Oklahoma Outlook October 09

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October 2009

VOL. 62, No. 10



Volume 62, Issue 10 – October, 2009

A monthly publication of the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God, P.O. Box 13179, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73113. (405) 475-1100 - FAX (405) 478-1731

www.okag.org Editor–Tom Goins SUBSCRIPTION RATE $36.00 per year

General Presbyters H. FRANKLIN CARGILL




Assistant Superintendent

Secretary -Treasurer

Executive Presbyters CURTIS OWENS


District Departments LINDELL WARREN Missions / Men’s Ministries


JACK SALKIL Christian Education

DOUG EVERAARD Youth Ministries

Sectional Presbyters Section 1 – Arlis Moon Section 2 – Leo Guthrie Section 3 – Melvin Baker Section 4 – Steve Rose Section 5E – Bruce McCarty Section 5W – Darryl Wootton Section 6 – Doyle Seeley

Section 7 – Weldon Wright Section 8 – Micah Wells Section 9N – Darren Pilcher Section 9S – Steve Lance Section 10 – Ron Meador Section 11 – Billy Martin Section 12 – T.D. Gifford

District Calendar OCTOBER Light-For-The-Lost Tour: Section 2 ..........................................October 5 Section 3 ..........................................October 5 Section 10 ..........................................October 5 Section 7 ..........................................October 6 Section 8 ..........................................October 6 Section 12 ..........................................October 6 Section 4 ..........................................October 8 Section 11 ..........................................October 8 Section 1-N ........................................October 8 Section 9 ........................................October 12 Section 5 ........................................October 13 Section 1-S ......................................October 15 Section 6 ........................................October 15

1 Oklahoma Outlook

National Royal Ranger Week................October 4-10 Pastor Appreciation Day ..........................October 11 District Youth Convention....................October 16-17 National STL Day ....................................October 18 Credential Presentations – Eastern Zone ................................October 24 National Childrenʼs Ministries Day............October 25 School Assembly Tour ........................October 26-30

DECEMBER National Teen Challenge Day ................December 6 “Show Me The Money” Missions – Faith Promises Due....................December 15 Christmas Holiday – Office Closed ..........Dec. 24-25 Discipleship Camp # 1 ....................December 26-29 Discipleship Camp # 2 ........December 29-January 2 Ministerial Credentials Renewal Deadline ....Dec. 31

NOVEMBER National Singles Day ..............................November 1 96th Oklahoma District Council – OKC ........Nov. 2-4 Reach the World Auction......................November 10 Youth Pastors Retreat ....................November 13-14 Thanksgiving Holiday – Office Closed......Nov. 26-27 October 2009

October 2009

Oklahoma Outlook


The great world leader, Sir Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The renowned author, Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” And the mega-wealthy businessman, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. said, “I know of nothing more despicable and pathetic than a man who devotes all the hours of the waking day to the making of money for money’s sake. These incredibly well-known and talented people knew something that the rich man missed completely; and anyone who knows much about the men quoted above knows they were not trying to teach biblical truth. They were simply stating an often-overlooked fact. Possessions do not define a person. What matters most is how we use our resources to positively impact others. Biblically, we know that the sum total of the things we create, build, and possess in this life will burn up one day (2 Pet. 3:10). Nothing material will be left except ashes. About all you say then is that a wealthy person’s ash heap will be bigger than a poor person’s ash heap. Who gets all the stuff? Does it even matter who winds up with the biggest ash heap? At the end of life, just like at the end of time, the only thing that will matter is what you and I invest with the Lord. A failure to advance the kingdom every day is a life lesson the rich fool missed. Instead, Jesus brings the story to a crescendo, as he quotes God saying, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.” The Lord concludes with a haunting question, “Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” (Luke 12:20). After all this hard work, wealth, success, and planning for the future, the rich man would not enjoy a single thing. In his judgment we discover a very important principle. You can choose to be generous during your life or you can wait and be generous when you die. Either way, a day is coming when each and every one of us will give everything away. Are you ready for that day to come? Are you getting ready?

Open Churches Altus, Glad Tidings Farris Jones Morris Rush Springs, First

October 2009



John Ortberg is a great preacher and an excellent writer. One of his best books grabs your attention, even before you open the cover. The title says it all, “When the Game is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box.” In the book, John draws from his childhood memories of playing Monopoly with his grandmother and tells of some fierce battles over Boardwalk, Park Place, and the like. Neither one of them liked to lose. But every time, no matter how well or how poorly either did, when the game was over, it all went back in the box. No result in Monopoly ever lasts. Without God, the same can be said for our lives.

Tom Goins

New Pastors Savanna Seminole, Old Glory Talihina, First Warner Whitefield, Shiloh

Tom Goins

Jeff Bradley – Collinsville Randy Wilkerson – Guthrie, Living Water Thomas McEwen – Sentinel

Tim Kilgore – Lamont, Prairie View Ron Smith – Pryor, First Johnny Beckmon – Davis Jonathan Webb – Kingston Oklahoma Outlook


District Secretary / Treasurer

Advance God’s Work

Missions Department

Missions Director

Every Church, Supporting Every Missionary, Going Everywhere, and Reaching Everyone

From the East to the West In my ministry travels this past summer I witnessed some great camps, mission events, and church outreaches. What a joy it was to participate in Royal Rangers Pow-wow, Missionary Renewal, District Mission’s Banquet, two Indian camps, and several different church functions. For this month’s article I wish to focus on two churches that are in stark contrast to each other, yet with each one reflecting a strong missional ministry.

Lindell Warren

Roundup Cowboy Church in Antlers continues to grow as it has from its inception one year ago. Pastors Jonathan and Tammy Hooker immediately began seeing people saved when they held their first six weeks of services in the sale barn. In their cowboy refurbished building (the former New Life Assembly) they now run 160-180 in weekly attendance. A 4x12 stock tank graces the front side of the barn looking auditorium. Pastor Hooker reports that 82 people, of all ages, have been saved through the first 10 months of the church’s existence.

Pastors Jonathan & Tammy Hooker

The Cowboy Church Auditorium

Burns Flat-Living Waters Church began with Doyle Roark being the church planter. Later Brother and Sister Roark returned to Cordell to pastor where they had previously served for many years. For the past 15 years now, Dwight and Sharon Shephard have led Living Waters Assembly of God in far western Oklahoma. On most Sundays Living Waters Church will see 70-80 people in attendance; however, on Wednesdays the church building reverberates with the sounds and motions of a hundred kids or more that walk in from the neighborhood or get off the two clean bright church buses for a nutritious meal, a spirited worship service, and a graded class. These kids are won to Christ and discipled through a consistent weekly program that demands an investment of money and energy from a small church.

Pastors Dwight & Sharon Shephard

Children Worshiping the Lord at Living Waters Church

There is a key to every community and every church. These two fine pastors, Jonathan Hooker and Dwight Shephard, have found the key to their ministry success. Each of these godly men works full-time for the church. We salute you both for your commitment and accomplishments. Please know Oklahoma District that churches can give to sister churches and receive missions credit. Certainly, these two churches focused here are worthy of any help that might be sent their way. On assignment,

5 Oklahoma Outlook

October 2009


John Gordon was a respected general for the South in the Civil War. After the war, he was running for the United States Senate, but a man, who had served under him in the war, angry over some political incident, was determined to see him defeated. Everyone knew this man would fight Gordon's bid to become a senator. During the convention, he angrily stamped down the aisle with his anti-Gordon vote in hand. As he saw Gordon sitting on the platform, he noticed how his once handsome face was disfigured with the scars of battle— marks of his willingness to suffer and bleed for a cause he believed in. The old soldier was stricken with remorse. Overcome with emotion, he exclaimed, "It's no use; I can't do it. Here's my vote for John Gordon." Then, turning to the general, he said, "Forgive me, General. I had forgotten the scars." What a difference it makes in our lives when we remember the scars! With so many things to distract us, we don't often take time each day to reflect on what Jesus went through on the cross for us. But, when we are tempted to stray, it is a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice that has the power to draw us back to him. "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5) The list below is not intended to be a lesson on the healing process of the body. However, I do see some similarities between this process and a spiritual application. A scar is a natural part of the healing process. Skin scars occur when the deep, thick layer of skin is damaged. • The worse the damage is, the worse the scar will be. Most skin scars are flat, pale and leave a trace of the original injury that caused them. • The redness that often follows an injury to the skin is not a scar, and is generally not permanent. • The time it takes for it to go away may, however, range from a few days to, in some serious and rare cases, a few years. • Various treatments can speed up the process in serious cases. Scars form differently based on the location of the injury on the body and the age of the person who was injured. To mend the damage, the body has to lay down new collagen fibers. October 2009

Jack Salkil Do we have some that have scars because of past experiences, hurts, or placing trust in the wrong people? To emphasize some of the symptoms above—the worse the damage, the worse the scar; it takes time for the scar to go away and sometimes evidence can still be seen long after the healing process; scars form differently in relation to the type and extent of the injury. May I ask? Are we guilty of recognizing symptoms or are we guilty of trying to help remove the scar? The scars are there because of damage that has already been done. It is also a sign that reinjury could take place and that the individual will more than likely protect the damaged area, or will be unlikely to become vulnerable again. “Scars,” it seems only to be something that is possibly mentioned around Easter or possibly around a special event that is taking place within the church. Yet, is it not something that we should consider everyday? When was the last time that you looked across the congregation that you pastor and have wondered how many are struggling with the effects of life? Are there individuals that are carrying deep scars that could use a word of encouragement, an expression of love, or a good solid handshake that lets them know that you are thinking of them? We are looked upon as being the salt of the earth, the light of the world, the ones that encourage and minister to others, never thinking of ourselves but putting others first, trying to find ways to reach out in love—and the list goes on and on. Maybe we just need to take a few minutes and focus on others, try to minister to needs, and maybe we could be guilty of assisting in removing the scars from others.

Jack Salkil Outlook


Christian Education Director

Remember the

A Time for Everything We are all familiar with this passage of Scripture which goes on to describe different seasons of our lives— a time to be born and a time to die…a time to weep and a time to laugh…a time to keep and a time to throw away, etc. I fully believe in God’s timing, therefore I have the peace and release that my time as Oklahoma Women’s Director is coming to an end. I will be retiring on November 30th.

It has been my privilege and joy to serve the women of Oklahoma these past 12 years. The years have gone quickly and they say that “time flies when you’re having fun”. I can truly say that I have been very blessed to have a ministry that I dearly love.

These have been some of the happiest years of my life. It has been a joy to get up every morning and come to the office. The Oklahoma District team has been a family to me and I will miss them greatly. I will also miss the interaction that I have been honored to have with all of you. However, I consider you my friends; and friends

October 2009

Women’s Director

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”

Linda Stamps-Dissmore

are still friends whatever the circumstance. I could have not filled this position without the help of some very talented and dedicated people. These include Elizabeth Moon, our district Girls Ministries director, and Sherry Whitlow who served earlier as GM director. I have been blessed during these 12 years to have three very capable and loyal Administrative Assistants: Shirley Ophus, Julie Allred, and Christy Wert; many wonderful sectional Women’s Representatives, and my hard-working, special events SWAT Teams. They have made my job much easier. I am retirement age and will be retiring from full time work, but I am not retiring from ministry. The call of God is still on my life and as the areas of that call have changed through the years, I know that He will continue to open doors of ministry for me in the future. Thank you for speaking into my life these past 12 years and for allowing me to serve this wonderful Oklahoma fellowship.

Linda Stamps-Dissmore Linda Stamps-Dissmore Oklahoma Outlook



Father’s Rights

Through four decades now I have experienced the pure pleasure of being a parent. Hardly anything can equal the gratification of knowing my kids and grandkids are making it in life – the pay back for years of investment. Obviously, responsibilities come with parenting, and they don’t all cease when the kids leave the nest. I would like to argue that rights, parental rights, come as well. For the next few lines I wish to share three important rights I have as a Dad and a parent. I have the God given right to protect and nurture my children. In fact, it is a command, but what a privilege to mold and shape a human life. Even now with our three children grown I would still go to any length to protect them. It has often been my prayer for the life and death cycle not to get out of order in our family. I have the right to let my kids grow-up, mature and make mistakes. In the maturation process mistakes will be made, sometimes a lot. It doesn’t necessarily help a child, be they an adolescent or an adult to always run to their rescue


when they get in trouble. Honestly, a parent can’t fix everything. We have the right to let them grow up. I have the right to be my grown children’s friend. The relationship changes when our kids leave home, marry, and get into their late twenties and thirties. It can be just as meaningful as before, but with an adult respect and relationship. What a blessing in my mature years to have quality friendship with my three daughters. A proud dad,

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries P. O. Bo x 2 7 7 7 ; No rman, OK 7 3 0 7 0

(4 0 5 ) 3 0 8 -3 7 3 7 XAo kl aho ma@ao l . co m

www. XAo kl aho ma. co m

Greg Tiffany Oklahoma XA Coordinator

9 Oklahoma Outlook

October 2009

Pastors’ Reports

Evangelist’s Reports

Charley Hudspeth, Newkirk reports 2 rededications, 2 healed, and 1 delivered in regular services. Menno Miller, Miami, reports 4 saved and several healed in revival with Ken Burge. Two saved, several rededicated, 1 delivered and several healed in service with Rick Carlton. Garry Furr, Pickens, reports 45 saved and 15 new members since Easter. John Randell, Edmond, reports 9 saved during VBS. Robert Sullivan, Battiest, reports several saved in Kids Krusade with Robert and Jan Teel. Phillip Clements, Barnsdall, reports 18 saved in last 5 weeks in regular services. Alex Holman, Prague, reports one first time conversion. Raymond Frizzelle, Miami, report 55 children saved in Kid’s Krusade with Jay Risner. Eight men were saved in jail ministry, 5 adults and 2 children were saved in regular services.

Ken Burge reports 49 saved and 32 filled with the Holy Ghost, and many healed. Rhonda Rock reports man healed of foot disorder, several marriages restored, and 40 women were saved in Mexico City.

Evangelist’s Reports Jeremy Black reports many saved, healed, and delivered in Arkansas, Colorado, and Oklahoma And Texas.

Prayer Requests Larry Heath – needs a healing miracle. David Caley – healing from cancer on vocal cord. Troy Golden – health. Alma Perkins – pastors in Japan. Alfred Pearson – needs job

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.

Congratulations Reverend and Mrs. Woodrow Walton celebrated their 50 year Wedding Anniversary on Sept. 10, 09. Reverend and Mrs. Bill Epps celebrated their 50 year Wedding Anniversary on Aug. 15, 09.


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