OKIDO issue 0

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OKIDO magazine

for ages 2–7

ISSN 1753-3139


Issue 0,


OKIDO is published every 2 months by Microblob Press; Sophie Dauvois (editor) Edmund Fung (designer) Rachel Ortas (illustrator) Stories & illustrations by: Cléofée, Sophie Dauvois, Beth Morrison, Parusha Naidoo, Mathilde Nivet, Paul Noble, Rachel Ortas & Miki Viars. Thanks: Parusha Naidoo for text, research and cooking section, Sabrina Tabuchi for Photographs, Trinity, Teli, Jahmiles, Emil for testing and being on the photographs. Alex Barrow for advice. All members of Indy and Ink for the helpful discussion at the Dog and Duck. CONTACT address: OKIDO PO box 51971 LONDON SW9 8UZ e-mail: sophie@okido.co.uk We can all be contacted at info@okido.co.uk

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WEB: http://www.okido.co.uk http://www.myspace.com/okido Okido is printed on 100% recycled paper and biodegradable vegetable ink by CALVERTS print co-operative. Calverts is an accredited Forest Stewardship Council, or FSC, printer, using paper made from well-managed forest products; from 100% post-consumer recycled paper (see www.calverts.coop)

© Microblob Press 2007. All rights reserved and reproduction forbidden.

Welcome to OKIDO! You can write and draw on your OKIDO magazine, it’s yours to read and play with! Have fun! Let’s start by writing your name.

My name is: ------------OKIDO is an art & science magazine for 2–7 year olds. A magazine for children and adults to enjoy together. OKIDO contains educational and fun things to do and read.

Story & Illustrations by: Rachel Ortas

Hello, my name is Zoe. One day my brother, Felix and I discovered that a very very Messy Monster was living in our house!

Do you have a Messy Monster?

Do you often have one of your shoes missing?

Do you suddenly find your room in a very big mess? Of course it’s not your fault!

If so, you probably have a Messy Monster living with you!

One day my brother Felix and I decided to catch the Messy Monster.

And after looking everywhere in the house, we finally found him! Much bigger than we thought!

Messy Monster was eating a sock! “Look, here is the car I was looking for,” said Felix. It’s in his belly! And this is the beginning of many more adventures!

Our experiments with

by: Sophie Dauvois

ZIM, ZAM & ZOOM “ I like receiving postcards,

letters from my friends,

parcels from my grandma,

and my super fun magazine.

But how do they get to my door?� * * You can send or email your questions to Zoom at OKIDO (see inside cover for contacts)

zoo my 45 Big Street London SW9 9IXJ

z 45 oom Lon Big S y don tr SW eet 99 XJ


Do they grow little legs and walk all the way to me?

Does a bird bring the letters to my door?

Is there a tunnel under houses the letters travel through?

Do You Know? ZIM, ZAM and ZOOM would like to know, so they are going to do an experiment! Zoom is really quite magical. He can stretch, squeeze, get bigger, smaller or even become invisible!

Then ZAM sends the envelope (ZOOM is in) to ZIM’s house. ZOOM goes into an envelope which has ZIM’s address and a stamp on it.

ZIM 33 Dr Zeu N44 3ES s Rd LDN

Here is a ZIM, ZAM and ZOOM idea

I wait for my letter

Then ZOOM will tell us where he is so we will know where letters go.


Let’s follow ZOOM!

ZAM posts ZOOM

Those letters are going to another town by train

zim 33 dr zeus rd N44 3E5 LDN

33 zim d N44 r zeu 3E5 s rd LDN

bye bye see you later...

A few hours later, a postman opens the letter box and puts ZOOM into a big grey bag...

I’m in the big bag, with lots of other letters. The postman is driving the red van. Where are we going?


How is ZOOM going to arrive at ZIM’s

I am in a mail sorting centre. I am going to have a ride on a big slide! And fall into a new bag! See you in a bit!

hou se?

Fol lo

w hi m .. .

Mail Sorting Centre ZIM

zim rd zeus 33 dr 5 LDN N44 3E

When the red van arrives at the mail sorting centre, all the letters are taken out of the bags. Then they are put on the machine to be sorted. All the letters going to the same town will then go in one bag and will travel to that town by van, train or plane.

Those letters are going to another country by plane

Distribution Centre

where is ZOOM?

I am in the trolley now!


ZIM’s house 33

33 d zim r N44 zeus r d 3E5 LDN

Now We Do It! 1

cut page along dotted line 4

tape the 4 corners together 7

put a stamp in the corner


write letter in central square 5

turn over 8

take the letter to the letter box and post


fold corners to centre 6

write address on the front






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Birds lay eggs‌ How many yellow chicks can you see?

Illustration by: Miki Viars

by: Mathilde Nivet

Seek. Locate. Foxy

is at the school fair today. Help him find his friends:

a fly’s eye is made of hundreds of mini eyes

a Fly by: Sophie Dauvois

a fly can walk on walls and ceilings, it must have really sticky feet!

a fly drinks with a long tongue, which it uses like a straw.

Story & Illustrations by: Beth Morrison

courgette & cheese muffins

muffin ingredients:

by: Parusha Naidoo & Sophie Dauvois

2 cups of self-raising flour 2 eggs 1 tsp of baking powder ¼ cup vegetable oil 1 cup grated cheese 1 cup grated courgettes ¼ cup milk

Prepare ingredients, mix it all up, Pour mix in muffin cases and tin, Bake in preheated oven for 35 minutes at 200°/Gas mark 6. While it’s cooking, prepare the alien decoration!!!

decoration ingredients: black olives, cucumber, green peas, cream cheese courgettes, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cheese pepper (red, yellow) cocktail sticks

When the muffins are cooked and cooled, have fun decorating them with cocktail stick antennae, carrot legs, olive eyes, cheesy hair and anything else you can imagine. Make aliens, one eyed octopus, spaceships... and then... eat them all!!


The Beautiful Hen Adapted from an African tale by: Parusha Naidoo & Sophie Dauvois Illustration by: Cléofée

A hen who is walking around sees a brilliantly colourful unusual flower and exclaims, “Coockoodoo, coockcooda” I do not know what that is but I am going to hang it on my tail. The hen then hangs the flower on its tail. A rhinoceros who is walking around sees the hen with the flower and exclaims, “Rinoceri, rinocera” I do not know what that is but it is definitely not to stick on your tail, it is to stick on my horn. The rhinoceros then hangs the flower on its horn. A lion who is walking around sees the rhinoceros with the flower and exclaims, “Growli, growla” I do not know what that is but it is absolutely not to stick on your horn, it is to stick on my mane. Then lion then hangs the flower on its mane. An ostrich who is walking around sees the lion decorated with the flower and exclaims, “Ostrichi, ostricha” I do not know what that is, but it is really not to stick on your mane, it is to stick on my wing. The ostrich then hangs the flower on its wing.

A giraffe who is walking around sees the ostrich with the flower and exclaims, “Giraffiti, giraffita” I do not know what that it is but obviously it is not to hang on your wing, it is to stick on my neck. The giraffe then hangs the flower on its neck. An elephant who is walking around sees the giraffe with the flower and exclaims, “Trumpeti, trumpeta” I do not know what that is but it is surely not to stick on your neck, it is to stick on my trunk. The elephant then hangs the flower on his trunk. A hippopotamus who is walking around sees the elephant with the flower and exclaims, “Hippopoti, hippopota” I do not know what that is but it is not to stick on your trunk of course, it is to stick on my ear. The hippopotamus then hangs the flower on its ear. A monkey who is walking around sees the hippopotamus with the flower and exclaims “Monkeysee, monkeydo” I do not know what that is but it is definitely not to stick on your ear, it is to stick on my head. The monkey then places the flower on its head A cockerel who is walking around sees the monkey with the flower and exclaims “Coockcoodoo, coockcooda” I know what that is and it is not to stick on your head. It is a flower and it is to give to the one you love. The charming cockerel gives the flower to the love of his life, the hen. Then the hen, Coquette, hangs the flower on her tail to make herself the most beautiful of them all.

Hello, I am an acorn. Do you know me? One day I landed in the middle of an allotment and the adventure began! I met all kinds of vegetables and all were super heroes!

It was coming from underground

Story & Illustrations by: Rachel Ortas

I was sleeping when I heard a noise

I made a little hole to see

A little potato was crying

Then suddenly the potato jumped out of the ground!


Peop l

atoes all arou t o p nd at

w the


I want to be a SUPER HERO!

“I think I am a super hero” said Potato.

Something Red

by: Sophie Dauvois

Today when we go out to the shop or the park, we are going to look for red things. Look up and down, everywhere on the way, can you see something red?

Now it’s your turn, draw something red!

! e m i T ty

r a P Ortas vois & Rachel by: Sophie Dau

u o t e g Let’s

s o c e t r pira

! y d a e r tumes

Dress up this pirate!

In the coming issues, you will meet your favorite heroes again, dream, create, experiment and invent. There will be more of Messy Monster and Squirrel Boy as they continue their adventures. We will have more fun with cooking, more science with ZIM ZAM ZOOM experiments, kitchen science and more fun things to discover.

SUBSCRIPTION To make sure you will be the first one to get your next OKIDO, subscribe now and you will get it in your letter box very soon!!! A year’s subscription costs £20 in the UK for the next 6 issues including delivery. To subscribe BY POST: You can send your child’s name and address along with a cheque to OKIDO PO box 51971 LONDON SW9 8UZ Please make cheques payable to: OKIDO ONLINE: Check out the OKIDO web site http://www.okido.co.uk where you can pay by CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL To find outthe rates for non UK subscribers please write to OKIDO PO box 51971 LONDON SW9 8UZ or e-mail: subscription@okido.co.uk


In this issue of OKIDO you are going to meet Messy Monster, discover how letters and parcels travel in the post, have fun with Foxy at the school fair, find out who is that small boy called Squirrel Boy and much much more.

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