ODA Journal: March/April 2024

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March/April 2024 | Vol. 115, No. 2 Making the Mission Outcomes from the 2024 Oklahoma Mission of Mercy page 17
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Thank you to the following businesses who support the Oklahoma Dental Association by advertising in the Journal:

Alliant Insurance Services

Endodontic Practice Associates

Hopkins Dental Implant Institute


National Dentex Labs

OU College of Dentistry


Suction Solutions

Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust

THE OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL (ISSN 0164-9442) is the official publication of the Oklahoma Dental Association and is published bimonthly by the Oklahoma Dental Association, 317 NE 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, Phone: (405) 848-8873; (800) 876-8890. Fax: (405) 848-8875. Email: information@ okda.org. Annual subscription rate of $39 for ODA members is included in their annual membership dues.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 317 NE 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Periodical postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK and additional mailing offices.

Subscriptions: Rates for non-members are $56. Single copy rate is $18, payable in advance.

Reprints: of the Journal are available by contacting the ODA at (405) 848-8873, (800) 876-8890, editor@okda.org.

Opinions and statements expressed in the OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Oklahoma Dental Association. Neither the Editors nor the Oklahoma Dental Association are in any way responsible for the articles or views published in the OKLAHOMA DENTAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL.


Copyright © 2024 Oklahoma Dental Association. Editorial: Recognizing this year's Leadership Academy

Would you like to submit a case study, scientific article, or editorial for publication in the Journal?

Email editor@okda.org with story ideas.

Is Your Information Correct?

Help the ODA keep you informed about legislative actions, educational opportunities, events, and other important member-only news.

Contact Ansley Jinkins at ajinkins@okda.org or 800.876.8890 to provide ODA with your current contact information.

www.okda.org 3 Oklahoma Dental Association March/April 2024 | Vol. 115, No. 2 EDITORIAL 7 Leadership Academy Graduates 2024 ASSOCIATION 4 Calendar of Events 24 ODA Board of Trustees Report 25 ODA House of Delegates Report 27 Legislative Reception Photos 29 Women in Dentistry Photos LEGISLATIVE LOOP 9 House Passes Action for Dental Health Act 9 ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day 10 Lobby Day Photos 11 New Advocacy Toolkit for Dentists Now Available COVER STORY 17 Making the Mission 20 OkMOM stats 21 Mission of Mercy/Legacy Fund Donors NATIONAL ADA NEWS 13 ADA Activities to Prevent Government Overregulation of Dental Practices 15 FTC Issues Ban on Noncompete Clauses 16 ADA 2023 Federal Lobbying Accomplishments GUEST COLUMN 26 Navigating Electronic Prescribing for Dentists CLASSIFIEDS 30 Classified Ad Listings
Cover Story: Making the Mission 17 FTC Issues Ban on Noncompete Clauses 15 9 Legislative Loop: House Passes Dental Health Act of 2023



Mary Hamburg, DDS, MS


Roberta A. Wright, DMD, MDSc, FACP


M. Edmund Braly, DDS, FACS, FAACS

Daryn Lu, DDS

Phoebe Vaughan, DDS

Meredith Turbeville, DDS

Divesh Sardana, BDS, MDS, MBA, MPH, PhD

ODA OFFICERS 2024-2025


Daryn Lu, DDS president@okda.org


Twana Duncan, DDS presidentelect@okda.org


Nicole Nellis, DDS vicepresident@okda.org


Sydney Rogers, DDS treasurer@okda.org


Mitch Kramer, DDS speaker@okda.org


Paul Wood, DDS pastpresident@okda.org



F. Lynn Means


Shelly Frantz


Ansley Jinkins


Jill Johnson


Lindsay Dennis


See more online at OKDA.ORG/CALENDAR


Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 8 - 12

Dental Hygienists' AppreciationWeek

April 11-13

ODA Annual Meeting

Oklahoma City, OK


Mental Health Awareness Month


Women's Health Month

May 5

Hand Hygiene Day

May 6-10

Root Canal Awareness Week

May 31

No Tobacco Day

May 13 - June 13

National Smile Month

May 3


Senior Signing Day ODA Offices

317 NE 13th St. Oklahoma City, OK 4:30pm

May 6


Senior Signing Day 4444 E. 41st St. Tulsa, OK 10:30am

May 9

OU College of Dentistry Commencement

Lloyd Noble Center Norman, OK 10:00 a.m.

May 14

Rewards Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. Zoom

May 24-27

ODA offices closed for Memorial Day


Oral Health Month


Dental Diversity Month

June 14

RDGP Meeting 11:00am Zoom

June 18

Council on Membership Services Meeting 5:30pm Zoom

June 21

ODA Strategic Planning Session

ODA Offices 9:30am - 4:30pm

Stay connected with the ODA!

Cover Photo:

OkMOM 2024's first patient, Bobby H. receives his new dentures in the lab area of the clinic from Dr. Paul Mullasseril.

The event was held February 9-10, 2024 in Lawton, Oklahoma at the Great Plains Coliseum at the Comanche County Fairgrounds.

journal | March/April 2024 4
www.okda.org 5 The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline Offers Additional FREE Benefits to SoonerCare Members For SoonerCare members, the following services are FREE with a prescription: Talk with your patients about the benefits of quitting tobacco and encourage them to sign up for FREE . • Patches • Gum • Lozenges • Nasal Spray • Inhaler • Zyban • Chantix/ Varenicline Call 1-800-QUIT NOW. Text READY to 34191. Visit OKhelpline.com.

Oklahoma Dental Association Recognizes Leadership Academy Graduates

The Oklahoma Dental Association congratulates the recent graduates of its Leadership Academy, recognizing their potential to shape the future of dentistry through their leadership skills and dedication.

The ODA Leadership Academy is a statewide program designed to develop future leaders in organized dentistry by educating them on the foundational keys to its success.

The academy is designed to be a series of courses that challenge and educate the participants in order to prepare future leaders at the Component and state levels.

Each Leadership Academy class is comprised of dentists nominated and sponsored by each Component within the state of Oklahoma.

Candidates are chosen to participate based on their interest in and ability to strengthen their community and the profession.

Requirements of the ODA Leadership Academy include attendance at ODA Council and Committee meetings, Board of Trustee meetings, the ODA Legislative Reception, and the Oklahoma Mission of Mercy.

The next Leadership Academy class will begin in November 2025.

To learn more about the ODA's Leadership Academy program, email Ansley Jinkins at ajinkins@ okda.org.

The 2023-2024 Leadership Academy graduates are:

Dr. Shanon Black Northern District

Dr. Matt Bridges Southwest District

Dr. Blake Cohlmia Oklahoma County

Dr. Tara Denton Eastern District

Dr. Olivia Karim Oklahoma County

Dr. Kyle Michelsen Oklahoma County

Dr. Philip Morton Eastern District

Dr. Yvonne Safo-Kwakye Oklahoma County

Dr. Miranda Scholz Tulsa County

Dr. Kaylee Speer (not pictured) Oklahoma County

Dr. Monica Wandro Central District

The 2024 ODA Leadership Academy graduates receive their awards for completing the program at the Oklahoma Dental Association's Annual Meeting on April 11, 2024 in Oklahoma City.

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journal | March/April 2024 8 Phone: 405.329.7936 1.800.238.5215 Fax: 405.329.1722
Endodontic Practice Associates
Dr. Spencer Hinckley and Dr. Percy Bolen


House passes Action for Dental Health Act of 2023

The U.S. House of Representatives approved the Action for Dental Health Act of 2023, which reauthorizes the workforce and access-promoting program through 2028. The bill, HR 3843, passed March 7 with a vote of 391-32.

The Action for Dental Health program has provided funding for the Health Resources and Services Administration oral health workforce grant program since 2018 in an effort to improve the dental workforce and access to oral health care.

Rep. Michael Simpson, D.M.D., R-Idaho, said that the bill has improved dental care, strengthened the dental safety net and brought disease prevention and education

to underserved communities. “This reauthorization is an essential step in continuing to address barriers to oral health care services that still exist, like tackling the oral health workforce issues and reducing the number of adults and children living with untreated dental disease,” Dr. Simpson said.

“As a former dentist in Blackfoot, Idaho, I know that the more we can provide patients with an early diagnosis, the better off our patients and our oral health care system will be,” said Simpson.

Action for Dental Health programs aim to mitigate these staffing difficulties, which are especially acute in underserved areas. The


bill would provide federal grants for underserved populations, particularly directed toward dental disease prevention through improved dental education, reduction of geographic and language barriers and improved access to care.

Follow all the ADA’s advocacy efforts at ADA.org/Advocacy.

ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day

More than 1,500 dentists, dental students, and state association staff convened in Washington, D.C. April 7-9, 2024 for the 7th annual ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day to explore issues, educate lawmakers, and take action.

Each year, Lobby Day gives attendees a chance to learn more about issues and policies that affect the nation’s oral health. Before visiting their Senators and Representatives, the group heard from political analysts, subject matter experts, and dentists who are working with Congress and other federal officials to represent the dental industry.

Specific issues that were addressed with legislators at the 2024 Dentist and Student Lobby Day included:

- Supporting the Dental and Optometric Care (DOC) Access Act (H.R.1385 and S.1424), which would prevent insurers from: holding dentists to fees for services they don't cover; establishing nominal payments for otherwise noncovered services in an effort to have such services considered covered inappropriately; and forcing dentists into participating in contracts in excess of two years.

- Supporting the Resident Education Deferred Interest Act (H.R.1202 and S.704), which would allow borrowers to defer their student loans interestfree while they are serving in a medical or dental internship or residency.

- Supporting the Dental Loan Repayment Assistance Act of 2023 (S.2172), which would allow fulltime faculty participating in the Dental Faculty Loan Repayment Program to exclude the benefits from their taxable income.

- Supporting the Action for Dental Health Act of 2023 (S.2891), which would address critcal gaps in the oral health workforce by renewing/ extending funding for workforce initiatives through FY 2026, and by supporting workforce training and oral healthcare programs that educate those in vulnerable and underserved communities about disease prevention.

www.okda.org 9


ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day Photos

ODA member dentists, OU College of Dentistry students, and ODA executive director Lynn Means, participating in the ADA's Dentist and Student Lobby Day 2024.

To get more involved with ODA's political efforts, consider joining or contributing to DENPAC, our general purpose political action committee that works to safeguard against counterproductive legislation at our state capitol.

journal | March/April 2024 10
Representative Frank Lucas (R-OK 3rd District) meeting with ADA Action team leaders, Dr. Kara Tims of Altus and Dr. Lindsay Smith of Tulsa. Dr. Matt Cohlmia, Dr. Kara Tims, and Dr. Lindsay Smith on Capitol Hill ready to speak to legislators. Representative Stephanie Bice (R-OK 5th District) meeting with several ODA member dentists and OU College of Dentistry students.


New Advocacy Toolkit for Dentists Now Available

A new toolkit developed by the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons is now available online to help dentists understand how the new dental rehabilitation facility fee code approved by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) can have an impact on operating room access.

The G0330 was a dental-specific facility fee code created by CMS through joint advocacy efforts through ADA/AAPD/AAOMS. However, this CMS code and its associated fees can be used as a guiding point for State Medicaid Agencies to begin reimbursing

hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers (ASC) at a higher rate, which will then open more operating room time for dentists treating Medicaid patients in these settings. This code is meant to ultimately incentivize facilities to provide more operating room time for dental procedures. The associations developed this toolkit to explain G0330 and provide advocacy materials for dentists to use with their State Medicaid Agencies.

The ADA anticipates that hospitals will be seeking guidance from dentists on this change. The toolkit will help dentists explain the guidance to hospitals and ASCs, and understand the new modifications needed to be reimbursed for facility costs they incur in operating rooms (OR)

When lawmakers address issues impacting the practice of dentistry in Oklahoma, ODA and DENPAC are hard at work making your voice heard.

Visit okda.org/advocacy or email ODA executive director Lynn Means at lmeans@okda.org for more info.

available for dental procedures. This toolkit addresses the amounts payable to hospitals and ASCs for the facility costs. However, dentists’ professional fees are separately billable and are not affected by this initiative.

For more information, please visit the ADA insurance info page at

(above) Dr. Eric Lopez, Dr. Juan Lopez, Dr. Shannon Griffin, Representative Tom Cole (R-OK 4th District), Dr. Paul Wood, and Dr. Wayne Littlefield met recently in Lawton to discuss issues facing the dental profession both in Oklahoma and across the nation.
journal | March/April 2024 12 Oklahoma’s own 300-hour comprehensive dental implant education program. Take your dental implant capabilities to a nationally recognized level of expertise. Call or visit Our Website For Enrollment Information www.aaidmaxicourseokc.com 405-275-1055 ESTABLISH EXPAND ENHANCE Dental Implant Knowledge For Confident Procedures & Improved Success Ratios Dentist, Hygienists, Dental Assistants, & Full Teams Implant Placement  Overdentures  Digital Workflow  Bone Grafting  Treatment Planning Surgical Guides  Prosthetics & Immediate Temporization  Immediate Placement Sinus Lifts  L-PRF*  Successful Consultation Through Payment *Satisfies the Oklahoma expanded duties Vaccinations, Venipuncture, & Phlebotomy Certification.


ADA Activities to Prevent Government Overregulation of Dental Practices

The following list includes some of the activities the American Dental Association (ADA) has performed on behalf of its members in order to decrease government overregulation.

• Stopped the Red Flag Rule (2010) from being implemented (saving dentists an estimated $500/practice)

• Prevented elimination of the cash method of accounting, allowing dentists to continue paying taxes on their actual revenue (versus what they billed to patients).

• Secured concessions in a new law requiring dentists to complete 8 hours of one-time training as a condition of obtaining or renewing a DEA registration—by removing a requirement to complete training on topics outside a dentist’s scope of practice (e.g., prescribing buprenorphine, etc.) and allowing relevant state-recognized training, dental school coursework, and courses taken prior to the law’s passage to satisfy the requirement.

• Secured National Fire Protection Association standards that saved every dental office that uses nitrous

oxide sedation $50,000 in costs associated with building, monitoring, and retrofitting their gas lines.

• Prevented steep cuts to oral health training programs, which enabled residents to continue being paid during their residency period.

• Enabled dentists to continue balance billing under a law that prohibited medical providers from doing so.

• Prevented the student loan interest deduction from being eliminated ($2,500 annually), secured marketbased interest rates and interest rate caps on federal student loans, and created income-based repayment options.

• Defeated a Medicare Part B dental benefit legislative proposal that would have been unworkable for the specialized nature of the dental care delivery system.

• Stopped the 2.3 percent tax increase on the sale of medical devices from taking effect, which would have been passed down to dentists in the form of price increases.

• Secured a favorable Department of Education rule that eliminates certain “capitalizing events” that cause a borrower’s accrued, unpaid interest to become part of the principal balance of their student loan and implements reforms to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

• Prevented OSHA from rushing to finalize a rule that would remove the small practice exemption from adopting more specialized infection controls (e.g., hospital grade) to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For more information or to sign up for national legislative alerts and news, please visit the ADA advocacy page at www.ada.org/advocacy or by using the QR code:

www.okda.org 13
provided by American Dental Association

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FTC Issues Ban on Noncompete Clauses

The Federal Trade Commission issued a final rule April 23 banning noncompete clauses nationwide, which aim to prevent employees from engaging in similar business after leaving their current employer.

“The final rule provides that it is an unfair method of competition — and therefore a violation of section 5 — for persons to, among other things, enter into noncompete clauses with workers on or after the final rule’s effective date,” the rule states.

The new FTC final rule applies to noncompetes entered into after the effective date and some noncompetes currently in existence. Specifically, existing noncompetes can remain in force for senior executives after the effective date but not for other workers. The FTC defines senior executives as workers earning more than $151,164 annually and who are in policymaking positions.

The final rule aims to protect the fundamental freedom of workers to change jobs and support innovation. It will increase new business formation by 2.7%, according to the FTC, which estimates that the elimination of noncompetes will generate more than 8,500 new businesses each year.

The FTC also estimates that the final rule will increase earnings for the average worker by an additional $524 and lower health care costs by up to $194 billion over the next decade.

“Noncompetes are a widespread and often exploitative practice imposing contractual conditions that prevent workers from taking a new job or starting a new business,” according to an FTC news release. “Noncompetes often force workers to either stay in a job they want to leave or bear other significant harms and costs, such as being forced to switch to a lower-paying field, being forced to relocate, being forced to leave the workforce altogether, or being forced to defend against expensive litigation.”

Under the new rule, employers have several alternatives to noncompetes that still work to protect the businesses. These include trade secret laws and nondisclosure agreements, both of which offer protection over proprietary and sensitive information.

The new rule mandates employers to provide notice to workers bound to an existing noncompete that the agreement will not be enforced against them in the future. No legal modification of the existing noncompete is needed.

“If you are a practice owner and have noncompete clauses in employment agreements with associates, hygienists or other staff, or if you are an employee dentist currently subject to a noncompete clause, you may wish to consult with an attorney in your geographic area experienced in these matters,” ADA President Linda J. Edgar, D.D.S., said. “While the FTC rule may be challenged in court, it becomes effective 120 days after publication in the Federal Register.”

State or local bar associations may have a lawyer referral service, and the American Bar Association’s directory of lawyer referral services is available at americanbar.org/ groups/lawyer_referral/resources/ lawyer-referral-directory/. State dental associations also might be able to recommend an attorney. The ADA has a free downloadable resource for members titled “A Dentist’s Guide to Selecting a Lawyer,” available here.

At press time it was unclear whether the FTC rule regarding noncompetes applies to federally qualified health centers. ADA News will provide continuing coverage of developments related to the FTC rule. For more information about the new ruling, see the final rule.

www.okda.org 15

2023 Accomplishments

Federal Lobbying Accomplishments

The first half of the 118th Congress ended in 2023 with some notable accomplishments helping the profession even during the divided partisan times in Washington, D.C., during which only 27 bills passed both chambers of Congress and were signed into law.


• Advocated for the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, which would extend programs that are integral to bolstering the dental and medical workforce and increase access to health care, particularly in underserved communities.

• Worked to advance the Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Act out of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The bill includes funding extensions for the State Oral Health Workforce Improvement Grant Program (Action for Dental Health), Community Health Center Fund, the National Health Service Corps, and the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education Program.

• Advanced the Action for Dental Health Act (ADH) out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee by a vote of 50-0. The bipartisan reauthorization of the ADH program through 2028 would direct funding to state and local organizations through a Health Resources and Services Administration oral health workforce grant program. The bill has also been introduced in the Senate.

Dental Insurance Reform

• Continued efforts to improve the dental insurance landscape by getting the Dental and Optometric Care Access Act reintroduced in the Senate and House. The bipartisan federal legislation would prohibit dental and vision plans from setting the fees network doctors may charge for services not covered by insurers.

• Began collaboration to engage with elected leaders to reconsider preemption of current dental insurance laws after recent Supreme Court Decision that ruled the Employee Retirement Income Security (ERISA) insurance plans can be regulated. The ADA is positioned to impact possible upcoming legal cases in the area of ERISA case law apply to dental insurance, limiting federal preemption by insurers.

Access to Care

• Testified at the very first hearing of the Subcommittee on Health Care of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearing, titled “An Oral Health Crisis: Identifying and Addressing Health Disparities.”

• Advocated on payments for hospital outpatient (OPPS) and ambulatory surgical centers (ASC) to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) by supporting the addition of over 240 specific codes describing dental services to clinical Ambulatory Payment Classification (APCs) in the OPPS facility fee schedule as well as well as eliminating the proposed Medicare pay rate cuts associated with G0330 code.

• Sent comments to CMS in response to a proposed rule on Medicare Advantage pertaining to data collection, transparency in marketing, and quality improvement. CMS noted they are prioritizing MA dental benefits by requiring “detailed reporting on supplemental benefit expenditures by plans in the medical loss ratio report as well as looking cracking down on predatory advertising of supplemental MA benefits.”

• Received agreement from CMS that clinical evidence supports dental services being paid for when they are linked and related to the success of other covered services like treatment for head and neck cancers through treatment of chemotherapy, chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy, and the use of high-dose bone modifying agents, or antiresorptive therapy, as well as for medically necessary diagnostic and treatment services to eliminate oral/dental infections prior to or contemporaneously with such treatments.

• Partnered with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to successfully call for the Health Resources and Services Administration to retain a national performance measure for oral health in Title V programs, rather than transitioning to a state measure.

journal | March/April 2024 16

COVER STORY Making the Mission: Outcomes from this year's Oklahoma Mission of Mercy Event

The Oklahoma Mission of Mercy (OkMOM) event, a beacon of hope for those in need of dental care, held its annual two-day free clinic on February 9 and 10, 2024 drawing in nearly 1,000 volunteers and patients from across the state. The event, which started in Oklahoma in 2010, has become a cornerstone of community service, offering vital dental services to individuals who may not have regular access to dental care.

OkMOM: A Collaborative Effort

Behind the scenes, months of planning and coordination by volunteers and dental professionals are essential to bring OkMOM to fruition. The event is a collaborative effort between the Oklahoma Dental Association (ODA), the Oklahoma Dental Foundation (ODF), and numerous other community partners and sponsors. Volunteers, including dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and general community members, generously donate their time and expertise to ensure the event's success.

Dr. Paul Wood of Lawton, 2023-2024 President of the Oklahoma Dental Association, highlighted the significance of the event, stating, "OkMOM embodies the spirit of community service and compassion. It's heartwarming to see so many people come together to provide essential dental care to those who need it most."

Addressing Dental Disparities

Dental care disparities are a pressing issue in Oklahoma, with many individuals facing barriers to accessing affordable dental services. According to a report by the Oklahoma State Department of Health, dental-related issues are one of the leading causes of preventable emergency room visits in the

state. OkMOM aims to alleviate this burden by providing free dental services, including cleanings, fillings, extractions, and limited dental surgeries, to underserved populations.

For patients like Wilson from Lawton, OK, who has been unable to afford dental care for several years, OkMOM offers a lifeline. "I've had tooth pain for months, but I couldn't afford to see a dentist. Coming here today means everything to me. Thank you for the wonderful care and treatment," he said.

Impact Beyond Dentistry

The impact of OkMOM extends beyond dental health. Volunteers provide education on oral hygiene and preventive care, empowering patients to take control of their dental health long after the event concludes. Additionally, OkMOM serves as a platform to raise awareness about the importance of oral health and the need for accessible dental care for all.

As Dr. Matthew Bridges, a dentist who served as the supplies lead volunteer at this year’s event, remarked, "It's not just about fixing teeth; it's about restoring dignity and improving overall well-being. The smiles on the patients' faces make every moment of volunteering worthwhile."

2024 Outcomes

As the 2024 OkMOM event drew to a close, the numbers were compiled and the total number of patients served was 937. Volunteer providers performed 6,484 procedures, and the total value of the donated care equaled $1,241,707.46.

Looking Ahead

Organizers and volunteers are already looking forward to providing essential dental care to those in need at the 2025 Oklahoma Mission of Mercy in Tulsa on February 7 and 8 at the Tulsa Expo Center.

With the support of the community and dedicated volunteers, OkMOM continues to make a profound difference in the lives of individuals and families across Oklahoma.

To learn more about the Oklahoma Mission of Mercy or to donate to the Legacy Fund, visit okmom.org

www.okda.org 17
The 2024 Oklahoma Mission of Mercy event chairs Dr. Juan Lopez, Dr. Shannon Griffin, Dr. Paul Wood, and Dr. Todd Bridges.

OkMOM, February 9-10

journal | March/April 2024 18
Great Plains Coliseum, Lawton, OK


OkMOM, February 9-10

www.okda.org 19
Watch the OkMOM recap video on ODA's YouTube Channel: @OKDentalAssn
Great Plains Coliseum, Lawton, OK

Fact Sheet

Oklahoma Mission of Mercy (OkMOM)

FROM 2010 THrOUGH 2024, OkMOM has provided:


1,468 $16.5 mil $933

total dental procedures performed average donated in dental care per patient average number of patients treated each year in donated dental services

Oklahoma dental Care facts:

31% of Oklahoma 3rd graders have an untreated cavity

43% 4,000 :1 * varies between counties 51% of Oklahomans do not have dental insurance


19,083 patients treated 2010-2024


total volunteers 2010-2024

• Implants of Oklahomans did not visit a dentist in the past year

ratio of patients to dentists in rural Oklahoma*

Services Provided:




•Some root canals


• Partials Braces

Services Not Provided:

• Root canals on back teeth

•Wisdom teeth extractions

•Night Guards

OkMOM will return to Tulsa on February 7 and 8, 2025!

Oklahoma City 2011, 2016, 2019 Tulsa 2010, 2015 Mcalester 2012 Durant 2018 lawton 2013, 2024 woodward 2017 enid 2014 stillwater 2020

Thank you to those who made personal gifts to The OKMOM Legacy Fund

Tim and Pamela Fagan

Oklahoma Dental Association

George Bridges

Twana Farley-Duncan

Edward Harroz III

Richard Haught

Todd Bridges


Joe Strunk

Oklahoma County Dental Society

Tabitha Arias

Nathan Buckner

Douglas Auld

Rieger Wood

Tamara Berg

Jim Ambrose

Jeffery Ahlert

Richard Amilian

Clay Anderson

Marc Arledge

Victoria Ball

Justin Beasley

William Beasley

Kari Bender

David Birdwell

Blaire Bowers Ersteniuk

Susan Brackett

Leon Bragg

Edmund and Cindy Braly

Kristen Campbell

Tricia Cannon

Steven Carson

Mary Casey Kelly

Stephen Cash

Conrad Casler

Central District Dental Society

Carrie Chastain

Raymond Cohlmia

Chris Corbin

Danny Craige

Stephanie Crawford

Susan Davis

Brent Dobson

Bryce Dorrough

Brian Drew

Nha Duong

Lee Eliot

Heath Evans

$2,000+ contribution level

Chris and Heather Fagan

Shannon Griffin

David & Megan Evans

Eastern District Dental Society

Juan Lopez

Matthew L. Bridges

Matthew Cohlmia

John Folks

Stephen Mayer

James Sparks

Northern District Dental Society

Southwest District Dental Society

Wilshire Charitable Foundation

David Deason

Nicole Nellis

$250+ contribution level

Michael Fagan

Ronald Faram

Barry Farmer

Joseph Feng

Mark Folks

Rick Freeman

Mark Goodman

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.

Daniel Griffiths

Michael Hampton

Mark Hanstein

Leslie Hardy

Haley Harrington

John Hawkins

William Hiatt

Richard Homsey

Mathew Hookom

James Hooper

Brad Hoopes

Benjamin Humphrey

Richard Johnson

William Johnson

Charles Keithline

Carolyn Keyes

Gene Koop

Robert Lamb

Sallie Lau

Gary Lawhon

Shannon Lewis

Robert Livingston

Gary Lott

James Mabry

Mary Martin

Jandra Korb

David Marks

Karen Reed

Paul Wood

Robert Herman

Dan Wilguess

Mitchell Kramer

Edward Harroz Jr

Garrick McAnear

Lindsay Smith

Krista Jones

Colin Eliot

Lawton First Assembly

Pierre Fauchard Academy

Tulsa County Dental Society

Joseph Massad

Janna McIntosh

Jack McKinnis

Daniel McNair

Glenn Mead

Lynn and Andy Means

Clint Metcalf

Robert Miracle

Frank Miranda

Tim Mount

Paul Mullasseril

James Murtaugh

Shelley Nichols

Lauren Nichols

Van Nowlin

Bob & Lisa Nowlin

Northwest District Dental Assn

Samuel Owens

Betsy and Geoff Post

J.B. & Rebecca Rackley &

King Rackley

Chris Ray

William Reeves

Sarah Rhuems

Alejandro Romero

Marni Russell

Terry Saunders

Robert Schick

Jeff Shadid

Shawnee Dental

Steffan Sigler

Caleb Smith

Gregg Smith

Spring Creek Baptist Church

John Stark

Michael Stephens

Greg Stewart

Julie Storm

Dan Storm

Steven Sullivan

Mary Temple-Goins

Terracycle LLC

Leslie Tevebaugh

Ryan Theobald

Bootsey Torchia

Trung Tran

Tulsa Community Foundation

Shyler Vincent

Michael Wallace

Stevens Warrick

W Scott Waugh

Steven White

Jay White

Susan Whiteneck

Karen Willhoite

Brian Wilson

Donna Wood

Donal Woodward

Craig Wooten

Savannah Wright

Cara Wuse

William Wynn

Trent Yadon

Kendra Yandell

www.okda.org 21

Thank you to those who made personal gifts to The OKMOM Legacy Fund

Carol Abbott

Laurie Abbott

Tamara Abo-Chedi Carter

Ross Allen

Bret Anderson

John Archer

Mark Argo

Jamie Ariana

Bonnie Arnould

Forrest Arnould

Lauren Avery

Jeannie Bath

Rishu Batta

Bryce Baumann

Kay Beavers

Taylor Beshear

Kenneth Bezan

Bryan Blankenship

Carol Blossfeld

Elizabeth Bohanon

Stacey Bonham

Andrea Bowen

Faith Brandon

Bryan Bratton

Trace Bridges III

Krista Britton

Joshua Brock

S. Kelly Brown

Richard Brown

Nathan Brown

Ann Bryant

Adam Bulleigh

Brent Burchard

Brandon Burton

Sharolyn Burton

Graham Busby

Jamie Cameron

Sarah Campbell

Carla Campbell

Jennifer Campbell

Scott Carel

John Carletti

Peter Carlson

Bobby Carmen

Jason Carper

Charles Carroll

William Carter

Drue Cassidy

Jennifer Chambers

Cory Chambers

Fidelity Charitable

Brian Chastain

Kami Chervilov

Jae Choi

David Ciesla

Revelle Clausing

Kathy Cloud

Russell Coatney

Logan Coffee

up to $250 contribution level

Jeff Cohlmia

Cama Cord

Donna Cosgrove

Robi Craig

Danielle Crandell

Josh Crossley

G Frans Currier

Russell Danner

Darrell Daugherty

Joseph Day

Steven Deaton

Steven Deem

Kathy DeHart

Tara Denton

William Deprater

Haley Deyoe

Richard Dillon

Ana Dotson

Bryan Dowell

Gene Drake

David Drummond

Kevin Duffy

Mark Eagan

Alisha East

Benjamin Edwards

Renalla Ellis

Linda Estes

Casey Fishburn

Judith Fitzpatrick

Susan Flynn

Michael Fooshee

Travis and Shelly Frantz

Emily Frye

Cathy Fuchs

Ken Furst

Chad Garrison

LaMont Gee

Lindsay George

James Gilliam

Jacy Glover-Secrest

Ramina Golshani

Sandra Grace

Kim Graziano

Barry Greenley

Jerry Greer

Thomas Grif n

Danell Grif th

Vicky Gudenrath

Andrew Guthrie

Jacob Hager

H Douglas Hall

Kevin Haney

Michael Hansen

Lori Hare

Aaron Harman

Jenny Harreld

Darrell Hazle

Erin Heathcock

Lindsey Helmerich

Amanda Hendrickson

Drew Hendrix

John Henry

Jeffrey Hermen

Marilyn Hiebert

Myron Hilton

Phil Hoedebeck

Steven Hogg

Lori Holden

Mitchell Hoopes

Eric Hopkins

Jeffrey Housley

James Hulsey

W. Robert Hunter

Autumn Hurd

Stephanie Hurley

Lapham Jean

Jennifer Jenkins

Karl Jobst

Donald Johnson

Courtney Johnson

Eugenia Johnson

Janet Julian

Lori Barnthouse Kaplan

Mohammad Karami

Olivia Karim

Michael Kierl

August Kinder

Michael Kirk

Jennifer Koonce

Jay Kruska

Michael Kubelka

Priyanka kulkarni

Amy Lakins

Ronald Lamb

Leta Langford

Ashley Lanman

Larry Lavelett

Sally Le

Catherine Lee

Grady Lembke

Christopher Leslie

Cloyce Little eld

Brandon Loeser

Eric Loper

Eric Lopez

Kristi Love

Karey Low

Pamela Low

Daryn Lu

Steve Lusk

David Maddox

Mary Maine-Roberts

Stephen Martin

Alan Mauldin

Michael & Kathryn May

Susan McAdams

Susan McCalman

Tracy McIntire

Joseph Meador

Jamie Means

David Merrell

Nancy Messinger

Soren Michaelsen

Clay Michels

Melanie Miranda Shukla

Kenner Misner

Bradley Mitchell

Andrea Montgomery

Janis Moriarty

Jack Morrison

Anaita Mullasseril

Sonya Nabors

Carson Nail

Nandita Nanda

David Nittler

Janie Olson

Laura Ousley

Alan Owen

Deborah Ozment

John Phillips

Garrett Phipps

Jordan Pierce

Ray Plant

Linda Plunkett

Lynnsi Pollock

Steve Pracht

Jillian Prather

Dana Price

Edith Quinonez Lu

Amy Rau

Chad Reid

Scott Renfrow

Roger Richter

Sheri Rittenhouse

James Roane

Dault Roberts

Ryan Roberts

Tyler Rolland

Leslie Roubik

Tyson Roulston

Mack Rudd

Miranda Ruleford

Chloe Scheitzach

Jerry Schoef er

Ryan Scott

Shawn Scott

Gregory Segraves

Mickey Sehorn

Amanda Seibold

Paul Shadid

Kyle Shannon

Jack Sheets

Katy Sheets

Matt Shelton

Katie Shepherd

Steven Shrader

Elizabeth Silver

Floyd Simon

Audrey Smith

Donald Smith

Beth Smither

Brooke Snowden

Aaron Southerland

Donna Sparks

Chad Spiva

Sara Spurlock

David Stapleton

Adelaide Steed

Michael Steffen

Clinton Stevens

James Steyer

Jesse Storts

Patrick Stover

Steven Strange

Barbara Sturdivant

Marc Susman

Jaime Sutter eld

Jamie Talley

Nathaniel Talley

Jim Taylor

Stephen Taylor

John Thomas

Kara Tims

Karen Tiwana

Mark Unruh

JayCee Van Horn

Jonah Vandiver

Nathan Villines

Teresa Vu

Carlie Wager

Matthew Walls

Valerie Walser

Christopher Ward

Robert Webb

William Weber

Mark Weems

Dennis Weibel

Jerrell Welch

Robert Wells

James Wendelken

Stephanie Wendt

Theresa White

John Wilguess

Ralph Willcox

Vincent Willcox

Noel Williams

Jana Winfree

Donna Wixom

Jufang Wong

Carolyn Woodard

Rande Worthen

Kari Wright

Carla Whitney Yeates

Charles Young

journal | March/April 2024 22

Thank you to these members who donated to The Legacy Fund with their membership dues in 2023 & 2024

Jeffrey Ahlert

Clay Anderson

John Archer

Jamie Ariana

Marc Arledge

Bonnie Arnould

Forrest Arnould

Douglas Auld

Lauren Avery

Victoria Ball

Bryce Baumann

Justin Beasley

William Beasley

Brandon Beaver

Kari Bender

Tamara Berg

Kenneth Bezan

David Birdwell

Bryan Blankenship

Carol Blossfeld

Elizabeth Bohanon

Blaire Bowers Ersteniuk

Bryan Bratton

C Todd Bridges

Matthew Bridges

Trace Bridges

Joshua Brock

Nathan Brown

S. Kelly Brown

Adam Bulleigh

Sharolyn Burton

Graham Busby

Jamie Cameron

Kristen Campbell

Sarah Campbell

Tricia Cannon

Wuse Cara

Scott Carel

John Carletti

Peter Carlson

Bobby Carmen

Jason Carper

Charles Carroll

Steven Carson

William Carter

Conrad Casler

Cory Chambers

Jennifer Chambers

Brian Chastain

Carrie Chastain

Jae Choi

Russell Coatney

Logan Coffee

Larry Coggins

Matthew Cohlmia

Raymond Cohlmia

Christopher Corbin

Cama Cord

Robi Craig

Joshua Crossley

G Frans Currier

Russell Danner

Darrell Daugherty

Joseph Day

Steven Deaton

Steven Deem

Kathy DeHart

Tara Denton

William Deprater

Richard Dillon

Bryce Dorrough

Ana Dotson

Brian Drew

David Drummond

Kevin Duffy

George Dula

Twana Duncan

Benjamin Edwards

Renalla Ellis

Heath Evans

Barry Farmer

Joseph Feng

Casey Fishburn

Keifer Fisher

John Folks

Richard Freeman

Emily Frye

Cathy Fuchs

LaMont Gee

Sandra Grace

Jerry Greer

Thomas Grif n

Jacob Hager

Michael Hansen

Leslie Hardy

Lori Hare

Aaron Harman

Amanda Hendrickson

Drew Hendrix

John Henry

Robert Herman

Jeffrey Hermen

Marilyn Hiebert

Lori Holden

Mathew Hookom

James Hooper

Brad Hoopes

Mitchell Hoopes

Eric Hopkins

Jeffrey Housley

James Hulsey

Benjamin Humphrey

Karl Jobst

Donald Johnson

Eugenia Johnson

Janet Julian

Mohammad Karami

Carolyn Keyes

Michael Kierl

Michael Kirk

Jennifer Koonce

Jandra Korb

Jay Kruska

Michael Kubelka

Ronald Lamb

Leta Langford

Ashley Lanman

Sally Le

Grady Lembke

Christopher Leslie

Heng Lim

Cloyce Little eld

Brandon Loeser

Eric Loper

Eric Lopez

Karey Low

Pamela Low

Steve Lusk

David Maddox

David Marks

Mary Martin

Stephen Martin

Alan Mauldin

Stephen Mayer

Tracy McIntire

Janna McIntosh

Daniel McNair

Glenn Mead

Joseph Meador

Jamie Means

David Merrell

Soren Michaelsen

Clay Michels

Robert Miracle

Frank Miranda

Kenner Misner

Andrea Montgomery

Jack Morrison

Anaita Mullasseril

James Murtaugh

Carson Nail

Nicole Nellis

David Nittler

Alan Owen

Samuel Owens

Deborah Ozment

John Phillips

Garrett Phipps

Jordan Pierce

Ray Plant

Steve Pracht

Jillian Prather

Dana Price

Christopher Ray

Chad Reid

Scott Renfrow

Mark Revels

Roger Richter

James Roane

Ryan Roberts

Erin Roberts-Svob

Tyler Rolland

Mack Rudd

Miranda Ruleford

Robert Schick

Jerry Schoef er

Ryan Scott

Shawn Scott

Gregory Segraves

Mickey Sehorn

Paul Shadid

Kyle Shannon

Steven Shrader

Steffan Sigler

Floyd Simon

Gregg Smith

Aaron Southerland

Donna Sparks

Chad Spiva

David Stapleton

Clinton Stevens

Julie Storm

Patrick Stover

Steven Strange

Marc Susman

Jamie Talley

Nathaniel Talley

Jim Taylor

Stephen Taylor

Ryan Theobald

John Thomas

Kara Tims

Mark Unruh

JayCee Van Horn

Jonah Vandiver

Nathan Villines

Shyler Vincent

Teresa Vu

Carlie Wager

Michael Wallace

Matthew Walls

Christopher Ward

W Waugh

Robert Webb

William Weber

Mark Weems

Dennis Weibel

Robert Wells

James Wendelken

Stephanie Wendt

Jay White

Steven White

Theresa White

Vincent Willcox

Mary Willhoite

Brian Wilson

Jana Winfree

Paul Wood

Donal Woodward

Trent Yadon

Kendra Yandell

www.okda.org 23


ODA Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees met on April 11, 2024, to conduct regular business of the ODA.

Dr. Daryn Lu, President-elect, appointed Dr. Sydney Rogers, Secretary/Treasurer, and Dr. Lauren Parker, New Dentist Trustee. Both are one-year appointments.

The Board nominated the following members for State Life Membership: Dr. Craig Buntemeyer, Dr. David Deason, Dr. Warren Good, Dr. Greg Hardman, Dr. Wallace Haskett, Dr. Jeff Lunday, Dr. Thomas McGarry, Dr. Jack McKinnis, Dr. James Murtaugh, Dr. Craig Spaulding, Dr. Dan Storm, and Dr. Steven White.

The Board voted to host the 2025 Oklahoma Mission of Mercy in Tulsa, Oklahoma and to appoint an OkMOM planning committee to assist in the planning, fundraising, and execution of the 2025 event.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for August 16, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. at the ODA building in Oklahoma City. Any member with questions or concerns for the Board may contact their component trustee.

The 2024-2025 ODA Board of Trustees are:

Dr. Addie Allen-Steed, Tulsa County Trustee

Dr. Doug Auld, Eastern District Trustee

Dr. Tamara Berg, ADA Delegate

Dr. Matthew Bridges, Southwest District Trustee

Dr. Matthew Cohlmia, ADA Delegate

Dr. Twana Duncan, President-elect

Dr. Colin Eliot, Northwest District Trustee

Dr. Tim Fagan, ADA Delegate

Dr. Edward Harroz, Oklahoma County Trustee

Dr. Jandra Korb, Northern District Trustee

Dr. Mitch Kramer, Speaker of the House

Dr. Daryn Lu, President

Dr. Paul Mullasseril, Dean, OUCOD

Dr. Nicole Nellis, Vice President

Dr. Lauren Parker, New Dentist Trustee

Dr. Sydney Rogers, Secretary/Treasurer

Dr. Lindsay Smith, ADA Delegate

Dr. Sara Spurlock, Central District Trustee

Dr. Paul Wood, Past President

journal | March/April 2024 24


ODA House of Delegates

The House of Delegates establishes all ODA policies not otherwise provided for in the Bylaws, elects the Speaker of the House and council members, confirms the appointments of the Secretary/Treasurer and the council chairs, adopts an annual budget, and sets the membership dues. The House of Delegates meets annually and is comprised of the Board of Trustees, four officers from each Component, one delegate per fifteen members from each Component, and four American Student Dental Association officers from the OU College of Dentistry.

The House of Delegates met on April 11, 2024, at the ODA Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City. The House ratified a $1,158,371 budget, without a dues increase. The House amended the Bylaws by sunsetting the Councils on Dental Care and Dental Education and Public Information and named the ODA President-elect Secretary of the ADA Delegation.

Dr. Ray Cohlmia, Dr. Gary Gardner, Dr. Keith Keeter, Dr. Jerome Miller and Dr. James Torchia will be memorialized on the Shobe Memorial Tablet, on display at the ODA building, for their outstanding leadership in organized dentistry at the local, state, and national levels.

The House elected the following members into State Life Membership: Dr. Craig Buntemeyer, Dr. David Deason, Dr. Warren Good, Dr. Greg Hardman, Dr. Wallace Haskett, Dr. Jeff Lunday, Dr. Thomas McGarry, Dr. Jack McKinnis, Dr-. James Murtaugh, Dr. Craig Spaulding, Dr. Dan Storm, and Dr. Steven White.

The House elected the following members into leadership:

Dr. Nicole Nellis, Vice President

Dr. Lindsay Smith, ADA Delegate

Dr. Chris Fagan, ADA Alternate Delegate

The House confirmed the following presidential appointments:

Dr. Sydney Rogers, Secretary/Treasurer

Dr. Lauren Parker, New Dentist Trustee

Dr. Twana Duncan, Council on Budget and Finance

Dr. Matthew Bridges, Council on Bylaws, Policy & Ethics

Dr. Lindsay Smith, Council on Governmental Affairs

Dr. Nicole Nellis, Council on Membership and Membership Services

The House recognized the 2024 award winners:

Dr. Robie Herman, Public Service Award

Dr. Robert Lamb, Dan E. Brannin Award for Professionalism and Ethics

Dr. Rieger Wood, Robert K. Wynn Award for Dental Education and Public Information

Dr. Clay Anderson and Dr. Rob Muller, Presidential Citations

Dr. Paul Mullasseril, Richard T. Oliver Legislative Award

Dr. Jennifer Jenkins and Dr. Sara Spurlock, President’s Leadership Awards

Dr. Tabitha Arias, Young Dentist of the Year

Dr. Robert Lamb, James A. Saddoris Lifetime of Leadership Award

The following members were recognized for fifty years of membership in the ODA:

Dr. Richard Amilian

Dr. James Burke

Dr. David Deason

Dr. Stephen Glenn

Dr. Ronald Graves

Dr. Howard Iba

Dr. Gregory Johnson

Dr. Cloyce Littlefield

Dr. James Mabry

Dr. Frank Miranda

Dr. Michael Steffen

Dr. Ronald Williams

Dr. Ronald Winder

If you are interested in serving on the ODA House of Delegates, contact your component president or the ODA office at 405-848-8873.

www.okda.org 25


Navigating Electronic Prescribing for Dentists: Top Tips and Considerations

Staying on top of software and tech advancements for your practice is critical. With the aim of enhancing patient safety, reducing prescription errors, and improving overall efficiency, the shift towards electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) has gained significant momentum. Dentists across the country are now required to comply with laws mandating electronic prescribing for Controlled Substances, including Oklahoma’s law requiring ePrescribing of controlled substances.

The Transition to ePrescribing for Controlled Substances: A Necessary Shift

The requirement for dentists to embrace ePrescribing for Controlled Substances is rooted in the need for enhanced security and accuracy in prescription management. Controlled Substances, which include medications with the potential for abuse or addiction, demand a higher level of oversight to prevent misuse. The transition to electronic prescribing helps minimize the chances of fraudulent activities, prescription errors, and diversion of these substances. Moreover, ePrescribing provides a more efficient way to track prescriptions and streamline communication between healthcare providers, pharmacies, and patients.

Why Consider ePrescribing for All Medications, Not Just Controlled Substances:

Dentists should consider expanding their ePrescribing practices to include all medications. Here's why:

1. Enhanced Patient Safety: ePrescribing reduces the likelihood of prescription errors, such as illegible handwriting or incorrect dosages. By adopting ePrescribing for all medications, dentists can significantly enhance patient safety and reduce the risk of adverse events due to prescription mistakes.

2. Improved Prescription Tracking: Electronic prescriptions are easier to track and manage compared to traditional paper prescriptions. Dentists can maintain accurate records of all prescribed medications, simplifying medication reconciliation and improving overall patient care.

3. Convenience and Accessibility: ePrescribing offers unparalleled convenience for both patients and healthcare providers. Patients can have their prescriptions sent directly to their chosen pharmacy, eliminating the need for them to carry physical prescriptions. Dentists can also send prescriptions remotely, making it more convenient for patients who may need refills while traveling or in case of emergencies.

4. Time and Efficiency: The time-consuming process of writing, signing, and faxing prescriptions can be significantly streamlined through ePrescribing. Dentists can save valuable time and allocate resources more effectively, ultimately improving practice efficiency.

5. Integration with Patient Records: Integrating ePrescribing with electronic health records (EHR) systems allows for seamless exchange of patient information. Dentists can make more informed prescribing decisions by reviewing a patient's medication history and potential drug interactions before sending a prescription.

In conclusion, the shift to electronic prescribing for Controlled Substances is a necessary step in ensuring patient safety, minimizing prescription errors, and reducing the potential for misuse. Dentists should be diligent in choosing certified ePrescribing software, understanding regulatory compliance, implementing strong security measures, establishing clear workflows, and educating patients. Furthermore, considering the adoption of ePrescribing for all medications, not just Controlled Substances, offers a range of benefits, including enhanced patient safety, improved prescription tracking, convenience, time efficiency, and integration with patient records. By embracing ePrescribing, dentists can contribute to a more secure and efficient healthcare system while prioritizing the well-being of their patients.

Book a demo of iCoreRx cloud ePrescribing software from ODA Endorsed Partner iCoreConnect today to improve prescription safety, accuracy, and adherence. iCoreRx makes the transition incredibly fast and easy, so you can be up and running in a short amount of time. Visit iCoreConnect. com/OK15 or call 888.810.7706. ODA members receive substantial discounts on iCoreRx.

This guest column article is a paid advertisement from ODA Rewards Partner, iCoreConnect.

journal | March/April 2024 26


Legislative Reception, February 27

www.okda.org 27
ODA Offices, Oklahoma City, OK

Go Digital and Save Time for You and Your Patient

NDX Digital Dentures utilize an efficient workflow that may eliminate up to three appointments to help save time in your practice, making it more convenient for you and your patients.


SCAN THE QR CODE to learn more NationalDentex.com/digital-dentures

“We now have the ability to reduce the amount of time before a patient can have their dentures. Because we are able to take digital impressions and couple it with photos, the printed try-ins are almost always spot on. That means we do not need multiple try-in appointments that add stress and cost.”

Dr. Luis Mariusso Knoxville, Tennessee

Upcoming Continuing Education Opportunities












MAY 31 - JUNE 1, 2024










For more information or to register

journal | March/April 2024 28
online, visit: dentistry.ouhsc.edu/CE
©2024 National Dentex, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Women in Dentistry CE Luncheon, March 29

www.okda.org 29
Vast Restaurant, Oklahoma City, OK



Dentist, Amarillo, TX

The owners of Tumbleweed Dental, LLC and Sheman Dental Group LLP are seeking a dentist to join the practices who is ready to earn a path to partnership in the near future. Dentist is requested to have 2-5 years experience, available to join by early 2024, and has been exposed to-- and ready to grow in--modern dentistry services such as in-house CEREC restorative milling.

These two dental practices are located in the heart of Amarillo, Texas, a hub of economic activity for the Panhandle. The practices are both located in modern buildings near Soncy Road, the city’s largest shopping center, the campus for the Texas Tech Pharmacy School, and A-rated public elementary schools.

With 50 years of history, these practices offer a new dentist immediate, built-in demand from tenured patients of all ages who value the quality of care delivered.

Owners Dr. Eddy Sauer and Dr. Nathanial Avirett are offering a guaranteed six-figure base pay for the first 3 years or 35% of collections, whichever is higher. Due to continued patient demand, the incoming dentist will have the opportunity to set his or her schedule in such a way to exceed base pay listed. The practices are fully staffed and managed. Learn more about Dr. Eddy Sauer and Dr. Nathanial Avirett at shermendental.com/about/.

Contact; AmarilloDentistSearch@gmail.com


Associate Dentist, Enid, OK

Formerly a two-doctor practice of 30 years, but recently lost my associate. I’ve built a new building with all new equipment. 3 full-time hygienists booked for months. A future buy-in is possible for the right person. I’d love to mentor a young dentist or bring in an experienced dentist. We do a wide variety of procedures including implants, grafting, root canals, extractions, etc. Candidate must be honest, ethical, and hard working! Our practice is called TLC Dental.


Dr. Jared Lack (580) 478-6652


Dental Hygienist, Alva, OK

W Hometown Dentist is a small business in Alva, Oklahoma, renamed under the corporation our previous provider had treated dental patients since 1984. We are professional, fast-paced, fun to be around and supportive. This opportunity offers competitive pay, sizable sign-on/relocation bonus, PTO, matching 401K, health and dental benefits, CE, and office trips. Negotiations are allowed to ensure both provider and hygienist needs are met.

The dental hygienist joining our team will be expected to provide exceptional patient care. The ideal candidate will have a background in dental hygiene, be able to work independently and as part of a team and have excellent communication skills. The successful candidate will perform routine dental cleanings, take X-rays, educate patients on proper oral hygiene, and provide other preventative services.


• Clean and polish teeth.

• Educate patients on proper oral hygiene techniques.

• Assess patients’ oral health and provide preventive care.

• Perform x-rays and other diagnostic tests.

• Keep detailed records of patient visits.

• Provide fluoride treatments and sealants.

• Remove plaque and calculus from teeth.

• Perform dental prophylaxis.

• Perform scaling and root planning therapy.

• Provide necessary anesthesia.

Contact: Hannah McOsker (580) 327-4522



Associate Dentist, Stigler, OK

Private practice located in Stigler, OK seeking associate with possible buyout in future.  Very well established office that has been in business for 45 years with a loyal patient base.  Only private practice in Haskell County, located between Eufaula Lake and Kerr Lake.  Office is in prime location right on the main highway across from Choctaw Travel Plaza.  Building is 2000 sq ft, has 3 DR operatories, 1 hygiene operatory, break room has capabilities to be another operatory if needed.  Equipment is older but fully functional.  Office is open Tuesday - Thursday 8 to 5, and Saturday 8 to 3 (only hygiene patients are seen on Saturdays currently). Office has Dentrix software. Currently providers for 4 insurance companies including Medicaid and have FFS patients as well. Practice offers preventive, restorative, crown/bridge, denture/partials, some oral surgery, and some implants. Definite growth potential since the office currently refers for orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, and some oral surgery and implants. Email lyndiejoan@gmail.com or call (918) 448-0181.


Stillwater, OK

Fully Equipped Dental Office for Lease

• Self-contained unit

• 2339 sq. ft.

• Four fully-equipped operatories

• Equipped sterilization room and lab

• Digital Radiography with optional Cone Beam Technology

Contact: Darrell Daugherty (405) 377-4848

journal | March/April 2024 30



Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Tulsa/Stillwater, OK

Are you a talented Oral Surgeon with a passion for transforming smiles and changing lives? Are you ready to take your career to the next level in a modern and patient-focused oral surgery environment?

Central Oklahoma Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates is the place for you! If you’re looking for unlimited earnings potential, great benefits, and future ownership opportunities, please reach out! Our mission is simple. We strive to improve the lives of everyone we meet, not just the ones we treat.

Benefits / Compensation: You deserve to be rewarded for your hard work!

• Daily guarantee OR percentage of Collections (whichever is greater)!

• 401k after one year of employment • Unlimited earning potential

• Stable and consistent full-time schedule

• Steady new patient flow with a very busy hygiene schedule – allowing you to build your practice with confidence

• No weekends! Monday-Friday, alternating time between Stillwater, OK and Tulsa, OK.

What you should know about Dr. Miller and his team:

• Dr. Miller has owned the practice since 2000 and is a fellow of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Dr. Miller specializes in All-On-4 treatment, individual dental implants, wisdom teeth extractions, facial cosmetic treatments, and facial trauma.

• Currently, our practice involves two full-time oral surgeons and one part-time oral surgeon. Our state of the art technology allows us to provide the best results and create a productive work environment focusing our time and energy on our ultimate goal of improving our patients’ quality of life.

Contact: Shelly Bridges (636) 399-9926 shelly@freedomdentalpartners.com


Guthrie, OK

Seeking a Hygienist for IMMEDIATE start!

Proud Dental is searching for a Registered Dental Hygienist to join our dedicated team of dental professionals. Our ideal candidate is passionate about oral health and will strive to deliver outstanding patient care to our guests. We are committed to staying current with the latest technology and techniques, making appointments a breeze for both our Hygienists and our patients. Whether you are a seasoned RDH seeking a new opportunity or a recent graduate eager to begin your career, submit your application today!

** $2,000 Sign-on bonus! **

Compensation and Perks:

• Competitive pay

• Medical, dental, vision, and life insurance

• PTO and paid holidays

• Tradition and Roth 401(k) options

• Weekends off


• A valid Hygienist license is required

• Must be certified to administer local anesthesia


Morgan Phillips (817) 733-6201 mphillips@mb2dental.com


Oklahoma City, OK

OKC General Dental Practice for sale near Tinker AFB & Boeing, and I-240. 1500 Sq Ft, room for 4 operatories, build out 5 years old, includes Dexis, Softdent, Vatech CBCT, better than new.

Contact: Call or text (405) 650-0945.


Tulsa area, OK

Practice and building (approx. 2000 sq ft), 4 Ops, Collected $680,000 on 3 days/wk. Dr. takes 4-5 wks of vacation/yr. 25 years at current location, Computerized/ Dentrix, Most specialty wk. referred out, Hyg. is booked out 6 months with 5-6 days/wk. Experienced staff.

Contact: Cathy (539) 333-0430

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Krebs, OK

Property is in a prime location with an additional lot available on Main Street in Krebs, OK. Use the 2nd lot or re-sell it. This 1500 sq ft building is comprised of two exam rooms, large reception area, denture room, break room, and two restrooms. Equipment and new dental chairs remain. There is also a SECOND ENTRY TO ANOTHER PRIVATE OFFICE WITHIN THE BUILDING. Office is wired for both internet and cable, set up for gas as well. The city of Krebs is a quaint, historic town near Lake Eufaula in southeastern OK famous for great Italian food and a small hometown feel, with it's own K-8th grade school.

$145,000 for the building alone. Extra $20,000 to include all dental equipment and furnishings.

Take this popular, longstanding dentistry business and make it your own!

Contact: Angella (580) 399-1600 lakelifenow@gmail.com

www.okda.org 31
ad, email advertising@okda.org or visit okda.org/classifieds

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