Oklahoma Outlook | February 2010

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February 2010 | 1



Frank Cargill

MARCH World Day of Prayer.......................... March 5 School of Ministry Game Day...... March 6 Credentials Testing Day ................ March 6 National Royal Rangers Council.. March 11-13 BGMC Day.............................................. March 21 Guys Get-Away.................................... March 26 State Bible Quiz.................................. March 26-27 Palm Sunday......................................... March 28

APRIL School of Ministry Game Day...... April 3 Credentials Testing Day ................ April 3 Easter....................................................... April 4 RV Convention.................................... April 8 - 10 District Fine Arts................................ April 9 - 10 National Youth Day.......................... April 18 Christian Fun Day.............................. April 24 97th District Council....................... April 26-27

Other Contributors Elizabeth Moon Greg Tiffany


Jack Salkil


Brandon Knight


Barbara Miller

...................................................................................... General Presbyters

Sectional Presbyters

Frank Cargill

Arlis Moon


Section 1

Craig Dacus

Leo Guthrie

Assistant Superintendent

Tom Goins


Executive Presbyters Curtis Owens Ron McCaslin

Section 2

Melvin Baker Section 3

Steve Rose Section 4

Bruce McCarty Section 5E

Darryl Wootton

Ministry Directors

Section 5W

Doug Everaard

Section 6

Youth Ministries

Dean Guthrie

Children’s Ministries

Darren Pilcher Church Ministries

Michelle Pilcher

Doyle Seeley Weldon Wright Section 7

Micah Wells Section 8

David Brooks Section 9N

Women’s Ministries

Steve Lance

Jack Salkil

Section 9S


Don Barnes

Lindell Warren

Section 10


Billy Martin Section 11

T.D. Gifford Section 12

2 | February 2010

/ SUPERINTENDENT sumes human flesh and as His passion explodes in the life of the spiritual leader. A Pentecostal leader allows time for the miraculous hand of God. Timing becomes the critical issue for the enactment of change, but reliance upon the power of the Holy Spirit provides a comfort zone. The leader understands the priority of the essential rather than insisting upon conformity based on personal agenda. Leadership operating without sensitivity demands alignment with the The Day of Pentecost witnessed thousands of people responding with personal commitments to Christ. Peter, known for his reckless faith and empty promises, assumed the role of spokesman for the New Testament church. His leadership style changed from unpredictable to demonstrative. Because of Pentecost, Peter exhibited gifts far beyond anything ever envisioned. The possibilities for leadership explode exponentially when coupled with the anointing and power of the Holy Spirit. The new wine of Pentecost propels vision to a height that exceeds the imagination of the human mind. Pentecostal leadership steps into the unknown and rejoices over the unseen. Leaders, possessed by Pentecost, hear voices without seeing faces. They dream dreams and experience visions.

objective while ignoring the timing of the Creator. Pentecostal leadership never looses sight of the goal but graciously extends time for divine interaction. People giving the hand of God liberty to operate with freedom rather than with restraint provide far more significant results. The carnal nature cries out for immediate conformity, implemented with force and administrative authority. Human effort places a premium on success at all cost. As a by-product of subsequent behavior, the product becomes the driving force. The process suffers undue stress. The goal as the objective without regard for sensitivity to the process of the journey grieves the Holy Spirit. The Spirit-directed leader, however, knows that “Unless the Lord

The Holy Spirit permeates the life of the leader during strate-

builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted” (Ps. 127:1).

gic planning. The Spirit breathes words of wisdom and words

When the journey becomes the objective, the pursuit gives

of knowledge into the heart of the sensitive leader. As a result,

birth to patience. For leaders, dependency upon the Holy Spirit

Pentecostal leadership has available a checks-and-balances sys-

surpasses the need for knowledge. Plans and human effort fall

tem because of His presence. A Spirit-filled leader relies on the

miserably short when compared with the miraculous timing of the

inner voice that guides and directs behind the curtain of public

Spirit of God.

performance. Pentecostal leadership operates with the knowledge that His goals exceed the imagination of human ingenuity. The leader takes care never to assume the credit; instead, he or she allows the Holy Spirit to reflect the accolades to the God of all the ages. “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” (Zech. 4:6 KJV).

Join me in the land of dreams. The best days for the Oklahoma Assemblies of God are yet to come!

Pentecostal leadership remains aware of the people who follow. The bond forged through the priority of healthy relationships and sensitivity to human needs becomes a symbol of unity demonstrated in the Trinity by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. People, not programs, become the thrust of endeavors and the

FRANK CARGILL Superintendent 405.475.1100 frank.cargill@okag.org

center of affection. God’s redemptive plan is revealed as He asFebruary 2010 | 3


TRANSFERS WELCOME: Sam Bates Arlie E. Carson Anna Cottrell Andy T. Greene William N. Kelly Kourtney N. Springer Phillip Tally Justin Wilson

South Texas Kansas Arkansas Southern Missouri Iowa Arkansas Arkansas Louisiana



MEMORY Mildred Gladys Brannan, age 90, of Seligman, Missouri, passed away Sunday, January 31, 2010, in Cox Medical Center South, Springfield. She was born September 26, 1919, in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, the daughter of John and Minnie (Damron) Johnson. On July 11, 1936, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, she was united in marriage to George Alvin “G.A.” Brannan, who survives. Also surviving are two sons, Harold Brannan and his wife, Dorothy of Claremore, Oklahoma and Ronald Brannan and his wife,

Joe Alzate


Billy Pate

North Texas

Daniel & Sara Stephens Tennessee

Laura of Madill, Oklahoma; one daughter, Darlene Hendrix of Seligman; five grandchildren; nine great grandchildren and seven great-great grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her parents; three sisters; two brothers; two grandsons, Darrell Brannan and Danny Brannan; one great grandson,


Darrell Brannan, Jr. and a son-in-law, Lonnie Hendrix.


Dennis & Mariann Hall Morrison Scott Morris

OKC Southpointe

Cecil Guthrie


Mildred received her education in Oklahoma, graduating from High School in Oklahoma City. Her entire life was spent serving in the Assembly of God churches along with her husband. She had been the Women’s Ministry Representative for Oklahoma several years. She was a member of New Hope Assembly of God Church, Seligman.

4 | February 2010


MINISTRY CREDENTIALS Christ’s gifts to the Church include apostles, prophets,

All ordained, licensed, and certified ministers hold-

evangelists, pastors and teachers (Ephesians 4:11),

ing current ministerial credentials are authorized to

exhorters, administrators, leaders, and helpers (Romans

perform the ordinances and ceremonies (sacerdotal

12:7,8). We understand God’s call to these ministry

functions) of the church.

gifts is totally within His sovereign discretion without regard to gender, race, disability, or national origin.


Three classifications of ministry are recognized and

Salvation - Testimony to have experienced the new

transferable among all Assemblies of God districts; the

birth (John 3:5).

ordained minister, the licensed minister, and the certiBaptism in the Holy Spirit - Testimony to having

fied minister.

received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues ac-


Secretary / Treasurer 405.475.1100 tom.goins@okag.org

cording to Acts 2:4. The Spirit-filled life will enable a minister to fulfill the fourfold mission of the church. Evidence of Call - Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers. Christian Character – A blameless Christian life and a good report of those who are without (Titus 1:7 – 1 Timothy 3:7). Doctrinal Position – A thorough understanding of and agreement with our doctrinal position as contained in the Statement of Fundamental Truths. Assemblies of God Polity – A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles, practices, and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the General Council and District Council Constitution and Bylaws. Commitment to the Fellowship – An active loyalty to our constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of older mature Christians and those in the position of authority.

February 2010 | 5



THE LOCAL CHURCH The poll results are out, the cross-cultural studies abound: pointing to why we should look negatively on the church. Granted, there are too many houses of worship that have missed their mission. (The encouragement for these churches is for another article.) Though some churches have declined to a poor witness of God’s love, many HAVE kept hope alive in their communities. I’m not into talking about what the local


church is doing wrong. Let’s focus on what we do right and

Church Ministries Director 405.475.1100 darren.pilcher@okag.org

how we can impact lives for the good. Here are just a few reasons why I love the local church:

www.facebook.com/darren.pilcher1 www.twitter.com/darrenpilcher darrenpilcher.blogspot.com


I’ve found no better partnership to share the love of Christ with a particular community or area than the

local church. Practical outreaches into the community and the prayerful and financial support of missionaries around the world happens when the members of a body of believers come together to responsibly serve.


My family has been overwhelmingly enriched by the endearing relationships built through the small group

life of the local church. Nothing says community like a body of believers committed to sharing through the highs and lows

LIFE RALLIES UPDATE What a wonderful time we had at our Challenge 2010 LIFE Rallies. It was such a blessing to meet so many wonderful ladies across our state. A big thanks to all our sectional reps and host churches who made this year a success!

of life together.

The challenge is great but the ladies of Oklahoma are an-


going to do through each one of you! There are missionar-

radical cases. When the face of the church is grace, no one is


The experience of a life-giving body of believers has brought immediate and continual healing to those who

have come in needing the ministry of grace for even the most left out or behind; the grace reputation spreads, people from all walks of life come to feel the inclusive love of Christ and are changed by that message.

swering the call once again. I’m excited to see what God is ies waiting, special missions projects in need, scholarships to be given and the list goes on and on. Let’s all do our

Thanks to each church who has turned in your 2010 LIFE pledge. I can’t wait to hear how God is supplying the need through your local women’s ministry.

I personally believe that we need to fall in love with the local church again. Though there will always be the critics and naysayers to what she does or doesn’t do, and though she will always be populated by imperfection, let’s be her biggest fan. Let’s do all we can to keep her on the right track as we stay full of “1 Corinthians 13” love. This is not the time to bail but to bond…and put our best foot forward as we go forward in His Name. 6 | February 2010


Women’s Ministries Director 405.475.1100 michelle.pilcher@okag.org



MESSAGE FRESH The “…old, old story, How a Savior came from glory…” is made new to us because of the constant revelation of Jesus Christ. To us who have been saved most of our life, nothing brings the newness of the gospel quite like leading someone else to Christ. It feels like we get saved all over again when we lead someone to Christ, or even witness someone getting saved.

The commission of Jesus Christ to his disciples has never been rescinded: ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you’.” (Matthew 28:18-20) And so it is, the old story made new by personal experience, and the old commandment made new by personal obedience. Shall we not continue to proclaim the great message of the new birth to every other human creature?

Missions freshens the “old, old story.” The story of how God became man and lived and died for us remains an untold story to many neighbors in our global village. Millions upon millions have yet to reject Christ, for they have never heard of Him. May

LINDELL WARREN Missions Director 405.475.1162 lindell.warren@okag.org

we keep the “story” new and fresh by telling it again, and again, and again? Someone recently wrote Billy Graham and asked, “Is the day of foreign missions over? Is there really a need for missionaries today, especially since it is so costly to send someone overseas?” I like the answer Billy Graham gave. “No, the day of foreign missions is not over, and the need for people who will devote themselves to preaching and teaching the Gospel in other cultures may be greater than ever.” The legendary evangelist continued his answer, “One reason is because of the exploding population which grows at a rate of tens of millions of people every year. Each one of them is a soul who is precious in God’s eyes. Another reason is because vast areas of the world are still almost untouched by the Christian gospel, either because of strong religions of their own, which oppose Christianity or because of secularism. Many churches in less developed countries simply do not have the resources to reach out to the vast numbers of people around them who need Christ

PRISON MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Getting security clearance is an absolute must to do ministry in any jail or prison in the state of Oklahoma. Therefore, the Oklahoma Prison Ministries Network is offering training from the State Department of Corrections for volunteers in prison ministry on Saturday, March 27th at the District Tabernacle. The orientation will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 2:30 p.m. with lunch in between. A D.O.C. badge will be given to each one who successfully completes the orientation and receives clearance from the signed application. Last month 31 people completed the D.O.C. orientation at the Bridge in Mustang. I plan to attend the March 27th class at the District Tabernacle to renew my badge. I am glad to be a part of making a difference in our Oklahoma prisons.

and His salvation.



LAUNCH REPORT Thank you youth pastors for your attendance at the STL Launch Conferences and on behalf of Oklahoma Missionaries all over the planet thank you once again for your 2010 goals for STL. Our Goal this year in Oklahoma is

ISN’T GOD FUNNY ? Isn’t God funny? He uses the smallest most insignificant moments in life to teach us some of the biggest lessons. Just the other day I was sitting in my living room watching my 2 year old son play. He walked over to my shoes and slipped his tiny toddler feet into my size 13 tennis shoes. It was so amusing to watch him try to walk in my shoes and imitate his father. As the moment passed I found myself pondering the sight of this little person trying to take on the actions of someone he admires. I began to think about the times in my life I have tried to imitate those around me whom I have respected. Don’t get me wrong, I believe we can take from the best and make it our own. Where we get in trouble is when we get caught up in comparing ourselves to “the best.” In the game of comparison there is no winner, only conflict. It would be ridiculous if I was disappointed in my son because he was unable at 2 years old to master walking in my shoes. And yet, we give ourselves permission to compare ourselves to those around us. There are only three outcomes

to raise $600,000.00 for STL. As a team working together to further the kingdom…. I know we can do it!!

“Launch was awesome! Doug dismissed the meeting I noticed a young lady went to one side weeping, as I approached she said “I’m ok but just feel like God is calling me to Africa for missions work.” I began to cry too and told her I know exactly what your dealing with because God called me 16 years ago.” Charlie Brown Missionary to Africa

from comparison. If you compare yourself to someone “better” than you, you become discouraged. If you compare yourself to someone “less” than you, you become prideful. And if you compare yourself to someone “equal” to you, you become competitive. The reason my son looked so comical in my shoes wasn’t because he is young or inexperienced at walking. (Trust me, he walks fine and runs even better!) It was because the shoes didn’t fit! He was trying to be someone he wasn’t. I said all that to say…learn to embrace the person God made you! We don’t need to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to discover the path our shoes are walking. A huge “Thank you” to everyone who partici-

DOUG EVERAARD Youth Ministries Director 405.475.1182 doug.everaard@okag.org

www.facebook.com/dougeveraard www.twitter.com/ouoakley www.oklahomayouthministries.com

8 | February 2010

pated in the OYM Candy Sale!! Your efforts will continue to help OYM reach students in every corner of Oklahoma! We are so blessed to have truly great Youth Pastors serving in this great state!! You guys are awesome!!



OKLAHOMA Last month Joy and I had the privilege of attending our first Children’s Ministries Directors conference in Branson, Mo. We had a great time meeting and brainstorming with children’s directors from all over the nation. Perhaps the biggest highlight of the week was the B.G.M.C banquet that took place on Wednesday night. In 2009 A/G churches worldwide raised $6,039,448.70 for B.G.M.C. At last year’s conference, B.G.M.C. Director David Boyd made a promise that if the six million dollar goal was made, he would take a Polar Bear Plunge into Table Rock Lake. This year, he made good on his promise, along with five other directors that had surpassed their goal. The Oklahoma District did an outstanding job in 2009 by sending

I want to say thank you to all of our churches for giving to B.G.M.C. in 2009. You have done a terrific job in helping spread the gospel through B.G.M.C. I also want to thank David and Tracy Zentz, our district B.G.M.C. Coordinators, for their tireless effort in promoting B.G.M.C. to churches around the district. This couple loves B.G.M.C. and would love the opportunity to come to your church and share their passion for this wonderful ministry. If you want to receive more information about B.G.M.C., you can go online at www.bgmc.ag.org , or you can contact the Children’s Ministries Department at the District Office.


Childrens Ministries Director 405.475.1172 dean.guthrie@okag.org

$278,449.63 to B.G.M.C, placing our district fourth in the nation. For 2010, we have set a goal of $325,000. If we meet and surpass this goal, I have agreed to take the Polar Bear Plunge next year at the CMD Conference.

February 2010 | 9

//GIRLS MINISTRIES coun-ter-cul-ture [koun-ter-kuhl-cher] –noun the culture and lifestyle of those people, esp. among the young, who reject or oppose the dominant values and behavior of society. Ask yourself: what are the values and behavior of our society today? Do I want my children to embrace what society promotes? This past weekend I watched children and teens pursue after God! What an awesome time it was praying with them as they poured out their hearts and asked God for more of His presence. We should want our young people to be part

of this spiritual counter culture more than ever. I am inspired by the girls of Oklahoma who actively seek to be counter culture as they go through the elementary ministry in Mpact and then Teen Girl Ministries. Pastors, Children’s and youth pastors; give your girls and teen girls what they need to survive and be who they are called to be- Girls Ministries can be counter culture for your girls!

PRAISE GOD ON THE CAMPUS It seems that every campus has some kind of construction project going on. New Buildings, landscape, parking lots, etc. The campus is a prime place to celebrate the Life of Christ this Easter Season. Please take some time, walk & Praise God on a campus near you! For together we will give God Praise like no rocks could ever do. 37 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: 38 “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” 39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” 40 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:37-40)

Elizabeth Moon presenting honor for 25 years of ministry to girls to Pastor and Mrs. Jerry Ogden,

Vinita Family Praise Center celebrated in Nov. 2009 their 25th anniversary of ministry to Girls! Congratulations to Pastor and Sis. Ogden for 25 years of the Word

of God planted in the lives of girls and women.

XA OPPORTUNITIES * Palm Sunday - Mar 26-27

OKC Inner City Outreach

* Easter Weekend - April 2-4

International Student Easter Excursion

@ Layfayette, Louisiana


Girls Ministries Director 918.458.9387 elizabeth.moon@okag.org

PRAISE REPORTS * Great Team Impact & XA Pizza Outreach @ EOSC / Feb 2 * Over 180 @ XA events in Tulsa & OKC


Chi Alpha Director 405.308.3737 XAoklahoma@aol.com

10 | February 2010

* Prayer, Outreach & Lives are being changed

on campuses across our state

* Oklahoma Chi Alpha fan & prayer pages, exceed 1300

Members (check them out)



Alfred Pearson- job and direction. Shirley Heath- loss of husband and finances. Norma Watts – healing.


Darrell Coffman, Mangum, reports 2 saved. Ryamond Frizzelle, Miami, reports 70 saved in youth in

Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visit

grand opening of new building, 5 saved in jail


ministry, and 8 adults saved in regular services.


Brad Jones, Wright City, reports 3 saved in regular services

Nicoma Park Family Life needs a part time children’s pastor and a

part time music minister. Contact Pastor Gene Allen at (405) 7089987 or email pastorhga@familylifeag.com.

and several healed.

Larry Womack, Finley, reports 3 saved and 1 filled with

the Holy Ghost in regular services.


Billy Brummett, Dewey, reports 6 saved in regular

Greg Wheat at Lexington Christian Life has Altars and Communion

Table available for needy church. (405) 760-2220



Walt Spradling, Ardmore, has been in revival for 6months.

Hundreds have been saved, filled with the Holy

Ghost and healed.

Roy Dobbs, Tulsa, reports miracles of healing and deliver

ance in the past 3 months.

Terry Stone, Tahlequah, reports several saved in regular

services, student ministry, Sunday School, and

Royal Rangers.


Ken Burge reports 36 saved and 51 filled with the Holy Ghost. Charles Holybee reports 2 and 3 rededicated in jail


Harold Powell reports 2 saved through personal


Charlie Newman reports 2 saved. Joseph Bowles reports 1 rededicated. Lance Perritt reports 16 filled and several refilled with the

Holy Ghost in weekend revival at Blackwell.

//OKAGconnect Become a fan of OKAG on facebook and stay up to date

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February 2010 | 11

12 | February 2010

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