The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: H. Franklin Cargill Designers: Jayson Evans and Chris Ainsworth Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent
MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries
Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries
Darryl Wootton Corporate Secretary
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries
EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher
Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries
OSOM Gameday (OKC) OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) Missions Faith Promises Due Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline
December 5 December 12 December 15 December 31
OSOM Gameday (OKC) OSOM Gameday (Muskogee)
SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1
Kelly Coffey Section 8
Keith Williams Section 2
David Brooks Section 9N
Terry Bradley Section 3
Steve Lance Section 9S
Bob Yandell Section 4
Don Barnes Section 10
Jamie Austin Section 5E
Ric Freeman Section 11
Jason Byers Section 5W
Arlis Moon Section 12
Jeromye Jackson Section 6
Deborah Burke Ordained Female Presbyter
Jimmy Keith Section 7
©2020 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13176 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG
Upcoming Events
January 2 January 9 Credentials Application & Exam Deadline (All Levels) January 11 Women’s Ministries Sectional LIFE Rallies January 15 Speed The Light Rally January 17 ACTS 2 Journey – Preview January 23 Century Leadership Roundtable January 28 RR FCF Winter Trace January 29-31 ACMR Deadline January 31
OSOM Gameday (OKC) February 6 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) February 13 Speed The Light Rally February 14 Youth Workers Conference February 19-20 Network Women Ministers Seminar February 20 ACTS 2 Journey Retreat #1 February 26-27 OCM Conference February 26-27 Sectional Council 2021: Section 3 (AM) Section 2 & 4 (PM) Section 5W (AM) Section 11 (AM) Section 10 & 12 (PM) Section 9N (AM) Section 1 (AM) Section 5E (AM) Section 6 & 8 (PM) Section 7 (AM) Section 9S (AM)
February 15 February 15 February 16 February 18 February 18 February 19 February 22 February 23 February 23 March 1 March 2
The KING is Coming!
One of the most effective motivational tools is directly linked to “anticipation.”
One will eat their vegetables in exchange for a dessert.
There are a number of ways in which to heighten an awareness and to connect the dots. Some might say – promise and reward; treat; present; surprise or other terms – but the end result is obvious for the excitement of motivation.
For generation after generation, the world “anticipated” a Redeemer. They wrote of His coming; they sang of the day in which deliverance would be provided; they prayed for the Promised Messiah. “Anticipation” kept hope alive for every Jewish believer regardless of their age.
A pet is taught to perform when promised a reward. A worker finds new energies when offered a bonus. A child stops crying if enticed by the expectation of a gift. Fighting ceases when the allurement of peace looks promising.
He came – not as many had thought – but the words, “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” That announcement started the world singing and the celebration has continued for over two thousand years! No other “holiday” is as universally celebrated as is CHRISTMAS! The spirit of CHRISTMAS lasts for weeks and for many, it remains every day of the year.
This season, may we look with awe at the past but may a new “anticipation” arise with our hearts. That CHILD is now the KING! HE is coming again! Linda and I are honored to share another Christmas Season with our wonderful OKAG family. From our home to yours, please keep the “anticipation” alive. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Frank and Linda Cargill
H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent frank.cargill@okag.org
Dona Bunn
Barbara Miller
Jayson Evans
Renae Elmore
Media Director
Chris Ainsworth Content Producer
Administrative Assistant
Records Administrator
Deana Smith
Credentials Specialist
IRA Charitable Rollover Gift People within your church who are 70 ½ years of age or older and who have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) can donate up to $100,000 per year to your ministry directly from those funds. This giving strategy provides them with some key benefits. 1. The rollover gift can satisfy the required minimum distribution (RMD) up to the gift amount. 2. The amount of the rollover gift can be excluded from taxable income. 3. The gift is made from assets rather than cash on hand. In order to make an IRA Charitable Rollover Gift, the donor needs to contact their IRA custodian and make the request. 2020 is coming to an end! I pray each of you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org
Shelle Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Lavern Arnold
Accounts Receivable
For more resources, visitwww.ecfa.church/churchexcel
Treasured Gifts Christmas is always a wonderful time of the year as we gather with family, eat lots of food, give gifts and celebrate the birth of our Savior! I am so thankful for the reminder that we have, of the most important gift of salvation from our loving Heavenly Father! Not long ago I read that consumers are projected in 2020, to purchase around 15 gifts, spending on average, $850 total. Consumers are also projected to spend $260 on socializing away from home even in the midst of a pandemic.
As believers we are reminded of the greatest gift that has been given to humankind. The gift of salvation and the opportunity for a personal relationship through Jesus. This gift is celebrated every week in our worship services and is highlighted during the Christmas season for all to see.
As believers we are reminded of the greatest gift that has been given to humankind.
While these numbers could vary from household to household, from all indications of online sales in 2020, it appears that people are still spending the money to make Christmas a memorable time of the year. Why is this? Because Christmas is a high priority on our list. It is our opportunity to show our family and friends how much we love and care about them.
The year 2020 will certainly go down in history as an exceptional year. With the challenges that we have faced as a society and as a church, we have been tested on all sides. That is why I am so thankful that our foundation is not determined by human circumstances or standards. It is established through the extravagant love of God.
Celebrating the treasured gift that God has freely given to us is certainly in order! Enjoying the blessings that God has granted in light of the gift is essential. Sharing the gift, is the heartbeat of a Father who longs for everyone to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
May this holiday season not only remind us of the generosity of our Heavenly Father, but also of the great opportunity and responsibility we have of sharing this incredible gift with the world. May our speech be garnished with the love of the Father and our actions be crowned with His grace. May the Kingdom be our priority and fulfilling His purposes our directive. In all things this year, may we be reminded that God’s eternal purpose for our lives is to share the gift that each of us treasure. We have been reminded of the mission to reach the lost throughout 2020 and may we purpose in our heart to share the good news with as many as possible! God is doing great things, let’s get in the middle of what He is doing! Merry Christmas from the entire Church Ministries team. It is our honor and privilege to serve this fellowship and look forward to all that God has in store for 2021. The best is yet to come! Chad and Nyree Brodrick
Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org
Kyler Clapp
Administrative Assistant
Sherri Anderson School of Ministry
Merry Christmas Friends! It doesn’t seem possible that we have reached the end of 2020. (I can almost hear the “sci-fi sound!”) God has most definitely launched the world into a place of “full-attention.” He has our undivided attention! What will happen next? No one can answer that with surety except to say as Wise King Solomon: “For a Righteous Man/ Woman falls Seven times and Rises again, but the Wicked Stumble in Time of Disaster and Collapse.” Proverbs 24:16
God has blessed us despite every challenge and we have our Oklahoma Women and Churches to thank. THANK YOU for continuing to support over 200 Missionaries and their families through LIFE Pledges. Thank you for the Holy Hunger that we are seeing among our Women young and old. I have seen Faithover-Fear lived out this year!!! I am so grateful to lead the women of the Oklahoma District. We are positioned for increase and Revival in 2021. Come what may – Our God is leading History and He hasn’t changed! Let not your heart be troubled.
Our God is leading History and He hasn’t changed!
I have said it all year – we choose to LIVE our LIVES with Faith over Fear! (Proverbs 24:16) We can trust Him. He is for us. He is working His plan in the earth. Eternity is at stake and we continue to pursue Evangelism and Missions with a heart of Passion. Jesus is coming soon!
Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org
I want to invite you and your Church to attend a LIFE Rally on Friday, January 15, 2021. See attached poster for Venues. Please register NOW at OKAG.org/LIFE Come have a COVID-friendly dinner, an inspirational evening with Girlfriends and prizes and be challenged to go deeper by a power-packed line-up… for only $10 per person. We are fasting and praying now, for you to come! Merry Christmas! Susie Purkey
Claudya Elliott
Administrative Assistant
It’s Finally
December When we looked at calendars the other day many of us probably said these words.. “It’s finally December”. I know I did! There have been many descriptions of the year 2020 and one thing is for certain-this year has a been a year that we will never forget. I remember that Wednesday in March when reality set in. I had just finished preaching at a youth service and I saw a notification on my phone. “OKC vs Utah game cancelled due to COVID19”. I’m pretty sure every NBA game was cancelled that week and not long after that, the remainder of the 2020 NBA season was cancelled. I was in absolute disbelief. It seemed like every day another sport was cancelling their season and the entire nation was entering lockdown. This has been the year our worlds were turned upside down and we had to look at the way we do things through a completely different lens. There are many more examples I can give, but when the threat to have to cancel Youth Camp came about, it really hit me. This year has been stressful, but I have to admit, I’m grateful. God moved in every single event we had this year, even though they all looked different than they ever had before. I had uncertain expectations going into some of our events, but time after time, God showed up and said, “Look what I can do.”
I have variety to choose from when it comes to lessons learned this year, but the one that speaks the loudest comes from Psalms 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God. No matter what 2020 has thrown at us, I am constantly reminded that He is God. So again, I say I am grateful. Grateful, for being forced to get creative and rethink the way we do ministry. Grateful, because while many districts had to cancel everything this year, we were still able to provide a place for our students
This year has been stressful, but I have to admit, I’m grateful.
I know we all could share a number of reasons why we can’t wait for 2020 to be over, but let’s focus on the things that we are grateful for. Let us always remember that HE is still God. I’m grateful for you, Oklahoma, and can’t wait to see what God holds for the future of OYM. We are honored to be your DYDS! Thanks for sticking with us and believing in our vision. Merry Christmas! Heath, Alisha, Lincoln, and Miriam
and leaders to connect. We got to show them that no matter where you are, He can reach you. Whether you can or cannot gather, He is present. We got to show them that even when things are out of control and we have no idea what to expect, HE IS STILL God.
Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org
Miriam Luginu
Administrative Assistant
Captain’s Log PB&J Retreat
The voyage to Sparks for PB&J 2020 was very successful! We were met by pirates and buccaneers from all over Oklahoma. We had an incredible time of praise and worship together. We learned that the only true treasure is found at the cross of Jesus. We also learned that the Holy Spirit is our compass and we should be laying up for ourselves treasure in Heaven. This year’s retreat was awesome. It was great seeing kids back at Sparks again. Thanks so much to the many churches and volunteers that helped make this event one to remember. Plans are already underway for PB&J 2021. We are planning on following God’s word Over the Rainbow next year in search of the The Wonderful Wisdom of God!
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org
Missions Take the initiative! Partner with an OKAG Ambassador today! Jordan, Shea & Delaney Campbell
Ryan & Lauren Plute
405.818.9231 jordan.campbell@agmd.org
417.866.9379 theplutes@gmail.com
Grafenwรถhr, Germany. U.S. military outreach.
Tim, Jenny, Whitney & Katelyn Land Children of Cameroon
918.208.5932 thelandsinafrica@gmail.com
Global Initiative, Equipping the church to share Jesus with Muslims globally.
Steven & Kimberly Snow Santiago, Chile
405.654.9161 sk3ksnowfamily@gmail.com
Trent & Tina Morrow
Zachary & Amanda
Uruguay, South America
Central Eurasia
Bill &Reita Moore
Stephen & Tiffany
405.759.4131 or 405.406.0349 trent.morrow@agmd.org
Director of Africa Tabernacle Evangelism establishing the church across Africa
417.569.6009 bill.moore@agmd.org
762.208.1052 zacamandaray@gmail.com
Central Eurasia
Garo & Jordania Nargiz
Adam & Bethany Weatherly
Missionary to Global University in Spain
918.261.2162 garonn@gmail.com
405.938.7713 adam.weatherly@agmd.org
My Prayer this Christmas My heartfelt prayer for the Hispanic churches is that they would desire to be closer to God, to spend time with Him, and show His love everyone around them. We have been able to see God begin to answer this prayer this year. One of the Hispanic churches, that had held services outside in their parking lot during the shut-down, started to have services inside in November. On the 16th, they came together for a one-hour prayer service. The Spirit of the Lord filled the
sanctuary. The service lasted over two and a half hours with Holy Spirit manifested in tongues, interpretation, and prophecy. God is moving. Another of our pastors saw that the community of Spencer, where they are located, had huge financial need. They begin receiving food and other necessary items. They had it ready to give away to any member of the community. The goal is for the community to experience God’s love.
Mark Fitzgerald Spanish Ministries markfitzgerald@usmissions.org
My prayer this Christmas season is that, you too, grow closer to God and show His love everywhere you go. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Mark and Nancy Fitzgerald
Angela Medina
Spanish Ministries Administrative Assistant
Oh What a Year! Oh, what a year! 2020 started out just like any other year but quickly became the most challenging and frustrating year of our lives. At times, I was sure that the end of the world was very near and yes, I know that sounds dramatic!
“A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on.” – Carl Sandburg
We all found ways to compensate for the struggles and trials and to try and find our equilibrium. I consistently find hope in my ministry job as Executive Director of our local pregnancy clinic, where we provide support and help to women facing unplanned pregnancies. As I watch an ultrasound of a perfectly formed baby safe inside it’s mother’s womb, I am reminded that God created the universe and He is in charge! No pandemic, divergence, or individual can change that.
A baby brings hope, joy and the continued promise of life. God confirmed that by sending His Son to be a bridge from sin back to relationship with Him. He didn’t send His Son Jesus as a mighty king or warrior, but as an innocent, defenseless baby.
One of the most wonderful things about 2020 for my family was the addition of our 7th grandchild, Augustus Bryan Moon.
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV
Liz Moon Girls Ministries lizmoon@sbcglobal.net
This Christmas I’m trying to slow down and savor the joy of the season, the Christ Child, and all that God has provided for my redemption. Oh what a year! A year to learn not to take anything for granted. To be grateful for Jesus, who is the reason for life and hope for the world! Arlis & Elizabeth Moon 580-649-9853 okgirlsministries@gmail.com Oklahoma Girls Ministries/Facebook.com
A Joyful Christmas! Joyful, Joyful Christmas from Chi Alpha to You! In 1907, Henry Van Dyke wrote the Hymn “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” that we would like to share with you. Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, Opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, Fill us with the light of day. What an awesome song for 2020, that in the midst of this COVID pandemic, we may be filled with the light of the Gospel as our joy is directed to the God of glory
And the Lord of Love – If you get a chance take time to listen to the Sister Act 2 version. Hopefully, it will add an extra step of Joy to your Christmas Season. On behalf of the Oklahoma Chi Alpha family, thanks for all your prayers, love and support and we want to wish you a very Joyous Christmas Season! Till every campus knows JESUS! Greg & Susan Tiffany Oklahoma Chi Alpha Campus Ministries 405-203-7377 www.xaoklahoma.com
Upcoming XA Opportunities: The Forge / XA Staff Leadership Conference • Dec 29-Jan 1 @ Lakeview Conference Center, Waxahachie, TX Breakaway / Rescheduled • March 5-7 @ Sparks Retreat Center • A special weekend for Collegians, Young Adults, High School Seniors and their Leaders • Special Guest: Eric Treuil
Greg & Susan Tiffany Chi Alpha xaoklahoma@gmail.com
Jesus Has COVID Covered! As sure as I am that this is the strangest year of my 58 years on the Earth, I am even more convinced of how much, God Is Still Over It All! Plans that had to change. Projects put on hold. Delays for so many “once in a lifetime” events! You can look and see God’s fingerprints all over this entire year. Celebrating Camp Adventure! One big win this year was when we rented a dozer and built a NRA approved rifle range and a NRA approved shotgun range. We also built two archery ranges! These improvements have only added to an already impressive shooting sports program at the District level! Rev. Kasey Bruce and a great team of leaders from Oklahoma have been instrumental in the development of a Shooting Sports Action Camp adopted by the Royal Rangers National Shooting Sports Program!
This camp has been piloted and proven effective and only looks to grow even bigger as more Districts follow our lead. We had a great response for our District Pow Wow in October. Missionary Trent Morrow challenged men and boys alike to Come Out Of The Wilderness and follow the call God has for each one of us! Young men have answered the call of God to step up in some great ways! Men are still hearing God call them by name to: Evangelize. Empower. Equip. The Next Generation Of Christlike Men And Lifelong Servant Leaders. We wrap up this year with our Missions Action Camp in December. It is a great opportunity for young and older men alike to explore the command to “Go And Make Disciples”! Look for our link on the District website at okroyalrangers.com and our Facebook - Oklahoma District Royal Rangers.
God is taking what the enemy meant for evil and is turning it for Good! We can only watch and wait for the Adventure of 2021 because God is Already There! Sid McCoy
Speaking of ’21: • • •
February 26-27 we will have Basic Leader Training during the OCM Conference March 11-13 is the National LEAD conference in Tulsa April 30-May 1 is a great Children’s Ministry ministry team opportunity for pastor staff, Girls Ministries, and RR leaders. It is a team building exercise called World Class Outpost. It helps the team focus and plan for ways to improve the effectiveness of the ministry!
Sid McCoy Royal Rangers mrsidmccoy@gmail.com
In Memory Richard D. Fleig
Jimmy R. Ballard, Sr.
11/24/1932 – 9/28/2020
9/21/1933 – 10/29/2020
Reverend Richard “Dean” Fleig, of Enid OK, went home to Jesus on September 28, 2020 with his “Little Woman” of more than 69 years by his side.
After completing 87 plus years of earthly service, Reverend Jimmie Ray Ballard was welcomed to his Heavenly home by our Savior, October 29th. He was home with his loving wife, Jean, of 67-plus years by his side when angels ushered him into Jesus’ presence.
Born on Thanksgiving Day November 24, 1932 in Westville, OK, Richard was the oldest of Charles and Bessie (Black) Fleig’s six children. On June 9, 1951 he married the love of his life, Charlene Murdy, who survives him in death. He attended Westville High until 1951. He later completed his Ordination with the General Council of the Assemblies of God in 1974. He pastored at various churches in Enid, Marshall, Carmen, and Snyder until finally arriving at Calvary Assembly of God, Enid, OK in 1987 during which time he held positions with both the City of Enid and Enid Public Schools. Richard retired from formal ministry in 2011. His life was spent in ministry - both to the community and to his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He loved Jesus and Charlene (and Carlie) more than anything and would never pass up an opportunity to share his faith and love for Jesus and his family with a measured cadence that only he could perfect. His love for the outdoors was immeasurable and he could be found most days either reading his Bible or on the porch - the Real Thing (Coca-Cola) in one hand and his trusty dog, Goliath, at his side. He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Charlene Fleig and his son, Charles Fleig and wife Tammy and siister, Dorothy Block. He leaves behind 6 grandchildren Crystal (Larry) Voss, Ronnie Fleig, Josh (Steffanie) Fleig, Jonathan (Samaria) Fleig, Andrea & Marshall Dougherty, and Carlie Fleig - 8 great-grandchildren. Richard is preceded in death by his parents, brothers Vincent, Victor, Raymond and sister Betty Sue. He was also preceded by son Ron Fleig and daughter-in-law Carol Fleig.
David B. Elam
9/3/1949 – 10/30/2020 Reverend David Brently Elam, age 71, of Taloga OK went to be with his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on October 30, 2020. David was born September 3, 1949 in Blackwell OK to Edward Lee and Eva Mae Sylvia (McCullough) Elam. David moved from Blackwell to Houston at age 15 where he graduated from Furr High School. He attended Southern Bible College in Houston Texas, where he met and married the love of his life Kay Roycroft on March 31, 1969. He pastored many years in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. He loved prayer and Bible study, Southern gospel music and enthusiastic worship, especially if it involved a jamming tenor saxophone solo. He genuinely loved God and people and could easily transition any conversation into a discussion about the needs of your soul.
Born September 21, 1933, in Okmulgee, OK, to Virgil and Mary Ballard, he attended Okmulgee Schools and excelled at football in high school as a lightweight lineman. After graduating he was introduced to his future wife, Jean Swinford, who resided in Hominy, OK. Ray enlisted in the Air Force and began serving his country June 1953 at Lakeland AFB in San Antonio. Upon completing basic training, he and Jean were married in Biloxi, MS, September 7, 1953. He and Jean had their first child, Jimmie Ray II (Rusty), in September 1954. Ray and Jean moved to Pasadena, TX, where he began employment at Sheffield Steel. Their family grew while there when second son, Scott, was born October 1957 then youngest son, Brad, arrived July 1960. Ray gave his heart to Jesus soon after Scott was born and felt called to ministry in the early 1960’s. He and Jean followed the call of God and moved the family to Springfield, MO, in 1963 where Ray began Bible School. After graduating from Evangel College, Pastor Ballard began his first ministry in 1966 at First Assembly of God in Chamois, MO. Over the next 34 years he was elected by congregations to pastor at June Rose Assembly of God in Sapulpa, OK, First Assembly in Dixon, MO, First Assembly in Nampa, ID, and First Assembly of God in Chandler, AZ. Pastor lead successful building programs while at June Rose Assembly and Chandler First Assembly. He retired in 2000 when he and Jean moved to Wagoner, OK; however, retirement was short lived as he was called to serve as administrative pastor at Wagoner First Assembly for the next few years. Reverend Ballard was licensed as a minister by the Assemblies of God for 50 years and was recognized in 2019 for his distinguished service.
Howard R. Cox
3/10/1938 – 10/28/2020 Reverend Howard R. Cox was born on March 10, 1938 in Stoney Point, OK to Viola Elvia (Shockley) Cox and Rudolph Oma Cox. Howard passed away on October 28, 2020 in Fort Smith, AR. He was married to Martha Sue (Richmond) Cox on September 5, 1959 in Poteau, OK. Howard was preceded in death by his parents, daughter, Kelly Cox, and brother, George Cox. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Sue Cox; daughter, Paula Cox; son, David Cox and wife Vickie; grandchildren, Felicia Cox, Sean Cox; great grandchildren, Caleb Cox, Aslyn Cox, Brendan Weindel, Ethan Weindel, numerous other relatives and loved ones.
Grady V. Adcock
Eldon D. Anderson
12/30/1921 – 11/4/2020 Reverend Grady Verell Adcock was born December 30, 1921 to Anderson Monroe and Stella Savanna Blount Adcock in Winston County, MI in the Mars Hill Community. He passed away on November 4, 2020. Brother Adcock married Wilma Winstead on July 3, 1942. They were married for 78 years when Wilma passed away on July 15, 2020. They have two sons, Ralph V. Adcock and Roland K. Adcock. Grady was a minister of the gospel for 78 years. He pastored Assemblies of God churches in Arkansas and Oklahoma and served as Sectional Presbyter in Section 5 (Oklahoma) for 13 years. He is survived by sons, Ralph and Wife, Carol, Roland and Wife, Gwen; Four Grandchildren: Brent Adcock, and wife, Jennifer, Dewayne Adcock and wife, Sherry, Emily White and spouse, Jeff. Six Great-Grandchildren, Elie, Drew Adcock, Landon Adcock, Maddy White, Luke Adcock and Cate Adcock. Three Sisters, Margie Dunn, Barbara Jones and Mary Dyess; One Brother, J.D. Adcock and many other family members.
Lorn E. Starling
7/12/1939 – 11/14/2020 Reverend Lorn Earl Starling was born on July 12, 1939 in Carney, OK and went to be with The Lord on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at the age of 81. Lorn was the son of Earl and Verdie (Gaither) Starling. Lorn married Patricia Hansen until her passing in November of 2008. He later remarried Dolores Smith. He loved his wife, children, grandchildren and family dearly. Lorn was licensed and ordained by Assemblies of God, even receiving his 50-year pin. He was pastor at First Assembly of God in Tryon, OK. He had also worked for 36 years for Napa. Lorn loved to travel especially to Branson. He also enjoyed reading in his spare time, but what Lorn loved the most was spending time with his grandkids. Lorn is preceded in death by his wife, Patricia Hansen Starling; parents, Earl and Verdie Starling; brother, Roy Starling; sister, Lola Mae Starling Martin; brother, Glen Starling. Brother Starling leaves behind his second wife, Dolores Starling; daughter, Terri Starling Miller and husband, Dan of Bristow, OK; son, Bob Starling and wife, Anita of Laverne, OK; grandson, Brian Miller and wife, Kimberly of Broken Arrow, OK; granddaughter, Jennifer Miller Martin and husband, Jace of Sand Springs, OK; grandson, Steven Starling of Laverne, OK; granddaughter, Hillary Starling Jantz and husband, Jeremiah of Laverne, OK; great grandson, Kade Jantz of Laverne, OK; great granddaughters, Charley Miller of Broken Arrow, OK, Kamri Jantz of Laverne, OK, Lyric Martin and Madison Martin of Sand Springs, OK and one brother, Don Starling and wife, Sue of OKC, OK.
8/6/1935 – 11/28/2020 Reverend Eldon D. Anderson, age 85, departed this life on Saturday, November 28, 2020, at Mercy Hospital in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was surrounded by family until he entered his Heavenly home. Eldon was an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God for 54 years. Eldon was born on August 6, 1935, in Collinsville, Oklahoma, to James William Anderson and Martha Apphia Bell Anderson. Eldon married Carolyn Sue Hunnicutt, the love of his life, on August 17, 1956, in Chelsea, Oklahoma. To this union two children were born, Eldona Sue Anderson Woodruff and Stephen Michael Anderson. Eldon enlisted in military service and served with the Oklahoma National Guard 179th Infantry 45th division for six years. He was stationed in Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where he served as a tank commander before entering Officers Candidate School. He left military service in 1963. In 1966, Eldon accepted a higher calling from God. After completion of the necessary course work, he received his Ordination and served as a Pastor at Davenport Assembly of God, Wellston Assembly of God, Central Assembly of God in Edmond, Okarche Assembly of God and Maranatha Assembly of God in Oklahoma City, OK. Brother Anderson is preceded in death by his parents, James William Anderson and Martha Apphia Bell Anderson, one sister Audrey Anderson, and two brothers Eugene Anderson and William Leon Ray Anderson. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Sue Hunnicutt Anderson, of the home, two children, Eldona Woodruff of Guthrie, OK, Stephen Michael Anderson and wife, Beth of Oklahoma City, OK, four grandchildren, Rebeccca Wimberly and husband, Lindsey of Wynnewood, OK, Miranda Hoel and husband, Chris of Guthrie, OK, Cristina Dotson and husband, Eric of Edmond, OK, and Michael Woodruff of Guthrie, OK. He was blessed with three bonus grandchildren, Coy Cooksey and wife, Jennifer of Oklahoma City, OK, Amy Potts and husband, Jeff of Oklahoma City, OK, and Casey Barnett and wife, Kalyn of Oklahoma City, OK, two great-grandchildren, Matthew Adams and Tristan Dotson and bonus great-grandchildren, Noah Hoel, Kaitlyn Knight, Madison Hoel, Ruby Barnett, Rose Barnett, Mary Beth Barnett, Ashton Cooksey and Koby Cooksey. He is also survived by two sisters, Leota Nelson and husband, Richard, Alveta Parks and husband, Floyd, and sister-in-law, Louann Anderson all of Chelsea, OK and numerous nieces and nephews.
Ministers’ Spouses Darlene Stuart
Spouse of Robert L. Stuart 8/25/1936 – 9/16/2020
Oleta Snow
Spouse of the Late Isaac Snow 2/11/1927 – 10/11/2020
Gretnia McGee
Spouse of Kenneth McGee 7/23/1940 – 11/26/2020
District News Transfers Welcome
Cing Sian Hoih Thomas G. Belt Sean A. Moore Jaime Torres
Seth Brown Chase Barrett Brandon Harris Trista Harris Larry McGuire Kevin Williams DeAnn Williams Matthew Pool
German Northern Cal/Nevada Southern Missouri Illinois
Florida Multi-Cultural Kansas Arkansas Arkansas Southern Missouri North Texas North Texas North Texas
New Pastors Gracemont Don & Pam Russell Holdenville First Allen Lewis Perkins Cimarron Worship Center Shawn Pitchlynn Henryetta New Life Cordell Hines Locust Grove Paul Butler Ryan Alex Alejandro
Pastors Reports • •
Clint Gray, Arpelar, reports 34 saved at FCA huddle meeting. Oren Jackson, Watonga, reports two saved and attending regularly.
Evangelists Reports •
Alex Hanna reports they prayed over 8900 Arabic prayer request, two were raised from the dead in Iraq, 12 were healed from Covid in Egypt, 128 Arabic and Muslims saved. Healings from brain tumor, heart disease and heart attacks. Koodam Samuel reports many Muslims are being saved.
Prayer Requests • • •
Clint Gray – new church building provision for 7,000 sq. ft. and America. Fred and Jan Ticeahkie – healing for him and family and many needs in the Native areas. Sandy Ticeahkie – healing from surgery.
Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.
AD Space