1 minute read
Conner Quintero Enid News Eagle Enid Publishing Company
4-H Inspires me to...
help, lead and grow others! My goal is always to leave a place better than when I found it.
During Conner’s 6 year 4-H career, he has collected over 120 pairs of cowboy boots for his Boots for Bennie’s Barn project that benefits a therapeutic horseback riding facility. He has also volunteered countless hours at 4H-Kids teaching camps, leading sensory friendly activities and putting together many community wide events that are developed for kids and adults with special needs. He has partnered with a local assisted living facility and has done many things to brighten their day, including the Greenbrier Olympic Games, painting residents’ windows, table cards, door decorations, activity packets and much more. Conner has had a good time with his 4-H “FUN” Club that he started 2 years ago in Garfield County. “FUN” stands for Fitness, U (personal development) and Nutrition. He meets monthly and teaches lessons in health and always makes it “fun” with fitness games and activities.
What aspect of 4-H has had the biggest influence on your life?
4-H has provided me many opportunities to be a leader from a very young age. These experiences have carried over into other aspects of my life, too. Not only am I a leader in 4-H, but also in my school, community and on the football field.