The Chronic Magazine - January 2023

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HouseRepublican medicalmarijuana policypackage IllustrationInside!
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CONTENTS THEDIVINECOLLECTION THECHRONICMAGAZINE JANUARY2023 21 CANNABIS&HEALTH ThebestTHCDetoxMethod 7 The Divine Collection was an instant classic The amazing hash rosin, the logo and the reputation made every hashie look twice for the newest Divine Drop in every dispensary Whether the market has been underoroverpopulated,TheDivineCollectionhasalwaysbeenahuge contenderforthetopspotoneveryhashrosinshelf Therearemany differentspecies ofpsilocybin magic mushrooms,and eachonehasits ownunique propertiesand effects Let'stake acloserlookat someofthe mostpopular typesof psilocybinmagic mushrooms 19 25 TASTYTHC PromisesandChallengesofEdibleCannabis 11 CONCENTRATEDNEWS BiggestMarijuanaBustEver:Over1,886Pounds ofPotSeized 14 TRUSTME!I'MALAWYER 12-PointPlan(PARTONE) 15 COOKINGWITHABUZ! MaryJ'sCrunchyNoodleSaladwith Mango&ChiliDressing 19 Identifyingthemost popularspeciesof magicmushroom 21 CANNASCIENCE TheworldofCannabinoidsandTerpenes Myrcene 25 CANNABISINYOUR DAILYROUTINE 6surprisingwaystogetthemostoutofits medicinalbenefitsin2023 29 10PREDICITIONS forthe2023CannabisIndustry 35 THEDIVINECOLLECTION TheMonthlyCannabisReview 39 OHSOSPOTLESS! Howtocleanabong,therightway! 43 GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 46

As a cannabis user, you may be interested in learning about the best THC detox methods. While there is no surefirewaytocompletelyridyourbody of THC, there are some things you can do to help speed up the process Keep reading to learn about the most effectiveTHCdetoxmethods!

THC detox kits provide a unique way

Whetheryou'reasocialsmokerorhave indulged in recreational cannabis use, quittingforaweekcansurprisinglyhave abigimpactonyourbody Whileitmay feel like seven days won't be long enoughtodetoxyoursystem,itisastart ifyouwanttofreeyourselfofunwanted toxinsorjustseehowitfeels.

Taking the time to understand your body and its responses can be incrediblyrewarding,especiallyifyou're considering giving up cannabis altogether So why not give abstaining for seven days a go? You never know, youmightbesurprisedbytheresults.

Abstainingfromcannabisuseforevena short period of time may feel like an eternity, especially if you ' re a habitual user. That said, the benefits of abstention can be substantial. Studies show that regular cannabis users often experience an uplift in creativity, motivation, and innovation after temporarily taking a break from smoking Taking some time away from your preferred strain or method of consumption may also allow you to appreciate cannabis on a wholly new levelwhenyoudodecidetoresumeuse

If you are looking to reset your relationshipwithcannabisandopenup toarenewedsenseofappreciationand connectionwiththisextraordinaryplant - taking 2 - 4 weeks off could be just whatthedoctorordered.

y detoxingfromTHCsuch asconsumingcertain foodsanddrinksor exercisingregularly

DetoxingfromTHC,theactivesubstance in marijuana doesn't have to involve harsh supplements or serious commitments; in fact, some swear by natural methods, such as dietary and lifestyle changes Specifically, research suggests that certain foods and drinks can help flush out THC from the body's systems in a gentle but effective way Additionally, regular exercise is known for aiding acids in the liver that are necessary for breaking down this psychoactive compound By trying out thesenaturalmethodsfordetoxingfrom THC, you might find yourself feeling surprisinglycleansed!

Ifyou'reacasual cannabisuser,abstaining fromsmokingforaweek shouldbesufficientto detoxyoursystem
Ifyou'rearegular cannabisuser,it's recommendedthatyou abstainfromsmokingfor atleast2-4weeks
Forthosewhoarelooking foramorethorough detox,therearevarious THCdetoxkitsavailable onthemarket
to start fresh For those who have accidentally ingested THC, these detoxkitsareanidealsolutionasthey cleanseyourbodybyremovingstored toxins from both the blood and urine. In addition, they give you the chance to pass drug tests with confidence! With strategically formulated ingredients that work together to heightentoxinrelease,it'seasytosee why many rely on these kits for total peace of mind. Whether looking for minorormaximumdetoxification,THC detoxkitsofferaneffectivealternative toregulardetoxingtechniquessoyou can carry on with your day without worrying about any lingering THC in yoursystem
Cannabis&Health JANUARY 2023 7

Whichever methodof detoxing THCoutof yoursystem youchoose makesuret stayhydrated andgetplentyof rest-yourbody willthankyoufor

Detoxing THC out of the system isn't alwaysaneasytask,butitcanbedone Depending on your lifestyle and situation, different approaches to detoxingwillbemoreeffective-noonesize-fits-all solution exists However, whichever approach you take there are two universal tips for optimizing your results: staying hydrated and getting rest By setting your body up with these basic necessities you can ensure that your detox process is as efficient as possible, so make sure not to forget them! After all, taking care of yourself is the best way to make sure your body is thankingyouinreturn

If you want to detox your system from THC, there are various ways you can go aboutit-italldependsonyourlevelof use and how thorough you want the detoxtobe Forcasualusers,abstaining from smoking for a week should do the trick, while regular users may need to giveupcannabisfortwoweeksormore

There are also THC detox kits available onthemarketifyou'relookingforamore thorough cleanse. Some people swear by natural methods such as consuming certain foods and drinks, or exercising regularly Whichever method you choose,makesuretostayhydratedand get plenty of rest - your body will thank youforit! JANUARY 2023 8

Promisesand Challengesof EdibleCannabis


The first pro to using edibles would be how easy it is to consume and how much variety youcanchoosefrom Edibleswill always tell you how many milligrams of THC are in the package and in each piece or section. This is a great way to keep track of how much THC you’ve ingested, and if you like the dosage, know how much to take next time For beginner edible users, it is recommended to only take, at most, 5mgs at a time, then wait for two hours in between Edibles are also highly recommended for first-time cannabis users who do know theywanttosmoketogethighor to relieve their pain. Edibles are availableinanincrediblevariety: cookies, brownies, gummies, taffy, chocolate bars, soda, wine, powder,oils,etc

ever died from overdosing on edibles and nobody will, however, being too high to not have fun at all

According to Bright Quest, “Marijuana may trigger an episode of psychosis, although this reaction is not very common Inmostcases,whenitdoesoccur, thepsychosisisacute.Thismeans itbeginssuddenlyandstopsonce the drug has left the individual’s system Some people may need emergency treatment, as the symptoms can be profoundly distressing. Treatment usually involves placing the person in a calm environment and administering antipsychotic medication” Another pro to using edibles is how much cheaper it can be compared to using flowers Ifyouarearegularflower user,youknowthatbuyinginbulk willalwaysbemorelucrative

JANUARY 2023 11

Buyingediblescanbeevenmorelucrativeas one10mgediblecouldlastforhoursandkeep you satisfied all day For example, if you’re someonewhosmokesthreeone-gramjoints aday,youcanblowthroughanounce($100$300)in9days.

If that same person were to buy a 1000mg packofedibles($40-$80)andtakea50mg edibleeachday,thepackwouldbeemptyin 20 days. While yes, some people feel that edibles, dispensary or homemade, don’t affect them as well as smoking, it’s possible you haven’t tried the right brand or the right dosage Thenextconisittakeslongertotake effect which is a factor to consider when the firstconwediscussedwashoweasyitisto becometoohigh.

Edibles all affect people differently due to a varietyoffactors MedicalNewsToday

There is also a theory that “consumption under the tongue, also known as sublingual absorption,isafasterdeliverysystemsinceit bypasses the digestive system and absorbs straight into the bloodstream Therefore, items,suchaslollipopsortincturesheldunder the tongue, may have quicker effects” This theory also means that there is a possibility that different types of edibles can affect a person differently, like cookies, gummies, and oils

Now that you know the more important pros and cons, let’s go over how to consume ediblessafely Justlikeanytimeyouconsume cannabis,itisnecessarytostayhydratedand eat before taking anything, know your limits andalwaysstartwithless(youreyesmaybe bigger than your tolerance), and never drive under the influence, for both your safety and the safety of others According to Veriheal thereareeightmainthingstoconsiderwhen consuming cannabis infused products, “Be sure to read the label of your product carefully

The label should inform you of the quantity, potency, and serving suggestions of the edible

Always start with a low dose and wait patientlybeforeconsumingmore,around3to 4hours Ifyouplantomakeyourown,followa recipe so that you have a better idea of how muchcannabisisintheproduct,homemade ediblescanbeunintentionallyverystrong Try a small piece in order to assess its potency beforeconsumingmoreorlargerpieces Plan aheadsothatyouconsumeinasafespace If youdogettoohigh,trytoremainascalmas possible Noonehasnorwilldiedirectlyfrom consuming cannabis and you won’t be the first Lastly, do not mix edibles with other substances such as alcohol or prescription medication” I know some of y’all want to get “crossfaded,”butthepossibleconsequences arenotworthit Nowthatwehavegoneover the main pros and cons of using edibles, you canmakeaninformeddecisiononwhetheror notitisagoodideaforyoupersonally

Never let outside forces like peer pressure make your choices for you If you do end up trying some edibles, be sure to store them where children and pets cannot get to them, bothchildrenandpetshavegottenextremely sick and even died from accidentally consuming, and over dosing on, edibles. Additionally, do not consume edibles if you arepregnantorbreastfeeding Ifyoufeelyou may benefit from cannabis while pregnant, contactyourdoctorandseeifCBDmaygive the same relief. Always consume safely, and be conscious of the choices you make while undertheinfluence Staysafeoutthere!

“indicatesthatoral ingestionofTHC requires30–90 minutesforeffectsto begin.Theseeffects reachtheirpeakafter 2–3hours.Some factorsaffecthow soonsomeonecan feeltheeffectsof edibles.Theseinclude theedible’s non-cannabis ingredients,body weight,metabolism, gender,andwhena personlastate.” JANUARY 2023 12

Concentrated N E W S

PoliceBustMassive THCEdibleOperation

MMassachusetts - In a stunning development on the South Shore, authorities uncovered an illicit THC edible operation hidden in plain sight-operatingoutofan unsuspecting commercial business. Now severalindividualsfaceupcomingchargesas policecrackdownonthisillegalendeavor

Braintree Police recently executed a search warrant at an address on Mill Lane and uncovered something unexpected: an illicit drug production facility manufacturing THC edibles and gummies This discovery was the resultofacarefulinvestigationfollowingupon tipsfrommembersofthecommunity

In a massive haul, police uncovered gummy candycontainingTHCatanastoundingstreet value of over $100,000. An array of flavors made up the thousands already packaged in 10-gummy packs and some still on racks waitingtobecooled

Police uncovered significant quantities of THC oil with an estimated street value in excess of $20,000duringaraidlastweek 17-literbottles containing various amounts of the oil are believed to have been seized and can reportedlysellforuptothreethousanddollars eachonthecommercialmarket

Over$4MillionWorthofIllegal CannabisProductsSeizedinCity


NEW YORK - New York City has recently cracked down on unlicensed cannabis dispensariesandpop-upsmokeshopsthat are selling illegal products In an effort to protectpublichealth,thestateofNewYork has established a two-week pilot program in collaboration with several city agencies toinspectandseizeover$4millionworthof illegalcannabisproductsfrom53locations acrossthecity

"You tell me, can you tell the difference between what is legal and what is illegal?"

Mayor Adams asked holding two virtually identical, brightly colored snack bags "It is extremely difficult to do it" One bag containedcannabisedibles,whiletheother wasastandardpacketofgummycandies

"This is what we are finding in our stores acrossthecitythatarepoppingup,"Adams said. "Many of these stores are unsafe and aretargetingourkids"

The Brewster County Sheriff's office, Homeland Security Investigations, US Border Patrol and the Texas Department of Public Safety conducted an extensive investigation thatresultedinthelargest

bust ever seen in Brewster Over a halfton of marijuana and other illegal drugs were seized from a single location, serving as proof of just how serious the drugtradehasbecomein the area In 2019 Brewster County Sheriffs' office seized 1100 pounds of marijuana in an abandoned SUV being drivenonhighway90.

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Aninvestigation bytheBrewster CountySheriff’s Office,Homeland Security Investigations,US BorderPatrol,and TexasDepartment ofPublicSafety leadtotheseizure of1,886poundsof marijuana,early Fridaymorning. Thiscaseisstill under investigation. PhotoCredit: BrewsterCounty Sheriff'sOffice BiggestMarijuanaBustEver: Over1,886PoundsofPotSeized Brewster County, Texas - Early Friday Morning, the BrewsterCountySheriff'sOfficeseizednearlyatonofpot. Officials seized 1,886 pounds of marijuana according to theirFacebookpage Thiscaseisstillunderinvestigation
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TheOklahomaStateLegislaturereleasetheHouseRepublican advancecomprehensivemedicalmarijuanapolicypackage onMarch7,2022.Thepackageincludesa12-pointplantostop illegalgrowsrequiringthefollowing:

MakingtheOklahoma MedicalMarijuana Authority(OMMA)a standaloneagency Agrantprogramfor countysheriff’s departmentstofundlaw enforcementeffortsin everycounty(HB3530)


Allmedical marijuana businessestopost standardizedpermit signageattheplace ofbusiness(HB2025)

Stringentelectrical andwaterdata reportingby marijuanagrowers (HB4055)

Annualinspections (HB2024)

Productpackaging standardsand maximumbeyond usedates(HB3019; HB4288)

Standardized laboratorytesting andequipment (HB4056)

Marijuanagrowsto registeras environmentally sensitivecropowners withtheAgriculture Department(HB3827)

seed-to-salesystem (eitherviacourtorderor newlegislation)
Provisionallicensing requiringpre-license inspectionsand increaseddocument submissionpriorto approval(HB3734) Tieredgrowlicense feesbasedongrow size(HB2179) Separatelicensingfor medicalmarijuana wholesales(HB3634)
Thestatehasmadesignificantprogressoneverysingle stepofthe12-pointplan Abriefupdateforthefirst6stepsis providedhere 12 OINT PLAN PartOne 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 PartOne PartOne PartOne 12-PointPlan(Part1) JANUARY 2023 15

OMMAisnowastandaloneagency asofNovember1,2022viaSB1543(See December 2022 OMMA is on its Own Articleforadditionalinformation)

HB 3530 was passed and went into effect July 1, 2022, which directs OMMA to establish programs and provide funding to support county sheriff enforcement of medical marijuana lawsandregulations

OMMAimplementedtheMETRCseedto sale system for all licensed medical marijuana businesses as of May 26, 2022.

HB 3734 was introduced in February of 2022butultimatelydiedintheSpring.

HB 2179 creates a tiered grow licenses feed based on grow size and will go into effect on June 1, 2023 “Creates a tieredcommercialgrowerfeestructure based on size and type of facility annual fees would range from the current $2,500 to more than $50,000 Under the terms of the bill, processor license fees will be determined by volume and range from $2,500 to $40,000 Dispensarieswillpay$2,500to $10,000,basedonannualsales Testing laboratorieswillpayaflat$20,000.”

by the numbers



HB 3634 creates a “Medical Marijuana Wholesaler” license to replace commercial transporter and would have been effective as of November 1, 2022butthebilldiedApril14,2022when theenactingclausewasstricken.

Jade Pebworth

Oklahoma has become the hotbed of marijuana trafficking according to a startling report by state narcotics department officials, raising concerns amongst law enforcement agenciesacrosstheregion

With an influx in illegal activities comes an increase in risk and it appearsOklahomaisbeing thrustintothisspotlight.

Mark Woodward, with the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics, said "We've talked to our law enforcement partners around the United States, especially many on the East Coast who say Oklahoma is their No 1 spot for black market marijuana that is showing up in their states."

Oklahoma finds itself in an uncomfortablespotlightasthe state's narcotics department revealsithasbecomeamajor hub for illegal marijuana trafficking

Oklahomaisfacinganinfluxof illegal marijuana intercepted bypoliceofficersduringtraffic stopsandinvestigations.SCAN QRCODEtoreadthefullstory.


monthforpart2. Forquestionsormore informationemail
Writtenby: SCANforOMMARules&
Readthefullstory JANUARY 2023 16

chef’s out there! I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year, it’s 2023 and this year is going to bebetterthanthelast.I'm starting the year off with my famous Mary J’s CrunchyNoodleSaladand Mango Chili Dressing This a very simple recipe that youcanmakeyourownby addingaproteinlikesome grilled shrimp or even grilled chicken to it The mango chili dressing is one of my favorites, the sweet and spicy goes great with this salad Let’s not waste any time and jump right into this month's recipe. So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let’s get

Yields:24pieces MaryJ’sCrunchyNoodle SaladwithMangoand ChiliDressing Preparation& CookingTime:25minutes Instructions Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor and process until smooth, refrigerate untilreadyforservice Gooddaytoallmycanna
BuzDeliere|@medibles ok Ingredients |Dressing 2Mangos,peeledandchopped,seedremoved 2TbsFreshLimeJuice 2TbsAppleCiderVinegar 2TbsSweetChiliSauce 1½TbsCannaOliveOil 1TbsGreenOnion SaltandPeppertotaste 1cloveofgarlic |SaladMix 1MediumCabbage,finelyshredded 2MediumCarrots,peeledandshredded 1CupRedCabbage,shredded ¼CupFreshParsley,chopped ½CupGreenonions,diced 8oz BagSteamableShelledEdame,cooked 1PackofRamenNoodles 2teaspoonSesameSeeds ½CupAlmondSlivers Instructions First, break apart the ramen noodles and put them in a large saute pan over medium heat with the almond slivers Toast them until lightly brown and they are just becoming fragrant then remove them from the heat to a paper towel-lined plate. Don’tburnthembecausetheywillhaveaverybittertaste Next, mix the cabbage, carrots, parsley, green onions, cooled edamame, ramen noodles, and almonds in a large bowl, everythingexceptthedressingandaddedprotein Stack the salad mix onto a plate with the protein on top and drizzlethedressingovertopbeforeserving. Arawmangois84%water,15% carbohydrates,1%protein,andhas negligiblefat(table) DidYou Know?Mangohasquiteahigh myrcenecontent Whatterpenetasteslikecarrots? Monoterpeneslikesabineneandβ-myrcene seemtobeimportantcontributorstothe “carrottop”aromawhereassesquiterpenes likeβ-caryophylleneandα-humulene contributetothe“spicy”and“woody”notes Pinene,orα-Pinene,isawellknownterpeneresponsibleforthe iconicsmellofpineforests While itsmostabundantnaturalsource ispinetrees,itcanalsobefound inherbslikeparsleyanddill JANUARY 2023 19

Haveyoueverwonderedwhattypesofmagicmushroomsareoutthere?Psilocybin mushrooms,alsoknownas"magicmushrooms",areatypeoffungithatcontainsthe psychoactivecompoundpsilocybin Therearemanydifferentspeciesofpsilocybin magicmushrooms,andeachonehasitsownuniquepropertiesandeffects.Let'stake acloserlookatsomeofthemostpopulartypesofpsilocybinmagicmushrooms.

JANUARY 2023 21

"The most popular type of psilocybin mushroom"

"Known as liberty caps, these mushrooms are found in Europe and North America"

"A psychedelic mushroom that is native to Mexico"

"A type of psilocybin mushroom that is found in damp areas such as near rivers or lakes"

"Often called blue meanies or wavy caps, these mushrooms are found in Europe and North America"

"A type of psilocybin mushroom that is found in damp areas such as near rivers or lakes" JANUARY 2023 22

Psilocybin cubensis Psilocybin semilanceata Psilocybe mexicana

isthemostpopulartypeof psilocybinmushroomandthe onethatmostpeopleare familiarwith It'sbeenusedfor centuriesbymanycultures aroundtheworld,from ancientAztecstomoderndaypsychedelicaficionados Asidefromitspsychedelic effects,Psilocybecubensis alsocontainsvarious medicinalcompoundsthat havebeenstudiedextensively inrecentyears Insome countries,itssaleand possessionispermitted; elsewhere,it’sillegal.This uniquemushroomcan producespectacularvisuals, intenseemotionalreactions, andprofoundspiritual experiences-allofwhich makeitafascinatingfieldof studyformycologistsand psychonautsalike.

or"libertycaps",areaunique speciesofmushroomsnativeto EuropeandNorthAmerica Commonlyfoundinpastures andgrassyareas,theyhave longbeenpopularamong amateurmycologistsdueto theireasilyidentifiableconicalshapedcaps.Libertycapshave beenusedforcenturiesby indigenouspeoplesfor ritualisticandreligious purposesandarenowbeing studiedfortheirpotential medicinalbenefits Teststudies suggestthatthepsychoactive alkaloidpsilocybinfoundin thesemushroomsmaybeused toaddresssymptomsof depressionandanxiety,though furtherresearchisneededto determineitstrueefficacy Itis clearthatthemysteriousliberty capstillhasmuchtoofferus afteralltheseyears!

commonlyknownasa psychedelicmushroom,is nativetoMexico Ithas beenusedbygenerations ofMexicancitizensforits spiritualandmedicinal properties,believedtobe capableofprovidingrelief forbothphysicaland psychologicalailments.This historicallyimportant mushroomspeciesisbeing increasinglystudiedforits effectsonthehumanbrain andpotentialtherapeutic usesinmedicine In addition,thereisagrowing fascinationamongmany cultureswiththismagical plant-whetheritbefor reverenceorrecreational purposes-contributingto anexcitingtrendof appreciationfortheunique offeringsofPsilocybe mexicana.

Psilocybe cyanescens Psathyrella hydrophila Conocybe cyanopus

morenotablyknownas bluemeaniesorwavy caps,areatypeof mushroomthatcanbe foundalloverboth EuropeandNorth America.Their appearanceisquite unique-mosthavea longbellshapewitha distinctwavycap,which hascausedthemtobe collectedbymycologists, whostudyfungispecies. Interestinglyenough, somevarietiesofthese mushroomscontain compoundssuchas psilocybinthatare knownfortheir hallucinogeniceffects However,itisimportant tonotethatonlycertain typesofPsilocybe cyanescenscontain psilocybinandevenso, consumingthewrong kindcanproducedeadly results

isauniquespeciesof psilocybinmushroomthat canbefoundindamp areasnearriversandlakes Unlikemanyother mushrooms,the Psathyrellahydrophilahas ayellowish-browncapwith aroughsurfaceanddeep furrowsonitsedge When consumed,itproduces psychedeliceffectssuch asintensevisualizations andalteredmentalstates. Psathyrellahydrophilaisan incrediblyversatilefungi, asitsabilitytoadaptto humidenvironments makesithardyand resilientdespitefrequent flooding Notonlydoesthis typeofmushroomhold fascinatingpropertiesfor thecuriousadventurer,but italsoservesasavitalpart ofthelocalecosystem whereitflourishesdueto itsroleinfertilizer production

commonlyknownasblue DunceCap,isasmall,fragile mushroomfoundinsoil enrichedwithorganic matter Thedarklycolored capshaveabell-shaped appearanceandrangein colorfrombluish-grayto violet-brown Theyareoften nomorethan6cmacross, makingthemhardtospot amongtheleaflitter Notjust anysoilcansuccessfully produceConocybe cyanopus;theyrequiresoil thatishighlynutritivein ordertothrive Withits delicatelifecycle,this speciesofmushroommore oftenthannotreliesondead plantmatterforsustenance andcanonlybefound amongotherdecayingplant materialorgrowingrightat thesoilsurface Tomany people'ssurprise,thesetiny mushroomsserveasvital decomposersintheir ecosystems

Psilocybin mushrooms have been used for centuries by cultures around the world for their unique ability to produce powerful psychedelic effects There are many different types of psilocybin mushrooms, each with its own distinct appearance, geographical location, and psychoactive properties If you ' re interested in trying psilocybin mushrooms, be sure to do your researchandpurchasethemfromareliablesource

IdentifyingtheMostPopularSpeciesofMagicMushrooms JANUARY 2023 23


C A N N A B I N O I D S & T E R P E N E S


As you may already know, terpenes are of high value because you’ve experienced them all your life Simply put, terpenes are what give lemon its citrusy smell or cinnamon its spicy aroma They are even responsible for the relaxing effects of lavender They are natural chemical compounds that determine how things smell Andluckyforus,theyalsohavewelldocumented and studied medicinal properties

Nowifyouarelikemostpeopleyouthought that cannabinoids were the compounds in the cannabis plant that caused healing, right?Yes,butit’salsobeendiscoveredthat terpenes play a big role in that as well Cannabinoidsandterpenesworktogetherin something called the “molecular synergy” whichisalsoknownastheentourageeffect The entourage effect is a proposed mechanismbywhichcannabiscompounds act synergistically to modulate the overall psychoactive effects of the plant, primarily by the action of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC

Currently, there are at least 20,000 different terpenes in existence and the cannabis plant has more than 120 of these terpenes Many terpenes that the cannabis plant produces are also found elsewhere in nature However, there are a couple of terpenes that are in high concentrations in cannabisplants Eachmonthwewillgoover them in detail, including the cultivars that youcanfindthemin Letusbegin

This month we will highlight the terpene Myrcene Myrcene is the most abundant terpene in cannabis, which is where it’s mostly found in nature. One study showed that Myrcene makes up as much as 65% of the total terpene profile in some cultivars The smell of Myrcene often reminds me of earthy,muskynotes,resemblingcloves Also, ithasafruity,redgrape-likearoma

JANUARY 2023 25
Writtenby Dr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHP Naturopath Nutritionist CannabisTherapyConsultant BoardCertifiedHHP

Because of its calming properties, cultivars with 05% of this terpene are typically classified as being more indica dominant That'snottosuggestyouwouldn'talsodiscoverit in a cultivar that produces more gas According to its "fingerprint,"whichweshalldiscussnextmonth,itdiffers


Antibiotic Sedative Antimutagenic



outmoreaboutherTelemedicin Educational

information in this article is purposes only. The informatio derived from research gathere sources Please check with Educated Primary Health Ca Educated & Trained Can Consultant before beginning lifestylechange. Written by Dr Pepper Hernande CNHPinECS&NaturopathicMe
Programs, YouTu other creative content, you can massive inter-webs on all p drpepperhernandezcom Goforth,GoCanna
aromatherapy movement helped pave the path for this reliable knowledge and scientific support in terms of the terpenes' medicinal efficacy Myrcene has been shown to be effective in lowering inflammation and chronic pain through thisprocess,whichexplainswhyitisfrequentlysuggestedas asupplementduringcancertherapies


New year, new you! If you ' re looking to make some changes in your life and want to include cannabis in your repertoire, we ' ve got some ideas for you Here are 10 great ways to start your 2023 off right with cannabis Fromtryinganewstraintoexploringdifferentmethodsofconsumption,there'ssomethinghere foreveryone.Solet'sgetstarted!






Start your day with a healthycupofTHC/CBDinfused coffee This amazing energizing brew is packed with beneficial compounds from cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, each giving you a unique kind of physical and mental boost With this specialcupofjoe,youcan look forward to increased focus, reduced stress levels, and even a heightened sense of creative flow while you go about your morning activities And it's all naturally derived - what's not to love? Get ready for the best rise-and-grind experienceever!

re looking for a and tasty way to our day, why not try g a breakfast hie with some cannabis oil? Not this idea delicious, giveyouafull-body l morning long You tcreativebymixing ver fruits and juices ke together, then ginthecannabisoil complete smoothie nce Adding the oil also provide ous health benefits ng pain relief and reduction. To make morespecial,topit off with chia seeds or honey! Whatever combinationofingredients you use, this breakfast smoothie may just become your new favorite morninggo-to.



Taking a break in the middle of the day can be one of the best things you can do to stay energized andproductive.Thereisno better way to do this than by taking advantage of the healing benefits of CBD/THC edibles! Not only will having a gummy or twohelpyoureducestress levels, but it can also help to lift your mood and improveyouroverallsense of well-being If you ' re finding yourself getting exhausted in the afternoon, give yourself the gift of CBD/THC gummies and enjoy some time for yourself during yourbreak.

JANUARY 2023 29


Going for an outdoor adventure or exercise can give a natural dose of energyandhappiness,but why not enjoy it even more?Nowyoucanswitch up your biking or hiking routine by infusing some THC-infusedenergydrinks! Enjoy the crisp air while staying energized with a fruity kick on a long trail ride Nottoworry,asthese drinks won't create an intoxicated feeling; they just add a bit of extra kick and flavor to your experience Don't let anything stop you from getting outdoors and making the most out of everyday!



Cooking with cannabisinfusedoliveoilorspicesis a great way to liven up yourdinner!Insteadofjust adding salt and pepper, why not switch it up by sprinklingsomecannabisinfused seasoning onto yourdish?Notonlydoesit addauniqueflavorprofile, but also gives you the benefits from cannabis within your meal It's important to use these ingredientswithcautionas theycanbeverypotent,so start off slow with small amounts and go from there You'll quickly learn how much to use to enjoy itseffects-happycooking!

Taking 15 minutes out of your day to focus on your breathing,bodyrelaxation, visualization, or mantra can make all the difference in getting adequaterestfulsleep Try de-stressing with a few drops of tincture before takingafewdeepbreaths andtallyingupallthatyou can be grateful for it’ll suredothetrick!

These are just a few of the many ways that you can infuse cannabis into your daily routine in order to make the most of its medicinal benefits. Start your day off right with a cup of CBDinfused coffee, and end it by winding down with an indicadominantstrainbeforebed Inbetween,enjoyahealthybreakfast smoothie,takeamid-daybreakwithsomeCBDgummies,andget active while enjoying THC-infused energy drinks You can even cook dinner using cannabis-infused olive oil or spices No matter how you choose to do it, incorporating cannabis into your daily routine is sure to provide you with some amazing medicinal benefits!


It’sabrandnewyear!In2022, thecannabisindustrymade qualityprogresswithmore statesallowingforeither medicalorrecreational cannabissales.Everyyear sincethefirststatepasseda billoncannabis,wehavebeen steadilymovingtowardfull federallegalization Wecan evenlookfarenoughtosee thereisapossibilityof purchasingcannabisonlinein thenearfuture.Asfor2023, herearesomethingsthatwe mayseehappen


GeorgeMancheril, CEOofBespokeFinancial, predictsthatalthoughthe economyisina precariousposition, maturecannabismarkets shouldmakeenough capitaltosurvive throughout2023 Weall haveseenthenewsabout howweareheaded towardanotheryearof strugglingeconomictimes but,afterthepeakofthe pandemic,cannabishas proventobeastrong marketevenintheworst oftimes Asmorestates arelikelytopass legislationoncannabis, eachstatewillhavean opportunitytogaincapital throughtaxes


Withsomany cannabismarkets emergingandcreating theirownbrandsand retailers,itisgoingto becomeimportanttohave alotofdifferentiation For example,accordingto Benzinga,insixdifferent states,cannabisgummies accountforover70%ofall cannabissales Withthat insaneamountofthe marketshare,therewill comeapointthatabrand cannotjustglideunderthe radarandstillbeprofitable. Establishingrealdifferences areessentialtostaying profitableinwhatmaybea difficulteconomicyear


Can umers willhavemoreinterestin howtheirnon-flower productsarebeingmade andproduced Ediblesare becomingsocommonthat regularfoodtrendsare boundtofollowintothe cannabisindustry Health hasalwaysbeenabig concernandrightnowthe trendsarelookingfor organic,vegan,andallnaturalmadeingredients Consumersareavoiding productsthatuse ingredientslikechemicals, maskingagents,andother additivesthatare ultimatelyunnecessary. Cannabiscanandwillbe expectedtobedelivered naturallyintoyoursystem forcleanandreliable results


ItispossiblefortheSAFE(SafeandFair Enforcement)BankingAct topass,orsomethinglikeit TheSAFEBankingAct, claimsCongressmanEd Perlmutter,“seeksto harmonizefederaland statelawbyprohibiting federalregulatorsfrom takingpunitivemeasures againstdepository institutionsthatprovide bankingservicesto legitimatecannabisrelatedbusinessesand ancillarybusinesses(e.g. electricians,plumbers, landlords,etc)thatserve them”Thiswouldultimately provideasafeharborfor anycompanythatchooses toprovidebankingservices tocannabisrelated businesses.Althoughthis predictionmaybe optimistic,thepassingof thisactwouldcreatejobs andbetterthecountryasa whole


AccordingtoCuraleaf HoldingsInc.Founderand ExecutiveChairmanBoris Jordan,therewilllikelybea biggerdemandfor cannabisinfused beverages Thisprediction isduetocannabis beveragesgrowingin marketshareover20%in thelasttwoyears Thismay beduetoconsumers wantingabroader selectionwhenshopping forcannabis,see2

Asoftheendof2022,ifthe marketsharecontinuesto growatthispace,cannabis beverageswillbe competingwithgummies forthemostpopularwayto consumecannabis Next timeyougointoyourlocal dispensarytakealookand seeifanydrinksare available!


ChairmanJordanalso predictsthatthetobacco industrywillgetmore involvedwiththecannabis industry Thetobaccoand cannabisindustryaretwo sidesofthesamecoin

Agoodamountofcannabis userspurchasetobacco productsforsmoking,this maybetheiropeningtobegin joiningforces

JANUARY 2023 35

Someofyoumaybe thinkingthiswon’tbethe bestpartnershipforthe cannabisindustryto accept,butthatisneither herenorthere.

Whenpushcomesto shoveandcannabisis legalizedfederally,itwould notbeasurprisefor tobaccocompaniesto completelyre-brandas cannabiscompanies. Thereisnotellingwhat typeof“marketingwars” willbeginafterthat


Cannabislegalization willnolongerbeanissue thatisprimarilypushedfor byDemocrats During2022, afullyRepublican cannabisreformbill,Rep NancyMace’sMOREAct, wasintroducedandwas describedasavery comprehensivepieceof legislation

Declinesincommodity pricescouldcause devastatingrepercussions toripplethroughoutmany communities.”Ifthestates wereabletofocustheir effortsoncannabisinstead, asthedemandforcannabis isalwaysincreasing,they wouldbringinalotof capitaltobetterschools, roads,andmore.

Asofnow,thecolleges thatoffercannabis classesdonothavea fullprogramforan actualdegreein cannabis

Hopefully,asmore opportunitiesgrow,there willbediverseprograms thatallowforeducation inallareasofcannabis.

Ascannabisismore widelyaccepted,more CollegesandUniversities willbegintoofferhigher educationonthesubject astherewillbemore demandforjobsrequiring degrees Founderand PresidentofCannulation, MartineF.Pierrestated,

07 “Wewillseeanew influxofinspiring entrepreneurs,people wantingtotransition careers,andadvocates emerge.”

Asofnow,thecolleges thatoffercannabis classesdonothaveafull programforanactual degreeincannabis Hopefully,asmore opportunitiesgrow,there willbediverseprograms thatallowforeducationin allareasofcannabis

TheMOREAct(Marijuana Opportunity,Reinvestment andExpungementAct), accordingtotheMarijuana PolicyProject,“wouldend thecriminalizationof cannabisforadults It wouldremoveitfromthe listofcontrolled substances,eliminating relatedcriminalpenalties, andtakingseveralother majorstepstoward criminaljusticereform, socialjustice,and economicdevelopment” Oneofthekeystepsthat theMOREActwouldaddto theAmericanpublicis, “Themeasurewould imposea5%taxonthe retailsalesofcannabisto gototheOpportunityTrust Fund Themeasurewas amendedtostartat5% andincreasethetaxto8% overthreeyears.”


TheAmericanSouthwill likelyhavemorelegalization effortsandevensuccesses RollingStonehasreportedon cannabisbeingthenew “cashcrop”fortheSouth.If thisistruetherewillbe peoplewhousedtooppose cannabiswhoarewillingto coincideifnewjobsare madeinthestatetheylivein


Itisextremelylikelyfor anyprohibitoryefforts againstcannabiswouldbein vain,see8and9 Withthe majorityoftheUnitedStates havingsomeformof cannabisforsale,itisnow muchmorecommonplaceto usecannabiswithoutshame Normlreportedthat,“eight outoftenAmericanssupport themedicaluseofmarijuana, andnearly3outof4 Americanssupportafineonly(nojail)forrecreational smokers Over60%of Americansnowfavor legalizingmarijuana.”These wererecordedin2022and arethehighestpercentage wehaveeverseenina nationwidepoll

It’sonlyJanuary,and wehaveanentire yeartoseehowmuch progressioncannabis willmake.Wecanonly hopefor,andvotefor, thebest!Remember touseyourvoicethis year Ifweallwork togetherwecanhelp thecannabisindustry putitsbestfoot forward Forallwe know,2023istheyear wenolongerhaveto fightforfederal legalization Let’sstay positiveandworkto haveawonderfulnew year JANUARY 2023 36

The Divine Collection was an instant classic. The amazing hash rosin, the logo and the reputation made every hashie look twice for the newest Divine Drop in every dispensary. Whether the market has been under or overpopulated, The Divine Collection has always been a huge contender for the top spot on every hash rosin shelf.

We have made it through another year, my fellow Canna-Enthusiasts. The staff at The Chronic Magazinewisheseveryone health, prosperity, happiness, and always good cannabis in the New Year For the first pick of 2023, I knew I wanted to start the new year off with something BIG! This Cultivator/ Processor and Dispensary owner have been a staple in the Oklahoma Cannabis Market since the beginning, their brand is vast, their Logo is well known and their product speaks for itself Exceptional Quality and Consistency is an understatement when referring to The Divine Collection’s Hash Rosin Theveryfirstgramoflegal Hash Rosin I purchased was Birthday Cake by The Divine Collection I found this amazing brand at TegridyMarketinOKCover 3yearsagowhentheHash market was young and underpopulated. I still remember the owner of thedisposaying,“Nowthis is the best of the best” I was sold The Divine Collection was an instant classic The amazing hash rosin, the logo and the reputation made every hashie look twice for the newest Divine Drop in every dispensary Whether themarkethasbeenunder or overpopulated, The Divine Collection has always been a huge contender for the top spot oneveryhashrosinshelf.

TheChronic:Howlong haveyoubeen using/growing/ processingcannabis?


Ismokedmyfirstjointat13 (1998)innorthern Wisconsin I’vehadan ongoingrelationshipwith cannabisinmylifeinonewayshapeorformever since.Thegrowingreally startedtorampupwhenI movedtoColoradoin 2005,shortlythereafter thebubblehash infatuationbegan Processingsince2007-8ish era Itstartedonbubble, evolvedtoBHOand Bubble,thennotoBHOall together

TheChronic:Howlargeis yourteamandwhodoesit include?


AndEverybodyhelpswhen itsharvestday! Divinewas foundedbymyselfand ownedbymyself,andmy partner/right-handKane Heiswithoutadoubt responsibleforourgrowth asacompany,andthe manbehindthephone thateverypurchasing managerinthestatehas dealtwithuptothispoint. Givingcreditspecificallyto hisawesometeam;Tessa, Autumn,andRickyhandle administration Gavinis ourroadwarrior He deliverseverygramofTDC, andjusthashinthe state(unlessDalesaves thedaywithhispart-time lovin’)SladeandRyanhold itdowninpackaging This includesprinting, stickering,gramming,etc Thesedudesslay!Brett washeseverygramof frozenweedthatcomes throughthebuilding

The Divine Collection

TheChronicMagazinewas luckyenoughtogettoask the Owner, Founder, and Mastermind behind The Divine Collection Hash Empire some questions recently. The Man, the Myth,andtheHashLegend arewell-knownbymanyin theCannabisworld Heisa breeder, a grower and of course a true Hash Maker ineverysenseoftheterm You may know him as @cannadivine on Instagram, as so many of us do He also goes by Brandon

Theteamhasgrownalot sincewestarted!Theidea ofDivinebeganin2012 withmywifeandme,after steppingawayfromother cannabisbreeding ventures Comingto Oklahoma,plantingour flagoriginallyconsistedof 5peopleplusmyself,and acoupleofday-one homiesthathadn’tbeen drugouthereyet!From thatoriginal5to7more! That’snotcountingthe teamatthedispensary! Focusingonthe growing/producingsideof itall,itbreaksdownas follows:5peopleprimarly focusedonthe administration(metrc, financials,orderfullfillment, delivery,andlogistics)This ishandsdownthehardest partofwhatwedo There aretwoofusinthegarden, and4full-timebodiesin thelab Everyonehowever willandcanwearjust aboutanyhatinthe building Ifwerunshortof handsinonearea,wepull fromanothertogetwhat needstobedone

Turtleisoursquishmaster flex Hehandlesallthe rosinpressing Kennyismy guyinthegardens He handlesalloftheday-todayandbuilding maintenancewehave Not tomention,itwasoneof thesetsofhandsthatbuilt thisplace Keepinmind thesearejustprimaryjob focuses,mostofthese peoplecanprettymuch doallofthesethings!And thentheresme Ido,alittle bitofeverything Allofour in-housedesign,runthe socialmedia,overseeand taskgardenoperations, analyzecultivationandlab data,cultivator relationships,tryandkeep thesehooligansinspired, post-processingonhashlikejams,anddiamonds

TheChronic:Knownfor yourstellargeneticsand buildingahashempire, whatsetsDivineapart fromtherest.


Thereareafewthings,the mainbeingwearetruly singlesources


JANUARY 2023 39

Frombreedingthe cannabistocultivatingit, harvestingandprocessing, allthewaytopackaging andretail Weevenprint ourownstickers Iactually comefromcannabis We builtthisfromtheground up,onegramatatime, andin3yearsbecame oneoftheleading providersofsolventless hashinOklahoma This startedlongbeforewegot here Someoftheguysin thebuildinghavebeen withmeforoveradecade, andsomehavelearned everythingtheyknow regardingcannabisin thesewalls Webuiltour entirefacility,literally Like weactuallybuiltit Everythingbutthe electricalwasdoneinhouse Allwithno investments Mostofour geneticlibrarycomesfrom decadesofpriorwork,or fromanamazingnetwork offriendsbuiltoverthe years.Cannabishasbeen sodeeplyintertwinedwith mylife,itisn’tfairtosay whatsetsusapartfrom therest Idon’tseemyself as“better”thanthenext personinthisspace I,and we,stillmessupwiththe bestofthem ButIwillsay, Ilovethisplantmorethan 95%percentofthepeople thatworkwithit,Andthat ThatiswhatmakesDivine different Itsalwaysbeen, andwillalwaysbe:the love

TheChronic:Whatisyour companymotto?


TheChronic: Whatdoes thefutureholdforyour companies?


That’sforthefuturetotell Allwearefocusedonis improvingwhatwedo,and settlingintoourspace I’m anxioustogetbacktomy breedingeffortsandget someflowersonshelves Therearedefinitelymore solventlessproduct offeringsandtricksupour sleeves,butbeingasmall team,italltakestime So aslongasOklahoma keepssmokinggood cannabisproducts,we’ll keepdoingourbestto keepmakingthem!

TheDivineCollectionand itsothercompany,Just Hashcanbepurchasedat TheDivineDispoinTulsa, TheDabandGo DispensariesinEdmond andOkc,andmanyother fineshopsacrossthestate. Wehighlyrecommend theirsinglesource We wouldliketothank Brandonandhisteamfor providingthepatientsof Oklahomawithclean, high-quality,amazingly consistent,andpotent meds Don’teverpassup anythingbyDivine,the namesaysitall Thishash istrulyDivine

AsAlways,Remember toMedicateResponsibly andStayLitOklahoma.

hasbeenalongmantraof minesincetoldtomebya highschoolchemistry teacher,andhasbeen printedontheinsideofour seedpackagingsince2015

“Practice makes better” JANUARY 2023 40


It'snosecretthatbongscangetprettydirty Infact,manysmokersfinditdifficulttokeeptheirbongs cleanandfreeofresinbuild-up Butwithalittleknow-how,cleaningyourbongcanbeabreeze!

Inthishow-toillustration,we'llshowyouthebestwaytocleanabong-usingnothingbuthotwaterand isopropylalcohol Soifyourbongisinneedofagoodscrubbing,followalongwithus!

Gatheryoursupplies.You willneedabottleof isopropylalcohol(atleast 91%),abowlofwarmwater, andascrubbrushor sponge Ifyouwishtouse saltforextrascrubbing power,youcanalsoadd sometablesalttothemix.

Step 2

Disassembleyourbong intoitsvariousparts. Startbyremovingthebowl andstem,followedbyany downstemsandpercolators. Placethesecomponentsina containerthatislargeenough tosubmergetheminyour cleaningsolution.Besureto notewhichpiecesgowhere soyoucanreassembleyour bonglater

Fillyourcontainerwithwarm waterandisopropylalcoholin aratioof1:1 Addsometable saltifdesired,stirringuntilthe saltdissolves

Step 4

Submergeyourbong componentsintothecleaning solution,makingsuretocover allsurfacesthatneedtobe cleaned Letthemsitforat least10minutes

Step 5

Aftersoaking,useyour scrubbrushorspongeto removeanyremainingresin anddirt Youmayneedto rinsethepieceswithwarm waterafterscrubbingifthey arestilldirty

Step 6

Onceyouhavecleanedallof yourbongcomponents,rinse themoffwithcleanwarmwater Drythepieceswithaclean,lintfreeclothorpapertoweland reassembleyourbong.And that'sit!Nowyouknowhow tocleanabongtheright way Enjoyyournewly spotlessbong!

On cleaning the inside of your bong if you don't havealongwirebrushyoucanusemagneticbong glass cleaner they are EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE and youcaneffortlesslyscrubawayburnt-onorcakedonresin ScantheQRCodetogetyourown Happysmoking! PRO-TIP
Step 1 Step 3
HERE'SWHAT YOUNEED Isopropyl Alcohol Hot Water JANUARY 2023 43
TrendiSuperbluntsofferaone-of-a-kind smokingexperiencewithanunprecedented combinationoftop-shelfflower,premium indoorcrumbleandliveresinterpsauce. SCAN QR CODE Readthefullstory: “I’mrunningfor presidentin20-20-fro! Wegonnagetlegal weedeverywhere.” Hestatedathislast concert. JosephEdgarForeman,knownas Afromanhasrevealedhisnext
P h o t o C r e d i t : @ o g a f r o m a n | I n s t a g r a m AfromanAnnouncesHe's RunningForPresident By:BuzDeliere Blazin'CelebrityNews OneBluntto RuleThemAll LilWayne’sBrandGKUA andPlanet13TeamUp By:MarieScarci Planet13HoldingsInc. hasjusttakenthe Nevadacannabis industrytoanewlevel withanexclusive collaborationbetween theirvertically-integrated companyandLilWayne's GKUAUltraPremiumline. Planet13LasVegashas madeagroundbreaking move,introducingTrendi Superblunts;anexciting collaborationbetween theirin-housebrandand LilWayne'sGKUA. PhotoCredit:GKUAcom Thesebluntsareevenmorespecialastheycomesprinkledwithkiefandpackedintohemp wrapsequippedwithwoodtipsforidealairflow PresidentofGKUA,BeauGolobhasannounceda newadditiontotheirline-up:TrendiSuperblunts Thispremiumcannabisproductwillbe availableexclusivelyattherenownedPlanet13'sLasVegasSuperStore-andtheycouldn'tbe morethrilled!CannabisconnoisseursandWaynefansalikecannowgetthebestofbothworlds withTrendiSuperblunts+availableatGKUA's'store-in-store'insidePlanet13LasVegas! SCAN QR CODE Readthefullstory: “WeGonnaGetLegal WeedEverywhere” Drawingattentiontohis monumentaldeclarationwasa socialmediapostfeaturingavideo ofhisliveannouncementwithan empoweringmessage:"Iamrunning forPresidentoftheUnitedStatesof America VoteFro,Twenty-twenty Fro” WizKhalifaDay"in PittsburghMarks LaunchofRapper'sNew CannabisProductLine SCAN QR CODE Readthefullstory: TheChronicMagazineisthenumberonesourcefor MarijuanaNews,Resources,andLifestyle. Get the latest scoop on allthingscannabisfrom The Chronic Magazineyour go-to source for up-to date marijuana news, helpful resources andanexcitinglifestyle. JANUARY 2023 46
careermove-Presidentialhopeful Themulti-platinumhitmaker,who recentlyheadlinedattheBlackRiver ColiseuminPoplarBluff,declaredto hisfansthatheaimstojointherace forPresidentoftheUnitedStates come2024

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