Whetheryou're seekingvibrant cityscapes, tranquilbeach towns,or picturesque mountains,there areplentyof cannabisfriendly destinationsto satisfyyour wanderlust
As the 4th of July approaches, the air is filled with excitement, fireworks, and the irresistible aroma of barbecues This year, let's elevate the celebration with some cannabis-infused recipes that will not only tantalize your taste buds but also spark joy. Whether you ' re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or a curious newcomer, these recipes will add a unique twist to your Independence Day festivities
EffectsofCannabinoidsandTerpenesonthe Glandular&EndocrineSystem
Inhonorofthemonththatwecelebrateour freedominAmerica(HappyFourthofJuly,bythe way),let'slookbackatthehistoryofcannabis. Withover100yearsofregulations, decriminalization,andchangingopinions,thereis alottocover byChynnaJasminePearson
After the Mexican American War, PBS reported, there was a huge influx in Mexican immigrants, and with them came the recreational use of marijuana Although there was already cannabis in America, the fear and racism associated with Mexican people became associated with cannabis as well Anti-marijuana campaigns began soon after, and the stigma surrounding cannabiswasinfullforce.
The Great Depression had a strong impact on cannabis and its acceptance due to increased public dissatisfaction with the incredibly high unemployment rate Misguided anger was directed to “the problem of marijuana” PBS states,“researchlinkedtheuseofmarijuanawith violence, crime, and other socially deviant behaviors, primarily committed by ‘racially inferior’ or underclass communities By 1931, 29 stateshadoutlawedmarijuana”
Within the next year, the people began to pressure the federal government to take action Instead, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics told the states to make laws at the state level to control the“marijuanaproblem”byadoptingtheUniform State Narcotic Act Then in 1936, Reefer Madness cameout Noneedtosaymoreonthat
The Marijuana Tax Act was put in place not long after Reefer Madness debuted This act “criminalized marijuana, restricting possession of thedrugtoindividualswhopaidanexcisetaxfor certainauthorizedmedicalandindustrialuses.”
Duringtheseyears,thegovernmentenactedtwo additional laws on marijuana, the Boggs Act of 1952andtheNarcoticsControlActof1956 These new laws set mandatory sentence lengths for drug offenses, including cannabis A first time offenseforcannabispossessionwas“aminimum sentence of 2-10 years with a fine of up to $20,000”
As the 1960s started, a counter culture began to appear Cannabis usage in upper and middle class white areas became more prevalent This riseinusepromptedtheKennedyadministration toconductreportsthatfound“marijuanausedid notinduceviolencenorleadtotheuseofheavier drugs Policytowardsmarijuanabegantoinvolve considerations of treatment and criminal penalties,” according to PBS This was the same decadethatcreatedtheBureauofNarcoticsand DangerousDrugs
By this time, the general population understood that the mandatory sentences on marijuana weren’tactuallyhelpinglessenitsusageorhinder anyofthecrimeassociatedwithit Thisledtothe Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act which differentiated marijuana from other, harder drugs, and stopped the mandatory sentencingforsmallpossessionamounts.
In 1972, President Nixon was presented with the option to decriminalize marijuana Unfortunately, herejectedit,butelevenstatesdecriminalizedat the state level anyway and most others reduced their sentencing Then in 1973, the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was founded after merging two other agencies focused on drug enforcement (Also,quickshoutouttoHighTimes,foundedin1974!)
Not long after the founding of the DEA, a nationwidemovementbeganofparentslobbying for stricter regulations on cannabis The parents hoped new regulations would help prevent drug use in teenagers (Spoiler Alert: it did not). These parent led groups became very powerful, and with the new governmental anti-drug agencies, thepublicattitudeondrugsbegantoshift Thisis what would ultimately lead to the War on Drugs thatstartedinthe80s
In 1986 the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was signed into law by President Reagan, it instituted mandatory sentences for all drug-related crimes. PBS reported,“InconjunctionwiththeComprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, the new law raised federal penalties for marijuana possession and dealing, basing the penalties on the amount of thedruginvolved”Thatmeantthat100marijuana plantshadthesamepunishmentas100gramsof heroin Italsoputthe“threestrikes''ruleinplace Foralldrugoffenses,ifyou’vebeencaughtthree times, the third will result in a life sentence and eventhedeathpenaltyfor“drugkingpins”
Threeyearslater,in1989,PresidentGeorgeHWBushcontinuedinthefootstepsof his predecessor and gave a speech to declare a new War on Drugs There are somethatwouldcallthisspeechoneofhisbiggestfailures (Someofusyoung folks may not know, but he literally held a bag of crack cocaine on national television during this speech! Crack use, at this point in history, was in decline.) PresidentBush’sspeechonlymadetheperceptionofanytypeofdrugworse
Then in 1996, California took a huge step forward for cannabis and passed Proposition 215 This allowed for the sale of medical cannabis; specifically for people with cancer, AIDS, and other more harmful diseases For California to makethismove,theyunderstoodthattheywouldbestandinginoppositiontothe federalgovernmentandmanyconservativepeople.Eitherway,thiswasthetrue turningpointforlegalization.
Astimepassedon,otherstatessawwhatCaliforniadidandwantedtofollowin theirlead In1998,Oregon,Alaska,andWashingtonlegalizedmedicalcannabis In 1999,Mainefollowedsuit
As the 2000s began, Hawaii, Nevada, and Colorado all legalized medical cannabis Thenin2004,VermontandMontana,in2006RhodeIsland,in2007New Mexico,andin2008MichiganandMassachusetts The2000swereabigtimefor cannabis culture Although the cannabis at this time wasn’t high quality, teens and college students were smoking it like no tomorrow. This was the time of buyinganeighthfrombehindthelibraryanditwasmostlystemsandseeds,but nobodycared!Aslongastheyhadfriendstoshareinthe“schwag”
In2012,ColoradoandWashingtonbecamethefirststatestolegalizerecreational cannabis.Thiswasahugemove,andstillovertenyearslater,Coloradoisflooded withcannabistouristseverysummer StatesfollowedColorado’sleadandby2019, Illinoisbecametheeleventhstatetohaverecreationalcannabis
Asof2024,therearenearly40statesthathavesome sort of legalized cannabis, medical or recreational. Asfortherestofthestates,mostofthemhaveCBD andarepresumedtomakethemovetolegalization before too long In fact, only six states have fully illegaloronlydecriminalizedcannabis,notevenCBD canbesoldinsomeofthesestates
According to Investing Daily, the current number of Americans using cannabis is around 56 million. As time passes, it is expected to grow by two to three million every year, so by the year 2030 there should benearly70millioncannabisusersinAmerica This increase should signify that more states will ultimately legalize, be that medically or recreationally, by that year as well It’s fun to think that we’ll be alive to see all states have legalized cannabis, can’t wait to tell future generations how hardwehaditbeforethen
Florida- Florida's fifth attempt to legalize recreational marijuana via a ballot initiative this November is witnessing an unprecedented surge in public support, even in the face of staunch political opposition. The ballot initiative, spearheadedbytheSmart&SafeFlorida committee, has not only shattered fundraising records but has also highlighted a significant disconnect between voter preferences and political resistance
According to June 10 campaign filings reported by Open Secret, Smart & Safe Floridahasraisedover$40million,setting a new high for marijuana-related ballot measures This figure surpasses the previous record set by California’s 2016 Proposition64
Trulieve, a major medical marijuana company, has been the largest contributor, donating over $54 million to the campaign, with substantial contributions from other cannabis companies such as Verano Holdings Corp, Curaleaf Holdings, and Green Thumb Industries Despite the overwhelming financial backing and public enthusiasm, Florida Governor Ron DeSantisremainsavocalopponentofthe measure,knownasAmendment3
Read thefull story
ManSentencedto9YearsforCannabisin FakeAmazonVan–AreOutdatedLaws RuiningLives?
OKLAHOMA - The recent sentencing of an Oklahomaman,BrandonYe,tonineyearsin federalprisonfortransportingcannabisina fake Amazon van starkly illustrates the growing disconnect between public opinion andlegalenforcementintheUnitedStates
Ye,43,wasinvolvedinanintricateoperation where he used a van disguised as an Amazon delivery vehicle to transport vacuum-sealed packages of cannabis from licensed medical cannabis growing facilities in Oklahoma Medical cannabis is legal in Oklahoma, but recreational use remains prohibited Ye moved these packages to warehouseswithinthestatebeforetheywere transported out of state for sale The US Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that Ye was responsible for shipping about 28 tonsofcannabisoutofOklahomabeforehis arrestinDecember2022 Yepleadedguiltyto charges of possessing cannabis with the intenttodistributeandpossessingafirearm whiledistributingthedrug
SouthDakota'snew lawbansthesaleof unregulatedhemp products,including Delta-8andDelta10THC,classifyingit asaClass2 misdemeanor. Despitelegal challenges,thelaw aimstoregulate thecannabis marketandalign withthestate's oppositionto recreational cannabis.
SouthDakotaCracksDownon'FakeWeed':New LawBansUnregulatedHempProductsStatewide
Anewlawbanningthesaleofunregulatedhempproducts tookeffectinSouthDakotaonJuly1,markingasignificant shiftinthestate’scannabispolicy Thiscomesthree monthsafterGovernorKristiNoem(R)signedHouseBill 1125intolaw,targetingthechemicalmodificationor conversionofindustrialhemp.
HouseBill1125,introducedby Rep.BrianMulder(R), specificallyprohibitsthe saleanddistributionof productscontainingDelta8,Delta-10,THC-O,HHC,and THC-P Thesesubstances, whichcanbesynthesized andaddedtohemp products,mimicthe psychoactiveeffectsof Delta-9THCfoundin marijuana Underthenew law,thesaleofthese productsisclassifiedasa Class2misdemeanor
HempQuarters605,ashop sellingsuchproducts,fileda lawsuitinJunechallenging theconstitutionalityofthe newlaw
Psilocybin mushrooms are now the most popular psychedelic in the U.S., with 12% of Americanshavingtriedthemand3.1%using them in the past year. This rise reflects a broader cultural shift towards alternative medicineandholisticwellnesspractices As part of the modern wellness movement, psilocybin is being explored for its potential mental health benefits and its role in enhancing overall well-being through practiceslikemicrodosing.
The United States is experiencing a notable shiftinitsapproachtohealthandwellness,as revealed by a recent study from the RAND Corporation The report highlights that psilocybin mushrooms, commonly known as "magic mushrooms," have become the most popular psychedelic drug in the country
Approximately 12% of Americans have tried psilocybin, with 31% experimenting with these hallucinogenic fungi in the past year This equates to about eight million adults experiencing the profound effects of magic mushroomsin2023
Psilocybin mushrooms are renowned for their abilitytoinducealteredstatesofconsciousness and vivid hallucinations Historically used in traditional practices for their spiritual significance, these mushrooms are now at the forefront of a broader cultural shift towards alternative medicine and holistic wellness Proponents of psilocybin argue that it offers profound spiritual experiences and therapeutic benefits, including the potential to treat mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and PTSD BeauKilmer,leadauthoroftheRANDreport and senior policy researcher, draws parallels between the current psychedelic renaissance and the early days of cannabis policy reform “Thecurrentsituationwithpsychedelicsreminds me of where we were with cannabis policy 12 years ago,” Kilmer notes He emphasizes the need for federal policymakers to actively shape the evolving landscape of psychedelic use. This shift in perception is part of a broader trend towardsholisticandintegrativehealthpractices Americansareincreasinglyturningtoalternative therapies that emphasize natural substances, mentalhealth,andoverallwell-being
Yield:Thisrecipemakesabout 4servings
2tablespoonscannabis-infusedoliveoil(adjust dosagebasedonyourpreferenceandtolerance)
Summer is here, and it's time to fire up the grill for some unforgettable culinary delights As a cannabis enthusiast, why not elevate your grilling game with a unique and flavorful recipe that combines the best of both worlds? Our Elevated Lime Shrimp Skewers are the perfect addition to any July cookout,offeringatantalizing blend of succulent shrimp, zestylime,andasubtlehintof cannabis Thisdishisnotonly atreatforyourtastebudsbut also a great way to impress yourfriendswithyourculinary skills and cannabis knowledge Dive into this delightful recipe and make yoursummergatheringstruly memorable So lets get it started, grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and lets get Cooking With A Buz!!
Inalargebowl,whisktogetherthecannabis-infused oliveoil,regularoliveoil,limejuice,limezest,garlic, honey,smokedpaprika,cumin,redpepperflakes(if using),salt,andpepper Next,addtheshrimptothebowl andtosstocoatevenlywiththemarinadeandthen coverandrefrigerateforatleast30minutestoallowthe flavorstomeld
Ifusingwoodenskewers,soaktheminwaterforatleast 30minutestopreventburningonthegrill Nowlet’s preheatthegrilltomedium-highheatandnowlet's maketheskewers Threadthemarinatedshrimp,bell peppers,andredonionontotheskewers,alternating betweenshrimpandvegetables
Oncethegrillistotemp,placetheskewersonandcook for2-3minutesperside,oruntiltheshrimpareopaque andthevegetablesareslightlycharred Thenremove fromthegrillandletrestforaminute
Transfertheskewerstoaservingplatter.Garnishwith choppedfreshcilantroandlimewedgesandserve immediately,squeezingfreshlimejuiceovertheskewers foranextraburstofflavor
LimesarehighinvitaminCandantioxidants bothofwhichmayofferhealthbenefits Eatinglimesordrinkingthejuicemay improveimmunity,reduceheartdiseaserisk factors,preventkidneystones,aidiron absorption,andpromotehealthyskin Avoid limesifyou'reallergictocitrusfruit.
Adjusttheamountofcannabis-infusedoliveoilinthemarinadebasedonyourdesiredpotency andthestrengthofyourcannabisoil Ifyourenewtocannabis-infusedcooking,startwithalower doseandgraduallyincreaseasyoubecomemorecomfortablewiththeeffects
OurElevatedLimeShrimpSkewersaresuretobeahitatyournextsummergathering Thebright, zestyflavorspairedwiththesubtlecannabisinfusionmakeforadelightfulanduniquedishthat embodiesthespiritoftheseason Enjoythesunshine,goodcompany,anddeliciousfood happy grilling!
Chef'sTip:Foranaddedlayerofflavor,trygrillingsomefreshpineapplechunksandaddingthem totheskewers Thesweetandsmokypineapplecomplementstheshrimpbeautifully,makingthis dishevenmoreirresistible
As the 4th of July approaches, the air is filled with excitement, fireworks, and the irresistible aroma of barbecues. This year, let's elevate the celebration with some cannabis-infusedrecipesthatwillnotonlytantalizeyourtastebudsbutalsospark joy Whetheryou'reaseasonedcannabisconnoisseuroracuriousnewcomer,these recipes will add a unique twist to your Independence Day festivities Get ready to impress your friends with these delightful, infused dishes that perfectly blend the spiritoffreedomandthejoyofcannabis
Whenpreparingcannabis-infusedrecipes,itsimportant toconsiderthepotencyanddosage Startwithalower amountofcannabis,especiallyifyou'reservingguests withvaryingtolerancelevels Alwayslabelyourinfused dishes clearly and inform your guests about the cannabiscontent
This 4th of July light up your celebrations with these cannabis-infusedrecipesthataresuretobringjoyand elevateyourholidayexperience Whetheryou’rehosting a backyard barbecue or a laid-back gathering with friends, these dishes will add a delightful twist to your festivitiesEnjoythefreedom,theflavors,andthefun,and haveatrulymemorableIndependenceDay!
Preparation&Cook Time:10minutes (plus30minuteschillingtime)
Nothing screams summer quite like a re salad. This easy-to-make dish combine watermelon with the herbal notes of cannabis for a truly invigoratingtreat.
4cupswatermelon,cubed 1cupcucumber,sliced 1/4cupredonion,thinlysliced 1/4cupfetacheese,crumbled 2tablespoonscannabis-infusedoliveoil 1tablespoonfreshmint,chopped Saltandpeppertotaste
No 4th of July celebration is complete without some fingerlicking BBQ chicken wings This recipe features a tangy, cannabis-infusedsaucethatwillmakeyourwingsthehighlight oftheparty
Ingredients: 2poundschickenwings Saltandpeppertotaste
2tablespoonscannabis-infusedbutter 1tablespoonhoney
Preheatyourgrilltomedium-highheat. Seasonthechickenwingswithsaltandpepper Grillthewingsfor20-25minutes,turningoccasionally, untilcrispyandcookedthrough
Inalargebowl,combinethewatermelon,cucumber,andredonion Drizzlewithcannabis-infusedoliveoilandtossgentlytocoat. Sprinklewithfetacheeseandfreshmint Seasonwithsaltandpeppertotaste. Chillintherefrigeratorforatleast30minutesbeforeserving
Inasaucepan,meltthecannabis-infusedbutterover lowheat StirintheBBQsauce,honey,smokedpaprika, andgarlicpowderuntilwellcombined
Tossthegrilledwingsinthecannabis-infusedsauce andservehot
For a dessert that’s as festive as it is delicious, these patriotic berryparfaitsareaperfectchoice Layeredwithred,white,and blue fruits and topped with cannabis-infused whipped cream, theyareadelightfulendtoany4thofJulymeal
Addthepowderedsugar,vanillaextract,andcannabis-infused coconutoil,andcontinuetowhipuntilsoftpeaksform.
Inindividualservingglasses,layertheyogurt,strawberries, blueberries,andraspberries Topwithagenerousdollopof cannabis-infusedwhippedcream Garnishwithafewextraberriesandserveimmediately
Quench your thirst with this refreshing cannabis-infused lemonade It’stheperfectdrinktocooldownonahot4thofJuly afternoon
1tablespooncannabistincture(adjustaccordingtoyour preference)
Inapitcher,combinethelemonjuice,coldwater,andsugar Stir untilthesugariscompletelydissolved.Addthecannabis tinctureandmixwell
Fillglasseswithicecubesandpourthelemonadeovertheice Garnishwithlemonslicesandfreshmint Servechilledandenjoy responsibly
Assummerrollsin,thecallofadventurebeckonsustoexplorenewhorizons Forcannabisenthusiasts,findingdestinationswheretheherbis not only legal but celebrated can elevate the travel experience to new heights. Whether you ' re seeking vibrant cityscapes, tranquil beach towns,orpicturesquemountains,thereareplentyofcannabis-friendlydestinationstosatisfyyourwanderlust Here’saguidetosomeofthe bestsummerspotswhereyoucanenjoyboththesceneryandthegreen.
WhyGo:Denverisatop choiceforcannabistourists, andforgoodreason Asoneof thepioneeringstatesto legalizerecreationalcannabis, Coloradooffersawellestablishedandthriving cannabisculture
DispensaryHopping:Denver’s arrayofdispensariesand cannabisloungesis unparalleled CheckoutThe CoffeeJoint,thecity’sfirst licensedsocialconsumption clubandcoffeehouse
CannabisTours:Immerse yourselfintheindustrywith growoperationtoursor cookingclasses
CulturalExperience:Explore theRiNoArtDistrictformurals, galleries,andcraftbreweries OutdoorAdventures:Ashort drivetakesyoutotheRocky MountainsortheiconicRed RocksAmphitheatreforhiking andlivemusic
WhyGo: Knownforits progressivecultureand stunningnaturalbeauty, Portlandisahavenfor cannabisenthusiasts.The city’scannabismarketis robust,offeringhigh-quality productsandcannabisfriendlyactivities
CannabisTastings:Visittop dispensarieslikeFarmafor expertlycuratedselections
LocalFlavor:Strollthroughthe PortlandSaturdayMarketor theInternationalRoseTest Garden
DayTrips:Explorethe ColumbiaRiverGorgeorthe OregonCoast
InfusedDining:Experience cannabis-infusedpop-up diningevents
ouver, British mbia: The Coastal abis Capital
Canada’sstunning astcityoffersavibrant sscenecombined athtakinglandscapes reationalcannabis ossCanada, erisatopdestination genceandexploration
sLounges:Visit spotslikeTheVillage Bloomeryforawelcomingand knowledgeableexperience
OutdoorParadise:Spenda dayinStanleyParkortakea ferrytoVictoriaonVancouver Island
CityExploration:Discover diverseneighborhoodslike GastownandCommercial Drive,knownforuniqueshops andeateries.
WhyGo: Barcelonaisrenowned foritsstunningarchitectureand livelyculture,complementedby itsuniquecannabissocialclubs. Whilecannabisisnotfullylegal, theseprivateclubsofferalegal andsocialwaytoenjoyit
SocialClubs:Joinclubssuch asLaMesaorClubCirculofor alocalcannabisexperience
ArchitecturalWonders: ExploreAntoniGaudí’s masterpiecesliketheSagrada FamiliaandParkGüell
BeachVibes:Relaxon BarcelonetaBeachortakea triptotheCostaBrava
Nightlife:DiveintoBarcelona’s vibrantnightlifeandculinary scene,fromtapasbarsto world-classrestaurants
WhyGo: Amsterdamhaslongbeen famousforitsliberalcannabislaws andvibrantcoffeeshopculture This picturesquecityoffersauniqueblend ofhistory,culture,andcannabis
Iconic Coffee Shops: Visit legendary spotslikeTheBulldogandBarney’s
Cycling Tours: Ride along the charmingcanalsandexplorethecity’s neighborhoods.
Cultural Treasures: Discover worldclass museums, including the Van GoghMuseumandtheRijksmuseum.
Market Strolls: Experience the lively atmosphere at markets like the Albert CuypMarket.
While traveling to cannabis-friendly destinations can be exciting, it’s important to consume responsibly and respect local laws and regulations. Always be mindful of your surroundings, and remember that public consumption is often restricted even in places where cannabisislegal Thissummer,letyourwanderlustleadyoutodestinationswherecannabisiscelebratedandenjoyed Fromthebustling streets of Denver and Portland to the scenic beauty of Vancouver and the cultural richness of Barcelona and Amsterdam, these cannabis-friendly destinations offer the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation Pack your bags, grab your favorite strain, and get readyforanunforgettablesummerjourney.
Cannabiscultureisasrichanddiverseastheplantitself,witha historythatspanscenturiesandacontemporaryrelevancethat continuestogrow.Forthecannabisenthusiast,thereisawealth ofliteraturethatexploreseveryfacetofthisfascinatingsubject. Whether you ' re looking to deepen your understanding of cannabisscience,growyourownplants,orsimplyenjoysome creative fiction inspired by the herb, there’s a book for you. Here’s a curated list of must-read books that every cannabis lovershouldhaveontheirshelf.
HunterDublin written by:
Often referred to as the “hemp bible,” Jack Herer's seminal workisacomprehensiveexplorationofthehistoryanduses of hemp and cannabis. First published in 1985, the book covers the plant’s historical significance, its industrial potential, and the politics surrounding its prohibition. Herer’s passionate advocacy and meticulous research make this a cornerstone read for anyone interested in cannabis legalizationandactivism
Forthosefascinatedbythescientificandculturaljourneyof cannabis,thisbookisatreasuretroveofinformation Clarke and Merlin delve into the plant's evolutionary history and its impactonhumanculturesaroundtheworld Thebookisrich with botanical insights, archaeological findings, and ethnographicstudies,makingitanessentialreadforanyone wanting to understand the profound relationship between humansandcannabis
Joe Dolce’s engaging narrative takes readers on a journey through the modern cannabis landscape From visiting cutting-edge dispensaries in the United States to exploring ancient cannabis cultures in Asia, Dolce provides a compelling look at how cannabis is reshaping societies around the world His witty and insightful writing makes this book a delightful read for those curious about the global impactofcannabis
Photo:UniversityofCalifornia,Press 3
Aspiring cultivators will find Greg Green’s comprehensive guide invaluable Covering everything from basic botany to advanced growing techniques, this book provides detailed instructions on how to cultivate high-quality cannabis Green’s expertise ensures that both novice and experienced growerscanbenefitfromhisinsights,makingitamust-have manual for anyone serious about growing their own cannabis
MartinA.Lee’s"SmokeSignals"offersathoroughexamination of the social history of marijuana The book chronicles the plant’s journey from ancient times to its current status in modern medicine and culture Lee's well-researched narrativehighlightsthescientificdiscoveries,politicalbattles, andculturalshiftsthathaveshapedourunderstandingand use of cannabis today. This book is essential for anyone interestedinthebroadercontextofcannabisinsociety
"Green" is a beautifully illustrated guide that celebrates the diversity of the cannabis plant With stunning photography by Erik Christiansen and insightful commentary by Dan Michaels, this book showcases the wide variety of cannabis strainsavailabletoday Eachstrainispresentedwithdetailed information about its effects, flavors, and growing characteristics, making it an excellent resource for both connoisseursandcasualusers.
"Green" is a beautifully illustrated guide that celebrates the diversity of the cannabis plant. With stunning photography by Erik Christiansen and insightful commentary by Dan Michaels, this book showcases the wide variety of cannabis strainsavailabletoday Eachstrainispresentedwithdetailed information about its effects, flavors, and growing characteristics, making it an excellent resource for both connoisseursandcasualusers.
Whetheryou’reaseasonedcannabisconnoisseuroracurious newcomer, these books offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration From growing your own plants to understanding the complex history and culture of cannabis, these reads are suretoelevateyourappreciationforthisremarkableplant So, lightupyourfavoritestrain,getcomfortable,anddiveintothe richworldofcannabisliterature
Authoredby Dr.PepperHernandezND,Ph.D.,CTC,CNHP,NHC
DualBoardCertifiedandAward-WinningHolisticHealthPractitioner T H E W O R L D O F C A N N A B I N O I D S A N D T E R P E N E S
Theendocrinesystemisacomplexnetworkofglands andorgansresponsibleforproducingandregulating hormonesinthebody Thesehormonesplayacrucial role in regulating metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, and more The interplay between cannabinoids, terpenes, and the endocrine system has garnered significant interest in recent years due to the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabisandotherholisticherbs
Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis plants. The two most well-known cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), although there are over a hundred others that have been identified. These cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body, which regulates various physiological processes, including those controlled bytheendocrinesystem
THC and CBD: THC is psychoactive and primarily binds to CB1 receptors in the brain and nervous system, influencing mood, pain perception, and appetite CBD,ontheotherhand,doesnotproducea high and interacts more subtly with CB2 receptors, which are found in the immune system and peripheral organs, affecting inflammation and immuneresponse
Impact on Hormones: Research suggests that cannabinoidscaninfluencehormonelevelsindirectly through their effects on the ECS. For example, CBD has been shown to potentially reduce cortisol levels, whichisknownasthestresshormone THCmayalso affect hormone levels, although research is ongoing to understand its specific impacts on the endocrine system
Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonly Theinformationprovidedisderivedfromresearchgathered fromexternalsources PleasecheckwithyourCannabis EducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorEducated&Trained CannabisTherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdiet orlifestylechange
WrittenbyDr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHPinECS& NaturopathicMedicine,CannabisTherapyConsultant,The FounderandEducationDirectoroftheCannabisHolistic Institute TofindoutmoreaboutherTelemedicine Consultations,EducationalPrograms,YouTubevideos,and othercreativecontent,youcanfindheronthemassiveinterwebsonallplatformsoratdrpepperhernandezcom
Terpenesarearomaticcompoundsfoundinmanyplants, including cannabis They contribute to the distinctive flavorsandscentsofdifferentcannabisstrainsandmay alsohavetherapeuticeffects
Beta-Caryophyllene:Thisterpeneactsasacannabinoid by binding to CB2 receptors and has anti-inflammatory properties It may indirectly affect hormone levels by modulatingimmuneresponse.
LinaloolandMyrcene:Theseterpeneshavebeenstudied for their potential calming and sedative effects, which couldinfluencehormonesrelatedtostressandsleep
Certaincannabiscultivars(strains)havebeenassociated with specific effects on the endocrine system, although individualresponsescanvarywidely:
ACDC: High-CBD strain known for potential anti-anxiety effectswithoutthepsychoactivepropertiesofTHC.
Harlequin: Another high-CBD strain that may help with painreliefandinflammation.
GirlScoutCookies:KnownforitshighTHCcontent,which maybebeneficialformanagingpainandnausea
Inadditiontocannabinoidsandterpenesfromcannabis, several holistic herbs and supplements may support endocrinehealth:
Ashwagandha:Adaptogenicherbknownforitsabilityto help the body cope with stress and balance hormone levels
Holy Basil (Tulsi): Adaptogenic herb that may support adrenal gland function and reduce stress hormone levels
Rhodiola: Adaptogenic herb known for boosting energy levelsandsupportingthebody'sresponsetostress
Maca:Peruvianrootvegetableknownforitspotentialto balancehormonelevelsandsupportfertility
Theinteractionbetweencannabinoids,terpenes,andthe endocrine system is a complex and evolving field of research. While there is evidence suggesting potential benefits, much remains to be understood about how these compounds precisely affect hormone levels and overall endocrine function As interest in holistic health and alternative therapies grows, further studies will likely shed light on the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids, terpenes,andotherherbsinsupportingendocrinehealth andoverallwell-being
Feelings:Relaxed,Happy,Giggly StrainFlavors:Sweet,Tropical,Citrus THC18%|CBG1%
Summerisatitspeak,andtheheatistoo Depending onwhereyoulive,itcanbewellover100degrees,and you’re probably looking for any possible way to get your mind off of the summer time heat For some of us, smoking a joint can make you feel better, even if it’s110outside.Hereareafewstrainsthatmatchthe summertimevibes
Eveninthehottest summerdays,find yourcool.Lightup, relax,andletthe summervibestake youtoaplacewhere theheatisjusta stateofmind.
Themostperfecttimeofdayinthesummerissunset,thesun’snotbeating downyourneck,andtheairbeginstocool ThisstrainisanIndicadominant hybridthathasasweetflavor Someusersdescribeitashavingacandyor dessert-like taste with lots of fruity notes The feeling Sunset Sherbert is knowntogiveismorecalming,butstillwithastrongcerebralhighthatcan lastforalongtime It’sagreatstrainforendingalongsummerday Ifyou’re a medical patient, Sunset Sherbert can help treat symptoms like stress, insomnia,musclepain,andmooddisorders
StrainFlavors:Tropical,Berry,Treefruit THC19%|CBG1%
Ifyou’refeelinglikeyoushouldbeinthetropics,TropCherryisthestrainfor you. Trop Cherry has been a popular summer strain for a few years now. Stoners from across the country have seen this Sativa hybrid strain, in a dispensary or two. The strain itself is a mix between Trop Cookings and Cherry Cookies, this way they developed a strain with large nugs, purple tones, and beautifully sparkling trichomes. With the look of Trop Cherry beingsopretty,thetastematcheswell Ithastropical,citrus,andamildtea flavor The mix of flavors makes it pair well with most summertime drinks ThewayTropCherryaffectsitsusersisveryenergizing,it’sagreatstrainfor anything creative, listening to music, or before swimming If you’re a medicalpatient,thisstrainisgreatforpain,stress,anddepression
Feelings:Aroused,Energetic,Uplifted StrainFlavors:Berry,Bluecheese,Nutty THC--|CBG--
Ifyou’refeelinglikeyoushouldbeinthetropics,TropCherryis the strain for you. Trop Cherry has been a popular summer strain for a few years now Stoners from across the country haveseenthisSativahybridstrain,inadispensaryortwo.The strain itself is a mix between Trop Cookings and Cherry Cookies, this way they developed a strain with large nugs, purple tones, and beautifully sparkling trichomes With the lookofTropCherrybeingsopretty,thetastematcheswell.It has tropical, citrus, and a mild tea flavor The mix of flavors makesitpairwellwithmostsummertimedrinks ThewayTrop Cherryaffectsitsusersisveryenergizing,it’sagreatstrainfor anything creative, listening to music, or before swimming If you’re a medical patient, this strain is great for pain, stress, anddepression
Y’allremembertheJuicyFruitgum?Theonewhosewrapper couldleaveatattooonyourtongue?Ifonlythepackagingfor this strain was the same! Juicy Fruit is a hybrid strain that comes from crossing Afghani and Thai, this cross helps the strainhavealittlemoreCBDcontentthanothers WhileJuicy Fruit doesn’t have a very high THC level, it does have long lastingeffects,ifnotusedwithcaution,ithasbeenreportedto causeheadachesandevenparanoia.Butdon’tletthisdeter you JuicyFruitisgreatforcreatingandrelievingstress Users report feeling a mood boost, relaxation, and enhanced creativity Itisastronghigh,soagain,becarefulandmaybe putthejointdownearly Formedicalpatients,youcanexpect this strain to help with pain, anxiety, lack of appetite, and depression
Feelings:Energetic,Uplifted,Creative StrainFlavors:Pungent,Spicy/Herbal,Earthy
Did you know our yellow sun isn’t even close to being like a whitesun?Itmightfeellikeit'swhitehot,buttheWhiteFireOG straincanhelpyouforgetabouttheblazingheat Thisstrainis anotherwithahigherTHClevelthannormal,hittingattwenty five percent White Fire OG’s hybrid base makes it uplifting while still relaxing its users. This is great for any time of day. Some users claim they use this strain to ease any mental stressors they may be having. The flavor of this strain is musky,spicy,andsour Ifyou’reamedicalpatient,WhiteFire OG is great for easing chronic or minor pain, inflammation, andnausea
This super rare, lemony strain will certainly have you ‘Feeling Good’thissummer.NinaLimoneisaSativahybridmadefrom Super Lemon Haze and Rebel God Smoke It is known to provide a nice euphoric high, making its users talkative and social Nina Limone’s flavor profile is as it sounds, lemony, limey, and herbaceous This strain may not be available all over as it grows in small batches with dense nugs, so if you ever see it, give it a try! For medical patients this strain is perfect for relieving stress, depression, and anxiety But, be carefulwiththisstrain,itmight‘PutaSpellonYou’!’
Feelings:Sleepy,Hungry,Relaxed StrainFlavors:Orange,Citrus,Tropical
Fresh fruit is key to a perfect summer experience and Tangerine Kush is as refreshing as the name sounds. It is an indica dominant hybrid that is extremely citrusy with bright orangecoloring.PeoplewhohaveusedTangerineKushsayit makes them feel happy, relaxed, and a little hungry I’d recommendthisforasummernightmakings’mores,you’llbe happy,hungry,andattheend,beabletogotosleepfeeling full. Be careful with this strain too, it can have a very heavy andquickonsetbutitisaquickhighsoyouwon’tbetoohigh for too long If you’re a medical patient, this strain is perfect forsymptomsofdepression,stress,pain,andanxiety
Feelings:Euphoric,Energetic,Focused StrainFlavors:Pineapple,Tropical,Apricot
Sticking to the icy dessert theme, a nice Dole Whip on a hot day might be best of all The Dole Whip strain is super refreshing,justlikeitsnamesake DoleWhipisahybridstrain created by mixing Tropic Truffles with Cookies and Cream It hasaverytropicalflavorwithsweetpineapple,citrus,alittle sourness, and a mild diesel after taste Dole Whip can be up to twenty one percent THC and is known to have a potent high If you choose to try this strain you can expect to feel euphoric and relaxed, perfect for any time of summer day This strain is good for medical patients as it treats stress, anxiety, and depression If you see this strain at your local dispensary,tryitout!Andifyouevergetthechancetotrythe realdessert,I’dhighlyrecommendit!
Cannabis enthusiasts and nature lovers rejoice! The great outdoors offers a plethora of adventures that perfectly complement the serene, elevated experiences that cannabis can provide Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or a curious novice, these outdoor cannabis adventures promise unforgettable experiences.Here’saguidetosomemust-try activitiesthatmarrythebeautyofnaturewith theblissofcannabis
Hikingisaquintessentialwaytoconnectwith nature, and adding cannabis to the mix can enhancethesensoryexperience.Someofthe besttrailsforcannabis-friendlyhikesinclude:
California’s Redwoods: Wander among the ancient giants in Humboldt County, where cannabis and nature converge seamlessly The lush, towering trees and the earthy aroma create an unparalleled hiking experience.
Colorado’s Rocky Mountains: Enjoy breathtaking vistas and crisp mountain air. With Colorado’s legal cannabis market, finding the perfect strain for your hike is a breeze.
Oregon’s Columbia River Gorge: This stunning area offers a variety of trails, waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints. Pack a vaporizer or some edibles for a discreet and enjoyablehike.
For those who want to extend their outdoor adventure, cannabis camping is the perfect getaway. Imagine sitting around a campfire, sharing stories, and enjoying the calm of the wilderness with a cannabis-infused twist Consider these top spots for a cannabisfriendlycampingtrip:
Joshua Tree National Park, California: The otherworldly landscape of Joshua Tree provides a unique backdrop for a cannabisinfused camping experience. The park’s surreal rock formations and star-studded skies are best enjoyed with a relaxing indica strain.
Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada: Whether you’re camping by the lake in summer or nestled in the snowy forests in winter, Lake Tahoe’s natural beauty pairs perfectly with cannabis. Enjoy a joint or some edibles as yousoakinthepristinescenery.
Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee/North Carolina:As one of the most visited national parks in the U.S., the Smoky Mountains offer diverse camping experiences. Take in the mistymountainviewswithabalancedhybrid strainforatrulyimmersiveexperience.
Beach outings and cannabis are a match made in heaven. The sound of the waves, the warmth of the sun, and the soothing effectsofcannabiscreateanidyllicdayby the ocean Here are some top cannabisfriendlybeachestovisit:
Venice Beach, California: Known for its vibrant boardwalk and laid-back vibe, Venice Beach is a perfect spot to enjoy cannabis Exploretheeclecticshops,watch the street performers, and unwind on the sandyshores.
SouthPadreIsland,Texas:WhileTexasisn’t known for cannabis friendliness, South PadreIslandisapopulardestinationwhere the community is more relaxed. Enjoy the GulfofMexico’swarmwatersandbeautiful sunsetswithadiscreetcannabisedible.
Waikiki Beach, Hawaii: Hawaii’s cannabis laws are becoming more relaxed, making Waikiki Beach an excellent choice for a cannabis-enhanced beach day. The crystal-clear waters and iconic Diamond Head backdrop make for an unforgettable experience.
For those who love water sports, kayaking and canoeing offer a tranquil way to explore nature while enjoying cannabis. Paddle through serene waters, surrounded by the sights and sounds of wildlife Top spots for cannabis-friendly paddling include:
Florida’sSprings:The crystal-clear springs of Florida provide a perfect setting for a peaceful paddle. Enjoy the gentle currents and vibrant aquatic life with a mild sativa straintokeepyoualertandengaged.
BoundaryWatersCanoeArea,Minnesota: This remote wilderness area offers endless lakes and rivers to explore. With its quiet, pristine environment, it’s ideal for a cannabis-enhancedpaddlingadventure.
San Juan Islands, Washington: Paddle through the scenic waters of the Pacific Northwest, where you might even spot orcas and other marine life. Washington’s legal cannabis market ensures you’ll find theperfectstrainforyourjourney.
Combining the mindfulness of yoga with the relaxation of cannabis is a growing trend. Many retreats offer guided sessions thatincorporatecannabistodeepenyour practice and enhance relaxation. Considerthesetopretreats:
Ganja Yoga, California: Founded by Dee Dussault, Ganja Yoga offers classes and retreatsthatcombinecannabiswithyoga foraunique,blissfulexperience.
420 Yoga Retreats, Colorado: These retreats offer a perfect escape in the beautiful Colorado mountains, with a focus on cannabis-enhanced yoga and meditation.
High Vibes Yoga, Oregon: Located in Portland, High Vibes Yoga provides a welcoming space to explore the synergy betweencannabisandyoga,offeringboth classesandretreats.
Know the Laws: Always check the local laws and regulations regarding cannabis useintheareasyouplantovisit.
Choose the Right Strain: Different strains can enhance different experiences. Indicas for relaxation, sativas for energy, andhybridsforabalancedeffect.
Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Cannabis can sometimes lead to dehydration and hunger, so pack plenty of water and snacks.
Be Respectful: Always respect the environment and other people. Leave no trace and be mindful of your surroundings.
Embark on these cannabis adventures to elevate your connection with nature and experiencetheworldinanew,invigorating way.Happytrails!
Summerisatimeforsunshine,vacations,and outdooradventures.Butamidstthefun,the changeinroutineandtheheatcansometimes leadtoincreasedstressandanxiety.Aswe striveformentalwellness,manyareturningto cannabisasanaturalaidtomaintainbalance andenhanceoverallwell-being Here’show youcanincorporatecannabisintoyour summerroutinetosupportyourmentalhealth
Cannabishaslongbeenusedforitsmedicinal properties,includingitsabilitytoalleviate symptomsofanxiety,depression,andstress Thekeycomponentsofcannabis,THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)andCBD (cannabidiol),interactwiththe endocannabinoidsysteminourbodiesto regulatemood,sleep,andappetite.
THCisknownforitspsychoactiveeffectsand canprovideasenseofeuphoria,whichmight bebeneficialforthoselookingtoelevatetheir mood
CBDofferstherapeuticbenefitswithoutthe high,makingitidealforreducinganxietyand promotingrelaxation
Whenselectingcannabisproductsformental wellness,it'simportanttoconsideryour personalneedsandpreferences Herearea fewoptions:
CBDoilsandtincturesarepopularfortheir easeofuseandquickabsorption Theycanbe takensublingually(underthetongue)or addedtoyourfavoritesummerdrinks These productsareperfectforthosewhowantto reduceanxietyandstresswithoutthe psychoactiveeffectsofTHC
Edibles,suchasgummiesandchocolates, offeradiscreetandtastywaytoconsume cannabis.Theyareidealforthosewhoprefera gradualonsetofeffects,providinglong-lasting reliefthroughouttheday.
Topicalcannabisproducts,likecreamsand balms,areexcellentforlocalizedrelief They canbeusedtoeasemuscletensionand sorenessafteradayofoutdooractivities, promotingoverallrelaxation
Forthoseseekingimmediateeffects,vapingor smokingcannabiscanbeeffective This methodallowsforquickabsorptionintothe bloodstream,providingalmostinstantrelief fromstressandanxiety However,it'simportant toconsumeresponsibly,especiallyinhot weather
Whetheryou'renewtocannabisortrying anewproduct,it'sessentialtostartwitha lowdoseandgraduallyincreaseas needed Thishelpsyougaugeyour toleranceandavoidanyunwantedside effects
Cannabiscansometimescausedry mouthanddehydration,especiallyduring thesummerheat.Ensureyoudrinkplenty ofwatertostayhydratedandmaintain youroverallwell-being
Pairyourcannabisusewithother relaxationtechniquessuchasmeditation, deepbreathingexercises,oryoga This holisticapproachcanenhancethe calmingeffectsofcannabisandpromote mentalwellness
Differentcannabisstrainshavevarying effects Sativastrainsareknownfortheir upliftingandenergizingeffects,making themgreatfordaytimeuse Indicastrains aremorerelaxingandsedative,idealfor windingdownintheevening Hybrid strainsofferabalanceofboth.
Whilecannabiscanbeahelpfultoolfor mentalwellness,it'simportanttouseit mindfullyandinmoderation Pay attentiontohowyourbodyrespondsand adjustyourusageaccordingly Ifyou haveanyunderlyinghealthconditionsor aretakingothermedications,consultwith ahealthcareprofessionalbefore incorporatingcannabisintoyourroutine
Byintegratingcannabisintoyour summerwellnessroutine,youcanenjoy theseasontoitsfullestwhilemaintaining abalancedstateofmind.Whetheryou're loungingbythepool,hikinginthe mountains,orsimplyunwindingathome, cannabiscanbeyourallyinachieving mentalwellnessandmakingthemostof yoursummeradventures
by:AnneD Ward
Kristen Bell has taken quite the journey from her college days, where cannabis was a staple, to her present-day life, which is all about family and cartoons. In a candid conversation with Deadline, the "Frozen" star opened up about her past with cannabis and how motherhood has transformed her lifestylechoices
"To be honest, I have not partaken in cannabis minus maybe a gummy or two in the last 15 years, " Bell, 42, confessed Reflecting on her college years,Belladmittedshesmoked"alot of reefers" due to her sensitivity to alcohol However,thosedaysarelong behindher,replacedbyaroutinethat revolves around her daughters, Lincoln, 10, and Delta, 9, whom she shares with her husband, Dax Shepard
Bell revealed that her nightly routine with her daughters has become her newhigh "Ispendeverynightwithmy children,andwe’rehighoncartoons," she shared, illustrating the joy and fulfillment she finds in family life This shiftawayfromcannabisisnotjusta personalchoicebutareflectionofher dedicationtoherroleasamother
In addition to her family-focused life, Bellrecentlyproducedandstarredin the revival of "Reefer Madness: The Musical," alongside Alan Cumming The project, a satire of the 1936 cult classic film that exaggerates the dangers of cannabis, offers a humorous nod to her past Bell’s involvement in the musical showcasesherabilitytolookbackon her cannabis days with a sense of humor while highlighting her evolution
Getthelatestscooponall thingscannabisfromThe ChronicMagazine-your go-tosourceforup-to datemarijuananews, helpfulresourcesandan excitinglifestyle
Bell’s story is one of transformation and adaptation Her journey from a college student who used cannabisfrequentlytoamotherwhofindsjoyinherchildren'scompanyandcartoonsisatestament to the profound impact of parenthood It also speaks to the broader trend of celebrities who, upon becomingparents,oftenshifttheirlifestylestoprioritizetheirfamilies
"I probably won't smoke anytime soon, " Bell stated, underscoring her contentment with her current lifestyle.Hernarrativeisacompellingexampleofhowpersonalexperiencesandfamilyresponsibilities canshapeandredefineone’schoicesandpriorities