8 minute read
Written by Chynna Pearson
Time to get scared, Chronic readers! Fall is here and Halloween is coming fast. Like scarily fast. Trick-ortreaters will be pounding down your door, houses will be getting egged and TP’ed, leaves are changing, and best of all... every night is a night for a scary movie (or a not-so-scary movie, no shame in that)! Cannabis and scares may not be a common goal for some but it’s Halloween, why not mix fun things with other fun things (right?).
Now, if you’re reading this magazine in the time of spooky nights and flickering lights, I think I know what you are asking.
But, before we get into it, I want to remind everyone that every strain is different and affects people in different ways. Always be conscious of what you are putting into your body and try not to overdo it.
Cannabis is if used a wonderful product correctly and safely.
I don’t want you guys to accidentally scare yourselves, be paranoid, and end up with an unfun Halloween because you ingested too much cannabis. Okay, the serious stuff is over... let’s get spooky!

#1 Granddaddy Purp
Let’s start this off with a classic Indica, the OG of Indicas... Grandaddy Purp is a strain to relax.
Halloween can be a really stressful time for the “nota-big-horror-fan horror fans. ” This Indica is for the moment when you feel like you’ve had enough of being scared and it’s time to watch a Disney Halloween film to make the memory of the new Conjuring go away.
It’s always good to remember to take a load off and relax a little between haunted houses too, even if you’re only watching them on screen!
Get away from the scares with Grandaddy Purp.

#2 Sour Joker
to enhance your movie watching skills. Sour Joker is an awesome Sativa.
If you’re not the type to fully immerse yourself in a movie, maybe you’re constantly pulling out your phone? Sour Joker can have you focused on all the twists, turns, and jump scares in all your favorite scary movies.
Maybe you’ll even see a new Easter Egg you hadn’t seen before. Being focused always has its pros!

#3 Candy Kush
Who doesn’t want someextra candy on Halloween?
Candy Kush is a nicelybalanced Hybrid that tendsto put people into one oftwo categories; users areeither feeling good andhaving a casual high orinsanely hungry and turninto a Munchie Monster!
While that all depends on the person and the where and why the strain has been used, it’s probably good to note that you may or may not eat all of your (or your kids) Halloween candy.
Some have even called these munchies legendary just like some of those classic movie monsters.

#4 Monster Cookies
In the fourth position,
we have Cookie Monster’s favorite strain, not just because of the name either. Monster Cookies are the strain for staying in the house.
This Indica is the epitome of couch lock so you can watch as many movies as you’d like! You won’t be able to go anywhere so you might as well keep the movie marathon going.
WeedMaps says Monster Cookies is, “often referred to as a nighttime strain, the high is deeply relaxing in both mind and body.
The head tends to becottony and insulative,while the body feelssofter than a cartoonottoman.
The result is a deeplystoney indica effect thatdances on the razor edgeof elation andtranquilization.”

#5 Hell Fire OG
For the horror lover in you, there is Hell Fire OG. This strain is one of those Sativas that will have you up all night without any of that weird feeling Sativas can give you. Although the name sounds like one puff and it punches you in the face, it is actually a pretty straightforward strain.
Because HellFire OG has a nice lineage of OG strains this is a strain for a great movie night that can go on for hours and you may not get as tired as you may think.
Some who use this strain may feel like they are awake and ready for anything but that will only make watching Paranormal Activity 4 even more fun.

#6 Alien OG
For an out of this world high, try some Alien OG. Alien OG is one of those hybrids that is classic and well balanced for any type of night you want to have.This strain is for the regular high you may be looking for this coming Halloween. According to Leafly, Alien OG is “a hybrid strain with earthy and pine flavors that will make you relieved you’re safe and sound here on Earth” and not with literally any alien from any movie. (Space is scary, like real life scary. Have y’all seen Gravity with Sandra Bullock? Pure terror.)

#7 Death Star
While the Starwars movies aren’t scary movies, (Spoiler Alert: unless you count when Darth Vader's face was shown for the first time or Anakin’s death scene) the Death Star strain is a nice strong Indica Hybrid that smells really skunky and Earthy.
Weedmaps explains that. “Though the strain leans indica, the high is more complex than that designation can describe.
high, try some Alien OG.Alien OG is one of thosehybrids that is classic andwell balanced for any typeof night you want tohave.This strain is for theThe onset is typically a slow one, tentatively wading into the deeper waters of the user's psyche before blossoming into a powerfully relaxing body and mind euphoria.” This strain is good for movies that lean a little more
toward thrillers than pure horror, something like Don’t Breathe or Candyman (the new or the old version).

#8 Funky Monkey
Coming in our eighth spot is Funky Monkey. This strain is all about the giggles. Sometimes movies can get a little too scary and you might need a good laugh to get back into the groove of the movie night.This strain is for the movies that are categorized as scary but are probably more comedy than anything else. For Funky Monkey, you might want to try all those Scary Movies (yes, those, from the early 2000s), The Voices, or maybe Zombieland!
If you aren’t into comedy horrors, you can always watch a real scary movie and just laugh at jumpscares if you want! (If you can laugh at jumpscares and scary things, I applaud you! You’re stronger than me!)

#9 Jack the Ripper
Okay, yes, I had to add this strain but it wasn’t just for the name! Jack the Ripper is a smooth Hybrid that leans more toward Sativa than Indica. It hits slowly then onsets with a slow wave of euphoria. Weedmaps says that, “most users find the high both powerfully euphoric and gently buoyant, without the telltale manic edge many sativas tend to have.” Although this is a Sativa, the calmness of it is great for classic horror films like A Nightmare on Elm Street, It (the first one), American Psycho, and Halloween! (And if you’re like me, the name matches the vibe of the movies so it’s a win win.)

#10 Blue Cheese
And in the last spot, we have a less scary (depending on the person) but equally stinky strain.
this strain but it wasn’t just for the name! Jack the Ripper is a smooth Hybrid that leans more toward Sativa than Indica. It hits slowly then onsets with a slow wave of euphoria. Weedmaps says that, “most users find the high both powerfully euphoric and gently buoyant, without the telltale manic edge many sativas tend to have.” Although this is a Sativa, the calmness of it is great for classic horror films like A Nightmare on Elm Street, It (the first one), American Psycho, and Halloween! (And if you’re like me, the name matches the vibe of the movies so it’s a win win.)This strain named after moldy cheese is meant to give you an Indica type high that won’t put you to sleep since it is a Hybrid. For this strain, it’s best to do some rewatches since Blue Cheese is known for making people very, very talkative.
Like so talkative you might not even be watching the movie by the time the joint is finished. Because you and your friend group may be really talkative and you don’t want to rewatch any movies, it might be time to try out some psychological thrillers to really get the brain working.
Hopefully, you all can pause it and discuss what might happen next!
Try out Antebellum, Devil All the Time, Ma, or Split.

And there you have it, y’all! Some wonderful Halloween strains to make your movie nights even better than they were already going to be. When it comes to strains for Halloween, there are many more than simply the ones listed here.
Some more common strains, our honorable mentions, are Sour Diesel (this can be a great replacement for Sour Joker), Gorilla Glue #4 (if you were looking for an Indica, this one is always reliable, can replace Grandaddy Purp or Monster Cookies), Durban Poison (a classic strain that can be a good replacement for Alien OG), and OG Kush (honestly, OG Kush is so classic and nice of a strain, I’d say you can replace any of them with this one).
If you end up trying any of these strains, let us know on our Instagram or Facebook, we would love to know what you think and how your Halloween was!

I hope you all have a spooky, scary, and safe time. But remember, be sure to check each strain for yourself and choose which would work the best for you and your friends! Have a safe night on this upcoming 31st of October. Happy Halloween to all you Chronic readers!