Oklahoma Firefighter magazine May-June-July 2022

Page 18

Ashley Corbett: OSFA Women’s Auxiliary President

OSFA WOMEN’S AUXILIARY Proposed By-Laws Amendments


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and all Annual Conventions, and appoint all committees and perform all other duties incidental to her office, or such requirements as directed by the Annual Convention or Executive Board. In addition, she shall be the Chairperson of the Membership activities, for example OSFA Functions where Auxiliary members are needed. Other duties include the following: Pre-Convention: a. Coordinate chair gifts for meetings. PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and all Annual Conventions, and appoint all committees and perform all other duties incidental to her office, or such requirements as directed by the Annual Convention or Executive Board. In addition, she shall be the Chairperson of the Membership activities, for example OSFA Functions where Auxiliary members are needed. Other duties include the following: Pre-Convention: a. Coordinate chair gift for meetings with host city. Host city is traditionally responsible for chair gifts. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 Pre-Convention: b. Coordinate a Ladies Luncheon (working with the OSFA President Spouse) and acquiring thank you gifts for the Luncheon Speaker if necessary. PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 Pre-Convention: b. Coordinate a Ladies Luncheon (working with the OSFA President significant other and acquiring thank you gifts for the Luncheon Speaker. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 Pre-Convention: d. Coordinate and acquire Silent and Live Auction Items PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 Pre-Convention: d. Coordinate, acquire, and promote Silent and Live Auction Items YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 Pre-Convention: f. Attend all planning meetings for upcoming convention PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 Pre-Convention: f. Attend all planning meetings for upcoming convention as directed by the OSFA President. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 At-Convention: b. Give Welcome at Thursday Men’s Meeting

PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 At-Convention: b. Give Welcome at Thursday OSFA Men’s Meeting and invite current and potential new members to attend our meetings and activities YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 At-Convention: c. Conduct Ladies Meetings PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 At-Convention: c. Conduct Auxiliary Meetings YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1 At-Convention: f. Appoint Committees (Resolution, Nominating, By-Law) PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 1 At-Convention: f. Appoint Committees (Resolution, Nominating, By-Law, & Advertising) YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 2: The Vice-president in the absence of, or the inability of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President, and when the President is presiding, she shall assist the President in every way possible, and should a vacancy occur in the office of President, she shall assume all the duties of the President. She shall take minutes during the convention and provide such reports to the Secretary-Treasurer. Other duties include: At-Convention: c. Take minutes during convention meetings PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 2: The Vice-president in the absence of, or the inability of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President, and when the President is presiding, she shall assist the President in every way possible, and should a vacancy occur in the office of President, she shall assume all the duties of the President. She shall take minutes during the convention and provide such reports to the Secretary-Treasurer. Other duties include: At-Convention: c. Take minutes during convention meetings. The completed official minutes will then be provided to the Secretary - Treasurer no later than thirty (30) days following the close of convention to ensure they are included in the proceedings book. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 3: The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all money belonging to this organization and shall deposit and disburse the same in the name of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association, as the organization or the executive board may direct. She shall give receipts for all money received, keep other reports as the executive board may direct. A report of these actions shall be presented to the Board quarterly and the members annually. She shall also select and purchase suitable badges for use of officers and members at the annual meetings, as directed

18 May/June/July 2022Oklahoma Firefighter

Hello friends! I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since we have been together. I know that personally my year has flown by. I’m not sure if it’s because things have finally started to get back to a “new” normal or if I’ve just been super busy. All that being said, Convention is literally just around the corner. The OSFAWA Board and I have lots of fun things in store for the convention and I know that a great time will be had by all. This is now my second time to be president and I absolutely could not have done this year without the help of my fantastic board. It has been such a pleasure to work with and serve with them this year. If you are new to our organization or don’t know much about us, we invite you to come and join us at a Meet-and-Greet on Thursday morning during convention. We’d love to tell you about our organization and our passion for assisting firefighters and their departments, as well as organizations that support our firefighters. One of the many things we do in the OSFAWA is raise money so we can donate to charities and other sources that help make the fire service so great. We raise most of our funds through different activities at convention. This year, we are hosting our first-ever Cornhole Tournament during the picnic. You can register for this online at www.osfa.info. We are also accepting donations for our silent/live auction that will take place directly before the banquet on Friday night. If you have something to donate but are not able to attend the convention, I am more than happy to pick it up and bring it with me to the convention. Please feel free to email me at ashleyc814@att.net to set up a time. I can’t wait to see all the new faces and all of my old friends. I know we are going to have such a great time this year. Thank you for all your support! by the executive board. Other duties include: PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 3: The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all money belonging to this organization and shall deposit and disburse the same in the name of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Oklahoma State Firefighters Association, as the organization or the executive board may direct. She shall give receipts for all money received, keep other reports as the executive board may direct. A report of these actions shall be presented to the Board quarterly and the members annually. She shall also select and purchase suitable badges for use of officers and members at the annual meetings, as directed by the executive board. Other duties include: At-Convention: f. Finalize scrapbook from previous year as Junior Board Member to present at 1st meeting of convention. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 3 Post-Convention: d. Take book to be audited to the OSFA CPA by August 1st. PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 3 Post-Convention: d. Take book to be audited preferably to the OSFA CPA by August 1st. An alternative CPA may be chosen by the board if OSFA CPA is unable to accommodate by deadline. This audit deadline is not dependent on all outstanding bills being paid. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 4: The Junior Board Member shall serve in the capacity of Publicity Chairman. She shall be in charge of all publicity before and during the Convention, serve as Historian and have charge of the State History Book and Scrapbook, acting in the name of the State Auxiliary. Other duties include: PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 4: The Junior Board Member shall serve in the capacity of Publicity Chairman. She shall be in charge of all publicity before and during the Convention, serve as Historian and have charge of the State History Book and/or Scrapbook, acting in the name of the State Auxiliary. Other duties include: YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 4 Pre-Convention: a. Write monthly newsletter article and send to OSFA. PROPOSED CHANGES: Section 4 Pre-Convention: a. Write a quarterly newsletter article and send it to the OSFA publication editor. YES____ NO____ AMEND____


ARTICLE 5 - DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 4 Pre-Convention: c. Publish bylaw amendments 30 days prior to convention in OSFA paper.

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