1 minute read
Your Mother’s Daughter
Your Mother’s Daughter
She used to run her fingers through your hair, Comfort you with a smile and stories of a universe Different to your own. Where everything that hurt was far away. You could fail and fall and find your way home after it all. She used to love her child, her legacy, her creation.
Now she looks at you with malice, Disappointment clouding her tired eyes. Her comforting fingers tearing at your soul And inflicting pain on the universe you created together. Leaving you to face the uphill battle scared and alone.
The scars her words leave stay with you. Broad strokes of crimson across your chest. You ache all over, guilt streaming down your face. ‘Boys don’t cry’ what a perfect lie to tell yourself, But you still broke when she said you would always be her daughter.
You cut your hair and wear a tie And she cries at the loss of her beautiful girl. She resents you for taking her away. She screams and sobs and begs for you to disappear, To give back the daughter you never were.
The girl staring back at you from the mirror is finally gone. You find yourself in the reflection on the water’s edge, And you mourn. You mourn your mother’s love; you mourn for her daughter. She never loved her son, only the girl you couldn’t be.