7 minute read
10 Canna Tips for Newbies
Starting your journey with cannabis isn’t as hard as some people may think. Although there are so many new things to learn about, the undertaking can be as slow or as fast as you’d like it to be. In fact, most dispensary workers are very kind and would LOVE to give you as much advice as you’d like. Ask all the questions you have that I may not have answered for you here...
How to Pick a Strain... Follow Your Nose

Picking a strain can be overwhelming. There are so many different types of cannabis, even if they all stem from either Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid. The best way to figure out what you like is to follow your nose. Yep, the scent that cannabis gives off will be your best indicator for if the strain is for you. Before you go sniffing each container, narrow it down with what you’d like to feel. Indica will be a relaxing high that may help you sleep. Sativa will be more of a bright high filling you with energy. Hybrids will likely be 50’50 but ask your dispensary worker what most people have said about it.
How to Consume

Regardless of how you choose to consume cannabis it is imperative to take it slow. If you’ve decided to smoke flower, a glass piece or some rolling papers will do you just fine. But, if you’ve chosen to go a different route like vaping or edibles it is important to check the milligrams that the vape or edible contains. If you’re using a medical card you might be able to buy edibles with over 1000 mgs. This is something you should likely stay away from as a beginner. The same goes from vape cartridges, some have an extremely high THC percentage. Try to go with the median percentage or milligrams to make sure you don’t accidentally over do it.
Too High?

So... you smoked too much, now you think you need help and you’re freaking out. Don’t worry! Let’s try to get “un-high” first. Although the only real remedy is time, DO NOT PANIC, there are ways you can help yourself to feel a bit better quickly. Drink cold water, splash some of your face, and relax. Another old wives tale is to smell pepper or to chew peppercorns. If those choices aren’t working, remember to breathe and watch some TV to distract yourself. If you’re with your friends, tell them how you feel and they will help you feel more comfortable too.
Choose a Comfortable Setting

A good setting is one of the best ways to have a good experience on cannabis. If this is your first time using it, it’s not the smartest thing to take an edible and go walking around an aquarium. That’s a perfect way to freak yourself out. Instead a neutral spot like your house, your friends house, or an outdoor area you are familiar with is best.
Edibles: Be Cautious

Although we already kind of went over edibles, I want to focus on them for a bit. Edibles are a great way to consume cannabis but they can be hard to nail down dosage. Always try to go as small as you can and ALWAYS wait the recommended two hours before taking more if you aren’t feeling any effects. However, one of the reasons some people have had bad nights with edibles is due to the effects being delayed past the two hour mark and taking more. Be cautious and remember, just when you think “this edible ain’t sh*t,” it might just hit you like a ton of bricks.
Make Fun Plans

Even when using cannabis on your own, make some plans for yourself. Cannabis can make anything more fun! If alone, watch some movies that you haven’t seen in a while, like when’s the last time you watched a Disney classic? Or maybe play some of that new video game everyone’s been talking about. You can even plan ahead by buying your favorite snacks to munch on. If you are using a Sativa, try doing your favorite arts and crafts. You might make something beautiful!
Surround Yourself with Good People

If you have friends who want to try cannabis or have already been using cannabis, make some plans with them! Hanging out with fellow cannabis fans can be one of the best things you can do. When with a group of people simply hanging out and smoking together can be a great bonding experience. Cannabis can make you talkative and you may find out new, great things about your friends. If you do want to make plans, check out what is going on in your city. There may be some cannabis events coming up as summer is around the corner. The cannabis community is one where the majority is kind, accepting, and excited to be with new people. Even if you don’t currently have any cannabis friends, you can make some in no time!
Eat Something

Before you use cannabis in any form, be sure to eat something. This is the same as when you are planning on a night of drinking. You need to eat at least a piece of toast before you consume cannabis in any form. Using cannabis on an empty stomach won’t harm you but it can make the THC affect you faster and harder. This can lead to stomach aches or even overeating and waking up nauseated because you ate a whole bag of Flamin Hot Cheetos. Nobody wants to feel gross after a fun night so take caution and just eat something. (Check out my other article if you want to use food to enhance your high!)

This might be even more important than eating. Staying hydrated can help stave off some of the typical symptoms that cannabis can have, like cotton mouth. Cotton mouth is one of the worst issues that come from cannabis. Additionally, when you stay hydrated, regardless of cannabis use, you will have better overall health. Be sure to drink before, during, and after using cannabis. This will also help if you accidentally overindulge.
Have Fun and Relax

The best advice you could get, other than eating and drinking before, is to relax. When using cannabis, it is easy to accidentally freak out or be paranoid. Always remember that time will pass and everything will turn out okay. One of the best things about cannabis is that it can help you relax. Remember to take your time and just have fun with it. Take the pressure off of yourself. The cannabis community isn’t the same as it was, you can feel apprehensive without fear of being ridiculed. If anything, we at Chronic support you and are rooting for your success.