la riga

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la riga

Santa Oborenko ĂŒirts Korps KriĂ&#x;s Salmanis Martins Virbulis

izståde / exhibition /esposizione

“la riga” 10. 02. 2003 - 4. 03. 2003 Fabbrica del Vapore C/O Careof & VIAFARINI Milåna/ Milano Måkslinieki / Artists/ Artisti Santa Oborenko Ìirts Korps rißs Salmanis Martins Virbulis Video kolekcija/ Dace DΩeriña Lîga Marcinkeviça Ieva Rubeze Katrîna Neiburga Mårtiñß Ratniks Félikss Zîders Ervîns Broks Kaspars Podnieks Kristîne Kursißa Miks Mitrevics Ekspozîciju atbalsta / Supported by/ Supporto Latvijas Kultürkapitåla fonds / Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia/ Fondazione per il Capitale Culturale della Lettonia a/s Kolonna / h/c Kolonna / Kolonna S.P.A. Latvijas Måkslas akadémija / Latvian Academy of Art / Accademia Lettone dell arte Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a / Visual Communication Department / Dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva

Mario Gorni "CAREOF" direktors / director of "CAREOF"/ il direttore di “Careof”

Katalogs/Cataloque/Catalogo Teksti / Texts/ Autori dei testi Santa Oborenko, Måra Traumane Tulkotåjs / Translator / Traduzione Krißs Salmanis Giancarlo Norese

Kataloga makets / Design / Progetto grafico Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a / Visual Communication Department / Dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva Izdevéjs / Publisher Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a / Visual Communication Department / Dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva e-mail:

2003. Rîga



la riga

la riga Parasti måkslinieki apvienojas grupås, lai kopå realizétu måkslas projektus. Viñus vieno lîdzîga domåßana, kopéja ideja vai draudzîba. Ìirts Korps un Santa Oborenko satikås 1997. gadå, kad uzsåka studijas Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas KoledΩå (RLMK), patreiz Rîgas Dizaina un måkslas vidusskola. Abi studéja keramikas noda¬å. Viñu pirmais kopéjais projekts ar citiem kursa biedriem bija akcijå „Jaunås skolas ieñemßana” 1998. gadå. Jau studéjot Måkslas akadémijå, kopå piedalîjußies RLMK rîkotajå keramikas noda¬as izstådé. Arî Martins Virbulis studéja RLMK, koka dizaina noda¬å. Bet visi çetri dalîbnieki ir satikußies Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas, Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬å. Santa Oborenko un Krißs Salmanis kopå darbojås radoßajå grupå „X13”. Visiem çetriem kopå ßî ir pirmå izståde. Ekspozîcijas vieta ir bijußås tvaika dzinéju fabrikas teritorija (Fabbrica del Vapore) Milånå, kur patreiz ir apmeties müsdienu måkslas centrs „CAREOF”. „CAREOF” direktors Mario Gorni, iepazinies ar Santas Oborenko darbiem, uzaicinåja viñu izveidot lîdzîgi domåjoßu jauno måkslinieku grupu no Latvijas. Un tå izveidojås çetrotne no Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬as: Ìirts Korps, Santa Oborenko, Krißs Salmanis un Martins Virbulis. Vél papildus bez ßo måkslinieku darbiem tiek rådîta vairåku Latvijas måkslinieku video darbu kolekcija. Projekta nosaukums „La riga” tulkojumå no itå¬u valodas nozîmé svîtra, lînija,strîpa, (personu vai lietu) rinda, lineåls u.c. Tå kå „La riga” ietver arî vietas nosaukumu, no kurienes nåk måkslinieki, veidojas semantiska saikne starp Milånu un Rîgu.

la riga Usuallly artists form groups in order to carry out their projects. They are united by a similar mode of thinking, a common idea or friendship. Ìirts Korps and Santa Oborenko met in 1997 when they entered the Applied Arts College of Riga, now Riga Design and Art School, Ceramics Department. The first project to involve both of them was "The Occupation of the New School" in 1998. Martins Virbulis, too, studied at the Applied Arts College of Riga, Wood Design Department. The four participants met in the Visual Communication Department of the Academy of Art of Latvia. Santa Oborenko and Krißs Salmanis were part of the "X13" group. This is the first exhibition to bring the four of them together . The exhibition takes place in the territory of a former steam-engine factory (Fabbrica del Vapore) in Milan, where the contemporary art centre "CAREOF" has now settled. Having seen the work of Santa Oborenko, the director of "CAREOF", Mr. Mario Gorni, invited her to set up an exhibition together with like-minded young artists from Latvia. So the foursome from the Visual Communication Department of the Academy of Art of Latvia was formed: íirts Korps, Santa Oborenko, Krißs Salmanis and Martins Virbulis. In addition to the works of these artists, a collection of a number of Latvian artists' videos is shown. In Italian, the title of the project, "La riga", means a stripe, a line, a row (of people or things), a ruler etc. Since "La riga" encompasses also the name of the place where these artists come from, a semantic link between Riga and Milan is formed.

la riga Di solito gli artisti si riuniscono in gruppi per realizzare progetticollettivi. Sono accomunati da idee, da affinità o da visioni del mondo simili, oppure da una semplice amicizia. Girts Korps e Santa Oborenko si sono conosciuti nel 1997, quando hanno cominciato a studiare al Collegio di arte applicata di Riga (RLMK) – ora “Scuola di arte e design” - frequentando entrambi il Dipartimento di ceramica. Il loro primo progetto, realizzato con gli altri studenti del corso, fu l’azione”Occupazione della nuova scuola” nel 1998. Hanno partecipato in seguito con i loro video alla mostra di arte ceramica organizzata dal RLMK. Anche Martins Virbulis ha compiuto gli studi al Collegio di arte applicata, nel Dipartimento di design del legno, ma tutti si sono infine incontrati all’Accademia d’arte, nel Dipartimento di comunicazione visiva. Santa Oborenko e Kriss Salmanis hanno lavorato nell’associazione non-profit “Radoßa grupa X13”. Ėla prima volta che i quattro artisti partecipano insieme a una mostra. Mario Gorni, il direttore di “Careof”, ha conosciuto l’opera di Santa Oborenko e l’ha invitata a pensare a un’idea da realizzarsi insieme ad altri giovani artisti lettoni, che potessero condividere lo spirito del progetto. Si è formato così questo “quartetto” dell’Accademia d’arte lettone, Dipartimento comunicazione visiva (VKN). Oltre alle opere dei quattro artisti, viene mostrata al Care of la collezione di video arte, con opere di artisti del VKN. Il titolo del progetto, “la Riga”, allude a un rapporto di connessione, anche semantico, tra la capitale lettone e Milano.


Santa Oborenko


Dzimusi 1975.

Born 1975

Nata a Césis, Lettonia nel 1975

Studijas 2002- Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano (Vizuålas komunikåcijas un multimediji). 2001- Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a. 1997 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩa.

Education 2002- Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano (Visual Communications and Multimedia). 2001- Academy of Art of Latvia, Visual Communication dept.. 1997 Riga Applied Art College.

Studi 2002- Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milano (Comunicazione Visiva Multimediale). 2001 Accademia Lettone dell’ arte, dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva, Rîga . 1997 Collegio di Arte Applicata, Riga.

Izstådes 2002 MOSTRA DI EMERGENZA, Galerija Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Castel San Pietro Terme, Italija (kurators G. Norese); “Re cikls”, galerija Çiris, Rîga (kuratore A. BoluΩa); “VIDEO.IT”, 4a Edizione, San Pietro in Vincoli, Torino (kuratori M. Gorni, F. Poli, E. Volpato); “30 DAYS”, personålizståde, A+M bookstore, Milåna, Itålija (kurators G. Norese); “Véstules no Rîgas”, Lisabona, Portugåle (kuratore di I. Lîbiete). 2001 “Atceroties pagåtni, pievienojot nåkotni”, Valsts Måkslas muzejs, Rîga (kuratores I. BuΩinska un A. BoluΩa); “Véstules no Rîgas”, Tartu, Igaunija – Pori, Somija (kuratore I. Lîbiete); “Cukurvate”, Dzelzce¬a muzejs, Rîga (kuratore A. BoluΩa); 2000 “Genesis”, galerija Bastejs, Rîga (kuratore I. Lîbiete); “MODEMÅKSLAMUZIKA”, Rîga; Izståde RLMK, Rîga (kuratore I. Pétersone); “Marka”, galerija Noass, Rîga (kuratore A. BoluΩa). 1999 “99% svaigs”, galerija Zirgu pasts, Rîga (L. Kullesa un V. Johansona projekts); “Barîba” , Universålveikals Centrs, Rîga. 1998 “Dziesmusvétki”, Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, Rîga

Exhibitions 2002 MOSTRA DI EMERGENZA, Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea gallery, Castel San Pietro Terme, Italy (curator G. Norese); “Re cycle”, gallery Çiris, Rîga (curator A. BoluΩa); “VIDEO.IT”, 4a Edizione, San Pietro in Vincoli, Torino (curators M. Gorni, F. Poli, E. Volpato); “30 DAYS”, solo show, A+M bookstore, Milan, Italy (curator G. Norese); “Letters from Riga”, Lisbon, Portugal (curator I. Lîbiete). 2001 "Observing Past, Presenting Future" State Museum of Art, Rîga, (curators I. Buzinska and A. BoluΩa); “Letters from Riga”, Tartu, Estonia – Pori, Finland (curator I. Lîbiete); “Candyfloss”, Railway Museum, Rîga (curator A. BoluΩa); 2000 “Genesis”, gallery Bastejs, Rîga (curator I. Libiete); “FASHION ART MUSIC”, Rîga; Exhibition RLMK, Rîga (curator I. Pétersone); “Stamp”, gallery Noass, Rîga (curator A. BoluΩa). 1999 “99% svaigs”, gallery Zirgu pasts, Rîga (project by L. Kulless and V. Johansons); “Food” , department store ‘Centrs’, Rîga. 1998 “Song Festival”, Academy of Art of Latvia, Rîga

Mostre 2002 MOSTRA DI EMERGENZA, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Castel San Pietro Terme (a cura di G. Norese); “Re cikls”, galerija Çiris, Rîga (a cura di A. BoluΩa); “VIDEO.IT”, 4a Edizione, San Pietro in Vincoli, Torino (a cura di M. Gorni, F. Poli, E. Volpato); “30 DAYS”, mostra personale, A+Mbookstore, Milano (a cura di G. Norese); “Véstules no Rîgas”, Lisbona (a cura di I. Lîbiete). 2001 “Atceroties pagåtni, pievienojot nåkotni”, Museo Lettone di Belle Arti, Riga (a cura di I. Buzinska e A. Boluza); “Véstules no Rîgas”, Tartu, Estonia – Pori, Finlandia (a cura di I. Libiete); “Cukurvate”, Museo Ferroviario, Riga (a cura di A. BoluΩa); 2000 “Genesis”, galerija Bastejs, Rîga (a cura di I. Libiete); “MODEMAKSLAMUZIKA”, Rîga; Collegio di Arte Applicata, Rîga (a cura di I. Pétersone); “Marka”, galerija Noass, Rîga (a cura di A. BoluΩa). 1999 “99% svaigs”, galerija Zirgu pasts, Rîga (progetto di L. Kulless e V. Johansons); “Barîba” (curatore), Centro commerciale Centrs, Rîga. 1998 “Dziesmusvétki” , Accademia d’Arte, Riga

Nav lînijas starp melno un balto Kur melnais beidzas, tur baltais såkas un, ja kåds novilks tur lîniju, tad tå kalpos kå lînija starp melno un balto, bet tå nebüs ne melna, ne balta. nav lînijas starp dzîvîbu un nåvi Kur dzîvîba beidzas, tur nåve såkas un, ja kåds tur novilks lîniju, tad tå kalpos kå lînija starp dzîvîbu un nåvi, bet tå nebüs ne dzîvîba, ne nåve. nav paralélas lînijas Eksisté lînijas, kas veido laukumus un perpendikulårås lînijas, kuras savieno tos vai ß˚ir. Lînijas, kas ß˚érso robeΩas. Mednieki ir lînija, kas savelkas cießi ap mér˚i, lai ar perpendikulåras lînijas palîdzîbu iegrüstu to citå spéles laukumå. Lode ir lînija, kas triecas no dzîvîbas nåvé, tå nevar lidot starp ßiem diviem laukumiem. there’s no line between black and white Where black ends white begins and if anyone was to draw a line there , it would only serve as a line between them, being neither white nor black. there’s no line between life and death Where life ends death begins and if anyone was to draw a line there , it would only serve as a line between them, being neither life nor death. there are no parallel lines Only lines defining areas exist and perpendicular lines joining or separating them. Lines crossing borders. Hunters are a line, tightening around the target, aiming to push it into another arena. A bullet is a line plunging from life into death, it cannot go between them. Non esiste una linea tra nero e bianco. Dove il nero finisce il bianco comincia, e se qualcuno è passato a tracciarvi una linea, allora sarà solo una linea tra il nero e il bianco, senza essere né bianco né nero. Non esiste una linea tra vita e morte. Dove la vita termina inizia la morte, e se qualcuno è passato a tracciarvi una linea, allora sarà solo una linea tra la vita e la morte, senza essere né morte né vita. Non esistono linee parallele. Solo le linee che definiscono un’area esistono, come le linee perpendicolari che le uniscono o le separano. Le linee che superano i confini. I cacciatori sono una linea che si stringe attorno all’obiettivo, con lo scopo di spingerlo in un’altra arena. Un proiettile è una linea che vola dalla vita alla morte, senza via di mezzo.


“Shot pu˚es” 2001 video/inst. “Shot flowers” 2001 video/inst. “Shot fiori” 2001 video/inst.


Tåpéc tås ir medîbas un medîjums. Because that is the hunt and the prey. Perché quella è la caccia e quella la preda.

MeΩaa zvéri zin, ka no mums ir jåbaidås. In the forest the animals know they have to be afraid of us. Gli animali del bosco sanno che devono avere paura di noi.

Vienam trofeja ir ga¬a, otram ragi. To one the trophy is the meat, to the second are the antlers. Per uno il trofeo è la carne, per un altro le corna. Smadzenes ir påråk mazs un riskants mér˚is. The brain is a very small and risky target. Il cervello è un bersaglio troppo piccolo e rischioso.

Dzivniekam ir tik pat daudz iespeeju aizbeegt kaa mums vinnu nomediit. Animals have the same chance to escape as we have to catch them. Gli animali hanno la stessa possibilità di scappare che noi di prenderli.


Ìirts Korps Dzimis 28. 06. 1976.

Born on June 28, 1976

Nata a Sigulda, Lettonia, 1976

Izglîtîba 1998 – Latvijas Måkslas Akadémija, Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a, Ma©istratüra. 1992 – 1998 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås Måkslas koledΩa, keramikas noda¬a.

Education: 1998 – now Latvian Academy of Art, Dept. of Visual Communication. Currently studying for M.A. in visual communications. 1992 – 1998 Riga College of Applied Art, Dept. of Ceramics.

Studi 1998 – Accademia Lettone dell’ arte, dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva, Riga . 1992-1997 Collegio di Arte Applicata, Riga.

Projekti 2003 Radio Naba, raidîjums “Sturm vilnis” (dark industrial, dark ambient, power electronics). 2002 2001 Multimediju disks sadarbîbå ar CLAUSTRUM ( Dalîba Rîgas Lietiß˚ås Måkslas koledΩas absolventu grupas izstådé ar darbu “Forma” 2000 Projekts SEMEMA. Interneta radio Ozone (Clausthome industrial mix). 1998 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås Måkslas koledΩa, diplomdarbs “Sakrålais galds”.

Projects involved in 2003 Radio Naba radio show “Sturm vilnis” (dark industrial, dark ambient, power electronics). 2002 2001 Release of multimedia CD ROM in collaboration with CLAUSTRUM (www. Alumni exhibition at Riga College of Applied Art by DV Form. 2000 Leader of the project SEMEMA. Net radio Ozone (Clausthome industrial mix). 1998 The graduation diploma exhibition at Riga College of Applied Art (Sakrålais galds).

Darbîbas lauki: Digitålais video un animåcija, antidizains, industriålå estétika.

Fields of activity: Digital video and computer animation, anti-design, web design, photography, industrial esthetique.

Mostre e progetti 2003 Sturm Vilnis, programma radiofonico, Radio Naba, Riga. 2002 2001 SEMEMA, multimedia CD ROM, in collaborazione con Claustrum. 2000 Direzione del progetto SEMEMA, www.; Media Festival Art Genda 2000, in collaborazione con Claustrum, Helsinki; Collegio di Arte Applicata, Riga (a cura di I. Petersone). 1999-2000 radio OZONE, programma radiofonico, Riga. 1999 99% SVAIGS, in collaborazione con Claustrum, galerija Zirgu pasts, Riga (progetto di L. Kulless e V. Johansons). 1998 Mostra di fine corso, Collegio di Arte Applicata, Riga, Lettonia.





Beeru_sejas (video loop, 2002, vhs)

Runåt par kaut kådu robeΩu, kas noß˚ir patiesîbu no nepatiesîbas, reålo no iluzorå utml. müsdienås ir k¬uvis ¬oti grüti. Tå kå patiesîbas mekléjumi beidzas ar apjégsmi, ka viss ir relatîvs, tas pats ir attiecinåms uz robeΩu, aiz kuras tå it kå varétu büt mekléjama. Protams, paliek iespéja pårkåpt to robeΩu, kas ß˚ir müsu cilvécisko pasauli no tås, kur mît Absolüts, taçu, kå råda visa kultüras un filosofijas vésture, sava pråta iespéjas apjégußais Cilvéks nevar tå vienkårßi pa¬auties uz varbütîbu. Cilvéka mekléjumu, pråtojumu un radoßås darbîbas rezultåts ir tik komplicéts, ka izß˚irt kas ir kas bieΩi aprobeΩojas ar bezvårdu solidaritåti un maigu iecietîbu pret centieniem kaut ko pateikt... jaunu. RobeΩa ir relatîva, bet patiesîba - nepamanåma. Speaking of a border between truth and lies, the real and the illusory nowadays has become very difficult. Since the searching for truth ends with a realisation that everything is relative, the same applies to the border beyond which it could be looked for. Of course, we still have the option of crossing the line into the realm of the Absolute, but, judging by what the entire history of culture and philosopy shows us, Man cannot rely just on bare chance, having grasped the possibilities of his mind. The result of Man’s searching, reasoning and creating processes is so complex that an attempt to understand often limits itself to silent solidarity and a tender tolerance towards the endeavours to say something… new. The border is relative, the truth – indiscernible. Parlare di confine tra verità e menzogne, tra reale e illusorio, è diventato oggi molto difficile. Poiché la ricerca della verità si conclude nel rendersi conto che tutto è relativo, lo stesso accade al confine oltre al quale essa potrebbe essere cercata. Naturalmente abbiamo sempre la possibilità di oltrepassare la linea del regno dell’Assoluto, ma, giudicando da ciò che la storia, la cultura e la filosofia ci insegnano, l’uomo non può fare affidamento solo sul puro caso, avendo coscienza delle possibilità del suo intelletto. Il risultato della ricerca, dei ragionamenti e dei processi creativi dell’uomo è così complesso che ogni tentativo di comprensione si autolimita spesso alla silente solidarietà e alla tenera tolleranza verso gli sforzi di coloro che dicono qualcosa… di nuovo. Il confine è relativo, la verità indiscernibile.


Putn_kress (video loop, 2001, vhs)

Robotnik (sound: Clausthome, 2000, mini dv)


Ho deciso non fare piÚ l’arte (2003, dvd)


Krißs Salmanis


Dzimis 1977. Rîgå

Born 1977., Rîga

Nata a Rîga, Lettonia,1977

Izglîtîba 1997 - ieståjies Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬å (måkslas bakalaurs - 2001) 1995 - 1997 Latvijas Ev. lut. Kristîgås akadémijas Måkslas noda¬a 1993 - 1995 Whitgift School Londonå, Anglijå 1983 - 1993 Rîgas Centra humanitårå ©imnåzija

Education 1997 – Art Academy of Latvia, Visual Communications Dept. (BA in 2001) 1995 – 1997 Latvian Ev. Luth. Christian Academy, Art Dept. 1993 – 1995 Whitgift School, London, England 1983 – 1993 Riga Centre Language School

Studi 2002-Accademia Lettone dell’ arte, dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva, Riga 1997 Ev. Luth. Latvijas Kristiga Akademija (Arte). 1995 Whitgift School, Londra.

Izstådes 1997 "Latvießu studentu darbi" Amjénå, Francijå "Rudens 97" Rîgå 1998 "x13 Dziesmusvétki" LMA Rîgå "Suitcases" Kotkå, Somijå 1999 99% Svaigs projekti "Dzîres", "Einßteina sapñi" Zirgu pastå Rîgå "Barîba" u/v "Centrs" Rîgå "Veçi" - personålizståde Mencendorfa namå Rîgå 2000 "Genesis" galerijå Bastejs Rîgå 99% Svaigs "U turn me on" Zirgu pastå Rîgå "Ainavas laboratorija" Pedvålé "Lietas" galerijå "Noass" Rîgå "Véstules no Rîgas" Melngalvju namå Rîgå "Rudens 2000" Rîgå 2001 "Grafikas seja" galerijå "Rîga" "Parnu Vilm & Fideo festival" Academia Non Grata Pérnavå, Igaunijå "Ugunszeme" Pedvålé "Cukurvate" Dzelzce¬a muzejå Rîgå "Break 21" Òub¬anå, Slovénijå "Apcerot pagåtni, pievienojot nåkotni" VMM Rîgå 2002 "Grafomånija" Brand Sellers DDB Rîgå "The BigM" Anglijå "Ëdensapgåds" Pedvålé "Recikls" galerijå "Çiris" Rîgå

Takes part in exhibitions since 1997 "The works of Latvian Students", Amiens, France "Autumn 97", Riga, Latvia 1998 "x13 Dziesmusvétki”, Riga, Latvia "Suitcases", Kotka, Finland 1999 projects by '99% Svaigs': "Feast", "Einstein's Dreams”, Riga, Latvia "Food", Riga, Latvia solo exhibition "Mates", Riga, Latvia 2000 "Genesis", Riga, Latvia "99% Svaigs': "U turn me on", Riga, Latvia "Landscape Laboratory", Pedvåle, Latvia "Things”, Riga, Latvia "Letters from Riga", Riga, Latvia "Autumn 2000", Riga, Latvia 2001 "The Face of Graphics" Riga, Latvia "Parnu Vilm&Fideo Festival" Parnu, Estonia "Fireland" Pedvåle, Latvia "Break 21" Ljubljana, Slovenia "Cukurvate" Riga, Latvia "Observing Past, Presenting Future" State Museum of Art, Riga, Latvia 2002 "Watersupply" Pedvåle, Latvia "Grafomania" Brand Sellers DDB, Riga, Latvia "The BigM" traveling festival, England "Recikls" gallery "Çiris", Riga

Mostre 2002 “Re cikls”, galerija Çiris, Riga "The BigM", festival itinerante, ISIS Arts, Newcastle, Gran Bretagna; “Grafomånija”, Brand sellers DDB, Rîga “Ëdensapgåds”, Pedvåle, Lettonia “Véstules no Rîgas”, Lisbona 2001 “Atceroties pagåtni, pievienojot nåkotni”, Museo Lettone di Belle Arti, Rîga “Véstules no Rîgas”, Tartu, Estonia e Pori, Finlandia “Cukurvate”, mostra della tesi di laurea, Rîga (a cura di A. BoluΩa); "Break 21", Ljubljana, Slovenia; “Ugunszeme”, Pedvåle, Lettonia Pärnu Vilm&Fideo Festival, Pärnu, Estonia. 2000 “99% svaigs”, galerija Zirgu pasts, Rîga “Ainavas laboratorija”, Pedvåle, Lettonia (a cura di O. Feldbergs); “Lietas”, galerija Noass, Rîga (a cura di M. Traumane); “Rudens2000”, Museo di Belle Arti Arsenåls, Rîga; “Genesis”, gallerie Bastejs, Rîga “99% svaigs”, galerija Zirgu pasts, 1999 “Veçi”, mostra personale (a cura di A. Salmane); “99% svaigs”, galerija Zirgu pasts, Rîga “Barîba”, Centro commerciale Centrs, Rîga (a cura di S. Oborenko). 1998 “Dziesmusvétki”, Aula dell’Accademia d’Arte, Riga “Suitcases”, Kotka, Finlandia 1997 “Rudens 97”, Museo di Belle Arti Arsenals, Riga; The works of Latvian Students, Amiens, Francia

Jo vairåk domåju par lîniju (la riga), kas atdalot kaut ko no kaut kå cita (aizraußanos no fanåtisma, atraßanu no zagßanas, manu rajonu no tava) vai lîniju, kas savienojot (divus telefona stabus vai Rîgu ar Milånu), jo vairåk nåkas atceréties akadémiskås zîméßanas kursa såkumå måcîto – dabå lîniju nav. Viss, kas izskatås péc lînijas, tuvåk papétot, izrådås apjoms vai gaisménas spéle (såkot ar dekoratîvå marmora plåkßñu salaiduma vietåm un beidzot ar sniegå ieçuråto mî¬åkås vårdu). Tåtad lînija ir pråta produkts. Domås més laiku pa laikam médzam uzzîmét pa kådai lînijai. Te tå uzrodas starp jauno un veco gadu, te – no ßejienes lîdz turienei. Taçu jaunais gads katrå laika joslå ieståjas savå brîdî un arî no ßejienes uz turieni més dodamies katrs savådåk. Un lük, müsu nospriegotås lînijas atslåbst un izlpüst, lîdz tås jau vairåk lîdzinås laukumiem. Pat ß˚ietami skaidri nodalîtu vai krasi pretéju jomu robeΩas izrådås gauΩåm neuzticamas. Kurå brîdî müsdienås lai novelk strîpu starp pårtikas produktu lietoßanu baroßanås nolükå un lénu paßnåvîbu, vai, pieméram, starp mîléßanos un patéréßanu? Vistuvåk lînijai ar skaidri zinåmu såkumu un beigåm laikam ir tas vektors, kura mér˚is, diemΩél, ir arî manu citådi visai dzîvespriecîgo ståstiñu beigås. Un, cik zinåms, arî visu påréjo cilvéku ståsti beidzas ar to paßu.

The more I think about a line (la riga) which is said to be separating something from something else (be it my neighbourhood from yours or finding from thieving) or a line connecting (two telephone poles or Riga and Milan), the more I am forced to recall one of the basic teachings of academic drawing – in nature, there are no lines. Everything that appears as such, upon closer inspection turns out to be a volume of some sort (beginning with the perfect seams between marble slates on a façade and ending with your lover’s name pissed into the snow). Line is a product of the mind. In our minds, we do tend to draw a line every now an again – between the new year and the old one, or from here to there. But New year arrives differently at different time zones, and we take different routes from here to there. And behold – our taut lines loosen and blur until they start resembling shapes or areas. Even radical opposites can turn out unreliable. Where do you nowadays draw the line between using foodstuffs for surviving purposes and a slow suicide, or between making love and consuming? We are probably closest to a line with a clearly defined beginning and end when thinking of the vector which points to what, sadly, is at the end of my otherwise very lively little stories. Actually, as far as I know, it is at the end of the stories of all of us. Più penso alla linea (la riga), cioè a quella cosa che si dice separi qualcosa da qualcos’altro (il mio quartiere dal vostro, o il trovare dal rubare) o che metta in comunicazione (due telefoni, oppure Riga e Milano), più sono costretto a ricordare uno degli insegnamenti basilari del disegno accademico: in natura non esistono le linee. Ogni cosa che sembra essere una linea, a un esame più attento ci svela la sua condizione di volume (dalle cuciture perfette tra le lastre di marmo della facciata di un palazzo fino al nome dell’amata pisciato sulla neve). La linea è un prodotto della mente. Nella nostra mente noi tendiamo a tracciare una linea per ogni cosa, tra l’anno nuovo e il vecchio, o tra qui e là. Ma l’anno nuovo arriva in tempi differenti nei differenti fusi orari, e noi prendiamo strade diverse per andare da qui a là. E a ben guardare, le nostre linee tese si allentano e si offuscano finché cominciano ad assomigliare a forme e ad aree. Persino gli estremi opposti si possono rendere inattendibili. Dove tracciate oggi la linea tra il cibarsi per sopravvivere e il lento suicidio, o tra il fare l’amore e l’essere vittima del consumismo? Siamo probabilmente più vicini a una linea con un inizio e una fine ben definiti quando pensiamo a una direttrice puntata verso quella che è, sfortunatamente, la conclusione della mia piccola storia (altrimenti piena di vita). Effettivamente, a quanto ne so, è la fine delle storie di tutti noi.


“Beigas” 2002 video “End” 2002 video


“Nauda” 2002 foto “Money” 2002 foto

“Pu˚kåposts” 2002 foto “Lauliflower” 2002 foto

“Sekss” 2002 foto “Sex” 2002 foto


Martins Virbulis Dzimis 1978, Jürmala, Latvija,

Born: February 19, 1978, Jürmala

Nata a Jürmala, Lettonia, 1978

Izglîtîba 2002 Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, Rîga Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a. 2000 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩa. 1999 Southwest Finland Institute for Art, Craft and Design.

Education 2002- Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 2000 Riga Applied Art College, Wood Design dept. 1999 Arts, Crafts and Design Institute of Southwest Finland

Studi 2002 Accademia Lettone dell’ arte, dipartimento della Comunicazione Visiva, Riga 2000 Collegio di Arte Applicata, Riga. 1999 Southwest Finland Institute for Art, Craft and Design.

Izstådes 2002 FREE WAVES, 8. Eksperimentålo mediju måkslas festivåls, Los Angelosa; INVERT YOUR MIND, Klubs M808, Rîga. 2001 “Izjüti spilgto”, Universålveikals Centrs, Rîga; “Gravitåcija”, Lietiß˚ås måkslas muzejs, Rîga. 1999 “Rudens 99”, Måkslas muzejs Arsenåls, Rîga; “WOOD DESIGN”, galerija “Laipa”, Valmiera, Latvija. 1998 “Starp varu un mîlestîbu”, Valsts måkslas muzejs, Rîga (kuratores I. BuΩinska un I. Pétersone).

Creative experience 1998 “Between Power and Love”, exhibition dedicated to the memory of Gustavs Klucis,State Museum of Art; design objects in wood. 1999 group exhibition in gallery ”Laipa” in Valmiera; design objects in woo d. “Autumn 99”, exhibition of Latvian artists’ works organised by Art museum “Arsenåls”; photo series. 2000 solo show “10 * 10 MACRO” in the“Måksla” gallery of the Artists’ Union of Latvia; photography, installation. 2001 group exhibition in the Museum of Applied Arts; digital prints. 2002 double solo show „Invert your mind” in the“Måksla” gallery of the Artists’ Union of Latvia and in the Museum of Applied Arts; digital photography. The presentation of „Files02” video at „M808” nightclub as part of the project „Invert your mind”. The script, video and sound of the closing show of Riga Art Days in the sculpture workshops of the Artists’ Union of Latvia. The 8th experimental media art festival Freewaves, Los Angeles; „Files02”, video.

Mostre 2002 “FREE WAVES, 8®” Festival di media art sperimentale, Los Angeles; “INVERT YOUR MIND”, Club M808, Riga. 2001 IZJUTI SPILGTO, Vincitore del concorso, Centro commerciale Centrs, Riga; “Gravitåcija”, Museo di Arti Applicate, Riga. 1999 “Rudens 99”, Museo di Belle Arti Arsenals, Riga; “WOOD DESIGN”, galerija Laipa, Valmiera, Lettonia. 1998 “Starp varu un mîlestîbu”, Museo Lettone di Belle Arti, Riga (a cura di I. BuΩinska un I. Pétersone).

Personålizstådes 2002 “INVERT YOUR MIND”, Måkslinieku Savienîbas salonå “Måksla” un Lietiß˚ås måkslas muzejå, Rîgå. 2000 “10 * 10 MACRO”, Måkslinieku Savienîbas salonå “Måksla”, Rîga.


Mostre personali 2002 “INVERT YOUR MIND, Associazione degli artisti lettoni e Museo di Arte Applicata, Riga. 2000 “10 * 10 MACRO”, Associazione degli artisti lettoni, Riga.

La riga. Lînija manå uztveré ir kaut kas, kas atdala vienu lietu no otras un savieno otro ar pirmo. Vienmér bijis aktuåls jautåjums: „Vai Dievs ir?” Neatbildéßu jums uz ßo jautåjumu, jo to, manupråt, varétu zinåt tikai Ådams un Ieva. Es to nezinu. Man liekas, ka neviens arî nezina kas ir lînija un kur tå atrodas, jo laiks lîniju iznîcina, viñß to sadala vairåkås. Kå slota, kur vienå galå ir kåts un otrå - zari. Varbüt tießi tåpéc manå darbå ir svétie, kuriem grüti saskatît sejas, jo gaißais oreols müsu acij tås slépj. Iespéjams, ßajå reli©ijå, kuru ar Romas svétîbu mums ieviesa våcu krustneßi, esmu saskatîjis kaut ko no savas lînijas puses. PersonåΩi ir mana mamma, kaimiñi un draugi. La riga. A line is what separates one thing from another and joins the second with the first. We’ve always asked if God exists. I won’t attempt to answer the question, for it is only Adam and Eve who could really know. I don’t. The same as I don’t think anyone knows what a line is and where it abides, for time destroys the line by splitting it into many. Like a besom – a stick on this side, birches on the other. Maybe it is due to this reason that my work has saints in it with their faces disguised by the brightness of their halos. I may have spotted a bit of my side of the line in this religion brought to us by the Rome-blessed German crusaders of the 13th century. The portrayed are my mum, my neighbours and my friends. La riga. Una linea è ciò che separa una cosa da un’altra, e unisce la seconda con la prima. Ci siamo sempre chiesti se Dio esista. Non cercherò di dare una risposta, solo Adamo ed Eva potrebbero saperlo veramente. Io no. Allo stesso modo, non conosco nessuno che sappia cosa sia una linea o dove esse si trovino, perché il tempo le distrugge spaccando l’una in molte. Come una ramazza: un bastone da un lato e tanti rametti dall’altro. Forse è per questa ragione che nelle mie opere ci sono santi dai volti nascosti dalla brillantezza delle loro aureole. Potrei ora aver rivelato qualcosa della mia linea a proposito di tale religione, esportata nel nostro paese dai crociati teutonici del XIII secolo. Le persone ritratte nelle foto sono mia mamma, i miei vicini e gli amici.

“Svétie no Stendes” 2003 foto “Saints from Stende” 2003 Photo “I Santi da Stende” 2003 foto



“Deguni” 2002 video “Noses” 2002 video “I nasi” 2003 video


Måra Traumane

Vizuålo komunikatoru kopéjås lînijas Uzmanîgåk paskatoties uz izstådes “la riga” ieceri, var pamanît, ka més te sastopamies ar kaut ko visai îpatnéju müsdienu måkslå – ar vienas skolas måkslinieku skati. Tas nozîmé, ka lîdzîgi kå viduslaikos vai renesansé visas izstådes zvaigznes saista ne tikai kopîgs medijs, ßajå gadîjumå DV, bet arî izglîtîba un sapratne par måkslas veidoßanas pañémieniem. Gandrîz visi “la riga” dalîbnieki ir studéjußi LMA Vizuålås Komunikåcijas noda¬å, kas kopß 90. gadu vidus ir izveidojusies par gluΩi patståvîgu, ietekmîgu radoßås izglîtîbas centru. Ja més ßodien apskatîtos Latvijas jaunåkås paaudzes måkslinieku biogråfijas, VKN bütu raksturîgåkais ieraksts izglîtîbas ailé. Lielå méra büdama profesionåla darbnîca, noda¬a pirmå akadémijå ieviesa sistemåtisku digitålo tehnolo©iju kursu un piesaistîja virkni Latvijas måkslas prominençu – Kristapu Ìelzi; Raiti Ímitu; u c. kå macîbspékus måkslas un mediju “uzbüves” måcîßanai. VKN telpås var ik pa brîdim uzdurties kådam aktîvi oranΩam priekßmetam (no ve¬as kna©a lîdz tîkla kamerai), kas apliecina noda¬as vadîtåja, måkslinieka Ojåra Pétersona ietekmi ßajå teritorijå. Kas îsti bütu pati vizuålå komunikåcija joprojåm netiek strikti noteikts, Pétersons reizém apgalvo, ka, kådå brîdî, vél varétu ieviest Virtuålås patiesîbas un Manuålås komunikåcijas noda¬as. Skolas motîvu var traktét arî plaßi un poétiski, skatot to kå viena ©eogråfiskå punkta (Rîgas) un laika – deviñdesmito beigu un gadsimtu mijas ietekmi. Í˚iet visai zîmîgi, ka 1997. gadå pirmå VKN studentu (nåkotné grupas F5) tuvåka saskarsme ar DV tehnolo©ijåm notika viesojoties multimediålå darbnîcå, kur izmé©inåjumi skañas radîßanå un raidîßanå bija tikpat svarîgi, kå eksperimenti kustîgo vizuålo télu veidoßanå. Multimediålais såkums, liekas, iezîmé veselu virzienu Rîgas jauno måkslinieku praksé, kas saistås ar procesualitåti un darbîbu årpus atzîtajåm vizuålås måkslas robeΩåm - skañas, tîkla un pilsétas vai ielu kultüru telpå. Te redzami daΩådi laikmeta iespaidi – neformålo apvienîbu daudzveidîba un atvértîba, spéjå interneta augßana un jaunå tehnolo©iju valoda, jo vårdi “mikséßana”, “pårdzîßana”, “cilpa”, “sets” ir nostiprinåjußies ne tikai müsdienu müzi˚a, bet arî måkslas studenta leksikå. Skañas efekta, subkultüru estétikas un jauno mediju ideju iespaidi ir nolasåmi virkné måkslinieku projektu – apvienîbas “99% svaigs” (Linards Kulless, Voldemårs Johansons) tîkla radio projektå Rigasound (, grupas F5 (Lîga Marcinkeviça, Ieva Rubeze, Mårtiñß Ratniks, Ervîns Broks, Renårs Krümiñß, Félikss Zîders) pårdomåti stilîgajos vîdΩejoßanas materiålos, tape –art un house müzikai veltîtå videoizdevumå “Time to Jack” un akcijås ar urbånås kultüras (breiks, hiphops) citåtiem. Lîdzîgi arî individuålos darbos – filmétie garåmgåjéji ir sapinußies müzikas ritmå Katrînas Neiburgas “Nomalé”, bet Ìirta Korpa filmås dominé Industrial ainas lakoniskå valoda. Interese par telpu årpus måkslas ir likusi mainît ne tikai instrumentus un estétiku, bet arî darbîbas metodes un siΩetus, kas labi atklåjås projektå “Téjas séne” (apvienîba Open; Katrîna Neiburga, Péteris imelis), kas bija gan pétîjums-filma par piemirstås téjas sénes audzétåjiem, gan séni popularizéjoßa bode un intervence, gan komentårs müsdienu patérétåjkultürai. Lîdzîgs izklaidéjoßi – vérîgs pétîjums notiek arî Katrînas Neiburgas nåkamajå darbå – “Kas meiteném somiñås”. Citå griezumå, viñus apvieno medijs. DV ar savu galveno îpaßîbu – parocîgumu (un létumu), beidzot ir konskventi îstenojis principu par mediju kå véstîjumu, nevis kvalitåti per se. No priekßgåjéjiem un laikabiedriem kino un video måkslas jomås “la riga” vai VKN grupu noß˚ir tießi véstîjuma pårsvars. Nosta¬©iskå filmas materialitåte, tås klißejas un gaismas un kråsu efektu paßvértîba ir palikußi aiz viñu kadra. Ío måkslinieku darbiem raksturîgs ir konceptuåls, bieΩi koncentréts, saturs, kur kas filméts svarîgåk par to kå filméts. Ío, bieΩi vien aspråtîgo, “atslégas kodu” var pamanît individuålos darbos – Lîgas Marcinkeviças, Kristînes Kursißas, Féliksa Zîdera, Renåra Krümiña, Monikas Pormales videodarbos. Lai gan citkårt, kå Ievas Rubezes “Un citi”, Ervina Broka, F5 darbos, Renåra Krümiña “1 sekunde-24 kadri”, Daces DΩeriñas “Aci pret aci ar ienaidnieku” ar datora efektu vai filméßanas tehniku tiek atklåtas arî DV formålås iespéjas. Minétais darbu funktieris, iespéjams, ir ne tikai skolas, bet arî paaudzes rådîtåjs, kurai åtrå un vieglå ieraksta tehnika ¬auj zibenîgi tvert situåcijas, bet uzkrauj arî konceptuåla véstîjuma slogu. Vérotåjam “no årpuses” runa par paaudzém “la riga” ietvaros var likties nenopietna, tomér, ka rådås, VKN paaudzes spéj nodalît pat påris gadi. 90. gadu beigas ßobrîd ß˚iet årkårtîgi tålas un le©endåras, bet pirmås paaudzes (F5) “ielekßana” 25. Sanpaulo biennålé spéja, bet likumsakarîga. Vai robeΩlînija starp studentu un måkslinieku ir tverama, varés spriest izstådes “la riga” apmeklétåjs. Bet vai paståv paaudΩu konflikts? Laikam, né…


Måra Traumane

The common lines of visual communicators Have a closer look at the scheme of the exhibition “la riga” and you will notice something quite uncommon in the contemporary art scene – it is the exhibiotion of a certain school of artists. It means that, just like in the Middle Ages or during the Renaissance, the stars of the exhibition do not just have a common medium, DV in this case, but also the same education and understanding of the principles guiding the art production process. Almost all participants of “la riga” have studied in the Visual Communication Department (VKN) of the Academy of Art of Latvia. Since the mid-nineties, it has developed into a quite independent and influential centre of creative education. Today, if we were to take a look at the biographies of the artists of the younger generation, VKN would be the most common entry in the education section. Being in many ways a kind of a workshop, VKN was the first at the Academy to introduce a systematic coputer course and to involve a number of prominent Latvian artists as teachers of art and media – Kristaps Ìelzis; Raitis Ímits and others. When visiting the premises of the VKN, one come across an actively orange object every now and again (be it a clothes-peg or a web camera) – evidence of the reign of the head of the department, artist Ojårs Pétersons in this territory. However, it is still not strictly defined, what visual communication itself might really be. Pétersons sometimes states that, at a certain point, a Department of Virtual Truth or a Manual Communicaton Department could well be introduced, too. The idea of a school is also a widely poetic one when viewed in the context of the correlation between a certain pgeographic point (Riga) and a certain time – end of the nineties and turn of the centuries. It seems quite indicant that the first VKN students to encounter DV (the future members of F5) did that in 1997 while visiting a multimedia workshop, where experiments in the generating and broadcasting of sounds were as important as those in creating moving images. The multimedia beginning, it seems, started off a whole new movement in the practice of young Riga artists connected to processes outside the conventional borders of visual art – in the sound-, web- and cityscape. A number of new characteristics are to be observed – the range and openness of informal organisations, the rapid growth of the net and the new jargon of the technologies where, for example, “capturing”, “mixing” and “looping” are as common in the lexicon of an art student as they are in the language of a contemporary musician. The effects of sound, subculture aesthetics and the ideas of new media can be observed in a number of art projects – “99% svaigs” (Linards Kulless, Voldemårs Johansons), net radio project Rigasound (, in the stylish VJ-ing material of F5 (Lîga Marcinkeviça, Ieva Rubeze, Mårtiñß Ratniks, Ervîns Broks, Renårs Krümiñß, Félikss Zîders), in their video publication “Time to Jack” dedicated to tape–art and house music, or in the numerous quotes of elements of urban culture (break, hip-hop). Similarly, in individual works passers-by get tangled in the rhythm of music in “Outskirts” by Katrîna Neiburga while the brief industrial language dominates in the films by Ìirts Korps. Interest directed at the space outside art has caused not just a change of instruments and aesthetics, but also the adoption of new methods and subjects revealed in the “Teashroom” project (Open; Katrîna Neiburga, Péteris imelis) which was both a film-research about the oblivious teashroom-growers and a cornershop-intervention, as well as a commentary on today’s consumerism. A likewise entertainingly-penetrating study takes place also in the following work by Katrîna Neiburga – “What’s in the Girls’ Handbags”. On the other hand, these artists are united by the medium. DV and its main feature – convenience (and affordability) has finally implemented the principle of the medium as the message instead of quality per se. “la riga” and the VKN group differs from the predecessing and contemporary film and video art scene exactly with the prevalence of narrative in their works. The nostalgic materiality of the film, its light and colour effect cliches are left out of their frame. The works of these artists are characterized by a conceptual, often concentrated content where what is being filmed is more important than how. This often witty code can be spotted in individual videos by Lîga Marcinkeviça, Kristîne Kursißa, Félikss Zîders, Renårs Krümiñß, Monika Pormale. At other times, though, the formal capacities of DV are revealed via the use of computers or filming equipment ( “And Others” by Ieva Rubeze, the works of Ervins Broks and F5, “1 second-24 frames” by Renårs Krümiñß, “Face to Face With the Enemy” by Dace DΩeriña). The idea behind these works is possibly a characteristic feature not only of the school but also of the generation as a whole. The ability to record quickly and easily allows them to capture the moment but also lays the burden of the need for a conceptual message on them. For an outsider any talk of generations within “la riga” may seem a joke, but it seems that the VKN generations can be separated by just a year or two. The end of the nineties now seems legendary history, while the entry of the first generation (F5) into the 25th Sao Paulo Biennial – sudden but natural. Whether the borderline between a student and an artist is tangible, is for the visitor of “la riga” to judge. But – is there a generation conflict there? Apparently not.

Måra Traumane La linea comune dei comunicatori visivi


Date un’occhiata da vicino al progetto della mostra “la Riga” e vi accorgerete di qualcosa di molto insolito nella scena dell’arte contemporanea: è la mostra di una certa scuola di artisti. Significa che, proprio come nel Medioevo o durante il Rinascimento, i protagonisti dell’esposizione non utilizzano solamente lo stesso medium, il DV in questo caso, ma pure la stessa formazione scolastica e la medesima interpretazione dei princìpi guida dei processi di produzione dell’arte. Quasi tutti i partecipanti de “la Riga” hanno studiato al Dipartimento di comunicazione visiva (VKN) dell’Accademia d’arte lettone che, a partire da metà degli anni novanta, è divenuto un autorevole e indipendente centro di istruzione creativa. Oggi, se andassimo a sbirciare le biografie degli artisti della generazione più giovane, il VKN sarebbe la voce più comune nei titoli di studio. Essendo in qualche modo una sorta di workshop, il VKN è stato in accademia il primo dipartimento a introdurre un corso sistematico di computer e a invitare come docenti di arte e media un certo numero di importanti artisti lettoni: Kristaps Ìelzis, Raitis Ímits e altri. Visitando la sede del VKN ci si potrebbe imbattere in un oggetto di colore arancio ad ogni angolo (che sia un appendiabiti o una web camera, non importa): sono le prove dell’appartenenza di questo territorio al regno incontrastato del capo dipartimento, l’artista Ojårs Pétersons. Comunque non è ancora precisamente definito ciò che potrebbe essere in realtà la comunicazione visiva. Pétersons talvolta dichiara che non è escluso che un giorno potrebbero essere istituiti anche un Dipartimento di verità virtuale o una Scuola di comunicazione manuale. La stessa idea di scuola è anche un concetto molto poetico, se riferito al contesto della relazione tra un certo punto geografico (Riga) e un dato tempo (la fine degli anni novanta e l’inizio del nuovo millennio). Sembra molto indicativo il fatto che i primi studenti del VKN a utilizzare il DV (i futuri membri di F5) lo fecero nel 1997 durante la partecipazione a un workshop sul multimedia, dove gli esperimenti di generazione e di trasmissione dei suoni erano altrettanto importanti quanto quelli di creare immagini in movimento. Il debutto in ambito multimediale pare che abbia dato l’avvio a un vero e proprio nuovo movimento tra i giovani artisti di Riga dediti a processi collocati al di fuori dei confini convenzionali dell’arte visiva: il suono, il web, il cityscape. Ci sono nuovi aspetti di cui tenere conto – la varietà e l’apertura delle realtà associative, la rapida crescita della rete e il nuovo gergo delle tecnologie dove, per esempio, “capturing”, “mixing” e “looping” sono elementi comuni sia del lessico di uno studente d’arte che del linguaggio di un musicista contemporaneo. Gli effetti del suono, l’estetica delle sottoculture e le idee dei nuovi media possono essere osservati in diversi progetti artistici: in “99% svaigs” (Linards Kulless, Voldemars Johansons), nel progetto di radio in rete “Rigasound” (, nella produzione VJ degli F5 (Lîga Marcinkeviça, Ieva Rubeze, Martins Ratniks, Ervîns Broks, RenarsKrümiñß, Felikss Zîders), nella loro pubblicazione video “Time to Jack”, dedicata alla tape-art e alla house music, o nelle numerose citazioni di elementi di cultura urbana (break, hip-hop). Nello stesso modo, in lavori individuali come quello dei passanti aggrovigliati nel ritmo della musica in “Outskirts” di Katrina Neiburga o quello intriso di linguaggio industrial dei film di Ìirts Korps. L’interesse verso lo spazio al di fuori dell’arte ha causato non solo un cambiamento di strumenti e di estetica, ma anche l’adozione di nuovi metodi e soggetti, come dimostrato nel progetto “Teashroom” (aperto; Katrîna Neiburga, Péteris imelis). Un altrettanto spassoso e penetrante studio ha luogo anche nel successivo lavoro di Katrîna Neiburga, “What’s in the Girls’ Handbags”. Per altri aspetti, questi artisti sono uniti dal medium. Il DV con la sua principale caratteristica, la comodità (e convenienza) ha infine messo in atto il principio del medium come messaggio invece della qualità per se. “La Riga” e il gruppo del VKN differiscono dai predecessori e dalla scena video-cinematografica contemporanea a prevalenza narrativa. La nostalgica materialità del film, i suoi cliché negli effetti di luce e di colore sono esclusi dai loro fotogrammi. Le opere di questi artisti sono caratterizzate da una spesso concentrata qualità concettuale, in cui ciò che si sta filmando è più importante del come. Questo codice può essere individuato in alcuni video di Lîga Marcinkeviça, Kristîne Kursißa, Félikss Zîders, Renårs Krümiñß, Monika Pormale. Altre volte, tuttavia, le capacità formali del DV si svelano attraverso l’uso di computer o di attrezzature cinematografiche (“And Others” di Ieva Rubeze, i lavori di Ervins Broks e F5, “1 second-24 frames” di Renars Krümiñß, “Face to Face With the Enemy” di Dace DΩeriña). L’idea che sta dietro queste opere è probabilmente un aspetto caratteristico non solo della scuola, ma anche di un’intera generazione. La capacità di registrare rapidamente e facilmente permette loro di catturare il momento, ma li grava anche della necessità di un messaggio concettuale. A un estraneo sentir parlare di generazioni dentro “la Riga” potrebbe sembrare uno scherzo, ma pare che le generazioni del VKN possano essere separate solo da un anno o due. La fine degli anni novanta appare ora come storia leggendaria, l’invito della prima generazione (F5) alla 25ª Biennale di San Paolo – benché inatteso – sembra naturale. Se il confine tra uno studente e un artista sia tangibile, spetta al visitatore de “la Riga” giudicare. Ma c’è un conflitto generazionale in questo caso? Apparentemente no.

Video darbi Video works Video

Dace DΩeriña Ieva Rubeze Lîga Marcinkeviça Katrîna Neiburga Ervîns Broks Félikss Zîders Mårtiñß Ratniks Kaspars Podnieks Kristîne Kursißa Miks Mitrevics


Dace DΩeriña


Dzimusi 1971. gadå.

Born in 1971.



2000 Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a.

2000 Latvian Academy of Art, Department of Visual Communication.

Personålizstådes: 2000 – “Komutators”.- Latvijas Kara muzejs, Rîga; kopå ar Antu Penci 1999 - “Transsolåcija”.- Galerija Noass, Rîga; kopå ar Antu Penci

Solo Exhibitions: 2000 – “Commutator”.- Latvian War Museum, Riga; together with Anta Pence 1999 - “Transsolation”.- Gallery Noass, Riga; together with Anta Pence

Grupu izstådes: 2002 “Re-cikls”.- Galerija Çiris, Rîga 2001 “Art Primeur 2001”.- Vizuålås måkslas centrs, Dordrehta, Nîderlande – “Müsdienu utopija”.- VMM izståΩu zåle Arsenåls, Rîga; video “Matrica” (kat., buklets) 2000 “Cilpa”.- Måkslas muzejs Arsenåls, Rîga; video “Epidémija” - “- lietas”.- Galerija Noass, Rîga 1999 Starptautiskais teåtra festivåls “Homo Novus”; skañu objekti “Ce¬ojumi” kopå ar Antu Penci un Ditu Penci - “Ventspils Tranzîts Terminåls” - 6. gadskårtéjå SMMC-Rîga izståde.- Ventspils pilsétas vide - “Labiekårtoßana”.- Pedvåles måkslas parks, Sabile 1998 “Ventspils Tranzîts Terminåls” - 6. gadskårtéjå SMMC-Rîga izståde.- Måkslas a©itvilciens, Ventspils novada véstures un måkslas muzejs, Ventspils - “Kristapa tapa” - alternatîvås videomåkslas festivåls.- Rîga; Kristapa tapa

Group Exhibitions: 2002 “Re-Cycle”.- Gallery Çiris, Rîga 2001 “Art Primeur 2001”.- Centrum Beeldende Kunst Dordrecht, The Netherlands – “Contemporary Utopia”.- Exhibition Hall Arsenåls, Riga; video “Matrix” (cat., booklet) 2000 “Loop”.- Museum of Art Arsenåls, Riga; video “Epidemic” - “-things”.- Gallery Noass, Riga 1999 International Theatre Festival “Homo Novus”.- Riga; sound objects “Trips” together with Anta Pence and Dita Pence - “Ventspils Transit Terminal” – the 6th Annual SCCA-Riga Exhibition.- City space, Ventspils; installation “Stability; action “Auction of Information” together with Anta Pence and Dita Pence - “Well Planning”.- Pedvåle Art Park, Sabile 1998 “Ventspils Transit Terminal” – the 6th Annual SCCA-Riga Exhibition.- Art Propaganda Train, Regional Museum of History and Art, Ventspils - “Kristapa tapa” – Festival of alternative video art.- Riga

Ieva Rubeze Dzimusi 21.07.1977 e-pasts:

Born 21st July 1977 e-mail:

Izglîtîba: 1995-2001 Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 1991–1995 Liepåjas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩas dekoratîvås noforméßanas noda¬a

Education: 1995–2001 Department of Visual Communication, Latvian Academy of Art 1991–1995 Riga Applied Art College, Department of Interior Design

Radoßå darbîba: 2002 25.Starptautiskå Sanpaulu måkslas biennåle, Sanpaulo Brazîlijå 2001 Grupas izståde “Apcerot pagåtni. Pievienojot nåkotni” Valsts Måkslas muzejå Rîgå Projekts “HIP HOP.LV” Eiropas kultüras méneßa ietvaros. Prezentåcijas Rîgå un Roterdamå “POP-PUVE”– grupas F5 audiovizuåla akcija rüpnîcas VEF teritorijå Rîgå Starptautiska izståde “Müsdienu utopija” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå 2000/2001 Baltijas måkslas izståde “Baltic Security!” Årlandas lidostå Stokholmå 2000 Izståde “Cilpa” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå – grupas F5 projekts “Bloody TV” Videoperformance 4. Starptautiskajå jauno mediju festivålå “Måksla + Komunikåcija” Rîgå Izståde “- lietas” galerijå Noass Rîgå “ArtGenda 2000” – projekts Stroboscope@Stethoscope Helsinkos Balva eksperimentålo un alternatîvo filmu festivålå “Kristapa tapa” par F5 grupas projektu “Bloody TV” Videolenta “Time to Jack” sadarbîbå ar Mårtiñu Ratniku, Ervinu Broku un DJ AG & Raitis 1999 Izståde “Gramatika” Rotermaña såls galerijå Tallinå Izståde “Tauki” Raiña Literatüras un måkslas véstures muzejå Rîgå 7. starptautiskå mediju biennåle “WRO ‘99” Vroclavå, Polija F5 grupas izståde “F5 DE LUX” Liepåjå “King Nobel” – 1. starptautiskais interneta/kino/video festivåls Lokristi, Be¬©ijå 1998/1999 Ce¬ojoßa izståde “Suitcases” Kotkå (Somija) un Tallinå 1998 No 1998. gada darbojas kå VJ F5 grupas videoprojekts “Bipolårais ekråns” Mediju måkslas simpozijs “Polar Circuit 2” Tornio, Somija Francijas/Baltijas/Zieme¬valstu video un jauno mediju festivåls Online@Offline Tallinå Performance “Back to Back” Fosters + Rubeze in Kotkå, Somijå Videoinstalåcija “SKATIES” Colonel of the Bass pasåkumå Rîgå 1997 Instalåcija “132” gadskårtéjå SMMC-Rîga izstådé “Opera” Rîgå 1996 Instalåcija “Salas” gadskårtéjå SMMC-Rîga izstådé “GeoÌeo” Pedvåles måkslas parkå

Artistic Activities: 2002 25th International Biennale of São Paulo 2001 Group exhibition “Observing Past. Connecting Future” at the State Museum of Art in Riga Project “HIP HOP.LV” within the European Month of Culture. Presentations in Riga and Rotterdam Video art festival “Waterpieces” at the Noass gallery in Riga Magic reality video festival Pop-puve – audiovisual action of the F5 group in the territory of the VEF enterprise, RigaInternational exhibition “Contemporary Utopia” at the Arsenåls exhibition hall in Riga 2000/2001 Baltic art exhibition “Baltic Security!” at the Arlanda Airport in Stockholm 2000 Exhibition “Loop” at the Arsenåls exhibition hall in Riga – project of the F5 group “Bloody TV” Videoperformance at the 4th International new media festival “Art + Communication” in Riga “ArtGenda 2000” – project “Stroboscope@Stethoscope” in Helsinki The F5 group project “Bloody TV” within the Open TV slideshow project in the Latvian TV channel Videotape “Time to Jack” in collaboration with Mårtiñß Ratniks, Ervins Broks and DJ AG & Raitis 1999 Exhibition “Grammar” at the Rotterman Gallery in Tallinn Exhibition “Fat” at the Rainis Museum of Literature and Art History in Riga The 7th international media art biennial “WRO ‘99” in Wroclaw, Poland Exhibition of the F5 group “F5 DE LUX” in Liepåja, Latvia “King Nobel” – the 1st international internet/film/video festival in Lochristi, Belgium 1998/1999 Travelling exhibition “Suitcases” in Kotka (Finland) and Tallinn 1998 Since 1998 videoperformances in club parties as a VJ Videoproject of the F5 group “Bipolar Screen” – presentation at the opening of the new media art festival “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” in Riga Media art symposium “Polar Circuit-2” in Tornio, Finland French/Baltic/Nordic video and new media festival “Online@Offline” in Tallinn Performance “Back to Back” Foster + Rubeze in Kotka, Finland Videoinstallation “LOOK” at the Colonel of the Bass party in Riga 1997 Installation “132” at the annual SCCA-Riga exhibition “Opera” in Riga 1996 Installation “Islands” at the annual SCCA-Riga exhibition “Geo-Ìeo” in Pedvåle Art Park, Latvia


Félikss Zîders


Dzimis 22.07.1974

Born : 22.07.1974

Izglîtîba: 1995-2001 Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 1991–1995 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩas metåla dizaina noda¬a

Education: 1995-2001 Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 1991–1995 Riga Applied Art College, Metal Design dept.

Radoßå darbîba:

Creative experience:

2002 Izståde “Vél labåk par pédéjo véléßanos”, sadarbîbå ar Ervinu Broku, RIXC mediju telpå, Rîgå Videomåkslas festuvåls “Ëdensgabali” galerijå Noass Rîgå 2001 “POP-PUVE”– grupas F5 audiovizuåla akcija rüpnîcas VEF teritorijå Rîgå Starptautiska izståde “Müsdienu utopija” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå 2000 Izståde “Cilpa” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå – grupas F5 projekts “Bloody TV” Izståde “- lietas” galerijå Noass Rîgå Personålizståde “Veritas veridis est / Patiesîba ir Za¬a” galerija Noass Rîgå 1999 Grupas izståde “Labiekårtoßana”, Pedvåles måkslas parkå Izståde “Tauki” Raiña Literatüras un måkslas véstures muzejå Rîgå

2002 Exhibition “Better than the Last Wish””, together with Ervins Broks, RIXC media space, Rîga. Video art festival “Waterpieces”, gallery Noass, Rîga. 2001 “POP-PUVE”– F5 audiovisual event in the premises of the factory VEF, Rîga. “Contemporary Utopia”, international exhibition, “Arsenåls”, Rîga. 2000 Exhibition “Loop”, “Arsenåls”, Rîga.– F5 project “Bloody TV” Exhibition “Things”, gallery Noass, Rîga. Solo show “Veritas veridis est / The Truth Is Green”, gallery Noass, Rîga. 1999 Group exhibition “Improvement”, Pedvåle open-air art museum. Exhibition “Fat” Rainis Literature Art History Museum, Rîga.



Ervîns Broks Dzimis 14.05.1975

Born 14.05.1975

Izglîtîba: 1995-2001 Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 1991–1995 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩas koktélniecîbas noda¬a

Education: 1995-2001 Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 1991–1995 Riga Applied Art College, Wood Design dept.

Radoßå darbîba:

Creative experience:

2002 Izståde “Vél labåk par pédéjo véléßanos”, sadarbîbå ar Féliksu Zîderu, RIXC mediju telpå Rîgå 2001 “POP-PUVE”– grupas F5 audiovizuåla akcija rüpnîcas VEF teritorijå Rîgå 2000 Izståde “Cilpa” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå – grupas F5 projekts “Bloody TV” Videoperformance 4. Starptautiskajå jauno mediju festivålå “Måksla + Komunikåcija” Rîgå Izståde “ lietas” galerijå Noass Rîgå “ArtGenda 2000” – projekts Stroboscope@Stethoscope Helsinkos Balva eksperimentålo un alternatîvo filmu festivålå “Kristapa tapa” par F5 grupas projektu “Bloody TV” F5 grupas projekts “Bloody TV” Open TV slaidlugu projektå LNT kanålå Videolenta “Time to Jack” sadarbîbå ar Mårtiñu Ratniku, Ervinu Broku un DJ AG & Raitis 1999 Izståde “Tauki” Raiña Literatüras un måkslas véstures muzejå Rîgå F5 grupas izståde “F5 DE LUX” Liepåjå “King Nobel” – 1. starptautiskais interneta/kino/video festivåls Lokristi, Be¬©ijå 1998 No 1998. gada darbojas kå VJ F5 grupas videoprojekts “Bipolårais ekråns” – prezentåcija jauno mediju måkslas festivåla “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” atklåßanå Rîgå Mediju måkslas simpozijs “Polar Circuit 2” Tornio, Somija Francijas/Baltijas/Zieme¬valstu video un jauno mediju festivåls Online@Offline Tallinå

2002 Exhibition “Better than the Last Wish””, together with Félikss Zîders, RIXC media space, Rîga. 2001 “POP-PUVE”– F5 audiovisual event in the premises of the factory VEF, Rîga. 2000 Exhibition “Loop”, “Arsenåls”, Rîga.– F5 project “Bloody TV” Video performance at the 4th International New Media Festival “Art + Communication”, Rîga. Exhibition “Things”, gallery Noass, Rîga. “ArtGenda 2000” – project Stroboscope@Stethoscope in Helsinki. A prize at the experimental end alternative film festival “Kristapa tapa” for the F5 project “Bloody TV”. F5 project “Bloody TV” in the Open TV slideshow project on LNT television. Videotape “Time to Jack” together with Mårtiñß Ratniks and DJ AG & Raitis 1999 Exhibition “Fat” Rainis Literature Art History Museum, Rîga. F5 group exhibition “F5 DE LUX”, Liepåja. “King Nobel” – 1. international internet/film/video festival in Lokristi, Belgium. 1998 VJing since1998 F5 goup video project “Bipolar screen” – presentation at the opening of the new media art festival “XCHANGE UNLIMITED”, Rîga. Media art symposium “Polar Circuit 2”, Tornio, Finland. France/Baltic/Nordic video and new media festival Online@ Offline, Tallinn. e-pasts:



Katrîna Neiburga


Dzimusi: 1978. Rîgå

Born: 1978 in Rîga

Izglîtîba 2000/2001 Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 4.kurss 99/2000 viesstudente Karaliskajå Måkslas akadémijå Stokholmå, Zviedrijå 96/1999 Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, måkslas pedago©ijas noda¬a 85/1996 Ågenskalna Ìimnåzija (våcu valodas specializåcija)

Education: 2000/2001 Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 99/2000 guest student in the Royal Art Academy in Stockholm, Sweden 96/1999 Academy of Art of Latvia Art Pedagogics dept. 85/1996 Ågenskalns Language School (specializing in the German language)

Izstådes un performances 2002 “Nekå personîga”.- Brémenes pilsétas galerija, Brémene - “6. elements”.- Viesnîca “Nams 99”, Rîga 2001 “Metropole. Rîga”.- Rîgas Fondu birΩas nams, Rîga; Down the tunnelzz, 04.08, Liepåja, videoperformance (vj) Party Animals- Animal Farm, 25.05, Rîga, video instalåcija “viss.tas” ( angliski: dj duck presents) Sociåla måkslas projekta “Latvijas Téjas Sénes Audzétåju Asociåcijas (LTSAA) téjas sénes poplarizåcijas kampañas” idejas un videomateriålu autore Izståde “Curriculum Vitae”, Måkslinieku namå Klaipédå, Lietuvå, videofilma ”Dienasgråmata” 2000 Personålizståde “REAL FACE” galerijå “NOASS”, 10.1110.12, Rîga, darbi kompjütergrafikas un sietspiedes jauktå tehnikå un video måksla “net.congestion” – piedalîßanås internacionålå raidoöo médiju festivålå Amsterdamå, 06.10-08.10 Piedalîßanås grafikas izstådé “ V‰STULES RÈGAI” galerijå Melngalvju namå ar darbu ciklu “Rîgas våks”, fototehnikå, oktobris, Rîga Piedalîßanås izstådé “LIETAS” galerijå “Noass” ar grafiku “Åmurs”, 18.08-18.10, Rîga ART + COMMUNICATION 4, piedalîßanås, internacionålajå jauno médiju festivålå, 24.08-26.08, Rîga: 1. sadarbîbå ar Péteri imeli festivåla konferences interneta translåcija no galerijas “NOASS” 2. videoperformance uz AB Dambja festivåla noslégumå IOB – IMAGES OF BORDERS – exploring Contemporary Rising Culture, Zviedrijas paviljons izstådé EXPO 2000 Hanoveré: kopdarbîbå ar Péteri imeli tiek vadîts seminårs “WEB – TV –tießå komunikåcija un interakcija” Video-ART – videoperformance Zviedrijas paviljonå IOB atklåßanas vakarå REALTIME DATA JOKEING darbnîcas vadîßana kopdarbîbå ar Péteri imeli starptautiskajå mediju darbnîcå POLAR CIRCUIT, Rovaniemî, Somijå “ART GENDA 2000”, piedalîßanås jauno måkslinieku biennålé – video performance un real time data jokeing sadarbîbå ar Péteri imeli “COME BY IMMORTAL” – izståde sadarbîbå ar Péteri imeli galerijå Konstakuten, Stokholma, Zviedrija piedalîßanås måkslinieku grupas grafikas darbu izstådé “LJUDGARDEN” galerijå Mejan, Stokholma, Zviedrija REAL TIME DATA JOKEING – sesijas interneta TV BEOFF, 1999 “TUTTI FRUTTI” – piedalîßanås Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas studentu darbu izstådé, galerijå M6, Rîga

Exhibitions and performances 2002 “Nothing Personal” – the City gallery of Bremen, Germany. “The Sixth Element” – hotel “Nams 99”, Rîga. 2001 “Metropolis. Rîga” – Riga Stock Exchange, Rîga. “Down the Tunnelz”, 04.08 – Liepåja, videoperformance (vj). “Party Animals – Animal Farm”, 25.05 – Rîga, video installation “dj duck presents”. Social art project “Association of the Teashroom Growers of Latvia”, author of the idea and video material. “Curriculum Vitae” – Artists’ House in Klaipeda, Lithuania, video “Diary”. 2000 “REAL FACE”, solo show, 10.11-10.12 – gallery “NOASS”, Rîga, computer graphics mixed with screen prints, video. “net.congestion”, 06.10-08.10 – International Broadcasting Media Festival, Amsterdam. “Letters From Riga” – Melngalvju nams gallery, Rîga, photography series “Riga Cover”. “Things”, 18.08-18.10 – gallery “Noass”, Rîga, print “Hammer”. ART + COMMUNICATION 4, 24.08-26.08 – International New Media Festival, Rîga, Internet broadcasting from the gallery together with Péteris imelis and a video performance at the end of the festival. IOB – IMAGES OF BORDERS – exploring Contemporary Rising Culture, Swedish pavilion in EXPO 2000 Hannover, seminary together with Péteris imelis “WEB – TV – Direct Communication and Interaction”. “ Video-ART” – videoperformance, Swedish pavilion, the opening of IOB . REALTIME DATA JOKEING – leading a workshop together with Péteris imelis at the international media workshop POLAR CIRCUIT, Rovaniem, Finland. “ART GENDA 2000” – video performance and real time data jokeing together with Péteris imelis. “COME BY IMMORTAL” – exhibition together with Péteris imelis, Konstakuten gallery, Stockholm, Sweden. “LJUDGARDEN” – young artists’ graphic works, Mejan gallery, Stockholm, Sweden. “REAL TIME DATA JOKEING” – internet TV BEOFF sessions, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999 “TUTTI FRUTTI” – the works of the students of the Academy of Art of Latvia in M6 gallery, Rîga

Lîga Marcinkeviça Dzimusi 9.05.1975 e-pasts:

Born 9th May 1975 e-mail:

Izglîtîba: 2001 Måkslas ma©istre, Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 1993–1995 Liepåjas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩas keramikas noda¬a

Education: 2001 Master of Arts, Department of Visual Communication, Latvian Academy of Art 1993–1995 Liepåja Applied Art College, Department of Ceramics

Radoßå darbîba: 2002 Eiropas laikmetîgås måkslas biennåle MANIFESTA 4, Frankfurté pie Mainas Våcijå 25.Starptautiskå Sanpaulu måkslas biennåle, Sanpaulü Brazîlijå 2001 “POP-PUVE”– grupas F5 audiovizuåla akcija rüpnîcas VEF teritorijå Rîgå Starpdisciplinårais projekts “Animal Farm / Party Animals” Rîgå 2000 Izståde “Cilpa” izståΩu zålé Arsenåls Rîgå – projekts “Es vélos büt... sapñu varonis” Izståde “- lietas” galerijå Noass Rîgå Balva eksperimentålo un alternatîvo filmu festivålå “Kristapa tapa” par F5 grupas projektu “Bloody TV” 1999 Izståde “Tauki” Raiña Literatüras un måkslas véstures muzejå Rîgå F5 grupas izståde “F5 DE LUX” Liepåjå 1998 F5 grupas videoprojekts “Bipolårais ekråns” – prezentåcija jauno mediju måkslas festivåla “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” atklåßanå Rîgå Mediju måkslas simpozijs “Polar Circuit 2” Tornio, Somija Francijas/Baltijas/Zieme¬valstu video un jauno mediju festivåls Online@Offline Tallinå

Artistic Activities: 2002 Manifesta 4. Frankfurt am Main 25th International Biennale of São Paulo 2001 Magic reality video festival Pop-puve - audiovisual action of the F5 group in the territory of the VEF enterprise, Riga Cross-disciplinary art project “Animal Farm / Party Animals” in Riga 2000 Exhibition “Loop” at the Arsenåls exhibition hall in Riga – project “I want to be... a dream hero” Exhibition “-things” at the Noass gallery in Riga 1999 Exhibition “Fat” at the Rainis Museum of Literature and Art History in Riga Exhibition of the F5 group “F5 DE LUX” in Liepåja, Latvia 1998 Videoproject of the F5 group “Bipolar Screen” – presentation at the opening of the new media art festival “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” in Riga Media art symposium “Polar Circuit-2” in Tornio, Finland French/Baltic/Nordic video and new media festival “Online@ Offline” in Tallinn


Mårtiñß Ratniks


Dzimis 10. 05. 1975 e-mail:

Born 10th May 1975 e-mail:

Izglîtîba: 2001 Måkslas ma©istrs, Latvijas Måkslas akadémijas Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 1991–1995 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩa

Education: 2001 Master of Arts, Department of Visual Communication, Latvian Academy of Art 1995 Riga Applied Art College

Radoßå darbîba: 2002 25.Starptautiskå Sanpaulu måkslas biennåle, Sanpaulo 2001 Projekts “HIP HOP.LV” koordinators un vizuålås koncepcijas autors. Prezentåcijas Rîgå un Roterdamå “POP-PUVE”– grupas F5 audiovizuåla akcija rüpnîcas VEF teritorijå Rîgå 2000 E-lab izdevuma “Acoustic Space 3” prezentåcija festivåla “DEAF 2000” ietvaros Roterdamå un Rîgå Performance “Sound Graffiti” radoßo mediju festivålå “net. congestion” Amsterdamå Izståde “Cilpa” Arsenåls Rîgå – F5 projekts “Bloody TV” Videoperformance 4. Starptautiskajå jauno mediju festivålå “Måksla + Komunikåcija” Rîgå Izståde “- lietas” galerijå Noass Rîgå Mediju måkslas simpozijs “POLAR CIRCUIT 3” Rovaniemi, Somija “ArtGenda 2000” – Rîgas projekta Stroboscope@ Stethoscope koordinators Helsinkos Videolenta “Time to Jack” sadarbîbå ar Ievu Rubezi, Ervinu Broku un DJ AG & Raitis VJ festivåls “1st Nederlands VJ’s Battle” Enshedé, Nîderlande Kopå ar vîdΩejiem un F5 grupu videoperformances klubos 1999 Izståde “After the Wall” Stokholma Izståde “Gramatika” Rotermaña såls galerijå Tallinå “net_condition”, ZKM, Karlsrüe, Våcija “ARS ELECTRONICA ‘99” Lincå, Austrija Objekti “Sargi” Pedvåles måkslas parkå Izståde “Tauki” Raiña Literatüras un måkslas véstures muzejå Rîgå 7. starptautiskå mediju biennåle “WRO ‘99” Vroclavå, Polija Taktisko mediju konference “Next 5 Minutes” Amsterdamå F5 grupas izståde “F5 DE LUX” Liepåjå 1998 F5 grupas videoprojekts “Bipolårais ekråns” – prezentåcija jauno mediju måkslas festivålå “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” Francijas/Baltijas/Zieme¬valstu video un jauno mediju festivåls Online@Offline Tallinå Projekts “Very Hopeful” 7. laikmetîgås måkslas triennålé “Cool Places” Vi¬ñå “ARS ELECTRONICA ‘98” Lincå, Austrija Projekta “XCHANGE Acoustic Space” dalîbnieks Mediju måkslas simpozijs “Polar Circuit 2” Tornio, Somija Lîdzautors un måkslinieciskais redaktors E-lab izdevumam “Acoustic Space” No 1997. gada piedalås E-lab darbîbå, DJ (skañas un radio eksperimenti net radio OZONE iknedé¬as tießraidés) 1997 Jauno mediju konference “Måksla + Komunikåcija 2” Rîgå Projekts “Transplantators” gadskårtéjå SMMC-Rîga izstådé “Opera” Rîgå

Artistic Activities: 2002 25th International Biennale of São Paulo 2001 Project “HIP HOP.LV” coordinator and author of visual conception. Presentations in Riga and Rotterdam “POP-PUVE”– audiovisual action of the F5 group in the territory of the VEF enterprise in Riga 2000 Presentations of the E-lab publication “Acoustic Space 3” during the festival “DEAF 2000” in Rotterdam and Riga Performance “Sound Graffiti” at the creative media festival “net.congestion” in Amsterdam Exhibition “Loop” at the Arsenåls exhibition hall in Riga – project of the F5 group “Bloody TV” Videoperformance at the 4th International new media festival “Art + Communication” in Riga; coordinator of the festival opening Media art symposium “Polar Circuit-3” in Rovanniemi, Finland “ArtGenda 2000” – coordinator of the Riga project “Stroboscope@Stethoscope” in Helsinki Videotape “Time to Jack” in collaboration with Ieva Rubeze, Ervins Broks and DJ AG & Raitis VJ festival “1st Nederlands VJ’s Battle” in Enschede, the Netherlands 1999 Exhibition “After the Wall” in Moderna Museet, Stockholm Exhibition “Grammar” at the Rotterman Gallery in Tallinn “net_condition”, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany “ARS ELECTRONICA ‘99” in Linz, Austria Objects “Watchmen” in Pedvåle Art Park, Latvia Exhibition “Fat” in the Rainis Museum of Literature and Art History, Riga The 7th international media art biennial “WRO ‘99” in Wroclaw, Poland Tactical media conference “Next 5 Minutes” in Amsterdam Exhibition of the F5 group “F5 DE LUX” in Liepåja, Latvia 1998 Videoproject of the F5 group “Bipolar Screen” – presentation at the opening of the new media art festival “XCHANGE UNLIMITED” in Riga French/Baltic/Nordic video and new media festival “Online@Offline” in Tallinn Project “Very Hopeful” at the 7th contemporary art triennial “Cool Places” in Vilnius “ARS ELECTRONICA ‘98” in Linz, Austria Participant of the Project “XCHANGE Acoustic Space” Media art symposium “Polar Circuit-2” in Tornio, Finland Co-authorand artistic editor of the E-lab publication “Acoustic Space” Since 1997 participates in activities of the electronic art and media laboratory E-lab as DJ (sound and radio experiments on net radio OZONE in weekly live transmissions) 1997 New media conference “Art+Communication 2” in Riga Project “Transplanter” at the annual SCCA-Riga exhibition

Kaspars Podnieks Dzimis: 1980 e-mail:

Born: 1980 e-mail:

Izglîtîba 2003 Latvijas Måkslas akadémija, Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a 2. kurss 2001 Rîgas Lietiß˚ås måkslas koledΩa, koka dizaina noda¬a 1996 Césu Måkslas skola 1996 Drustu pamatskola

Education: 2001- Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 2001 Riga Applied Art College, Wood Design dept. 1996 Césis Art School 1996 Drusti Primary School

Izstådes 1998 Valsts Måkslas muzejs, Gustava Kluça atceres izståde ”Starp varu unmîlestîbu” ”Visapkårt üdens” Valsts Måkslas muzejs,”Arsenåls” 1999 grupas izståde ”Garaståvoklis” Valmieras galerija ”Laipa” izståde ”Rudens’99” Valsts Måkslas muzejs ”Arsenåls” 2000 ”Més Rîgai”Valsts Måkslas muzejs 2001 Lietiß˚ås måkslas izståde, Drusti ”Müsu labå griba savai videi un pilsétai” îpsalas Starptautiskais izståΩu centrs 2002 izståde ”Rudens’2001” Valsts Måkslas muzejs ”Arsenåls”, izståde „Muksifons” Dekoratîvi lietiß˚as måkslas muzejs, izståde ”Pjü˚er”, Valsts Måkslas muzejs, izståde”Rudens`2002”Valsts Måkslas muzejs, video izståde, Los-AndΩelosa, Starptautiskå jauno dizaineru biennåle Francija, Saint-Etienna 2003 “Saint-Etienne, Post. Factum.” Dekoratîvi lietis˚as måkslas muzejs

Artistic Activities: 1998 “Between Power and Love”, exhibition dedicated to the memory of Gustavs Klucis, State Museum of Art, Riga State Museum of Art ”Arsenåls” first place in among 22 states, ”Water All Around” 1999 group exhibition ”Mood”in gallery ”Laipa” in Valmiera State Museum of Art ”Arsenåls”, exhibition ”Autumn 99” 2000 State Museum of Art, ”We – for Riga” 2001 Drusti, applied art exhibition exhibition “Our Good Will for the Environment and the City” in the exhibition centre „îpsala”. 2002 State Museum of Art ”Arsenåls”, exhibition ”Autumn 2001” Museum of Applied Art, exhibition „Muksifons” State Museum of Art, exhibition ”Pjü˚er” State Museum of Art, exhibition ”Autumn 2002” Los Angeles, USA, video exhibition Saint-Etienne, France, International Young Designers’ 2003 Museum of Applied Art of Saint-Etienne, Post. Factum.


Kristîne Kursißa


Dzimusi : E-mail:

Born : 24.09.1979. E-mail:

Izglîtîba: 1999. – LMA Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a. 1998.-1999. LMA Glezniecîbas noda¬a 1998. J.Rozentala Rîgas Måkslas skola.

Education: 1999 – Academy of Art of Latvia, Visual Communication dept. 1998 –1999 Academy of Art of Latvia Painting dept. 1998 J. Rozentals Riga School of Art

Radoßå darbîba: 2002 “Recikls”, izståde, Rîga, Latvija. “Sestais elements”, sievießu måkslas dienas, Rîga, Latvija, 2001 “Zîlniece internetå”, interneta projekts ( 2000 “Doun the tunnels, txt. attack”, Liepåja “Lietas”, izståde, Rîga, Latvija “Einßteina sapñi”, dzeja, Rîga, Latvija

Creative experience: 2002 “Recikls”, exhibition, Rîga, Latvia “The Sixth Element”, women’s art days, Rîga, Latvia, 2002. 2001 “Fortune Teller on the Internet”, internet project ( 2000 “Down the Tunnels”, txt. attack, Liepåja, “Things”, exhibition, Rîga, Latvia, 2000. “Einstein’s Dreams”, poetry, Rîga, Latvia

Darbîbas jomas: video, fotogråfija, multimediju instalåcijas, internets, datorgrafika, skaña.

Works in: video, photography, multimedia installations, internet, computer graphics, sound.

Miks Mitrevics Dzimis : 27.09.1980. E-mail:

Born 27.09.1980. E-mail:

Izglîtîba: 1999. – LMA Vizuålås komunikåcijas noda¬a. 1999.J.Rozentala Rîgas Måkslas koledΩa. Papildstudijas: No 1997. multimediju måkslinieku grupa RîgasZieds (http:// No 1997. Fotogråfijas noda¬a TJN.

Education: 1999 – Academy of Art of Latvia Visual Communication dept. 1999 J.Rozentals Riga School of Art Additional studies: Member of multimedia artists’ group R_gasZieds ( since 1997. Studies photography in the Technical Creativity Centre since1997.

Radoßå darbîba: 2002 “Rudens '2002” izståde, Rîga. “Recikls”, izståde, Rîga, Latvija 2001 “VKN intro”, interneta projekts ( “Atrodi Sevi !” interneta projekts ( 2000 “Stroboscope@stroboscope”, Rîga, Latvija “ArtGenda”, 2000, Helsinki, Somija “Rudens '2000” izståde, Rîga. Darbîbas jomas: video, multimediju instalåcijas, internets, datorgrafika, fotogråfija, 3D animåcija, skaña.

Creative experience: 2002 “Autumn 2002”, exhibition, Rîga, Latvia 2001 VKN intro, internet project ( “Find Yourself!”, internet project (, 2000 “Stroboscope@stroboscope”, Rîga, Latvia, 2000. ArtGenda, 2000, Helsinki, Finland, 2000. “Autumn 2000”, exhibition, Rîga, Latvia. Works in: video, photography, multimedia installations, internet, computer graphics, 3D animation, sound.


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