OKIDO issue 20 - Music

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The Arts & Science Magazine for Kids Stories Activities Games Doodles Experiments & Songs Issue #20 Music Okido is a quarterly magazine for children aged 2 and above

ISSN 1753-3139 / ÂŁ 4 04 9

771753 313013

Illustration by Miqui Viars

Hello Okido readers! Welcome to your magazine! This issue is all about music. Do you like music? Does it make you dance and feel happy? Let’s play with sound and let’s sing two fabulous Okido songs. Enjoy! Start by writing your name:

Okido helps children learn through play. It is full of stories, activities and games that stimulate creativity and inspire scientific interest.

Messy Monster, Felix and Zoe (p.4) meet Pop and find his lost melody. Zim Zam and Zoom (p.8) wonder what sound is and how it travels. Foxy (p.12) is lost in a musical forest. Squirrel Boy (p.14) discovers dancing. Read stories, build fun instruments with Lullatone (p.18), sing and dance with the riverside band (p.34), and the sing along song (p.40), make a pop-up card (p.31), experiment with sound (p.42), colour in and doodle-do! (p.23)

Hello Pop.

I am looking for Messy Monster because I’ve lost my melody and I think he might have eaten it? *


* Messy Monster eats everything...

Story & Illustration by Rachel Ortas

Knock, Knock! Hello my name is Pop.

No, No! I didn’t eat your melody. Look!

I only ate a clock today!

Wait! I know a musician called Doremi. He knows all about music!

Oh, no! How am I going to get my melody back? Let’s go and find Doremi.



Look! Here he is! Hello, Doremi.

e Doremi lives in the middle of the for

Oh, it’s my song! So beautiful... 6

Hooray! Bravo, bravo Doremi.

‘But how can I remember my favourite song?’ Wonders Pop.

‘You can write it down as music. Stay with me and I will show you,’ Doremi replies.

It’s so much fun to play music together!

And he teaches Pop all about notes and music! 7

Questions with Zim Zam Zoom:

What is sound?

Sound is vibration

When you strum a guitar, the strings vibrate and what you hear is the sound of the vibrations.

Story by Dr Sophie and illustration by Alex Barrow

When you blow air into a flute, the air vibrates in the tube and what you hear is the sound of the vibrations.


When you hit a drum; the drum vibrates which makes the sound. The bigger the drum, the bigger the vibration and the sound is louder and lower!

How does sound travel? When sound travels through air, you cannot see it, but if you could see it, it would look something like this:

Follow the sound waves by turning the page.

Quiet sound wave Hey! I am touching sound and I don’t know it. Loud sound wave


Can I stop the sound wave with a piece of paper or wood?

No. Sound can travel across everything, even through me, look!

I can hear the drums! me too!


How do you hear sound?


Your ear translates the vibrations that make the sound waves and turns them into sounds in your head!

eardrum Inside Zoom’s head

This is what happens inside your ear: 1 Sound waves hit the eardrum causing it to vibrate 2 This vibration then makes 3 mini bones vibrate (the 3 bones look like a hammer, an avil and a stirrup) 3 All the vibrations then travel through a spiral and are taken by a nerve to your brain. 4 Finally you hear the sound in your head! hammer avil

We are the smallest bones in the body!

message to brain

sound wave 4

eardrum 1

stirrup 2

spiral 3

nerve 11

Find Foxy


Illustration by Mathilde Nivet

Which instrument would Foxy like to try? Can you find him?

Can you spot these? 13

14 Story & Illustration by Beth Morrison




Materials + imagination = music! With the Lullatone Family! This is Niko, Shawn and Yoshimi! They are Lullatone, a D.I.Y. pop band from Japan. Hi! We’re playing music with instruments that we have made with the materials below!

by Lullatone.com Go to okido.co.uk to watch the Lullatone play their DIY instruments.


Plastic Cups


Elastic bands

Paper Balloon

Sticky Tape

Scissors Cardboard Roll




+ beads

= 2 cups

+ balloon

= roll

+ Jar & ballon



= Chopstick & Paper


Now you have a go!


Story & Illustration by Ana Kazaroff

Monica was a very shy girl. She never wanted to speak.

One day she found a harmonica in the garden.

She picked it up and blew into it. She practiced and practiced until she finally made music! 20

Later on that day, she went to the park where she saw two girls playing. She really wanted to join in with their game but she was too shy to say anything.

The girls understood what Monica was trying to say and they all played a game together.

So she played a song on her harmonica.

Then Monica played a different tune and they all danced! 21

When Monica got home, her brother, who was always bothering her, pulled her hair.

So she played very angry music until her brother said he was sorry and promised not to do it again.

Expressing herself with music finally gave her the confidence to speak and from that day on she talked and talked and talked.

But she still played her harmonica so that all her friends could dance! 22

Let’s Okidoodle!

Illustration by Alex Barrow

Which tuba is making a sound? and which one is blocked? Draw/colour the sound erupting out of the the working tuba!

Instead of talking, let’s sing everything!

Today, I’ll sing everything I do!

I sing at breakfast,

Illustration by Rachel Ortas

do you want some toast?

I sing on my way.

I am going to school

I sing when I wake up. Rise and shine!

I sing when I wash,

brush, brush, brush

I sing hellooooo to greet my friends

I sing hellooooo to greet my friends.

I dance, dance, dance.

I sing when I play. It’s like, Opera all day!

Colour in the animals you can hear

Complete the pictures, draw the music!

Design and Illustration by a secret club: schhh.org

Draw the missing keys, bellows and strings

Let’s play with our musical friends, the notes I’m Quaver! I have many friends!

Semibreve I am the longest note

A pair of quavers! We dance together Minim rest Stubborn

Crotchet rest Rest for a beat!

Treble clef Sharp Optimist

I am the first one on the lines

I’m Minim! I am two beats

Flat Gloomy

Triplet “Let’s waltz!”

I’m Crotchet! I am one beat

4 4


Write your own music








Make your own Pop-up Orchestra Instructions 1 Pull out this page from the magazine

and cut it in half, where shown. 2 Cut out the individual pop-up characters.

3 Fold the images on the tabs

and stick them with tape to their matching strips on the background image.

Illustration by Alex Barrow

I love Orange Ice-Cream! You will need: 4 oranges The juice of 1 lemon 4 table spoons of cream a cup of caster sugar

Slice the tops off the oranges and using a spoon, scoop out their contents into a large bowl.Keep the empty skins and place them in the freezer. 1

2 Add the lemon

juice to the pulp and juice of the 4 oranges. Then add the sugar and the cream.

4 Pour the mixture into

an ice-cream machine and churn until almost frozen. If you don’t have an ice-cream machine, cool the mixture, then poor into a container and place in the freezer, making sure you turn the mixture with a fork every hour or so to break up the ice crystals. 5 Fill the orange skins

with the almost set ice cream and return them to the freezer. Take out of the freezer 5 mins before serving. Enjoy!

3 Use a blender

to mix all the ingredients until smooth.


The Riverside band


erside Band... ith me, come take m w v i e y ha nd om , eR And h t we’l of l dan ll guitar ce to the rhythm sma

his n A rat strums the songs o near and far. om r .. f And the animals come Th plays with his bill e ere h t t ha ’s a d u c k w it h a s a x splish-splash and the h s i f birds all trill. the While and jazz and a little b p o p it of folk ck, o r do is ribbit- croak- croak. y h e h t i Th w eat b e t-toot! th o s ys the flute o t p e a a e l k t g . p As a fro oo e r s t u mo mpe a u d r n t a An otter blows the gong a s ang b e l mo While a


fiddle playing fiddle - dee - dee a h t i at w n with a song and busy, buzzy bee... There’s a c And a swa


a of the Riverside B

nd !

e trees above Singing high, singing low singing all about love... beat of the drum and the too e h t t of the To horn We can dan ce all ni n. w g h a t and w till d me with me, come tak e e ’ l c l n d a So co e And we’ll danc e to t

my ha nd, he rh ythm of t

he Riverside Band !

scan this code or go to okido.co.uk to listen to the song

W hen it’s

mpiest joint in all th u j e h e la t It’s nd Let’s dance to the rhy doves cooooo thm in th

Poem by Gabby Dawnay, Illustration by Alex Barrow Music by the Severed Limb

ger picks the ba d a njo db twa Ol her danc ng-tin t e g e now g- a-ling to l , ever A ybod y sing !


Game design and Illustration by Peter Slight

40 Song by Matthieu Beck and Marie Merlet Illustratiotn by Maggie Li

scan this code or go to okido.co.uk to listen to the song 41

Design and Illustration by Maggie Li

Make a String Phone You will need:


yoghurt pot

1. Cut holes in the bottom of both cups and thread a string through , tying a knot to secure it in place.

d to et a frien ou g w o N . 2 ty cup whils it hold one ther. Hold ! o e th ld ho to it speak in tight and


Tips! Try going into different rooms. How does it sound? also try making a three way telephone by tying an extra piece of string to the middle!


How does it work? When you s peak throug h the cup th sound trave e ls along the string by vibrating; th is then reac hes the oth person’s cu er p and ears.

Make a Xylophone You will need: 6 glasses or more Jug of water Pair of sticks

Use the jug to fill your glasses with different amounts of water. Tap the glass with a stick and hear the different sounds you get! Is the sound higher or lower when there is less water in the glass?

Top Tip! ho ld this page to the light. Can you see the different sound wave s?


more experiments...

Guitar Cups 1. Find some elastic bands of different thicknesses.

2. Stretch them over a cup and play it!

Sound waves

Straw Whistle

High Frequency

Low Frequency

Like a:

Like a:

1. Partly cut through a straw, careful not to break it in two. 2. Hold the straw at a right angle in a glass of water and blow gently. 3. Raise and lower the straw in the glass. Can you hear the sound change? 44

Straw Reed 1. Flatten a drinking straw and snip one end into a point. 2. Now blow through this end until you make a sharp sound

Seeing sounds: Play the hopping and skipping puffed rice race! You will need:

rice cereal

coloured pens



1. Draw some circles on the piece of paper to create circular tracks 2. Place the piece of paper over a speaker. 3. Colour your rice cereal with a different colour for each player 4. Turn on the music and put the volume up high! 5. Watch the cereal dance and jump! 6. The first rice out of the tracks wins!

Cats love it too!! Which music makes the cereal jump more? 45

Subscribe to Okido A subscription costs £20 in the UK (£30 for Europe and £40 for the rest of the world) for the next 6 issues including delivery. Okido is published every 3 months. Subscribe by post: you can send your child’s name and address along with a cheque payable to Okido to: Okido, 41 Bowen Drive, London SE21 8NS Subscribe online at www.okido.co.uk where you can pay by credit card or PayPal.

My head-to-toe body book A new book by Okido published by Thames & Hudson RRP £12.95 Original, imaginative and lots of fun, ‘My head-to-toe body book’ is a look at the body, inside and out. Children investigate topics by playing and learning – the book is packed with things to do, on and off the page, including games, recipes and craft activities.

www.okido.co.uk Okido, 41 Bowen Drive London SE21 8NS info@okido.co.uk Published by Okido Studio Editor Sophie Dauvois sophie@okido.co.uk Creative Director Rachel Ortas Art Director Alex Barrow Associate art director Maggie Li Design Brighten the Corners Sub-Editing Gabby Dawnay Contributors A secret club: schhh. org, Gabby Dawnay, Ana Kazaroff, Lullatone.com, Beth Morrison, Mathilde Nivet, Paul Noble, Peter Slight, Soju Tanaka and Miqui Viars. Music The Riverside Band by The Severed Limb and Sing along Song text and music by Matthieu Beck and Marie Merlet. Thanks to Chatchat, Emil and Nemo for staring in the pictures. Special Thanks to Andrew Ioakim, Sofia Lloyd and Ben Rider for their help with this issue. Okido is printed on FSC paper using biodegradable vegetable ink by Calverts print co-operative. © Okido Studio 2012. All rights reserved and reproduction forbidden.

To order your copy at the special price of £10 including UK mainland delivery (overseas costs available on request) please visit www.thamesandhudson.com or call T&H distributor Littlehampton Book Services on 01903 828503, quoting “TH175”. Offer is subject to availability and will run until 1st October 2012.

Scan over this code with your phone or go to okido.co.uk to listen to all the songs!

This issue of Okido is all about music. Read fabulous stories, draw, make stuff, sing, create and enjoy your new Okido.

Okido helps children learn through play. It is full of stories, activities and games that stimulate creativity and inspire scientific interest. Issue #20 Music This issue has been printed on FSC paper using biodegradable vegetable inks.






& a recipe


Get in touch Send us a postcard, a question, photos or drawings for a chance to get published on our website! We would love to hear from you. Email: myokido@okido.co.uk

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