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SUPERINTENDENT The followers of Jesus Christ were constantly surrounded with
miraculous events and exceptional exhortations. Three disciples – Peter, James, and John – were often witnesses to Christ’s innermost thoughts and personalized teachings. Such was the occasion when He led them to a high mountain that we refer to as the Mount of Transfiguration. As Jesus was transfigured before them, Elijah and Moses appeared and began talking with Him. Peter, known for quick responses, issued a sincere, heartfelt observation. He said, “It is good for us to be here.” I admit that there is some jealousy on my part. That must have been a remarkable event! I would call it a life-changing moment. On the other hand, I believe that we are living in the most exciting days this world has ever witnessed. While there are challenges such as we have never seen there are also opportunities for the Gospel that have never been more prevalent. We are living in the closing days of time. At any moment I am expecting to witness the rapture as our Savior beckons His church to a victorious homecoming! This is the hour for Pentecostal empowered ministry. We are privileged to live in the historic area of the world in which the latter rain was outpoured in a significant way at the turn of the 20th century. Today, there are over 68 million believers around the world that claim their association with the Assemblies of God! We need not apologize for our distinctive emphasis on Pentecostal values and experiences. This is the last days and God has promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. He has declared that our sons and our daughters will prophesy; our young men will see visions; and, our old men shall dream dreams! Our outreach expands as new churches are planted and parent affiliated groups are formed. Oklahoma presently has 10 churches that average over 1,000 people every time they assemble. Only a few years ago, three of those churches did not even exist. To God be the glory! Our camp ministry reached 7,013 students this past summer. The results speak for themselves: 349 accepted Christ as Savior, 1,160 experienced the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and 637 witnessed to
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a call of God upon their life. Miracles are happening as His Spirit is being outpoured upon the NEXT generation! Around the world our missionary outreach continues to impact thousands and even millions of lives. Oklahoma presently funds 85 missionary units that serve in 25 nations of the world. Our total contributions to total world missions giving via the Assemblies of God network was just slightly short of 16 million dollars. Together, we are more effective and accomplish far more than we would ever be able to do separately. I am so pleased to report that within the operations of your district office, the presence of enabling and empowering leadership is witnessed on a daily basis. Thank you for providing such an outstanding team of directors, administrative assistants, and coordinators with whom to serve. They are truly a blessing to this Fellowship! We have quality people who have a passion to SERVE this church! I am very thankful for and appreciative of the newest members of my ministry team during this past year. Darren and Michelle Pilcher have moved from Church Ministries and now serve as our District Missions Directors and District Executive Pastor, Chad and Nyree Brodrick have moved into the office as Directors of Church Ministry, and Susie Purkey has assumed the role of Women’s Ministries Director. They, along with the other members of our administrative team, form one of the finest district teams to be found in the General Council. Linda and I are truly blessed to have had this opportunity to serve our Fellowship one more year. Time is flying – but God is good! His blessings are everlasting to all generations! Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Respectfully submitted, H. Franklin Cargill, Pastor Oklahoma AG Ministries
MISSIONS REPORT It has been an overwhelming privilege this past year to step
into this new role of missions. Michelle and I are so very thankful for the loving support of our missionary family around the world. We truly have some of the brightest and strategically placed global servants anywhere, and we are blessed to serve them. Oklahoma Assemblies of God continues to be a leading voice for world evangelism. Presently, our local churches are sending out 85 U.S. and World missionary units, representing over 25 countries and various ministry points, which include Teen Challenge centers and ministry to Native Americans. Also, our missions’ endeavors identify 17 chaplains that reach out to our prison systems and care facilities around the state. Thanks to our missionaries and the churches that send them, we are making a tremendous difference for the Kingdom of God, and our impact together is growing. A personal ministry highlight came as a result of visiting some of our missionaries last Fall. The trip consisted of connecting with the longtime service of Gary and Wilma Davidson in Ireland. Gary and I toured much of the country together, as he gave me significant perspective on their many years of monumental church planting in that beautiful island country. Added to the itinerary was a brief but impacting time with Darrin and Sarah Ballard in Central Eurasia. While riding on public transport around their city of ministry, it was evident of their love and commitment to God’s calling. I arrived home with an overflowing sense of awareness and gratitude for what our missionary family is doing and how to serve them more effectively.
Ozark, Missouri, and the Assemblies of God National Leadership and Resource Center in Springfield. This ongoing leadership culture of resources and relationships for spiritual leaders has continued to provide exceptional learning opportunities for our churches and ministers across the state. Appreciation also is extended to our Century Leadership Lead Team who served us so well last year: Rob McClure, Clint Smith, Kevin Conner, Kathy Key, and Jayson Evans. Michelle and I could not be more honored for the opportunity to serve our Oklahoma Assemblies of God family. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your continued support and friendship. This new year is already proving that relationships are deepening and new ones are growing. By God’s strategic and generous grace, fruitful days are ahead, for His glory.
Respectfully submitted, Darren S. Pilcher Director of Missions and Executive Pastor
The many Facetime and Skype meetings along with in-person connections and ministry visits with our missionary family this past year have been essential in getting my feet firmly planted in this pastoral call. A special thanks to Robin Johnson, my Administrative Assistant, is most appropriate, as she has represented our office so capably. Her growing relationship with missions and our missionaries has significantly helped to establish our service. An additional responsibility is my continued oversight of Century Leadership. 2016 marked the fourth year of this leadership development initiative. Record participation was experienced at our annual conference and the four particular roundtables. Also, nearly twenty-five took part in a road trip to James River Church in
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CHURCH REPORT 2016 was a year of transition for us personally and within
the Church Ministries Department. As we entered into this new role of Church Ministries Directors, I am humbled to not only have this opportunity to serve the Oklahoma District family, but by the many people who have walked with us through the journey. I am constantly amazed at the faithfulness of each leader who has partnered with us and encouraged us along the way. Each one has a special place in our hearts and we are overwhelmingly grateful. Church Ministries is a multifaceted department with many different ministry components, which requires us to have a team of individuals who serve along side us. We are grateful for the many who have and continue to serve during our transitions and have been a great asset to this team! A special thanks to Shirley Ophus who served so faithfully as Administrative Assistant for the Church Ministries Department. She has been a tremendous asset to us during our transition and also during her retirement from the Oklahoma District. We appreciate all that she has done and continues to do for us! Bailey Fallett has taken on the role of Administrative Assistant and we couldn’t be more excited about her joining the team! Special thanks to the volunteers who have been faithful to serve: Martin and Janice Perryman, our Senior Adult Ministries Coordinators, Gary and Debbie Pratt our Single Adult Coordinators, our Light for the Lost Reps from the 14 sections, the great Steak Teams, Rural Church Committee, Men’s Ministries Committee and those who helped plan and lead during our Men’s Conference. We are blessed to have so many talented and gifted individuals on our team!! Nyree and I are so grateful for the opportunity to serve our district in this new role. We appreciate the many kind words of encouragement and the grace that has been extended to us as we learn along the way. We have been blessed to make new connections and relationships over coffee or through partnerships we have developed to strengthen the local church. Thank you for trusting us to minister along side you and see God do amazing things in our churches.
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If Nyree or I can do anything to partner with you in your leadership role and in your local church, feel free to give us a call. We are honored to have the opportunity to serve!
Respectfully submitted, Chad and Nyree Brodrick Church Ministries Directors
WOMEN’S REPORT Nine months. That’s how long it takes to bring a baby to full
gestation. As I responsibly reflect upon the last nine months of my life as the new Oklahoma Women’s Director, I cannot help but be overwhelmed with this great honor to serve and for the Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to Equip us, when He Calls. From its flurry of activity, “kick” of events and physical demand to keep up with it all, it feels much like I’ve given birth in my life, to something very precious indeed. It’s a New Season! In this brief microcosm of time, I’ve experienced what this Office requires (and it is in fact, laborious,) having done almost everything once. All the major tasks for the better part of my first year are behind me now and I am relieved to give our Constituency this “Good Report” from the Oklahoma Women’s Department on the pages to follow. We want to thank Michelle Pilcher once again who began the year of 2016 off for us in the Women’s Department as Director and for passing the baton to me halfway through, with grace and dignity. The Oklahoma District Council owes Michelle a debt of gratitude for 6 1/2 years as the Women’s Director. We love this lady! Thank you, Michelle, for leading and loving us WELL. Also, to two other amazing predecessors of mine in this office, Linda Stamps-Dissmore and Rosie Yandell, whom I both love, greatly admire and have had the privilege to work with at different times in Women’s Ministries over approximately the last twenty-five years. We have a rich heritage of capable leadership in Oklahoma! Our sincere and heart-felt thanks is herein expressed to our outgoing Administrative Assistant, Shirley Ophus, retiring after twentyseven years at the District Office in the Women’s and Church Ministries Departments. Thank you, Shirley, for a job well done! The new Administrative Assistant, Bailey Fallet, is doing a fabulous job and we are so thankful the Lord sent her to us last fall. She’s one of the “sharpest crayons in the box” and I can’t wait to see how God uses her for His purposes. Please stop by the Women’s Booth at District Council and meet her. Welcome Bailey!
excellence in 2016! They are as follows: Julie Allred, Section 1, Cathy Williams, Section 2, Chantel Goff, Section 3, ReBecca Yandell, Section 4, Andrea Miller/Rhonda Rock, Section 5E, Cheryl James, Section 5W, Judy Martin, Section 6, Vonda Dotson, Section 7, Rita Rhoads, Section 8, Vada Dwaileebe, Section 9S, Maria Allen, Section 9N, Debbie Pratt, Section 10, Jama Ludwyck /Christy Freeman, Section 11, Khristy Russ, Section 12. Impact Team: Deana Smith, Kelli Parker, Kay Couch, Linda Goldner, Bridgette Tomlin, Shirley Ophus and Bailey Fallett. Lastly, how honored I am and continually humbled at the opportunity to “Lead by Serving” our Missionaries, Churches and Women of every age, ethnicity and economic background in what I believe is the greatest Assemblies of God District in America –Oklahoma! At last glance, Oklahoma Women were at the very “TOP” in Missions giving, nationally. They give their hearts out for God! You will enjoy reading in the pages ahead about all they’ve done for His Kingdom last year! Hereafter, I fully embrace ALL the Lord has for us in the coming year and my desire and prayer going forward is to see hundreds if not thousands of women empowered and equipped with His Holy Spirit to enable them to Serve, Give and Reach their full potential for Jesus Christ…for as long as the Lord assigns me to this office. I will rely on nothing else but the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for receiving me with kindness, Friends, and if I can serve you or your Women in any way, please contact me at Susie.Purkey@okag.org and I will strive to accommodate your request.
Respectfully submitted, Susie Purkey Oklahoma Women’s Director
We simply could not do what we do with out the amazing Women’s Board that faithfully serves with us, made up of 14 Sectional Reps and seven Impact Team Members from across our State. They are all great Leaders and Proverbs 31 Women in their own right and I am so very grateful for how they all love God, this Fellowship and led with
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YOUTH REPORT We are thankful for the opportunity to serve the churches
and student ministries of the Oklahoma District this past year as District Youth Directors. As we go into our tenth year serving in this role, it’s still surprising the great challenges that a new year presents. Without a doubt we are honored to serve the District through the OYM events, however it’s the cultivating and building the personal relationships across our District that is the most rewarding and we believe most important. We want to thank the ministers of the Oklahoma District for their support and allowing us the opportunity to share our heart for student ministry and missions in their pulpits. Our ministry consisted of church services, revivals, youth services, conventions, University/ college/ high school chapels, camps, rallies, retreats and STL Tour & services. We love the students of this generation and the youth pastors who lead them and it is our continued desire to develop generations to lead. During this past year we have led the following District activities: Speed-The Light Tour, SYNERGY Youth Leader’s Conference, SYNERGY One Days, PK Retreat, Bible Quiz, Fine Arts Festival, Christian Fun Day, 5 Youth Camps, Convergence Youth Convention, & Youth Pastor’s Retreat. We participated in many of the normal National Events such as DYD & One Voice Conference, National STL Banquet, National Fine Arts, NYAC (National Youth Advisory Committee) & the SAGU Board of Regents! I appreciate the youth committee for their help and ideas in leading the student ministries of this state. We also want to thank Cody Phillips for all of his hard work and dedication to the OYM team. I’m very thankful for my family: Seth is now a half inch taller than me. He is in the midst of his junior year at Mustang High School where he is a part of the Swim Team and Choir. Jill and I are celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary this year and there is really something cool about building a life together! I love the journey! Grayson would be nine getting ready to turn ten, however, I’m quite confident that he would not trade places with any of us at this point. We look forward to seeing him again one day! Jill, Seth, and I appreciate you, Brother Cargill, and the District
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Leadership for allowing us to serve in this season and look forward to what the Lord has in this upcoming year! If you took the time to read this report, first of all, thank you, and second, please text me and let me know you read it! I think there were about 20 of you last year who texted me.
Respectfully submitted, Doug Everaard District Youth Director
CHILDREN’S REPORT Thank You to the Oklahoma District for allowing us to serve you in the Oklahoma Children’s Ministries Department. We consider it an honor to serve you and are blessed to be a part of what’s going on in Oklahoma!
God has placed us at a place where the office doesn’t feel like an office and coworkers don’t feel like coworkers. I am grateful for the family atmosphere that is very much present and for the extended family that God has given us at the District Office. Bev Robertson stepped into the role of our Administrative Assistant in May of 2016. She does a great job making sure that everything in the office is running smooth. She is also our BGMC Coordinator. We are so glad to have her a part of the OCM Family. Thank you to our other Children’s Ministries Coordinators in helping run the many ministries that makes up the Oklahoma Children’s ministries department: District Royal Ranger Commander – Sid McCoy, District Girl’s Ministries Coordinator – Liz Moon, Junior Bible Quiz Coordinator – Steve Grisham. We have a saying during Kids Camp, “If you want to talk to who’s in charge, talk to Dean. But if you want to know what’s going on, talk to Joy.” There is a great amount of truth in that statement, not just at camp, but throughout the rest of the year as well. Thank you to my sweet wife, Joy, who has been an incredible right arm and ministry partner. I couldn’t do this without her. D.J. and Tori, it is a continual blessing to be able to see what God is doing in each of you. To go from helping Mom and Dad in their ministries, to branching out and doing what God has called you to do on your own has been an incredible transformation to watch. Finally, thanks to the Pastors, moms and dads, Children’s Pastors and Leaders that support Oklahoma Children’s Ministries throughout the year. We could not do what it is that God has called us to do, if it we’re not for the prayers, support and the backing of each and every one of you.
Respectfully submitted, Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Director
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H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent
GENERAL PRESBYTERS T. Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Darryl E. Wootton Corporate Secretary
Bruce McCarty
Doug Everaard
Darren Pilcher
Church Ministries
Youth Ministries
Executive Pastor | Missions
Kevin Conner
Dean Guthrie
Susie Purkey
Finance | Operations
Children’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries
COMMITTEES CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Darryl Wootton, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin, Raymond Frizzelle, Keith Williams, Terry Bradley, Robert Yandell, Jamie Austin, Mike Buie, Jeromye Jackson, Jimmy Keith, Kelly Coffey, Duane Elmore, David Brooks, Don Barnes, Ric Freeman, Arlis Moon, Darren Pilcher, Chad Brodrick, Doug Everaard, Dean Guthrie, Deborah Burke REVOLVING FUND COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Darryl Wootton, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin
CAMPUS EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman; Doug Everaard, Greg Tiiffany, Charlie Bunn, Vanessa Taylor, Kevin Fouts, Destry Dobbs, Jimmy Keith, Ric Freeman, Tim Black CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE: Dean Guthrie, Chairman; Joy Guthrie, Dosha Furr, Trisha Bailey, Brady Neece, Debora Wilson, D.J. Guthrie, Shea Campbell, Bev Robertson, Doug Proulux, Aimee Ousterhout, Freeland Hise, Karon Hise
RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Darryl Wootton, Chairman, Craig Dacus, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin
MEN’S MINISTRIES/LFTL COMMITTEE: Chad Brodrick, Chairman; Daryl Lee, Michael Cooper, Kevin Martin, Gary Dotson, Mark LeMarr, Gary Pratt, Phillip Ludwyck, Mike Southerland
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Bruce McCarty, Chairman, Eddy Brewer, Mark Evans
MISSIONS COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman; Ben Odell, Darlene Odell, Keith Williams, Mark LeMarr, Ted Miller, Terry Stone
ROSTER COMMITTEE: Chad Allred, Chairman, Shelle Anderson, Dona YOUTH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Doug Everaard, Chairman; Micah Bunn, Renae Elmore, Bailey Fallett, Robin Johnson, Barbara Miller, Cody Frye, Daniel Pruett, Mark Davidson, Ryan Hoover, Jon Stem, Jordan Phillips, Bev Robertson, Deana Smith Moore, Tom Green Gary Dotson, Jason Warnock, Aaron Wolfe, John Elliott, Ryan Summers, Heath Corrales, J. D. McKenzie, Donnetta Hunter, DEVOTIONAL COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman, Mark Davidson, Greg Campirano, Greg Tiffany Phil Taylor, Chris Dow, Deborah Burke, Kevin Conner, Jayson Evans WOMEN’S MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Susie Purkey, Chairperson; Julie TELLERS COMMITTEE: Merwin Pickney, Chairman, Kirk Ford, Roberta Allred, Cathy Williams, Kim Bradley, ReBecca Yandell, Rhonda Rock, Roberts, Howie Moss, Steve Lee, Don Hogue, Daniel Isgrigg Cheryl James, Vonda Dotson, Rita Rhoads, Maria Allen, Vada Dwaileebe, Debbie Pratt, Christy Freeman, Khristy Russ, Kay Couch, Linda Goldner, USHERS COMMITTEE: Bob Walker, Chairman, Larkin Enlow, Steve Ashe, Andrea Miller, Shirley Ophus, Kelli Parker, Deana Smith, Bridgette Les Castleberry, Tracy Fitzgerald, Eddie McElhannon, Aaron Warren, Tomlin Bud Shackelford, Robert Miller, Roger Rounsaville, Jason Byers, Jason Pickering and Gary Dotson GIRLS MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Moon, Chairperson; Rhonda Johnson, Karen Armstrong, Sherry Holeman, Dana Chandler, Lori Lewis, PARLIAMENTARIAN COMMITTEE: Robert Polvado, Chairman, Randy Debora Wilson, Debbie DeWitt, Connie Boggs, Mary White, Lanette Dyer, Bill Kuert Clevenger, Kendra Akins 1 2 | W W W. O K AG . O R G