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TABLE OF CONTENTS____________________________________ School Calendar - Inside Front Cover OKCPS Strategic Plan ..................................................................................................................................................1 Annual Notification of FERPA Rights ..........................................................................................................................2 Administration Phone Numbers .................................................................................................................................3
SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION Academic Competitions ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Child Identification and Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Emergency Care .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Emergency Response and Crisis Management ................................................................................................................... 4 Library Media Centers ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Parents’ Right to Know/Teacher Quality Requirements of No Child Left Behind............................................................... 5 Physical Contact .................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Safe Call ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 School Visitors ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Student Pick-Up/Release..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Records (FERPA) ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Student Welfare (Child Abuse/Neglect) ............................................................................................................................. 6 ENROLLMENT Student Enrollment Information......................................................................................................................................... 6 Child Nutrition Services ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Foreign Exchange Students ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Guardianship ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Home School/Private School Students ............................................................................................................................... 8 Immigrant Students ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 Non-Resident Students ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Pre-Kindergarten ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Residence Verification ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 School Assignments and Transfers ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Specialty/Enterprise Schools ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Student Withdrawal Process ............................................................................................................................................... 9 HEALTH Chicken Pox ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Head Lice ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Medication ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11 When to Keep Your Child Home from School .................................................................................................................. 11 Immunization Requirements (Pre K-12)............................................................................................................................ 12
SECTION II STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Attendance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13 Absences ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Activity Absences .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | ii
Tardies........................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Truancy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Bullying/Harassment/Discrimination ............................................................................................................................... 14 Bicycle Rules ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Closed Campus ................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Drug Free Schools Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Eligibility for Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities ............................................................................................... 15 Financial Obligations ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Gun Free Schools............................................................................................................................................................... 16 Personal Property/Distracting Devices ............................................................................................................................. 16 Pledge of Allegiance .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Right of Assembly/ Right to Petition/Freedom of Expression .......................................................................................... 17 Safety Guidelines............................................................................................................................................................... 17 Student Conduct and Discipline ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Appeal of Student Suspension ..................................................................................................................................... 17 Discipline of Students with Disabilities ......................................................................................................................... 18 Due Process for Short and Long Term Suspensions...................................................................................................... 18 Education Plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 19 Student Discipline for Out-Of-School Actions ............................................................................................................... 19 Suspensions Due to Felonious Acts .............................................................................................................................. 19 Student Dress Code/Personal Appearance ....................................................................................................................... 20 Student Driven Motor Vehicles ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Student Responsibility for School Property ...................................................................................................................... 21 Tobacco Free Schools ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 Transportation .................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Use/Misuse of Computer Access ...................................................................................................................................... 22 Wireless Telecommunication Devices .............................................................................................................................. 22
SECTION III STUDENT EVALUATION Grading System Pre-Kindergarten .................................................................................................................................... 24 Grading System-Kindergarten ........................................................................................................................................... 24 Grading System-1st through 5th Grade (6th Grade if in Elementary School) ...................................................................... 24 Parent Access to SmartWeb.............................................................................................................................................. 25 High School Credit System (9-12)...................................................................................................................................... 25 Block Eight Scheduling ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Units Required for Graduation.......................................................................................................................................... 25 Graduation Requirements................................................................................................................................................. 26 Standard Diploma ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 Certificate of Distinction/Diploma .................................................................................................................................... 27 New State Requirements for Graduation ......................................................................................................................... 28 Promotion Criteria for K-12............................................................................................................................................... 28 Class Work Make Up ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Appeal of Retention Decision............................................................................................................................................ 29 Proficiency Testing ............................................................................................................................................................ 29 Academic Recognition....................................................................................................................................................... 29
SECTION IV ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES Alternative Education Programs Admission ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | iii
Breakfast and Lunch...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Dress Code .................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Education Services Early Birds (formerly Ready! For Kindergarten) ........................................................................................................... 30 Even Start Family Education Program........................................................................................................................... 30 Guidance Program ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 JROTC ............................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Language and Cultural Services .................................................................................................................................... 31 Mentoring and Tutoring Programs ............................................................................................................................... 31 Volunteering in Oklahoma City Public Schools ............................................................................................................. 31 Native American Services ............................................................................................................................................. 31 School Alumni Associations .......................................................................................................................................... 32 Title I Program............................................................................................................................................................... 32
SECTION V SERVICES FOR PARENTS AlertNOW .......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Community Volunteers ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 Open House....................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Parents as Teachers .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 Parent Complaint Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 33 Parent Conference Days.................................................................................................................................................... 34 Parent Education Programs .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Parent Involvement........................................................................................................................................................... 34 Parent Organizations......................................................................................................................................................... 35 Parent Visitation................................................................................................................................................................ 36 Special Reports to Parents ................................................................................................................................................ 36 APPENDIX A School Listings ....................................................................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX B Student Code of Conduct ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 APPENDIX C DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL NETWORK RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY......................................................................... 49 PHOTO/MEDIA/INTERNET .................................................................................................................................................... 51 STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................................. 51 PARENT’S RIGHT TO KNOW OPT-OUT PROVISION FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION............................................................ 51 APPENDIX D STUDENT/PARENT FORMS Verification of Receipt of 2010-2011 Student/Parent Handbook-Form ........................................................................... 52 District Educational Network Resources Acceptable Use Policy-Form ............................................................................. 52 Photo/Media/Internet-Form............................................................................................................................................. 53 Student Code of Conduct-Form ........................................................................................................................................ 53 Parent’s Right to Know Opt-Out Provision for Directory Information-Form .................................................................... 53 Textbook Responsibility-Form .......................................................................................................................................... 53 OKCPS Volunteer Release Form ........................................................................................................................................ 54
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OKLAHOMA CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2015 Strategic Initiative #1—Academic Success of Students In May 2015, the Oklahoma City Public Schools district is recognized, statewide and nationally, for its success in assuring the academic achievement of each student All regular education students are performing at or above their age related grade level 1.1 Implement a continuous learning calendar 1.2 Administration and faculty will accept accountability for academic achievement within their respective areas of responsibility 1.3 Assess all students annually to determine their academic progress 1.4 Initiate a task force to study student mobility trends, challenges, causes, and provide appropriate recommendations for resolution 1.5 Provide special tutoring assistance to students designated as high mobility (enrolled in two or more different schools within the same year) 1.6 Expand the prekindergarten program to be a District wide, full day program 1.7 Incorporate the “Teach For America” program within the District 1.8 Build and maintain a student assistance support system 1.9 Ensure an enriched, comprehensive curriculum (math, science, and gifted within each elementary school) 1.10 Extend the school day/year 1.11 Provide innovative/creative alternative learning options for students whose needs are not met with traditional curriculum
Statement of End Result: 1.
Strategic Initiative #2—Family and Community Support Oklahoma City Public Schools achieves significant levels of family and community support resulting in successful partnerships and meaningful student interactions Building level staff and faculty will engage all students’ families on multiple occasions during the school year 1.1 Conduct face-to-face meetings between parents/guardians and staff/faculty to discuss student’s educational needs and goals as well as explore strategies as to how the parents/guardians/family members can be actively involved in the student’s learning experience 1.2 Sponsor numerous activities to involve families in the school environment 1.3 Provide a school designee to solidify communication mechanisms to keep all students’ families informed Each school is involved with a partnering organization that assists them in achieving their goals 2.1 Aggressively pursue school partnerships at each school 2.2 Partner with DHS to provide social workers in schools to assist with family and social issues 2.3 Build and maintain a strong partnership with the Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools to increase and enhance support and resources for Oklahoma City Public Schools Statutory requirement for parent/guardian participation in student’s academic planning 3.1 Work with the legislative process to create statutory requirement
Statement of End Result: 1.
Strategic Initiative #3—School Environment Statement of End Result: Oklahoma City Public Schools provides a safe, orderly, inviting, and positive environment that is conducive for maximum achievement 1. Each school model a climate of mutual respect 1.1 Incorporate the Great Expectations program in each elementary school 1.2 Research, identify, and implement a program designed to create a climate of mutual respect for secondary level schools 1.3 Implement a mandatory service project for each student 1.4 Create a welcoming environment in the front office; establish “customer care” training for all staff 1.5 Increase focus on bilingual training and engagement with Hispanic and multicultural volunteers 1.6 Provide professional development that focuses on deescalating student behavior/interaction plus building a mutually respectful atmosphere 2. All students, families, and employees enjoy a school environment that is safe and secure 2.1 Implement a District hotline 2.2 Develop a safe school plan for each school and monitor its effectiveness and publish the results 2.3 Implement a peer mediation and/or conflict resolution program 3. All staff have and maintain high expectations for all students and all students have and maintain high expectations for all staff 3.1 Maintain a syllabus for each class that defines expectations for academics, attendance, and student conduct 3.2 Ensure quality teachers in every classroom 3.3 Ensure all students are offered options that will engage them 3.4 Survey students on teacher performance 3.5 Institute an urban school program that promotes understanding, respecting, and embracing diversity of culture and race 4. All schools provide a physically conducive environment to maximize learning 4.1 Maintain appropriate environment in all classrooms at all times 5. Change public perception of Oklahoma City Public Schools 5.1 Create a positive advertising media campaign for all schools 5.2 Find advertising partner to donate consulting services on campaign 5.3 Establish partnership with local media outlets to donate advertising Strategic Initiative #4—Leadership Statement of End Result: The District leaders are defined by the results they produce 1. The District recruits, develops, supports, and retains leaders at all levels 1.1 Proactively recruit leaders with proven skills and abilities 1.2 Develop and implement incentives to attract bilingual teachers, principals, and administrative staff 1.3 Create/expand pipelines/partnerships with local colleges and universities to create urban teacher preparation programs 1.4 Continuously develop staff members to ensure they possess the skills to be successful 1.5 Develop and implement a “best practices” performance assessment and management system 1.6 Increase focus and emphasis on teachers’ opportunities for NBCT 1.7 Provide employees with adequate training upon employment to gain and understanding of District expectations, opportunities for success, customer service, and expectations for being a successful employee 1.8 Create and implement an employee assistance program 1.9 Utilize the Organizational Health Index (OHI) to assist leaders in increasing school performance
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FERPA________________________________________________ ANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF FERPA RIGHTS The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are: •
The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or other designated official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the District decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorized disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosed to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health of medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney , auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performance of his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the District discloses educational records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (Note: FERPA requires the District to make a reasonable attempt to notify the student of records request unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.) The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office U. S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20202-5920
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ADMINISTRATIVE NUMBERS _____________________________
Administration Building……………………………………………………………………………………………….587-0000 Child Development………………………………………………………………………………………………………587-0360 Child Nutritional Services…………………………………………………………………………….……………...587-1032 Communications and Community Relations…………………………………………………………..…...587-0407 Health Services……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….587-0245 Language and Cultural Services…………………………………………………………………….…………....587-0172 Native American Student Services……………………………………………………………………………...587-0355 Special Services………………………………………………………………………………………………………….587-0431 Student Services………………………………………………………………………………………………………....587-0438 Superintendent’s Office………………………………………………………………………………………………587-0448 Transportation…………………………………………………………………………….…………..…587-1197, 587-1198
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SECTION I _____________________________________________ GENERAL INFORMATION / ENROLLMENT / HEALTH GENERAL INFORMATION ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS District students participate in a variety of academic competitions that help develop creativity, teamwork, critical thinking, and competitive spirit. For information about these competitions, you may contact your school’s principal. CHILD IDENTIFICATION AND EVALUATION Child-Find is a special program to identify children from three (3) through twenty-one (21) who may have a disability and are not receiving a free appropriate public education. Children that are birth to 36 months of age will be evaluated and services provided by Sooner Start, a statewide agency. The Oklahoma City Public School District is responsible for providing a free appropriate public education to those children from 3 years of age through 21 years of age. The disability classifications are autism, deaf-blindness, deafness or hearing impairment, emotional disturbance, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairments, traumatic brain injury, and visual impairments. For further information or referrals, contact Child Find at 587-0433. EMERGENCY CARE Parents are required to provide a minimum of three (3) emergency telephone numbers in case a student becomes ill or has an accident at school. The nurse or designated person will provide first aid and attempt to notify the parent/guardian as soon as possible. EMSA or other emergency medical services may be called if parents are unavailable or if it is determined that immediate medical attention is warranted. Expenses for emergency care will be directed to the parents. It is important that parents update emergency numbers when there are changes. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT Each school is personalizing an emergency response and crisis management plan based on district wide guidelines in partnership with the Office of Emergency Management and the OKCPS Safety Compliance Officer. Please see the website for your child’s school for more information on their specific plan, including your school’s alternate location(s) in case of the need to evacuate. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTERS Each school has its own library media center. Our school libraries are more than books. They are 21st century learning centers with a full range of print and electronic resources that support student achievement. These resources include books, eBooks, magazines, videotapes, DVDs, computers, databases, and much more. School library media specialists teach information skills that students need to learn and achieve for a lifetime. Students and teachers use our school libraries throughout the day to: read books, log on to the internet, get help with research projects, study, work on projects with other students, and lots more. Not only that, our web sites can be used by students for homework and other research after school. Our web sites offer World Book Online and EBSCOhost (magazines and journals) plus other online resources. Ask your school librarian for the passwords.
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All our school library patrons, students, teachers, and parents, can access our school libraries over the internet from any computer. Go to: http://destiny.okcps.org. Click on your school name. Click on Library Search, to search in the catalog for eBooks and print books. You can read eBooks, immediately, online! For safe and reliable websites, click on WebPath Express. For more information, ask your school librarian, or contact Library Media Services at 587-0331. PARENTS RIGHT-TO-KNOW TEACHER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS OF NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND All parents have a right to know the qualifications of the educational staff working with their child. The following information outlines the procedures for responding to parental request regarding No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Teacher Qualification inquiries. 1. 2.
Advise the parent that requests must be in writing. Principals are to respond in writing with the following information: • • • •
Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree. Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
Parents may also request information on the level of achievement of their child in each of the State academic assessments and timely notice that their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. The notice and information provided to parents must be in an understandable and uniform format and to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand. If you have questions regarding this provision of NCLB, please contact the Title I office at 587-0160. PHYSICAL CONTACT In certain situations, it may become necessary for school employees to make body contact with students in incidences such as: administering first aid, breaking up fights; protecting themselves from physical attacks, moving through a crowd to address an emergency, developing physical skills through coaching, employing passive restraint to behaviorally disruptive students and other actions deemed necessary to gain control of a situation. SAFE-CALL SAFE-CALL is a toll-free confidential hotline for students, parents, teachers, neighbors and anyone concerned about the safety of their local school. Call SAFE-CALL when you know of any activity threatening your school. 1-877-SAFE-CALL ext. OK1 1-877-723-3225 ext. 651 SCHOOL VISITORS Administrative Guidelines require that any person entering the building must report directly to the office for clearance. Upon clearance, the person will receive a visitor’s badge to be worn in a manner that is visible while on school property. Visitors, including students from other campuses or students suspended from that campus, who are on school property without authorization, are trespassing and are subject to arrest. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 5
STUDENT PICK-UP / RELEASE Students will be released during school hours only to authorized persons. Students are only released to the custodial parent/guardian and the non custodial parent (with written authorization of the custodial parent and presentation of a legal document proving relationship to the student) or the custodial parent’s designee. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to notify the school of restrictions related to the release of a child, such as divorce decrees that limit or deny access to school information. The non-custodial parent is responsible for providing mailing information to the school principal. Photo identification is required for release. Students must be delivered and picked-up from school and after school programs at the designated start and release time. STUDENT INSURANCE The Oklahoma City Public School District does not provide students with health or accident insurance. STUDENT RECORDS (FERPA) Upon request, the official records of a student may be inspected, reviewed, and/or a copy received by the student’s parent/guardian or an eligible student eighteen (18) years or older. Non-custodial parents have the right to review and receive copies of all student records unless there is a court order denying such access to records. Additionally, parents or eligible students have the right to: request amendment of educational records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights; consent to disclose education records, except where consent is not required to authorize disclosure; file complaints concerning noncompliance with the U.S. Department of Education; obtain a copy of the local adopted policy at the Administration Building, 900 N. Klein, Oklahoma City; and receive notification in their primary or home language. The district complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA 34 CFR 99.22). Records may be inspected at schools between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Complaints may be filed in the Office of the Superintendent. STUDENT WELFARE (CHILD ABUSE / NEGLECT) All employees are required by Oklahoma law to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-522-3511, after hours and weekends.
ENROLLMENT STUDENT ENROLLMENT INFORMATION All students entering Oklahoma City Public Schools must provide verification of residency. A. Parents of students on an IEP must provide a copy of the IEP for placement into proper classes upon enrollment. B. Pre-kindergarten - A child must be four (4) years old on or before September 1. Proof of birth date and immunizations are required (A valid birth certificate is preferred.) Contact the school principal for more information. C. Kindergarten - A child must be five (5) years old on or before September 1. Proof of birth date and immunizations are required (A valid birth certificate is preferred.) Contact your principal for more information. D. 1st Grade - A child must be six (6) years old on or before September 1. Proof of birth date must be provided if the child was not enrolled in an Oklahoma City Public School kindergarten the previous year. Proof of immunizations and proof of successful completion of kindergarten are required to enter 1st grade. E. Grades 2-5 - A child will be placed in a grade according to the grade information from the last accredited school attended. Proof of grade must be provided at the time of enrollment. Grade cards, check-out and Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 6
F. G.
withdrawal forms presented at the time of enrollment will satisfy the proof of grade requirement. Students enrolling from non-accredited schools and home schooling must take a validation test to demonstrate their knowledge in particular subject areas. Grades 6-12 - Secondary level-A child will be placed in the grade that is certified on the transcript or academic record from an accredited middle/junior high or high school. Students enrolled from nonaccredited schools and home schooling must take qualifying tests to determine grade level. Immigrant students are students born in another country and enrolling in OKCPS for the first time must initiate enrollment at their designated attendance area school. As a result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, school personnel may not deny admission to a student during initial enrollment or any other time on the basis of undocumented status; or require parents or students to disclose their immigration status or social security numbers, which may expose undocumented status (457 U.S. 200 {1982}) A student who has been suspended from a school outside the Oklahoma City Public School District will not be allowed to enroll in the District until the term of the suspension has expired.
CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES The district participates in the National School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program. We offer free or reduced-price breakfasts and lunches based on a student’s financial need. Information and applications will be distributed district wide at the beginning of each school year and are available through the school office or cafeteria. Information regarding applications can be obtained from the Child Nutrition Services Applications Office located at 2500 N.E. 30th St., telephone (405) 587-1025. A listing of our current meal prices are on the website. (www.okcps.org/CNS) MEAL PAYMENT
School meals may be paid for using cash, check, or money order. Meals can be paid daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Cash payments: Please put money into an envelope. Include on the front of the envelope the following information: 1. Full name of student 2. Homeroom teacher’s name 3. Student’s grade and identification number Money Order: Please make them payable to Oklahoma City Public Schools Child Nutrition Services. Include the following information: 1. Child’s name and identification number Check Payment: Please make sure that the following information is printed on the check: 1. Adult name, address, telephone number 2. Check writer’s driver’s license number 3. Student’s name and identification number MEAL CHARGES
Oklahoma City Public Schools Child Nutrition Services Policy is that no child goes hungry. Parents and guardians are responsible to maintain their student’s account throughout the year. Students who meet the charge limit will be served an alternative meal. Elementary students are allowed to charge three reimbursable meals. Middle and high schools students are not permitted to charge. Charges are not allowed for a la carte items. Elementary Breakfast: NO CHARGE FOR STUDENTS ADULTS: $1.60
Secondary Breakfast: NO CHARGE FOR STUDENTS ADULTS: $1.60
Elementary Lunch: Paid Student: $1.95 Reduced Student: $ .40 Adult: $2.85
Secondary Lunch: Paid Student: $2.25 Reduced Student: $ .40 Adult: $2.85 Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 7
FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENTS The Oklahoma City Public School District will accept foreign exchange students participating in certified exchange programs, immigrant, and refugee students. Sponsoring agencies and host families should contact the Student Services office at 587-0438 about enrollment. GUARDIANSHIP Adults serving as guardians for students in the district are required to show proof of guardianship with a certified court document, adoption papers, or transfer of guardianship through DHS, Social Security or a notarized letter from the parent. In emergency situations other documents may be considered. Photo identification is required. Documentation such as a property deed, or notarized rental/lease agreement, or two different utility bills (ONG/OG&E/Water/Telephone) are required. HOME SCHOOL/PRIVATE SCHOOL STUDENTS Students entering the district from home schooling programs and private or parochial schools will be given an achievement test by the school in which they enroll and placed according to their test results. Transcripts from accredited programs will be evaluated for possible course and grade credit. IMMIGRANT STUDENTS Immigrant Students are students born in another country and enrolling in OKCPS for the first time. They must initiate enrollment at their attendance area school. Secondary students must present an original transcript from their country for evaluation at the time of enrollment or no later than ninety (90) days after enrollment. Credits will not be awarded after the ninety (90) day period. For more information contact the Language and Cultural Services office at 587-0172. As a result of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, school personnel may not deny admission to a student during initial enrollment or any other time on the basis of undocumented status; or require parents or students to disclose their immigration status or social security numbers, which may expose undocumented status (457 U.S. 200 {1982}). NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS Provided that space is available and the student has not been suspended or voluntarily withdrawn for acts of violence or reckless disregard for others, the Oklahoma City Public School District will admit a nonresident student whose parents have acquired either an Open Transfer or an Emergency Transfer. Open Transfers into Oklahoma City Public Schools are obtained from and filed with the Oklahoma City Public School District only. However, applications must be filed no later than April 1 of the school year preceding the school year for which the transfer is desired. Emergency Transfers into the district require the approval of both Oklahoma City Public Schools and the sending district. Out-of-district students are not to be considered for transfer into the district for enrollment in specialty schools or charter schools until all eligible in-district students are admitted. For further information regarding transfers, please contact Student Services at 587-0438. PRE-KINDERGARTEN Prekindergarten is offered at most elementary schools. Classes are offered for a 2.5 hour day. Spaces are available for children who are four-years-old on or before September 1st on a first come first serve basis at each school. Classes are limited to 20 children. A child may be enrolled at another elementary school if their neighborhood school is full and space exists.
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RESIDENCE VERIFICATION Students wishing to enroll in Oklahoma City Public Schools must provide evidence of residency within the designated attendance area before they are accepted for enrollment at an individual school site. Evidence may include the following: 1. Proof of payment of local personal income tax or ad valorem taxes. 2. Title to residential property in the district, or a valid unexpired lease agreement, or receipts for payment of rent on a district residence in which the applicant actually resides. 3. Proof of provisions of utilities. 4. A valid, unexpired motor vehicle operator’s permit or motor vehicle registration. 5. Maintenance of voter registration. 6. Notarized affidavit verifying residence and that the person has assumed the permanent care and custody of the student. SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS AND TRANSFERS Students are assigned to attend schools, within the district, according to their current place of residence and cannot attend schools outside their assigned area without an approved transfer. Under certain circumstances, transfers may be approved for students to attend another district school provided space is available and the principal of the requested site gives approval. A student transfer may only be revoked at the end of the school year, for the following year, by the building principal for failure to abide by school rules, poor academic performance and overcrowded conditions at the school site. Emergency transfers to other districts are not permitted except for validated catastrophic medical conditions, validated graduating seniors moving into OKCPS between their junior and senior year, and to students who need special education programs not available in the District. Emergency transfers into the District are permitted with the approval of the principal at the building requested. Open transfer applications are filed with the receiving district, between the dates of January 1 and April 1 each school year. Open transfers are valid for the following school year, and each year thereafter as long as the student remains enrolled in that district. For further information regarding transfers, contact Student Services at 587-0438. SPECIALTY / ENTERPRISE SCHOOLS Classen School of Advanced Studies (6-12), Belle Isle Enterprise Middle school (6-8). Northeast Academy for Health Science and Engineering (6-12), and Southeast High School (9-12) require applications and approval for admittance. Please contact these individual schools for information and applications. STUDENT WITHDRAWAL PROCESS Upon notice that a student is withdrawing, the school will have 24 hours to provide withdrawal paperwork to the parent. This period will allow sufficient time for preparation of withdrawal grades, absences, textbook return, and clearance of financial obligations.
HEALTH The Oklahoma City Public School District health program emphasizes health education, disease prevention and the identification of health problems that may impact a student’s ability to learn. Students in selected grade levels are screened for height, weight, vision, hearing, blood pressure, dental, and throat inspection. Referrals are made to an appropriate healthcare provider as needed. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 9
Health Services, which consists of approximately 31 school nurses and 6 licensed practical nurses, provides specialized health care for students who have disabling conditions under the direction of the student’s physician. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school if their child has a temporary or permanent health problem and if that problem might restrict the student from participating in school activities, such as physical education. In this case, written notification from a family physician describing the condition and advising the school of the type and length of restriction is required. Permanent restrictions must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. Children returning to school following a long term illness or surgery must return with a release from a physician including any restrictions or accommodations necessary. CHICKENPOX (Vaccine required for Kindergarten through 12th grade) Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and is passed by direct person to person contact or by airborne respiratory secretions. The rash usually occurs 10 to 21 days after exposure. The child may have a mild fever and/or loss of appetite 1 to 2 days before the rash appears. The rash appears at first as red pimples (papules) and progresses to clear, oval (tear drop) vesicles. The vesicles usually become cloudy 24 hours after eruption and break easily. These eruptions of new papules to vesicles continue for 3 to 4 days. The child can return to school when all of the vesicles are dry and crusted over. It is important to NEVER give aspirin or aspirin containing medication to children with a viral infection because of the increased risk in developing Reye Syndrome. The current recommendation is to get two varicella immunizations, 3 months apart. HEAD LICE Understand the problem before it becomes one. 1. Lice are tiny insects that survive on human blood. They are about the size of a sesame seed. Lice eggs are called nits. 2. Nits are very small, yellowish or grayish white in appearance and tear drop shaped. They are attached to strands of hair and will not wash out or blow away. 3. Lice do not jump or fly, they crawl. They are usually passed from person to person by shared combs, brushes, hats, coats, sweaters, scarves, or other personal items. 4. The most common sign of lice infestation is constant itching. If your child is constantly itching, check the scalp for lice. Live lice can be difficult to find. They move quickly and do not like bright light. Use a bright light or bright natural light to check your child’s scalp. Check each strand of hair for eggs (nits). 5. If lice are found, use a lice killing shampoo. Carefully follow the package directions. Be sure to apply the shampoo to a dry scalp. No treatment will kill all of the eggs (nits). Nit removal is the key to effective treatment. It is best to remove the eggs by combing the hair with a special nit comb. 6. The affected child should be retreated 7-10 days after the first shampoo or according to package directions. Be sure to check all members of the family during this period of time for additional infestations. 7. Personal items (combs, brushes, coats, caps, etc.) and household surfaces, combs, brushes, head gear, and bed linens must be washed in hot water. Items which cannot be washed must be sealed in plastic bags for 14 days. Carpets, sofas, mattresses must be vacuumed (including corner, around seams, etc.). It is not necessary to buy special detergents or pesticides. 8. It is a good idea to check your child daily for any signs of a lice infestation. 9. If a child is found to have head lice or nits, he/she will be excluded from school. The child must be seen by a school nurse or health care professional and found to be free of lice AND nits before reentry into school. Remember, successful treatment must include removal of ALL nits. It just takes one nit, left on the hair to hatch, to start another infestation. Oklahoma City Public Schools currently has a “NO NIT POLICY”. If your child has been sent home from school with head lice, you can call the Health Office at 587-0245 to find the closest school nurse on duty to check the student’s head after treatment and receive a clearance to return to school. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 10
MEDICATION Prescription medication may be dispensed to students with the written directions of a physician and written permission from the parent or guardian. The medication must be sent in a pharmacy labeled bottle. Inhalers need to have the pharmacy label on the inhaler. Any changes in time, dosage, or medication will require new orders from the physician and a new form signed by the parent. All pills will be counted by two people when medication arrives at school and any remaining medication counted at the end of the school week by two people. Medication will be dispensed by the school nurse, or in the absence of the school nurse, by the school administrator or their designee. Consult the school nurse for appropriate forms and procedures. No over the counter medications will be given without a physician’s order. Any medications brought to the school must be in an unopened, original container. All medications, prescription or over the counter, must be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the school year. No medications will be sent home with a student, regardless of age or grade. It is a requirement of enrollment for a parent to provide at least three (3) emergency contact numbers for their student in case of an emergency, illness or injury. The Oklahoma City Public Schools follows the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for illnesses and communicable diseases. For specific questions, see “The Communicable Disease Guidelines for Schools When the School Nurse Is Not Available”. For general illness issues, a child will be excluded from school if their oral temperature is 100˚ or above. The child may return to school when he/she has had no fever for 24 hours without medication. WHEN TO KEEP A CHILD HOME FROM SCHOOL It’s 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning and your child gets up saying, “I don’t feel good.” How do you decide whether to send him/her to school or keep him/her home? It’s not an exact science, but the guidelines below will help. •
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Take your child’s temperature. Though a child may not have a fever and still be sick, a temperature of 100 degrees or over is a sure sign to keep your child home. Giving a fever reducer (Tylenol) and sending him to school will almost guarantee a call from school when the medicine wears off, as well as exposing other students to whatever your child has. If your child vomited or had diarrhea during the previous evening or night, please keep him home. Consult a doctor if symptoms continue more than 48 hours or worsen instead of improving. A blistery rash, especially if accompanied by fever and a history of exposure may be chicken pox. Keep your child home until you know for sure. If it is chicken pox, he will need to stay home until all areas are scabbed, usually 6-7 days. Keep your child home if he has heavy nasal congestion and/or a frequent cough. He probably feels miserable and will not learn much. In addition, he will be sharing his virus with others. If your child is diagnosed with a contagious disease, such as strep, he should be on prescribed antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
It is often difficult to tell how sick your child is. If he stays home, improves, and does not run a temperature (without medication), he/she can be taken to school. Be sure that the school has current telephone numbers to reach you at all times in case your child becomes ill or injured. School is important, but sick children need to be at home. For further information please call Health and Medicaid Services at 587-0245.
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IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS (PRE K-12) Oklahoma State law requires parents to present proof of immunization for: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
DTP (DTaP) Tdap: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus IPV (OPV): Poliomyelitis MMR: Measles, Mumps, Rubella Hepatitis A (2 dose series) Hepatitis B (2 or 3 dose series) Varicella: (Immunization or month and year had chicken pox)
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SECTION II ____________________________________________ STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Every student has the right to conditions favorable to learning. Students have the right to pursue an education free from discrimination based on race, sex, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, disability or for any other reason. Students in the District enjoy freedom of speech, expression, and association, the right to privacy, the right of freedom from harassment, the right to due process in judicial matters, and the right to appeal judgments and penalties for alleged misconduct. Students have the responsibility to conduct themselves, both individually and in groups, in a manner which promotes an atmosphere conducive to teaching, studying and learning. Students are expected to uphold academic and personal integrity, to respect the rights of others, to refrain from disruptive, threatening, intimidating, or harassing behavior, or behavior that is harmful to themselves, other persons, or property. Students have a responsibility to abide by the standards, policies, regulations, and the Code of Conduct (Appendix B) of the Oklahoma City Public Schools. ATTENDANCE Students between the ages of five (5) and eighteen (18) who reside within the district should be enrolled in an Oklahoma City Public School. Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and can be fined if they allow children to remain absent from school. Parents are reminded that regular attendance is critical to academic success. Parents are advised that children are considered present only when they are actually in the classroom. A child is recorded as absent, whether the absence is excused or unexcused, when that child is not in the classroom. All absences are recorded on the child’s attendance record. ABSENCES
Parents must contact the school before 10:00 a.m. the day a student is absent, to verify the reason for the absence. Excused absences include: illness or injury; doctor or dental appointments; bereavement; serious illness or emergency in immediate family; and school bus not running. Documentation may be required. It is the responsibility of the student or the student’s parent/guardian to ask teachers for any work missed due to a excused absence. Work, including missed tests, must be made up within five (5) school days of the absence. Failure to make up work with the regular teacher within the allotted five (5) days will result in the student receiving “NG” (No Grade). Ten (10) unexcused absences during the school year may result in a failure grade (F). Five (5) unexcused absences during the semester may result in a failure grade (F). A maximum of ten (10) days of activity absences, per semester, from any one class as a result of school activities are permitted during the school year. The Oklahoma City Public School District believes that in order for students to realize their fullest potential from educational efforts, they should attend all classes. Realizing that some absences may be beyond a student’s control, the Board of Education has adopted a policy requiring students to be in attendance a “minimum” of 88% each semester to receive credit for any course in which the student is enrolled. ACTIVITY ABSENCES
A maximum of ten (10) days of activity absences, per semester, from a class for school activities are permitted during the school year. A student may choose not to take part in any activity whenever they feel the permitted number of activity absences will be exceeded. Students will not be reprimanded or punished for missing the activity. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 13
Students are required to be in class on time. Students who enter the classroom after the official start time of class are counted tardy. A student who is one or more hour late, or is picked up one or more hour early, will be counted absent for 1/2 day. TRUANCY
Oklahoma school law holds the parent responsible for a student’s attendance in school. A student is considered truant when absent from the classroom without the knowledge of either the school or the parent. If a student is absent from school four or more days or parts of days within a four week period without a valid excuse or is absent without valid excuse for ten (10) or more days during a semester, the attendance officer will inform the parents that they are not in compliance with Oklahoma Statutes, Title 70, Section 10-101, et seq., and will notify the district attorney for Oklahoma County. Parents can be fined for each day their child is truant from school. Students who are not attending school during the school day may be detained/cited by police officers and taken to the nearest THRIVE Center. BULLYING / HARASSMENT / DISCRIMINATION District policy prohibits: bullying and unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual acts or favors, with or without accompanying promises, threats or reciprocal favors or actions, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature including, but is not limited to: lewd or sexually suggestive comments, off-color language or jokes of a sexual nature, gestures, slurs and other verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s sex; or any display of sexually explicit pictures, greeting cards, articles, books, magazines, photos, cartoons, or electronic communication devices which adversely affect a student’s performance. Victims shall be referred to the school counselor or principal. Perpetrators may be reported to the police. Any student or groups of students, who have been the victim of sexual harassment or harassment based on race, sex, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, disability or for any other reason, will immediately report the incident to the principal. The District does not discriminate, on the basis on race, sex, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, disability or for any other reason in providing access to any services, programs or activities. Additionally, the District does not tolerate harassment based upon race, sex, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, disability, or for any other reason. Bullying, intimidation, or harassment, whether written, verbal, or by electronic communication devices, even in jest, is not allowed in any district school. Behaviors that place another student or group of students in fear of harm, or insult or demean any student or group of students will not be permitted. Bullying behaviors are prohibited on school premises, at school sponsored or school related activities, events or functions, or anywhere that students are under the supervision of school personnel. Bullying is defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behavior, such as name calling, threatening and/or shunning, committed by one or more children against another. Bullying may be physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or by electronic communication. Physical bullying includes, but is not limited to, punching, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, biting and excessive tickling, Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, hurtful name calling, teasing and gossiping. Emotional bullying includes, but is not limited to, rejection, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, humiliating, blackmailing, rating/ranking of personal characteristics such as race, disability, ethnicity, manipulating friendships, isolating, ostracizing and peer pressure. Sexual bullying includes, but is not limited to, exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, sexual harassment, physical contact, and sexual assault. All acts of bullying / harassment/ discrimination should immediately be reported to school personnel. Any student, who believes that he or she has been a victim of bullying, discrimination or harassment, will immediately report the incident to the principal. If the incident is not resolved at the building level, the student may file a complaint with Student Services at 587-0438. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 14
Additional information can be obtained from the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools at 587-0001. BICYCLE RULES Students, grades 3-12, may ride bicycles to and from school but not on the school campus. Bicycles ridden to school by students should be in good condition and meet all safety requirements. Students should dismount from the bicycle, walk the bicycle to the designated area and park and lock the bicycle upon entering the school campus. Riders should know and observe all traffic laws. Bicycles are to be parked upon arrival at school and must remain parked until school is dismissed for the day. THE SCHOOL DISTRICT DOES NOT HAVE THEFT INSURANCE AND IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED BICYCLES. CLOSED CAMPUS Students (K-12) are required to remain on campus throughout the school day. Lunches are provided in school cafeterias. DRUG FREE SCHOOLS POLICY It is district policy that no student shall possess, use, transmit or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any other controlled substance or any non-intoxicating alcoholic beverage (example: low point beer); fortified wine or other intoxicating liquor; or transmit drug paraphernalia or counterfeit drugs; or possess, use, transmit or be under the influence of any other chemicals or products. This policy shall apply to all students before, during and after school hours, in any school building, on the premises, in a school vehicle, at a school sponsored event or function, or during any period of time when students are subject to the authority of school personnel. Students in violation of this policy are subject to an out of school suspension. (See the Code of Conduct in Appendix B) The above policy applies to all persons on the school property. ELIGIBILITY FOR EXTRA-CURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES In order to be eligible to participate in a competitive or noncompetitive activity and represent his/her school, a student must: 1.
Be enrolled in or have been enrolled in a course related to the activity when such activity will cause the student to miss class work during the regular school day.
Maintain a “C� average in the last regular semester prior to participating in the activity and must maintain passing grades in all classes in the current semester; students, who attend summer school, may apply one course grade/credit to the previous semester grade point average and course credits, thereby increasing scholastic eligibility in the following semester.
Any student who is the subject of disciplinary action, or whose conduct or character is such as to reflect discredit upon the school, is not eligible to participate in events as determined by the principal. Students, who are suspended, are not eligible to participate in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities until their suspension is complete. To participate in athletics, a student must have a physical examination, parental consent certificate and insurance verification or an insurance waiver on file with the principal. A student who has established athletic eligibility at one school and transfers to another must attend school at the receiving school for one year before eligibility is considered. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS The Oklahoma School Law and School District Policy allow school officials to withhold transcripts or other records of grades, from third parties, where a student has failed to make restitution for lost textbooks or library books. Parents Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 15
are also obligated to pay for uniforms and equipment or damage to school property. Students with outstanding obligations may be prevented from participating in or attending school activities. The parent/guardian, or the student who is 18 years of age or older, must be given transcripts or other records upon request as stated in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). GUN FREE SCHOOLS Any student, in this school District, who uses or possesses a firearm at school, at any school-sponsored event, or in or upon any school property, including school transportation or school-sponsored transportation, will be removed from school for not less than one full calendar year. Firearms are defined in Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 921, as: A. Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; B. The frame or receiver of any such weapon; C. Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or D. Any destructive device, including any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, or rocket, having a propellant charge of more than four ounces, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce, mine or any device similar to the above. All firearms or weapons will be confiscated and released only to proper legal authorities. Students with disabilities are subject to this policy and will be disciplined in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. For safety purposes, surveillance video or audio equipment may be used to monitor student behavior at school, on buses and in common areas on campus and at school activities. PERSONAL PROPERTY/DISTRACTING DEVICES Students in the Oklahoma City Public Schools are not permitted to have electronic or wireless devices that are deemed to be disruptive to the educational process on the school grounds, in the buildings, or on the school buses at any time. Laser Pens/Pointers Due to the potential for the disruption of the school environment and the risk of permanent eye damage, student use or possession of laser pens while on district property, while attending a district-sponsored activity on or off district property or while traveling to or from any school is prohibited. Policy Violations Any student who violates this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, including the confiscation of the device. Confiscated devices will be taken to the building principal’s office. The device shall not be returned to the student and may be returned to the student’s parents after a conference among the student, the student’s parents, and a school administrator. Students are responsible for the care and safety of all personal property. The District does not carry theft insurance and is not responsible for lost or damaged personal property. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag or the Oklahoma Pledge may be given during programs and assemblies throughout the school year. Students have the right not to participate, but non-participating students MUST remain silent and respect the rights of others during the ceremony.
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RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY / RIGHT TO PETITION / FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Students have the right to assemble lawfully and present petitions to the administration. In exercising their right, students are expected to avoid interrupting the educational process or causing an unsafe environment for other students. The collection of signatures is only permitted before, after school, and during lunch. SAFETY GUIDELINES Safety awareness and the prevention of accidents are important goals of each school. Children are to follow these safety guidelines: • Students are not allowed inside the building prior to the beginning of class. • Students should not arrive early to school, before students are allowed into the building, due to lack of super-vision at that time. • Start for school early enough to arrive five or ten minutes before the late bell. • Walk on sidewalks. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic. • Cross only at intersections where crossing guards, stop signs or traffic signals are present. • Do not approach or enter strange automobiles. Invitations to do so should be reported immediately at home and at school. • Be considerate of smaller children. • Remain on the school grounds while school is in session. • Do not attempt to run or walk across Interstate Highways. Crossing guards are stationed at hazardous intersections as assigned by the Oklahoma City Traffic Control Division and the Oklahoma City Police Department. Crossing guards are normally on duty thirty (30) minutes before and after school. Parents are asked to stress the importance of cooperating with the school safety crossing guards. STUDENT CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE District regulations state that student behavior should be based on respect and consideration for the rights of others. Students who violate the rights of others or violate district, school or classroom rules shall be subject to disciplinary actions, whether on or off campus, including activities in conjunction with or independent of classes and school sponsored activities. A student suspended for a violent act against a classroom teacher will not be allowed to return to the teacher’s class without the teacher’s permission. The discipline of a student with a disability shall be in accordance with the specific laws, policies and regulations governing such students (IDEIA, 2004). Corporal punishment is not used in Oklahoma City Public Schools. Other forms of discipline, including but not limited to suspension, may be used. (See Appendix B - Student Code of Conduct) APPEAL OF STUDENT SUSPENSION
Any student may appeal a short term or long term suspension. The student will remain on suspension while the resolution of the appeal is pending. The appeal procedure is as follows: Level I
If a parent or student is not satisfied with the decision concerning a short term (10 or less days) suspension, the parent or student may request an appeal by making a written application to Student Services within three (3) days of the school’s decision. A thorough investigation will be completed, and the decision will be sent by certified mail, to the student’s home. If a parent or student is not satisfied with the decision concerning a long term suspension (more than 10 days), the parent or student may request an appeal by making a written application to Student Services within ten (10) days of the school’s decision. A thorough investigation will be completed, and the decision will be sent by certified mail, to the student’s home. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 17
Level II
If a parent is not satisfied with the Level I decision, the investigator’s report will be sent to the Board who will use the report to determine the guilt or innocence of the student and the reasonableness of the term of the out of school suspension. The Board’s decision shall be final.
The discipline of a student with a disability shall be in accordance with specifics outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004. The student’s IEP team must convene prior to any disciplinary action which may impose a suspension that will result in more than 10 cumulative suspension days during the school year. The school cannot suspend or remove the student from school as a disciplinary measure for more than 10 cumulative days during the school year until all procedures in the IDEIA are implemented. DUE PROCESS FOR SHORT AND LONG TERM SUSPENSIONS
Before a principal assigns a short term (10 or less days) suspension, the principal will afford the student the minimal elements of due process, which in most cases; can be satisfied by a discussion immediately following the misconduct. The student must be told and shown in writing what he or she is accused of doing, the factual basis of the accusations, and given the opportunity to tell his/her version of the story. Written Notice shall be given to the student and parent. A student is entitled to an evidentiary due process hearing at the school before a long term (more than 10 days) suspension can be assigned. A student found in possession of alcohol, a controlled dangerous substance or a dangerous weapon or firearm, or whose presence poses a continuing danger to a person or property, or an ongoing threat to the disruption of the education process may be immediately removed from school. Written notice of the date and time of the hearing should be given to the parents no later than 72 hours after the student’s removal. The student and parent shall be given sufficient time to prepare for the hearing, which should be scheduled no sooner than three days and no later than five (5) days (not counting days when school is not in session) after the parent receives written notice. The hearing officer may grant additional days by request. If the student and parent agree with the proposed suspension and sign the “WAIVER OF HEARING”, the suspension becomes effective, final, and the student and parent cannot appeal. The principal or designee is responsible for interpreting the result of signing the waiver to the student and parent, making clear that the signature relinquishes their right to appeal. The student is entitled to a fair hearing with an impartial hearing officer. A building administrator from another school will preside over the hearing. The hearing will serve to determine the facts of the case and to determine guilt or innocence of the accused student. The length of suspension shall be as stated in the “Code of Conduct” as it relates to the offense. The hearing officer’s recommendation for corrective action, which may include placement at an alternative program, shall be considered by the principal. The principal is responsible for assisting the parent in the enrollment of the student into an alternative program. Students assigned to alternative programs are not allowed to return to any Oklahoma City Public School until the assignment at the alternative school is completed. Students charged with violations for the same incident may be consolidated into a single joint hearing at the discretion of the hearing officer. Due process includes: • A statement of the charge, specifically identifying the rule allegedly violated and stating the length of the proposed suspension; • An explanation of the evidence, summarizing the facts of the incident which form the basis of the charge; • The names of all witnesses who will be called to testify against the student and a brief summary of the expected testimony of each witness. Further identification of witnesses who are not students or employees of the school district shall be provided upon request. (The name of a witness who has been actually threatened by or on behalf of the accused need not be disclosed); • The identity of any affidavit, statement or other document the school plans to introduce as an exhibit, and their right to inspect the same within a reasonable time before the hearing; Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 18
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The time, date and location of the hearing; The procedure to be followed at the hearing; The right to be represented by a person of their choosing (this may be an attorney); The right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses who give oral testimony at the hearing; The right to present witnesses, affidavits, statements and other documentary evidence on behalf of the student; The right of the student to remain silent; The right to an impartial Hearing Officer; and, The proper appeal procedure if the student is found guilty.
Any student, who has been suspended for more than five days for violating the Code of Conduct, shall be placed on an education plan during the suspension. The education plan must be designed by the student’s teacher(s) and must be based on the student’s curriculum. It must be designed to reintegrate the student back into the school environment once the suspension has been served. A copy of the plan shall be given to the student and to the student’s parent/guardian by the end of the school day following the first day of suspension. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to monitor the completion of the plan within the designated time period. The assignments must be completed, with passing grades, in order for the student to receive credit. By Oklahoma School Law, the parent/guardian and the school must comply with this plan. Students suspended for possession of dangerous weapons, controlled substances or firearms are not entitled to education plans. STUDENT DISCIPLINE FOR OUT-OF-SCHOOL ACTIONS
Disciplinary action for conduct occurring off school property and not involving a school activity is proper if the conduct has an adverse effect upon the school. It is the policy of this District that any student attending school within this District will be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension from school for any conduct which, in the opinion of the school administrator, has an adverse impact upon the school, even if such misconduct occurs off school property and during non-school time. (See Appendix B - Student Code of Conduct) Such activity includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Damaging school property, e.g. a school bus • Engaging in activity that causes physical or emotional harm to other students, teacher, or other school personnel • Engaging in activity that directly impedes discipline at school or the general welfare of school activities SUSPENSIONS DUE TO FELONIOUS ACTS
Students thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, or seventeen years of age may be long-term suspended for the commission of one or more of the following, to include, but not limited to, felonious act(s) after being charged by a court of law. • Murder • Kidnapping • Robbery with a dangerous weapon • Rape in the first degree • Rape by instrumentation • Use of firearm or other offensive weapon while committing a felony • Arson in the first degree • Burglary with explosives • Burglary in the first or second degree after three or more adjudications for burglary in the first or burglary in the second degree • Shooting with intent to kill • Discharging a firearm, crossbow or other weapon from a vehicle • Intimidating a witness Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 19
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Manslaughter in the first degree Sodomy Trafficking in illegal drugs, manufacturing, distributing, dispensing or possessing with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense a controlled dangerous substance Assault and battery with a deadly weapon
STUDENT DRESS CODE / PERSONAL APPEARANCE Students may choose their own grooming and clothing styles, provided that: such apparel does not interfere with school work; create disorder in the learning environment; and the student attends a non-uniform dress school. Community standards of health, safety and morality must be maintained at all times. Inappropriate items may be taken and held for parent pick up. Footwear must be worn and the wearing of sunglasses inside school buildings and in class is not permitted. The wearing of the following apparel is prohibited: 1. Cutoffs or mini-shorts 2. Clothing that reveals the chest, such as net shirts and undershirts, see-through blouses, halters, tube tops 3. Clothing that exposes a bare midriff, bodice or abdomen 4. Gang dress, such as bandannas and other gang associated symbols, as identified by law enforcement 5. Haircuts which display gang or cult symbols 6. Clothing bearing the names or emblems of all professional and collegiate athletic teams (with the exception of Oklahoma colleges and universities ) 7. Satanic cult dress, witchcraft and related symbols 8. T-shirts, sweatshirts and other clothing with profanity, put downs or suggestive slogans related to the purchase and use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sex, and violence 9. Obscene or vulgar jewelry 10. Jewelry worn to identify gang or drug culture and/or lifestyle; marijuana jewelry; or jewelry worn as a weapon 11. Caps, hats or jackets associated with gangs, cults or secret societies 12. Caps, hats or head coverings of any kind worn inside the building 13. Torn, cut-up or slit clothing 14. Pajama-type or bedtime wear, or house shoes 15. Spandex sportswear or biker pants 16. Jeans, slacks, skirts or pants worn below the waist line (sagging) 17. Unstrapped overalls 18. Untied tennis or athletic shoes worn in an unsafe or gang-affiliated manner 19. Uncovered tattoos on the body which affiliate a person with a gang or cult 20. Clothing and accessories which displays gang/cult identifications 21. Expensive or excessive gold, gold plated, silver, silver plated jewelry or precious metals (chains, rope, necklaces, multi fingered rings ) 22. Flip flops, beach, pool wear, or wheelie shoes 23. Large oversized clothing 24. No military style belts or belt buckles 25. No colored shoe laces 26. No screen printed or embroidered shirts indicating gang affiliation Individual schools may also have implemented a uniform policy. Students found in willful violation of the district’s dress code are subject to disciplinary action. STUDENT DRIVEN MOTOR VEHICLES High school students who drive motor vehicles to school must register their vehicle at the beginning of each school year and shall receive an authorized decal. Proof of driver’s license and insurance are required. A parent’s signature is Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 20
required on the card and a parking sticker must be displayed on the vehicle at all times. Failure to follow parking and vehicle identification rules could result in the student’s loss of privilege to drive a car to school. A photocopy of the student’s license must be on file in the office. Students have a responsibility to know and follow rules and regulations established by individual high schools for their parking area. Middle school students are not permitted to drive motor vehicles to school. Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. The school has the authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lots and inspections of student’s automobiles when on school property. The interior of student vehicles may be inspected whenever a school authority has a reasonable suspicion that illegal or unauthorized materials may be contained inside. Such patrols and inspections may be conducted without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SCHOOL PROPERTY Students are responsible for the proper use and care of school property such as textbooks, library books, desks, uniforms, and equipment. The parent or legal guardian of a student is responsible for the replacement or repair of damaged school property when it is determined that the damage was committed by the student as a result of the student’s negligence. Failure to meet financial obligations will result in the withholding of student records from a third party, such as an employer, a university, or a college. School officials may conduct regular or random searches of lockers and their contents at any time for reasons of health or safety. TOBACCO FREE SCHOOLS Students will not be permitted to use tobacco, in any form, on District property. Smoking or use of tobacco, in any form by anyone, shall be prohibited within a school building and on school grounds. This policy applies to all persons on school property. Violations of the tobacco law may be referred to ABLE Commission. (Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission) at 405-521-3484. TRANSPORTATION THE PROVISION OF SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION IS NOT A RIGHT OF STUDENTS, BUT IS A PRIVILEGE EXTENDED BY THE DISTRICT.
The Oklahoma City Public School District provides transportation to students who live more than one and one half mile (1 ½) from their assigned school; attend vocational/technical education classes; or enroll in clustered special education programs where transportation is required. The majority of students who live within the school attendance zone, and live greater than 1½ miles from the school, are eligible for bus transportation. District transportation is not provided for students who elect to attend a school other than their neighborhood school. Transportation, for students living within 1 ½ miles of their school of record, is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian. All student transportation will be consistent with state statutes and the Board of Education regulations. The driver is in charge of students while they are aboard the bus. Students must: • Respect the driver at all times. • Follow the driver’s direction at all times. • Remain seated while the bus is moving. • Keep the bus clean. • Avoid tampering with bus equipment. • Move to the rear of bus when loading. • Keep the aisles clear of books, band instruments, and other objects. • Avoid loud talking, laughing, or confusion that may distract the driver. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 21
• • • • • •
Not extend any part of the body out of the window. Not eat on the bus. Not smoke or use smokeless tobacco (snuff or chewing). Not bring alcohol or other illegal substances on the bus. Not board the bus if under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. Not bring guns, weapons, or weapon replicas on the bus as prohibited by District policy and State law.
It is the bus driver’s duty to report any violation of bus rules to the school principal. The driver has the authority to forbid students, who have been removed by the principal, from riding the bus until permission to ride again is given by the principal. Violations of bus rules may result in the loss of riding privileges or other disciplinary measures. Infant and child seats are not provided by the District’s transportation office. All infant/child seats must meet Department of Transportation standards. Bus Stop Information: • • •
New bus stops and route information will be available at the schools. All requests for transportation must come from the school. Parents should contact the school to apply for transportation. Parents are responsible for notifying the school of the correct home or transportation address. All address changes are to be reported to the school. The school will notify Transportation regarding changes.
Special Transportation: • • • •
The level of transportation service for Special Education students is determined by each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Special transportation service for all other students is determined by the student’s 504 Plan. Parents must transport students during the establishment of transportation. All address changes are to be reported to the school. The school will notify Transportation regarding changes.
Parents should call the dispatcher (587-1151 or 587-1152) if a student will not ride the bus. Parents must call when the student will resume riding. If any student in a special program, referred to above, fails to ride or call in for a three (3) consecutive day period, that student will be dropped from the route until transportation is notified that the student will resume riding. USE/MISUSE OF COMPUTER ACCESS Access to On-Line computer services is provided for District students and staff for the sole purpose of facilitating resource sharing and communication. Students are to use these services for legitimate educational purposes only. The District is not responsible for the misuse of on-line services. Such misuse includes but is not limited to: obtaining inappropriate or sexually explicit material, illegal copying or installation of software, using another’s password, producing, copying or attempting to introduce any computer code designed to self-replicate, damage or destroy a computer’s memory, cause a virus or otherwise hinder computer performance. Students found guilty of such behaviors are subject to the loss of computer privileges and action as stated in the Code of Conduct. For reasons of health and safety, school staff may periodically monitor each student’s use of the network resources to insure that the system is being used in accordance with district policy. For further information, please see Appendix C. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION DEVICES It is the policy of the Oklahoma City Board of Education that a student may possess a wireless telecommunication device while on school premises, or while in transit under the authority of the school, or while attending any function sponsored or authorized by the school. The District prohibits such wireless communication devices from being turned on Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 22
and/or able to send or receive communications during the instructional day. The instructional day shall be defined as including all times when classes are being conducted and during passing times. Wireless telecommunication devices include, but are not limited to, cellular and digital telephones, two-way radios, personal digital assistants, and smartphones. Wireless telecommunication devices do not include amplification systems utilized in classrooms or in school buildings. Students found to be using any electronic communications device for any illegal purpose, violation of privacy, or to in any way send or receive personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on tests or exams shall be subject to discipline and the device shall be confiscated and not returned until a parent conference has been held. Students violating this rule will be disallowed from carrying a personal communication device following the incident unless a bona fide health emergency exists. Students found to be in possession of a wireless telecommunications device in violation of the rules shall be subject to disciplinary action under the Code of Conduct, including confiscation of the device pending parent/guardian conference, detention, in-house suspension, or suspension. Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacted.
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SECTION III ____________________________________________ STUDENT EVALUATION The Oklahoma City Public School District provides an instructional program which enables all students to learn. High priority is given to learning experiences which serve as a foundation for a child’s total educational development (reading, writing, computing, etc.), as well as the stimulation of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving abilities and aesthetic appreciation. The Board believes that grades and grading practices should be administered in a fair, equitable and consistent manner. The evaluation of student progress is based upon skill mastery. Each discipline is represented by instructional objectives and is described in a curriculum outline. Student evaluation and grades are based on daily classroom performance, homework, classroom tests, assessments of Oklahoma’s Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS), attendance and other required activities and projects. The Oklahoma City Public Schools uses an electronic grade reporting system that rounds all students’ grades to the nearest full numerical grade value. Students who do not meet district standards will receive “NG” (No Grade), “NC” (No Credit), or “I” (Incomplete) until all requirements are met. Generally, “NG” and others need to be made up by the end of the subsequent quarter. Parents are to receive formal notification when their child does not meet requirements to receive a passing grade. Such notification should be sent no later than two weeks before the grading period ends. GRADING SYSTEM - PRE-KINDERGARTEN A conference skills checklist is used to indicate progress made by pre-kindergarten students. The Pre-Kindergarten checklist is based on state and national standards and is used to measure progress and mastery of PASS. The scale of “+” (Consistent), “” (Progressing), “” (Not Yet) is used to reflect progress. +
Skill is consistently performed successfully Skill mastery is developing Skill is developing, but needs more time and instruction for mastery
GRADING SYSTEM - KINDERGARTEN A performance assessment based on state and national standards is used to measure progress and mastery of PASS. OKCPS Kindergarten programs are designed to meet student needs and all areas of development: social and emotional, physical, language and literacy, and intellectual. The following scale of “+” (Consistently Successful), “” (Progressing), “” (Needs Support), “” (Skill Not Introduced) is used in the following skills areas: +
Skill is consistently performed successfully Skill mastery is developing Skill is developing, but needs more time and instruction for mastery Skill has not been taught at this time
GRADING SYSTEM - 1ST THROUGH 5TH GRADE (AND 6TH GRADE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS) Letter grades are given in the following skill areas: Language Arts Vocal Music Reading Physical Education Spelling Visual Arts Mathematics Foreign Language (grades 4 and above) Science/Health Instrumental Music (grades 4 and above) Social Studies Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 24
Performance Indicators of “S” (satisfactory) or “I” (Improvement needed) are given in the areas of Work/Study Habits and Social Growth. The letter grading system for students in grades 1 through 5 is identical to the numerical grade value of grades 6-12. Grades 1-12 Regular
Grades 9-12 Honors
Grades 9-12 Advanced Placement
59% & below
59% & below
59% & below
PARENT ACCESS TO SMARTWEB GRADEBOOK SmartWeb is a tool that allows parents to track student attendance, grades, assignments, and homework throughout the school year. Parents/guardians must contact their child’s school to obtain a registration code and will also need the child’s identification number in order to register for access. You will find a link to log into SmartWeb on the Oklahoma City Public School web site at www.okcps.org. HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT SYSTEM (9-12) Students earn credits at the high school level. Students will earn a grade of A, B, C, D or F depending on the level of demonstrated competency for courses that meet a minimum of sixty-five (65) hours during the semester. Students are classified as Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors based on the number of credits earned. Minimum credits required for each classification: Grade 10: Sophomore 6.5 units or 13 credits Grade 11: Junior 13 units or 26 credits Grade 12: Senior 19 units or 38 credits BLOCK EIGHT SCHEDULING Classen School of Advanced Studies, Northeast Academy for Health Sciences and Engineering, and Pathways Middle College will implement the BLOCK EIGHT scheduling system which requires students to take eight academic courses per year. Students study subjects in eighty (80) to ninety (90) minute classroom periods. Students can earn 8 units per year. A minimum of 26 units (52 credits) are required to graduate from high school. All other high schools will implement a seven (7) period day. This requires that students take seven courses per year. Classroom periods with be approximately forty-five (45) minutes. Students can earn 7 units per year. UNITS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION All students, including students following Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and those enrolled at an alternative educational facility, may gain a high school diploma by completing the units required for graduation.
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GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS In order to receive a high school diploma from the District, freshman starting in 2006-2007 must earn a minimum number of units in high school (grades 9-12) as follows: English (Language Arts) Mathematics Laboratory Sciences U.S. History Oklahoma History Government Geography World History Physical Activity Courses Fine Arts Electives Computer Technology Courses General Electives (must include one additional unit of Computer Technology or 2 units of the same foreign language) TOTAL UNITS REQUIRED
4 3 3 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2 1 10
In order to receive a high school diploma from the District, freshman starting in 2008-2009 must earn a minimum number of units in high school (grades 9-12) as follows: English (Language Arts) Mathematics Laboratory Sciences U.S. History Oklahoma History Government Geography World History Physical Activity Courses Fine Arts Electives Computer Technology Courses General Electives (must include one additional unit of Computer Technology or 2 units of the same foreign language) TOTAL UNITS REQUIRED
4 3 3 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2 1 8
STANDARD DIPLOMA English 9: Grammar and Composition English 10: World Literature English 11: American Literature English 12: English Literature or Other approved Literature
1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit
Algebra I Geometry
1 unit 1 unit Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 26
Algebra II (Students on an advanced math sequence must complete three years of math during grades 9-12)
1 unit
Biology Other approved science courses
1 units 2 units
Geography (9th) Oklahoma History (9th) United States History (11th) United States Government (12th) World History
½ units ½ unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit
Physical Activity (JROTC, Dance, Band, Athletics and/or PE)
1 unit
Fine Arts
2 units
Computer Technology
1 unit
Other approved electives (must include one additional unit of Computer Technology or 2 units of the same foreign language)
8 units
CERTIFICATE OF DISTINCTION – DIPLOMA Beginning with students in the 2009-2010 high school graduating class a 3.25 G.P.A on a 4.0 scale, the required courses listed below, and a satisfactory score or its equivalent on all end of instruction tests as those test are implemented are required for a Certificate of Distinction. English 9: Grammar and Composition English 10: World Literature English 11: American Literature English 12: English Literature or Other approved Literature
1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit
Algebra I Other approved math courses (students on an advanced math sequence must complete three years of math during grades 9-12)
1 unit 3 units
Biology Other approved science courses Geography (9th) Oklahoma History (9th) World History (10th) United States History (11th) United States Government (12th)
1 unit 3 units ½ unit ½ unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 27
Physical Activity (JROTC, Dance, Band or Athletics and/or PE)
1 unit
Fine Arts
2 units
Computer Technology
1 unit
Foreign Language Additional units in Arts
Computer Technology or Humanities
2 units
Other approved electives
4 units
NEW STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Seniors (2012) must meet the new state graduation requirements by passing 4 of the 7 End of Instruction (EOI) tests: Algebra I (required), English II (required), and any two (2) of the following: Biology, Geometry, U.S. History, Algebra II, English III. No student will be allowed to participate in graduation exercises unless they have met these requirements. PROMOTION CRITERIA FOR K-12 Students who demonstrate academic competency will be considered eligible for promotion to the next higher level. Academic competency is indicated by: use of criterion referenced tests, teacher observation, course grades, and attendance in grades K-5. Attendance Standard - More than 10 days of unexcused absence may result in recommendation for retention. District Standard - K-5: mastery of 90% of Oklahoma Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) in reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies, and with a minimum grade of “D”. Promotion of special education students shall be determined by each student’s individualized education program (IEP) team. Middle school students, grades 6-8, must master 90% of PASS and with a minimum grade of “D” in all four core classes: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Student assignments are calculated into the student’s grade. High school students must complete a course with a passing grade in order to receive credit. Students who do not satisfactorily complete a course do not receive credit. Students with limited English proficiency who have not met promotion standards may be promoted on the recommendation of the building language team (bilingual staff, classroom teacher and providing an academic intervention plan is in place). CLASS WORK MAKE UP Students are required to make up any class work (or equivalent assignments) missed because of any excused absence. The student will be given five days to make up missed work and the student will be given proper credit when the work is completed.
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Students are required to make up work for unexcused absences during each quarter. Students will be given credit for make-up work. Opportunities shall be provided within each quarter for the student to make up unexcused absences. APPEAL OF RETENTION DECISION Any parent or guardian, who is dissatisfied with the decision to retain a child, may appeal the decision by contacting the appropriate Executive Director within three (3) working days of the school’s decision. A decision will be rendered within five (5) working days. Parents who are dissatisfied with the appropriate Executive Director’s decision should contact the Clerk of the Board of Education at 587-0444 for information about a Level II Appeal. PROFICIENCY TESTING This program provides advanced students with an opportunity to move forward by subject, course or grade level based upon mastery of the Priority Academic Student Skills. A student must score at least ninety percent (90% ) on the test. Grade level tests are available for grades 1-8. Course level tests are available for grades 9-12. Interested students are asked to contact the school principal for more information, or call the office of Educational Assessment at 297-6776. ACADEMIC RECOGNITION Students will be recognized for academic success for various honor rolls as follows: Superintendent’s Honor Roll: (Based upon G.P.A-Grade Point Average) Student must have a G.P.A of 4.0 to receive the Superintendent’s Honor Recognition. Principal’s Honor Roll: (Based upon G.P.A-Grade Point Average) Student must have a G.P.A of 3.5 to receive the Principal’s Honor Recognition. Student cannot have a letter grade of C. Honor Roll: (Based upon G.P.A-Grade Point Average) Student must have a G.P.A of 3.0 to receive Honor Roll Recognition. Student may have one (1) letter grade of a C.
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SECTION IV____________________________________________ ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION AND EDUCATION SERVICES ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS The District goal is to provide a quality education to every student; however, regular classroom settings may not meet the needs of every student. Alternative education provides these students with unique situations and open avenues for continuing their education while addressing their needs. The core subjects taught through the alternative programs are math, social studies, language arts, and science. Students who have attendance problems, behavior problems, children of their own; have counseling needs, or other special needs may find alternative education the best environment for learning. The Oklahoma City Public School alternative education programs provide several options for students. These programs not only provide an alternative to the mainstream classroom, but also make a remarkable difference in the lives and educational experience of the students. The goal of all alternative education programs is the successful return of students to their home school. ADMISSION Student placement in an alternative center is determined by the Centralized Referral Team. Student placement in an alternative center also depends on space availability. Students who have violated the District’s weapons policy are not eligible for placement at an alternative education program. BREAKFAST AND LUNCH Students attending an alternative program can eat breakfast and lunch at the facilities. Students will receive free and reduced lunch meals if they meet federal guidelines. DRESS CODE As with any Oklahoma City Public School, students attending an alternative education program must follow any uniform policy or campus dress code.
EDUCATION SERVICES EARLY BIRDS (FORMERLY - READY! FOR KINDERGARTEN) Early Birds is a research-based, practical program that helps parents know what will be expected of their child the first day of kindergarten. Early Birds provides tools and training to parents and legal guardians of children from birth to age five so children enter kindergarten ready to learn. For more information, please contact Julie Mulford at 587-0422. EVEN START FAMILY EDUCATION PROGRAM The Even Start Family Education Programs helps families move toward education and economic independence. It provides intergenerational learning experiences for parents and their children birth through age seven; including English as a second language instruction, early childhood education and parenting education. Home visits to participating families provide an effective link between home and school. For more information call 587-1441. GUIDANCE PROGRAM The district provides a developmental guidance program (K-12) which is designed to assist students with making appropriate personal, educational and/or vocational decisions. Parents desiring more information should contact their school counselor. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 30
JROTC High Schools in Oklahoma City Public Schools have an active JROTC program. Students enroll in a course given during regular school hours, but also participate in many out-of-classroom activities. Students learn the basics in military history, government, technology awareness, and current events. The main focus is on developing leadership skills; as well as, how to study, take test, interview for jobs, and first aid. Selected students also attend a summer leadership camp. LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL SERVICES Language and Cultural Services through Title III provides limited English speaking students with appropriate programs, instruction, and opportunities to attend a school staffed with specially-trained professionals to enable students to achieve academic competency in English. These services are provided by teachers, facilitators, and bilingual paraprofessionals in schools where English Language Learners (ELLs) are identified. Language and Cultural Services also provides professional development opportunities to promote highly qualified ELL personnel and quality instruction. Training opportunities include Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) and second language acquisition techniques/methods and assessment. This department also provides a variety of materials and other resources to schools, classrooms, students and parents to enhance the English language learning experience. A variety of programs are available to limited English speaking students: • English as a Second Language Pullout provides skill-focused individual English instruction. • English as a Second Language with Native Language Support provides content area tutoring with a bilingual paraprofessional who speaks the child’s native language. • English as a Second Language Newcomer Centers are available for secondary students with little exposure to English. • In Sheltered Instruction classes content area teachers use the SIOP method to modify instruction for comprehension. Additional information is available by contacting Language and Cultural Services at 587-0172. MENTORING AND TUTORING PROGRAMS Various tutoring programs are offered in our schools through a business, group or as an individual. For more information, call your school’s principal. VOLUNTEERING IN OKLAHOMA CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS If you are interested in volunteering in one of our schools, please call the Volunteer Coordinators at 587-0274 or 5870275. You may also talk to your child’s teacher or principal regarding volunteer opportunities at the school. NATIVE AMERICAN SERVICES The Native American Student Services office meets the unique and cultural needs of Native American students enrolled in the District, by integrating services and community resources. The office is funded by two grants – Title VII Indian Education, and Johnson O’Malley. Students must qualify and complete an application for both programs. Supplementary guidance, academic tutoring, night school, drop out prevention, credit checks, career development and college preparation services are provided to Native American students through the Title VII Indian Education Program. School supplies, cultural programs and education, summer day camp, school uniforms, team sports incentives, senior cap and gown, and other services are offered through the Johnson-O’Malley grant for Native American students who qualify. For more information or if you have questions, please call the Native American Student Services office at 587-0357. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 31
SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS Parents who are graduates of Oklahoma City Public Schools, former students, supporters and current graduating classes are encouraged to become involved in their alma mater’s association. The following high schools have active associations: Classen, Capitol Hill, Douglass, U.S. Grant, John Marshall, Northwest Classen, Star Spencer, Emerson, Central, Harding, Northeast, and Southeast. More information is available by contacting the principal’s office at each high school. TITLE 1 PROGRAM The Title 1 Program is a pillar of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This landmark education legislation serves as the framework to improve the academic achievement levels of disadvantaged students and close the gaps in achievement between various categories of students. The law also is designed to give districts more local control of the educational process. Qualifying schools are provided funds based on the number of low income children and may operate a Schoolwide or a Targeted Assistance Program. Parents have a right to know the qualifications of the educational staff, including para-professionals, working with their child. Parents also have the right to know when their child is being taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified; the right to request information on the level of achievement of their child in each of the State academic assessments; an annual meeting to inform parents of the school’s Title 1 program; the opportunity to request meetings to provide suggestions and participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children; and information about language instruction programs and how parents can be involved. All notices provided to parents to meet the requirements of Title 1 must be in an understandable, uniform format a and in a language that parents can understand. Principals are responsible for providing such notices. Further information is available by contacting the Title 1 office at 587-0160.
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SECTION V ____________________________________________ SERVICES FOR PARENTS ALERT NOW AlertNOW is an automated phone dialing system that delivers important school messaging initiated by the district superintendent, the executive director of communications, your school principal or a designated member of the school district administrative staff. The primary uses of the system are to notify you of delayed openings, early dismissals, school closings and emergencies. This will enable the district to disseminate information to each of our families in the most time efficient manner possible. Other uses for Alert Now include (but are not limited to): attendance, school and district event reminders, testing announcements, and other district approved messaging. Your caller ID will display (405) 587-1609 anytime a non- emergency call is coming through from the district. Caller ID will display the main number for your child’s school when a call is placed directly from the school. Your caller ID will display 411 anytime an emergency call is coming through from the district or the school. Caller ID will not necessarily display a name associated with the number. The AlertNOW system can only contact direct dial numbers. Check with your employer to determine if you have a direct dial number in addition to an extension. It is extremely important to keep your phone numbers and any emergency contact phone numbers updated with the school. Parents need to notify their home school of any change in personal information so that students' records can be kept current and that you continue to receive important school communications. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS If you are interested in volunteering in one of our schools, please call the Volunteer Coordinators at 587-0274 or 587-0275. You may also talk to your child’s teacher or principal regarding volunteer opportunities at the school. All volunteers are required to complete the Volunteer Release Form in Appendix D. OPEN HOUSE All schools in the district have an annual Open House during the fall of each year. Parents and patrons are encouraged to attend. Schools will notify parents concerning the dates and times for Open House. PARENTS AS TEACHERS Parent as Teachers is an early childhood parent education and family support program designed to assist parents in providing their child with the best possible start in life. Services are provided to families who have children from birth to kindergarten including prenatal information for mothers-to-be. The program offers personalized visits by certified parent educators, group meetings to address family issues and concerns, developmental screenings and connects families to resources in the community. For more information call 587-0360. PARENT COMPLAINT PROCEDURE Parents will follow the procedure below to resolve a complaint: 1) Contact the building principal for assistance with resolving the complaint. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 33
2) 3) 4)
If the complaint is not resolved at the building level, the parent may file a written complaint with the appropriate Executive Director. If the complaint is not resolved to the parent’s/guardian’s satisfaction, the parent may file a written complaint with the Superintendent or designee within three (3) school days. If the parent/guardian is dissatisfied with the Superintendent’s decision, a written complaint may be filed, within five (5) school days, with the clerk of the Board of Education. The Board will consider the written evidence, and the parent/guardian will be notified of their decision in writing. The Board’s decision is final.
PARENT CONFERENCE DAYS Parent Conference Days are scheduled annually and parents are expected to attend conferences with their child’s teacher(s) to check on academic progress. Parents should SCHEDULE a meeting before going to the school. PARENT EDUCATION PROGRAMS Several opportunities are available for parents to learn more about schools, educational programs and ways to help their children achieve in school. Contact your school principal or the Title I Office at 587-0160 for more information.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT Purpose/Goal Oklahoma City Public Schools, in a cooperative effort with parents, schools, and the community, shall work together as knowledgeable partners in educating children and fostering and supporting active parent involvement. Inclusion Statement We recognize the word “parent” also includes guardians and other family members involved in supervising the child’s education. Programs and practices are in place to meet the diverse needs, languages, and cultures of students and parents. An environment of supportive, collaborative family involvement will be developed for the benefit of all children. Elements of Effective Programs Oklahoma City Public Schools supports the development, implementation, and regular evaluation of a parent involvement program at each of the district schools that includes parents at all grade levels in a variety of roles. Parent involvement programs will be coordinated and comprehensive in nature. Activities will include, but not be limited to, the following components of successful parent involvement programs based on the National PTA’s Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs: 1.
Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful. Effective home-school communication is the two-way sharing of meaningful information vital to student success. This two-way communication will occur in a variety of ways, such as: school visits, phone calls, parent conferences, report cards, and emails.
Responsible parenting is promoted and supported. Parents are a child’s first, and continue to be the most important, teacher. Schools will work with community agencies to link parents to family support services and resources in the community.
Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. Parents can be effective partners in helping to raise a student’s academic achievement and self-esteem. Schools will develop positive relationships and enlist the support of parents to develop a strong support system to help ensure academic success for each student. Oklahoma City Public Schools 2011-2012 Student Parent Handbook Page | 34
Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought. Parents are welcome into the school and classrooms. Parents have a right to access educational records and vital information concerning their child’s strengths, challenges, and accomplishments. Capitalizing on the expertise and skills of the parents strengthens the family, school, and community.
Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families. We are committed to involving parents in the decision-making processes. We will actively seek and enlist parent participation on issues such as curriculum, discipline policies, and overall reform measures. Community resources are made available to strengthen school programs, family practices, and student learning. Schools are a vital part of every community. When they work together, both are strengthened in every aspect: Families have access to resources; businesses partner with schools to create programs that connect to the workplace; intergenerational programs support young and old working together; and students serve and learn beyond their school environment.
Professional Development The Oklahoma City Public Schools recognizes the importance of administrative leadership in setting expectations and creating a climate conducive to parent involvement. They are committed to providing professional development opportunities and training for parents and staff throughout the year to enhance understanding of effective parent involvement strategies. Commitment to Implementation This policy will be made available at all schools, affecting parents and staff members throughout the district. Support will be provided to parents and teachers as they plan and implement effective parent involvement programs. Parents’ input into the design and implementation of the district policy is vital. School planning processes will include: 1. 2. 3. 4.
A school/parent compact for teaching and learning. Parent participation in campus improvement planning. Dissemination of information related to school goals, academic content standards, and student progress measures on performance and assessments. Implementation of proven strategies for engaging parents to support student learning.
Commitment to Evaluation Oklahoma City Public Schools ensures that parents will participate in an evaluation of the content and effect of this policy on the success of students. The evaluation will be used to improve and/or create practices to enhance parent involvement in education. Schools and parents will be asked to provide feedback on this parent involvement policy annually. THIS POLICY REQUIRED BY THE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT (NCLB) REFERENCE:
P. L. 107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
PARENT ORGANIZATIONS The Oklahoma City Public School District encourages parental involvement in the district’s educational process. Parents are encouraged to visit schools, attend school programs and check on the progress of their children. The district also encourages parents to become involved in parent support organizations. Parent training sessions are available through the various parent organizations. Parent-Teacher Association (P.T.A.): Information about P.T.A. is available through the school office or by contacting the Oklahoma City Public School District at 587-0407. Parents are encouraged to join the P.T.A. at their child’s school.
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Parent Advisory Committee for Indian Education Programs: Information about monthly meetings is available through Native American Services at 587-0357. PARENT VISITATION Parents are welcome in our schools, however they are required to sign in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass to ensure the safety and security of our students. A parent must make arrangements with the building administrator before entrance into the classroom. SPECIAL REPORTS TO PARENTS Teachers are responsible for contacting parents as soon as they determine that a student is performing unsatisfactorily. In instances of unsatisfactory school performance, teachers are required to send written notifications to parents during the 4th, 5th, or 6th week of each quarter. If necessary, additional notices may be sent earlier than the 4th week of the quarter or later than the 6th week of each quarter.
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APPENDIX A ___________________________________________ SCHOOL LISTINGS Elementary Schools Adams 3416 S.W. 37th, 73119...587-1600 Arthur 5100 S. Independence, 73119...685-9553 Bodine 5301 S. Bryant, 73129...587-2500 Britton 1215 W. 95th, 73114...587-6100 Buchanan 4126 N.W. 18th, 73107...942-2049 Capitol Hill 2717 S. Robinson, 73109...235-3531 Cesar Chavez 600 S.E. Grand Blvd, 73129…587-9800 Cleveland 2725 N.W. 23rd, 73107...945-1150 Columbus Enterprise School 2402 S. Penn, 73108...632-3012 Coolidge 5212 S. Villa, 73119...587-2800 Edgemere 3200 N. Walker, 73118...587-5100 Edwards 1123 N.E. Grand Blvd., 73117...587-3200 Eugene Field 1515 N. Klein, 73106...524-6625 Fillmore 5200 S. Blackwelder, 73119...587-4800 Gatewood 1821 N.W. 21st, 73106...587-2400 Green Pastures 4300 N. Post Rd., 73084...587-4500 Greystone Lower 2525 N.W. 112th, 73120…751-3663 Greystone Upper 2401 N.W. 115th, 73120....587-3100 Hawthorne 2300 N.W. 15th, 73107...524-5644 Hayes 6900 S. Byers, 73149...632-0752 Heronville 1240 S.W. 29th, 73109...587-6000 Hillcrest 6421 S. Miller, 73159...587-3800 Horace Mann 1105 N.W. 45th, 73118...587-3500 Johnson 1810 Sheffield Rd., 73120...843-6216 Kaiser 3101 N. Lyon Blvd., 73112..587-3600 Lee 424 S.W. 29th, 73109...587-3400 Linwood 3416 N.W. 17th, 73107...943-5623 Mark Twain 2451 W. Main, 73107...587-3700 Martin Luther King, Jr. 1201 N.E. 48th, 73111...587-4000
Monroe 4810 N. Linn, 73112...942-4479 Moon 1901 N.E. 13th, 73117...427-8391 Nichols Hills 1301 W. Wilshire Blvd., 73116...587-2583 North Highland 8400 N. Robinson, 73114..587-6200 Oakridge 4200 Leonhardt, 73115...231-2095 Thelma R. Parks 1501 N.E. 30th, 73111...425-4670 Parmelee 6700 S. Hudson, 73139...632-6773 Pierce 2701 S. Tulsa Ave., 73108..587-7400 Prairie Queen 6609 S. Blackwelder, 73159...681-2944 Putnam Heights 1601 N.W. 36th, 73118...587-2700 Quail Creek 11700 Thorn Ridge Rd., 73120...587-6500 Rancho Village 1401 S. Johnston Dr., 73119...634-1303 Ridgeview 10010 Ridgeview Dr., 73120 ...587-6800 Rockwood 3101 S.W. 24th, 73108...685-5444 Sequoyah 2400 N.W. 36th, 73112...946-2266 Shidler 1415 S. Byers, 73129...632-1070 Southern Hills 7800 S. Kentucky, 73159...681-5433 Spencer 8900 N.E. 50th, 73084...771-3246 Stand Watie 3517 S. Linn, 73119...587-6900 Telstar 9521 N.E. 16th, 73130...587-8900 Van Buren 2700 S.W. 40th, 73119...686-4080 West Nichols Hills 8400 N. Greystone, 73120...843-4218 Westwood 1701 Exchange Ave, 73108...235-8810 Wheeler 501 S.E. 25th, 73129...587-7000 Willow Brook 8105 N.E. 10th, 73110...587-7500 Wilson 2215 N. Walker, 73103...587-7100
Middle Schools Belle Isle Enterprise 5904 N. Villa, 73112...843-0888 Jackson 2601 S. Villa, 73108...634-6357 Jefferson 6800 S. Blackwelder, 73159...632-2341 Rogers 4000 N. Spencer Rd., 73084...771-3205 Roosevelt 3233 S.W. 44th, 73119...685-7795 Taft 2901 N.W. 23rd, 73107...946-1431 Webster 6708 S. Santa Fe, 73139...632-6653
High Schools Capitol Hill (9-12) 500 S.W. 36th, 73109...616-1210 Classen SAS (6-12) 1901 N. Ellison, 73106...556-5070 Douglass (7-12) 900 N. M.L. King Ave., 73117...587-4200 U.S. Grant (9-12) 5016 S. Penn, 73119...587-2200 John Marshall (6-12) 12201 N. Portland, 73120...587-7200 Northeast ASHE (6-12) 3100 N. Kelley, 73111...424-1491 Northwest Classen (9-12) 2801 N.W. 27th, 73107...942-5551 Oklahoma Centennial (7-12) 1301 NE 101, 73114...587-5200 Southeast (9-12) 5401 S. Shields, 73129...587-9600 Star Spencer (9-12) 3001 N. Spencer Rd., 73084...587-8800
Centers Emerson High School (6-12) 715 N. Walker, 73102...232-5273 Extended Education Services (K-12) 900 N. Klein, 73106…587-0042 Pathways (8-12) 7777 S. May, 73159...682-7840
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APPENDIX B ___________________________________________ Oklahoma City Public Schools STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students who break the rules are subject to disciplinary action that may be taken by teachers, counselors, administrators or other school personnel. The action is set by federal, state/city laws, and administrative and School Board policies. There are eight levels of disciplinary actions. The discipline of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with specifics outlined in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) of 2004. The student’s IEP team must convene prior to any disciplinary action which may impose a suspension that will result in more than 10 cumulative suspension days during the school year. The school cannot suspend or remove a student with disabilities from school as a disciplinary measure for more than 10 cumulative days during the school year until all procedures in the IDEIA are implemented.
Level 2
Intervention (does not include suspension)
Level 3
Suspension (1-5 days)
Level 4
Suspension (6-10 days)
Level 5
Suspension of 10 days with required assessment
Level 6
Long-term suspension (10 days or longer, not to exceed the current semester & the succeeding semester.)
Level 7
Mandatory suspension for the current semester plus the succeeding semester.
Level 8
Mandatory 12 month suspension from the date of the offense.
Staff members may conduct a conference among any combination of the following as a result of a discipline referral as long as the parents are notified using Parent/Guardian Notification of Discipline Referral form. Teacher, Student, Counselor, Administrator, School Based Social Worker, where applicable and Parent.
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ACTION LEVEL 2 – INTERVENTIONS Assessments such as the Functional Behavioral Assessment may be used at the discretion of school personnel at any level of intervention. Interventions in Level 2 may include but are not limited to the following options. The options listed below are not in order of use or priority.
A written direction by a teacher or other appropriate staff member requiring a student conference with a counselor, guidance dean, administrative personnel, counseling services or law enforcement personnel. A meeting of school personnel and others as may be required to consider the behavior of a student and to make recommendations for improvement. A separate place for the assignment of a student from the usual classroom environment resulting in the temporary denial of that student’s right to attend the regular class. Students may be assigned to the time-out room for period of one (1) to six (6) hours. A conference with school counselor to address issues that, if not changed, may lead to more severe consequences Detaining a student for disciplinary reasons before or after school hours. A temporary denial of a student’s right to attend his/her usual schedule of classes by assignment to special and/or unique sites/programs on the school campus. A detention served on a Saturday as opposed to before or after school. The denial of a student’s participation in school activities and extra-curricular events or the use of common areas or other parts of the school. A written statement, signed by all parties, specifying required steps and timelines necessary to improve a student’s behavior, describing the support to be provided by school staff, and identifying the parent/guardian’s participation. For non-violent infractions, a parent/guardian may shadow a student in the classroom for one day or for a specified period of time. Parent shadowing may be done in lieu of inschool or out of school suspension with administrator’s approval.
The denial by the school administration of a student’s right to attend school and schoolsponsored activities for 1-5 days.
The denial by the school administration of a student’s right to attend school or schoolsponsored activities for 6-10 days.
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Student is suspended for ten (10) days. This suspension requires that the student complete an assessment with a district approved provider prior to reinstatement.
The student can be suspended for a period not less than 11 days, but not to exceed the current semester and the succeeding semester.
Mandatory suspension of a student for a period of the current semester plus the succeeding semester.
Mandatory suspension of a student for a period of 12 calendar months from the date of the offense which can only be amended by the Superintendent/Designee or the Board of Education.
*Note: Assessments may be used at the discretion of school personnel at any level of suspension. ACTION LEVEL 1 & 2 – CONFERENCE AND INTERVENTIONS INTERVENTION REFERRAL Minimum Level 1 or 2 PARENTS NOTIFIED Category
Action Level*
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Falsification of documents
Health/Grooming Issues
Unacceptable hygiene that distracts from the educational environment
Inappropriate Dress including dress code violations
Dressing or grooming in a manner that disrupts the teaching and learning of others.
Inappropriate personal property
Possession of personal property prohibited by school rules and otherwise disruptive to the teaching and learning of others including, but not limited to, sexually explicit material, food, beverages, electronic equipment, laser pointers, etc.
Public display of
Behaviors of affection which are not appropriate for public places such as
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kissing, hugging, etc.
Failure to be in the place of instruction at the assigned time without a valid excuse.
Failure to report to school or class without prior permission, knowledge, or excuse by the school or the parent/guardian.
Note: Continued behavior in any of the above categories could result in an out-of-school suspension.
DISCIPLINE VIOLATIONS ACTION LEVEL 3 PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MAY BE CALLED – May result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Abusive or demeaning language or behavior (including profanity) directed toward any school personnel.
Any two (2) or more persons mutually agreeing to do any unlawful act.
Bullying is defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behavior, such as name calling, threatening &/or shunning, committed by one or more children against another. Bullying may be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual. Physical bullying includes punches, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, biting & excessive tickling. Verbal bullying includes hurtful name calling, teasing & gossiping. Emotional bullying includes rejection, terrorizing, extorting, defaming, isolating, ostracizing & peer pressure. Sexual bullying includes exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, sexual harassment, physical contact & sexual assault.
Bus Misconduct
Failure to comply with rules of bus safety or disturbing others (see specific offense)
Responding in a rude and/or impertinent manner toward school personnel.
Abusive language or profanity toward school personnel
Habitually abusive language/profanity addressed in Level 5.
Bullying/harassment form required
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Disruptive Behavior
Behaving in a manner that disrupts or interferes with educational activities.
Failure to report knowledge of illegal or dangerous activities which could harm others.
Excessive referrals
Three or more discipline referrals during nine-week timespan (not per grading period).
Failure to identify
Refusal to stop, provide name and/or other information when asked to do so by a staff member.
Involves the exchange of mutual, physical contact, including but not limited to hitting, with or without injury.
Fireworks-Possession or use
Using or possessing any explosive amusement device, smoke bomb, lighter, etc.
Playing or betting on a game of skill or chance for money or anything of value.
Gang Symbols
Disruption and/or intimidation caused by the wearing of any type of clothing/jewelry, or by the writing of any signs identified or associated with gangs.
Pestering, bullying, intimidating, or threatening another student, even in jest, on school property or school-sponsored events. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: name calling, slurs, or other oral, written, graphic, or physical conduct of a harassing nature as well as unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. *Reference Board Policy.
Suspension is recommended. However, principal may impose alternative consequences if there are extenuating circumstances. Assessment Mandatory.
Assessment mandatory NOTE: Harassment that is directed against a student because of that person’s race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or disability is a specific offense of harassment for which heightened disciplinary action is appropriate (up to level 6)
Bullying/harassment form required Hazing/Initiation
Activities that endanger an individual’s mental or physical health, which are required for initiation/entrance into any group.
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Leaving assigned area without permission
Leaving the classroom or assigned area without obtaining prior approval of the teacher and/or administrator.
Leaving campus without prior consent and authorization from school administration.
Misuse of computing resources
Failure to adhere to Board Policies *Reference Board Policy
Other similar offenses
Engaging in other similar conduct that disrupts the educational process or interferes with teaching and learning.
Petty Larceny theft
Taking of personal property accomplished by fraud or stealth with the intent to deprive another thereof (larceny where value of property is under $500).
Possession of stolen property
Having in one’s possession property obtained without permission of the owner.
Possession/ownership and use of other substances or materials
Possessing, using, or having under one’s control any substances, materials, or related paraphernalia which are dangerous to health or safety, or which disrupt the educational process including, but not limited to, non-alcoholic beer, look-a-likes, etc.
Provoking/instigating behavior
Encouraging or urging other students to violate school rules.
Reckless vehicle use
Using any motorized or selfpropelled vehicle on or near school grounds in a reckless manner or as a threat to health, safety, or as disruption to the educational process.
Refusal to serve suspension options
Failure to serve level 2 discipline options, including but not limited to, time-out, detention, in-school intervention, Saturday school, etc.
Refusal to work or follow directions
Failing to comply with proper and authorized direction or instruction of a staff member.
Possession/use of tobacco or tobacco products is prohibited.
Entering any school property or into any school facility without proper authority (includes any entry during a period of suspension).
Leaving campus without permission
Assessment mandatory
Do call police.
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Use of Profanity
Writing, saying, or making gestures that convey an offensive or obscene message.
Vandalism or destruction of property
Intentional or willful destruction/ defacement of property (includes vandalism or graffiti and damage/ alteration to computers or computer systems/programs/records).
Verbal or Written threat
Any willful or unlawful offer to do corporal hurt to another student using force or violence.
Weapon Possession other than a firearm (including look-a-likes)
Students possessing a dangerous weapon on their way to/from school or on school property. A weapon other than a firearm is defined as a knife, razor, karate stick, metal knuckle, live ammo, or any other object, which by the way it is used or intended to be used, is capable of inflicting bodily harm.
Use of wireless telecommunication devices during school hours for non-emergencies.
Wireless telecommunication devices
Do call police.
Do call police.
Weapons Violation form required
NOTE: For all the above offenses, a combination of In-School Intervention and Out-of-School suspension is allowable to fulfill the length of suspension, excluding issues of health and/or safety.
ACTION LEVEL 4 – SUSPENSION 6-10 DAYS (SECONDARY) PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MAY BE CALLED – May result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Intentionally starting a fire or combustion on school property. NOTE: Report any fire, regardless of size, ASAP to proper Central Office Administrator.
Call 911 for active fire – Do not clean up – Report ASAP.
Any willful or unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another student.
Call police only if charges are to be filed by victim. Assault form required.
Bomb/Explosive Threats
Reporting to school, police, or fire officials, by any means, information known to be false concerning the presence of a bomb or explosive.
Unauthorized entry into a school district building for the purpose of committing a crime when the
Weapons violation form required. 6
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building is closed to students and the public. Conspiracy
Any two (2) or more persons mutually agreeing to do any unlawful act.
Obtaining property from another without his/her consent, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear.
False Alarms
Reporting a fire to school or fire officials, setting off a fire alarm or fire extinguisher without reasonable belief that a fire exists, or making false 911 or police calls.
Gang Behavior
Disruption and/or intimidation including gesturing of any signs, use of language, or confrontations identified or associated with gangs which could lead to violence.
Local contact gang intervention for Office of Juvenile Affairs: (405) 286-3900.
Grand Larceny
A larceny in which property taken is of value exceeding $500 or when such property, although not of value exceeding $500, is taken from the person of another.
Police must be called.
Off-campus conduct
Any situation where the student’s continued attendance would have an adverse impact on order, discipline, or the educational process, and could pose a threat of violence or disruption.
Do not call police unless the situation could result in violence in the community.
Any use of force or violence, or threat to use force or violence if accompanied by immediate power of execution, by three or more persons acting together and without authority of law.
Wrongful taking of personal property, from his/her person or immediate presence, and against his/her will, accomplished by means of force or aggression.
Similar violent offenses
Engaging in conduct similar to offenses above which are violent acts or acts showing deliberate disregard for health or safety.
(Bullying, Gang, Threats)
Riotous Behavior
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ACTION LEVEL 5 – SUSPENSION 10 DAYS (SECONDARY) PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MAY BE CALLED – Will result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Secondary Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
45 days –
45 days –
May apply for readmission after 20 school days
Abusive language or behavior toward school personnel
Habitual and/or aggressive use of abusive or demeaning language or behavior (including profanity) directed toward any school personnel.
Disorderly conduct
Behaving in a violent or seriously inappropriate manner that disrupts the educational process (NOTE: This category is usually used when the police are called to cite a student for extreme disruption. It is not to be used when recording classroom disorders that only result in student referrals to the office.)
Fighting/Battery or riotous behavior at an extra-curricular event.
Involves physical contact (with or without injury), battery, or inciting to riot, etc.
Individuals involved may not be able to participate or attend any OKC extra-curricular activity for the remainder of the school year.
Sexual Offenses
Lewd sexual behaviors inclusive of intentional sexual contact, offensive touching, indecent exposure, or other sexual acts.
Police must be called.
No reduction on any second offense
No reduction on any second offense
Police must be called. Assessment mandatory. Student may be cited by police.
ACTION LEVEL 6 – LONG-TERM SUSPENSION (SECONDARY) PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MUST BE CALLED – Will result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Secondary Elementary Minimum Level
Battery or attempted battery against school personnel
Any attempt or use of force or violence upon a staff member regardless of whether the staff member was the intended victim.
Maximum Level
45 days – No reduction on second offense
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Actual physical contact must be a level 7.
Assault form required. Threat with a dangerous weapon
Using a sharp or dangerous weapon to threaten another person with bodily injury.
Weapons violation form required.
Threat with intent to kill
Any willful or unlawful offer with force or violence to kill another
Police must be called.
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Possession/ownership or use of illegal drugs/alcohol or unauthorized prescriptions or possession of drug related paraphernalia.
Possessing, using or under the influence of any controlled substances, unauthorized prescriptions, or alcoholic beverages (this includes the use of inhalants)
Refusal to submit to a search
Refusing to submit to a search for contraband, when reasonable suspicion exists. *Reference Board Policy
Verbal or written threat against school personnel
Threatening to harm a staff member. NOTE: If there is no actual threat to do harm, use the category of “Abusive Language or Behavior toward school Personnel”
Violation of student conduct agreement
Students with a conduct agreement will be suspended long-term if any defined legal offense recurs.
45 days – no reduction on second offense
45 days
45 days – no reduction on second offense
45 days – no reduction on second offense
May apply for readmission after 20 school days.
45 days
Call police only if student is suspected to be in possession of a dangerous weapon or a controlled dangerous substance.
45 days – no reduction on second offense
May apply for readmission after 20 school days.
Assault form required.
ACTION LEVEL 7 – MANDATORY SEMESTER PLUS NEXT SEMESTER PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MUST BE CALLED – Will result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Definition Secondary
Notes Elementary
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
When bodily injury is inflicted on a person, which normally requires the person’s medical treatment, including but not limited to treatment for bone fractures, cuts requiring stitches, disfigurement, dislocations, or any similar or greater injury OR when a weapon is used or any instrument is used as a weapon.
Possession with intent to distribute illegal drugs/alcohol
Selling, giving away, or otherwise transferring to another person any controlled substance or alcohol; includes any transfer of a prescription drug or any substance alleged to be a drug regardless of its actual content.
Police must be called.
Rape and attempted rape
Rape and attempted rape
Police must be called.
Aggravated assault and battery
Police must be called.
Assault form required.
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ACTION LEVEL 8 – MANDATORY ONE-YEAR SUSPENSION PARENTS NOTIFIED – POLICE MUST BE CALLED – Will result in an out-of-school suspension and/or referral to the Community Intervention Center (CIC) Category
Action Level*
Definitions Secondary
Possession of a firearm
Possession or use of a firearm
Notes Elementary
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
Minimum Level
Maximum Level
It will not be a defense to any disciplinary action that the student possessing the firearm did not know of or intend to possess the firearm. However, a claim of a lack of knowledge or intent may be considered in mitigation of any disciplinary penalty modified by the Superintendent or the School Board.
Weapons violation form required.
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APPENDIX C ___________________________________________ DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL NETWORK RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Computer network resources, provided by the Oklahoma City Public Schools, enable communication with electronic communities around the world. These computer network resources include Internet, e-mail, the student enterprise system, and the business enterprise systems. The use of these electronic resources shall be consistent with the purpose, mission, and goals of the Oklahoma City Public Schools and used only for the educational and professional purposes. The purpose in providing these services is to facilitate access to information and resources, promote educational excellence, and enhance communication between schools and the community. The Internet is a network connecting thousands of computers throughout the world. The Internet can bring a wealth of educational material to the classroom, but may also contain material that is objectionable. The Oklahoma City Public Schools filters web sites believed to be inappropriate for students. However, no filtering system is perfect. The District cannot and does not represent that inappropriate or objectionable material can be completely filtered. Parent(s) and guardian(s) must consider this in deciding whether to permit their children access to the District’s computer network resources. This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is provided so that staff, students, and members of the community using the District’s computer network resources are aware of their responsibilities. The use of these network resources is a privilege, not a right.
Access to District Network Resources • •
Board members, staff, students, and members of the community may be given access to the District’s computer network resources. This access, including account and password, must not be shared, assigned, or transferred to another individual. The District will periodically require new registration and account information from board members, schools, staff, and community members. Adult users must notify Information Technology of any changes in account information (address, phone, name, etc.) within fifteen (15) business days. Access to the District’s computer network resources may be suspended or terminated if terms and conditions of this AUP are violated. Prior to a termination of access to the District’s computer network resources, the user will be informed of the suspected violation and given an opportunity to present an explanation. The user may request a review hearing with an appointed hearing officer within seven (7) days of notification if the user feels that such action is unjust. After the review, access may be terminated if the hearing officer denies the appeal. Each student must have a signed Parent/Guardian Permission Agreement before access is granted to the District’s computer network resources. A signed agreement must be renewed on an annual basis. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) can withdraw their approval at any time, upon written request.
System Security • • •
Computer users may not run applications or files that create a security risk to the District’s computer network resources. If users identify a security problem, they must notify appropriate administrators immediately. Any user reasonably deemed to be a security risk, or discovered to have a proven history of problems with other computer networks, may be denied access to the District’s computer network resources. Users should immediately notify Information Technology if they believe that someone has obtained unauthorized access to their private account.
Respecting Resource Limits •
• •
Board members, staff, students, and community members will not post chain letters or engage in spamming. Spamming is sending messages to a large number of people, or sending a large number of messages to a single person, with the intent of annoying users or to interrupt the system. The system administrators reserve the right to set a limit on disk storage for network users. Unless previously approved, users are responsible for any phone charges including, but not limited to, long distance charges, per minute (unit) surcharges and/or equipment or line costs, incurred by user while accessing computer network resources.
Illegal Activities • • • • •
The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities. It is prohibited to sell or purchase goods and services without prior approval of the appropriate administrator. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the District’s network resources or go beyond authorized access is prohibited. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or accessing another person’s files. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges to the District’s computer network resources. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data or equipment on any computer network. It is prohibited to use the District’s computer network resources with the intent of denying other access to the system.
Intellectual Property (Copyright) • •
No copyrighted material is to be placed on the District’s computer network resources without written permission from the copyright owner. All users of the District’s network resources must agree not to submit, publish, or display any type of material that violates this AUP.
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Software • •
Only software approved (certified) by the Information Technology’s Software Services Team with proof of valid software license(s) can be used on District computer systems. Software that is damaging to the District’s network resources or any other systems is prohibited.
Language • • •
Polite and appropriate language is expected at all times. Abusive messages are prohibited. Harassment is prohibited. Harassment is conduct, which is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it adversely affects, or has the purpose of logical consequence of interfering with a user’s educational program, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Behavior that continues after an individual is informed of its offensiveness may constitute evidence of intent to harass. If told by a person to stop sending messages, the sender must stop.
The Oklahoma City Public Schools does not warrant the functions or services performed by the District’s computer network resources. Resources are provided on an “as is, as available” basis. Opinions, advice, services and all other information supplied by third parties are for informational purposes only. It is not guaranteed to be correct. Users are urged to seek professional advice for specific individual situations. Any software available from the District’s network resources is not guaranteed as to suitability, legality, or performance by the Oklahoma City Public Schools. Staff, students, and community members agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Oklahoma City Public Schools for any liability arising out of any violation of this AUP.
Liability • • •
Electronic Mail and Real-Time Conferencing •
• • • • •
It is not the intention of the Information Technology Department to inspect or disclose the contents of electronic mail or computer files sent by one user to another, without consent from either party, unless required to do so by the Oklahoma City Public Schools, local, state, or federal officials. Electronic mail is not private. As with written communications, users should recognize there is no expectation of privacy for electronic mail. Users are expected to remove e-mail messages in a timely manner. All users must promptly report inappropriate messages received to a teacher, supervisor, or the system administrators. Students should not reveal personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, passwords, or financial information to others. Private information may not be posted about another person. A cancelled account will not retain electronic mail. The system administrators reserve the right to terminate access to the district’s computers network resources if this AUP is violated while using real-time chat features, including video conferencing, file sharing software such as KaZaa, Limewire, Morpheus, etc., or unauthorized video or music streaming.
The AUP does not apply in regards to mandatory student testing through the internet. DISTRICT’S EDUCATIONAL NETWORK RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY Please read the following carefully before signing the document in Appendix D. You will be expected to abide by the policies described herein. Parent Agreement: As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the terms and conditions for the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (Appendix C). I understand that access to the District’s educational network resources is designed for educational purposes and the District has taken precautions to eliminate access to controversial material. However, I recognize it is impossible for the District to restrict access to all controversial materials. I understand that if my child does not follow the Acceptable Use Policy, privileges to access the District computer network resources may be revoked. Student work, artwork, or projects will be identified by first name and grade only. Students who do not have parent/guardian permission to use the District’s computer network resources will be given alternative educational activities. Student photographs will be identified by first name and grade only.
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PHOTO/MEDIA/INTERNET PERMISSION During the year, students may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed by the media and/or district personnel while they are in the classroom or participating in school activities, under the supervision of the principal. This also could include publishing the photos/video/interview on the internet. I agree to the usage of photographs, video, or interviews of the aforementioned student, without any prior review, for any lawful purpose. This agreement remains in effect for the current school year until permission is withdrawn in writing by the parent or legal guardian. Please complete and return the form in Appendix D.
OKLAHOMA CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT I-89 STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT CONTRACT Parent/Guardian and Student: The Oklahoma City Public Schools District I-89 continues to set the highest of expectations for student behavior and school safety. We expect every student to come to school prepared to learn and ready to treat themselves, and others, with respect. A caring and responsible attitude is also an expectation we have for children in our district. Because we care about the physical and emotional safety of our students, the inappropriate behaviors listed in the Student and Parent Handbook will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action from district staff members. After thoroughly reviewing the Code of Conduct listed in the Student and Parent Handbook, please sign the Student Code of Conduct Contract in Appendix D and return it to your child’s school.
PARENTS’ RIGHT-TO-KNOW OPT-OUT PROVISIONS FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION Dear Parents or Guardians: The provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (P.L. No. 107-110), Title IX General Provisions Section 9528, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2002 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) require school districts to provide to military recruiters, and other third parties who request the information, access to directory information regarding students who attend Oklahoma City Public Schools. The Oklahoma City Public School District has designated a student’s name, address, telephone number, the name of the student’s parents, the student’s date and place of birth, the student’s major field of study, study and class designation ( grade), the student’s extracurricular participation, the student’s achievements or honors, the student’s photograph or video, the student’s dates of attendance, and the most recent educational institution the student attended prior to enrolling in the Oklahoma City Public School District. If the student is a member of an athletic team, the student’s height and weight will also be provided. DIRECTORY INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED, WITHOUT PARENTAL NOTIFICATION OR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION, TO THIRD-PARTIES WHO REQUEST THE INFORMATION. You have the right to refuse to allow the Oklahoma City Public School District to release directory information regarding your child. If you do not wish for the Oklahoma City Public School District to release directory information regarding your child, please complete and return the form in Appendix D.
****This notice must be filed each school year******
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APPENDIX D ___________________________________________ STUDENT / PARENT FORMS Parents/Guardians, please review Appendices A through C, and return this signed form to your student’s school by August 15, 2011. DATE___________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT’S NAME__________________________________________________________________ STUDENT’S SCHOOL________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE __________________ SECOND PHONE_____________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN (Print) __________________________________________________________
VERIFICATION OF RECEIPT OF 2011-2012 STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK *Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________
DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL NETWORK RESOURCES ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (Appendix C) *I ___ give ____ do not give permission for my child to access, produce, video conference, and communicate information on the District computer net work resources for the current school year. *I ___ give ____ do not give permission for my child’s photo to be published on the District computer network resources. *Parent/Guardian Signature_______________________________ Student Agreement: I understand and will abide by the Acceptable Use Policy of the Oklahoma City Public School District. I understand that violating the Acceptable Use Policy may result in loss of network privileges and/or other District disciplinary measures. *Student Signature__________________________________________
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PHOTO/MEDIA/INTERNET, PERMISSION (Appendix C) I agree to the usage of photographs, video, or interviews of the aforementioned student, without any prior review, for any lawful purpose. *____ I agree
*____ I do not agree
*Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________
OKLAHOMA CITY PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTICT I-89 STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT CONTRACT (Appendix C) My child and I have read and understand the Code of Conduct. We will cooperate with the school in fulfilling recommendations made with the understanding that there is a due process procedure. *Student Signature___________________________________ *Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________
PARENT’S RIGHT TO KNOW OPT-OUT PROVISIONS FOR DIRECTORY INFORMATION (Appendix C) I request that the Oklahoma City Public School District prevent the release of directory information regarding my child to military recruiters or other third-parties. *Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________
TEXTBOOK RESPONSIBILITY I will be responsible for any textbooks issued to my child for his/her use while he/she is enrolled in Oklahoma City Public schools. *Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________
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Oklahoma City Public Schools Volunteer Background Check Consent Form In connection with my volunteering for Oklahoma City Public Schools, I authorize Oklahoma City Public Schools and/or its agent, SelectForce, Inc. to obtain a background check which may include information on my character, general reputation, and personal characteristics. Public records check may include, but not be limited to, a criminal or felony background check and sex offender’s registry check. I authorize, without reservation, any person or entity contacted by Oklahoma City Public Schools, or its agent, SelectForce, Inc. to furnish the above-stated information and I release any such person or entity from any and all liability for furnishing such information. I further release Oklahoma City Public Schools its affiliated companies, their officers, employees and agents, and specifically, SelectForce, Inc., their affiliated companies, their Board members, officers, employees and agents from any liability and responsibility arising from the preparation of said report. SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________DATE: _____________________ Please PRINT LEGIBLY or TYPE: SCHOOL SITE(S) WHERE I WISH TO VOLUNTEER: ____________________________________________________ NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST MIDDLE LAST _____________________________________________________________________________________ MAIDEN NAME AND/OR OTHER NAME(S) YOU HAVE USED DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH/DATE/YEAR):_________________
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: _________________
PHONE NUMBER: _________________ ____________ ALTERNATE NUMBER: _____________________________
Please include a copy of a photo ID (such as a driver’s license, resident alien card, or matricula.)
***Please return form to:***
Oklahoma City Public Schools Admin. Building Attn: Volunteer Coordinators For Office Use Only By (initial): _____ Date Entered: _____ Record: _____ If Record: Reviewed by (initial): ______ Date reviewed: _____ Result: Clear: _____ Decline: ______ Date school contacted: ______ By (initial): ______ Date volunteer contacted by district (if declined): _____ By (initial): _____ Notes: Date Received: _____ Status: Clear: _____
By (initial): _____
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