[oh my that's haute] Anniversary Issue: Winter 2017

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oh my:

[ that' s haute.] January/February 2017

L o v e is in t h e A ir 2017 Anniversary Issue featuring

- Cait O'Malley of

Bourbon & B loom - Winter Wedding Ma k e U p T r ic k s & Tr e nd s We are a team of passionate, fashion forw ard Canadian contributors w ho are not afraid to push the envelope. From east to w est our focus is highlighting community trailblazers by putting their business at the forefront of our stories. Live local. Love local. Join the conversation, you know you w ant to. 1 [oh my: that's haute.]


IN THIS ISSUE Art s & Ent ert ainment .....

B r a n d e L y n C a me r o n e d it o r in c h ie f

W int er Weddings..... Kit chen & Cuisine..... Healt h & Fit ness..... Fashion & Beaut y..... House & Home.....

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oh haute damn... t h is is t he c l a n!

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noel l e

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We are a team of fashion forward Canadian contributors that have collaborated to bring you a digital lifestyle publication with a little something for everyone. We live local. We love local. We write local. Join the conversation, you know you want to! 3 [oh my: that's haute.]

Opinions expressed herein are that of each contributor .


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SustainableStyle Written by:

A L Y S S A B E l T E MP O

A new year always starts with the best intentions. In every aspect of our life, there are goals set, improvements to be made, and a gung-ho attitude that permeates our every thought and action. The spirit of a new beginning can do wonders for the heart, mind, and soul ? until March, or April, when some of our resolutions have fizzled along with the embers of our cozy holiday fires. But it doesn?t have to be that way. Resolutions can be simple actions that don?t require too much effort, and in that sense, can be easier and more realistic to both attain and maintain.

nailed down, let them be your guide when shopping or looking at your closet. If an item in your closet or in the store doesn?t reflect those three adjectives - be like Princess Elsa and let it go! The more you do this, over time your wardrobe will start to reflect your true personal style and be comprised of items you actually love and want to wear.


Use the 80/20 rule when you shop - read more about it here, but it basically means spending 80% of your clothing budget on investment pieces which are higher quality staple items, and the other 20% on fun, spontaneous purchases. This lifestyle change can get you into the habit of saving up for a more expensive garment that will serve you better and over a longer period of time.


Shop with a list! It might sound akin to beating the fun out of shopping with a large pragmatic stick, but shopping with a list does wonders to curb those impulse buys and limit wasteful purchases. This develops a keener shopping eye as you?ll find yourself settling less and less for garments that are ?just ok?. Give yourself a few freebies of course (that?s where the 20% from the 80/20 rule comes in) whether it?s vintage shopping or thrifting, or shopping during travel.

We are all aware of the side-effects of an overflowing closet full of purchases that have us think ?I have nothing to wear!? or ?what was I thinking when I bought this?? or the classic; ?but it looked SO good in the store? accompanied with a sad face emoji; the classic case of buyer 's remorse. These experiences are disheartening and frustrating, and let?s be honest; nobody has time for that negativity in their life. You know what else we don?t have time for? Being mean to mother nature. So in a combined effort to be nicer to yourself, your closet, and the planet, here are some easy resolutions you can start implementing to create a curated, stylish, and thoughtful wardrobe.


Narrow down your style to three words (this may take a bit of time, lots of Pinterest-ing, and a bit of serious soul-searching). Once you have those

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Written by:


This luxurious Italian dessert, combines the best of both worlds! It's a cross between a cannoli pastry, (using ricotta cheese, vanilla, cinnamon and citrus) and tiramisu (using mascarpone and heavy cream sweetened with a touch of honey and shaved chocolate). Cannoli pastry is typically deep fried so using baked Pizzelle waffle cookies and strawberries allows for a lighter and easier version that can be made rather quickly. It's a great make ahead dip for entertaining as the flavours come together nicely after sitting in the refrigerator. I used natural, local honey instead of refined sugar. Fresh orange and lemon zest was used instead of candied fruit.Natural vanilla and cinnamon gives it a lovely flavour. Ricotta and mascarpone cheese are both low in sodium. Light ricotta can be substituted for regular.Ricotta cheese is a good source of protein and helps in the absorption of calcium and vitamin B. Mascarpone cheese is a concentrated source of the nutrients found naturally in milk, including calcium. It has a large amount of other essential nutrients such as phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin B 12 and vitamin A. It's a dense source of high quality protein. Serve alongside any of your favourite cookies, and assorted fresh fruit as a gluten-free alternative. Mini chocolate chips and or unsweetened cocoa can also be used as

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toppings. Pecans, hazelnuts or almonds would also work as a garnish.


½ c. 35% M. F. whipping cream 1½ tsp. natural vanilla extract 1 c. Tre Stelle Traditional Ricotta Cheese ½ c. Salerno Mascarpone Cheese ¼ c. Crerar 's Natural Ontario Honey ¾ tsp. ground cinnamon ½ tsp. lemon zest ½ tsp. orange zest 1, 200g. pkg. Reko Pizzelle, Italian Waffle Cookies in Anise or Chocolate 2-3 tbsp. Wonderful Pistachios, roasted, unsalted, chopped 2 squares Perugina Premium Milk or Dark Chocolate Bar, cut into fine shavings Fresh strawberries

D IR E C T IO N S 1. In a chilled stainless steel mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Add vanilla to the whipped cream. 2. In a separate bowl, whip the ricotta, mascarpone and honey with an electric mixer until smooth. Add cinnamon, lemon and orange zest. 3. Fold whipped cream into the ricotta and mascarpone mixture. 4. Refrigerate until ready to use. Garnish with chocolate shavings and chopped pistachios.


D ip

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Top 5 New Year' s Resolutions I Won' t do in 2017, and 5 things I' ll do instead... Written by:

L is a K e l l y

Encouragement for Creative Business Women

accounts that cause any jealousy in me. -

With the start of this New Year comes an opportunity for deep reflection and goal setting for both our personal lives and businesses. It's a chance to figure out what is working and what isn't and to "draw lines in the sand" about what you will and won't do in 2017. As a brand filmmaker working exclusively with creative women, I come across a lot of brilliant, talented women who struggle with the same confidence defeating, soul sucking habits. These habits keep these amazing women stuck and overwhelmed. They can cause you to question your purpose, alienate you from your community of peers, ruin your drive, and steal your passion. Friends, let's fight these habits together by declaring: 1. I will not spend hours looking at other people's social media feeds until I feel like a failure. Instead, I will unfollow, delete or ignore online 8 [oh my: that's haute.]

In st ead of com par in g m yself t o ot h er s, I w ill r em in d m yself of m y au t h en t ic br an d st or y f ocu sin g on w h o I am an d w h at I do best . Wh en I m ess u p an d lose f ocu s, I w ill cr eat e som et h in g ju st f or m e, sh r u ggin g of f t h e n eed f or ot h er s appr oval.

2. I will not participate in or encourage others in gossiping about my creative peers. I won't focus negatively on the journey of others, even those I may feel wronged by. -

In st ead, I w ill t ak e t h e h igh r oad in all sit u at ion s, of f er in g gr ace an d secon d ch an ces. I w ill speak w ell of ot h er s bot h pu blicly an d pr ivat ely an d if I can n ot , I w ill excu se m yself f r om t h e con ver sat ion .

3. I will not spend the first minutes or hours of my day checking Facebook or Instagram or any other social media site. I will not engage with the voices of the online world before I even get out of bed.


In st ead, I w ill pr ior it ize t h e people in f r on t of m e an d t h e n eeds of m y body, spir it an d m in d. I w ill Yoga. Or pu t on m y f avou r it e son g an d bu st a m ove in m y u n der w ear . I w ill k iss m y h u sban d ext r a lon g even w it h m y m or n in g br eat h , an d list en t o an in spir in g podcast w h ile I get dr essed. I w ill f in d a h ealt h y balan ce bet w een w or k an d lif e an d n ot allow t h is job I love t o st eal excessive t im e, en er gy or pat ien ce f r om t h e people w h o w ou ld love m e even if I becam e a w r et ch ed bu sin ess f ailu r e.

4. I will not allow myself to become complacent. I won't settle for mediocre or mundane when I have it in me to fascinate and create products, services or experiences that are irresistible to my dream clients. -

In st ead, I w ill in vest in lear n in g, becom in g a m ast er at w h at I do. I w ill t ak e r isk s in or der t o gr ow an d em br ace w h at com es as an oppor t u n it y t o r ef in e m yself f u r t h er .

5. I will not be a lone island. I will not isolate myself from my "competitors" in fear of having my work or ideas threatened. I will not embrace a me-versus-them mentality or believe that there is not enough for all of us to succeed. -

In st ead, I w ill pu t m yself ou t t h er e an d n et w or k . In per son . I w ill f ace social f ear s, br eak bar r ier s an d allow m yself t o be vu ln er able w it h ot h er s. I w ill seek oppor t u n it ies t o lear n w it h a h u m ble h ear t an d in vest my k n ow ledge in h elpin g ot h er w om en su cceed at t h eir cr eat ive bu sin esses t oo. I w ill gr ou n d m y bu sin ess in cou r ageou s love an d t h ou gh t f u l k in dn ess, seein g m y cr eat ive peer s as a par t of a sist er h ood an d ally t o gr eat er su ccesses.

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COVER STORY Photo Credit: Lisa Kelly of The Salt & Light Studio

W inter W edding

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ma k e u p t r ic k s a n d t r ends Written by: C a

it O 'Ma l l e y

Soft falling snow, warm white lights and silver-sparkly back drops. Winter definitely creates a gorgeous aesthetic for any wedding, but the freezing temperatures and whipping winds are sure to leave their mark. The winter weather is notorious for drying your skin out, creating flaky or even red patches and the infinite white backdrop can also leave you looking a bit washed out. This month, I sat down separately with two talented make-up artists, Liana Lacroix and Melanie Dallaire, to get the scoop on some of their best tips and tricks for beautiful winter ready skin and makeup. While I barrelled questions at them in the SEO Squirrel?s photography studio, the two makeup artists put their talents to the test, each applying one of their favourite current winter wedding makeup trends on yours truly. Let?s get started! Lik e m an y, I su f f er f r om dr y, f lak y sk in in t h e w in t er m on t h s. Wh at k in d of sk in car e r egim en sh ou ld I f ollow t o get r id of t h at pesk y dr yn ess? Lian a: Cleanse, exfoliate, and moisturize as you normally would, making any adjustments in your products as needed. Some people need a lighter moisturizer in the warmer months, and need a heavier moisturizer in the colder months. In the winter I love using Emergen-C Organics moisturizer at night. It gives me that extra boost of hydration I need! M elan ie: For the harsh winter weather, it is best to switch to a soap free cleanser. Treat your skin like it is sensitive even if it is not. Using a mild exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and dry skin one per week is important as it will allow the serums and moisturizers to penetrate actually penetrate the skin and allow the hydration to occur. It is best to 11 [oh my: that's haute.]

use a product that contains Humectants, Emollients and Occlusives. A few wonderful products to use in this case would be Dr. Roebuck?s Pure or Kiehl?s Ultra Face Cream. I also f in d t h at m y lips ar e ext r a dr y in t h e w in t er , som et im es cau sin g cr ack s t h r ou gh m y lipst ick . Wh at k in d of lipcar e r egim en sh ou ld I f ollow t o avoid dr y, cr ack ed lips? Lian a: First off, keep drinking lots of water. We tend to drink warmer drinks in the winter, but we still need to keep hydrated! I love using a raw sugar, coconut oil scrub every couple days to buff off any dry skin on my lips! M elan ie: The best and most inexpensive way to avoid dry, cracked lips is with a regular routine of a homemade scrub of brown sugar and honey. Mix the two ingredients and use a small toothbrush in a circular motion to remove any dry, cracked skin then moisturize with coconut oil or Eucerine Aquaphor overnight and during the day as needed. Wh at k in d of lipst ick s w ou ld you r ecom m en d t o h elp avoid dr yin g m y lips? Lian a: Look for ultra hydrating lipsticks and glosses. I?m a fan of Jane Iredale lipsticks. They are free from synthetic ingredients, cruelty free, and ultra hydrating! M elan ie: My personal faves are MAC Creamsheen and MAC Amplified Cream lipsticks as they have a very creamy texture with hydrating components. I u su ally u se a com pr essed pow der cover u p, bu t f in d in t h e w in t er it r eally sh ow s all t h e dr yn ess f law s on m y f ace. Sh ou ld I be f ocu sin g on liqu id f or m u las over pow der s? Lian a: I believe that you should use what you love. If you do have a drier skin type, liquid foundations may give you that added boost of moisture. But if you prefer powder foundations, just be sure your skin is exfoliated, and well hydrated before use. M elan ie: It is definitely best to avoid powder at all cost since it will stick to any flakes and sit on top of any dry skin. Liquid or cream formulas which

contain oil are better options for the winter months. If you do not need a lot of coverage, opt for a tinted moisturizer but do not replace it with your usual moisturizer, use it in addition to. Wh at k in d of colou r s do you f in d look best again st t h at st ar k -w h it e w in t er back dr op? Lian a: Beautiful jewel tones are always look stunning in the winter. M elan ie: I love how a beautiful berry color (lip and cheek) pops against a white winter backdrop, giving the cheeks a natural flushed look, like you just came in from the outdoors. Wit h h ar sh w in ds an d w et sn ow , w h at can I do t o en su r e m y m ak eu p last s t h r ou gh ou t t h e w h ole day?

Lian a: Silver and blue eyeshadow colours have been a huge trend this winter. From the runways, to everyday looks! Also, deep dark lip colour. People are rocking colours from deep burgundies, to dark grey, and even black. Love it!

Lian a: Using a makeup setting spray will always help. I use Jane Iredale D20 Hydration spray. It will set your makeup perfectly, adding a touch of hydration to your skin. You can also use it as a little refresher spray throughout the day. M elan ie: My go to product for staying power in Canada?s harsh winter weather conditions is Skindinavia?s Finishing Spray. It creates a web on the face making the application waterproof and smudge proof. I h ave pr et t y f air sk in so in t h e su m m er I love t o u se br on zer t o give a bit of t h at su n -k issed glow. Is br on zer st ill ok ay t o u se in t h e w in t er ? Lian a: Of course bronzer is still okay to use in the winter. Keep in mind that you may need a lighter shade of bronzer than what you?d use in the summer! M elan ie: Absolutely! Bronzer is a staple product that anyone should have no matter the season. In the winter, it is beautiful to add warmth or a soft glow to pale, dull looking skin. So n ow t h at w e?ve got t h e scoop on h ow t o t ak e car e of ou r sk in an d adapt ou r m ak eu p r ou t in es in t h e w in t er ? I?m dyin g t o k n ow w h at k in d of m ak e-u p t r en ds ar e h ot f or t h is w in t er !

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M elan ie: My favorite makeup trend is the glitter eyeshadow, bold liner and bright red glossy lip. For bridal I would coordinate this with a beautiful gold glittery eye to capture the light, a bold black liquid liner and last but not least a candy apple red lip with a generous amount of gloss to give it a wet, hydrated look. There you have it, folks; all of the best tips and tricks for having beautiful, healthy skin throughout the winter. Make sure you are keeping well hydrated, exfoliating consistently and using moisturizing products, and you will be winter wedding-ready in no time! PHOTO CREDIT: Stephanie de Montigny of The SEO Squirrel

F eaturedTalent : L ia n a L a c r o ix With 20 years in the beauty industry, Liana LaCroix has gained such a passion for her art, and her ability to create any look her clients desire. Originally from Victoria, BC, Liana now resides in Ottawa, Ontario specializing in bridal, and boudoir hair and makeup artistry. She is the founder of Liana LaCroix Beauty, and offers services throughout Eastern Ontario. Liana uses only natural, synthetic dye, harsh chemical free, and cruelty free makeup such as Jane Iredale, SST, and Tarte just to name a few. PHOTO CREDIT: Stacey Stewart Photography

me l a n ie d A l l a ir e

Born in the small town of Kapuskasing, Ontario, Melanie Dallaire, Founder and Owner of Dazzling Faces Makeup Artistry specializes in Bridal, Fashion and Runway makeup. Located in Ottawa, Melanie has over 13 years of experience as a Makeup Artist and offers an exclusive mobile service. At a young age, Melanie discovered her passion for makeup and began to read books and test the skills and teachings from world-renown makeup artist to develop her skills then launched herself into the land of freelancing. After a few years of getting her feet wet and with a continued desire to learn and be challenged, Melanie began to research her professional career at MAC where she fined tuned her skills as a Makeup Artist and grew to be on an unstoppable path to conquer the world one face at a time. PHOTO CREDIT: Stephanie de Montigny of The SEO Squirrel

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N aturally B e a u t if u l Written by:

B r a n d e l y n C a me r o n

Over the past few years I have made a conscious effort to pay very close attention to what I am applying to my body as a part of my daily skin care routine. However, since the cosmetic industry is not very well regulated, it is exceptionally difficult to really know what you are getting yourself into. I mean think about it for a minute, what you apply will eventually be absorbed by your skin and perhaps even into your blood stream. Now consider how many products that you actually apply multiplied by the frequency of such and need I say more? After reading Gillian Deacon's There's Lead In Your Lipstick - Toxins In Our Everyday Body Care and How to Avoid Them", I was pretty much ready to throw in the towel when it came to my treasured 'beauty' products However, given the fact that I have uber dry skin and now live in Alberta, that simply wasn't an option. I have a keen interest in essential oils, and since the mere thought of attempting to decipher the contents of commercially produced products made my head spin, for the past 2 years, I have simply used an aloe infused Witch Hazel toner combined with my own 'anti-aging' facial serum. I have had great success using Frankincense, Neroli, Myrrh EOs blended with Evening Primrose or Jojoba as the carrier oil for my moisturizing serum. Recently, I decided that it was time to up the ante and incorporate a couple more products into my regime, but where do I start? Following a recent ski trip to Lake Louise and a pit stop in Canmore, AB,

on the way home and I found the Rocky Mountain Soap Company - 100% Natural Skin Care! Since the skin around your eyes is very delicate, you need to give this area a little extra attention using nature's finest. It is said that Beech Bud Extract is best for dry and mature skin, but really...is it ever too early to incorporate anti-aging into your skincare routine?! Although it is always recommended that you discuss the benefits of natural healing with an appropriate professional, I discovered that BEECH TREE - FAGUS SYLVATICA, is noted to posess the following features and benefits* : FEATURES: -

antioxidant anti-wrinkle boosts protein synthesis oxygenates cells stregnthens capillaries stregnthens epidermal structure


anti-aging wrinkle smoothing moisturizing rejuvenating protecting firming

Hence, Rocky Mountain Soap Company's Beech Tree Bud Eye Cream was a slam dunk! Combine it with their Bamboo Brightening Face Polish and I'm rocking the new year with a radiant complexion! * Sources: www.organicfacts.net, www.beyourselfbeautiful.com

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E D IT O R 'S C H O IC E Beech Tr ee Bud Ey e Cr eam The skin around your eyes is thinner and more fragile than the rest of your face, but nature knows exactly how to take care of the windows to your soul. Known as the 'Tree of Everlasting Youth', Beech Tree Bud extract gives a firm resiliency and support to the skin while Coconut and Jojoba Oils provide long-lasting hydration. This formula also uses vitamin and anti-oxidant rich Ginseng and Green Tea to restore a look of youth and vitality and to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eye. You're free to smile.


Bamboo Br i ght eni ng Face Pol i sh Looking for a scrubby, deeply exfoliating experience to reveal your freshest face? This toxin-FREE polish uses Bamboo and Sugar to give an invigorating scrub for normal and oily skin types. You'll love the Tea Tree and Eucalyptus that gives it the fresh, 'wake me up' scent. We've added French Green Clay for its excellent detoxifying properties. Let the polish sit on your face for a while to get the full benefit of the Clay. Combining this Polish with water will give you the most intense exfoliation, but you can combine it with Cleansing Oil, Day Cream, Honey, Yogurt or whatever nourishing and natural base that your skin is craving. Polish away dead skin to reveal your freshest, most glowing complexion.

$16.75 15 [oh my: that's haute.]

TOTAL NUTRITION DIVA 16 [oh my: that's haute.]

For over 18 years Darpan Ahluwalia has been a Certified Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), a Certified Live Blood Analyst (CBA), Products Knowledge Expert/Educator and formulator of the My Gluten Free products line. Also known as the Total Nutrition Diva, Darpan owns and operates the Manotick Natural Market and Manotick Wellness Hub. She has been sharing her enthusiasm and passion for helping her customers and clients when it comes to the right kind of nutrition for them. Darpan believes that finding nutritional balance for your body is the key to good health and that the Manotick Natural Market can be a great source of not only nutritional education but health and wellness products as well. This Total Nutrition Diva is happy to share her knowledge; actually, it's what she lives for. Homeopathy is one of the most widely used systems of medicine in the world because it is safe, effective, natural, non-addictive, and holistic. The remedies are derived from natural substances and can be used to treat all symptoms and all stages of disease, both acute

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and chronic, including chronic degenerative conditions. It can be used safely alongside conventional medicine. Darpan has recently created a holistic blend that is a super healing tonic known as Golden Root. There are several benefits associated with Golden Root. It is: -

Certified Organic Health Canada Approved Gluten Free & Vegan The most bioavailable tonic on the market Immune Boosting to ward off flu/colds Providing digestive support for gut and brain health An anti-Inflammatory to alleviate joint pain

Golden Root is easy to add into your daily routine. With few a tasty spritz of Golden Root on your food as a dressing or a teaspoon at a time, you will be boosting your immune system to ward off cold & flu because, let's face it, nobody has time to get sick! PHOTO CREDIT: Debra Cowie

Visit Us On lin e

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D a r p a n A h l u w a l ia

It is a big part of my history, has been so soothing to my soul and has been with me in my natural health field since day one. It is powerful, potent and considered one of the top 7 spices in the world. Turmeric, quite frankly, is ME? . Turmeric has been used for centuries in food for flavor and taken therapeutically. Did you know that turmeric has been used in cosmetics ?then and now? because of the beautiful youthful glow it can give your skin? What caught my attention with this spice is its aggressive healing abilities which I have brought it to life in my clinic and in my protocols with clients. This spice: -

Protect against free radical damage (oxidative stress) Anti-inflammatory effects Anti-allergenic activity Anti-carcinogenic properties Antimicrobial effects Blood vessels strengthening effects?

However, the curcumin in Turmeric is unstable at intestinal pH. It?s rapidly metabolized, conjugated in the liver and excreted in the feces. It?s quite difficult for the body to absorb

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raw, may have limited systemic bioavailability and is poorly soluble in water. With all the health benefits that Turmeric carries I fully know people need to have this spice in their life but I also know that the average person who consumes it is not taking it properly. And this is why Golden Root was formulated! A raw living whole food supplement that is vegan and gluten free. Certified Organic fermented Turmeric blend: -

Supports digestive health Increase energy Boosts immune system Antioxidant Antimicrobial Helps to naturally detoxify the body Has naturally occurring symbiotic microorganisms Stimulates and regulates gastro intestinal functions

Herbs have been consumed by humans for at least as long as fermentation. Science has confirmed what ancient civilizations instinctively knew?the health benefits of herbs are real. Of the thousands of plant compounds discovered traditionally, hundreds have since been identified by science and confirmed for their health-giving properties. With fermentation, not only are the active compounds of the herbs released, but a large spectrum of nutrients are also enhanced or created. These vitamins, probiotics, enzymes, organic acids and antioxidants are a further expression of the herb. Since harsh chemical solvents and heat fundamentally change a product, it kills enzymes and beneficial microorganisms. When chemical extraction is used on herbs, the goal is to extract whatever active compound resides in the herb that is believed to make it "healthy". All other nutrients that exist, many of them

have benefits of their own, are ignored. So Golden Root is the whole plant and is providing an overall benefit not just one aspect of the plant. This makes it wholesome! Food is medicine and you are what you absorb. Most of the molecules in plants are linked to a sugar moiety that needs to be removed before they can be absorbed by the body (glycoside form). Once separated from their sugar part, the molecules are under their aglycone form and therefore ready to be absorbed. This is the basics of digestion and the absorption of nutrients that would normally occur in a healthy gastro-intestinal tract. So now Golden Root and its symbiotic blend can: Improve functional & medicinal properties & provide a large spectrum of nutrients

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Gen er al Healt h Ben ef it s of Fer m en t ed Golden Root Improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients, supporting a healthy metabolism, detoxifying the body, increasing vitality, energy & mood, supporting a healthy inflammatory response, and balancing pH levels. Golden Root is a perfect blend for the bioavailability you need for all ailments. Su ggest ed u se: As a dietary supplement, take one tablespoon (15ml) per day. Can be mixed with water, juice or included in smoothies. Shake well before using. Refrigerate after opening. WARNING: Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult your health care provider before use if you have or have had gallbladder problems.

S IC IL IA N O R A N G E F E NNE L S A L A D Written by: K im R o n z


The earthiness and richness of the olive oil blends perfectly with the sweetness of the oranges.This unique salad is famous on the isle of Sicily where oranges and fennel grow in abundance and go naturally well together. It is rich in Vitamin C (since a little of the pith has been left on), fibre, folate potassium and antioxidants.


4 oranges, hand peeled, sliced into rounds, leave a little pith for extra vit. C 1 orange, cut in half and juiced (optional) 1 medium fennel, halved and thinly sliced (reserve fronds for garnish) 1 medium red onion, peeled, sliced thinly into rounds 1 small container of black olives, approx. 20 Extra-virgin olive oil Sea salt to taste Black pepper (optional)

DIRECTIONS Serves approximately 4 people. 1. Arrange 5-7 orange rounds on each plate. 2. Add sliced fennel, red onion, and top with 5 olives. 3. Put olive oil in a plastic squeeze bottle and drizzle on top of the salad. 4. If using fresh orange juice, you can add it to the squeeze bottle as well and shake gently before drizzling on salad. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper if you wish. Photo Credit: Rogall Photography

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Essentials Written by:

N ic o l e R o s e n f e l d t

Relaxing in a private space for some well deserved downtime can be an important factor for an individual. As much as the kitchen is the heart of the home, the bathroom can feel like a spa and the family room is usually a cozy environment, an inviting master bedroom should feel like a peaceful and restful retreat. As you are investing in your design and decor, it is always a good practice to keep some budget for your personal quarters. The substantial part of your money must be spent on the main spaces where your return on investment will be justified, guests will enjoy your efforts and the entire family will profit from these results. However, you must keep a little extra something where you are permitted to dream, escape and enjoy on your own terms. This is a territory reserved for you and it means a lot for your sanity. In reality we tend to place everyone ahead and sometimes forget about ourselves. In this busy and fast paced society it is imperative to take the time to smell the flowers, enjoy life, and set our priority where they matter the most to us. A little privacy surrounded with harmonious environment can do wonders.

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The ambiance is essential to achieve the desired result. Utilizing appropriate lighting may create a mood or provide task lighting. Remember? candles are always enchanting. Blackout window covering may help with privacy or better sleep. A nice seating area can provide a lovely reading nook. Delightful bedding will inspire comfort and luxury. Stunning accessories such as a throw or accent pillows will contribute to elegance and additional comfort. An attractive and charming master bedroom will be a fabulous selling feature since many homes do not provide this welcoming option. It will place your house ahead of the competition to present your entire home in the best light. Ensure the decor is suitable for most potential buyers if you are planning on moving. On the other hand, if you are staying and altering the theme for your personal benefit, than drift away and dream big. The sky?s the limit. Whether the master bedroom is to sleep, relax or escape always treat this space with respect. It is yours to enjoy and after all, you deserve to be spoiled and pampered a little.

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L ove Y ourself F irst F in d in g C o n f id e n c e in y o u r s t y l e

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Tips to Spice up your sSyle and Showcase your New Found Confidence !

Written by:

C h a n t a l S a r k is ia n

For centuries, our garments have played a significant role in society?s culture, identity, heritage, politics and hierarchy. It has become a portable art that allows for freedom of expression in the most unusual ways. It unites as it segregates, it entertains and inspires. Most of all, this form of art has the power to provide life and an unparalleled confidence to its canvas: you! I?ll tell you right away, there is no need to read any further. The secret to finding confidence in your style, no matter what form of art you are trying to express, is self-acceptance. The infamous quote ?love yourself first and the rest will follow? is the best way I can describe it. Truly, you can apply this philosophy to any aspect of your life, but I promised you fashion, and I always keep my promises. I know many women of different body types and sizes that lack self-confidence. Yes, skinny people also lack confidence. These women think they need styling tips because they don?t like their clothes or what they look like in their clothes. Yes, it helps to have a beautifully curated and well thought out wardrobe, but if you don?t love the person under the clothes, how will you love the rest? I discovered this notion myself a few years ago, when I was at my largest. You heard me, I loved myself the most, when I was at my heaviest weight. I bought myself nice clothes in larger sizes and came to terms that if I was going to live my life as a larger woman, I may as well look damn fine doing it. The funny thing is, the moment I accepted the body I was in, I also decided it was time to leave it. It sounds ironic, but it makes sense if you think about. When you love something enough, you will dedicate the time and energy towards it. A few weeks later, I started my weight loss journey with better eating habits and a manageable exercise routine. I lost 20 pounds in three 4 months, I was in the best shape of my life and felt invincible. I wasn?t technically skinny, but for the first time in my life I didn?t mind catching a glimpse of my naked body in the mirror from time to time. My clothes never fit better and I was so excited to finally start shopping in all my favourite stores? oh the possibilities! The important thing is that you get out of your shell, and try something new. It?s amazing how a perfectly

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You just discovered self-love and you?re eager to show it off. Maybe you find your style a little bland, or you hesitate to make any drastic changes to your wardrobe. If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may find the following pointers helpful. St ar t slow ly, st ar t sm all- Just like any major challenge in life, you can only tackle it one bite at a time. Investing in a fun clutch is a great way to bring your outfit to new heights, without sacrificing your style. If you don?t wear much makeup, a bright lipstick might do the trick. Keep it m on ot on e- If you?re intrigued about a bold look, like a fur coat, consider getting one in a muted colour in black or grey. This allows you to partake in the trend within your comfort zone. Get in spir ed- Pinpoint what you like about an outfit, maybe it?s the colour, pattern, or texture that draws your attention, and mimic it. If you?re attracted to colour but your closet is monotone, you may be more comfortable with bright accessories instead.

styled outfit can boost your confidence, especially when you already feel great about yourself. Fast forward to two years, I have managed to keep half the weight off, but I am struggling to get in the grove of my old routine. It doesn?t help that my health has been slowly deteriorating due to my endometriosis. Skipping workouts and overindulging has become my new normal, and the thought of going back to my old self scares me. It scares me because I have a completely new wardrobe and I don?t want to give it up! My new collection is fun, it?s bold, it?s edgy, it represents the new me and I don?t lose it. In 2017, I have decided to devote more time for myself, to get my health in order and most importantly, it sounds like I need to tap into some self-love! Who?s joining me? PHOTO CREDIIT: Kamara Morozuk

PS...YOU HAD ME AT ALGORITHM Warren Baaten and Tyler Henbid, the founders of Candor Connect.

Written by:

B r a n d e l y n C a me r o n

So here's the thing, I am fascinated with the user behaviour associated with online communication and the ability to establish meaningful connections through technology. In my previous article, Naughty Naughty Tinder, You Get What You Give, we explored the fact that technology merely facilitates the interaction and that the ultimate outcome remains that of the individual. However, what if you are truly looking to make a meaningful connection and you are someone who is intimidated with a sudden influx of winks and meet me requests?

INTRODUCING CANDOR CONNECT, Canada's Respectful Online Dating Option. Seeing how this issue represents the season of "LOVE", I thought it was appropriate that I include an article on the reality of today's dating scene. In an effort to support local, my Google research pointed me in the direction of two of Canada's most eligible bachelors,

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Officially launched in December 2016, following extensive research and development, Candor Connect is a "revolutionized dating website offering an extremely user friendly and secure platform for daters." But what does that really mean? Well, let me tell you! I had the chance to demo the software and really see how it compares to the competition. As someone who typically prefers the old fashion meet and greet over the digital man catalogue, I have to say that I was pretty impressed. As promised on the website, the entire sign up process will take you about 15 minutes. You answer the standard online dating criteria questions followed by a series of questions with weighted responses. Although similar to your typical personality test, they are based on several different factors including "the basics, what appeals to you, similarities, compatibility, relationships and romance." Which all seems pretty standard, however, what I really liked about this platform is the fact that you are not given the option to provide an alias, you are who you register as, and more importantly (in my humble opinion), the need for immediate gratification is completely negated through the inability to review every

user in the database upon registration. That's right...you have to wait until you have a match of at least 70% compatibility! However, what I really love about Candor Connect is that they are a 100% grass roots start up local to Calgary, AB and I had the oppourtnity to connect with the Founders and really chat them up! How cool is that? With the mentorship of Dr. Tim Lazaroff, PSY.D PHD, CBGS, CRCS, an accomplished Doctor of Psychology who holds a focus in relationship strength and communication, Warren, Tyler and Jazmyn launched Candor Connect. Notably, Dr. Lazaroff graduated from Stanford with a PHD in Psychology and with that, has conducted 20 years of innovative programs with thousands of couples. His work on relationships, marriage and parenting has earned him rave reviews and numerous recommendations.

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Dr. Lazaroff is one of the most Influential Therapists as he is an author of published academic articles and texts that are utilized in major US university curriculums. But what do these local boys have to say about their latest endeavour? Let's find out with a little Q&A! [ohth]: So gen t s, t ell u s a lit t le abou t you r self . [TH]: I am originally from Saskatoon, and have been in Calgary for 3 years and my background has been in the construction and development business. [WB]: I'm originally from northern Manitoba and moved to Calgary when I turned 20. In my early 20's I spent several years studying Construction related programs through SAIT College and for the last 25 years, I have been developing business in the commercial building

sector. [omth]: Tell m e som et h in g abou t you t h at n o on e w ou ld expect . [TH]: I love bowling and am fascinated by sloths. [WB]: I enjoy painting abstract art and having a clean home. [omth]: Wh at w as t h e im pet u s beh in d st ar t in g you r ow n on lin e dat in g com pan y? [Candor Connect]: There is a need in the market. People are so focused on instant gratification and ?the shopping mentality?that they don?t realize that the grass is greener where you water it. People have lost touch on how to communicate or even date, but I believe if people were given the right tools to be successful in the dating world they would be. [omth]: Have you ever t r ied on lin e dat in g? Wer e you su ccessf u l? Tell u s abou t you r best or w or st exper ien ce. [TH]: I have had many online dating experiences both good and bad, the worst experience I would have to say is finding out the person is nothing like their profile both looks wise and personality wise and sitting through the whole date to avoid any hurt feelings. [WB]: Up until Candor I have never used online dating. [omth]: How does Can dor Con n ect dif f er f r om t h e ot h er on lin e dat in g sit es? [Candor Connect] : Candor works with a 70% compatibility ratio so we only connect you with people who you have 70% or more in common with. We offer an in house psychologist/relationship expert as well as fashion advice, local venues for dates and publish content around current events that are happening in various cities. [omth] : How m u ch does it cost ? [Candor Connect]: Candor is currently not charging, people are skeptical because many other online dating companies say they are ?free?and then start charging people and it is nearly impossible to get your money back. We decided to show people we are 28 [oh my: that's haute.]

real and we want to make a difference so we took down the credit card processing application to allow anyone to sign uo and experience it for themselves without being worried. [omth]: Do you also h ost even t s specif ically aim ed at m at ch m ak in g? If so h ow of t en ? Our events are not specifically aimed at match making but intended for our members to be able to go mingle with other singles and our team. We average one event a month and currently working on expanding that. [om t h ]: Do you f or esee geogr aph ic r est r ict ion s w it h Can dor Con n ect ?s even t s? [Candor Connect]: Candor is working on an expansion plan and we will be able to host events in major cities across Canada every month. We do not see any restrictions as our teams can each manage one city. [omth]: How do you plan on dif f er en t iat in g you r self in t h e on lin e dat in g m ar k et ? [Candor Connect] We differentiate with our algorithms as well as the value-added services we offer. All in all we are a company that cares about our customers finding and building great relationships to us people are not just another number. [omth] Wh at ar e t h e t op 5 qu alit ies t h at m en look f or in a w om an w h en on lin e dat in g? [Candor Connect] This is a hard question to answer as it varies from man to man, and it comes down to personal preference. Its sad to say but many men are just concerned about looks but looks will fade. Looks are important but I think men need to dig a little deeper on the intelligence and personality side. [omth] Wh at advice can you give t h ose look in g t o set u p a pr of ile? [Candor Connect]: Be Honest, everything always comes out in the end anyways so it is better to be straight forward. Think about what you actually want in a person or a potential partner and don?t settle for less.

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F U N C T IO N A L , F A S H IO N A B L E A N D D O W N R IG H T A L T U R IS T IC ! So it appears as though I have been living under a rock when it comes to S'well reusable bottles. I mean yes, I have seen them around but I never knew how amazing they were! Until I received one for Christmas that is! These lil puppies keep your cold beverages cold for 24 hours and you hot bevvies warm for 12! How amazing is that?! Now that we covered functionality, let's tak fashion. S'well has an extensive collection of reusable bottles sure to please even the most discerning fashionista. Their vast array contains stylish, reusable bottles from the following fabulous collections (just to name a few): -

Satin Metallic Wood Exoctics Textile Elements Shimmer Glitter Gem Stone


Featured on the right is my fabulous S'well, Sparkling Champagne from the Glitter collection...and I LOVE IT. I mean, look how well it matches my phone! #accessorize. Ranging in price from $25-$45, these beautifully crafted bottles are composed of non-leaching and non-toxic 18/8 stainless steel. However, don't let the price deter you, they are worth every penny. S?well is on a mission to not only drastically reduce the number of plastic bottles ending up in landfills, but to do so while generously donating to Unicef to ensure clean water and sanitation facilities for the world's most vulnerable children. Hats off to you S'well, you've captured my heart. I can't wait to expand my collection, I think something from the Wood Collection will be next! xo

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Be Careful What You Wish For The M arried Gals Guide to the Perfect Valentine' s Day for Singles

Written by:

Me l a n ie Ma r t in

I know what you are thinking right now? a big F-bomb you married lady!!! What the hell do you know about being single on Valentine's Day???!!!

interruptions because everyone else was busy and I could do something I enjoyed with no judgment or disruptions.

Well listen here people, I was once single on days such as Valentine's Day, and I actually kind of miss it. Oh I just heard the f-bomb again. Be kind ;). No seriously a "singles" Valentine's Day would seem like a dream. Why you ask? Well hear me out...

Maybe you are more of a "get my nails done" or "go for a hike" kind of girl. No judgement here. Those sound fun as well. Whatever makes you feel your best. Your most pampered and taken care of. Do it!!! Forget all the romance bullshit. Guess what. It doesn't last forever, and to be honest if it did I would want to know what was really going on!

On A single persons Valentine's Day the only person you have to worry about is YOU!! A night where you get to do whatever you want and it be special. I actually remember the years I had alone more then the ones I had dates for. And well let's be honest, I'm lucky if my husband remembers my birthday let alone a "holiday" or "special" day that means very little to him. I would say a perfect Valentine's Day would be one where you make sure to spoil you and only YOU! I personally enjoyed a horror movie marathon with every gummy candy i could afford with chips on the side. I would binge watch both the best and the worst horror had to offer. I had no

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I think us married ladies, my self included, should start using Valentine's as a day that is marked on the calendar is a mandatory "self " day. I bet it would make the men happy as well, extra bonus points if they actually help make the day evening more special by sneaking in a spa certificate or a couple of bucks for a special lunch. So turn off your phone, find something you absolutely love doing for you and spoil yourself with lots of love on this most dreaded of days.

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In 2017, I've Decided... I'M COMING OUT Written by:

T if f a n y S mit h

I am not one for resolutions. I stopped enforcing unrealistic expectations on myself that were designed for failure a long time ago. Instead, I now take some time every December to reflect on my year; what went well, and where I could focus some more attention in the coming year. And then I choose a THEME. When you set the intention to the universe you would be amazed at what happens. So be conscious of what you are putting out there.

My brother and I had a heart to heart for the first time in years at the beginning of 2016. He told me that while everyone confides in me -and by everyone, I mean even strangers I meet on the street -- I personally never let anyone in. And if I do, I keep them at arm?s length. This wasn?t something I was unaware of. What I was unaware of was how hurtful it was to the people who really and truly cared about me, and wanted to be there to support me. It was never intended to offend or shut out the ones I love, on a conscious level it was because I didn?t want to ?burden?them, and because I thought I always had to have my shit together. I felt as though I had to always be strong for everyone around me. On a subconscious level,

It was the single most important decision I have ever made in my life. It was a decision that my mother struggled with greatly.

This year my theme, is ?coming out.? {(Record scratch). Wait, what did she just say??} No I am not gay. Although I have many gay friends, and I love the sh!t out of them. The coming out I am talking about, is coming out as the person I authentically am. What I have been aware of for some time, is that there are major parts of my life that I hide, or simply don?t share with anyone except those in my vey inner circle, and sometimes not even them.

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my inner saboteur was trying to protect me from getting hurt. I had a very emotionally abusive childhood, and sometimes physically abusive. As a child, I cried a lot. You see, I was born a warrior. But as a child I was always told to respect my elders and never talk back. So, I didn?t. I cried instead. It was my only release. And I hoped that if I just keep my head down, and did what I was told the abuse would cease. It didn?t.

As I entered adolescence, I was berated to stop crying. My one outlet became under attack. I was told I was too emotional. I was a crybaby. That it wasn?t healthy to cry as much as I did. That I needed to ?grow up.? So I shut down and pushed everyone away. Because if I didn?t let anyone close they couldn?t hurt me like I had been hurt by those who were supposed to be my protectors. It wasn?t until I was 17, and my grandmother, my earth angel, developed Alzheimer ?s, that I sought out a counsellor to address all the pain I was carrying around with me. I knew I was about lose the most important person in my life. Losing my grandmother set me on my path to personal growth. The self-help isle in Chapter ?s became my second home. And then at age 22, I severely herniated two discs in my lower back. The doctors all told me if I didn?t have the discs removed and my spine fused, I wouldn?t be walking by the time I was 30.

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The diagnosis was one that awoke the warrior within once again. My intuition told me they were wrong. I had too much to do with my life. I refused the surgery, and started searching. At my very core, I believed there had to be another way. Finally in 2008, after experimenting with every alternative medicine and therapy I could find, I found my spiritual teacher. If you follow me on social media, you have probably seen the inspirational quotes I share. You most likely even know that I am a yogi. But what I don?t share with many people is that I have been a student of Algonquin Medicine since 2008, and that I have rebuilt my life on the foundation of these principles. My decision to adopt this way of life ? stepping up and becoming fully responsible for every aspect of my life ? is not for the faint of heart. When I began, I was in a very unhealthy relationship, and within two ceremonies my relationship was over, and my ex was running

around town telling all our mutual friends that I had left him and joined a cult. As I began immersing myself deeper into my studies, many in my family started to become uncomfortable with my new found ?interest.?

As I mentioned earlier, Shamanism is about taking responsibility for one?s life. It?s about owning not only your wounds but your ability to heal through them. To know that We Are All One. To know that it is all about us.

They just didn't get it; fear of the unknown. I stopped talking about it, and I stopped associating with a lot of people I had once called friends, because our paths no longer aligned.

When we heal, those around us heal also. When we forgive, we grant freedom to ourselves and to those we perceived to have wronged us. In that freedom, we can begin to fully experience life from our purest being, and to go out into the world and be amazing. It is because of the healing work that I have personally done on myself, that my relationship with my mother is now the best it has ever been.

In 2009, I knew I needed to make a BIG change if I was going to become the person I was meant to become. On a leap of faith, I sold most of my worldly processions and moved to Calgary, Alta., and went back to school for Journalism. I needed to be somewhere where no one ?knew? me. Somewhere that I could nurture myself into the person I knew I was, without having people tell me who to be or how to be. It was the single most important decision I have ever made in my life. It was a decision that my mother struggled with greatly. She told me up until the day I left that I wouldn?t pull the trigger and go through with it. That I couldn?t handle being out there ?all alone.? But I did pull the trigger. And I have never looked back. Not even on the day she called me hysterically crying and demanding that I ?stop that shamanism stuff.? She told me how she had gone to a psychic and the woman told her if I didn?t stop my soul would be ?lost to the dark side.? I acknowledged her concern, tried to offer some perspective, but ultimately held firm in my beliefs. As crazy as that phone call was that day, I attribute it to being the major turning point for our relationship. A few short months later, she called again, this time asking for a beginner ?s guide as to what Shamanism was all about.

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I?ve had to overcome many adversities since beginning this journey. But I stuck it through. I made a pact with myself that I will not leave this world not having done my healing work. Although I have triumphed over many challenges, each one subtly reinforced to my inner saboteur that I needed to ?tighten up security?and subconsciously I developed a quiet unwillingness to be open to further judgement and attack. It caused me to dim the light on one of the most beautiful parts of my being. Upon reflection of my 2016, I decided no more. No more living small, no more hiding. Time to go balls to the wall. Time to shine. I will no longer water myself down to make other people feel comfortable in their fear. For me, this year is about being 100% unapologetically myself.

What will you bring to 2017?

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Bourbon & B loom W e d d in g P l a n n in g a n d D e s ig n

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Not Your Av er age Cook i e Cut t er ... Written by:


I?m getting ready to say goodbye to my twenties and step into a new decade. I?m not freaking out like most seem to; I?m actually kind of looking forward to it. I feel like I?ve really started to come into my own and embrace myself in the last couple of years. I?m learning to care more about what I think of myself instead of putting so much emphasis on what others are thinking. This letting go stuff has really let my personality shine through, and I?m kind of loving it! When I launched my business, I worried too much about what I thought others would want to see, and I ending up creating a cookie cutter version of a wedding planning company: cute, sweet and a just a little bit girly. It?s great for some, but it never really felt like me, though. To be honest, I?ve never really been the cookie cutter type ? unless it came with an actual cookie. So, after the 2016 wedding season ended I spent some time reflecting on myself and my company, and took a big risk doing a complete brand overhaul. I re-launched under the name Bourbon & Bloom and focused on finding that sweet spot between bold and elegant. I try to

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help bring a bit of that out in my clients as well. This generation is all about being true to ourselves and carving our own paths, but too often I hear clients tell me they are doing something because they are supposed to or because they think that it?s what someone else wants. My focus in the design and planning stage is to help my clients create their dream wedding, but to also have that wedding be representative of them. The goal is to help them find ways to bring out their values, interests and even their personality, so that their wedding can be a true reflection of them and their relationship. I love seeing clients throw the rule book out the window and embrace the wedding that they are passionate about. Sometimes that means getting married in a church with a big crowd, and other times it means sneaking off with a couple of their closest loved ones for a quiet, little ceremony by the lake. When it comes to your wedding, it?s okay to stop worrying about pleasing everyone else and focus on being a little selfish with your spouse! PHOTO CREDIT: SALT & LIGHT STUDIO


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Written by:

S u z a n n e Q u in t a l

Now that the New Year has arrived, we have started to contemplate change. Changes in ourselves or what we are hoping to learn and achieve in 2017 should be reflected in your interiors. Walking through a space you love, feel safe in, and can breathe in the intentions you set is important. Nothing ruins your vibe like feeling uncomfortable in your space. Just like being comfortable in your own skin? you gotta feel content in your space. So I am here to teach how to tame the ?C? word. Yep, we are going to talk CLUTTER and how to ditch it! Be it ?fast fashion? or ?fast furniture? there is far too much thoughtlessness into what we are surrounding ourselves with. Good design is timeless, built to last, and serves a function while a pleasure to look at. I am a huge believer in sustainable design and the philosophy that ?less is more?. I am a huge #fangirl of The Minimalists and believe that as a whole, society as become one nation of needless consumerism. That is not to say that I don?t love to collect items. But I have been training myself to do so with thoughtfulness and purpose. An average room has over 2,000 visible objects, particularly the office, and common areas, spaces that we tend to spend the most time in: emailing, browsing online, children doing homework, etc. Tack onto that sports equipment, pet toys, used up candles? etc? you get the drift.

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A link exists between anxiety/and or depression and a cluttered home. It is proven that clutter can overstimulate our senses and cause anxious feelings. Our eyes don?t know where to rest and we become unable to focus. Relaxing is difficult because rather than sitting down to unwind after a hard day we shuffle meaningless items from one surface to another, therefore never really clearing our space but merely rearranging our junk. This creates more anxiety and frustration as we can rarely find needed items and just become overwhelmed at the sight of it all. The dissatisfaction we feel as a result is relentless. Have you ever just had a friend drop by unexpectedly and you had the overwhelming urge to shove things in the closets, drawers, or under he sofa? Simplifying our life and paring down to good design frees up our lives to decompress and enjoy life a little more. I am not the only one feeling the overwhelming need to streamline In the past five years, thousands of people have been inspired to embrace simple living ditching their three-bedroom homes for smaller dwellings. Freeing up time and money and choosing experiences and travel over bills and wasted space. Technology has made our lifestyle more nomadic. Many of us, myself included, can work from anywhere. I am currently writing this from a coffee shop in Mt. Tremblant. So what?s the answer? As a designer I help make other people's spaces work for them. I love my job but found myself playing catch up in my own interior. I am just like a lot of you out there. I am a single parent to two teen age daughters. Collectively as you can imagine we have triple the items. Three laptops, tons of makeup, nail polishes, clothes, and don?t even get me started on the shoes. However, they are only with me part time and we previously had a huge apartment with empty spaces that were not being used the

majority of the time. The separate dining room was used more by the cats than the family, the girls huge bedroom was empty 50% of the time and the other 50% they preferred to be in the living room. I think they used their ensuite bathroom a handful of times, and their walk in closet was full of clothes from middle school. I walked through the apartment last summer and noticed all the unused spaces and stuff cluttering up every surface. I started feeling anxiety. We sat down together and hatched a plan to try an experiment, if we didn?t like it after a year we could always move. We decided we were going to downsize in a BIG way and we would rather put the extra time and money into our other love of travel and just spending quality time together. They have their Dad?s big house where they can hide out in the basement or bedrooms, but with me, we like to hang out together. Instead of talking the talk we decided to walk the walk.

clothes, shoes, and makeup just like any other girl. What we don?t have is a linen closet or even a large bedroom closet.

So we moved into a considerably smaller apartment, 600 square feet smaller to be exact. We now call a 640 square foot space home. And you know what, we like it better. Everything we need is in range. Cleaning is a breeze. Clutter is no more. We actually use the dining room table now. We enjoy our art because we can see it. Plus we gained a huge outdoor terrace that is definitely a plus in our quality of life. Some may balk at the idea of my daughters not actually having a separate bedroom, however, they are with me only half time, and they prefer to sleep on the big comfy down filled sofas. They have a homework space and if they want chill time they have my bedroom to seek refuge in. So far, we are three peas in a pod and loving it.

We get paralyzed by emotions, either with sentimental attachments or guilt about the items value and we believe that we should hang on to it forever or at least sell it. Wrong? freedom comes in giving that sh!t up. Trust me, it?s cathartic.

So how do you curate a space that is thoughtful, well designed, and a cocoon you love? My first rule is, ?don?t buy it unless you love it?, second rule, ?what purpose is it going to serve in my home? (no free rent here guys, it has to perform some function), third and final rule, ?what will I have to part with to bring it home with me?? That?s not to say we don?t have stuff. We love

Two white lacquer Ikea Malm dressers hold my clothing AND act as a media stand for my flat screen TV in living room. These plus my bedroom dresser allow us to keep all of our belongings out of sight. Average closet be damned you are now delegated for shoe, hand bag , and out of season storage. Told you we had stuff.

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So just how did I downsize our most needed possessions into 640 square feet? Yep that?s a tiny footprint, but one with less surface space to dump junk on? my space feels open and zen. Moving is a great time to dump the clutter and keep only what you love and use. Even if you?re not moving, pretend that you are. Prior to moving I went on a rampage at home. I purged drawers and closets, chucked stacks of empty CD cases, donated piles of old running shoes and clothes, shredded bills and paperwork that were more than seven years old. I donated books to schools and the library. I finally sorted through photos and memorabilia that belonged to my ex and gave it back to him. No sense in carrying that baggage around.

My entry way vintage cupboard is actually a re-purposed old upper kitchen cabinet taken from a century home in Aylmer. It doubles as my entry way console AND holds all my linens and towels. The antique chimney cupboard sits right outside my bathroom and holds all my hair tools, lotions, potions, and makeup. Getting items out of sight but within easy reach. Having clean and clutter free bathroom surfaces creates a lot less anxiety in the morning let me tell you.

Most of my older furniture pieces such as antique bookcases, hutches, and benches have been painted in the same shade of white to unite them with the newer modern lacquer pieces and create a continuous colour palette. Every piece of furniture I own serves a purpose and sometimes multiple purposes. Even our church bench in the dining area maximizes how many we can fit at the table while hiding kitchen gadgets and table linens. This particular space while MUCH different than my last space seems more like home. I was astonished that the furniture, and I was able to keep most of it, looks and fits my new MUCH smaller footprint than it did in my last huge apartment. My home strikes a balance between fresh-modern and calm-comforting. The mix of white walls, vintage furniture and hand-picked objects exudes a sense of care. My Ottawa apartment has so many cozy spaces that you could easily be happily nested for days. As for the neighborhood, it was a major bonus that I found a home in the Ottawa Golden Triangle area that exceeded all of my living expectations. Tree-lined streets, beautiful old homes and the Rideau Canal are a quick bike ride (or walk) away from tons of amazing local startups. Boutique restaurants (The Common), coffee shops (Arlington Five), ice cream (Moo Shoo Ice Cream), fresh juice (Urban Juice Press), and tacos (El Camino) are all close by and make it easy to support local businesses. On top of that, since I don?t drive, everything is within my village. More time, less hassle, an urban lifestyle at its best. Somehow this home feels cozier, safer, and more open to happiness than my last home. In order to honour my 2017 intentions I have tried to bring those reflections into my new space and hope you can incorporate these ideas into yours to set YOUR 2017 off on the right path. We are three months into our tiny home experiment and we have never been happier. Over the next couple of months I will be bringing you tips and DIY?s on how to love the space you?re in!

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44 [oh my: that's haute.]

END. www.ohmythatshaute.com

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