Okido issue 1 - Water

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OKIDO magazine ages 2–7 ISSN 1753-3139 £3.50 Issue1 July, 2007

OKIDO is published every 2 months by Okido Studio; Sophie Dauvois (editor) Edmund Fung (designer) Rachel Ortas (illustrator & art director) Stories & illustrations by: Clara Courtaigne, Sophie Dauvois, Gabriella Dawnay, Edmung Fung, Beth Morrison, Parusha Naidoo, Mathilde Nivet, Paul Noble, Rachel Ortas, Charlie Sutcliffe & Kaz Takahashi. Thanks to : Christopher Gordon and Parusha Naidoo for text editing, Robin, Jahmiles and Emil for being on the photographs. CONTACT address: OKIDO PO box 51971 LONDON SW9 8UZ e-mail: sophie@okido.co.uk We can all be contacted at info@okido.co.uk

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WEB: http://www.okido.co.uk http://www.myspace.com/okido Okido is printed on 100% recycled paper and biodegradable vegetable ink by CALVERTS print co-operative. Calverts is an accredited Forest Stewardship Council, or FSC, printer, using paper made from well-managed forest products; from 100% post-consumer recycled paper (see www.calverts.coop)


Š Okido Studio 2007. All rights reserved and reproduction forbidden.

Illustration by: Charlie Sutcliffe

Story & Illustrations by: Rachel Ortas Story & Illustrations by: Rachel Ortas

Hello, my name is Zoe. One day my brother, Felix and I discovered that a very very Messy Monster was living in our house!

Hello! I am Zoe. My brother Felix and I love splashing in puddles!

Ho! What is it? Messy Monster has popped out of the puddle! ‘Come to play,’ he says, ‘I have got the submarine you lost...’

We jumped into the water! Deep inside the puddle. We can swim like fish. Hey! Follow the submarine!

Directly into the bath! Who is that escaping? Who is scared of the shampoo? Felix has his submarine back but what about Zoe’s red umbrella?

Our questions with

ZIM, ZAM & ZOOM Story by: Dr. Sophie Illustration by: Kaz Takahashi

Today ZIM, ZAM and ZOOM would like to know:

where does water come from? In their house they use water all the time. Look, ZAM is on the toilet and ZIM is watering the plants. What would they do next? ZAM might take a bath and play. ZIM is going to check under the sink to see where the water is going... Can you show ZOOM all the places using water in the house? Look everywhere... But where does the water come from? Does it come from the rain? Does it come from the river or the sea? Does it come from the tap and the pipes? ZIM, ZAM & ZOOM found something out: The blue pipes bring clean water to the house and the brown pipes take dirty water away. Let’s follow the pipes...

where is the clean water coming from?

where is the dirty water going to?

when it is cold water falls as snow

from the clouds water falls as rain

water makes lakes and rivers

This is the water purification plant.

dirty water clean water

water is taken from the river and from underground

Ho! No! The water is so dirty in there!

the water is clean now

sewage treatment plant

The dirty water is collected from all houses and buildings. It then travels in sewers to a sewage treatment plant. There the water is cleaned in big tanks. It’s a difficult job. When the water is clean it can then go to the river or the sea.

So where is the clean water coming from? ZIM is discovering the water cycle. Follow the water with him. The water runs into the river and the river flows into the sea. The sun makes the water evaporate from the sea. High in the sky it’s cold so the water turns into clouds. When it rains or snows the water falls down and goes underground or into lakes and rivers… and then back to the sea… look! water evaporates in the sky


Let’s make a paper boat. Cut page along dotted line

Fold page on middle line

Fold down both upper triangles

Align corner to make a flower

Fold bottom strip upward. Turn over.

Fold the other bottom strip up,

You’ve made a hat! Turn over & open.

Align the top & bottom corners.

It must look like this.

Fold the top front triangle downward

Turn it over and do the same

Open hat again

Align the top and bottom corners.

Pull apart the upper corners.

Open it slightly from underneath.

Here is your boat!

Paper boat designed by Kaz Takahashi

A joke (make another paper boat with any rectangular piece of paper and try this story) Once upon a time on the high seas, a Pirate ship bumped into some rocks (you tear off the front of the paper boat), the boat crashed into more rocks (tear off the other end of the boat ). The wind was so strong that the sail broke off (tear off the top of the sail). Weeks later the only thing we found was the Captain’s shirt (unfold the paper, you will have the shape of a shirt)!

by: Mathilde Nivet

Seek. Locate. Foxy

is at the beach today. Help him find his friends:

INSTRUCTIONS You need a dice and 1 counter per player. Counters can be small paper boats, stones, shells, bottle tops... You can make a dice with plasticine. Throw the dice and move your counter along the water game. If you land on a special message you might have to go forward or backward, or miss a go. The first player to reach the swimming pool by the exact toss of the dice, wins the game. Let’s play!

Game design & Illustration by: Clara Courtaigne

Story & Illustrations by: Beth Morrison

Down in The Grass Poem by: Gabriella Dawnay Illustration by: Edmund Fung

Down in the grass snakes pass, All different colours and patterns. Up in the trees leaves and leaves Fall on the grass where the snakes pass, All different colours and patterns. Up in the sky, birds fly, Over the trees where the leaves fall, Onto the grass where the snakes pass, All different colours and patterns.

Down in The Grass

Draw what you can find in the sky and the grass.

Down in the grass snakes pass, All different colours and patterns. Up in the trees leaves and leaves Fall on the grass where the snakes pass, All different colours and patterns. Up in the sky, birds fly, Over the trees where the leaves fall, Onto the grass where the snakes pass, All different colours and patterns.


by: Parusha Naidoo & Sophie Dauvois


ingredients: -- pizza dough -- tomato sauce -- cherry tomatoes -- olives -- mushrooms -- courgettes -- pepper -- grated cheese -- cress

To prepare pizza dough:

To prepare pizza toppings:

Use ready-made pizza base mix with hand hot water or make your own pizza dough using the following recipe:

Cut peppers, cherry tomatoes, courgettes, mushrooms and olives. Then cut shapes out of the dough using a knife and use a cup for cutting out the trees. Cover the dough with a layer of tomato sauce. Then decorate using all the ingredients to make houses, ponds, trees, roads or whatever you like. Don’t forget the cheese.

Mix 1/2 a cup of warm water with 1 tsp of yeast. Wait 5 minutes for yeast to dissolve. Add 2 cups of flour. Mix and roll into a ball and knead for 5 minutes. Roll out into a large square. Then leave it while you prepare toppings. (This gives the dough a chance to rise because the yeast produces tiny bubbles of gas).

Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 220째C or gas mark 7, and there you go!

There once grew a cactus in a dry, sandy desert. He suffered greatly from thirst and wanted a drink of water, but he couldn’t find any water anywhere in the dry desert. Other plants, that were his friends, lived in mild places. Some of them settled in gardens and orchards, some in humid forests and some near rivers and lakes. These plants didn’t suffer from thirst. They had plenty of water to drink. ‘How lucky they are!’ thought Cactus. ‘They live under the sun and are close to the water, but I am left alone in a dry desert! My leaves have dried up and turned into needles! I have become yellow without water for I don’t have legs or hands to go fetch for it; or friends to help me get it!’ At that moment, as if someone could read his mind, a voice spoke to Cactus. ‘Hello, there.’ Surprised, Cactus said, ‘Who is it? I can’t see anybody.’ ‘You can’t see me because I am very deep under the sand.’ replied the voice. ‘Who are you? And why are you hiding in the soil?’ asked Cactus.

Story Adapted from: Dr Farid Alakbarli Illustration by: Thibaud Hérem

‘I am Water. I am afraid of sunshine so I hide in the soil.’ said Water, ‘If I come out, I will evaporate immediately, and all the plants in the desert would suffer from thirst.’

‘I am suffering from thirst right now!’ said Cactus, ‘Can you see that my whole body has dried up?’ ‘Yes, I do.’ said Water. ‘Then what I should do to rescue myself?’ asked Cactus. ‘Give me your hand.’ said Water. ‘I have neither hands nor legs.’ said Cactus. ‘Then stretch down your roots,’ replied Water. ‘I am hidden very deep under the sand.’ It was true. Water was hidden very deep indeed. Cactus had to try very hard to reach it, but he didn’t lose hope. It took him a week’s hard work to find water, but he finally reached his goal. Cactus was incredibly happy and started drinking the water with great pleasure. It was ice cold for it came from very deep underground. From that day on Water and Cactus have become friends. All the plants are also friends with Water and they stretch their roots down towards it.

Float or Sink?

by: Dr. Sophie

Dr Scie and Dr Tist have just discovered that oranges float.

But what about other fruits and vegetables? What about a peeled orange? What about other objects?

To start the experiment, you will need a large bowl of water, five fruits and vegetables. You can also try this experiment with different collections of objects! Go and collect five objects that are in your room or in the garden. Draw the objects in the first row. Experiment. Will they float or will they sink? Record your results: object












It’s fun to test different collections of objects, some light and some heavy, some flat and some round, some made of metal and some made of plastic. Try to guess the results and test them. Will they float or will they sink? It’s like a game!

Illustration by: Charlie Sutcliffe

Fred the fish is swimming with his friends. Can you draw their smiling faces?

This is a tortoise. Please help him find a friend! Can you draw another animal with a house on its back?

How many legs does the octopus have?

2 4 6 8

Robin at the London Aquarium Photography: Charlie Sutcliffe

You can send us picture of you, your magazine, your pizzas, your paper boats, your adventures with water or your beautiful drawings at: myokido@okido.co.uk and we will put some of your images on our website (www.okido.co.uk) or in the next issue of OKIDO. Make sure you tell us your name and age. Thank you, lovely OKIDO readers!

SUBSCRIPTION To make sure you will be the first one to get your next OKIDO, subscribe now and you will get it in your letter box very soon!!! A year’s subscription costs £20 in the UK (£30 international) for the next 6 issues including delivery. To subscribe BY POST: You can send your child’s name and address along with a cheque to Okido PO box 51971 LONDON SW9 8UZ Please make cheques payable to: OKIDO ONLINE: Check out the OKIDO web site http://www.okido.co.uk where you can pay by CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL Check our stocklist on line at: http://www.okido.co.uk/stocklist.html Any other information at: subscription@okido.co.uk


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This issue of Okido is about WATER. You are going to meet Messy monster and Squirel Boy again and see what they are up to, discover where the water comes from with ZIM ZAM ZOOM, look for Foxy at the beach. play the water game and much much more.

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