January 2021

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The Oklahoma OUTLOOK is published by the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. Publisher: H. Franklin Cargill Designers: Jayson Evans and Chris Ainsworth Copyeditor: Renae Elmore GENERAL PRESBYTERS H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent

MINISTRY DIRECTORS Chad Brodrick Church Ministries

Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries

Darryl Wootton Corporate Secretary

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries

EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Bruce McCarty Darren Pilcher

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries

SECTIONAL PRESBYTERS Jackie Crafton Section 1

Kelly Coffey Section 8

Keith Williams Section 2

David Brooks Section 9N

Terry Bradley Section 3

Steve Lance Section 9S

Bob Yandell Section 4

Don Barnes Section 10

Jamie Austin Section 5E

Ric Freeman Section 11

Jason Byers Section 5W

Arlis Moon Section 12

Jeromye Jackson Section 6

Deborah Burke Ordained Female Presbyter

Jimmy Keith Section 7

©2021 Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God P.O. Box 13176 Oklahoma City, OK 73113 (405) 475-1100 www.okag.org @OKDCofAG

Upcoming Events JANUARY 2021

OSOM Gameday (OKC) OSOM Gameday (Muskogee)

January 2 January 9 Credentials Application & Exam Deadline (All Levels) January 11 Women’s Ministries Sectional LIFE Rallies January 15 Speed The Light Rally January 17 ACTS 2 Journey – Preview January 23 Century Leadership Roundtable January 28 RR FCF Winter Trace January 29-31 ACMR Deadline January 31


OSOM Gameday (OKC) February 6 OSOM Gameday (Muskogee) February 13 Speed The Light Rally February 14 Youth Workers Conference February 19-20 Network Women Ministers Seminar February 20 ACTS 2 Journey Retreat #1 February 26-27 OCM Conference February 26-27 Sectional Council 2021: Section 3 (AM) Section 2 & 4 (PM) Section 5W (AM) Section 11 (AM) Section 10 & 12 (PM) Section 9N (AM) Section 1 (AM) Section 5E (AM) Section 6 & 8 (PM) Section 7 (AM) Section 9S (AM)

February 15 February 15 February 16 February 18 February 18 February 19 February 22 February 23 February 23 March 1 March 2

PURSUE A PLAN Those who fail to plan – FAIL! An opportunity for evaluation is never more appropriate than the process of advancing the calendar from one year to the next. Before making a list of New Year’s Resolutions, pause and reflect on the “old year.” Ministry moments may occur spontaneously. Every successful leader understands that God guides the steps of a righteous individual. One must not ignore the value of “the ministry of interruptions” that comes without warning and that seems to “mess up” those devoted to a TO DO LIST. There are some things that the most ardent day planner or time management guru simply cannot schedule. Those are “God Moments.” However, God has a “calendar.” He is always working His plan! He knows the future; He is aware of the coming temptations, challenges, and pitfalls. However, He gives the ants the knowledge to lay aside provisions; He allows the birds of the air to build their own nests; and even the geese know to fly south in the winter and north in the summer. Don’t you think He expects us to take the initiative and to pursue a plan?

First – what about your spiritual life? How did you achieve growth

and development during 2020? It is unreasonable to think that we might minister to others unless we have first received ministry from Him. That requires a plan. Prayer, meditation, private devotion, and time in His Word rarely occur without a regimented schedule that is practiced again and again.

Second – what about your family relationships? Has the demands of life forced a distance between you and your spouse? What has happened to the quality, as well as the quantity, of time spent together with your generational family? Time, at its best, is but a fleeting

moment during our lives on earth and memorable moments come and go all too quickly. Cherish each opportunity and creatively discover a plan – then work the plan. Make the family your top priority!

Third – if you were the “only Jesus” the world were to see, what would He look like? It is so easy to offer a

However, some things should unify our efforts. We must proclaim His Word and not merely what others have said about His word or even what we personally think about His Word. May Christ be first and foremost!

I would employ every credentialed minister to forget your ecclesiastical title and expect nothing because of your position. When it is necessary to inform others that you are “in charge,” you are “not in charge” but ignorantly operating under a false assumption.

Develop a plan filled with variety. It is far too easy to preach in our comfort zone rather than to preach the “whole Gospel.” Our preaching must be sound doctrinally. It must be thoroughly anointed by His Spirit. You get what you preach. I recommend reviewing our fundamental statement and preach a well-balanced diet that covers both the Old and the New Testament. Preach our four doctrinal cornerstones (salvation, divine healing, Pentecostal baptism in the Spirit, and the rapture of the church). Then believe God to do that which only He can do and give an opportunity for the audience to respond. More can happen with five minutes in the altar than with 50 minutes in the pew.

Finally – we arrive at the primary focus of “our work” and the process of planning. Unfortunately,

We have been called by a Holy God; rescued by a redemptive Savior; and empowered by His Spirit!

reason (honestly – an excuse) why we act as we do; talk as we do; and go where we go. Are others able to discern that you are a Minister of the Gospel unless they are told? If your life were to stand before the Judge of Eternity, would there be sufficient evidence to “convict” you of being a Christian?

this tends to be the first item that is addressed instead of those discussed earlier. I would caution, however, that unless the three issues above have been vetted with the guidance of the Spirit, the “ministry” planning can become nothing more than a form and a ritual. Scripturally, it becomes the sound of tinkling brass and a clanging cymbal. The spirit-guided leader should develop a direction for 2021. If you are charged with preaching or teaching, the emphasis should be placed on the Word. Never forget that Paul made it abundantly clear – Preach the Word!

Pursue His Plan for 2021! Linda and I are honored to serve this Oklahoma Fellowship and pray God’s richest blessings upon you and yours. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Frank and Linda Cargill

Preaching varies from person to person. We differ when it comes to style, mannerisms, vocabulary, illustrations, personalities, etc. God made each preacher unique – for which we are all thankful!

H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent frank.cargill@okag.org

A Year-End Checklist 2021 is here and it comes with the promise of hope for all of us. As you make plans to execute your vision for the new year, make sure to button up the essentials from 2020. Keep in mind that even though churches operate as non-profit organizations and are generally free from the burden of filing income tax and informational returns, it can be easy to overlook some of the few important things we are required to do. Below is a list of important dates and items you should work through every year during the transition into January. Look it over and make sure you are not letting any of these items slip through the cracks at your church.

JANUARY 31, 2021 • Contribution acknowledgements must be provided to donors for 2020 contributions • Quarter 4 – 941 Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return Forms must be filed to the IRS • W-2 forms must be provided to all employees • 1099-NEC forms must be provided to all independent contractors (see https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/ about-form-1099-nec for more detailed information)

FEBRUARY 28, 2021 •

Form W-3 must be filed with the Social Security Administration

Form 1096 must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service

Copies of W2 and 1099 Forms must be filed with the Oklahoma Tax Commission

As you make the transition into a new year, you will no doubt do so with a more sharpened focus and clarity of vision. As you keep an eye on providing excellence in ministry execution, do not neglect to keep that same eye on providing excellence in ministry administration. If there is ever anything we can do to help, do not hesitate to reach out. **Special Note on Contribution Statements** To ensure the deductibility of a donor’s contributions to your church make sure to include the following language on all contribution statements.


“Other than intangible religious benefits, no goods or services were exchanged for these donations.”

• All Church Ministries Report (ACMR) must be completed and sent to the District Office

Kevin Conner Director of Finance & Operations kevin.conner@okag.org

For more resources, visit www.ecfa.church/churchexcel


Transformed Church

in 2021

There are moments in the history of the church when transformation was necessary. It was either by choice, or it was forced due to the circumstances it was faced with. As challenges presented itself, the church had to assess if it was fulfilling the Biblical role it was designed to accomplish or not. There is no doubt that the church faced challenges in 2020 that put a strain on the finances, events, services, and discipleship efforts. It has made pastors and congregations question the details of what we do as a church and how our mission is fulfilled during turbulent times. Positive transformations are birthed during the most difficult of circumstances.

How will the Church effectively transform to make an impact for 2021? Currently we are preparing a new cohort for the 2021 Acts 2 Journey. This will be an exciting time because we will be resourcing our Oklahoma Churches to not only transform, but to position themselves for effective ministry, regardless of the outward circumstances! Let me share with you some of the great things we will be doing through this year’s Journey! • First of all, we will help you develop a solid grasp of the importance of leadership and the need for developing new leaders—helping you identify and engage leaders in your church will magnify the ministry capacity you have!

• Secondly, we will help you assess the current realities of your church with simple tools, but also provide you the opportunity to conduct an in-depth assessment through a resource that we provide as a benefit of bringing your church through Acts 2 Journey. Healthy churches begin with properly assessing where you are as a church in order to find the answers moving forward. • Thirdly, we will help you embrace the mission of the local church and learn the difference between your mission and vision—having a clear understanding of the mission and vision of the church help you communicate and implement it. • Fourth, we will help you create the vision statement for your church— clearly understanding where you are headed as a church will help the congregation move forward. • Fifth, we will help you discover the values of your church which becomes your DNA—the ability to understand your church and what makes it unique will reveal your strengths and how to utilize it. • Sixth, we will help you explore the biblical functions of the Acts 2 Church and seek to display them in the life of the church—these functions will guide the church in deciding what activities fulfill a biblical function and what does not.

• Seventh, we will help you create a strategy to align the church’s vision, values, and biblical functions to reach those who are far from God and present the Gospel—Our primary mission as a church is to win the lost with the tools and resources that God has provided! • Finally, we will help you communicate the team’s plan to the full church and to the community in the most creative way possible—the way that you communicate the vision that God has planted into the hearts of your team will determine your effectiveness! The Oklahoma Healthy Church Network will provide you the resources to develop a strategy to transform the church towards health. It is our hope that you will join us for an exciting year of transformation and growth in 2021. Will your church be positioned for what God wants to do in the new year? Let us help! Sign up today for the upcoming Acts 2 Preview on January 23, 2021 at Owasso First Assembly of God. This preview is designed for pastor and spouse. We will give you an overview of the Acts 2 Journey, give you resources you can use to assess your current reality, and provide lunch! Not to mention, some great fellowship and encouragement. Hurry though, space is limited so sign up today at www.okag.org/acts2. Blessings! Chad Brodrick

Chad Brodrick Church Ministries chad.brodrick@okag.org

Abiding in Jesus

Through Every Season

Seasonal shifting of life and ministry hurts like pruning. I love the analogy from John 15:1-2. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” Most of us have gone through these times of pruning and will again. At the momentit’s not fun. As we reread John Chapter 15 and the sequence, of “pruning,” verses “fruitfulness,” Jesus is speaking about here, it is impactful that He says, E-V-E-R-Y follower of Christ (branch in me,) is going to get pruned in one of two ways in their lives. Let’s look at the first group. Some disciples or followers, fall-away from Christ (or the center vine – and stop ABIDING,) “choosing” to become detached from the life-giving source of Jesus’ empowerment which causes them to whither. Old-timers called it backsliding. The Father (Gardner,) discerns which branches are already dead and need to be removed, to prevent the rest of the tree from being “stunted” in its collective health or growth.) Hmmmmm. That’s a difficult visual but one we might understand if we have worked in a garden. The second group of Christ-followers Jesus mentions here, ARE fruit-bearing, producing good works that please the father. These are cut back intermittently, throughout different seasons of their lives, in order to perpetuate MORE FRUIT. The pruning can be a snip here and a snip there. Or, at other times, the whole branch (direction of their life or assignment,) is severely cut-back to the stalk, like before winter. This type of pruning is more significant and intentional, in order to help prepare for more fruit. Again, Jesus says the Father is the Gardner- the one who lovingly does the pruning. He sees the BIG picture and decides what’s best for the whole tree. (Verse 2)

So, what would this look like in real life? Perhaps, we can be going along in ministry- being fruitful and enjoying a sense of fulfillment and purpose ( think a branch full of fruit) and “WAAAACK!” - it’s pruning time.

• Manage tree health – Soul Care is giving Attention to the most important thing in our lives. Think about that familiar flight instruction – “Put your oxygen mask on first and THEN help those around you!”

Have you ever experienced these “seasons” in your life and ministry friends? My family and I have and sometimes it takes your breath away but when we have stayed steady under the care of the Master Gardner’s hands, we have come out stronger, healthier and more fruitful- from EVERY Season of trial.

• Improve aesthetics – We’re the happiest people when we are “yielding” to the Lord’s direction in our life.

Let’s look closer at “The Why?” There’s a horticultural science behind it and I believe that’s why Jesus chose this particular analogy to get His point across to the disciples. According to: The Tree Care Industry Association, http://www. tcia.org/, proper pruning encourages strong growth, increases flower and fruit production, improves plant health, and removes damaged limbs, all which give aesthetic appeal to a tree. Pruning at the right time and in the right way is critical, since it is possible to kill a healthy tree through neglect or over-pruning. Essentially, pruning should enhance the trees natural shape. Here are a few main reasons to prune your trees and a brief spiritual application we might attach to each: • Reduce risk of failure from dead or damaged branches-Separating ourselves from negative people who use their energy to bring division and strife in the local body. • Provide clearance and manage flower or fruit production – Pruning makes us go Higher and be more fruitful! • Reduce shade and wind resistance – When we have clearance from things that choke out the Voice of God in our lives, we can hear the voice of the Lord better and grow.

Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries susie.purkey@okag.org

• Improve tree structure- We are Stronger, have more personal Integrity and can withstand greater exterior pressure, when we are pruned under the Lord’s care. • Save a storm-damaged tree- God knows how to repair us and restore us after we’ve come through the storms of life. (Psalms 23) This Year’s National AG Women’s Theme is “ABIDING.” Jodi Detrick, DMin, has written a beautiful new devotional entitled: “The Settled Soul: Tenaciously Abiding with a Tender God” This is a six-week study, perfect for individual or group. It’s a deep dive into John 15: 1-17 and helps us to experience what it means to tenaciously abide with Jesus. I was already studying this topic in my own personal life, throughout the course of 2020, before I knew this would be a focus for 2021. Life shakes us up—ABIDING settles us down. I encourage you and your Women’s Groups to Order your copies today at www.myhealthychurch.com Let’s Keep Abiding! Susie Purkey

It’s Finally

December When we looked at calendars the other day many of us probably said these words.. “It’s finally December”. I know I did! There have been many descriptions of the year 2020 and one thing is for certain-this year has a been a year that we will never forget. I remember that Wednesday in March when reality set in. I had just finished preaching at a youth service and I saw a notification on my phone. “OKC vs Utah game cancelled due to COVID19”. I’m pretty sure every NBA game was cancelled that week and not long after that, the remainder of the 2020 NBA season was cancelled. I was in absolute disbelief. It seemed like every day another sport was cancelling their season and the entire nation was entering lockdown. This has been the year our worlds were turned upside down and we had to look at the way we do things through a completely different lens. There are many more examples I can give, but when the threat to have to cancel Youth Camp came about, it really hit me. This year has been stressful, but I have to admit, I’m grateful. God moved in every single event we had this year, even though they all looked different than they ever had before. I had uncertain expectations going into some of our events, but time after time, God showed up and said, “Look what I can do.”

I have variety to choose from when it comes to lessons learned this year, but the one that speaks the loudest comes from Psalms 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God. No matter what 2020 has thrown at us, I am constantly reminded that He is God. So again, I say I am grateful. Grateful, for being forced to get creative and rethink the way we do ministry. Grateful, because while many districts had to cancel everything this year, we were still able to provide a place for our students

This year has been stressful, but I have to admit, I’m grateful.

I know we all could share a number of reasons why we can’t wait for 2020 to be over, but let’s focus on the things that we are grateful for. Let us always remember that HE is still God. I’m grateful for you, Oklahoma, and can’t wait to see what God holds for the future of OYM. We are honored to be your DYDS! Thanks for sticking with us and believing in our vision. Merry Christmas! Heath, Alisha, Lincoln, and Miriam

and leaders to connect. We got to show them that no matter where you are, He can reach you. Whether you can or cannot gather, He is present. We got to show them that even when things are out of control and we have no idea what to expect, HE IS STILL God.

Heath Corrales Youth Ministries heath.corrales@okag.org


Happy New Year! Is it me or does it seem that as we grow older, time speeds up? Here we are at another New Year. I can remember as a kid, it seemed like a million days between the first day of school and Christmas break. Forget about the time between coming back from Christmas and the rest of the school year. It might as well have been an eternity.

pack this stuff up?” I feel that way every summer about Kids Camp as well. As soon as we dismiss the last camp of the summer, Joy and I almost immediately start planning and putting a plan of action for the next camp season. They say that time marches on, but with every year that passes, the drum section seems to be speeding up the tempo.

This past December, as we were putting up Christmas decorations, I thought to myself several times, “Didn’t we just

Time is indeed precious and as we enter in this new season of 2021, my prayer is that God is in complete control of every

Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries dean.guthrie@okag.org

second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of the year of 2021! May 2021 bring blessing to you and yours. May you see things in your ministries that you have only dreamed of. Happy New Year! Dean

Missions Take the initiative! Partner with an OKAG Ambassador today! Jordan, Shea & Delaney Campbell

Ryan & Lauren Plute

405.818.9231 jordan.campbell@agmd.org

417.866.9379 theplutes@gmail.com

Grafenwรถhr, Germany. U.S. military outreach.

Tim, Jenny, Whitney & Katelyn Land Children of Cameroon

918.208.5932 thelandsinafrica@gmail.com

Global Initiative, Equipping the church to share Jesus with Muslims globally.

Steven & Kimberly Snow Santiago, Chile

405.654.9161 sk3ksnowfamily@gmail.com

Trent & Tina Morrow

Zachary & Amanda

Uruguay, South America

Central Eurasia

Bill &Reita Moore

Stephen & Tiffany

405.759.4131 or 405.406.0349 trent.morrow@agmd.org

Director of Africa Tabernacle Evangelism establishing the church across Africa

417.569.6009 bill.moore@agmd.org

762.208.1052 zacamandaray@gmail.com

Central Eurasia


Garo & Jordania Nargiz

Adam & Bethany Weatherly


Missionary to Global University in Spain

918.261.2162 garonn@gmail.com

405.938.7713 adam.weatherly@agmd.org

In Memory Lorn E. Starling

James L. Rowton



Reverend Lorn Earl Starling was born on July 12, 1939 in Carney, OK and went to be with the Lord on Saturday, November 14, 2020 at the age of 81.

Reverend James Lee Rowton, Sr. stepped into the portals of glory on Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at the age of 88 years and 13 days. He was born on December 2, 1932, in Okesa, Oklahoma, to Linnie (Stammer) Rowton and Robert Richard Rowton.

Lorn was the son of Earl and Verdie (Gaither) Starling. Lorn married Patricia Hansen until her passing in November of 2008. He later remarried Dolores Smith. He loved his wife, children, grandchildren and family dearly. Lorn was licensed and ordained by the Assemblies of God, even receiving his 50-year pin. He was pastor at First Assembly of God in Tryon, OK. He had also worked for 36 years for Napa. Lorn loved to travel especially to Branson. He also enjoyed reading in his spare time, but what Lorn loved the most was spending time with his grandkids.

Clyde Powell, Jr.

12/25/1933–12/25/2020 Reverend Clyde “Buddy” Powell, Jr. 87, of Muskogee, OK was met at Heaven’s gate by his Lord and Savior on Friday, December 25, 2020. He was born December 25, 1933 in Eufaula, OK to Clyde Powell, Sr. and Ada (Lemons) Powell. Buddy married Barbara J. Parker on October 24, 1953 in Eufaula, OK. They shared more than 67 years of life, marriage, and memories. He ministered and pastored multiple churches for over 60 years, including New Hope Assembly, Wainwright Assembly, Jay (FL) Assembly of God, and Warner 2nd Assembly of God. He also lived in San Juan King Valley for 4 years. Buddy was currently serving as the pastor at Elm Grove Assembly of God Church since 1987; a span of more than 33 years.

Ronald W. Miller

5/3/1965–12/23/2020 Reverend Ronald Wade Miller was born on May 30, 1965 in Tulsa, OK to Milton and Ann (Brown) Miller and passed away on December 23, 2020 in Oklahoma City, OK at the age of 55 years old. Ron was proceeded in death by his brother Donald Miller. Ron loved spending time with his family and most of all being called Poppy by the grandkids. He loved The Lord Jesus Christ and being a pastor, playing Christian music on the piano and talking about walking where Jesus walked. His survivors include his wife, Tracey Miller; daughters, Sarah Wilcox and husband David, and Montana Wemmerus and husband Steven; sons, Jeff Fowler, Matthew Miller wife Kelsee, Nathan Stepp and wife Kathleen, Dallas Walker and Dakota Walker; parents Milton and Ann Miller; grandchildren, Haley Fowler, Nate Brown, Cannon Fowler, Monroe Stepp, Skyler Stepp, Drake Wilcox, Sparrow Wilcox, Axel Miller, Everlee Miller, and Aiko Walker; sisters, Susan Campbell and husband James, Teresa Conway and husband Gerald.

He was raised on the family farm in Osage County. His unprecedented work ethic started at an early age and continued throughout his life. At nine years of age he was milking cows and driving horses on the farm. Every task he did was done with excellence. He graduated as valedictorian of his class from Nelagoney High School in May of 1951. As an exceptional athlete, James Lee Rowton excelled in baseball and basketball but abandoned his quest to be the best on the court to sell out to Jesus. Brother Rowton was saved in a brush arbor meeting in the fall of 1950, and started attending Southwestern Assemblies of God College in Waxahachie, TX in the fall of 1951. There he met and later married Mary Mae Peppard of Canyon, TX, on March 26, 1954. He pastored churches in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and New Mexico. He was involved in full-time evangelistic work from coast to coast in over 500 churches, from August, 1977 until shortly before his death.

Cecil L. Brown

6/13/1933–12/11/2020 Reverend Cecil L. Brown was born in Cogar, OK, on June 13, 1933 to Earnest and Ora Brown. He received his heavenly reward on December 11, 2020. Cecil Brown married Charlene Lancaster on December 21, 1951. They were married for 55 years, until her passing on December 8, 2007. Cecil Brown served in the Army from April 1953 – April 1955. He was stationed at Fort Chaffee, Fort Smith, AR. After the military he became a minister for the Assemblies of God. He evangelized for several years before becoming a pastor. He pastored at Fort Smith Assembly of God, Guthrie Assembly of God, and Comanche Assembly of God. He was the Senior Pastor at Southwest/Abundant Life in OKC for over 25 years. He was honored in 2008 for 50 years as an Assemblies of God minister. Brother Brown could be described as a “Prince among men.” He walked with class, his shoulders straight, no matter how he felt, or the situation. He greeted everyone with a smile and a handshake, or until recently, a fist bump. He has sat through many a surgery for family and church members and made a million, maybe more, hospital visits during his lifetime. We do not know how many children he dedicated, how many people he baptized, how many weddings he performed, or how many funerals he preached. He was a man of character – someone who was the same at church, as he was outside of church. He has made a mark on so many lives, his legacy lives on.

District News Transfers Welcome

Steven Topel Bobby C. Mason, Jr. Karen DeWitt



Doyle Brummett Bryce Hargis Patience Linton Chad Rose Corbyn Trentham Rodney Wardwell II

Penn Florida Arkansas West Texas


Kansas Southern Missouri South Dakota Southern Missouri North Texas Northwest

New Pastors Erick Gary Griffin Miami First Micah Wells Stratford Cornerstone Trenton Sisk Tishomingo First Henry & Cathy Kellogg

Evangelists Reports •

Marna Hillard reports several were saved and healed, three were serious health issues.

Prayer Requests • • •

Sandy Ticeahkie – settle lawsuit, healing of foot and knee, healing for parents. Edgar McElhannon – healing and strength. Harvey Poetter – recovering from cancer surgery. Pray for good report.

Ministers’ Spouses Darlene M. Stuart Spouse of Robert Stuart 8/25/1936 – 9/16/2020 Barbara J. Powell Spouse of Clyde Powell, Jr. 12/3/1937 – 1/2/2021

Information Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit www.pastoralcareinc.com.

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