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August/September 2012

Oklahoma State Healthiest Campus in America Initiative

Dental Checkups CASA Oklahoma Healthier McDonald’s


Volume 2, Issue 6

AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2012 Gov. Fallin: Belgian Aerospace Manuracture and New Jobs Come to Stillwater 8 Lt. Gov: Todd Lamb Shares Experiences at Oklahoma State University 9

PRIME Your Credit Score and What it Could Cost You 10

FITNESS Ben Coffman: 10 Tips to Get 10 Minutes of Exercise 23 Take Steps Toward a Healthier Lifestyle 24

FOODIES Freddie Paul’s - More Than Just a Steakhouse 26 Healthier Menu Options Coming to a McDonald’s Near You 27 Hello Catering Serves Its Community With Great Food 28

BABIES ON BOARD Oklahoma’s Children Need You 33 The Dance Revolution Comes to Stillwater 40 The University of Oklahoma Steps Up to the Plate With Healthier Food 41


Old Central at OSU

Turning 20 With Stillwater Medical Center 46 Real Estate Market is Flourishing in Stillwater 42 Custom Homes Done Your Way 43



Healthy Destinations

Stillwater, OK & OSU

Publisher/ Editor's Letter ............................................................... 6 Governor Mary Fallin .......................................................................8 Lt. Governor Todd Lamb ................................................................ 9 Fiscal Fitness ...................................................................................10 Ben Cofman Fitness Guru ........................................................... 23 Babies on Board ...................................................................... 32-34

Healthy Living in the Land of the OSU Cowboys pg. 36

Join the Coversation! To Find Out More Information on the Perkins Pistol Pete 5K Race, visit: http://www.perkinsok.net

If you would like to drop a line say hello or tell us how you feel, email: • Brad Smith at bradokhealth@gmail.com or • Brandy Morris at brandyokhealth@gmail.com

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August/September 2012



Publisher’s Letter Contact Brandy at brandyokhealth @gmail.com

Editor’s Letter Contact Bradley Smith at bradokhealth @gmail.com

Hello Oklahoma,

Hello OK Health and Fitness readers!

Often times someone can work with a partner or even live with someone and get caught up with the frustrations of business and life and fail to see what the other actually does. It is this point that I am trying to make to our readers, Bradley, my editor this past month had a bout with appendicitis followed by pneumonia. He was very sick. All of this occurred at a time when the magazine was supposed to be coming together. As a partner and friend, I failed to see everything that he does for the magazine that makes the critical time before we go to print happen. For that, I sincerely apologize to Bradley for not recognizing all that you do. I hope you get to feeling better soon. If you have someone whether in business or in a personal relationship, just a thought, take the time to tell them “thank you.”

OK Health and Fitness Magazine is a mission-driven organization, to provide alternative style articles that are informative and incisive in the health, fitness, wellness and medical fields and to help families in their desires to be healthier and more fit.

I enjoyed walking around Oklahoma State University again. Seeing the familiar places where I used to study brought back memories. Interviewing President Hargis and his wife Ann was an absolute pleasure. I look forward to visiting with her again. Stillwater is an exciting place to be this year, new businesses are coming in, Oklahoma State University is celebrating its largest freshmen class, it is a great place to live and go to school. There are a lot of friendly people in the great community of Stillwater, I appreciated the opportunity to get to know you and look forward to seeing you again. On another note, our thoughts and prayers go out to all Oklahomans who have lost their homes, lives and businesses due to the recent fires. Think and be healthy Oklahoma!

We are looking for smart, energetic and determined advertising sales professionals to help meet the company's aggressive growth plans for a bi-monthly lifestyle magazine on health and fitness. The successful candidate is professional, creative, and resourceful with a strong drive to succeed and enjoys working in a highly entrepreneurial environment. The position requires outstanding sales, communication and organizational skills as well as a gift for developing and maintaining relationships. The candidate will be responsible for hitting quarterly goals and annual sales targets. For those of you that want the opportunity to prove yourself and to make a living working for a great magazine contact Bradley Smith at bradokhealth@gmail.com. no phone calls please!

August/September 2012 Vol 2 - Issue 6 Publisher/ Editorial Director Brandy Morris (405) 614-5373 brandyokhealth@gmail.com Editor-in-Chief/ Advertising Director Bradley Smith (405) 614-2615 bradokhealth@gmail.com Creative Director Stacy L. Beal - Model Tee stacyokhealth@gmail.com Staff Writer/ Advertising Executive/ Norman-Moore area Molly Thomson (214) 636-8545 mollyokhealth@gmail.com Contributing Writers Governor Mary Fallin Lt. Governor Todd Lamb Chris and Amy Petermann Dominic Pedulla Steve Johnston Karen Noble Ben Coffman Clint Metcalf DDS Jennifer Dawson Summer Krlin Jennifer Mornhinweg Jennifer Emfinger Brandy Morris Molly Thomson Shelby Eidson and Cylene Walker Sara English Photographers Troy Gerard Phil Shockley Darren Kidd Getty Images Stock xchange Gracie and Viv Molly Thomson Connie Stokes David Holbrook Joie Saliba Bradley Smith Brandy Morris COVER OSU President Burns Hargis and Ann Hargis Photo taken by David Holbrook OK Health and Fitness is a bi-monthly magazine published 6 times a year. Subscription rates are $24.00 for one year. For subscription inquiries please send an email to: bradokhealth@gmail.com or mail check payable to OK Health and Fitness, 7790 North 39th Road, Tryon, Oklahoma 74875-7701

[Bradley Smith, Editor]

Copyright 2012 Oklahoma Health and Fitness Magazine LLC and OK Health and Fitness Magazine. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of Articles or Advertisements without the expressed written permission of the Publisher is prohibited. For advertising information, please contact Bradley Smith at 405.614.2615 or e-mail at bradokhealth@gmail.com. OK Health and Fitness magazine assumes no responsibility for the contents of articles or advertisements in that the views expressed therein may not necessarily reflect the views of the Publisher or any magazine employee or contributor. All Editorial submissions should be sent to brandyokhealth@gmail.com. This publication and all its contents are Copyrighted.

[Brandy Morris, Publisher] Visit us on the web at www.OKHealthandFitnessMagazine.com

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August/September 2012

Belgian Aerospace Component Manufacturer Announces New Production Facility in Special Message from Governor Mary Fallin


[from Governor Mary Fallin’s Office]

ASCO is a technology specialist and world-class provider of supply chain integration in design, development, precision machining, processing, and certified assembly of complex high strength metallic aircraft components. ASCO specializes in lift devices, mechanical assemblies and major functional components for the aerospace industry. “Oklahoma was the best location for our facility, said Christian Boas, CEO ASCO Group. “ The state is centrally located in North America and has an existing aerospace industry which is thriving. Oklahoma has a highly skilled workforce which specializes in our industry and the state has offered us assistance in training our new workforce.” The new Stillwater plant will represent the latest in technology and lean manufacturing practices. The state of the art facility will house machining, heat and surface treatment, and assembly operations for complex machined parts made of titanium, steel and aluminum. With this new


August/September 2012

comprehensive manufacturing unit in North America, ASCO will be prepared to meet the needs of clients and ramp up new and legacy programs. “I am thrilled to welcome ASCO to the Oklahoma community,” Gov. Mary Fallin said. “Oklahoma has one of the strongest aerospace sectors in the U.S., and we are quickly becoming an international destination for the industry. Today’s announcement is one more indication that our commitment to pro-business policies is helping to attract jobs and businesses to the state. Oklahoma is proud to host ASCO and we look forward to a long and successful partnership with the company and its employees.”

aerospace industry, “ said Lisa Navrkal, President & CEO of the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce. “We’re excited to have another foreign company joining our business community.” The Stillwater facility capital investment is expected to be approximately $60 million and 250 employees by 2014. Phase Two is expected to bring an additional approximately $30 million to $40 million in capital investment and an additional 350 jobs in 2015.


On July 9, Gov. Mary Fallin and Secretary Dave Lopez of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, announced that Belgium-based ASCO Incorporated will be opening a new U.S. production facility in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

With the support of both a fully equipped American manufacturing unit and a design center in the United States, ASCO will strengthen its position as a preferred supplier to its customers. “We will work closely with ASCO to ensure its transition into the Oklahoma market is smooth,” said Dave Lopez, Secretary of Commerce for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. “ASCO will be an excellent addition to our aerospace community.” “ASCO will bring high-quality, highly skilled jobs to the area and add to our vibrant


Life at Oklahoma State Special Message from Lt. Governor Todd Lamb


[by Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb] As I travel across Oklahoma as Lt. Governor, I get to visit many new places, and many familiar places that feel like home. Each of Oklahoma's 77 counties has a unique history. One city that will always hold a special place in my heart is Stillwater, home of my alma mater, Oklahoma State University. My education experience at Oklahoma State was quality and memorable. Those were very important, formative years for me and I will always be grateful they were spent in Stillwater. Growing up, my father Norman Lamb served in the Oklahoma State Senate for 18 years instilling in me at a young age the importance of public service. Majoring in political science at Oklahoma State, I met individuals who helped shape my already held interest in public service and teach the value of working selflessly for our state. Former Governor Henry Bellmon taught one of my courses at Oklahoma State and I had the opportunity to get reacquainted with at the time, gubernatorial candidate Frank Keating. Through these experiences, I grew to believe Oklahoma's best days were ahead of us, and I had a role in seeing this to fruition. Years later I would join the United States Secret Service,


serve as State Senator and then be elected Oklahoma's 16th Lt. Governor. During my first year in office, I was able to exhibit the great opportunities my university had to offer. At one of my first National Lt. Governor Association (NLGA) meetings, I met Dr. John Dardis, Ireland's First Secretary for Agriculture and Food. With Oklahoma's rich heritage in the agriculture industry, and Oklahoma State's nationwide recognition for agriculture initiatives and programs, I knew Dr. Dardis must visit our state. Over the next few months, we arranged for Dr. Dardis to visit multiple agriculture sites in our state including OSU's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and its Food and Agricultural Products Center. Dr. Dardis was able to see firsthand the exemplary work done by the university. What resulted was a memorandum of understanding signed by both Oklahoma State University and Irish representatives to partner in agricultural activities. Last year, I had the opportunity to give three commencement addresses at Oklahoma State. I was honored to do so not only as an alumnus, but as to also play a role in a special chapter in the lives of Oklahoma State

graduates. In my remarks, I encouraged these graduates to stay in Oklahoma. They had been given a fine opportunity to receive a quality education, and now was the perfect time to be a graduate from this great state and of Oklahoma State University. Oklahoma is on the cusp of a Renaissance. We are no longer just a good place to be from. We are becoming a great place to stay and thrive and prosper. I promised them that as they accepted their degrees that those of us in leadership positions, in business and government and our communities, were working as never before to help all Oklahomans achieve their dreams right here at home. The fundamental work ethic taught and exhibited at Oklahoma State is exceptional. The only state settled by a land run, Oklahoma began with the entrepreneurial spirit which is still alive and well in Stillwater. The future for the next generation is bright. Oklahoma State University is home. If my office can answer any questions, please call 405-521-2161. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook. For more travel information, please visit the Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Department’s website at www.travelok.com.

August/September 2012



Fiscal Fitness

Take Charge of Your

Credit Score Before it

Takes Charge of You you are late, debt you have paid off, your current amount of debt, number of times your credit report is pulled, and whether you have filed for bankruptcy, etc. Who gathers this information? There are three major national credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. The bureaus receive the information from the institutions, and each institution decides to report to none, one, two or all three credit bureaus. Due to each institution’s reporting decision, you will have three different credit scores! That is why it is so important to check all three reports.

What is a credit score? It is a numerical expression based on statistical analysis of a person’s credit files to represent the creditworthiness of a person. (from Wikipedia) Basically, this is the potential risk that you will default on the loan and cause a loss for the institutions- banks, mobile companies, insurance companies, government, credit card companies landlords, etc.. For potential employers, it can indicate how responsible you are. Your credit score, also known as FICO, can be between 300 and 850. The higher the number the more creditworthy you are, and the better your credit life will be.

Did you know that by law you have the right to receive once a year a free credit report from all three credit bureaus or if you have been turned down for credit? The website to visit is www.annualcreditreport.com. The free credit report will not include your credit score, you will have to pay a small fee for the score. Another hint, instead of pulling all three at once, spread it out throughout the year. This will help you watch for identity theft.

How is the credit score derived? It is based on your credit report: the length of your credit history, types of credit, number of times

What to do if something is wrong? Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the right to dispute any errors in your


August/September 2012

credit report. Once notification has happened, the credit bureau has 30 days to investigate and prove the information is accurate. The more supporting data you can send with your notification the more it will help your dispute, for example, a copy of the canceled check if you are disputing a late payment. The credit bureau will provide you with the results of your dispute and if changes were made, a free credit report. You can learn a lot more by going to www.ftc.gov and searching for “credit.” The law is on your side, but you will have to do the work. Be proactive and pull your free credit reports annually. Do not wait until you want to make some purchases to realize you have credit reporting issues. Your credit score is so important to your life; it should not be forgotten or left unprotected. Stay educated.

Payne County Bank, is a 100 percent employee-owner community bank located in Perkins, Oklahoma and Member, FDIC. Find us on the web at www.PayneCountyBank.com. Chris Petermann is a Vice President at Payne County Bank. Amy Petermann, an adjunct professor, taught Personal Finance at the University of Central Oklahoma.



By Chris Do you know the one thing and Amy that can cause you to pay more for Petermann insurance, pay more when borrowing money, not get a loan, not get the apartment you wanted, pay more for utilities, deposits and be unable to purchase your dream car, or not get your dream job? The answer: A low credit score. Your credit score can follow you anywhere you go and if you have a low score it will make life difficult.

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Top 10 Tech Tips for a

Healthier Heart 1. Stop Smoking Apps such as Smoke Reducer for Android, and iQuit for iPhone can help you wean off tobacco. You can also use the Firefox add-on Quitomzilla, which shows you how

a link between periodontal disease and heart disease. Go online and check the American Dental Association's database at www.ADA.org to find oral health care products that have the ADA seal of approval. At the ADA website, you can also watch videos on a variety of oral health care topics. 5. Keep Tabs on Your Blood Pressure The Mayo Clinic recommends you monitor your blood pressure at home and visit your doctor regularly. With the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, (www.ihealth99.com), you can accurately measure your blood pressure, track your readings over time, and share that information with healthcare providers, friends and family members. The Dock comes with a blood pressure arm cuff and doubles as a charging station for your iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The companion iHealth app is available for free. 6. Reduce Stress

much money you save by not smoking, the number of cigarettes not smoked, and the overall time since your last smoke. 2. Stay Within a Healthy Weight Range Make it easier to monitor your weight-loss progress with the iHealth Wireless Scale. You can track your weight over time, and see results in relation to daily activity, time of day, diet, exercise, and more. The scale lets you set a milestone and share your results with doctors, fitness buddies and family. The free companion iHealth Scale app works with iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. Learn more at www.ihealth99.com. 3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine Keep track of how much you're drinking with the DrinkControl or Alcohol Monitor apps for iPhone, or the SoberApp for Android. They estimate your blood alcohol content and let you know whether or not you should drive. To monitor your caffeine intake, try the Caffeine Zone 2 for iPhone and iPad, or the Caffeine Monitor app for Android. 4. Take Care of Your Teeth Research suggests that there may be


August/September 2012

Try a portable biofeedback device, like the StressEraser, to help you relax by synchronizing your breathing and your heart rate. If having too much on your plate and too many interruptions causes you stress, try Quiet Hours. It lets you shut down your computer's communication apps, like instant messaging, for a specified period of time.

same capabilities, Android phone users can use the Diet Assistant app at www.dietassistantapp.com. 9. Make Sleep a Priority Not getting enough sleep can raise your blood pressure and make it more likely you'll have a stroke or heart attack. Learn more about your sleep patterns with a sleep monitor. You can try a headband monitor, such as the Zeo, (www.myzeo.com), or an armband monitor such as the SleepTracker, (www.sleeptracker.com). Each keeps track of your sleep cycle and helps you wake up at the optimal time. 10. Know Your Family History Knowing your family's medical history can help you identify patterns that might be relevant to your own heart health. There are a number of online tools such as My Family Health Portrait at https://FamilyHistory.hhs.gov to help you gather and store that information.

7. Exercise Regularly The Online Activity Tracker from the American Heart Health Association lets you create a personalized walking plan, log time or distance traveled, plot and save walking routes, and m o r e . C h e c k i t o u t a t www.startwalkingnow.org. You can also use the AHA Walking Paths app for Android and iPhone.


The message that a healthy lifestyle helps protect your heart isn't new. If you'd like to do more to take care of your heart, here are 10 ways technology can make that easier.

8. Eat Right Tracking the foods you consume helps you better understand your caloric and nutritional intake. The Lose It! app for the iPhone allows you to enter and track your meals and snacks, and keep track of your weight loss progress and goals via the app, as well as access your account online. Visit www.loseit.com for more information. Offering many of the okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

Antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, one of a kind items and glassware Located inside the Perkins Mall and Perkins Pizza Factory 111 South Main Perkins, Oklahoma Hours: Tuesday - Saturday (11am - 9 pm)

(405) 614-5373

Summer is here, which means swimming, picnics and barbecues. These warmer days encourage many people to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. However, many are unaware of the serious consequences that can develop from sun exposure, including advanced skin cancer. An estimated one in five Americans will develop some form of skin cancer in their lifetime. Most cases can be cured if caught early and treated when the disease is restricted to a small area. However, in some instances the cancer may come back or spread to other parts of the body. When skin cancer becomes advanced, the disease can be debilitating and, in some cases, may even become deadly. A diagnosis at this advanced stage can be devastating. According to a recent online survey of people affected by advanced skin cancer, *people diagnosed with this disease often feel scared, overwhelmed and isolated. However, a new online resource called Faces of Skin Cancer provides resources that can help. The program offers people with

advanced skin cancer and their caregivers an opportunity to hear from others and share their experiences with those who've been affected. Faces of Skin Cancer aims to make a difference in the lives of those affected by

advanced skin cancer by offering a platform for sharing stories. The website features stories of people affected by advanced skin cancer and their experiences, including ways they have coped with this disease. The website also allows for visitors to share their own stories about advanced skin cancer. For each story submitted, $1 will be donated to advanced skin cancer programs. To learn more about the lives of those affected by advanced skin cancer, please visit www.facesofskincancer.org and view the Faces of Skin Cancer video. One dollar will be donated to advanced skin cancer programs for each video view.

*Survey of 238 respondents was conducted in March 2012 on behalf of Genentech, The Skin Cancer Foundation and Melanoma Research Foundation. Did You Know? 路 More than 65 percent of those with advanced skin cancer did not know what advanced skin cancer was at diagnosis. 路 Those polled said the best resources were from their doctor and online. 路 More than 75 percent don't believe or aren't sure there is enough information available about advanced skin cancer.


August/September 2012



Remember, it is always important to be mindful of the sun's harmful rays even when the sun is not out. Skin should be protected by wearing tightly woven clothing and a widebrimmed hat, applying sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher and seeking shade.

How to Get

Your Legs Ready for Summer

1. Exercise Toning up your legs by walking, doing lunges or lifting weights will make your legs look great for those short shorts and skirts you'll want to wear during summer. Bike riding is also a great summer sport and will give those leg muscles a great workout while adding the benefit of a light cardiovascular workout.

2. Moisturize Dry legs tend to accentuate the faults. It will only take a couple of weeks of regular attention to moisturizing to get your skin in shape. Generously apply lotion after your shower in the morning and before bed every night. Applying lotion immediately after your shower will help lock-in moisture. Routinely exfoliate with a great moisturizing scrub every now and then to get rid of the dry skin cells.


August/September 2012

Also don't forget to moisturize your inner body. Hotter days are approaching, meaning you can easily become dehydrated. Make sure that you are drinking enough water through out the day. Remember, dehydrated skin looks dull and does not regenerate well. Drinking water will help improve your skin.

3. Get A FAKE Tan Slather on a quick bronzer or a self-tanning lotion. A good fake tan also accentuates muscle tone and hides cellulite. Tanned legs appear longer and slimmer. But no amount of REAL tan is worth the look of a FAKE tan! Always remember to apply a high level UV sunscreen when in the sun to avoid skin cancers and sunspots. The sun causes the skin to age rapidly, and does not do anyone any favors!

4. Guard Against Bug Bites Nothing looks worse than legs with sores from mosquito or chigger bites. When outdoors, use an insect repellent to avoid bites from outdoor pests. Check out the new moisturizers that have built in sunscreen and bug repellants for additional protection.

5. Get A Health Check and Get Rid Of Spider Veins and Varicose Veins Now Unsightly varicose or spider veins can make the difference between a good summer and an

amazing summer. Visible and obvious varicose veins are a source of shame and insecurity for many people. Those pesky veins that tend to travel up and down the back of even the most beautiful legs can be distracting. Getting rid of them takes only a few minutes with today’s most advanced laser treatments, and can leave your legs healthier and more beautiful. In fact, it’s so easy; it will give you a reason to show off your legs again! Best of all, most insurance companies will approve the use of the laser as a medically necessary procedure. If you suffer from ugly spider veins or painful varicose veins, give The Oklahoma Vein and Endovascular Center a call and we’ll be happy to offer you a FREE consultation. It only takes a few minutes to have your veins evaluated. An ultrasound exam can show where the veins are failing, and that information is usually enough documentation for your insurance company to approve your procedure. You’ll be looking forward to baring your legs in the warmer weather in no time.

Dominic Pedulla MD is a board certified cardiologist specializing in varicose veins. His office offers no obligation, free consultations for people interested in having their veins evaluated. Call his office today at (405) 947-2228.



As the temperature of summer rises, so does the hemline in most women's wardrobes. Shorts, skirts, and lest we forget, swimsuits, all call for women to show off the legs that were hidden under jeans and slacks all winter long. In order to look your best in these shorter styles, a few steps can be taken to help accentuate your legs. It doesn't take long to get your legs ready for summer.

Why Are We Getting Sick and

FAT? You can't help to notice that people are getting ill and gaining more weight with each passing day. Have you ever asked yourself WHY? I have.


Could it be that we are so addicted to convenience that we are replacing good eating and lifestyle habits with highly processed, chemicals, hydrolyzed, diet, and “as seen on TV” foods? Yes, our health is massively deteriorating. Diabetes is continuing to rise at an alarming rate. Depression and anxiety are out of control. Two thirds of the population is overweight or obese. Autoimmune diseases are increasing. Arthritis is rampant. And we are not even close to “winning” the war on cancer. Autism, which was once virtually unknown, has in the past 10 years become an explosive epidemic affecting 1 in 300 children. Where do we put the blame? Why have we allowed ourselves to get to this point? WHY? One of the biggest reasons is our lack of good nutrition. Our bodies continuously scream for nutrient dense foods. We have become a nation that believes that wholesome grains comes in a box. I have heard many people say okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


because of genetics.” Well the gene pool does not change that much in two generations.. There was a time, not that long ago, where heart disease was not the massive killer that it is today. Cancer was around, but not at epidemic proportions. A whole industry has grown just for cancer. It is said that we have the best health care in the world. If so, then why are we still in bad health? Our health care saves lives, and our doctors are highly skilled and dedicated to their profession. They are a very overworked profession. Hey, maybe we could help them a little. How? Our bodies need and crave nutrient dense food. The old saying “you are what you eat” is so very true So if you AVOID the following: Processed grains, corn (most corn is now genetically altered), high fructose corn syrup, MSG, diet drinks, diet anything, low fat, no fat foods, artificial sweeteners, foods high in carbohydrates, starchy foods that convert to sugar, antacids, margarine, fast foods, food dyes, and soy -another genetically altered “food.” You might be able to AVOID: indigestion, irritable bowl syndrome, nausea, autoimmune disease, leaching of calcium from your bones, depression, high blood sugar, obesity, mood disorders, headaches, dizziness, neurological disorders, gastric distress, skin problems, degenerative and traumatic illness.

The list goes on... You owe it to yourselves and your families who depend on YOU for their health and well being. Learn to love and respect yourself so that you will actually know what is good for you, your body, your children, spouse. Stop being brainwashed by commercials. Commercials are made so that you will spend your money on them. Instead, spend your money on what is good and wholesome, not convenient. Take charge of your and your family's health. It is your right to be healthy. Put a lot of LOVE in the pot. You will be glad you did. Yours in Health,

Steve Johnston N.D.

Steve Johnston, ND 4200 Perimeter Center Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 637-8586 www.drstevejohnston.vpweb.com August/September 2012



ALL ABOUT YOUR HEALTH Living therapeutic grade essentials oils combines the art and science of aromatherapy, and is a wonderful way to boost your immune system. Our clients enjoy the fragrance of the oils as they are dripped down the spine to reduce spinal inflammations and kill viruses, then feathered up the spine for a rejuvenating experience. The oils work on our system for a week or longer after application. This treatment helps bring the body back into balance and alignment.

night on a clean, damp face. The results are amazing, helping with lines, creases, age spots, while lighting and brightening your complexion. It is made with the most agedefying ingredients, chosen for both their individual and synergistic benefits. Nerium AD is a one-step program, used at night only. Come in our store and have a wonderful glass of Kangen water and experience the wealth of information we have to share with you and your loved ones.


A l l about your health is a unique store, specializing in wonderful ways to boost your immune system, and improve your o v e r a l l health. We introduce v a r i o u s products and [by Karen Noble] scientific methods to help you become more involved in maintaining your health. Remember if you’re healthy you’re wealthy!

Our latest feature is an all natural cream called Nerium AD (from the nerium oleander plant). This is real science and real results, a wonderful face treatment, used at

Enagic Kangen Water Machine

We feature an Enagic Kangen water machine, considered to be a medical device, which produces five types of water, allowing you to go green, soak fruits, meat, vegetables, and remove pesticides and chemicals before food preparation. The greatest feature of the machine is the production of ionized, alkaline water, for optimal hydration, it is also oxygenating, detoxifying and cleansing. The water helps restore your alkaline balance, and prevents the build up of acidic toxins that lead to disease. Many diseases are caused by being in an over acidic condition. This can be bought on by being dehydrated and consuming acidic drinks, fluids and foods. The Kangen water machine (Kangen meaning back to origin) is the one and only machine to be certified by the Water Quality Association. We offer a free 21day water trial.

The Ionic Foot Baths we offer are a relaxing and a wonderful way to reduce stress, pain, tension, inflammation, and help detoxify your body. These baths produce alkaline negative ions, the same produced by nature. The baths main components are said to pull toxins out of the body and reverse the acidic condition which contributes to poor health. This is followed by a light foot massage with essential oils.

Our store hours are Mon-Fri 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Appointments can be made for groups of four or more to join us after hours. ALL ABOUT YOUR HEALTH is located at 21 North Perkins Road in the Rosewood Hills Shopping Center - Suite 10, Stillwater OK 74074 405.707.0881 or email me at: kkhn@sbcglobal.net Like us on Facebook at facebook.com/allaboutyourhealthstillwater

Raindrop Therapy using Young


August/September 2012




Another store feature is the Far Infrared Sauna, a wonderful treatment for Pain Relief, Detoxification, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Beautiful Skin, and Flexibility. The Sauna helps eliminate accumulated heavy metals, fatty cells, nicotine and cellular waste products that our bodies are unable to metabolize. The Sauna is said to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and balance blood sugar. Athletes and weekend warriors love the sauna for the benefit of the heat which loosens muscle fibers, and elongate ligaments and tendons to release pain and tension.


August/September 2012


Really Need a

Dental Checkup?�

I frequently get asked if checkups are REALLY needed, and I, of course, answer "Yes." But I want to review why it is important to seek periodic preventive dental care. Because more and more people are keeping most, if not all, of their teeth throughout their lifetime, it is important to maintain them. By Clint Metcalf

You change the oil in your car so it will last longer, so why wouldn't you do the same for your teeth? Although teeth can be replaced if lost, the replacements are not as good as original teeth and can be costly to replace and maintain. The best dental work is NO dental work. Despite one's best efforts, sometimes a tooth becomes diseased and requires intervention. The younger the patient is at the time dental work is performed, the greater the odds of that patient requiring additional dental work during his lifetime, as many dental appliances will break down or require maintenance with time. Such work is time consuming for patients, as well as costly. A preventive examination allows problems to be identified early, resulting in better and cheaper treatment planning. So what is involved in a typical dental examination? Routine examinations are recommended every six months for most people. They are relatively inexpensive even without dental insurance. Those who do have dental insurance usually have no charge for this procedure. That's right, it's free! An examination will include a full evaluation of your gums and the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontal, or gum disease, is like termites in the foundation of your house, you usually don't realize the problem until it is too late.


August/September 2012

Due to bacterial buildup a n d t a r t a r accumulation, t e e t h progressively lose the bone that keeps them solid. This is usually not painful until it has been present for years. Unfortu nately, once bone has been lost, there is no treatment that will make bone "grow back" around your teeth. At best, it can be maintained while preventing further loss. To halt the progression of this disease, teeth m u s t b e thoroughly cleaned by a professional, followed by a home regimen that includes proper brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash for maintenance. However, the disease will not stop unless this treatment is performed and home care improves. After checking the support structure, each tooth is examined closely for any signs of breakdown. Tooth decay has been reduced with the addition of fluoride, but many people still struggle with getting "cavities." With the aid of x-rays and magnifying glasses, teeth are examined for any areas of decay and are also evaluated for excessive wear or erosion, cracks, or leakage around previous fillings. If any problems are discovered, options for treatment are recommended. Again, early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. Finally, one of the most important aspects of the examination is a head and neck examination to check for any signs of oral cancer. Evaluation of the tongue and oral cavity can reveal areas that are suspicious for cancer.

Usually oral cancer appears as a nonhealing sore, please notify your health care provider if you have a sore in your mouth that fails to heal within one month of onset. Your dentist may also check the lymph nodes in your neck as part of a routine oral cancer screening. Again, prognosis is usually better the earlier in the disease process the diagnosis is made. So call your dentist and make an appointment for a routine examination, even if it has been many years since your last appointment, and even if you are not in pain. You will not regret taking a preventive approach to your oral health.

Metcalf & Sadler Dental 2212 W 12th Ave, Stillwater, OK 74074 (405) 624-0222. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


"Do I


10 Ways to Get

10 Minutes of Exercise Fitness Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness goals. If you're like most men and women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts. You can still exercise, you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. The idea is to keep moving. Get a cordless phone or use your cell phone, and walk when you talk. Find whatever works for you and just move. Park half a mile from the mall and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. The little things add up.

on your over-scheduled days can also keep your confidence up, skipping exercise altogether is 'demotivational', you feel depressed and guilty. If you skip it, you tend to figure, 'What's the use? I can't keep up with it anyway.' If you make some effort each day, you will stay motivated. Success breeds success. Keep in mind, though, that short bursts of exercise are meant to supplement, not


5. After dinner, go outside and play tag or shoot baskets with your kids and their friends.

While Waiting 7. Walk around the block several times while you wait for your child to take a music lesson. As your fitness level improves, add 1-minute bursts of jogging to your walks. replace, your regular fitness routine. Here's a round up of practical ways to work exercise into your day even when you "don't have time to exercise." (You don't have to do them all in one day, select what works for you.)

In a landmark study conducted at the University of Virginia, exercise physiologist Glenn Gaesser, PhD, asked men and women to complete 15 10-minute exercise routines a week. After just 21 days, the volunteers' aerobic fitness was equal to that of people 10 to 15 years younger. Their strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility were equal to those of people up to 20 years their junior. It would be great for people to get out of the all-or-nothing mind-set that unless they exercise for 30 minutes, they're wasting their time.

2. If you're housebound caring for a sick child or grandchild, hop on an exercise bike or treadmill while your ailing loved one naps.

Breaking exercise into small chunks

3. Try 5 to 10 minutes of jumping


4. Cooking dinner? Do standing push-ups while you wait for a pot to boil. Stand about an arm's length from the kitchen counter, and push your arms against the counter. Push in and out to work your arms and shoulders.

6. Just before bed or while you're giving yourself a facial at night, do a few repetitions of some dumbbell exercises, keep a set of free weights on a shelf in front of your bathroom sink.

Every Stolen Moment Adds Up If you think that short bursts of activity have a negligible effect on your fitness program, think again. One study found that women who split their exercise into 10-minute increments were more likely to exercise consistently, and lost more weight after five months, than women who exercised for 20 to 40 minutes at a time.

jacks. (A 150 pound woman can burn 90 calories in one 10 minute session.)

8. Walk around medical buildings if you have a long wait for a doctor's appointment. I always ask the receptionist to give me an idea of how long I have left to wait. Most receptionists are usually willing to tell you.

Around the House

9. While your son or daughter plays a soccer game, walk around the field.

1. When you go outside to pick up your morning newspaper, take a brisk 5-minute walk up the street in one direction and back in the other.

10. Turn a trip to a park with your child into a mini-workout for you. Throw a ball back and forth and run for fly balls. Ben Coffman is an ACE Certified Fitness Trainer. OKC Fitbody Bootcamp is located at 2424 N. Moore Ave, Moore, OK 73160. 405.205.6001 www.okcfitbodybootcamp.com August/September 2012


Take Steps Toward a Healthier Lifestyle In fact, according to the American Public Health Association (APHA), nearly 1 million Americans die each year from diseases that can be prevented by living a healthier lifestyle. Each April, APHA celebrates National Public Health Week (NPHW) to spread the word about good health, encouraging both communities and individuals to take an active approach toward healthier living. This year, APHA invites you to "Join the Movement" to improve your health and the health of your community, by providing these tips to make simple changes today for a healthier tomorrow. Live active, eat healthy Small swaps - and steps - can lead to big changes: * Check out the MyPlate recommendations from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) at www.choosemyplate.org to help plan your meals with proper proportions * Look to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables when preparing meals * Choose more fish and low-fat meat cuts * Cook food at proper temperatures * Talk with elected leaders about including sidewalks, bike lanes, and farmers markets in your community * Get at least 2 ½ hours of moderate to vigorous exercise each week * Encourage children to get 1 hour of active play each day Prevent tobacco, drug, and alcohol abuse Education goes a long way in preventing substance abuse: * Talk with your employer about implementing a substance management and tobacco-cessation program for employees * Advocate for smoke-free policies in your community and workplace * Follow prescription medication instructions thoroughly


August/September 2012

* Do not use illicit drugs


* Do not drive if you are under the influence Avoid the spread of communicable disease

* Advocate for mental health awareness and programs within your community's schools, businesses, and community centers

Communicable diseases can't be avoided completely, but you can better protect your family:

* Talk with your employer about providing a comprehensive mental health services program as part of the organization's healthcare plan

* Wash your hands frequently * Cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze * Immunize your family * Disinfect surfaces in your home and workspace * Talk with your employer about providing paid sick days to prevent the spread of communicable diseases

* Learn to recognize the symptoms of mental health issues, such as depression * Support local nonprofits aimed at educating community members about mental illness * Seek out treatment for mental health issues To learn more about NPHW, ways you can join the movement, and to read more healthy living tips from APHA, visit www.nphw.org.

* Support local legislation aimed at lessening the impacts of some of the most serious communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, influenza, and tuberculosis Support reproductive and sexual health Advocacy and education can help encourage safe sex practices and reproductive health: * Practice safe sex * Use contraceptives * Visit your doctor for regular screenings * Promote access to quality health care to reduce HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, and other sexually transmitted diseases


For many, taking the first step toward healthy living can seem overwhelming. But eating more fruits and vegetables, taking walks, washing your hands, and improving the wellbeing of your community are all easy ways to become a bit healthier.

* Advocate to get comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education in your communities * Eat healthy, remain active, quit the use of tobacco and alcohol, and visit your doctor regularly, especially when pregnant Promote mental and emotional well-being It is important to advocate for mental health education in your okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


What’s Shaking at Freddie Paul’s Steakhouse

[by Summer Krlin]

at just 29 and 26 years of age. Since then, their family has grown to include three boys who are as much a part of the restaurant's identity as their parents. Having inspired a vision of the importance of family, the boys have played a significant role in setting the family-friendly tone of Freddie Paul's. From time to time, the trio even makes a splash in the dish pit of the restaurant's kitchen. Both Brian and Joie recognize the importance of healthy relationships and have worked to foster within the restaurant an atmosphere where laughter and conversation flow freely among friends and family. Freddie Paul's is endorsing a healthy community on all levels by providing several ways to enjoy great food with friends and family. Stemming from their alma mater pride, the Saliba's have embraced local sports and entertainment legends whose signatures adorn the walls of a private dining room within the restaurant. The dining room can be reserved for parties or business meetings. The restaurant offers full catering services in a variety of community scenes, ranging from wedding receptions, corporate functions and Freddie Paul's Steakhouse is located at 1707 E. 6th Ave. Stillwater, OK 405-377-8777. Website: www. Freddiepauls.com.


August/September 2012

business meetings, to parties, cookouts and tailgates. Freddie Paul's is even spreading their flavor to backyard barbecues with their signature grill seasonings and rib rub, available in grocery stores across the state. “Shake Your Tabouli” is Freddie Paul's motto this month and signifies four

Fish favorites such as Mahi Mahi, Red Snapper, Tilapia, Salmon, and Halibut are each prepared with a distinctive flare, while grilled chicken and 21 day aged USDA choice steaks await for the ravenous appetite. Everyday their salad bar offers crisp salads with over thirty items to dress them to perfection, including house-made hummus, fresh tabouli, and savory soups. All entrees are made-to-order and can easily be adapted to accommodate most dietary needs. Freddie Paul's Steakhouse is endorsing wellness of the whole person. With delicious cuisine, a friendly atmosphere, and fun for the entire family, Freddie Paul's is the place to be this summer. “Kids Eat Free” Sundays allow families to enjoy quality meals away from home without breaking the budget. Made-to-order, delightfully healthy entrees cater to even the strictest diet. The laid-back atmosphere welcomes all sorts and provides a peaceful reprieve from everyday stresses. Freddie Paul's is inviting the local community to join them in “shaking their tabouli,” and shifting their focus to health, fitness and family.

weeks abounding with nutritious foods and fun for the entire family. Their menu will be featuring items that support wellness and promote a healthy lifestyle. Kids will eat free every Sunday. At the end of the month, “Shake Your Tabouli” will conclude with a Shake Down in the restaurant's parking lot, featuring live music, dance instruction and motivation for the whole family to get shaking. “Shake Your Tabouli” t-shirts will be available as visual reminders to eat well and stay active. Freddie Paul's offers a wide array of healthy entrée choices for adults and children. From their original apple vinaigrette spinach salad to their delectable kabobs, great tasting and nutritious foods are abundant. During the month of August the restaurant will be specifically featuring hearthealthy and carbohydrate conscious entrée options.


While OSU is endeavoring to be America's healthiest campus, Freddie Paul's Steakhouse of Stillwater is advocating a healthy community—mind, body and soul. Freddie Paul's is owned and operated by OSU alumni, Brian and Joie Saliba. The couple opened the restaurant over eleven years ago


McDonald’s Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices


[by Jennifer Mornhinweg] In July 2011, McDonald's USA president Jan Fields announced the company's “Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices.” The comprehensive plan aims to help customers, especially families and children , make nutrition-minded choices whether visiting McDonald's or eating elsewhere.

The company will promote nutrition and/or active lifestyle messages in 100 percent of its national kids' communications, including merchandising, advertising, digital and the Happy Meal packaging. McDonald's will also provide funding for grass roots community nutrition awareness programs.

For the 202 McDonald's restaurants in Oklahoma, this announcement supported their long-term efforts in the state to provide nutritional information to customers. Their efforts have included working with two local dietitian consultants and providing information at events and activities, as well as in the restaurants.

2. Expanding and improving nutritionally-balanced menu choices:

“My experience working with McDonald's in Oklahoma has been wonderful.” Lori Manning, local McDonald's consultant said. “The national commitment to nutrition is another step in the right direction to provide customers with ways to maintain a balanced diet while still enjoying their favorite food items". According to Fields the commitments announced are guiding the future evolution of McDonald's menu and marketing. The McDonald's Commitments to Offer Improved Nutrition Choices include: 1. Championing children's well-being: McDonald's will automatically include produce in every Happy Meal® and promote options that meet the rigorous Council of Better Business Bureaus' Food Pledge nutrition standards by the first quarter of 2012. The impact will be an estimated 20 percent reduction in calories of the most popular Happy Meals, also reducing fat in the meal. In 2012, McDonald's will also raise nutrition awareness among children and parents through national marketing initiatives. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

By 2020, McDonald's will reduce added sugars, saturated fat and calories through varied portion sizes, reformulations and innovations. Starting with the already completed 10 percent reduction in the majority of our chicken items, McDonald's will reduce sodium an average of 15 percent across its national menu of food choices by 2015. 3. Increasing customers' and employees' access to nutrition information: McDonald's will expand new in-restaurant, website and mobile communications, and marketing vehicles making access to this information even easier. To begin, McDonald's made available its first mobile app so customers can access nutrition information on-the-go. In addition to these commitments, the McDonald's system has significantly invested in nutritional menu innovations and communications. Examples include investing in scientific and customer research, expanded agricultural supply chain contracts, an expanded team of nutrition experts, and updating nutrition information on McDonald's website. For example, McDonald's has a worked with a chef since the 1980s. Chef Dan Coudreant is the current McDonald's Executive Chef and Director of Culinary Innovation. His key responsibility is to help the creative team of chefs ideate and develop new menus for

McDonald's approximately 14,000 restaurants in the United States. Coudreant graduated top of his class from the Culinary Institute of America and becoming Executive Sous Chef at Dallas' Café Pacific and Chef de Cuisine at The Four Seasons (among other accomplishments). He joined McDonald's in August of 2004. Another example in McDonald's investment is this area is the updated information available on their website, documents, and brochures. “A great tool for people to access on the McDonald's website is the My-MealBuilder,” Manning said. “This tool allows customers to get the nutrition facts for their specific meal combinations. For example, MyMeal-Builder can highlight the significance in sodium and fat reduction by something as simple as skipping cheese or dressing on a sandwich. It shows our customers how to create meals that fit their individualized nutrition needs for a healthy lifestyle". About McDonald's in Oklahoma More than 85 percent of the McDonald's restaurants operating in Oklahoma are independently owned and operated by local business men and women. Collectively the McDonald's of Oklahoma had an investment of about $353.5 million in the state, returned more than 44 cents of every dollar they earned to their local economies, and employed about 11,615 people in management, support, and operations staff positions in 2011. For more information, visit www.McDonalds.com or follow us on Twitter @McDCentralOK or @McDNortheastOK for updates on our business, promotions and products. August/September 2012


Make the Right Impression with Hello Catering [by Jennifer Dawson] There’s nothing like the aroma of slow-cooked brisket floating by on a summer day to bring people together. Hello Catering and Custom Bakery have been bringing people together for the past ten years with our taste of home fresh and delicious mouth watering dishes.


We specialize in corporate luncheons, weddings, private parties and special events. Hello Catering does everything from delivering remarkable sandwich trays with handmade wholesome chicken salad on our homemade breads for office lunch meetings, to providing sumptuous entrees for several hundred people. Some favorites include; our Bar-B-Q buffet with brisket, pulled pork, grilled chicken, baked beans, homemade salads including potato, coleslaw, broccoli and pasta salads and our Mexican buffet with chicken enchiladas, burrito pie, rice, creamed corn, tacos, and fresh guacamole with fresh salsa.

Hello Catering also offers many varieties of chicken: from oven baked, to our chicken Parmesan, teriyaki, Hawaiian with juicy grilled pineapple, and everyone’s favorite fried chicken, with white pepper gravy, and real mashed or parsley potatoes. With a taste of excellence, using only the finest and freshest natural ingredients, Hello Catering go out of our way to exceed your expectations considering not only quantity but also quality. We try meeting whatever the client’s precise specifications might be; keeping track of the nutrition values or Weight Watcher Points,


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special dietary needs like gluten free, or allergies to MSG’s or any ingredients of every dish. Hello Catering combines business savvy, culinary wisdom, and event planning expertise into one seamless enterprise.

Catering’s mouth watering, yummy creations, homemade pies and decadent desserts puts your taste buds in pure bliss. Make today delicious with a little taste of home, Hello Catering style!

Chances are if you’ve ever been to a wedding or a rehearsal dinner then you have had a catering experience. Most people think catering is as simple as cooking food, truth be told, caterer’s do more than just cook and serve food. They create a stress and worry free environment, bringing their customers dreams to life. Merely being a great cook and having a flair for entertaining isn’t enough, being a caterer has a multitude of tasks. A good caterer is a chef, a deft mover, a skilled planner, an adroit salesperson, a marketer, an able business person and a charming customer service representative all in one.

Hello Catering also offers a nice place with a Western kick and a warm and friendly atmosphere, Café 33, a little café tucked away and hidden inside the Perkins Livestock, on Highway 33 and Western. With seating for 80, it’s perfect for your private dinners, friendly gatherings or just a simple get-together. Café 33 is open Monday-Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for lunch with breakfast served all day. Friendly service, weekly specials, savory specialty burgers, sandwiches, wraps, slowcooked brisket, enticing hand breaded chicken strips, chicken-fried steak, and golden catfish. Unique and fabulous breakfast items include peaches and cream waffles, chocolate gravy, and amazing omelets all made to order. Our crisp salad bar includes Hello Catering’s famous dressings: ranch, blue cheese and raspberry vinaigrette. Hello Catering provides monstrous, yummy cinnamon rolls and dreamy desserts including decadent brownies that are delivered daily.

Customers are looking for a caterer to create an entertaining restaurant-quality experience, whether it be plated meals on-site or something simpler like a buffet style with stainless-steel chafers and beautiful glass canisters. Hello Catering offers all of this straight out of our custom catering kitchen. We have an experienced friendly wait staff and everything from real china and stemware to disposable silverware. Catering combines the physicality of cooking, transporting, setting up, serving, and cleaning with the mental demands of planning and executing. Due to supply and demand, we are excited to be growing for our Central Oklahoma businesses and individuals. Our team of real home cooks pulls out all the stops when it comes to our irresistible theme menu and finger foods, flame-kissed favorites, easy nibbles and drinks, Hello Catering’s famous crescent rolls made from scratch, casseroles, distinctive salads and tasty sides. All of Hello

Hello Catering & Custom Bakery 718 East 99th Street Perkins, OK 405-547-5581 www.hellocatering.com find us on Facebook: facebook.com/hellocatering & facebook.com/cafe33.perkinsok Café 33 – 2405 W. 116th – (Hwy 33 & Western Rd) - Perkins, OK 405-547-8663 okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

Tips to make a game day party fun for everyone Game day is no time to be sidelined in the kitchen. Do a little pre-game planning so you can spend less time cooking and more time cheering on the home team. Keep it simple - Instead of taking up space with a lot of dishes to hold condiments, use muffin pans. Each well in the pans can hold a different topping for your burgers, hot dogs or chili. Put a spoon in each for easy dipping. It's simple, fun, and you'll have fewer post-game dishes to wash.

everyone can have their favorite. From Wholly Salsa's classics to the new red pepper mango or roasted tomato varieties, fans can find a salsa to cheer about. And for guacamole lovers, try Wholly Guacamole's all-natural, gluten free varieties. In addition to chips, set out some of these tasty dippers: Bell pepper slices ~ Baked mozzarella sticks

Set up a dipping station - Have a selection of salsas and guac available so

Shrimp ~ Pita chips ~ Bagel chips Jicama sticks ~ Mini rice cakes

Make sure you have enough - Don't disappoint guests by running out of munchies or drinks. Here's how to figure out how much you need to prepare: - If you're having 8 to 10 guests, figure on three different appetizers. For up to 16 guests, plan four or five appetizers. - For non-alcoholic drinks, plan on two 16-ounce cups per person. Plan on about two glasses of wine or three beers per person. - To have enough ice for drinks, as well as to keep drinks cold in a cooler, get about a pound and a half of ice per person.

Avocado Cream Cheese Dip Serves: 6 1 - 8 ounce package cream cheese 1 - 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole 3/4 - teaspoon salt, divided 1 - lime, juiced 1 - tablespoon cilantro, minced ½ - teaspoon chili powder 2 - cups sour cream 3 - tablespoons chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, pureed 1 - cup 3-cheese blend shredded cheese 1/2 - cup green onion, sliced 3/4 - cup Roma tomatoes, cored, seeded and diced

Homegating Snackers Yield: 10 to 12 1 tube pre-made pizza crust (thin) 1 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole dip 1 red bell pepper cut into small strips Roll out uncooked pizza dough on counter. Use football or other shaped cookie cutter to cut pizza dough and place on cookie sheet sprayed lightly with oil. Cook dough according to packaging instructions. Allow to thoroughly cool. When cool, spread with guacamole and use cheese shreds and pepper to create football laces and markings. Optional: Plate on a bed of shredded lettuce, and use sour cream to create field yard lines. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

Allow cream cheese to soften and warm to room temperature, about 30 minutes. Whip cream cheese at medium speed for 3 minutes to fluff. Add guacamole and beat for another minute. Season mix with 1/4 teaspoon salt, half of lime juice and cilantro. Transfer mixture to a 9 x 9-inch pan, and dust with chili powder. Mix together sour cream, chipotle, ½ teaspoon salt and the rest of the lime juice. Add to pan as the second layer. Top with cheese; garnish with green onion and tomatoes.

August/September 2012


Guacamole Chicken Taquitos Yield: 28 taquitos 1 - orange, juiced 1 - lime, juiced ½ - teaspoon salt ½ - teaspoon black pepper 2 - teaspoons chili powder 1 - teaspoon ground cumin 6 - tablespoons canola oil, divided 8 - boneless skinless chicken thighs 1/3 - cup minced yellow onion 2 - tablespoons cilantro, minced 1 - 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole 28 - corn tortillas Mix together orange juice, lime juice, salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin and 3 tablespoons canola. Add to chicken and marinate for 20 to 30 minutes. Heat remaining canola oil over medium high heat.

Guacamole Chicken Taquitos

Remove chicken from marinade. Reserve marinade for later. Cook chicken for 3 minutes on one side. Flip over and cook for another 3 minutes. Add reserved marinade, turn heat to low, and allow to simmer for 20 minutes. Uncover, and continue cooking for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool for 15 minutes. Shred chicken into a separate pan. Coat with a little of the reduced sauce - don't use all of it or the taquitos will be oily. Mix chicken with guacamole, cilantro and onion. Warm tortillas, between wet paper towels, in the microwave (about 5 at a time), or by dipping them into a hot pan with a few tablespoons of oil. Add about 2 tablespoons filling to each tortilla. Roll up and skewer with a toothpick to hold it together. For best results, prepare deep fryer according to manufacturer's instructions, and fry in batches for 2 minutes. When all taquitos have been fried, warm them up in a 350°F oven for 10 minutes. These game day recipes will score big with the crowd at your house. You can find more delicious ways to homegate at www.eatwholly.com.

SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking by Pregnant Women may result in Fetal injury, Premature Birth and Low Birth Weight. Chewing or Dipping Tobacco is not a safe alternative to Cigarettes, it can cause Gum Disease and Tooth loss.


August/September 2012


A New Take on Picnic Favorites Picnics are a perfect way to enjoy getting together with friends and family this summer. No matter what your destination beach, park or just your backyard - there's no need to settle for standard fare. Instead, make summertime favorites like pasta salad, potato salad, vegetable dip and California style wraps even more delicious by adding the new Hellmann's(r) or Best Foods(r) mayonnaise dressing with Olive Oil recipe. Made with high-quality ingredients, including olive oil, cage-free eggs, and vinegar, it combines the creamy, rich taste of Hellmann's(r) or Best Foods(r) with the delicious goodness of olive oil.

Visit www.Hellmanns.com or www.BestFoods.com for more summer recipes and additional information. Picnic Food Safety Tips Make sure you properly store and serve your picnic treats so they stay fresh and delicious. Cold Food -Cold perishable food should be kept in a cooler at 40°F or below until it's time to serve.

melts, and replace ice frequently. Hot Food -Hot food should be kept hot, at or above 140°F. -Wrap hot foods well, and place in an insulated container until serving. Once served, no food should sit out for longer than two hours - one hour if the outdoor temperature is above 90°F. To be safe, throw away any food that has been left out longer.

-Foods like cold salads or desserts in individual serving dishes can be placed directly on ice. Drain off water as ice

California Chicken Wrap Serves: 4 Prep Time: 10 minutes 3 - tablespoons Hellmann's(r) or Best Foods(r) Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil 4 - 6-inch fajita size whole wheat flour tortillas 12 - ounces boneless, skinless chicken breasts, grilled and sliced 1 - medium avocado, peeled and sliced 1 - red bell pepper, sliced 1/4 - cup sliced red onion 2 - cups mixed salad greens Spread Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil on tortillas. Layer chicken, avocado, red pepper, red onion and salad greens down center of each tortilla. Roll and fold the filled tortillas.

The Original Potato Salad Serves: 8, Prep Time: 10 minutes, Cook Time: 15 minutes 2 - lbs potatoes (5 to 6 medium), peeled and cut into 3/4-inch chunks 1 - cup Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil 2 - tablespoons vinegar 1 ½ - teaspoons salt 1 - teaspoon sugar 1/4 - teaspoon ground black pepper 1 - cup thinly sliced celery ½ - cup chopped onion 2 - hard-cooked eggs, chopped (optional)

Cover potatoes with water in 4-quart saucepot; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes or until potatoes okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

are tender. Drain and cool slightly. Combine Mayonnaise Dressing with Olive Oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper in large bowl.

Add potatoes, celery, onion and eggs and toss gently. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

August/September 2012




Protect Children from Accidental Medication Overdoses While it may seem like common knowledge to store medications and vitamins out of the reach of children, each year one of every 150 twoyear-olds ends up in an emergency room for an unintentional medication overdose, most often after getting into medicine while their parents or caregivers were not looking, according to Dan Budnitz, M.D., M.P.H., director of CDC's Medication Safety Program. Annually, more than 60,000 children age 5 or younger are treated in emergency rooms for accidental ingestion of household medicines. "Parents may not be aware of the danger posed by leaving medications where young children can reach or see them," said Budnitz. "A few simple steps - followed every time - can protect our children." In partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) PROTECT Initiative, CDC and the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) Educational Foundation created the Up and Away and Out of Sight educational program to help parents understand how to best store and safeguard the medicines they use at home so young children can't access them. Returning medicines to a safe storage location every time they are used can help prevent the accidental ingestions that drive many avoidable emergency room visits by young children each year. "Children are curious and can quickly get into medicines or vitamins when parents and caregivers aren't looking. Our goal with Up and Away and Out of Sight is to emphasize to parents the importance of making sure medicines are safely stored in the home in 'up-and-away' places, rather than on bedside tables that kids can easily reach or in purses that kids love to rummage through," says Emily Skor, vice president of Communications and Alliance Development at CHPA. Families should practice safe medicine storage year round. Whether it's during the winter when cough and cold season is at its peak, or in the spring and fall when many of us rely on allergy medications to treat our symptoms, always remember to remove vitamins and medicines from any areas that children could possibly reach; instead, put them up and away and out of sight every time they are used. Use these tips and resources to make sure your child is always protected: * Never leave medicine or vitamins out on a kitchen counter or at a sick child's bedside, even if you have to give the medicine again in a few hours. PHOTOS PROVIDED BY GETTY IMAGES

* Always relock the safety cap on a medicine bottle. If it has a locking cap that turns, twist it until you hear the click. * Never tell children medicine is candy so they'll take it, even if your child does not like to take his or her medicine. * Tell children what medicine is and why you must be the one to give it to them. * Remind babysitters, house guests, and visitors to keep purses, bags, or coats that have medicines in them up and away and out of sight when they are in your home. * Program the poison control center number (1-800-222-1222) into your home and cell phones so you will have it when you need it. For more information on Up and Away and Out of Sight, safety tips, and resources, visit www.UpandAway.org and pledge to keep medicines and vitamins up and away and out of sight in your home.


August/September 2012


Speaking Up for a

Child’s Rights

[by Jennifer Emfinger] A child has a right to feel safe, loved and cared for. An undeniable right to learn and grow and become the person they are destined to be. To be treated as human beings, not possessions. To thrive.


Every year, thousands of children in Oklahoma are removed from their homes because of evidence of abuse and neglect. They are uprooted from the only family they have known, taken out of schools and away from friends. In short, their worlds are turned upside down. Going through the child welfare system is a scary process and no child should do it alone. Oklahoma Court Appointed Special Advocates and its 25 local members of the Oklahoma CASA network are working hard to make sure that every child who needs an advocate to speak for his or her best interests before the courts, has a caring, trained adult to help them through this difficult period of his or her life. That CASA volunteer is the one consistent adult in these children’s lives, vigilantly fighting for and protecting their fundamental right to be treated with the dignity and respect every child deserves. “There are approximately 7,500 children who are in the system as wards of the state at any given time,” said Sheryl Marseilles, executive director of the Oklahoma CASA Association. “In Oklahoma, CASA volunteers serve 45 percent of those children. While that is a good amount, that still leaves over half the children without a voice to speak up for their best interests.” In 2011, more than 1,150 CASA volunteers stood up on behalf of 3,447 abused and neglected children in Oklahoma. With the okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

help of CASA, these children will find their way to a safe home. CASA is the only program of its kind. More than a mentor or a special buddy, a CASA volunteer is someone specially trained to know what is in the child’s best interest, and how to get those interests met by the system. They are appointed by a judge and will fight for a child; against all odds, against power, against bureaucracy and shortsighted agendas. The CASA movement began in Seattle, Washington, in 1977 when a judge was concerned about making drastic decisions about the well being of children with insufficient information. He started the first CASA program and it has since spread nationwide. The first program in Oklahoma was established in Norman in 1984 and now 25 local CASA programs stand up for children’s rights in 53 counties. “What is so special about the CASA program is that it takes the social problem of child abuse and neglect down to the individual,” said Marseilles. “One CASA volunteer, one child or sibling group. It’s one citizen protecting the rights of one child.”

he or she will meet with the child and anyone in that child’s life; biological parents, foster parents, medical professionals, teachers, social workers and others. They use the information they gather to inform judges and others of what the children need and what will be the best permanent home for them. “I particularly appreciate CASA's help in looking at whether a child's individualized service plan is being completed and what the child needs for medical care, education and special counseling needs,” reported one Oklahoma judge. “An active CASA is the best tool to help determine if a child's medical, educational and behavioral needs are being attended to by DHS.” CASA volunteers protect children’s rights. You can protect a child’s rights. Find out how you can at www.oklahomacasa.org.

Oklahoma CASA Association PO Box 54946, Oklahoma City, OK 73154 405-524-899 or toll free 1-800-742-2272 www.oklahomacasa.org

In a recent survey conducted with the juvenile judges of Oklahoma, many expressed that they wished they could assign a CASA volunteer for every case. “We need more CASA workers! I'm not sure why we do not have volunteers, but I have more cases than I have workers,” said a judge on the 2012 survey. After a volunteer is assigned to a case,

August/September 2012


Have a Question About Vitamins? Ask Your Pharmacist helps dietary supplement manufactures ensure the production of quality products for consumers. The program verifies the quality, purity and potency of dietary supplement finished products. Top Pharmacist Recommendations The survey also found that pharmacists were "very" and "somewhat" likely to recommend the following: * In addition to recommending fish oil to support heart health, two in three pharmacists (63 percent) are also likely to suggest flaxseed oil and about half (47 percent) recommend garlic. * Nine in ten pharmacists recommend certain vitamins and supplements like Vitamin D to fill specific nutrition gaps * Only about two in five pharmacists (42 percent) recommend ginkgo biloba for mental alertness. * For urinary and immune health, four in five (82 percent) recommend cranberry.

While most Americans will turn to their local pharmacist with questions concerning prescription medicines, few ask about which vitamins and supplements are right for them. In fact, many Americans don't realize they have unlimited free access to a health expert - their local pharmacist - who can provide detailed guidance on products sold at the pharmacy. This includes everything from over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medicines to vitamins and supplements. A recent survey sponsored by Nature Made found that pharmacists estimate they answer questions regarding prescription medications for about half of their customers. By comparison, they estimate they answer questions about OTC products for just one in three customers (35 percent) - and when it comes to answering questions about vitamins and supplements, they estimate they do so for just one in five customers (23 percent). Pharmacist Tips for Vitamin Supplements According to the National Center for


August/September 2012

Health Statistics, more than half of all U.S. adults are now taking supplements, which makes understanding the difference between quality vitamins even more crucial. Approximately nine in ten pharmacists (93 percent) agree taking vitamins and supplements is important for maintaining good overall health. When choosing between brands to recommend, pharmacists consider the following:

To learn more about vitamin supplements and for more pharmacist r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , v i s i t www.naturemade.com.

* Product Quality. Nearly nine in ten pharmacists (85 percent) say that product quality is a very important factor when deciding whether or not to recommend a specific brand of vitamin. Look to trusted brands, such as the number one pharmacist recommended brand of letter vitamins and fish oil - Nature Made.


When it comes to understanding which vitamins are right for you, it can be tricky to know what your body needs. For some, a multivitamin can help fill in gaps in nutrition, for others, extra calcium and vitamin D are needed to help keep bones strong and healthy.

* To maintain normal energy levels, nine in ten (91 percent) recommend a B vitamin complex, and about three in four (72 percent) recommend an iron supplement. In addition, pharmacists are two times more likely to recommend a protein-based product over a caffeine-based product for maintaining energy.

* Product Purity. Many people may not be aware that it's important to consider a vitamin's purity. In fact, nearly four in five pharmacists (77 percent) say that product purity is very important in choosing whether or not to recommend a brand, and two in three (65 percent) say the same of product potency as well. * USP Seal: Two in three pharmacists (67 percent) also say it's important to look for the USP seal or other third-party certification when selecting vitamins and supplements. The USP Dietary Supplement Verification Program is a voluntary testing and auditing program that okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

[by Brandy Morris] Oklahoma State University is welcoming a record-breaking freshmen class this fall with open arms and the opportunity to be a part of “The healthiest campus in America” initiative. The initiative is a dream former alum Bud Seretean started several years ago with an endowment that gave OSU the Seretean Wellness Center. The center has been in operation since 1991 and serves the students, faculty and the community of Stillwater. The Seretean Wellness Center offers wellness education courses, risk assessments and screenings, nutritional counseling and cooking demonstrations and also has a fitness center. This year OSU is taking those programs to the students and staff. OSU President Burns Hargis and the university's First Lady Ann Hargis are leading the way for the students to learn what options they have for living a healthy lifestyle. “We've got numerous programs in place, and in August we are actually taking a tour of the dining services on campus,” Ann said. There are 30 places on campus where students can eat. One place features totally organic foods another features all locally grown foods. Students have options with several combinations of eating environments. PHOTOS PROVIDED BY DAVID HOLBROOK

“We will also have cooking classes and we will educate students on how to read labels and find the nutritional information, so that students have healthy choices.” Ann said. These classes have been available for many years, but this year they are being emphasized more. A program that has been around for several years is the “Choose Orange” program. The “Choose Orange” program features foods on campus that are healthy and helps students identify those foods with a bright-orange label. Students who use the grocery stores located in the dorms will have access to a selection of printed healthy recipes available in the store and every item in the recipe can be found in that particular store.


August/September 2012


All of the stores and specialty restaurants that are available are student driven because their success depends upon revenues. “The difference is there are many students coming to campus who need glutenfree foods, or are vegetarians and we're trying to answer those needs, Ann said. “It also filters into the faculty and staff, because we all eat together it's not just student dining, its university dining. OSU's student government passed its own landmark legislation several years ago that made OSU the first campus in the Big 12 a totally smoke-free campus. “We may still be the only campus that doesn't allow smoking at all, President Hargis said. “Some campuses still have designated smoking areas; we don't because it sends the wrong message.” The faculty and staff of OSU have also been given free access to the Colvin Center, something that they had to pay for in previous but that has not slowed down the number of people who have signed up for the class, which includes several OSU faculty and staff members. OSU also teaches the Dave Ramsey course on money management for those who are interested in learning how to avoid financial stress. All of the programs are geared toward a balanced and happy lifestyle that is much more than just nutrition and exercise. “I feel as if we are joined at the hip to the community of Stillwater as goes Stillwater as goes OSU and vice versa,” President Hargis said. The growing enrollment will bring housing issues. OSU students may find on campus housing tight. But the community of Stillwater is growing as new apartment buildings are being built and other housing options are made available. OSU also has extension offices in all 77 counties across the state of Oklahoma that shares the talent, research, and the knowledge and training of OSU with all the citizens of

Ashley's years.


“I think the Colvin Center is a great recreational center with great workout facilities with just about everything that you can think of to do,” President Hargis said.

Tips for Selling Your Home: v

Clean your carpets

OSU maybe the only school in the Big 12 to offer free access to workout facilities to all of its employees across every campus and extension center.




Mow the grass

Ann also teaches yoga, which has become popular across campus.


Remove clutter

“We literally take the classes to the users, we teach classes in the Student Union, and the White Hurst Building, Ann said, I teach in the dorms and at the running track at Gallagher Iba - I go where the demand is. I think that's one of the things that are unique; the students don't always have to go to the Colvin Center or Seretean Center to exercise.”


Clean and organize closets

OSU has also made cooking classes available to the students and community as well. The community in this case does pay a fee, okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

August/September 2012


OSU has also been certified as a healthy business in Oklahoma's Department of Health's Certified Healthy Business Program. The university has taken further steps to make each department healthy. Departments have checklists that allow for such things as flexible lunch times to allow employees to work out during their lunch break, healthy options at department meetings and intern those departments earn healthy certifications. “I think it's important for any organization to reinforce what they believe, and we believe that contributes to a higher quality of life, President Hargis said, I believe if you talk about it, promote it and follow up by making programs available to your campus it just reinforces that it's an important value.” OSU's Branding Success Campaign Four years ago, President Hargis introduced the Branding Success Campaign. Its goal was to raise $1 billion to help support student scholarships, endowed professorships and chairs, build advanced facilities and introduce innovative, interdisciplinary programs. To date the campaign has raised


August/September 2012

$906.1 million. OSU is well on its way to meeting its 1$ billion goal before the campaign runs out in December 2014. Fund-raising is key to the success of the university. The funding provided by the state of Oklahoma only provides for about 20 percent of the university's budget. In order for OSU to provide quality, affordable education for its students and attract the multitude of talent in every field, the university has to rely on its fund-raising endeavors to continue with such great success. What is so special about OSU and Stillwater? Anyone who has had a good experience at their college will find their college or university special. “But I always felt like there was something uniquely special about OSU, there is just a family-friendly, welcoming and supporting attitude that people have around here,” President Hargis said. “There is an attitude that people don't think that they are better than anyone else, and they are just down to Earth people who are available to help if you need it.” That same friendly attitude is still found on the campus today. Each semester prospective students and parents find something that they like at OSU. “I don't know if we benefit from low expectations or what, but

when people see this beautiful campus and they see how people treat each other and treat them and they want to be apart of that,” President Hargis said. The campus has several well-known gathering areas one such area is the library lawn with it beautiful flower gardens that are kept beautifully manicured. Another well-known spot is Theta Pond with its fountains, trees and water fowl make it a great place to sit and relax and enjoy your surroundings. “I have always said, if we can just get them (potential students) here to the campus, we are going to get most of them. Because you just feel, like you want to be a part of what's here. I tell kids all the time that everybody is going to tell you where to go to college, your parents, grandparents, teachers and friends, but you are the one going and you have got to go where you're comfortable,” President Hargis said. The school welcomes a large number of international students every year. International students are celebrated on campus and bring culture and flavors from around the world to campus dining. Cuisine from around the world can be found in the restaurants scattered throughout the campus. The community of Stillwater is attractive and inviting for students and families to want to live. There is so much to do and the okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


Oklahoma. Most people are aware of the agricultural mission that they pursue but they also deal in nutrition, family health issues, and early childhood issues. The goal of these extension centers is to make the communities and the state stronger.

university and community are growing together. “One of the first things I noticed after Burns and I moved to Stillwater, Ann said. We went to church and when we were leaving, this woman came up to me, and I said 'Hello, I'm Ann Hargis, and she gave me a big hug and said, 'We're so glad you are here.' I thought this is just the warmest place I have ever experienced in my life. I think it's genuine and contagious.�


President Hargis The Entertainer


August/September 2012


Helping $tudents Manage

Money Establish a Budget Sit down together with your student and map out all monthly expenses. Include room and board or rent, books, supplies, food, personal care and medications, transportation, gas, entertainment (including dining out, movies and walking around money, etc.), and payment for phone, mobile devices, cable and Internet access. Then, figure out income. This can include money from a job, financial aid, student loans and any support from you. Income and expenses need to balance. There are plenty of online tools you can use to figure out a budget. Some, such as www.Mint.com or some bank websites, can help students manage their budgets, making it easy for them to take care of it themselves. There are also budgeting tips and worksheets at websites such as www.SmartAboutMoney.org. How to Stick to the Budget Prioritize needs vs. wants. It may seem like a latte every morning is a necessity to jump-start the day, but those kinds of little expenses can add up quickly. A recent study by Westwood College found that 40 percent of the average student's budget is being spent on


August/September 2012

"discretionary" spending; included in that is entertainment (6.5 percent), apparel and services (6.7 percent), travel and vacation (4.7 percent). Have your student do the math on how much some of their "necessities" will cost them, and then talk about how to weigh purchase decisions. Find ways to spend less. A little planning can help young adults spend less and get more value for their dollar. * Cellphone - Avoid overage charges with an unlimited plan. For example, with Cricket Wireless, you can pay an affordable monthly fee for all-inclusive talk, text, data and music rate plans for some of the most popular smartphones available. Cricket also includes a service called Muve Music that gives students unlimited song downloads as part of their p l a n . L e a r n m o r e a t www.MyCricket.com.

* Entertainment - Encourage them to take advantage of free activities on campus with their student ID. When going out with friends, advise your student to decide how much he or she can spend, then only take that much money with them. Be smart about credit cards. Many students sign up for a credit card right away, and before they know it, they are thousands of dollars in debt. Make sure they understand the impact of interest rates. Also, discuss setting limitations on using a credit card to avoid nonacademic debt, such as using it only for emergencies, travel or school expenses, or only charging what they can pay back on time the next month (including interest). Equipping your student with some basic financial skills will help them make wise money choices now and for the rest of their lives.

* Food - Coupons and digital deals can cut the costs of dining out. Look into the college meal plan - and use it. Save on snacks by stocking up at the grocery store instead of buying from a vending machine or convenience store. * Clothing - Thrift stores, consignment shops and yard sales are affordable ways to find something fun to wear. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


Money management is one skill that can be difficult for young adults to master as they head off on their own. But no matter what stage of life - whether they're entering college or the work force - every young adult should learn how to handle their money.

Campus Dining at The University of Oklahoma

[by Molly Thomson]


When many people think of the eating habits of college students, several classic images come to mind: the bleary-eyed scholar pulling an all-nighter, fueled by greasy pizza and cans of energy drinks; the hard-partying fraternity member, guzzling his weight in beer every weekend (and some weekdays) and the typical student, balancing a full schedule and an empty wallet by subsisting on the cheapest, quickest, and often unhealthiest foods. A full academic schedule and a busy social life are only a couple of the many priorities that may come before a student’s diet. One of the biggest ones, however, may also be familiar to those who have long-since graduated: money. After the cost of books, extracurricular activities, and social outings, the typical college student has a limited food budget. Some save by clipping coupons and buying cheap groceries and fast-food. Others rely on a parent-funded meal plan, and are restricted to foods offered by campus eateries. At the University of Oklahoma, such options are plentiful. Cafes pepper the basements of campus buildings, supplying students with snacks and coffee. Couch Restaurants, otherwise referred to fondly as ‘The Caf’, is OU’s state-of-the-art dining hall that offers a variety of traditional and nontraditional cafeteria foods. Cate Food Court, a smaller collection of restaurants near the freshman dorms, is a popular place to grab a plate of pancakes, a sub sandwich, a slice of pizza, or Taco Mayo. However, it’s safe to say that OU fills the most bellies at the Oklahoma Memorial okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com

Union. Students flock here to frequent Crossroads, which serves everything from breakfast to burgers 24-hours a day, or to grab a bite from one of the fast-food restaurants that comprise the food court. Wendy’s, Quiznos, and Sbarro are among these. If greasy burgers and oversized slices of pizza don’t interest you, there is always Chik-fil-A, which offers a variety of slightly healthier options. Finally, for those who seek fresher fare, there is the Laughing Tomato, a friendly nook in the back of the food court, eclipsed by Quiznos’ ever-present pool of patrons, which boasts meals featuring organic, locally grown produce, and vegetarian and vegan-friendly items. But despite being the OMU’s nutritional champion, the Laughing Tomato is consistently the least popular, serving a meager gathering of clientele as lines of hungry students snake around the food court, stemming mainly from Quiznos and Sbarro. This reflects the trend of unhealthy eating that many college campuses are trying to combat. Last fall, the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton created an entire cafeteria dedicated to serving only vegan-friendly food. The University of California Santa Barbara (USBC) recently added the NetNutrition application to their campus dining website, which shows the nutritional value of every food served in the dining commons, allowing students to be knowledgeable about everything they consume. Across the nation, universities are taking great strides in ensuring that their students have access to a diverse and nutritious menu. Not one to be left in the dust, the University of Oklahoma

has made its own revisions to the campus dining experience. Last year, the university launched Fitter Foods, an initiative aimed to revamp students’ eating habits. The vibrant green menu first appeared in Crossroads, sporting more than 20 appetizing items, many resembling their traditional counterparts. The Philly Steak on the Skinny, with 264 calories, is a lightened version of the Michael Nash Philly Cheesesteak, a traditional 455-calorie favorite. The Fitter Turkey Panini, at 322 calories, is a lighter choice for those who have always its 604-calories counterpart, the Clarke Stroud Turkey Panini. Even the Theta Dempsey Grilled Cheese, a 400calorie favorite, has a fitter foil – the 330-cal Sophisticated Grilled Cheese, which simply traded the white bread for wheat and substituted Cheddar cheese for Swiss. According to the Housing and Food Services website, items must have fewer than 500 calories, 15 grams of fat and reduced sodium to be qualified for the new menu. Nutritional profiles accompany each food, helping students make informed choices. But for many students, it’s not just the numbers that are enticing. “Usually when you think of healthy options on campus, you just think of the salad bar,” said Brett Jacobs, a computer science junior at OU. “This menu isn’t just rabbit food , there are sandwiches and real meals that taste like the normal stuff, so I think that will make it more encouraging to everyone to eat healthy.”

August/September 2012


Welcome to Stillwater, You are Home This home on Woodlands Trails is available Call Connie for more details.

[by Brandy Morris] Local Stillwater realtors are eager to help new home buyers find just what they are looking for in a home. With all of the new businesses that are coming to the Stillwater market, homeowners who are looking to sell their homes are not having to wait too long. In the past six months, 53.9 percent of the homes in the Stillwater market only stayed on the market 122 days. The average list price was more than $165,000. “We have had a great year so far, homes are selling,” Connie Stokes of Team Stillwater Realty said. Connie has been in the real estate business for nine years and loves helping first-time home buyers find the home of their dreams.

Realtors do so much. Finding a home with all the amenities a home buyer wants, making sure all the inspections have been complete, and making sure all the paperwork is in order is just some of the things that a realtor does during the process. Stokes said the Stillwater housing market may have been a little softer in the past year but the market didn't crash. “In part because we didn't have the problems that other people may have had. Our prices were within range, we didn't have problems with appraisals, and getting houses to where they needed to be,


August/September 2012

Stokes said, typically homes will increase in value in Stillwater by three percent a year, so if you stay in a house a couple of years, you seem to do OK in getting the purchase price back if you need to move.” Stillwater seems to be thriving as new businesses such as ASCO, Cavender's Boots and Western Wear, CVS Pharmacy, Select Energy and Schlotzky's, just to name a few, will be opening doors soon. Business moves where there are people to sustain them and Stillwater is growing. “I have helped several people who have graduated from OSU, gone on to have a

career somewhere else and decided that they wanted to come back here to live,” Stokes said. Stillwater has something for everyone and the homes vary in size and shape and are priced to fit any budget. With attractions such as Boomer Lake and Lake Carl Blackwell, home buyers have the opportunity to buy homes near the water and enjoy skiing and other water activities just minutes from home. To contact Connie Stokes at Team Stillwater Realtors call 405-3728326 or her cell at 405-612-0016. Email is connie@teamstillwater.com. okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


“It's so fulfilling to help them through the process, and it is so important to use a realtor to make sure you are protected,” Stokes said.

A Visit With Custom Home-Builder

Roger Matheson

energy-efficient windows in each home.

There are many home-builders in the Stillwater area. Roger Matheson has been in the business for 37 years. Roger and his son Jamey have been building custom homes in Stillwater and the surrounding communities for many years.


The kitchens in a Matheson home are a cooks dream. Custom finished wood cabinets that feature a lazy susan in the corner cabinets to eliminate dead space that is lost. The latest in

appliances and nice sized food pantries for storage. “I like to 'wow' the potential buyer when they walk through the home,” Roger said. The spacious living rooms feature pan ceilings with ceiling fans, cable ready hook-ups for wall mounted flat-screen televisions. The bathrooms feature the latest styles and designs. The b e d r o o m s feature spacious closets for storage and are cable or satellite and internet ready. M o s t M a t h e s o n homes come with a spacious f i n i s h e d , attached two-car garage. Each home comes with custom tile and carpet and Roger uses top-rated


Roger’s homes speak for themselves, if you like what you see give Roger a call.

Contact Roger Matheson for more information on building your custom home - 405-612-1192. Matheson Construction- 13923 E 19th Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074 August/September 2012


Oklahoma Outlaws Hold Dance Auditions in Stillwater [by Shelby Eidson and Cylene Walker]

Competition is healthy, you find it in every avenue related to fitness, and it’s goaloriented. I’ve had great experiences when it has involved competition from the days of competing in athletics at school to dance competitions, it forced me to work hard and maintain a healthy lifestyle. My confidence and character were strengthened just as much as I was physically. And to be honest, competition is part of the reason I became a teacher, dance


August/September 2012

coach and instructor. As I see shows like Dance Moms, I’ve become concerned that the dance competition world that I know is being misrepresented. So with that in mind, Art of Dance has set out to

start programs that encourages confidence, promotes healthy body image as well as teaching safe and proper techniques and understanding of healthy competition. In doing all those things, we also wanted to create a program that embodies the community spirit of Stillwater. So we are creating a Community Spirit Team for all ages called the Oklahoma Outlaws (OKO). This team will be a cheer and

pom team. Our focus will be teaching cheer and pom technique while fostering community spirit. This is the type of team anyone can join no matter what age, sex, or experience. That is also the mission of Art of Dance. For those of you with the performance bug, OKO will be performing at several Stillwater community events. In addition to launching Oklahoma Outlaws and continuing our mission encouraging health and fitness, Art of Dance will be offering numerous fitness classes throughout the year. Art of Dance would also like to extend an invitation to anyone wishing to join the Oklahoma Outlaws, to attend our “OKO Tryouts” Sunday, Sept. 2 at 2:00p.m. We are also looking for singers, dancers and entertainers of all ages to audition for The Nutcracker Saturday Sept. 8. Registration begins at 3:30p.m.

Come dance with us! www.artofdance.jigsy.com artofdance@att.net 405.714.1355 okhealthandfitnessmagazine.com


Watching TV over the summer, I’ve noticed that the majority of television programs have deviated from sitcoms and dramas to reality TV shows of every kind. These shows vary from following so-called celebrities to every type of competition imaginable. Growing up in the dance and cheer world, I’ve been surrounded by competition my whole life. It seems to me that the world of dance competition has changed a bit. With the advent of shows like So You Think You Can Dance, (a show that a dance-obsessed girl like me, watches religiously) people are becoming aware of a world where I spent my childhood, that has been around forever. While it’s evolved with the times, the audition, which is the root of the dance world, has been around since the Greek tragedies.



09/01/12 09/08/12 09/15/12 09/29/12 10/13/12 10/20/12

vs. Savannah State at Arizona vs. Louisiana-Lafayette vs. Texas at Kansas vs. Iowa State

10/27/12 11/03/12 11/10/12 11/17/12 11/24/12 12/01/12

vs. TCU at Kansas State vs. West Virginia vs. Texas Tech at Oklahoma at Baylor



09/01/12 09/08/12 09/22/12 10/06/12 10/13/12 10/20/12

at UTEP vs. Florida A&M vs. Kansas State at Texas Tech vs. Texas vs. Kansas


10/27/12 11/03/12 11/10/12 11/17/12 11/24/12 12/01/12

vs. Notre Dame at Iowa State vs. Baylor at West Virginia vs. Oklahoma State at TCU August/September 2012



Turning 20 With SMC [by Sara English]

Stillwater Medical Center Home Care appreciates the support of the medical community from the Stillwater area for the past twenty years of service. Working closely with the family physician is a key part of providing the care at a quality level at both Cimarron Medical Services and Stillwater Medical Center Home Health Services. Stillwater Medical

Center Home Care appreciates that guidance provided from Dr. D. Todd Green, current medical director of Stillwater Medical Center Home Health Services. Prior to Dr. Green’s guidance, Stillwater Medical Center Home Health Services was founded and overseen by Dr. Tim Smalley.

east side of Stillwater. Our services have grown to meet the needs of our patients over the past 20 years and we plan to continue doing so. We have planned a celebration starting with weekly giveaways in August and will be capping off with an Open House Cookout at our Cimarron location.

Extended past nursing care, to providing equipment for patients was also accomplished in the acquisition of Cimarron Medical Services. Cimarron Medical Services employees participate in the Relay for Life each year as a commitment to the patients served. Lifeline services reach out when family cannot be near to assist the patients in the home. “Providing patients with the choice to stay in the comfort of their home, and still maintain their safety and health needs is why we do what we do.” Cimarron Medical Services is located at 723 S. Eastgate, just 1 block south of Hwy 51 on the

The employees of Stillwater Medical Center Home Care are dedicated professionals that are excited and thrilled to be serving the home care needs of our area. Driven by the vision of Stillwater Medical Center, employees are committed to service excellence. Stillwater Medical Center Home Care continues to be the healthcare provider of choice for home care in this region and is known for setting the standard of quality care and patient satisfaction over the past twenty years. Come join in the celebration of Stillwater Medical Center Home Care!

Stillwater Medical Home Health Services is located at 824 S. Walnut. We are open Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm. We can be contacted at 405-624-6578. For more information you can visit our website at www.stillwater-medical.org Cimarron Medical Services is located east of Stillwater on Highway 51 at 723 Eastgate, just south of the John Deere dealership. We are open Monday through Friday from 9am to 6pm, and on Saturday from 9am to 1pm. We can be contacted locally at 405-377-9735, toll free at 800-368-1346, or on our website www.shopcimarronmedical.com.


August/September 2012



In 1992, Stillwater Medical Center launched a revolutionary idea creating a division of Home Care. The ability to provide quality care to the citizens of Payne County in their home was a dream come true for the visionary staff that made up the initial Home Care team. Maria Avers, Clinical Supervision at Stillwater Medical Center Home Health (SMCHH), still remembers the day they walked into the first home. “It has been a memorable ride for us and we are very blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community.”



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