I am Johnson Oluwapelumi, an aspiring architect with a just conluded Masters in Architecture ad Urbanism at the ArchitecturalAssociationDesignResearchLab.Throughout mycareer,Ihavelearnttopercievearchitectureasaproblem solvingtoolthatdefinesexperiences,relationships,lifestyle and standard of living all by e cient design.
My design philosophy stems from an unapologetic belief that design matters, and design should be responsive. Questioning the idea of fixed and finite systems, and a shift to soft systems, an architecture that is materially and contextually resposive, data driven and climate aware. These are the demands for this moment in time.
IRE RESIDENTIAL ESTATES 01 02 05 03 06 04 07 Shaped by Light Light as a Medium Rebuilding Nigeria Design Competition
Collaborative Connection
LAGOS - City of Water Design Competition Pattern Machine
Commisioned Project
Eti-Osa Central Library
Shaped by Light
Master of Architecture Thesis || 2023
Individual Project
Eti-Osa Central Library adresses the challenge of achieving energy e ciency in public buildings in Nigeria, using the library as what is expected to play a pace-setting role in the stewardship of enviromental resources.
Shaped by light and designed with music, the design ingeniously optimizes natural daylight while effectively mitigating glare within its spaces.Theprojectmakesuseofmusicasanexpressionofmodernity while retaining an afro design identity. It represents a transition from Aseto an embeddedqualityofsenseofplaceandmeaningand serves as a symbol of pride for the Eti-Osa local community.
The site allows for building orientation on the eastwest axis and its unique postitioning represents an entry point for visitors to Lekki
Lekkicentralmosque Purpleplace,Lekki
The double skin facade adopts a Pythagorean logic for the design of the GFRC cladding system
Using the pythagorean 12 note system, the possible patterns available for the notes in the progression on a 4/4 beat were generated for the Afro Instrumental by Mobi Jay.
Possible patterns were computed and observed according to technical and aesthetic requirements. The choice of pattern favored the pattern that could form at right angle as well as posess better structural potentials
Constructed Atmosphere
Light as a Medium
Master of Architecture and Urbanism Thesis || 2025 Group Project
Constructed Atmosphere explores light as a medium, emphasizing its role in shaping ephemeral dynamic spaces. By redefining the role of light beyond illumination, it creates transient boundaries and transforms spatial experiences through modulations of lightness, darkness,texture,colour and movement. Allspaceis light andall light is space.
This approach blurs physical demarcations, focusing on human perception and environmental interplay. Inspired light pillars, the project integrates materials and lighting to generate immersive environments—an ephemeral artificial nature. Light becomes a medium for constructing atmospheres, advocating an architecture that is participatory, authentic, and continuously evolving.
This process explored different materialities and fabrication techniques to create our instruments of light and understand how it influences the behaviour of light.
Thelightparticleundergoesrefractionandreflection on each surface throughout the simulation using a 15% feedback system - to determine the optimized orientations for dichroic films.
Caustics are simulated in a glass sphere with light blockerswhichgenerateddifferentcausticpatterns. The light position and the radius of the curvature affect the caustic patterns
Idera OMI
LAGOS- City of Water Competition - Honorable Mention Voen Foundation || 2023 Group Project
Inresponsetotheoverwhelmingchallengeoffloodinginlagos,IDERA OMI seeks to build a community that embraces water as an integral part of its lifestyle, ignoring the conventional methods of blocking off water with concrete because it obstructs views and interaction with the water body as well as leaves us vulnerable to climate uncertainty.
“IDERA OMI”, a Yoruba term, in English translates to “Water provides comfort”.Thedesignintegratesurbanlifeintotheaquaticenvironment rather than isolating it.
Rendered view of Idera OMI masterplan showing markets, housing units and community center placement
SegmentedWaterBodyHasReduced WaveVelocity
AccessAtmultipleLevelstoensure MarketEgress
ReprofiledWaterBodyAccomodates Interaction
RaisedServicestoensure UninterruptedDistribution
NativeRiverPlantsServeasWater Barrier
AdaptableBaseStructurestoAvoid DamagetoGoods
DiffusivePatterningToReduceWave Velocity
ZoningandContourEnsuresProper FacilityPlacement
Living by the water should be a dream, which can be actualized by integrating urban life into the aquatic environment, bypassing conventional water-blocking solutions since this approach to be counterintuitive, it obstructs views and interaction with the water body and makes us vulnerable to climate uncertainty
Building Base form softens and diffuses direct wave action around building mass
Extended Decking creates cellular water body which tames wave action and provides child friendly zone for acquatic sports and leisure
Raised Volume above central Hall takes advantage of sea breeze to maximise ventilation within the space
Buildings extensive oblique edges pay homage to the african modernism architectural style
The community center sits over using a system of water barrels, the buoyancy anchor chnnels work in tandemwith the guide posts to keep the community center constrained on the vertical axis. The community center rises during flood bacause of this system
The proposal seeks to combine bricolage principles with 3D printing technology. Plastic waste from the polluted lagoon a is recycled and building materials in the slum are reused.
The tiny house seats on roughly 30m2 of land, Combining a floating solution, this house also proposes a solution to the ever-increasing population of Lagos as space is properly managed and it meets the budget of homeowners.
Unit Y, is an exploration in spatial aggregation. The objective was to build a pavilion using linear wooden stock elements. We looked in a few structural systems and prcoeeded to design a component from the linear stock material. Simultaneously fabrication of the joinery was conducted to understand the complexities in joinery studies.
Finally we designed an organization method to help gain control over the overall aggregation using voxels to subdivide the pavilion and creating a catalogue of building voxels. These building voxels can further be used as blocks to construct a global form.
The challenge was to adress an infrastructural problem within a pool of sectors within Nigeria and provide innovative and sustainable solutions therein.
This proposal adresses the issue of rainwater collection by adopting pre colonial strategies and recontextualising these solutions within the current Eko context. Using the impluvium as a primary rainwater collection source, The proposal is placed in central areas of housing units - collecting rainwater and also serving as a source of light in the night time.
Drawing Machine
Pattern Machine
AADRL Workshop 02 || 2023
Group Project
Unit Y, is an exploration in spatial aggregation. The objective was to build a pavilion using linear wooden stock elements. We looked in a few structural systems and prcoeeded to design a component from the linear stock material. Simultaneously fabrication of the joinery was conducted to understand the complexities in joinery studies.
Finally we designed an organization method to help gain control over the overall aggregation using voxels to subdivide the pavilion and creating a catalogue of building voxels. These building voxels can further be used as blocks to construct a global form.
Constrained Global Behavior To Line as Start Position
Attractor at middle
Attractor at entryAttractor at Top
Varied Attractor Strength To Influence Boids Behaviour
Varying Attractor Strength on the Mesh
A second performaive function of the line was to examine the possibilityoftheseboidstoweave.theperformanceisinrelation toagivenstandard-ofbehaviourorappearance. The agents were initially made to move in a wasp-weft arrangement in conversation with the physical style of textle weavng and subsequently with the use of knots to create more desirableweavingeffectsformedbytheseboids
Varying Weaving Strength
Commisioned Project
Pertinence Properties || 2022 Group Project
IRE, a 50 acre piece of land located in Mowe, Ogun state. The name is coinedfromthethreeprinciplesthatencapsulatethedesign; Inhabit, Resort and Entreprise. Designed with comfort, security and serenity in mind, IRE boasts of a serene enviroment powered by nature, built around technology and designed with people in mind.
The residential phase of the project which includes the design of the gatehouseandresidentialtypologies,wascommisionedtomydesign team under the supervision of Architect Christian
Rendered Masterplan view of IRE Residential Estate