15 minute read
OSFA Executive Board
Greetings Oklahoma state laws dealing with foster care. It was sold to Firefighters! the current owner in 2000 and millions of dollars Welcome to our new were spent renovating it into what it is now. quarterly magazine. This is Dominion House is the host to dozens of wedthe culmination of a lot of dings and special events annually. We hope you
Guthrie FD thoughts, ideas and hard work enjoy its historic architecture and charm. by the board and staff to come Another thing on convention: If you haven’t up with a more modern, attractive look for our booked your hotel rooms yet, I believe our host organization. We hope you all enjoy it as much hotel, the Hampton Inn, is full. The overflow as we think you will. hotel is the Holiday Inn Express right down the Our plans are to be able to offer more op- street. If it happens to fill up, we have a few other portunities to feature our members and their fine hotels in the immediate area that should be departments, as well as offer more advertising able to accommodate you. potential for our current and potential vendors. We plan to have the Wednesday night hospiA huge thank you to Tippy, Sheri, Penelope and tality event at the Hampton Inn, and it will be in staff for the work put in on what truly modern- the parking lot in a tailgate party-style fashion. izes the look of our communications with our By now, most of you that chose to have been membership. vaccinated. I truly think we are on the road to It’s hard to believe, but our 127th annual getting back to normal from this Covid mess. I’m convention is almost here! The OSFA staff, mem- excited about this, as I hope our attendance this bers of my fire department, as well as the other year at convention is back to usual numbers and firefighters here in Logan County, are hard at hopefully exceeds them! work preparing what I hope to be a memorable Even though we are on the path to getting past convention here in Historic Guthrie. the Covid pandemic, we still must remain vigi We are finalizing the agenda as we speak, lant in good hygiene and disinfecting procedures. but please read up on the convention events in If nothing else, this event reminded us how imthis edition to ensure you’re signed up ahead of portant it is in our line of work to always practice time. We plan to have fishing, shotgun shooting cleanliness and always disinfect our trucks and activities, the bar crawl and our new event, the equipment. fire apparatus parade. This is something that’s From the Executive Board side of the house, done all over the country as part of many states’ we’ve solicited applications and resumes for a annual firefighters conventions. We think it will permanent Executive Director to replace retired be a hit and are looking forward to your partici- ED Steve Lumry. By the time you all read this, pation in it. we will have interviewed the applicants and This year’s convention will be held at the we hope to have a decision made soon with the historic Dominion House. It was originally con- announcement to be made by this year’s convenstructed in 1923 as the Masonic Children’s Home. tion. We appreciate the interest of all those who The Masons have always had a strong presence applied, as well as those of you who have helped here in Guthrie and this structure stands as a true us in the interim with ensuring the OSFA contintestament to their involvement in the community, ued to run seamlessly. state and region. It remained serving in this ca- Until next time, please stay safe and get ready pacity until 1978. It was closed due to changes in for convention! We will see you in June!
2020-21 OSFA Executive Board
Eric Harlow 405-520-2893 ericharlow200@gmail.com
Cliff Davidson 580-554-1886 davidsoncliff@yahoo.com
Jim Ed Nimmo 918-557-8379 jimnimmo7@gmail.com
Tony Lopez 405-739-1343 tlopez@midwestcityok.org
Mike Kelley 405-623-4338 mkelley@local157.org
Dominion House in Guthrie
I hope everyone is building and Memorial to get everything every member to help. One is raising the enjoying the weather spruced back up, and they have all done a dues. I know no one is looking forward as Spring is upon us. great job. If you haven’t visited the Memo- to that, but we all know everything cost I don’t know about rial or the Museum for a time, I encourage more these days. It is something we are all you, but I am ready for you to do so. struggling with from the food we put on summer and warmer The Museum staff were also able to the table to the fuel we put in our cars.
Ringwood FD weather. complete work on a Ward LaFrance and The organization hasn’t seen a dues It seems as though this got a really good start on another truck. increase since 2005. With that said, it is winter has just lasted for ever. I am ready As usual, my memory has failed me on the time for each and everyone of us to work to get out and do some golfing and go to model of that truck, but both are looking together and make the decisions that need the lake and enjoy the family. great. One of the benefits of being a Board to be made. I hope the OSFA Convention isn’t the member is getting to see the progress of The proposals will be presented to you first time I get to golf this season. But the things moving forward. at convention this year and it will be up to way work is shaping up, it probably will I will admit that when I decided to run you to vote on. be. for office, I didn’t have a full understand- We have a great organization that works I don’t enjoy playing golf unless its ing of everything involved. I would prob- for every firefighter in the State of Oklaabove at least 68 degrees. My joints don’t ably say that not many do. Every meeting homa. I know that as members, we will all work very well when it’s cooler. I guess or event seems to present something new. make the correct decision to keep the orgait’s from working in the elements all the I believe that is what makes it interesting. nization strong and working for all of us. years past. I am not a winter person. I have enjoyed almost every minute of it I forgot to mention the new construc I hope to see as many as possible at so far. tion that is fixing to start at the OSFA State Fire School and Convention. I myself Sometimes there are some tough deci- facility. The shop building that is part of am ready to get back to some type of nor- sions that have to be made, and fortunately the Expansion Project will be starting soon. malcy, as I am sure that all of you are, too. you get to serve with four other members This will give the Museum staff a place to From what I have seen so far, all the to help guide through the tough decisions. work on those truck projects besides in the events that have been scheduled lately It is an honor and a privilege to work middle of the museum. have all had a great turnout. Everyone is with the other board members, as every- It’s been a process with getting all the ready to get out and enjoy visiting and one brings a different viewpoint to the permits and everything needed with the socializing again because it is hard to task at hand and, amazingly enough, we city, but they have removed the trees and keep people locked down for any length work through it to reach a decision. We started the dirt work. I want to thank of time. We as a society just are not pro- are all working to move the organization Tippy and Gene for their work on getting gramed that way. forward. It makes it easier when you have everything in order and getting it started. The Museum and the OSFA office had a staff with the same goal. Thank you for your time, and I look been closed since the pandemic started. There are some tough decisions to be forward to seeing you all at Fire School The staff has used that time to work on the made in the coming year that will take and Convention.
Mike Kelley: OSFA Past President’s Report
I hope everyone likes the new format of your charity. This won’t cost you anything, and Amazon Smile your magazine. donates a portion of every purchase to your museum. Thanks to We want to provide a quality product and Joe Marlow for suggesting this avenue. content to our membership. If there is some- We reopened your museum thing that you would like to see, please don’t on March 1 with social distanchesitate to let us know. ing and a mask requirement.
Ret. OKC FD We have also eliminated the App and have The mask requirement will a new website that we feel will better serve our expire in Oklahoma City before membership. The new website is designed to have full function- you get this issue. ality on smart phones and tablets. Committees have been As the chairman of the Financial Advisory Committee, I want meeting and the work has been to let you know that we have been working as directed at the last getting done. Thanks to all who serve on a committee. This orgaconvention on examining our dues structure. When I say we, I nization can only continue to be effective with your efforts! mean mainly Dick Cagle. Dick has put in a ton of work, examin- Please check out the website at osfa.info/events for all the ing past dues increases and the needs of the organization. upcoming events. We will be putting forth a plan at this year’s convention out- This has been an interesting legislative session, to say the least. lining a proposed three-year implementation. While no one likes We have had to defend against a bunch of bad legislation. There the thought of a dues increase, it is necessary to continue to pro- are several components that make this possible -- our lobbyists, vide the level of service that each and every member deserves. our professional paid brothers and sisters contributing to PAC There are a couple of ways that you can assist outside of your Funds, individual contributions and, most importantly, you! dues. First, show your pride in being a firefighter by getting a You, the member, speaking directly to your representative is Firefighter’s License Plate on every vehicle and motorcycle you a powerful voice. If you’re uncomfortable, we’ll provide talking own. Here’s the link: www.ok.gov/tax/documents/741-A.pdf. points and help shape the message. Together we will continue to Secondly, if you shop on Amazon, set up an Amazon Smile make the fire service in Oklahoma a leader! Blessings to you and Account and use “Oklahoma State Firemens Museum Inc.” as yours! You make a difference in your community!

I was discussing an “emergency of the Well, I hope everyone likes the day” with a colleague a few days ago. new look of our publication. The staff Well, maybe it had been the emergency worked hard on getting the changes of the week. It revolved around the appro- made. They have also been working on priate use of social media at work. In my a new website that is live now. I hope mind, the discussion focused on our lack (the these changes will better serve the
Tulsa FD royal “our”) to recognize the changing world around us. Midwest City FD membership. I attended the Volunteer Caucus That caused me to think about the “Always use Sunscreen” back in February, and there was a speech. Full disclosure, it has been a while, but I still like hearing tremendous turnout. They came up with really good it. I’ve tried to take that speech to heart. resolutions to bring to the membership. The equipment Since we are easing into graduation time, think- exchange was also a huge success. I hope ing about that speech led me to think about another graduation speech that made its rounds on social OSFA ARCHIVE we can continue the exchange every year. The board interviewed for the OSFA media given by a Naval Officer, possibly to the Naval Executive Director position on April 13. Academy, titled something to the effect of “Start by Here’s a bit of history We had three very fine candidates and it’s making your bed.” you may or may not know going to be a difficult decision. But I know I have found that the latter is difficult to achieve about your association: whoever is chosen will do a great job. at the house, since my wife usually doesn’t get up for As you know, I sit on the Safety and work until another hour and a half after I leave. I have OSFA is the second oldest Health Committee. They continue to do also found that she does not appreciate me trying to organization in the good work and have a lot of good ideas make the bed with her in it. Once I’m at the firehouse, state of Oklahoma. and are working on getting them impleon the other hand, it just comes naturally. It was formed on Feb. 21, mented. If anyone has any issues that you Anyway, that ties into situational awareness. Not 1894 and is 13 years would like them to look at, please contact everyone is gifted in this area, and even more don’t older than statehood. one of the members or myself. really care, but neither of those matter because real changes happen whether we recognize them or not, and whether or not they are deliberate or just a consequence of time, circumstance, culture, attitude and any of a litany of other variables. Oklahoma’s oldest organization? The group that organized the Land Rush of 1889. Is this Covid thing ever going to go away? It seems that we are starting to see a little decline in the numbers. I think the vaccine rollout has maybe helped with it. I know that receiving the vaccine is a I think it is possible that the longer you do something, the less aware you become of what actually changes around you. The ability to adapt is key if Association Name Changes Through the Years personal choice but I did go ahead and get one. I know there are a lot of private companies requiring their employees to get it. you want to stay relevant. I’m not implying that I’m 1894: Oklahoma Territorial We reopened the museum back in a master at this, but a good portion of that battle is Firemen’s Association March and Gene said we have had a good recognizing it exists in the first place. 1902: Oklahoma & Indian Territory number of people coming in. I hope the Our organization is there. The world and, more Firemen’s Association numbers stay steady. I know I’ve been importantly the people who make up the organiza1908: Oklahoma State Firemen’s tired of staying in and I’m ready to get out tion, have changed. I’m not talking about attitudes on Association and do more things like a vacation. nozzle types, transitional attacks and flow paths and whatever other age-old argument is being renamed, 1969: Oklahoma State Firefighters Association Convention is right around the corner and I know President Harlow and the regenerated and rehad for the 20th time over the Guthrie firefighters have been working course of the history of the fire service. hard to make it a great event. I’m talking about how people think about, receive On a personal note, I had a little physiand process information. I’m talking about how you cal set back but I’m on the road to recovery “grab people in their chest” to quote brother Foster and hope to be back to work soon. from the volunteer caucus. I’m talking about how we Like always, if you have any questions as an organization capture the attention of a new gen- or needs, please reach out to me. Stay safe eration and influence them, so they will be engaged. and God bless. I’ll give one example, be it irrelevant to the fire service, to illustrate my point: Kobe Bryant. scandal, the public had come to view him differ Before last year, I had not given him a thought since his ently. A whole generation had grown up looking scandal in the mid 2000s. In general, I thought people viewed at him as folks my age looked up to MJ. I missed the him as a great basketball player but a dirtbag. Then he died in a change. I was not situationally aware.helicopter crash that tragically claimed the life of his daughter There is a whole generation out there that could be engaged. and several others, as well. The truth is they may already be engaged. It could be that I am I expected to see an outpouring of sympathy as usually hap- just not savvy enough to know where engagement lives these pens when pop icons die, but this was different. I was amazed by days. Either way, I hope over the next few years we can help the broad cross section of people who idolized him in a positive facilitate that engagement instead of scratching our heads in way. hindsight. If that all seems like a little much, just remember to I am not here to debate the value of his legacy. I am sim- wear sunscreen and start with making your bed.ply stating I had missed the change. In the 16 years since his