ODA Journal: Jan/Feb 2017

Page 1

January/February 2017 | Vol. 108, No. 1


14 Final Ruling on Amalgam


22ODA Leadership Academy

Class II

34Prescription Drug Misuse

and Abuse




TA I L O R E D Solutions for Dentists


Specialized service

Jason Osbor n



Kristen Hess

Whitney Randall

Vice President

Vice President

journal | January/February 2017





ADVERTISERS Thank you to these businesses who advertise in the ODA Journal

January/February 2017 | Vol. 108, No.1


Inside Front Cover Valliance Bank

0 6 The Dental Team Concept and Where the CDHC and Dental Therapist Fit In

Back Cover Delta Dental of Oklahoma 3000ig Dental Systems, Inc. Endodontic Associates Green Dental Laboratories Lewis Health Profession Services MJM Properties, LLC Paragon Dental Practice Transitions VISA Signature Card

Oklahoma Dental Association


ASSOCIATION 04 Calendar of Events 0 5 ODA Happy Hour 0 5 Welcome New ODA Members 08 OkMOM 2017: Woodward 10 ODA Rewards Partners 11 ODA Rewards Partners Column


Feature Story Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse

1 2 Get Involved with the ODA 1 3 ADA Updates 1 4 Final Ruling on Amalgam Separators 1 5 Give Kids a Smile Celebrates 15 Years 1 6 ODA Marketing Coach

THE OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (ISSN 0164-9442) is the official publication of the Oklahoma Dental Association and is published bimonthly by the Oklahoma Dental Association, 317 NE 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, Phone: (405) 848-8873; (800) 876-8890. Fax: (405) 848-8875. Email: information@ okda.org. Annual subscription rate of $39 for ODA members is included in their annual membership dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, 317 NE 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104.


Member Spotlight: Dr. Katherine Dillard


1 8 2017 ODA Annual Meeting CE Preview 2 1 D-DENT Support for Veterans 2 2 Meet the ODA Leadership Academy Candidates 2 6 ADA Annual Session Updates


38 Finally, Five (not so) FAQs *NEW*


OkMOM 2017: Woodward

Periodical postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: Rates for non-members are $54. Single copy rate is $17, payable in advance. Reprints: of the Journal are available by contacting the ODA at (405) 848-8873, (800) 876-8890, information@okda.org. Opinions and statements expressed in the OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Oklahoma Dental Association. Neither the Editors nor the Oklahoma Dental Association are in any way responsible for the articles or views published in the OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL. Copyright © 2017 Oklahoma Dental Association.

ODA Annual Meeting CE Preview

2 8 2017 Continuing Education Course Schedule

Cover Photo: Dr. Mike Wallace of Edmond, Okla. treating a patient at the 2015 OkMOM in Tulsa.

LEGISLATIVE LOOP 30 CMS Delays Medicare Part D Enforcement 30 Four ADA Members Elected to Congress 31 Dentist Day at the Capitol 2017


32 ODA Member: Dr. Katherine Dillard 33 Dr. Susan Brackett Installed as ACP President

Is Your Information Correct? Help the ODA keep you informed about legislative actions, CE opportunities, events and other important member-only news. Contact Kylie Ethridge, ODA Membership Director, at kethridge@okda.org or 800.876.8890 to provide the ODA with all of your current information.

FEATURES 34 Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse: A National Health Crisis

CLASSIFIEDS 37 ODA Classified Listings



ODA JOURNAL STAFF EDITOR Randy White, DDS, editor@okda.org ASSOCIATE EDITOR Frank J. Miranda, DDS

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Visit ODA’s online calendar at OKDA.ORG to view more meetings and events.


January 2


January 6

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS & EDUCATION Tina Evans MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Madison Huffines OFFICERS 2016-2017 PRESIDENT M. Edmund Braly, DDS president@okda.org PRESIDENT-ELECT Juan Lopez, DDS presidentelect@okda.org VICE PRESIDENT Shannon Griffin, DMD vicepresident@okda.org SECRETARY/TREASURER Daniel Wilguess, DDS treasurer@okda.org SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Doug Auld, DDS speaker@okda.org

ODA Office Closed ODA Council on Nominations 10:00 am - 10:30 am ODA ODA Council on Governmental Affairs 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ODA January 13

ODA Journal Editorial Board 8:30 am - 9:30 am ODA ODA Council on Dental Education and Public Information 10:00 am - 11:30 am ODA


March 1

Dentist Day at the Capitol and Legislative Reception More information on page 31


January 13

ODA Council on Membership and Membership Services 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ODA ODA Happy Hour 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ODA More information on next page January 20

Standing Committee on ODA Rewards 8:30 am - 10:30 am ODA OkMOM Press Conference 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm ODA OCDS Installation of Officers 6:00 pm TopGolf, OKC March 3

ODA Council on Governmental Affairs 10:00 am - 12:00 pm ODA ODA Board of Trustees 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm ODA

February 2

OkMOM Leads Orientation and Breakfast 8:30 am - 10:00 am Woodward County Events Center February 3-4

Oklahoma Mission of Mercy Woodward County Events Center February 6

ODA Office Closed February 10

Relief and Disaster Grant Program Board 10:00 am - 11:00 am ODA ODA Council on Bylaws, Policy and Ethics 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ODA February 17

ODA Council on Dental Care 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ODA OkMOM Leads Follow-up Meeting 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm ODA




Stay connected with the ODA!

Friday, June 2, 2017 Twin Hills Country Club, Oklahoma City The ODA will conduct a Strategic Planning Session to develop a new Strategic Plan for our Association. This is a vitally important session for the ODA as we work together that day to begin the process of charting our course of action for the next three years (2018-2021). ALL ODA MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! More information to come.


journal | January/February 2017

Please Join Us For

oda Cocktails and Convo Backspace




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Caps Lock


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K Enter Shift



O alPEN me l T mb od O er a s!



Celebrate the end of your work week at the ODA Happy Hour! January 13, 2017 at 4:00 PM at the ODA Building in Oklahoma city after the Membership & Membership Services Council Meeting beer, wine and snacks will be provided

NEW ODA NEW ODA NEW ODA NEW 2017 Membership Badge NEW ODA MEMBERS MEMBERS MEMBERS MEM The 2017 Membership Badge is now available to members who have paid their 2017 dues! Log in to the MEMBERS ODA Members-only website to download a copy or NEW ODA NEW ODA NEW ODA contact Kylie Ethridge, ODA Director of Membership, at kethridge@okda.org or 800.876.8890. MEMBERSMEMBERSMEMBERS Show your patients that you are a patient-centered, NEW ODA NEW ODA science-based and ethically-driven dentist. MEMBERSMEMBERS

Welcome New Members!

Please join the ODA in welcoming our new members into Oklahoma’s community of organized dentistry

New Members joined October 11 - December 10, 2016 Kristin Kratzer Amanda Wendelken

Oklahoma County Tulsa County

Your membership badge is a great tool to share on social media, too! www.okda.org



The Dental Team Concept and Where the CDHC and Dental Therapist Fit In Stephen Glenn, DDS ADA Delegate This guest editorial was submitted in response to the article titled Community Dental Health Coordinator Program published in the November/December 2016 ODA Journal (Vol 107, No. 6, page 40). In every dental office, the dental team is composed of all those that work under the direction of and in concert with the dentist to deliver the best possible care (clinical and educational) to each patient. All team members perform specific delegated duties based on level of expertise, training and/or certification and under appropriate supervision. As the team leader, the dentist is responsible for diagnosis and treatment planning, the provision of surgical/ irreversible services, the replacement of missing teeth, the prescription of medications, and the ultimate oversight for all dental treatment and education. The dentist’s duty to the patient includes the provision of adequate education to allow for informed treatment decisions, the authorization of treatment and the delegation of treatment duties as applicable, safety, confidentiality, quality assurance, and post-treatment assessment, care and remediation. The basic structure for cost-effective, efficient and safe delivery of oral care

is a three-tiered team concept utilizing distinct levels of expertise developed to complement and extend the ability of the dentist to provide care. The dentist occupies the first, or highest, tier based on doctoral-level education, extensive clinical training, and expanded skill set. The second tier is composed of those team members trained in an accredited educational program to perform specific delegated procedures under the appropriate supervision of the dentist. By virtue of their training, these individuals are qualified to provide a high level of care but lack the requisite comprehensive educational foundation to function independently or serve as gatekeepers for comprehensive patient care. In my view, there are currently two widely accepted second-tier team members: the registered dental hygienist and the certified dental laboratory technician. From a historical perspective, they both perform procedures that were once the exclusive purview of the dentist. Another mid-level provider, the dental therapist (dental health aide therapist [DHAT], dental nurse, etc.), is being utilized in some jurisdictions and promoted by others outside the dental profession as a response to a perceived shortage of dentists. Within the dental team concept, the dental therapist should

not occupy another tier slotted between the first and second tiers, but rather should be considered a new member of the second tier. The foregoing is merely to clarify where the dental therapist should fit in the dental team hierarchy in those jurisdictions where they are already being utilized. In my opinion, dental therapists represent a duplication of existing services and address the wrong side of the access to care issue. The third tier is composed of [1] dental assistants that provide skilled chairside support to other team members and/ or delegated and supervised services for patients and [2] general office personnel that manage the business, operational, and financial affairs of the practice. Following the insights and understandings gained through ADA-sponsored pilot programs, a new third-tier team member, the community dental health coordinator (CDHC), has proven to be a valuable and effective addition. The pilot programs originally included training in such clinical skills as temporization and scaling; however, they were proven to be unnecessary or under-utilized and were dropped from finalized educational programs, allowing the CDHC to join the dental team without changes to dental acts in almost every state. The CDHC is specifically trained to address the

Guest Editorial continued on page 12 6

journal | January/February 2017




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it’s time to




oklahoma mission of mercy: woodward February 3-4, 2017 woodward county fairgrounds

Clinical Volunteers

Dentists / Specialists dental students Hygienists / hygiene students Dental Assistants x-Ray technicians dental equipment maintenance lpns / rns physicians / physician assistants emts Pharmacists / Pharmacy techs


Non-Clinical Volunteers


patient registrars patient escorts (runners) patient exit interviewers translators volunteer registrars food service entertainment waste management crowd control

Northwest Inn

3202 1st St. Woodward, OK 73801 Reservation Cut-Off Date: January 15, 2017


For Reservations Call:

per night

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journal | January/February 2017

WE Need You okmom loves our students! OkMOM is proud to provide complimentary rooms to 4th Year Dental Students and 2nd Year Hygiene Students who are registered to work all day shifts at the clinic. to find out if you are eligible for a free room e-mail us at


Sign Up



1. Visit www.okmom.org and click on the button:

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2. Fill out all of the required fields, choose your volunteer type, t-shirt size and your shifts*

3. Submit your registration and mark your calendar for:


online volunteer pre registration closes january 25, 2017 at 11:59 pm. *Please Note: Only pre-registered volunteers are guaranteed an event t-shirt. On-site registrants will receive a t-shirt subject to availability. We encourage all volunteers to pre-register online prior to the event. www.okda.org


REWARDS Researched. Proven. Endorsed. These products and services can help you manage your practice more smoothly and efficiently, and save you money. You can make your choice with confidence knowing each one has been thoroughly researched and endorsed for ODA Members. Begin taking advantage of these ODA member discounts today by contacting the company directly or visiting okda.org/rewards-program.



Reduced premiums on a variety of insurance plans (800) 375-8356 www.3000ig.com


$250 member discount (844) 205-1171 ada.ahitravel.com

Sign up for a convenient patient financing solution for only $25.00 (800) 300-3046 www.carecredit.com/dental

Point earning credit card for all your personal & business needs (888) 327-2265 www.adavisa.com

Discounted annual rates for individuals & families (800) 527-7478 www.medjetassist.com

Savings on more than 75 vehicles for purchase or lease (866) 628-7232 www.ada.org/mercedes


Low cost diplomatic collection system (800) 711-0023 www.americanprofit.net

Receive e-claims for only .25 cents (866) eclaims (325-2467)

Special pricing and a three-year rate guarantee (918) 809-5471 www.heartlandpaymentsystems.com

Discounts on gloves, masks, and additional disposable products (877) 484-6149 www.dentalassociationgloves.com

Save up to 30% on PC products (800) 426-7235 xt. 4889 lenovo.com/ada

Special pricing for waste pickup (870) 427-6017 www.medicalwasteservices.org

Name brand uniforms at a great price www.okda.org/scrubs

Free container with recycling with SolmeteX Hg5ÂŽ amalgam separator purchase (800) 216-5505 www.solmetex.com

Discounted office supply program www.okda.org/officedepot

Receive 85-97% of the current market price (800) 741-3174 www.easyrefine.com

Discount of $125 off enrollment (800) 683-2501 www.iaplus.com

Setup fee is waived (800) 246-9853 www.demandforce.com/oda

Save up to 10% on products and logo applications (800) 990-5407 www.landsend.com/business

10 journal | January/February 2017

Discounts on shipping services (800) 636-2377 www.savewithups.com/ada Preferred pricing and waived set-up fees 855.932.4232 pbhs.com/securemail

25% discount on a new website (888) 433-1747 www.prosites.com/oda

Discounts on digital video services & on-hold messaging (800) 460-4653 www.works24.com


These are endorsed companies of the ODA that save ODA members money while keeping dues lower by providing royalties to the ODA.

The ODA endorses companies that have been researched and proven to offer products and services that provide real savings. By being an ODA member, you’re automatically eligible for these savings.

Below is information about our newest Partner. Learn about all of the Partners at okda.org.

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ADA Business ResourcesSM is a service mark of the American Dental Association. ADA Business Resources is a program brought to you by ADA Business Enterprises, Inc. (ADABEI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the American Dental Association. ADA is a registered trademark of the American Dental Association.



Guest Editorial continued from page 6 challenges brought on by a lack of demand within an underutilized system. While duties and procedures may be delegated to team members with the appropriate training and skill, the ultimate responsibility for the provision of care cannot be delegated and rests solely with the treating dentist. The standard of care is based on the integrated application of a single body of knowledge, and neither society nor individual patients are well served by the creation of parallel authorities or conflicting claims of expertise. It follows that the addition of any proposed new members to the dental team should enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of existing team members rather than create alternative authorities or duplication of existing services. New positions should be created to either address deficiencies in current delivery models that serve as barriers to equitable access to quality oral care or otherwise to enhance the effective productivity of the entire team. Further,

team member roles should be adaptable enough to enhance oral care in a variety of settings including private practice, public health programs, institutional environments, and the military services via models that have been validated and demonstrated as safe, effective and financially feasible. Evidence based on ADA Health Policy Institute research coupled with widespread reports from dentists noting their lessthan-full schedules points to one obvious conclusion: The key to providing equitable access to quality oral health care for the entire population will not be gained by expanding the capacity of the system (as in the case of the dental therapist), but rather by developing an increased demand for dental services. Reducing barriers, expanding oral health education, and encouraging the fuller utilization of access opportunities that already exist, can accomplish this. Dental hygienists are also experiencing difficulties in identifying

employment opportunities (their own “busyness� problem). We must recognize that dental hygienists are both highly trained and underutilized. There are tremendous possibilities to extend dental services to underserved populations by fully engaging hygienists and supporting them within the existing system by simply allowing them to perform functions they are already trained to provide. The role of the CDHC specifically addresses demand and access for dental services. Dental therapists represent the wrong side of the equation.

Stephen Glenn, DDS If you have any questions or comments about the CDHC program, or wish to submit an editorial, please contact Randy White, DDS, Editor at editor@okda.org.

Get Involved with the ODA It's time to have an active voice in YOUR ODA. Please consider serving on an ODA Council or Committee and play an important role in your Association and profession. Below are the many ways that you can get more involved in organized dentistry in Oklahoma. To learn about each Council or Committee, visit okda.org/members-only/ and click on Councils or Committees. You can also contact the ODA at 800.876.8890 for more information about volunteering.




Council on Budget and Finance

Annual Meeting Planning Committee

Board of Trustees

Council on Bylaws, Policy and Ethics Council on Dental Care

Standing Committee on ODA Rewards

House of Delegates Component (District) Officer

Council on Dental Education and Public Information

Standing Committee OHCA and DHS

Council on Governmental Affairs

Oklahoma Mission of Mercy (OkMOM) Planning Committee

Council on Membership and Membership Services

Standing Committee on Investments

12 journal | January/February 2017


An Announcement from the ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs An amendment to the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (the ADA Code) was adopted by the 2016 House of Delegates in October. The House of Delegates amended Section 5.H. of the ADA Code regarding the announcement of specialties. As amended, Section 5.H. of the Code states as follows: 5.H. ANNOUNCEMENT OF SPECIALIZATION AND LIMITATION OF PRACTICE. A dentist may ethically announce as a specialist to the public in any of the dental specialties recognized

by the American Dental Association including dental public health, endodontics, oral and maxillofacial pathology, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, and prosthodontics, and in any other areas of dentistry for which specialty recognition has been granted under the standards required or recognized in the practitioner’s jurisdiction, provided the dentist meets the educational requirements required for recognition as a specialist adopted by the American Dental Association or accepted in the jurisdiction in which they practice.* Dentists who choose to announce specialization should use “specialist in” and shall devote a sufficient portion of their practice to the announced specialty or specialties to maintain expertise in that specialty or those specialties. Dentists whose practice is devoted exclusively to an announced specialty or specialties may announce that

their practice “is limited to” that specialty or those specialties. Dentists who use their eligibility to announce as specialists to make the public believe that specialty services rendered in the dental office are being rendered by qualified specialists when such is not the case are engaged in unethical conduct. The burden of responsibility is on specialists to avoid any inference that general practitioners who are associated with specialists are qualified to announce themselves as specialists. * In the case of the ADA, the educational requirements include successful completion of an advanced educational program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, two or more years in length, as specified by the Council on Dental Education and Licensure, or being a diplomate of an American Dental Association recognized certifying board for each specialty announced.

D4346 – New Scaling Procedure Code Effective January 1 It’s here – Dentists may use "D4346 Scaling in the generalized presence of moderate or severe gingival inflammation - full mouth, after oral evaluation" as of January 1. This code reflects the procedure for patients with gingival disease and no attachment loss. Dentists who have delivered the procedure have not been able to document and report it with an appropriate CDT code, until now. This CDT 2017 addition has been the subject of two ADA News articles, a guidelines document posted on ADA.org, and a webinar that has been accessed by thousands of dentists and practice staff.

page on ADA.org. Search for Guidance on the D4346 Scaling Procedure to watch the webinar and download the free publication Guide to Reporting D4346. The guide, first published in May, has been updated and incorporates content and feedback from the webinar.

Questions? Telephone: ADA Members, please use the toll-free number on the back of your membership card; Direct dial, 312.440.2500 Email: dentalcode@ada.org

To learn more about this procedure and its new code, either for the first time or to refresh your memory, visit the CDT Code education



The EPA Releases Final Rule Requiring Dental Practices To Use Amalgam Separators “The EPA has concluded that requiring dental offices to remove mercury through relatively low-cost and readily available amalgam separators and BMPs makes sense," said EPA in its executive summary of the final rule. The rule is effective 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. The date for compliance for most dentists will be three years from now, at the end of 2019.

Additional highlights of the rule include:

The ADA is developing practical resources to aid member dentists with questions they may have regarding compliance. For more information, visit ADA.org/ RecycleAmalgam.

Dentists who practice in oral pathology, oral and maxillofacial radiology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, periodontics, and prosthodontics are exempt from the rule;

Dentists who do not place amalgam and only remove amalgam in unplanned or emergency situations (estimated at less than 5 percent of removals) are also exempt;

Mobile dental units are exempt;

Dentists who already have separators are grandfathered for 10 years.

ODA REWARDS Partner Can Help! The ODA partners with Solmetex, an industry leader in amalgam separators. Please contact them at 800.216.5505 or www.solmetex.com. Please identify yourself as an ODA member when you order and receive a free recycling container with your order.

DON’T HAVE AN AMALGAM SEPARATOR? THE ODA CAN HELP! Members receive a free container with recycling (a $330 value) with every purchase of a Solmetex Hg5 system

SOLMETEX.COM 14 journal | January/February 2017

Give Kids A Smile Celebrates 15 Years This month-long national health observance brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, healthcare providers, and educators to promote the benefits of good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers and many others. The American Dental Association, along with the ADA Foundation, has multiple tools to help you promote National Children’s Dental Health Month! This year’s NCDHM campaign slogan, “Choose Tap Water for a Sparkling Smile” is displayed in English on one side of the poster and in Spanish on the reverse side.

The ADA has many resources that you can use in your practice including free posters (pictured left), easy-to-do activities, and more! These tools can help you relate to children in your office, schools or health fairs. To promote National Children’s Dental Health Month and download the free resources, visit ada.org/ncdhm. Also, don’t forget that the ODA has resources available to you every month of the year to teach good oral health habits on the membersonly website located under resources! If you’re doing something special to recognize this observance or need help accessing the free resources, make sure to let the ODA know by contacting Madison Huffines, ODA Member Communications Manager at mhuffines@okda.org or 405.848.8873.

Dentist Day at the Capitol 2017

Trade Your White Coat

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Be Your Own Hero... March 1, 2017 Be a Hero For Dentistry

For A Cape rsvp online at www. okda.org www.okda.org



How to Get the Word Out that Your Dental Practice is on Social Media As you already know, dental marketing has dramatically evolved over the past decade. It’s now more important than ever for you to be where your current and prospective patients are, and that’s on social media! Once your practice takes the initial step of getting on social media, the next step is growing your follower base. Gaining new followers on social media is not something that will happen overnight. It will require a thoughtful strategy, dedication and consistency, but over time you will see the results. Here are six key ways that you can grow your followers on social media: 1. Send an email to your patient base. Let your patients know that your practice is now on Facebook and/or Twitter by sending them an email that encourages them to “Like” your page and follow your profiles. Make sure to give them a reason to do so, such as “Follow our page to get weekly dental hygiene tips!” 2. Post signage in your waiting room. Print out a sign and put it where all of your patients can see it while they wait. Ask your front office staff to tell patients upon check-in that they can now find you on Facebook and Twitter, too! 3. Use #hashtags in your posts. Hashtags are a word or a phrase preceded by a pound sign and used to identify a specific topic of your post. This way, people can search for relevant hashtags and find your practice. For example, if someone searches #teethwhitening and your practice just posted a special offer on cosmetic whitening trays using the same hashtag, your practice would appear. The more applicable hashtags you use, the more visible your practice is on social media. 4. Post often and consistently. By posting reliable content on a consistent basis (e.g. every Monday), you will grow a 16 journal | January/February 2017

more steady following because they’ll become accustomed to seeing your posts each week. Conversely, if you get on social media and people can see that you’ve only posted once or twice, they may not see the value behind why they should take the effort to “Like” or follow your practice. 5. Be social! People want to see that there’s benefit to following your practice on social media. Offer specials to new patients, educational content, and incentives for people to interact with your pages. You should also make it a point to always respond when someone comments on a status or leaves a review on your page.

Running a Dental Practice in the Age of Social Media, at prosites.com/ resources/whitepapers. Article written by Melissa Mickelson at ProSites. ProSites is endorsed by the ODA for their website design and online marketing solutions including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and payper-click advertising. ODA members receive 25% off the standard website set-up. For more information, or to start a free trial, call (888) 932-3644 or visit ProSites.com/ODA.

6. Utilize shared content. You can also grow your audience by listening to what is being said in community groups, local news, or industry trends. If an article or video is published, you can then repost that article and add your perspective. This helps establish you as an expert in the field Are you thinking of buying a dental practice, merging, or by providing selling your practice? The future you want is closer than an informed you think. Our guidance makes all the difference. opinion to your online Take your next step with confidence. Call PARAGON today. community.

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2017 ODA ANNUAL MEETING April 27-29

Tulsa, Oklahoma

The ODA Annual Meeting is the premier dental meeting in Oklahoma for all dental professionals that includes clinical and practice management courses, an extensive exhibit hall, and fun social events throughout the weekend.

Patrick J. Sammon, Ph.D. Prescription Drug Abuse, Addictive Disorders and Prescription Monitoring Programs Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lecture, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (3 CE Hours) Recommended for all dental professionals The illegal use of the painkillers hydrocodone, oxycodone, and now heroin, and synthetic fentanyl abuse are rampant and responsible for multiple overdoses and crimes. Kids are getting pills from the medicine cabinet and popping them at parties. Doctor shoppers are looking for easy marks. Learn how risk factors, Internet drug trafficking, drug-seeker cons and more impact clinical practice and what we can do about it. Dental teams can play a huge role in drug abuse identification and prevention. Increase your skills and abilities to recognize drug abuse, refer drug-abusing patients for help, and treat recovering patients in your practice.

The New Face of Drug Abuse: Impact on Your Practice Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lecture, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (3 CE Hours) Recommended for all dental professionals Synthetic and stimulant drug abuse has reached a crisis in our communities. Spice, K-2, Mr. Nice Guy, Go Fast, Vitamin R, Molly, Dragonfly, etc. are names of new and reinvented, unregulated psychoactive substances flooding the head shop and Internet markets. Kids and young adults are using these drugs to get high or as performance enhancers and are flaunting their use on the Internet. Discover how these new drug trends threaten the health and safety of our youth and impact oral health. Dental teams can play a major role in drug use identification, prevention and intervention.

Celebrating 110 YEARS of Organized Dentistry 18 journal | January/February 2017

Barry Goldenberg, DMD, MS

The Complete Arch Rehabilitation with Implants: Prosthodontic and Laboratory Principles Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lecture 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (6 CE Hours) Recommended for dentists The edentulous population continues to grow domestically, as well as globally. This market has been underserved for many years and patients have had to adapt to ill-fitting dentures. Thanks to advances in technologies and techniques, dental professionals are now able to predictably increase function, form and esthetics using implant-supported, immediately-loaded overdentures. Restoring the edentulous arch presents many options. Consideration for each patient treatment option depends on a variety of different factors. In this presentation, participants will gain understanding and confidence in restoring most full-arch, implant-supported restorations. This course is designed for clinicians and dental technicians who want to expand their current treatment options to include complete arch solutions. A detailed overview of the restorative procedures will be given so that the dental professional will be able to decide on the appropriate treatment solution for achieving optimal results for each individual case. A variety of treatment concepts and material options will be presented.

Patti DeGangi, RDH, BS Tides of Change – Practicing in a Digital World Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lecture, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (3 CE Hours) Recommended for dentists, hygienists, assistants, office staff

The widespread use of electronic health records (EHRs) is inevitable in our digital world. Dentistry is an important segment of the health care system and dental providers cannot simply ignore EHRs. Perhaps one of the most compelling is technology’s ability to transcend time and distance. With the click of a button, information can be sent at high speeds over many miles, increasing both efficiency of and access to care. EHRs have the ability to improve efficiency, increase revenue by improving scheduling and billing functions, lower costs, and enhance quality of services. This interactive workshop offers simple steps aimed at navigating the choppy tidal waters no matter where you start.

Connecting the Dots - A Gingivitis Code Finally! Saturday, April 29, 2017 Lecture, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (3 CE Hours)

Recommended for dentists, hygienists, assistants, office staff Your patient presents with inflamed, hemorrhagic gingiva, light to moderate subgingival calculus, light supragingival calculus on the mandibular lingual anteriors, and generalized pseudo-pocketing. For all of the history of Current Dental Terminology (CDT) coding, there have been no truly accurate codes that can be used for the treatment this patient needs. In 2017, that story will change. Using current codes is required whether filing for benefits or basic record keeping. Coding and coverage are not the same. Reimbursements based on codes will be tied to outcomes in the future. Every dental team has a role. Learn how to connect the dots with new and old codes.

Find Everything You Need to Know at okda.org/annual-meeting. www.okda.org


20 journal | January/February 2017

D-DENT Support for Veterans The “Triangle of Death” was a name given by local Iraqis to an area south of Baghdad for the excessive numbers of deaths that occurred there during the U.S. occupation. I lived there for over two years and drove through it every day. I am a veteran. I know what it’s like to be in war depending only on those around you. As an employee of D-DENT I am proud of the long history of D-DENT’s volunteer dentists giving back to their communities. As a veteran I am even more proud of their efforts in helping Oklahoma veterans. Dependence. As a veteran sometimes that’s all you have. Every veteran has a story to tell about … “you and your fellow soldiers against the world”. In those situations you learn about depending on others for your very survival. When you’re a low-income veteran with no insurance, it can feel like it’s you against the world. Since oral health can affect self-esteem and overall systemic health, it’s not a stretch to say that the survival of low-income, uninsured veterans depends on good oral health. But D-DENT and all its supporters and volunteers have their backs. On October 24, D-DENT hosted its 20th annual Sgt. J. Brandon Harris Golf Tournament at River Oaks Golf Club in Edmond. Under the superb direction of Betsy Braver, Elaine Cowan and Lynn Carroll, the tournament included many veterans of different wars and raised funds to help low-income uninsured veterans. And on November 11, we hosted D-DENT Veterans Day, a community dental day (its third in a series dating back to December 2015) at the Good Shepherd Ministries dental clinic in Oklahoma City designed to provide dental care to veterans. We are grateful for the assistance of Good Shepherd Dental Director, Dr. Jeannie Bath, and D-DENT volunteers Drs. Susan Whiteneck and James Griffith, Val Walser RDH, dental assistants Melisa Harris,

Dr. James Griffith, Val Walser RDH, Shirley Harris, Manny Pessina, Dr. Susan Whiteneck, Raman Saha and Alejandra Jaramillo volunteering for D-DENT's Veterans Day community dental day.

Alejandra Jaramillo, Manny Pessina, Raman Saha and Whitney West, and Norma Thomas. A special thank you to Dr. Griffith and Manny Pessina, both veterans themselves. Shirley Harris, D-DENT Executive Director, said, “People are often surprised that the Veterans Administration offers no dental care for veterans unless they’ve been discharged at 100% service-connected disability.” Thanks to successful events like these, D-DENT has been able to help over 800 veterans statewide thus far. We are all thankful that we can depend on veterans to stand in harm’s way on our behalf. In turn, many Oklahoma veterans are thankful that they can depend on the generosity of the dental community to give back to veterans. The year 2016 has left us with great memories of our selfless volunteers who set time aside from their personal practices to help needy Oklahomans regain their smiles.

Director is not just a job, but a passion born from her personal experiences with the developmentally disabled, the elderly, and veterans. Three years ago, oral cancer impacted her so deeply, both personally and through the experiences of many D-DENT patients, she became a champion for Oral Cancer Awareness. On April 1, 2017 D-DENT (with the help of Henry Schein Dental) will sponsor its third Oral Cancer Awareness Run in Edmond, during which volunteer dentists and hygienists will provide free on-site oral cancer screenings. You are most welcome to join us if you would like to assist in any way! D-DENT, through its volunteers, has provided FREE comprehensive dental care to thousands of patients for the past 31 years. Ruben Reyes serves as the administrative assistant for D-DENT, d-dentok.org.

Speaking of Shirley, I have worked with her for over 12 years…long enough to know that her work as D-DENT’s Executive

ODA in the News Check out the online article that MetroFamily Magazine wrote educating the public on good oral health and the importance of finding a dental home. Thank you to Dr. Dan Wilguess and Dr. Somer Heim for contributing to the article. You can find the article by visiting metrofamilymagazine.org and scroll to the bottom of the page. Please share this article on your social media accounts and help educate more Oklahomans. www.okda.org


leadership Meet the Candidates from Class II ACADEMY

growing leaders in organized dentistry

The ODA Leadership Academy is a bi-annual event that offers candidates a series of educational courses in preparation as future organized dentistry leaders. Samantha Ali graduated from OUCOD in 2015 and is a general dentist practicing in Enid, Okla. What is one of your favorite quotes? “Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt What is your favorite thing about living in Oklahoma? The people make Oklahoma great! Sponsored by Northwest District Dental Society

If given a chance to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day? I would catch up with friends, read a good book or try a new baking recipe. What is your favorite indoor or outdoor activity? Scuba diving

Blair Bowers graduated from OUCOD in 2010 and completed her Periodontics residency in 2014. She practices in Edmond and Shawnee, Okla. She has a five-month-old shih tzu named Joanna Kate, after Joanna Gaines on Fixer Upper (HGTV show). Why did you choose to become a dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? I am honestly not sure if I really had a choice being the 11th in my family. It is heritage and almost genetic! Dr. Bill Reeves had a large influence on me becoming a periodontist. I did an externship in his office when I was a dental student and became very interested in the specialty. Sponsored by Oklahoma County Dental Society

Which philanthropic activity has been your most rewarding and why? I have really enjoyed being involved with Cavett Kids Foundation – their goal is to help kids with cancer enjoy their time in the hospital and learn to cope with their illnesses. Also, Dr. Lance Schmidt offers a free day of dental care at his office in the fall. It was like a small, intimate version of OkMOM. What is your favorite indoor or outdoor activity? Anything at the lake and cooking. If you could have any other profession, what would you choose? Why? I would flip houses! I love remodeling.

Mathew Hookom is a 2009 OUCOD graduate and is a general dentist in Atoka, Okla. He has been married to his wife, Emily, for 10 years and they have a 6-year-old daughter, Belle, and a 2-year-old son, Luke. They also have cows, horses, three dogs and three cats. What’s one thing you hope to accomplish in 2017? If I had to choose one thing it would be to become a better man of God, which includes being a better husband, father, and dentist. I feel the closer I come to God the better I serve and love others. Sponsored by Eastern District Dental Society

What is one of your favorite quotes? “Everyone wins when a leader gets better.” - Bill Hybels What is your favorite indoor or outdoor activity? I love to bow hunt. I try to go hunting in the mountains at least once a year, and I spend a lot of time at home chasing deer, turkeys and ducks.

22 journal | January/February 2017

Daryn Lu graduated from OUCOD in 2015 and practices at Family Dental of Shawnee. He has lived in Oklahoma for 17 years, and between him, his parents and sister, they have four dogs.

Which philanthropic activity has been your most rewarding and why? One of my favorite community service events is with St. Baldrick's Foundation. I've been a volunteer participant (aka "shavee") for the past seven years. Raising funds and awareness by shaving my head in solidarity is the least I can do for children battling childhood cancers. St. Baldrick's is a beautiful community event and if you've never been, I welcome you to join! Sponsored by Oklahoma County Dental Society

What is one of your favorite quotes? "Be a part of something bigger than you, but better because of you." What is your favorite song that always puts you in a good mood? One of my favorite Spotify-curated playlists is Songs to Sing in the Shower. My patients love being serenaded to while in my chair. At least that's what I tell myself! I always give them the option of wearing headphones just in case! What is your favorite restaurant in Oklahoma? I love that our food options get better and more diverse every year! I'm so happy that Oklahoma finally has a late night ramen (Japanese noodle) spot -- my current favorite is Goro Ramen + Izakaya.

Daniel McNair graduated from OUCOD in 2008 and practices at Grand Dental Studio in Oklahoma City. He is married to Amy and they have three children, Drew (10 years), Elise (7 years), and Lucas (9 months).

Why did you choose to become a dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? My wife, Amy, (girlfriend at the time) initially suggested I look into dentistry after she had an intriguing encounter with her own dentist. Unbeknownst to me, she wanted to go into dentistry herself and used her position of influence to get me thinking about it, too. The more I learned about the field, the more I liked it. Sponsored by Oklahoma County Dental Society

What is your favorite thing about living in Oklahoma? My wife’s family is here, so I don’t see us ever leaving just due to that. And the roads are straight. I grew up 20 years in Little Rock, AR and never knew that address numbers corresponded with the roads. What is your favorite restaurant in Oklahoma? I’m pretty fond of Pearl’s. What is your main goal in 2017 - What’s one thing you hope to accomplish? I have a few goals for 2017. I want to find a niche in Organized Dentistry where I can be productive. I want to make more money in 2017 than I did in 2016. I want to visit someplace exotic with my family. I want to do a fullmouth reconstruction.

Nicole Nellis graduated from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2014 and completed an AEGD Residency at the OUCOD. She is a general dentist practicing in Tulsa, Okla. at Nellis Family Dentistry. Nicole will be engaged soon to her high school sweetheart, Stephen, and she enjoys spending time with her young niece, Margot. Why did you choose to become a dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? I have wanted to be a dentist for as long as I can remember. The first time we found it in writing was when I was 7 years old. My childhood dentist was a family friend, so I feel that having positive experiences in his office helped impact my career decision. Sponsored by Tulsa County Dental Society

If you could have any other profession, what would you choose? Why? I would be a meteorologist! I have lived in Oklahoma my entire life and Oklahoma weather has been one of my hobbies since middle school. I am even a trained Skywarn Storm Spotter by the National Weather Service! If you could visit any place in the world where would it be? I would love to visit Austria and see where the ‘Sound of Music’ was filmed. I played ‘Gretel’ in my church’s production of the ‘Sound of Music’ when I was five, so that musical is by far one of my favorites. www.okda.org


Luke Nguyen graduated from the University at Buffalo in 2013. He was awarded a full scholarship through the National Health Services Corps which led him to practice in Cherokee, Okla. Before coming to Oklahoma he practiced in Northern Arizona. What is your favorite thing about living in Oklahoma? Hospitality, weather, and gas prices.

Sponsored by Northwest District Dental Society

Do you have any role models in the dental industry? Sebastian Ciancio, DDS, a periodontist, whose career spans over six decades and is still going strong. Being selfdisciplined is his most important trait. I learned from him to set goals high then work hard to achieve them. If you could have any other profession, what would you choose? Why? National Park Ranger. You could never be bored with being a Ranger. I have considered doing this in my spare time just for fun or after my retirement. If you could visit any place in the world where would it be? The country of Maldives (South Asia).

Sam Owens graduated from OUCOD in 2010 and is a general dentist practicing in Broken Arrow, Okla. He is married to Daisi, who is from Kingfisher, Okla. and they have a son, Harris. They are expecting another child in April. They also have a dog, Honey, and a cat, Zoe. Do you have any role models in the dental industry? Who? What have you learned from him/her? My mother and father have always been role models for me and continue to be so in dentistry and in life, in general. I hope that one day my son can say the same about me.

Sponsored by Tulsa County Dental Society

If you could have any other profession, what would you choose? Why? A professional golfer! If you could visit any place in the world where would it be? Augusta National, Georgia. The closest thing to heaven on earth. What is your favorite thing about living in Oklahoma? The change in weather, oddly enough. Variety is the spice of life!

Sneha Patel is a 2015 OUCOD graduate and is a general dentist practicing in Yukon, Okla. She was born and raised in Oklahoma and is the oldest of three children; she has a brother and a sister. Why did you choose to become a dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? There are so many reasons why I chose to become a dentist, but I think the biggest reason is that I learned early in life about the importance of good oral health after needing eight stainless steel crowns by the age of five. Education is the key to forming those good oral hygiene habits and that is something that I strive to emphasize now as a dentist. Sponsored by Southwest District Dental Society

If you could have any other profession, what would you choose? Why? If not dentistry, then I would be a world traveler. (Is that a profession?) I get so excited about traveling the world and connecting with people with different backgrounds and cultural beliefs. There are so many amazing things to see and experience. What is one of your favorite quotes? “The world is full of nice people. If you can’t find one, be one.” - Nishan Panwar

24 journal | January/February 2017

Ryan Roberts graduated from OUCOD in 2008 and then from the Baylor College of Dentistry in 2010. He is a pediatric dentist and the owner of On the Cusp Dentistry in the Bixby/South Tulsa area. He has been married to Julie for 10 years and they have three children; Grace, age 4; Scarlett, age 2; and Lucas, 4 months old. They also have a 10 year old Corgi named Huckleberry and a frog they call "Croaky".

Sponsored by Tulsa County Dental Society

Why did you choose to become a pediatric dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? My parents encouraged me to be a dentist since I was in high school at Bishop Kelley. I had my epiphany in pursuing pediatric dentistry while on my externship at OUCOD. I spent two weeks in Dr. Ron Winder’s office in Tulsa and it was in my second week that I met a beautiful little girl with cerebral palsy. Her parents told me how they had been through four different offices before finding Dr. Winder who could care for their daughter. Although she was non-verbal, she certainly spoke to me. I found a quiet spot in the office and asked God if this is what I was supposed to do. I got the answer in my gut and never looked back. My wife was so excited because we had two weeks to overnight all my applications around the country! Do you have any role models in the dental industry? Who? What have you learned from him/her? When I started my practice in 2012, my back was against the wall. I had a rent payment, mortgage payment, a new baby on the way, and got fired from my job. It was a scramble to open the practice and I was in “survival mode” for over a year. It wasn’t until I met Jay Geier and became a member of the Scheduling Institute that things started to improve. Since that time, I’ve invested heavily in my team through S.I. training and in myself as a business owner. The most important thing Jay has taught me is to always over-deliver in service value. If the service you provide far exceeds the money spent, then you have a recipe for success!

Will Yeary graduated from OUCOD in 2015 and is a general dentist practicing at Wall Street Dental in

Norman, Okla. He is married to Abby and they are expecting a baby girl (Margot James) in January. They have a miniature schnauzer, Bear, and one cat, Po. Why did you choose to become a dentist? Was there someone who had a significant role in your decision? I enjoy being in a profession that helps people and betters the quality of life for people. I like being able to serve the community and get to know my patients. My father was a big influence on my decision to become a dentist. Working at his office, I was able to see what impact a dentist can have on people and community.

Sponsored by Central District Dental Society

Do you have any role models in the dental industry? Who? What have you learned from him/her? My father is a role model for me. He has been a dentist since 1985 and served the Norman community since graduating from the OU College of Dentistry. He has taught me to always treat your patients like they were one of your family members. If you always have your patient's best interest at heart, everything else will fall into place. Which philanthropic activity has been your most rewarding and why? OkMOM is always a very rewarding experience. The ability to help people that would not have the opportunity otherwise is very fulfilling. What is your favorite indoor or outdoor activity? I love playing golf when I have free time.

Why I am an ODA Member

Hear from New Dentists in the latest ODA MINUTE video.

Watch the ODA Minute video and hear from a few of the Leadership Academy Candidates on why they are members of the ODA. Find the video at okda.org/membership. Then, share why you are a Member of the ODA. "I'm an #ODAMember because..."



157th ADA Annual Meeting Dr. Gary Roberts Installed as the 153rd president of the ADA Gary L. Roberts, DDS, a general dentist in Shreveport, Louisiana, was installed as president of the ADA.

members succeed and to stand with them through thick and thin. Thank you once again for allowing me to serve you. Now let’s go to work.”

“I’m going to continue looking ahead to meet the changing needs of today’s dental profession,” Dr. Roberts said during his address to the ADA House of Delegates. “This is your association and it’s mine. It represents new dentists, career dentists and retired dentists.

Who is Dr. Gary Roberts? What advice does Dr. Roberts have for new dentists? What musician would he invite over for dinner? Watch an ADA video for answers to these questions and more. You can find a link to the video and more information about your new ADA President in the What's New section on okda.org.

My commitment to you this year is to do my very best to help each and every one of our 159,000

7th District Trustee, Dr. Joseph P. Crowley of Ohio, elected ADA President-elect Joseph P. Crowley, DDS, a general dentist practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio, is the new president-elect of the ADA. Dr. Crowley was elected during a meeting of the ADA House of Delegates in Denver, Colorado. He will assume the role of president of the ADA in October 2017. Since 2012, Dr. Crowley has served as the Seventh District trustee to the ADA House of Delegates. Dr. Crowley has served the profession in a number of ways during his four decades as an ADA member, including as chair of the Council on Government Affairs in 2008-2009. He is also active in the Ohio Dental Association, and served as its president in 2005-2006. Dr. Crowley was the president of the Cincinnati Dental Society in 1996.

ODA Delegates, Alternate Delegates, two staff members and one ADA Trustee outside the ADA House of Delegates meeting in Denver. 26 journal | January/February 2017

Dr. Raymond Cohlmia, ADA 12th District Trustee, with newly-elected ADA President-elect, Dr. Joe Crowley.

He is a member of several professional dental organizations, including the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, The Ohio State University College of Dentistry Alumni Advisory Board, the L.D. Pankey Institute Alumni Association, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and the Academy of General Dentistry. In 2013, Dr. Crowley earned the Ohio Dental Association Distinguished Dentist Award. He also received the Ohio Dental Association Achievement Award in 2001, the Cincinnati Dental Society Meritorious Service Award in 2007 and the Ohio Pierre Fauchard Distinguished Dentist Award.

Dr. Mary Martin, 2015-16 President of the American Association of Women Dentists, presenting 2015-16 ADA President Dr. Carol Summerhays with the AAWD's highest award during their annual meeting in Denver.

ADA House of Delegates By Dr. Stephen Glenn, ADA Delegate The ADA House of Delegates was conducted on a modified and abbreviated schedule in Denver this past October. In an attempt to reduce time away from their practices and the associated expenses, the change eliminated one session of the House and curtailed some items on the ceremonial agenda. The experiment proved successful thanks to the hard work of the ADA Officers, the Councils, the Reference Committees, and the Delegates. Following an extended number of years without a dues increase, the 2016 House approved a $10 dues increase to support the approved budget and, barring unforeseen circumstances, should provide dues stability for the near future. One action that will have a potentially great impact on Member Dentists was the approval of Resolution 67, a “3-year Initiative to Drive Utilization of Dental Services for ADA Members” by utilizing social media, and other modern digital media as opposed to the traditional print, billboard and television advertising used in the past. Several states have already launched similar initiatives and we have compiled a great deal of information about effective messaging to increase demand and match patient needs, wants and desires with a dentist. The program is designed to leverage the Find-a-Dentist site maintained by the ADA and available only for Members in competition with sites like 1-800-DENTIST. Every Member should immediately update their profile on the ADA.org Find-a-Dentist site to achieve maximum benefit from the initiative (see instructions at right). This program will be conducted for a minimum of three years and the first year is being funded from reserves. If it proves successful, continued funding will likely require a yearly assessment estimated to be $60 per Member, a bargain compared to other marketing options. Resolution 19,“Recognition of Operative Dentistry as an Interest Area in General Dentistry,” does not imply Operative is a specialty, but rather allows educational and

Brought to you by the

Which Dentist Would You Choose? Update your profile today at ADA.org/MyADA

To get started: 1. Go to ADA.org/MyADA. 2. Click on the link “Log in”. 3. To sign in, enter your member number and password. If you’re not sure of your member number and password, call the ADA Member Service Center at 800.621.8099.

Update your ADA® Find-a-Dentist™ profile and give potential patients reasons to choose you. Nearly 20,000 potential patients search every month for a dentist on ADA Find-a-Dentist* which is featured on the ADA’s consumer website MouthHealthy.org. But your profile is only as good as you make it. Help the residents in your community see the information they need to select you as their dentist. Your updated profile will also be included in ADA.org’s membersonly directory which is an easy way for your colleagues to find and contact you.

4. Once you are logged in you will be directed to the main menu where you can choose the information you would like to update. • Address and Phone Information (Office Hours, Office Address**, etc.) • Photo (.jpg only; 4 MB max) • Practice Information (Practice Website, Languages Spoken, Type of Payments Accepted, etc.) • Social Media (Office Website, Facebook, Twitter) 5. After you have updated your information, click on save changes in each section and exit the main menu when finished.

*Only ADA active licensed members will be displayed on ADA Find-a-Dentist. **Only your office address and contact info will display in your profile on MouthHealthy.org, not your personal contact info.

For more information about ADA Find-a-Dentist and your other ADA benefits, call the Member Service Center at 800.621.8099.

research facilities to seek funding and grants investigating this area. Undoubtedly, the most contentious and emotional issue in Denver was Resolution 37, “Amended Guidelines for Sedation and Anesthesia”. Many allegations and claims regarding “evidence” were hurled, especially alleging the potential negative impact on patients, the cost of services and financial implications for dentists who provide these services. As pertains to Oklahoma, the guidelines are no more restrictive than the current regulations established by the Board of Dentistry, with the exception of some recommendations for formal education and training. The Board of Dentistry would

have to add those requirements retroactively or deny any grandfather relief before dentists in Oklahoma would face further restrictions. The 2017 ADA House of Delegates will be held in Atlanta, Georgia next fall. Already on the Agenda will be a complete revision of the Constitution and Bylaws for the purpose of updating and simplifying those documents. This will require the adoption of a new document, a Governance Manual, which will contain many of the procedural and policy items currently in the Bylaws. Additionally, there will most likely be the consideration of the dues assessment mentioned above. Stay tuned. www.okda.org



Check out the Course Info page for applications, schedules, requirements, and answers to many of your expanded duty course questions. Some dates are still being added. Please check the Courses page for updates. | $20 late fee added to applications after the registration deadline.

Radiation Safety & Protection ($150)

Dec 2‐3 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC

Saturdays 9:30 am – 4:30 pm

Registration deadline: Nov 6 *Tulsa dates not available at press time.

Feb 25 | OSU‐OKC, Oklahoma City Registration deadline: Jan 30

Mar 11 | Autry Tech Ctr, Enid Registration deadline: Feb 13

Apr 29 | Schusterman Library at OU‐Tulsa, Tulsa Registration deadline: Apr 3

Jun 24 | The Frisco Event Ctr, Clinton Registration deadline: May 29

Aug 5 | JD McCarty Ctr, Norman Registration deadline: Jul 10

Sep 30 | Schusterman Library at OU‐Tulsa, Tulsa Registration deadline: Sep 4

Nov 11 | Chickasaw Business Center at ECU, Ada Registration deadline: Oct 16

Coronal Polishing/Topical Fluoride ($420) Saturdays & Sundays 8 am – 5 pm

Feb 11‐12 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Jan 16

Apr 8‐9 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Mar 13

May 20‐21 | Tri‐County Tech Ctr, Bartlesville

Nitrous Oxide ($395) Saturdays & Sundays 8:30 am – 5 pm

Jan 28‐29 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Jan 2

May 20‐21 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Apr 24

Aug 12‐13 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Jul 17

Nov 4‐5 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Oct 19

Sealant Application ($400) Saturdays & Sundays 8 am – 5 pm

Mar 4‐5 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Feb 6

Jul 22‐23 | Morton Comprehensive Health Ctr, Tulsa Registration deadline: Jun 26

Sep 9‐10 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Aug 14

Nov 18‐19 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Oct 23

Registration deadline: Apr 24

Jun 24‐25 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: May 29

Jul 15‐16 | Tri‐County Tech Ctr, Bartlesville Registration deadline: Jun 19

Aug 12‐13 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Jul 17

Oct 14‐15 | OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Sep 18

28 journal | January/February 2017

Local Anesthesia ($815) Saturdays & Sundays 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Mar 25‐26 & Apr 8‐9 (two weekend course) OU College of Dentistry, OKC Registration deadline: Feb 27



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There are two different ADA Visa cards: the ADA® Visa Signature® Card and the ADA Select® Rewards Visa Card. You will first be considered for the Signature Card. If you do not qualify for the Signature Card, you will be considered for the Select Rewards Card. These cards have different terms and can be found on adavisa.com or at 888‑327‑2265. The Select Rewards Card may not offer the same Visa Signature Benefits. Subject to credit approval. Account must be open and in good standing to earn and redeem rewards and benefits. Upon approval, refer to your Rewards Program Rules for additional information. Please wait 6–8 weeks after first purchase for account to be credited. The creditor and issuer of the American Dental Association Card is U.S. Bank National Association, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. © 2016 U.S. Bank National Association




LEGISLATIVE LOOP Legislative Overview & Political Update

CMS Delays Medicare Four ADA Member Part D Enforcement Dentists Elected to Date to 2019 115th Congress The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced in November it is delaying enforcement of the Medicare Part D prescriber enrollment requirement. Providers now need to enroll by January 1, 2019 instead of by February 1, 2017. CMS published a final rule in May 2014 and an interim final rule in May 2015 stating that prescribers must be enrolled or validly opted out in order for their written prescriptions to be covered under Part D. The ADA continues to seek a legislative repeal of the requirement and continues to support H.R. 4062, bipartisan legislation introduced in 2015 that calls for removing the mandate that certain providers, including dentists, be enrolled in Medicare in order for pharmacists to be reimbursed. For more information on the CMS delay, visit CMS.gov. For more information on the ADA’s work on this issue, visit ADA.org/advocacy.

The American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC) is pleased to announce that four ADA member dentists were elected to serve in the 115th Congress starting in January 2017. Rep. Mike Simpson, DMD, was elected to his 10th term serving Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District. Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS, was elected to his 4th term serving Arizona’s 4th District. Rep. Brian Babin, DDS, was elected to his 2nd term representing the 36th District in Texas. Drew Ferguson, DMD, was elected to his first term serving Georgia’s 3rd district. ADPAC and dentists from around the country generously supported these dentists running for Congress. ADPAC spent over $1.9 million in the 2016 election cycle and supported over 350 candidates running for federal office. Find out more about ADPAC’s activities and election results at ADA.org/ADPACElection2016.

I BACK MY PAC Golf Tournament

Friday, April 14, 2017 9 - 11 a.m. Breakfast & CE

Karsten Creek Stillwater, OK 11:30 a.m. Shotgun start

Dentists and friends of dentists welcome – build your own team (or we can build one for you)! Entry fee - $350 includes 2 hours of CE, golf, cart, prizes, drinks, breakfast & lunch! DENPAC offers ODA members a powerful way of making our lawmakers aware of the challenges we confront in our practices every day. Make plans now to advocate for our profession – all while enjoying great CE and a day of golf with your friends on April 14th!

Register today at www.okda.org or call 800.876.8890 (personal credit cards, please) Registration Deadline is April 7, 2017

30 journal | January/February 2017






Katherine Dillard, DDS Oklahoma City, OK

By Madison Huffines, ODA Member Communications Manager dental field,” she said. She has used her love of dental ministry while serving in the last four Oklahoma Mission of Mercy events. Her husband, Hunter, volunteers, as well, saying of his experiences, “I’m not a dentist, so my roles at OkMOM have been as runner, setting up and tearing down sitting areas, and so on. Basically, anything that needs doing but doesn't require sharp objects or a dental license!” After first volunteering in 2012, he knew he wanted to be a part of OkMOM in a bigger way Dr. Katie Dillard and her husband, Hunter. by involving the company for which he works. What do dentistry and screen-printing Tack Designs is a screen-printing have in common? Most would find company founded in Oklahoma. It has nothing, but when you speak to the created and produced the shirts used for Dillard family, you’d get a different OkMOM since 2013. Hunter Dillard is answer. Dr. Katie Dillard, a 2016 graduate the company’s Sales Manager and works of the OU College of Dentistry, has heavily with the ODA year-round to wanted to be a dentist since she was four produce the perfect t-shirts and apparel years old. A passion that started from that every Mission of Mercy volunteer such a young age grew with her through and staff member wears during the event. her senior year of high school when she “Katie and I volunteered in 2012 and I confirmed her career choice through the noticed there were a lot of shirts for the mentorship of a local dentist. event. It was then that I knew my part After graduating from dental school, of such a fantastic cause could be as its Dillard began her general practice t-shirt printer!” residency at the Oklahoma City Veteran It is easy to see that both Katie and Affairs Medical Center and is currently Hunter are committed to giving back to halfway through the program. She enjoys the community. “One of the reasons I fell a good challenge so the problem-solving in love with Hunter was because of his aspect that involves going through heart to serve others,” Dillard said. And patient treatment plans and deciding service to OkMOM involves even the on the best option is one of her favorite youngest member of the Dillard family… parts of dentistry. What really brings a whether he knows it or not! During the smile to Dr. Dillard’s face, however, is the 2016 OkMOM event in Oklahoma City, opportunity to brighten someone’s day Dillard was pregnant with their first child, with a simple conversation. “I love the Fischer Ryan. Though she was in the late artistry of Dentistry and the ability to use stages of pregnancy and on her feet all my gifts and talents as a ministry in the 32 journal | January/February 2017

day, Dillard served the patients with a constant smile on her face. Fischer may well have broken the record for the tiniest OkMOM volunteer yet! When the Dillard family isn’t volunteering at OkMOM or producing its t-shirts, you can find them spending time together watching movies, playing board games or enjoying a round of golf. Dillard is proud to have a family that is supportive and involved in her ambitions and aspirations. “My long-term goal in dentistry is to be in a position where I can participate regularly in short-term mission trips and events.” It’s clear that Dr. Katie Dillard has the heart, skills and support system to make that dream a reality.

Dr Dillard's first day of dental school and her last day.

Fischer Ryan Dillard

Dr. Susan Brackett Installed as 2016-17 President of the American College of Prosthodontists Susan E. (“Betsy”) Brackett first became intrigued with dentistry at the age of 16 when she worked for a dentist in her hometown of Bartlesville while an office staff member was gone on a three-week summer vacation. She impressed the dentist so much that he hired her as a part-time assistant (both chairside and front desk) during the following school year. After graduating from Bartlesville HS, her college training was directed to a future career in dental hygiene. However, during her interview for OU’s dental hygiene program, her strong credentials led interviewers (and hygiene faculty) Sharon Barton and Betty Durland to suggest that she consider dental school instead. Brackett then spent a “grueling” third year to complete the additional requirements needed for dental school. Her dedication resulted in admission in 1974 as part of OUCOD’s third class of 24 students. “I was the only woman and I was absolutely miserable,” said Brackett. “Dental school was much harder than I expected, and I was putting myself through school on loans and scholarships.” Although she admits to having entertained the idea of dropping out, she persevered, gained confidence and maturity along the way and graduated in 1978. Brackett points to the importance of mentors in navigating the rigors of dental school.

graduate prosthodontics program at the University of Iowa. In 1987 she received her Master of Science degree and her certificate in Fixed Prosthodontics, and returned to OUCOD as a full-time faculty member. “Dr. Shillingburg truly influenced my career and instilled in me a passion for prosthodontics,” said Brackett. Another noteworthy mentor was Dr. Kenneth A. Turner, her program director at Iowa, who taught Brackett how to apply the fundamentals of prosthodontics to treating the overall needs of prosthodontic patients. Turner also instilled the importance of participating in organized dentistry. “Unfortunately, I didn’t take that advice to heart until I joined Dr. Thomas J. McGarry in practice in 1998,” remembers Dr. Brackett. “Through my relationship and friendship with Tom, I learned that the only way you can influence the direction of your profession and/or specialty is to be involved with your organization and work together to achieve a common goal for the future. Tom served as an inspiration and, by example, taught me that there comes a time when we all need to ‘give back’ to our specialty and the profession that has treated us so well.”

One of her most notable mentors was Dr. Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr., chair of the Department of Fixed Prosthodontics – but not right away. “FPD was my most difficult preclinical course and I was very intimidated by Dr. Shillingburg,” Brackett remembers. But after working with him in a teaching elective during her senior year, he became a mentor and close confidant, fostering in Brackett a passion for prosthodontics and a desire to pursue it as a specialty.

Brackett has amassed numerous accomplishments throughout her career. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and a Fellow of both the American College of Dentists and the American College of Prosthodontists. She is also a co-author (with her mentor Dr. Shillingburg and others) of two well-known FPD textbooks, Fundamentals of Tooth Preparations and Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. In 2013 she received an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from OU; also that year she was the third recipient of the ACP Education Foundation’s Founders Society Award. Last October she was installed as the 2016-17 President of the American College of Prosthodontists.

After two years teaching at the University of Colorado’s School of Dentistry, Brackett returned to OUCOD in 1980 as faculty in the FPD Department and continued to work alongside her mentor. Shillingburg ultimately arranged for her to take a leave of absence from OUCOD to enter the

To recent graduates Brackett would say, “You have chosen a rewarding and satisfying profession, but you also carry the responsibility of being a lifelong student and staying informed about industry changes. Graduating from dental school is an incredible accomplishment, but it’s

not enough. To meet the challenge of continuous changes in dentistry, you must maintain an active mind and constantly seek reliable and evidence-based information. Don’t rely simply on the recommendations of your local sales representative or select your continuing education courses based on location. Join a study club, identify and develop a relationship with a mentor, and utilize the knowledge and experience of the specialists in your community to help you determine the best possible outcomes for your patient.” Brackett and her husband, Gregg Wadley, are involved with a variety of national and local charitable organizations, including University of Oklahoma Athletics, the OU College of Fine Arts, the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum, and the Oklahoma City Ballet. They are both members of the J. Dean Robertson Society’s Dean’s Circle, having consistently contributed since its inception. Brackett maintains a part-time private practice in Oklahoma City limited to prosthodontics.

Congratulations Dr. Brackett!




Prescription Drug Misuse and Abuse: A National Health Crisis Over the past 15 years misuse and abuse of prescription opioids, central nervous system depressants, and stimulants has become a serious public health problem in the United States: a shocking rise in emergency room visits, a quadrupling of overdose deaths, and a dramatic increase in drug abuse treatment admissions. Another heartbreaking research finding is that nonmedical use of prescription drugs is highest among youth aged 12 to 17 and young adults aged 18 to 25. Prescription opioid abuse and addiction have also contributed to a resurgence in the use of heroin and synthetic fentanyl and the spread of HIV and hepatitis C. This problem has been in part attributed to the misuse/abuse of prescription drugs, (including opioid analgesics) prescribed by family physicians, oral surgeons and dentists. Studies have shown that oral health professionals prescribed an excessive

34 journal | January/February 2017

volume of immediate-release opioids, with a large portion going unused and winding up stored in medicine cabinets. The illicit use of these unsecured medications have been implicated in patient misuse, abuse, overdose and diversion. Moreover, certain patients will often seek these drugs for nonmedical use or resale, often obtaining overlapping prescriptions from multiple prescribers. For more than a decade I have presented programs throughout the U.S. regarding the understanding and prevention of drug abuse problems. This has put me in a position to help many dentists and dental family members who know colleagues, patients, friends, children or other young people with drug misuse/abuse problems. The story of a young lady we’ll call Beth provides a good illustration. Beth had third molar extractions and was prescribed

opioids. She used what was necessary for the pain but she liked the feeling the drugs provided her so much that she started to misuse them. When the pills were gone she obtained more by going through the medicine cabinets of family members and friends. Eventually she began purchasing opioids on the street. Because they were expensive and became harder to get Beth started stealing merchandise from various stores to support her escalating habit. Finally caught arrested for stealing she met someone in jail who was using heroin and she started snorting it as well. I was contacted by Beth’s family and I directed them to a drug counselor who helped with a family intervention. Beth accepted the recommendation to go to treatment. She has been doing well and is coming up on two years of sobriety. However, not all cases have such successful outcomes. Tragically,

many young people who start using drugs are unable to recover. The curriculum that will be presented at the ODA Annual Meeting is designed to provide new insights and understanding into prevention, recognition, and treatment of patients with addiction and also those at risk for drug misuse and abuse. You will recognize addiction, not as a stigma or moral weakness, but as a primary, chronic and progressive brain disease. You will also better understand the pharmacology, the abuse potential, and the behavioral and physiological effects of commonly abused psychoactive addictive drugs. Emphasis will also be placed on increasing your skills and abilities to recognize the signs and symptoms of these various drugs of abuse, and the environmental and biological risk factors that increase drug use/abuse vulnerability in our youth. A short and easy-to-use drug use screening questionnaire will be discussed. Patient responses to these questions will give you the information needed to present simple brief risk/resiliency drug use interventions to your patients. The modus operandi of drug seekers will also be discussed, as well as the advantages of using prescriptionmonitoring programs. Finally, you will learn how to manage patients at risk for drug problems and become effective in providing successful care for drug-

dependent patients while minimizing their potential for relapse. Dentists and dental teams can make a huge impact on reducing this current drug abuse crisis. Patients expectantly turn to us as healthcare professionals; now is the time that we can provide effective drug abuse education in our practices and communities. It often only takes a minute to give a prevention message. That minute could change a life -- or even save it.

Patrick J. Sammon, Ph.D. is a professor emeritus, Department of Oral Health Science, University of Kentucky College of Dentistry. He was a consultant and trainer for the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Medical Specialty Program and has served on the Advisory Committee on Chemical Dependency Issues for the Council on Dental Practice American Dental Association.

References and Additional Reading 1.

Facing Addiction in America, The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, November 17, 2016. https://addiction.surgeongeneral.gov/


Dentistry and the Opioid Epidemic, Medscape Dental and Oral Health Viewpoints. Scott S. De Rossi, DMD, August 26, 2016. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/867751#vp_1


100M Opioids Unused Annually after Oral Surgery, Donna Domino, Feature Editor, DrBicuspid.com, October 7, 2016. http://www.drbicuspid.com/index.aspx?sec=ser&sub=def&pag=dis&ItemID=320461

Dr. Patrick Sammon is presenting


Reducing the Risks of Relief - The CDC Opioid-Prescribing Guideline, Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H., and Debra Houry, M.D., M.P.H. NEJM March 15, 2016.

April 29, 2017 in Tulsa. Learn about


Denisco R. et al. Prevention of Prescription Opioid Abuse: The Role of the Dentist. JADA 2011; Vol 142(7): 800-810.

at the 2017 ODA Annual Meeting on his courses on page 18 or online at okda.org/annual-meeting.



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Health Insurance.

Paid professional liability.

Paid 12 days of vacation time; to be approved by employer.

Community based marketing.

Paid dues for local dental association, Oklahoma Dental Association, American Dental Association, and Academy of General Dentistry.

Paid 5 days of Dental CE; to be approved by employer.

Paid Narcotic License for Federal Registration


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PRACTICE FOR SALE OR RENT Beautifully landscaped, stand alone, dental office for sale in Norman! 2408 Palmer Circle on the north side of town & just off Robinson & 24th St. NW. Aprox 3,000 square feet custom built in 1999: 6 operatories, private office, lab, sterilization area, business office, breakroom with kitchen, separate consult room. There is ADEC dental & provider chairs & delivery carts, Air Techniques air compressor, suction, computers....most of the necessities to start you to work! For more information, call Susan Whiteneck at 405-321-6166 or 405-6400788.

For Rent 7300 South Western

Established dental office. Excellent area with high traffic. Utilities are free. Completely remodeled with a reasonable rent. Four operatories, lab, private and business office, record room. Easy access from all areas of town. Will rent with or without equipment. Dr. Buddy Shadid 405.833.4684 or 405.843.1709.


Well-established general practice seeking an associate for potential buy in. We provide a wide range of services with almost every cosmetic, restorative, and surgical procedure done in office. Beautiful stand alone building located just 20 minutes from metropolitan Oklahoma City in the fastest growing county in Oklahoma. For information, call 405-919-3979.

Place a Classified Ad ODA Members Receive Free Online Advertising and only $40* to print in the ODA Journal *First 50 words, $0.15 per additional word

Submit a Listing Submitting a classified ad is easy with our online form. Find the submission form and more information at okda.org/classifieds. Questions? Email: advertising@okda.org Call: 800.876.8890. www.okda.org


PRACTICES FOR SALE PRACTICE FOR SALE: TULSA. 6 OPS, DIGITAL AND Dentrix. Collecting more than $900K in 4 to 4 ½ day week with general dentistry. Located on busy street near Interstate. in attractive leased facility. Abundant parking Dr. retiring but may work for buyer on limited basis if desired. Call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 3598784. FINANCING AVAILABLE PRACTICE FOR SALE: ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA. $543,600 in a “casual” 4-day work week. Untapped potential. Four operatories with Dentrix. Stand-alone building. Call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 359-8784. FINANCING AVAILABLE PRACTICE FOR SALE: NORTH-CENTRAL OKLAHOMA. $1M PLUS in 4-day work week. Beautiful leased office with first class equipment, computers and support, staff, etc. This practice has it all!!! Call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 359-8784. FINANCING AVAILABLE PRACTICE FOR SALE: NEAR WICHITA, KS. $700K collected in year 2015 in 4- day week. 6- ops, 2 are for hygiene. Complete digital x-ray system (Shick) and Dentrix throughout office. Custom dental office design and very unique to community. Call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 359-8784. FINANCING AVAILABLE PRACTICE FOR SALE: SW of Oklahoma City in a short commutable drive. Two part-time satellite practice. Very low overhead. Practice collected $722K in 2015 with very large profit margin. A serious money maker!! Call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 359-8784. FINANCING AVAILABLE THE OFFICES LISTED ABOVE MAY BE SEEN AT www.ppa-brokers. com or call Max or Jack at PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATES at (405) 359-8784.

Finally, Five (not so) FAQs! Dr. Carrie Chastain Enid, OK 1. If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be? PowerPoint 2. John Wayne or Johnny Depp? John Wayne 3. When Since You've Been Gone comes on my car radio, I have to crank it up and sing along! 4. I wish I could go back and tell my 10 yr old self... Don't worry about being tall - you will love it later. 5. Honesty is the best policy or It’s okay to lie sometimes? Honesty! I'm a terrible liar.

38 journal | January/February 2017

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