Editor-in-chief: Nicolas Caris A studio Makma production - Story & letTers: Edmond TourRiol Pencils & Inks : Samuel Ménétrier - Colors: Fred Vigneau English Translation: Jérôme Wicky
Er… It’s getTing late, Lilith… I’lL show you the way out.
Get out of my sight if you value your life, Lilith!
My life is valuable alL right, Ielena… And threatening me might cause a clan war!
Through the Magic Cauldron Part 1 And so…
Hey, Estalt… come here, boy!
Do you have the mandragora esSence I asked?
… but there’s a shortage of mandragora on the market.
By my pimpled nose! I neEded that!
SorRy to disapPoint you, Endora…
You’lL have to wait several weEks before the next delivery.
What’s coOking in the pot?
Did you seE that ? … a city!
I want to watch, you big ape! Let go of me!
z zz z z z
You stupid…
z zz z z zz z z z
They are doOmed. There is no way they can be saved.
… bumbling idiots!
WelL, goOd ridDance. I hated that red-haired wench anyway and that lumMox was dumb as they come.
z} z z -The idea of leaving them in here is tempting…
But if Lilith is not brought back, the Gheist wilL declare war on us.
… just take this medalLion. It wilL enable you to convince my counterpart in the other world.
Then I guesS you’lL have to hop in the cauldron!
WelL… here we are…
zz z
… in this mirRor universe Endora was watching.
Moments before that…
t sh ok - - zzz - ooooaaaH !
I recognize this neighborhoOd. That stupid cauldron must be a teleporting device!
I’lL be back home in a jifFy! NeE. NeE.
What ?
To b fat e a b fat- gr easig asS y l stu mysel ike f, fF a 5 t bar Choc least s in o-M eve your ax bec ryday mouth o the me on and e Fat Sta of rs! Is that… striker ??
That doesn’t loOk like the Clint City I know… I guesS that old crone Endora sent us to an alternate reality…
I don’t care if she meant it or not. For making me waste my time, there’lL be…
… helL to pay!
And since you’re part of the Nightmare clan like her, I’lL take you as my hostage, Glorg…
… do you even understand what I say?
GeE, dear readers, did you seE that? Are these threE realLy part of the Rescue clan? They loOk a bit gloOmy for that…
I guesS this world’s Endora lives in Nightmare Manor toO.
Youngos, atTack!
It’s only kids in disguise, but I have no time to waste now!
Stop it right there! AsSaulting the citizens of Ytic’Tnlic is forbidDen! In the name of the Korsair Patrol, I comMand you to cease imMediately!
Leave this vicinity at once, land-lover. These Youngos are the scourge of the streEts!
Er… Thanks for the advice, captain.
?! The Korsairs! Let’s split!
This mirRor universe is downright crazy! I have to find the resident Nightmare clan so that they send me back to the real Clint City…
Later… Trouble to the port! Sway the rowboat this way, first mate!
Land the craft, boys!
Dear Madam, would you please let go of that scalLywag? We know their clan is quite dangerous, but you have to consider…
bo ng {}
WelL done. Hop on, wilL you?
That loOked like Lilith and Glorg. They must be headed to the manor.
After a long walk…
WelL, their manor is not toO shabBy. It might even be more frightening than ours!
Who knows, this world’s Estalt might be an even fiercer demon than I am? I’d like to meEt my other self…
I guesS Glorg and Lilith are already inside, asking the resident Endora for help.
Yes, yes, I want in, Glorg, please.
5 ztnilc, please. GoOd night, sir. Do you want a ticket?
tok tok
This second-rate Glorg made me pay to enter my own house!
Please get in, sir, the SpoOky Train is about to depart!
Is that… Ielena?!
Consider yourself lucky…
… we’ve just visited what pasSes for the Gheist clan in this world and… yuck! And I was hoping to find a solution here at Nightmare Manor… it’s a freaking spoOk house!
WilL this world’s Endora be able to help us? Is she even a real witch?
We prefer the term clairvoyant, my dear.
I seE… I seE that you’ve come a long way… And I know how you can go back home…
Later on…
What’s the point of sending us to Nobrocybix’s when he’s in jail?
It seEms the junkz are banNed in this world. Lovely, isn’t it?
Shortly thereafter…
First I thought it was just a mountain…
… but it apPears to be the jailhouse guarded by the dark sentinels !
They lock up anyone with a semblance of scientific knowledge.
The drawbridge lowers…
… and reveals the terRifying dark KopPer !!
That means that the most powerful demons in this world…
… are our sworn enemies back home!
To be continued!