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SUPERINTENDENT Thank you, for the privilege that has been extended to Linda and me by the Oklahoma Assemblies of God Fellowship! We consider it not only a “privilege” but as both an “opportunity and a blessing” at the same time. Throughout our history as the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God, the Superintendent has used the Annual District Council as the venue for calling attention to the accomplishments, victories, and even the challenges that have faced the church and the administration over the past 12 months. Let me be clear, God has certainly covered our district with His unique care and provisions during 2018. His unfailing faithfulness has been demonstrated time and time again. This annual meeting marks the 44th consecutive year that you have received a “report” from me as an elected servant of the entity known as the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God. While there is value in a written account that enumerates the accomplishments of the past, I approach this moment far more concerned about the future than about describing where we have been. There are blessings to be counted as this body gathers for the 106th occasion; however, my heart has never been more passionate about “the church” and the need to receive a prophetic word for the hour in which we live. Society has always nudged the church to address the ills and the agenda of the hour. Especially over the most recent years, we have been requested (perhaps even demanded) to address social issues, equal rights, and to legislate morality. The twists and turns facing this generation has ushered in a philosophy that is more concerned about “life” than about the “heart.” My concern is that political activism has trumped spiritual maturity. The need for FOCUS must become a priority if the church is to remain committed to its God-ordained mission. Topical sermons and contemporary issue discussions may entice the crowd and even “tickle the ears” but should such subjects become our identity? Have we become more interested in being known for what we espouse and for what we condemn than in who we promote? Our message must be based upon His words. “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.” “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Our FOCUS must remain on Him! He came to save that which was lost!
Secondly, it is human nature to be inquisitive. The secret of a mystery intrigues and fascinates the minds of this world. People are constantly seeking to understand and explain the hidden things that surround our lives. There are those who insist that everything must be explained and if something does not have a logical explanation then it is discounted and assumed to be fictional. God’s ways are far beyond the understanding of the natural mind. FAITH, is seldom explainable. It is often condemned and ridiculed by those claiming that everything must have a logical explanation. However, it is still the door that opens the heart to the supernatural. “Without FAITH it is impossible to please God.” “The just shall live by FAITH.” “If you have FAITH as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” His church will always thrive in the presence of FAITH. That element brings the Gospel to life and changes the heart of a wayward sinner. That element produces hope when the natural voices proclaim there is no reason to expect anything different. That element cements the desires of worldly endeavors with the divine will of an eternal God. Now FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. As a church, we must never waiver regarding the proclamation of FAITH. What the world call impossible, God’s Word stands as a beacon of light in the midst of a blackened, desperate world when viewed with the eyes of faith. May the “wonder of wonders” always remain at the heart of what we believe! May the faith of a child still lead the inquiry of the human mind as it seeks for understanding! May faith produce a spark, like it did upon our first acceptance of the truth of His love for us! Thirdly, I would challenge us to be people know to embrace the FIRE. The story is old but the illustration still challenges my thinking about today’s church. It was said that late at night, the neighborhood church erupted with bellowing puffs of smoke that quickly led to the illumination of the sky by flames of fire. The sound of sirens filled the air. Firetrucks, police calls, and first responders filled the streets that surrounded the building while on-lookers pressed from just beyond reach as they observed the devastation of the disaster. Continued on the next pageHundreds of people stood in awe as the heat from the burning building begun to sting the skin. Those who were helpless bystanders soon began reminiscing about the many years that the church had stood on that location and recalled the impact that its ministry once held throughout the area. One neighbor, noticing an individual gazing intently, walked over to the stranger and asked. “Excuse me. I don’t ever remember seeing you at church before.” Continued on next page.
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MISSIONS It has been an honor beyond words to serve our fellowship in this role as Missions Director and Executive Pastor. Michelle and I are so very thankful to partner with you and, more specifically, our missionary family around the world. We truly have some of the brightest and strategically placed global servants anywhere, and we are blessed to serve them. Oklahoma Assemblies of God continues to be a leading voice for world evangelism. Presently, our local churches are sending out 85 U.S. and World missionary units, representing over 26 countries and various ministry points, which include Teen Challenge Centers and ministry to Native Americans. Also, our missions’ endeavors identify 17 chaplains that reach out to our prison systems and care facilities around the state. Thanks to our missionaries and the churches that send them, we are making a tremendous difference for the Kingdom of God, and our impact together is continuing to grow. A personal ministry highlight came as a result of visiting some of our missionaries during the summer of last year. The trip consisted of attending the Central Eurasia and Arab World Conference in Visegrad, Hungary as well as touring a Syrian refugee outreach center in Vienna, Austria. My family and I were privileged to spend a meaningful amount of time with five Oklahoma missionary units serving in this sensitive area of the world. Ethan and Emma ministered among missionary kids during the conference. And, Michelle and I were blessed to personally engage our missionaries over coffee, lunch or dinner. We arrived home with an overflowing sense of awareness and gratitude for what our missionary family is doing and how to serve them more effectively.
The many Facetime and Skype meetings along with in-person connections and ministry visits with our missionary family this past year have been essential in knowing how to better serve our family of global servants. A special thanks to Robin Johnson, my Administrative Assistant, is most appropriate, as she has represented our ministry so capably. She is known for her relational and organizational gifts, serving our office’s various responsibilities. An additional responsibility is my continued oversight of Century Leadership. 2017 marked the fifth year of this leadership development initiative. Growing participation was represented at our annual conference and the three particular roundtables. Our Century Leadership guests included Greg Surratt, Jim Cymbala, Brady Boyd, Kent Ingle, Larry Osborne, and Phil Vischer. Appreciation also is extended to our Century Leadership Lead Team who served us so well last year: Rob McClure, Clint Smith, Kevin Conner, Kathy Key and Jayson Evans. Michelle and I consider it a tremendous pleasure to serve our Oklahoma Assemblies of God family, and are blessed by the numerous opportunities afforded to us by serving in this role. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your continued support and friendship. By God’s strategic and generous grace, fruitful days are ahead, for His glory. Respectfully submitted, Darren S. Pilcher
Continued from Page 2 That indictment haunted me as a pastor. It nags at my heart every Sunday as I drive across our state and enter another building as a guest speaker. It is a fact that most individuals within our towns and cities do not even know the location of our building. Perhaps – a little FIRE would draw a crowd.
Submitted with love to the 106th District Council of the Oklahoma Assemblies of God, Frank and Linda Cargill Your servants and passionate cheerleaders
As “our church” embarks on yet another year, may we FOCUS on the major reason for our being rather than majoring on the minor subjects of the day. I pray for a rebirth of FAITH - a faith that will believe Him for the impossible. May we be people of the Spirit – the demonstration of which will be more than words or a mission statement but witnessed by FIRE. If His Word is a fire shut up within our bones, the world will know! #OKDC19 | 3
CHURCH 2018 was an amazing year in the Church Ministries Department, and we could not be more thankful for the opportunities that God has provided. Nyree and I consider it our highest honor to serve the Oklahoma District Council in this manner and words cannot express the depth of our gratitude. Ministry partners that we connect with have been so gracious and passionate in their pursuit of God’s will for the church. We are blessed to work with some incredible people! The Church Ministries department exists to build healthy ministers and ministries throughout the state. We accomplish through providing the resources, training, and facilitating the partnerships necessary to help ministries be effective. But this does not happen without an incredible team of staff, volunteers, participants, supporters, and great leaders who provide the encouragement needed. Oklahoma School of Ministry is a critical element of training and developing leaders throughout the state who not only serve as staff but also serve as volunteers in their local church. Building a strong foundation through doctrine and ministry courses has deepened the bench in many churches in the state. This year we expanded our courses to include “The Spirit Empowered Church” in order to teach the fundamental elements of a healthy church! The Oklahoma Credentialed Women’s group has been growing and expanding as well. Holding several events through the year has provided a connection through not only relationships, but also the encouragement to fulfill the calling that God has placed on their lives. We are grateful for the many women who have dedicated themselves to the call of God on their lives and are actively pursuing it in a variety of ways! Ministry to the rural churches in our state was supported with a successful Rural Compassion event held at McAlester Northside Assembly. Many Pastors and spouses attended and not only received specialized training but were also provided with the resources they would need to find entry points into their community. These pastors have reported back some incredible stories about the impact of the event on their churches and communities!
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Light for the Lost not only made a significant jump in income to over $764,000 but also provided the funds for some incredible projects around the world. The faithfulness of our churches in the state of Oklahoma helps us provide and supply our missionaries with the tools they need to share the Gospel on the field effectively. Thank you for your valued support of this incredible ministry. Each day, your Light for the Lost dollar is allowing someone to know Christ as Savior! There are many more great reports that we could give, but will save them for the Committee reports. Regardless, we want to say thank you to each one for your support and love for us. Thank you to Ginger Foster (Admin), Sherri Anderson (OSOM Admin), Mark and Nancy Fitzgerald (OSSOM), Martin and Janice Perryman (Senior Adult), and the many others who serve on the various Church Ministries Committees. Each one a valuable team member who serves with excellence! Nyree and I count it an honor to serve and look forward to all that is going to happen in 2019 and beyond. We believe that God has great plans for the Oklahoma District and count it an honor to be in the middle of His blessing. If we can do anything to serve or partner with you in your leadership role or local church, feel free to let us know. The best is yet to come! Honored to serve! Chad and Nyree Brodrick Church Ministries Directors
WOMEN’S 2018 – What a year we had in Oklahoma Women’s Ministries!!! Our women’s gatherings today look more multi-generational, multi-ethnic and multi-denominational than ever before. We most definitely see an increased HUNGER among our women to go Deeper with the (El Shaddai) GOD of MORE!!!
“Need to find their “Niche in ministry.” We must teach on Spiritual Gifts AGAIN!
Women’s Ministries is not JUST for “little old ladies who quilt” anymore – Friends. (And don’t get me wrong…I LOVE little old ladies who quilt…but hopefully, you get the big picture here.) Currently, God is raising up a generation of Daughters who know how to WAKE, know how to PRAY and Bless God, know how to SLAY the enemy with the Sword of the Spirit - which is the Word of God. Amen. Our oldtime prayer warriors knew this secret. We could learn much from patterning after those intercessors from a generation ago.
And Just a Reminder - for the last year, The Women’s Department has dedicated EVERY TUESDAY as “Prayer and Fasting Day across Oklahoma.” We are fasting (one sacrificial item of choice,) and praying collectively for our Civic Leaders, Spiritual Leaders, Churches, Cities, Families, Marriages, and especially for our Sumer Camps in Sparks, OK! We invite you to join us in asking God for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all the above! Thank you.
Last year we taught on this powerful subject and on September 14 -15, 2018, Eight Hundred women “packed the house” at The Bridge AG in Mustang, OK for our 2nd Annual, Bilingual Daughters Conference! Wow God! Hundreds of women responded and were touched in their personal lives through the power of the Holy Spirit! Scores of “confirmed” healings and life-changing personal events were reported as Christa Smith moved in a strong Prophetic anointing on Friday night. There were so many testimonies, that we compiled a 66-thread Testimony Report, which was given to the Oklahoma Presbytery last October. Together, we collectively gave thanks to the Lord for answers to prayer and fasting and the on-going “HUNGER” among the Women of Oklahoma and subsequent Move of the Holy Spirit in many of our churches through their fervor! Friends, I am so excited about this year’s theme: ” Unlocking Spiritual Gifts!” It will be life changing to explore and empower our women from God’s Word! My goal this year is to see hundreds of women across the State, from the youngest to the oldest - “Unlock their Spiritual Gifts!” What is bottled up inside of us? I love what 1 Cor. 12:7 (our Core text) says: “ A spiritual gift is given to everyone so that we can help one another.” Isn’t that beautiful? But many people in our churches today would argue that they don’t have ANY gifts and are sadly ignorant to the Spiritual Gifts given by the Holy Spirit to EVERY Person (see 1 Cor. 12:7 above.) Many Churches aren’t teaching on this subject matter regularly or at all and are subsequently suffering from a lack of workers, a lack of growth and a lack of zeal! We know from scripture, there are nine beautiful gifts listed in 1 Cor. 12, but beyond that, there are also 5-fold Ministry Gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11 – The Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor and the Teacher.
So, the goal is to teach and empower our women to go deeper in these ways. Please pray for us. Thank you, Friends!
Undoubtedly, it is a high honor of mine, to “Lead by Serving” every day in this office. I count it a “privilege” to SEND missionaries, pour into Women and Girls through mentoring and to travel our great State speaking or presenting Women’s Ministry at Sectional Councils, Women’s Group Events and local Church services throughout the year. Thank you for your continued confidence. I am blessed to have this opportunity in my life. In 2018, Oklahoma ranked at the very top Nationally, in AG District Women’s Mission’s Giving. Our Oklahoma District women are mighty powerhouses that help to send Missionaries, sustain Teen Challenge Centers, provide monetarily for Children’s Care Agencies; and countless other worthy financial endeavors throughout the year. Thank you to every church and individual who pledged and gave to our 2018 L.I.F.E. Missionary Fund! (Ladies Investing For Eternity) “They can GO because we GIVE.” Thank you! Friends, if I can serve you or the women of your church in any way, please reach out to me at Susie.Purkey@okag.org, and I will always strive to SERVE. Respectfully submitted, Susie Purkey Women’s Ministries Director
Lastly, Romans 12 teaches us there are at least five more “Gifts of Help” - Serving, Encouraging, Giving, Leading and Showing Mercy. We’ve got churches full of people who are not plugged-in ANYWHERE and #OKDC19 | 5
YOUTH We are thankful for the opportunity to serve the churches and student ministries of the Oklahoma District this (almost) past year as District Youth Directors. We are working on building a culture that we like to refer to as “We over me.” We want to thank the ministers of the Oklahoma District for their support and allowing us the opportunity to share our heart for student ministry and missions in their pulpits. Our ministry consisted of church services, youth services, conventions, camps, rallies, retreats and STL Tour and services. We love the students of this generation and the youth pastors who lead them. The future is bright in Oklahoma! During this past year we have led the following District activities: Speed-The Light Tour, SYNERGY Youth Leader’s Conference, SYNERGY One Days, PK Retreat, Bible Quiz, Fine Arts Festival, Convergence Youth Convention and Youth Pastor’s Retreat. We participated in many of the normal National Events such as DYD Conference, National STL Banquet, National Fine Arts and the SAGU Board of Regents! I appreciate the youth committee for their help and ideas in leading the student ministries of this state. We also want to thank Miriam Luginu for all of her hard work and dedication to the OYM team. I’m very thankful for my family: My five year old son, Lincoln--who is full of life and excitement. Then, of course, Alisha, my beautiful wife and best friend that supports me and all of my crazy ideas. Alisha, Lincoln and I appreciate you, Brother Cargill, and the District Leadership for giving us this opportunity to lead this great state. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for OYM and OKAG. Respectfully submitted, Heath Corrales Youth Ministries Director
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CHILDREN’S Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. – Colossians 3:15 Thankful is the exact feeling that I have had over these past nine years in serving the Oklahoma District. It has been an incredible journey serving as Children’s Ministries Director. I’m thankful for the opportunities that God has afforded me so far in this season of my life. I am thankful for all of the ministries that make up the Oklahoma Children’s Ministries. Royal Rangers, Girl’s Ministries, JBQ, and BGMC continue to thrive under the direction of each one our gifted and talented coordinators: District Royal Ranger Commander – Sid McCoy, District Girl’s Ministries Coordinator – Liz Moon, Junior Bible Quiz Coordinator – Steve Grisham, District BGMC Coordinator, Bev Robertson. Thank you so much for your time and passion that you give to these ministries.
Oklahoma District team. I wouldn’t exactly call the District Office my home away from home; however, I would call the people that work there, a part of my extended family. You guys make coming into work each day a blast! We look forward to what God has in store for us, as well as the future of Oklahoma Children’s Ministries. Respectfully submitted, Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Director
I am thankful for the men and women of the Oklahoma Children’s Ministries Committee. Jaimee Tollefson, Sherry Stacy, Bethany Crow, Erin Ward, Andrew Wouters, Debra Wilson, Bob and Jan Teel, Richard Smith, D.J. Guthrie, Freeland, and Karon Hise, Aimee Ousterhout, Dana Ladyman, Crystal Hoover, and Janay Roberts. Thank you for giving your time, talent, and ideas to help make decisions on what and how to minister to kids all across Oklahoma! Being with you guys is truly a blessing! I am thankful for the pastors that have invited us to come and speak, attend, and do kids crusades. I am also grateful to the pastors that have opened your churches for meetings and OCM events over the past year. Whether it was for our Children’s Workers Conference, Fun Arts, or a children’s pastors meeting, your hospitality and support are beyond measure. I am thankful that God has given me, not only a wife of almost 28 years but a partner in ministry as well. Joy, thanks for coming along this trip with me! D.J. and Tori, you guys are a great help to Mom and me. We are beyond marveled at the things that God has done and is doing in each of your lives! Finally, I am thankful to my pastor, Frank Cargill, and the rest of the
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Joyce Ames Ordained 2/22/31 - 9/15/18
Clarence “Chuck” Bates Ordained 8/12/31 - 7/5/18
Thomas Vance Bauer Licensed 10/5/41 - 8/18/18
Leona Benigas Licensed 6/12/24 - 1/28/18
Bob L. Benson Ordained 4/20/30 - 1/21/18
Willie R. Boyd Ordained 9/27/22 - 12/19/18
Sean P. Brockway Licensed 9/10/71 - 8/13/18
Lee Butcher Licensed 7/24/38 - 10/16/18
Kenneth Creason Licensed 7/30/26 - 5/5/18
Carol W. Elkins Ordained 10/24/27 - 3/1/18
Jack Ellsworth Ordained 7/19/25 - 10/5/18
David Gould Licensed 1/12/63 - 5/21/18
Richard Holder Ordained 9/12/45 - 3/18/18
Jackie Martin Ordained 10/26/36 - 4/19/18
Viola G. Reddout Licensed 4/2/1919 - 8/26/18
Don Sisk Certified 6/3/44 - 1/21/18
Kenneth Stafford Ordained 12/14/32 - 3/24/18
Earl “Bud” West Ordained 10/26/25 - 10/24/18
Donald Williams Licensed 6/25/35 - 8/23/18
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Martha Benson Spouse of the late Bob Benson 7/14/32 - 6/30/18
Virginia Bobbitt Spouse of the late Dwayne Bobbitt 12/13/27 - 12/11/18
Juanita Davenport Spouse of Billy Davenport 9/4/39 - 10/20/18
Juanita Davis Spouse of the late Claud H. Davis 9/14/20 - 5/22/18
Clytee Duncan-Hurt Spouse of the late Harlen Duncan 7/1/22 - 5/1/18
Dorothy Dutton Spouse of the late Carl Dutton 12/6/41 - 10/18/18
Martha Ellington Spouse of the late W.J. Ellington 6/29/27 - 1/12/18
Wanda Gunter Spouse of the late Deward Gunter 11/30/30 - 7/3/18
Rosemary Harris Spouse of the late Derrel D. Harris 9/30/41 - 5/18/18
Susan Leppke Spouse of the late J. Walter Leppke 8/25/20 - 4/26/18
Gloria Lish Spouse of Roy Lish, Jr. 10/24/44 - 3/24/18
Lydia Mayfield Spouse of Raymond Mayfield 7/18/44 - 5/13/18
Verena Pearcy Spouse of the late Cecil Pearcy 9/14/22 - 9/18/18
Lois Riggs Spouse of the late Paul E. Riggs 9/22/20 - 1/10/18
Edwina Simpson Spouse of the late William A. Venable 3/2/26 - 3/3/18
Veta Dean Williams Spouse of the late Donald Williams 1/11/35 - 3/22/18 #OKDC19 | 9
ORDINATION Deborah Ayers
Travis Barbee
Bradley Barrick
Michael Boggs
Christina Cantrell
Michelle Castle
Jason Chambers
Steve Collins
Cathy Collins
Stephen Collins
Jordan Dunn
Danette Edwards
David Flanary
Ronald Hoover II
Sheila Horn
Jimmy Hunt
Reed James
Gina Jansen
Rocio Jimenez
Joshua Johnson
Edward Miller
Jordania Nargiz
Aimee Osterhout
Betty Ratliff
Vivian Strain
Chad Terrill
Joshua West
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H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent
GENERAL PRESBYTERS T. Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Darryl E. Wootton Corporate Secretary
Bruce McCarty
Heath Corrales
Darren Pilcher
Church Ministries
Youth Ministries
Executive Pastor | Missions
Kevin Conner
Dean Guthrie
Susie Purkey
Finance | Operations
Children’s Ministries
Women’s Ministries
COMMITTEES CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Darryl Wootton, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin, Raymond Frizzelle, Keith Williams, Terry Bradley, Robert Yandell, Jamie Austin, Jason Byers, Jeromye Jackson, Jimmy Keith, Kelly Coffey, Duane Elmore, David Brooks, Don Barnes, Ric Freeman, Arlis Moon, Darren Pilcher, Chad Brodrick, Heath Corrales, Dean Guthrie, Deborah Burke, Kevin Conner, Susie Purkey
MISSIONS SCREENING COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman; Gary Bohanon, Shirley Bohanon, Chris Dow, Duane Elmore, Steve Lee, Steve Rose
REVOLVING FUND COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Darryl Wootton, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin
YOUTH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Heath Corrales, Chairman; Andy Harrison, Melodie Watie, Tyrel Hatcher, Jon Stem, Tom Green, Jason Chambers, Jason Warnock, Aaron Wolfe, John Elliott, Ryan Summers, Phil Freeman, Charlie Newman, Don Coffman, Greg Tiffany
RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Darryl Wootton, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Bruce McCarty, Ron McCaslin PARLIAMENTARIAN COMMITTEE: Daniel Isgrigg, Chairman; Ric Freeman, Kathy Key TELLERS COMMITTEE: Bob Roche, Chairman; Arlis Moon, Les Castleberry, Kendall Hatley, Steve Lee, Kelly Coffey, Danette Dillon CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE: Dean Guthrie, Chairman; Joy Guthrie, Jaimee Tollefson, Sherry Stacy, Crystal Hoover, Bethany Crow, Erin Ward, Andrew Wouters, Debora Wilson, Bob Teel, Jan Teel, Richard Smith, D.J. Guthrie, Janay Roberts, Freeland Hise, Karon Hise, Aimee Ousterhout, Dana Ladyman
PRISON INITIATIVE COMMITTEE: Chad Brodrick, Chairman; Cynthia Crook, Dale Floyd, Virginia Floyd, Dan Holloway, David Hunter, Stephanie Hunter, Ken Isom
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Susie Purkey, Chairperson; Joy Wisdom, Cathy Williams, Kim Bradley, ReBecca Yandell, Renny Bailey, Cheryl James, Loraine Jenkins, Vonda Dotson, Richelle Wingo, Maria Allen, Vada Dwaileebe, Debbie Pratt, Christy Freeman, Khristy Russ, Cynthia Dobbs, Linda Goldner, Andrea Miller, Shirley Ophus, Patti Patterson, Deana Smith, Bridgette Tomlin GIRLS MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Moon, Chairperson; Rhonda Johnson, Karen Armstrong, Sherry Holeman, Dana Chandler, Lori Lewis, Debora Wilson, Debbie DeWitt, Connie Boggs, Mary White, Lanette Clevenger, Kendra Akins
ROYAL RANGERS COMMITTEE: Sid McCoy, Chairman; Greg Cruzan, MEN’S MINISTRIES/LFTL COMMITTEE: Chad Brodrick, Chairman; Daryl David Atnip, Ed Rankin, Kasey Grubbs, Clint Bryan, Jesse Blumer Lee, Bryan Fouts, Lyn Gaskey, Brian Smith, Bob Roche, Seth Mathis, Gary Dotson, DeWayne Bardwell, Josh Seabolt, Gary Pratt, Ric Freeman, Mike Southerland
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