Oklahoma Outlook August '09

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August 2009

VOL. 62, No. 8



Volume 62, Issue 8 – August, 2009

A monthly publication of the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God, P.O. Box 13179, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73113. (405) 475-1100 - FAX (405) 478-1731

www.okag.org Editor–Tom Goins SUBSCRIPTION RATE $36.00 per year

General Presbyters H. FRANKLIN CARGILL




Assistant Superintendent

Secretary -Treasurer

Executive Presbyters CURTIS OWENS


District Departments LINDELL WARREN Missions / Men’s Ministries


JACK SALKIL Christian Education

DOUG EVERAARD Youth Ministries

Sectional Presbyters Section 1 – Arlis Moon Section 2 – Leo Guthrie Section 3 – Melvin Baker Section 4 – Steve Rose Section 5E – Bruce McCarty Section 5W – Darryl Wootton Section 6 – Doyle Seeley

Section 7 – Weldon Wright Section 8 – Micah Wells Section 9N – Darren Pilcher Section 9S – Steve Lance Section 10 – Ron Meador Section 11 – Billy Martin Section 12 – T.D. Gifford

District Calendar AUGUST



National Fine Arts ....................................August 3-7

Sectional School of Ministry Tour: Section 4 ..................September 10 (Morning) Section 3 ..................September 10 (Evening) Section 2 ..................September 11 (Morning) Section 5-W .................September 14 (Morning) Section 1 ...... ..........September 14 (Evening) Section 6 ..................September 15 (Morning) Section 5-E ..................September 15 (Evening) Section 12 ..................September 17 (Morning) Section 11 ...................September 17 (Evening) Section 9-N .................September 18 (Morning) Section 8 ...................September 21 (Morning) Section 9-S .................September 21 (Evening) Section 10 ...... ...........September 22 (Morning) Section 7 ...................September 22 (Evening)

PK Retreat – Turner Falls ................September 5 - 7 Labor Day – Office Closed ....................September 7 Speed The Light CUP............................September 8 Girlsʼ Ministries Week ....................September 13-19 South Central Deaf Retreat – Turner Falls ........................September 17-20 Womenʼs Ministries Conference (OKC Crossroads) ..................September 18-19 District Menʼs Retreat ....................September 25-26 Nationwide Girlsʼ Ministries Sleepover ....Sept. 25-26 National Sunday School Day ..............September 27

General Council, Orlando, FL ..................August 4-7 Little Radicals Camp – Turner Falls..........August 6-8 Girlsʼ Ministries Celebration & Honor Star Crowning – OKC ........August 14-15 National Intercultural Ministries Day ..........August 23 Ordination Interviews – District Office........August 28 Certified and Licensed Credential Interviews – District Office ..................................August 29

1 Oklahoma Outlook


August 2009

– A PERSONAL OPTION E VE RYBODY needs SOME BODY sometime! Is it possible that such a statement is more than a cliché? Could it be a philosophy beneficial to our current society and is it practical for adoption by those serving in ministry? I believe that few roles are more complicated and challenging than the lifestyle of individuals called into ministry. In addition, the Word of God supports the importance, and perhaps the necessity, of the bonds of relationship. Paul exhorted, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better , for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. A contemporary request is often voiced with the words, “ I need a mentor!” The truth is we all need a “ mentor” or perhaps more accurately “ mentors” if one is to have a grip on the demands of life. However, we must understand the concept of teamwork is applicable for mentorship just as it is for ministry. Not everything gleaned from a mentor is positive – in fact – valuable lessons may be learned from defeat and negative situations if we are sensitive to His Spirit. Few people will ever have the opportunity to attach themselves to one mentor. While that seems to be the request and perhaps the ultimate desire, it is rarely practical and could easily be ill-advised. Do not wait for someone to “ adopt” you. You can have a “mentor” and that individual may never know it – or perhaps, years may pass before you ever make that individual aware of the impact they have had on your life. You can have your own list of “mentors” simply held in confidence. Choose carefully those whom you may follow. Heroes (or even villains) impact every life. To an extent, we become like those whom we follow . Before opening yourself to their advice, wisdom, or teaching be sure you have examined their life, their character, and their attitude. If you choose to follow a complainer, guess what you will become. If your “ mentor” is known for a negative attitude, guess what attitude you will display. August 2009

If your hero talks about others, rejects authority, and speaks ill of leadership – there is little doubt as to Frank and Linda Cargill the conclusion. Seek for every opportunity to rub shoulders with those whom you admire. Observe their conversation during private moments in addition to their prepared texts during public performance. As a servant, be prepared to assist or volunteer for a door that might present itself which will allow you to hear their heart and simply be in their presence. Submit everything you observe to the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will quicken your steps and increase your understanding. He will prompt you to receive that which is good, to sort through the immaterial, and to reject that which would not be blessed. Make the mentorship personal. Not everything that works for one person will work for another individual. Be constantly aware that you weigh your experiences in light of your personal context and unique culture. There is considerable difference between adapting and adopting. Adapt. Determine to always remain a student. Some might ask, “When do I stop being mentored and become a mentor?” The answer - “Never!” Set your aim high. Among your list of mentors, have someone that may never know your name, but glean from their wisdom and character. Never neglect to look toward youth. Perception often views a mentor as an elder; however, open your quest to receive from someone who may be younger, perhaps even much younger. E xperience and age do not automatically qualify an individual to be selected as “ your” mentor. Refuse to be an island! Do not yield to depression or withdraw to isolation! “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.” Matthew 13:16-17. Thanks for the privilege of serving this F ellowship.

Frank and Linda Cargill Oklahoma Outlook


District Superintendent


Upcoming Events We have just completed another record year in the Oklahoma School of Ministry. We have had over 1000 students to enroll since its conception. We have had over 300 students to take at least one course with us this year! The Average Game Day attendance was 200 each month. We have students enrolled from across the state Oklahoma and from surrounding states. They are finding the focused bible study meets their needs either for a systematic bible study or working toward credentials. It has been exciting to see new students enroll each year. We think 2010 will be another record year. We are always excited to talk with you about the Oklahoma School of Ministry, please call us at 405.475.1100. The next school year will begin December 1, 2009 and our first Big Game Day will be January 2, 2010. We will ask you to enroll in 2 courses to begin the year. One of these courses being the Ministerial Internship experience.

SPANISH – OKLAHOMA SCHOOL OF MINISTRY We are beginning new Extension Schools all over the state of Oklahoma. At the present time we have about 8 locations for Spanish students to study. Mark & Nancy Fitzgerald are our Spanish directors and they are doing a wonderful job setting up the schools. The Oklahoma School of Ministry – Spanish will begin September 1, 2009. If you have Spanish students wanting to study the Bible, please have them to call Mark Fitzgerald (918.577.1523) or email at markfitzgerald@prodigy.net. They are ready and excited to help you with your plan of study.

Tom Goins

CREDENTIAL RENEWALS The new 2010 renewals will be mail to you before long. It is very important for you to fill them out immediately and send them to our office. There is a $30. District Renewal Fee for all levels of credentials. You are encouraged to send in the renewal fee as soon as possible. Please mark it 2010 renewal fee - $30. Please call Sherri at 405.475.1100 if you have questions.

CREDENTIAL PRESENTATIONS We have the largest class of credential candidates in the history of the Oklahoma District. The Credential Presentation Celebration for October 25, 2009 we will have 81 receiving Certificate of Ministry and 62 receiving License. On November 3, 2009 during District Council we will be granting Ordination to 38 ministers. We are extremely excited about the response. We are placing laborers in the Harvest Fields for this last harvest.

TRANSFERS / July 2009 Welcome:




E. Michael Rhodes Douglas M. Wyatt Jeffrey Coose Kamden K. Strunk

South Texas North Texas Wisconsin/N. Michigan Southern Missouri

Terry L. Scott Joel & Rachel Triska Jason Barr Tracy Allen Barnett

Kentucky North Texas North Texas North Texas

Open Churches Broken Bow, Glover Collinsville Farris Glad Tidings Jones Kingston Lamont, Prairie View August 2009

New Pastors Pryor, First Savanna Seminole, Old Glory Sentinel Talihina, First Whitefield, Shiloh

Henry Beasley – Erick Stan Miller – Afton David Goff – Rattan, Victory

Randy Cocheran – Cyril Mark Miller – Tipton Scott Carper – Fletcher Oklahoma Outlook


District Secretary / Treasurer


Missions Department

Missions Director

Every Church, Supporting Every Missionary, Going Everywhere, and Reaching Everyone

Thank You Today’s Opportunities

Lindell Warren

Today is a gift from God. We can’t undo yesterday and tomorrow is yet to come. Could it be just as wrong to build air castles (for the future) as it is to dwell too much on the past? We possess the present with its many opportunities. God has established doors - open doors for us to go through today. Never have there been more open doors for ministry than today. With so many open doors before us it reminds me of the “Let’s Make a Deal” show. Is it Door Number One, Door Number Two, or Door Number Three? Could we be getting the big, high dollar prize, the much less valuable prize, or the booby prize? With so many opportunities (doors open) will we choose the perfect will of God, the permissive will of God, or Heaven forbid, the out-of-thewill of God door? We need to hear from God. We need to get things settled in our heart and mind. We need to recognize the “still small voice” of God and obey it. I told someone recently, “You need to have it out with the Lord and know where God wants you.” It’s not a matter of praying for a door to open, it’s simply a matter of making the right choice. God, what do you want me to do with the rest of my life? Opportunities abound! Dear Lord, help me to know when to pull the trigger and do it. As someone has said, “…your will Lord, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, but your will.” On assignment,

Lindell Warren

Itineraries Completed Praise God for the following missionaries that have met budget and have departed to their respective field this summer: Sarah Taylor, Bill & Kate Hicks, Jim & Jody Smith, Jim & Cynthia Lemons, and Bob & Karen Welch.

5 Oklahoma Outlook

for a Great Missions Day Tuesday, July 7, 2009 marked a high-water day for missions in the Oklahoma District. The all district missions banquet at the Nigh Center on the campus of the University of Central Oklahoma witnessed 280 people in attendance with a program that highlighted BGMC, STL, LIFE, GROW and LFTL. Missionaries, pastors, evangelists, and district leaders celebrated what the Lord helped us to do for missions in 2008. As our guest speaker, J.R. Gould said, “we are making a difference.” We will not soon forget missions night at camp meeting this year. Our hearts were moved as Charlie and Vickie Brown, Kirk Ford, and Garo and Jordania Nargiz received their torches to carry with them to Africa, Siberia, and Brazil respectively, and then their commissioning by Brother Cargill and the Oklahoma District. The Oklahoma Teen Challenge Choir moistened even the driest eyes as they sang of being free. Then Oklahoma Evangelist Mark Purkey spoke to our lives about our greed and selfishness and why we don’t give to missions. Praise God for over $51,000 in cash and pledges toward our New MCO program – new Missionaries, new Churches, new Opportunities.

The Missions Feature at Sectional School of Ministry Next month in conjunction with our Sectional School of Ministry Tour there will be a complimentary missions banquet in each section. Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM) will sponsor these meal functions. Dr. JoAnn Butrin, International Ministries Director, will speak in sections 2, 3, & 4. Cary Tidwell, AGWM Administrator, will speak in sections 1, 5-W, 5-E, & 6. David Lee, U.S. Relations Director will speak in sections 7, 8, 9-S, 9-N, 10, 11, & 12. August 2009

One of the things that we get a lot of questions about from within the School of Ministry is how we are going to secure mentors and what mentoring requires. Mentoring is so extremely important, and in reality leaders are constantly mentoring without really realizing it. Consequently I have given some thoughts concerning this process. Following are some key considerations for new programs. Leaders must understand that leadership development is not about merely reading journals and articles on the subject or participating in trainings and seminars that focus on leadership development. Leadership development and sustaining it is a continuous process. It must be customized to the needs of a specific organization for its benefits to be fully optimized. Although there is no perfectly canned leadership development program, there are approaches that yield better chances of achieving success in leadership development. Successful leadership development starts with planning. Leaders must be able to identify their present leadership status so it can better gauge responsibility given by its leaders and mere members. The next step would be putting the leadership development program into action. In this stage, organizations must ensure that the program they are trying to implement is able to help meet its needs. As a followup to the leadership development program, organizations must also give room for coaching or mentoring. Effective coaches and mentors can help decrease learning curves, enabling organizations to realize faster returns on their leadership development investments. As leadership development is a process, it must be reiterated throughout the lifecycles of different members of the organizations. We must understand that to be effective in leadership we have certain thoughts concerning what we

August 2009

desire to accomplish. We must also understand that to be effective we must have an understanding of leadership trends as well as a basic knowledge of what our goals are. Below are five thoughts concerning leadership and its accomplishments. • Influencing others- we should realize that we are constantly influencing others regardless of whether we have a desire to or not. This influence will produce followers who will many times do as we do, talk as we talk and act as we act. Therefore, we should be extremely cautious so that we give an example that will be a very positive in a practical and also a spiritual way. • Personal accountability- do we understand that there must be a desire to be accountable to God and man? We will give an account to God for our actions and also to man. We preach that we must be accountable, so we should recognize our responsibility as well. • Self-management- do we understand that he that is responsible for others must also be responsible for us? One who manages the affairs of life, practices good time management and spiritual management illustrates wisdom. • Goal achievement- life is all about setting goals. I have been surprised of those who do not have personal goals or church goals. What is your vision for your ministry and for the church? What is the mission’s statement for the church? And, if you have one, do the people understand what it may be? • Interpersonal skills- no one is going to be any stronger corporately than they are individually. Have you ever taken time to analyze the amount of time you have dedicated to your own spiritual lives? We sometimes are so busy in doing the work of the church we fail to dedicate the appropriate time needed to give to the Lord of the church. Leadership is not an easy task. But, if we are going to be successful in the ministry that God has called us to, we must give the utmost diligence to this process.

Oklahoma Outlook


Christian Education Director

Jack Salkil

7 Oklahoma Outlook

Women’s Director

Linda Stamps-Dissmore

As Assemblies of God we believe in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. We believe what Jesus said, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Several years ago, then Assistant General Superintendent, Charles Crabtree, said that one in four of our membership is filled with the Holy Spirit. Only one in four! The only way we are going to change this statistic is to be intentional in proclaiming the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. We must preach more on the importance of the in-filling power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We must see more of our born-again believers filled with the Holy Spirit in our churches. Peter in Acts 2 says that the promise of the Spirit was for as many as the Lord should call. He was saying that as long as God is calling people to salvation, He desires to fill them with His Spirit. We have a responsibility to make sure that Pentecost never dies. We must be active in showing a new generation how to experience the Holy Spirit. They need to see evidence in our lives that there is something awesome about being filled with the Holy Spirit. In a world that believes too often in luck, randomness and chance, everyday people head out the door each morning with no idea why they’re alive on this earth or how to live through the day ahead of them with

purpose and meaning. They just let life happen. They are reactive instead of proactive. Many of these people attend our churches and their lives are without much meaning because they do not have God’s power within them. Yes, they are saved, from hell, but they have not been filled with the power to live intentionally, to make a godly difference in their own lives, and in the lives of those around them. I was very privileged to have a part in the Fire Bible which is now in 26 languages and is intentionally propagating the message of Pentecost around the world. I am so grateful that God brought me into Pentecost—into this fellowship. My children were young enough when we joined the Assemblies of God to be raised in Pentecost. I desire that for my grandchildren and great grandchildren. My parents belonged to what Tom Brokaw calls the greatest generation. My generation began the moral revolution in the 60’s that began the slide toward the post Christian era that we see today in our country. I pray that my children’s generation and subsequent generations will help reverse what is happening in our country by desiring, seeking, and being baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit. I want to do my part to make sure Pentecost continues to be propagated here and around the world. I pray that you desire that also.

Linda Dissmore

“Preach salvation, and people will get saved. Preach Holy Spirit Baptism and believers will be Holy Spirit-baptized. We get what we preach.” – Gary Grogan, pastor Stone Creek Church, Urbana, IL August 2009

Oklahoma Outlook



Justin Fennell, Christian Comedian,

Just Clean Fun! When: Where:

Friday, September 25th, 2009 Shawnee, Oklahoma Firelake Golf Course & Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center

Bring your sons, bring your dads & grandpas! Get a room in Shawnee or drive home after the experience. Enjoy manly, clean fun; a satisfying meal: and a real spiritual experience.

$45 – Golf $35 – Friday Night Meal & Experience How: Golf Tournament Tee Off 12:00 noon Start with Shotgun Start Four-man Scramble Great man-size meal served between 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Announcements & Prizes 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Worship Experience Special Speaker 8:00 – 10:00 p.m.


Chi Alpha Campus Ministries P. O. Bo x 2 7 7 7 ; No rman, OK 7 3 0 7 0

(4 0 5 ) 3 0 8 -3 7 3 7 XAo kl aho ma@ao l . co m

www. XAo kl aho ma. co m

Greg Tiffany

Oklahoma XA Coordinator

August 2009

Pastors’ Reports Larry Hatfield, Chickasha, reports several saved and 1 man in nursing home rededicated. Brad Jones, Wright City, reports 1 saved and several healed in regular services. Raymond Frizzelle, Miami, reports 2 saved in regular services and 2 saved in jail ministry. Oren Jackson, Watonga, reports 1 filled with the Holy Ghost in revival and 2 saved in May. Gary Furr, Pickens, reports 11 saved in regular services in May and 31 saved this year. Joedy Hendrix, McAlester, reports 2 young girls saved in MPACT on Wed. night. Lee Jones, Catoosa, reports 1 adult and 2 youth saved in June.

Evangelist’s Reports Tina Richardson reports one deaf youth saved. Harold Powell reports 2 saved during personal witnessing. Jeremy Black reports several saved, healed, delivered, and filled with the Holy Ghost in 7 week revival in Texas. David Crittenden reports many healed in May services. Rick Carlton reports 1 filled with the Holy Ghost in Jaipur India. Sent 1008 Bibles to Pakistan in partnership with 10 pastors. Marna Hillard reports 3 saved and testimonies of needs met in altar services. Robert Teel reports 74 saved, 15 filled with the Holy Ghost in revivals, kids krusades, and kid’s camp in June.


Evangelist’s Reports Ken Burge reports 18 saved, 19 filled with the Holy Ghost, several delivered and many healed in Tex-Ok-La Campmeeting, Boswell, and Red Oak Julia Quinn reports 200 children saved in Costa Rica. Kettly Casimir reports 10 saved in May and 2 filled with the Holy Ghost and 2 saved in June.

Prayer Requests Nicholas Robinson – Financial blessing and open doors. Larry Heath – he and daughter Traci need healing miracles. Joseph Bowles – needs employment and open doors for singles ministry. Henry Kellogg – granddaughter, Addison needs complete healing.

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.

For Sale Handfulls on Purpose. Smith-Lee 4 volumes $35.00. Contact Gene Drain at (405) 216-8467.

Reverend and Mrs. Howard Burton announce the arrival of their great granddaughter, Amberlin Kate, born on 4-27-09, weighing 8 lbs. 1 oz. And was 20” long. Her proud parents are Ron and Kelsey Pyzalski. Grandparents are Mike and Tammy Burton and Mark and Tammy Pyzalski. Reverend and Mrs. Gabriel Miller announce the birth of their first child, Hadley Faith born on 6-10-09. Reverend and Mrs. Travis Stewart announce the birth of their son, Jamey Titus Stewart, born on 5-3-09, at 2:18 A.M. weighing 6 lbs. 3 ozs. And was 18” long.

Congratulations Reverend and Mrs. Wesley Peterman celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 13th with a reception given by their children with Frank Cargill conducting their confirmation of vows ceremony. Reverend and Mrs. Clarence Lambert celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 20th with a barbeque at their home in Owasso.

Births Reverend and Mrs. Stan Miller announce the birth of their granddaughter, Hadley Faith Miller, born on 6-10-09 to Gabriel and Amanda Miller. She weighed 7 lbs. 14 ozs.

Open for Calls Section 1 Jim Ballard – (918) 485-0216 James Bell – (918) 253-2130 Don Dorsey – (918) 341-1737 Evelyn Hurst – (918) 341-8750 Rhonda Rock – (918) 341-1870 Allen Whittenberg – (918) 485-8220 Section 2 Jeffery Ainsworth – (405) 824-3693 Ken Burge – (918) 967-4088 Chester Cooley – (918) 522-4734 Frank Salazar – (918) 427-0749 Donald Youker – (918) 721-5951 Section 3 Cathy Barnes – (580) 345-2688 Roger Barnes – (580) 345-2688 Jerry Cooper – (580) 326-3006 Gabriel Elliott – (580) 212-9408 Sherry Lambe – (580) 746-2340 Larry Lewis – (580) 587-2545 Rita Knight Lewis – (580) 587-2545 Kenneth Stafford – (580) 933-7186 Section 4 Raymond Doke, Jr. – (918) 302-8701 Rodney George – (918) 652-7542 D. Fay Ketchum – (918) 689-2851 Phillip McGovran – (918) 756-7703 John Phillips – (918) 426-4335 Diane Twist – (918) 616-2630 Rachel Willis – (918) 339-4411

August 2009

Section 5 Chuck Burton – (918) 261-5437 Betty Calabrese – (918) 523-5029 Karen Coon – (405) 620-0517 Barry Douglas – (918) 446-6473 William Eccles – (918) 369-8403 Donna Emberton – (918) 291-0549 Bill Epps – (918) 835-5582 David Fink – (918) 946-4990 Gordon Garrett – (918) 627-1172 Mike Griffin – (918) 695-0510 Charles Harness – (918) 331-6564 J. F. Herring – (918) 258-7099 Kevin Howell – (918) 398-7524 Randy Jackson – (918) 267-7134 Henry Kellogg – (918) 246-9797 Clarence Lambert – (918) 272-7129 Charles Matlock – (918) 363-7712 John McDonald – (918) 446-0905 Glen McGuire – (918) 627-2827 Tom Nace – (918) 337-0805 Dr. James Phifer – (918) 557-9151 Robert Polvado – (918)774-3627 Nicholas Robinson – (580) 317-7904 Rodney Smith – (918) 446-4036 Lisa Turner – (918) 321-3097 Dean West – (918) 245-1708 Stephen Woodrow – (918) 355-8661 Section 6 Michelle Crane – (405) 214-8281

Elvin Ellis – (405) 382-1737 Clarence Gene Herndon – (405) 762-0534 Dale Jennings – (405) 379-5187 Chris Lee – (405) 567-3900 Kevin Martin – (405) 279-1275 Michael Pierson – (405) 756-7420 Jess Power – (405) 382-1216 Cindy Robertson – (405) 323-8359 Johnny Squires – (918) 225-0214 Jo Ann Stewart – (405) 567-3895 Oliver Swaim – (405) 273-2088 Gary Thompson – (405) 379-9988 Don Wilburn – (918) 352-1246 Leon Williams – (405) 258-0091 Section 7 David Boutwell – (405) 344-6922 Ronald Brannan – (580) 795-7343 Jonathan Chambers – (405) 926-0820 Leonard Crogh – (580) 224-9119 Alan Davenport – (580) 775-5774 H.H. Davis – (580) 226-0454 Eva Rounsaville – (580) 371-3057 Roger Rounsaville – (580) 371-3057 Gerald Stevens – (405) 428-1613 Section 8 Scott Betts – (580) 796-2702 J. David Evetts – (405) 864-7609 Gary Miller – (580) 478-3926 Marilyn Murray – (580) 402-0590

Richard Ventonis – (580) 471-1759 Section 9 Rickey W. Austin – (405) 677-7548 Lloyd Avery – (405) 969-2968 Joseph Bowles – (405) 487-7187 Michael Bridge – (405) 735-6804 Barbara Bruner – (405) 375-5310 Kettly Casimir – (301) 368-3615 Thomas Collins – (405) 631-3730 Don Colwell – (405) 872-5599 David Crittenden – (405) 794-0986 Joey Crozier – (405) 969-2881 Gene Drain – (405) 216-8467 Barry Dunn – (405) 741-2284 Marna Hillard – (405) 834-0221 Glen Lee – (405) 527-0791 Tim Manzanares – (405) 823-9822 Kerry McClure – (405) 301-3110 David McMullikin – (405) 219-6885 Ben Odell – (405) 720-1050 Martin Perryman – (405) 773-5096 Bruce Richardson – (405) 732-3492 Ron VanMeter – (405) 447-5476 Dennis Wheeler – (405) 703-2035 Randy Wilkerson – (405) 819-4205 Section 10 Jeremy Black– (405) 320-1589 Joy Kerley Burchett – (620) 779-1572 Jim Capps – (405) 224-3543

Peggy Carter – (580) 444-3559 Kent Crawford – (405) 933-1494 James A. Doan – (580) 255-0392 Alex S. Hanna – (580) 536-2419 Eugene Howeth – (405) 320-5330 David Hunter – (580) 429-4447 Stephanie Hunter – (580) 429-4447 Lester Marsh – (405) 462-7587 Becky Morphew – (580) 252-2914 Charles Parker – (580) 476-2181 Glen Ryswyk – (580) 529-2290 Steven Snow – (580) 549-6086 John West – (580) 549-6435 Section 11 Larry Henderson – (580) 334-5601 Woodrow Walton – (580) 938-2694 Andrew Young – (580) 328-5685 Section 12 Bob L. Benson – (580) 464-3320 Marvin Boyles – (580) 492-4238 Mark Carpenter – (405) 489-7262 Clayton Everhart – (580) 846-5633 Thomas McEwen – (580) 535-4023 Lance Perritt – (405) 226-1449 Ronald Thiessen – (405) 247-7629 Miscellaneous Grady Adcock – (501) 922-0871 Paul DeWolfe – (806) 934-2082

Oklahoma Outlook


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