1 minute read
Hayden Deeds
4-H Inspires me to...
give back to my community. Throughout my years in 4-H I have learned that community service along with the right leardership can lead our communities and world in a better direction. It could be so easy to sit back and let someone else volunteer and hope our community activities will continue however, I have learned to be a youth leader in my community by setting an example of using your Head, Heart, and Hands to achieve goals that are set.
During my 6 years in 4-H, I have participated in numerous community service projects and conducted several workshops that reached numerous youth and adults. My favorite activity to date was teaching youth as well as adults about Animal Tracks. The adults seem to have as much fun as the kids did learning to identify the different tracks. I have really enjoyed my Wildlife and Fishries project as well as my Shooting Sports. Gun safety is so important to all ages, therefore, I believe the more education opportunities available the better.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
I would say Wildlife and Fishries project. I would have never thought that I would be able to speak in front of a large group until I began speaking about a topic I am passiotate about. I realized then that is what was important, to find a project you were interested and hopefully passonate about to share your knowledge with other 4-Hers and comminuty members.