Q &A Over the next few months, the members who make up OEC's board of trustees will answer questions about their service to fellow member-consumers and their communities. You will also learn more about them as people — devoted family members, small business leaders, your neighbors and more.
As representatives of you — our member-consumers — our board of trustees works hard to become the knowledgeable, dedicated trustees you would expect to lead your co-op. They direct your voice in decisionmaking and guide the operations that have set OEC apart from other electric providers. Last month, we heard from Rusty Grissom. This month, let's meet Ronnie Tharp from Verden who proudly represents members in District 9 (Amber, Dibble, Mustang and Pocasset).
RONNIE THARP Q Most electric companies consist of investors and personnel stationed in all parts of the world, disconnecting them from the true needs of today's electric consumers. Electric co-ops like OEC consist of people right here in the very communities we serve. Which community do you proudly call home? A I was born in Oklahoma City but moved to Verden/Pocasset area at a young age. I've remained in the Verden/Pocasset area most of my life. Q What is your full-time occupation? A I am retired now, but I help my son on our farm operation near Pocasset. Q Tell our readers something interesting about you — something not a lot of people may know about you. A I worked 35 years at Western Farmers Electric Cooperative (WFEC, OEC's wholesale power supplier) — 21 years in the power plant, nine years as a dispatcher and five years as an Operations Compliance Specialist.
Oklahoma Electric Co-op News • November 2020
[Employees] are all so talented at what they do and have great knowledge of their jobs. They're passionate about serving our members well and making sure that when the lights do go out, they're quick to get them back on.