 9th - Max Clason and The Big Adventure Working Hunter 6th - Max Clason and The Big Adventure Jumping Reserve World Champion - Mallory Myers and Stroke For Stroke Hunter Hack 3rd - Grant Smith and Gifted Circle

Youth Election Slate


he Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association members have announced their nomination slate for 2011 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 30th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400 President: Dakota Diamond Griffith Vice President: Lucy Igoe Molli Jacobs Bailey Mierzejewski Darian Renner

Secretary: Lacy Watson Reporter: Lauren Diaz Kenzie Perry Treasurer: Katsy Leeman Ellexxah Maxwell Directors: Mindy Barr Cody Campbell Caitlyn Colvin Anna Davis Brittany Harter Brandon Kramer Jessica LaVoie Alexa Rowland Trey Schwab Charley Thiel

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Dakota Diamond Griffith Running for: President Where do you live? “I live in Hilliard, Ohio with my parents Sid, and Leigh Ann Griffith, where our family owns a boarding, training and breeding farm.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a home-schooled senior (in high school).” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “My community involvement includes assisting underprivileged counties in Ohio with their 4-H programs, participating in national trail clean-up activities and promoting education through Junior Master Horseman. One of my greatest passions is coaching equestrians with disabilities and training their horses so they can respond to a rider’s specific needs. Additionally, I have donated time to several unwanted horse causes.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “As a lifetime member of OQHA, I have served as both a youth director and officer. Currently, I hold the office of reporter where I organize and design the Spotlight Youth ads and deal with media relations.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am the current president of AQHYA, the 2010 NSBA Youth President, four-time president of River Cities Quarter Horse Youth and I hold the current title of Miss Rodeo Ohio USA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “As a contributing columnist for GoHorseShow.com, I use my skills as a reporter to enhance the current office I hold at OQHA. In addition to writing and publishing the youth spotlights, I have enjoyed promoting all aspects of OQHA through my relations with the media. Raising awareness is an important tool to idea-sharing and problem-solving. I strongly believe that 4-H and state extension are vital to ensure future membership and growth in our organization. With many counties suffering through difficult economic times, I donate my time as a clinician and youth leader in underprivileged areas of our state where 4-H chapters are in danger of being eliminated. I am also active in scholarship and emergency fund raising causes. For the 2010 Youth World, I was a contributor to the Scrapbook, hospitality room, and stall decorating committees.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Fundraising is definitely the number one priority of the organization. 2. Developing youth leadership at the national level. 3. Increasing membership through improved public relations.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Vice Presidential Candidates Lucy Igoe Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “In Powell, Ohio, with my mom, Barb Igoe.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I attend Olentangy Liberty High School and I am currently a senior.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am highly active in many clubs around my school, some of which include: service club, and Red Cross Club. I am an active member of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Also, I volunteer at the local YMCA and Cozy Cat Cottage. I am also a student mentor at my high school.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHA for 12 years now. I have been a past director and also treasurer of OQHYA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I devote all of my time to OQHYA and AQHYA, and the NSBA youth.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently the OQHYA treasurer. I have contributed to this organization throughout the past year by helping the board of OQHYA get more involvement from the youth of the organization. We had a successful World Show by showing our spirit, from the stall decorations to the walk-in skit we had. We all came together as a family and we all became friends. After the walk-in, many youth came up and commented on how they wished they were an Ohio kid. That’s what we should aim for. I would love to keep building on the progress we made this year as an organization and as a group as a whole. I would also love to grow in our participation at the YES Conference. I was lucky enough to get the experience of traveling to Amarillo, Texas and be a part of this amazing conference. Every OQHYA youth should get the same experience as I did.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Get young involvement; the future of our organization is in the youth, it is up to us! 2. We have one of the largest teams at the AQHYA Youth World Show, we still need to keep up the work we started and make every youth in the country feel like they want to be from Ohio. 3. We need to try to make the banquet more fun and interesting for all. Everyone, youth and adults, work so hard throughout the year to make it into the standings at the end of the year. It should be a unforgettable celebration, every year.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Molli Jacobs Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Dover, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I go to Garaway High School and I am in the 12th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am a varsity basketball cheerleader, I am in the National Honor Society, I am on our student council, I am part of our Interact club and I am in Spanish club.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHYA for 11 years and have been on our youth world team numerous times.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am part of Tammy Rath’s high school equestrian team for Horsemanship and Reining. I am also a lifetime member of AQHA.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I would really like to contribute a large amount of leadership to OQHYA. I feel that our organization lacks in enthusiasm and group involvement and I hope to bring those two things to a much higher level.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Involvement – We need to work harder as a team. 2. Enthusiasm – We should be more excited for the large and great team that we have. 3. Encouragement – Our team is so large and very good, so I think we need to be behind each other 110 percent.”

Bailey Mierzejewski Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Mt. Sterling, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Madison Plains High School, and am in the 10th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been on my high school varsity tennis team for two seasons. Also, I am involved in both Spanish and Key club through school. I have worked several charity events for the Ronald McDonald House. Through my high school FFA programs, we host several charity fundraisers, such as an annual golf scramble. Recently, I volunteered with other OQHYA members at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink show.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I am currently vice president and have been a director for several years. Also, I have represented the OQHYA on the World Show team for the past four years.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Bailey Mierzejewski, Continued Are you involved in any other horse- related organizations? “Yes, I am currently the treasurer for SOQHYA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “This year I served as vice president on the OQHYA board. I attended all of the meetings that I could and ran several of the meetings that the president could not be present at. For the first time this year, I represented OQHYA at the YES convention in Amarillo, Texas. Also, this was my fourth year attending the Youth World. At the Tough Enough to Wear Pink horse show, I helped serve at the exhibitors’ dinner with other OQHYA members. At the Congress this year, I also will be representing Ohio in the NYATT team tournament.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. I believe that we should always try to encourage new membership and participation. 2. I think OQHYA should work with other organizations to try to make the shows more affordable. Many people might be able to show more often and that would bring up the overall entries. 3. I think OQHYA should sponsor more youth activities at the shows. This would encourage more participation and also some of them could be used as fundraisers.”

Darian Renner Running for: Vice President Where do you live? “I live in Vincent, Ohio with my parents, Dan and Julie, my younger brother, Mason, younger sister, Logan, our three dogs, Wilson, Emma and Sofi, two cats, Booger and Spencer, our two show horses, The Kat Tails “Ross”, ThePleasuresAllShine “Marge”, and our pony, Little Jack.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am currently a Junior at Warren High School. However, I am participating in the PSEO program, and am now a freshman at Washington State Community College.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “In the past, I have volunteered at our local animal shelter and local library, as well as also having helped to coach both upward and pee-wee basketball leagues in our community. Last year, I enjoyed helping in the multiple disabilities room at our elementary school. I have been a member of Educational Talent Search for three years, and I am also involved in my teen youth group at church, where we volunteer at many different events in our community. This year, I volunteered at the 4th Annual TKH Charity Golf Outing, which was a benefit for two people in medical need.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This year was my first year to be involved in OQHYA and I have participated in many different events. I helped fundraise for OQHYA by selling Congress raffle tickets, as well as taking part OQHYA’s pizza party this spring at the Springfield, Ohio horse show. I have represented OQHYA at the AQHYA World Championship Show in Performance Geldings, and Hunter Under Saddle and will represent OQHYA at the Congress in NYATT Hunter Under Saddle, as well as attending as many meetings as I was able to. I am planning on helping to sell 50/50 tickets during the Freestyle Reining at the Congress, to benefit OQHYA.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Darian Renner, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the National Snaffle Bit Association, and American Quarter Horse Association.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I would like to become more involved in OQHYA by attending more meetings and meeting more people. I would also like to help to make sure the general members’ voices are heard. Also, if elected, I hope to get more members involved in activities such as the Speech, and Judging Contests at the World Show and the American Quarter Horse Association.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel that OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years should be to get more people involved with the association, to make sure the general members’ voices are heard, and to spread the word that people do not have to own a horse in order to be involved in the association; they can instead participate in activities such as the horse judging, speech, and hipology contests.”

Secretary Candidates Lacy Watson Running for: Secretary Where do you live? “I live in Goshen, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am currently a sophomore at Goshen High School. ” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a youth director for the past few years and I have participated in many fundraisers.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been actively involved in the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Youth Association over the past few years. During those years, I have held the office of director and vice president and I am currently the president of the youth association.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently an OQHYA director. I have contributed to OQHYA by participating at the meetings and leading fundraisers.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Over the next two to three years, I feel OQHYA should get new members involved, see more involvement in fundraisers, and achieve higher goals.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Reporter Candidates Lauren Diaz Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “I live in Heath, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a student at St. Francis De Sales school.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I volunteered at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink horse show, Volley for the Cure, AQHA Trail Rider and at the YES clubhouse.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I was a director in 2009 and I was on the world team in 2008 and 2009. I have been a member for five years. I also represented Ohio at the YES convention and I participated in OQHYA fundraisers.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA and AQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “I am currently a director for OQHYA. I contributed by helping with fundraisers, serving dinner at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink show and I represented Ohio at the Ford Youth World Show and the YES conference.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Getting more kids involved 2. Coming together as a ‘team’ 3. Getting involved with other organizations - interacting with people from other areas - increasing membership.”

Kenzie Perry Running for: Reporter Where do you live? “Granville, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a junior in high school. I go to Granville High School.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I went to the AQHYA World Show on the Ohio Team in 2010. I also qualified to represent Ohio at Congress in NYATT for Hunter Under Saddle.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Kenzie Perry, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am the reporter for EOQHA and I have written for their website.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I will do my best to get others involved. I will contribute ideas for walk-in/stall decoration for the 2011 Youth World Show. I also would like to come up with fundraiser ideas that we can do at shows to raise money for our youth.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Go to any benefits/horse shows that need help raising money. 2. Make sure ALL Ohio youth are knowledgable about state/national qualifying (for many years I was uneducated about state qualifying). This is likely to get more youth involved. 3. Get more youth involved in AQHA showing.”

Treasurer Candidates Katsy Leeman Running for: Treasurer Where do you live? “Massillon, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Jackson High School and I’m in 12th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I adopted a wild mustang, Sophie and spent the summer working with her.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I’m a director for OQHYA and have been a member since I was seven.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “No, but I participate in my local fun show with my ponies, Patches and Buddy, twice a year.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “At the meetings I try to get ideas going, also I helped in the set-up of our stalls at Youth World and I try to get everyone involved who normally wouldn’t be.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Getting more member who actively participate. - Promote unwanted horses - Improve attendance at shows and meetings.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Ellexxah Maxwell Running for: Treasurer Where do you live? “I live in West Mansfield, Ohio with my parents, Brent and Melissa Maxwell, my grandma Becky, my dog, Nigel and Mystique the cat.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I attend Connections Academy Online Public School. I am in the fourth grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I attend martial arts at the School of Dynamic Defense. I currently have a rank of black belt.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHYA since I was old enough to sit on a horse. I was a member of the 2009 Youth World Team. In 2010 I was elected as a director. I was also a member of the 2010 World Show Team and made the semi-finals in showmanship. As the chairman of the World Show Scrapbook Committee, it was my responsibility to put together the scrapbook and assist in presenting it at the World Show. In addition, I attended both the Youth Miyer in Springfield, Ohio and the OQHA Picnic.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am also a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, the NSBA and the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association, where I have served as both director and reporter.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “This year as director I have attended all meetings. I feel it is really important to be involved. I volunteer for as many things as I can to keep things moving forward. I was also chairman of the scrapbook committee.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Membership! We have quite a few youth that are moving up to amateur in 2011. We really need to focus on recruiting new members. 2. World Show teamwork! No one person should be expected to handle the whole thing. More people need to get involved and do their part to help our advisor get things accomplished and make their trip less stressful for everyone. 3. Meeting attendance! Get involved. That means not only show up, but share some ideas, speak your mind. It is the only way to get things done.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Director Candidates Mindy Barr Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live on a farm with my family in Circleville, Ohio, where we grow corn, soybeans, wheat, hay and straw. We also raise and show beef cattle.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I attend Teays Valley East Middle School and I am in the 7th grade this year.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am a youth member of NSBA and EOQHA. I am also a member of Pickaway County 4-H, Ohio Beef Cattle Youth Program (B.E.S.T.), LIFE (a community service of tutoring fellow students) and DARE (Drug Awareness in Community Schools).” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “This was my first year being involved with OQHYA. I attended meetings, helped sell raffle tickets and attended the Youth World Show. I look forward to being more involved in years to come!” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a youth member of NSBA, a director and NYATT Showmanship representative for EOQHA and I am a member of OQHA, and have represented Ohio at the Youth Worlds in Halter.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I would like to help with awareness of Ohio youth involved with horses such as writing articles about Ohio youth and other activities with their horses. I would also like matching t-shirts to identify Ohio youth.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Do more things as a united group. - Offer a hospitality cart at Ohio shows. - Something ‘big’ at Congress to support Ohio youth, like the Hot 2 Trot tent.”

Cody Campbell Running for: Director Where do you live? “Georgetown, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a freshman Southern State Community College.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Cody Campbell, Continued Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “OQHYA, WVQHYA, Sons of America Legion Post #72, High School Wrestling 9th-12th grade.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been attending OQHA/OQHYA shows with my grandparents my whole life and have been a member of OQHYA for eight years. I show at several Ohio shows every year. For the past two years, I represented Ohio as a nationally qualified member of the World Show team. I am currently qualified nationally for the 2011 World Show and plan to represent Ohio again.” If elected, please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA: “If elected as director, I believe my biggest contributions would be my leadership skills and positive attitude.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “WVQHYA – I have been a member for eight years, and I am the 2010 vice president.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase membership 2. Encourage more active participation from current members 3. Purposeful networking with other states’ youth organizations All of these priorities would hopefully result in increased entries in youth class at shows throughout the state.”

Caitlyn Colvin Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Jacksonburg, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a sophomore at Edgewood High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been involved in FFA, participated in the Cardboard City fundraiser for the homeless and ran track for my school team.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an active member of OQHYA since 2006. I have been on the NYATT and World Show teams for the last four years, representing Ohio in Barrel Racing at the Congress and Barrels, Poles and Stakes at the World Show. In 2009, I participated in the OQHYA Horse Judging Team, competing in the Congress and World Show judging contests. I have attended meetings and helped with association fundraisers, inclduing the Congress package raffle.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am also a member of the Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am currently serving as youth director for SOQHYA. I am also active in the Bulter County 4-H horse program, serving as vice president of my 4-H club

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Caitlyn Colvin, Continued and competing on the 4-H Horse Bowl and Hippology teams. I have also been a member of the Southern Ohio Junior Rodeo Association and Championship 4-State Youth Rodeo Association.” Please describe how you would contribute to OQHA, if elected: “If elected to the OQHYA board, I will work with the other officers and directors to come up with ideas to help recruit and involve new members, promote OQHYA, make members feel welcome and help raise funds for special projects.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Involve all members in the association and encourage everyone to participate in activities and decision making. 2. Increase awareness of the many opportunities that are available through AQHA and OQHA. 3. Promote the Quarter Horse and OQHA to youth who haven’t been involved before.”

Anna Davis Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Delaware, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a senior at Buckeye Valley, but am attending Ohio State full time.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I have been on the tennis team, student council and in Red Cross throughout high school, also 4-H and I work/ volunteer at a nursing home.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member for six years and have been director before.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “SOQHA, I have been treasurer, secretary, director and reporter.” Please describe what you will contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I could contribute new ideas to the assocaition, targeting achieving more members.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- More members - More involvement from members - Incentives.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Brittany Harter Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Delaware, Ohio with my parents, Mike and Rhonda, and my sister, Kayla.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a junior at DelawareHayes High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved with Volley for the Cure, Tough Enough to Wear Pink and I helped OQHYA donate money to the Shirley Bowman Foundation.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been a member of OQHA for seven years. I helped serve dinner at the Tough Enough To Wear Pink open show and I also helped with fundraisers for OQHYA.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of 4-H, EOQHA, SOQHA and NOQHA.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “Even though I am not a current director, I have participated in multiple fundraisers, such as selling tickets for the Congress 50/50 raffle and serving dinner at the Tough Enough to Wear Pink open show. I was able to attend all scheduled OQHYA meetings. If elected, I will continue to participate in all areas needed, to help make our association even better than it is today.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation, membership and teamwork awareness.”

Brandon Kramer Running for: Director Where do you live? “Galena, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I go to Big Walnut High School and am in the 9th grade.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I play golf and ski. I like to snorkel and scuba.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I attend the meetings and was on the Youth World team 2010. I am on the Congress team 2010 also.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Sunbury Halter and Saddle, and I am a youth director for SOQHA.” Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Brandon Kramer, Continued Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “I will help to raise funds for programs and help to increase our enrollment. I would like to have more welcoming and recognition going on for youth of all skill levels.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase youth enrollment 2. Have more programs, things for youth to become more involved with. 3. Publicize our youth more on the website.”

Jessica LaVoie Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Beavercreek with my parents, Jayme and Kim.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I go to Beavercreek High School and I am a junior.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved in Spaz, the school spirit club and Network, as a mentor to prevent drug and alcohol use of elementary and middle school students.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have represented Ohio at the AQHYA Youth World Show twice and have participated in the scrapbook contest along with the horse judging contest.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have been on the SOQHYA board for four years and I am currently vice president.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHYA during your most recent term: “Last year I was a director and I feel that I did not make enough contributions. This year I would like to be a director to become more involved to help improve the Ohio youth. I will work diligently on any committees and fundraisers as needed.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I believe that OQHYA should become more involved in community service projects to help others. I also believe that we need to work harder to encourage more interaction between all members of the Ohio youth. We also need to increase membership to get more people to interact with OQHYA.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Youth Election Biographies Alexa Rowland Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Ansonia, Ohio.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I will be a senior in 2011 at Ansonia High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am involved with Future Farmers of America, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, drama club, spanish club, student council, cross country and basketball.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an OQHYA member for the past four years. Also, I was a part of the OQHYA NYATT team in 2008.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “To get more youth involved in fundraisers and charity events. Also, to send more people out to the World Show.”

Paul “Trey” Schwab III Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live on a small farm in the Southern Ohio area with my parents, Paul and Cindy Schwab.” Where do you go to school and what grade are you in? “I am a sophomore at Ross Senior High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am an active member of 4-H, FFA, and the Honor Society.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have represented OQHYA on both the Youth World Team and the Congress Team for the past four years. I have won numerous year-end achievements while competing at the OQHA shows. I was elected to attend the YES Conference this past summer, but was not able to attend due to personal circumstances.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I have won several year-end championships from the state of Ohio (OQHA, SOQHA, NOQHA) in Barrels, Poles and Stakes. I have won eight all-around saddles and many event buckles through various Junior Rodeo Associations. I have also won several 4-H high point and top run championship titles.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If elected, I would like to help organize more ‘after the show’ youth activities so everyone can get to know each other better and unite to have fun. There are so

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Youth Election Biographies Paul “Trey” Schwab III, Continued many youth that don’t really know each other due to the different types of events they show. Since I am involved with rodeo and roping events, I would use my position as director with the OQHYA to promote membership among the Ohio High School Rodeo and Ohio Junior Rodeo Associations. I would help come up with new ideas to help raise money for the organization.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Participation, membership and teamwork awareness.”

Charley Thiel Running for: Director Where do you live? “I live in Dublin, Ohio.” Where do you go to school, and what grade are you in? “I am a sophmore at Dublin Coffman High School.” Please state your involvement in any extracurricular activities and any charities or community activities: “I am in drama club at school. I am on an IEA team and have run multiple horseback riding camps in local barns for a Girl Scout camp in Dublin.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHYA: “I have been an OQHYA director two years before. I have represented the OQHYA team at the World Show in 2007 and 2008 and will be representing OQHYA at the world show again in 2011 in multiple events. I have worked fundraisers, attended meetings and made the OQHYA scrapbook.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of SOQHA and have been a director for them for several years. I am a member of NSBA and contribute to to fundrasiers they hold and I am also a member of an IEA high school equestrian team and am extremely involved in that. I plan on running for an AQHYA position in the future.” Please describe what you would contribute to OQHYA, if elected: “If I were tp become an officer for OQHYA, I would do my absolute best to involve new friends and families in our activities and fundraisers. I would try and involve as many new and old members in what is going on and help the new feel like they belong. I would also strive for more efficient, to the point meetings.” What do you feel should be OQHYA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase in membership/friendship (make new exhibitors feel welcome) 2. Hold more fundraisers for Ohio youth (make money for Paul ‘Trey’ Schwab) 3. Hold more activities for Ohio youth to get together besides for youth team involvement.”


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Ohio Quarter Horse News





Story by: Tracy Bidwell, Photos courtesy of Jeff Kirkbride Photography

Shawn Flarida, of Springfield, Ohio, competed at the 2010 Alltech/FEI World Equestrian Games. Aboard RC Fancy Step, Flarida ran, slid and spun for the highest score in the team competition.


he 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games were games are held every four years, two years prior to the held outside of Europe for the first time September Olympic Games. 25th through October 10th at the Kentucky Horse Of the eight disciplines competing for world titles, Park in Lexington, Kentucky. The World Equestrian Reining was the first event to be held, beginning 54 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Tom McCutcheon, riding Gunners Nite Special, brought home individual gold for the USA at the first World Equestrian Games held outside of Europe. Saturday, September 25th with the first half of the team competition. Reining was first introduced to the World Equestrian Games in 2002 in Jerez, Spain. Team USA has competed, and won the team gold medal every year, and this year was no different. Shawn Flarida riding RC Fancy Step, Tim McQuay riding Hollywoodstinseltown, Craig Schmersal riding Mister Montana Nic and Tom McCutcheon aboard Gunners Special Nite secured the gold medal in the team competition on Sunday, September 26th. Belgium took home silver and Italy hanging on to secure the bronze medal. Flarida, aboard RC Fancy Step, is from Springfield, Ohio. The pair earned highest score in the team competition with 227 points. Flarida, who was the last member of Team USA to ride, didn’t even need to post a competitive score; the team had already effectively clinched the top spot thanks to the high scores posted by his teammates. All four members of Team USA qualified for the individual reining competition as well, held September 30th. Flarida, who won the individual gold medal the last time he competed in 2002, had a stroke of bad luck,

and during his run his stirrup broke, causing him to grab hold of the saddle pad to keep his balance. That maneuver merited Flarida a five point penalty from every judge. Despite the setback, the U.S. did not end up empty handed in the individual competition. Gunners Special Nite, a six-year-old Quarter Horse Stallion, piloted by Tom McCutcheon, gave the best run of the competition, scoring 228 points, securing them a gold medal by a margin of five points. Teammate Craig Schmersal on Mister Montana Nic won the individual silver medal with a score of 223. Mister Montana Nic is a 12-year-old Quarter Horse who has been with Schmersal since he was a yearling. Duane Latimer of Canada, riding Dun Playin Tag, the defending gold medalist from the 2006 Games, took home the bronze. All-in-all Team USA won two gold medals and a silver medal in the Reining competitions at the 2010 World Equestrian Games, and posted the top scores in both individual and team competition. Seven events, including Endurance, Dressage, Para-Dressage, Eventing, Jumping, Vaulting and Driving crowned world champions at this event.

Craig Schmersal and Mister Montana Nic won individual silver at the 2010 World Equestrian Games. Ohio Quarter Horse News


OAQHA Officers & Directors Officers Laura Salome

Justin Billings

Jennifer Sigman

Patrick Murty

Sue Graves

Kaitlyn Riker

Marla Atherton

Suzanne Guinsler

Mike Yemc

Katie Stolte-Carroll

Cris Martin

Nancy Waid

Abby Pound

Kristin Martin

Kate Zackrich

Courtney Kobak

Kara Schockley

Lois Berry

Luanne Coleman

Carol Sigman

President Executive Board 1180 Debolt Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-607-7755 LSalome37@hotmail.com

First Vice President Executive Board 6685 S. Raneline Rd. West Milton, OH 45383 937-604-8408 PatrickM@totalfiregroup.com

Second Vice President Executive Board 16535 Kitpatrick Rd. Utica, OH 43080 740-627-0885 eoqhassa@hotmail.com

Secretary 4872 Condit Rd. Sunbury, OH 43074 614-203-4420 Stolte.2@osu.edu

Treasurer Executive Board 9700 Centennial Rd. Newark, OH 43055 740-403-6749 abep32@hotmail.com

Reporter 3467 Ridge Rd. Medina, OH 44256 330-239-3334

Past President 12036 Goodman Rd. Ashville, OH 43103 740-983-9622 Colem176@aol.com



Ohio Quarter Horse News

Director (2/11)

Director (2/11) 2631 Coopermill Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-452-3683 SGrave1@columbus.rr.com

Director (2/12) 260 Spry Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-607-3493 SGuins2@hotmail.com

Director (2/13) 10555 Swamp Rd. Hebron, OH 43025 740-929-4606 Cell: 614-805-2460 JCMartin@avolve.net

Director (2/12) 6474 Saylor Rd. Canal Winchester, OH 43110 614-323-3384 KristinSMartin@yahoo.com

Director (2/13) 885 Deerfield Rd. Zanesville, OH 43701 740-872-3011 KB_Mitchell@hotmail.com

Director (2/12) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JCSigman@ameritech.net

Director (2/13) 11768 Reid Rd. NW Jeffersonville, OH 43128 740-426-6687 JSigman89@yahoo.com

Director (2/11)

Director (2/11)

Director (2/13) 1469 E. Chestnut St. Lancaster, OH 43130

Director (2/12) 96 Lakengren Dr. Eaton, OH 45320 937-456-5445 KCarlyle@buckeyecontainer. com

Appointed Director (2/11) 7756 Ridge Rd. Wadsworth, OH 44281 Cell: 216-346-0142 lab6978@aol.com

Amateur Update Select Exhibitors travel to Texas for chance to win World Titles


he 2010 Adequan Select World Show was held August 29 through September 4 at the Amarillo National Center in Amarillo, Texas. The Select World Show is the largest single-breed world championship show exclusively for amateur exhibitors age 50 and over. The Ohio Quarter Horse Association was well represented, with two World Champions, two Reserve World Champions and nine Top Ten honors won by the Buckeye State. More than 1,100 entries competed at the Select World Show this year, with 778 competing in Western events, 245 competing in Halter and 119 competing in English classes. This year’s largest class was Ranch Sorting, with 152 exhibitors. Dr. Scott Myers is crowned World Champion in Jumping aboard Darn Dr. Scott Myers, of Sharon Center, That Kat at the Adequan Select Ohio qualified World Show. on two horses: Darn That Kat and Stroke For Stroke. Last year, Myers, on Darn That Kat, won World Championships in Equitation Over Fences and Jumping and a Reserve World Championship in Hunter Hack. Myers took both horses in Jumping, producing clean-rounds on both in the preliminaries. Rushing from horse to horse in the finals, Myers took a very respectable fourth place finish on Stroke For Stroke, and won the class on Darn That Kat, making them back-to-back Jumping World Champions. Congratulations to all of Ohio’s contestants that qualified for the 2010 Adequan Select World Show. The following is a listing of Ohio’s Top Ten placings:

Yearling Stallions Halter 6th - Ralph Craft and Mi Silent Clu Three Year Old Geldings Halter WORLD CHAMPION - Dan Northcutt and Lotsa Razmataz Aged Geldings Halter 10th - Charles Claypool and Eson Aged Mares Halter 5th - Dee Ann Staley and Reflect On Her Performance Stallions Halter 4th - Dee Ann Staley and The Judgement Performance Geldings Halter 4th - Charles Claypool and LuvMeForMyPrinciple Hunt Seat Equitation 5th - Scott Myers and Stroke For Stroke Equitation Over Fences 8th - Scott Myers and Stroke For Stroke Working Hunter Reserve World Champion - Scott Myers and Stroke For Stroke 10th - Scott Myers and Darn That Kat Jumping WORLD CHAMPION - Scott Myers and Darn That Kat 3rd - Scott Myers and Stroke For Stroke Hunter Hack Reserve World Champion - Scott Myers and Stroke For Stroke

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Update OAQHA Meeting Schedule


AQHA will hold its next meeting on November 22nd at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. There will be no Amateur Board meeting in December, only a Christmas party at Brio’s at Easton for the officers and directors on December 6th at 6 p.m. In January, the Amateurs will meet on Monday, January 17th at 7 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, as usual.

November November 22 @ 7pm December No Meeting January January 17 @ 7pm

Amateurs Announce 2011 Election Slate


he Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association members have announced their nomination slate for 2011 officers and directors. Election ballots will be mailed from the OQHA office in Richwood, Ohio in early December. Ballots must be submitted by January 30th to be counted in the election. Ballots should be mailed to: Pritchett, Dlusky & Saxe Douglas S. Saxe, CPA P.O. Box 163400 1621 West First Avenue Columbus, OH 43216-3400


Ohio Quarter Horse News

President: Patrick Murty Vice President: Marla Atherton 2nd Vice President: Justin Billings Treasurer: Abby Pound Secretary: Katie Stolte-Carroll

Directors: Lois Berry Chris Martin Chelsea Martz Kaitlin Riker Carly Williams Mike Yemc

Amateur Election Biographies Presidential Candidates Patrick Murty Running for: President Where do you live, and with whom? “I live in West Milton, Ohio, on the farm with my wife, Moira, and son, Sean.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am currently opening a barbeque restaurant (Company 7 BBQ) with my father-in-law, Bill, and brother-in-law, Will. I also work with the Dayton and Northmont Chamber of Commerces as a business owner in the community.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I serve the community of West Milton as a West Milton Firefighter. I have been involved in the fire service for 15 years.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have served with OAQHA as a director and 1st vice president since my involvement began in 2004.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Currently, I am not involved in any other horse related organizations.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “During my years with OAQHA I have helped create new fundraising events for the organization, such as our pancake breakfast at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. I also have been involved in planning our annual horse show, which has become very successful, by offering an affordable and exciting show that competitors want to attend year after year. Mostly, I have tried to be an enthusiastic, dedicated and helpful member, assisting the board and all OQHA members to the best of my abilities. I have also attended the AQHA Annual Conferences as a representative of OQHA and OAQHA in order to help increase the reputation of OQHA as a leader in the Quarter Horse industry.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. To increase the amateur membership in the Ohio Quarter Horse Association by providing a friendly and competitive environment that horse owners want to join and compete in. 2. Serve the OAQHA membership and local community by providing a level of support that they would expect from our organization. 3. Represent the views and agenda of the OAQHA membership on the national level in order to continue Ohio’s excellence in the American Quarter Horse Association.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Amateur Election Biographies Vice Presidential Candidates Marla Atherton

Running for: Vice President Where do you currently reside? “I live in Utica, Ohio with my husband, Rod, dog, Max, and nine horses.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and I have worked for State Farm Insurance for more than 20 years. I am currently a life insurance underwriter.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been an active amateur showing at the Ohio shows in halter and reining since 2003.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a director, youth advisor, and stallion auction chairperson for the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am also a member of the NRHA, SOQHA, and NOQHA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “As an OAQHA officer/ director, I attend the monthly meetings, worked and organized the gates at our horse show and secured a major donation for our pancake breakfast at the Congress.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Continue to work closely with OQHA to maintain our status as the premiere Quarter Horse Association in the country. 2. Listen to the needs and suggestions of our members and the exhibitors who show at the Ohio weekend shows. 3. Continue to improve our horse show so that people look forward to it each year.”

2nd Vice Presidential Candidates Justin Billings Running for: 2nd Vice President Where were you born and raised? “I’m a Buckeye through and through...born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. Currently, I have a small house in the historic part of Canal Winchester and my family owns a 125-acre horse farm in Ashville.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I manage my family’s horse farm from foaling mares, to breeding our stallion, to raising and starting our young ones, to promoting them in the show pen, and eventually selling them for someone else to enjoy. I also lend a hand at my parents construction business whenever needed.” Please state your involvement with any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I support local 60 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Justin Billings, Continued domestic abuse.”

charities through my involvement with OAQHA and my church, Victory Hill Church of God, including Give Me the Shirt Off Your Back, benefiting homeless shelters and victims of

Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I Started as a youth member where I served as a multi-year director and was a member of our Youth World team and Congress teams, winning the NYATT in 1999. I then moved on to become an Amateur Director and served two-terms as treasurer.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a life member of both the AQHA and NSBA.” Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “I volunteered at our annual horse show, which was a great success this year, and made our organization enough money to support some great charities such as the rescue walk for neglected pets. I also enjoyed volunteering my time to help serve at our Congress Pancake Breakfast.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I’d like to see our horse show moved from the already crowded time in August to a Pre-Congress warm-up in late September. A multi-day circuit just before the Congress would be a great way for our organization to increase our reach on a national level. Besides that, I’d just like the amateurs to really enjoy being part of OAQHA, after all, we are volunteers!”

Treasurer Candidates Abby Pound Running for: Treasurer Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised near Newark, Ohio near the small town of Utica. I currently reside outside of Newark.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I work for Lane Bryant as an assistant buyer for sleepwear. I assist with assorting the line, managing orders, sales reports and understanding industry trends.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I have been involved with the Tour De Cure, a 30 mile bike ride that raises money for diabetes as well as the Relay for Life walk to raise money for cancer.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been a member of the board for several years and have been the treasurer for the last three years. I have served on many of the committees including the trainer auction and sponsorship.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a member of EOQHA, NOQHA, SOQHA, and the NSBA.” Ohio Quarter Horse News 61

Amateur Election Biographies Abby Pound, Continued Please describe how you have contributed to OAQHA during your most recent term: “This year I was the OAQHA Treasurer. As the treasurer, I manage all of the funds and the checkbook. I also prepare monthly reports and present them at the meetings to keep the board aware of our financial status. I was also the chair of the trainer auction committee this year, which consisted of securing trainers for the auction and publicizing the auction to Ohio members.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “- Grow the horse show - Increase involvement of all members - Continue to come up with new and innovative activities for the Ohio Amateurs.”

Secretary Candidates Katie Stolte-Carroll Running for: Secretary

No biographical information received.

Director Candidates Lois Berry

Running for: Director Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, but was raised in Medina, Ohio. I live in Sharon Center, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I haul my daughter all over to horse shows.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I am a trustee for the Sharon Community Trust. I am also a member of the Sharon Center Methodist Church.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OQHA: “I have been a director of the Amateur Association for the past five years. I have worked on all committees of the association.” 62 Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Lois Berry, Continued Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I am a lifetime member of the Central Ohio Saddle Club Association, where I served as president, vice president and director for more than 15 years. I am a past director of the Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. I am also a past advisor and president for Medina County 4-H and Horse Council.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “As an OAQHA officer, I have worked the Congress hospitality cart, the OAQHA show and the pancake breakfast. I have donated both my resources and my time to better the organization.” What do you feel should be OAQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Help better the horse industry as a whole in the current economy. Help promote animal welfare across the state and nation. Increase participation.”

Chris Martin Running for: Director No biographical information received.

Chelsea Martz Running for: Treasurer Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Olmsted Falls, Ohio. I currently live in Blacklick, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am currently studying Psychology at The Ohio State University.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I volunteer at Sunrise Assisted Living and Hilltop Elementary in their special needs preschool. I also volunteer at St. Luke Lutheran Church with their vacation bible school program.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I have been a member of OQHA for two years.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “Yes, I am also a member of AQHA, SOQHA and NSBA.” Ohio Quarter Horse News 63

Amateur Election Biographies Chelsea Martz, Continued Please describe what you will contribute to OAQHA, if elected: “I will contribute a new and enthusiastic perspective from someone who has not previously been involved with OAQHA.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “1. Increase attendance at OQHA shows. 2. Increase membership in OQHA. 3. Continue to make OAQHA accessible through many outlets such as the OQHA website and Facebook.”

Kaitlin Riker Running for: Director

No biographical information received.

Carly Williams Running for: Director

Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Ashland, Ohio. I currently reside in Marysville, Ohio, where I purchased my first home in 2009.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a magazine editor. In April of 2010, I took over the position of editor for a science/engineering journal, Materials Evaluation, which is the membership magazine for the American Society for Nondestructive Testing.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I volunteer for the Union County Habitat for Humanity, which is building a home for a family in Marysville. I am also involved in a fund raising charity for Multiple Sclerosis.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I was the editor for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association for three years. I traveled to many OQHA shows during that time. I have a Quarter Horse mare that I plan on showing in Novice Amateur Western Pleasure at OQHA shows in 2011.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “I showed Paint horses as a youth and was involved as a youth director. During college, and for a brief period after school, I worked at Rod’s Western Palace, where I


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Amateur Election Biographies Carly Williams, Continued was an assistant manager and an assistant buyer.” Please describe what you will contribute to OAQHA, if elected: “I have been involved in the horse industry from several different angles and feel that I can bring a well-rounded opinion to the OAQHA board. I am very detailoriented, and enjoy working on projects as part of a team.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “I feel that OAQHA should focus on encouraging new members to join and participate, utilize exhibitor feedback to improve the annual horse show, and develop new fundraising ideas.”

Mike Yemc Running for: Director Where were you born and raised, and where do you currently reside? “I was born and raised in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio.” Please describe what you do for a living: “I am a lawyer.” Please state your involvement in any charities, community activities or civic organizations: “I’ve been involved in the amateur organization for the past few years and have dedicated time and resources to make a better organization.” Please discuss your past and current involvement with OAQHA: “I serve as the chairman of the by-laws committee.” Are you involved in any other horse-related organizations? “No.” Please describe how you have contributed to OQHA during your most recent term: “I will continue to help with fundraising activities and I will continue to support the organization through donations as a local businessman.” What do you feel should be OQHA’s top three priorities in the next 2-3 years? “Increase membership and interest with the OQHA and increase attendance at OQHA events.”

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Club Updates Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Frances Rospotynski, NOQHA Secretary


hank you to all that made our Futurity show a success. It’s always fun reconnecting with old friends! The weather was glorious, the numbers were up and the fellowship was great. Also, the Futurity portion was a huge success. See everyone again next year. This year we had four competitors for our 2011 NOQHA Queen Competition. Competitors included: Lindsey Kerr, Susan Rospotynski, Katie Shaffer and

Bailee Erman. Each competitor had competed in a Western Horsemanship class, an interview and a test on the AQHA rule book. We wish each of our young ladies all the best. Results will be known at our NOQHA Banquet in January 2011. Thank you to Christine Brown and the Queens Committee for making our Queens Program successful. Check our NOQHA website (www.noqha.com) in December about additional information on the end of year points and the 2010 NOQHA Banquet.

Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association Submitted by: Lisa Perry, SOQHA Reporter


he September meeting of the SOQHA board of directors was held on September 8, 2010, at Max & Erma’s restaurant in Wilmington. No meeting was held in October due to Congress. At the September meeting, President Kelly Flora extended her thanks to all of the AQHA and Futurity exhibitors whose participation made the 2010 SOQHA Futurity Show another great success. She also thanked all of the officers and directors for their assistance during the three-day event. Complete Futurity results can be found in the next issue of the Ohio Quarter Horse News and on the SOQHA website. Plans are well underway for the 2010 Turkey Circuit. Please join us for a three-day event to be held November 26th, 27th and 28th, at the Champions Center in Springfield. On Thursday (Turkey Day) we will be serving a traditional, complimentary turkey dinner at 6:00 p.m. Friday will be a single show day, judged by Tom Robertson. Saturday and Sunday will be a split/combined event to be judged by Jeff Allen and


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Lori Gordon. The complete showbill can be found on the SOQHA website, www.soqha.com. Please contact Lisa Perry for stall reservations at 614-582-6067. The SOQHA Board of Directors has voted to acknowledge the 2010 Year-End Award Winners at the Turkey Circuit this year in lieu of the traditional banquet that was held in January. All-around awards will be presented at lunch break on Saturday of the show. Individual class awards will be available to be picked up in the entry office. Awards that are not picked up at the Turkey Circuit will be mailed to the recipients. In November, the SOQHA board will meet at Max & Erma’s on the 10th at 7:00 p.m. The 2011 slate of officers and directors will be finalized and ballots will be mailed the following week. Results of the election will be announced at the December 8th meeting In November, the Youth Association will meet at the Turkey Circuit at the conclusion of Saturday’s events. For December, the Youth will meet at 7:00 p.m., followed by the adults at 8:00. All members are welcome to attend.

Club Updates Ohio Foundation Quarter Horse Association

Submitted by: Susan Elliot, OFQHA President


ur Introductory Show was held in August and was considered a success! At our November meeting, we will elect new officers and directors for 2011, and assign committees. We will also discuss having

three AQHA-approved shows during the upcoming year, and more details will be available after the meeting. We also hope to improve the Working Cow class in 2011.

Ohio State Buckskin Association Submitted by: Brianne Mathews, OSBA Reporter


he Ohio State Buckskin Association has had a very successful World Show this year with three World Champions, a Reserve World Champion, seven Circuit Championships, two Reserve Circuit Championships, and a second place finish in the TwoYear-Old Gold Cup Challenge. Congrats to everyone who made the haul to Tennessee and competed! You made Ohio proud! One special feat we would like to recognize is that Justa Shade Dun, owned by George and Marilyn Anders, has been a World Champion mare at the IBHA World Show for three consecutive years – yearling, two year old, and three year old. I’m not sure if that has been done before or not, but CONGRATULATIONS to the Anders! OSBA also wrapped up their 2010 show season with the fall finale show in September at Circle G Arena.

Thank you to everyone who came! We have scheduled a meeting for November 13th at the Donatos in Delaware. Please come and help our shape our 2011 season – all are welcome! The 2010 Year-End Awards Banquet will be on January 22nd at The Place Off The Square in Newark, Ohio. Reservation forms are on OSBA’s website, www. ohiobuckskins.org – please complete and return yours ASAP! You can also find this year’s final point standings online – congrats to everyone on their accomplishments! We would like to encourage anyone with an IBHAeligible horse (that’s buckskin, dun, red dun, or grulla) to please join us in 2011. We are a great family-oriented organization known for our warm reception of newcomers. Keep checking our website for updates – 2011 dates and locations will be posted within the next couple of months… we look forward to meeting you!

Ohio Quarter Horse News


2010 Futurity Results T

he following are futurity results from the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association and Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Association results were not available at press time, and will appear in the next issue. Results are listed with the horse first, followed by the exhibitor and then the owner. Congratulations to all competitors, and thank you to everyone who helped make the 2010 Ohio Futurities a success. Please check back next issue for results from the Ohio Breeder’s Incentive Fund.

Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results


he Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Show was held September 10th at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus. The show offered 34 classes, 19 of which were halter and 14 were performance. EOQHA paid out more than $8,500 to 148 entries. Non-Pro Junior Weanling Colts 1. Image of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Open Junior Weanling Colts 1. Image of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Bourbon Trail, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Non-Pro Senior Weanling Colts 1. Image of Clue, Tom Schlenger 2. Unnamed, Connie Menker, Robert Menker Open Senior Weanling Colts 1. Image of Clue, Tom Schlenger 2. Unnamed, Connie Menker, Robert Menker Breeder’s Classic Weanling Colts 1. Image of A Payday, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 2. Unnamed, Connie Menker, Robert Menker Non-Pro Junior Weanling Fillies 1. Shes Dun Rockin, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 2. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick & Terri Heffelfinger Open Junior Weanling Fillies 1. Shes Dun Rockin, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 2. Eye Candy Cool, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick & Terri Heffelfinger


Ohio Quarter Horse News

Non-Pro Senior Weanling Fillies 1. Unnamed, Lisa Aerne, Lisa Aerne 2. RTH Bring It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Terri Heffelfinger 3. Unnamed, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez 4. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 5. Im Obviously Radiant, Denise Walsh, Sean Walsh Open Senior Weanling Fillies 1. Unnamed, Don Griffey, Lisa Aerne 2. Unnamed, Don Griffey, Ken Halverson 3. Unnamed, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez 4. RTH Bling It On Mr, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick & Terri Heffelfinger 5. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 6. Ms Malibu Rum, Dan Beam, Dan Beam 7. Im Obviously Radiant, Denise Walsh, Sean Walsh Breeder’s Classic Weanling Fillies 1. Unnamed, Don Griffey, Lisa Aerne 2. Rock Me Mister, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 3. Shes Dun Rockin, Don Griffey, Steve Farley 4. Im Obviously Radiant, Sean Walsh, Sean Walsh Non-Pro Yearling Geldings 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick & Terri Heffelfinger 2. Heza Enduring, Darlene Louks, Darlene Louks 3. Coolest Rockstar, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 4. Mr Griffey, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 5. Ima Cool Tru Skipnte, Leresa Lear Conaway, Leresa Lear Conaway Open Yearling Geldings 1. RTH Super Duty, Terri Heffelfinger, Rick & Terri

Heffelfinger 2. Heza Enduring, Darlene Louks, Darlene Louks 3. Coolest Rockstar, Steve Farley, Steve Farley 4. Mr Griffey, Rod Atherton, Marla Atherton 5. Ima Cool Tru Skipnte, Leresa Lear Conaway, Leresa Lear Conaway Non-Pro Yearling Mares 1. Shesa Hot And Fancy, Virgil Burroughs, Mark Burroughs Non-Pro Yearling Colts 1. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez 2. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Open Yearling Colts 1. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez 2. Ironworks Pike, Paul Fender, Celeste Fender Breeder’s Classic Yearling Colts 1. A Nu Image, Robert Eurez, Robert Eurez 2- and 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. Cant Escape This, Ashley Getsay, Ashley Getsay 2. Too Hot For Talk, Melissa Polca 3. Perfect Blue Coat, Nicole Salopek, Frank Salopek 4. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites Sturgon, Valerie Fites Sturgon 5. Blazin Outta Town, Lisa Flashberger, Lisa Flashberger 6. Sign At The Ex, Amelia Sidley, Amelia Sidley 7. Artbreak Hotel, Danielle Mullen 8. After The Storm, Raelyne Hrbac, Raelyne Hrbac 2- & 3-Year-Old Open Hunter Under Saddle 1. Best Three OutOfFour, Elizabeth Haynes, Elizabeth Haynes 2. DGS Indylacious, Jenna McGrath Photo courtesy of Jim Drake. 3. Too Hot For Talk, All That Remains, owned by Robin DeGraff and shown by Melissa Polca Missy Thyfault won the 2- and 4. These Irons Are Mine, Heidi Piper, 3-Year-Old Hunter Under Martha Limoli Saddle class at the EOQHA 5. Sweet In The Irons, 2010 Futurity.

Melissa Shetler, Jason Weber 6. All That Remains, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 7. Perfect Blue Coat, Ed Weber, Frank Salopek 8. Sign At The Ex, Amber Eaton Clark, Amelia Sidley 9. Sweet Sky Blue, Valerie Fites Sturgon, Valerie Fites Sturgon 10. Sir Tuxedo Junction, Darla Lee, Lori Ann Kirsch Breeder’s Classic 2 & 3 Year Old Hunter Under Saddle 1. All That Remains, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 2. DGS Indylacious, Jenna McGrath 4-Year-Old & Older Non-Pro Hunter Under Saddle 1. Play For A Minute, Laura Giannuzzi, Laura Giannuzzi 2. Fool To Invite Me, Sarah Wilcox, Suzanne Wilcox 2-Year-Old NonPro Western Pleasure 1. Ima Radical Hour, Randy Haines, Kimberly Haines 2. Johnie Be Good, Kim Stonerock, Kim Stonerock 3. Always The Best Man, Katie Grossnickle, Katie Grossnickle 4. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler

Photo courtesy of Jim Drake.

Ima Radical Hour, owned by Kimberly Haines and shown by Randy Haines won the 2-YearOld Non-Pro Western Pleasure class at the EOQHA 2010 Futurity.

2-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure 1. One Man Machine, Bradley Luebben, Bradley Luebben 2. AJ Lonesome Dove, Brian Cox, James Brown 3. Makers Markie, Jennifer Aspra, Gail Waters 4. This Notice Is Due, Denise Long-Farson, Patrice Tornes 5. Potential Xibit, Cathy Leuszler, Cathy Leuszler Breeder’s Classic 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1. One Man Machine, Bradley Luebben, Bradley Luebben Ohio Quarter Horse News


Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association 2010 Futurity Results, Continued Open Western Longe Line 1. Elvis On Impulse, Ty Hornick, Jack Creditt 2. Too Spicy To Sleep, Kenny Lakins Jr, Gail Beaver Torsell 3. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 4. Riginal, John Wainscott, John Wainscott 5. Premium Diesel, Gail Waters, Gail Waters 6. Look Whos Good, Dan Beam, Monna Koontz 7. Shesa Hot And Fancy, Virgil Burroughs, Mark Burroughs 8. ItsGood ToBe Noticed, Valerie Morgan, Valerie Morgan 9. Hot Roddin Frankie, Jeff Geiger, Susan Baker 10. R Potential Revenue, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk Breeder’s Classic Longe Line 1. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 2. Roc A Fella, Michelle Babb, Michelle Babb 3. DGS Indystinctive, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff Open English Longe Line 1. Its All About Girls, Brian Gibson, Brian Gibson 2. DGS Indystinctive, Missy Thyfault, Robin DeGraff 3. R Potential Revenue, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk Non-Pro Longe Line 1. Elvis On Impulse, Patti Creditt, Jack Creditt 2. Roc A Fella, Michelle Babb, Michelle Babb 3. Invited By Vern, Robert Zucker, Robert Zucker 4. Premium Diesel, Gail Waters, Gail Waters 5. Hy Definition, Peter Mead, Peter Mead 6. All My LopesNDreams, Meredith Seidel, John & Loralee Carmichael 7. R Potential Revenue, Stacey Vankirk, Stacey Vankirk 8. One Lazy Amigo, Jennifer Murray, Jennifer Murray 9. Pleasntly Perfect, Randy Haines, Kimberly Haines 10. Hot Roddin Frankie, Susan Baker, Susan Baker 3-Year-Old Non-Pro Western Pleasure 1. DT Ease On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor 2. Lota Potential Lil, Stacie Stoll, Stacie Stoll 3. Sheez Louise, Lyndsay Melvin, Lyndsay Melvin 4. Keepin It Krymsun, Alexandra Jackson, Alexandra Jackson 5. Forever Krymsun, Carla Whaley, Carla Whaley 70

Ohio Quarter Horse News

6. EZ Customized Career, Abby Pound, Abby Pound 7. Chevy Mania, Paula Berry, Paula Berry 8. Interested In Gold, Pasley Puthoff, Pasley Puthoff 9. Invest In Open Range, Jarrad Bush , Tina Kern 10. Krymsun N Blue, Penny Osburn, Penny Osburn 3-Year-Old Open Western Pleasure 1. Amble With Potential, Randy Wilson, Terri Ross 2. DT Ease On In, Dennis Taylor, Dennis Taylor 3. Totally Certain, Ross Wetherall, Ann Admonius 4. Interested In Gold, Wade Parks, Pasley Puthoff 5. Forever Krymsun, Jennifer Aspra, Carla Whaley 6. Krymsun N Blue, Amanda Quinn, Penny Osburn 7. Invest In Open Range, Jason Sorrell, Tina Kern 8. EZ Customized Career, Lori Gingrich, Abby Pound 9. Wildcat Billy G, Jeanine Perez, Catherine Pastore 10. Ive Got The Goodz, Scott Thomas, Nancy Bullock Breeder’s Classic 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure 1. Forever Krymsun, Jennifer Aspra, Carla Whaley 2. Krymsun N Blue, Amanda Quinn, Penny Osburn 3. Black Tie Gucci, Denise Gary, Denise Gary 4-Year-Old & Older Non-Pro Western Pleasure 1. Invited By Angels, Whitney Wilson, Whitney Wilson 2. Strut Her Invitation, Dennis Taylor, Alexis Taylor 3. A Vested Asset, Julie Squires-O’Connor, Julie Squires-O’Connor 4. Shez Too Snazzy, Denise Gray, Denise Gray

Photo courtesy of Jim Drake.

Elvis On Impulse, owned by Jack Creditt and shown by Patti Creditt won the Open Western Longe Line and the Non-Pro Longe Line at the EOQHA 2010 Futurity.

Good Luck To all of Ohio’s exhibitors at the 2010 AQHA World Show!

Ohio Quarter Horse News


Minutes Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - June 14, 2010 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Clark Bradley, Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Kelli Diaz, Wayne Erwin, Candi Fites, Bill Flarida, Tim Folck, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Scott Myers, Charlie Menker, Alan Potts, Don Recchiuti, Skip Salome, Dan Trein and Denny Thorsell. Excused Directors: Jess Cecil, Ed Dingledine, Jack Geschke, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marko, Cindy Morehead, Judd Paul, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith and Brent Tincher. President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

• There was discussion regarding the current and future Congress trophies. At this time, Cam reported that we will be giving out the resin trophy for 2010. Charlie Menker made a motion that we investigate other foundries and retain the bronze trophy at a cost of no more than $390 per trophy. Elizabeth Gorski second the motion. The motion was defeated with a 10–11 vote. Dr. Scott Meyers made a motion to approach C.R. Morrison and produce as many bronze trophies as possible by the 2010 Congress. If we cannot obtain enough bronze trophies, exhibitors will be handed a certificate and their bronze will be shipped when available. Also, Scott motioned that we negotiate out of our resin trophy contract. Dan Trein second the motion. Motion carried. Minutes – Alan Potts made a motion to approve the • Ron McCarty made a motion that we adopt May 2010 Minutes. Second by Charlie Menker. Motion payment plans based on performance for all new carried. contracts. Lisa Alley second the motion. Dan Trein asked that the motion be tabled and reviewed by the Treasurer’s Report – Finance Committee. Binnie Ann Masters second the Vic Clark presented the Profit and Loss Statement as of motion. Motion carried. May 31, 2010. We are continuing to show a net profit for 2010. Lisa Alley made a motion to approve the Dan Trein moved to approve the Tri-Chairmen report, Treasurer’s report. Hank Clason second the motion. second by Hank Clason. Motion carried. Motion carried. Executive Committee Report – Tri-Chairmen Report – • Binnie Ann Masters asked for clarification on the Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that May’s Executive Committee report that proposed day: canceling the March and May board meetings. Alan • Kathleen Burns has been named the official artist for Potts motioned to continue with the March and May the Congress Program and Entry Book. meetings. Charlie Menker second the motion. Motion • Todd Salome and Lisa Alley submitted a proposal carried. to spend $1,500 to develop CDs that promotes our • Clark Bradley made a motion to increase the Youth corporate sponsors. The Tri-Chair approved this World Show stipends to $600 for 2010. Bob Hexter proposal. second the motion. Motion carried. • There are now two proposals being considered for videographer. Cam will continue negotiations and Ohio News – make a decision by the next meeting. • Connie Lechleitner reported that she is working on • OQHA will support the concept for the new AQHA July/August issue of Ohio Quarter Horse News as well as rule in regards to using drugs and fluids for halter the Congress entry book. horses. 72

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes Congress Futurities – • Clark Bradley gave a progress report on Congress Futurities. Youth Activities – • Max Clason reported that there were 45 youth attending the meeting. The World Show entries are in progress. The Ohio theme will be “Dream Team”. There will be 73 horses going and a total of 54 youth members. Old Business – • Tim Folck made a motion that OQHA endorse the UK Saddle Up Safely program. Binnie Ann Master second the motion. Motion carried. New Business – • Tim Folck asked that we consider sponsoring the Western Village at the World Equestrian Games. The

Board asked Tim to see if other organizations commit first. • Charlie Menker discussed the Hilltop Equestrian Center and their need for donated horses. • There was a motion to elect a Nominating Committee. Candidates are as follows: Alan Potts, Bob Hexter, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Elizabeth Gorski, Charlie Menker and Mark Cherubini (Committee Chair). Dan Trein made the motion to accept the candidates. second by Brent Maxwell. Motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Hank Clason, second by Dan Trein. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Ohio Quarter Horse Association Board of Directors Meeting - August 16, 2010 Submitted by: Barb Benedum, Accountant


irectors present: Lisa Alley, Mark Cherubini, Vic Clark, Clark Bradley, Kelli Diaz, Ed Dingledine, Wayne Erwin, Bill Flarida, Tim Folck, Elizabeth Gorski, Bob Hexter, Jeff James, Roger Landis, Binnie Ann Masters, Brent Maxwell, Ron McCarty, Dr. Dave McDonald, Dr. Scott Myers, Charlie Menker, Cindy Morehead, John Pickersgill, Alan Potts, Skip Salome, Todd Salome, Chuck Smith, Denny Thorsell and Elaine Wells.

Minutes – • Brent Maxwell made a motion to approve the June 2010 Minutes. Second by Alan Potts. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – • Vic Clark presented the Profit and Loss Statement as of July 31, 2010. We are continuing to show a net profit for 2010 with a slight increase compared to 2009. Todd Salome made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Ron McCarty 2nd the motion. Motion carried.

Excused Directors: Hank Clason, Chris Darnell, Jess Tri-Chairmen Report – Cecil, Candi Fites, Jack Geschke, Fritz Leeman, Steve Marko, Judd Paul, Don Recchiuti, Dan Trein and Brent Cam Foreman reported on the meeting held earlier that Tincher. day: • Cam stated that OQHA was very well represented President Skip Salome called the meeting to order at at the AQHYA World Show and extended a “thank you” to Kelli Diaz for all her hard work. 7:03 p.m. • C.R. Morrison will have enough Congress bronze trophies in time for the show. The trophies are being Introduction of Guests made at three different foundries so there will be some • Skip Salome introduced Tracy Bidwell as the new OQHA Marketing Coordinator and Editor of color differences. We may also see up to seven percent shrinkage in size. Publications. Ohio Quarter Horse News 73

Minutes • Dr. Scott Myers will be finalizing the Masters judges next week. • The Tri-Chairmen approved the change to the tracking procedures for halter classes with 12 or less entries. • The 2010 parking pass design is complete and the passes are being printed • There have been discussions with HRTV to broadcast 10 hours from the Congress. The production fees would be split between HRTV and OQHA. The Tri-Chairmen approved Cam to research the specifics. • Cam presented a sample worker’s jackets and the denim jacket to be sold at the Congress. The top 30 finalists in Roping and Cutting will be given a denim jacket. All others will be sold at a booth that Lisa Alley will be organizing. • There will be a recognition for the Corporate Sponsors at the VIP Club. Todd Salome and Lisa Alley will be organizing this function. • The Tri-Chairmen will be negotiating with Eleise Blake to come back and work in the Treasurer’s Office during the Congress. • A pattern selection committee meeting will be scheduled in the near future. • There were discussions regarding River Cities becoming an affiliate of OQHA. It was determined that they will not become an affiliate, but can send a representative to the monthly meetings.

Judging Team • Cindy Morehead reported that the judging team placed 16th overall at the AQHYA World Show. Membership • Elizabeth Gorski gave a membership update. It appears that 2010 memberships are down, however once the 2009 free memberships from The All American Youth Show are subtracted, there is actually an increase in paid memberships this year. Ohio Queens • Elaine Wells reported that the Queen contest will be held during the upcoming Amateur show. Trail Ride • Mark Cherubini reported on the 2010 Trail Ride. There were approximately 40 riders that participated. A suggestion for future trail rides would be to set dates earlier and advertise it more. • Binnie Ann made a motion for a $500 donation to be made to The Flying Horse Farm. Bob Hexter second the motion. Motion carried. Congress Queen • Kelli Diaz reported that there are eight candidates to date.

Tim Folck made a motion to accept the Tri-Chairmen report. Brent Maxwell second the motion. Motion carried.

Cutting • Chuck Smith gave an update on Cutting. There is a lot of interest in the World Series of Cutting.

Annual Awards • Kelli Diaz is having a discussion with Harris and Hannah regarding the annual awards.

Hunter Jumpers • Binnie Ann Masters reported that the Progressive Hunter will be offered at the Congress in 2011.

Annual Banquet Morning Refreshments • Todd Salome has met with Ramada and there will • Lisa Alley reported that morning refreshments will be a sit down dinner rather than a buffet for next year’s begin October 5 and continue through the Congress. banquet. Stallion Avenue AQHA • Wayne Erwin reported that there six to seven • Clark Bradley stated that he was selected to sit on stallions committed so far this year. the AQHA Professional Horseman’s Committee. Vet Coordinator 74

Ohio Quarter Horse News

Minutes • Dave McDonald reported that we will use the Fifth District Veterinarian Group again this year. VIP/Awards Ceremony • The Awards Ceremony will be Sunday, October 17th. There will be an ad for the ceremony in the Congress Program.

Franklin County Fairgrounds. The plans are still in the market research phase.

Youth Activities • Kelli Diaz presented the final results for the AQHYA World Show. Ohio Buckskin Association • Ted Handel gave an update on shows. Ted stated that the IBHA World show was down 35 percent.

• Mark Cherubini gave an update on the nominating committee. The slate needs to be ready for the next board meeting.

Old Business • Cam Forman gave an update on the facility at the

New Business • There was discussion on setting a policy for ponying horses at the Congress.

• Elizabeth made a motion to move the November Board meeting to Monday, November 22, 2010. Wayne Erwin second the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Ohio Quarter Horse News



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Five issues of Ohio Quarter Horse News, plus the Congress Souvenir Program for


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Ohio Quarter Horse News


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Ohio Quarter Horse News


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Ohio Quarter Horse News

Barn 937-376-8456 Mobile 614-205-8056

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Ohio Quarter Horse News


Advertiser’s Index Amy Masters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Berry Fit Company ............................................................................................................................................................. 77 Bradley Real Estate & Auction .......................................................................................................................................... 77 Brad Luebban Quarter Horses ......................................................................................................................................... 78 Calvin Access Controls ...................................................................................................................................................... 77 Certified Images – Kristin Martin ................................................................................................................................... 78 Coughlin Automotive ........................................................................................................................................................ 77 DARE Equestrian Center ................................................................................................................................................... 77 Diamond H Farm ............................................................................................................................................................... 76 Diamond Six Farm ............................................................................................................................................................. 76 Equestrian Life Coach ........................................................................................................................................................ 77 Equine Sports Massage Therapy ....................................................................................................................................... 77 The Folck Agency/National Equine Sales ........................................................................................................................ 77 Fritz Leeman Farms ........................................................................................................................................................... 78 Hedges Gallery of Insurance ............................................................................................................................................. 77 Jeff Kirkbride Photography ................................................................................................................................................ 78 Judd Paul Training Stables ................................................................................................................................................ 78 Kathy Williams Tail Extensions ........................................................................................................................................ 79 Kustom Kritter Fitter ......................................................................................................................................................... 78 Lori Gingrich Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 77 Mil-Max Training Center ................................................................................................................................................. 78 Missy Thyfault Performance Horses ............................................................................................................................... 79 Mound City Products ........................................................................................................................................................ 78 Myers Horse Farms ........................................................................................................................................................... 78 Ohio Cutting Horse Association ..................................................................................................................................... 78 OhiosHorses.com .............................................................................................................................................................. 78 Pine Meadow Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 76 Pine View Farms ................................................................................................................................................................ 79 Professional Auction Services, Inc. ................................................................................................................................. 79 The Rider ............................................................................................................................................................................. 79 Saddle Creek Farms Animal Bedding ............................................................................................................................. 79 Saddle Up! Magazine ......................................................................................................................................................... 79 Steve Flick Custom Design Saddles .................................................................................................................................. 77 Stoney Creek Quarter Horses ........................................................................................................................................... 76 Tim Finnegan Photography .............................................................................................................................................. 77 Tincher’s Quarter Horses .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Trein Training Center ........................................................................................................................................................ 79 Vargo Quarter Horses ....................................................................................................................................................... 79 Watkins Quarter Horses ................................................................................................................................................... 79


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