The Chronic Magazine - May 2023

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CONTENTS SAVAGEEXTRACTS THECHRONICMAGAZINE MAY2023 27 CANNABISTOPICALS DiscoverHowitWorksandHowtheycanbenefityou From the uplifting and focused feeling of Sativa to the heavy body relaxing Indica I was really impressed and will continue to use the Indicacart Ifyou’veshopped atadispensaryor doneany researchon cannabis,you’ve likelycome acrossthewords, “Indica,Sativa,or Hybrid.” Eachis meanttoaffect theuser differently;some peopleevenuse thesedifferences atspecifictimes ofday. 18 23 COOKINGWITHABUZ! GrilledLemonKushGarlicShrimpSkewers MAGICMUSHROOMS 5Science-backedreasonstoLegalize MagicMushrooms CANNASCIENCE TheworldofCannabinoidsandTerpenes Geraniol DIFFERENTHIGHS COMPANYHIGHLIGHTS SavageExtractsbyViceFarms HOWTO HowtoeasilyDECARBOXYLATEyourWEED 07 THEN&NOW TheEvolutionofCannabis CONCENTRATEDNEWS ManExecutedinSingaporeOver TwoPoundsofMarijuana RICKSIMPSONOIL(RSO) ExploringtheBenefitsofCannabisforCancerPatient 13 18 19 23 27 34 39 45 53 GANJAEXPOSÉ Blazin'CelebrityNews 55 IndicaVS SativaVS Hybrid

Discover How Cannabis Topicals Work and How They Can Benefit You

Didyouknowthatmarijuanatopicalsarehavingamomentinthe sun?Theseamazingproductsareflyingofftheshelvesandit'sall thanks to their potential healing properties While many are just discoveringtopicals,ourancestorswerecluedinonthissecretlong ago Don'tmissoutonthishottrendinthecannabisworld!

Marijuana topicals have a long and fascinating history, with evidenceoftheirusedatingbacktoancientEgypt Accordingtothe Eberspapyrus,itsaidtheplantwasusedforitsanti-inflammatory properties EvenQueenVictoriaofEnglandisbelievedtohaveused cannabis tinctures and CBD oil to alleviate menstrual cramps Today, these topicals have become increasingly popular and are highlysoughtafterfortheirpotentialtotreatavarietyofconditions such as pain, inflammation, and mood disorders It's incredible to see how far marijuana topicals have come from their humble beginningstobecomingamainstreammedicinaloptions

MAY 2023 7

About Cannabis Topicals & Their Use

Cannabis-infused lotions and creams aren't just ordinary moisturizers - they have the power to penetrate the skin, making theirtherapeuticbenefitsmorethanskin-deep Thesetopicalswork their magic by entering the bloodstream and interacting with specific receptors in the endocannabinoid system It's said that within the hour, you can expect to feel the effects of these cannabis-infusedtopicals

Looking for a cannabis product that can provide maximum benefits?Well,you'vegotacoupleofoptionstochoosefrom-fullspectrum and pure CBD isolate. If you want to experience the full range of the plant's benefits, go for the full-spectrum product It contains THC, CBD, and a mix of terpenes that contribute to its intense, aromatic nature Alternatively, you can opt for pure CBD isolate, which eliminates other cannabinoids for a more targeted effect However, you should know that it lacks some of the therapeuticpropertiespresentinfull-spectrumvariants.

ItsotherdifferenceisthatCBDisolateislegaltopurchaseinstores whereas THC products may require you to have a medical marijuanacardtobeabletopurchaseandaren'tlegalyetinsome states

Lotions & Creams

Thesewonderproductsmakenourishingyourskinabreeze and can be easily applied to any part of your body Plus, they're especially great for those looking to hydrate extra dry areas like knees and elbows, and if you thought cannabis couldn't get any cooler, some people even use thesecreamsaspartoftheirbeautyroutine!

Some of the Different Types of Cannabis Topicals on The Market


Cannabis-infused salves and balms could potentially be thenextbigthinginskincare Boastingsimilarpropertiesto traditionalcreamsandlotions,thesetopicalsolutionsmay actually offer even more therapeutic benefits Typically containingbeeswaxtocreateasoftertexture,theycouldbe the perfect solution for individuals dealing with skin conditionslikepsoriasisoreczema. MAY 2023 8


These cooling concoctions are the perfect solution for anyone seeking relief from sinus pressure or tension headaches Simplyapplyafewdropstoyourtemplesand foreheadandletthecoolingsensationdotherest.

Transdermal Patches

Theselittlewondersaretheonlytopicalswiththepotential togetyouhighandprovidelong-lastingreliefforissueslike lower back pain, and if you ' re not looking to catch a buzz, pureCBDpatchesarestillagreatwaytosootheyourbody withoutanypsychoactiveeffects Justslaponeonandletit doitsworkforupto72hours

Infused Oils

CannabisandCBDoilshaveamultitudeofuses,providing versatility in both topical application and oral ingestion. A mere drop of cannabis oil under the tongue, or just a teaspoonful, can complement a topical treatment These oils are absolute game-changers in the world of natural remedies,offeringawiderangeofbenefitsforthoselooking foralternativeoptions

Possible Benefits Of Using Topicals

Did you know that topical marijuana products are gaining popularity for their pain-relieving properties? Multiple studies show that these products are effective at treating bothpainandinflammation,butthat'snotall Scientistsare alsolookingintothepotentialbenefitsofCBDoilfortreating skinconditionslikeeczema

AccordingtotheAmericanMigraineFoundation,theremay be a new way to treat neck pain and joint stiffness associated with migraines Turns out, CBD oil could help ease these symptoms when applied topically This is an exciting development for those looking for alternative treatmentsbeyondtraditionalmedication

MAY 2023 9

Areyoutiredofbattlingstubbornacne?Well,theremaybe somegoodnewsforyou.Recentstudiesshowthattopical CBD might be able to help treat this common skin condition.Acneisoftenlinkedtoinflammation,buttheantiinflammatory properties of CBD might help battle those peskyblemishes.So,ifyou'relookingforapotentialsolution toyouracnewoes,CBDmightbeworthconsidering

CBDandTHCtopicalsmaynotbeforeveryone,andsome of the more commonly reported possible side effects of usingtheseproductsarehavinganallergicreactiontothe skinattheappliedarea,rash,andevenitching

Whilethereportedsideeffectsweremildincomparisonto the side effects of ingesting THC edibles they are worth beingnoted


When it comes to dosing cannabis topicals, it's important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The amountofTHCorCBDneededtoprovide effective relief can vary greatly from persontoperson,andevenfromproduct toproduct

Some topicals may contain higher concentrations of cannabinoids than others, which can impact the amount needed for optimal results Additionally, factorssuchasweight,metabolism,and the severity of the condition being treatedcanalsoplayaroleinhowmuch product is needed It's always a good ideatoreadtheinstructionsonthelabel andstartlowandworkyourwayup

Cannabis topicals are quickly becoming an increasingly popular alternative for those looking to benefit from the therapeutic properties of cannabis and CBD. From creams, gels, oils, and patches,there'savarietyofproductsthat can meet your needs when it comes to treating pain or inflammation However, it’s important to note that everyone is different in terms of their sensitivity and dosagerequirements;soalwaysreadthe label carefully before use and start with small doses until you find what works best for you With careful consideration andguidanceondosingamountsaswell as potential side effects, these powerful plant-basedremediescouldbejustwhat you need to help manage your symptomsnaturally MAY 2023 10

Concentrated N E W S

TrafficStopResultsinOver 60PoundsofMarijuana Confiscated

Florida - A traffic stop in Marion County led to the arrest of 61-yearold Anthony Battaglia after deputies discovered 60 pounds worth of marijuana stored inside his vehicle Reports reveal that while traveling south on Interstate 75, Battaglia was pulledoverforexceedingspeedlimits andweavingoutofhislanenearmile marker 375. Deputies say Battaglia was visibly perturbed during the interaction, displaying signs of nervousness such as shaking hands and an argumentative tone When asked to search his vehicle, he flatly refused consent A K-9 unit detected the odor of narcotics in the suspect's vehicle, spurring an investigation by deputies. Despite being asked to exit his car and hand over keys for a probable cause search, Anthony Battaglia refused to cooperate with authorities according to official reports After retrieving the suspect's vehicle keys, deputies uncovered a whopping 63 pounds of marijuana in duffle bags an estimated $164K. Battagliawastakenintocustodyand accused of trafficking 25+lbs of cannabisdrugsaswellaspossession of drug equipment, and using a vehicletotrafficdrugs

For better reading experience



Texas - On April 18th, a coordinated effort between DeSoto's High-Intensity Crime Reduction Unit and police departments from nearby cities led to the arrests of four young men and the seizure of over 140 poundsofmarijuanainanimpressivedrug bust Themassarrestisadirectoutcomeof the surge in black market cannabis in the state On Tuesday morning, law enforcement in Cedar Hill and Duncanville initiatedtwomajoroperations.Thefirstwas a routine traffic stop that resulted in the apprehension of suspects believed to be involvedwithcriminalactivity,whileDeSoto officers executed a search warrant on Kimmel Drive What they found within this residence included approximately 142 pounds of marijuana as well as several firearms-including six handguns, one handgun which was reported stolen, and two militarily styled rifles – plus over $42K USD hidden away inside cash safes throughouttheproperty


The46-yearold'sexecution marksa sobering milestonefor justiceand humanrights activistswho havelong campaigned againstsimilar lawsin SoutheastAsia.

ManExecutedinSingaporeOver TwoPoundsofMarijuana

Singapore-TheexecutionofaSingaporeanmanconvictedof cannabistraffickinghasbeenmetwithshockandoutrageby rights activists, who criticize the country's use of capital punishment despite many other nations adopting more progressive approaches to drug-related offenses At 22 pounds, this is one of the most severe cases in recent years leadinguptoWednesday'ssentence Despitethetrendof


marijuanadecriminalization internationally,Singapore standsfirminitshardline stanceagainstdrugtrafficking. SingaporeanTangaraju Suppiahbecamethefirst persontoreceivecapital punishmentin6months,nearly sevenyearsafterhissentence ofdeathwascarriedoutat ChangiPrison Inthedaysprior toTangaraju'sexecution,his familyandadvocateskeptupa vocalcampaignforclemency Thiswasbackedby internationalorganizations suchastheEuropeanUnion’s officeinSingaporeandhuman rightsofficesattheUnited Nationswhichurgedthathe notbehanged.

MAY 2023 13

by the numbers


OKLAHOMA In a recent operation, authoritiesinOklahomahavemadeamajor drugbustandseizedanimpressiveamount ofmarijuana Theinvestigationintoablackmarket operation led to the discovery of multiplefarmstransportingillegalmarijuana to an Oklahoma City warehouse The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics has been workinghardtoputastoptodrugtrafficking in the state, and this latest seizure is a significant step forward in their efforts. According to Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics (OBN) Director Donnie Anderson, authorities have successfully dismantled over 800 marijuanafarmsandapprehendedover200 suspectsinthepasttwoyears Thelatest

discovery involved the repackaging of marijuana into camera equipment boxes, which were being shippedofftoNewYorkandNewJersey.OBNofficialsarecontinuingtocrackdownondrugtrafficking operationsthroughoutthestate Theagentsconfiscatedastaggering7,000poundsofmarijuanafrom a semi-truck trailer on April 14th The agency leading the investigation has made it a top priority to dismantle these groups and stop their illegal activities. The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority have been working hard to crack down on illegal grow operationsthroughoutthestate Thislatestbustisatestamenttotheirongoingeffortsintacklingdrug trafficking,astheywereabletoseizeover7,000poundsofmarijuanafromasemi-trucktrailer.With morethan800farmsdismantledandover200suspectsapprehendedinthepasttwoyearsalone,it’s clearthatthisteamhasmadesignificantprogresstowardseradicatingthesecriminalactivities



State narcotics agents seized 4,000 to 5,000 pounds of marijuana product after a fire at a facility in Logan County injured two, officials said Marijuana was being processed at the facility illegally, officials said Two people suffered burns after a possible explosion Thursday at the facility at 11864 S Sooner Road northofEdmond

Two people suffered burns after a possible explosion Thursday at the facility at 11864 S Sooner Road north of Edmond The operator of the facility was identified as Michael Girocco, who formed the limited liability companies Releaf Labs and Releaf Collective after Oklahomans approved medical marijuana in 2018

O K L A H O M A MAY 2023 16

GrilledLemon KushGarlic ShrimpSkewers

Yields: 4-5servings


Preparation& CookingTime: 30minutes

1poundlargeshrimp,peeledanddeveined 3clovesgarlic,minced






Woodenskewers,soakedinwater for30minutes


Inasmallbowl,whisktogetherthegarlic,oliveoil, lemonjuice,honey,salt,andblackpepper Then threadtheshrimpontotheskewers,makingsure theyarenottoocrowded Nowyou’llwantto brushtheshrimpwiththegarlicandlemon marinade,makingsuretheyarecoatedevenly Afteryoucoattheshrimppreheatthegrillto medium-highheat.Placetheshrimpskewerson thegrillandcookfor2-3minutesperside,oruntil theyarepinkandopaque

Servetheshrimpskewerswithasqueezeoffresh lemonjuiceandgarnishwithchoppedparsley

GrilledLemonKushGarlicShrimpSkewerspair wellwithavarietyofsidedishes.Hereareafew suggestions:

Grilledvegetables-Grillingsomefresh vegetables,suchaszucchini,bellpeppers,and onions,alongsidetheshrimpskewersisagreat waytoaddsomeextraflavorandnutritionto yourmeal

Riceorquinoa-Servingtheshrimpskewersover abedoffluffyriceorquinoaisagreatwayto roundoutthemealandmakeitmorefilling

Salad-Alightandrefreshingsalad,suchasa Greeksaladorasimplegreensaladwitha lemonvinaigrette,isagreatsidedishtobalance outtherichnessoftheshrimpskewers.

Grilledbread-Servingsomegrilledbread,such asgarlicbreadornaan,alongsidetheshrimp skewersisagreatwaytosoakupanyextra marinadeandaddsomeextratexturetothe meal


Limoneneisaterpenemostcommonly foundincitrusplants Asthesecondmost prevalentterpeneonEarth,itcanbefound intherindsofcitrusfruitssuchaslemons, oranges,limesandmore

Thehealthbenefitsofoliveoilhavebeenattributed toitsantioxidantandanti-inflammatoryproperties

Infact,observationalstudieshaveshownalink betweenlowerrisksofcardiovasculardisease, somecancers,andevendementiainpeoplewho consumehigheramountsofoliveoilthanthose whouselittleornone


chef’s out there and welcome back to another great recipe, it’s May and the weather is getting nicer each day so let's do some grilling! For this month I am doing my Grilled Lemon Kush Garlic Shrimp Skewers they are the perfect summer meal These shrimp skewers are marinated in a delicious garlic and lemon marinade, which gives them a bright and zesty flavor that's perfect for warm weather They are quickandeasytoprepare, making them a great option for a weeknight dinner or a weekend barbecue The best part is that they can be cooked on the grill or in the oven, so no matter what the weatherislikeoutside,you can enjoy these tasty shrimp skewers anytime. So grab a bag of your favoriteherb,twistoneup, and let's get Cooking with aBuz!

Cannachef BuzDeliere|@medibles ok MAY 2023 18
5 S c i e n c e - B a c k e d R e a s o n s t o MAY 2023 19

Magicmushroomsor"shrooms" containingthepsychoactive compoundpsilocybinarestill illegal,despitethegrowing evidencesupportingthebenefitsof psilocybin Magicmushrooms remainillegalinmanycountriesas wellandit'sclassifiedasScheduleI substancesintheUnitedStates Herearefivescience-backed reasonswhymagicmushrooms shouldbelegalized,focusingonthe potentialmentalhealthbenefits, addictiontreatment,end-of-life anxietyrelief,personalgrowth,and lowpotentialforharm

Mental Health Benefits

Thetherapeuticpotentialof psilocybinformentalhealthhas gainedsignificantattentionin recentyears.Inarandomized double-blindtrialconductedby Griffithsetal.(2016),psilocybinwas foundtoproducesubstantialand sustaineddecreasesindepression andanxietyamongpatientswith life-threateningcancer.Thisstudy showedthatasinglehighdoseof psilocybinledtoimprovementsin patients'psychologicalwell-being lastingforseveralmonths

Similarly,astudybyCarhart-Harris etal (2021)exploredthepotential ofpsilocybin-assistedtherapyfor treatingmajordepressivedisorder Thetrialcomparedpsilocybin treatmenttoaconventional antidepressant,escitalopram,and foundthatpsilocybindemonstrated rapidandsustainedantidepressant effects.Thesefindingssuggestthat psilocybinmayofferapromising alternativetoconventional antidepressantsfortreating mentalhealthdisorders.

Addiction Treatment

Inadditiontoitspotentialmental healthbenefits,psilocybinhas shownpromiseasatreatmentfor addiction AstudybyJohnsonetal (2014)exploredtheuseof psilocybin-assistedtherapyfor smokingcessation Theresearchers foundthat,aftera6-monthfollowup,80%ofparticipantsinthe psilocybin-assistedtherapygroup wereabstinentfromsmoking, comparedtoahistoricalsuccess rateof35%forconventional treatments

AnotherstudybyBogenschutzetal (2015)investigatedtheuseof psilocybinforalcoholusedisorder Thestudyparticipantsreported reducedalcoholconsumptionafter psilocybin-assistedtreatment,with theimprovementsbeingsustained overa36-weekfollow-upperiod Thepromisingresultsfromthese studiessuggestthatpsilocybinhas significantpotentialfortreating variousformsofaddiction

End-of-life Anxiety Relief

Facingaterminalillnesscanbean extremelydistressingexperience, oftenaccompaniedbyexistential anxietyanddepression Psilocybin hasbeenshowntoalleviatethese symptomsinterminallyillpatients AstudybyRossetal.(2016) demonstratedthatasingledoseof psilocybinsignificantlyimproved existentialdistress,anxiety,and depressionamongterminallyill cancerpatients

Theseimprovementswere sustainedforatleastsevenweeks, withsomepatientsexperiencing benefitslastingforseveralmonths Psilocybin'sabilitytoofferrelieffrom end-of-lifeanxietyanddepression highlightsanothercriticalreasonfor itslegalization

Potential for Personal Growth

Psilocybin-inducedexperiences havebeenassociatedwith increasedpersonalinsight,selfawareness,andempathy.MacLean etal (2011)reportedthatmystical experiencescausedbypsilocybin ledtolong-termpositivechanges inthepersonalitydomainof openness Opennessislinkedto creativity,aestheticappreciation, andcuriosity,indicatingthat psilocybinmayofferopportunities forpersonalgrowthand development

Low Potential for Harm

Comparedtoothersubstances, magicmushroomshavebeen foundtohavearelativelylow potentialforharmandabuse Ina studybyNuttetal.(2010),the authorscomparedtheharmsof varioussubstances,ranking psilocybinlowintermsofharm comparedtootherdrugssuchas alcohol,tobacco,andcannabis Furthermore,areviewbyJohnsonet al (2017)concludedthattheriskof seriousadverseeventsislowwhen psilocybinisadministeredin controlled,clinicalsettings This evidencesuggeststhat,whenused responsiblyandunderproper guidance,magicmushroomspose arelativelylowrisktousers

L e g a l i z e M a g i c M u s h r o o m s MAY 2023 20
MAY 2023 21


Inlightofthegrowingbodyofscientificevidence,itistimetoreevaluatethelegalstatusofmagicmushrooms.Thefive science-backedreasonspresentedhere mentalhealthbenefits,addictiontreatment,end-of-lifeanxietyrelief,potentialfor personalgrowth,andlowpotentialforharm underscorethepotentialbenefitsoflegalizingmagicmushrooms

Legalizingmagicmushroomswouldfacilitatefurtherresearchandcontrolleduseinclinicalsettings,helpingtounlockthefull therapeuticpotentialofpsilocybin Bydoingso,wecanoffernewavenuesfortreatingmentalhealthdisorders,addiction,and end-of-lifeanxiety,aswellaspromotepersonalgrowthanddevelopment Ultimately,thecaseforlegalizingmagic mushroomsisacaseforcompassion,understanding,andevidence-basedpolicymaking MAY 2023 22


C A N N A B I N O I D S & T E R P E N E S


Thismonthwewilldiscusstheprimaryand secondary terpenes of cannabis, with a focus on Geraniol Geraniol is a terpene found in over 200 plus different cannabis cultivars. While it is most commonly associated with geraniums, it is also found in other flowers such as palmarosa and roses, as well as fruits and vegetables like peaches,lemons,andblackberries

Geraniolisknownforitsdelicatescent,and ithassimilarqualitiestoLinalool,whichwas discussed in last month's column If you ' re lookingforGeraniol-richcannabiscultivars, look for rich products in Linalool This tends tocorrelatewithhigherlevelsofGeraniolin general

Geraniol is not only a flavorful oil that contributes to the aroma of cannabis but alsohassignificanttherapeuticpotentialfor numerous conditions. Potential medical benefits attributed to Geraniol include its antioxidant, anti-tumor, neuroprotectant, anti-bacterial,anti-fungal,anti-viral,and anti-spasmodic properties, as well as its abilitytorelievepain.

A 2016 study published in The Journal of CancerMedicineshowedthatGeraniolwas able to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells by altering the expression of master genes involved in cell proliferation Thispreventedcancercellsfromspreading tootherpartsofthebody

Geraniol is a valuable terpene that offers numeroustherapeuticbenefits Itspresence incannabismakesitapromisingcandidate for treating various conditions, and its delicate scent adds to the flavorful aroma of cannabis Researchers have examined the benefits of Geranium essential oil in several human and animal studies And havefoundittobeveryhelpfulinanumber ofdis-easeanddis-aliments

MAY 2023 23

Patients suffering from these ailments have all foundaidintheGeraniolterpene:











Cannabis cultivars are known to contain high levelsofGeraniol:









Remember, the levels of terpenes in a particular cultivar can vary depending on various factors such as the growing conditions, harvesting time, and processing methods So,it'salwaysagoodideatoaskfor a certificate of analysis (COA) from your dispensarytoconfirmtheterpeneprofileofa particularcultivar

Dr.PepperHernandez,ND Ph.D.isDualBoardCertified HolisticHealthProfessional.

MultipleAwardwinning NaturopathicNutritionist, CannabisTherapyConsultant &FounderandEducation DirectorofCannabisHolistic Institute.Tofindoutmore aboutherprivatepractice, educationalprograms,videos andotherofferingsyoucan findheronthemassive interwebs,socialplatformsor

Goforth,GoCannabis MAY 2023 24

Different HIGHS IndicaVS.SativaVS.Hybrid

MAY 2023 27
by Chynna Jasmine Pearson


Ifyou’veshoppedatadispensaryordone any research on cannabis, you’ve likely come across the words, “Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid” Each is meant to affect the user differently; some people even use these differences at specific times of day If you’re new to the cannabis community, you may be wondering more about the different highs they give. At the surface level, Indica is low energy, Sativa is high energy,andHybridisinthemiddle(thisis not always true even though there is a consistency between them, unfortunately that’s where things get complicated) So, let’s get deeper into it, see what the cannabis community has to say about thesedifferences


Indica strains are typically described as “in da couch” and relaxing The cannabis Indica plant is native to India, Turkey, Pakistan, and Afghanistan Often the plants themselves are more akin to surviving harsh environments like the Hindu Kush mountains (dry and erratic weatherasthesemountainsareapartof theHimilayianchain). MAY 2023 28

Theseplantsarecommonlydescribedas “short and stocky with bushy greenery and chunky leaves that grow wide and broad”(Healthline) Theyalsogrowmuch faster and produce more buds with higherlevelsofCBD DuetoIndicastrains containing a higher level of CBD, this meansthereispotentialfortheeffectsof THC to be less potent CBD can counteract the psychoactive effects of THC

Indica strains are also used to reduce nausea and pain, and to increase one ' s appetite However, as it is so relaxing, mostpeopleuseitatnightasitcanbea sleep aid This is also why Indica is considered a “body high” as it causes all your muscles to relax at once Some popular strains are Granddaddy Purp, White Widow, Northern Lights, and SkywalkerOG.


On the opposite end of the cannabis spectrum,Sativastrainsaremeanttobe energizing and focusing Sativa itself is commonly used in the daytime as it can be very stimulating. Its origin begins in Africa, Southeast Asia, Western Asia, and Central America, each area is hot, extremelysunny,andoftendry

Sativastrainsareusedfortreatingthings like epilepsy, asthma, and pain and anxiety reduction (quick reminder: not everyoneisgoingtoexperiencethesame thing while using cannabis, more on this later) PeoplealsoassociateSativastrains witha“headhigh”,thisiswhenyougeta rush of motivation and creative thinking Some popular Sativa strains are Durban Poison,SuperSilverHaze,JackHerer,and SourDiesel


As the name gives away, hybrid strains are a mix of, or right in the middle of, Sativa and Indica strains Typically, any hybrid strain will be listed as Sativadominant or Indica-dominant It is rare that anything will be a true 50/50 strain however,nothingisimpossible

Hybrids originated in farms and greenhouses, when people began to combine strains to see what would happen. Due to the hybridization of cannabis there is no set way the plants willlook,italldependsonwhattheparent plantslookedlike

AsforthetypicalamountofCBD,hybrids are grown in order to increase THC percentage, so the ratio of THC:CBD will alwaysbeunique

Just like the cannabinoids, what Hybrids are used to treat is also unique, and not the same from plant to plant They can range from treating anxiety to easing symptoms from chemotherapy or Parkinson’s Basically,hybridsaregoingto befluidandeverchangingfromplaceto place Always ask your dispensary employees which way the hybrid leans, and what feedback they have gotten from it. Some popular Hybrid strains are WeddingCake,GorillaGlue#4,Runtz,and BlueDream.


Althoughthedifferencesbetweenthetypesofcannabisareimportant,newresearchhas shownthatterpenesarealsoincrediblyimpactfultotheuser'sexperience Terpenes,when usedaloneandnotwithcannabis,havepropertiesthataffecttheuser Terpenes“arewhat give plants their fragrance, taste, and appearance” and are valued for their therapeutic and medicinal properties (THCdesign) The most common terpenes in cannabis are humulene (anti-inflammatory), limonene (uplifting, anti-anxiety, anti-depressant), and myrcene(relaxation,euphoria) Commonsecondaryterpenesareborneol(analgesicand anti-inflammatory), phytol (sedative, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory), eucalyptol (antibacterial and antifungal), and sabinene (digestive aid, anti-bacterial, antioxidant) Theseareonlyafewofthemanydifferentterpenesthatcanbepresentincannabis

A common example of terpenes being used in one more day-to-day setting (outside of cannabis) is in lavender. Lavender is used to make you feel sleepy, this is due to the terpenelinalool Linaloolispresentincannabisaswell,justnotascommonasothers Not onlyisitasedative,butitisalsoananticonvulsant,antipsychotic,andanxiolytic(reduces anxiety) Yourlocaldispensaryshouldknowwhatterpenesarepresentintheircannabis, andifyouareinterestedinknowing,justask!Neverbeafraidtoaskasmanyquestionsas youneed,it’salwaysbettertobesafethansorry

MAY 2023 29

Choosing theRight Strainfor You

At the end of the day, even if you know more about the differences between the types of cannabis, you still need to think through what you want to get out of it before consumption

First,decidewhatyouwanttofeelandgainfrom using cannabis Is it chronic pain? Nausea? Insomnia? Anxiety? What you decide upon will ultimately be a great guide to narrow down options.Second,tryyourbesttounderstandyour tolerance Ask your dispensary employee which strains are more mild and tolerable or which strains are potent There are some strains that havebeengrowntohavemassamountsofTHC that some would find so high it ends up problematicandnolongerbeneficial

Third, take your medical history into consideration Although we all praise cannabis forbeingall-natural,thatdoesn’tmakeitexempt fromhavingintensehighsandsideeffects Some ofthecommonsideeffectsfromusingcannabis are headaches, dry mouth, dry eyes, lightheadednessordizziness,drowsiness,fatigue, nausea, disorientation, hallucinations, increased heart rate, and increased appetite Additionally, some other medications may not mix well with cannabis,ifyoucannotfindtheanswersyouare looking for online be sure to speak with your doctor before using cannabis Lastly, choose what method of consumption you prefer. Each choice has its pros and cons, and none are a wrongchoice What’sbestforyouiswhat’sbest for you! Smoking or vaping will hit your system faster, but can irritate your airways Edibles like gummies, baked goods, or liquids are easier on the body but it can be very easy to take too much and end up higher than you were planning Whatever choice you make, always partake safely! Don’t take too many edibles at once and you don’t have to smoke the entire jointinonesitting! MAY 2023 30
MAY 2023 33
DownloadtheChronicMagazineapptoday! One App, Many Uses! MAY 2023 34

Experiencetheultimateconvenienceand potencywithSavageDiamond1gLive ResinDisposablePerfectforon-the-go use,thispremiumdisposablevapeoffers asmoothandflavorfulexperience

Savage Extracts


SavageCarts-Premium1Gram 510CartridgesFeaturelong-lasting ceramiccoiltechnologyandcome inhybrid,indica,andsativa varieties

I had the opportunity to try out a new product by Savage Extracts, their Diamond Live Resin disposable cartridge I must say I was impressed, the flavor was amazing and wasn't harsh at all The sleek and discreet design make this device easy to take with you anywhere and use without drawing attention I will state that the smell with remind you of some fire cannabis and not the fruity smells traditional associated with standard THC vape carts This isn't your standard cart though, Savage Extracts went above and behind when developing this product and they use only the best flower from Vice Farms I had the opportunity to tryout all three of their Diamond Live Resin carts, Sativa, Hybrid, and Indica and here's what I thought.

Sativa Cart

racts:PremiumConcentrates ducedintheHeartofNorthern Ourteamofexpertsisdedicatedto high-qualityliveresinproducts, iamonds,batters,andsugars ythefinestcannabisstrains, electedfortheirflavorandpotency, hateveryproductweofferdeliversa xperience

Personally, I prefer indica-leaning hybrids our just straight indica when I smoke, however, their Diamond Live Resin Sativa cart was excellent in the mornings to start my day without giving me anxiety after only a couple of good pulls, It left me feeling focused and with a sense of motivation to conquer the day I didn't have the muchies or was too high to accomplish my daily tasks just the right amount to keep me going I also used it when I played a round of golf and I swear my game was better. Ok, maybe my golf game didn't improve but my attitude remained postitve, no matter how many bogeys I had

REVIEWS | Company Highlight
LiveResinDisposables-Experience theUltimateConvenienceand Potency
Eachorderishandledwithcare throughouttheentireprocess. SavageDiamondPremium1Gram 4372N.PleasantViewRd.PoncaCity, Oklahoma74601
Reviewing Savage Extracts Diamond Live Resin Carts by Buz Deliere
MAY 2023 35

Hybrid Cart

After I tried their hybrid cart i knew this team had created something special, once again only a couple of good pulls and i could immediately feel the head change and on the exhale, the vibrant smell filled the room Just like their Sativa cart, i felt motivated and focused without paranoia or an unquenchable hunger I went about my day completing my daily tasks with a big smile on my face I feel the hybrid cart had me a little more giggly than the sativa but that is not a complaint you have to be able to laugh at some of the silly things we go through each day to keep your sanity

Indica Cart

Their Diamond Live Resin Indica cart was everything i hoped for and more Most mornings i wake with anxiety and need to smoke heavy Indica's to help slow my mind down and allow me to focus on my important tasks like most mornigs i woke with anxiety and reached for their cart. instead of smoking two joints back to back to start my morning i only needed 5 hits and i was starting to feel my body relax and my mind began to slow down once again the aroma and flavor was pleasant and left me wanting more It was great for my morning anxiety and also great throughout the day and before bed By the end of the night, i felt completely relaxed and ready for a good nights rest

After 5 days of smoking only Savage Extracts Diamond Live Resin carts my lungs still felt good and i wasnt coughing tons, compared to using distillate cartridges were even after a day of use i feel like i need a lung transplant From the uplifting and focused feeling of Sativa to the heavy body relaxing Indica I was really impressed and will continue to use the Indica cart I GIve Savage Extracts Diamond Live Resin carts a 4 8 tokes out of 5 and is a product I highly recommended to cannabis users, new and seasoned

Premium Concentrates ProudlyProducedin theHeartofNorthern Oklahoma

Savage Extracts is a premium cannabis company based in Northern Oklahoma Our team of experts is dedicated to producing high-quality live resin products, including diamonds, batters, and sugars We use only the finest cannabis strains, carefully selected for their flavor and potency, to ensure that every product we offer delivers a premium experience Our commitment to quality extends beyond our products, as we strive to provide excellent customer service and support to our valued customers Whether you ' re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or a newcomer to the scene, Savage Extracts has something to offer

Trust us to provide you with a premium cannabis experience, every time. MAY 2023 36

How to Easily Decarboxylate Your Weed

What is decarboxylation?

Decarboxylationisanimportantstepwhenmaking cannabisedibles.Itreferstotheprocessofactivatingthe THCandCBDcompoundsincannabis,whichareotherwise dormant.Thisisdonebyheatingtheplantmaterialatalow temperatureforanextendedperiod,typicallyaround200 degreesCelsiusfor45-60minutes.

Bydoingthis,thecannabinoidsandterpenesareactivated whichallowsthemtointeractwiththebody’scannabinoid receptorsandhaveapsychoactiveeffect Decarboxylation isanessentialstepinmakinginfusedcannabisbutterasit activatesthecannabisthatwillbeusedintherecipe

Decarbing Weed in the Oven



Breakupyourdriedandcuredmarijuanaontotheparchmentpaperoraluminum foil Youshouldavoidgrindingthemarijuanabecauseifitistoofine,itismorelikely toburnthandecarb

Oncetheovenispreheatedto250°F,placethebakingsheetandcannabisinthe ovenfor25-30minutes.Ifyou’reconcernedaboutlosingterpenesinyourfavorite strain,youcanbakethecannabisatalowertemperatureformoreextended periods.Forexample,45minutesat230°F.

Halfwaythroughthebakingtime,lightlystirtheplantmatteronthebakingsheet usingaspatulaorwoodenspoon

After25-30minutes,removeyourbakingsheetfromtheovenandletthecannab flowercool.Ifdecarbedcorrectly,theflowershouldlooklightbrownorgoldenin color

Oncecooled,placeallthedecarbedweedintoanair-tightcontainerandstoreina safeplacethatiscool,dry,anddark ExposuretolightwillcausetheTHCyouworke sohardtodecarbtoloseitspotency,andexcessmoisturecanproducemold

That’sit!You'renowreadytouseyourdecarbedweedtomakeedibles,tinctures,oils,o anyotherconsumablecannabisproductyouwant!However,werecommendusing yourstashofdecarboxylatedcannabiswithin3months,ascannabinoidscanlosethe potencyanddegradeovertime

ProTips:Ifitsmellslikeyourflowerisburningatanypointduringtheprocess,turndow thetemperature.AndrememberthatTHCAdecarbssignificantlyfasterthanCBDA.So you 'redecarbinghemptomakeCBDediblesortinctures,allowtheflowertositinthe ovenfortwiceaslong.

Lastly,keepinmindthatdecarbingintheovencanleaveyourhousewithadistinct cannabisodor Soyoumaywanttoleavethewindowsopentohelpairoutyourkitche

MAY 2023 39


How to Decarb Weed Using Your Microwave

Usingamicrowavecanbelesseffectiveandreliablethanusingtheoven.Butthat doesn'tmeanitcan'tdothejobinapinch Onebenefitisthatdecarbingweedin themicrowavewilltakesignificantlylesstimethanbakingitinanoven.Still,itwill requirealittlemoreworktoensurethattheweeddecarbsproperly


First,grinduporbreakapartyourweedandplaceitinamicrowave-safe bowl

Placethebowlinthemicrowaveandcookonhighforapproximately15 minutes

Removethebowlandexaminethecannabisflower Besurethatnonehas burnedandthatithasapungentsmell Givetheflowerastirandmicrowave foranotherminute Repeatasnecessary

Oneadditionalchallengeofusingamicrowaveisthatyourflowermaynot turnintothegolden-browncolorproducedbytheoven,makingitmore challengingtodeterminewhenthecannabishasbeensufficientlydecarbed MAY 2023 40

The Evolution of Cannabis

Cannabis has a long and perhaps, not well known history For centuries, cannabis has been used to treatavastarrayofillnesses It’sincredibletothink that even now, we still use cannabis for healing Many of us watched the progression of cannabis, going from completely illegal to over half of the UnitedStateshavingsomeformoflegality.But,that isonlycannabis’recenthistory,thereismuchmore to the medicinal plant than controversy, 420, and highTHCpercentage

To get to the start of cannabis’ long history, we havetogoallthewaybackto2800BC.According to the University of Sydney (Australia), the first recordofcannabisuseasmedicinewasincentral Asia or western China This was listed in Emperor Shen Nung’s pharmacopeia Emperor Nung is regarded as the father of Chinese medicine and agriculture Hislegendaryrulechangedthewayhis people cultivated food by introducing grains and food, and his book “Materia Medica” included 365 medicines derived from minerals, plants, and animals There have been other early texts that include cannabis like that of the Indian Hindus, Assyrians,GreeksandRomans Eachonereportsa vastarrayofhealthissueslike“arthritis,depression, amenorrhea, inflammation, pain, lack of appetite andasthma.”

In one of the aforementioned Hindu texts, legend holdsthatShiva,oneofthemostimportantgodsin Hinduism,wasgiventhetitle“TheLordofBhang''as cannabisplantswerehisfavoritefood Duetothis, cannabis is one of the most sacred plants, it is writteninthefourthVedathatitisusedforanxiety relief Other texts, according to Sydney, “ attribute theonsetoffeverwiththe‘hotbreathofthegods’ who were angered by the afflicted person ' s behavior Using cannabis in religious rites appeases the gods and hence reduces the fever” THC has since been proven to act on the hypothalamustoreducebodytemperature

Thenextdatecannabishadrecordedusagewasin 199ADbyClaudiousGalen,amanofGreekdescent who became a prominent Roman physician, surgeon and philosopher In his book, “On the PropertiesofFoodstuff,”Galenwroteofhisdiscovery of the hedonistic use of cannabis According to Cambridge University's Powell Owen, “He compared hemp to the chaste tree, the sacred tree of Hera, whichhasaverysimilarappearance.Hewrotethat in Italy it was customary to serve small cakes containing marijuana for dessert. These increased the desire to drink; excessive use, however, had a stupefying effect.” Galen also added that hemp promotedhighspirits,creatingafeelingofwarmth,if consumedinexcess

It then took a long stint before cannabis was introduced into western medicine in the later 1830s William Brooke O’Shaughnessy, after living in India, wrote of the many medicinal uses of cannabis, including a case where cannabis had stopped seizuresinachild Hisworkwaspublishedin,“‘Onthe preparations of the Indian hemp, or gunjah (Cannabis Indica), their effects on the animal systeminhealth,andtheirutilityinthetreatmentof tetanus 6 and other convulsive disorders. ” This was all after he compared India’s literature on the subjecttoallhecouldfindinwesternliteratureand foundwewereseverelylacking

As cannabis had inevitably made its way into westernliterature,itslowlybegantogetintoculture too In1936,thefilmReeferMadnesswasreleasedto sway public opinion away from cannabis by demonizing it as highly addictive, causing mental disorders,andincitingviolence IMDb’sdescriptionof ReeferMadnessisa“cautionarytalethatfeaturesa fictionalized take on marijuana use A trio of drug dealers lead innocent teenagers to become addictedto‘reefer’cigarettesbyholdingwildparties withjazzmusic”Ifyou’reinterestedinthemovie,you canfindthewholethingonYouTube

MAY 2023 45

AyearafterReeferMadnesswasreleased,1937,the uses of cannabis for any purpose were fully taxed out of existence in the United States with the Marijuana Tax Act Credit for this act passing went to the commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics,HarryAnslinger,whotestifiedthattheuse of marijuana “produces in its users insanity, criminality and death” The Marijuana Tax Act regulated importation, cultivation, possession and distribution,andplacedataxonanysales Thefirst people arrested due to this act were in Denver for possession and dealing Shoutout to Denver for beinginthecannabisloopforsolong!

Nearly30yearslater,in1964,THCwasisolatedfrom the cannabis plant by Raphael Mechoulam, the Father of Cannabis Research Mechoulam was an “Israeli chemist who is credited with opening the field of cannabis science after identifying the structure and function of the key compounds of cannabis,” according to the New York times, he passed this year in March His groundbreaking research on cannabis and the endocannabinoid system was completed “just before the use of marijuana and other drugs exploded in countries around the world, bringing seismic changes to popularculturewhilealsokickingoffdecades-long battlesabouthealtheffectsandenforcement.”

Astheworldbegantomoreactivelyusecannabis, sodidtheUnitedStates In1970,weintroducedthe Controlled Substance Act that lists cannabis as “having no accepted medical use and a high potentialforabuse,”aSchedule1drug.Cannabisis still on this list even though there are about 20 states that have fully legalized cannabis at this point Federal legality is still iffy but we all seem to have high hopes each year that passes by Let’s shootfor2024!

IntheUnitedStates,Californiawasthefirststateto legalize medical cannabis 1996 introduced the CompassionateUseActwhich“providedforpeople to possess and use cannabis without legal consequencesiftheyhadamedicalnecessitythat required the use of marijuana” This was a huge momentfortheUSandhasultimatelyledtowhere we are now Medical licenses were given out to people with illnesses like AIDS, cancer, anorexia, migraines, and arthritis Thanks so much California forgivingusthepushaheadweneeded.

It still wasn’t until 2012 that scientists were able to prove that cannabis can ease schizophrenia symptoms just as well as conventional antipsychotic drugs Scientists all over the world have studied cannabis and progress can come slowly We are still making breakthroughs to this day. Another big moment in cannabis research came 5 years later in 2017 CBD was shown to reduce seizures in a placebo-controlled trial Absolutely mind blowing to think that this hypothesis was brought to the forefront of western medicine in the early 1800s One can only imagine whatwewillproveastimegoeson

Another fun cannabis history fact is that the first country to fully legalize cannabis, growing, selling, and using, was Uruguay in 2013 As of today, Uruguay has completed over 3 tons of shipments, Forbes reports, the largest one was 2,000 pounds The total commercial value of their exports are estimated at $25 million If that isn’t a reason to maketheUnitedStatesfullylegal,Idon’tknowwhat is Cannabis’shistorymaybelongbutwecanonly goupfromhere. MAY 2023 46

RSO OIL: Exploring the Benefits of Cannabis for Cancer Patient

RickSimpsonOil,akaRSO,wasinitiallycreatedbyRickSimpsonto treat his skin cancer, and he swears by it Does it help cancer patients?Thejuryisstillout,butmanypeoplebelieveinthepower of the RSO What is RSO, and what are the benefits for cancer patients?Inthisarticle,wewillexplorethebenefitsofRSO.

What is RSO?

RSO,firstandforemost,isacannabisconcentrate ItisatypeofFECOorFullExtract Cannabis Oil or FESCO (Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil), meaning every compound found within the plant is in the oil. The oil is rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids Itismadebyusingethanol,butane,ornaphtha

Forthisarticle,wewillusefood-gradealcohol Thecannabisismixedwithalcohol, andthencannabisismaceratedinthealcohol.Oncethisprocessiscomplete,the alcohol is drained out The cannabis is heated in a slow cooker until the alcohol residue evaporates. You will often see RSO in a syringe from a dispensary (no needlerequired) SincethepotencyinRSOishigh,dosingshouldbelowandslow Nomorethanhalfthesizeofagrainofrice.Seriously!RSOishighinTHC.

Cancer and RSO

YouareprobablywonderinghowRSOworkswithcancer WhenRickSimpsonfirst used the oil, he treated his skin for cancer He applied the oil topically to his skin cancer,andhiscancerouscellsweregoneinamatteroftime Cannabishasalso been found in some studies to assist with destroying cancer cells and cancerrelated symptoms The cannabinoids found in cannabis have been shown in studies to work with the endocannabinoid system in the body, primarily the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. Studies in Israel with cancer patients over six monthsdisplayedanimprovementincancersymptoms

Furthermore, RSO/Cannabis has assisted patients in mood elevation, decreased anxiety,andfeelingmorelikethemselves.Cancerisnotaprettywordorawanted diagnosis, and no miracle cure is available Cannabis can help relieve the symptomsand,insomecases,killcancercells.Morestudiesareneededtocapture all the benefits of the cannabis plant Today more doctors and patients are discussingcannabisforcancersymptomrelief.

“I think that these instructions should make producing this oil quite easy for anyone and indeed I have often stated that producing the oil is not much harder than making a cup of coffee. But before you start, make sure that you have everything you will need to perform the extraction properly. To produce high-quality oil’s for medical use, you need a pound or more of dry bud from very potent and sedative medicinal Indica varieties or Indica dominant Sativa crosses, which preferably contain no more than 10% Sativa.”
MAY 2023 53
-Rick Simpson

SnoopDoggGives ApprovaltoTheNBA's NewDrugsPolicy

SnoopDoggthrewhis supportbehindtheNational BasketballAssociationina recentinterviewwithESPN's StephenA'sWorld During theirdiscussion,theiconic rapperandmarijuana enthusiastexpressedelation atreportsthatsuggestweed maysoonnolongerbeon theleague’slistofbanned substancesforplayers

Inanefforttocombatrising opioidabuse,iconicrapper SnoopDogghasheavily suggestedlegalizing marijuanaforitspotential healthbenefits Hebelievesit couldprovideasafeand naturalalternativefor treatingmedicalissues insteadofrelyingonpillsor injectionswhichareoften highlyaddictive.

Snoopsaidintheinterview,"I thoughtaboutthatsideand howcertainplayershave beenabletohavea beautifullifeaftersports becauseofthefactthat they’vebeenabletotreat themselves"

StolkandZammitt TurnHeadswithTank


The'WhoAreWeHurting?'Ganja Armyistakingastandagainst injusticeinthewarondrugsthrough itsground-breakingmission This remarkablegroupofactivistshas commandeeredmilitaryvehiclesto raiseawarenessaboutcurrentdrug policiesandunjustdrivinglegislation thatunfairlytargetsmedicinal cannabisusers Alec‘Craze’Zammitt &WillStolkarecurrentlyoutonbail fortheirstuntduringthelastyear's 420protests,wheretheduoused laserstoprojectimagesonthe iconicSydneyOperaHouseandthe HarborBridge Bybringingattention directlytonewsoutletsfromthe sceneofthese"crimes",this organizationhopestomakelasting changesinlawssurrounding medicinalmarijuanauseworldwide



Getthelatestscoopon allthingscannabisfrom TheChronicMagazineyourgo-tosourcefor up-todatemarijuana news,helpfulresources andanexcitinglifestyle


Hethenwentontosay,"Aslongasit doesn’tenhanceyourskillstomakeyouplay betterortogiveyouanadvantage,you shouldbeabletotreatyourselfandtoheal yourself."
“Thisvisual statementaimsto highlighttheneedfora newapproachtodrugdrivingpolicy,onethat prioritizesharm reductionandtreatment overpunishmentand incarceration."
CannabisActivistsStolkand ZammittTurnHeadswithTankin
MAY 2023 55

Memorial Day RememberandHonor

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