H. Franklin Cargill Superintendent
Craig Dacus Assistant Superintendent
Ron McCaslin
Bruce McCarty
DISTRICT DEPARTMENTS Kevin Conner Business Administrator
Lindell Warren Missions
Doug Everaard
Darren & Michelle Pilcher Church Ministries
Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries
Youth Ministries
COMMITEES CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Ron McCaslin, Bruce McCarty, Darryl Wootton, Raymond Frizzelle, Keith Williams, Terry Bradley, Robert Yandell, Jamie Austin, Mike Buie, Chad Brodrick, Jimmy Keith, Kelly Coffey, Duane Elmore, David Brooks, Don Barnes, Ric Freeman, Arlis Moon, Lindell Warren, Darren Pilcher, Doug Everaard, Dean Guthrie, Deborah Burke REVOLVING FUND COMMITTEE: H. Franklin Cargill, Chairman; Craig Dacus, Ron McCaslin, Bruce McCarty, Darryl Wootton
CAMPUS EVANGELISM COMMITTEE: Lindell Warren, Chairman; Doug Everaard, Greg Tiffany, Charlie Bunn, Jonathan Buras, Paul Knight, Destry Dobbs, Jimmy Keith, Nate Hicks, Keith Williams CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE: Dean Guthrie, Chairman; Ryon Moore, Sherry Stacy, Dosha Furr, Rob Horn, Joe Martinez, Julia Quinn, Debora Wilson, Esther Douthit, Richard Smith, Terry Cuthbertson, Bev Robertson, Greg Ruple, Licia Kinkead
RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Bruce McCarty, Chairman, Ron McCaslin, Kelly Coffey, Chad Brodrick, Ted Miller, Loretta Wideman, Chad Allred
MEN’S MINISTRIES/LFTL COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman; Daryl Lee, Joe Owen, Scott Stuart, Darrin Ballard, Randy Dyer, Kevin Martin, Gary Dotson, Brock Carlile, Mark LeMarr, Gary Pratt, Phillip Ludwyck, Mike Southerland
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Darryl Wootton, Chairman, Steve Rose, Ric Freeman
MISSIONS COMMITTEE: Lindell Warren, Chairman; Chad Brodrick, Alma Hill, Travis Jenkins, Phil Taylor, Ben Tipton
ROSTER COMMITTEE: Darrin Ballard, Chairman, District Office YOUTH MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Doug Everaard, Chairman; Team Todd Drake, Airika Blankenship, Ashton Peters, Brian Bradley, Ryan Hoover, Aaron Frizzelle, Brent Logsdon, Jeff Walker, Jason DEVOTIONAL COMMITTEE: Darren Pilcher, Chairman, Jamie Chambers, Daniel Pruett, Jason Warnock, Aaron Wolfe, John Austin, Jayson Evans, Ron Woods, Kevin Conner, Jason Smith, Elliott, Ryan Summers, Heath Corrales, Donnetta Hunter, Donny Dave Goff Coffman, Greg Campirano, Greg Tiffany TELLERS COMMITTEE: Merwin Pickney, Chairman, Jason Fullerton, Mark Evans, Don Couch, Michael Branson, Jairo Castro, Daniel Isgrigg, Sarah Taylor
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Michelle Pilcher, Chairperson; Julie Allred, Cathy Williams, Carol Stuart, ReBecca Yandell, Andrea Miller, Christina Evans, Judy Martin, Vonda Dotson, Amanda Carlile, Maria Allen, Cyndi St. John, Debbie USHERS COMMITTEE: Bob Walker, Chairman, Steve Lance, Gary Pratt, Jama Ludwyck, Khristy Russ Dotson, Phillip Ludwyck, Les Castleberry, Daryl Lee, Anthony Roe, Howie Moss, Randy Whitlow, Jeromye Jackson, Chris GIRLS MINISTRIES COMMITTEE: Elizabeth Moon, Chairperson; Conner Rhonda Johnson, Michelle Owen, Kathy Ogden, Dana Chandler, Tracy Collins, Debora Wilson, McKinlee Pruett, Debbie DeWitt, PARLIAMENTARIAN COMMITTEE: Don Barnes, Chairman, Larry Connie Boggs, Mary White, Lanette Clevenger, Kendra Akins Thoma, Brian Wiseman
Never have I been more amazed at the “wonder” associated
with our God! We find ourselves living during a tumultuous age and in the midst of unheard of challenges to our society, our moral fabric, and our Judo-Christian value system. We hear of wars and rumors of war; we see nations rising against nations; our media reports famines, pestilences, and earthquakes. We are witnesses of Christ’s prophecy described in Matthew 24. The commentary found in The Full Life Study Bible reads as follows: “Christ speaks to the disciples as though everything He predicts could be fulfilled within their generation. This, therefore, was the hope of the New Testament church. It must also be the hope of all who believe in Jesus Christ throughout the ages. We are to hope that the Lord will return and that the end of the age will occur in our generation. We must live in a tension between the eminency of Christ’s coming and the fact that Christ has commanded us to keep on spreading the gospel.” This brings me to the “state of our state” as related to my observation of our Oklahoma Assemblies of God Ministries. Time and space restrict my account, but I have never been more excited than today! Our credentialed ministerial family now numbers 1,647. The number of female credentialed ministers in Oklahoma presently numbers 379. Our youngest preacher is 18 years old (that is the youngest age possible to be granted credentials according to our governance) while our oldest preacher will turn 99 during 2015. The emphasis placed on equipping has never been stronger. Thanks to our Church Ministries Department, 91 people participated in the specific journey of becoming a Century Leader. Exciting reports have been received regarding our annual Century Leadership Conference and a renewed emphasis has emerged through men sharing through authentic relationships by immersing themselves in the pursuit of becoming a Five Star Man. Our Women’s Ministries are producing phenomenal results through Ladies Investing for Eternity (LIFE). Over $100,000 was raised by the women of Oklahoma for the support of missions and for serving the personal needs of our Oklahoma missionaries around the world. Exciting reports have been received from WM Conferences and Leadership Training opportunities.
BGMC, sponsored by our Children’s Ministries Department reached an all-time high by collecting coins that totaled $281,062 and placing Oklahoma in 3rd place among district standing within the General Council. Our Youth Ministries are bulging at the seam with interest in 2015 Youth Camp. Who would have thought that our new facilities, with opportunity for 1,000 individuals per week would have ever witnessed so many registered campers? With almost two months remaining before camp season, three of the scheduled five weeks of camp have already been “closed” and no additional registrations are possible for those specific weeks. Presently we have 131 individuals listed as “under appointment” and assigned to full-time missionary service at some point around our globe. In addition, our Missions Department has led the charge in the area of providing opportunity for strengthening our local churches by means of the Healthy Church Network. 50 of our Oklahoma churches have now participated in this significant year-long journey. Financially, God has truly blessed our Fellowship as can be seen in the attached District Financial Audit. During 2014, the Oklahoma District became responsible for stewardship of over six million dollars, in a year that did not promote a capital campaign. Plus, look at what God is doing with Girl’s Ministries, Royal Rangers, Chi Alpha, Spanish Ministries, Cowboy Fellowships, Teen Challenge – and that list goes on and on! Linda and I are truly blessed to have had this opportunity to serve our Fellowship one more year. Time is flying – but God is good! His blessings are everlasting to all generations!
Respectfully submitted, H. Franklin Cargill, Pastor Oklahoma AG Ministries
Once again, it is time to report my ministry activities for the past year. Looking back through my calendars and reviewing
all that has happened in the district I can candidly say, it has been another busy year. History tells us where we’ve been, and also, where we are going. Overall it has been a good year with many accomplishments. My preaching assignments have taken me to one church dedication, two 100 year celebrations, two Cowboy Churches, one Native American Church, one Spanish Church, two fill-ins, seven mission services, and six funerals. I also attended 17 other funerals that I did not speak at. Duties connected with serving as District Missions Director included participation at the Annual District Leadership Seminar in Springfield, Missouri and the National AGWM Connect meeting in River Valley, Minnesota. As a member of the District Leadership Team I attended most of the Sectional Councils in February and a majority of the Sectional Schools of Ministry in September. Of course, I found myself representing the cause of missions at all the District Council and Camp Meeting services. With the help of Phyllis and our capable administrative assistant, Dona Bunn, I conducted the first ever Oklahoma Missionary Retreat in April. We had a powerful time of prayer, worship and fellowship at the beautiful Sequoyah State Lodge. This past year I helped lead the Healthy Church Network effort on three different weekends. I participated in four Teen Challenge Board meetings and attended one T.C. banquet. I taught or coached four classes in the Oklahoma School of ministry, and participated in two S.O.M. seminars. In addition, I helped with two Credential Presentation Celebrations at Sparks Camp. A total of 21 Saturdays were spent in district work this past year. I continue to serve Native American Ministry, Deaf Ministry and Chi Alpha Ministry within the district. It has become my joy and pleasure to process both Missionary Associates and career missionaries for our Oklahoma Fellowship. If I can bring supply and demand together; if I can serve as the advocate for our missionaries; if I can affirm and encourage them in their missionary pursuits, then I am blessed that I had a part in the success of their cross-cultural ministry. Thanks be unto God for our district team, all of which are committed to missions, and our district leader, Brother Frank Cargill. Respectfully submitted, Lindell Warren District Missions Director
2014 was a significant year of building new relationships
Michelle and I could not be more grateful for the honor of serving our Oklahoma Assemblies of God family. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your support and friendship. This new year has already been filled with exciting developments that will be revealed in the days to come.
Because of the many facets of ministry resourcing, what has been accomplished could not have happened without a competent team: Shirley Ophus, our office assistant; Gary and Debbie Pratt, our Singles Ministries Coordinators; Martin and Janice Perryman, our Senior Adult Ministries Coordinators; our LFTL Reps from the 14 sections. It is also significant to mention another team that has helped to strengthen the growing leadership development culture of Century Leadership: Rob McClure, Jayson Evans, Kevin Conner, Darrin Ballard, Clint Smith, and Kathy Key.
Respectfully submitted,
In 2014 we gave to our missionaries through the LIFE missions fund as well as support special missions’ projects. We loved on our Oklahoma students at our Assemblies of God Colleges, ministered to our minister’s widows (known as Elite ladies) and held our annual women’s conference.
and partnering with ministries and churches around our state. From coffee stops to leadership roundtables, what we do together is foundational to why we exist as a fellowship! And, the fresh connections in church and leadership gatherings remain personally exhilarating.
is a privilege to serve the women of our state. To walk alongside them as they discover and live out the divine purpose God has for their lives. Whether I’m connecting with women’s leaders over coffee, speaking to a group of ladies, or joining with girlfriends at one of our women’s events, it is a blessing to watch women pursue God and minister to one another. I have the joy to work with a group of incredible ladies on the women’s leadership team. They continue to encourage, support, and lead in Women’s Ministries. I would like to express my thanks to Shirley Ophus, Julie Allred, Cathy Williams, Carol Stuart, ReBecca Yandell, Andrea Miller, Christina Evans, Judy Martin, Vonda Dotson, Amanda Carlile, Cyndi St.John, Maria Allen, Debbie Pratt, Jama Ludwyck, Khristy Russ, Deana Smith, Kellie Parker, Kay Couch and Linda Goldner.
Darren S. Pilcher Church Ministries Director
As I begin my sixth year as women’s director I am grateful and humbled for the opportunity to serve alongside my husband, Darren, in Church Ministries. What a blessing it is to feel your love and support for our family. I look forward to what God has in store for ministry to women in 2015. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Pilcher Women’s Ministries Director
are thankful for the opportunity to serve the churches and student ministries of the Oklahoma District this past year as District Youth Directors. There always seems to be great challenges every year, and there are so many rewarding opportunities in this position but none more meaningful than the genuine relationships that we get the privilege of forging during this season. We want to thank the ministers of the Oklahoma District for their support and allowing us the opportunity to share our heart for student ministry and missions in their pulpits. Our ministry consisted of church services, revivals, youth services, conventions, university/college/high school chapels, camps, rallies, retreats and STL Tour and services. We love the students of this generation and the youth pastors who lead them and it is our continued desire to develop generations to lead. During this past year we have led the following District activities: Speed-The Light Tour, Girls Retreat, Bible Quiz, Fine Arts Festival, Christian Fun Day, five Youth Camps, Campus Missions Retreat, Convergence Youth Convention, and Youth Pastor’s Retreat. We participated in many of the normal National Events such as DYD Conference, National STL Banquet, National Fine Arts, NYAC (National Youth Advisory Committee) and the SAGU Board of Regents! I appreciate the youth committee for their help and ideas in leading the student ministries of this state. We also want to thank Cody Phillips for all of his hard work and dedication to the OYM team. Jill, Seth, and I appreciate you, Brother Cargill and the District Leadership for allowing us to serve in this season and look forward to what the Lord has in this upcoming year! Developing Generations to Lead, Doug Everaard District Youth Director
Thank You to the Oklahoma District for allowing us to serve you in the Oklahoma Children’s Ministries Department. We
count it an honor to serve the greatest district in the nation. We are truly blessed in the season of life that we are serving in now. It is not only an honor to serve the Oklahoma District, but it is a special treat to serve alongside everyone that walks the halls of our district office. Our Superintendent, directors, and everyone else make this an incredible place to work and serve. Thank you to our Children’s Ministry Coordinators in helping run the many ministries of the Oklahoma Children’s Ministries department: District Royal Ranger Commander - Marvin Lemke, District Girl’s Ministries Coordinator – Liz Moon, and Junior Bible Quiz Coordinator – Steve Grisham. In February 2015, Beverly Robertson was named BGMC coordinator. She will be handling all things BGMC. Bev has a great heart for missions and would love to bring BGMC to our churches in Oklahoma. I would also like to thank all 14 of our OCM reps throughout the state. Thanks for being our voice in each of your sections. We couldn’t do it without you guys. This year we have seen a changing of the guard at the position of OCM Administrative Assistant. Last April, Nyree Brodrick became a part of the OCM family. She does a terrific job handling the day to day responsibilities of our ministry, as well as, handling our off-site registrations at various events. Finally, most of the goings on of the OCM department are definitely a family endeavor. Thank you to my family, Joy, D.J., and Tori, for helping me to make a difference in the lives of kids across the state. God Bless The Oklahoma District! Dean Guthrie Children’s Ministries Director