OCM Conference 2021 Guide

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Pre-Conference Children’s Pastor/KidMin Leader Track

page 4

Pre-Conference Girls Ministries Training Track

page 5

Pre-Conference Royal Rangers Training Track

page 6

OCM Conference Schedule pages 7 Workshop #1 Descriptions pages 8 Workshop #2 Descriptions pages 9 Workshop #3 Descriptions pages 10 General Session Speaker Bios page 11 Pre-Conference and Workshop Speaker Bios

pages 12 – 14

Notes pages 16 – 21 Map of Building Back Cover

ocm@okag.org P.O. Box 13179, Oklahoma City, OK 73113 8701 N. Kelley Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73131 (405) 475-1172 www.okag.org




CHILDREN’S PASTOR/KIDMIN LEADER TRACK Student Center Speakers: Dean Guthrie & Josh Dryer

9:30 a.m. – Pre-Conference Session 1: • The Importance of Spiritual Health & Discipline – How to Avoid Burnout When you hear Christians speak of “spiritual health and disciplines”, they usually mean regular practices that benefit our lives and produce fruit, much like the discipline of daily exercise or reading will produce benefits in our lives. In this session, we will be discussing setting up a pattern of spiritual disciplines that will help you not only grow and have a more mature walk with Christ, but will also allow you to feed the fire while avoiding burn out! • Ministry to the Whole Child Our cities and communities are filled with kids whose lives are hectic. They’re facing potentially difficult situations at home, school, and everywhere in between. This session will captivate your heart to not just teach kids truths about the Bible - but inspire you with ways to minister to the spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental aspect of kids. • Table Talk – Q & A 12:00 p.m. – Lunch On-Site (Included with Pre-Conference Registration) 1:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Session 2: • Partnering with Your Senior Pastor During our time together, we are going to learn that a healthy relationship with the Senior Pastor is essential for a Children’s Pastor to succeed. While it’s important that we build relationships with students and parents, the relationship that we have with our Senior Pastor is, by far, one of the most important relationships in which we can invest. • Creating a Team Mentality Moses had Joshua. David had Jonathan. Jesus had the 12 disciples. Paul had Timothy. We’re stronger Kidmin leaders when we do ministry with a team. This session we will explore the power of a team, developing a team, and empowering people within your church to help you achieve your ministry goals. • Table Talk 2.0 – Q & A 4:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Ends 4 | OCM CONFERENCE




Kids Worship Center Speakers: Liz Moon & the District Girls Ministries Team 9:30 a.m. – Pre-Conference Session 1: • Welcome Craft & Activity • Mentoring Over Achievement The Bible doesn’t command us to go out and make “achievers”, but it does tell us to go into all the world and make “Disciples” and that is the foundation of Girls Ministries. If you want to build momentum in your ministry using the Titus 2 principle of mentoring, you will see growth and synergy. • C.H.E.C.K. In On Your Girls/Kids Our kids are not ok; this past year they have experienced stressful situations unlike any we’ve lived through. We can make a difference! • Discussion & Prayer This session will end with a discussion and a call to prayer for our kids! 12:00 p.m. – Lunch On-Site (Included with Pre-Conference Registration) 1:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Session 2: • Filtered Girls Ministries Builds a Biblical Worldview. How and why the Bible is vital in a girl’s life in 2021. • Mix it up! New and nontraditional ideas for growing a ministry to preschool, elementary girls and teen girls. How to create momentum and get those clubs and gatherings happening again. • MOVE! The last mini session of the day will include lots of movement and activity to help you re-energize for the evening session and after party. We will introduce and play games, music and give you new ideas for quick activities to do to fill time, just for fun or get their wiggles out- so come ready to play! 4:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Ends OCM CONFERENCE | 5




Chapel Speakers: Sid McCoy & the District Royal Rangers Team 9:30 a.m. – Pre-Conference Session 1: • “Rangers Now”- Outpost Leader Orientation and Overview • Shooting Sports • Junior Leadership Development Academy • TRaCclub • Q & A and more! 12:00 p.m. – Lunch On-Site (Included with Pre-Conference Registration) 1:30 p.m. – Pre-Conference Session 2: • “Church Safety”- How to plan small and big events with safety in mind. • Q & A and more! 4:00 p.m. – Pre-Conference Ends




FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 6:00 p.m.

Doors Open/Registration

7:00 p.m. Opening Session (Worship Center) Featuring Mark Entzminger, AG National Children’s Ministries Director 9:00 p.m. OCM After-Party (Student Center) NACHO-PALOOZA, Games, & Prizes


Doors Open

9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning General Session (Worship Center) Featuirng Dean Guthrie, Oklahoma Children’s Ministries Director 10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Workshop # 1 (See Workshop Descriptions on page 8)

11:45 a.m.


12:00 p.m. Lunch On-Site (Student Center) Included with Conference Registration Ministry Spotlights During Lunch: BGMC–Boys & Girls Missionary Challenge, Fun Arts, & JBQ–Junior Bible Quiz 1:00 p.m.


1:15 p.m.

Workshop # 2 (See Workshop Descriptions on page 9)

2:15 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

Workshop # 3 (See Workshop Descriptions on page 10)

3:45 p.m.


4:00 p.m.

Saturday Closing Session (WORSHIP CENTER) Featuring Mark Entzminger, AG National Children’s Ministries Director

4:59 p.m.


WORKSHOP # 1 10:45 A.M. Pastors Only – Q & A with District Superintendent, Frank Cargill Location: Worship Center • This session is for Senior/Lead Pastors only. It will be a time of fellowship and discussion with our District Superintendent, Frank Cargill.

Early Childhood Ministry Focus Speaker: Aubrey Fryer Location: Student Center • How do you take your Early Childhood Ministry from just childcare to ministry? We will focus on the importance of Early Childhood Ministry and some practical ways to take your ministry to the next level, no matter the size of your church and budget.

Girls Clubs and Rangers - Shifting Our Culture Speakers: Liz Moon & Sid McCoy Location: Fellowship Hall • It is amazing to think that God intentionally designed boys and girls so different. But the current climate of our culture tries to undermine the unique differences between male and female. Leaders & parents need to understand that it is absolutely okay to disciple and mentor girls differently than boys. Having times where boys and girls are separated provides necessary opportunities to meet their specific needs. Shifting Our Culture will equip you as a leader to follow God’s plan of mentoring boys and girls - therefore equipping for the future godly men and women.

Developing a Culture of Discipleship vs. Discipline Speaker: Jaimee Tollefson Location: Chapel • This workshop will explain ideas of how to develop a culture of discipleship in a kid’s church or small group setting, with an emphasis on relationship and connection through small groups with a goal in mind to impact a child beyond the now into their teen years and adulthood.

Extra Sprinkles on Top: Adding Creative Ingredients That Produces a Funfetti Children’s Ministry Speakers: Bethany Crow & Joy Cole Location: Kids Worship Center • This workshop is a plethora of sweet ideas, resources, and tools to help you add fun, excitement, and depth to your ministry. • Creative teaching ideas • Amazing nursery/preschool insight • Adding in Digital puppets, illusions, and characters to your ministry • Unique outreach resources • Reaching your schools in a creative way •

Cultivating relationships through all outlets of ministry


WORKSHOP # 2 1:15 P.M. Being Part of the Team: Serving Alongside Your Children’s Pastor Speakers: Dean Guthrie & Gabriella Bell Location: Kids Worship Center • If you are a Kids Church worker, Sunday School Teacher, Small Group Leader or Volunteer – we will be discussing ways to partner and minister alongside your Children’s Pastor to skillfully and effectively reach the kids at your church.

KidMin Budget & Fundraising Speaker: Richelle Wingo Location: Chapel • Do you have a children’s ministry budget that allows you to purchase everything your creative brain can imagine for your ministry? Or maybe you struggle to make ends meet from month to month with the basics. No matter which end of the spectrum you fall, this workshop is for you! We will explore some creative ideas for managing a budget, as well as fundraising ideas to help raise it.

Partnering with Parents Speaker: Lindsay Dryer Location: Fellowship Hall • Many of us began our journey in kids ministry because of a deep passion for discipling children, but the most effective and fruitful kids ministry is one to both kids and their parents! Moms and dads are the primary shepherds of their children’s hearts, and oftentimes they either don’t realize that responsibility or they feel unequipped to be the spiritual leader in the home. Learn practical ways to partner with the parents in your church and community to take discipleship beyond Sundays and into their homes every day of the week.

Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers Speaker: Bev Robertson Location: Student Center • Volunteers are the VIP’s of the church! Without them, church ministry would not survive - especially when it comes to children’s ministries.! Let’s explore the proper way to recruit church volunteers, and learn how to train and retain them as valuable workers in kids ministries for years to come.


WORKSHOP # 3 2:45 P.M. Nuts & Bolts for Kids Camp Prep Speakers: Jason Cagle & Erin Ward Location: Kids Worship Center • This workshop will be full of ideas to help you create the best Kids Camp experience for everyone! Find new ideas that will bring the ultimate fun for your campers, tips to make things easier for parents, equip your coaches to lead well, and streamline your check-in experience.

KidMin 101: Establishing Safety, Policy & Procedure - with Integrity Speaker: Debora Wilson Location: Fellowship Hall • Debora will share from her experiences that have led to a firm belief that safety, policy and procedures established and executed with integrity will protect your ministry, reputation and relationships.

Including and Ministering to Children with Special Needs Speaker: Joy Guthrie Location: Chapel • You may already have children in your church with disabilities or special needs, or you may just want to be prepared for when you do. Whether it is ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, or any other intellectual or developmental disability – you need a plan. This workshop will focus on understanding common disabilities found in children, using practical techniques to include every child, and working toward a plan to help you confidently minister to every child that comes through your church doors.

Balancing Family & Ministry Speakers: Andrew & Terra Wouters Location: Student Center • The struggle is real! Finding a balance between family time and church responsibilities can be overwhelming at times. This workshop will discuss tips and tricks to prioritize your family, while balancing ministry responsibilities.


GENERAL SESSION SPEAKERS Mark Entzminger AG National Children’s Ministries Director Mark Entzminger, a 4th generation AG Pentecostal, is very concerned about children understanding and experiencing a Spirit empowered life. Like you, he believes that the power of the Holy Spirit is just as critical for children today as it was for the disciples who waited in the Upper Room. As the AG National Children’s Ministries Director, Mark leads a high caliber team who focus on equipping the local church in reaching and discipling children so that they can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and respond to His call. Mark is married to his college sweetheart Christie, and they have two boys Colby and Cadyn. They are graduates of Central Bible College.

Dean & Joy Guthrie Children’s Ministries Directors Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God Dean and Joy have been involved in Children’s Ministries for more than 30 years. Before coming to the Oklahoma District Assemblies of God to serve as the Children’s Ministries Directors in 2010, Dean and Joy served as children’s pastors. They have led kids crusades, camps, worship teams, and outreaches, as well as training sessions for children’s leaders and pastors. Since Joy has a background in education as an elementary teacher and principal, they have had an opportunity to participate in school assemblies and community services. Dean and Joy have two adult children who also serve in ministry, as well. Dean and Joy will be celebrating 30 years of marriage this year.


PRE-CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP SPEAKERS Gabriella Bell Gabriela was born in Czech Republic in Krnov. She traveled to the United States to sight-see. She met her husband, Eddy, in the Walmart Jewelry Department. They have been married for more than 21 years. They have three kids - Gabrielle, Abigail, & Thaddaeus. She has been in ministry for over 20 years. She is a Licensed minister with the Assemblies of God. She is a student at Global University, studying for her Ordination. She is currently serving at Eufaula Assembly of God as their Children’s Pastor.

Jason Cagle Jason resides in Howe, Oklahoma with his wife Sara and son Tucker. He has served as Intern Coordinator for several years at Kids Camp. Jason is also a teacher at Howe Elementary. He attends Covenant Church in Poteau and has helped in children’s church for several years.

Joy Cole Joy has been the Early Childhood Pastor at Muskogee First Assembly of God for 10 years. She graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University (Go Lions). Joy is a nerdy math teacher, corny joke lover, escape room enthusiast, board game fanatic, mother of two spies, wife of Chad, and follower of Christ.

Bethany Crow Bethany is an Ordained minister of the Assemblies of God. It has been her honor to serve as the Children’s Pastor at Muskogee First Assembly of God for 14 years. Currently, she is working toward a degree in Counseling. She is a mother of three beautiful children, ranging from ages 2 to 9 years of age. She has been married to Kevin Crow, the love of her life, for 12 years. He is her secret weapon to success in all things, next to Jesus, of course. Raising up children to know and love the Lord for a lifetime is her passion.

Josh Dryer Josh Dryer is the Family Life Pastor at Spring Creek Assembly. He has pastored in kids ministries both large and small for over a decade. Josh is passionate about teaching and inspiring parents to be the main spiritual leader of their children and raising up leaders with in the church to serve kids and families.


PRE-CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP SPEAKERS Lindsay Dryer Lindsay is a wife and a mom to three kids. She and her family recently returned to Oklahoma from Alaska and joined the pastoral team at Spring Creek Assembly. She has served within the local church in a variety of roles, including many years in kids’ ministry. Lindsay is a credentialed minister and a writer, sharing monthly encouragement in her email newsletter, Planted. Lindsay is most passionate about discipleship for the whole family and community centered around the word of God.

Aubree Fryer Aubrey is the Early Childhood Pastor at Victory Family Church in Norman. She has been in kids ministry for 16 years. For the last 10 years, she has focused mainly on Early Childhood Ministry. She is a mom to two fantastic kids, ages 10 and 7 and wife to an amazing husband.

Sid McCoy Sid McCoy has been involved in the Royal Rangers ministry since 1969 – first as a boy, and then as a leader. He has served as assistant leader, group leader, and outpost coordinator at Jones Assembly of God since 1980. He has served as the District Director since 2015.

Liz Moon Liz is the Girls Ministries Director for Oklahoma. She has had the honor of serving girls and leaders for 18 years. Liz is an Ordained A/G Minister, and her husband, Arlis, is the pastor of Freedom Church in Altus. God has called Liz to help girls grow in their love for the Word of God and to bloom in their relationship with Christ. She is able to do this by serving her local church, preaching camps and kids crusades, trainings, and serving on national Girls Ministries committees. Liz has traveled to 16 countries (many through GM) and loves learning about new cultures. “Building girls, so we don’t have to repair women” has been her ministry motto for many years. Liz also works as the Executive Director of a pro-life pregnancy clinic in Altus, which just further employs her desire and skills to “speak life” into the lives of young women. Liz and Arlis have been married 40 years, have 2 sons, 2 daughter-in-loves, 2 daughters, and 7 wonderful grandchildren. Liz loves hiking, running, travel, scrapbooking and is a health coach.

Bev Robertson Bev has been involved in children’s ministries for the past 45 years, most recently as Children’s Pastor at Mustang The Bridge A/G and currently serves as the BGMC Coordinator for the Oklahoma District. Bev is now serving as an Assemblies of God Hospice Chaplain, remains involved in Children’s Ministries in the local church and has a heart for missions and the Oklahoma District missionaries. Bev is married to husband Steve, has three grown children and is Nana to three grandchildren, which are the joy of her world!


PRE-CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP SPEAKERS Jaimee Tollefson Since becoming the full time children’s pastor at Jay First Assembly in 2016, Pastor Jaimee has co-led and designed a remodel resulting in a state of the art children’s facility, built a team of over 25 adults and 15 student leaders that minster weekly to anywhere between 50-75 children, relaunched Girls Ministries and Royal Ranger programs with an outreach emphasis, led a campaign to raise $13,000 to send 68 kids and students to camp, co-wrote and created a Summer Games Camp for the community, birthed a youth leadership internship program, and co-wrote and developed the Next Steps discipleship program that she leads and facilitates at Jay First Assembly. Pastor Jaimee also serves as representative for Section 1 in Oklahoma Children’s Ministries. Her greatest joys have been doing life with her husband for the past 22 years, while also raising their four incredible children.

Erin Ward Erin Ward is the Kids Pastor at Owasso First Assembly. Erin and her husband, Nathan, have both been on staff at OFA since 2016. Erin has a 2 year old son, Canon, who is the light of her life! If you ever find her not working on an OTown Kids project or chasing Canon, she’s probably at Target digging through the dollar spot with a chai tea latte in hand. Erin’s favorite kids ministry event every year is Kids Camp, and she is unbelievably excited to share her all of her favorite ways of making camp the most epic week of the summer with you this weekend.

Debora Wilson Debora Wilson has been a Kid’s Pastor for 20 years. She has a passion to see lives started on a good foundation. Her career at Chandler First Assembly of God started in 2000 as a volunteer until she was hired as staff pastor around 2012. She is a wife to a supporting, amazing husband, Don, and mom of 4 adult children.

Richelle Wingo Richelle Wingo is a wife and mother of 3. She currently serves as the Children’s Pastor in Stillwater, OK at Calvary Assembly of God. She has served in Children’s Ministry for 22 years. Outside of the church, she serves as a virtual assistant to 12 clients all across the US.

Andrew & Terra Wouters Andrew and Terra Wouters have five kids: Dallas, Phoenix, Shiloh, Everest, & Brighton. They currently serve as the Kid’s Pastors at Verdigris Assembly in Verdigris, Oklahoma. Andrew serves as a Sectional Rep for Oklahoma Children’s Ministries. In their spare time, they enjoy coffee, board games, and the great outdoors.



















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