Writing learning walks may 2014 district

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Writing Learning Walks District Summary May, 2014

Introduction • Learning walkthroughs were conducted to assess the level of implementation for

the Calkins Units of Study in Writing in order to inform next steps in professional development.

• Regardless of the “numbers” that follow, there is a collective strength across OJR classrooms that promotes an authentic and meaning approach to the teaching of writing grades K-6!

• The information that follows should be used for PD in the 2014-15 school year. • The OJR staff should be commended for their efforts to learn the new program and to implement such quality writing instruction!

Writing Mini-Lesson Components 97

100 90








76 60


Winter-14 Spring-14

50 40 30 20 10 0 Connection

Teaching Point

Active Engagement


Writing Expectations, Objectives, & Resources 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

81 86

97 98

90 96

84 71

60 41

32 19

Objective Explicitly Stated

Expectations Students Students Use Students Use Graphic Meet Grade Write for a Word Taught Skill in Organizers are Level Real Purpose Wall/Spelling Notebooks Consistent Expectations Resource Across Grade Level

Winter-14 Spring-14

Summary of Feedback Strengths • Growth in the teaching of all the mini-lesson components. • Lessons are planned around and meet grade level expectations. • Students are using taught skills in notebooks. • Increased consistency of lessons/graphic organizers across grade level.

Summary of Feedback Next Steps • Be clear about what you will teach writers and then show them (not asking students to show/explain first).

• The link needs to be clear to students in having them state what they will try in the workshop “today” through turn and talk (this is not explicit in Calkins, but until students become more used to the Units we should implement each mini-lesson.

• Personal word walls should be part of every notebook and reinforced consistently as a reference tool.

Thank you Vic, Brooke, Stone, Lori & Margo for all your efforts!

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