Kids Camp 2017 Volunteer Packet

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THANK YOU Thank you for your interest in serving at one or more of our Kids Camps! If you are selected, this will be a tremendous ministry opportunity! We are looking for mature, Spirit-filled Christians who have a genuine love for children. The ability to work in harmony with those whose views may be different is a necessity for a staff member! There is a separate application for OCM Kids Camp Summer Interns at

APPLICATION PROCESS All Staff Applications must be filled out and received by the OCM office by May 1st. (This will give OCM time to process 500 – 600 staff applications.) If applications are received after the May 1st deadline, there will be a $20 Late Fee added. Any Volunteer Staff Member who serves as Support Staff must be at least 17 years of age. Any Volunteer Staff Member who serves as a Coach must be 18 years old or older. Because Coaches are responsible for the campers in their room, legally they must be an adult. No exceptions. (Please see job descriptions for Volunteer Staff on the following pages.) Pastor’s Reference Forms will be emailed to the Senior/Lead Pastor, once a completed Staff Application is received. Further instructions will be emailed after the Staff Application is received to complete the registration process. Your Camp Coordinator will give you a Medical Form to be completed and returned to them before coming to camp. Before the May 1st deadline, you may transfer $25 of the $45 fee to another staff member, if needed. NO TRANSFERS FOR STAFF FEES AFTER MAY 1ST.

Submitted by May 1st

Submitted After May 1st

Staff Registration Fee Per Camp



STAFF REGISTRATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. NO EXCEPTIONS. SELECTION There are several factors in the selection process. Applicants are encouraged to apply for all areas they are willing to serve. Each applicant is evaluated and notification of your assigned job will be made through your Camp Coordinator’s email before coming to camp. (Email notification of your assigned position usually takes place 2 - 3 weeks before coming to camp.) REMUNERATION There is no salary provided for staff. OKAG.ORG/KIDSCAMP | 3

VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITIONS Go to you arrive to camp for information and ideas to help you be better prepared.

COACHES Coaches lead a room of campers during their week of camp and are responsible for the oversight of those campers. Coaches will stay in the dorm with the campers, but will have a private restroom and sleeping area. Coaches need to be up-beat and fun, but also must be able to take charge and keep order. Coaches will accompany campers to all activities and will have daily devotions and prayer with their campers. This will be an opportunity to be a role model, as well as impact lives for Christ. The ministry that will take place will also bless the Coach! Coaches must focus on insuring that each child has the best camping experience possible. ALL COACHES MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE.

SUPPORT STAFF Support Staff assists with all activities that lend to the facilitation of the camp ministry. Support Staff do not share overnight quarters with campers, but they do have opportunity to interact with campers during daytime activities and services. Support Staff must have a servant’s heart. The Support Staff will serve in three areas of ministry: Recreation, Concessions, and Kitchen. SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE MADE ON THE FIRST DAY OF CAMP. Support Staff must focus on insuring that each child has the best camping experience possible. All SUPPORT STAFF MUST BE AT LEAST 17 YEARS OF AGE. RECREATION ASSISTANT Support Staff serving as Recreation Assistant need to be up-beat and fun, but also must be able to take charge and keep order. They need to be able to explain the rules of a game or activity and enforce them with consistency and fairness. Recreation Assistants must be able to take instruction from the Recreation Director and follow through until the task is complete. All Recreation Assistants will work in the concession stand after the evening service. (See Concessions Support job description.) Working as a Recreation Assistant can be very rewarding. You will interact with campers as you facilitate the fun! CONCESSIONS SUPPORT Support Staff serving as Concessions Support need to be up-beat and fun, but also must be able to take instruction from the Concessions Director and follow through until the task is complete. Support Staff serving at the window must be able to count money and make change. Support Staff serving in the merchandise or food prep area must have good listening skills and be able to work with speed and accuracy. This is a very fun job at camp. During the day time, you will get to interact with campers as you serve them at the window. After the evening service, the lines will be long, so speed is necessary - but that is just when the fun begins! It can get a little crazy at times, but it is an experience you will never forget! KITCHEN PATROL Support Staff serving as Kitchen Patrol (K.P.) need to be up-beat and fun, but also be able to take instruction from the K.P. Director and follow through until the task is complete. K.P. Support Staff will do many jobs centered around the cafeteria, such as serving food or drinks, monitoring the lines, cleaning, or helping a child with a spilled tray. You will get to interact with campers at every meal, as well as work in air-conditioning! All K.P. Support Staff will work in the concession stand after the evening service. (See Concessions Support job description.) Working in the Cafeteria can be a “cool” place to minister - even if it is 100 degrees outside!

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VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITIONS GENERAL STAFF General staff lend to the leadership support of the camp operation. There are distinct jobs for the General Staff, but their main focus is ensuring that each child has the best camping experience possible. General Staff Positions are: Guard, Office Receptionist, First Aid Receptionist, and First Aid Staff. ALL GENERAL STAFF MUST BE AT LEAST 17 YEARS OF AGE.


Kids Camp Guards will assist the professional security team. Guards are responsible for securing the property, monitoring the gates, announcing deliveries or arrivals, and helping to keep order around the camp. The Guard may also assist with emergencies.


The Office Receptionist will answer the phone, coordinate communications between staff, deliver messages, run copies or other office work, and assist the camp leadership.


The First Aid Receptionist will sign in all campers and staff who come in for treatment. They will assist the First Aid Staff by filing paperwork, answering phones, and monitoring campers while they are waiting for treatment.


All First Aid Staff must submit a copy of their qualifying credentials (degree, license, certification, etc.) when they apply for this position. The First Aid Staff will organize and administer all medications, as well as treat campers and staff with minor medical conditions. The First Aid Staff will respond to emergencies for both campers and staff.


VOLUNTEER STAFF POSITIONS EXECUTIVE STAFF Executive Staff are individuals who are responsible for the leadership of the camp. There are distinct jobs for the Executive Staff, but their main focus is ensuring that each child has the best camping experience possible. Executive Staff positions are: Girl’s Dean, Boy’s Dean, K.P. Director, Recreation Director, Camp Pastor, and Assistant Director. ALL EXECUTIVE STAFF MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE.


The Dean will coordinate with the Director and Coaches to assist them in creating a positive, orderly camping experience for students. The Dean will inspect dorms on a daily basis, assist coaches with discipline challenges, locate campers who forget to take their medication, and secure each cabin at bedtime.


The K.P. (Kitchen Patrol) Director will be in charge of the dining area of the Cafeteria during each meal. The K.P. Director will coordinate with the head cook & her kitchen staff and K.P. Support Staff to create a smooth and efficient dining experience for both campers and staff.


The Recreation Director organizes and directs the recreation activities for campers. These activities include sports activities, arts and crafts, water play, rainy day activities, etc. The Recreation Director will work with the Recreation Assistants to assign, oversee, and clean up each activity. The Recreation Director will be in charge of organizing and collecting all equipment and supplies.


The Camp Pastor will focus on the needs of the adults serving at camp. The Camp Pastor will present a devotion each day during the staff meeting, as well as minister to those in need - should an emergency or crisis arise at camp or at home. The Camp Pastor may also assist with emergency room visits. When time allows, the Camp Pastor will be able to be with campers during their activities, or fill in wherever needed. Spouses may team up to serve in this area. This position is typically filled by senior/lead pastors.


The Assistant Director will support the Directors in all responsibilities. The Assistant Director will coordinate the work of coaches and staff, handle disciplinary matters, inspect dorms, and oversee all areas of camp. The Assistant Director must be familiar with the duties of each staff member and serve as a liaison between staff and directors.

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KIDS CAMP POLICIES & PROCEDURES The following are guidelines for the entire camp for the protective benefits of each person: Dorm Rooms/Facilities • • • • • • •

No swapping or changing of rooms. Pranks, pillow fights, or wrestling in dorms is prohibited. Girls and boys are NOT allowed in the dorm area of the opposite sex. All rooms are to be left clean before activities each day and when leaving on your final day of camp. Inspection of rooms will be daily. Food or drinks will not be allowed in the Worship Center or in the cabins. (Water is allowed.) No outside food, drinks, or ice chests are to be brought to camp. (This does not apply to special dietary needs.)

Behavior • • • • • •

You are expected to observe habits of personal courtesy and Christian conduct in order to protect and insure a wholesome atmosphere of an Assemblies of God Camp. Campers are to stay with coaches at all times. Alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited. The daily schedule must be followed and attendance at all activities is required for both campers and staff. Stay in lighted areas of the camp at ALL TIMES. Fire Arms, knives, or any other weapons, are not allowed in the camp.

Dress Code • • • • • •

Fingertip-length shorts may be worn during camp. ALL clothing must cover chest, shoulders, backs, sides, and midriff at ALL times. No tight clothing will be allowed (such as spandex, bike shorts, any type of shirt or dress). Apparel may NOT display or promote tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances, or inappropriate language. Bring shoes/clothes that may be worn in the water or mud. Everyone is to wear shoes at ALL TIMES.

Off Limits! • • • • • •

The recreation property to the south is OFF LIMITS, except for announced activities. NO camper is allowed on staff vehicles, except in the case of an emergency. Please observe the OFF LIMITS signs. Cabins are off limits without an adult present. No one is to leave the camp without permission from the Camp Director or Assistant Director. No guests are allowed at camp, except credentialed ministers with the Assemblies of God.

Personal Belongings • • • • • •

Respect the property rights of others. Do not borrow anything without permission. The camp is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. Shaving cream is for shaving only. Water balloons and water guns are NOT allowed in the cabins or worship center. Campers are not allowed to bring electronic devices of any kind to camp. This includes cell phones, computers, tablets, CD players, iPods, etc. Staff who bring electronic devices to camp, do so at their own risk. If warranted, the camp leadership reserves the right to search for and hold or dispose of personal belongings.

Administration of Medication & Lice Check • • • •

All Staff Members and Campers must provide a completed Medical Form on the first day of camp. If a Medical Information Form is not provided, the Staff Member/Camper will be sent home; transportation is the responsibility of the church. All medications must be administered by the First Aid Staff. No exceptions. Medication that is not listed on the Medical Form, expired, or sent in baggies or weekly dose containers will not be given. All Staff Members and Campers are required to undergo a lice check two weeks prior to camp and, again, on the morning of camp. The check will be administered by your church’s Camp Coordinator or their representative. All persons must be nit-free in order to attend camp. Any person found to have lice at camp will be sent home; transportation is the responsibility of the church.

Lost and Found •

Please label all items with first and last name. We will do our best to return items to their owner. We will hold all luggage and lost & found items for one week. All items not claimed within one week will be donated to charity.

Media Disclosure •

All campers agree that any media captured (photos, video, audio) is the property of the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God and can be used for future promotion.

Rules of acceptance and participation in the program are the same for everyone with regard to race, gender, or national origin.


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For Office Use Only

Volunteer Staff Application Form

Received__________________ Bkgd. Check______________ Approved_________________

Complete and Email to: or mail to: OCM P.O. Box 13179 Oklahoma City, OK 73113

Name (First, Middle Initial, Last):______________________________________________________________ DOB:______/______/______ Age:_________ Gender:



Marital Status:



Physical Address:_____________________________________________________________ City:________________________ State:______ Zip:________ Mailing Address:______________________________________________________________ City:_______________________ State:______ Zip:________ Phone Number Where We May Contact You: (_________________) ________________-_________________________________________________ Email Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Church:_________________________________ Church City:______________________ Pastor’s Name:______________________________ Are you a Christian?

Yes, Year? __________

No Baptized in the Holy Spirit?

Yes, Year? __________


In what areas do you work in the church? _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you currently work with children? If yes, explain: _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any physical handicaps or conditions (including pregnancy) preventing you from performing certain types of activities?



If yes, please explain:____________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (excluding minor traffic violations)?



If yes, include year and explanation:________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to abide by the camp policies and procedures, refrain from using alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes and illegal drugs, be given any position or assignment, be placed in any dorm, and if need be, go beyond the duties of your assigned position?



The information I have provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize my pastor to give you any information he/she may have regarding my character and fitness for summer camps, and I release him/her from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you. Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the Camp Policies and Procedures. I assume the risk of my actions during the entire time of my service with Oklahoma Assemblies of God Camps. I will refrain from unscriptural conduct, or conduct the camp leadership may feel inappropriate, in the performance of my service. I will fully cooperate in spirit. I _____________________________________________________, hereby authorize the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God, Inc. to do a standard background check.

SSN: _________ - _________ - ___________

APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________DATE:____________________________ APPLICANT’S Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE (if under 18):___________________________________________DATE:_______________________ OKAG.ORG/KIDSCAMP | 9


FROM I-44 Exit 166 and go South on Hwy 18. Turn Left (East) on Hwy 18-B. When the road starts to curve to the left, turn right (South) on 3470 Rd. At the stop sign, turn left (East) on 990 Rd. The Camp will be on the right.

FROM I-40 Exit 186 and go North on Hwy 18. Turn right (East) on Hwy 18-B. When the road starts to curve to the left, turn right (South) on 3470 Rd. At the stop sign, turn left (East) on 990 Rd. The Camp will be on the right.

C A M P P H Y S I C A L A D D R E S S: Sparks AG Campground 347489 E 990 Rd Sparks, OK 74869 Please call (405) 475-1172, if you have any questions! 10 | KIDS CAMP 2017


P.O. Box 13179, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 Phone: (405) 475.1172 Fax: (405) 475-1116 Website:

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