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The Green Movement - Sustainable Cannabis Cultivation and Consumption
The Green Movement is a global initiative emphasizing the need to address climate change, ensure environmental safety, and promote sustainability. Cannabis has the potential to positively impact this movement as it meets all the necessary criteria. By using sustainable cultivation methods, cannabis can be grown in harmony with the local soil and environmental conditions. The plant can be used for medical purposes and as a food source for humans and animals. This article explores eco-friendly and sustainable cultivation techniques that prevent deforestation and habitat degradation while examining how cannabis can be used as a food source.
Sustainable Cannabis Cultivation is of utmost importance. It is essential to acknowledge that to protect the environment; we must focus on repairing, remedying, or regenerating it. Merely sustaining our current practices will only contribute to the destruction caused by our cultural habits. Therefore, moving forward, the term "regenerative" will be used instead of "sustainable" to emphasize the importance of regenerating our environment.
To secure a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet, we must adopt methods that can regenerate the environments we rely on. The word "regeneration" stems from Latin roots meaning "to create a new," which means to revive and rejuvenate life within our surroundings. Therefore, we must prioritize using local resources that can restore balance and support the natural cycle of the environment when determining what is sustainable and regenerative.
Living in harmony with other life on earth is crucial for our future existence and the health and well-being of our children and all plants and animals. Unfortunately, we have already lost more species of animals and plants than currently exist on Earth. It is time to return to natural techniques that farmers used hundreds of years ago, which made all lands fertile through the cycle of nature. Surprisingly, there were no fertilizer companies back then. By adopting these natural techniques, we can reverse the process of use and deterioration, create new life, and promote health for all. Restoring the environment is easily achievable through simple yet effective methods that emulate nature's processes. By composting, mulching, and practicing hügelkultur, humans can mimic decomposition, fermentation, and diversity - all essential to all life forms. Fermentation unlocks crucial elements in ordinary matter, making them widely available and beneficial to other living things. This natural process deepens the interconnectedness of all components in the life cycle.

Sustainable. To create new. Regenerative.
The key to enhancing the life cycle is to promote diversity among all the elements involved, thereby unlocking the potential for a thriving ecosystem.
Today cannabis can be used in the medical field for seizures, chemotherapy, chronic pain, and other illnesses. Cannabis-infused food products are on a steady rise and come in various consumable forms like edibles, jerky, pizza, and drinks. Surprisingly, Cannabis is not just for humans but beneficial to animals also. Today we see products for pets on the shelf. Just walk into your local pharmacy or feedstore. Some farmers use leftover plant material to supplement animal feed. The possibilities are endless.
As we face the urgent issue of climate change, we must prioritize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and explore alternative energy sources. Many may be surprised to learn that cannabis, a highly versatile resource with a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels, has the potential to aid in these efforts significantly. Despite the numerous practical uses for cannabis/hemp domestically and internationally, research in the US is still in its early stages. This plant can be utilized for paper products, clothing, cooking oil, soil regeneration, and even health benefits, making it an invaluable resource. While the positive effects of cannabis are only beginning to emerge through scientific research, we have long recognized the benefits of this sacred plant. Become a part of the Green Movement and cultivate sustainable cannabis using natural regenerative soil techniques on your farm or backyard. Your plants and the environment will appreciate your efforts.