Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma | Charitable Organization Endowment
Pictured: Sharon Saulman with Southwest Oklahoma City Library patrons.
Your Connection to
Local Charities Throughout the last 50 years, the Oklahoma City
By promoting gifts to their endowment and regularly
Community Foundation’s Charitable Organization
participating in the Kirkpatrick Family Fund’s Matching
Endowment program has enhanced stability and
Endowment Grant Program, FOLIO has grown its fund
credibility for charities serving Oklahoma. The invested
from $8,000 to more than $100,000, generating annual
endowment funds provide charities with a stable source
distributions of nearly $5,000 back to the organization.
of perpetual income, offering annual support for their operating budgets and expanding critical programs
“Our annual Mother’s Day campaign has contributed
for the development of our community. In addition to
to the success of our endowment,” explained Sharon
demonstrating planned long-term stability, an endowment
Saulmon, board chair of FOLIO. “Through the campaign,
also allows nonprofits to broaden their source of support
we ask our supporters to give a gift in memory of
by offering a way for donors to give complex assets and
someone who has strengthened their love of reading,
leave estate gifts to perpetuate their charitable priorities.
such as a parent or grandparent.”
One organization that illustrates the impact of endowment
Like FOLIO, their Mother’s Day campaign is simple and
on a nonprofit is Friends of Libraries in Oklahoma (FOLIO),
effective. Gifts received from the campaign help carry out
which provides resources to strengthen Oklahoma public
the mission of the organization and support our state’s
libraries. Although it’s a small organization, FOLIO is vital
libraries in perpetuity. It’s a great reminder of how a little
to the literacy development of communities throughout our
bit can go a long way.
state. A decade ago, FOLIO realized the need for perpetual income to sustain its mission and established the Friends of
Learn more at
Libraries in Oklahoma Fund at the Community Foundation.
FY2019 | Charitable Organization Endowment Program 370 charities with endowments
$207 million $9.75 million distributed back to charities
Average distribution of
charitable organization endowment assets under management
$14,111 30
Oklahoma City Community Foundation | Your Connection for Good