OKIDO issue 10 - Feelings and Emotions

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OKIDO magazine ages 2–7 ISSN 1753-3139 £3.50 Issue 10 2009

s a n d fe el i n o i t ngs o m E

OKIDO, PO Box 51971, LONDON SW9 8UZ info@okido.co.uk http://www.okido.co.uk Published by: Okido Studio Editor: Sophie Dauvois (sophie@okido.co.uk) Creative Director: Rachel Ortas Art Director: Edmund Fung Creative production: Alex Barrow Sub-Editing, PR and Marketing: Gabby Dawnay (gabby@okido.co.uk) Contributors: Alex Barrow, Gabby Dawnay, Kate Hindley, Beth Morrison, Mathilde Nivet, Paul Noble, Rachel Ortas, Lesley Saddington, Sabrina Tabuchi, Soju Tanaka and Charlotte Watts. Thanks to: Stephan Silver for proofreading, Emilie and Jules for their help with Foxy, Emil, Felix, Isabella, Jemima, Robert and Ruben for being in the photos and Stella Fox for the photographs in Sukie the Cat. Thanks to the Wellcome Trust for its support OKIDO is printed on 100% recycled paper and using biodegradable vegetable ink by CALVERTS print co-operative.

Distributed in the UK by WWMD. Tel: 0121 788 3112 Check out our website for a list of stockists www.okido.co.uk © Okido Studio 2009. All rights reserved and reproduction forbidden.

Subscription A subscription costs £20 in the UK (£30 international) for the next 6 issues, including delivery. Okido is published every 3 months. Subscribe by Post: you can send your child’s name and address along with a cheque payable to Okido to: Okido, PO Box 51971, LONDON SW9 8UZ Subscribe Online: on : http://www.okido.co.uk/ where you can pay by CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL

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Hello, how are you today? Add a mouth and eyebrows to these faces to make them sad, happy, scared or however you are feeling.

Story & Illustration by: Rachel Ortas

Today, Messy Monster, Felix and Zoe are happily playing cards together.

‘Hooray! I win the game,’ says Felix.

‘This game is no fun, I don’t want to play anymore!’ says Messy Monster.

‘Come on, it is just a game. Don’t be cross,’ says Zoe.

‘Stop moaning Messy Monster and let’s make a castle together,’ says Felix.

‘Ok, my little friends, will you invite a King?’ says Messy Monster.

‘Welcome to our castle, King of Hearts,’ says Felix.

‘Yes let’s have fun!’ says Zoe.

Laughing is good for you!

Our questions with

Story by: Dr. Sophie Illustration by: Alex Barrow

Zim, I have a question: why do we LAUGH or CRY? What makes us do it? L A B

It is your EMOTIONS, Zam, that make you laugh or cry. Actually, I’ve built a robot to explain “emotions”…

What…? A ROBOT?! What about me?

Huh! I can show you what emotions are!

I’m very happy to meet you!

This is ‘OK-1’. I built him with the ability to demonstrate emotions and feelings.

Oh no… What’s going on?

Hello OK-1!


Hmmm. Let’s see what’s wrong...

Stupid robot! They always break down.

I’m very sad to hear that, ha ha ha ha!

Somone crossed OK-1’s wires!!!





Why is he laughing when he is sad...?


LAUGHING Draw the wires in their correct sockets.


Great, I’m pleased you are fixed OK-1! Now you can communicate your feelings like humans do.

thank you. i am so happy!


Humph! That’s basic. There are so many more emotions and different ways to show them.

Don’t be silly Zoom, you can’t be jealous of a robot!!

Poem by: Gabby Dawnay Illustration by: Alex Barrow

Chart your ups & downs Are yours like a mountain? in lov e exc ite d ha pp y we ll tire d sad an gry mo od em y ba ras sed no tw ell time

Illustration by: Soju Tanaka

Inside Me Illustration by: Kate Hindley Story re-told by Gabby Dawnay, from a traditional Cherokee tale

Once upon a time, a young wolf cub sat down with his grandfather for a chat about life and such things. “Did you know,” the grandfather began, “that there are two wolves fighting a battle inside all of us?” The small wolf’s eyes widened as he shook his head. “One wolf is angry and jealous,” went on the grandfather wolf, “he is selfish and mean; cruel and unkind and spiteful. The other wolf is gentle and patient. He is generous and loving, brave and truthful and wise.” The cub was curious and a little frightened as he asked, “But which wolf will win the battle?” “Whichever one you feed, of course!” replied his grandfather.

re dw olf

Can you think of things you do that feed the gentle wolf? Can you think of things you do that feed the angry wolf?

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What is the blu e wo lf feeling?

Illustration by: Mathilde Nivet

Seek. Locate.

Can you see Foxy in the land of emotions. Is he scared, dreamy, happy or in the cuddle tree?

Can you see them?

Story & Illustration by: Beth Morrison




boiled rice





Recipe by: Sabrina Tabuchi


How to make rice faces GraB a handful of rice and roll it in your hands to make a ball*



! A A D A T BEnto box


e with Ric Faces!

eat them with soy sauce! you can PUT a bit of tuna in the middle of THE rice ball TOO!


You feel in love

You feel proud

You feel ashamed

You feel good

You feel angry

You feel bored

You feel excited

You feel sad

Mime the Feeling Chatterbox! and how to make it:

Cut page out along the dotted line.

Fold the corners into the centre.

It should look like this. Flip over and fold corners into the centre

Fold the square in half.

Unfold and fold in half the other way

and put your fingers inside.

until you have a square again.

Make a diamond shape. Look inside to see which emotion you have to act out.

Ready to play? Ask for a number.

Open and close the chatterbox as many times as that number.

Pick a colour and open that flap.

If there is a 3rd person ask them to guess the emotion.

Story & Illustration by: Les & Tots

One day Sukie finds herself alone in her attic room.

As she stands next to her easel, she suddenly feels bored and very alone. ‘I know. I’ll go and look for my friends,’ says Sukie.

Sukie knocks at Lolobirds door but no, she’s not there.

Sukie knocks at Dottydogs door but no, he’s not there either.

Sukie looks out of the window to see if Tedsnail is on his ledge but no, even he’s not there.

Tedsnail is Tedsnail grooving at a is grooving music festival. at a music festival.

Dottydog is racing a dodgem car at the fun fair.

Sukie is sad. She imagines everyone is out having fun....

Lolobird is sitting in a box at the theatre watching the opera.

Sukie looks out of her attic window and starts to drift off into a catnap.

She finds herself in the magical garden. ‘Of course‘, says Sukie, ‘I can never really be alone when I have my imagination.’ She decides what to paint from her imagination…

Guess Which Story!

What are these children reading? Can you think of a story that might make them‌ scared, thoughtful, sad, happy, squeamish‌?

In the photos: Jemima, Ruben, Robert, Felix and Isabella.

Draw a story that made you scared, sad or happy‌ Which one will you start with?



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This issue of OKIDO is about Feelings and Emotions. Messy Monster loves to play cards but doesn’t like it when he looses! Zim, Zam and Zoom are explaining why we laugh and cry but oops, Zoom is a bit jealous of the new robot... and re-appears to talk about lots of different emotions! Foxy visits the land of emotions. Squirrel Boy feels a bit sad - will his friends think of something to cheer him up? Sukie the Cat is lonely but finds happiness in her magical world. Discover new friends, play, cook, draw! Enjoy!!!

How’s everyone feeling? Check the cover, then draw it or write it down!

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