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Colton Tripp 2nd Place Winner Sholar Essay Contest
4-H Inspires me to...
be a better leader in my community. By taking the initiative to teach workshops to members of my community, starting a service project to benefit foster children, or just reading books to children, 4-H inspires me to “make the best better”, not only in my community but within myself.
Colton Tripp has been a member of the OK-Okies 4-H club for 8 years. He currently serves as the OK-Okies President, the Kay County 4-H President, an Oklahoma 4-H State Ambassador, and a Northeast District Representative. At just 17 years old, he has reached more than 2,500 youth and community members through workshops and demonstrations; he has started numerous community service projects within his county that have come to every district of Oklahoma 4-H. “The project that I am most proud of is my community service project, Comfort Bags, as it helps out my community. I am incredibly grateful for the response I have received from my community.”
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
Growing up in a multi-generational 4-H family, I have always been involved in 4-H ever since I was born. The biggest thing that 4-H has taught me, and has influenced my life, is to not be afraid to say yes, and try new things. Oklahoma 4-H has so many wonderful opportunities, and I have been able to take advantage of them to better prepare myself as a public speaker, community member, and a better leader in my community.