1 minute read

The Art of Conversation

Engaging in Open, Healthy Dialogue

How and what we communicate when in conversation with one more people is usually influenced by:



What are the specific circumstances of the situation in which you're communicating? What is your relationship to the person or persons that you're communicating with?


Are the folx you're communicating with extroverted or introverted? What tones, gestures, postures or facial expressions can you expect from these specific folx?

Communication Style

In what ways are you communicating with these humans? Is it faceto-face? Is it via text message or email? How might your words be received in various forms? What are the non-verbal or written communications happening in your connection?

Underlying Assumptions

What are your beliefs about the folx you're connecting with conscious and unconscious? How will those beliefs possibly impact your connection with them?

Think about it!

Have you entered a conversation with a story you made up about the person, people, or circumstance? Is the story influenced by whether it’s a “difficult” conversation? There are many approaches to consider when you are connecting with someone else. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Know the purpose of the conversation prior to engaging. Do you have talking points?

Name the assumptions you might be making ahead of the communication or connection.

Set expectations or goals for the conversation.

Share facts. Summarize what you hear the other person or people communicating.

Acknowledge when defensiveness or strong emotions activate. Think about your plan to address them in the moment, as necessary.

Be curious with the conversation partner(s) when information is not clear. Ask questions.

Check-in to determine if the goals or intended outcome of the communication or connection was met at the end.

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