THC-infused drinks are quickly becoming a popular trend in the cannabis market With more and more states across the country legalizingmarijuana,consumersarelookingfornewwaystoenjoytheir favoriteplantwithoutsmokingit.
THC-infuseddrinksarequicklybecomingapopulartrendinthecannabis market Withmoreandmorestatesacrossthecountrylegalizing marijuana,consumersarelookingfornewwaystoenjoytheirfavorite plantwithoutsmokingit.
THC-infusedbeveragesofferaneasyandconvenientwaytoconsume cannabisthatisnotonlytastybutalsodiscreet TheseTHC-infuseddrink optionsprovideanenjoyableexperiencewithoutthehangoverorother negativesideeffectsassociatedwithalcoholconsumption Theyalsooffer consumersgreatercontrolovertheirdosagelevels,allowingthemto customizetheirexperiencedependingonhowtheywantittofeel
Manyofthesebeveragesusenano-technology,whichisarevolutionary technologythatallowsthebodytoabsorbcannabinoidsmorequickly andefficiently Thismakesiteasierforconsumerstogetthedesired effectsfaster,withfewersideeffectsthantraditionalmethodsof consumption Withnano-infusedTHCdrinks,userscan
experiencethebenefitsofcannabisinjustminutesinsteadof hours!Nano-technologyalsoensuresthatthedrinkmaintains itspotencyovertime,soyoucanbesureyou'regettingallthe medicinalbenefitsfromyourbeverageeachandeverytime youtakeasip.
Nano-infusionisarevolutionarytechnologythatisused toinfuseTHCintobeverages Thisprocessinvolves breakingdownthemoleculesofTHCintotinyparticles, knownasnanoparticles,whichcanbeeasilyabsorbed bythebodyforfasterandmoreefficienteffects.
TheeffectsofconsumingTHC-infusedbeveragescan varydependingonthestrengthanddosagelevel,but generallyspeaking,theytendtolastanywherefrom 4-8hours Thismakesthesedrinksagreatoptionfor longeractivitiesoreventswhereyouwanttokeep yourhighgoing Additionally,becausenanotechnologyisusedintheinfusionprocess,usersare abletoexperiencetheirdesiredeffectsfasterthan withtraditionalmethodsofconsumption.Thismeans thattheeffectsmaybefeltwithinminutesratherthan hoursafterdrinkingaTHCbeverage!
Fromsodastocoffeecreamer,there'ssomethingout thereforeveryonewhowantstoexperiencethe benefitsofTHCwithouthavingtorollupajointortake ahitfromabong HereIhavecompiledfiveofthe bestcannabisdrinksavailableonthemarkettoday
Meet Oh Hi, the small-batch company from Durango, Colorado, producing oneof-a-kind drinks Their CBD-infused seltzers are the perfect addition to your daily routine for a quick boost of refreshment Whether you ' re working out or just enjoying life, Oh Hi's handmade seltzers will elevate your experience. Plus, they offer a range of flavors to choose from, including pomegranate, lemonlime,grapefruit,andgingerbasillimeade And,ifyou'refeelingadventurous,youcan even opt for their THC-infused seltzers Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your drinking habits with Oh Hi Oh Hi products can be found in several states across the country and you can find a storethat'sclosesttoyouontheirwebsite
WhenfounderErikKnutsonhadthebright idea of merging the e fun aspects of drinking with the joy of cannabis, he whippedupsome"KeefCola"andgavea sample to his dear Grandma Dee, who hadnevertriedcannabisbefore Ifan85year-oldnon-smokerlovesit,hethought, this could be a hit Dee took a sip and thenanother That'swhenKeefwasborn Looking for a playful twist on your traditional soda? Look no further, this tantalizing treat features a range of flavors, from classic root beer to tangy bloodorange,allwithasplashofTHCto elevate your experience Keef Brands is currently offering its products in Arizona, California, Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma, Maine, Missouri, and Puerto Rico Try one todayandaddalittleexcitementtoyour beveragegame!
The Tinley Beverage Company was founded in Long Beach, California with theobjectiveofprovidingconsumerswith cannabis-inspired recipes that resemble legendary adult drinks Tinley's firmly believes that it's time for a fresh, tasty, and healthy approach to enjoying cannabis without smoking it. The company is dedicated to creating its products using the finest distilled botanicals and premium California cannabis Tinley's'27Elixirsareinspiredby the world's first recorded use of medical cannabisin2727BC,Tinley’spresents‘27, an outstanding collection of nonalcoholic, cannabis-infused elixirs Tailoredwiththecontemporarycannabis connoisseur in mind, the elixirs feature blended botanicals and Pineapple Jack terpenes that provide a full flavor, fast onset, and an all-around positive experience Whether you sip them straight or over ice, Tinley’s ‘27 will take yourmixologyskillstothenextlevel Enjoy it on its own or use it to create unique concoctions Theperfectwaytoenjoythe benefits of cannabis without the hangover
Get ready to take your edibles game to the next level! Say goodbye to unappetizing weed flavors and oil slicks because Ripple dissolves smoothly and effortlessly into any food or drink Don't settleformediocreedibles-withRipple's fast-acting THC infusion, you can transform all your favorite treats into a delicious and potent experience. The founder created this product out of necessity, his 92-year-old grandmother askedhimtofindsomecannabistohelp her. He ultimately found a THC-infused brownie from a law school friend who becameabaker.Thebrowniewas100mg and would be too strong for his grandmother so he cut the brownie into 20 squares and sealed each one for dosing That's when he decided that ediblesandtheabilitytobeabletodose accurately needed to be revamped into something easy and convenient Right now Ripple products can be found in ColoradoandMichigan
Popular for its high-dose shots, the cannabisbrand,STIDES,hasperfectedits infusion for an optimal high Now, they're taking inspiration from classic teas and infusing them with a potent dose of THC intheirtwonewestdrinks-thefruityand flavorful Georgia Peach High Tea and Wild Raspberry High Tea. Each 12-ounce
Cannabis-infused drinks offer a whole new kind of high and social buzz.
GenerationonResponsible CannabisUse
Writtenby Dr PepperHernandezND,PhD,CTC,CNHP,NHC DualBoardCertifiedandAward-WinningHolisticHealthPractitionerAs cannabis becomes increasingly legal and available across the United States, it's important to educate the older generation on responsible cannabis use. While many may have preconceived notions about cannabis use, it is proven to have therapeutic benefits when used responsibly, especially with ailments that can occur in olderhumanbodies.Sowhenthinkingofusingcannabis, as a holistic health practitioner and Naturopath I would liketosharesomehelpfulideasthatIbelievecouldbeof benefit
Understand the difference between cannabinoids and terpenes: There are many different types of cannabis and all of the plants have a different combination of terpenes and cannabinoids which affect people differently Before using cannabis, it's important to understand the flower itself and know what to ask for There are people to help such as a cannabis consultant and some dispensaries have nurse practitioners on staff Cannabis can provide benefits such as pain relief, relaxation, and improved sleep,butitcanalsohavesideeffectssuchasanxiety ifthewrongmedicineisgiven.It'simportanttoalways askforhelpwhendecidingtousecannabis
Startwithlowdoses:Ifyouarenewtocannabis,start with a low dose and gradually increase it This will allow you to get used to the effects and prevent any unwanted side effects Additionally, older adults may be more sensitive to the effects of cannabis, so startingwithalowdoseisespeciallyimportant
Know your source: It's important to purchase cannabis from a reputable organic outdoor or greenhouse source that follows proper safety protocols This will ensure that you are getting a quality product that is free from contaminants, not grow with chemicals in any way Look for products that have been tested by third-party laboratories for qualityandpurity
Use in a safe and comfortable environment: It's importanttousecannabisinasafeandcomfortable environmentwhereyoufeelrelaxedandatease This will help prevent any anxiety or discomfort that may arise from the use of cannabis Use cannabis in a quietandpeacefulenvironment,andavoidusingitin publicoraroundotherswhomaynotbecomfortable withitsuse.
Respect the laws: It's important to understand the laws surrounding cannabis use in your area and to useitresponsiblyandwithinlegallimits Makesureto follow all local laws and regulations regarding cannabisuse
In conclusion, while cannabis can have therapeutic benefits, it's important to use it responsibly and safely
Understandingthecultivar/strain,startingwithlowdoses, knowing your source, using in a safe and comfortable environment and respecting the laws are all keys to responsiblecannabisuse Byfollowingthesetips,people with older bodies can use cannabis responsibly and safely Helptrackyourexperienceandsuccesswitha Cannabis Medical Journal by the Cannabis Holistic Institute.
Allinformationinthisarticleisforeducationalpurposesonly Pleasecheck withyourCannabisEducatedPrimaryHealthCarePhysicianorCannabis TherapyConsultantbeforebeginninganynewdietorlifestylechange DrPepperHernandezNDPhD,CNHPisaNaturopathicNutritionist,Cannabis Therapy Consultant & Cannabis Holistic Institute Founder and Education Director Tofindoutmoreaboutherprivatepractice,educationalprograms, videosandotherofferingsyoucanfindheronthemassiveinterwebsat DrPepperHernandezcom Goforth,GoCannabis
Oregon - Law enforcement officers conducted a synchronized raid on five properties in Bend and La Pine, busting a massive illegal marijuana operation that is believed to be responsible for distributing drugs throughout the Midwest and eastern partsofthecountry "Severalpeople" weredetainedandinterviewedduring property searches conducted by officers,butnoarrestsweremadeon Tuesday,asstatedinapressrelease by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Authorities discovered significantamountsofmarijuanaand cash during the search of the properties They uncovered environmental violations, such as a seeping septic system, as well as otherhazards Therewasevidenceof drug trafficking and financial crimes found at the properties also Police areonthelookoutfortwoindividuals deemed as "people of interest" in the ongoing investigation The two men arebelievedtobebrothersandhave beenidentifiedasDanielLiautaud,36, from Bend, and Jackson Liautaud, 31, fromLaPine
For better reading experience
Michigan & Oklahoma - A Grand Rapids local, along with family members and accomplices, have been charged with operatinganinterstatedrugring Thegroup is accused of trafficking illegal marijuana through multiple states including Michigan and Oklahoma A criminal complaint was filed in Oklahoma Federal court on May 2 naming Naigang Lin as the accused ringleader, along with his family members Naiyang Ling, Li Jin Yang, and Dong Lin. OtherdefendantsincludeChang-HuiChen, MeiyanXiao,BarryStadlerfromMichigan,as wellasDanielWalsh,TerranceJamahlAllen, Fei Xie, Ahmed Salim Harrold Sr from Michigan,andLuisRafaelLarios-Benites Lin, who recently moved from Grand Rapids to Oklahoma City has been accused by HomelandSecurityInvestigationsofillegally growing and selling marijuana While both states allow for legal marijuana, Lin was allegedlyoperatingoutsidethelaw
115poundsof marijuana,10 poundsof psilocybin mushrooms, 100poundsof cannabis concentrate, 2,400vape cartridges,and 1,200edible items.
California - Last week, law enforcement officials in Riverside County busted an illegal dispensary and confiscated over $1 millionworthofcannabisproductsandmushrooms Deputies werecalledtothe1700blockofProductionCirclelastThursday around 5:30 pm According to officials, when they arrived on thescene,multipleindividualsattemptedtorunfromthearea
Sheriff'sdeputiesapprehended suspectsandsecuredasearch warrant,leadingtothe discoveryof115poundsof marijuana,10poundsof psilocybinmushrooms,100 poundsofcannabis concentrate,2,400vape cartridges,and1,200edible items Thisrecentbustin RiversideCountyservesasa reminderthatCaliforniais crackingdownonillegal operations Lawenforcement officialsaretakingactionto ensurethatcannabisproducts soldwithinthestateare obtainedlegallyandsold legally
OKLAHOMA Accordingtoauthoritiesovera dozen individuals have been apprehended by law enforcement as a result of an investigation on a prohibited cannabis cultivation facility in Oklahoma. Marshall County Sheriff's Office conducted a search warrant at a property in Oakland for illegal marijuana last week. Authorities seized a staggering haul of almost 200 pounds of marijuana and $50,000 in cash, following theirthoroughinvestigation.
The sheriff's office seized three vehicles, a bobcat with a loader and trencher, and a trailer as part of a major drug raid The operation resulted in the arrest of 14 individualsaccusedoftraffickingmarijuana
As Oklahoma continues to crack down on illegal grow operations throughout the state this is yet another example of how Oklahoma is taking serious action against those who are involved in illegal growoperationswithinitsborders Sincebecomingoneofthelargestdistributorsofillegalcannabis throughoutthecountryauthoritieshavebeenonamissiontoshutdowntheillegaloperations Illegal cannabiscultivationinOklahomahasbecomeamajorsourceofcrimeanddestructiontothenatural environment This highlights the gravity of these operations which are damaging both nature and societythroughtheiractivities Theinvestigationisongoingandasmoredetailsarereleasedwewill bringthemtoyou.
Efforts to reduce marijuana penalties and increasemedicalmarijuanaavailabilityinTexas have hit a roadblock in the Senate Despite growing support and calls for reform, two bills aimed at decriminalizing marijuana and expanding access to medical marijuana have beenrejectedwithoutevenbeingdiscussedon the Senate floor The decision leaves tens of thousands of Texans without access to potentially life-saving medicine and perpetuates outdated and harmful drug policies
FollowingaunitedeffortbybothDemocratsand Republicans back in March, Texas lawmakers successfully passed a bill through committee andtheHouseofRepresentativesthataimedto decriminalizemarijuanainthestate
O K L A H O M A & T E X A S
Yields: 2cups
Preparation& CookingTime: 20minutes
1can(15oz)chickpeas,drainedandrinsed 2roastedredpeppers,peeledandseeded 3tablespoonstahini
Optionaltoppings:smalleddicedred pepper,choppedfreshparsley
First,preheatyourovento450degrees Fahrenheit,nowdrainandrinsethe chickpeas,whiletheyaredrainingstartto roastyourredpeppers Simplyrubthemwith alittleoliveoilandsprinklewithsaltand pepper.Placethemonafoil-linedtrayand intotheoventheygo,turnthemforabout7 minutes,androastforanother7minutes Thepeppersshouldhaveablackcharring ontheskin
Removefromtheovenandallowthemto chill,Iliketocutthetopoffandputtheminto anicebath.Becarefulwhencuttingthe pepperbecauseitwillhavelotsofhotjuice inside Makesuretopeelandseedthem whentheyarecooled Theninafood processor,combinethechickpeas,roasted redpeppers,tahini,garlic,lemonjuice, cumin,paprika,cannaoliveoil,salt,and pepper Processuntilsmoothandcreamy, scrapingdownthesidesasneeded.
Makesuretotastethehummusandadjust theseasoningsifdesired Addmorelemon juiceforatangierflavor,ormorepaprikafor asmokiertaste Nowtransferthehummusto aservingbowlandgarnishwithsomesmall dicedf h d d h df h
peppe freshv chips
Gooddaytoallmycanna chefs out there, I'm loving the warmer weather and the opportunity to be outside. This month I wanted to do something that is light and is a great snackanytimeoftheday So get ready to indulge in therichandflavorfulworld of Mediterranean cuisine with my enticing recipe Mind Roasted Red Pepper Hummus This delightful dip combines the smoothness of chickpeas with the smoky sweetness of roasted red peppers, creating a harmonious blend of textures and tastes. Whether you ' re hosting a gathering or lookingforahealthysnack option, this recipe is sure toimpressyourtastebuds and leave you craving more So grab a bag of your favorite herb, twist one up and let's get CookingwithaBuz!
Whatareredbellpeppersgoodfor?The vitaminAandbeta-caroteneinred peppersoffersgoodsupportforyour overallvisionandeyehealth VitaminAis alsohelpfulinsupportingskincells, healingwounds,andboostingwhiteblood cellgrowth.
Thehealthbenefitsofoliveoilhavebeenattributed toitsantioxidantandanti-inflammatoryproperties
Infact,observationalstudieshaveshownalink betweenlowerrisksofcardiovasculardisease, somecancers,andevendementiainpeoplewho consumehigheramountsofoliveoilthanthose whouselittleornone
Starting your journey with cannabis isn’t as hard as some people may think Although there are so many new things to learn about, the undertaking can be as slow or as fast as you’d like it to be In fact, most dispensary workers are very kind and would LOVE to give you as much advice as you’d like. Ask all the questions you have that I may not have answeredforyouhere...
Picking a strain can be overwhelming There aresomanydifferenttypesofcannabis,even if they all stem from either Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid Thebestwaytofigureoutwhatyoulike is to follow your nose. Yep, the scent that cannabis gives off will be your best indicator forifthestrainisforyou.Beforeyougosniffing each container, narrow it down with what you’dliketofeel.Indicawillbearelaxinghigh thatmayhelpyousleep Sativawillbemoreof a bright high filling you with energy. Hybrids will likely be 50’50 but ask your dispensary workerwhatmostpeoplehavesaidaboutit.
Regardless of how you choose to consume cannabis it is imperative to take it slow If you’vedecidedtosmokeflower,aglasspiece orsomerollingpaperswilldoyoujustfine But, if you’ve chosen to go a different route like vaping or edibles it is important to check the milligrams that the vape or edible contains If you’reusingamedicalcardyoumightbeable to buy edibles with over 1000 mgs This is somethingyoushouldlikelystayawayfromas a beginner The same goes from vape cartridges, some have an extremely high THC percentage Try to go with the median percentage or milligrams to make sure you don’taccidentallyoverdoit
So you smoked too much, now you think you need help and you’re freaking out Don’t worry! Let’s try to get “un-high” first Although the only real remedy is time, DO NOT PANIC, there are ways you can help yourself to feel a bit better quickly Drink cold water, splash some of your face,andrelax Anotheroldwivestaleistosmell pepperortochewpeppercorns Ifthosechoices aren’tworking,remembertobreatheandwatch some TV to distract yourself If you’re with your friends,tellthemhowyoufeelandtheywillhelp youfeelmorecomfortabletoo
Agoodsettingisoneofthebestwaystohavea goodexperienceoncannabis.Ifthisisyourfirst time using it, it’s not the smartest thing to take an edible and go walking around an aquarium. That’s a perfect way to freak yourself out Instead a neutral spot like your house, your friends house, or an outdoor area you are familiarwithisbest.
Althoughwealreadykindofwentoveredibles, Iwanttofocusonthemforabit Ediblesarea greatwaytoconsumecannabisbuttheycan behardtonaildowndosage Alwaystrytogo as small as you can and ALWAYS wait the recommendedtwohoursbeforetakingmoreif youaren’tfeelinganyeffects However,oneof thereasonssomepeoplehavehadbadnights withediblesisduetotheeffectsbeingdelayed past the two hour mark and taking more Be cautious and remember, just when you think “thisedibleain’tsh*t,”itmightjusthityoulikea tonofbricks.
Evenwhenusingcannabisonyourown,make some plans for yourself. Cannabis can make anything more fun! If alone, watch some movies that you haven’t seen in a while, like when’s the last time you watched a Disney classic? Or maybe play some of that new video game everyone’s been talking about You can even plan ahead by buying your favoritesnackstomunchon Ifyouareusinga Sativa, try doing your favorite arts and crafts Youmightmakesomethingbeautiful!
If you have friends who want to try cannabis or have already been using cannabis, make some plans with them! Hanging out with fellow cannabisfanscanbeoneofthebestthingsyou can do. When with a group of people simply hanging out and smoking together can be a great bonding experience. Cannabis can make you talkative and you may find out new, great thingsaboutyourfriends.Ifyoudowanttomake plans, check out what is going on in your city There may be some cannabis events coming up as summer is around the corner The cannabis community is one where the majority is kind, accepting, and excited to be with new people Even if you don’t currently have any cannabis friends,youcanmakesomeinnotime!
Beforeyouusecannabisinanyform,besureto eatsomething Thisisthesameaswhenyouare planningonanightofdrinking Youneedtoeat at least a piece of toast before you consume cannabis in any form Using cannabis on an emptystomachwon’tharmyoubutitcanmake the THC affect you faster and harder This can lead to stomach aches or even overeating and wakingupnauseatedbecauseyouateawhole bagofFlaminHotCheetos.Nobodywantstofeel gross after a fun night so take caution and just eat something. (Check out my other article if youwanttousefoodtoenhanceyourhigh!)
This might be even more important than eating Staying hydrated can help stave off some of the typical symptoms that cannabis can have, like cotton mouth Cotton mouth is one of the worst issues that come from cannabis Additionally, when you stay hydrated, regardless of cannabis use, you will have better overall health Be sure to drink before, during, and after using cannabis. This willalsohelpifyouaccidentallyoverindulge
The best advice you could get, other than eating and drinking before, is to relax When usingcannabis,itiseasytoaccidentallyfreak out or be paranoid. Always remember that timewillpassandeverythingwillturnoutokay Oneofthebestthingsaboutcannabisisthatit can help you relax Remember to take your time and just have fun with it. Take the pressure off of yourself The cannabis community isn’t the same as it was, you can feel apprehensive without fear of being ridiculed. If anything, we at Chronic support youandarerootingforyoursuccess
With the ever-expanding cannabis market, choosing the right cannabis gummies can be a challenging task. To simplifyyourselectionprocess,wehavecuratedalistofthesevenbestcannabisgummiesavailable Thesebrands have stood out for their quality, consistency, diverse flavors, precise dosing, positive reviews, reputation, innovation, variety,andaccessibility Let'sexplorewhythesegummieshaveearnedtheiresteemedpositions
WanaGummies TheEpitomeofFlavorVariety
Kanha Gummies have secured their spot with their unwavering commitment to quality ingredients and manufacturing processes Their gummies are widely celebrated for their consistent potency and reliable effects With flavors ranging from indica to sativa and hybrid options,Kanhaoffersadelightfulanddependable cannabisexperience
Wana Gummies have gained recognition for their extensive flavor selection, catering to diverse palates Whether you desire classic fruity flavors or more exotic options, Wana ensures a range of enticing choices Their precise dosing and consistent effects have also made them a trusted brand among cannabisenthusiasts
ZenGummies ElevatingtheMindandBody
KivaCaminoGummiesstandoutfortheirunique approach, inspired by different moods and experiences Craftedtoproviderelaxation,energy, oracreativeboost,KivaCaminooffersagummy tailored to suit various needs Their dedication to flavors and effects has earned them a loyal following
Zen Gummies have gained popularity for their focus on quality ingredients and diverse cannabinoidprofiles WithdifferentTHC:CBDratios available, Zen allows users to personalize their cannabisexperience,aimingtoprovideaperfect balance of relaxation and euphoria Their commitment to quality and customization sets themapart
PLUSGummieshavebecomeafanfavoritedueto their mouthwatering taste and dependable potency. Offering a range of options, including indica,sativa,andCBD-dominantgummies,PLUS caters to a wide range of preferences Their reputation for consistent and reliable effects has solidifiedtheirplaceamongthebest
Wyld gummies serve as an excellent accompaniment to any adventure, offering a harmonious and delightful high that invigorates both mind and body Whether embarking on a thrilling escapade or simply unwinding after a long day, Wyld Canna gummies elevate the experience by delivering unique botanical fruit terpenes and gratifying sensation that enhances everymoment.
District Edibles has captivated the market with their artisanal approach to cannabis gummies Handcrafted in small batches, their gummies boast natural flavors and organic ingredients. DistrictEdiblesfocusesonmaintainingconsistent potency and ensuring a delightful and refined cannabisexperience
When it comes to cannabis gummies, these seven brands have rightfully claimedtheirpositionsamongthebest on the market. From Kanha's consistency to Wana's flavor variety, Kiva Camino's experiential approach to Zen's focus on mind-body balance, PLUS's reliable effects to District Edibles' craftsmanship, and Wyld Canna's energetic and adventurous feeling, each brand brings its unique qualitiestothetable.
While these gummies have been celebrated for their quality, taste, effects, and reputation, it's important to remember that individual preferences may vary. As you explore the world of cannabis gummies, consider your desired effects, taste preferences, and desired cannabinoid profiles. Start with a low dosage, consult professionals, and consume responsiblytofindtheperfect
Terpenes, the aromatic compounds found in plantsincludingCannabis,notonlyprovidea distinctivescentbutalsoplayacrucialrolein providing therapeutic effects. With over 20,000differentterpenes,thecannabisplant containsmorethan100ofthesecompounds, each with its own benefits. When combined with proper cannabinoids and other terpenes, they form a unique biological makeup that acts synergistically, giving rise to a cultivated variety, or what I call the cannabis plant's "FingerPrint," allowing us to categorizeitforitsmedicalproperties.
Valencene is one such terpene found in particular cannabis cultivars or horticultural varieties While limonene is the terpene that usually comes to mind for cultivars with a citrusy scent, valencene is another closely related terpene that boasts a sweet citruslike aroma It produces fantastic aromas of orange, grapefruit, tangerine, mangos, nectarines,herbs,andwood Thenameofthis vibrant terpene is derived from Valencia oranges, which are one of its main sources andwhereitisfoundinlargeamounts
The information in this article is provided solely for educational purposes Research gathered from external sources has been used as a basis for the content Before beginning any new diet or lifestyle change, check with your Cannabis Educated PhysicianorCannabisTherapyConsultant
Dr.PepperHernandez,ND Ph.D.isDualBoardCertified HolisticHealthProfessional.
MultipleAwardwinning NaturopathicNutritionist, CannabisTherapyConsultant &FounderandEducation DirectorofCannabisHolistic Institute.Tofindoutmore aboutherprivatepractice, educationalprograms,videos andotherofferingsyoucan findheronthemassive interwebs,socialplatformsor drpepperhernandez.com.
Throughouthumanhistory,certainsubstances havebeenassociatedwithalteringconsciousness andexpandingourperceptionoftheworld Magic mushrooms,orpsilocybinmushrooms,are onesuchintriguingsubstancethathas captivatedtheinterestofscientistsand enthusiastsalike Inthisarticle,wedelveut intothequestionthathasintrigued manyminds:Doesconsumingmagic mushroomsopenyourmind?Letus embarkonajourneyofexploration andscientificinquirytofindo
Magicmushroomscontainanaturallyoccurring compoundcalledpsilocybin,which,when ingested,isconvertedintopsilocininthebody.Psilocin interactswithserotoninreceptorsinthebrain,leadingtoalteredstates ofconsciousnessoftendescribedaspsychedelicexperiences These experiencescanincludeasenseofinterconnectedness,profound introspection,andaheightenedperceptionoftheworldaroundus
Manyindividualsreportthatmagicmushroomshavethepotential toexpandtheirperspectivesandopentheirminds Duringa psychedelicexperience,peopleoftenencounteradissolutionof boundaries,bothwithinandoutsideofthemselves Thisdissolution canleadtoabroaderunderstandingofinterconnectedness, empathy,andashiftinperspective,enablingindividualstoseethe worldinanewlight.
Scientistshavebeguntoexploretheeffectsofmagicmushrooms onthebrainanditspotentialforopeningthemind.Research studieshaveshownpromisingresults,suggestingthatpsilocybin mayindeedfacilitateneuroplasticity thebrain'sabilityto reorganizeitselfandformnewconnections Thissuggeststhat consumingmagicmushroomscouldpotentiallyopennew pathwaysofthinkingandperception
AstudyconductedbyresearchersatImperialCollegeLondon utilizedfunctionalmagneticresonanceimaging(fMRI)toexamine thebrainactivityofindividualsundertheinfluenceofpsilocybin.The findingsrevealedincreasedconnectivitybetweendifferentregions ofthebrainthataretypicallynotstronglyconnected This heightenedconnectivitymaycontributetotheexperienceofamore openandexpandedmind
Whilescientificresearchprovides valuableinsights,personalexperiences arealsocrucialinunderstandingthe effectsofmagicmushrooms.Many individualswhohaveconsumed thesemushroomsreportprofound andtransformativeexperiences Theydescribeasenseofunity withtheuniverse,enhanced creativity,andincreasedselfawareness Thesepersonal anecdotescontributetothegrowing bodyofevidencesuggestingthat magicmushroomscanindeedopen themind
Itisimportanttonotethattheeffectsofmagicmushrooms canbeinfluencedbytheindividual'smindset,the environment,andthequalityoftherelationshipwiththeir surroundings Theconceptof"setandsetting"emphasizes thesignificanceofpreparingoneselfmentallyand choosingasafe,comfortable,andsupportiveenvironment fortheexperience Creatingtherightsetandsettingcan greatlyenhancethepotentialforapositiveandmindopeningjourney
Formany,therealvalueofapsychedelicexperienceliesin theintegrationandreflectionthatfollows Theinsightsgained duringtheseexperiencescanbeintegratedintodailylife, leadingtopersonalgrowth,improvedwell-being,andan expandedworldview Integrationinvolvesintrospection,selfreflection,andpotentiallyseekingguidancefromtherapists orsupportgroupstomakethemostoftheexperience
Asweconcludeourexplorationofmagicmushroomsand theirpotentialtoopenthemind,itbecomesevidentthatthese fungihaveaprofoundimpactonconsciousnessand perception Scientificresearch,personalexperiences,andthe principlesofsetandsettingallcontributetothegrowingbody ofevidencesuggestingthatconsumingmagicmushrooms canindeedexpandourminds
However,itiscrucialtoapproachthesesubstanceswith cautionandrespect Magicmushroomsarenotaguaranteed shortcuttoenlightenmentorapanaceaforalloflife's challenges Theyrequireresponsibleuse,properpreparation, andintegrationtofullyharnesstheirpotentialbenefits.
Intherealmofconsciousnessexploration,magicmushroomsremainasubjectofongoingscientificresearchand societaldiscussion.Whileevidencepointstowardstheirabilitytoopenmindsandfacilitatetransformative experiences,itisessentialtorecognizethatindividualreactionscanvary.Factorssuchaspersonaldisposition, mentalhealthhistory,andthespecificcontextofconsumptioncaninfluencetheoutcome.
The munchies are common and not only do they sometimes come strong, they also can make you crave some interestingcombinations Althoughonecouldsaythatallfoodsarethebestfoodstoeatwhilehigh,somearebetter thanothers.Thereareevensomefoodsthatcanenhanceyourhigh!WhenconsumedwiththepowerofTheMunchies thereisnotellingwhatahighbrainmightcreate Themajorityofushavemadesomesnacksthatweredeliciousin themoment,butwhenthinkingaboutitlatermaysoundrathergross.Butnoneofthatmatterswhenyou’rehighand hungry Let’sstartwithsomeclassics,thenmoveintotheenhancingfoods Remember,whensmoking,it’snotthebest ideatodrive.ThisiswhywehaveDoorDash,UberEatsandclassicdelivery.Besafewhenhavingthemunchies!
One of the most beloved finger foods on the planet (I think) This is something you can load up and personalize at home but if that sounds like too much work, Taco Bell has some pretty good ones for cheap If you do some quick research, you’ll also findthattherearerecipesfor Pizza Nachos, Loaded Potato Nachos, and even sweetbased nachos like S’mores andBananaSplit.Thisisalso a great sharing food for a stonergroup!
Thick broth, yummy toppings, andthichnoodles?Whatmore couldyouwantinameal?This is something I would recommend having delivered if you’re craving quality If you just want some Top Ramen that’s good too! (Beef > Chicken, in my opinion.) A soup might seem like a lot for a snack but nobody said you hadtofinishit!
Everyone knows that chocolatecontainshappiness!
No, seriously, chocolate has anandamide, commonly referred to as the bliss molecule. Anandamide is a cannabinoid, yep, chocolate interacts with our endocannabinoid system!
Anandamide reacts with CB receptors the same way THC does With this interaction, adding chocolate to your cannabis routine can boost yourblissandkeepyouhappy whilehigh
FrostedFlakes,FruityPebbles, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Coco Puffs, and Cap’n Crunch can be more delicious whole-baked than whenyouwerelittlewatching Saturday morning cartoons Agoodbowlofcerealdoesn’t disappoint with the cool milk and sweet crunchy pieces If you’re into trying more interesting flavors Little Debbie has come out with a few cereals like Oatmeal Cream Pie, Nutty Buddy, Cosmic Brownie, and Swiss Rolls.Atruestonerdelicacy!
WhetheryoulikeclassicKraftor Annie’s,makingaboxofcheese andnoodlescanbeoneofthe most comforting dishes ever If you’re feeling creative you can make your own mac and cheese with a simple roux and your favorite type of cheese This way you can have good qualityleftoversandmakeitas creamyorasthickasyoulikeit!
Not all foods on the list are going to be delicious but adding some Ranch can make the terpenes in broccoli totally worth it Broccolis terpene is known as beta-caryophyllene whichiswellknowntohelpwith inflammation and pain reduction.Somestrainsthatare high in beta-caryophyllene are GirlScoutCookies,BubbaKush, Sour Diesel, Super Silver Haze, and Wedding Cake. While I know we don’t all like broccoli, maybe give it a chance if your favoritestrainishighinitsmain terpene Who knows you might growtoloveit!
This is probably the easiest thing to order delivery for, classic pizza and maybe even some wings! This, like nachos, can be made at home where you can put as many toppings as you like But a fresh pizza from your favoritepizzaplaceistoptier Youcouldalsogothedessert route with cookie pizzas, the ones from your local bakery aresoogood!
Not all cannabis users want heavysnackswhilehigh Fruit is a great refreshing way to snackwithoutgettingtoofull and without major risk of a stomach ache Grapes, watermelon, mangos, strawberries, peaches, you name it and it’s a good snack If you want to do something crazy you could try what TikTok has been doing lately, covering your fruit pieces in melted candy and freezing them. The crunch is immaculate and theflavor?Outofthisworld!
*Thefoodsthatcanenhance yourhigharefoods containingthesame terpenesthatarecommonly foundincannabis Orthe foodinteractswiththe omegathreefattyacidsto enhancethehigh.Itall dependsonwhatyoueat I dowanttosaythatthishas notbeenprovenscientifically butismorecolloquial. Regardless,itdoesn’thurtto tryitout!
One of the most commonly associated foods that contain terpenes, specifically myrcene, are mangoes Myrcene is regarded as having euphoric, relaxing, and often happy effects Some strains that are high in myrcene are OG Kush, Grape Ape, Grandaddy Purp, Harlequin, and Purple Urkle. If you pick one of the aforementioned strains I’d be willing to bet your high would bebetterthanbeforeoratleast lastabitlonger
Not all foods on the list are going to be delicious but adding some Ranch can make the terpenes in broccoli totally worth it Broccolisterpeneisknownas beta-caryophyllene which is well known to help with inflammation and pain reduction Some strains that are high in betacaryophyllene are Girl Scout Cookies, Bubba Kush, Sour Diesel,SuperSilverHaze,and Wedding Cake While I know we don’t all like broccoli, maybe give it a chance if your favorite strain is high in its main terpene Who knows youmightgrowtoloveit!
Practically any type of nut will contain some omega-3’s Omega-3 fatty acids are what scientistscall“healthyfats”and are colloquially known to help lower your cannabis tolerance This also hasn’t been completely proven but they have been proven to help your cells function properly This is how we assume they work in regard to cannabis, the bonds theycreatemayhelpTHCbond bettertoourreceptors Ifthisis true, a handful of almonds before consuming cannabis mighthelpyousmokelessand gethigher!
Realistically,likeIsaid,allfoodsaregoodformunching.Nofoodsareinherentlybadeither,it’sallaboutthe amountyouconsume Hopefully,withtheseoptions,you’llneverbewonderingaboutwhatsnacktobuy, make,ortrynext.Havefunmunchingandtrynottogiveyourselfastomachache!
Welcome,dear readers,toa fascinating explorationofa topicthathas beenbuzzingin theairlately–cannabis etiquette.As marijuana culturecontinues toevolve,it's importantto understandthe socialdynamics andnorms associatedwith itsconsumption. So,grabaseat, relax,and embarkonthis educationaland entertaining journeythrough theworldof cannabis.
In any social setting, it's crucial to respect personal boundaries when it comes to cannabis Not everyone partakes in its consumption, and that's perfectly fine Before assuming someone is comfortable with it, always ask for their consent. Remember, what might be enjoyable for one person may not be the same for another Respect their decision,whethertheychoosetojoinordecline.
When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are different methods, such as smoking or eating edibles Smoking involvesinhalingthesmokefromajoint,pipe,orbong,while edibles are cannabis-infused food or drinks Both methods havetheirownetiquettes.
If you ' re smoking in a group, it's polite to offer to share your joint,butneverpressureothersintopartaking Passingajoint clockwiseisacommonpractice,andremembernottohogit fortoolong Additionally,bemindfulofyoursurroundingsand avoidsmokinginnon-smokingareas.
When it comes to edibles, it's essential to exercise caution. Startwithalowdoseandwaitpatientlyfortheeffectstokick in,astheycantakelongertomanifestcomparedtosmoking. Sharing edibles is perfectly fine, but always inform others about the potency and allow them to make an informed decision
When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are different methods, such as smoking or eating edibles Smoking involvesinhalingthesmokefromajoint,pipe,orbong,while edibles are cannabis-infused food or drinks Both methods havetheirownetiquettes.
In social settings where cannabis is being consumed, it's important to be mindful of those around you If you ' re in a public place, be aware of the legal restrictions and only consume where it's allowed Remember, being discreet and respectful of others who might not share the same enthusiasmforcannabisiscrucial
Cannabishaslongbeenassociatedwithasenseofcommunity and sharing. If you have the means and someone around you doesn't, offering to share can be a kind gesture However, alwaysmakesuretheotherpersoniscomfortableandwillingto partake It's never polite to pressure someone into consuming cannabis.
Communicationisvitalwhenitcomestocannabisetiquette If you 'rehostingagatheringwherecannabiswillbepresent,it's essential to communicate the details to your guests in advance Let them know what to expect, whether it's a smoking-friendlyenvironmentorifedibleswillbeserved This way, everyone can make an informed decision and be prepared
Not everyone wants their cannabis consumption to be public knowledge It's crucial to respect the privacy and confidentiality of others, especially when it comes to their personal choices regarding cannabis Avoid sharing or discussingsomeone'scannabisusewithouttheirconsent,asit isapersonalmatterthatshouldberespected
If you choose to smoke cannabis, be mindful of the people aroundyou.Secondhandsmokecanbebothersometoothers, evenifthey'renotconsumingitthemselves Considersmoking indesignatedareasorwell-ventilatedspacestominimizethe impactonthosewhomaynotappreciatethescentoreffects ofcannabissmoke
Cannabisetiquette,muchlikethecultureitself,iscontinuously evolving.Associety'sperceptionofcannabisshiftsandmore people embrace its use, it's important to adapt and grow alongside these changes Stay open to new perspectives, listen to others' experiences, and be willing to adjust your behavioraccordingly
Understandingandpracticingcannabisetiquetteisessential for navigating the social aspects of marijuana culture By respecting personal boundaries, being mindful of consumption, and fostering inclusivity and respect, we can createapositiveandenjoyableenvironmentforall
Justlikewithanysocialgathering,personalhygienematters Ifyou'resmoking,it'sconsideratetobringbreathmintsorgum to freshen your breath afterward This simple act shows respectforotherswhomaynotappreciatethesmellofsmoke lingeringaround.
So,whetheryou'reanexperiencedcannabisenthusiastornew to the world of marijuana, let's embrace cannabis etiquette and make every social interaction a memorable and respectfulone.
Remember, at the heart of cannabis etiquette lies kindness, empathy,andconsiderationforothers Let'scontinuetolearn, grow,andenjoythisfascinatingandever-evolvingaspectof ourculturewithgraceandunderstanding
LegendaryboxerMikeTyson ismakingsomeserious businessmovesbyforming apartnershipwithInterCure, anIsraelicannabis company
MikeTysonhasjoinedforces withInterCuretobringhis medicinalcannabis productstoglobalmarkets InterCurewillhandlethe cultivation,manufacturing, anddistributionofTyson's lineofediblesexclusively Thispartnershipmarksthe debutofTyson'scannabis company,"Tyson20,"which launchedinOctober2021
Tyson,proudlystatedthathe collaboratesexclusivelywith themostskilledand experiencedgrowersinthe industry,callingthemthe "bestintheworld."Withsuch astrongnetwork,Tyson's positioninthecannabis industryisreaching heavyweightstatus
NateDiazFindsOutTexasWillBe TestingForCannabisInHis UpcomingFightAgainstJakePaul
By: MarieScarciGetreadyboxingfans,because,on August5,2023,thehighly anticipatedNateDiazvs JakePaul boxingmatchissettotakeplaceat theAmericanAirlinesCenterin Dallas,Texas.Don'tmissthisthrilling face-offbetweenahardcore seasonedfighterandaYouTuber turnedboxer
IntheirrecentTexaspress conference,DiazhintedthatPaul hasbeenaccusedofusingsteroids andotherbannedPerformance EnhancingDrugs(PEDs).Toensurea fairfight,bothboxerswillundergo VADAtestingbeforetheirmatch
NateDiazwill undergoamarijuana screeningprocedureahead ofhiseight-round showdownwithPaulon August5thinDallas The TexasDepartmentof LicensingandRegulation madeitclearthatDiazmust adheretothesame regulationsasanyother fighterparticipatingina combatsportinthestate.
yourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle
Tysonsaid,"Ihavethe greatestteamassembledin theworld,andI'mveryluckyto beinthisposition."
TheGreenMovementisaglobalinitiative emphasizingtheneedtoaddressclimate change,ensureenvironmentalsafety,and promote sustainability Cannabis has the potential to positively impact this movement as it meets all the necessary criteria. By using sustainable cultivation methods, cannabis can be grown in harmony with the local soil and environmental conditions The plant can be used for medical purposes and as a foodsourceforhumansandanimals This article explores eco-friendly and sustainable cultivation techniques that prevent deforestation and habitat degradation while examining how cannabiscanbeusedasafoodsource Sustainable Cannabis Cultivation is of utmost importance
It is essential to acknowledge that to protect the environment;wemustfocusonrepairing, remedying, or regenerating it Merely sustaining our current practices will only contribute to the destruction caused by our cultural habits. Therefore, moving forward, the term "regenerative" will be used instead of "sustainable" to emphasize the importance of regeneratingourenvironment.
To secure a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet, we must adopt methods that can regenerate the environments we rely on The word "regeneration" stems from Latin roots meaning "to create a new, " which means to revive and rejuvenate life within our surroundings Therefore,wemustprioritize using local resources that can restore balance and support the natural cycle of the environment when determining what issustainableandregenerative Livinginharmonywithotherlifeonearthis crucial for our future existence and the healthandwell-beingofourchildrenand all plants and animals Unfortunately, we havealreadylostmorespeciesofanimals andplantsthancurrentlyexistonEarth It istimetoreturntonaturaltechniquesthat farmers used hundreds of years ago, which made all lands fertile through the cycleofnature Surprisingly,therewereno fertilizer companies back then. By adopting these natural techniques, we can reverse the process of use and deterioration, create new life, and promotehealthforall
Restoring the environment is easily achievable through simple yet effective methodsthatemulatenature'sprocesses
By composting, mulching, and practicing hügelkultur, humans can mimic decomposition, fermentation, and diversity-allessentialtoalllifeforms
Fermentation unlocks crucial elements in ordinary matter, making them widely available and beneficial to other living things. This natural process deepens the interconnectedness of all components in thelifecycle.
Thekeytoenhancingthelifecycleisto promote diversity among all the elements involved, thereby unlocking thepotentialforathrivingecosystem
Today cannabis can be used in the medical field for seizures, chemotherapy,chronicpain,andother illnesses Cannabis-infused food products are on a steady rise and comeinvariousconsumableformslike edibles, jerky, pizza, and drinks Surprisingly, Cannabis is not just for humansbutbeneficialtoanimalsalso Todayweseeproductsforpetsonthe shelf Just walk into your local pharmacy or feedstore. Some farmers use leftover plant material to supplement animal feed. The possibilitiesareendless
Aswefacetheurgentissueofclimate change, we must prioritize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and explore alternative energy sources Many may be surprised to learn that cannabis, a highly versatile resource with a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels, has the potential to aid in these efforts significantly Despite the numerous practical uses for cannabis/hemp domestically and internationally, research in the US is still in its early stages This plant can be utilized for paper products, clothing, cooking oil, soil regeneration, and even health benefits, making it an invaluable resource While the positive effects of cannabis are only beginning to emergethroughscientificresearch,we have long recognized the benefits of thissacredplant Becomeapartofthe Green Movement and cultivate sustainable cannabis using natural regenerative soil techniques on your farmorbackyard Yourplantsandthe environment will appreciate your efforts