oh my:
[ that' s haute.] March/April 2017
Expose Yourself through Vulnerability Behind the Sceneswith:
alexismckeown PORTRAIT Up Close & Personal with
Brandelyn Cameron We are a team of passionate, fashion forw ard Canadian contributors w ho are not afraid to push the envelope. From east to w est our focus is highlighting community trailblazers by putting their business at the forefront of our stories. Live local. Love local. Join the conversation, you know you w ant to.
IN THIS ISSUE Art s & Ent ert ainment ..... Phot ography.....
B r a n d e L y n C a me r o n e d it o r in c h ie f
Kit chen & Cuisine..... Healt h & Fit ness..... Fashion & Beaut y.....
Photo Credit: Alexis McKeown Portrait
House & Home..... DesignerDIY......
oh haute damn... t h is is t he c l a n!
A l y s s a
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c ha nt a l
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ma d e l a in e
noel l e
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We are a team of fashion forward Canadian contributors that have collaborated to bring you a digital lifestyle publication with a little something for everyone. We live local. We love local. We write local. Join the conversation, you know you want to! Opinions expressed herein are that of each contributor .
In s p i r i n g s t y le in t im es o f t r a n s i t i o n ... W r it t e n b y : C h a n t a l S a r k is ia n With the temperatures fluctuating and snow levels decreasing, it?s hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. Patiently waiting for warmer weather and long sunny days becomes our daily mantra. We could just ditch the parka and winter boots, and deny the cold weather, but ultimately that just means compromising our health and nice clothes! So grab your migraine meds and your favourite spring accessories, and watch closely as I help inspire style during times of transition. Wear a pop of colou r Clothing isn?t the only medium for colour. Adding a pop of colour to your accessories and makeup can also have a great impact on your look. If you?re a monochromatic minimalist, you may want to consider a bold lip. If you?re feeling flirty, a bright coloured wool coat will definitely to do the trick. If you?re a on a budget, treat yourself to a fun vintage scarf. Fu n ct ion al f oot w ear Functionality is key when in comes to style, even though dressing for the weather can drain inspiration. Although we look forward to the melting snow, puddles and mud become our new reality. Keep your feet warm and dry with waterproof booties, and add a layer of warmth with fun wool socks. Resist the temptation of sneaking in a sneaker or two, and leave them for when the ground get dry. War m u p you r bom ber jack et w it h an over sized-sh aw l I love wearing bomber jackets, but living in Canada Photo Credit: Kim Vandermeer
means that our window of opportunity is quite small. To extend the wear, replace your blazers with bombers at work, or wear lined bombers as a winter coat? but not without a warm over-sized shawl. Layering a warm shawl with a lighter coat, can surprisingly add a perfect blanket of warmth. It can also help balance your body temperature during the day, should the sun decided to poke its head in the afternoon and warm up the air. Keeping in local Pictured above is the Rebel Shawl by Krista Norris Collection. Krista Norris is a designer based in Ottawa. Intended for style and functionality, the KN scarves can be found in 30 stores across North America from British Columbia and New Brunswick to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Brooklyn. Krista Norris is infamously known for having her scarves gifted by the Trudeau?s to U.S. President Barack Obama?s daughters in May 2016 during their visit to the Whitehouse. [oh my: that's haute.]
P IC T U R E T H IS ...
a f i lm f e s t i v a l. S u b mit t e d b y : Me l a n ie Ma r t in Picture This...A Film Festival that is! As a contributor to this great magazine that thrives off of community and local I couldn?t resist sharing this great project and I wish I had been able to share it sooner! Picture This...Film Festival is a project that has been going on for 16 years now and some amazing work and talent has come out of it resulting in Awards and recognition across the globe. What makes this film festival different from all the rest? Well I?m glad you asked! Picture This...Film festival will be showcasing 40 films from 21 countries just this year and will also be showing films from years past accounting for close to 300 films. Some short some full length but all amazing. Now for the kicker...Picture This...is a disability film festival and EVERYONE is welcome. This amazing festival features films that are about disability and/or films on any subject that were produced, directed and/or written by people with disabilities. Films are entered into one of five genres; animation, documentary, drama, education or performance. Films may also be in time sub-catagories e.g., drama 10 - 30 minutes. Films may be of any length. We want everyone to participate in this event and feel they have been entertained, learned something new or have a greater understanding of disability around the world. In the world we are living in now I think we could all use a glimpse of hope and how can you go wrong when it?s right in your backyard? The film festival show cases films about Family, love and community that ?inspire hope and counter some of the negativity? in this world. Picture This...Film Festival has been awarded the AMI Events Award ( This award recognizes and celebrates artistic excellence that promotes a more inclusive world) in 2011. It was all started by a Non for Profit Calgary SCOPE Society. Individuals were given the
opportunity to create 5 minute film with professional film makers to tell ?their story?. From this stemmed the thought process of ?well I have a story to tell so there must be others out there with a story to tell of their own?. And then came the birth of Picture This...Film festival. The first festival was held at Fort Calgary in 2001 and was a raving success right off the bat. Films had come in from all over the world totaling 116. It proved that there were indeed a plethora of people with a story to share and wanted it heard. After having a few homes over the years the film Festival is now held at the Calgary Scope Society?s office building. It is incredible how large the festival has grown over the years starting with 116 entries and now 1900 films have been entered to date. Looking for a cheap date night and want to not only help and support your community but also learn from you this is an event that just can?t be missed and you can?t go wrong with admission fees either; $10.00 for a day pass, $7.50 for low income, $5.00 for Students, Seniors and youth 16 and under. There is also a $20 pass for all three days (can you even go to see one movie for that these days??) Picture This...Film Festival also invites people to join them for their Gala Awards Evening and tickets for that are $25.00. If you would like more information please check out their website at www.ptff.org . For ticket information please e-mail director@ptff.org or call 403-717-5610 or 403-807-3341. Oh and how could I forget...there is unlimited free popcorn to be had. Try getting that deal at your movie theatre. Hope to see you there Calgary! Calgary Scope Society 219-18 St. SE, Calgary, Alberta
[oh my: that's haute.]
Fr o mSe e d t o Se a l ÂŽ
A Community Committment W r it t e n b y : C a r r ie W a l z More than ever before, people are looking for spiritual wellbeing and natural health alternatives to be used as a complimentary therapy to conventional medicine. Please do note that the information contained within is not to be taken as medical advice and that although considered natural health products, Essential oils may possess contraindications dependant upon your unique medical history. If you are suffering from any symptoms, you should discuss your treatment options with your medical doctor and determine if Essential oil therapy is right for you. Essential oils and Wellness products are for our enjoyment as they support our bodies, calm our busy environment, and uplift our spirit. By using essential oils aromatically (diffusing or inhalation) and topically (local application or body massage), you can experience the benefits of the pure essence of nature as intended for everyone. Young Living Essential oils is a community of wellness which started in 1993, and has grown to become the world leader in essential oils and wellness solutions with a steadfast commitment to essential oil purity. They?ve inspired millions of people everywhere to experience nature?s gifts of wellness and harmony through creating abundance as Young Living members. Young Living sets the standard for purity and authenticity with their Seed to Seal Commitment. What this means in a nutshell is that "from the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply rigorous quality controls to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended." If you?re looking for a natural alternative and you want to dodge harmful chemicals, enrich your life, and reclaim your natural radiance, Young Living has
42 Essential oil singles and blends that have been approved by Health Canada as Natural Health Products (NHPs). These NHPs have been approved for the following ailments, headache, acne, cough or cold, eczema and dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, strains or sprains, digestive discomfort, burns, cuts, bruises and minor skin irritations as well as stress. In our house we use Essential oils for many uses and benefits. Two of my favorite oils for post workout or stress relief for sore muscles include Deep Relief and Peppermint, which both have a cooling tingling sensation to offer relief and they have also been approved for relief from a cough or a cold, rheumatoid arthritis, strains, or sprains, digestive discomfort and lastly if your stressed or uptight. Peppermint offers me amazing relief when I eat something that doesn?t agree with me or I eat too much, I simply rub a drop or two of peppermint on my abdomen making sure to dilute for children as it can be a ?hot?oil due to tingling sensation. Lavender is another oil we use a lot of in our house: 1) because it smells amazing) 2) it?s my ?go to?oil for anything that ails us because it is mild yet effective and it has been approved for relief from headache, cough or cold, arthritis, strains, or sprains, digestive discomfort as well as stress. I find lavender especially lovely when combined with Lemon Essential oil, which in aromatherapy can be used topically or inhaled to reduce with symptoms of cold and cough. The benefits and uses of essential oils are endless and I?m still learning everyday but ?When we know better, we do better ?, so please contact me on Facebook for more information or to get started on your Essential Oil Journey.
SoyCandles +Com fort Bag s Written by: Brandelyn Cameron There is nothing I love more than coming home after a long day, relaxing by candlelight, and cozying up with one of Nanny Andree's wonder working comfort bags. For those of you that don't know what I am talking about, a 'Comfort Bag' is a 100% natural thermo-therapeutic compress that helps relieve muscle aches and pains. They come in multiple sizes, dependent upon your needs, however, I love the larger one that I can heat up and wrap around my lower back and abdomen and the smaller one that I can freeze and then apply for migraine relief. In all honesty, these little comfort bags are the bomb, and how cute is the designer fabric and matching pretty bag for my essential oils?! Speaking of which, let's talk non-toxic fabulously fragrant all natural soy candles. I made the switch a few years ago after a store bought candle I was using kept crackling, popping and burning black smoke. It peaked my interest and I learned a whole lot more than I ever imagined possible when it came to the toxins emitted from artificially fragranced candles. So I decided to make my own...and you can too! Y o u w il l n e e d : -
Soy wax flakes Cotton or wood candle wicks
[oh my: that's haute.]
Mason Jar Clothes Pin Essential Oil of choice Double Boiler
D IR E C T IO N S 1. Secure the wick by placing a dab of hot glue on the base of the wick and fastening to the bottom of the mason jar. Rest the clothespin on the mouth of the jar to center the wick. 2. Measure twice the amount of dry soy flakes required to fill your mason jar candle. 3. Add the soy flakes to a heat resistant measuring cup placed in a pot of water that you will bring to a boil. (Your make shift double boiler) 4. Stir constantly and do not leave unattended. 5. Remove from heat once melted and remove the measuring cup from the pot with an ovenmit and slowly pour into your mason jar. 6. Let cool for about 10 minutes and then add 20-30 drops of your selected Essential Oil. 7. Let stand over night. 8. Enjoy!
"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What is caught on film is captured forever...photography remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." ~AARON SISKIND
[oh my: that's haute.]
Cherish the Moment W r it t e n B y : Ma d e l a in e G a r c ia We take photos to preserve memories. We take photos to celebrate accomplishments and milestones in our lives. As a fitness professional I've always loved having photos of my physical progress to capture the work I've put into my physique. As a coach I love seeing photos of my clients as we work together. Sometimes those photos are just snap shots at events, sometimes they are personal progress photos and sometimes they are professional photoshoots that get published in magazines or are used to market products or even just for personal use. These are all photos of hard work and dedication. Now, as a pregnant woman my body is very different. I'm seeing a different kind of progress in my physique. It's changing daily and I'm constantly amazed at how my body just knows what to do to accommodate my growing baby and her needs. My body looks nothing like it did when I was sporting 6 pack abs or tight buns of steel. It's softer and rounder with new marks and lines. At this point I'm 9.5 months pregnant and swollen and ready to pop but even in the beginning it changed right away. I think so often we experience things and we forget to take photos. Or we shy away from them because maybe we don't look or feel our best. The thing is, special moments in our lives are fleeting. They all go by so quickly. When have you ever come across an old photo and thought "Oh I wish I never took that photo"? It doesn't happen. They are worth the effort. This is just a note to tell you to take those photos! Just take them.
Photo Credit: Avenida Garcia
K im R o n z o n i's
Shrimp P ho
[oh my: that's haute.]
Pho (pronounced "fuh") is considered the national dish of Vietnam. Typically made with beef or chicken bones that have been simmered a long time with various aromatics to create a rich savoury broth. My Vietnamese-inspired version is a simple and delicious take on this soup and just as comforting and filling. A restaurant quality dish at a fraction of the cost! You can find most of the ingredients at Farmer 's Pick, your local Ottawa grocery store. * Bragg liquid Soy seasoning is available at most health food stores. IN G R E D IE N T S -
8 cups unsalted, homemade chicken broth or 2 cartons of Campbell's unsalted chicken stock 2 cups cold, filtered water 5 tbsp. Bragg Natural Liquid Soy Seasoning* or Kikkoman low sodium soy sauce to taste 2 tbsp. Kikkoman rice vinegar, unseasoned 3 tbsp. Loriva expeller pressed sesame oil Sea salt to taste 2-3 tbsp. Thai Kitchen fish sauce Lee Kum Lee Sriracha Chili sauce (use as garnish) Fresh basil leaves (use as garnish) Fresh cilantro leaves (garnish) 4 lime wedges (use as garnish) ½ cup roasted, unsalted cashews (use as garnish) 2 green onions, diagonally cut (use as garnish) 2 red hot peppers, diagonally cut (use as garnish) ½ cup grated carrot 2 tbsp. fresh grated ginger root 5 cups (approx. 4) baby bok choy, sliced diagonally 1 (198 g box) Thai Kitchen rice noodles 1 (340g bag) Ocean Mama Seafood, frozen, raw shrimp, defrosted, shells on
D IR E C T IO N S MAKES APPROX. 4-6 SERVINGS 1. In a large pot bring chicken stock and water to a boil, reduce heat and simmer. 2. In a separate pot, Cook rice noodles according to package directions. Drain and set aside. 3. Add soy seasoning, rice vinegar, sesame soil, fish sauce and ginger to broth. Increase heat and bring to a boil. 4. Add sea salt accordingly. 5. Add carrot and baby bok choy to broth, cook 2-3 min. 6. Add unpeeled shrimp to broth, return to a low boil, 3 min until just cooked. 7. Divide enough rice noodles into each bowl, top with broth and shrimp. 8. Arrange assorted garnishes on the table and allow guests to choose their own. Photo Credit: Rogall Photo
A u N atural... IA d o r e Y o u
[oh my: that's haute.]
W r it t e n B y : N o e l l e O b e r g
I love the idea of the ?additional hydration? that sports drinks have to offer but do not like all the added sugar, unnecessary levels of sodium and calories. Don?t get me wrong, I am sure it is not terrible if you are burning it off running a marathon but I typically do not burn that much calories or energy in a one hour work out session. If you do, that?s fantastic!! If you are like me in that regard, you can quickly whip this up. It?s a pretty simple concoction really. The size of container you are making and your personal taste will decide how much of each ingredient you use. Here is a general reference point for a 500ml water bottle: -
Fill with filtered water 1tsp of Sea Salt Juice of 1/2 Lemon juice of 1/2 Lime 1-2 tbsp Coconut Nectar (for sweetening) Âź tsp Matcha Green Tea powder
Of course sodium is required when trying to boost your electrolytes but I used the right kind, Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. To give you a bit of an energy boost, I added pure Matcha green tea powder. The first time I added too much and tasted the green tea more than I had wanted. I personally prefer the lemon and lime flavor to be more dominant. I find it more refreshing but if green tea is a flavor you love than by all means, add a bit more. Just remember that green tea does have caffeine in it (hence the energy boost). If you are sensitive to caffeine you can obviously remove this ingredient all together or only consume it earlier in the day. I love using Coconut Nectar to sweeten things up because it has little to no grams of sugar (depending on the brand). My personal favorite is Coconut Secret brand. It is organic, has just one ingredient (the coconut sap), gluten free, non-GMO, vegan, and is 50 calories per 1 tbsp with 1% sodium, 4% carbohydrate, and like I said 0% sugar. What better place to try out my sports beverage then my very own dance class. So that is exactly what I did, set up a hydration station for my teacher and fellow dancers. With the verdict being a positive one I decided to share it with you . Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
A Be g i n n e r s Gu i d e to Sh o p p i n g Vintage& Consignment W r it t e n b y : A l y s s a B e l t e mp o
[oh my: that's haute.]
Even though shopping second hand is more ?en vogue? than it was a few years ago, it?s still an intimidating task. How do you sort through the racks and racks of clothing and accessories that may or may not be organized, or - yikes! - freshly laundered? I get it - second hand shopping can be daunting, and you definitely have to be in the right mindset in order to prevent mid-aisle breakdowns or change room frustrations. But it can also be extremely rewarding and a fun way to shop. Not only does shopping second hand help keep clothing out of landfills and slow down the cycle of mass production of garments, it?s way easier on the wallet too. The cherry on top to shopping secondhand and vintage however, is the almost 100% guarantee that you won?t look like everybody else you know. So if you?re thinking about trying your hand at consignment, thrifting, or discovering vintage - which, for the purposes of this article we?ll call ?secondhand? - this article is for you. Read on for tips about how to make sure your next foray into the wonderful world of secondhand shopping is a hit: 1. Don?t expect to find anything. This may seem entirely counter-intuitive to what I?ve mentioned above, but shopping secondhand is a complete crapshoot. Unless it is a high-end or expertly curated consignment or vintage store (which there are, the popularity of this shopping genre is making it so), you will have no idea what you?re going to find in there. Which is also part of the beauty of this task - so embrace it, and don?t go in with the expectation that you?ll come out with a gem. 2. Make sure you have time on your hands. Shopping in general is a workout; secondhand shopping is like one of those crazy obstacle courses because there?s so much more digging, sifting, trying on, and racing people who have their eye on the same shirt as you. As with above, this type of shopping is not a ?pop in and out? scenario. It?s more of an exploration. So make sure you have time to appreciate it,
otherwise you will be disappointed that you never find anything. Try everything on. Even though something may look right, or it?s from a brand you know fits; take the time to try everything on. It could have been altered by the previous owner, or in the case of vintage pieces - the size on the tag is likely completely irrelevant given their sizing standards are fifteen plus years old. Wear light layers. Some shops (or if you?re at a market) don?t have proper change rooms, or maybe you?re squeamish about trying on someone else?s clothes before laundering them yourself. In either of these situations, a pair of tight leggings and cami come in super handy. Keep them on while you try on for fast, efficient, and sanitary changes. Check for tears, stains, smells, or anything weird. So you?ve found an awesome piece, it fits, and you?re ready to buy it. Before forking over your cash, check the garment over for any damages. Important places to check are zippers, closures, clasps, seams, linings, pockets, collars and cuffs. Turn the garment inside out if you can to make sure you?re getting something wearable. Always check the discard rack outside the change room if it?s available. This is a great trick if you?re new to secondhand shopping because it means people have already done a good chunk of the searching for you. Bring cash. Oftentimes at vintage shows, markets, or small independently owned businesses, negotiating is acceptable. In some markets (especially European ones), it?s the only tender accepted. Cash can always sweeten a deal.
So next time you?re feeling like spending some of your hard earned cash, seek out a little vintage or consignment shop and try your hand at it. Not only can you find some super stylish items while helping the planet, I always find they?re conveniently located close to some of the best cafes in town.
[oh my: that's haute.]
P ut Y our Own Stamp On I t! W r it t e n b y : N ic o l e R o s e n f e l d t
Many of us have our own style and fashion flair and here?s how to understand all of the intricate details without losing ourselves. Demystifying some of the fashion trends can be confusing and here are a few tips to elaborate on this amazing topic! The transitional style is in popular demand lately. It is a blend of traditional and contemporary finishes utilizing materials and fabrics with simple lines in neutral tones. Rich woods and glamorous chromes combined to impress. The round shapes and straight cut are married to perfection. Some fabric and warm textures can compliment this inviting design. A contemporary option is sometimes referred to as modern with a touch of minimalism. The use of glass and metals are often favourites. Very classic and sophisticated flair! Portrayed in luxurious lofts or elegant venues, this style is meant to impress and repeatedly enjoyed by professionals. Classic and traditional designs are rich in woods, upholstery chairs with wainscoting walls. Clawfoot tubs can embellish a lovely ensuite with herringbone installation for the tiles. Trims and moldings are important to complement this cohesive style. Elaborate finishes are preferred with the use of a few more accessories. An eclectic home can be very personal and introduce you to the owner in many fabulous ways. They often display their traveling treasures, souvenirs from the family heritage, and personal crafty art effects. In many ways there are no rules, if they like it and it is deserving, it will be showcased as a piece of art. This is a very unique and intimate design. Rarely replicated! While there are many interpretations in styles and designs, what should be your guide is the ambiance you are trying to achieve, and the feeling you wish to acquire when you come home. Take the time to venture, read magazines and review the stunning photos to get inspired to create your own stamp. Work with the lines, textures, and use all your senses to improve your quality of life! Find colours, materials, and fabrics that enchant you. Combining interesting shapes and using reflections can also complement the environment you live in. Just be playful and discover your inner personality!
[ oh my: that's haute.]
keown P O R T R A IT
W r it t e n b y : B r a n d e l y n C a me r o n In my world, there is a sense of wonderment that accompanies the nostalgia experienced as you wander through your favorite antique store. In October of 2015, I attended the The Calgary Women's Show so that I could check out the Alberta Dames Vintage Market. However, among the many vintage vendors, the Women's Show also has over 300 exhibits, samples, free swag, fashion shows, non-stop entertainment, fashion, along with beauty and boutique shopping. Among all of this stood an exhibit of sheer vintage elegance with the kindest entrepreneur I'd come across that day. You see, we were nearing the end of the show and what must have been a very long couple of days, yet Alexis managed an enthusiastic sparkle full of poise and grace as she described the details of her business. As you can imagine, with any artistic masterpiece, the details are of paramount importance and your portrait session should be no different. After all, you are capturing a moment in time to be cherished forever. It was that moment, I knew I had found someone who's work was not only stunning, but someone I knew I could trust to capture my essence of my 40th year. Alexis McKeown is a portrait photographer, specializing in contemporary women's portraiture. She has a passion for showing a woman her true beauty and for creating magazine-style portraits for everyday women. The beginning of Alexis' career as a professional photographer was in a dance studio. She has training as a classical dancer, and has worked as a dance photographer for 8 years. This informs her as an artist when it comes to photographing women. Her dance experience has given her an ability to see line and form in an artistic way, and to carefully direct her subjects in order to create the most beautiful image, regardless of someone's size, shape or age. Every woman deserves to have portraits of herself that she absolutely loves.
alexis mckeown P O R T R A IT 10 5 B o w Me a d o w s C r e s c e n t | C a n mo r e , A B | T 1W 2 W 8 w w w .a l e x is mc k e o w n .c o m | 4 0 3 .7 6 0 .5 6 2 4
Currently at work in her Canmore studio, Alexis is happily creating heirloom portraits for clients as well as fine art portrait work for gallery presentation. From the moment I walked through the door of her Canmore studio, nestled in the majestic Rocky Mountains, I knew I had made the right decision. Alexis and her beauty team delivered an amazing experience that I highly recommend. Now just imagine a posh portrait studio with a vintage charm that will bring out your inner goddess the moment you walk through the door. A place where you can forget your inhibitions and be guided through one of the most amazing portrait sessions conceivable where you can unleash your inner beauty. Alexis McKeown's Portrait Studio and her team of beauty experts offer an experience to celebrate for years to come.
Th e Be a u t y Te a m
Linda is a professional freelance certified make-up artist based out of Canmore, Alberta, originally from Latvia. She specializes in beauty, portrait, editorial and commercial work. Linda has 10 years of international experience in makeup artistry, backed up with professional qualification from Dubai (Benton Makeup Centre) and Calgary (NIIMD, Numa International Makeup School). Her work has been featured on numerous wedding blogs (Love in the Rockies, Calgary Bride, and Canadian Mountai Chic), in several commercials broadcast on international scale (Samsung Curve TV, Lululemon Activewear). She has many collaborations with local and national level photographers whose works have been featured on national level in expositions. Linda has also worked with artists for stage performances for The Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
Sam Roycroft has been living in the beautiful mountain town of Canmore for 17 years and she's been a freelance hair artist there for the past 7. Her love of travel and of meeting new people has led her to her work in the wedding industry, as well as on photo shoots and all other special occasions. She specializes in attention to detail and enhancing natural beauty; she loves making the experience special for her clients, no matter what their desires. [oh my: that's haute.]
Linda has most recently been trained by Emmy Award Winning NY based Makeup Artist, Kevin James Bennett and attended several MAC Pro and Temptu PRO airbrush master classes to even further her skills and knowledge. In her spare time, Linda always looks for inspiration around her, follows current and past trends in makeup and fashion. Loves to read about history of makeup and fashion, dermatology, skincare,and cosmetic chemistry and ingredients. She also likes to draw, paint, create with different mediums.
Express Y ourself through Vulnerability.
[oh my: that's haute.]
W r it t e n b y : B r a n d e l y n C a me r o n What if I told you that I was so shy growing up that I couldn't even answer the door when the pizza that I had ordered showed up? Luckily my little brother didn't suffer from the same affliction. You would think that changing schools 16 different times throughout my childhood would force me to be social but that certainly wasn't the case. After spending the first 7 years of my life in Alberta, we moved to a small town on the East Coast of Canada following my parents divorce. I remember dreading the first day of school each time I had to go and introduce myself as the 'new girl'. Some kids were welcoming, some indifferent and some, well some were just down right mean. It's funny how you never forget those moments. I often remember biting the insides of my cheeks so hard in an effort to prevent the stinging hot tears from streaming down my face. Outside of my family, meaningful connections with others were few and far between. With every new school that I attended, my vulnerability and openness was buried just a little bit deeper. [oh my: that's haute.]
It wasn't until I landed my first real job following high school at LaSenza Lingerie (in the Mayflower Mall) that I was forced to interact with strangers at will. I was hired just before Christmas, when the store was first opening, and I loved visual merchandising. You better believe that my section always looked perfect. However, if I wanted to make it beyond a seasonal employee, my boss politely (but firmly) told me that I'd have to talk to people. Shortly thereafter, in my first year of University, I met the most charismatic women I've yet to encounter to this day. She was like a breath of fresh air, exceptionally intelligent, a young single mom and a magnificent free spirit. I was secretly envious, yet appreciative of her confidence. We developed a great friendship over the years that followed and although she likely doesn't know it, her inner wild child showed me exactly how I wanted to be. Maybe...just maybe interpersonal communication and human interaction wasn't so scary after all. Now let's get back to vulnerability, you know the stuff that I buried so many years ago. It has taken me years to 27
The reality is, you have to be vulnerable. You will only experience empowerment once you have been exposed. realize that my self worth is not determined by the opinion of others. In fact, my success is a direct result of taking responsibility for my perceived personality deficiencies and having enough confidence in myself to follow my dreams. No matter how outlandish they may seem. Now don't get me wrong, this sudden inner empowerment was years in the making and I've certainly learned the most from the mistakes I've made. My point is don't be afraid! If you have a dream...do it, an idea...chase it, and don't ever let the words of others hold you back from reaching your true potential. The reality is, you have to be vulnerable. You will only experience empowerment once you've been exposed. You have to take chances regardless of what the mass majority might think. Trust yourself. You are more than capable and the results will be amazing! PS - Happy 40th to me! Photography by: Alexis McKeown Portrait
alexismckeown p o r t r a it
[oh my: that's haute.]
Photo Credit: Hilary Elizabeth Photography
P r o T ip s f o r
P lanning Y our Engagement Shoot W r it t e n b y : C a it O 'Ma l l e y If you are one of the many couples who got engaged in the last couple of months, also known as Engagement Season to us wedding industry folk, then you?ve loved basking in the glow of being an engaged couple and are ready to yell it from the rooftops and announce it to the world. Of course, you?ve already posted a handful of ring selfies all over social media, squealed on the phone with your close friends and changed your Facebook relationship status, but now it?s time to seal the deal with an engagement session. So here are my top six, photographer approved, tips for planning your engagement photoshoot: -
Hir e a pr o. I know it may seem like a splurge when you are about to be spending a lot in the coming months to plan your wedding, but trust me, it?s a must! You?re going to be sharing these photos all over social media, sending them to your family and friends, framing them for your walls and maybe even using them as your save the dates so you will definitely want professional quality, high resolution photos. Some photographers even offer complimentary or discounted engagement sessions to clients who book certain wedding packages so think ahead on who you want capturing your big day and consider this the test run! Hir e som eon e you m esh w it h . You?re going to spend at least a few hours with your photographer and their job is to not only take great quality photos but to also make the two of you look good. If you can?t stand their personality then they are definitely not going to be able to bring out your fun, natural smiles and relaxed poses. Dr ess f or t h e occasion . Pick outfits that reflect your personality. If you love wearing bright colours or plaid, then wear those for your [oh my: that's haute.]
shoot. It?s fun to get glammed up but you will shine better in things you would actually wear. Make sure to run your outfit by your photographer too as some patterns and colours don?t photograph as nicely. Keep w it h you r n or m . The week before your photoshoot is not the time to try out a drastic haircut or get a spray tan. If you have been thinking of making big changes to your appearance, give yourself several weeks in advance to try out the new look, in case you don?t end up loving it. If you?re hoping for that fresh from the beach glow then make sure to stop hitting the beds or spray tans at least a week or two in advance to give your skin time to even out before your shoot. Tell a st or y. Are you nature enthusiasts? Why not incorporate a hike, kayaking or a beautiful landscape into your shoot? Or maybe you prefer to stay inside together. If your space allows for it, do the shoot in your home cozied up on the couch with your pets and some popcorn or stage breakfast and the crossword puzzle in bed. Your surroundings will help bring your personality out in the photos Have f u n . Pick a setting or venue that you love and just enjoy hanging out together. Don?t worry so much about posing or finding that perfect angle because you will likely end up looking stiff and unnatural. Instead, have a little fun together! Whether it?s running through a field, splashing water on each other at the beach or dancing together, it will make you feel more relaxed, your smiles and laughter will be genuine and you?ll be capturing organic moments together.
The H ostess with the M ostest
[oh my: that's haute.]
W r it t e n b y : Me l a n ie Ma r t in Tired of not knowing what to bring as a hostess gift. Wine is great but do you feel bad knowing that you are just going to end up drinking most of it by the end of the night? Yeah, me too! And flowers are great and all but I guarantee that you will leave a lasting impression with an original idea under your arm when you reach the door. In an effort to live local, love local, and support local I have a few gems to share with y'all to get a great original hostess gift that won't lead to purple teeth. For the lady who is a little different (on my top 5 for sure!!), Blame Betty is a great place to pick up a retro dress or shoes but don't overlook their amazing housewares collection. Everything from plates to salt and pepper shakers. Something for anyone, and really... who wouldn't want a set of skull salt and pepper shakers with matching towels or zombie cookie cutters? They also have great books for the tattoo fanatic. Check them out at www.blamebetty.com How about a few crystals for the bohemian hippy (or hopeful) you know. Earth Gems is a great place to find anything crystal related. Maybe dabble in your crafty side and make them some Buddha beads that they couldn't resist. They also have pre-made jewellery. Every stone has a story and a "power ". A super thoughtful gift that just about anyone could appreciate. Check them out at www.earthgems.ca Next on our list is Steeling Home. A must stop for any gift giving occasion, or maybe even a special treat for yourself. This place sells EVERYTHING!! Carpets, furniture, jewellery and all kinds of knick knacks that would make any hostess a happy camper. This is a go to shop for any hard to shop for person. I love the diversity and lots of unique Alberta branded stuff to send away if need be. I realize I went a little off track here but I can't help myself. I just love everything this store has to offer so I would save this one for any gift giving occasion needed. Check them out at www.steelinghome.ca Now that we have taken a nice stroll down 17th Ave, I realize not everyone has a ton of money to spend on a gift. Or want to save most of your gift fund for that wine you are dying to down at this wonderful dinner party you are excited and dreading all at the same time? Why not make a great gift without breaking the
bank? How about a terrarium? Sunnyside Greenhouses has been serving Calgarians since 1918! According to their website, "most tropical plants will grow well in terrariums just make sure you group plants that have the same moisture and light requirements together. At Sunnyside we carry a whole line of Fairy Gardening plants that would be well suited to terrariums. If you want to use succulents and cacti they would be better suited to an open terrarium. These plants are adapted to dry climates so open, unsealed terrariums keep the air free of excess moisture." Wh a t y o u n e e d : -
1 glass container Sand Succulents/Cacti/Tropical Plants River rocks or pebbles Activated Charcoal Potting Soil Decorations (optional)
IN S T R U C T IO N S : -
Place a 1.25cm (½inch) layer of small rocks or coarse gravel in the bottom. This allows for drainage. Add a layer of activated charcoal on top. This filters the air and keeps it fresh. Add a layer of sphagnum moss on top of the charcoal. This creates a layer and prevents the soil from settling into the drainage layers. Add a layer of potting soil - the depth of this layer is dependent on the size of the plants and the size of the terrarium. Plant your plants. Pull the soil aside, insert the plants and firm soil around it. Don?t overplant, give plants room to grow! Water lightly
Lastly, add any decorations such as a few extra stones, shells, Lego people...whatever rocks your boat. I was able to find great bamboo containers to transport the terrarium and I added a chop stick to draw in the sand. I found mine at T&T supermarket. I got 5 pair for $2 and they are super cute. Perfection and you didn't break the bank! Now that's a win/win in my books. Now I must find a dinner party to attend!
I talian
O n io n S o u p B y : K im R o n z o n i
Nothing says comfort food more than a steaming bowl of homemade onion soup topped with melted Fontina cheese. A melange of onions are slowly caramelized to bring out a wonderful, savoury-sweet, intense flavour. Onions are a nutrient-dense food, low in calories, high in vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids. For centuries, onions have been used to reduce inflammation and heal infections.
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp unsalted butter 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced 1 large white onion, thinly sliced 1 large sweet onion, thinly sliced 2 medium leeks (white part only) thinly sliced rings 4 shallots, thinly sliced rings 6 green onions, diagonally cut, thinly sliced rings 3 large garlic cloves, finely minced 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 large bay leaf 3 whole sage leaf stems Sea salt and fresh black pepper to taste 12 cups sodium-free beef stock ½ cup Italian white wine (optional) 500g Castello Fontina Cheese, thinly sliced [oh my: that's haute.]
Farmer 's Pick Portuguese buns, sliced and toasted (optional) Fresh parsley as garnish
DIRECTIONS 1. Heat olive oil and butter in a large skillet over med-high heat. 2. Add garlic and cook until softens. Add onions, continue cooking at med-high heat for about 10-15 minutes. Stir frequently, careful not to burn onions. 3. Reduce heat to medium, add maple syrup, bay leaf, sage leaves, sea salt and black pepper. Continue cooking for about 30 minutes or until onions are golden brown. 4. Add beef broth and wine (if using) and continue cooking on medium, for 10-15 minutes. 5. Ladle soup into onion soup bowls, top with toasted bread slices cut to fit bowl. Top bread with Fontina cheese slices. Broil lightly in oven until cheese is melted. Remove from oven and garnish with parsley. Tip: When slicing onions for soup, slice both ends of an onion, then halve onion lengthwise, and peel. Place onion flat side down and thinly slice lengthwise from stem to root. This allows shorter, more even slices that aren't long and stringy.
Ph ot o Cr edit : Rogall Ph ot o
W R IT T E N B Y : T if f a n y S mit h My eyes shot open from a dead sleep. I didn?t dare move. The sweet California sun was beginning to filter into the room, my partner peacefully sleeping beside me. The deep ache in my uterus gnawed away at more than just my body. I couldn?t keep up with the racing thoughts. The fear started to set in. For the first time in over a year I was going to be without the one thing that gets me through my menstrual cycle. A Cannabis Topical.
The therapeutic benefits of Cannabis have been known for thousands of years, and in the 1800s Cannabis became a treatment women relied on for their menstrual cramps, here I was being faced with the decision to potentially break the law federally and be labelled a criminal. Even as a prescribed medical patient in Canada, with legalized medical marijuana in the state of California, it is illegal for me to travel with my medicine. It is also illegal for me to obtain my medicine in the United States, as it is still federally deemed one of the most dangerous drugs according to ?Schedule 1?. While ironically travelling throughout the country who initially waged this war on Cannabis with its Reefer Maddness propaganda, I laid there staring at the ceiling, consumed by thoughts of how I could find my medicine, or who I could trust to purchase me some. I have severe dysmenorrhea which comes with a crippling pain that lands me on bathroom floor, where I near black-out from the intensity, every month. Dysmenorrhea, is the technical term for extreme period pain, and is a common problem. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, up to 20% of women suffer from menstrual cramping severe enough to interfere with daily activities. I have been one of those women since the start of my cycle at age 15, every month missing school, work, family gatherings and social events. Over the last 18 years, I have exhausted the list of options for dealing with my menstrual cycle, from pharmaceuticals in my adolescence and early adulthood to home remedies, diet and exercise, heating pads, vitamins, even sex! You name it, I?ve probably tried it. Some things have helped, some
things haven't. But nothing has proven more effective for me than a cannabis topical. With the building pressure in my abdomen, I knew I was due for my cycle any day, and with the deep gnawing pain already setting in, I knew it was going to be hell. Here we were 12 days into our trip, on our way to pick up our 1979 Westfalia in a couple of hours, and instead of feeling overwhelming excitement for an adventure the two of us had both dreamt of for over a decade, I felt dread and fear. All I could think about was how how I was going to survive six days in a van? I needed to find a way to stop my menstrual cycle from robbing me of yet another life experience. Quietly sneaking out of bed, I crept downstairs. There in the beautiful sun-filled kitchen, was my bed and breakfast host, formulating a special moon charged essential oil topical, for my period cramps. The night before her and I, had explored her in home apothecary, and chatted about how savage our menstrual cycles were, comparing horror stories. We also discussed her work with essential oils and my work with cannabis infusions. ?Sorry it doesn?t have any cannabis in it?, she said. But I wanted to make you a special blend [oh my: that's haute.]
to help with the pain.? I was overcome with gratitude. I couldn?t wait to try it. The next morning, while on the road, my cycle arrived, and as I had predicted it was fierce. I applied her formulation, and to my delight it took away about more than half of the pain. That may not sound like a lot, but for a person who experiences the intensity of pain that I do, it?s game changing. It gave me my life back. Instead of the usual bedridden pain, I was able participate in my vacation, and with only a moderate degree of cramping. It was the single best product I have used aside from a cannabis infusion. Since my trip to California, I have been working with my own infusions, incorporating more essential oils known to alleviate menstrual related issues. Therapeutic cannabis topicals infused with the right blend of essential oils has been the most safe and effective relief I?ve found in treating my dysmenorrhea so that it?s not controlling my life anymore. If you or someone you know also suffers from menstrual cramping, and you?re open to cannabis, I?d suggest giving it a try.
G o in g F r o m H o H u m T o H o t D a mn W r it t e n b y : S u z a n n e Q u in t a l What?s a girl to do when she has kick ass style but finds herself renting a home without the ability to move falls or rip up dingy floors. I can?t tell you how many times a client has dm'd House Couture to ask if design advice was only available to home owner ?s. I mean come on? .your palace is your palace whether you are writing the cheque to the bank or to the landlord. Sound familiar? Yep, after ?le divorce? (why does everything sound better in French? ) this girl has preferred to rent and transform spaces. Magically update within some guidelines of course. Just because you are unable to gut the space and start fresh does NOT mean that you can?t infuse it with your own special ?je ne sais quoi? (see? french makes it sound so much classier) and
[oh my: that's haute.]
make that space a reflection of your own amazing style! It always irks me when people say it is not worth putting time, effort, or money into rental. No matter how temporary? this is your home and you deserve to love the space you come home to! Now I won't talk the talk without walking the walk? so you can follow me on my journey to make my 540 sq ft ?aww hell no? space to a downtown pad fit for the bohemian princess that I am. With a few innovative ideas and some reversible upgrades, voila ? your home will magically sparkle! Without further ado? .here are some of House Couture?s go to's for going from ?HO HUM to HOT DAMN?!
T H O U S H A L L N O T L IV E W IT H B U IL D E R - C R E A M W A L L S . Before you even consider signing a lease? please ask your landlord or property manager if you can paint. Many will give you the green light if you PROMISE to change the walls back to the way they were. If you are lucky, you can negotiate that your walls are painted a simple white prior to you moving in. I have even had some landlord?s paint in the colours of my choice if I supplied the paint. Firm refusal? Try these tricks instead. Grab a couple of oversized canvases from your local art supply store to create temporary accent walls. Often you can purchase large scale stretched canvas in the discount section of the store. Add paint, wall paper, or fabric to the panels to make your own works of art. Cover unsightly walls with artwork that you already own or create. I once had tremendous success inexpensively framing magazine covers and cute bags from my favourite boutiques to create a ?wall of shame? that was nothing but FABULOUS! Louis Vuitton and Channel? yes please! Try doing something out of the ordinary to make it a reflection of your personality. Got a graffiti artist or another talented artist as a friend? Buy a large drop cloth from your local paint store and attach it to your walls with a heavy duty staple gun. Grab your friend and create a one of kind large scale wall mural that nobody else will have. Temporary wall paper is now the best that I have ever seen it. Add some jungalow flair with the must have now Banana Leaf wall paper Easy to peel on and off it is a show stopper with little effort. Check out Tempaper Designs for an assortment of removable and high style wall paper! You are not destined to live with unsightly beige walls. Think outside the box and let your creative freak fly. Stay tuned for my custom ?paint marker ? DIY wall paper tutorial on a future contribution. Yes, I will be transforming a wall for a budget of $7.00 and a little effort, and some probable swearing.
T HOU S HA L L COV E R U P W OR N A ND T OR N F L OOR S This is a big one for me. Floors are expensive, and I find it is the one place that landlords are unwilling to budge on. Whether it's scratched up hardwood or stained carpets or horrendous tiles? ..most landlord?s will make those suckers stretch as long as they can without upgrading and replacing. I am certain that my kitchen has the original brownish linoleum from 40 years ago. Once again you can try and ask for the carpets to be cleaned or the hardwood fixed? .but? ..it is truly up to the landlord?s good will. Dirty, dingy, and quite frankly suspect carpets kind of gross me out. I have a tremendous success just renting the commercial grade carpet cleaner from the local Loblaw?s Superstore. If your landlord will not spring for professional carpet cleaning, this is THE next best thing. Armed with an upholstery attachment you can make the most of it and refresh your fabric covered furniture at the same time as your carpets. Be it wood or carpet or something in between? once you have a clean base you can then begin to create zones and add personality with some of the amazing throw rugs there are out there. Ranging from inexpensive rag rugs to more costly vintage Moroccan works of art? you can cover up those unsightly floors and walk upon textured goodness. Some of my faves can be found on Jennifer harrison?s Instagram @shopfleamarketfab More of a DIY person? Crafting yourself an amazing floor cloth from durable canvas stencilled in the design of your choice can instantly up the wow factor of your home. Once all the rage in 18th century England these hardy and water resistant, these floor coverings are enjoying a resurgence in the modern home. I am currently making one for my outdoor terrace to add a little something something to the space. Myself, I am going to be changing my horrid linoleum floors in my kitchen with Peel and Stick vinyl tiles for Step Two of my ?Rental Kitchen Makeover."
T H O U S H A L L C O O K IN A K IC K A S S K IT C H E N Rental kitchen challenges vary from minor irritations to serious panic inducing episodes. Before you go
absolutely cray cray try a few of these remedy rescues. Ugly eye sore cabinets. Easiest remedy? pain? ask your landlord first. But de-griming, priming and painting ugly wood cabinets can add a breath of fresh air to a dingy kitchen. No permission? No problem. There are a ton of ways to hide less than desirable kitchen cabinets. Here are just a few.
DIY inspirations from Chasing Paper. Don?t believe me? I just totally transformed my HORRENDOUS yellow linoleum counters into high gloss marble look counters with the help of DC FIX marble contact paper in an afternoon. I can't wait to show you the finished look...in an afternoon my counter surfaces are the new love of my life. Check out DC FIX contact paper on Pinterest for a ton of DIY improvement ideas
Try changing the knobs and pulls on doors and cupboards. Adding a little high style bling is a secret to making cheap look expensive. Store the old pulls and put them back when you are done.
Hideous tile back splash or no back splash got you down? Peel and stick tiles now readily available at Home Depot can instantly upgrade your kitchen style. Pinterest is full of before and after inspiration.
Remove the doors and store elsewhere if you like the open modern look. Line the backs and interiors with pretty shelf paper. If you are not so good at keeping your cabinet interiors organized you can also go the added step and hang cafe curtains to hide the mess and give it a little bit of country charm.
Poor lighting? This is one I can currently relate to. With just one wall sconce, yes, not even an overhead ceiling light, I am currently cooking in the dark. True, my new marble look counter tops brightened up the space a bit, but I am in dire need of functional lighting.
Quality contact paper can disguise an ugly cabinet in neutrals or fun types of patterns. This peel and stick wonder is easy to apply and when you move (or get bored) you can heat it up with a blow dryer and remove from the surface without any damage. Not only for cabinets? you can wrap ugly stoves and fridges and backsplashes with this inexpensive material. Take a look here at some
[oh my: that's haute.]
I foresee some under mounted LED strip lighting and a swag pendant in my kitchen's future and you can too! Storage woes? Try adding some shelving directly above your upper cabinets or entry door for rarely used items. Interior organizers can also gain badly needed inches within drawers and cupboards. Wall mounted peg board can readily organize all your pots and pans!
A bright and cheery carpet or floor cloth can hide less than stellar floor and add a pop of colour to the area.
T H O U S H A L L B A T H E IN A S A NCT UA RY Small and cramped bathroom areas are not the stuff that dream are made of. Outdated tile, mismatched fixtures and lack of storage do not create the zen like feel a hardworking girl needs at the start or end of her day. Luckily there are a few DIY ways to make the most of your bathroom and without forfeiting your rental deposit. Add an amazing shower curtain. This is one inexpensive touch that can instantly update (and hide) a tired shower/tub combo. From Urban Outfitters to Anthropologie there are a ton of choices to add personality to your bathroom. Hide cheap builder ?s ceramic or ages old linoleum with a stylish carpet, bath mat, or the aforementioned floor cloth. Thankfully, most apartment bathroom floors are so small that this is a quick fix. Ugly vanities can be painted with permission. I have had great success previously with a coat of black high gloss paint for instant drama! No vanity? Try hiding ugly pipes with a sink skirt or a grouping of plants. Add some stylish storage like I did with theses fun hanging storage racks and the always styling Componobili from Kartell to keep everything I need organized and close at hand. Throw in a chrome bathtub tray and your bathroom can go from cramped to spa like with little to know effort. With a little research, creativity, and effort? Renters can have all the swagger and style that home owner ?s can have and then some. Be sure to stay tuned to follow my adventure?s on beautifying my little rental in the city. Keep it classy and a little bad assy?
Editor's Choice
Th e Vi t a l Fe w Ve r su s t h e Use f u l M a n y:
Building a Successful Creative Business without hustling W r it t e n b y : L is a K e l l y I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to hide in my bed with a bowl of KD, a tub of dill pickle dip and a root beer float and just run away from the stress of "hustling" my business. Many, many times, my friend. There is a reason so many creative entrepreneurs like you and me feel overwhelmed and why so many burn out before they ever get to reach their big goals. "Hustling" has become the new rallying call for Creative Entrepreneurs complete with themed mugs, t-shirts and IG quotes ready to remind us that we aren't doing it fast enough or hard enough. Heck, you have probably even recited the "Everyday I'm Hustling" mantra like a badge of honour (* raises guilty hand); but in today's business culture "Hustle" has become the equivalent of saying: "I'm working CRAZY HARD here people! I'm running on 6 cups of coffee, I'm answering emails in the bathroom, spending my yoga time searching for new website templates and generally multi-tasking the crap out of my days. I'm chasing down ALL.OF.THE.THINGS. I gotta do to make this business of mine successful, because this is how you MAKE.THINGS.HAPPEN. I'm juggling my schedule and people and to-do lists like the ultimate #bossbabe with a smile on
[oh my: that's haute.]
my face because - Baby, I am living the DREAM here.... L I V I N G T H E D R E E E E A M " Or, like NOT, actually... When Mega Superstar, Adele, announced she was taking 3 years off to focus on her family, entrepreneurs and artists everywhere shouted, "Go Girl!? None of us are immune to the pressure created by pursuing our passions. We think if we get famous enough or successful enough, we'll be able to slow down. But that doesn't happen. Instead the more we grow, the more pressure there is to maintain that level of success. My breakthrough moment came after years of trying to juggle my family life with my entrepreneurial calling and failing hard. It came after the 857th time my Husband asked me, "Do you have to do that, right now?" and "Can we have dinner without our phones please?? It came after he told me he felt lonely even with me here. And it came after I finally tackled my depression and asked for help. After all of these struggles, I was finally able to really GET IT. I could not keep filling my days up with 1000 things that were useful but not VITAL to truly feeling ALIVE in my life. My breakthrough came when I got clear on my Ultimate Core
Values, the things that would guide my decision making every step of the way so that I could stop putting time and energy into things that were not aligned with my life and business goals. I used these Core Values to distill down to the foundation of what my business needed to be and where I needed to spend my time to create something powerful.
Instead of hustling: -
"But a ny a rtist should b e a b le to tell you, musicia ns pa rticula rly, tha t the cra ft is in ha rmonizing movement a nd stillness, content a nd void , tha t a song is ma d e of notes a s much a s it is ma d e of hund red s of pa uses b etween those notes. Without emptiness, there is only noise." - Anthem Salgaldo
[oh my: that's haute.]
I prioritized alone time to give myself the quiet space I needed to tap into my best ideas. I stopped trying to do everything myself and embraced community. I aligned my to-do list with my core values and stopped feeling guilty for where I spent my time. I did less work, far far better. I made openness a part of my schedule so that I could stay flexible to the changing needs of those around me and not be crazy stressed when things came up unexpectedly.
Oh Friends, hustling can often times look so much like glorified ?busyness?. Out of fear or guilt, we fill up our lives because the absolute worst thing we can imagine is having a business that is? ?Small or Slow?. To entrepreneurs Small or Slow are the REAL S-words that you should never ever speak out loud. Heaven forbid that you should ever say, "Things are slow" or that you are working on a ?Small scale?. People might immediately assume that that business you are so passionate about is only a hobby or that you are failing at what you do. But Friends, busy does not mean better. Hustle does not equal success. In fact, Hustle can actually be the reason you aren't succeeding. I know, I just blew your mind. (I've been told I do that often). Here's the reality: Focusing on the hustle won't leave you time to focus on what TRULY matters most. Hustling will eat up all of your time, energy and drive without much to show for it. You will be too busy, drained and overwhelmed by the many useful items on your to-do list to do the VITAL FEW things that are critical to the ultimate success of your business. Oh how I yearn for you, friend, to break free from the pressures of the Hustle mentality. I want to see you find those critical pauses between the notes of your life's song. I want to see you rest in the knowledge that your days are spent in purposeful pursuit of what matters to you most, not a slave to trying to do it all. 46
F ind what inspires you & own it!
s a l t & l ig h t S t u d io
END. www.ohmythatshaute.com