Urban Rivals Comics - Chapter 2 Episode 1

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Editor-in-chief: Nicolas Caris A studio Makma production Story & letters: Edmond Tourriol Pencils & Inks: Samuel Ménétrier Colors: Fred Vigneau

The heat is on around the graveyard of Clint City…

klaus, forget what I said about your driving! Step on it, kid!! Does it look like I’m sightseeing, Robb?

thriller episode 2

Do not panic… The situation is under control… Please go to the fallout shelters designed to deal with such crises… Do not panic… The situation is under control… Please go to the fallout shelters designed to deal with such crises… Do not panic… The situation is under control…



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But in spite of the riot control messages aired on loudspeakers throughout the city…


… panic erupts!

Do not panic… The situation is under control…

Do not panic…


klaus! Do something!

Sorry, Lea, but wipers can’t do much against these kind of bugs!

The situation is under control… Yeah, right!

… that will only make them more vulnerable and…

And what a stupid idea to gather all the people in the same place…

“… that’s exactly what Ielena wants!”

hahaha! Patience is a virtue, Estalt, and the time has come to reap the fruit of my efforts!

Yes, all is going according to plan. Right now, this human rabble are cramming themselves in their shelters… Do no t fallo panic… The ut sh situa el t The s ituatio ters desig ion is unde ned to r con n is u desig tro nder ned to de c o deal w ntrol al with suc l… Please Don’t … ith s hc go Pleas uch cr e go t rises… Do to the rush! Get ises… o the not pa fallo nic… inside in an ut sh elter s orderly


“… and as we predicted, most of them are heading towards Stockton Shelter, right in the midst of the city.”

Very well. What about Dieter ? He is probably on the spot, dressed as a civilian.

Do not panic… The situation is under control… Please go to the fallout shelters designed to Perfect. deal with such crises… Do not panic… The hours, situation is under control… Please go to the fallout In a few shelters designed to deal withClint suchcity crises… Doanot panic… The situation is under control… will be


These morons haven’t noticed anything!

It’s almost too easy! They’ll get what they deserve!

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CHBAM Open… ... sesame! ip clip

Who’s afraid of the big bad zombs? Big bad zomb’s, big bad zombs? Who’s afraid of the big bad zombs? Tra la la la la

Long ago there were some humans…

For the big, bad very big very bad zombs…

They didn’t give three figs!


Surprised, kid? Call the gal who pulls your strings, I have a message for her!

… To be continued!!!

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